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Wings Over Scotland

An apology to Scottish Labour

Posted on February 15, 2015 by

We’re feeling a bit stupid right now, readers. Earlier on today we sarcastically dubbed Scottish Labour “geniuses” over their plans to reintroduce alcohol (and sectarian singing) back to Scottish football at exactly the point when Scotland seemed to have finally turned the corner in its dysfunctional relationship with alcohol.

And this week vile cybernats had also been enjoying mocking a pair of hapless Labour members who’d posed outside a Fife health centre bemoaning the “clear” shortage of staffing, when in fact it had no staff at all, because it was an old closed-down facility, located right next to a brand shiny new £6m one built by the Scottish Government.


Indeed, for days now Labour have been carrying out a two-pronged stunt-photocall strategy, touring the country standing outside hospital casualty departments looking concerned about an almost entirely imaginary “A&E crisis”, while also leafleting every major football ground promising to let fans get smashed at games again.

Seeking a cheap laugh, we tweeted that we hoped they didn’t get confused and start handing out their “MOAR BOOZE!” literature outside the A&E wards, but then an alert reader pointed out that we were idiots and Jim Murphy was in fact an evil mastermind.

And they were right.

Because when you’re frantically trying to manufacture an “A&E crisis”, what could be smarter than to get thousands and thousands of football fans tanked up every weekend? They’ll beat each other up or fall down stairs or stagger out in front of buses or something, hard-pressed A&E departments will be swamped in new patients they won’t be able to cope with, and there really WILL be a crisis, which Scottish Labour can then blame on the Scottish Government.

It’s brilliant. Scottish Labour, we underestimated you. We’re sorry.

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[…] We’re feeling a bit stupid right now, readers. Earlier on today we sarcastically dubbed Scottish Labour “geniuses” over their plans to reintroduce alcohol (and sectarian singing) back to Scottish football at exactly the point when Scotland seemed to have finally turned the corner in its dysfunctional relationship with alcohol.  […]


Scottish Labour, we’re sorry. We underestimated you.

Is that even possible?


I can’t for the life of me find any advantage in the approach of Jim Murphy and Labour with regard to the alcohol ban at football games.

He states, “lets treat football fans today as adults” whilist at the same time he personally treats the electorate like idiots.

Jim, a wee word of advice. All football fans are part of the electorate, not all are idiots, unlike you.

Word in your ear, stop listening to McTernan. Your backing a loser


I can just see McTernan stroking the white cat telling Murphy “Good vork Number Vun ve vill soon have ze nasty natz out ov Schotland hahahahahahahaha”

John O

That red tory right wing think tank, are full of intellectually superior sheep sorry people i have to watch for that abuse thing. 🙂


One little thing about drinking at the fitba. How can alcohol be re-introduced to Scottish grounds? In all my 50+ years following my team (you’ll have to guess)around the country I have never been in a Scottish ground where alcohol was sold.


Hang on, I posted FOUR comments one after the other, all of which appeared ON THE PAGE BEFORE MY EYES and now three of them have disappeared! I WANT MY SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH PLACES BACK!

Martin Sinclair

Only problem is, for Blue Labour’s Scottish Branch Office to re-introduce alcohol into football grounds and to repeal the OBA, they would need to be in Government. So in theory, they would just be giving the SNP, Greens and Socialists(if they get elected in 2016) a very large stick in which to bash them with


A word to Thepnr… wheesht min.. they’re daein fine. 🙂



What they are doing is annoying most NHS staff who will be far from happy being stigmatised. Also, woman who don’t want be used as a punch bag when their drunken football obsessed husband comes home when their team loses.

Martin Sinclair

Only problem is, for Blue Labour’s Scottish Branch Office to re-introduce alcohol at football grounds and to repeal the OBA, they would need to be the government. So in theory, they would be giving the SNP, Greens and Socialists(if they get elected in 2016) a very large stick with which to bash them with


So I lose three of my posts and Martin Sinclair’ post comes on twice? I ask you, is this justice? If you prick me, do I not bleed? …

Someone’s going to tell me to get a grip in a minute.

katherine hamilton

18.34 on a Sunday night Rev?
Neil Young has an album “Rust Never Sleeps”
You are the rust on the hull of the not so good ship
Keep it up and it will sink.

Hoss Mackintosh

No Rev Stu,

they are just not smart enough to see the connection.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch – here is the real NHS situation in Scotland…

Eleanor Bradford – BBC health correspondent – report that!


“Sinclair’s” even.

David Mooney

I constantly ask myself – can SLab really be this incompetent? The evidence constantly tells me yes. But I can’t help thinking – am I missing something here? Maybe they genuinely think Scottish voters are that gullible (it worked for indyref, why not the GE).

Or – maybe we are underestimating these morons or is it that they just don’t care anymore. Or – do they know something we don’t, that will guarantee minimal or no losses in the 2015 GE.

The conspiracy theorists have gotten to me. I’ll get ma coat.

The Man in the Jar

I posted this in the previous thread as a joke. “What next from Murphy. Compulsory smoking in A&E” Perhaps I wasnt that far off the mark. 🙁


On behalf of all Accounting Units, one measily apology from you doesn’t make up for years of denigration by the BBC from the Frost Report through Monty Python upto today. We just want to be loved 🙁

Accountants do it by numbers.


I don’t think Murphy is a genius.I think he’s creepy.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Natasha.

Maybe we’re overunderestimating them?


And then when the drunken fans get to A&E they can then be seen by the 1000 extra nurses promised over and above the SNP ones …and don’t forget today’s Jim Murphy pledge for shiny extra new Matrons!

link to



That’s too hard for me to understand. I’m only little.


They are all over the place. Their few online activists rage at no Scottish uni fees for those awful privileged Scots middle classes and demand council middle class tax hikes via council tax, which is fair enough but then in swings Capt James T Murphy with…

link to

“Successful people want a Labour Party that is as ambitious as them, celebrates their success and does nothing to hinder them. That is why I am determined to have a tax system that will never hurt the middle class.” Jim Murphy!

Sad or mad, we’ll soon find out.


Murphy is Westminster’s squirrel.

Follow him, and you miss
what Westminster is actually trying to achieve.


Most of the Murphy/McTernan initiatives are addressing devolved matters which have little traction in the 2015 GE election.

The more “controversial” these policies are, the more heat they generate – and therefore they distract attention from what should be prime concerns – how a significant cohort of SNP MPs can challenge UK-wide policies and UK-wide parties and how such a cohort is virtually the only group who can pressurise the UK to affect greater devolution of economic powers for Scotland.

While not wishing to suggest that the issues themselves are unimportant, they are a distraction at present – which indeed might well be the intention. They do seem to be setting an agenda.This might account for the bizarre nature of many of them.


you really think they’ve written off may and are building towards 2016? i get the tone of the article but it’s a potentially serious point

Wullie B

Wunner if Jim Smurph will fix it for Poor Hooses ti be restarted in line wi orders fae his bosses doon sooth



Jim Murphy calls today for 999 new Jim Murphys so that Scottish Labour can up the rate of its pledges.

Jim Murphy – number 0001 – standing outside a dilapidated A&E, today said, “Only more Jim Murphys can deliver the 1000 plus pledges we need each day to stop the nasty Nats in their tracks. One Jim Murphy is not enough. SLAB needs 1000 Jim Murphys pledging a new ripped off idea each day.

Of course, it doesn’t have to stop there. 1000 Murphys could then pledge 1000 new ripped off ideas each and that will be a MILLION daily pledges reaching the ears of the disaffected and rather irritated electorate.”

A spokesperson for the SNP said, ‘Hasn’t he got an off switch?’

Jim Thomson

Naw Stuart, you misunderestimated them. Jim Longshanks has the Dubya gene.

link to


I think you have vastly overestimated Labour’s competence there Stu. As far as I see it, the North British Accounting Unit of Labour UK are punting the reintroduction of alcohol to football games as a way to persuade fans to vote for them. As a Scottish government power, it is entirely useless of them to use this as a way of persuading anyone to vote for UK Westminster MPs who will have zero ability to change this law.

