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Wings Over Scotland

At home with the Kardashians

Posted on August 25, 2016 by

The new January-June 2016 sales figures for “regional” Scottish newspapers:

Aberdeen Evening Express: 27,441 copies per day (-11.3% vs Jan-Jun 2015)
Dundee Courier: 41,243 (-8.5%)
Dundee Evening Telegraph: 16,354 (-9.5%)
Edinburgh Evening News: 20,235 (-14.1%)
Glasgow Evening Times: 25,679 (-14.3%)
The Herald: 30,402 (-11.6%)
Paisley Daily Express: 4,986 (-7.4%)
The Press & Journal: 54,270 (-7.2%)
Scotland On Sunday: 19,059 (-21.1%)
The Scotsman: 20,304 (-14.6%)
Sunday Herald: 21,613 (-25.5%)

Posted without comment.


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Bryan Weir

What are the numbers being compared against? (the figures in brackets)



Says it all.

Training Day

This is a nationalist conspiracy to silence journalists of the calibre of Tom Gordon and David Torrance. It’s bullying, I tells ye!

Marie Clark

Hell bloody mend them.


Odd. With the truth they tell …

Where are the hoards of buyers?

John Daly

Are those variation figures in relation to the same period of last year?
Or to the previous published figures?


A media that yesterday, sniggered, mocked and gloated over the GERS figures …now ask today, why their daily sale figures are down.

I wonder if they have the courage to go there; ask why and question their own moral and ethics…


The Courier outselling The Hootsman and Evening News COMBINED. Tick tock indeed.




Is that year on year?


Which, if any, qualify as newspapers?

PS Does anybody know what the definition of a newspaper is? GPO? VAT?


Oops, you replied before I had finished posting the question, that’s impressive 🙂

Kenny Ritchie

Must admit, I still read The Courier, “The Letters to the Editor” pages are comedy gold.


Edinburgh Evening News: 20,235, their UKOK headline banner yesterday “Scotland is facing a record £14.8 billion black hole in the nation’s public finances as the impact of the oil industry crash continues to take its toll.”

Shurely shome correlation to full on tory propaganda and going bust.


Hi stuart
What about online subscribers. Are there any figs ?


And of course we mustn’t mention that this crap performance is part and parcel of the GERS black-hole that they were “enjoying” yesterday.

Bob Mack

I can see administration ( Bit of horoscope there)
Moving on to crossword section. 1.Across. Female chest (4 letters)

Happy days,and it will get worse for them. Of that I am certain. Someone ,somewhere must be funding these rags to stay afloat.


How many of the Scotsman declared circulation are given away free?

Swami Backverandah

So much for the Rowling factor.


I would hope that the number of online readers have declined by similar percentages. The Scotsman, I believe, anticipated further falls in the print version, and has planned to use the revenues from online traffic as a lifeline.

We should suppress any occasional impulse to access the online versions directly. Whatever aggravating nonsense is flagged up on a Google link or BBC newspaper summary, we know the genre of disinformation and dishonesty well enough to write the crap for ourselves!

Mike Fenwick

Anyone else experience this?

Every time I go into my local Spar, I am asked if I want a free copy of the Sun. I say no, but even so the assistant uses the barcode to record a sale.

Tangent: Some of those asked say YES for a free copy to use as cat litter or for rabbit hutches. Say’s it all really.


They’ll be posting them free through your letter box soon.


It has to be the fault of the SNP.


This is the best news all week.

Yoon press dying, just like the union itself.

BBC has to be the next target.

Angry Weegie

Scotsman figures are really worse because only about 18,000 copies are paid for. The rest are give-aways.

Robert Peffers

To paraphrase the Agatha Christie story, “And Then There Were None”.

Ten little journalists went out to dine; One choked his little self and then there were nine.
Nine little journalists sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight.
Eight little journalists travelling in Devon; One said he’d stay there and then there were seven.
Seven little journalists chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.
Six little journalists playing with a hive; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.
Five little journalists going in for law; One got in Chancery and then there were four.
Four little journalists going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.
Three little journalists walking in the Zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were two.
Two little journalists sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up and then there was one.
One little journalist left all alone; He went and hanged himself and then there were none.”

With apology to Agatha Christie.


Marcia says:
25 August, 2016 at 1:54 pm
“How many of the Scotsman declared circulation are given away free?”

11% as only 89% are paid for copies. Whereas 100% of Herald is paid for.

I trust Stuart Cosgrove showed the BBC John Beattie radio presenters Brian Spanner’s tweets then they might change their idolisation of JK Rowling.


How many of the Scotsman declared circulation are given away free?

And how many are bought on auto pilot by libraries, uni’s, colleges, on our ticket, the whole UKOK press shebang in Scotland really? I have never seen anyone in Scotland either buy or read a Guardian for example. Usual paper buyers I see are smartly dressed late middle aged buying the Daily Heil, sorry the Scottish Daily Heil, for its lovely brand of far right UKOK zoomerism and little girls in their underpants.

Jake Gittes

As Ernest Hemingway said about going bankrupt “It happens gradually….. then suddenly”

The wages of ignoring/debasing 50% of Scots voters. Have no sympathy, its self inflicted.


Good news for democracy.

A wide spread of views, bias, positions, allegiances among the commercial media is required for democracy to function. Politicians lie, voters need information to work out what and who to believe. The dead tree scroll merchants carry out the opposite function in Scotland.

We need investigation, news and journalism, not narrow propaganda.

Anyone seen figures for others … Record, Mail, Express, Sun, P&J etc ?

Of course there is the online aspect. The cause of democracy isn’t helped if propagandists simply move from paper to computer screen.

gerry parker

They’ll be trying to attract clickbait to their online versions so they can say to their advertizers “Ah our printed copies are down, but look at our website visitors.

Archive anything you want to post.

Don’t read any of the rags myself but would love to contribute in a more positive way to hasten their demise.


Down Down Deeper n Down as The Quo would say! 🙂
The Dead Tree Press right enough!

I wonder if there’s any association with these figures and a recent marketing survey i participated in? The main focus of the interviewers questioning centred around local newspapers and the strength of advertising.

There was also a few questions he claimed were being asked on behalf of the Scottish Government. They were:

(1): How did you vote at the last Westminster elections?

(2): How would you vote if there was another ‘We’ tomorrow?

(3): How did you vote at the Scottish referendum?

(4): How do you think the Scottish Government is performing?

The company he was working for was:
link to


Easy to see why there is so little real journalism these days. They simply don’t have any money.


@ gerry parker

Gerry, do you not do your letter campaigning anymore?

Anne Meikle

any word on the English imports Mail/Express?


Unfortunately I think they are all making loads of money from their online advertising. I try not to click on anything that looks like link to a newspaper.


As we can all see from the numbers, the printed MSM in Scotland does not sell enough copies to have any significant influence on an indy vote.

The elephant in the room is the BBC who use these rags as their primary source of news in Scotland and indeed justify their biased bullshit by saying “we’re only reporting what the papers say”.


It won’t be long before the unionist parties are directly funding the upkeep of the MSM rags to keep their message out there.

Tick tock.

Flower of Scotland

@ X sticks 2.05

Yes, I agree. This news about the anti Scottish newspapers has made my day considerably better!

Paul Martin

The other 2 pieces of standard practice when linking to unionist media articles are still 1) download adblocker software for your browser, that should deny them on-line advertising hits and 2) use is.archive to create a link to any on-line articles we cite, again that should deny them a direct page-hit.

Les Wilson

“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”
? Thomas Jefferson

“I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.”
? Mahatma Gandhi

“I became a journalist because I did not want to rely on newspapers for information.”
? Christopher Hitchens

“So much for Objective Journalism. Don’t bother to look for it here–not under any byline of mine; or anyone else I can think of. With the possible exception of things like box scores, race results, and stock market tabulations, there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction in terms.”
? Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72

“No honest journalist should be willing to describe himself or herself as ’embedded.’ To say, ‘I’m an embedded journalist’ is to say, ‘I’m a government Propagandist.”
? Noam Chomsky

“If a person is not talented enough to be a novelist, not smart enough to be a lawyer, and his hands are too shaky to perform operations, he becomes a journalist. ”
? Norman Mailer

“American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”
? H.L. Mencken

“It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and the myths that surround it.”
? John Pilger, Hidden Agendas

“What you read in the newspapers, hear on the radio and see on television, is hardly even the truth as seen by experts; it is the wishful thinking of journalists, seen through filters of prejudice and ignorance.”
? Hans Jürgen Eysenck, Intelligence: A New Look

Not the most popular breed are they!

