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Wings Over Scotland

Asking for it

Posted on March 01, 2015 by

Because this is an actual thing that’s happening.
















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. . . when even the Heil thinks something’s a bad idea . . .

Barbara McKenzie

This project will elicit a range of responses, but two come to mind at once:
1) Opportunities for satire, such as your own
2) Widespread vandalism

I’m guessing it will turn out to be yet another ploy that comes back to bite unionists where it hurts.

Calum Craig

Danny Alexander’s last trolling of Scotland before he gets in his P45 in May.


So, every time we see that logo we can thank our masters for giving us some of our money back.


…can someone remind me, who funds the UK Government?


Love it.

I think the whole idea is a nonsense and will backfire.

creag an tuirc

I’m sure there’s room for a few “Caused by” ones too.

Peter Brown

I dare them to stick one of those signs on the wall at Holyrood.
(Because technically I suppose it is funded by UK govt! )

R-type Grunt

“It’s only right that we recognise the contribution of the UK taxpayer..” says Desparate Dan. Except that’s not what the sign says, is it Danny boy?

This is black ops. They’re baiting the guy (or girl) with the itchy trigger finger. I’ve said this before and I will continue to say it, they have nothing but contempt for us. They hate us. The real shame is that it’s being perpetrated by our own.

bookie from hell


Union Jack betting slip

worse value ever,you can have 5 winners and still not get stake back

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Colin Mccartney

I really really struggle to understand why people put up with all of the above. Despite the media bias, all of the above have been reported ( eventually ) yet hundreds of thousands of people don’t seem to care or understand.

Tackety Beets

FB and Twitter are going mad , its like a rash .

The YES groups are showing their serious side and their fun side.

WM still don’t get it .

Good luck to Drew Hendry .

Betty Boop

Well, this could be an own goal, hopefully.

Is it popcorn time again? 😉

Tinto Chiel

Makes you pure proud of the Butcher’s Apron, by the way.


How long can we go on “shackled to a dying animal”?

W.B Yeats kent aa aboot it.


Big sumphy Danny, get yurr jaickit. Roll on 7th May, 2015.


Funded by the UK Government
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Colin Dunn

“Send in your own favourites, readers.”

I’m no doubt a complete ignoramus, but how do we do that? Can’t see anything on your site about how to transmit images. Ta.


Should read “Funded by US” I mean us not the U.S.


The sticker should read:

Funded by the UK taxpayer.

The UK Government does not have any money… except that which it collects from the UK taxpayer (including Scotland) and borrowed money from the BofE, also paid for by the UK taxpayer.

Or are the Tory bullshitters telling us lies.

The Government are just managers of that money to shift it about and to fill their trough in the process.

Big Jock

The really sad part is. They think we are so easily bought. That they can force that flag on us and it will make us British!

How long before they learn that enforced nationality has the opposite effect on any nation. The last act of a desperate man. You would think Canny Alexander would try and resume being Scottish. Given that he will be going to the local job centre in Inverness soon with his tail between his fat thighs!

Free Scotland

Funded by UK Government using wealth obtained by plundering Scotland.

Proud Cybernat

It was just asking to be done:

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Funded by the UK Government
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I don’t think you can possibly top the Floating Duck Island. It encapsulates everything absurd and detached about Britannia.


The butchers apron is becoming harder to avoid it is already on food and appliances


i feel alien to someone who could suggest a course of action such as this: whether though incompetence, machination or malice.

does it bring matches or a trigger to my hand? no.

i’d rather them be defeated far more thoroughly than violence would allow.


How about some ‘rejected by Scottish voters’ stickers for our current MPs departing in May?

James Forrest

Off-topic this one, but here’s a wee article from my blog tonight friends … for anyone who read Cathy Jamieson’s comments on banking bonuses. If she’d been asked what she thought of thermal socks the answer would have carried more passion and conviction.

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For anyone who’s not read our magazine yet, there’s a link at the bottom of the piece 🙂


To make a Saltire simply borrow an apron from a friendly butcher and paint over the red lines with white gloss.


Oh goodie goodie goodie. 😉

I get another chance, stop tawning at the back there! 😛 , to put this link up. 🙂

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You never have too much of a good thing. 😀

Andrew Mc

Some ideas to spoof the delusory funded by UK Government logo:

1) Rendition Flights – a world holiday map of rendition., including Britain as a stop off point
2) Food banks – the famous. Danny Alexander looking chuffed standing beside food donations – sorry this is an obvious one
3) UK arms trade – Britain just loves arming countries with appalling human rights records.


For some reason I’m reminded of the day I became a republican. It was in 1993, and it was a big glitzy concert at Earl’s Court in honour of Her Maj’s “Forty Glorious Years” on the throne. I was in the choir, and when the whole thing started I had been chuffed to bits, saving my security pass as a memento of having sung for the Queen, that sort of thing.

Well, lots of things went wrong. It was badly run. We were kept waiting at rehearsals for hours while Cliff Richard and some other pop star I’d never heard of (Michael Ball?) rehearsed their numbers endlessly. The “London Sequence” went on forever. The entire acknowledgement of Scotland consisted of us (an English choir, I was one of only about three Scots in it) singing Amazing Grace in too high a key. (Is that song even Scots?) And the actual performance over-ran by about 100%, there was no interval and people (possibly including Her Maj) were wishing they’d put nappies on, and we could smell the slap-up supper burning behind us.

Maybe it was a combination of everything, but I had one of those epiphany “this is all a load of cobblers” moments. The big flashy performance designed to make everyone love the Queen turned one of the performers into a republican.

I just have a feeling that plastering Scotland in Union flags might not have quite the effect they’re looking for.


Margaret Thatcher’s funeral?

You know, the woman who said the following in Perth in 1983:

“Let us never forget this fundamental truth: the State has no source of money other than money which people earn themselves. If the State wishes to spend more it can do so only by borrowing your savings or by taxing you more. It is no good thinking that someone else will pay – that ‘someone else’ is you. There is no such thing as public money; there is only taxpayers’ money.”

Her entire privatisation programme was funded by Scottish oil, and she repaid the favour by dismantling Scottish (and Welsh and English) industry.


Not a meme but this link for #FundedbyUKgovernment says a lot about the evil brutish state.

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…and who funds the feckin UK government?


comment image


How GREAT BRITAIN protects and supports its colonies. This all started under Harold Wilson and his Labour government.

– To make way for the base some 2,000 native Chagossians were forcibly removed from the island by the British government between 1968 and 1973. The islanders have since sued unsuccessfully for the right to return home. The Times 13/08/2014

The poor people were transported into concentration camp conditions and are still there in Mauritius.


My understanding is that this will only apply to infrastructure projects directly paid for by the UK government. So, despite what the papers say, not roads and bridges which are paid for by scotgov (or by the SNP according to Kez).

What infrastructure in Scotland is actually paid for by the UK government? There is a chance this label will only be able to be attached to a few underground fibre-optic cables.

Auld Rock

Stoker. Liked the link to ‘archive’ but I’m sure you noticed that the Highland Clearances are not mentioned, this was ‘ethnic cleansing’ of the worse kind.

Auld Rock


Never cease to be amazed by the Kingdom of Stupid. As soon as I saw Fanny Alexander was promoting this “funded by the UK Government” idea I thought this isn’t going to end well. It has PR disaster written all over it! The ink is barely dry on this “brilliant” idea from our Imperial Masters and we are already awash with several alternatives, “funded by Scottish Oil” for starters. We could also start a line in “Underfunded by the UK government”. The possibilities are endless!

Marco McGinty

Could we add;

The deaths of millions of people throughout the world, since the creation of the “glorious” union, including the murders of thousands of innocent UK citizens.
Illegal wars, resulting in the deaths of many thousands of innocent Iraqi and Afghan civilians.
Massacres throughout the world.
Ethnic cleansing.
Torture flights.
Concentration camps.
Internment camps.


Well its going to be hard to boycott bridges and the like, but its hard to forgo cooked meat, cheese and Audrey’s pickled beets. But if that’s what we have to do, then that’s what we have to do.

It must be affecting sales of produce by now, all those giant union flags. Anyone seen any feedback? Trade magazines maybe?

Oh, and I would wonder in your first illustration whether children should be afraid of more than 1 of the people in the picture.


Syrian nerve gas …. Funded by the UK Government…

Chic McGregor

OT Just caught on BBC 4 what seems to be a prelonged UKIP PPB.

This sheet of facts came up.

Stopped reading after the first so called fact:

“There are 2.3 million EU citizens living in the UK”.

Utter bollocks, there are 63 million EU citizens living in the UK.


Alan McHarg

I suggested on another thread that we should combat this with stickers “funded by Scottish oil” (with the saltire of course)spread wherever appropriate, throughout the uk. I’ll get ma coat!

Ian Brotherhood

Liz and Phil on holiday in 1955, slaughtering wildlife, as one does…

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Proud Cybernat

And this one was just begging for it:

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Alan McHarg

What about Willie MacRae?


I wonder if the wee weans at Westminster have been *ahem* “stung” by this article in the Sunday Express on 3rd February. 😉

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To Labour in Scotland – “To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles.”

Alan McHarg

The first image makes me feel sick and sums up why we have to escape from this rotten political union!


We all may laugh, but to me, this is just another in a long line of “we love you Scotland, but remember: we OWN you.”

We have to put “United Kingdom” as our country in drop-down lists online, and click on a Union Flag when asked to “select your country” when they mean language.

We have Union flags on our driver’s licenses.

We had the “apolitical” Red Arrows trailing the Red, White and Blue over the Scottish Commonwealth Games.

We sang “God Save the Queen” at the Scottish Commonwealth Games.

We have the BBC, who generously allocate 3% of their budget on 8.4% of the population (and 10% of their funders).

How much more of this indignity are we going to put up with?

Never mind the fact that it’s “funded by the UK government.” Not even “UK taxpayers”: the UK government. So not only do they own Scotland, they own the UK. This is insulting to the people of the UK, not just Scotland.

After all, they think they own us.


Very appropriate might be a nuclear detonation ie mushroom cloud, Funded by UK Government.


Do you think Alexander kens he’s fúcked in May and decided this as one last act of Unionism?

My friend who(I think) is a Green party member lives in Danaidh’s const and even he’s voting SNP. He has told me that there seems to be a wide load of support for the SNP.

ronnie anderson

@ Alan McHarg 11.01 you,ll be suprized how far your suggestion travels, get yer coat aff.


They will make us all get tattoos next if we have the cheek to be getting benefits. ‘Funded by UK Government’.
….god I hope I haven’t given the powers that be any ideas!


Fun Dead by UK Government!

No no no...Yes

Three questions:

Why now?

What does the Labour Party and its patriotic Scottish Leader Jim Murphy think about this?

Each day is getting more and more bizarre with the level of stupidity and incompetence. Is this some huge diversion from something?


To all those who advocate “Paid for by Scottish oil” stickers, it would only be right to also print an equivalent number of stickers saying “Paid for by Scottish whisky exports” or possibly “Paid for by Scottish electricity”.

If you remove Scotland’s massive net exports from the British accounts, you will see that the UK is basically Greece minus the sunshine, islands and ancient heritage.

If you took Scotland out of the UK, the rBritish currency would bomb, while an independent Scottish currency would appreciate by an equivalent amount, making it stronger than the Swissie, the old DM, probably even the Norwegian krona.

Anyway, how can anything be *funded* by the UK government? They are just the holders of the collected taxes. You could as well say “funded by the Inland Revenue employees” and slap a butcher’s apron on it.

My contribution: Jim Murphy’s wasted decade spent as a “student”, which did not actually end with an actual degree! And please remind me of his position on student fees again???


Can any experts tell if this is fake. if not funded by the UK
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bookie from hell

Ian Brotherhood says:

1 March, 2015 at 11:01 pm

Liz and Phil on holiday in 1955, slaughtering wildlife, as one does

bfh–you can be sure Tiger was drugged a few days earlier for Phils lucky shot

Dave the Squirrel

Sorry if, in my enthusiasm, I skipped to commenting and somebody has already thought of this.

Can we have all the London banks’ premises watermarked with “Funded by the US taxpayer”?
Clearly the establishment likes having a good laugh. They’ll really appreciate the humour of it I’m sure.
Feel free to go to town on any EU-funded stuff as well.

Great pics btw. Bookmarked. Will be used over and over and over I’m sure.


This is unnecessary in England, so looks like obvious propaganda in Scotland.

But to what extent?
Scottish spending is mainly devolved..

Perhaps the Scottish Government SHOULD counter this if it goes ahead.

Similar Scottish Government Saltires at the new South Glasgow Hospital?

Over the new Queensferry Crossing, and up a dualled A9 ?

If they want a battle of the flags, I would be tempted to say ‘Bring it On’

Big Jock

I hear they are putting one on the big black submarine at Faslane:” Funded By UK owned by USA”.


Alan McHarg

Put your coat away. Good idea.

Dr Jim

Trades description might disagree
There is nothing funded by the UK Government they have no money they only have a loan of ours and that’s going to stop
and we have people who can make that happen
And i don’t mean Harvey Keitel
A demonstration is being arranged, coming to an MP near you


Will this nonsensical, offensive idea last longer than ‘Yes for Labour’ or not?
Anyway, there are still a few ‘Reclaimers’ from the 2001 Foot and Mouth rubbish still active – we were pretty adept at removing misleading, illegal and stupid signs telling us to geroffmoiland. That nasty episode lead very rapidly to the Land Reform Act so maybe this latest stupidly will lead to great things.


All their ridiculous funded by will be gone as fast as they go up.

“The entire acknowledgement of Scotland consisted of us (an English choir, I was one of only about three Scots in it) singing Amazing Grace in too high a key. (Is that song even Scots?)”

Of course it is Morag. Hollywood says so, its only logical.

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Christian Wright

They will scar our land with their mark of occupation. Symbols of 300 years of subservience & humiliation. They are spraying their territory, signaling that they are the owners and the masters.

The SNP is plain wrong, this isn’t a “gimmick”. It is a vindictive act calibrated to insult and demean. The Imperium is going to demonstrate its dominance by pissing on Scotland with signage. How cosmically dumb is that?

Could they Keystone-cops balls this up more? Absolutely they could. I have enormous confidence in their infinite capacity for stupidity.

During the referendum campaign they fear-bombed us, bullied us, belittled us, lied to us, defamed us worldwide. Therein they sowed the wind, and come May 7 2015, they will reap the whirlwind.

Sure, it will take even a while yet before they receive their comeuppance, but we should welcome that pause, savour it; for YES is a dish best served cold.

Paula Rose

Where’s the Irn Bru?

Big Jock

Its pretty obvious what the subliminal message is. Look we funded this and that. You couldn’t survive without the union..blah…blah.Look at what we do for you.

I suspect this comes down to one thing. They are genuinely expecting another referendum in a couple of years. I suspect its to do with the Euro referendum creating the break up of the union. The campaign for the unionists has started already.

Paula Rose

As drunk by dim Jim.


Ha ha, brilliant!


I see that this story is not a ‘headline’ story on BBC Wales, BBC Northern Ireland or the England section on the BBC web sites.

Only pages I can see it is on main UK Home page (way down the rankings) and BBC Scotland page. Must be lacking news in Scotland – it’s story no.2 on the main Scotland page.

Just a wee reminder from our Better Together uKok partners at P.Q eh. Maybe we should have it plastered on the side of their shiny glass box on the Clyde.

[…] Asking for it […]

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Taranaich (say ‘hello’ to your mum).

You typed,
We sang “God Save the Queen” at the Scottish Commonwealth Games.

Who’s the “WE”? Certainly not the Scottish team.

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bookie from hell

Local newspapers says latest polls for East Ren have Murphy 33% and @kirstenoswald 31%. Game on. #GE15 #voteSNP


where’s trident?

Ian Brotherhood

Posted this earlier, but it didn’t show.

Scary close-up of Phil The Greek.

‘Funded by UK Government’ :

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Sorry, I’m an idiot, didn’t see the subs behind the aircraft carrier…


We all know about politicians like former Trotskyite Darling flipping his way to a property empire. But what is it about unionist politicians and their DENIAL that they are funded by the “UK government”?

It is not just Malcolm Rifkind, who bizarrely claimed that he was “self-employed” when he was recently discovered to be open to bribes and corruption. Our own beloved self-proclaimed “son of the Manse”, the revolting Broon, went to Dubai and announced to one and all that he was “self-employed”.

Unbelievably, it was a BBC (!) journalist out there who showed that even BBC employees have more integrity than Broon and forced him to admit that he was still milking the system for all it was worth (and not showing up for work at the same time).

Still, bet the revolting creature Broon, like all unionist politicians, has a lot to say about “benefit scroungers”…. I don’t know whether we can also say that the lonely death of David Clapson was “financed” by the UK government… “planned” or “engineered” or “caused” would seem to be more accurate words.


#Kenny @ 10.48 pm

Wasn’t Thatcher’s speech in Perth also the one which had the line, “We English are a very generous people”.


Sorry for going O/T here but the Independent seems to have a wee bit of news concerning the BBC tax that no one bothers to pay these days. 😉

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Fantastic own goal. Obviously I am not advocating criminal damage but these Union flags will need to be 100 ft in the air and surrounded by barbed wire and searchlights to last the week.
On the contrary proud Scot buts are unlikely to deface the Saltire (a few Orange order George Square type gibbons excepted).
Telling us we are British and sticking the flag everywhere doesn’t make it so.


@Taranaich I agree.

It’s not like we don’t already have the Union jack everywhere already.

Flying over Edinburgh castle to boxes of mushrooms in Tescos.

But the Scottish Government are too nicey-nice at times.

We are getting union jacks on our driving licenses, but Nicola puts the kibosh on a national anthem..

The Scottish Government should use this as an opportunity to play them at their own game.