Furthermore, even if they used this farcical policy in the 2015 Scottish parliamentary elections and [insert deity of choice]-forbid Labour won and formed the next Scottish government, it would be them that would have to honour their pre-election pledge and introduce alcohol at football games, resulting in an increase in A&E admissions, resulting in an A&E crisis under a Labour government, not an SNP one.

You should give them their due Stu, they are as thick as you think, if not thicker.


Apologies for going OT but can anyone tell me whether posts created in Apple Mac’s Pages can be copied and pasted directly to Wings? Stu’s guidance ‘rules’ state that Microsoft Word format with its embedded codes should be avoided but I do not think they mention Apple.

I am currently converting to plain text using Apple Text Edit before copying and pasting to Wings.

john king

Natasha says
“Someone’s going to tell me to get a grip in a minute.”

Like this you mean?
link to

john king

Wow my post came up straight away. 🙂



I’m going to volunteer to be the one to tell you: Get a grip in a minute! There you go…

Tak yur time noo lass. 🙂


Stu you are absolutely firkin brilliant when you go into satirical mode… is there no end to your talent.

Milady de Winter

It is interesting Murphy is pronouncing on a plethora of things which are currently devolved. Surely he is fighting the Holryrood election a year early?. Why isn’t he espousing the benefits of a strong Labour force within the UK parliament? What will they do for us in Westminster on all the things that are still reserved? One is led to suspect even in his wild wild imagination he can’t come up with any cogent arguments for voting Labour in GE15.

On a separate note I’m a constituent and he STILL hasn’t told me if he is standing for East Ren…


@ Giesabrek

I agree completely with your second and third paragraphs, but your first relies on the electorate being able to distinguish between devolved and reserved issues – which I’m not convinced all of them can (there are a few cases where I’m not totally confident I know, and I do try to pay attention to these things!).


And there was me thinking that Jim had a freindly businessman who was looking for franchises to provide booze at all the Scottish football grounds so that they could take even more money out of the economy & hide it away in tax havens. Sorry Rev you haven’t completely dispelled my doubts yet.

However, as he’s now into drumming up more trade for A & E’s perhaps he has another mate with a healthcare company. I don’t trust any Tory whether red, blue,orange or purple kind. After all, Jeremy Hunt S o S for Health in England can get away with it so why shouldn’t Jim. Heads he wins, tails you lose.

You know what these MP’s are like-fingers in lots of pies.
Let’s face it we already know they won’t do anything about buy-to-let landlords because 30% of MP’s are landlords themselves & raking it in thanks to the public purse.

Perhaps it’s the ex-copper in me coming to the fore or just me being a suspicious beggar at heart 🙂 either way after indyref & the lies & spin I wouldn’t put anything past those reprobates.

Roland Smith

Someone had a good point earlier on. I am 62, supported Aberdeen and gone to games since I was a teenager. I don’t remember any bars in any ground, though you obviously could take in a carry out. I certainly remember getting a glancing blow by a quarter bottle in Hampden and a memorable defeat of Celtic at Parkhead where the guys standing beside us had a crate of tenants.
Also I do wonder what Jims actual proposal is, at Scotland games I have attended abroad the grounds have either had low alcohol beer and, or you are not allowed to take it to your seat. Again at Scotland games down South in recent times, neither at Wembley or Craven Cottage could you take drink to your seat.
So does anyone actually know what Jim is proposing. Personally I and everyone I go to games with are not phased by no alcohol and the sectarian singing ban is supported.


Hot of the press:Chibbing amnesty declaration by Labour party.

john king

Manandboy says
“Murphy is Westminster’s squirrel.

Follow him, and you miss
what Westminster is actually trying to achieve.”

Im starting to believe that Murphy is indeed trying to show the public just how bad it could be in an independent Scotland with idiotic policies being enacted by a totally useless Scottish Labour party, the underlying message is “look we really ARE too stupid to rule ourselves.

Iain Gray

I don’t remember alchohol ever being sold inside Scottish grounds prior to 1980. It was the good old carry oot which was the problem back in the day. Get tanked up and then chuck the empty container at opposing fans.
Is Murphy advocating a return to the carry oot culture?

Laura Dunbar

“Mad, sad and dangerous you know”


@john king says:

Wow my post came up straight away. 🙂

Who’s a lucky fella then mine take eons.


Why are all Murphy’s ramblings related to devolved issues? Has no one actually told him he and his buddies have to get through a Westminster election before the next Holyrood one?

I’ve got it! Murphy has simply given up any fight for the May GE and has started campaigning for Holyrood 2016 already. Now there’s a guy who has his finger on the political pulse, eh?


Jings! Judging by that photo, Jim’s either a bit tanked up himself or the stress of the Scottish Branch Manager’s job is getting to him. He looks to have aged at least 10 years from a few weeks ago! Did he ever claim botox on his expenses by any chance?…. Or just the effects of Irn Bru?


Sorry, me O/T as always 🙂


LiveIndependence broadcasting “Let’s talk about Independence Live Conversation”

Online conversation and debate with the Live independence team – come and join in.

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john king

Cuddis @7.21

I put on upside down pictures,
go figure. 🙁

[…] An apology to Scottish Labour […]


O/Tish, mibbee – Here’s a wee trick from Paris showing all is not as it seems…

link to


“Carry On Labour”, with the usual cast of characters.

Any chance of a cartoon mock-up?

Naina Tal

Re the Murphy choob’s age: Thocht he looked aulder masel.Has he stopped the Grecian 2000? Or mebbe the other photies were frae his younger days? Or mebbe he just forgot tae yaise yon photieshoppie thingmy?

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Cuddis

re Mac and pasting direct.

Try it out at the end of the OFF TOPIC thread.

If it works, it works and I think it should in plain text.


Jim Murphy is now completely out of control and replicating everywhere, like Agent Smith in the Matrix.

Ed Milliband must be wondering what exactly he has unleashed.


The police will have their hands full dealing with drunks on match days, answering calls to domestic violence incidents.
The courts will be busy prosecuting some of those drunks for breach of the peace, vandalism, assault, pissing in the street, battering their partners.
A&E departments will be busy treating those battered partners and other victims of drunken assault, those that have generally drunk too much and need emergency help.
Ah, the good old days could return and all it needs is a vote for your labour branch office candidate.
Look at the shiney shiney, eh, Jimbo?

Donald Urquhart

OT but I notice Gordon Brown is heading up a campaign to keep Tesco in Kirkcaldy –

Urging readers to join the campaign, Mr Brown said: “With just eight weeks to change their mind I am acting quickly with a proposal to Tesco.”

Is that the same Gordon Brown who said major supermarkets would leave if we voted YES?


Jings, I wish I was that smart to think of that ruse:

Sell booze at football matches, many of the inebriated crowd then get involved in all kinds of mishaps, then head off to A&E for treatment and overload the facilities there.

It does take an dastardly evil genius to devise that scheme. Or an uncaring selfish idiot?

Dr Jim

Of course he can ask football fans if they want to get drunk all he wants but it’s not up to them is it,
It’s up to our Government and the democratic will of the Scottish people and i think it’ll be a NO from us Jim
Or, maybe we could have a referendum on it and when Jim loses he’ll just have to Get Over It and get back in his box
We’ve heard those phrases before
Do ya like it Jim?…well do ya?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Cuddis.

Copy & paste from Textedit works for me. I keep the list of who’s coming to the Invergowrie shebang updated in a Textedit document and just paste it into the Wings text box.

You can see the latest example here:-

link to


Ed Milliband must be wondering what exactly he has unleashed.

He must certainly be wondering what the hell he is on about half the time (all the time)

Anybody know if Jim is standing in his constituency. I think all the SNP candidates are in place and campaigning has begun. Somebody in East Kilbride will want to know who the heel’s name is going on the Labour leaflets.


