The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Are we nearly there yet?

Posted on October 09, 2023 by

Six years ago today.

The mass uprisings will be any minute now, we’re sure.

Although then again, maybe not.

Half of the country still wants independence, but until we give them a way to vote for it they’re just going to keep shrugging their shoulders and worrying about their daily lives. There’s a way the SNP and Greens could do that within a matter of weeks, but they refuse to contemplate it because it would involve giving up two and a half years of guaranteed lucrative salaries and taking a risk, at a time when their parties are crushingly unpopular.

(And as the vast bulk of them are far too useless to ever have a hope of a job half as well paid in any sector other than politics, who could blame them?)

That was the case six years ago, it’s the case now, and it’ll be the case in six years’ time when the SNP as a party of government is just a fading memory and Pete Wishart, who furiously resisted the truth until the exact moment when it was too late, is living it up on his huge UK taxpayer-funded pension with all his grouse-shooting pals.

The sooner the SNP is destroyed, the sooner we can start again.

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Wee Chid

“Man of the people”. Absolute barstewards.

KT Lorimer

The quickest way to destroy them would be a mass abstention at the UK GE.
No SNP MPs and no short money for the party.
Any issues a constituent has to do with reserved matters has to be looked into by the office of the MP regardless of party.


Great minds think alike, Rev. Or to put it another way, I agree.:)


If you think the economy is bad now, wait until the Net Zero really kicks in.

People have no idea how poor and angry they’re about to become.


Absolutely agree but there needs to be a credible replacement to rally the country to the flag.
At the moment that is missing.

William G Walker

Dear Rev,

Ditto to that!


This comment from the previous post is unacceptable to me and I hope to Rev.

“John Main says:
9 October, 2023 at 11:14 am

Why nae jist go feck yersel. Use a hand grenade, dinna forget to remove the pin. Gie yersel a few secs o pleasure jist afore the end o yer miserable existence.”


“but they refuse to contemplate it because it would involve giving up two and a half years of guaranteed lucrative salaries and taking a risk, at a time when their parties are crushingly unpopular”

Personally, I doubt they consider their parties becoming crushingly unpopular a concern with regards to calling a vote on independence. For that to happen, those two parties would have to really want independence.

For the last 9 years they have demonstrated in numerous occasions that independence is not their goal and, perhaps for this very reason, it was themselves who made their parties crushingly unpopular.

Despite hemorrhaging membership, funds, activists and voters, they are still determined to continue down that self-destructive path they carved for themselves. That cannot just be a matter of negligence or stupidity. It is quite deliberate.

In my opinion, if they are not making any efforts to call the independence vote is only because:

1. they do not want to lose power and their seats in the gravy train
2. they can no longer guarantee to the British and USA establishments they will be able to contain the yes vote should a vote take place. This is because the independence movement has now uncoupled from those two betraying parties and, despite their continuous attempts to block it, the yes movement is following its own path by bypassing them.
3. they have been instructed to resist the vote by whomever/whatever is remotely controlling those two parties.

I think we have to accept the fact neither the Greens nor Sturgeon and Yousaf’s SNP ever had any intention to progress independence. On the contrary, they have displayed a stubborn determination to derail it.

We have been taken for absolute fools by the SNP and Greens for the last 9 years. It is time we respond to them in the way they deserve.


Personal abuse is part of free speech.
John Main’s stock in trade is snide commentary and unresearched opinion.
He does his sovereign imperialist ??? cause no favours.

David Beveridge

“The sooner the SNP is destroyed, the sooner we can start again.”

Amen. Absolutely no hope of salvation for that lot. Anyone who actually believes in independence should clear out now.

Geoff Anderson

Well said. Let’s keep a focus on their lies, incompetence and perversion fixation.


Some indy folk have expressed bitter disappointment that large numbers of traditional SNP voters have still not turned to Alba or ISP etc. Don’t despair – it’s early days. Voters are well aware of what’s going on, but these things take time. The majority of traditional SNP voters feel badly let down and are currently working their way through the various stages of grief (similar to what happened to disappointed “Scottish” Labour voters a decade ago). They are struggling to come to terms with the new reality, that the SNP is a busted flush. Many of us probably wonder now whether we will now see Scottish independence in our lifetimes, but maybe it had to happen this way. It’s still coming, for a that. Who said it was going to be easy?


Red says:
9 October, 2023 at 11:32 am

‘If you think the economy is bad now …People have no idea how poor and angry they’re about to become’

Mmm, I said the same thing just over a year ago, Red, about the impending surge (no pun intended) in energy costs. I’m truly amazed at our capacity to take a kicking time after time and simply get up and ask for another one. Wha’s like us, eh?

Debatable Lands

And there’s the problem. Independence remains in people’s minds a nice idea, even a romantic hope, but they suspect a harsher reality.

They’re fussed about it and have a position. But not that fussed and they’re certainly not going to swallow a significant sacrifice to make a few zealots happy.

You see this. You see that 50%+1, most seats or even a ‘de facto’ vote hidden with a GE isn’t really a solid foundation for such a massive irreversible change. Yet you persist in trying to find a cunning way to shortcut what is a slow journey in order to quickly drag people over a line. In a way most people wouldn’t recognise as a solid mandate.

A narrow margin isn’t how this should be done.

The day a people choose to to walk over that line, it should be together. With an overwhelming majority in full support and the remainder at least prepared to accept the change with equanimity. We’re a way off that yet.

Lorna Campbell

Yes, as terrible as that sounds, that is what must happen now. Local people in the know in Rutherglen are already pointing out that the personal attacks on their MP, Margaret Ferrier, alienated many, and the alienation of female activists and members and voters, many backed ups by their male relatives, also led to the collapse of the party. The latter reason is only going to increase the stand-down of so many former activists and voters by next year. The lack of movement on independence is there third prong of what is a movement away from the “the party of independence”.

The SNP has boxed itself into a corner by its own actions and its ultra stupid policies that either no one but a few ‘woman-facers’ and virtue-signallers wanted, or were so badly handled that they alienated people before they even began. No, we have to ensure that a phoenix is ready to rise from the ashes of the SNP in time for 2026, and the Scottish Election. The GE next year is already lost.

stuart mctavish

health – face nappies for coughid/ runny nose
economy – shut downs for coughid/ runny nose
education – home school for coughid/ runny nose
social care (a)- experimental drugs for coughid/ runny nose
social care (b)- not for anyone insisting on real science
climate change – doubtless moar coughid/ runny noses arising
crime – now includes mps going home following a coughid test
indy (march)- on hold for social distancing from EU
GRR – cough splutter puke

Total apathy in Rutherglen and Hamilton West to queer the circle




“Johnlm says:
9 October, 2023 at 12:19 pm
Personal abuse is part of free speech.
John Main’s stock in trade is snide commentary and unresearched opinion.
He does his sovereign imperialist ??? cause no favours.”

To me he is a bully and online bullying and harassment is open to prosecution.

Mike d

Off topic i see Jo farrell chief constable of durham constabulary, has been appointed first woman chief constable of police scotland. Seems like no scottish policewomen intelligent enough, mibbees they are all trannys.

Lorna Campbell

Luigi: if our circumstances follow the Irish model, people will turn to the other independence parties/movement. You are right: it is extremely sad that things have reached this point; and we all need to grieve for the death of the party that deserted us and fell down the ‘woke’ rabbit hole to oblivion.

Tinto Chiel

I remember that last photograph in particular because it came the day after The Great Leaderene ran up the white flag on the fight for independence and The Rev’s The Great Betrayer post.

Senior SNP politicians socialising with the grouse moor set after their annual bloodbath merely confirmed the party was dead to me.

Mike d

Ebok, ‘i’m truly amazed at our capacity to take a kicking time after time and simply get up and ask for another one’.

Personally i think all those kickings have left half the Scottish people brain damaged, because no other people in the world would behave like that. Wha’s like them indeed.


That Priority Poll…how exactly are the Scottish Government meant to fix the Economy?

Its one of the fundamental problems really, a lot of folk have no idea what Devolved means in terms of scope or constraint.

So Scottish Government gets all the bad Media publicity when it is a devolved item and gets all the “What they doing about it?” shrugs from folk on non devolved items.

Not excusing them..its just another problem that they should ensure gets clearly clarified so everyone knows its Westminster to blame whenever it is.

John Thomson

Only one exemption would have me vote SNP and that is if Alex Salmond was brought back in as leader, until then it will be Alba and or ISP


KT Lorimer says: 9 October, 2023 at 11:29 am

The quickest way to destroy them would be a mass abstention at the UK GE.
No SNP MPs and no short money for the party.

There are still too many idiots who will vote SNP so that simply will not work.

For this to work, tactical voting is required to get another party elected. In some constituencies that would involve voting Tory.

