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Wings Over Scotland

Assessing the earthquake

Posted on September 02, 2014 by

If anyone was still harbouring any doubts as to the significance of last night’s poll news, they would surely have been dispelled by this serious, thought-provoking and perceptive analysis on the BBC news channel’s “The Papers” roundup last night.

Of course, the poll might be a rogue. It might just be a temporary bounce from the second Salmond-Darling debate. And it still shows No in front. The Yes campaign will have to redouble its efforts in the last couple of weeks, not start congratulating itself.

But the one thing we can surely all agree on, right across the political divides, is that the most important aspect is whether someone might at some point have been slightly rude to Andrew Lloyd Webber on Twitter or not.

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Shock horror!

Who’d have thunk it, when the oil is gone the oil is gone! Well I never. 😉

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Oil is a terrible burden again.



@Nana Smith

Seems like some commentators are waking up before the 19th 🙂


Well,even more important that we better take what oil is left before the uk wastes the entire lot.


The burden of oil, Scots oil. If Ian Wood’s such a superstar why was the billionaire trying to get young Scots to join his industry one week BUT telling us that there is not much left on the other the next.


Anyone know how you get the debate on STV Player?

CameronB Brodie

fred blogger
What’s the proposed dowry like?


Has anyone mentioned how poor westminster has made us by mismanagement of the land and its economy yet?


So there’s no Norwegian style oil pension fund here because SNP MP’s voted for Margaret Thatcher. Alexander’s doing really well here.


A new Scottish income tax! oooh Mr Alexander you spoil us.

Joe Swan


Try TV Catchup App.

fred blogger

just listened to forsythe.
well worth listening to, they are in disarray.


Lard Michael Forsyth was interviewed by Eddy Mair on R4 at 5pm ref the YouGov poll.

This covers the essence of what he claimed:-

He claimed the YouGov poll was all wrong and that No would still win because of the votes of the silent majority who were not being heard yet as they were being intimidated by their vote NO posters being torn down!

He also claimed that Alastair Darling was doing a great job and that it was a disgrace that the BBC had been so biased at the Salmond/Darling debate last week that they allowed that AlicSammin to shout down Darling so much that he couldn’t get to speak to get across his points about how great the union was for Scotland and the rest of the UK!

He acknowledged that Labour were struggling in Scotland and claimed that this was because the “Nationalists” were making it very difficult for Labour because they had adopted the role of Labour in fighting the Tory Party over issues like the NHS etc.

He also claimed that there was no need for David Cameron to intervene to save the UK as nothing needed to be done by him as everything was going according to plan!

It was good to hear that all is well in La La Land!


First time I’ve felt compelled to comment here. Even though it’s the BBC you could see the presenter gamely trying to coax some kind of meaningful analysis out of those two but my god it must’ve felt like kicking two wet mattresses down the beach! That was toe-curlingly difficult to watch.

fred blogger

CameronB Brodie
all the brown ale you can drink.


Shock Horror!

Boy I’m glad that guy was in the audience, if we vote YES the Barnett formula goes! Well I never, best think seriously about voting NO then. 😛


Apologies for swearing but this STV live Player or whatever it is, is absolutely fucking useless. Either that or I am doing something wrong…


Well I never, wee Douggie quoting the IFS which just coincidently is run by none other than his brother in law!


Lord Forsyth,is that the guy who ruled Scotland for Maggie without a mandate? The one who called Mr Salmond,who has a mandate, the king of Scotland /dictator or something?


Anyone got some advice about watching this debate on STV Player before I smash my PC up?..


Lol,shouldn’t have had this referendum line.

Joe Swan


It’s not you it is sh..



Is it down again? Christ sake…

The Rough Bounds

All these cracks(!) about eggs reminds me of the old First World War joke about the Scots soldiers in the trenches in France.

The sergeant tells Wullie ‘Nip ower tae yon fermhoose Wullie an’ get us a couple o’ eggs…here’s the money.”

”But Sergeant, Ah dinnae speak French.”

”Och, it’s nae bother laddie. Ye jist say ‘Twa oofs’, they’ll gie ye three, and ye gie them wan back”


What I recall of Thatchers poodle Michael Forsyth when he was Scottish Secretary was that he always appeared to be wanting to punish Scotland for something but never quite got round to explaining exactly what it was they were to be punished for.


Amazed that Douglas Alexander thinks that using the pound without CU means we would be using a FOREIGN currency. What a numpty!

fred blogger

my calender must be wrong, sounds like STV are in pantomime season!

Joe Swan

If it’s Yes which currency option would you support?

What is YOUR plan B Duggie? That was the question.

So no plan A or plan B if it’s a Yes. Hmmmm.

bookie from hell

Woman on NO side said YES wasn’t about Independence but Devo Max



How is the debate going? STV have a lot to answer for, their live Player is utterly, utterly shit, and they have Hothersall all over their live updates page, puke! 😀


You noticed Fred. Well in all honesty what did you expect with wee Dougie Alexander, Kezia Dugdale, Ruth Davidson up against Nicola Sturgeon, new granny Elaine C. Smith and Patrick Harvie!

It will be a BLOODBATH! 😛

Simon Brodie

You go right ahead and build Hadrians wall again love,I’m sure the people 60 miles inside England might need a job. It’s nowhere near the border.