BBC Labour Party (Scotland branch) reporting earlier that both heads of the Tory snake are spitting out this issue.

They had Skeletor pushing the red Tory angle.
They had Carlaw pushing the blue Tory angle.

They reported SNP & Scottish Greens against the idea.

LieDums, so insignificant, failed to register a mention.
Wee Willie Stinky is too busy submitting FOI requests.

Protect Scotland’s interests – vote SNP.


Fud Smurphy plans to turn former Accident & Emergency Depts
into Public Houses suitable for bus parties on their way to
football matches. Membership cards will look will look just like the Labour Party ones, and they only cost £1.00. until you try to get in when they suddenly they cost a fiver.

Bar Maids will be made up of the 1,000 nurses more than SNP
are committed to. They will work Zero to 4 hours per week, which will be paid at the minimum rate, and will be classed as full time employment.

All tips will be given to an eventide home for former Labour party MPs who have been found out and who are unable to hold down a real job.

Raffles will be held to help fund your local Scottish Trident Missile Silo, with winners receiving a Fast Track Ticket for the
super new A & E facility, where they can listen to Sectarian Songs of their choice, while have beer bottle residue removed from their numb skulls.

The only good thought that Fud ever had was to get himself a University Degree, and we all know how that turned out,
9 years of nothing but a waste of Tax payer’s money!

Vote Red Tory and buy Red Label where you see a Red Cross!


Anything for Labour to distract from the real issue concerning Scotland at this time – the prospect of more significant powers.

The thing is, even people who agree it would be nice to have a drink at a game..
I think most also acknowledge that it’s just not worth the hassle that the neds would cause.

It’s only 90 minutes – not a big deal to give it a rest, and avoid potential trouble.


Murphy will concentrate on devolved issues solely to obscure the fact that London lab will not allow any variations on reserved issues.

His willing allies at the BBC and stv, msn will continue to support and promote the misdirection.


Maybe Jim would agree to be repeatedly punched in the face every time a woman is battered by their partner on his return from getting rat-arsed at the football whilst watching his team lose, well, would ya Jim?


‘Scottish’ Labour (wahaaaa that name still cracks me up) absolutely, utterly, depresses me
They represent the politics of the undead
Long may they ROT


Id actually be quite happy to see beer available in football grounds as long as it’s accompanied by strict enforcement of a zero tolerance to drunkenness in and around stadia.However,if the police and emergency services etc are against it,I’ll back them.


Is that Fud’s Halo glowing in that picture, or is it the Sun Shining on him, and probably the Daily Record too?

The picture is actually a collage from the Movies.

Fud is using the finger from E.T.
The woman is an extra from Brad Pitt’s World War Z,
and that wee Rat Face at the end has been cut and pasted from the movie “Ben”.


Will they have a new chant at the football matches now, “Jim Murphy, he’s a fud, he’s a fud”!


They do irresponsible pretty well I think.

‘Course it helps when you have no conscience and the only ‘duty of care’ you practice concerns how neatly you fill out an expenses claim.

Harry McAye

Jim Murphy was in the directors box today at the Hamilton-Aberdeen rout, very close to me. I showed remarkable restraint but did hear a few boos when he emerged after half time and someone shout “where’s yer Scotland top today, Murphy?”

OK, it was me.


@brian doonthetoon
Thanks Brian, that’ll make things easier


I see that Jim still has the light shining behind his head. The halo affect in every picture.

Cadogan Enright

I hop you guys were making sure the front page of the Herald was well displayed in your local shops today link to

ditto the National in the run up to the elections

Proud Cybernat

Oh dear–I see that Saint Jim’s halo has slipped somewhat.


I don’t believe, that, they are that cunning.


Labour! …Evil geniuses! …Never!!!!

Sorry Rev, but simply put …all this media magic from Jim, is just the ‘Jim Murphy Road Show’ all over again.

Seriously, he may have dumped his irn-bru crate, but since mid-January, Murphy’s backside has blethered so much nonsense, that he is becoming the Scottish equivalent of ‘Sepp ’50 idea’s a day, 51 of them bad’ Blatter!

The man is delusional, and has visions of such grandeur, that he believes he can woo Scotland into his way of thinking. Each week, it’s one or two (usually two) new idea designed to place his face on our TV screens. Forget Scottish Labour …they’re humped, and he knows it!! Instead, this is all about Jim. He’s the main man with the big ideas and the personality to win us over.

Since mid-January, he has literally come up with 2 ideas a week.

– In mid-January, he wanted to bring decommissioned jobs from the oil industry to Dundee.
– Still in January, he then wanted Scotland’s railways to be returned to the public sector in a new non-profit ScotRail franchise.
– Then it was the ‘pledge’ of stopping Fracking in Scotland. Where was he on the day of the vote? Entertaining photographers at Aberdeen FC.
– He then unveiled a £25million blueprint to boost education of Scotland’s poorest children
– He then declared that he wanted to bring forward the “missing link” in Glasgow’s rail infrastructure
– Then it was ‘Scottish Labour’ were now the party of ‘Yes’.
– Last week, it was A&E issues and how the SNP ought to get a grip of the Scottish NHS.
– This week ago, it’s bring back booze to footie matches
– And now he believes that Scottish Labour are the ‘alternative Scottish government’ (which therefore, makes him the alternative First Minister!)

The man has some serious delusional thoughts on what he thinks his party stands for, what he believes he can deliver, and how popular he truly thinks he is!


Drinking at the game?

If it takes as long to queue for a pint as long as it does for a pie & Bovril (other beef flavoured drinks are available) I willnae bother.


@bugger (the panda) 7.54
Thanks for the help, it’s appreciated. I think I’m good to go.

Tam Jardine

Milady de Winter 7.25pm

Your post highlights what an anachronism the post of Scottish Labour leader is (particularly) for an MP outside of Holyrood.

Jim can’t have his own policies for the next year as Scottish Labour MP’s may be Scottish by birth or constituency but are subject to UK labour whip and support UK labour policies.

Jim is campaigning on policies he would theoretically implement after not one but 2 successful elections!

Have you written to him to ask of his intentions? There are many times in my life I have put off doing something to the point where it becomes absurd doing it so late in the day and I think that is what Jim has done.

I watched the Andrew Neil interview with Jim again – Andrew pressing Jim on whether he would stand. It was 3 weeks ago!

In my view it would be unprecedented and a real weakness to have someone unaccountable and unelected by the people as labour’s head in Scotland so he has to stand but if that is true how on earth has he not committed?

John Young

A good read from James Forrest
link to

Rob James

No doubt Murphy’s plan will involve a photo shoot where numerous knuckleheads extol his praises. Instead of asking football supporters, perhaps he should ask those who live in the vicinity of football grounds if they welcome the return of thugs fighting in their gardens, urinating on their doors, acts of vandalism etc. or indeed the A&E who have to deal with the aftermath.


Chibbing amnesty. Laughed so much I nearly swallowed my tonsils! I’m still chuckling about it twenty minutes later. Thanks. That’ll send me off to bed with a smile.

Paula Rose

Where are the rest of Labour’s elected politicians? – or has there been an accident, or some emergency?


@JLT 8.58

Listing Jim Murphy’s crackpot ideas as you have done shows that there are more kangaroos loose in his upper paddock than previously thought. It would be great if your list could be kept up right through to the election, with new examples of Jim Murphy style lateral thinking added weekly. Because when looked at together you really get a sense of how disconnected and almost random his thinking is.


There must be historic stats on the volume of casualties at E&A from football matches/match day incidents before the ban and the reduction after of the ban. Probably one major Glasgow A&E would give a good indication. No matter what it would add work.


@Paula Rose says:

Where are the rest of Labour’s elected politicians? – or has there been an accident, or some emergency?

Hard at work in their second jobs at Pacific Quay where else.