For a lot of independence supporters that is a non-starter despite the overwhelming evidence that the SNP is no longer a party of independence as well as mounting evidence that the SNP are enabling people who are not fit to be put into positions of authority so they are able to exploit vulnerable people.


KT Lorimer says: 9 October, 2023 at 11:29 am

The quickest way to destroy them would be a mass abstention at the UK GE.
No SNP MPs and no short money for the party.

There are still too many idiots who will vote SNP so that simply will not work.

For this to work, tactical voting is required to get another party elected. In some constituencies that would involve voting Tory.

For a lot of independence supporters that is a non-starter despite the overwhelming evidence that the SNP is no longer a party of independence as well as mounting evidence that the SNP are enabling people who are not fit to be put into positions of authority for various reasons.

Garavelli Princip

“John Main says:
9 October, 2023 at 11:14 am

Why nae jist go feck yersel. Use a hand grenade, dinna forget to remove the pin. Gie yersel a few secs o pleasure jist afore the end o yer miserable existence.”

When is “John Main” going to be kicked off this site?


” The sooner the SNP are destroyed the sooner we can start again”.

Too true, but if people of the intellectual capacity of Peter Bell cannot see this then what hope is there that others will see it?


He is an interesting study.
A bully, definitely.
He doesn’t retract his factual errors. And will probably be AWOL today.
Is Napoleon Complex a thing?
I wonder what height he is.

Antoine Roquentin

“The sooner the SNP is destroyed, the sooner we can start again.”A simple truth, well told, Rev.

Andy Storrie

After the SNP has been wound up, London will simply pivot onto destroying and subverting the new alternative. That’s if London isn’t in complete control of the new alternative to begin with.

People need to be very vigilant when dealing with those sneaky and disloyal London arse holes. Before you know it, they’ll have their very own plant at the forefront of a new outfit. Just look at how they installed Humza so effortlessly.

Salmond seems to be London’s preferred bidder for some reason. He doesn’t seem to get the same levels of snash and snidey comments from the UniParty sh1te bags down south. Which makes you wonder…

Either way, the current situation is untenable and unhealthy. With half of the country being adamant that full autonomy is the only way to go in Scotland now, team London are at the point where they are creating a democratic vacuum by installing their plants, and by constantly throwing spanners in the works.

They never have a nice word to say about this place, and constantly refer to our Country as a socialist waste land because we refused to hawk key public services to pension companies, ala Thames Water.

Now the Englishmen are catching more turds than trout in their rivers, purely because the leading lights in London threw their lot in with a very strange and bastardised form of capitalism.

If we stay hooked up to London, they will eventually find a way of doing the same to our rivers. Those parasitic, desperado b4stards would dig their own grannies up if they could get a good price for their individual bones!

How hard can it be, man? London rule has been horrific for decades now. Hell, the top half of England would possibly be tempted to join us in ditching those losers and graspers down in London at this point.


“if our circumstances follow the Irish model, people will turn to the other independence parties/movement”
Lorna, your Irish model happened only after the bone-headed, bloody reaction of the British Imperial Establishment to a revolutionary event in the Irish capital, in the midst of a world war. You surely fo not hope our circumstances follow THAT model?


I’m not sure about your maths, Rev. Half the country still wants independence, you say,but looking at the poll you reproduce, it’s a bit difficult to see where they are hiding. That Rutherglen drubbing wasn’t just caused by Typhoid Mary Ferrier you know: she was just the catalyst that gave people the chance to vote for Labour as the acceptable face of Unionism.


Extract from a good piece in Bellacaledonia 2019 on Scotland’s cultural cringe.

“Billy Kay enquired to a Fife headmaster if pupils were encouraged to engage with Scottish Literature and was startled by his response: ‘’No. This is not a very Scottish area” (Robinson 2008, p.5). Other examples of what seems to be cultural ‘self-hatred’ came when, in response to the Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014, Conservative councilor Callum Campbell and Labour Councilor Danny Gibson proposed to have the Scottish Saltire removed from Stirling council’s headquarters and to replace it with the Union Jack (Wings over Scotland 2013). Both councilors said they wanted to see the emblem of ‘our country’ flying from Stirling council’s rooftop, evidencing perhaps the native abandoning their own national identity and culture and embracing that of the coloniser. These councilor’s allude to Fanon’s theoretical perspective of inferiorism but also to Bourdieu’s idea of symbolic violence whereby Scots not only participate in their own servitude but are the creators of it.”


We need a different tactic because walking about the street with AUOB isn’t achieving anything, if it was the numbers walking the streets and in opinion polls would be higher not lower.

Handing letters into the Bute House and the Scottish parliament, when they have been given prior notice that this is going to be done, for them just to ignore it, only shows that the SNP are actively working against the Independence.

The Yes movement in my opinion has to start saying unless the SNP leadership starts doing the Right thing for Scotland, we will at the next election put a brochure through every single door In Scotland highlighting that SNP are actively working against Independence and going back on their word about going back into the EU.

The Yes movement had a single fight during the Referendum now we are actively fighting both governments south and north of the border, because lets face it there isn’t one person in the party who’s willing to challenge Humza for the leadership if their was they’d have shown themselves by now.

We are on our own its time to act and if Independence is dead then lets kill the party who caused it.

If AUOB thinks that in five years time people will still be walking the streets shouting “what do we want Independence when do we want it now” I’m afraid your fantastic AUOB is heading the same way as the SNP. AUOB has to start to make a difference, we have to start in mass number protesting about the SNP and hows its actively destroying the Independence cause and we need to start realizing DUG, Riddock The RAG are all working collectively to stop Scotland becoming Independent for their own gain as are SNP MP’s Councillors and MSP’s.

Public enemy number is the SNP and the Rag, I can’t believe how people still waste their hard earned cash to buy it.

Owen Mullions

Ron Clark says:

9 October, 2023 at 1:01 am

Just reading up on the details from Israel.
The Palestinians just gave the Israelis one helluva kick in the chuckies.
‘Mon the Palestinians!

Celebrating the massacre of young people at a music festival and the abduction of innocent women and children for use as a human shield! What a repulsive individual you must be.

Anton Decadent

One possible plan could be to continue the brainwashing of children via ownership of the media, entertainment, publishing and academia to ensure a voter base for the future whilst the rest of us are classed as domestic terrorists and stripped of the right to vote.

On that note the guy who was the London Bridge stabber was released from prison early as a poster boy for progressive redemption despite prison staff classing him as a danger to the public who was part of a gang carrying out enforced conversions to Islam on other prisoners. Two jewish women who were lecturers at Cambridge University had gained charitable status to lobby for the early release of people such as Usman Khan and had, as the enquiry was told, beguiled the warden who went along with them and granted the early release against all advice from his own staff. On release he ran into a wall of prejudice when trying to secure gainful employment and his cause was taken up by another jewish woman who held such a senior role in the DWP that she had been granted an OBE. Then he stabbed two people to death at an awards ceremony and despite support from the Guardian the charity had funding withdrawn.

I became much more interested in stuff like this after spending a great deal of time amongst liberal zionists who held themselves as victims of discrimination whilst practicing a culture of nepotism, cronyism and political favouritism and seeking the destruction of my people and culture via mass unchecked immigration and the organised placement of minority groups in positions of power funded by jewish banking money, see the John Smith Institute. I believe in an independent Scotland free to choose its allies and not tied to alliances which engage in wars against countries which by a remarkable coincidence are all seen as threats to Israel.


Should have added – author Colin Burnett. He has some books published.


Colin Burnett is a writer from Bonnyrigg and the author of the novel A Working Class State of Mind


Debatable Lands says:

link to

Aw bless! Another of your wee posts that made me 🙂


Show us the money.

Nordic countries regularly make up the top places in the Happiness Index.

link to

“Starting in 2012, the United Nations began compiling the “World Happiness Report” which examines how citizens worldwide rank their subjective level of happiness. Some of the world’s happiest countries have high GDP per capita, and most of the least happy are very poor. But the correlation is far from perfect. Finland, 2018’s happiest country on earth, has a per capita income of $49,000. The USA, clocking in at a dismal 18th place on the report, has 25% more annual output per person than Finland. Clearly, wealth and happiness seem to go together, but perhaps how that wealth gets spent is the important factor here.

According to regression estimates of the data compiled by the UN, a 1% change in GDP per capita will cause only a 0.3 unit change in happiness (happiness is calculated on a scale from 0 to 10). However, when GDP per capita is included with other variables the model explains nearly 75% of the variance in happiness. These other variables consist of social support, life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity, and freedom from corruption. This demonstrates that quality of life, and not just material wealth, plays a huge role in happiness. Alternate variables seem to matter–a lot.”


I disagree with John Main on many things and agree with him on others but it is important that this site doesn’t turn into an echo chamber.
Asking to have someone kicked off the site because they disagree with you or because they’re a bit rude is just ridiculous.