Yes,poverty exists in England too,problem is,they keep voting Tory. They can change it too if they wish.

Luckily,we can and will change this.


Finally got it to work. The old saying careful for what you wish for, as the wretched Kezia Dugdale is on…


Elaine C Smith hammering Dugdale 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Not being English?


Every single Slab MSP and MP reads Wings. They must, they are compelled and they are demoralised!

Well done the Rev and Wingers.

David Stevenson

Kezia has been to Finland. Don’t the Finns run their own country?


“Get to the back of the bus and vote Labour!”

Elaine is the new Margo.

David Stevenson

The old subsidy junkie line again…. The crowd don’t like it….. Boundaries and constitutions line repeated ad infinitum by Dugdale and batted away by the amateur….


Sounds like an undecided just moved closer to a YES vote there. 😉


Elaine C. Smith speaking very well here,and talking real sense.


@David Stevenson

Dugdale really is a piece of work, a shameless careerist.


Kez is just giving a party political broadcast for Labour, it’s her vote Labour speech


Dugdale is being handed her arse by mary doll !!!

Was that ” i just dont agree” from dugdale a help me rhona moment ?


Boy Elaine certainly has the passion there tonight as against being totally bored with Kezia dugdale!

Joe Swan

Bernard is going to have to howk Elaine she is going for her big style.

Naw to hell with it .. wire in Elaine.


Elaine on fire tonight. What a rabble rouser!



Get to the back of the bus and shut up lol


“If this is the best of both worlds, then Goad help us”


CameronB Brodie

Any signs of pitchforks yet? 🙂


Defence is up next, Patrick Harvie against Ruth Davidson. Come on Patrick follow Elaine’s lead we want PASSION! 😛

bookie from hell

Dugdale sounds like a robot,stats on stats

Joe Swan

Kezia “So here’s the thing. Blah Blah .. race to the bottom.

Stay there Kezia.

Second tag round to Yes.


@ Lesley-Anne

She’ll be on a hiding to nothing with Trident.

Sinclair Macleod

Kezia Dugdale is the personification of why I will never vote Labour again.

john macdonald

Leave Dubai for Scotland tomorrow morning to do what I can to help realise a lifetime cause. Several jobs lined up with like-minded old mates but still plenty spare time. If any Wingers need more hands on deck or feet on the ground, count me in. I’d love to meet you in person after so many months of sharing these posts and pages. Email: john (at) trimediame (dot) com. We were ploughing a relatively lonely independence furrow 50 years ago when producing the Highland Nationalist monthly newspaper. Anyone left who remembers? Does it matter. Rev Stu and the current non-MSM generation have carried the banner so much further. Otherwise I would not be on a plane to Glasgow tomorrow.


Maybe its just me but without the ability to just be all angry and shouty, BT are looking as piss weak as a cheap tesco teabag in a swimming pool.

Taxi for Dugdale!!!!!

Next !!!


Nicola and Elaine are both giving Scotland a future and boy are they passionat 😉


Is it just me or is Paddy looking better than Ruthie?

Did I just say that? More tea vicar.

bookie from hell

Davidson praising tony blair



Harvie won the first exchange hands down.


Dugdale goes large on Corporation Tax and a race to the bottom.International experience proves her wrong. If only the Brits collected the damned tax owed they would not have a problem.

Dugdale on “cuts” in college courses. Not one hour has been cut by the Scottish Government but brief and lightweight courses were turned into more solid courses,but heyho Labour have a sound bite just as they have with the living wage is mere posturing. Nail this crap!


heraldnomore says:
Is it just me or is Paddy looking better than Ruthie?

Did I just say that? More tea vicar”.
Think i would rather wake up next to Patrick!


Looking like 3-0 in this one.

That’ll be another score draw then

Joe Swan

FFS Ruth are you suggesting nuking Ukraine?

Putin’s back in town. GAFG hen.


Has anyone ever such utter gumph as Davidson just made. Once Putin has finished with Ukraine he’ll be coming after Scotland. The look on Patrick Harvie’s face was a real picture! 😉


@ geeo

I think you have more chance of waking up next to Patrick…


Go Patrick!


Mr Harvie is seems to be our third winner tonight already. Very clear views.


Taxi for Ruthie…”Putin is coming”…Comedy gold.

bookie from hell

Duncan Hothersall

Not sure I’m quite with Ruth Davidson that we need nukes to defend against Putin. A bit Dr Strangelove. #scotdecides

Sinclair Macleod

The Scottish Government wouldn’t need to make choices about college places if it wasn’t for the austerity agenda that the Labour Party are fully committed to. If we control our own finances, the choices become less difficult.

Joe Swan

My lie detector has just overheated.


Did Ruth Davidson just say that the Tories are not going to win the General Election next year?


@conan, you huvnae seen my pretty face…lol

Ah widnae touch ruthie if she was into guys anyway !

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

“Kezia Dugdale is the personification of why I will never vote Labour again.”

It’s like New Labour have a production line constantly churning out horrendous Blair clones who clearly haven’t the faintest idea that sincerity and the truth do actually matter A GREAT DEAL MORE than westminster spin.