(Wait 15mins before refresh page)

The nerve of Labour to complain about hospitals in Scotland when they have brought ours to their knees has me, as JoLa might say, astonished.

Perhaps Rev it’d be worth you doing a piece comparing ambulance reponse times for the last few years between somewhere that Labour are in charge of and somewhere where they aren’t. Perhaps Wales and Scotland.

You’ll be astonished.

Ghengis D'Midgies

.. and LabourTories manipulate and dominate the news. Any idea what the SNP and the Scottish government are doing these days? No me neither.


No one believes anything Labour/Unionists say. They have been caught out lying so many times.

The hard press NHS staff and the majority who support their endeavours are heartily sick of the bogus attacks on them by useless lying politicians who don’t know what time or day it is.

Bogus attacks the NHS and Education is electoral suicide. Corrupt politicians are so out of touch they don’t notice. Labour/Unionists make folk sick.

ronnie anderson

Noo hud the pumps you,s lot,why should the elete get ah drink in the corperate suite,& the yobs hiv a drooth.

Ahv no been tae a fitba grun fur 15yrs,but huv stood at manys ah fitba park ( training kids & youth ) an its BLIDDY CAULD in the winter.

The all seater stadium came aboot because of a tragety without to much thought into the climate in britain,noo am no wantin tae help the rid tories, but if the back line of the Accounting Unit of the Scottish Branch of Labour were to add standing areas in stadiums Sainted Jim could be oan tae ah winner ,rite start pumpin again mines ah 45.

Natasha you get in early an you,ll get ah trackside stawn.


The message Murphy is trying to get out is…”let’s go back to the good out Labour days…get pished and either don’t vote or vote Labour”

We will have no industries and your weans will grow up in a world without opportunities…gaun hae a drink!

…now where is that expenses form!


Hi Cuddis

It’s certainly worth a thought. I did something similar just one week after the referendum in which I listed everything that had taken place inthat week the moment we lost the referendum. That went viral around Scotland and was viewed by thousands, so can’t see wh6 it w9uldn’t work with Jim and SLAB.

I’ll keep an eye on the papers and even do some back research. Could be quite funny, if not enlightening come closer to the election.


There is only one reason for this constant Murphionics and that is simply to hide the fact that SLAB’s policies cannot be different to The Labour Party.

From past campaigns for Westminster, it’s always been about…Vote us to keep out Tories.

But that isn’t playing well to an enlightened electorate.

So this is good old-fashioned slight-of-hand!


Greg Moodie in great form over at Bella Caledonia.
“It’s Not Pink”
link to

David Agnew

Looking forward to the revised title of Gerry Hassans book.

The Numpty Men. The not so strange death of labour in Scotland

Betty Boop

“Mass confusion spoon fed to the blind…” (Iron Sky, Paolo Nutini)- says it all.

@ crazycat, 7:25pm

“… but your first relies on the electorate being able to distinguish between devolved and reserved issues – which I’m not convinced all of them can”

In this I agree. It seems more people than not have little clue about devolved issues. All these policies gushing forth from Muphy’s Lab are designed to distract and get people so confused that the hope is they will just stick with the same old, same old.

Mind you, Slab must be at the point where they are totally confused themselves. Surely, that many lies must have them birlin’.

@ Natasha. If you posted four comments one after the other, you are probably posting too fast for the system! I did once see a message to that effect and that was with several minutes between a couple of posts.

maxi kerr

I remember the bar at Stirling albions old ground.The home support could get a half time pint(all 25 of them), nae big wait for a bevvy there then?.


Well, you cant be the champion of the poor, afflicted, down trodden if there are going to be less of them because of the nasty nats. They must create them. You must have a market for your business, there is a gravy train to ride. Labour was created to fight misery, but they never thought of what they would do if it never existed. They would be out a job. This isn’t what Hardy envisaged the party to be about. If everyone in these islands were millionaires, then the tories would be out of business. Cant have any of that old chap. At some point down the line the SNP will also fall into the trap and we will again be looking for a new champion. Its human nature, people become greedy and feel better about themselves when others are under foot, they might even lend a little hand ( as long as it doesn’t interfere with there own agenda.) But for the time being the SNP are the only ones strong enough to get us to a position a bit closer to what civilisation should be about.

Brian Doonthetoon

Typing about ‘confusion’…

link to

Hoss Mackintosh

At least the electoral guys think Jim is still standing in East Ren…

link to

Most parties have chosen their Candidates – only 4 kippers – shame could have lost a few more deposits.

Anyone know why the Lib-Dems have only about half of their candidates – have they given up already?


There, surely, must be a point at which the MSM reach the stage, when they can no longer support the inane conduct of Murphy and his colleagues. Even if only to preserve what little integrity they have left and be able to present themselves as credible professionals, within their industry. Or have they gone beyond the point of no return and are unable to withdraw?.

ronnie anderson

@ Rev

Keep calm, dont let the bissems get tae you.

link to


The only reason that we still have a fully functioning nationalised service in Scotland is because the Scottish government has protected it from the process that has privatised NHS England. The Labour Party are as culpable as the Tories in this voting through various white papers and legislation that have ensured that NHS England will not be the responsibility of the Secretary of State but various private providers who will be serving shareholders not the public.
Perhaps campaigning outside an A&E dept in England would be more productive.

haud on the noo

Maxi Kerr. I resemble that remark..

Anne (@annewitha_e)

What election is Jim fighting. Maybe someone should tell him it’s a UK wide general election in May. Everything he is prattling on about is the responsibility of the Scottish Government. We know its about Ed, Jim no matter how much you try to muddy the water


@Croompenstein 6:44 pm
“I can just see McTernan stroking the white cat telling Murphy”
That’ll get Jim purring,sans doubt

Dr Jim

Murphy will never be allowed to be an anything in Scotland
His brand of shop steward slime politics is over, even the idiots aren’t as thick as they used to be
Just because they talk shite in the pub most of them sober up during the week now so they’re only susceptible some of the time and their mums would slap their bums if they even thought about voting labour again
Anyway, how can you be a Kafflick Prodisint Celtic supporting Rangers supporter all at the same time, does that not conflict with the Knights Templar of the Orange Order of the synagogue the Holocaust only happened a wee bit Brigade


4 UKIP candidates in Scotland so far. Are there more too come? Is this enough to allow them to be viewed as a UK wide party for election debate purpose? Surely not.

Are they not standing fully in Scotland so as not to split the better together vote or do they just know they will be throwing away deposits?


We are not their target audience, they are playing the politics of emotion and tribe rather than the politics of reason and deliverable governance.

They’re in damage limitation mode, they don’t need to deliver they just need to save face which means they can say and claim pretty much anything that appeals to the demographic they are targeting.

Don’t underestimate the impact of their approach, it will work to an extent for the demographic they are targeting.

Doug Porteous

In the event that slab under Murfi did allow clubs to sell dink the grounds would have to be licensed. There are many hoops to be jumped through to get a licence and the applicants have to submit plans for the consideration of the licensing board. The current act makes it mandatory for all staff selling alcohol to have gone through a minimum of three hours of training and the clubs would almost certainly have to provide trained doormen as opposed to the stewards that the clubs have today. Policies would have to be in place to ensure the safety of children and prevent the abuse of alcohol. The licensee (club) could also be held responsible for any trouble in and around the ground if it was deemed to have been alcohol related. Given that the Police would almost certainly object to the granting of a licence and that the boards would be flooded with objections from members of the public can anyone see the clubs wanting to get involved in this mad idea.

Hoss Mackintosh


The BBC and MSM have passed the point of no return. It is full Murphy from now to May 7th.
(Unless Miliband fires him for wrecking Labour chances down south but that is not likely as he cannot make decisions about anything quickly.)

I welcome that as the Murph is demented and he will get worse with every poll that upholds the SNP lead.

Also there is an emperors new clothes thing going on with him as no-one in the MSM or TV is giving him a hard time and the rest of SLAB are all sycophants or frightened of his bullying nature. So he relies on guys like McTernan – Lol!