It’s very important to be able to understand different aspects of any subject to have a serious debate about it and Unionists on this site show how weak their argument for the continuation of Scotland is in this pitiful example of a Union.
It benefits this site not to be full of nodding dogs.

Anyone who argues against a country making its own decisions should be in full view for everyone to see how preposterous it is.

John Main


6 ft 6 in in old money.

A touch under 17 stone.

My fighting weight is 16 stone, so I may be a bit slower than in my prime.

As for acknowledging factual errors, I am always happy to do so. But you have to find a factual error in my posts first. So far, no cigar for you.

If you think somebody anonymously posting text at you is frightening and bullying, you maybes need to either man up or get yourself a less exciting life.

Maybes try running for your life while some fanatics on motor bikes hunt you down with machine guns. Make it more interesting for yourself by carrying a new born, or sitting in a wheelchair, or maybes both. You will not only learn to get some perspective on your life back in Scotland, you may also learn not to try to score petty points off the back of indiscriminate, terrorist violence.


sam says:
9 October, 2023 at 12:00 pm

This comment from the previous post is unacceptable to me and I hope to Rev.

“John Main says:
9 October, 2023 at 11:14 am

Why nae jist go feck yersel. Use a hand grenade, dinna forget to remove the pin. Gie yersel a few secs o pleasure jist afore the end o yer miserable existence.”

I don’t object to Johnlm’s post. I know exactly how he feels as I believe do the vast majority of posters.

You can get in touch with the Rev and report the post but I think you will put the Rev in a tricky position.

I am Johnlm

Je suis Johnlm


sam says:
9 October, 2023 at 2:26 pm

Show us the money.

We can’t show you the fuckin’ money cos it’s top secret. Only Westminster know about the fuckin’ money.

Why nae jist go feck yersel? It’s great

John Main

@Sam 1:47

Fit’s “symbolic violence” then?

Can ye clock it doon the chipper, when a domestic kicks aff, late Friday nicht?

Hoo aboot trans loons punching quines? Is that “symbolic”? Is that violence?

Help us thickos oot here. Ye cannae jist cut’n’paste stuff withoot explaining it tae us lesser endoo’d in the smerts dept.

I said “smerts dept” noo, sae dinna ye get lippy. Ah ken yer gemme.

Debatable Lands

@ Ruby 2.20pm

Aw bless! Another of your wee posts that made me ?

We’re obviously soulmates Ruby. Maybe we knew each other in a previous life?

Did you watch Outlander on TV? I might have burned your croft?


100% AGREE Rev!


Breastplate says:
9 October, 2023 at 2:27 pm

Asking to have someone kicked off the site because they disagree with you or because they’re a bit rude is just ridiculous.

But it happens. I wasn’t kicked off but I was what I call PMT’d for quite a number of weeks.

PMT = pre-moderation time.

How that works is you keep posting but Stu has to check your posts to ensure you aren’t being personally abusive (in my case to John Main) so after a certain amount of time I reckon it was when Stu got bored out of his skull having to read my every post I got released.

Once your PMT posts are checked (can take anything about to 24 hours) they get uploaded in the meantime the thread has moved on and the chances of anyone reading your pre-modded post are zero.

However you’ve got to keep going to prove to Stu you can be good.

I believe Andy Ellis was also PMT’d but it would seem he didn’t do his PMT.

Pride perhaps got in the way. Whatever Ellis no longer posts here.


Debatable Lands says:

We’re obviously soulmates Ruby. Maybe we knew each other in a previous life?

We definitely did. Would you like me to call you Mummy?


@John Main

“Help us thickos oot here”

You’re beyond it.If you were innarested you could look it up rather than bait.


I don’t object to Johnim’s post either. Try again?

Captain Yossarian

Debatable lands – Folk like Ruby should make do with ironing her husband’s shirts, peeling potatoes and mopping the scullery floor.


@John Main
I revise my opinion of John Main.
He sounds more like Lennie from ‘Of mice and men’

Motorbikes? Newborns? Wheelchairs?
Sitting on grenades? – bizarre

BTW – Re factual errors – do you still hold the view that Iran and ISIL are allies?


“its just another problem that they should ensure gets clearly clarified so everyone knows its Westminster to blame whenever it is”

I am afraid the SNP and the Greens have exhausted that excuse. For the last 9 years, the SNP were given by the people of Scotland all the majorities they could have ever needed to terminate the treaty and end the oppression from Westminster. For instance, in 2015 they were handed the mother of all majorities which should have resulted in the end of the UK union when the brexit vote went ahead.

It was the SNP’s choice to renege on those tools, to defang our anti-union majorities rendering them useless, to show the uttermost contempt for the yes movement and to embark on the longest road of political stupidity saturated with virtue signalling, time wasting and unpopular gender identity nonsense, carrots, soundbites and vacuous promises.

After 9 years of wasting opportunities, the SNP can no longer blame Westminster for the current situation. Now it is on them.

They are responsible for misusing all the opportunities they were given to avoid placing Scotland in the situation if finds itself today. They could have done something about it but chose not to.

If it is in your hand to stop an oppressor inflicting pain on your country folk and stealing your country’s resources but you choose to look the other way and allow it to continue, then you are no longer an innocent bystander. You have become the oppressor’s enabler and an accomplice.

The SNP are today’s Westminster’s and the crown’s enablers and accomplices. Their useful idiots. Brexit has been imposed on Scotland because the SNP chose to preserve the union rather than using the 56 strong majority we gave them in 2015 to protect the Scottish people by ending this fake union.

Dundee Scot

Instead of calling for another referendum in Scotland on whether to get out, call for a referendum in the rest of the UK on whether they want Scotland to remain in.
A lot of UK voters are sick and tired of (what to their eyes is) funneling their hard earned tax money to a feckless, corrupt and incompetent Scots Parliament.


Hi Mummy

You asked did I watch Outlander on TV?

No I didn’t but I did see some previews and thought the scenery & music was incredible.

I couldn’t watch it because I had already overdosed on Outlander. I read all the books and discussed them with a group of friends. It involved wine and a lot of laughs. I think there were about 8 books and by the time I was finished I had had enough of Jamie & his Sassenach.

PS I don’t think it was on TV. David Cameron wouldn’t allow it.

Well done to Diana Gabaldon she brought a lot of tourist to Scotland. It was quite amazing.


Wow, while we are all shaking our heads at the Canadian parliament giving two standing ovations to a literal SS N@zi did you know that there is a large monument to the same Waffen SS Nazi division (of which the Canadian SS N@zi was a member) in a Ukr@inian chapel in Scotland (built by POW’s) and that the SNPG recently awarded them a grant of over 50 grand to restore the chapel and I can only assume the SS N@zi monument. Might be worth having a look at that in more detail.

(Apologies if this appears twice, I don’t think the first attempt worked so I modified the link.)


sam says:
9 October, 2023 at 3:07 pm

I don’t object to Johnim’s post either. Try again?

Did I get something wrong again?

It’s probably your fault Sam for not using blockquotes.

I did after all spend a lot of time teaching you all how to do html

You should all know how to bold, italic, strike through & bloody block quotes.
Folk get mixed up if you don’t make it clear who is saying what to whom.

I can see my mammy from a former life needs to learn how to do
🙂 she keep doing a ?

A 🙂 is not a ? A 🙂 is the answer.

Alf Baird

sam @ 1:47 pm

“These councilor’s allude to Fanon’s theoretical perspective of inferiorism but also to Bourdieu’s idea of symbolic violence whereby Scots not only participate in their own servitude but are the creators of it.”

Indeed, and as Albert Memmi found, and as we can see in many ‘No’ voting Scots, certain groups among the colonized ‘positively crave dependence’. The essential message here is that the ‘colonial mindset’ is a psychological condition (itself an outcome of colonialism) that requires ‘painful treatment’; because the only ‘remedy’ for the ‘colonial condition’ is ‘liberation’ and a complete ‘break with the colonial system, not a compromise’. In other words, what we think we know of as ‘independence’.

link to


link to

Don’t push your luck ’24/7 Sinking School Unionist Spammer’.

It’s a bit of a fuckin liberty for a Unionist to highjack ‘Wings Over Scotland’ to post his sinking school spam 24/7 for a period of 2 years then has the bloody cheeky to dictate to posters on here what they should and shouldn’t be posting.

Captain Yossarian

I might just be right about the sinking school, Ruby. It’s complex engineering and we Scots used to be great at it. If I am right, then I have done a valuable service to the folks of Aberdeen – wouldn’t you say? Then, will anyone accuse me of spamming Mr Campbell’s website? Will anyone be disappointed at Mr Campbell for allowing me to spam his website? Think about that while you’re washing the dishes. Leave the engineering to me and Dan and websites to Mr Campbell.


Sadly so true.
I often wondered why the SNP or anyone is Scots Govt didnt push the narrative and highlight Westminster’s failings and errors. It was always portrayed as somehow Scots Govt being above the dirty fight, always showing respect, always being better man/woman/institution. Utter nonsense of course.