Ruth Davidson is proving to be another vapid talking head given a few spin lines and expecting that to somehow see her through. Harvie sounds like he means it in his heart, while the somewhat comical Ruth sounds well out of her depth and just like Cameron’s talking head placewoman. Which of course she is.


Forget the recycling of the old lies, what’s Ruthie on about with this no central bank?

Joe Swan

Is that a second comment from the same No guy? Why? There’s a big audience there.


Scare stories routinely surface that an Independent Scotland would see it’s universities starved of research funding. The attached says otherwise

link to


Did wee Ruth just write a “tories will not win the next election” headline there?

CameronB Brodie

Pushed for a response recently, one senior pro-UK strategist could not have been blunter – people with mattresses in their gardens do not win elections.

Oh do you really think so?

link to

Robert Peffers

@Brotyboy says: 2 September, 2014 at 12:07 pm:

So this; ‘ The rather well tanned male broadcaster‘ isn’t racist? He’s black and you call him well tanned and it’s not racist?

Oh!Stop talking utter crap! I’m sort of pinkish – so if you call me a white man when I’m not actually white are you being racist? I’m only 5’4” tall, if you call me wee are you being sizeist? The guy’s actually brown, not black, if he was green it wouldn’t make a whit of difference. There’s only one race in this World – it is called The Human Race and good, bad or indifferent, we’re aa Jock Tamson’s bairns and if you knew a tiny bit of what you were talking about you would know that the the people most likely to call another person, “Nigger”, are the coloured people themselves.

Racism has nothing whatsoever to do with a person’s colour nor has it anything to do with what country they belong to. It quite simply is one person attempting to imply that, due to colour, ethnicity, religion, sex, height, bulk or mental capacity, or any other factor, another person is inferior to themselves. You might as well say that it is racist to call a person a blonde, a redhead, ginger or whatever. I do not give a damn what another person is physically – as far as I am concerned that person is neither inferior or superior than myself or any other person.

There is ONLY one characteristic that makes a person worse than another – how they behave towards other people.

Training Day

The Russians are coming.

Or a sizeable attack coming ‘from anywhere’. That’s right, ‘from anywhere’. Rigel 7?



That’s what I thought I heard.


“To vote no is to choose to live under a political system that sustains one of the rich world’s highest levels of inequality and deprivation. This is a system in which all major parties are complicit, which offers no obvious exit from a model that privileges neoliberal economics over other aspirations. It treats the natural world, civic life, equality, public health and effective public services as dispensable luxuries, and the freedom of the rich to exploit the poor as non-negotiable.” George Monbiot
link to


geeo, leave off, oh he’s mine tonight; it’s Ruthie for you chum.

Go Paddy

Sinclair Macleod

Labour defending Tory cuts and privatisation, a Tory saying they are not going to win the GE in an effort to stop a Yes surge. We have truly gone through the looking glass. Sic a parcel o’ rogues.


Lol…big hard sojur getting handed his arse now, go yersel man !

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Some had better mention Iraq soon as this is getting ridiculous.

David Stevenson

Ruthie using her OTC background….. Still no threat identified. Para guy full of shit. Checked shirt guy in tune with the crowd. Hope this is reflective of the nation. If so, we’ve got this.

Chic McGregor

Dugdale not a hardline Unionist? Still cleaning the coffee off.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Good, though you could have just said IRAQ LIES Patrick as that soon shuts up the warmongers and chickenhawks.

CameronB Brodie

Robert Peffers
Robert, please don’t spend all night replying to posts you do not agree with. If you want to do that, might I suggest you post your comment in Quarantine as Off Topic is WBB space right now.

Training Day

@Sinclair Macleod

Beat me to it. Davidson endorsing Labour at the GE to try and stop a Yes vote. Red Tory, Blue Labour.


Gosh, was that last word to the NawBags at the end of each session? Surely not…

CameronB Brodie

Rigel 7?

bookie from hell

yes ruth did say Tories won’t win next election


Ruthie babes cringe factor’s a lethal weapon. The has decimated Scottish military capacity but at least a Tory girl is proud of the Black Watch.


My my, the 2 big hard guys looked Soooo angry, good job they were patted down for eggs..

This format is quite good, and it is utterly killing BT.

Big Del

Big Ruthie ” I watched Scottish soldier’s stopping bullets in Kosovo”. Eh?? I was there never seen a bullet proof man in my 2 tours.

PS I love Elaine C.

Looking forward to the ” fourth half” everyone?


There is a snap poll at the end of this isn’t there?



Will anybody remember who they woke up next to in National Hangover Week?


A paratrooper trying to think, talk and breathe at the same time…


“And then you Win”

Imagine the next poll after this stunning Yes performance.


The Scot defence force needs the means to defend Scotland and that means jobs – not nukes.

Not sure that a green is best to represent defence.


Dougie is a bit bland isn’t he?


If it was Quinie from Angus I hope I’d remember 🙂

I certainly wouldn’t forget Paula Rose…


What does 10% tax variation mean though Mr Alexander? Shut up, vote NO


Team Tory lol. Canny beat it 🙂


Ah, move over Patrick, here comes wee Nic and Mary Doll


He sounds like a Toff actually.

Joe Swan

Ruthie going for the silver surfers with that shameless plug.