Les Wilson

“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”
? Thomas Jefferson

“I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.”
? Mahatma Gandhi

“I became a journalist because I did not want to rely on newspapers for information.”
? Christopher Hitchens

“So much for Objective Journalism. Don’t bother to look for it here–not under any byline of mine; or anyone else I can think of. With the possible exception of things like box scores, race results, and stock market tabulations, there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction in terms.”
? Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72

“No honest journalist should be willing to describe himself or herself as ’embedded.’ To say, ‘I’m an embedded journalist’ is to say, ‘I’m a government Propagandist.”
? Noam Chomsky

“If a person is not talented enough to be a novelist, not smart enough to be a lawyer, and his hands are too shaky to perform operations, he becomes a journalist. ”
? Norman Mailer

“American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”
? H.L. Mencken

“It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and the myths that surround it.”
? John Pilger, Hidden Agendas

“What you read in the newspapers, hear on the radio and see on television, is hardly even the truth as seen by experts; it is the wishful thinking of journalists, seen through filters of prejudice and ignorance.”
? Hans Jürgen Eysenck, Intelligence: A New Look

Not the most popular breed are they!


@Roughian :

Use Firefox with the Adblock Plus addon and you’ll be amazed at how little crap you have to view. For those advanced enough then the NoScript addon will usually prevent anything Adblock misses from loading.

I honestly don’t know how people put up with all the adverts on websites – quite apart from the fact that the adverts are increasingly likely to be malware (viruses).

The Daily Mail, Sun, Times, ITV and lots more both here and abroad have served up malware to millions of site visitors in the last year as they have zero control over the ads displayed.


Every time I post I get the message…… Your posting to quickly. That happens when I try to post my first message…….


1) download adblocker software for your browser, that should deny them on-line advertising hits

Also ghostery link to

That seems to make sure that they cant dump tracker cookies in your browser or even record you’ve stopped by, to be annoyed, by Andrew Neil mini-me/wannabe gimps.


They reap what they sow

Jim Duthie

Any figures for that dire rag the P & J?


My sincerest apologies folks. I’ve posted the wrong link in my post @2:12pm. The company doing that survey was TNK UK Ltd. The UK’s largest data collection provider.

Strangely enough, they were also very interested to know if i’d ever heard of BBC Alba and asked me if i could recognise the BBC ALBA logo, they showed me a picture of it.

TNK UK Ltd is part of the Kantar group:
link to


Having relations in Germany, I get totally different views from there on international and world news, but when it comes to Scotland, the news agency in London tells them how pathetic Scotland really is, and I have met Germans that repeat the British government’s views, Too Stupid, Too Poor etc.
The media in Germany is not allowed to lie like the Brit media does in Scotland, they would shut it down

Les Wilson

Sorry about double post. Software said I was posting too fast, so tried a wee bit later and it posted twice! Hum


Do these figures circulation mean anything? It would be more interesting to know if their income has changed. In theory, lost income from declining sales of hardcopy could be balanced by increased advertising revenue from an internet presence. Also, in spite of low circulation in terms of newspapers purchased, the right wing media still gets exlusive coverage on the BBC, and tabloid headlines scream at you across the supermarket aisles whether you buy one or not. As you frequently point out, Rev, the story beneath the headline usually contradicts it – but who will ever read it?
There is also the chorus effect – the front page on every Scottish rag, then lead story on BBC Scotland. Today a large part of the Scottish electorate believes the country is insolvent, without being at all sure where they got the idea from. Mission accomplished.

call me dave

Yeah! I heard Beattie, O Neill and Cosgrove on shortbread a wee while ago reveal the shocking figures.

I am also shocked (but in a good way) that the downturn has been so steep surely the public will have had enough soon.

I still get my free (chumpion of Scotland) left behind in the cafe at least 4 times a week.


It’s an oill wind that blows nobody any good but yesterday when Swinney suggested this, it was pie in the sky.

Now its as easy as pie… or a piece of cake!

link to


As I said in the previous thread on the GCSE results darn Sarth it’s always interesting to look and compare BBC auntie’s news especially since the SG have taken their eye of the ball in North Britain. (Oh Britain maybe a bad word now) 🙂

link to


OT This Oxford dictionary thingy.

link to

I see we are at threat of being overtaken. Had a funny thought. The appearance of ‘British’ as top must have puzzled a lot of people. Who, they must wonder, doesn’t like the word/concept/label. 😉


At the weekend I’ll raise a glass and drink a toast to the continued decline of the empire media. I suspect I won’t be alone.

Les Wilson

A quote about BBC journalism.

By far the most popular and widely read newspapers at the BBC are The Guardian and The Independent. ­Producers refer to them routinely for the line to take on ­running stories, and for inspiration on which items to cover. In the later stages of my career, I lost count of the number of times I asked a producer for a brief on a story, only to be handed a copy of The Guardian and told ‘it’s all in there’.

So there you have it folks from one of their own.

– Peter Sissons

Also, for No supporters, take heed.

“Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.” Eric Hoffer

[…] Wings Over Scotland At home with the Kardashians New January-June 2016 sales figures for “regional” Scottish newspapers: Aberdeen […]


How is The National’s circulation tracking then? Hopefully it has seen an uptick from the 20,000/day I have seen reported.


Camz says:

25 August, 2016 at 2:24 pm

It won’t be long before the unionist parties are directly funding the upkeep of the MSM rags to keep their message out there.

I suspect a bit of that may be going on already.

Most of these “zombie rags” should have hit the floor years ago. As Vestas wrote, just previous to your post, the BBC use them as primary source, in order to justify their strong anti-independence, anti-Scottish bias and SNP Bad narrative. Reporting what “the papers say” gives them the ideal cover.

Zombie rags – useful to the union and propped up by big bucks. You better believe it.

Andy ZE

Definition of a newspaper is to do with the proportion of news to advertising

winifred mccartney

I can’t believe these papers are not asking themselves ‘why’. Every time they print their lies and half truths they have lost half the population and the rest are beginning to wise up. I have seen scotland on sunday every sunday in supermarkets handing out more freebies than the value of the paper and the scotsman is always free at airports – so these figures are not even correct. Many, many of us are now just laughing at the huffing ‘journalists’, the msm and the bbc.

Jack Collatin

I see that we’re going quote happy on here.
“since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality’. Nicos Kazantzakis.
‘Bye, Dead Tree Scrolls.

‘Lord, when we are wrong, make us change; when we are right, make us easy to live with.’ Peter Marshall
Feck that for a game of soldiers.
My schadenfreude crumb of solace to the Scribes:-
There no shame in selling advertising space for the Findo Gask Newsletter.
BBC News Where We Are is going to need a bigger Green Room to house all these redundant Newspaper hacks who earn a nice little wedge in appearance money SNP Badding it.

Scotland is shite but buy me any way.
Don’t think so.


galamcennalath wrote:

“This Oxford dictionary thingy.
link to
“I see we are at threat of being overtaken.

Ooops! Too late, looks like the Britnat Nazis have found the link.


The Scotsman regularly gives away a free bag for life along with the paper in Buchanan Street, Glasgow. No one would buy it otherwise.

Roger Hyam

How about a graph of Scottish news paper circulation over the last few years Rev?

Dave McEwan Hill

I note that the doubts continually arising about the nature of the Sunday Herald with some of its contributors are probably giving it the biggest drop.

Hello. Hello. Is anybody at Newsquest listening?


Reporting what “the papers say” gives them the ideal cover.

That was an awful BBC Scotland radio tactic in their 2014 anti independence campaign, taking up as long it takes to read out every single Daily Heilesque Scottish newspaper Vote NO, vote SLab headline and then read back every single vote NO editorial too, daily, then they’d discuss each one. Its probably political journalistic history’s worst ever examples of peace time anti democracy propaganda ever, or since this Good Morning Scotland this morning.

Its clearly them or us now though and which title will close down first though?

gerry parker


Yep, still posting letters out to local newspapers though I eased off a bit till the next real indy campaign starts.

I still have a list of local paper e mail addresses here

link to

It’s in open office format, happy to supply as a .pdf or word format if anyone interested.