We all know the only way to fight to win is fight dirty.

Should have been calling out every little slip at every opportunity and maximising pain and embarrassment.

We can only guess why this wasn’t the case.

Same as we can only guess what that current Minster for Independence does for his extra earnings.


“The sooner the SNP is destroyed, the sooner we can start again.”

Amen to that!


Hi Alf,

Do you think you might send a copy of your book to GCPH? I think there might be some interest in it.

I found the HoC Library briefing on the sec 35 intervention interesting. The methods and language used to deprive colonial Canada, Ireland and Scotland has not changed over decades.

Below is the opening paragraph of Burnett’s good article. It has relevance to some of what is saaid here.

“The Scottish Cringe as described by Beveridge and Turnbull (1989) refers to the Scots lacking personal and political confidence in their ability to govern themselves. Beveridge and Turnbull (1989) argue the Scots suffer from a sense of psychological inferiority in which Scots have come to see themselves and they are seen by England i.e. as being inferior to and dependent upon the largesse of England. Sociological theorist Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic violence can be deployed as another means to understand Scotland’s sense of culture inferiority because this notion of Bourdieu is used to explain how the more powerful are able to structure the self-perception of the weak, so that social groups are not only conquered or colonised militarily by a more powerful nation as there is another defeat or war waged that is done via or by culture (Bourdieu and Waquarant 1992) i.e. Scots collude in and co–produce their subordination because they sincerely believe their culture is not equal to that of England. On this matter, Carol Craig (2003) argues that Scots are harshly disparaging to their own culture and by doing so create apprehension in the Scottish persona.”


Ah, yes… halcyon days.

Sitting around of an evening with tweed-clad chums, a few bottles of fizz, and tallying up how many raptors the keeper had managed to shoot, trap and otherwise poison throughout the year.

Those bottles paid for are they? Would you mind terribly giving me your receipt? Thanks awfully old bean.

A toast you say? Why, certainly… The King!


You know, the more I look at that photo, the more I see it mirroring the final scene in the cartoon version of Orwell’s Animal Farm.


link to

I was going to say I thought it was weird that you were allowed to spam the site with your sinking school campaign posts but Stu is pretty busy.

What I would say is I thought you as a Unionist choosing to spam this site with your sinking school campaign posts was very strange and very inconsiderate.

You probably got away with it because you were the only one doing it. Can you imagine if every campaigner out there looking for free publicity started spamming on Wings.

If you think Stu has done you and the people of Aberdeen such a big favour by allowing you all that free publicity can I suggest you cut out the sexist abuse it definitely doesn’t do Stu any favours.

PS I’m pretty sure I know a lot more about websites than Stuart Campbell. No idea where you get your ideas from and if you know the difference between a website and a blog.

I could be totally wrong and Stu could be an expert in html, css, SEO, ruby on rails, and everything else needed to build a website.

I just don’t think so his talents lie elsewhere.


Hope they weren’t shooting grouse in January.
Swinney and Wishart are beaters.


Ebok says:
9 October, 2023 at 12:32 pm
Red says:
9 October, 2023 at 11:32 am

‘If you think the economy is bad now …People have no idea how poor and angry they’re about to become’

Mmm, I said the same thing just over a year ago, Red, about the impending surge (no pun intended) in energy costs. I’m truly amazed at our capacity to take a kicking time after time and simply get up and ask for another one. Wha’s like us, eh?

Aye, embarrassing isn’t it?

Captain Yossarian

Ruby – Don’t you vex yourself, Petal. If Mr Campbell thought it was bogus then he would have put a stop to it at the time. Can you not change the record every now and again? Once in a blue moon? Please?


You keep going Ruby AFAIC your posts are more entertaining, at least they don’t big up Rory the tolie or Katie the other unionist


Yes it looks like the SNP needs to be kicked out of Holyrood and Westminster, I’m very disappointed in some SNP MSPs who have for the lack of a better word bottled it, on at least attempting to stage some sort of coup from within the party to try and get it back on track.

Yousaf is the weakest and most inept FM in a long time, and it shouldn’t be to difficult to remove him from his post, I was hoping like Alex Salmond that some SNP MSPs with a backbone who cared enough about Scotland and its people would come to the fore, there’s still time but its quickly running out if you ask me.

It would be better for the indy movement, and save oodles of time, if we could save the party, but as every day passes that option looks less and less viable, a strong indy minded SNP and Alba at Holyrood would’ve been a good bedrock to move forward on, pity that the former has ruled out working with the latter for the good of Scotland and its people.

I can only say that we should vote for the Alba party at the next GE, no votes for the SNP which is no longer a party for Scottish independence, it has become a party of lying deceitful grifting careerists.

John Main

@Sam 2:26

Only fair I post to agree with you on the few occasions that I do.

I am a great fan of Norway, actually I love the place.

What turns me on was the discovery, only a few weeks back, that the free, independent sovereign nation of Norway is the world’s biggest per capita donor to that other free, independent sovereign nation on the east of Europe. The one struggling mightily to rid its territory of murderous, aggressive invaders as I write.

I look forwards to the day when the freedom-loving citizens of iScotland march in lockstep with our brave and generous Norwegian brothers and sisters.

Please don’t disappoint me and let Scotland down by saying you disagree.


Marking the end of the shooting season in an expensive Deli stocked with expensive wines and malts characterises exactly the hunting, shooting and fishing fraternity our elected SNP representatives have become.

Lushes on the public payroll more blue blood than the bluest of Tories – or so they act.

Of the two in the picture posing for the country set, one was the deputy PM whilst the other wanted to be the speaker of the house.

And we wonder why ordinary folks are getting poorer whilst the well heeled get richer. Why there is no land reform. No Governmental intervention into the utter disgrace of the energy sector.

Truth is there is no difference between Swinney and Wishart, the Tories or Lady Michelle Mone of the fill your boots at public expense Covid fraudsters. And for her, one can add a new multi million pound yacht and sailing to the upper classed troughers.

Oh how Orwell got it right when the animals looked on as pig looked at man and man to pig to realise they were both the same.

The Rev has gotten it right. The SNP needs wiped out.


Owen Mullions.

She’s eleven years old and the Zionists killed her ENTIRE family. You won’t read or hear about this in the pro-Zionist Western media.

This mass murder has been going on since 1948.

link to

Colin Carroll

Just had this from my dentist.
“Due to changes in healthcare provision, NHS Scotland are reducing the frequency of dental examination appointments. Starting on 1st November 2023, 6-monthly examinations will no longer be available. NHS examinations will now be carried out every 24 months for those with excellent/good oral health and every 12 months for those who have greater oral health needs. The number of dental treatments available on the NHS has also been much reduced.”
But Holyrood have full control over NHS Scotland! So they can’t blame ‘the Toories’!

James Che

Let us study and define the union of the Crowns.
And what it means to have royal assent and royal perogative in relation to Scotland,

First where does Westminster parliament gain Sovereignty ?

From the English bill of Rights act in 1689?

Was queen Anne the last reigning Stuart in England Coronated as Queen of England and Wales?

Was queen Anne the last reigning Stuart monarch of England Coronated Queen of Scots or Scotland?


Where and when does the “union of Crowns” of the two separate Countries and kingdoms.commence.

Queen Anne whom died in 1714 was “not coronated queen of Scots or Scotland,” There was no official union of two Crowns without being coronated in both kingdoms.

The political treaty of parliamentary union ended in 1707 when the parliament of Westminster in England dissolved and Extinguished the Scottish parliament from the treaty of union.

Thus there is no union of the two Crowns of the two kingdoms officially, nor is there anything left of a Scottish and English parliamentary union after 1707.

Anyone is invited to jump in prove me wrong. And answer the question.

What was the date that Queen Anne, the last remaining “coronated queen of England and coronated ” as ” in England “Stuart Monarch of England,
actually IN Scotland to officially be investured, swear the Scots Oath, and be Coronated with the crown of Scotland placed on her head as Queen of Scots,

All monarchs of Scotland were Crown thus.

Without a official coronation as Queen Anne of Scots,, she only wears the Crown of England and Wales.

John Main

Alf Baird

Any chance you can help out with the “symbolic violence” mystery?

Perhaps provide a sentence including the “symbolic violence” term so that its meaning becomes clear from the context? Maybes use it to illustrate something going on in Scotland right now?

If there are no actual examples of “symbolic violence”, a hypothetical example will do.

Thanks in advance.


Captain Yossarian says:
9 October, 2023 at 5:51 pm

Ruby – Don’t you vex yourself, Petal. If Mr Campbell thought it was bogus then he would have put a stop to it at the time. Can you not change the record every now and again? Once in a blue moon? Please?

No! The more you subject me to sexist/personal abuse tell me to shut up, call me names and try to bully me the more I will stick to the same record.
Why would you want me to change the record?