It is going to be fun over the next few months.

My hope Is that Jacqui Bird is reporting the news on the 8th of May – that I realy want to see.

In future, I also do not think the BBC bias will change even if the SNP get landslides in GE 2015 and SE 2016.

The BBC are simply no longer our TV service – the clue is in the name!


@Hoss Mackintosh 11.12pm

Have we not got anyone in Orkney and Shetland yet?


I’ve not much interest at all in being able to buy a bevvy at the ground. Queueing up to pay 4 quid for a can of warm Tennents is most likely what it would amount to. Having said that I do not see the availability of buying booze in the ground adding greatly to the trouble that already exists such as it is. There isn’t much trouble at football grounds and Scotland is far from the worst country for football related violence. There is an issue with football fans being singled out for special treatment by the authorities. I think that should be acknowledged here but the polis will need to balance that against the fact that there is some bother at football games and related to football supporters that you don’t get to the same degree with other sports. What pisses me off is that it’s a long standing debate being hijacked by tossers for political reasons and inflated into a big issue when its a piss-little issue.

Interested parties will no doubt discuss it together think about it and come up with proposals.


Brian Doonthetoon: at 10:58 pm

Typing about ‘confusion’…
link to

Aye Brian and here is the film version were that article came from:

Charlie Brooker’s Wipe 2014 – Adam Curtis.

Hoss Mackintosh


The main Lib-Dem site has even less information about their Scottish candidates, only 20 are listed and quite a few of them appear to have two heads?

link to

Are they putting candidates in all Scottish seats or only a few?

Do they know themselves or is this a sign of a Political Party in complete melt down?


I’d be willing to bet Murphy will be standing in East Renfrewshire. Cannae see him being interested in an extended stay in auld Scotia and would be equally surprised if he even considered standing for the Scottish parliament. Got the British Press in Scotland at his back for a few months and is coming out with any old shite. if labour get a decent result in Scotland in May he’ll get a cushy job down in london where he will brown nose the powerful and few will question his motives …and if they get humped in May maybe Ed will shaft him.


I’m in my early 30s and cannot remember ever seeing folk guzzling beer at football. I think it was outlawed after the Old Firm cup final in 1980?

If anyone who has been to an English match. It’s far from an enjoyable experience drinking an over-priced beer in a plastic cup, having to force it down you before you return to your seat.

”They drink at the rugby” is what you hear. Yes, they do, but they have un-secregated fans and it’s a much less tribal atmosphere there too. I don’t buy into the argument that it will cause more agro when you’ve had some fans on the drink since breakfast for a big cup game, international or derby.

Interesting how teetotal Jock MacMurfaidh is wanting to bring this.

I wonder what numbers 2,3,4 and 5 are on his list of luring the 200,000 yes red Tory desereter ‘Glesgae fitba man’ back tae Labour?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Hoss Mackintosh.

You typed,
“My hope Is that Jacqui Bird is reporting the news on the 8th of May – that I realy want to see.”

I’ve taken holidays on the 6th, 7th and 8th May, because I hope to be campaigning for an SNP vote on the 6th and 7th, and I hope to be enjoying the results coming in on the morning of the 8th.

Jackie Burd reporting a Scottish Labour wipeout would be the icing on the cake.

Hoss Mackintosh


Orkney/ Shetland candidates are Andrew Wood and Danus Skene – looks like it is not finalised yet?
The last SNP one I think?

ronnie anderson

@ Hoss Mackintosh seems the Lib Dems are targeting seats, where Labour are likely to do badly.

Hoss Mackintosh

Arrgh – I have just realised.

These two headed mutant Lib-Dem MP candidates.

link to

It means they are automatically two faced…

they only have to put up half the candidates…

and they only lose half the deposits!

Clever – these dispicable Lib-Dems!

Betty Boop

@ Natasha, 12:01am, 16/2/15
Natasha says:

@Hoss Mackintosh 11.12pm

Have we not got anyone in Orkney and Shetland yet?

Think they only had their hustings in the past couple of weeks, so, selection ongoing I presume.

Hoss Mackintosh

@Ronnie Anderson,

But the BBC told us that the Lib-Dems and UKIP were “National Parties”!

They lied!

Seriously – the Lib-Dems used to field candidates in every Scottish seat – have they given up this time?

Why has the MSM and BBC and the Lib-Dem party not told us?

Sounds like it needs a proper Rev Stu investigation…


I’m developing a small issue with WoS. It is starting to appear as a single issue website – ridicule SLAB. Whilst SLAB provide ample examples, why assist them in pointing out their moronic behavior?
On WoS, you are preaching to the choir and therefore, only assisting the morons in telling them where they go wrong. Repeatedly.

john king

Hoss Macintosh says
“The main Lib-Dem site has even less information about their Scottish candidates, only 20 are listed and quite a few of them appear to have two heads?”

The blacked out ones ticked the “no publicity” box Hoss

osakisushi says
why assist them in pointing out their moronic behavior?

Catch 22
“from the title of Joseph Heller’s 1961 novel. In widespread use only after release of the movie based on the book in 1970. The “catch” is that a bomber pilot is insane if he flies combat missions without asking to be relieved from duty, and is thus eligible to be relieved from duty. But if he asks to be relieved from duty, that means he’s sane and has to keep flying.

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn’t want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.

“That’s some catch, that Catch-22,” he observed.

“It’s the best there is,” Doc Daneeka agreed.”

If we spend time pointing out the insanity of their (policies?) they’ll attempt to show its everyone else who’s mad catch22

john king



(Football) Companies who only employment people of only one faith are breaking the Law. The Equal Opportunity employment Laws. Breaking UK/EU Law. The Directors under the Law should be disbarred and put in jail. They are breaking corporate Law in the UK. Unionists politicians are once again breaking and not enforcing the Law to Illegally support bigotry and criminal behaviour, while the Police turn a blind eye. Scratch each other back like greedy pigs in a trough breaking every UK Law but allowing the sectarian carry on in the Central belt in Scotland to continue. The Football Companies have priced themselves out of the Market because of their own ignorance and lies, just like the corrupt political clubs, have led to their own demise. The terraces are empty.

Sport, politics and religion do not mix. Damaging society and the Game. Football Companies should not playing in Europe while breaking EU Law.

Why would anyone join or be a member of a Unionist Party in Scotland? Like Turkey’s voting for Christmas breaking every Law in the UK, above the Laws that they make, supporting bigotry and criminality. Lazy, greedy individuals looking to con folk, especially the vulnerable for a fast buck. Not playing by the rules and killing the Game, leading to their demise.


I couldn’t tell you why the Rev concentrates on Labour’s screw ups, but I could tell you why I think its right.

Because someone has to and Scotland’s media, both broadcast and print, won’t. They are the establishment presence in Scotland, bought and paid for. They perpetuate a system of governance and societal caste which makes people suffer needlessly. A system they were created to protect people from. So long as Scotland retains a significant Labour presence at Westminster it can’t move forward.

But I like John’s post better. 🙂


Jim Murphy on GMS after 08:00 opining on ‘Alcohol sales in football stadiums’.

Already been one item on this subject this morning!

Anyone prepared to give odds on what the hot topic on Call Kay(with an ‘e’) will be?


The mainstream media do not give pro Indy people a voice. Labour, as evidenced by today’s Breakfast TV in Scotland, are able to peddle untruths unchallenged. This sways passive voters to labour…unfairly. Stu flags up key issues that other journalists should have picked up on. Stu is a benign voice in the wilderness, having to shout louder and further to be heard. He knows the MSM read this site and we hope they will see the light, or at least open their eyes.


Rev Stu, Wings over Scotland worth their weight in Gold. Thanks once again Scotland’s hero. Thanks once again for keeping the majority in Scotland sane. For fighting injustice, lies, and criminality. ‘Holding their feet to the fire’.