Wrong Ruth, it’s walking away from the UK f*cking us up, I’m sure you meant to say


Holly Molly! Independence kills Devolution stone dead! WHIT are you sure? in that case it’s a definitive YES from me then!

Who told Davidson that independence would kill devolution stone dead is a liar. 😛

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Patrick is damn good. Incidently he is rated very highly by the scottish public. Must be why the loathesome Dugdale is trying to smear him and put words in his mouth.


Oh boy, here’s Dugdale rabbiting on about something or other.

Get in there Elaine. Get stuck in! push their buttons they have no answers! 😛

Joe Swan

Go Patrick. he’s got the audience.

Kez double whammed by Elaine there.


“The people delivered the Parliament”

Elaine for President.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Now Elaine is on fire. Very nice. Why should anyone trust westminster indeed? LOL 😀

Robert Kerr

I am confused. Wee Douggie is wearing a blue tie. I was led to believe he was a red tory.

This debate is superb with the sound muted.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Lesley-Anne 9:14pm – Totally agree PH’s face said it all. On top of that the groan from the audience was if I can borrow your words [ahem] [cough] deafening. 🙂


Absolutely Archie [not Erchie] Nice to see the NAW side still trying to treat the audience and viewers as numpties. The only problem for them is WE are not numpties THEY are the numpties!

Ian Brotherhood

Let me get this straight…

Ruth Davidson believes that Vlad Putin is going to destroy Ukraine, and after he’s done so, his next target will be Scotland, and that’s why we need Trident – so we can nuke Russia?


Joy Division, ‘She’s Lost Control’ –

link to


Here’s the latest from the EU, see attached correspondence:

link to

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Wee Duggy pretending to understand about social justice again. Very bizarre and about as convincing as his boss Miliband.

ronnie anderson

@ ConanTL & speaking of oor Paula Rose where is she she canny be canvasing at this time of night.

Black Douglas

No Bluedug 👿 its the latest from the Torygraph. Yawn!!

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Dugdale having the gall to talk about poverty and who is getting richer while westminster MPs vote themselves through an 11% pay rise. Utterly clueless.


Walk away,its forever. Now she’s getting the hang of it lol.


The YES side is positive and looking for answers and not talking everything down.

Kezia wants more funding for councils to weaken the snp SG, keep the troughers in cash.


@ Ronnie

Tartan Tory’s no here either…

Sinclair Macleod

Kezia get on message. Tougher than the Tories on welfare. Oh wait… That’s for a different constituency.

Joe Swan

Patrick I love you man.




Polishing her heels for the final assault?

PS. I shall be wearing your blue rose from CH1 on my hat at the Highland count.


Go Harvey go… 🙂


Patrick Harvie too political in the closing debate. Elaine should have been chosen. That was my only disappointment.

dennis mclaughlin

Well said Patrick Harvie,from the heart works for me and the studio audience too!.




Big, back seat of the Bentley!!


Elaine best obviously. Ruth tried to justify Trident: worst.

Chic McGregor

What is Kezia’s real first name?

mr thms

#bluedog says:

Here’s the latest from the EU, see attached correspondence:

link to


When the Treaty of Union is terminated, Scotland will also be a continuing state and inherit the treaties of the old UK.

Chic McGregor

Good finish from Patrick.

The troughers have nothing but vitriol, lies and weird logic.

Oh and they all seem so happy within themselves – not.


This “We walk away FOREVER” line is interesting.

Not strictly true, because we could vote for a new union if everyone wanted that.

The real reason is because the unionists know that Scots would never WANT to give up our independence !!

Just like every other country that gained their freedom from Westminster.

ronnie anderson

@cearc hhiv you still got that,ah thing a couple of rooster feathers would be nice in your hat lol,an paula Rose will be jelous of you if your running around in Tartan Torys bentley


3 – 0 for YES, but still some opportunities lost.

Nicola, when DA says Scots get 1200 quid more – suggesting we’re subsidised – why say we put more in instead of ramming home that we PAY 1700 quid in.

Hit them with facts baby!!

ronnie anderson

Ah know a man that knows, Thepnr where’s Paula Rose.


Dugdale is Scottish Labour’s “Education Secretary”? Hell’s teeth, she spoke like fullstops were never invented.

bookie from hell

ITV saying SNP currency union is facing a setback

will wait to see what it is

Jim McIntosh

I’m not sure Davidson mentioning Putin and Ukraine was hinting that

1. Scotland might be next if we gave up our nukes – which is laughable
2. If Ukraine had not disarmed they could have nuked Russia to prevent invasion – which is really scary logic.

Jesus she is in our parliament.

john king

Anyone notice Davidson describing Faslane as “the biggest single site employer in Scotland”?


That closing speech by Patrick Harvie was exceptional.
He wasn’t just speaking with emotion and passion to the camera, but straight to us watching viewers.

Absolutely brilliant.

Have to say that this debate was 100% better than STV’s first one.


Oh! and Elaine C Smith, definately filling the boots of Margo. So full of passion that one.

Put her in a ring with Dugdale and Wishart and she would have wiped the floor with them without breaking into a sweat

Big Del

Totally agree midgehunter 3-0, Elaine was outstanding and I bet won us quite a few votes. Well done to team Scotland out there.