I made no mention of anything being bogus but now you mention it I’m wondering if the whole sinking school thing was a scam?

Can you direct me to the Wings Article about this alleged sinking school?
What did Stu write about it?

James Che

Once the SNP are destroyed in Westminsters devolved parliament sent to Scotland, will we keep voting for the other union parties like tories, labour, greens, liberal dems, hangmen of Scotlands Sovereignty?

Or will we decide that is not the end of regaining our Country back from union parties.


link to
John Main says:
9 October, 2023 at 11:14 am


Why nae jist go feck yersel. Use a hand grenade, dinna forget to remove the pin. Gie yersel a few secs o pleasure jist afore the end o yer miserable existence.

I see where I went wrong earlier I though this was John Main quoting johnlm. Sometimes it’s not clear who is saying what to whom on this website. I reckon John Main was trying not to make it clear.

Not that long ago John Main got a warning from Stu about his personal abuse. Had Dan been here he would have found that post in a jiffy. C’mon Dan I want to learn how to make ‘Wild Raspberry Jam’ and how to search Wings.

To be clear John Main posted the following personal abuse to johnlm

johnlm Why nae jist go feck yersel. Use a hand grenade, dinna forget to remove the pin. Gie yersel a few secs o pleasure jist afore the end o yer miserable existence

I think that is pretty bad considering I got PMTd for calling someone a nutter. Well I did it tree times in a row and I guess the person concerned (take a guess) reported me to Stu.

Some weird homoerotic fantasies going on here. I wonder if you could do something similar & less dangerous with a bath bomb or a crunchie?

Alf Baird

John Main @ 6:31 pm

“Any chance you can help out with the “symbolic violence” mystery?”

‘Symbolic violence’ is a part of the theory of Cultural Imperialism, which is “the practice of promoting the culture or language of one nation in another”.

This may involve imposing statues, town and street names, commemorations and ‘celebratory’ events etc, which symbolize the glorification of the dominant cultural/Imperial power. In colonial societies the oppressed native is forced to walk by and ‘suffer’ such statues and street names every day, and to celebrate the oppressors events, e.g. the recent faux crowning, state regulated media content forming another aspect of course.

Which explains why an independent Ireland and many other former colonies got rid of its numerous British statues commemorating only the ‘greatness’ of their oppressor, i.e. a colonial cultural heritage legacy.

Captain Yossarian

Ruby – Switch the computer off for a while.

Geoff Anderson

Israeli action in Gazza is nothing less than genocide.

Like Nazi Germany in the 1930s Israel is now doing exactly the same. Cutting off electricity, gas, fuel, food and water whilst using fighter aircraft to bomb civilian targets reflects a state that is inhumane, nasty and murderous. And now the US send a aircraft carrier replete with F35 fighter planes and five missile destroyers to support them.

The Final Solution for the Palestinians is now underway. Israel and the US are going to wipe them out like the savages that the Israeli’s say they are.

Or am I missing something?


There seems to be individuals who run their mouths off on indy sites and are unable to deal with the consequences.

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.


I cannot believe the degree of excessive bias by the U.K. media regarding the situation in the Middle East.

This terrifies me that somehow they back and justify killing innocents in a country invaded and controlled because others terrorists from across the border killed other innocents.

Do anyone believe the kids being killed in Palestine today and tomorrow were involved in organising these attacks or could have known about them or stopped them.

Downing Street and the Labour Party conference held minutes silence for the innocent Israelis killed but the silence was very much more quiet when the innocent Palestinians are not recognised or mentioned.

No murder of innocents anywhere is acceptable at any time!


Due to the ongoing conflict just outside Europe, the ammunition stockpiles of Western NATO nations including America are getting low and production will need to be ramped up.

Given that there is now a conflict in the Middle East that is America’s long term ally, I wonder which one of the conflicts will get priority for the ammunition or if ammunition can be supplied to keep both conflicts going?


There is a theory that Hamas was set up by Isntreal.
A bit like Al Ciada and IS1S really.


Captain Yossarian says:
9 October, 2023 at 7:36 pm

Ruby – Switch the computer off for a while.

Did you see this personal abuse that John Main posted?

link to

John Main says:
9 October, 2023 at 11:14 am


Why nae jist go feck yersel. Use a hand grenade, dinna forget to remove the pin. Gie yersel a few secs o pleasure jist afore the end o yer miserable existence.

That is really bad isn’t it. Is that why you wanted me to switch off my computer? So I could see this homoerotic X rated post.

Is fucking yourself with a hand grenade something a ‘Bungalow Bill’ or a ‘Tenement Tom’ might do.

I’m sure it must be slang for something else I’m sure it can’t be fucking yourself with an actual hand grenade.

You’re good at slang terms. What do you think it means?

John Main

@Alf Baird 7:31

That’s an understandable explanation.

Thanks for your response.


Can jokes be ‘symbolic violence’?
Referring to a people as Orcs for instance?


Willie says: Or am I missing something?

Reality, Willie? Everything’s a genocide these days. Stalin wept.

Ruby – Some weird homoerotic fantasies going on here. I wonder if you could do something similar & less dangerous with a bath bomb or a crunchie?

Kola flavoured Ice Pole?

Or a sequel to Brokeback Mountain, called A Fistful of Jobbies.

I bet Wee Baldy Patrick would go to see that at the GFT, with a big cheesy smile on his coupon and an extra packet of hankies in his pocket.

John Main

@RoS 6:27

I’m going to argue logically from what I infer are the unwritten sentiments of your posts today to see where I end up. Feel free to correct me if I get any logical step wrong.

There’s an 11 YO kid and her entire family was killed by an unidentified perp or perps, who are very likely to have belonged to a specific race and/or religion.

The perp or perps have obviously committed a crime and should be punished.

But they can’t be identified and so other possibly innocent people belonging to that specific race and/or religion can be punished instead.

But in the heat of the moment, that specific race and/or religion can’t be identified specifically so anybody handy can be punished indiscriminately instead.

Indiscriminate punishment of the uninvolved innocent, regardless of race or religion, means that everybody is a target, including you and me.

That certainly explains why we are potential targets, every time we board a plane, but I really do wonder why this meets with your approval.

In my world, punishment should be for the guilty. Sometimes that means the guilty go free and that sucks. But punishing the innocent sucks far more.

John Main


Sure, referring to Orcs as people raises a laugh in many quarters.


“The EU has suspended all aid and development assistance to Palestine in the wake of the attack by militant group Hamas on Israel, the bloc announced on Monday. Further aid-related budget proposals have also been postponed “until further notice”

The hypocrisy of the EU is staggering, U——– defend themselves against the R——s, great give them millions and back them to the hilt, the Palestinians defend themselves against the Zionists, we can’t have this violence against Israel quick suspend aid to them.

The Zionist forces occupying Palestine are in the process of turning the Gaza Strip into a carpark, of the two and half million Palestinians trapped in that open hell hole of a prison half of them are CHILDREN.

The trapped Palestinians need to find a way to breakout of that prison, that has now no power or renewable food supplies, a route possibly via Lebanon seems the most likely in my eyes.


Who jokes that Orcs are people???
Put some water in it.

Geoff Anderson
John Main

RoS 8:53

In the real world, there are real threats to the EU, and to us in Scotland.

The threats don’t come from 404 or Israel. Thems the facts.

I may be the only Sovereign Scot in the country who doesn’t want the people threatening me supported, but if I am, so be it.

That’s my Occams Razor. Work out who wants to kill and/or enslave me and those like me and push back against them. Apply the ‘enemy’s enemy is my friend’ rule to work out who I should support.

You should ditch the pretzel logic and try thinking clearly. Not only will you feel better, you will start to make sense.

George Ferguson

Pete Wisharts constituency of North Perthshire will be lost by the SNP at the next GE. Probably to a Conservative gain. People are so scunnered by the SNP they now realise the benefits of tactical voting. Catch the latest Redfield polling? The SNP vote is in freefall. Remember his bubbling in 2017 when he only won by 27 votes? He should stand down to prevent an electoral humiliation. I have never appreciated his categorisation of Alba and Wingers as being vile. We are Independence supporters Pete.


Johnlm says: 9 October, 2023 at 8:00 pm

There is a theory that Hamas was set up by Isntreal.
A bit like Al Ciada and IS1S really.

Given that country has the most powerful military and intelligence network in the region, it’s a bit hard to understand how they could have missed such a military buildup from Hamas that would have taken months to do?

Of course, it has nothing to do with the political internal strife that has been crippling the country for over a year and then a war that comes out of the blue to unite the nation?

Conspiracy theory of course but very convenient all the same.

Charles (not the R one)

Sorry for the part reply a moment ago.

Republicofscotland says:
The trapped Palestinians need to find a way to breakout of that prison, that has now no power or renewable food supplies, a route possibly via Lebanon seems the most likely in my eyes.