Clocked this link on the Rev’s twitter feed and yes I know its a direct link. Just read the thing right to the end. Its self explanatory.

link to


It must be jobs lost within Scottish Journalism that keeps us behind the English Job numbers.

Hope the “workers” at the Hootsmon get a decent package when
circulation of Sold Copies falls below 15,000 in 2017.

The owners and so called journalists operate on a par with
Kamikaze pilots.

Good Riddance to them and their Yoon Empire!

The Daily Redcoat figures will be below 100,000 Sold copies
come Indey Ref 2 in 2019. Good site for houses there at their Broomielaw HQ.

A Welcome Home

The Sunday Herald’s edge of a cliff drop in readership is completely unsurprising given their fondness for lies and Yoon leanings which were thoroughly exposed during the May Scottish election.

Hope they thought it was worth it considering they certainly aren’t getting the trust of that 25% back in a hurry.


Newspapers are struggling for sales the world over. It’s not just in Scotland, and it’s not just because of political issues and the alleged bias of papers. I would like to see global comparison figures.

Don’t get me wrong. I am glad these biased papers are failing.


Isn’t Euan McSpanner a SoS hack? cant think why hardly anyone wants this idiot’s grot. I say that as one of his fury chimps, which is a least a tad less thuggish than his hero’s scum of Scotland stuff.


euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm 2h
it’s cybernats v corbynistas in a fury chimp frenzy. let battle commence:


Andrew NeilVerified account
@Masked_Scot @traquir @farrochie Who are all these horrible little cybernats? So brave – as they behind their anonymity. Scum of Scotland.

McSpanner reprobates aside, it looks like upper middle class papers like the Sunday Times are holding up quite well in Scotland. Maybe they can all go and work there UKOK style.

“Why wont the scum of Scotland buy our newspapers uncle Andrew? They’re all scumbags of Scotland Euan, get a job at the BBC, for life, then you can say what ever the fack you fackin like.”

Jim Mitchell

What a shame, I suppose we could try crowdfunding for them, then again, nah!


I wonder how this correlates to the demographic shift (older generations tend to read newspapers, whilst younger do not) and how much corresponds to people getting tired of the same bull.

Does anyone know at what point a newspaper circulation becomes too low to sustain? I know it will vary widely, but ballpark. Some of these papers must be getting close.


HAHA Karma

mario antoinette

Johnston Press (Scotsman shares) are today sitting at 8.75 Pence. In reality, because of their consolidation , it’s actually a fraction of a pence. Good.


So the only pro-indy paper (at Sep 2014) has suffered the biggest drop?


Uses for news papers.
Lighting the fire.
Cat toilet.
Your toilet. Can’t wipe your Arse on a iPad too well.
Wrapping crockery.
Wrapping fish and chips.
Big bit of paper to draw up the fire.
What it can’t be used for.
The unbiased, unvarnished truth.


“How many of the Scotsman declared circulation are given away free?”

How many of them were rejected by recipients ?
Noted the Rascal is missing, they still buggering about so there are no direct comparisons on output?

call me dave

Brexit news: Sturgeon appoints EU negotiator.

link to

Advice to the government….UK one.

link to


The Scotsman’s honeymoon is over.

Paul Martin

I will feel tremendous and genuine sympathy for the vast majority of Scotsman/SoS workers who get punted when these titles go under. Back in 2014, 2013 lots of these folk come up to our Yes stall expressing their discomfort at the papers unionist line – as well as reporting the absolute grinding loss of morale in their workplaces. That said, I don’t want to see The Scottish Govt extend any help via a task-force to rescue these papers when the day comes. Let them deservedly die – and if there’s a gap in the dead-tree market let someone come forward to fill it. That in itself seems unlikely though … once they’re gone they’re gone.


I walked past today on George St, desperation is what it is. Instead of the oatcakes though they were giving out miniature whisky.?


See what you’re missing, not buying SoS. They’re even the poets of toryboy Britishness, Euan McSpanner style. Although he’s clearly struggling to get his “fury chimp” to scan with his “sneer and bray.”

euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm 1h1 hour ago
euan mccolm Retweeted Nick Eardley
michael russell’s, off to brussels, to sneer and bray, i hope he’ll stay.

Neil Cook

?? Why wait to the weekend to have a celebratory drink, I’ll have a few tonight to celebrate, cant wait for them all to go bust.

Also if I see a link online I never open it as if you know what shit looks like why would you want another look ?


Everybody should buy the Hootsman for the freebies, 19.95 pounds worth*, then dump the lot outside their offices.

On days when they have these “special offers” they must be making a loss, so if this was done every time it would speed up the demise of this rag.

*Sorry, I don’t have the pound sign on my keyboard


Because the circulation figures are 2 months out of date,
papers like the Sunday Herald should fall another 4.25%
during July and August.

They will be lucky to claim 20,000 copies per day, even though some of them are free give away promotions.

They must be looking at dropping propaganda pamphlets from
aeroplanes over Scotland as their next form of attack.


It would appear that The Sunday Herald’s relationship with The Herald is killing it. I’ve certainly stopped buying it as it is merely a so-called Independence supporting revenue earner for the despicable Herald.
We need a truly independent, Independence supporting Sunday publication.


Rev could you or anybody help me out here.

Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (Gers

Are these figures from the Scottish Government or are they from the Treasury in London

Tony Armstrong

Looks like the Sunday Herald’s kid on support for independence has finally came back to bite it on the butt big style.

Tony Armstrong

HM Treasury and ONS


A Welcome Home says:
25 August, 2016 at 3:23 pm

The Sunday Herald’s edge of a cliff drop in readership is completely unsurprising given their fondness for lies and Yoon leanings which were thoroughly exposed during the May Scottish election.

Hope they thought it was worth it considering they certainly aren’t getting the trust of that 25% back in a hurry.

I don’t think it was some kind of unionist conspiracy from the Sunday Herald. Rather than trying to please everyone on the YES side.
That worked at the referendum, but went down like a lead balloon at the Holyrood elections, when many of the RISE campaigners ended up attacking the SNP more than the unionists.

I think it would be a shame to lose the 2 pro-indy papers for lack of support though. Then it’s back to blanket unionist propaganda with no balance at all on the news-stands.


HAHA..I saw that Scotsman offer earlier in the Royal Mile and said that’s how desperate they are!


Fixitfox says:
25 August, 2016 at 4:11 pm
It would appear that The Sunday Herald’s relationship with The Herald is killing it.

The way they boosted Rise to high heaven, at the last Scottish GE was a very dirty trick indeed. But fool us once etc…

Actually the way they dropped the Rise coalition or alliance immediately afterwards was disgraceful. All the UKOK media used Rise too but there’s no ambiguity with that shower.

Paula Rose

A reminder – when the screen comes up with the
“You are posting too quickly” message it means you plural
as in lots of you are trying to post comments at the moment
and it’s all a bit busy – don’t take it personally xx

Jack Murphy

My Dad told me today he was in the barbers this morning and the two men waiting in front of him picked up the barber’s papers-The Sun and the Record.
Both men went straight to the sport,then put them back.

Les Wilson

They are OBR and WM treasury figures, Scotland is denied access to it’s full figures across many sources the treasury has. That is how they can be manipulated. As it has been for 300 years, lies and deceit. The OBR was an invention by Osborne, so more recent.


I’d like to promote that there are no pro-Indy newspapers in the UK.

We are up against very well educated propagandists who recognise that their game was just too obvious, not to have one solitary newspaper that would “appear” to have an interest in Scotland’s majority who want independence.

For me the National shows its true Tory Colours when the going gets tough, and any money the paper makes keeps it Tory Sister paper solvent.

The National seems to be claiming that they look at both sides of the Independence issue, but with Every UK National Newspaper, TV & Radio Station all completely against Scotland’s majority, I only want support features for Independence covered.

If 1% of the media are for us, I don’t think they have an obligation towards covering both sides of the argument.
The 99% of those against us are doing fine thanks.

Proud Cybernat

So 235,928 total number of daily Yoon (‘local’) rags still being sold. That’s about 5.8% of the voting population in Scotland. And falling.

Mefinks they have a problem. Aww diddums.

Andrew McLean

No one notice the Scotsman’s offer above? Nairn’s smooth Oatcakes 95p + Bag 99p + Suntan oil £19.95 total £21.98 less £1.50 = £20.39
But as with GERS that’s only some of the story, lack of self respect, disrespecting your own country, reading crap analysis, the accumulated lies, the rank hypocrisy, the sycophancy, all that is worth a dam site more than £20.39, in fact the actual market value of the Scotsman did not even come close to what I would accept to take that paper, and that’s just one edition, over the year that’s the pretend deficit paid fourfold, with bells on!
Reading the Scotsman is like catching syphilis, it’s the gift that just keeps giving!