I think PH was a good choice to sum up at the end.
As soon as he stood up, stepped forward and announced quietly..”i am a not a nationalist”, he had the room.

Big Del

geeo, good point.Are you on onef??


Sorry that should be Davidson. Where on earth did I dig up Ruth Wishart from!

Findlay Farquaharson

Ann, i knew you meant davidson.

Colin Church

Is there another post debate poll? Would be interesting. YES engagement +++ vs NO pontificating +++. Douglas Alexander sanctimonious and Kieza Dugdale clueless (even having pretendy cribbed on Shettleston). Surely worth another percent.


Usual guff from Ruthie …. in a nutshell , bombing civilians in a foreign country is defending this one.She is just missing baggy trousers and giant shoes.


I will be interested to see what sort of draw it was 🙂

The applause at the end clearly went with Patrick and Yes.

Findlay Farquaharson

A over promoted wannabe tory telling us to vote no.

Colin Church

Sitting down thing much better. Remember that format when Dewar, Lang, ?Beith and Salmond went head to head. Really nice touch that YES moved first across stage to shake hands (offer commiserations!).

Bob Sinclair

Did a wee bit of canvassing tonight. An uplifting experience, sure, there were Naws, but not many.

Got chatting to a lovely woman who was undecided because ‘all politicians are the same’ and she then went on to talk about how we should run our own affairs, how we could & should be in charge of our own destiny. I suggested to her that I thought she really wanted to vote yes and whipped out our (not so) secret weapon & explained that the facts & figures in the WBB were in the main UK government figures. I’d say she’s a 8-9 now. What a buzz.

Evening’s figures discounting undecideds look to be around 75% YES.

Just loving these last few weeks thanks to the long, tireless and mainly uncredited hard work of others who deserve all the credit and thanks we can give them.


No supporters in the audience ill-behaved again. Ponsonby should have reined them in. Disgraceful stuff from the Unionists. Good retort by Patrick Harvie to the idiot pretending we’re facing another invasion as to where that invasion is coming from. Maybe it’s just me but I got the impression that the audience was not buying the spiel from Team Tory about new powers at all. I think this debate might not give us as big a boost as last week’s demolition of Flipper by Eck but it’ll solidify our support. 52% to 48% in the next few polls, anyone?


Dougie trying to claim that it was the SLAB that “gave” us the Scottish Parliament…. strange , i was at the first meetings of Scotland United and i can’t seem to recall him there. Once the bandwagon got moving , yes ,then it was hijacked .



Yep, sure do.

I attached it to the dashboard of my car for the long drive home (eating the sweeties) and it is still there.

So, never mind trident, there are serious decisions to make re. decorating my hat. Definitely some feathers as well. Probably rooster and guinea fowl, few tasteful badges etc.

Most important of all. Which hat?


A Peer Stalker surely 🙂

Stevie boy

Please again if anyone can donate to Will McLeod to get the total to $5000.. almost at $3000 now!


O/T but a column by George Monbiot guaranteed to make the Unionists either cry or seethe with anger, and it’s in the fucking Grauniad of all places. Someone must have slipped a sleeping bill in Alan Rusbridger’s coffee.

link to


meant, sleeping pill.

David Stevenson

The thing that struck me about that debate was that the audience seemed to be “ordinary people”, i.e not overly party-affiliated. As a result, the questioning and responses from the audience were much more real. And the good thing about that was that they seemed more impressed by our guys! Lib Dems must be viewed as poison for the Naws if Alexander was the better option for them.


geeo says:
“As soon as he stood up, stepped forward and announced quietly..”i am a not a nationalist”, he had the room.”

The three NaeSayers at different times stuck to the narrative that it’s all Alec Salmond’s and the SNP’s fault. YesScotland, like all three Yes speakers, have moved a long way from that standpoint …. And so have most Scots.

The NaeSayers had two strategies starting a year back.

Firstly demonise AS and the SNP. That quickly became irrelevant in the real world. But they made the mistake of sticking with it, and still do.

Secondly Project Fear. That had some success in slowing the leakage to the Yes side a few months back, but not so now. We saw more discredited Project Fear guff tonight. They are still trotting out old debunked arguments.

Conclusion, Yes will continue to gain votes. On balance, this debate will have contributed to the flow.


They would have kept the LibDems away in case they offered to sign a pledge…


Wee Doogie stil looks like the posh ba’faced, brylcreemed, blazer-wearing grass bastard prefect who gets all the badges and honours in the BB because his auld man is the minister.

Nae wonder the country is in uproar when utter no-marks like Doogie can slither so far up the greasy pole. He has no history of ever saying anything illuminating or even memorable. His expertise seems to lie in his organisational skills – yet his track record is a catalogue of failure from his mishandling of elections in Scotland to internal politicking in the Labour party.


Kezia being tipped for the next Labour leader…

“Bring it on” 🙂

dennis mclaughlin

Kezia Dugdale fur Furst Minister……..yon guy’s aff his head! .

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Blair McDougall heaping praise on tory Ruth ‘the russians are coming’ Davidson.
Not very bright, is he?


Findlay Farquaharson

Dugstail is electable as lament.