There are four ways to get out of the Gaza Strip :
1. through Egypt (Sinai)
2. through Israel
3. by sea – but where to?
4. by air – also, where to?

Israel controls options 2, 3 & 4, and as a matter of interest it is safe to assume Egypt has no desire to allow a million terrorist nutters to enter its country.

Israel is utterly wrong to describe the Hamas terrorists as animals. That is insulting to all animals.
They are SAVAGES, mediaeval savages, and sad to say they are about to become the victims of their own actions.
“As ye sow, so shall ye reap”.
And, as usual, the innocent will suffer. Hamas knew that before they started this latest attack. Hamas doesn’t care about that, and they never have.


“But in the heat of the moment, that specific race and/or religion can’t be identified specifically so anybody handy can be punished indiscriminately instead.”

John Main.

In the heat of the moment, that’s rich the moment has being going on since 1948.

As for your use of the the Orcs, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: “We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.”

History has shown us that firstly, the dehumanising of a people is the first step to justifying their slaughter. The Zionists have been dehumanising the Palestinians for around eighty years now.


Ruby,you have 13 responses on this thread before from 99, give it a rest. Seriously.

Charles (not the R one)

It seems to be the situation that the parents of Mrs Humza Yusaf went to Gaza a week ago to visit and to assist relatives who live there.

Regardless of the relatively trivial nature of politics here today compared, one has to sympathise with their situation.
Humza Yousaf is reported thus ; “Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf says his parents-in-law are trapped in Gaza after the Hamas attack on Israel. Mr Yousaf issued an “unequivocal condemnation” of the Hamas attack.

I admire Mr Yousaf for those words of condemnation.


Wording is very important.

How the Zionist-supporting BBC use words to influence a situation.

link to

Charles (not the R one)

It seems to be the situation that the parents of Mrs Humza Yusaf went to Gaza a week ago to visit and to assist relatives who live there.

Regardless of the relatively trivial nature of politics here today compared, one has to sympathise with their situation.
Humza Yousaf is reported thus ; “Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf says his parents-in-law are trapped in Gaza after the Hamas attack on Israel. Mr Yousaf issued an “unequivocal condemnation” of the Hamas attack.

I admire Mr Yousaf for his words of condemnation.


“Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin said he has ordered the Ford carrier strike group to sail to the Eastern Mediterranean to be ready to assist Israel.”

One wonders what the Zionist supporting media outcry would be if say China or R—-a decided to assist the oppressed Palestinian people.

Shame on the UN for allowing the systematic slaughter of the Palestinian people for nigh on eighty years, the UN must get its HQ out of (USA) New York.

George Ferguson

@Republicofscotland 10:52pm
Very few readers have stayed on topic on this post. It’s a very disconcerting global situation so understandably contributions have been febrile. At the moment apart from some unfortunate individuals innocently caught up in the situation. This does not involve Scotland but I think it will eventually. The situation will get out of control and somehow we will be involved. Either through NATO or a coalition of the willing. See history rinse and repeat.

John Main

@RoS 10:52

Why would the two countries you mention help the Palestinians?

They both have significant Muslim minorities they hate, oppress, imprison and kill when they get out of line.

Don’t tell me you have never heard of Chechnya, or the Uighurs? Both countries cannot risk anything that will cause unrest in their own Muslim colonies.

Your irrational views on objective reality make you get the wrong end of the stick on just about everything.


Sorry for the random query. Can anyone tell me how I can contact the Rev please? His twitter only accepts DMs from verified accounts and the contact form on this website is broken.


Onlooker says:
9 October, 2023 at 10:28 pm

Ruby,you have 13 responses on this thread before from 99, give it a rest. Seriously.

I have absolutely no clue what you mean.
Who is 99?


Aaaand……John Main misses the point yet again, and builds another straw man.


Charles (not the R one) says:
9 October, 2023 at 10:31 pm
It seems to be the situation that the parents of Mrs Humza Yusaf went to Gaza a week ago to visit and to assist relatives who live there.

My parents went on holiday to Skye. They had a lovely time.

How unlike the hame life of oor ain dear Humza. Mind ye, it’s nice to know the First Minister of the Scottish Government unequivocally condemns murders.


Remember this…

Over two years of protests they shot thousands of unarmed protesters deliberately targeting their knees, ankles, hips and genitals. Yeah they were deliberately shooting kids in the balls.

How may of you are reading about the above for the first time I wonder…

stuart mctavish


I read that Humza’s wife is from Palestine and that its his inlaws that have been caught up in the carnage.

I also read (on BBC no less) that the terrorists at the music festival wore Israeli military shirts – but have vague memory of something not dissimilar (without the slaughter) happening during their covid crackdown so inclined to be wary of reports to that effect, regardless:

link to
(Supernova festivalgoer shares his escape story @7.28)

Propaganda spinning out of control is just one aspect of the danger though, incompetence at decision making level is arguably at a whole new level and leaders in the free world need to be very careful how they handle the situation and or articulate support imo

eg If terrorists from Marseille were to shoot up a Parisian night club, the appropriate response must never be to cut water gas and electricity to the city before wiping it off the map and selling the vacant lot to Dubai (albeit encouraging such investment by other means could improve competition(s) for PSG, and possibly even help address some of the hypothetical psychosis at a more fundamental level)

I reckon Humza is a natural to handle it well for all that (and may even be desperately needed by clown world in consequence) and hope he gets his folks back safe, sound and quickly


The thing that surprises me and elicits some suspicion is that it is H@m@s who have done this.

H@mas was created by Isr@el. George Galloway who knows a thing or two about the region talks about this at length. They are also famously corrupted and infiltrated with spies….

So for this to all go undetected strikes me as extremely unlikely. Hezboll@h are the ones well capable not H@mas, at least until now.

Someone described this as “I$raels 9/11”. There may be a lot of truth in this but not for the reasons presented.

Let’s see how this exploited and for what purpose. Bibi is well capable of allowing this to happen to advance his agenda and more importantly save his skin. He is a psycho.

Ukr@ine is yesterdays papers… priorities.

Lot’s of reports that they are using weaponry sold to them by Ukr@ine and out of Afghanist@n.


stuart mctavish says: eg If terrorists from Marseille were to shoot up a Parisian night club, the appropriate response must never be to cut water gas and electricity to the city before wiping it off the map

I think the days of people worrying about what’s appropriate are over Stuart.


If Yousless found himself in a tight spot when talking about and voting on gay marriages that is going to pale into insignificance when it comes to his public statements on what is happening in Palestine/Israel right now. This is going to be interesting… which way will he flop.


The example of how Humza Yousaf’s mother and father in law have been cattled into a pen where all the basic neccesties of life such as electricity, gas, water, food and medicine have been cut off reinforces to us all how Israel’s utter barbarity is being applied to innocent folks.

And moreover with air raids day and daily it is not difficult to realize how the state of Israel conducts it’s murderous shock and awe against millions.

Humza’s father in law, visiting his 93 year old mother absolutely reinforces how Israel’s indiscrimate policy of mass terror can affect anyone. It could just y been Humza and his wife who were visiting.

Brings it home. Truly does. And there should be no way a watching world stands by and does nothing.


George Ferguson @11.25pm.

Yes off topic comments mainly on the oppressed people of Palestine have filtered through in here, its hard not to think of those poor Palestinians who have suffered for such a long time as the world watches on again.

The Palestinians are fighting for their actual existence, their terrible plight is existential. Often attributed to Dolores Ibarruri during the Spanish Civil war in which over 300 Scots fought against fascism she said, “I’d rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.”

There’s even a monument to her in Glasgow and to the sacrifice of brave Scots who gave their lives fighting against Franco’s fascist regime in Spain.

Alf Baird

George Ferguson @ 11:25 pm

“This does not involve Scotland but I think it will eventually. The situation will get out of control and somehow we will be involved.”

The responsibility for much that has and still is happening in the Mid East and elsewhere rests with our territory-greedy and deceitful Imperial neighbour, England-as-Britain. A Scottish army deployed at their command, our nation dragged into some 80 conflicts since WWII and a similar number prior to that. An independent Ireland has managed to avoid much of that, including loss of life and reputational damage globally.

Conversely, it is difficult to see an independent Scotland as other than a more enlightened, peaceful, trading and developed society, instead of what we are under colonial rule: dumbed down, culturally assimilated, dragged as lackeys into any old conflict England-as-Britain ‘leads’ us, our own trade plundered, leaving Scotland an under-developed people and nation.

Scots are a fowk aye telt whit tae dae by thair colonial maisters, ee’n thair langage comin oot o oor mooths! That is never a ‘partnership of equals’. It is a colonial relationship. That is why we need independence.


Willie says: It could just y been Humza and his wife who were visiting.

It’s no too late for Humza to go over there and make a name for himself. Take Time Magazine with him.

As a Scottish man, I don’t know anybody in Palestine or Israel or have a side in their horrible ethnic vendettas, but I wish Humza all the love, sympathy and respect he has shown to people like me.