Use the exact same argument: “It’s important to recognise the contribution of the Scottish taxpayer”

And if anyone had a case, it is them.

How many people still don’t know what Holyrood pays for?

There is still a lot of confusion over the NHS because of the similar name.

‘NHS Scotland’ sounds like a sub-branch of the UK NHS

If there was a poll on who funded the new South Glasgow hospital, I wonder how many people assume the UK Government paid towards it?

Ian Brotherhood

Two properly overdressed dudes in this snap.

One is Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, and the other is George V. Can you guess which is which?

Only one of them was funded by the UK Government.

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Training Day

@Christian Wright

Well said sir.

It is indeed a mongrel lifting its leg on a despised but necessary territory. In short, they are sticking two fingers up at us.

But 55% of us voted to enjoy this treatment.

Didn’t we, you people on here who hate the BBC but have ineffable faith in the Electoral Commission?

James Forrest

bookie from hell:

Do they really? Is it as close as that?

Oh man, you’ve made my night 🙂

Lenny Hartley

O/T Looks like a Grand Red/Blue Tory pact is on the agenda.
From Labour List

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They just don’t understand Twitter, do they? #fundedbyukgovernment – take a wee look; it’s a joy.


@Almannysbunnet at 10:57

I did a tweet yesterday afternoon on the underfunded thing.

(Hope this link works ok, I’m new to commenting on here)

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CameronB Brodie

My ‘favourite’ project “Funded by UK Government”, has to be the efforts of both Tory parties to ‘re-model’ the middle east.

Squeezed to death
Half a million children have died in Iraq since UN sanctions were imposed – most enthusiastically by Britain and the US. Three UN officials have resigned in despair. Meanwhile, bombing of Iraq continues almost daily. John Pilger investigates

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Destruction of a country’s social infrastructure has to one of the quickest ways of topping a regime. I think such deliberate action might be considered a war crime, given the resulting impacts.

Destruction to infrastructure that is vital for public health
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I would imagine these figure err on the conservative side of death, but that’s nit picking. A war crime is a war crime.

As we are talking Scottish politics.

“In politics you make a lot of speeches, but some of them you put more effort into than others.” Murphy smiles. “The argument I’m keen to develop is, how do you stop one-and-a-half unpopular wars – with Iraq certainly being unpopular and Afghanistan at least partly there – creating an unpopular concept? The unpopular concept is that you have a responsibility beyond your own borders.” – Jim Murphy MP

Aged 12, he emigrated with his family to Cape Town, after his father became unemployed. “In South Africa you get a different type of inequality. Not based on class or family structure, but on the obvious thing, race. I went to a white-only uni. I went to a white-only school. I played football in white-only football teams. The only Africans you would meet would be folk who worked in the school.”

He credits these two experiences with his politics of “utter, unconditional intolerance of prejudice – it’s in my DNA, having seen what the politics of discrimination can do.”

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@ Jim Murphy
Two questions. How does bombing a country back to the stone-age, ‘intervention’, provide humanitarian aid? Does your neck turn your shirt collar green?

bookie from hell

REV–read this an weep

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Of course it is Morag. Hollywood says so, its only logical.

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OK, I looked it up. Should have done that 20 years ago. All I knew was that it wasn’t a song or a tune that had any resonance with me as traditionally Scottish, and I remember trying to hide under a cinema seat in a Boston (Mass.) cinema when I first saw The Wrath of Khan in 1982.

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“Amazing Grace” is a Christian hymn published in 1779, with words written by the English poet and clergyman John Newton (1725–1807).

Ordained in the Church of England in 1764, Newton became curate of Olney, Buckinghamshire, where he began to write hymns with poet William Cowper. “Amazing Grace” was written to illustrate a sermon on New Year’s Day of 1773.

It has been associated with more than 20 melodies, but in 1835 it was joined to a tune named “New Britain” to which it is most frequently sung today.

The only reference to Scotland in the article is that the tune was recorded in a version for pipe band by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards.

The tune is noted as anonymous, with the first published version dating back to 1829. It was in 1835 that it was first matched up to the Amazing Grace words. All the connections I can find for the tune are American, and both places called “New Britain” are (unsurprisingly) in the USA.

So, the single very short piece chosen to represent Scotland in this extravaganza of homage to our dear Queen from all parts of the British Isles was – an 18th century English hymn linked with and early 19th century American tune, which only acquired cod-Scottish associations in 1972 when a military band played a pipe band arrangement of it. (In contreast the “London sequence” lasted for about half an hour and there was extensive representation from other regions of Engand.)

Scotland, a country with a distinctive nusical heritage going back hundreds of years, acknowledged by such greats as Felix Mendelssohn.

There was some muttering from the few Scottish members of the choir that the choice was odd, and not something we recognised as Scottish, but I don’t think any of us had any real idea of the depth of the ethnomusicological slur our country was subjected to that night.

liz g

Feeling so guilty
When I first heard about the signs
Thought here we go…
Let’s all start fighting about what flag goes where,as has been tried and tested in the (not too distant)past.

Should have known better.
The yes supporters responded brilliantly with the one thing the Establishment can’t handle.
Our humour ….and everyone gets it…

So proud of the response ..


Ooh, I wish we had the edit feature so I could fix the typos in that lot!

Robert Peffers

UncleBob says: 1 March, 2015 at 10:28 pm:

“Should read “Funded by US” I mean us not the U.S.”

You know something, UncleBob? Your post brings to mind a fact that most folks know but don’t really realise the implications.

Just as the London Establishment blithely ramble on as if they run not just the UK but constantly talk about such as, “The British Government”, when they mean the UK Government then the United States of America, do exactly the same.

They talk of their country as America as if they alone are America. Yet America runs from pole to pole and includes many other countries. They also, as you just did, Speak of The US as if they alone are the United States. Even the USA is wrong for, and here’s the bit many don’t quite realise, their next door neighbours live in a country that is properly called, “The United States of Mexico”.

I may well be wrong but to me both the Unionists of the UK and the Unionists of the USA are very arrogant people. No slight intended to the normal folks in both countries both of whom I’ve always found to be the salt of the Earth. What a pity the arrogant ones make such trouble for the rest of us.


Here’s the archived version bookie.

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I haven’t read it all … YET!

To be honest not sure I want to … computer might feel the wrath of my ire … or is the ire of my wrath? 😉

Anyway thuis b*****d has a bloody cheek!

North Sea #@*&£$% reserve fund is it?

What the @#$% has he and his *ahem* socialist mates been doing since the mid 1970’s?

WHY has he and his brainless gormless dunderheids done NOTHING about this before?

Oh wait … hold the front page folks I know why … they couldn’t give a s***e about Scotland before. Now however, it is a different thing cause the S.N.P. are now on the scene. Not only are the S.N.P. on the scene but they are on the cusp of giving Labour such a kicking in May that they, hopefully, will NEVER recover.

Question. What can we do to save the remnantsof Labour … up steps Broon the Loon … “I have a cunning plan” says he …

Come on Scotland for GAWD’s sake WAKE THE HELL UP!”



Who’s a TERRIFIED wee laddie then … Danny? 😀

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@bookie from hell 12:34

People need to read that link.

If the UK government are taking ownership of the Scottish oil fields, then they know the union is finished.

They are depriving Scotland of her resources before the split. Even debating this kills the union.

CameronB Brodie

Err…tigers aren’t generally found in Africa. (puzzled smiley)

What did I just watch – tourist footage of the Bucketham Palace and…?


wheeling out brown again? they must be filling their pants.

talking about part-nationalisation of the north sea? that’ll piss off the entire damn planet.


I think this whole shambles of a policy is going to badly backfire. I think it will turn NO voters away from “ukok”, because they are the ones shelling out money and then seeing Westminster carry on as if this is all done solely out of the goodness of Dave and Gideon’s hearts (of stone).

So will the royal palaces also be plastered in “funded by uk gubmint” signs? The queen’s meals? Will her tupperware also be stamped with butcher’s aprons? What about the bombs dropped on Syrian children, Afghans, Iraqis?

And as sick and stomach-churning as it may seem, we cannot hide the fact that the rape of children was also “funded by the uk government” in the cases of known BBC employees, members of parliament…. and should such signs also hang over the graves of slaughtered Irish people?

For me, the butcher’s apron will forever be linked to the images of jubilant unionists giving the Nazi salute in George Square. It would be better for this ill-thought-out policy to be quietly dropped… and for “the uk government” to turn its attention to more pressing problems, such as the stinking corruption that pervades its ranks.*

* To my mind, this problem can never be solved, because it is absolutely inherent to the Westminster system; basically corruption and Westminster are like siamese twins which cannot exist without the other… better break up this stinking, fetrid union and start again…


I’ve just been talking with my partner about tomorrow’s news headlines:

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Also not forgetting the Butcher’s Apron “Funded by UK Government” poster plans.

Let’s just say I’m glad that it is ME who comments on here and not her. 😉

I know some folks think I am sort of modest in my thoughts … you know who you are, stop hiding in the corner ther 😛 … well count your lucky stars it is me cause what we have just discussed, U.D.I., makes me look definately non political! 😀


@Big Jock says:

Its pretty obvious what the subliminal message is. Look we funded this and that. You couldn’t survive without the union..

That’s it exactly.

And I suspect there is far more to this than rural broadband cabinets and ‘infrastructure’

Where will it end?
Union Jacks on every electricity pylon feeding into the national grid?


Jim Murphy’s erratic brain full of unworkable daft ideas, funded by the UK government.


@CameronB Brodie 12:20pm
That it is undeniably devastating and tragic for all the families and the relatives of those involved cannot be disputed. We are left with the supposed disconnect between their helplessness and those related to the larger family of people directly involved. I fear how the resulting tragedies, brought about by our own government, must inspire the desire of those ‘indirectly’ affected to take action. As a parent who has experienced an over whelming love for my child, I cannot begin to understand the grief of those who have lost theirs.

War is terror. To claim otherwise is a lie. To have such a philosophy as ‘war on terror’ is to emphatically,deliberately and hypocritically to miss the point.

Terror is imported to the UK because the UK exports terror.

It is all wrong, stop exporting terror and imports of terror will fall – is that not the economic law of the free market?

ronnie anderson

Is that the UncleBob 10.28 that was at the Invergowrie nite out, is he still british & dizzna like Papes fae (Maryhill is full of Papes ) ma ears were working fine that nite.


“Funded by the UK government”

link to



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Gordon Brown’s plan to “save” Scottish oil involves what he calls a “joint ownership” of the oil fields between the UK government and the private sector.

Surely that can only be set up as a private package in which the UK government owns shares and the private sector also owns shares.

So it would be a private company.

Am I mad or isn’t that correct?

So say the UK gov owns 50% of the shares in a private oil field umbrella company, and the private sector owns the other 50%…

And Scotland gets independence.

Tha oil field that *used* to be Scottish, is now owned by a company that the rUK half owns.

So an independent Scotland’s share of that oil field is no longer 100%.

It is now 9% of the UK half share.

Are we being robbed here?

This is *really* important. But I don’t know if I’m right.


people i cannot emphasise enough the importance of the bomb that gordon brown has just chucked over his shoulder on the way out the door.

even the slightest hint of the uk nationalising aspects of brent crude production will have sphincters clenching from houston to hong kong.


Sorry for going O/T but thought folks would like to see a wee comparison here.

First up is wee Murph the Smurph and his *ahem* I have a plan video.

Second up is the S.N.P. response. 😀

link to

link to

Now which video makes you feel proud and actually worth something? 😉

ronnie anderson

@ CameronB Brodie see whit happens when the GPS signals lost


Reading that article by Gordon Brown , does that mean , he’s seriously suggesting , the UK Govt go into partnership with the oil companies ? Does that mean the oil based in the water off Scotland would be lifted right out of our hands?
Is he seriously suggesting to the people of Scotland, we will ( under the guise of investment) take one of your biggest assets, blocking Scotland out in any future where oil is concerned and sell you this idea is a good thing ?
Never mind Trident , get Brown out , he’s more damaging to Scotland at the moment !!!

CameronB Brodie

ronnie anderson
lol, though it took a second or two. 😉

ronnie anderson

@ Lesley-Anne 12.49 read 1st para (depleted fields) TaxPayer picks up the DECOMMISIONING COSTS nationalised ma ARSE

ronnie anderson

this night hawks gone tae bed catch you,s laters


I didn’t read … scratch that … I couldn’t read the whole article Molly. However, the pish that I did read would tend suggest that you are correct.

This excuse of an extremely soon to be EX politician … and NOT before time … is a walking disaster for Scotland. He does NOT give one iota of consideration for Scotland he only cares about ONE thing Britain, where Scotland is NOT Scotland but refered to as North Britain … as he often has done!

I am not one to use this word lightly, and I generally tend to avoid using it at all costs. However, in this particular case I definitively will make an exception.

Gordon Brown you are the worst kind of QUISLING that ever inhabited planet Earth!

Damn, I think I’m on a rant-fest tonight. 😀


@ronnie anderson

Depleted fields.

Yes, but “depleted fields” will quickly become “unviable fields.”

And who decides what fields are “unviable”?

Well, if they expect the oil price to stay low, or even fall, then a lot of those fields are unviable.

And these could be the opinions of “real experts”, you know?

So the UK could take part ownership of lots of those fields.

But hey, if the oil price happens to go up at some point, or the field later turns out not to be as “unviable” as everyone thought, well grand…

The UK is now left to deal with that burden of profit.

I have had a few tonight, but this to me seems like we are being totally robbed.


ok folks in laypersons’ terms:

– remember the size of the strop the states threw when chavez nationalised venezuela’s oil?

– the north sea was the largest non-OPEC producer, still largest for “conventional” oil, stuff that isn’t from fracking or tar sands

– 60% of the *world’s* oil is priced according to brent, including most OPEC oil

– and suddenly brown is talking about nationalisation? doesn’t matter what details, just talking about it is going to clench sphincters.

so yeah, just making the speech is going to make things distinctly interesting, even if some of his ideas are sound.

the fact that he’s talking about westminster doing this as part of partnership schemes would give westminster *at least* partial control of production in scottish fields.


Don’t worry about the oil price karmanaut it is already on its way back up again. That fall from $115 down to $46 didn’t last long. 😉

link to

You can keep an eye on the live oil price here.

link to


Rant on Leslie-Anne, your making sense to me !

George , you obviously know a lot more about this than I do but in laymans terms , partnership schemes in G B are ‘ partial control’ but in other parts of the World it’s called annexation?


@karmanaut. yes, exactly that.



to be clear:

gordon brown has just suggested that westminster should make a smash-and-grab raid on north sea oil

CameronB Brodie

I wish things were that simple, though I don’t completely disagree with the process you describe.

The trouble with blow-back is you just have no idea what form it will take. Though the USA has been keen on helping Wahabism spread around the world since the 1950’s, I think the fuse was lit on our current problems, in the mid 1970s. President Ford trades tolerance of Saudi Arabia’s export of Wahabist extremist in 1975 (?), to ensure oil is traded in dollars. Then the CIA launched Operation Cyclone u8nder Carter, in 1979.

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Mrs Grimble

That Buck Palace video is fake:link to



when i’m not ill i’m an energy analyst for small renewable projects, but i have a bit of knowledge of the wider energy industry.

effectively annexation yeah. it would work just as karmanaut described.

(same as with our renewables and the OFGEM connection charges, in fact same as the scottish coal industry, although that was before my time.)


But, and please forgive me if I’m not getting it, what if Brown isn’t strictly talking about nationalising the oil?

What if he sets it out as a new private venture, which will be partly in public ownership (to provide a stable government backed pool, or fund, to assist companies when times are tough)?

He would essentially create a new private venture which would then own the actual fields, of which the UK gov would have a stake in. (Make it a stake of 90%, if you like, to appease everyone).

But then Scotland, as part of the UK, only owns about 10% of that venture.

Am I missing something? It’s late, and I’ve had a few, I’ll admit.

Long, long day.

Donald Cameron

As you say’ “not the sharpest bulb in the packet!” Their slogan isn’t even correct English! Surely it should read either, “Funded by THE British Government” or ” Funded by British Government ……propaganda, stupidity, avarice, etc., etc.,” Pick your own favourite noun. I’m sure you see what I mean.


Big signs at the border.

“Welcome to england, built on Stolen Scottish resources”

“Destroyed by pending independence”


– apologies i’m having trouble posting.

– nationalisation. my instinct is that brown/msm are using the word to scare the shit out of the oil markets. that’s the life-blood of the planet, and that’s then a lot of global political pressure on the oil companies.

– the oil companies’ people get to decide which fields are viable at any given moment.

– no need for any nationalisation. use a public-private partnership (or whatever the bloody things are called these days) with the existing owner of the field. can be any mix of assets and liabilities, doesn’t matter.

– once the partnership is there, that means westminster have partial control of the field, and it’s then up to the *partnership* whether that field produces oil or not.

– as was pointed out there *could* be all sorts of sweetheart deals going on behind the scenes, but not just here in scotland or the uk. suddenly you’ve got global politics and global deals to worry about.

– whether it makes money for the partnership is almost irrelevant. the uk is much bigger than scotland. in bad times the ruk’d take a hit but in good times they’d make money *and* westminster would have holyrood by the short and curlies.

– if you doubt they’d do it, go and ask any anyone in iraq.


karmanaut i think we’re saying exactly the same thing in different ways 🙂


Distrusted and despised the world over for death and destruction. The Westminster crooks.

Danny Alexander the guy who destroyed the Scottish Oil sector and cost Scotland £16Billion.

donald anderson

Great stuff. I need to be taught how to post graphics on here??? Anyone?


The UK Gov has had control of the Scottish Oil fields. That’s the problem. They get away with murder. BP the worst corporate in economic history. Westminster secrecy and lies.

Where’s the Chilcot verdict, being buried by unelected civil servants. Blair and Brown should be in jail. Along with the rest of them.