This is still No.1 in their UKOK top one million slagging’s they give Scots charts, day in, day out.

link to


@ Robert Peffers says at 2:09 pm …. ”To paraphrase the Agatha Christie story, “And Then There Were None”.”

Roll on the day Robert.



Following on from the BBC’s attempt to scare the life out of the Scots (Govanhill constituency), no doubt to coerce us to support the Union, I see they’re continuing to play racist ‘keepy uppy’ (to my mind) with their latest news / figures. The same game they’ve been playing in England over the last few years.

I’ve also been looking at their figures and I’m having a real problem trying to make sense of them.

For example ‘an estimated 393,000 people in Scotland were born outside the UK.’

‘A total of 203,000 of those non UK-born residents were born outside the European Union (EU) (51.7%).’

This would seem to suggest that 190,000 people come from countries outwith the EU? However it goes on to state that ”of those non-British nationals usually resident in Scotland, 113,000 held non-EU nationality (38.3%). What happened to the ‘missing’ 77,000 people?

It also makes one wonder if the 86,000 Poles are actually the ‘biggest migrant group’ living in Scotland.

No mention either of the 400,000 plus (at LEAST) individuals who have settled in Scotland from rUK (74% of whom voted No in Indyref).

Add that 400,000 plus to the 393,000 = around 800,000 people. Scotland’s population has increased. We know that. But by nearly a million people? All I can say is that hundreds of thousands of Scots must have emigrated over the last few years: never to return.


BBC: ‘Poles are the biggest migrant group in Scotland, figures show.’

One in five of the non UK-born population in Scotland is Polish, new figures have shown.

The UK Office for National Statistics report estimated about 86,000 Poles were living in Scotland in 2015.

The next most common nationalities in Scotland were India and the Irish Republic, both with 16,000. Poland was also the top country of birth for migrants living in the UK.

In total, an estimated 393,000 people in Scotland were born outside the UK.

This was an increase of about 12,000 over the previous year – 7.4% of the overall population.

A total of 203,000 of those non UK-born residents were born outside the European Union (EU) (51.7%).

An estimated 295,000 (5.6%) of the usually-resident population of Scotland held non-British nationality, an increase of 13,000 on the previous year. Of those non-British nationals usually resident in Scotland, 113,000 held non-EU nationality (38.3%).

Five most common nationalities

Poland – 86,000

India – 16,000

Republic of Ireland – 16,000

USA – 15,000

Pakistan 11,000

The estimates show a significant difference over the past 10 years in the number of people living in Scotland who were born outside the UK.

In 2005, the figure was estimated to be 221,000 compared with 393,000 in 2015 – an increase of 172,000.

The number of people with non-British nationality living in Scotland was estimated to have grown from 137,000 in 2005 to 295,000 in 2015, an increase of 158,000.

The figures – for the period before Britain voted to leave the EU – differ from the National Records of Scotland (NRS) mid-year population estimates as the ONS excludes students in halls who do not have a parent resident in the UK and people in most other types of communal establishments such as hotels, boarding houses, hostels, care homes, prisons and mobile homes.”

Iain More



I visit the Herald and the Scotsman every day, just to remind myself how they are now nothing but a forum for an organised army of UKOK trolls. The Herald is making a big thing of asking viewers to turn off add blocker when you visit their webshite. Fill in their short survey and tell them exactly why you keep it on – to deny their add revenue and eventually to force them into redundancy.


I miss being able to read a really good newspaper with balanced reporting of local and international issues.

I can’t find one.

This makes me a bit sad to be honest.

Iain More

The Sunday Herald continues to suffer. They never found a replacement for Bell either and nobody is taken in by Hutcheon, Gordon or Macwhirter who quite frankly don’t cut it. Nobody likes twa faced canutes!

It gladdens my too wee and too poor and too stupid heart to see the P&J sales continue to slide.

I am awa to sit outside on another glorious day and read my old copies of 2000 AD as they are probably closer to reality than anything the Brit Nat Press pumps out now.

I will be enjoying a Scottish beer with my Scottish ham and my Scottish lettuce and my Scottish cheese and my Scottish free range eggs and my Scottish chips made with Scottish tatties. Oh and I grew the tomatoes myself so GIRUY Yoons!

Schrödinger's Dug

Correct me if I am wrong, but has no Scottish papers picked up on Glasgow City Council refusing Serco’s offer of extending their contract free of charge, instead GCC are recommending the at all the functions of the Council including City Building are taken over by the Business Processes Outsourcer, the Canadian CGI.
Behind this is the councils desire to reduce pension liabilities for thousands of council workers who will not be TUPE’d.
And where is the labour supporting unions? what will the elected councillors say?
Rotten Burghs indeed.


Jack Murphy says:

“went straight to the sport,then put them back.”

I had a quick Google to try to find some surveys of why people actually buy newspapers. Alas, couldn’t find any. It would be interesting to know.

Perhaps politics is not one of the reasons any more!

Once upon a time there were things like tonight’s TV listings. Or jobs, I assume no one gets a paper to look for a job anymore? Newspapers offered all sorts of services beyond news, most of which have been overtaken by technology.

Flats to rent, cars for sale, puppies for sale. Now most folk’s first stop will be online.

I would guess Sports commentary might be one of the last things to be offered in print which is attracting custom.

harry mcaye

I never buy the Sunday Herald anymore. Tom Gordon and Paul Hutcheon are enemies of the independence movement. Plus, as a big fitba fan, I was mightily pissed off at their attitude to Scotland’s lower leagues, completely ignoring them in favour of big splashes on the bloated English Premier. Now I just go without on a Sunday. Money saver.


Well I still buy the Sunday Herald and The National for two main reasons. One I come across data in these newspapers that I don’t find elsewhere and that includes on here. Secondly they offer a platform, in particular The National, for individuals such as George Kerevan, Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp and Mhairi Black (to name but a few) that all other newspapers are totally dismissive of.

To my mind not buying them suits the lying rags down to a tee. How they would love to see them go out of business.

Hugh Kirk

These are falling off a cliff figures! Worse than lemmings stuff.They can’t last much longer. Too bad and good riddance. I won’t miss them.


Lovely Twitter quote sums up the media …

Phantom Power Films ?@PhantomPower14
It’s tragic really – need a decent press but they’d rather die than change

It really is puzzling. My only explanation would be that the owners can afford to let publications go down fighting on behalf of the owner’s views and prejudices.

That said, the market for dead tree scrolls is contracting in the face of technology anyway. Perhaps we should now view ‘the press’ in terms of their online offerings rather than physical papers.

Ian Brotherhood

Very senior journalist told me years ago that his smarter colleagues (in MSM print media) were already lining-up alternative careers.

I won’t embarrass the man by naming him but he was doing just that at the time (this was four, five years ago) and things are working out well for him.

(NB The ‘smarter’ ones. Hence the quality of those remaining?)

So it goes, eh?

Dan Huil

Sunday Herald is down because pro-indy supporters don’t accept the paper’s supposedly pro-indy stance. Especially since Ian Bell’s death. Especially since its SNPx2 denunciation. The Herald, of course, is almost as anti-Scottish as the Scotsman. I hope the Scotsman goes under soon, along with its equally anti-Scottish Scotland on Sunday. The rancid Press and Journal also falling – not quickly enough, probably because fowk buy it jist tae check they hivnae died the nicht afore.

Don’t buy these britnat papers. Don’t visit their websites.

Proud Cybernat

Soon it’ll only be the Beano left on the stands. That won;t stop the colonial propaganda broadcaster though:

“And in today’s ‘what the Beano says’. Lord Snooty expresses his concern at the SNP placing a big black hole in his top hat while the Bash Street Kids have been complaining about their PFI school falling to bits. Pansy Potter married Harry making Jakey even more millions. It’s all SNP Bad in Beanoland.”


I will continue to buy the National – balanced in my view (which is all I ask for)
Scotland on Sunday has returned fully to the dark side and I will never trust again – you get one chance!

As for the rest and their declining sales 🙂 🙂 🙂

Dal Riata

Arrived back in Scotland last night just in time for the BBC, both nationwide and Where You Are, smugly telling us all that thanks to GERS telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, Scotland is even more shitier than the shite it was last year, and the year before that, and…etc.