Thinking about it more. This is going to be a real problem for Yousless.

He will initially strongly condemn the attacks blah blah blah… but as soon as he tries to recognize a single reason for why they occurred, or put them into historical context, he will get slaughtered.

This is a personal nightmare for him. And also a huge test of character. I think we are going to find out who the real Humza Yousless is here.


I predict another couple of words will be added to the banned words lists.

You would think people would get bored talking about war. It’s not like it’s an unusual thing.

There has never been a time in my life when there hasn’t been a war going on somewhere.

I won’t say more as I really don’t have any answers.

Who does?

I’m thinking of Julian Assange today and wondering if what we are being told about this new war is anywhere close to the truth.

I don’t suppose it matters as long as there’s a good war story for folk to discuss.

Living in a time when people are asking why can’t a woman have a cock is making me question everything.

I probably need help so if anyone can suggest what I can do about the latest war story it would be appreciated.

In the meantime I will go back to reading about how there isn’t a hope in hell of Scotland ever becoming independent.

At least that’s one thing off my list of things to do so I can perhaps concentrate on bringing about world peace, with your help of course.

Thanks in advance for all you help & advice.


Mac says on 10 October 2023 at 9:00 am: “So for this to all go undetected strikes me as extremely unlikely.”

As soon as i seen this devastation breaking on the news channels my first three thoughts were: 1: And there goes the WOS btl. 2: I can’t believe Israel didn’t know this was in the offing. They have one of the best intelligence networks on this planet then 3: Now watch the retaliation, Israel will go to town on the lot of them and it’ll only result in a death tally in its thousands, of mostly Palestinian civilians.

That’s my first, only and last comment on this issue.

Meanwhile, a bit closer to home:

“Budget surpluses are a rarity in Europe following a jump in spending during COVID-19 but a surge in Irish corporate taxes paid by a small number of foreign firms snapped Dublin quickly back into a surplus of 2.9% of gross national income last year.”
link to

And look at the halfwits in charge of Scotland’s finances, a far wealthier country than Ireland. Things just get more depressing by the day.

Captain Yossarian

Ruby – “I (Ruby) probably need help”. There are some serious discussions going-on today. Just let it go-on in peace. No chiselling-away endlessly looking for someone to fight with.

David Hannah

I’m so glad we’ve left the EU.

£728 Million. The EU cancelled the humanitarian funding for Gaza. While Israel turn off the electricity and and water and lock them in under Bombs.

Until there’s no where else for their weary legs to run, apart from the ocean.

When the American Aircraft carrier finishes them off and blows them out the water.

And we’ll have to pay for their homes in Glasgow. Before Scottish men. Just like the Ukrainians.

The sun never sets on the British Empire they say…

It’s the same with the yanks. Under Joe Biden. Nothing but war mongering.

Destroying our lives the World over.


Ruby says: Living in a time when people are asking why can’t a woman have a cock is making me question everything.

Humza brought in the Hate Crimes Act so you wouldn’t question anything.

Humza Yousaf – the man who introduced racist rants about “white people” to the Scottish Parliament – introduced a law that bans Scottish people from saying what they want in their own homes. The penalties for breaking Humza’s law include putting you in a cage for saying words in your own house.

And now I’m being invited to empathise with Humza. Very good, lol.

David Hannah

Why would anyone like Israel? It was very interesting reading that post about them murdering British squaddies from trees, then booby trapping the bodies.

They are vile. They called the Israeli’s “human animals” the leader of their army.

He said “human animals”.

Sub human language from Nazi Germany. They really are disgusting bunch of wankers.

Up the Palestinian resistance. Viva Palestine. The only thing I agree with Maggie Chapman. I hope Hesbola invade and destroy every single government building in Tel Aviv. Until there’s nothing left.

David Hannah

I want to know more about the Israeli Military spy cameras in Glasgow.

The military cameras that caused 44 of their murderous brigade to quit and sign a letter saying this is wrong.

Why does the Israeli lobby in Scotland want to know the sexual preferences of the citizens of Glasgow walking to protest in freedom square?

They are sick. They are deranged. They are awful human beings. Human beings that are on their way to the fiery pits hell.

Viva Palestine. Glasgow won’t be told what to think!!


It’s almost like you’re giving us an example of an independent country ‘showing us the money’ but of course that can’t be right, can it?
Surely if Ireland had their decisions made by another country, England for example, their budget surplus would have been much greater?

This self determination lark can’t be anything to get worked up about otherwise everyone would be doing it…oh, wait.

David Hannah

I see Stephen Flynn and the SNP support ethnic cleansing. It will damage their public image.

Hopefully Israel can be stopped. But they won’t. Palestine will be massacred.

Stephen Flynn and his moral superiority. The mental gymnastics they’ll be doing over the coming weeks to justify their response.

Rot Stephen Flynn. Your no statesman. Pathetic joke of a man. Mini me. Doctor Murrell’s evil clone. Obviously the embryo split and he was left with all the shite genetics.

David Hannah

*sorry I never read what I post.

The Israeli Military leader called the Palestinians “human animals”

Sub human. The language from the little Austrian man with moustache.

Nothing anti semetic about it. Gaza is an open air concentration camp.


Captain Yossarian says:
10 October, 2023 at 10:46 am

Ruby – “I (Ruby) probably need help”. There are some serious discussions going-on today. Just let it go-on in peace. No chiselling-away endlessly looking for someone to fight with.

Would you not be better just to ignore me?

The more you provoke me the more you’ll be crying begging me to change the record by the end of the day.

Will we be getting an update about your sinking school campaign any time soon. Where should we look The Scotsman, The Herald, The SG website?

Captain Yossarian

It’s not my campaign, Ruby. I simply stepped forward at the time to tell everyone they had better get this checked. Look upon it as a “Julian Assange” story. Since you keep on mentioning it, time after time after time after time, it is coming to an end soon. Any day now in fact.


If you’re not already supporting the boycott against Israel with B.D.S. it’s time that you started.

James Che

Scotland should not take part in any of the conflicts of aggession that The rest of Britain involves itself in regardless.

Because in Scotland hate Crime towards anonther race is now law passed in legislation and given royal assent.

In fact it is the new law that should prevent anyone in Scotland going to war or taking side s against another race, other wise the police will charge you..

James Che

I don’t know if they have hate crime laws in the rest of Britain, but in Scotland it is illegal, you would certainly not go fight or send your people to fight another race without breaking the laws that the Snp passed along with every other political party here,

That is the law of Scotland now and it is illegal to hate another race.

James Che

Stephen Flynn and the Snp openly doing hate Crimes?


Mac says:
10 October, 2023 at 9:38 am
Thinking about it more. This is going to be a real problem for Yousless.

He will initially strongly condemn the attacks blah blah blah… but as soon as he tries to recognize a single reason for why they occurred, or put them into historical context, he will get slaughtered.

This is a personal nightmare for him. And also a huge test of character. I think we are going to find out who the real Humza Yousless is here.

Indeed. He is boxed into a tight corner this time. The western media will stand strongly behind Israel (and expect their politicians to follow suit). Does Humza follow into line (alienating the muslim community) or does he condemn both sides (risking the wrath of his masters)?

Humza’s suspect diplomatic skills and courage will be severely tested in the next few days. If he got off his backside and made his way to Gaza (or as near as he can get) and speak up for the thousands of palestinians who are about to die, then he would actually earn a wee bit respect IMO. The ball is in your court, Humza. Watching your space.

James Che

If anyone in the Scottish devolved government takes sides and cisplays favouritism between one race or the other, they have committed a hate crime and is racist,

James Che

I just went and checked the details of the hate crime bill in the Scottish government and on police Scotland,

It is illegal and a crime to display or coerce hatred by race.


David Hannah says:
10 October, 2023 at 10:50 am
I’m so glad we’ve left the EU.

£728 Million. The EU cancelled the humanitarian funding for Gaza. While Israel turn off the electricity and and water and lock them in under Bombs.

Until there’s no where else for their weary legs to run, apart from the ocean.

How sad. I nearly shed a wee tear for Hamas there.

It’s a shame that no other Muslim country in the Middle East wants to house Palestinians, but it’s also not our problem thankfully. We’re lucky we live thousands of miles away from that madness.

We should keep it that way, we have more than enough problems, and the world isn’t waiting for Scotland to fix it.


James Che. what skin tone meter But Humza Yousaf appears to hate race or at least skin tone.

His rant in the Scottish Parliament about whites certainly gave insight into that. Not sure what skin tone meter Mr Yousaf intends to use to discern so called whites from non whites.

In the terrible humanitarian disaster that is unfolding in Gaza I’d say the communities there are fighting not because of skin tone but because of oppression, unfairness and inequality.

And now after Yousaf’s frankly useless and outrageous rant he has personally come to encounter real hatred between people, people of the same colour, same gene pool even.