Gordon Brown stinks.

Alex Waugh

Having a think about this.
It appears that this will be a condition of any future infrastructure contracts. So, how many of them are there every year – a handful? And how many of them will be finished before the GE – erm, none. This is the WM spivs having a rattle at the Scots cage. It is an insult but it would be very infrequent and if reports are correct (but that’s another matter) we won’t even see them, since their architects will be long gone by the time the foreman is meant to come round with the screwdriver and plaque. So, it’s actually a non-story about something that’s not going to happen. Did you not wonder why the Heil was running it? Let them rattle, we know who the idiots are.


Donald, to post links on here just highlight the URL web address of your graphics, the www. part, (when you have it on display on your computer) then right click your mouse or laptop pad then select ‘copy’
when you want to post it here, make sure your cursor is active inside the comments box (double click) then simply right click again and select ‘paste’ It should show up.

Good luck.

CameronB Brodie

Further to my previous post, some light reading. 😉

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CameronB Brodie

donald anderson
Copying and pasting the web address of the relevant page, should do the trick. Or am I missing something? (puzzled smiley 🙂 )

CameronB Brodie

Now you’re just showing me up. 😉


Gordon Brown Gray Train’s idea is that we share with the multi £Billion pound oil companies, i.e. tax payers will subsidise
them for a wee while until they make the same levels of enormous profits as before.

In return these companies may give a few £Million to Gordon’s
own “Charity” so that he can increase the £10,000 per week he takes out as “Expenses”?

Scots pay more per head than any other country in the UK.
Every project that you see in Scotland has been paid in full by Scots, and the same will apply to our money being spent in England on their train links etc.

Regarding Dipity Dug’s latest Clanger, she might have been at school in 20006 when a Red Tory/Labour Government signed of Glasgow’s Squinty Bridge. One of the support hangers snapped on the new bridge. The blame was faulty Chinese alloys?

Yes Kaz, your own group of gangsters who closed our steel plants
and avoid our printing presses have been leading the way in importing our basic materials from China.

Did Fud Smurphy ever get a metal plate put in his head?
Could be another faulty batch from Asia? lol

[…] Because this is an actual thing that's happening. Send in your own favourites, readers.  […]


You just know that this is going to end badly for the UK Government. Every sign that says ‘Funded by the UK Government’ will trashed or overwritten with some sort of ‘truth’.

I’ve heard some folk say that the idea will split Scots right down the middle, and thus leave us with a divided nation (divide and conquer …the British way …surprise, surprise). Well, the only folk that may get upset about it will be the Orangemen …and there’s really not a lot they can do about it. After all …are they going to man every sign, flag, post when one of these daft signs go up?

…No, neither do I…


Now …this guy is the main man! Mr Jose Mujica of Uruguay.

link to


So no full fiscal autonomy. Just a stinking VOW. Westminster secrecy and lies

Elected to protect NHS/Education. ConDems have cut both. £3Billion a year from Education, since 2011. £3Billion. Accumulative. £3Billion + £3Billion + £3Billion + £3Billion = now £12Billion less. Pro rata affect Scotland -£1+Billion.

NHS has been cut £2Billion a year since 2011. Accumulating affect £2Billion + £2Billion + £2Billion + £2Billion = £8Billion. Pro rata affect on Scottish funding. Total £2Billion. Not increased with inflation+ 2%.

The Condems are committed to cut from education NHS/Education £5Billion a year with no increase for inflation. By 2020 the NHS will be £30Billion short.

The Condems have cut taxes from 2010 £600Billion raised to 2012 £490Billion raised. It looks like tax revenues have fallen again to £466Billion (D. Alexander) – not enough for public service provision.

James Dow voice from the diaspora

Well what an opportunity, so simple, so right, two letters substitution simples. UC. Get your self adhesive labels printed and get to work Scotland overlaying the ND. Best wishes from Australia.
Now it looks appropriate.

Bugger (the Panda)

SIR Mark Thatcher

says it all.

I am away to lie down

CameronB Brodie


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Lurch probably shares Churchill’s enthusiasm for the alleged ‘civilizing’ effect of Zionism. I don’t suppose growing up in a former British colony, under apartheid, has coloured his outlook? ;(


The Daily Record is falsely using the slogan “Scotland’s Champion”. Will it feel obliged to stick the Union flag alongside this slogan?
I’m not happy that Lidl is joining the DR in some promotion, probably because a German-owned company is not knowledgable about Scottish politics and the falling sales of the DR. Well it’s Aldi for me now!

donald anderson

seanair commented on Asking for it.
in response to RevStu:

“Because this is an actual thing that’s happening.
The Daily Record is falsely using the slogan “Scotland’s Champion”. Will it feel obliged to stick the Union flag alongside this slogan?
I’m not happy that Lidl is joining the DR in some promotion, probably because a German-owned company is not knowledgable about Scottish politics and the falling sales of the DR. Well it’s Aldi for me now!”

Surpringly, Lidls and Aldis do not stock the “the National”. They used to be more sympathetic to Scotland than the English Supermercats.

James Dow A voice from the diaspora

Reply Almannybunnet I tried to post earlier with the suggestion that the en in funded should be replaced by ck.
What a gift opportunity by the Imperial masters.
Scotland get your self adhesive stickers printed,and get busy.
Best wishes from Australia.

James Dow A voice from the diaspora

Reply Almannybunnet My mistake, that should have been replace the nd in funded with ck. sorry for confusion

CameronB Brodie

Further to Robert Ford’s essay above.

“The Salvador Option For Syria”
US-NATO Sponsored Death Squads Integrate “Opposition Forces”

link to

Barbara McKenzie

@ CameronB Brodie

Thanks for this link

Grouse Beater

“For too long constitutional debate has been Scottish centric.”

Written by, Mr David if it’s not true write as if it is, Torrance in a column claiming the British state is NOT broken.

Which does he work for, MI6 or MI5?


I was under the impression that the Uk government’s money is actually taxpayers (some of whom live in Scotland)? It’s pretty arrogant of them to suggest that this money comes from them.



The National launches its website.

Comments restricted to specific articles and FB users at the moment.

Bugger (the Panda)

Faltdubh says:
1 March, 2015 at 11:10 pm

“Do you think Alexander kens he’s fúcked in May and decided this as one last act of Unionism?


He is just a stupid wee naieve boy who fell from Space into Politics and then into the Treasury.

He reads Biggles books, the Famous Five, Noddy and Dan Dare and still thinks they are real.

He is so subsumed within the Westminster bubble that he hates his upbringing and just thinks of himself as a repatriated, landed Englishman. Just listen to his accent when he in not back in Scotland trying to defend his Scottish estate, sorry seat.

He is, to sum it up, a wee red, white and blue hedgehog blinded and frozen in the middle of the A9 the headlamps of a convoy of Scottish lorries bear down on him.

Splat, and his living remains will be air lifted down to London to be exhibited as a curiosity exhibit, a captured Jock in London Zoo.

john king

R-type Grunt says @10.24
“The real shame is that it’s being perpetrated by our own.”

OUR own?
Colin Macartney says @ 10.25
“all of the above have been reported ( eventually ) yet hundreds of thousands of people don’t seem to care or understand.”

That information isnt put out for the l.I.V’s benefit its for ours so they can get a kick out of hearing the squealing

link to

Christian Wright says @ 11.24
first of all great post and I agree wholeheartedly
“They are spraying their territory”

Like this you mean?
link to

Big Jock says @ 11.40
“I suspect this comes down to one thing. They are genuinely expecting another referendum in a couple of years. I suspect its to do with the Euro referendum creating the break up of the union. The campaign for the unionists has started already.”

I take it they’re campaigning for a YES vote this time? 🙂
BrianW says @ 11.40
“Just a wee reminder from our Better Together uKok partners at P.Q eh. Maybe we should have it plastered on the side of their shiny glass box on the Clyde.”

They would just clean anything off we put on their windows and get us arrested but whats to stop us projecting a message ala Alison Jackson on the building from the other side of the river from a car or van say?
the driver could just bugger off before the cops got there
link to
Eh, how fast can a pantechnicon go?
Edulis says @12.03am
“Wasn’t Thatcher’s speech in Perth also the one which had the line, “We English are a very generous people”.

I cant see even her being as crass to have made THAT speech in Perth, she wouldn’t have got out alive!

The actual quote was
“We English, who are a marvelous people, are really very generous to Scotland.” and it was made to The Times.

I would like to hear an opinion from anyone who has legal knowledge about the new proposal to fund the BBC out of a local tax which means everyone tv watcher or not is going to pay for the BBC, can that be legal?

Surely it would breach peoples human rights to be forced to pay for what is essentially entertainment,

any legal eagles out there?


How about Ian Murray in his “suit”?


The f***ing UK government need to remember they are funded by US. And they cost us a bloody fortune. They are also employed by us, are all the overpaid wasters pumping out propaganda at places like the Scotland Office. Time to sack the whole damn, useless lot of them.



Ian Murray’s suit is a jacket.

link to

and given his expenses claims it should be stamped Funded by the UK Government but don’t put such a sticker on his shabby door of his Constituency Office.

In In 2013 / 14 his expenses came to £189,015.53 on top of his salary.

On 13 January, along with 27 of his Scottish Labour colleagues, my local MP Ian Murray voted with the UK Tory government for another £75, 0000 million worth of austerity cuts which will slash billions from the Scottish government’s health and education budget.

Just a few days later, he and other Labour MPs refused to vote against the renewal of Trident which could have saved the £75 billion without further cuts and tax rises. He also abstained on a vote for a UK wide moratorium on Fracking in the House of Commons on 26 January.

Nicola Sturgeon is to be congratulated for waging war on Tax avoiders as both Labour and Tories are compromised by accepting huge donations from Tax Exiles which Westminster is reluctant to tackle.

It is surprising to learn that many members of the shadow cabinet, as well as Edinburgh South MP Ian Murray, are currently using the services of a seconded member of staff from the accountancy giant PwC, each at an estimated cost of £45,000.

This at the very least suggests a conflict of interest, particularly as Margaret Hodge, the chairman of the Commons Public Accounts Committee, said it was ‘inappropriate’ to accept unpaid help from the firm accused by MPs of promoting tax avoidance schemes on an ‘industrial scale’.

Les Wilson

I wonder if they will put signs up on the M25 (only one example)” Built with Scottish Oil!”
Because it was, as with very many infrastructure project in London. Starting from the first gush of oil, while Scotland got nothing. Fraudsters.

Look at HS2 and where we will be charged a cost against Scottish taxes, while having no benefit! Similar the Crossrail project, London drains improvements etc etc etc.

I guess there will be sod all about the cost to Scottish tax payers. This is a big blunder by our imperialist masters, a boomerang idiocy.

A hardly thought through propaganda car crash. Inventive Scots have very very many opportunities to show what actually has happened under Westminster rule in Scotland, and boy, are we gonna have fun spotlighting them.
We have 300 years of mismanagement to display, courtesy of our masters. Hell mend them.

john king

What Jim said @ 8.04! 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Sorry for continuing the OT. This is my last post on the subject. 😉

link to


The National is selling 50k a day plus 11K subscribers 50p. takes in 30k a day. Six days £180k + advertising revenues – less expenses. Enough to cover a few wealthy, middle class male ‘journalists’.

Scotsman sells 25k a day – more expensive
P & J sell 60k a day. Courier 50k

Google (or whatever) National Scotland – an article by the Guardian. Gives these figures.

CameronB Brodie

Barbara McKenzie
Err…which one? 🙂


Barbara McKenzie

@CameronB Brodie

Yes, sorry!

“The Salvador Option For Syria”
US-NATO Sponsored Death Squads Integrate “Opposition Forces”

I had been wondering how the half dozen protesters in Damascus during the Arab Spring suddenly developed into a fully fledged rebellion, complete with chemical weapons.

There is an article on Bella Caledonia by someone working in Kurdistan, Iraq, who claims that one motivation for jihadists is ‘the West’s support for Bashar al-Assad in Syria’.(!!!) Wonder who has been feeding them that line …
(link to

Les Wilson

This is a call for reminders of all of Scottish history, and for every grievance Scots have ever had over how we have always been milked for the benefit of the Union/Westminster.

How do we put one of their labels on the Highland Clearances, just one example!
It is a gift for the Independence movement, let us use it well. This is our own propaganda machine!!


The Thatcher speech was to the Church General Assembly. ‘we the English people are generous to you Scots’. While she was taking everything that moved, including the people, out of Scotland. ‘This must be kept secret written in her own hand on the policy document’. A born liar, corrupt beyond belief.

Nana Smith

Oh geez that first picture of two vile individuals is not something I wanted to see first thing in the morning.

How friendly they were, perhaps we should judge broon on those he protected.

On twitter I see people calling for him to be assessed by a psychiatrist. He should be locked for being a danger to the Scottish people.


Scottish money has flown South, never to return, for a very long time. Estimates of 100s billions are often claimed.

Perhaps we should produce a list of infrastructure projects carried out in England over the last thirty years which might reasonable be claimed to have been built with OUR money.

A good counter to the ‘subsidy junkie’ nonsense might be to reply “who paid for the Dartford Bridge (or whatever)? We Scots did!”

john king

Les Wilson says@ 08.36
“I wonder if they will put signs up on the M25 (only one example)” Built with Scottish Oil!”

And lets make sure they place them every few yards just like they put signs on cycle lanes where you will find signs every few yards (in case they forget I suppose) driving along the road above Chapel Level in Kirkcaldy past MGT towards B&Q there must be a hundred or more signs reminding people its a cycle lane, (not even half a mile long)when you consider the ludicrous amount of money it costs to put jus one sign up the cost for the signs on that road must amount to 100s of thousands of pounds
link to

And then they use the road anyway!


Apologies, don’t have the archive link thingie, but its an oh dang moment for UKIPs David Coburn.

link to


Danny’s idea is a gift to satire.

I can’t even begin to imagine what went through his mind when he suggested it. I actually cringe slightly when I see things like “A gift from the American people” or “Giftaid from the UK” stamped on sacks of food. Perhaps it is the remnant Calvinist in me that thinks one’s giving should be in humility and without fanfare. What he proposes just makes me curl up inside.


Will you all be tearing down and vandalising “funded by the EU” signs on public works, also subsidiser bythe Scottish taxpayer? Or do they get a free pass?

Bob Mack

I had to laugh this morning at the American Chief of Military Staff,who considered that if “BRITISH” forces are further cut, then the logical thing for them to do is fight withinin American Divisions.Looks like our service personnel will be adding the Stars and Stripes to the butchers apron.
Land of Hope and Old Glory ?


Ken500, Don’t know if you’ve noticed the lack of advertising on the National.
Early days yet and hopefully that revenue stream will pick up.



Just a wee bit Kipperish there I think.

Geordie Winkle

I rarely agree with English politicians and here I am agreeing with Maggie. The UK government funds nothing, the Scottish government funds nothing it is we, the people, who fund everything with the help of expensively borrowed money.

De Valera

I received my first SNP leaflet at the weekend, but in some ways they needn’t have bothered. This latest stunt and of course this article are two more reasons I’ll be voting for Richard Arkless on May the 7th.


*passes RJF a nice wee bowl of cereal

Derick fae Yell

“Paul says:1 March, 2015 at 10:55 pm
What infrastructure in Scotland is actually paid for by the UK government? ”



Just asking if you’re going to be consistent about this. The EU has trousered billions in Scottish oil and whiskey and then condescends to give some of it back pretending it’s their own, too. Why will you yell and shriek against one but not the other, evenif they’re both robbing Scots?


They’re really just feeding the whole sponger Scots thing in England, which is the UK. How much NOT Scots oil’s been sucked away by our chums in the south?

So another day in teamGB and if only this socialist firebrand could be a teamGB PM or Chancellor

link to

Jump in anywhere, if you’re wondering where to start. Rancid says vote SLab Scottish types, listen to Crash Gordon and you don’t exist anyway Scotland land. This raging Graun attack says Scots oil, £1.5 trillion, is worthless and they even know how much barrel of NOT Scots oil will be 2016/17 too.

Bet Norway wish they were also owned by England:D

CameronB Brodie

Sorry for going back on what I said, but I want to correct my post @ 02.24, replying to RascalRachael.

“Though the USA has been keen on helping Wahabism spread around the world since the 1950’s”, would have been better as…

Though the USA has been keen on helping ‘Islamic nationalism’ spread around the world since the 1950’s



Some people can’t get the National because there are not enough copies being printed to go around. The circulation will increase as the Paper becomes more established. No perfect but better than others that are available. Many people have got out of the habit of buying a paper, for obvious reasons.



That’s the fella 😀

@John King,


Gogsie B?


Sounds about right…

Oil get ma coat.


I think what they have in mind is UK plc.
Perhaps they plan to float it on the Stock Exchange once the assets are suitably labelled and priced? A hedge fund could buy up UK plc and the top pols and civil servants can be proper Directors on the Board.
Think of the bonuses!

We can all just shut up and fight each other over the crumbs.

john king

Macart @ 09.13
here ye go

link to

Christian Schmidt

Finsbury Park station, just after Christmas


Has the Millenium Dome, aka The subsidized 02 Arena got a mention yet…that would suit a great big stamp on it!

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Macart

The Huffington Post link, to UKIP’s Coburn’s car crash in Bristol last week, is ferking hilarious.

“He also made fun of SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon for her “mad scary eyes” and compared Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson to porridge.”

Coburn is so far down that tunnel to Alice’s Wonderland that he is just about in Australian jurisdiction.

Long may he continue to brainfart, because we need the humourous freak show that he is, and he serves as a reminder of what UKIP really are like.

john king

Derick fae Yell says
“What infrastructure in Scotland is actually paid for by the UK government? ”

link to
why dont we make sure they stick paid for by the uk government over those?