And then onwards to some bint dropping in the “part of Nicola Sturgeon’s constituency” (SNPNICOLASTURGEON BAD) right at the start of her ‘Govanhill’s pure minging, so it is!’ report.

Ahh. Welcome home! Welcome home to Scotland where its broadcast and print media is obsessively hostile to it, as a country in its own right, and to the people who live there who wish only for self-determination of their country. What a homecoming – makes you proud of our MSM’s endless promotion of our fine wee country so it does!

And what do we see today? Oh, just the unionist press going completely overboard in their slavering desire to denounce and rubbish this country of ours that only wants to live in peace with its neighbours while using its assets to improve the lot of its population.

The Scottish Daily Demented Heil deserves a commendation for its hysterical lies and pish. Its screaming headline has: “SNP DREAM OF LEAVING UK DEAD IN WATER”. And there is Alan Roden (with a silent ‘t’) telling us that:

The GERS report, published yesterday, revealed our economy is worse than that of Greece or Spain.

The annual report highlighted the economic benefits of remaining in the UK – with a ‘Union dividend’ of £1,600 for every man, woman and child.

Scots not only receive more in public spending than the UK average, but less money is now raised through taxes north of the Border.

Wow! Who knew, eh?! Worse than Greece and Spain? Tsk! Scotland’s really, really shite, and there are the unbiased, fair and impartial GERS report to tell us so!


It feels more like welcome back to the Occupied Territory of Scotland….

Marie Clark

@ Dan Huil, yes I bought the Sunday Herald from when it first started. Latterly only bought it because of Ian Bell.

After Ian died, and Richard Walker stopped being editor, I gave it a try for a wee while. Thought I’d give Neil McKay a go as editor and see how he got on. Dear oh dear, for me the paper became unreadable. So full of yoon crap. Stopped buying a few months ago now and certainly would not got back to it.

The sooner some of these titles sink beneath the waves, the better. They’re not even entertaining as comics.

CameronB Brodie

I can’t believe these papers are not asking themselves ‘why’

I would suggest the Scottish themed corporate media does not care, as it is in it’s nature to commit wanton act of symbolic violence on the people of Scotland.

Capital, field, and habitus all contribute to the fourth concept of Bourdieu’s: symbolic violence. Habitus is a reflection of the dominant narratives of society. Because these narratives are a normalized part of society, the inequality and injustice they perpetuate is often invisible- even to the groups who are being marginalized! This results in marginalized groups sometimes contributing to their marginalization. (I meet smart, talented women who don’t believe in feminism, because they don’t believe they’re subjugated, all the time.) Symbolic violence is the unconscious exertion of cultural domination. It’s ‘symbolic’ because while it’s not physical violence, it’s detrimentally and harmfully shaping society.

link to


Why no data for The National ……..

Is it because the Sunday Herald is designated as a regional paper whilst The National is designated as a national…….

If this is the explanation, when do figures come out for it.

mike cassidy

Paul Martin 3.56

” if there’s a gap in the dead-tree market let someone come forward to fill it. That in itself seems unlikely though … once they’re gone they’re gone. “

You could be right because those figures really are ‘eddie the eagle’ stuff.

For example, if that fall in the Sunday Herald continues, its gone in a couple of years.

It would be good to know what the circulation figure for each is below which it would be an economic waste of time to continue.

Or are we observing a mass self-sacrifice in the name of the union?

dandy dons 1903

Falling circulation/circling the drain of all these lying insidious brit-rags will be all the fault of the SNP no doubt.

stewart fae stoney

It would be interesting to see a comparison between the six months before the referendum and present figures

Free Scotland

The “I love Edinburgh” bag, the oatcakes and the sun-tan lotion together must cost more than £1.50, so you are, in effect, being paid to take away a copy of the Scotsman.


It’s very self defeating for pro indy supporters not to buy The National and Sunday Herald.
We don’t want Pravda.


Mike Fenwick says:
25 August, 2016 at 2:03 pm
Anyone else experience this?

Every time I go into my local Spar, I am asked if I want a free copy of the Sun. I say no, but even so the assistant uses the barcode to record a sale.

Hi Mike,my wife tells them that If they use the barcode she will put her shopping back on the shelf and go to Cost cutters. They no longer ask! Peace and Protest

Robert Peffers

@McBoxheid says: 25 August, 2016 at 4:04 pm:L

” … *Sorry, I don’t have the pound sign on my keyboard.”

What you do for the characters not on keys on your keyboard is to use, “charmap.exe”. You can find it by just typing, “charmap.exe”, in the search box on the opening screen index. It lets you select any character set that is installed on your machine.

To use characters not on your keyboard you simply select any character in the set, for example the pound sign in, “Times New Roman”, then copy the character and paste it into whatever document you are writing.

Charmap.exe has select and copy buttons built into the program and you can paste it where you place your cursor and then pressing the, “CTRL”, key and the, “V”, key together.


Tinto Chiel

“We don’t want Pravda.”

Sinky, 35/36 newspapers are virulently anti-SNP. That’s what I call Pravda.

The Sunday Herald deserves all it gets in the post-Walker/Bell era. I stopped buying before the Scottish Elections when I despaired of its vote-splitting tactics.

Gordon and Hutcheon are old-style BLiSser hacks.

Can’t change, won’t change.

arthur thomson

These falls are good news. Anything that rocks the yoon boat is good news.

I would like to see an unashamedly pro independence newspaper. Maybe we will get one some day. In an ideal world newspapers would try genuinely to fulfill the role of giving citizens quality information but …..

Yes, let us avoid click bait. I don’t think online newspapers are going to have anything like as much influence as the paper copies have had. There is too much competition from alternative free news sources online. I think that only the very committed are likely to put their hand in their pocket for ‘their’ online newspaper.


Folding newspapers is such an uplifting subject.

Iain More

@Dan Huil

“The rancid Press and Journal also falling – not quickly enough, probably because fowk buy it jist tae check they hivnae died the nicht afore.”

Births, Deaths and Marriages is possibly keeping it going but most young couples here are opting out of marraiges now as it is. Well they cant afford a mortgage and a wedding.

Aye well so we don’t need to buy it as my mither just takes one look at somebody and suggest they aren’t long for this life or he’s or she is awa tae nuthin. As for births she takes one look at a bairn and natters knowingly once the bairns mother is out of the way ” There’s nae wey her man is the fether o that bairn!” The P&J cant tell her that.

Giving Goose

It’s the obvious co-ordination between the various Yoon outlets that is so obvious. When you see the same news headline on virtually all titles then you have to ask yourself “what is the point of chasing customers?”

You might as well just have one title on sale called The Daily Yoon.

I suspect that revenue is a secondary consideration for news papers in Scotland.

Primary is to attack the SNP on behalf of the London Establishment. If the individual paper fails commercially then there will be compensation for owners via the honours system. Job done either way.


I woke up with a rumble in the middle of the night,
Uh Oh I thought I might need a sh*te,
So I parked my erse upon the pan,
the relief that ensued was defo the plan.
But as my visit which was done in such a hurry,
my new found relief turned to worry.
The empty roll hanging from the wall, could this be my curtain call?
Then I spotted the Hootsmon in the rack, and gingerly waved it in front of my crack,
The more I wiped the more stayed on,
what on earth was I doing wrong?
In the end I just used my hand ,
cause the news papers in this country are the SH*T of the land.

Juan P

Dan huil @ 5:26

The rancid Press and Journal also falling – not quickly enough, probably because fowk buy it jist tae check they hivnae died the nicht afore

Superb and so true. Some ultra zoomer unionists up in Moray (thankfully mostly auld buggers) who believe every word of pish written in the P and J.

Dan Huil

@Iain More 6:42pm

Iain, yer mither’s a wee gem.


We’re lied to and misinformed at industrial levels of tory BBC bullshitting but its the things that leak out the sides, that make you go holy fcuk. Brexit’s wiped over a billion quid off UKOK house prices so far but as rancid the Graun explains

link to

“One billion pounds may sound like a lot, but the value of all the houses on an especially sought-after street in Chelsea can easily exceed that. Uncannily, it is also almost exactly the amount extra the UK would have to spend on its health service every week if we wanted to spend as much per head as they do in Germany.”