R-type Grunt

I’ll bet the house that the much-vaunted polls predicting a rout in Scotland by the SNP will gradually narrow between now & May. Whether that’s a real reflection of the gap in May or whether today’s polls are a real reflection of today’s gap is anyone’s guess. They played the polls against us last September & they will do the from now until May.

Remember, without that “rogue” poll giving Yes the lead just before the referendum there was no ‘need’ for a vow of any kind. Apparently No were in an unassailable lead, or so they said in the 2 years previously.

We are being played. Smoke & mirrors folks.

Kevin meina

Canvassing in Saltcoats Saturday a woman of Northern Irish extraction accused me of being a Fenian communist that’s a change from nat


The Unionist lies and corruption do not play so well in a GE as in tbe Referendum. The Red/Blue Tories getting together for the Referendum, VOW lies and criminality is exactly what works against them in a GE. A different scenario.

Chic McGregor

Caption comp:

“Accident and emergency”… Oops! too late.


@ Chic

A tube of smarties goes to the person who can tell us which one’s the accident and which the emergency. 🙂

john king

Borach says
“Anyone prepared to give odds on what the hot topic on Call Kay(with an ‘e’) will be?”

Wrong, it was Louise White who asked “is it time to lift the booze ban”? they’re as predictable as the clock,
but gie that man a coconut anyway.


BBC RADIO MURPHY MORNING CALL at 8.50 am on about drink at football matches.

Apart from A & E issues and fighting at Rangers v Hibs game on Friday,if Labour want to help football clubs in Scotland devolve Broadcasting then Sky and BT as well as BBC would have to account to Scottish Parliament for if they don’t pay a fair price compared to England for TV rights.

Call 0500 92 95 00. Text 80295.

john king

R-type Grunt says
“We are being played. Smoke & mirrors folks.”

Absolutely could not agree more!

john king

Caption comp:

Right thats the post match hospitality sorted oot,
noo wheres the nearest offy?


My halo’s bigger than your halo?


You can look really purposeful if you learn how to point?


For my next miracle… walking on voters?


There’ll be a magenta (pink) bus along any minute now?


UK Corp Law again not being enforced by Westminster. Subscribers to Sky/BT in Scotland being treated differently to the rest of the UK, illegally. Discriminately. Sky/BT subscribers In Scotland fees being used to support the English Premier League, even those subscribers who are interested in football. The majority. Pricing the Game out of the market with dubious commercial practices. Sky involved in tax evasion, against UK Corp Law?

Another Union Dividend

Re Murphy’s latest PR stunt, I am against drink at football matches due to the amount of vile abuse and sectarianism at many games but even worse at all seated games the prospect of dozens of folk making their way along my row for additional “comfort breaks” makes this plan just utter p*sh”

Nation Libre

Can we reintroduce knife carrying. It’s just snobbery to allow chefs and carpet fitters to have knives but not neds on the street


I used to go to local first division Football matches down south in the mid eighties. I enjoyed the match apart from being jostled by beered up fans, having to listen to foul mouthed obscenities and casual racism, seeing fans being glassed, dodging piss thrown in plastic pint pots, nearly being crushed by inebriated louts eager to get to the pub for more booze. I enjoy a pint and seem to manage to not have one for 90 mins…Would I bring my child to a football match where drink flows free? Never. Football is meant to be a family game. Jim Murphy wants voilence and crudeness back. What a hero.

Chic McGregor

BT phone Rome?

Chic McGregor

“Jim Murphy wants voilence and crudeness back. ”

I think he just wants to put the clock back to circa 1980.

Maybe they imagine if they change everything they can back to then then Scotland will vote Labour again?

I await Jim’s Big Hair reveal.

Dorothy Devine

I see that Mr Torrance is going to be writing another unauthorised biography of the new First Minister.

Some folk have brass neck to spare.

Bob Mack

The headline is all wrong.Surely it should read ;” An apology FOR Labour”.
That would be more accurate.because they surely are just that.

Dr Jim

Shona Robison on Morning Call hands out grown up political sense to an electioneering opportunistic Murphy
Police confirm Shona’s position as correct
Result; Away and grow up Murphy ya Numpty

Dr Jim

@Nation Libre
Nice one!


Staggering to read such complete ignorance from people on here.

So if Alcohol was allowed in the ground, we’d all be admitted to A&E departments….of course we would…yawn.

Having a beer in the ground will not lead to the end of the world. Nor will it lead to mass admission to hospital. Comments read like the daily mail ffs.

Perhaps someone can explain why it’s OK for rugby fans but not football fans?

Are we all thugs and louts?

Of course the Police are against it, they were in favour of stop and search, an offensive behaviour act that can’t be administered properly and are against safe standing.

Perhaps people should think about the reality of drinking at the football rather than stupid political tribal warfare.

Murphy is a cunt, but the idea isn’t his alone and many people would quite like to have a beer in the ground, with their money going to their club rather than some faceless pub chain.


I have some advice Kezia Dugdale.

Might be better to listen to your Dad; he seems to be more in tune with current Scottish politics than Jim Murphy 🙂



Murphy to Alexander:

“Did you get kicked out as well Dougie, c’mon, the Jobcentre is just down here.”



Here was me thinking that this “God Save the Queen” song was the UK National Anthem.

“Rugby mascot: I memorised national anthem to join England on pitch.”

link to


How many Football/Sports/Media companies in the UK being funded by (foreign) tax evaders against corporate Law. Murdoch etc tax evaders who break UK Corp Law and bribe Public officials? Corruption rife. Murdoch should be in prison in the US for breaking Corp Law and bribing public officials.

Why are (foreign) tax evaders allowed to fund UK political parties. They do not even live in the UK or pay UK tax, why are they allowed to use their tax evasion to influence the political outcome in a country they are not resident or live in. It is none of their business.


Alcohol fueled domestic violence doubles when the Old Firm play.

Alcohol fueled domestic violence rises by a third in England when England play.


@ john king says:
16 February, 2015 at 8:32 am
Borach says
“Anyone prepared to give odds on what the hot topic on Call Kay(with an ‘e’) will be?”

Let’s just ask who’s writing the BBC script for ‘Mourning Call’?

Spud’s agenda seems to be extreeeemly important to the ‘movers and shakers’ down Pathetic Quay way.

First up, ‘To booze or not to booze at the fitba?’

Second up, ‘Is Semitic persecution in Scotland on the rise?’.

Given this is so little heard about, does it actually exist outside the campaigning rhetoric needed by, yes, you’ve guessed, Spud again, in his East Renfrewshire heavily Jewish populated ward?

Scotland is probably the most accepting country in the world, for all and sundry, knuckle-draggers excepted of course and we know which side of the fence they sit. Spud’s scum brigade.

The BBC is an out and out Labour plaything. ‘Murphy for King’ will be coming up shortly.


“Researchers evaluating reports from doctors at Glasgow Celtic FC during the 1999-2000 season found that even though alcohol was not for sale at the club’s stadium and intoxicated fans were prohibited from entering, one in four of the 127 clinical presentations was alcohol related.” – Alcohol Concern, Alcohol and Football


“An analysis of consultations with the crowd doctors at Glasgow Celtic football club, season 1999–2000”, M Crawford, J Donnelly, J Gordon, R MacCallum, I MacDonald, M McNeill, N Mulhearn, S Tilston, G West

link to


Objective—To analyse all clinical presentations to the crowd doctors at Scotland’s largest football stadium over the course of one complete season.

Methods—A standard clinical record form was used to document all consultations with the crowd doctors including treatment and subsequent referrals. The relevance of alcohol consumption was assessed.

Results—A total of 127 casualties were seen at 26 matches, a mean of 4.88 per match. Twenty casualties were transferred to hospital, including one successfully defibrillated after a cardiac arrest. Alcohol excess was a major contributing factor
in 26 cases.