Robert Kerr


The National is being advertised on Smooth Radio!

Our day shall come

Bugger (the Panda)

a propos RJF

More than a feint whiff of rotting fish there?


Unionjackerie on canvas, this does it for me folks,

link to

Bugger (the Panda)


” The EU has trousered billions in Scottish oil and whiskey “

Their pockets must be leaking all over the place.

You are so obviously not Scottish either.



@ John King

Cheers John.

@ BtP

It’s a peach isn’t it? 🙂

Couldn’t help himself.

Brian Sherry

As Brown engages in his last hurrah,he must observe (like us)that like him,Murphy,Curran and the rest,have a total dependence on westminster.It has left them bereft of any positivity,any great courage or moral compass,they are vacuous.They are also like him,yesterday’s men/women,the people of Scotland are not all nationalists but 100% reject you and your like and will vote SNP,fool me once,shame on you….grrr


The US/UK were keen to misappropriate other countries resources and assets in the Middle East. The first attempt was in Iran 1950. Westminster Churchill had control ie ownership of total Iranian oil production. Instead of buying the Oil resources. US/UK decided to destabilise the regime, chaos and death and discredit the PM and put him in jail. Use the Shah in pursuit of their intentions. CIA/M15. Secrecy. Now released in historical US gov documentation. Documented in ‘Planet Oil’ (2) BBC 2.

These ‘secret’ campaigns have continued the same illegal pattern throughout the Middle East and the rest of the world, as US/UK misappropriate other countries assets and resources. Trade and give Aid. Do not illegally invade. It costs more.

The same pattern happened in the Referendum Campaign.


Remember to lift your eyes from time to time.

RT reporting that Catalonia are preparing to set up their own tax system, looking at setting up worldwide offices as embassies.

Love it.


Funded by
UK Government
The first three capital letters really stand out. Once you notice you just can’t take your eyes off them 🙂

Bugger (the Panda)

I bet you didn’t know that after the abolition of slavery, the plantation owners received compensation for their loss from the UK Government which a fair few used to build their estates in the Shires of England.

They should also carry a UK sticker, I think.

link to


I have just registered my dissatisfaction with Lidl concerning their association with the Daily Record and why.

I informed Lidl that many switched to them during the Referendum because they appeared neutral, whilst other Supermarkets took the No side.

I informed Lidl that I would no longer shop with them if they engage with a newspaper that has been found to mislead the public in this Country.

I would urge others to register their concern too.

john king

Fred says
“Unionjackerie on canvas, this does it for me folks”

Jesus that’s is the saddest picture I have ever seen,
my God even the horse looks defeated.

Nana Smith

People in Renfrewshire awoke to good news yesterday as it was announced that the children’s ward at the RAH would remain open.

Months of hard campaigning by a local, community-led campaign, including numerous public meetings and rallies, had pressurised the local health board to withdraw the threat of closure to the children’s ward at the RAH. A well-deserved victory for the local community.

link to

Black Douglas

Fred says:
2 March, 2015 at 10:05 am

“Unionjackerie on canvas, this does it for me folks,”

Ethnic cleansing 18th & 19th century style.

Surprised they didn’t try concentration camps!

oh look they did link to

Only took the empire another hundred years to dream that one up.

1984 anyone?

Bugger (the Panda)

re my above post on slavery, the payment awarded to the former slave owners is estimated to have been the equivalent of 45% of the then GDP of the UK.

link to

This site give you a database access to the compensation claims and payment records of the time.

The father of Gladstone PM is there making his filthy lucre as are a wheen of Camerons, but not suggested link to oor Davy.

But I wonder.

All paid for by the British Government.


HS2 £70Billion, (will make journeys times through Scotland even longer) White elephant subsided without necessary customer base. HS3 £25Billion, Crossrail 2 £20Billion, Thames tidal?, Tideway sewers £4Billion, London Garden Bridge £Billions, 3rd London runway £Billions. Anywhere but Heathrow.

APT on Scottish Air travel makes journeys even more expensive, with overnight stays extra.

Broadband Scotland £200 Million, interest added and put on Scottish Account. The rail line in Scotland has not even been electrified, making journey’s longer.

Increased Oil tax in 2011 Budget 10% (£2Billion) to 80% has cost Scotland £16Billion in lost revenues.

Nana Smith

and the bbc klaxons shriek broon’s ‘nationalise the oilfields’ Articles will be broadcast until scots have been thoroughly brainwashed.

Broon’s self preservation society in full on attack mode.


*HS3 £7Billion, Crossrail £20Billion.

john king

Paid for by UK government
link to



Daily (pick your own word beginning with R) on it usual Vile Cybernats tirade again.

This time regarding comments on Nick Robinson’s cancer.

Now, I don’t and never will confuse personal misfortune with professional misconduct bias and it IS inappropriate to make comments about personal issues outside of politics. I am pleased however that no Wingers appear to have stooped to that level.

That said, is does show that a few idiots (in this case, some seem to have been from Welsh Nats as well) how easy it is for MSM to tar everyone with the same brush.

It helps no one, and in exactly the same way that comments about Leaonard Nimoy, Alex Salsomd and the ‘c’ word (not reported by your favorite toilet paper) do not help the Unionist cause.

Please stick to the policies and the professional misconduct, leave private lives out of it where it has no bearing on the former

Nana Smith

@Bugger (the Panda)

Cameron’s wife’s family received payments.

@Valerie here’s the link…

link to


@ frogesque

Couldn’t agree more.

chris kilby

Better Together, eh? This truly is The Best of Both Worlds…

Les Wilson

Just a few that deserve the label

1, Radioactive hot spots around Scotland.
2. Corroding nuclear subs near major population centers.
3, Depopulation of the Highlands
4, The millions of tons of ww2 ammunition’s dumped in the sea between Scotland and Ireland.
5, Nuclear subs 20 miles from our major population city.
6, Lorries loaded with nuclear materials regularly passing through Glasgow.
7,Giving away our fishing rights to all and sundry.
8, Scottish exports sent to English ports,then classed as English exports.
9,6000sq miles of Scottish waters stolen by Westminster including the oil rigs there, of course. The proceeds go to English coffers.
10,Scottish history education none existent.

Shit there are so many issues, that is just 10 for now.


I notice that you didn’t actually answer my question, BTP. I suppose when nationalists are called out on their hypocrisy they just desperately try to deflect.


Somebody ought to tell the Gruniad that they wheeled Brown out 3 times for the council byelection in Kirkcaldy so Jim could show that he was a winner and they got beat. They should have romped it, they got 49.95% in the 2012 election.

Broon’s a busted flush.

chris kilby

“Union flag to be plastered across Scottish bridges and roads with message ‘Funded by UK government’ to counter independence

Provocative Treasury move to put Union Flag on all state-funded projects

Roads, flood defences and broadband hubs will all be branded with logo

Plan drawn up to hammer home the benefits of Scotland remaining in UK

Logo is also similar to one used on foreign aid funded by Britain.”

No risk of vadalism/popular uprising there. Why don’t the feckers brand US with union jacks while they’re at it? Just to remind us all who’s boss – Don’t whup me, massa…!

ronnie anderson

Did the great Gordo happen to mention the Resiliance Fund in his utterances.


Are we seriously going to get FUKG’ed? Will we keep track of where the latest FUKG up is?

john king

RJF @ 9.42

Im sure your about to provide the evidence any minute now.


@ Les Wilson
Re Scottish History (Mr Peffers will be along in a minute):
I just watched some of Neil Oliver’s 2008 BBC Scotland “History of Scotland”. Totally anglocentric skim thorough hunners of years leaving out important chunks. Seems our history was mostly a run-up to the Union. Chaotic barbarism blissfully replaced by peace, order and prosperity.

Bonus Feature – “How the Celts Saved Britain” – a provocative two part documentary presented by Dan Snow.

I’ll keep you posted!



Anything that the EU gets is given to them by Westminster. If Holyrood does approach the EU and secure additional funding then that is a win as things stand. I can’t recall the last time I saw a funded by the EU thing, I’m not even sure we get those any more.

What Westminster is proposing is just plain cheek. Transport is devolved as is Housing and other key infrastructure projects. The notion of putting a “funded by the UK” sticker on the say the new Forth crossing or the new Borders Railway is quite simply offensive. Those are Holyrood projects from beginning to end. If Westminster is proposing to build lots of extra stuff over and above the Holyrood works projects, out the goodness of their hearts, that is another matter. Somehow though I doubt it.

bookie from hell

Will Gordon be quoting this in his Scotland Oil speech tonight

The Red Paper of Scotand 1975(devolution vision)

Gordon Brown

“Scotland’s true resources are not oil,but the collective energies and potential of our people”

link to


There, there RJF

Have some more cereal and play with your butchers apron placemat, there’s a good chap


Tell me where Scots get a choice in what is paid to EU? As far as I’m aware EU membership fees are paid directly by Westminster as a cumulative amount for the whole of the UK.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

ronnie anderson

O/T BBC reporting on Tidal Lagoons in Swansea Bay & Cardiff to make electricity ( 5 miles long barriers to hold water back ) & here,s me thinking that generating electricity from wave energy was so expencive,HOC /HOLs or its only the case that Scottish Hydro / Wave energy is expencive ( note no walls need building in harnessing the power of the waves ).

More & more backhanders will see these projects pushed through legislation.


And if you’re wondering how Neil Oliver – an archaeologist and not a historian – gets to front a History of Scotland x 10 part series, and indeed the subsequent shambles on “Bannockburn” for its 700th anniversary, then the clue lies in his Wikipedia entry:

In May 2014, Oliver stated in an interview with the Herald, that he was “proud of Britain” and noted his dislike of the upcoming Scottish independence referendum saying that he found “this kind of internecine squabbling puts my teeth on edge. I would rather that it would just go away – or that it had never happened.” He went on to say that he “liked the status quo.” (herald 17th May 2014).

Funded by the UK plc


I suppose all the new nuclear power plants that England will be getting built will have funded by the chinese on them yeah?


Forces are not protected by the minimum wage act introduced by the Labour government in 1997. The commitment was dropped after pressure from then Defence Secretary George Robertson, (now Lord George) who claimed that it would put the military and government into a “financial and legal straitjacket”. His intervention resulted in first level forces eg. private soldiers, being paid the equivalent of under £2 for each hour of duty under fire. And politicians are ever alert to remind the public that they value our forces highly. Twaddle.

In recent times implementation of a recent defence review completed by Con/Dem politicians and civil servants inflicted major damage to our forces at the time many were deployed on active service in Afganistan. On returning home significant numbers were issued with a, “notice of redundancy” and summarily discharged within a few weeks with little prospect of gaining employment in a declining job market. So much for loyalty and camaraderie. More:

link to

ronnie anderson

Hud the Presses. Cameron promises to Build 200,000 Rabbit Hutches by 2020.

Labour will Build 200,000 Rabbit Hutches by 2020

O who to vote for.

Do they all carry the Onion Flag seal of approval of the british Taxpayer,questions will be asked in HOC / HOL when the obliga-tory-labour palms are Greased.

Muchos greasy arses.


Another another day in teamGB. So happy and glorious. There cant be many people around getting such as slagging by teamGB, sorry us cybernats.

link to

If these hacks alone are stooping as low as to use some poor old BBC shill’s illness, somethings really bugging them.

Les Wilson

Capella says:

Thanks Capella, please do that. my blood is boiling with this.


I certainly don’t recall seeing anyone here saying anything unpleasant about Robinson. Indeed there were several Get Wells…thought we were supposed to be the spawn of Satan site?

Bugger (the Panda)


cc JK, Lollymum, Rigmac 7, HandandShrimp,

I do not normally engage with the afflicted on this site but, it is a slow part of day and it is pissing down outside so,

I think you don’t understand the difference between rhetoric and a real formed question. However, trying to work out what you are trying to articulate about the EU, Scotland does not pay money to the EU. We pay money to Westminster and we do. So, your point is pointless, just fulmination to no real objective. Anger without logic is self destructive.

You also did not respond to my implied question about not being Scottish. Can you guess why I posed it?

Anyway, time to get on with the rest of my life, of which you form no part.



@john king

In addition to the military roads and the big barracks at Fort George, Fort Augustus and Ruthven we should also add all those other “King’s Houses”

They all tend to be called “The King’s House Hotel” nowadays but they were all originally barracks built to house an occupying army!
For instance the can be found at Glencoe, Lochearnhead,Garbh, Glenelg, Rannoch Moor, Balquhidder, Kinlochleven, and so on throughout the Highlands beside these old military roads.

The ones at Appin and Garvamore are not hotels, but the buildings are still there. And these are just the ones I happen to know about.

Wonder how many wee plaques they will need to highlight all that spending on military infrastructure?

PS apologies for spoiling yer Tea last night, Min.

donald anderson

@john king
“In addition to the military roads and the big barracks at Fort George, Fort Augustus and Ruthven we should also add all those other “King’s Houses”

They all tend to be called “The King’s House Hotel” nowadays but they were all originally barracks built to house an occupying army!
For instance the can be found at Glencoe, Lochearnhead,Garbh, Glenelg, Rannoch Moor, Balquhidder, Kinlochleven, and so on throughout the Highlands beside these old military roads.
The ones at Appin and Garvamore are not hotels, but the buildings are still there. And these are just the ones I happen to know about.”

Sorry to butt in. The Kig’s Houses you refer to were commissioned earlier by Scottish Kings for drovers, etc. Yes, they were later used by the redcoats and Wades roads and bridges were not buit for our benefit. Wade, an Irishman, made a fortune in the Strontonium mines, not far from Ballacullish.He was also called from Eglinton Toll barracks to put down the rioters, rebelling againt the Traty of Union, at Glasgow Cross.

call me dave

Oh Rhonda! Will this perpetual love bombing never end from Westminster. I must be ready to climax…BOHICA

KY jelly: Funded by by the UK Government! 🙁

(Bend Over Here It Comes Again)


‘The National’, has

How can an individual, obtain it for their e-mail address? Instead of, that shitey ‘’.


The ‘Curse of No’ strikes again – Gordon Brown and Jim Murphy fall out big time over North Sea oil funds.

Jim Murphy spitting blood at Gordon Brown’s intervention.

ronnie anderson

@ Heedtracker 11.24 dont give them any more mileage on Wings, thats what they want The very Nasty Cybernats input,& they wont get it from Wingers.


The Union flag is such a divisive symbol in Northern Ireland that Danny boy thought he’d give it a try in Scotland. A cynical ploy by an absolute arse. He is playing a very dangerous game. Thankfully we are countering it with disbelief and humour…..and of course he will get a swift kick in his ballotbox in May.


So an independent Scotland would never have rejoined the EU? Fascinating. I don’t know why half of you are accusing me of being a kipper, since you all are so vehemently anti-EU yourselves. Again, the nationalist watchwords are inconsistency and hypocrisy.


Wasnt it only recently that Cameron refused to pay a bill from the EU because he’d tried to be clever & included prostitution & drugs trades in UK GDP figures, triggering an increase in UK contributions.

That bill went to the UK government.

link to

Robert Kerr


Indeed N Oliver is an Uncle Tom and has made lots of money from the system by being so.

Nauseating ProudScotBut of the first water.

Interestingly there is a superb “The Story of Ireland” available in DVD and produced jointly by BBC NI and RTE. Narrator is Fergal Keane who is excellent.

I don’t recall this being shown on BBC here.

You can source the DVD set from

link to

Further to that story we have the example of the “Black and Tans”. All part of the glorious history of Empire and precursors to the Nazi Sturm Abteilung thugee squads.

It makes you proud to be British.


Neil Oliver’s history pointedly ignored things like the Massacre of Glencoe, if I recall correctly. Pretty big event in Scotland’s history to omit entirely.

bookie from hell

article Scotsman online today pulled–wish I copied it

Was WIlliam Wallace a terrorist?

Nana Smith

Oh dear I do hope he wasn’t hurt in any way…

A UKIP Candidate Got Stranded On The Beach After Writing “We Love Nige” In The Sand

link to

ronnie anderson

Re my post at 11.11am Westminster solve the Welsh sepratists crisis. Coastal erosion & Wales is washed away (? will there still be ah prince of Whales).


Hi ronnie anderson, I know, its Huffington Post monstering people for Scotland’s independence online now using Nick Robinson’s illness, is my teamGB hell point.

UKOK news rooms having been pouring out this vote NO or else frenzy for over 2 years but the worse they get, the more desperate they look trying to close Scottish democracy. That’s all this is, an all out assault on freedom of speech and Scottish democracy through English media and all to stay in control of their scrounger region. A seriously creepy bunch in an ever more creepy joke union.



What are you talking about? It is you that is being inconsistent. You asked about existing EU funded stickers (assuming such things still exist) and you were answered. What has that to do with if the referendum outcome had been a Yes? We were never getting back into the EU according to Doom Sayers so the issue is entirely hypothetical. Unless your position is that the Doom Sayers were lying.

john king

“I don’t know why half of you are accusing me of being a kipper, since you all are so vehemently anti-EU yourselves. ”

How on Earth do you get that from the responses we’ve all made?
for my own part if there a issues with the EU, Scots can do nothing about it as we dont have any say in agreements between the UK government and EU,

post independence we will be able to renegotiate our agreements with the EU instead of having them foisted on us by Westminster and while there is no traction in Scotland for the current government it is hardly surprising that our needs are not considered ,
is it?

Free Scotland

Last couple of paragraphs of Derek Bateman’s latest article worth a read in this connection:

link to


Amazing Grace, was played by Pipe-Major Jimmy Pryde at my faithurr’s funeral, in July 2003. Alongwith his favourite, Rowan Tree.

A unforgettable moment.

Brian Powell

Could get interesting: Manchester airport-Funded by the Chinese Government.

Grangemouth- Funded by the Chinese Gov.

GCHQ-Funded by US Gov.