Another Crash Gordo Labour triumph of pumping all the money in to the south east. You can probably buy Dundee, Perth and Paisley for half a billion.


Ian More:
@ Dan Huil

As for births she takes one look at a bairn and natters knowingly once the bairns mother is out of the way ” There’s nae wey her man is the fether o that bairn!” The P&J cant tell her that.

Mother’s baby,Daddies maybe? Peace and DNA testing. 🙂

Tinto Chiel

“I suspect that revenue is a secondary consideration for news papers in Scotland.

Primary is to attack the SNP on behalf of the London Establishment. If the individual paper fails commercially then there will be compensation for owners via the honours system. Job done either way.”

Quite true, Giving Goose. If no one bought these titles they would still be subsidised to pump out their drivel.

Same goes for the BBC: it will always be financed to promote its poisonous British agenda.

How comforting that it was begun under the auspices of that arch-Scotch-Cringer Reith, a monster of a man and utter Presbyterian hypocrite.

Founded on a Lie, perpetual proponent of The Lie: British is best, there is no alternative!


Independence live tonight about currency. Some very clued up people so please tune in.


@ Heedtracker 7:17

Can you recall someone from the EU, a German I think, who said that Brexit had wiped more value off the UK economy in a few days than the UK had paid out in 40 odd years of EU contributions for membership?

£300 billion I seem to recall as the figure, but that is a sketchy recollection since I only saw it once and it was never repeated. It was said as I recall around the time Nicola was doing her shuttle diplomacy…

I can’t find any online reference to it.


Dundee papers numbers are still impressive.

Cadogan Enright

X_Sticks says:
25 August, 2016 at 2:05 pm. This is the best news all week.Yoon press dying, just like the union itself. BBC has to be the next target.

It probably is already but the figures are hard to stand

Cadogan Enright

Hard to source


Breeks says:
25 August, 2016 at 7:32 pm
@ Heedtracker 7:17

Check the FT, they’ve got a lot of Brexit real world economic stuff going on everyday, as opposed to the UKOK Brexit economix nonsense rammed down our throats, by the Roden McSpanners of this world.

Jock McDonnell

Blares Daily Mail
Damn right we do I thought.

John J.

and The Herald will be one reader less quite soon if it doesn’t change its tune.


David @ 7.33pm

The Courier sells more in Fife than in Dundee.

Re circulation drops. I see the Rev has compared the circulations of some of the papers in 2009 with today:

link to

Graeme Borthwick

Clearly the Sunday Herald, for example, could anticipate a huge increase in sales if it supported Scotland. They have tried it before and doubled the sales. Our ‘papers must have been told to follow the line and hit Independence; the exception is the National, which is a pretendy balance.
The publishers will not like losing sales and I suspect they must be receiving a bung to continue hitting Scotland.
Can anyone get to the bottom of this?
Additionally, ‘papers like the Scotsman are worth very little now and could be bought by SNP supporters. Is there a ban on their sale?

Dan Huil

@David 7:33pm

Not really. Same births, deaths, marriages scenario as P & J.


FFS.. went to do my bit and…

Update: We regret to inform users that due to severe misuse we have had to remove this feature from our website

Naughty Cybernats.. 🙂

link to


Tinto Chiel says:

“Founded on a Lie, perpetual proponent of The Lie: British is best, there is no alternative!”

BritNats are not alone in history believing they are special, better, and above others. And history shows those with such views always come down with a thump.

We Scots would just dearly like to be the same as others!

Thing is, the UK inc Scotland, has many people who have swallowed the exceptional myth totally. They really believe it.

As Tony Blair said in his 2007 resignation speech ….

“The British are special. The world knows it. In our innermost thoughts, we know it. This is the greatest nation on earth.”

… I have no doubt he believed it. Disgusting superior attitude, really. Was he ridiculed? Nah, stirring stuff to BritNat ears.

Tinto Chiel

Croompenstein: new badge needed in that case.

“I am a Severe Misuser and my name is ____________.

BDTT: get on it!


It is incredible to think that once the Record sold over 700,000 copies a day and almost every house took at least one paper some took two or three. The reach of the press then was immense. Now a journalist is voice in the wilderness.

Personally I prefer the modern world. The press had too much clout back in the day and the papers could bully anyone with their recourse to fancy lawyers. The 25th anniversary of the interwebs is a significant moment. I think we pretty much have reached the point of no return for the traditional newspaper.


Croompenstein says:

“Naughty Cybernats..”

…. Not us! Last time I looked it had been swamped by neo Nazis targeting Islam. Our ‘bit of fun’ was replaced by dark side!

mike cassidy

Breeks 7.32

That figure seems popular.

It turned up last year re the likely effects on gdp of a Brexit vote.

link to

It was also being thrown around pre-brexit as part of Remain’s scare tactics.

link to

And it cropped up again a few days ago in this article about what the UK might be committed to spending with the EU even after the implementation of brexit!

link to


Oh dear. Owen Smith says Kezia is doing a great job and causes hilarity. I assume from a Scottish Labour audience! Glasgow, I believe.

link to

CameronB Brodie

I’m not sure if all Severe Misuser(s) we vile cybernats. Islam was heading for the top stop at one point then appeared to vanish.

I suppose a map of religious intolerance in Britain might not have been the project’s intent. I wonder where these votes were concentrated?

Swiss Perspective

And still I don’t think we should be celebrating the demise of the press. I still think the fourth estates can be fixed. Investigative journalism will not get any better as circulation-starved newspapers go down in a frothing fit of vitriol. Moreover, excellent sites like this one will die with them, as WoS will have no raison d’être to test the quality of opinion-makers as we all lock ourselves up in the compartmentalised echo-chambers of the web.

Maybe we should explore a mechanism by which TV license funding should be used to nurture the entire media landscape instead of funding a single outmoded method of state-sanctioned communication.

CameronB Brodie

Thanks for the confirmation, I wasn’t aware comments were enabled (Script Blocker). 😉


It’s probably even worse for them.

These figures are the AVERAGE of sales each day over a six month period, and it’s almost certain that each paper is selling fewer copies today than they did six months ago.

So we can safely assume that the sales figures today are significantly lower than even the figures above suggest.


What a nasty piece of work Owen Smith is. Nasty and sarcastic


Wee corner shops are putting their papers on the bottom shelf UPSIDE DOWN.

You can still instantly identify the title but the HEADLINES/BOOBS are masked.
Meaning that without deliberately peering, you would not be subjected to aggressive messages disguised as ‘news of actual events’.


Dave McEwan Hill,

“I note that the doubts continually arising about the nature of the Sunday Herald with some of its contributors are probably giving it the biggest drop.

Hello. Hello. Is anybody at Newsquest listening?”

I thought you were Newsquest’s lobbyist-in-chief on this site.

mike cassidy

galamcennalath 8.13


He clearly had no idea that his pathetic bit of PRspeak would die.

No idea at all that finishing behind the Tories at Holyrood – on Dugdale’s watch – was a disaster for Scottish Labour!

mike in fife

Tinto Chiel

BJ says:
25 August, 2016 at 8:25 pm
“What a nasty piece of work Owen Smith is. Nasty and sarcastic”

Older readers may recall the oiliest Welsh Labour anti-Plaid Cymru type, Clive Jenkins.

Owen Smith is a slimmed-down, sharper-suited clone. Still a slug, but.

God, I feel sorry for the Welsh. When we get independence, we should offer them some kind of political sanctuary. Then Cumbria and Northumbria.

Tomorrow, The World!



“It’s very self defeating for pro indy supporters not to buy The National and Sunday Herald.
We don’t want Pravda.”

Buy The National and The Sunday Herald if you want to keep The Herald alive.


mike cassidy says:

“No idea at all that finishing behind the Tories at Holyrood – on Dugdale’s watch – was a disaster for Scottish Labour!”

Perhaps no one actually briefed him that they came 3rd. Otherwise, he Couldn’t be expected to know what was going on in Scotland! Not as if WM politicians are up to speed on events here. 🙂

Tinto Chiel

“… I have no doubt he believed it. Disgusting superior attitude, really. Was he ridiculed? Nah, stirring stuff to BritNat ears.”

Agree, galamC.

Unless we are talking about the autochthonous (ooh!) inhabitants of Great Britain before the Anglo-Saxon invasions, there is no such thing as The British Nation. The Britons were Welsh-speaking Celts and in Scotland their main settlement was Strathclyde, Dumbarton Rock its citadel and Glasgow (glas gau, “green hollow”) its ecclesiastical centre. Once the Vikings overcame them in about 810/2 the Gaels eventually took over the Lowlands, hence all the Gaelic place-names in Lanarkshire, Ayrshire. Renfrewshire, etc.