I hope his mother and father in law remain safe in the imposed hell hole that is now Gaza. Evil has come to his families door.


Ruby @ 10.17

Just a tentative suggestion, since you asked for assistance re achieving world peace.
“Be the change you seek to achieve”, perhaps by just ignoring, rather than provoking or retaliating, those with whom you disagree. It’s wearily obvious you have issues with John Main, Yossarian, Cyclists etc. (for all I know, based on past posts,I may well have joined the group of potential targets).
I’m pretty sure that you are well able to focus your not inconsiderable intellect upon the general thrust of WoS, Scottish Independence. Please do give it a go, after all, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

Anton Decadent

What the Palestinians are doing is a part of their culture and to judge this through an Israeli lens is wrong and an example of Israeli fragility.

Captain Yossarian

Sven – Thanks for that. “My name is Yossarian and I am a cyclist”

Curtain-Twitcher General

To all you bleeding hearts out there – just a reminder that both sides in this conflict view outsiders as subhumans who are fair game.

The koran, in surahs/chaps 8 & 9, outlines how non-muslims may be killed, raped, captured and enslaved, and physically mutilated (and before any cry about “cherry-picking” I would refer you to the concept of “abrogated verses”, where peaceful verses are rendered obsolete by later, and more violent ones.This change in policy is what gained Mo his followers and shaped the islam we know today).

The talmud, also, is a document exhorting jews to kill, rape, enslave, and rob non-jews, and can be simplified as a book instructing the reader on how best to avoid following the Ten Commandments.

Sensible people will not get involved in this struggle between two Abrahamic faiths.


Geezo oh, the Zionist loving BBC has really gone over the top today, on its support for the occupying oppressive apartheid military regime known as Israel, their sheer bias towards the Zionists is on a par with their sheer bias towards Ukraine and its neo-Nazi regime.

The Western media (or as Nato likes to call it the civilised world, which in reality is just North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand ) is disgusting, these Zionist loving “news” outlets turn my stomach.

James Che


Indeed he was racist in his public comments,

When exactly did the hate crime bill come into force, i can go back a check if needed be, or if it could be back datec, but he certainly could not get away with commenting about skin tone colour or comment against anyone particular race under the new laws of Scotland now,
And it will be interesting to see if the SNP or any other political party decides to take a racist stance against Isreal, Russia, palistine, Turkey, Ireland or Scotland for that matter,

This actually could be an enjoyable watch to burn Holyrood with their own laws meant to only keep Scotland in its place, by using the same laws they passed and encouraged as legislation.

Alf Baird

James Che @ 12:19 pm

“If anyone in the Scottish devolved government takes sides and cisplays favouritism between one race or the other, they have committed a hate crime and is racist”

Daes refuisin tae lairn Scots bairns in schuils oor ain Scots mither tongue langage qualifee? Langage is a human richt efter aw, an a UN convention richt of ‘indigenous peoples’.

An hou’s aboot advertising aw Scotlan’s best peyed jobs in the London metropolitan press?

Or using a local government franchise for national elections and referendums?

Or forcing Scots allegiance tae a furrin croun?


James Che

Cutain-twitcher General,

Regardless of who does what in other Countries around the world or even south of the Scottish border is illegal for Scots or anyone in Scotland to incite, coerce, discriminate, or be racist to any other person or nation of persons that could cause harm verbally or physically. Without breaking the law.

That is now the law for everyone in Scotland,

James Che

Alf Baird,

You could be on to a winner there. As the hate crime bill includes descrimination, verbal or physically.

James Che

Alf Baird.

Or forcing Scots allegiance to a foreign crown,

Interesting thought being as Queen Anne was never coronated as queen of Scots or its territory before she died,


Someone in the Labour Party has been thinking about Scotland. Still colonial, mind.

link to

David Hannah

No it is our problem. Sadly. The problems at home matter as much as global events.

We had to pay to house the Ukranian refugees.

We have sturgeon giving them £65 million.

We’ve got Yousaf handing John Kerry £24 million.

We’ll have politicians cancelled for being anti semites for criticising the massacre of the open air concentration camp.

Scotland’s got a Muslim population. And they will be raging about it all.

Alf Baird

James Che @ 2:19 pm

“You could be on to a winner there. As the hate crime bill includes descrimination, verbal or physically.”

Indeed, and remembering that colonialism itself is based on ethnic discrimination and racism, which becomes institutionalised in a colonial society; albeit this reality is somewhat obscured by cultural assimilation, and with colonial racism also ‘internalised’ (i.e. accepted as ‘deserved’) by a colonised people.

Not that a colonial administration would notice these essential dual levels of racism that the colonized group must suffer. The colonial political class and pampered bourgeoisie can see only another aspect of racism, but it is not the suffering of the racially oppressed native people seeking liberation.

link to


David says:

Scotland’s got a Muslim population. And they will be raging about it all.

So what?


Captain Yossarian says:
10 October, 2023 at 11:26 am

It’s not my campaign, Ruby. I simply stepped forward at the time to tell everyone they had better get this checked. Look upon it as a “Julian Assange” story. Since you keep on mentioning it, time after time after time after time, it is coming to an end soon. Any day now in fact.

Whose campaign is it?

Do they have a website?

Any press coverage?

Which school is it?

What does Julian Assange have to do with it.

David Hannah

Well, Humza, Yousaf has relatives in the Gaza strip. So there’s a personal connection with the first minister.

The American position to back Israel unequivocally and their right to respond will tear apart the country.

I see Elon Musk is going to face a 6% fine if he doesn’t block pro Palestine posts. By the EU.

They don’t like him anymore as he won’t allow them to use starlink to kill Russians.

We know the EU has been captured by the military. Which is why if you Google the EU today. You’ll see they want the Israeli Iron done system for Europe.

And why Urseloa Von der Lynn – who’s married to the ceo of Pfizer – have you got your 10th booster?

She’s blood thirsty for Palestinian blood and an EU army. They want an aircraft carrier. Google it.

And then of course there’s juryless trials. So that the Journalist jailing Scotland of course can imprison political opponents like Vladamir Putin himself.

Gas prices will go out of control if the Americans get involved with Iran over this Gaza massacre. Which it looks like it’s all kicking off.

Britain always gets sucked in. We voted no we’re stuck with British foreign policy we don’t agree with. And we’re the Americans permenant aircraft carrier. For the nuclear bombs who’s colonised by who you say?

The 500 million euros for zelensky from the EU Peace Fund to buy weapons for urkraine. I’ve learned all this from wings in recent weeks. Fascinating.

The deep state in action will ensure were dragged into this war it’s non stop coverage on the TV. Such is the power and reach of the Israeli lobby in Scotland.

With help from the Hillary Clinton foundation of course, remember we know that she doesn’t like comedy events at the fringe. We know from the leaked emails that she was raging about it.

Such is, the threat of Glasgow, Scotland and anyone shattering the western fragility.

David Hannah

That the Israeli’s have to have their military surveillance cameras on glasgow city centre to figure out the sexual preferences of those they are spying on.

As we know. The Israeli lobby in Scotland seem to be interested in this data collection which caused their own Palestinian death squad to quit x44.

They signed a letter saying “no”

It’s why the trees are getting cut down. Trees just get in the way. As I’ve learned from wings.

Meanwhile… What else is going down?

Stephen Flynn. It is an honour Mr zelensky it is an honour. A swift response to Palestine is needed. We stand with Israel.

Scottish independence off the agenda by the SNP. Loyal only to the false green agenda and war mongering.

So that your energy bills are through the roof and your living off £5 sandwich meal, deals and sky high cost of living. Subdued and desperate and in a, permenantly diseased state of destitution. In your 15 minute city. I believe it all now. Seen it all. Believe it.

So the Gaza massacre absolutely will affect us and is worth our full attention.

David Hannah

We know that the leaders of the western world have no intelligence. Which is, why Canada was applauding the nazi war criminal that probably killed Jews ahaha. It’s so bad.

Joe Biden has dementia. He should be nowhere near power.

It’s fucking mental man.


At Breastplate on 10 October 2023 at 10:58 am

😉 🙂


At Curtain-Twitcher General on 10 October 2023 at 12:51 pm:

You don’t post comments nearly enough on here. More of that, please. Very informative and educational. Thank you!

PS: I’m a non-follower or subscriber to *any* religion but it’s a topic i like learning the real hidden facts about. Especially those of the inconvenient truth variety. Thanks, again!

John Main

@Sam 2:26

I fully agree with the start of your post. My admiration for Norway turned into a full-blown love affair just a couple of weeks ago.

That’s because I discovered that the free, proud, independent, rich Norwegians are, per capita, the biggest contributors to that other free, proud, independent, not so rich country on the other side of Europe that is trying to expel the murderous aggressor from within its borders.

I look forwards to the day when an iScotland marches in lockstep with our Norwegian brothers and sisters.

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