Robert Kerr


Your cover was blown when you insulted us by using the spelling “whiskey”

Our day shall come!

Black Douglas

Who knew? RFJ is Forrest Gump. 🙂

There are more holes in your last comment than Swiss cheese and like BTP I have neither the time nor the inclination to engage with 👿


From our chums at BBC Scotland

12:10: Put your questions to Jim Murphy
The Scottish Labour Party will be holding a conference at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) on 7 March.
Jim Murphy is leader of the Scottish Labour Party
As part of BBC Scotland’s coverage, Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy will take part in a half-hour webcast in which he will answer your questions.
If you have something to ask Mr Murphy, email
Please put “webchat questions” in the message field of your email.

Would be rude to ignore such a polite invitation methinks


ronnie anderson says:
2 March, 2015 at 11:11 am

aye. the biggest tidal stream resource – underwater turbines – is the pentland firth. that’s far more power than the severn estuary. i don’t see mr davey getting behind those though.

Arabs for Independence

o/t – where is Alex Clark or thepnr these days? I have lost his phone number.


Re Nick Robinson’s cancer diagnosis there were many comments posted here on Wings extending sympathy.

However, today we are being told by our wonderful media that the dreaded cybernats have been posting disgusting messages rejoicing in his misfortune.

As it would be the easiest thing in the world for the Guys In The Black Hats to make such posts masquerading as YES suporters this strikes me as a typical disgusting McTernan stunt which will of course be shouted from the rooftops by the MSM. It wouldn’t surprise me if Reporting Murphy tonight includes it – given the depths to which they are now stooping.

ronnie anderson

@ george 12.21 ah but there,s nae 5 miles of walls tae be built sos nae brickie,s employed at the Pentland Firth site.



I’m sure they are disappointed in the extreme that people here on Wings were considerate about Nick’s illness.



Par for the course gus. The ever helpful media being somewhat selective over instances of abuse. Throughout the entire referendum period they successfully managed to ignore the torrent of intimidation and abuse levelled at YES Scotland, The Scottish government and independence support. No mean feat considering there was a mountain of evidence.

They obviously intend to continue in the same vein regardless.

Better Together… not what it says on the tin.


Almannysbunnet says:
2 March, 2015 at 11:51 am
The Union flag is such a divisive symbol in Northern Ireland that Danny boy thought he’d give it a try in Scotland. A cynical ploy by an absolute arse. He is playing a very dangerous game. Thankfully we are countering it with disbelief and humour…..and of course he will get a swift kick in his ballotbox in May.

Having lived and worked in NI for three years I tried to explain to English friends why the Union Flag/Butcher’s Apron was so divisive, especially when flown on public buildings. It was when I said that in the not so recent past it meant, amongst other things,’Catholics need not apply’ that the penny finally dropped.

It is a bastard flag born of expediency and largely claimed by the Establishment as the national flag of England (forgetting the more appropriate Cross of St. George – a foreigner!)

Bugger (the Panda)

Foonurt says:
2 March, 2015 at 11:44 am

‘The National’, has

How can an individual, obtain it for their e-mail address? Instead of, that shitey ‘’.

It is easy.

You go to an domain agent, I use EU registry but there are many.

You see if your chosen domain is available nomoretories,scot and buy it. It costs about £25 and it is yours for a year. Then if you want to use it as an e-mail address you have to pay annually for that service, say £25 and then you set up and then you can automatically download the e-mails into your Outlook programme leaving a copy on your server.

I own and which I am keeping for later.

Bugger (the Panda)

Here I am taking a break halfway through washing February’s dishes and the Kipper Troll is still exposing himself here.

Remember what they say about mud wrestling a pig?

Duncan McFarlane

Duck house one isn’t true. The MP involved claimed for it, but his claim was rejected and he never got a penny of expenses for it.
link to

Others fair enough.


@ Robert Kerr 12.01
Thanks for steer on History of Ireland. Will order it via Library to keep it in circulation!
A qiock google established that the Neil Oliver effort met with objections from the start.

link to

“First, the 10-part series comes under fire over claims that it is too “anglocentric”. The failure to front it with a historian has been attacked. Academic advisers stormed out before programmes were completed.
Professor Allan Macinnes of the University of Strathclyde resigned from the series’ advisory board after its first meeting. “I thought the whole production was dreadful,” he said. “The first script I got was so anglocentric I couldn’t believe it. It was written on the basis as if Scotland was a divided country until the Union came along and civilised it. At the time, England was divided, France was divided, Germany didn’t even exist. I would like to see a wider European context.”

Duncan McFarlane

Wait actually the ISIS massacre one – Salaheddin province Iraq picture is pretty dubious. There’s no evidence that the British government fund Islamic State either – or none i’ve read. There’s evidence that weapons made in the EU were sent to Sunni rebel groups in Iraq by NATO and the Saudis, and that some of those weapons got into the hands of al Nusrah (Syrian branch of Al Qa’ida). So possible ISIS might have got some too. That’s about it.

Though most Syrian rebels (including most who are nominally ‘FSA’) are Sunni Jihadists and many are sectarians too.



Yup, Viggers claimed for the Duck House but I think that is when his bubble burst as all his other gardening claims hove into view. He stepped down over it.

The Moat cleaning was paid though and Douglas Hogg had to pay that back. So a moat would serve just as well in that picture.

bookie from hell


Reporting Murphy tonight

bfh–comment made my day


GBroon cannot be allowed to ‘sell’ Scotland’s oil to the UK.
I cannot believe why folk trust this man, he is a charlatan of the worst kind, a cringing ‘Proud Scot’.

I can’t begin to express how angry I am, we must try to get this info out and STOP Broon from further damaging Scotland.

His own fekking constituency has radioactive beaches – he was the PM , albeit briefly, and did NOTHING.

ronnie anderson

Awe you,s that were playing wie the toy box this morning ( RJF) I would hope you,s kind enough to deposit him at the Toy Hospital Royal Mile Emburgh fur unbending & re-attachment of limbs.

Les Wilson

Re Gordon Brown, this is a new ruse to remove the oilfields from possible control. The usual smoke and mirrors from the worst Prime Minister we have EVER had.

Finds new credibility with the BBC, MSM et al.That is what it is all about, preserving the purposes of the Union F… Scotland. Piece of Sh… !

CameronB Brodie

Can I assume you think almost half of Scotland’s electorate are ‘guilty’ of harboring a nationalist outlook which is intrinsically unacceptable, in your judgement?

Would you care to outline what you see as being fundamentally wrong or evil about nationalism, and how was this given voice by the Yes movement?

Are you aware of the democratic deficit Scotland ‘enjoys’?


Can we expect to see MPs all wearing silly little Union badges now like they do in USA…pin the donkey time right enough!

Nation Libre


I used 1and1-dot-co-dot-uk and registered a few .scot domain names but there are plenty of companies. You can try others that offer web hosting and email packages, normally for a monthly or annual fee.

Once you’ve regestered the domain name, say you can then set up email addresses using that domain name, such as and etc


@ Duncan MacFarlane
NATO funds ISIS according to some:
link to

“With NATO’s, to borrow Dan Glazebrook’s phrase, ‘Divide and Ruin’ foreign policy turning everything it touches in Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, and Syria to blood and gore, we now have – at least partly – NATO armed and funded ISIS appearing on the scene in Afghanistan too. It seems about time we all took stock of the religious and military powder keg that NATO and Israel have created.”
Tony Gosling on RT referring to Adam Curtis’ film Bitter Lake which is only available online via the iPayer.
link to

Duncan McFarlane

Handandshrimp wrote “The Moat cleaning was paid though and Douglas Hogg had to pay that back. So a moat would serve just as well in that picture.”

Fair point. Googled it and if this is accurate Hogg claimed on paying his gardener to mow the lawn, and on a housekeepers’ wages and all kinds of things and got the Fees office to approve more than half of the amount.

john king

Duncan McFarlane says:
Duck house one isn’t true.

it represents a theme such as this one
link to
which one in your opinion represents a closer approximation to reality Duncan?


Arabs of Independence,

ThePNR was fine last weekend but is having a very busy time for a while.

john king

BBC trying to move the goalposts by incorporating BBCiplayer into the licence fee,
now how are they going to police that I wonder?

rosa alba

Get your point but shit man, you really need to warn if there are triggers for survivors, like a picture of Savile first up.

It has done me no good at all (sorry to whinge).

Chic McGregor

@IanB 12:11am

Looks like an early 118 118 ad.

Direct Tory enquiries?


Neil Oliver-“if I was chocolate…” one sketch destroyed him. The only an excuse “because I’m worth it skit.

Nana Smith

Are they doing this in Northern Ireland? That might be a tad controversial..


rosa alba

It is the one with Savile in the string vest that the Guardian always uses that freaks me out.

Nana Smith

Scotland shows the way yet again..

link to


Re Steven Dinnie at The Courier in his tweet that this article is a “..scathing attack..”..

Is it..?


I’d hate to see your description if something REALLY awful were to happen Stephen?

Were people equally as outraged when Spitting Image was on the go?

‘Fluck & Law’ would “scathingly attack” Politicians every Sunday.. Much to the delight and hilarity of my household.

They weren’t vilified (not that I remember). There were no calls for them to be burned at the stake.

I think Danny’s latest “Funded by the UK Government” announcement is more than ripe for being ripped to shreds satirically.

My only gripe with Steven Dinnie’s claim as that his short tweet is specifically aimed at Wings.

I can only assume that Steven is implying that Wings is the only place on the entire internet, yes, the WHOLE World Wide Web where Danny’s announcement is being satirically portrayed.

On the other hand I am pleased that Mr S Dinnie is taking the time to come onto Wings. Hopefully not only to see the satire at Mr Alexanders announcement, but also to read some refreshing Fact Based Reporting (references/links provided for you to have a swatch at and either disagree/agree).

Peter Macbeastie

I am ex Navy.

Used to salute that flag pretty much daily.

Now the response it elicits from me is annoyance that it is seen in MY country.

The response this half baked insult gets from me is ‘where’s the nearest spray paint suppliers?’

Chris kilby

Food banks?

The list really is endless.

Nana Smith

Can’t remember if I already posted this…

link to


Paid for by…
link to


re. duck house. important to get the details right if we can i suppose

Marco McGinty

The cold-blooded murder of Jean Charles de Menezes. Funded by the UK Government.

CameronB Brodie

Barbara McKenzie
Thanks for your link, I hadn’t spotted the article myself.

I’m only half way through, though I thought “Clash of Barbarism” was a nice response to Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” guff.

Karen Allan
Bugger (the Panda)

Nana, I know the system and that must be the most expensive alcohol produced.

You can buy fuel alcohol, made from sugar Cane for less that 10 US cents per litre and the reduction in crude oil prices makes even that price pretty rocky.

The Irish have been making alcohol from whey for years in Cork but the alternative of dumping it, and paying humungous penalties for the pollution value or drying it for animal feed, is more expensive.

DCL actually burn the draff from a number of their distilleries to create energy, yes burn a food source, because the need for traceability into the food chain makes it uneconomic to feed to cattle, wet.

I salute the technology of this company but, if someone offers you shares in this enterprise, don’t take it.

The waste from the stills could be converted to methane but again it is all economics.

That UKIP video on the beach was a roaster!

Trust UKIP to turn a publicity stunt into a near death experience. Thanks for posting it. It needs to be diffused on Twitter etc.


@Donald Anderson, rather like that Neil Oliver who carries a handbag for his BBC swag & hairspray, General Wade made a fortune building the roads and probably had a handbag as well, eyebrows were raised in Parliament I believe.

The Kingshouse at Garvamore has been authentically restored by British Aluminium and currently wants a use. Ideas on a postcard?

There was no military barracks in Glasgow in Wade’s time. Port Eglinton was a cavalry barracks and dated later than that built for infantry in the Gallowgate around 1770. Prior to that time sodgers were billeted on the populace.


It would be wholly inappropriate of me to suggest that similar stickers be produced and adhered to RBS offices, Sainsbury, Asda, Daily Record, etc. I think I should apologise for that thought.


@john King says 1:27pm


They are either worried financially or have been given some political direction from their masters in the Establishment. Whichever they are worried and are making a pigs ear of it, haven’t thought it through, AS USUAL.

Likewise the union flag nonsence, hope it applies to the whole UK and Northern Ireland since we are all one big happy family.

McTernan will sort it out with the help of the totally unbiased and scrupulously fair ENGLISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION.

Nana Smith

@Bugger (the Panda)

Thanks for that info Panda. I’m here to learn and my goodness there are knowledgeable folks on here.

I’m pretty dim when it comes to whisky as well and I live just a mile away from the Dalmore distillery.

Dan Huil

“Collateral damage” in Iraq and Afghanistan – “Funded by uk government”

Kevin Evans

My biggest fear is that all this great info on here still doesn’t get seen by the mass population of scotland. Scotland must get rid of blue, red and yellow Tories and set up this country as an pro independence group of MP’s to sit in westminster to fight our corner Asap or I fear the worst.

Phil Robertson

“Bugger (the Panda) says:
You also did not respond to my implied question about not being Scottish. Can you guess why I posed it?”

Do we all get a chance to answer? My guess is that you are anglophobic and next you’ll be asking which school they went to and what sex they are?

What do it matter whether RJF is Scottish or not?

Arabs for Independence


Thanks for that


Jimbos Irn Bru crate deserves a stamp!

Did we ever find out if he stopped claiming his wages whilst he was on his 100 But ‘n’ Ben tour?


RJF seems quite a nice troll. I think we should keep him.

Now I want you all to be nice to him and don’t scare him off with facts and links to source material – you all know how that frightens them.

schrodingers cat

“Collateral damage” in Iraq and Afghanistan – “Funded by uk government”

um…..i thought the official sponsers of the war in the gulf were mars and M&M’s?


The fact remains that none of you have been tearing down EU Regional a Development Fund signs despite the fact that they’ve been around for years before UK Government signs appeared, even though it’s the same arbitrarily-stolen money. You all refuse to explain this because again, you’re hypocrites.

As for the others questioning my Scottishness – will the Rev be booted off his own website for being a Civic Englishman? Do you all suddenly toss all the progressive can’t out of the window and regress to blood-and-soil ethnic nationalism when threatened?


@nana smith.

Wee Dougie got his cum upance.

comment image

@John King.

Google ‘filmon’ and download it. Free live TV via your computer/tablet.
When you change channels you get an advert, but you can live with that I’m sure, especially when its free.

Karen Allan

I suggest Gruniard Island contamination with Anthrax.

Black Douglas

RJF says:

“Do you all suddenly toss all the progressive can’t out of the window and regress to blood-and-soil ethnic nationalism when threatened?”

My apologies your not Forrest Gump your Flipper Darling 😀

Noel Chidwick

Dear @RJF,

Before this gets too silly, I think your statehood was queried cos you spelt whisky with an ‘e’.


RJF says:
2 March, 2015 at 3:00 pm

Oh dear! I was hoping for something original / fresh / new.
This is just the same unfounded material that BT/BBC produce.

If you want a biscuit you are going to have to do better.

Nana Smith




RJF and (others who are interested) should read this:

link to

I think Paragraphs 4.1.3 and 4.2.3 are the relevant ones.

Rob James

@Clootie at 2:47

Haven’t heard from him for a wee while. Perhaps the hypocrisy
is on the other foot.


@Robert Kerr and any other history fans:

The Story if Ireland is on youtube.
link to


RJF at 3.00pm

Progressive can’t? does he mean “Cant” as in platitudes uttered mindlessly or can’t as in contraction of cannot?
Either way his use of the word(s) is erroneous. Perhaps he has the vowel wrong.

The Man in the Jar


The fact remains that most of us on here woldnt wipe our arses on a union flag!


I am not sure what the issue is with this policy. Projects funded by the Scot Gov or EU stamp there image on the side. This catch up by the UK Gov hardly seems some fiendish piece of manipulation.

Robert Kerr


Thanks for that. I could have saved my cash but the photography is superb and the big screen shows it well.

Other DVDs that are of interest, showing original newsreel footage of the struggle and civil war are Mise Eire and Hailse.

link to

link to

WoS is superb.

Dr Jim

What does blood and soil ethnic Nationalism mean exactly
in terms of the desire to govern your own nation by consent of the people
Other folk can run their countries how they like, nobody’s trying to change that as far as i can tell
These Trolly folk always seem to get themselves in a real temper when nobody wants to agree with them
Which always leads me to think if they fail to cause trouble why on earth continue to make a complete Numpty of themselves
by banging on about something that’s going to happen, and it is going to happen
So Trolly people out there “Get over it” you won remember
Be content, Be happy, Chill,
Coz if we’re all wrong you’ve nothing to worry about
Lie back and think of The Union


Sorry Noel, but my iPhone’s autocorrect isn’t programmed for cybernat shibboleths.

Perhaps if I typed out “aye” and “craic” a few times, would that convince you all?

CameronB Brodie

Oh, please keep them coming. This is comedy gold.

Quack,quack. Honk, honk. Twitch, twitch. 🙂

link to


If Murphy really did do the 100 toons toor/towns tour,
then he knows the score.

In the same way that a football fan
will know the score from the sound of the crowd –
even were he outside in the street,
so also Murphy, after his Referendum Tour.

The truth of what he heard, he has to keep to himself.
He daren’t let it out, and therby give the game away.
He knows the Unionists lost.

So his whole strategy, forged by McTernan, who also knows,
is to hide the truth from the Scottish Electorate.

And so it continues.

It’s like when your in a noisy place –
and you can’t hear your own phone ringing.

Scotland’s phone is ringing still.
The message says ‘You Won’ – You’re Independent!! Yeh!!

But the Unionist noise is still too loud.

Our only hope is the Vibe.


Put your questions to Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy

link to

What question would you ask Jim Murphy and what is the likelihood that BBC Scotland will put that question to the Murph?