Liked your nostalgia re Clyde Valley. Don’t get BDDT started on greengages, btw.

Robert Graham

Yes rutherglen holding a discussion on currency being live streamed just now worth a look sorry can’t link but its Independence live

David Ross

Hopefully Tesco sales in Scotland will head the same way after their saltire gaff


Trying to make up a Wings game.
So far..

Rock, Peffers, Izzards..


EBC says …

“While traffic to digital news sites has been growing strongly for most, the number of daily users of The Scotsman’s website has also fallen, by 2%, to 104,000. has seen website traffic grow by 14% to 96,000.”

… compare with dead trees from above …

The Scotsman: 20,304 (-14.6%)

The Herald: 30,402 (-11.6%)

…. the world has clearly moved online!

The Herald loses ~3k paper readers and gains ~14k online readers. However, that tells us nothing about income through advertising.

Proud Cybernat

Decline of the BBC in Scotland:

link to

The people ARE on to them.

Tam Jardine

So we have endured attack after attack on the so called Scottish Economy by the press in Scotland. The onshore economy has improved in the last year. The contribution to the Scottish Economy in the last year has been adversely affected by the drop in circulation by the press in Scotland. These are facts, indisputable facts in light of these large drops in circulation.

So: the Scottish press has been contributing, big time, to the BLACK HOLE and the DEFICIT they have been complaining about, salivating, nay masturbating over for the last 48 hours. Am I drunk or is this not irrefutable?

“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye”

Thou hypocites indeed.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi HandandShrimp.

In the 60s and 70s, my family had the Courier and Tully during the week, the Weekly News on a Friday, The Peoples’ Journal on a Saturday, then the Sunday Post, Sunday Mail, News Of The World and The People on a Sunday.

In the 70s, I bought The Reveille and The Dundee Standard. Nowadays, I buy the occasional copy of The National and that’s it. I have a quick browse through the first half of The Courier in the Uni Library Monday to Friday (up to The Craigie Column).

Newspapers have lost their appeal. I get most of my news from the web.

RE: the Dundee Standard. Not much on the web…

link to

Malcolm meighan

What’s happening with the Daily Record?

Chic McGregor

I wonder how many journalists have for years managed somehow to maintain a denial that they are being used against Scottish independence but have been forced in the past couple of years, as the establishment has become ever more desperate, into admitting it to themselves.

Perhaps some are even uncomfortable with that realisation.


@Tinto Chiel

When did it start? The pre Roman autochthonous people were made up of two waves. First came hunter gatherers across the dry North Sea (low sea level), then a bigger wave of farmers. The genes of many modern residents of the British Isles belong to these two groups.

Also prior to the Romans appearing, Celtic language and culture spread to these isles from Europe. This may have been the farmers or it may have just been culture and language spreading. My understanding is the so called Celts of the Western European fringes are Celtic by culture, but not necessarily by genetics.

Then the Anglo Saxons who, genetically, never made it to Scotland in any numbers. Later Norse had a bigger impact on our genes.

I think the key thing is movement of artefacts and language doesn’t necessarily mean movement of large numbers of people.

A complicated business. Loads online to read. Difficult to get my head round it.

Tinto Chiel

“I think the key thing is movement of artefacts and language doesn’t necessarily mean movement of large numbers of people.”

Exactly. So no wipe out of Picts but adoption of Gaelic. Assimilation.

So no wipe out of residual Welsh in Strathclyde but adoption of Gaelic. Assimilation.

People in Shetland regard themselves as Norse but their DNA suggests Pictish origins. Assimilation.

Mongrel nation.

Distant ripples in a pool but who gives a stuff if we can just get our independence?


Ouch! at the circulation figures!

But Scottish indy supporters shouldn’t be lulled into thinking that this is solely because the MSM in Scotland is so anti-Scottish.

That might play a part, but printed press is struggling even in countries with no such obvious political agenda. The biggest quality daily in my country (of 5.4M people) used to sell nearly 500,000 copies daily in its heyday (maybe about 10 yrs ago), now it’s down to 260,000.

I grew up with that paper, reading it upside down every morning at breakfast table (dad was reading it opposite me) ever since I was 5 or 6. Subscribed my own when I moved to my student digs, and thereafter for years and years, whenever I lived in this country.

I dropped the subscription about 8 yrs ago. Not because the paper was bad or too biased or anything like that. It wasn’t a huff. I just didn’t have time and I could get the news on the interweb. I miss quality, in-depth journalism, though. Our modern world doesn’t have time or money for it. Sad, really.

Sadest for the talented, intelligent, insightful journalists who would want to do their job the best they can but the media owners don’t want that, they want short clickbait content.

It’s not a uniquely Scottish problem, though I must admit Scotland’s situation is among the worst in the western world. That’s because the “British” (UK) press is so horrible, so beholden to the right-wing interests, the “Establishment”.

Hmm. What was my paper is quite “establishment” as well, but the establishment in my country is more left (we don’t have sirs and lords etc.). Hey, our “tories” are left of UK Labour!


Robert Peffers says:
25 August, 2016 at 6:17 pm

@McBoxheid says: 25 August, 2016 at 4:04 pm:L

” … *Sorry, I don’t have the pound sign on my keyboard.”

What you do for the characters not on keys on your keyboard is to use, “charmap.exe”. You can find it by just typing, “charmap.exe”, in the search box on the opening screen index. It lets you select any character set that is installed on your machine.

To use characters not on your keyboard you simply select any character in the set, for example the pound sign in, “Times New Roman”, then copy the character and paste it into whatever document you are writing.

Charmap.exe has select and copy buttons built into the program and you can paste it where you place your cursor and then pressing the, “CTRL”, key and the, “V”, key together.


Is now!

Thanks very much Robert


Every newspaper is displaying headlines and double page spreads highlighting that an Independent Scotland will go right down the stank. Articles / politicians etc telling half-truths, out and out lies and omitting crucial information.

The Sun has a chart of of the 28 EU countries with Scotland at the bottom of the list. Scotland with a -9.5% deficit. Followed by Greece with a -7.2% deficit.

The top 3 countries doing ‘well’ are Romania (-0.7%), Czech Republic (-0.4%) and Lithuania (0.2%).

The National’s front page shows the Saltire and boldly states ‘Nicola Sturgeon: Brexit will put our prosperity at risk.’ ….. ‘On Strong Foundations.’ Inside there’s a two page spread outlining Nicola’s, Michael Fry’s and Dr David Philip’s (leading economist) view all supporting Independence and deploring Brexit.

On top of that the newspaper is full of enlightening information.

So I ask myself why on earth would anyone who supports Independence want to get rid of The National? The one and ONLY Daily newspaper that’s actually supporting US.

Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face. Maybe we’re too wee, poor and stupid right enough.


Anyone know the trend for the Greenock Telegraph?


I suppose we should hope that the Scotsman keeps going even if it is in drastically reduced circumstances. It does provide a home for a small number of rabid, if intellectually limited, Tory unionists and who seriously wants them spilling out into any other forum?


mike cassidy

I’m so out of touch with papers I had no idea the Morning Star was still going.

link to

(That fighting fund has been going longer than the DFS sale.)

And I only discovered that while checking out the people who were holding up a big, communist flag at the polling station I used today for The Lochs byelection in Fife.

link to

Don’t remember Willie Clarke running round with one of them!

But he probably did.


Breeks, 7.32,

It was Guy Verhofstadt, on twitter, 24th. June.

‘In last 8 hours, UK lost $350bn, which is a greater amount than they contributed to EU budget over last 15 years – including rebate’

link to

A couple days later he wrote, ‘Boris Johnson is ready to sacrifice voice of 17 million Britains to become PM of UK, or rather the PM of England & Wales…’

He is a former Belgian PM and President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Parliament and he talked with Nicola Sturgeon when she was in Brussels on the 29th. June.

arthur thomson

Call me an optimist but I do not see the bulk of those who reject Scottish independence becoming avid readers of online papers.

I do not believe the figures quoted above for increases in online readership for the Scotsman etc. More likely putting out these figures is a cover up for these papers being kept afloat financially by the State on national security grounds. In the greater scheme of things the costs involved would be peanuts to the State and yoons would see it as money well spent.