Conclusions—The workload of the crowd doctors was very variable and diverse. The social problem of excessive alcohol consumption
contributed considerably to the workload. The provision of medical facilities at football grounds means that attendance
there is now one of the least adverse circumstances in which to have a cardiac arrest. The study confirmed previous impressions that more casualties are seen at high profile matches.

(Br J Sports Med 2001;35:245–250)

ronnie anderson

Invergowrie Wings Nite Out.

Scotrail do a 55 club discount ticket £19 return.

if your younger sorry you have to pay full fare,youth has its disadvantage.


“Football fans today are being punished for the mistakes and the crimes of their grandparents’ and parents’ generation,” said Jim.

What he should have said is “Voters today are being punished for the mistakes and the crimes of their grandparents’ and parents’ generation,”


Plastered all over front page of Evening Times-

Western A&E worst in Scotland

Labour have their media cronies in full attack mode.


I just listened to Billy Kaye on Bateman broadcasting.Excellent,as always.Go and hear what he’s got to say.


Gillie, a report 15 years old perhaps isn’t the best evidence to use.

More practically however, a lot of these drinking issues are actually ‘binge-drinking’ where fans are downing drink very quickly as they know they can’t get a beer in the ground.

I’d also suggest that the common referrals to the old firm are becoming tedious.

Scottish football isn’t all about the old firm, the vast majority of clubs have no trouble on matchdays, where drink is consumed in social clubs/pubs outside the ground.

If we are to believe that Scottish football can be best summed up by what the Old Firm do then I’d suggest that we can sum up scottish politics by what Westminster does.


BBC Scotland is in the Labour/Unionist pockets. It bias ‘reporting’ makes people so angry they lose viewer/listeners who vote for other parties. The overdose on Murphy’s endless exposure will decrease the Labour/Unionist vote. People are sick sight and sound of Murphy’s over exposure. Counter productive.

Media tax evasion of Unionist biased Press. Johnston Press, Newquest, Murdoch all the UK major mass media? paying wealthy (middle class, male) journalists. All in it together being paid by major corrupt corp tax evaded profits.


Why are tax evading (foreign based) Media companies allowed to buy up Sports rights and price the sports fans out of participation and destroy the sports base and open opportunity.

Rab Dickson

To all those claiming there are no bars in Scottish grounds.
My own club Stenhousemuir has a wee bar in the main stand open before and after the game.
It is convivial, friendly and sensible.
Dunfermline has two which would rival any Glasgow city centre establishment for size and amenity.
Stirling Albion has similar as do East Fife.
These are off the top of my head, I’m sure there are many more.

Now I’m against selling alcohol during the game or at halftime or allowing drink to be brought to the stands.
I don’t think any change is needed.
But that is not because these clubs have any problems…far from it.
I think we all know who we need protection from.

Keep the legislation…..Murphy is s a fucking chancer.

john king

Ronnie says
“Scotrail do a 55 club discount ticket £19 return.

if your younger sorry you have to pay full fare,youth has its disadvantage.”

Irene you’ll need to walk hen. 🙁

john king

“Second up, ‘Is Semitic persecution in Scotland on the rise?’.”

Good call Barontorc I never even gave a thought to why they were talking about anti semitism in Scotland, no doubt another one of Mr Hi Jumpy’s strawman arguments,
next week:
The Scottish governments unpreparedness for alien attack!


Campaigners against domestic violence have described Mr Murphy’s proposal to lift the alcohol ban at matches as “crazy”.

Jim Murphy, in reply on GMS , “I’m sure no one thinks men in Scotland are more likely to commit domestic abuse than men in England.”

Murphy has just lost the female vote.

Brian Powell


Rugby, tennis, shinty, hockey. cricket fans don’t fight each other, or vomit in trains and buses, ‘beat up’ nurses & doctors and generally make ordinary people’s journeys home miserable.

A huge number of football fans do.

Dr Jim

As long as the current rules apply football supporters behaviour cannot and will not change
Gladatorial games require physical contact to satisfy the watchers frustrations, in football the rules limit the contact more in order to increase the skill level
So when a foul tackle occurs annoyance in the supporter is inevitable, combine this with alcohol and it becomes the fuel for violence within the mob
Rugby satisfies the contact experience for the watcher lessening the frustrations for the supporter resulting in less violent behaviour with or without alcohol
Combine the former with the stupidity of believing that somehow a particular mythical deity may prefer a particular set of football worshipers over another is nonsensical in the extreme and calls into question why anyone with this level of mentality should be allowed to attend football in the first place
Perhaps a psychological evaluation of the individual should be undertaken in each instance and a certification of their
Complete and total Numptyism verified before allowing them out of the house
Or at least a note from their Mums
Offence to Numptys intended and that’s all of us if we let our society go backwards with Idjits like Murphy with statements like “They do it so should we”


The beer on sale in German stadiums is AFAIK alcohol free. It just means the bus and trainloads of fans that turn up after dinking on the journey there get a couple of hours interruption in their alcohol intake, but because they are already tanked up, lots of them don’t realise its alcohol free.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with having a drink at the fitba or rugby per se if it is done in moderation, its just that when large groups of young men gather in numbers and drink heavily, then trouble is bound to follow.

Murphy is a desperate has been, thats been booted up to Scotland to stop him making an arse of himself in England where, as far as London Labour is concerned they don’t want him turning away potential English Labour voters.

They know they have lost Scotland when they sided with the blue Tories and made their bayonette the wounded remarks.

These sort of comments were to get the Scottish hating English voters on side. Most English people will distance themselves from that sort of rhetoric, thankfully.

The MSM/EBC have their orders to Jim Murphy and Slab in the public eye, in the hope that they might save a few seats.

Funny that as a Westminster politician who has no seat in Holyrood, he still gets more Scottish media coverage that the elected Scottish Government. I’m glad I don’t have to pay for the BBC as I live abroad.
Still, any drivel is better than no drivel, eh!


Scotland’s Jewish population is extremely small – under 6000 out of 5.3 million. There are more Sikhs and Buddhists.

Around 70% of that Jewish population lives in Murphy’s constituency, so the BBC’s bigging up of the issue is hardly coincidence.


Going by broadcast and online comments, and online polls, Jim Murphy has picked a vote loser. It looks bad.

Labour will now bury the issue as fast as possible.

bookie from hell

Kezia Dugdale on her dad(told edinburgh evening news her dad member SNP)

Daily Record

I know my Dad proud of what I do, even if he doesn’t agree with it often. After all, he used to be a Tory when he was a student.

bfh–strange thinking she had to defend fathers politics by having a dig at him

arthur thomson

The performance of the Scottish Government is a constant source of positive publicity for the SNP. That is why SLAB, the other tory parties and the media are focusing on devolved issues. Their goal is to undermine the public perception of the effectiveness of the SG. Simultaneously their goal is to keep public discussion away from the issues of poverty, nuclear weapons, state violence abroad and the corruption at the heart of the British state. We need to be spreading an honest and positive message about the good job the Scottish Government is doing.

Big Jock

Unfortunately the old firm attracts morons. While that moronic element inhabit Scottish football. We can never allow booze at Scottish football.

That is not to say that the likes of Hearts and Hibs, have not got a moronic element. However I think most would agree, the majority of morons are driven by the old firm hatred.

It’s exactly the same for their stupid bigoted songs.They want to be free to spew their bile on the public. We are to sit back and just treat the songs, as a wee bit of tradition. A bit like the Orange walks. It’s all good natured tradition is it not!

Big Jock

Bookie – I am glad she found someone that is proud of her. Can’t be a long list!


gillie says:

16 February, 2015 at 11:06 am

Campaigners against domestic violence have described Mr Murphy’s proposal to lift the alcohol ban at matches as “crazy”.

Jim Murphy, in reply on GMS , “I’m sure no one thinks men in Scotland are more likely to commit domestic abuse than men in England.”

Murphy has just lost the female vote.