Please make Kezia the next Labour leader. If Allan Grogan and the LFI guys can create a new proper social democratic Scottish Labour Party in the aftermath of a Yes vote, Grogan & Co will overtake a Kezia Dugdale-led “Labour” party so fast that “Labour” will be relegated to a fringe party in the new independent Scotland and I can’t imagine greater justice for the pathetic lot running the party right now.

Sinclair Macleod

Post a Yes vote, the Blairites like Dugdale and Alexander will have to be banished from the Scottish Labour Party if it is ever again to be regarded as a serious force in Scotland. I won’t be holding my breath.

Ian Kirkwood

That is the best one the boys at Dateline Scotland have done yet. Truly hilarious although the level of satire was a wee bit OTT at times.
I am still shaking my head……


The body language of the two Blairs after these debates gives away a lot. Blair McDougall was jubilant after the first Salmond Darling debate and has looked deflated since. He is still plugging away at the same scare stories though and heaping praise on Nuke’em High Ruthie.

Was there any kind of poll taken on the audience?


It was very telling that Dougie refused to engage with the question of whether Independence could be an opportunity to revitalise the Labour Party in Scotland. Given Dougie’s non-answer, they’ll remain in total denial of the need to reinvent themselves irrespective of the outcome of the vote. Someone else is going to have to step in fast after a Yes.


Well the two teams painted different picture of Scotland. I know which appealed to me.
Only one team had passion and that was the YES team.

Passion for change versus “sound bite” Labour politicians with their new Tory pal.

Dugdale takes lying to a new level.

Why do so many Scots have such a low opinion of their fellow countrymen’s abilities?


@ronnie anderson

Paula is fine, high heels a bit worn down with distributing the WBB.


Every bookies odds shortened again after the debate. Best available now is 11/4.

Westminster so called mandarins are muppets hahaha.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Scotland Tonight trying to boil down the civil war in Iraq into simplistic nonsense. Do some fucking research and stop pretending this is only about ISIS when it quite obviously isn’t. What is it with the media and Iraq War’s?? Do they all empty their brains and memories before each new carnage filled phase of the Iraq catastrophe?

Paula Rose

Oh gosh dears – just in after a rather exhilarating ride, anything happened?


David Stevenson says:
2 September, 2014 at 10:36 pm
The thing that struck me about that debate was that the audience seemed to be “ordinary people”, i.e not overly party-affiliated.

Except the former Labour Councillor from Embra who was concerned about local government spending?


Dear me – more of the appalling ignorance of Scotland from the two women. I wonder if Penny Smith has ever set foot in Scotland. SHe seems to have learned how nasty the Yes people are from chatting to Scottish friends in England

Chic McGregor

OT Re targeting dist of WBB.

Leaflet I did which I’m delivering along with Yes newspapers.

i.e. Prioritise those who want to know or who knows someone who does.

comment image?dl=0


My take on the debate was – I thought Ruth Davidson did well.

She believed in what she said and therefore was convincing.

Wee Dougie and Kezia are Labour clones – talk mince and seem like your saying something.

When Kez was banging on about the council tax she made it personal – Nicola has saved more than you – unforgivable and the audience was having none of it.

Labour are desperate to move powers back to the cooncils and god help us if that happens.

Dougie waffles on and no-one has a clue what he’s on about.

Nicola was professional as usual and Elaine C was great -the only non-politician BTW.

All in all – a good debate


It’s getting very frustrating that YES spokesperson don’t challenge nonsense about Faslane closing. As a result of the management of the Base Helensburgh’s population has dropped by 2000 in the last ten years; house prices are 15% less than Bearsden’s or Newton Mearn’s and 85% of 3000 service personnel in the Base don’t live in Scotland so the local economy loses at least £60 million each year.

Yes Helensburgh and Lomond has exposed the great lie of Faslane. We speak to folk in the Zbase and they confirm what we have exposed. It’s time for the YES leadership nationally to slap down any claim that the Base will clause or Helensburgh will suffer. The reverse is the case.


MacKay said post debate, Kez is one of the stars of the ref campaign…!

Which leads to the question, how low is the quality of the NO side?

Chic McGregor

Thought I’d asked earlier, but what does Kezia stand for? I mean her name. Is it for Catherine? or is it actually a name rather than a nickname. I’ve never heard of it before.


Midgehunter says:

“how low is the quality of the NO side?”

We were trying to think what labour MSPs we would throw a lifeline to after indy on twitter last night.

We got stuck after two.

CameronB Brodie

ain Gray’s Subway Lament
The meeja are part of the war machine, IMO.

CameronB Brodie

Sorry Iain Gray’s Subway Lament


Chic McGregor says:

“but what does Kezia stand for?”

Self gratification?



I think it may be a Hebrew name.

Chic McGregor

Oh right, Never heard of it before in my puff. Thought it might have been a new version of Kaz.


Blair McDougall was jubilant after the first Salmond Darling debate and has looked deflated since.
How in heavens name do you deflate something that big?

CameronB Brodie

“how low is the quality of the NO side?”

I think they might have to invent a new unit of measurement for that. 😉



Could be a new version of a Honda Civic though..:-)

Free at 63!

My 27-year-old daughter-in-law’s best friend is called Kezia and apparently it is a biblical name. New one on me too.



WBB Distribution update.

We are almost there. With a bit of luck and a following wind we shall have shifted the last of 230,000 copies out from the printers by this time tomorrow.