We can then create a list of questions that Jim Murphy is VERY unlikely to answer.

Robert Louis

Point is, that this branding of things with the union rag (or butchers apron/take your pick), just doesn’t go down well in Scotland. People don’t like it, so why is it being imposed by London – were we asked??

I see the Scottish Government as my country’s government, so I don’t mind if they put the flag of Scotland, the Saltire on their projects. I also don’t mind the EU flag.

So far as I am concerned, the union rag has no place in Scotland. For example, I regard the (too) many which fly in Edinburgh, including the rag on the castle, as an insult to Scotland It is not and has never been the flag of Scotland. It is an import from England. It is a silly colonial flag, that should have been dumped decades ago.

I cannot see many union rag placards surviving long, anyway.

All this latest nonsense from Westminster tells me, is they are getting pretty desperate. The union is dead, only a matter of time until the papers get drawn up.


Robert Louis whilst a lot of folks obviously don’t like the flag there seems to be more who aren’t really all that bothered/like it. Most other nations I have been too do stamp there logo on the side of projects. The UK seems just to be catching up with standard practice, though I agree its reintroduction is probably down to try and shore up support.

Also the flag was created under decree from King James the sixth-a Scot.

I understand that many don’t like the UK but it isn’t some form of purely English invention.


Clootie says:
2 March, 2015 at 2:47 pm
“RJF seems quite a nice troll. I think we should keep him.”

had a wee laugh at this. a lot of the “climate deniers” on the boards from the states are actually republican party interns or college kids getting paid to astroturf. some of them can be genuinely good to debate with.

it always seems to baffle the new ones when they realise they can’t match the quality of the sources or argument 😀

john king


Your in the wrong country RJF
Now if you just go out here and turn left and go straight on for about for about 250 miles
I think what is wrong here RJF is these cows are small those ones are far away.

john king

Clootie says
“RJF seems quite a nice troll. I think we should keep him.”

We’ve been here before, you always promise to walk them and who ends up doing it, and besides whose going to clean up the mess?

there’s not enough Daily Retards for him to shit on.


Robert-they make the excuse that the British Army is stationed at the castle for flying the bed sheet sized apron.



Scotland does not pay all its tax and hand over control of all its resources to the EU only to be called a subsidy junkie when the opposite is true.

If we had the same arrangement with the EU and were being brainwashed by a Eurocentric propagandist state broadcaster and MSM telling us we were too we too poor etc then we would likely feel the same way.

john king

“all the progressive can’t ”

All the progressives can’t what?

can’t:Examples from the web for can’t Expand
He’s a blockhead who wants a proof of what he can’t perceive.
If it is not literature, it is likely to be so heavy that you can’t lift it.
Reviewers are forever telling authors they can’t understand them.

cant: noun
insincere, especially conventional expressions of enthusiasm for high ideals, goodness, or piety.
the private language of the underworld.
the phraseology peculiar to a particular class, party, profession, etc.:
the cant of the fashion industry.
whining or singsong speech, especially of beggars.
Which cantcan’t are you RJF?


The “quality argument” seems to amount to disputing whether I have sufficient Celtic blood to be permitted to speak, and to say that EU money is stolen from Scotland as well over and over as if it means something other than agreeing with me.

john king

Hamish says
“I understand that many don’t like the UK but it isn’t some form of purely English invention.”

Oh dear have you met Bob yet Hamish?
I’ve a feeling your about to,
stay right there!

RJF Irelands that way————–>
jings its gettin busy in here the day. 🙂

The Man in the Jar

The union flag that flew over Culloden after the battle while the british army carried out their heinous war crimes. “Bayoneting the wounded” Actually the lucky ones were bayoneted the unlucky ones had their brains bashed in with the but of a brown bess musket.

This was of course just before the british army set out on their vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing in the highlands of Scotland.

“By lord Nelsons eyepatch makes yer proud to be British what!” 😉

Jamie Arriere

I think the main problem with this signs decision isn’t the principle of acknowledging funding sources on projects, but the politics behind it.

We are all well accustomed to seeing them, but it is usually where there has been a long-established custom & practice of doing it.

The EU development projects signs appeared from their instigation, as far as I remember. I have experienced it in the National Lottery Fund where recognition had to be given to them in a music group I was in, on equipment trailers and concert programmes.

However, the UK government has NEVER done this – and you have to ask ‘Why Now?’

That’s the reason that we are reacting as we are, as the Westminster establishment feels threatened like never before. This is merely a continuation of the Team GB/Armed Forces Day/GreatBritish TV saturation we had before the referendum, now extended to Westminster.

It might be interesting, if they do start doing it, to see how few there are


..and as the phone keeps ringing,

the noise increases as we are told about the UK Plaques –
there is uproar about it, which is what McTernan wants,
to keep everyone deafened and distracted by the noise of the MSM –
while the phone in your pocket keeps on ringing.

But the crowd is just too loud.

Here’s a thought-

See if the IndyRef vote had been the other way round,
with Yes having 2 million votes and No, 1.6 million,
then on the ground, things would be just the way things are,
with Yes voters still upbeat
and 100,000 new Independence party members,
and the polls sky high,
and with the No voters still depressed and
their Parties going downhill fast.

Can you feel the vibe yet . . .


@Donald Anderson and @Fred

Many thanx for the further info re “King’s Houses” etc.

Robert Louis


Aye I’ve heard that lame excuse for the ‘union’ rag on the castle. Once we are independent, it will be a joy as somebody who lives and grew up in Edinburgh, to see that colonial rag torn down for good. It is an insult to Scotland.

My country is Scotlnd, and my flag is the flag of Scotland, the Saltire. No amount of imposed union jackery from London will change that. Only makes me even more determined to ensure we rid ourselves of the scurge that is English unionism.


As regards astroturfing, yes you do see it along with a new breed of sophisticiated trolls, that only barely manage, once you engage them to hide their true thoughts. Bella Caledonia has been infested with them lately, making reading their otherwise thoughtful comments, a pointless experience.

Personally, speaking, I never enage with trolls, once recognised. They are just a waste of space and time.

CameronB Brodie

Please define nationalism and it’s inherent perils, as you see it.

Another Union Dividend


I think it is just pandering to the UKIP vote down south.

Ffs, I cant buy meat, fruit or veg in Supermarkets without Union Flag packaging, this is completely unnecessary and why don’t they charge supermarkets an additional 5p every time they wrap a cabbage in a Union Jack!

Its becoming more like America and next the UK government will be getting all school kinds to sing “God Save the Queen” at the start of the day’s lessons.

And see what that does for social cohesion in the USA.

Just Curious

The idea of the signs is neither new or unique. I’ve seen such in many other places besides the UK. Look at the lottery funded logos here. What is unique about them is that it is a very cheap and transparent election year tactic. No class, no magination.



Tried to register with the national and it won’t accept my postcode. Tried every possible concoction and nothing.

Anyone else having this problem ?

Robert Louis

The thing that riles me most about all this London imposed union jackery on Scotland, is the patronising arrogance of it all.

So freaking offensive.

Eejits. Stirring up a hornets nest in Scotland, and too arrogant and stupid to realise.


RJF, The qualititive facts are the vast majority of people on here are Scotnats and not Britnats for good reason , not least because Westminster, members of Big Business, the media and those who have inherited power and wealth came down on them with a string of lies, half truths and threats in the last couple of years which has made a United Kingdom unlikely to survive. Therefore, the introduction of a Union Flag waving scheme is seen quite rightly as another attempt by those groups to keep Scotnats in their place. It’s just not going to work though.


@Dr Jim 3.47, well said


RJF, the “quality argument” is about how big a neep you are, don’t worry their appears to be “no limits” to that.

And back to the real world, it appears Gordon Brown is trying a resource grab on behalf of Westminster with the scottish oil fields.

I would say this is to combat any future scottish independence, by claiming the oil fields belong to Westminster. That man has no lows, just another proudScot-but.

john king

RJF says
“The “quality argument” seems to amount to disputing whether I have sufficient Celtic blood to be permitted to speak,”

Permission to speak is not in our gift that Rev Stu’s but you really need to be a total arse before he’ll kick you out,
neither is Celtic blood a prerequisite,
all that is required on this site is an understanding of Scotland that so far you don’t appear to have.


Ashcroft National Poll: Mar 02, 2015 03:59 pm

Con 34%, Lab 31%, Lib Dem 7%, UKIP 14%, Green 7%

The Conservatives are back in the lead in this week’s Ashcroft National Poll.
After last week’s Labour figure matched the highest share recorded in the ANP,
the party has fallen back to its longer term average of 31%,
with the Tories up two points to 34%.
UKIP are up three to 14%, the Lib Dems […]

Read More at link to


Robert Louis, you do know that the Union flag was decreed by James VI, right?


@The Man in the Jar

Truly a dark day in Scotlands history. Mind you the redcoats doing the bad stuff where also more likely to be Scots than English. Bonnie Prince Charlies prime motivation was to grab the British throne rather than just gain control of Scotland and support for either side had more to do with being catholic or protestant. Its was a bit more Rangers vs Celtic than Scotland vs England.

Marie clark

Guys, guys, your lot are like a cat wi’ a wee mouse.

Now the wee troll is either an eejit, or mibies a member of 77th brigade. Mind you he’s no very good at it is he.

Dinnae feed the troll.


@hamish says 4:22pm

“I understand that many don’t like the UK but it isn’t some form of purely English invention.”

Forby a handful of money grabbing Scottish “politicians” and “leaders” which the ENGLISH bribed, who else was party to the “United kingdom” if it wasn’t the Establishment in England?

The vast majority of the SCOTS rioted against the “sell out” for a long time afterwards.

Don’t believe the Irish or Welsh were consulted. Leaves only one suspect!

Les Wilson

Thinking about the Plaques again, how much will it cost them to have to install cctv cameras at every one?????

Geoff Huijer

Quite sad, indeed pathetically so, that (according to the Mail link) foreign aid is conditional on the Union flag and ‘supplied by the British people’ being accepted.

More like marketing rather than aid.

Like all these lovely floral displays put around towns which are then spoiled by ‘courtesey of the Round Table’-type signs.

‘Here’s my charity donation but only if you let me tell everyone how wonderfully philanthropic I have been.’



RJF at 5
Wrong a Union Flag was prescribed by Jimmy 6. The present one dates from the 1801 Union with Ireland.

john king

RJF says
“Robert Louis, you do know that the Union flag was decreed by James VI, right?”

And that is important to the future governance of our country (Scotland) why precisely?

Les Wilson

Just to add to last post,I also wonder what how much it would cost them to maintain any cctv cameras, should they do that?
Just asking, as it could be a rather big upkeep!
Just saying.

CameronB Brodie

James VI was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots, and a great-great-grandson of Henry VII, King of England and Lord of Ireland. I imagine he would have been as foreign to me as Betty is today.


Oh I see I am now a ‘blood & soil nationlist’ -not bad seeing as I’m English & live in England. Whoops think I should be posting on a BritNat site.Not bad that-I was a vile, odious cybernat on Friday according to Murray Foote.

But no, I’m actually ashamed of the way my countrymen behave on those sites. I happen to believe human rights, democracy & in self determination whereas Westminster doesn’t.

I will carry on supporting the Scots to gain in independence for as long as it takes & your insults will do nothing to change my mind. I’ll take them as a compliment thanks because that says we are getting through to you who wish to use the tactics of the playground bully.

The Man in the Jar


Granted there were Scots within the british army carrying out the atrocities however they were carried out under the butchers apron and the orders of the Duke of Cumberland.

As for Charles Edward Stuart it was in his fathers manifesto read out at Glenfinnan that if successful the Stuart monarchy would reinstate the Scottish parliament. Thats not to say that this could be construed as a wee “incentive” to the highland chiefs who no doubt fancied a wee seat in the parliament for themselves.

Robert Louis


You are absolutely correct, in Scotland, aside from those who were bribed by London, and deceived by the English spy, Daniel Defoe, the union was as popular as a fart in a spacesuit.

There was rioting for months afterwads, with the articles being burnt at Glasgow Cross, just a few days after the ("Tractor" - Ed)s of Scotland signed it.

Since then there have been numerous attempts to end the union (it is not a new idea), with one attempt only a few years after it was signed in the House of Lords (before it was emasculated), a vote which was lost by just one vote.

The union was undemocratic in its formation, decided as it was by a wholly undemocratic and unrepresentative Scots Parliament, and wholly unfair and unrepresentative of Scots views in its implmentation

The sooner we are out of this cursed union with England, the better.

For more on the treaty of union with England, see;

link to


@raineach at 2.25pm

You should have a slapped wrist for even thinking such a thought LOL 🙂

@john king-taking the troll for walks 🙂

Robert Louis

James VI of Scotland, was one of Scotland’s great dissappointments, unlike his namesake predecessor, James V.

James VI, as soon as he was able to take the English crown, scurried off to London as fast as he could, never to return (actually, it seems he returned just once for a short visit) in the rest of his life.

He was extremely unpopular in Scotland, and was seen as someone who enjoyed the highlife in England, rather than be in his own country.


Hope folks managed to catch Greg Moodies strip in The National.

It’s a nice little tribute to Spock, trying to understand the logic of Kez, and her trolling about the bridge.

john king

Well said Lollysmum.

Robert Louis

At the time of 1745, there was no welfare state, and men would fight for whoever paid them. This was common all across Europe, and battlefields are littered with the bodies of foreigners who fought with ‘the enemy’.

The fact that Scots fought with the redcoats was no different, it did not change the relevant dynamics involved. It is hard to argue with an English redcoat garrison and militia based in Edinburgh and around Scotland, regardless of your view, especially (as was common then) you could NOT vote.

Prince Charles Stuart did indeed want both the Scottish crown AND the English crown, as had it not been for England changing the rules of succession (due to religion), he was in fact the true and rightful heir to both.

It is oh too easy for the unionist narrative to take Scots history out of its temporal context, making little recognition of the reality of life for most Scots at that time.

The evil, bloody butcher, Duke of Cumberland, after murdering innocent Scots in their beds all across Scotland following 1745, was greeted upon his arrival in London to the tune of ‘see the conquering hero comes’ composed especially for the occasion, by no less than George Frideric Handel.

The flower ‘sweet william’ was named after butcher Cumberland. To this day, it is known in Scotland as stinking billie.


@ Robert Kerr
Thanks for the links. The Irish struggle is interesting. I noticed our Irish cousins were having a wee laugh at us last year thinking we could just walk out of the Union by casting a vote. Ha ha. Good luck with that one.

I watched Ken Loach’s “The Wind that Shakes the Barley” which is on Youtube. Very atmospheric and features those charming Black and Tans at their winning hearts and minds best (not).


@ Lollysmum


Just 🙂

Helena Brown

To both Papadox and Robert Louis, my understanding is that along with the members of the Aristocracy who took the money there were also those like the Hamilton’s who were threatened. I expect there were others but the Duke of Hamilton was one who stayed away from signing and spoke forcefully against it with Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun and Lord Belhaven. I noticed when reading on Wiki that one of the Chief “Traitors” was James Douglas Duke of Queensferry, I noted that there were any amount of Better Together signs on the road to the Forth Bridge during and after the Referendum. It would appear that the descendants were keeping up with the ancestors, looking after their interests.
Note to Scotland, watching the story of the American War of Independence on TV last night, many who took a leading role lived on into their hundreds and two made it to 105 and 103. Why die in your fifties, become an Independent Nation and of an Independent mind and who knows.


Anyone with Amazon Prime gets free access to stream a series called Turn.

Fascinating history of a part of the American fight for independence, based on fact. A group of 6 people, one a woman, played a key part in a spy ring, who reported directly to Washington.

Angus McFadyen (played Bruce in Braveheart) plays the part of quite a nasty Scottish Ranger reporting to the Redcoats. He plays it like a mercenary, and the British officers look down on him, but he gets results.

Thoroughly enjoyed it.


RJF says:
“Perhaps if I typed out “aye” and “craic” a few times, would that convince you all?”

As they say, ignorance is bliss, eh!

Awa n bile yer heed ya fricken moron.

(Sorry, Marie (5.02pm), agree with you but couldn’t resist)
(The thread has well and truly been derailed anyway, long ago)


When I was a kid, the Queen came to Balloch for a trip on the Maid of the Loch. I was literally press ganged to be part of a crowd waving wee Union flags and pretending to be enthusiastic.
Never forgotten this incident. I’ve always voted SNP and wonder if this was part of the motivation.


O/T but I’ve been looking for an alternative to SLAB as I am assured that this is a figment of Ra SMurph’s imagination.

How about LABPiS (LABour Party in Scotland)


BLABPiS (British LABour Party in Scotland)?


HAW KING, pit that troll doon and behave yersel.

Remember the wise auld words – tae humiliate somebody is tae make a dangerous enemy, especially if that humiliation is public.

Noo, play nice, John, or ye’ll be grounded.

Bill McLean

Hamish – at the battle of Culloden 3 of the 13 battalions of the British Army were Scottish plus some Campbell militia – hard to deduce that most “redcoats doing the bad stuff were also more likely to be Scots than English”! I can supply the order of battle if you like? To try to define the battle as a “Celtic V Rangers match” is utter nonsense. By the time of Culloden many clans were Presbyterian or Episcopalian and there were combatants of all Christian sects on both sides!!!


The Bullingdon boys… don’t they just look like Duran Duran rejects.


OT Came home to a letter from TV Licensing..

Dear Croomp

As you have not replied to our letters, a visit has now been scheduled to your property.

Here’s what to expect during the investigation..