@ galamcennelath

Re: why people buy newspapers

When I do YouGov surveys, they often ask if I read a print copy of a paper the previous day. If I say yes, they then ask me which sections I read, and provide a list.

They don’t ask directly why I buy the paper (or even if the copy I read was mine), but those people who only read a very restricted range of topics will presumably have looked at the paper for that purpose.

YouGov may therefore have some data about reading habits/motivation, which they will be constantly updating.

Anyone really interested could ask them about it.


There is usually a dedicated stall on Princes Street punting the Scotsman with the I heart Edinburgh bag and free junk. If it wasn’t for that you could easily lop off another chunk of their sales.

If I recall correctly Scotrail give the Scotsman away free. The thing that concerns me is that is a fair old captive audience being given free propaganda.


Many moons ago. I used to buy fiesta and Mayfair. It did teach me how to tie a bow tie.


Previously posted that I had given up the Sunday Herald in favour of 6 crispy rolls. Not missed it. Must cut down on the rolls though.
O/T interesting meeting in Rutherglen Glencairn last night re Scotland’s currency in an independent Scotland and the setting up of a Central Bank. Good stuff.


Petra says:
25 August, 2016 at 10:27 pm

..So I ask myself why on earth would anyone who supports Independence want to get rid of The National? The one and ONLY Daily newspaper that’s actually supporting US.

Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face. Maybe we’re too wee, poor and stupid right enough.


Yeah, that’s the way I see it.

All papers are losing circulation due to modern media, but if indy supporters won’t even support the pro-indy paper, then it just signifies to all the others (including the Herald) that there is no commercial interest in taking a more pro-Scottish line.


Not even honest with their promotional giveaways, That ladival is a tenner in Boots, not £19.95!

Alex Clark


Probably costs them a fiver. Doesn’t matter just what they will do in order to spread their guff. Somebody must be paying and it in’t the Hootsmon which is losing money hand over fist.

The propaganda machine of the UK is keeping them alive. Can’t be any other reasons. Who else would say here’s a tenners worth of goods, mind read our crap though?

Can’t be a business decision. It’s a political one, they’d be better spending money on alleviating welfare cuts. Oh wait Tories of all colours don’t do that.


Even if you have doubts about the National, it is indisputably more independence leaning than the rest, but if we don’t support it, you hand the other papers the right to say “Ach well, all traditional papers are losing sales. It’s a technology thing, nothing to do with content”. If however there is one paper bucking the trend, and that paper is sympathetic to independence, then the other papers have less room to wriggle. Their argument falls flat since it clearly is about content.

It’s also worth repeating too that in this numbers game, we need No voters turning into Yes voters, and a paper which carries no appeal or interest for Unionists, even lukewarm unionists, simply won’t be read by the very people we need to engage with.

Persuasion isn’t a blunt instrument, and it’s more likely to succeed if the people you hope to persuade keep an open mind. Once a newspapers position and viewpoint becomes entrenched, you can get the gist of what it will be saying without reading it or watching it. If the National has appeal for unionists and nationalists alike, in my humble opinion, that’s a good thing for engaged, progressive debate.

If a pro-Indy empathy also boosts sales, then that too is a good thing and sets a useful precedent.

Grouse Beater

Sunday Herald down 25%. Dear me. All that huffing and puffing from its editor and somehow things are still in reverse.

Grouse Beater

Grendel: “If I recall correctly Scotrail give the Scotsman away free.”

Yes, I’ve seen free copies given away.

Still costs Johnston Press money to print them. The puzzling thing was, a good friend is adamant the Scotsman supports independence. Damned if I can see it.


I was in Edinburgh on Sunday when they had all the wee tables on the street offering their suntan lotion bag oatcakes etc and was approached by a young lady offering this magnificent purchase
I asked if we still had to take the paper with it.
Yes she replied ever hopeful. and you’ll give me the £1.50 too ? no you pay us the £1.50 and you get all these for free !
but then I’d still have to take the paper wouldnt I?
Yes thats right
Still not worth it you’d have to offer far more than that to make me take that rag
Very funny but not original I have heard that at least fifty times today!
O sod it I thought and walked on but does that speak volumes about the Scotsman or what!

Andrew McLean

Jock McDonnell says:
25 August, 2016 at 7:43 pm


fixed it for you!


Nailed it Cearc 11:05.

Thank you.

Grouse Beater

Alex clark: “Somebody must be paying and it isn’t the Hootsmon which is losing money hand over fist.”

Yes, it doesn’t add up, unless a last ditch pitch for sales. I’ll be writing about the Scotsman’s demise this weekend.


For some time I have been puzzled as to what the mechanism is whereby papers make money from advertisers via their on-line editions.

It is often said in comments in WoS that we shouldn’t access the on-line editions of the Unionist dead tree press as doing so provides them with income and the ability to boast of the number of on-line readers.

While the ability to boast about the number of on-line readers may be true is it not the case that if one restricts oneself to just reading the news content and refrains to click on adverts there is no possible reason why advertisers should pay the paper?

Could somebody in the know clarify this matter for me.

If no income accrues to the paper if readers don’t click on adverts surely we should be encouraging people to access the papers and go on the attack in their Comments sections.

As one who has been banned from commenting on The Scotsman for nearly year I would say that I don’t miss not commenting there as it really is a waste of time trying to combat the nonsense posted by their resident band of nut cases.

However, when it comes to The Herald the nut case quotient is much lower, although that idiot Linskail seems to have emigrated from The Hootsmon, and there are plenty of people making sensible comments.

Chic McGregor

Note that the two ‘provincial’ newspapers, the P&J and the Courier have almost twice the circulation of the two ‘national’ newspapers the Scotsman and the Herald.

Stocky Al

The Edinburgh Evening News is not nearly so virulently anti-SNP as its stablemates. In the run-up to the referendum it was prepared to report on the violence, vandalism, threats and cyber-abuse of the Unionists far more than most other publications, and since John McLelland ceased to be in charge there have been very few SNP-bad editorials.

There are occasional days when their reporting seems to be restricted to correcting the spelling of Scottish Labour press releases, but by today’s standards it is fairly often almost neutral. It would be better if the same three or four Yoon trolls didn’t take up 90% of the letters page every day, though.


The Scottish media are to be congratulated at the brave stand they take against their customers. A new, innovative, and uniquely stupid business model.


The problem with The National is a simple one: it’s overtly political. I think that some other papers to a certain extent mask their political views. People buy papers for various reasons, celebrity “news”, general news, international news, football coverage, TV, listings, force of habit.
The ones who are most successful such as (in Scotland) aren’t in your face political until they need to be, and then they are reaching a larger audience than the broadsheets. So The National is meeting a need; that of the hard core Scottish Nationalist. It’s unlikely to reach beyond that group, and indeed if I leave a copy lying in the workplace it usually gets binned by one of the more bitter Yoons.

I gave up on the National for a while as it was just too overtly and unquestioningly pro SNP; I don’t simply want to read propaganda. I switched to the Herald thinking I might get a more balanced view but gave up after a few days having read a column by David Torrance. Vile, frankly.

It is of course a bitter pill to swallow that by buying we fund the Herald group, but we just have to suck it up and accept that’s all we have at the moment. It may not be reaching out further than our core, but at least it’s keeping US informed so that WE can counter the arguments put forwards elsewhere.

I’ve heard a few times that The National’s figures are so low that it’s in danger of being pulled. Given it’s all we have we really now need to encourage sales among our own community and at least ensure that Herald Group will think twice about dropping it.


gerry parker wrote:
“Yep, still posting letters out to local newspapers though I eased off a bit till the next real indy campaign starts. I still have a list of local paper e mail addresses here:”

link to

“It’s in open office format, happy to supply as a .pdf or word format if anyone interested.”

Good to hear, Gerry, keep up the good fight.

Kenny Ritchie wrote:
“Must admit, I still read The Courier, “The Letters to the Editor” pages are comedy gold.”

Kenny (and others who access these rags) why don’t you make your time more productive whilst having a laugh at them and send in your own humorous letters countering the bullsheet of others. You have a ready made library of material at your fingertips via WOS as well as your own knowledge and experience. 😉

Explanations have probably been given before but can someone explain to me why, in that list of “regional” Scottish newspaper sales figures, there are 4 national rags?
The Herald
The Sunday Herald
The Scotsman
Scotland On Sunday

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