Our hub managers all over Scotland are even now working to fulfill Wingers’ orders. Not everyone will get what they wanted – it can’t be helped. Demand outstrips supply. We are trying to put books into the hands of those who can get them to undecided voters as efficiently and as quickly as possible.

Today, we re-stocked Glasgow and Edinburgh, delivered to Perth and Dunblane. Tomorrow we hit Fife, West Lothian & D&G. Arbroath continues to ship boxes to those far afield.

From responses from our hubs, we now have WBB going out to Aberfoyle, Stirling, Perth, Aberfeldy, Carse of Gowrie, Dunkeld. They are in Dundee, Kirriemuir, Cambuslang, Strathpeffer…

Indeed, they are spreading like a virus (copyright, you know who)

Well done everyone….

Chic McGregor

Nope, you’ve lost me there.

Is there a car called Kezia?

Alan Mackintosh

“How in heavens name do you deflate something that big?”

Uh,very carefully…

Alan Mackintosh

Kininvie, all Inverness pre-orders done

Free at 63!

Got my WBB from a local SNP councillor today – don’t know where he got them. In the Yes shop we don’t ask – just take and distribute all Yes goods.

Chic McGregor

Thought I was quite well up on biblical names i.e. of a generation which had to endure Sunday School, but no bells ringing on that one whatsoever.

I thought like Kaz is used for Catherine, it might be for Catriona or Catherina or something like that.

Defo scans like a nickname.


CameronB Brodie says:

“how low is the quality of the NO side?”

I think they might have to invent a new unit of measurement for that.

LOL loved that Cameron B, well an engineer would 🙂

Marco McGinty

Murphy the Liar has just been interviewed by Andrew Neil on Newsnight, and he managed to utter the following statement;

“Well Alistair Darling is leading this campaign really very effectively. He’s brought together a Labour Party, a Conservative Party, and Liberal Democrats, who normally punch one another on the nose.”

What? Does that mean that before the referendum, those three parties planned and coordinated events in which to attack each other? Did these three parties organise aggressive mobs to intimidate rival parties and party members?

Marco McGinty

@Thepnr @CameronB Brodie
“how low is the quality of the NO side?”

“I think they might have to invent a new unit of measurement for that.”

Just keep it simple and call it the lie. 10 lies equals a Lamont, 25 a Dugdale, 50 a Murphy, 100 a Darling, 1000 a Cameron, rising in scale till you hit the million – the Thatcher!

There is a degree of flexibility at the moment, but we could sort it all out after the 18th.



Nah, I was just joshing.. (badly)


@Marco McGinty

“A Thatcher”

That’s the money pocketed by the unscrupulous when awarding contracts during the privatisation of the NHS.


Well done Nicola, Elaine & Patrick you did us proud on STV debate tonight. You won hands down.

Well done Alex you showed Sara how professional you are and did Scotland proud, Sara was out of her depth then some.

Laugh of the night was the brain box on the STV debate who informed all and sundry that if we vote YES then we will lose the Barnett formula. Nae flies on him presume he is a naw. Priceless.

CameronB Brodie

I think the smallest unit starts interfering with one’s perception of time, but I’m just not sure if that will be enough. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Sorry, I meant when you get down to the scale of the smallest unit. Apparently you can get squillions of them into an atom. Like the Incredible Shrinking Man, only time starts to speed up, or slow down. I’m not sure if it will be enough though.

Chic McGregor


Wasn’t an Archer a £5000 bribe?

Or was that Sarwar?


Keziah was one of the three daughters of Job that he got after his plagues.

We’ve Kezia as one of ours

Marco McGinty

“That’s the money pocketed by the unscrupulous when awarding contracts during the privatisation of the NHS.”

Now, now, come on. Everyone must know by now that there will be no privatisation of the NHS. Various BT members have told us as much, endorsed by the media, so it must be true.



On a quantum scale everything they say can simultaneously be both a lie and a truth… until you look at it.


@alan Mackintosh

Well done – keep up the good work! Been enjoying the pixs on Twitter!


Saw that Mr Alexander kens folk in Brussels. We have our own currency Mr Alexander,its called The Pound.


I know you love having a laugh at these videos, can we not just ignore them though? Who gives a f what Penny Smith thinks, she is utterly brainless.

It’s a distraction, we could be concentrating on more important things.

Yes just handed No their arses tonight(again). Patrick Harvie was great. I love Mary Doll even more.

CameronB Brodie

I think you’ve crcked it. 😉 We don’t have a clue what No Better Together Thanks are on, but I suspect it’s hardcore De Broglie–Bohm theory. :0


Hello h_johnny

I don’t think we should ignore them, I think we should make them more available to everyone who will vote in the referendum. Why?

Take my wife instance, hasn’t been at interested until say start of August even though I’m the opposite.

Well believe me my wife is a very polite women and at one point watching this this she actually ah FFS. She does not do this in normal circumstances.

Don’t forget if anyone can persuade her mother to vote Yes rather than No. It will be her.

My view, just you keep supplying the ammunition Rev and we will deliver it. Words are more powerful than bombs!