*Officers may visit morning to evening from Monday to Sunday

*They will be polite and courteous at all times

*They will investigate for evidence that you or anyone else are watching or recording TV illegally at this address – whether on a TV set, desktop computer, laptop or any other device

*If they find such evidence, you may be cautioned and your statement may be taken in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 or Scottish criminal law

*Officers may apply to a court for a search warrant if they are unable to gain access to your property

*If the visit leads to prosecution, you risk a fine of up to £1000 in addition to legal costs

*Finally, if your property needs a TV Licence, you will still need to buy one

The reason we are giving you prior warning of the visit is to give you one last chance to buy a TV Licence, at tvlicensing/renew or on 0300 790 6062

If you do not need one, please could you let us know at tvlicensing or on 0300 790 6062.
However we may still need to visit to confirm this.

Now when I cancelled my TV tax I explained that I no longer wished to watch or record live TV, I also had to cancel my Sky subscription. Are these bastards just trying to scare folk?

Any advice would be appreciated…

brian Sherry

The British Government ruled the nationalisation of Mexican oil fields to be illegal.

link to

Grouse Beater

I see I am now a ‘blood & soil nationlist’ -not bad as I’m English & live in England.

Some people are just weird. 🙂

link to

Bill McLean

Hamish – of the 13 battalions of the British Army at Culloden only 3 were Scottish. There were also some Cambell Militia. Hard therefore to justify your “the redcoats doing the bad stuff were more likely to be Scots than English”. I can supply the order of battle if you like! As to the Celtic V Rangers bit – also nonsense. BY the time of Culloden many clans were Presbyterian or Episcopalian and people of all Western Christian sects were involved in the battle which ended in the most shameful manner to the extent that no regiment of the British Army carries “Culloden” on their regimental honours!

ronnie anderson

Ah go away fur ah wee while an somebody,s opened the Toybox again, a,ll be E mailin the Rev tae pit ah padlock on the fekin thing.

The Emburgh Toy hospital must fully staffed an nae waiting times,dizyea’s think Smurph hiz goat his 1000 mair Nurses in training there.

Bill McLean

Oops Rev and folks – sorry my post has repeated!!


Re: RJF,

Who was the Troll that was never off this site during the run up to the referendum and had a fixation with withdrawl from the EU?

Similarities methinks.


link to

Department for International Development, The Rt Hon Desmond Swayne TD MP, The Rt Hon David Mundell MP and Scotland Office First published:26 February 2015

Briefly – the point of this comment is that through UK AID Match,
which draws its funds from the UK Overseas Development budget,
the UK Gov gets to promote itself, and its logo, the Union Jack, throughout the UK and 26 ‘Priority countries’.

But with a new emphasis this year, also throughout Scotland in 2015,
with the help of local Unionist Political Groups

Through ‘aid match’, the UK Gov is able to claim by association:-

In the last three years the UK has helped nearly 6 million children go to primary school, provided nearly 20 million people with access to clean water, better sanitation or improved hygiene, prevented nearly 13 million women and children from going hungry, and helped to immunise over 22 million children against preventable diseases.”

All of which is true – up to a point.
To make the above claim, the UK Gov may only
have written to the charities,
and signed some cheques.

There is a political dividend to be gained
at home and abroad
by a close and ‘generous’ association (UK Aid match)
with often well known charities
who have hundreds of thousands of donors.

It would appear that this dividend is being sought
for the Unionist parties this year in Scotland,
through Scottish charities with an overseas dimension.

In a high stakes Election year,
in which the Unionist Labour Party in Scotland in particular
is under enormous pressure to survive,
it is not beyond the realms of political imagination
to conclude that the UK Aid Match promotion in Scotland
is more political than charitable.

( Well it is taxpayers’ money they’re using! )

And as with the UK Plaques project,
so also with UK Match Aid.
Union Jack Logo’s are a go go.

Just checkout any charity material or website
for that big Union Jack.

But, fair’s fair, if you give £1 to charity
then the UK Gov will give a pound to match it.

And just in case you might have missed it,
the UK’s £1 will ALSO be your £1.

But your name won’t be beside the Union Jack.

Lenny Hartley


They are just trying to frighten folk, one of my mates has never had a telly and he gets letters like that and visits.

Tell them to feck off. I have got to say that Im glad I gave up the telly, listen a lot to internet radio these days, far more entertaining that the pish on the box.

Having said that, I do like Motorbike racing and the new season is nearly upon us, Im considering signing up with Sky again and that means that I will have to pay the propaganda tax for six months at least. Tough choice.


@Helena Brown 5.51pm

Sorry, I wouldn’t want blame heaped on the wrong part of the country. It’s the SW of Scotland again. James Douglas was 2nd Duke of QueensBERRY not Queensferry. This is Douglas territory in Dumfries & Galloway – Dumfries has a Queensberry Square – and it was No territory in the referendum, sad to say.

Once upon a time, this area was a hotbed of rebellion during the Killing Time when it was a heartland of the Covenanters. I’m afraid that it is now a conservative region that looks with suspicion on the central belt.


@ Croompenstein

It’s a while since I’ve had dealings with the TV licensing lot (I’ve never owned a TV and they seem finally to have accepted that, merely asking me every few years to confirm that I still don’t), but I’m fairly sure they have no right to enter your property without the warrant they mention.

They’re not even supposed to peer in through the windows, though I let the ones who visited me ten years ago do that.

So don’t let them in!


@ Croomp (6.17pm).

If you don’t answer your door they’ll just keep coming back.

If you answer your door DO NOT divulge or confirm ANYTHING about yourself.

All you need do is to state FIRMLY but POLITELY:
“I do not require a tv licence and i have already informed the BBC of this situation now kindly leave my property or i will be reporting you for harassment, then close your door.

You should have a confirmation letter from the BBC, re: your cancellation, you don’t even have to show these goons that letter.

Tell them nothing more and nothing less.

If you have informed the BBC, as you’ve said, NOBODY is even supposed to make any contact with you for at least 2 years before they check if your circumstances are still the same.

Tell the Capita goons NOTHING.
If you confirm just one single question they get their calling commission.
Send them packing, politely.


croomp –

sounds like the standard letter. probably best to give them a phone and tell them you’ve already done it online; keep the name of the person you speak to, in case they try anything again


The Empire must prevail at all costs and the once-great-forgettable Emperor has declared his great new vision. The North Sea Oilfields Corporation should be nationalised. By Blighty PLC or we’re all fucked, especially his friends in the City and the Gentleman Club circuit.

link to

I know this site does not condone violence and indeed I am a committed pacifist. That said, and not wishing to incite or inculcate unnecessarily – it would gladden the heart to see this imbecile thrown from the castle ramparts to hungry crocodile below.


Er…. whit aboot the 2.2 trillion debt run up by the UK Govt?


@ Croompenstein
I’ve had the same letter. They obviously are having a trawl. I noticed the disinformation on the back of the letter saying that even if you don’t have a TV you still need a licence to watch or record TV. Not true. On the front they correctly state that you only need one if you watch and record LIVE TV.

I’ve ignored it. I resent this harassment. I don’t have an HGV licence either but I don’t expect to be harassed by inspectors checking that I don’t have a huge lorry parked outside.

I told them years ago that I understood the law and that if I ever get TV I will pay for the licence. But I wouldn’t watch BBC even if they paid me. Not live anyway.


hadn’t read stokers post before i posted. if they come to the door then do that

Paula Rose

Sorry just in and feeling lazy so haven’t read all the comments.

Apart from the abomination that is the WMD facility in the west – what exactly are the infrastructure projects that this signage could be nailed to?

Paula Rose

And btw – when did we agree that the Rev could have a day off?


Peter Macbeastie says:

I am ex Navy.

Used to salute that flag pretty much daily.

Now the response it elicits from me is annoyance that it is seen in MY country.

That’s exactly the reaction that’s going to happen because of stunts like this, when the Union jack is treated as a political weapon.

It’s similar to the Red arrows at the Commonwealth games.
The official program said they would do a fly-over, trailing the Saltire to mark the games being held in Glasgow.

But the UK government intervened at the last minute, to make them display the Union jack colours.

Everyone knows it is all about politics, and stamping their authority, and it just gets peoples backs up.

And this flag branding is just going to lead to confusion.

Because most Scottish projects are funded by Holyrood, and it is getting control over income tax, then the impression may be given that items with the Union jack are funded entirely from the rest of the UK.


The thing I don’t like about this sort of thing is it suggests that no Scot ever had a hand in any bad decision or crime against humanity.

The problem is that the nice genuine humanitarian loving people don’t tend to end up in power.

No one in Scotland is to blame for any of this a big kid made us do it!

Until money stops ruling Scotland would end up just as bent as the so called democratic UK

Each and every person can make a change just by being nicer to others and less selfish instead of expecting our governments to set the example we can just be less selfish!

Even this website has a selfish self fulfilling reason for existing deny that all you want!

donald anderson

Deny what? If you read the posts you will see that is clearly not the case. tt is Scots we attack mostly with support from our enlightened and progressicve English posters.

Nana Smith

I hope there is a special kind of hell waiting for Blair.

link to

link to




Croomp opens front door.

Goon: Hi, are you the householder?

Croomp: And who, exactly, are you?

Goon: I’m here on behalf of tv licensing, are you the householder?

Croomp: Can i see your identification please?

Goon: I’ve just told you who i am, are you the householder?

Croomp: No you didn’t, can i see your identification please?

(Goon reluctantly flashes his/her ID)

Croomp: Sorry, i didn’t quite catch your name, i need to know your name when i report you for harassment as i’ve already notified BBC that i don’t require a tv licence, i have my confirmation letter.

That’s the sound of the goon bolting down the street.


Helena Brown

JGedd,Can only apologise,smudge on the glasses, or a glass of wine which went straight to the head. I misread, it explains much about Dumfries and Galloway, but I think all the descendants of the “parcels of rogues” are still protecting their I’ll gotten gains.

Rob James

Robert Louis @ 5:43

“He was extremely unpopular in Scotland,and was seen as someone who enjoyed the high life in England…”

Sounds like the biography of any number of Slab MP’s.

john king

Croompensien says
“Any advice would be appreciated…”

first dont panic,: link to

second its bullshit, stand your ground: link to

naw scrub that

third maintain your discpline: link to

Fourth eh well fourthly you do not enter into conversation with them, you have nothing to prove THEY DO , unless your daft enough to have a tv at your window blaring out a live tv programme they got nuthin, I

Ignore the questions do not tell them who you are and calmly close the door.


I notice the wee troll’s last post was exactly 5pm.

He’s either clocked off his 77th Brigade shift or is an underemployed time waster just finished his 9-5 stint.

I’d say the latter ’cause he wasn’t that good was he.

Dan Huil

James VI was the archetypal Scottish unionist: got to London, got the money and power, forgot about Scotland, other than saying he could rule Scotland by a stroke of the pen. He was a disgusting wee shite.


Ah jeez …here we go again. Broon’s back …and promising Scotland a ‘new vision’.

‘Brown reaches out to Yes voters with economic plan ‘to unite Scotland”

link to

The Earthshaker

The ‘funded by the UK Government’ is a nasty and cruel idea and deserving of the comtept its getting.

Yeterday was also St David’s Day and we had the UK military out in force in Cardiff trying to overshadow the City’s annual parade, the military band was also playing singing God Save the Queen, shameful
link to

I knew they were rattled by the SNP’s surge, but I guess Plaid Cymru are guilty by assocation, great news for Wales after the backlash over the third rate power offered by David Cameron and friend Nick last Friday.

Keep up the good work folks the establishment are in a blind panic over the nationalist awakening.


Simple solution – Holyrood should pass a law which says that on the appropriate edifice ( that is those mostly funded from the Scottish Budget) – funded by the Scottish Taxpayer through the Scottish Government.

john king

Just saw (iplayer of course)
an advert for Edinburgh itv channel
where they show you how to make your tea for a tenner!
There are people who don’t have a tenner for a weeks food never mind for one night
instead of showing people how to make pasta with shellfish or beef wellington why don’t they show people how to make a nourishing meal from the remains of their cupboards like a soup or welsh rarebit for instance?


@grouse beater at 6.24pm

It’s not the first time I’ve been called that & I’m sure it won’t be the last. Even my family struggle to understand what I’m doing here but then they’re entitled to their opinion just as I am 🙂

Have to say though they were pretty gobsmacked when I texted the total from 1st day of the fundraiser. Got a one word answer WOW & a smiley. That’s progress Lol!


The present duke of Queensberry is of course the duke of Buccleuch. The double duke’s predecessor & his brother practically wore jackboots for dinner, pre war. 🙂

Duncan McFarlane

John – i don’t think it’s a good idea to start arguing that if we get things wrong or someone on our side tells a lie, we should say it’s fine because some of the opposition do worse. Better just to correct it and apologise for it. Sticking to the truth whether it supports your argument or not is always the best policy. If one of the facts doesn’t fit your argument, modify your argument.

I really doubt it was a deliberate lie by Stu – far more likely just a mistake, which anyone could make.

Dan Huil

@The earthshaker

Aye, they did the same to us on the anniversary of Bannockburn last summer. Or at least they tried to. The crowds at the Bannockburn re-enactments far outnumbered those watching the British army traipsing through Stirling.


@Lenny @crazycat @Stoker @george @capella @john king

thanks all for the advice, the missus is due caving in but I am not paying one penny to the unionist propagandists. I miss the champions league now because of the Big Burd 🙁

john king

Stoker says
“HAW KING, pit that troll doon and behave yersel.

Remember the wise auld words – tae humiliate somebody is tae make a dangerous enemy, especially if that humiliation is public.”

Awww kin we no keep him?
Aa nivver humiliated him he waanted his tummy tickled,
Aa’ll walk him him an feed him honest. 🙁


So Knickers Brown wants to privatise North Sea Oil,
to be honest I am not surprised.
When he crawled out from under his stone for the Referendum, and basically lied to the electorate, it became apparent he will do anything to feather his nest.

The one thing he did not expect was, the Scottish Electorate woke up when the promised vow etc. was obviously lies, damn lies.

He must be inconsolable realising we did not “Get back in our box” and instead have taken on the establishment, and will win.

Keep one eye on him also trying to privatise Scottish Water, and any other assets we have, this arsehole will do anything to punish Scotland.

He is an embarrassment to our nation, and his neighbours in North Queensferry must be mortified.


Croompenstein says: . . .

Croomp, I’ve had this shyte from Capita for over 10 years. I get about one letter a month.

If you have no TV and no other way of watching live TV on your premises then ask them to produce their warrant (They won’t have one!)

Then just tell them to go away and next time they call bring a duly signed warrant and a Police Officer with them.

They will mutter then bugger off for a couple of months but the letters all different, sometimes in a white envelope, sometimes brown but all on the same theme will continue.

They are bin fodder along with the pizza deals and your Vote Labour nursey nursey leaflet.


I must be getting really thick!(…but I think it’s Labour again)

I am now in my 37th year in the Oil & Gas industry offshore.
When the fields such as Forties,Brent and Ninian were producing between 330,000bbls and 450,000bbls a DAY – EACH. Nobody in government considered it a good idea to own a share in the field (Lots of TAX but no say in operations).

When we sold off the National Oil Company (BNOC/Britoil) nobody in the Labour Party said that was a bad idea.When Maggie Thatcher sold off the Oil holding of British Gas to a private company (Enterprise Oil) – nobody blinked.

When we flared off 30% of the North Sea Gas reserves to get the Oil because we didn’t want to wait until we had gas compression and pipelines – nobody in government (Labour) challenged the Environmental impact or the future revenue loss to the next generation.

Nobody in the Labour Party wanted to set up an Oil fund to protect the nations future and ensure stability for future generations. In fact Labour colluded with the Tories to suppress all information on reserves (McCrone Report).

However Gordon Brown now wants to take over the mature assests with high decommissioning costs.
Note: He does not want to take over the proven Oil fields with huge reserves that have not yet been developed.

Only an idiot would listen to a man who sold off our Gold reserves at a THIRD of their value.

The simple fact remains had Scotland had an Oil fund and managed production over a longer period we would not have an issue. We would have an Oil Fund of several hundred million pounds and significant gas reserves for another 10years on top of current projects from existing fields.

…Rant over!

ronnie anderson


Watch this once you get past the advert,brings ah tear tae the ein.

Paula Rose

@ john king – have you got one of those doggy toothbrushes?

Nana Smith

Lookout lookout brown’s about!!

‘Operation save Mags Curran’ stepping up a gear tonight with a visit by Gordon Brown to Glasgow’s east end.


@ dakk
And the first post was at 9.14am!

ronnie anderson

Am buyin ah chainsaw an cutting doon every Mulberry Bush ah come across,that’ll stop the 55% playing ring ah ring ah roses. Wake up ya Fekin edjits.

Marie clark


Whit a despicable individual. Lower than a snake’s belly.

There are no words to describe this creep. Well there are but they are awe sweary.He makes you feel unclean.

Jist go away and gie’s peace frae a’ yir nonsense. Ye can blether a’ ye want, but ye canny promise onything cause ye’ll no be there tae dae ocht aboot it.

john king

Duncan McFarlane says
“John – i don’t think it’s a good idea to start arguing that if we get things wrong or someone on our side tells a lie,”

link to


@ Clootie

Aye that about sums up the history and present state of party political involvement in the industry. It can be summed up in two words…

Car crash.

My old dad was about the same time in the industry and right now he’s beside himself whenever one of these suits pops up to offer their tuppence worth. Every noo n’ again you can almost make out a word in between the growling and swerries. 🙂

Nana Smith

Stirring stuff…

link to

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Paula Rose says:

“Apart from the abomination that is the WMD facility in the west – what exactly are the infrastructure projects that this signage could be nailed to?

The other big anonymous building near the Pacific Quay.

The one with a lot of ghosts in it.


@ frogesque (7.51pm).

I wouldn’t advise telling them to go away and come back with a warrant and a police officer, they might just do that.

It’s not beyond these goons to exaggerate and lie.

I would also recommend, strongly, that you keep any and all threatening/harassment letters for any possible future reference.