CameronB Brodie

Oops 🙂

The de Broglie–Bohm theory, also known as the pilot-wave theory, Bohmian mechanics, the Bohm or Bohm’s interpretation, and the causal interpretation, is an interpretation of quantum theory. In addition to a wavefunction on the space of all possible configurations, it also postulates an actual configuration that exists even when unobserved

link to


Note to self, stop typing so fast and read before posting. Bedtime, goodnight all.

Chic McGregor




@big del.

I am indeed a onef legend.
A land of 2 trolling nawbags and possibly one or 2 more soft No’s.
Onef for independence..

Chic McGregor


“Nah, I was just joshing.. (badly)”

At last I sussed it. Kaz = Cars right?

Sorry, us auld yins still pronounce cars as Karrrrrz. So never made the connection.

CameronB Brodie

I hope there might be a quantum physicist amongst us, who could confirm that it is only possible to postulate the existence of a positive case for the Union, if you use the de Broglie–Bohm theory to interpret the universe?

Alternatively, beam me up Scotty. 🙂



All you need to know about everything.



Scotland might agree to giving Westminster a loan, if they keep out of trouble. The murdering, troughing, greedy liars. Causing death and destruction the world over.

The hostages are being killed because Westminster/US will not pay a ransom. The other European countries do.


735 comments on this item (mine is 736). This must be a record. I wonder if any MSM outlet gets this level of response.

Laura G

Watching STV debate last night, the following exchange occurred. My Mum didn’t have her specs on:
Mum: That’s never Teddy Taylor, is it.
Dad: Too young. He died anyway, didn’t he?
Mum: It is.
Dad: He’s dead, Isobel.
Me: It’s Douglas Alexander, the brother.
Mum: Oh that windbag. Thought they got Teddy Taylor back to help them out.
Dad: He’d do a better job and he’s dead.

They were No till about a fortnight ago.



From earlier.

I notice (unless it’s a spoof) that there’s a 200 quid donation from one Blair McDougall.


The hostages are being killed because Westminster/US will not pay a ransom. The other European countries do.
This is a very difficult situation, do you pay a ransom then the terrorists kidnap someone else when they need money?
Then you think, If it was my child then I would definitely want a ransom paid for their release. No easy answer.

Big Del

@ Geeo. Aye I thought so. Read it everyday but not a poster. Totally agree you about the two trolls lol.

Will Podmore

Handandshrimp wrote, “Then we can set about rebuilding the bridges and bringing people on board. Once we are independent most No voters will want to see Scotland do well.” So first you blow up the bridges, then you want to rebuild them. Save yourself the effort – don’t break down the bridges, don’t break up our country!
No voters want Scotland to do well, that’s why we want it to stay part of Britain. Smaller is weaker, smaller is poorer.


Utter nonsense


@Will Podmore
First of all we wont be breaking up our country rather breaking away from the grip of Westminster.
Secondly, we are not leaving Britain as we are a constituent part of the landmass.
No voters I am sure want to see Scotland do well, why would they not and they can also do this as part of an independent Scotland. We are weaker as part of the UK when it doesn’t matter how we vote we will never get the Government we want unless the rUK are like minded because we are only 8% of the UK electorate when we would be 100% in an Independent Scotland.
Scotland would be the 14th richest country in the World so poorer we will not be and even without oil as part of our revenue, Scotland would still qualify for a triple A credit rating according to the financial services company, standard and poor’s.


Sorry if this has already been discussed, but did anyone watch Scotland 2014 after yesterday’s debate?

Derek Ogg QC managed to be almost as patronising as the BT Woman.
When asked whether he believed there was any widespread excitement outside the core independence movement (SNP):
“I don’t sense any great excitement anywhere…”
“I don’t think there’s a huge conversion going on… I don’t particularly trust the polls on this”

On polling day with ballot paper and pen in hand:
“I think a lot of people are going to be saying “It’s a pig in a poke – Nah” and they’ll vote No”.

Is he that out of touch?



“This is a very difficult situation, do you pay a ransom then the terrorists kidnap someone else when they need money?
Then you think, If it was my child then I would definitely want a ransom paid for their release. No easy answer.”

Westminster wouldn’t have any problem paying ransom if the Prime Minister’s son had been kidnapped for example, or a Royal.

There is an easy solution: We should not be there.

Will Podmore

Jim writes, “we are not leaving Britain as we are a constituent part of the landmass.” Oh really, do you seriously think that those who sincerely urge you not to leave Britain believe it’s about leaving the landmass?
If you left, you would be leaving the British nation, of which we have all been parts since 1707.
And yes, 8 per cent do not outvote 92 per cent.
In the 1951 and 1955 elections, Scotland voted Conservative and got Conservative governments. Since the 1959 election, Scotland has voted Labour, and in the 1964 election, the 1966 election, the two 1974 elections, and the 1997, 2001 and 2005 elections, it got Labour governments. Many other parts of Britain have also consistently voted Labour, and have not always got their way. Should a minority of the British people decide the outcome of British general elections? Should a minority of the British people decide the shape, size and future of the whole British people? What is democratic about the Scottish minority of Britain’s population determining the future of the whole country, while the majority of us have no vote on the matter?
We are all part of Britain. States have a legitimate interest in maintaining their territorial integrity. There is no general right to secession.

Caroline Corfield

Will encapsulating the British as a nation perspective for us all.

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