I keep all of mine and i write the date and time of delivery on every single one of them, then i file them for safe keeping.

Don’t let the B@$t@rD$ get you down, Croomp.

@ John King.
NAW, ye canny keep it, yer awe full ah gid intentions the noo, bit efter ah few days, when the novelty wears aff, who’z gonny be left tae clean up efter it, eh!

Broch Landers

Northern Savage Control Barrier: Funded by Emperor Hadrian


I expect the sales of large indelible marker pens to skyrocket.

They don’t really think these little stunts through, do they. Does no-one ever touch their elbows and say “really, I wouldn’t. Trust me, you don’t want to do this.” ?

john king

Paula_Rose says
” have you got one of those doggy toothbrushes?”

UURRRGGGHH is that why it tastes of liver?

John H.

@ Croompenstein

There’s a discussion just now about the tv licence over at Munguins Republic.


The fact remains that none of you have been tearing down EU Regional a Development Fund signs despite the fact that they’ve been around for years before UK Government signs appeared, even though it’s the same arbitrarily-stolen money. You all refuse to explain this because again, you’re hypocrites.


I answered you in full. It seems you only hear what you want to hear…and a dab hand at calling people names too I see. However, that is OK because you are a Unionist and we all know name calling only counts if we do it.

donald anderson

He should take his hand of his shrimp. It’s affecting his brain.


Regarding the TV licence.
We stopped paying our licence at the end of November last year. We received the first letter about 7 days after the direct debit finished, telling us that if we no longer needed a licence to notify them on line – which we duly did.

Following this, we received an email saying that their records were now up to date, that they would check again in about two years’ time (or sooner) if this was still the case, and might visit in the meantime just to check.

This is where it gets confusing.

They then sent us a letter saying “As we have not heard from you, the expiry date of your TV licence has now been amended to reflect the payments you made before your Direct Debit was cancelled.Your TV licence now expires at the end of May 2015.”

So although we stopped watching live TV in November 2014, according to this letter we could have had free TV for 6 months ! However, with the dire nature of most TV nowadays, this implied bribe was insufficient inducement to return to watching their rubbish.

Gary (a Very Restless Native)


Nana at 8.04pm

WOW what a speech! Stirring stuff indeed. Good find 🙂

Tam Jardine

RJF asks how we can accept EU flags on infrastructure projects but be appalled by ‘funded by UK Government’ logos, complete with Union Jack.

Hypocrisy? That seems like an overly simplistic argument. By that logic anyone who voted Yes is a hypocrite if they are not also anti- EU.

Being for the independence of my country of birth does not in my mind mean that I am against unions of countries per se. I like the idea of having a UN although I think it is pretty ineffectual. I like the idea of the EU although I think it needs reform.

I think it is great for countries to cooperate, to share common currencies, common markets, common goals and defend each other against any common enemies together.

This involves ceding some sovereignty but the key is ceding SOME sovereignty in order to gain what we want.

What we have at the moment is rule by another country in a union of unequals. It hasn’t worked for a long time, shows no sign of improving and I want out.

It seems to me that we are trying to find a constitutional arrangement that suits our small country better – that gives us more of a say in the important decisions affecting our country without cutting us off from the wider world.

I don’t think that there are 2 legitimate ideological positions – UK within EU unionism or Scottish Nationalist isolationism and I think that trying to simplify the argument to a simple ideological false dichotomy is, well, false.


@The Earthshaker 7:29 pm

The ‘funded by the UK Government’ is a nasty and cruel idea and deserving of the comtept its getting.

Yeterday was also St David’s Day and we had the UK military out in force in Cardiff trying to overshadow the City’s annual parade, the military band was also playing singing God Save the Queen, shameful
link to

That’s despicable. I’m really shocked by that. Shouldn’t be – I should be used to their tactics by now – but I’m shocked. Yet, they think these are qualities we should be proud of? – bullying, attempted intimidation, suppression of identity, treading over our sovereignty …

… but wait. Where have we seen all this before – every single “commonwealth” country that Britain decided it owned in the past. Is that what they mean by being “British”? Inflicting your will on people and punishing them when they won’t fall into line?

The sooner we’re free the sooner we can support the other nations of these Isles to be free too.

Bugger (the Panda)


What is the opposite of Sharp?

Is it dull?

Dr Jim

Ye fair miss Stu whin ees no here eh?


@ Croompenstein

Sorry I am late: I just got back to the board

Do not worry about these letters: there are a series of them and they just send them out and go back to the beginning at the end of the series. There is absolutely no point in answering them: they are like those recorded messages you get on the phone.

Ignore them

If (when) you get a visit, politely refuse to let them in and do not speak to them otherwise. They will go away

This is all rubbish, but it makes Capital a lot of money. That is all it is about.

link to


Gordon Brown’s great idea for state involvement in the Oil industry is only 40 or so years too late.

In the 1970s, Tony Benn while Secretary of State and Lord Kearton, chairman and CEO of BNOC, wanted to take over all of BP’s North Sea Oil asssets. Benn said “..If we had been able to do that it would have meant more money coming to us and greater control of the oil. Depletion was very important to us, we were very anxious to see that the oil wasn’t depleted so rapidly that you were left with empty fields.”

The Labour Party baulked at this – Harold Wilson over-ruled the proposals.

See link to

And of course, at the time, the SNP voices – arguing in favour of an oil fund to balance out peaks and troughs were ignored.

The source referred to is the ‘Official History of North Sea Oil and Gas’ written by oil economist, Prof Alex Kemp of Aberdeen University. It is a huge 14,000 page work, but there is a short summary of its scope and content online. A Glance at the section “What new insights does the history reveal?” summarises the issues which point to the atrocious mismanagement and waste of this resource by successive UK governments.

You can find this at link to


My thoughts-these two stories breaking yesterday are stunts. Part of the softening up process.

First the signs on infrastructure-well as there isn’t much in Scotland that UK has paid for then it will be pretty limited in it’s effect.

Then Brooney with his oil nationalisation punt. Can you honestly see the big oil companies supporting that especially with oil back up to $62 today? Suddenly in favour of an oil fund- my a&£e. So far everything he’s said has been a lie. Why should this be any different?

All timed quite nicely to link in with his visit to Glasgow East tonight. Curran knows she’s on the way out hence Brooney’s appearance there. Will probably be a selected audience of the party faithful with no questions allowed as usual. They will probably keep moving the tiny crowd around for the different camera angles again to make it look as if the crowd is bigger than it really is.

Game on folks-spot the faces in the crowd & see how many different seats they occupy during the event. Musical Chairs anyone?


Can anyone explain why the fall in the oil price is such a big scary story now? It is not like it hasn’t been this price before, for example in 2009 it was lower for a time. I don’t remember all this panic and alarm then, though.

Oil companies want tax breaks: always. So I can see why they are behaving as they are. What I don’t see is why the rest of us are expected to believe them


@ Lolliesmum

We’re wasted on here.Should’ve been detectives.

Thanks for joining our journey,we’re proud of you and all the other non Scots who lend their assistance.

I’d like to think we’ll do the same for England and Wales when the time comes.


Dr Jim
Yes it’s quiet but you can bet he’s busy doing something in the interests of Wings/Scotland 😉


@Croompenstein – Try the The TV Licence Resistance Forum for more information. Lots of tips on there – but their golden rule is “zero communiction = zero chance of prosecution”. That should be your mantra.


Sorry, forgot the link, which is to wiki

Oil price is volatile, remember?

link to


@ Nana

Great link.

Michael Sheen getting stuck right in. 🙂


@Helena Brown.

That’s OK, Helena. Cheers, if it was the glass of wine to blame!

Anyway, the present 10th Duke of Buccleuch, 12th Duke of Queensberry, John Montagu Douglas Scott, is a very powerful and wealthy landowner indeed and is certainly determined to protect the family’s present land-holdings. He is not best pleased by any suggestion of land reform, as you might expect.

You might be interested in these links about the tenacious descendants of the 2nd Duke.

link to

link to


Mixed metaphors are fun

One of my favourites is one my daughter told me about from some weird US show about models

“I’m not a rocket surgeon”

O/T I enjoyed the National today. Gregg had a cracking cartoon with Kezia going on about Chinese Steel and the paper now has Suduko and TV pages and all. 🙂

Nana Smith

Aye Lollysmum it’s a belter. I think he has spoken out a few times about politicians and their other ‘interests’


Stu isn’t being that quiet-he retweeted this link this afternoon.

Labour candidate in South Shields. Seems England is fighting back.Oh dear 🙁

link to

ronnie anderson

Ur the Chindits playing wie oor system


Re Croomp and tv fee – Im 43 and have never had a licence, always just ignored the gestapo letters and nowt happens! I now have a t.v which I do not enable terrestial broadcasts, not because avoidance of fees, more a choice not to watch pishy mind numbing crap.

Not sure if its different for you cause you once had a licence, however your letter looks familiar in its threats. If you have not enabled yout t.v to recieve the said pish then fek em you owe then nothing. Plenty sites out there with examples of people similar to yours. google it and away ya go.

Looks like you or I will have to pay anyway as they are now proposing a T.V. POLLTAX an ammount taken directly from you via taxation wither you endorse the pish or not!!!

Unreal madness that only befits a facist state.

Good luck anyhoo 😉


As Highland Shrimp says The National good to-day and is now has a daily TV guide.

Also online at link to

And Prof John Robertson on the ball at

link to

regarding recent TV coverage of Scottish politics


By the time England wakes up, I’ll be living in Scotland 🙂


To Croompensien :

I got shot of my TV years ago because there was just nothing on it worth watching, but could have one if I wanted to – or ten, or twenty TV sets, to watch pre-recorded dvds, videos, play computer games consoles or as a bed for the cat.

If anyone from TV licensing turns up at your door, either a) don’t answer it or b) answer it, tell them no thanks and close the door in their faces. They have no right whatsoever to enter your property. Send them packing.

I’ve had loads of those letters over the last seven years or so and three ‘visits’, don’t entertain them. Their paperwork / junk mail is good if you have a woodburning stove or a shredder.

Have a look at this site, it was the first thing I did when the first letter came through the door (a couple of weeks after I’d stupidly phoned them to tell them I was canceling the direct debit, figuring that would be that, but they said they’d be sending someone around to check , I was like why ?! ) – it’s well worth knowing where you stand and what these chancers are all about :

link to

And don’t worry, it’s not a BBC website.


Looks like the boycott the BBC licence fee campaign is hitting the old purse strings.



Agh! Ignore that first link. This is the one I meant:

link to

Nana Smith


I loved it Sam, I know he’s an actor but the passion for the subject comes across loud and clear.

I want more of this from our elected representatives, gie it laldy!

Les Wilson

I hope Stu has been keeping away from guys with pointy umbrellas!!!


Seems we are on a war footing now with first the flag issue and now the telly poll tax.


@ Proud Cybernat 10.35pm yesterday
you can just see the real ones being changed to this


Joemcg says:
“Looks like the boycott the BBC licence fee campaign is hitting the old purse strings.”

It sure is, Joe, and we get another go at them on the 15th March:
link to

And they can fuck right off with this new “levy” idea.

It will be a popular lot whoever attempts to introduce that idea.

They better get my cell prepared right now.

NEVER will the scumbags get a single penny out of me, NFC.


@ Dr Jim and Lolliesmum

I’m genuinely worried that Stuart has taken my advice,and is in Zurich with a suitcase with 85K in it opening his HSBC account.

There was always something I wasn’t quite sure about him!

Lolliesmum,you’ll be welcome.


Stoker-I’m amazed that none of the parties have a scrap the fee pledge in their manifesto. Sure fire millions of votes. Suppose it shows how corrupt the UK is as the BBC have them all in their pockets.


One thing to bear in mind about the EU funded projects is that whilst we do understand the cash, or a fair proportion of it, originally came from the UK and thus Scotland at the same time there’s absolutely no guarantee the areas benefiting from them would even get a sniff of it otherwise.

Might I further suggest that a subscript be added to the Westminster plaques along the lines “Using cash taken from Scotland.”

ronnie anderson

Am still on ma 19th letter re TV licence non payment,they,ll get them back at the next BBC Demo with a letter to take me to Court, Anybody that has a court summons ( download Prof John Robertsons 2 BBC Bias reports & submit them as evidence, the court has to take them into account in your defence.

And your own letter of being lied to by the BBC ie ( nick robertson )& many other examples & their abuses of the BBC charter.

Gary when you cancelled your licence fee you should have asked for a rebate as you had payed 6 months in advance , hence your extension .


The union flag – the mark of the beast.



Heh, tremendous actor right enough, but no questioning the passion in that speech. He spoke for many in his summation of politicians and politics today.


Nana Smith

@Les Wilson 9.26

He’ll be on the end o’ ma pointy size 9s if he’s in Zurich !

Nana Smith

Re my last post clicking the read more link takes you to the guardian website. Thought I should let you all know.


I got £72 rebate from my TV licence which I shared with Stu & IndependenceLive. I’d rather pay them than the BBC. Have to say I don’t miss live TV one bit & my daughter bought me a Chromecast dongle for Christmas which let’s me broadcast from my laptop to TV. IndependenceLive events look really good on a 38inch screen 🙂


I have never had a TV licence, had a few visits from them. Just to load more work on the system I always post their letters back into a Royal Mail Post Box with refused on it. All junk mail you get, do not bin it just send it back via a Royal Mail Post Box with refused or gone away on it.


.. if that montage does not light up a brainwave in those “I wanted tae vote YES, but …” Scots, we are indeed doomed.


Wouldn’t it be nice to fund a large Furniture Van to drive back and forth across the Squinty Bridge with a Saltire Flag on each side with BBC Bias Bus on it.

They read the morning news with the bridge as a live background shot.

If the Finnieston Crane, across the water from the Bias Broadcasters office, can be hired, it would be lovely to
dangle a similar message from it. lol

Maybe even a message advising that bridge constructed by Labour with faulty Chinese alloy, after they closed our own foundries.


Ta! for the domain-name information, Bugger The Panda and Nation Libre. And to Gusl the ither day, re-direct bank transfer (Wings donation).

RJF soons scarily like Capt. Robert Nairac, re his comments, ‘aye’ and ‘craic’.


Is that Gordon Brown giving us advice, the one that sold all our
Gold reserves just a few months before the value doubled?

Is it the same guy who was happy to give away Scottish Fishing waters rights to the EEC in order to secure English and WQelsh waters remained their own?

Is he the same man that endorsed Blair stealing 6,000 miles of Scottish waters, with 6 Oil Rigs, so that England’s maritime boundary in North of Arbroath?

Could he be the man who didn’t regulate the bankers who took part in Casino Gambling, PPI Scandal, Labour Rate rigging, and brought us down into economic melt down?

Could he be that man who took £Billions out of our pension plans?

The man who lied about independence leading to Scots being removed from Blood Transfusion Services and Transplant waiting lists?

The man who would deliver the Vow and Lied about it every day since?

The man accused of being responsible for our economic crash by Tory and Lib Dems, for him to do their dirty work for them during the referendum?

The man with a Charity in his own name that allows him to draw down £10,000 per week on expenses?

The man who is walking away from from the Vow he said that he would deliver, in order to dedicate more time to his expenses.

The man who has now proposed we need an oil fund after 40 years
of being against one?

Brown you are a disgrace to humanity!

You are that last man on earth that I would listen to, and I can see the internet claims that you had links to Thomas Hamilton the Dunblane killer, and how your pal Tony Blair covered it up?

Please retire somewhere far away without lines of communication.
Hope never to see or hear from you or your type as long as I live


Another wee wee shout out for Alex’s campaign to win the seat in Gordon.

Different from indiego in that you pledge your amount and it won’t be taken off your account until the campaign funder closes on the 28th March.

Doing no bad so far in it’s second day, but let’s see if we can get our former FM the best chance possible ahead of May’s election!

link to


STV a disgrace as they allow Ian Murray to interupt Stewart Hosie then launch into a tirade then didnt allow Hosie to reply
Watch again at 11.30



Gordon Brown arranged for the price of UK gold to plummet before the sale. This was to bail out US banks who had sold gold using “gold carry trades” and now needed to buy gold back at a pittance to make a profit.

link to

It was essentially a massive transfer of UK wealth to international banks.

ronnie anderson

@ Sinky When will they ever learn Remote interviews Fek AFF

allowing they muppets tae overtalk you Fek Aff

SNP playing nicey nicey politics in interviews Fek Aff

Hosie,s hampered noo wie the Deputy Leadership & toeing the party line,they dont know they,re being played big time as Hosie,s face said at the end of the piece TO LATE HOSIE the muppet won the interview.

Lenny Hartley

Nana – That is an old Poll from January!!!


Here’s a wee easy to read list of all the SNP crowdfunders that are ongoing right now, helpful for anyone wants to contribute to a campaign for a candidate in their area. 🙂

link to

ben madigan

cited this post here link to

Nana Smith

Scunners love in with Gordy tonight in Glasgow. Check out the comments

link to

Nana Smith

Lenny ooh sorry my bad! It’s been a long day.

The Man in the Jar

Just had a peek at “Scot goes pop” on it I read that the Record has been running a poll “Was William Wallace a terrorist?” The poll is running at 80% yes.

I look forward to tomorrow’s poll in “The Record” “Was Edward the first of England a genocidal fucking maniac?”

Dr Jim

@ronnie anderson 11.12pm
Was it incompetence?
Was it lack of respect?
Was it “Ah jist dont waant yous tae win Hosie ya bas”
Will it matter? i dont think so
Too late fur the Laybur Bastirts


@ K1

Thanks for that link; I had been looking for a list.

Some candidates are using Indiegogo instead:
link to


@ The Man in the Jar

The question in the poll was “Is William Wallace a freedom fighter or a terrorist?” – which makes the 80% Yes rather amusing/ambiguous. Also note the present tense.

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