Incredible as it may seem, Murphy and his BBC team appear to have decided to target a very small number of voters (working class fitba fans that like alcohol), that he thinks could blunt the SNP advance, just enough to hold on to most of the Scottish red tory seats. It could work, since the huge 2010 leads on FPTP mean that even a small swing back could save most of his colleagues in Scotland (leaving the SNP with a huge swing overall, but lots of close seconds). In the short term, however,it’s high risk. In the long term, it actually could prove fatal for Labour, since he has already written off huge chunks of, what used to be, their core support. They won’t be rushing back.


The mysterious light which appears to be emanating from Jim’s skull made me wonder whether he was in fact a being from the 5th dimension. Those of us old enough to remember Mr Mxyzptlk from the Superman comics will recall that he too was from the 5th dimension. And he too was an irritating trickster.

The only way you could banish Mr Mxyzptlk back to his own dimension was by tricking him into saying his name backwards. Now if we can just get Jim to read his name backwards (yhprummij) …

I say it’s worth a try.

ronnie anderson

@ Mrs Irene King.

21 Today hi diddly dee dee dum 21 today, happy birthday Irene.

Dr Jim

I don’t know what the arrest rate of Jewish people for crime is but i’m betting it’s less than everybody else
I never heard of Jewish terrorists or Jewish people from Glasgow ever invading anybody or holding people to ransom threatening to do harm all over the place
So what the hell is going on? is it just because some folk don’t like the politics of Israel coz if it is I don’t like the Politics of the UK so who do i kill?
More Numptys…

Big Jock

This sums up the ignorance and stupidity of the old firm fans. On the subject of the Rangers fans misbehaviour on Friday.

The conversation in my office went:” Yes but it’s the stewards fault as they didn’t segregate us properly”. This is fundamental to the problem.

The abusers and trouble makers don’t take responsibility for themselves.Their fellow fans look to blame society or stewards or police.The question should be. Why can’t our fans go to a match behave themselves and then come home? They should not need looked after or segregated. These are grown men not kiddies in a playground!


Still on the lookout for possibly supernatural origins of the Scottish Labour Party’s Branch Manager and his policies I came across the following translation of an old prophesy:

And a roving minstrel without feck,
Shall walk the hunner toons
Raised above his fellow men
On crates of Irn

Yea though His enemies shall rain down upon his gansay
A storm of free range double-yolkers
Even so shall He not swerve from the revelation of the Mighty Policy
The details of which His constituents will be first to learn

(Quatrains XXIV & XXV of the Prophesies of Nostradamus)

Don’t have nightmares. It’ll all be over by 8 May.


‘Brian Powell says:
16 February, 2015 at 11:07 amChalks.

Rugby, tennis, shinty, hockey. cricket fans don’t fight each other, or vomit in trains and buses, ‘beat up’ nurses & doctors and generally make ordinary people’s journeys home miserable.

A huge number of football fans do’

I think you’ll find that the ratio of football fans that do this is very low when compared to these other sports.

In fact, I’ve been going to Aberdeen games my whole life, I am 31 years old and can honestly count on 1 hand the amount of times I’ve seen someone be sick on a train due to drink.

Stop the scare-mongering crap, we all hated the media for doing it in the indyref, football fans are no different from other sporting fans. The incidents of drink-induced behaviour are greatly exagerrated due to the amount of football fans there are in this country.

It’s a tiny minority that you speak of, the vast majority of fans, can enjoy a drink and not get out of hand.

We call ourselves progressive yet FEAR what would happen if Andy McTavish from Cumbernauld had a beer at a game, completely ignoring the fact that Andy can spend the whole day in a pub and go to a game.

What, suddenly because he has a beer in the ground he turns into a raving wife-beating, sectarian fuckwit because he has a bottle of budweiser from a stand at Fir Park?

Pull the other one.

I presume then, that all the people here would like to have no pubs open around the various football grounds?

Afterall, there is SO much trouble, doctors/nurses being beaten up, rivers of vomit down the high street and people being abused all over the place when there is a football match on.


link to

Theres a website for some of you.

Les Wilson

BBC using their tried and tested political show ( masquerading as not )Call Kaye.
Was giving Murphy their backing today.
Example, one lady said it as it is, which was Smurf was doing this for political ends as he has no policies.

The BBC interviewer, proclaimed that Smurf says it is not at all for political reasons. Said emphatically in order to suggest, if he said it is so, then it is unquestionable so, it was not at all for that purpose. Yipes! they get away with this kind of stuff all the time.

Just when and how, are we going to combat the menace of the BBC.


We are told by BBC Scotland that Jim Murphy’s proposals to lift the alcohol ban inside Scottish football grounds is supported by the Scottish Conservative Party.

Says it all really, Red Tory, Blue Tory, can you spot the difference?

ronnie anderson

O/T SoS Rev.


Big Jock

Yep Caz- Tories/Lab want to keep Scotland divided by fighting at football matches. If you think about it, the Tories are the Rangers of politics, and Labour the Celtic. People going to SNP from these two groups is akin to giving up tribalism and supporting the national team.

Hence the two opposing forces are united in their opposition to Scotland’s independence.


BBC Radio Scotland cancelled a discussion on what it is like being a Jew in Scotland.

I think in the spirit of being balanced and unbiased, BBC Scotland should have a discussion on what it is like being a Muslim in Palestine.

With contributions from Jim Murphy.


@Big Jock – You know what is ironic, is that I’ve also been to a few scotland games and I’ve never seen more drunk people at it.

Yet there is no sectarianism, there is alcohol-induced people, yet no bigotry. Nor is there any hint of trouble.

Can someone explain that?

These are football fans, of course. Let’s continue to let the old firm dominate and rule Scottish football though.

From financial regulations, league restructuring and now more recently, draconian legislation designed to stop bigotry, we, all non-old firm fans are bitches to the grand old masters of scottish football.

Don’t change the voting structure, cos you might upset them, don’t change the financial payments, you might upset them.

Pandering to the Old Firm since fuck knows when.

Scottish Football in a nutshell.

ronnie anderson

Red Ed ( the talking horseshit) giving tax break,s to SMEs if they pay the minimum wage.

Scottish gov SNP will NOT award contracts to any company’s that DONT pay the minimum wage.

Is the Emperor borrowing (stealing) new clothes.


@Chalks, Football attracts thugs, angry men who wind themselves up into a frenzy and lose control, bit like you.


@chalks, football thugs don’t support the National team. The Scotland games attract a crowd of folks with the same outlook as rugby fans.


Big Jock

The people who support sectarianism in Scotland need something to fuel this dwindling and irrelevant pastime. ie alcohol.

People are gradually seeing the light. Until it is safe enough to take your Granny or your young daughter to a football match, then I think alcohol has to stay outside the Stadium.


‘Snode1965 says:
16 February, 2015 at 12:24 pm@Chalks, Football attracts thugs, angry men who wind themselves up into a frenzy and lose control, bit like you.’

Poor attempt. Keep fishing.

Snode1965 says:
16 February, 2015 at 12:32 pm@chalks, football thugs don’t support the National team. The Scotland games attract a crowd of folks with the same outlook as rugby fans.

Jesus, anymore stereotypical crap left?

I’ve been to Scotland games, so that makes your points a bit, well, wrong?

I beg to differ, rugby fans are boring tweed/barbour jacket wearing toffs who don’t sing the national anthem.

Yes, I’ve been to a few rugby games as well and it’s full of hoora henrys out to support the scots what.


Scottish Labour pledge, “Coming home more often – your alcohol-fueled violent partner”.

Sure vote winner for Jim Murphy.


I think people might be overplaying the importance of the Jewish vote in East Renfrewshire to Jim Murphy or indeed to anyone else.

The Jewish population of ER is a little over 3000. Jim Murphy’s majority is 10,420, so even if the entire Jewish population of ER were to vote for Murphy which wouldn’t happen, it still leaves 7000 or so votes up for grabs. There really is not some monolithic Jewish block vote here.

I have never voted Labour and it’s been a long time since I can recall any of my family doing so.

Oh and as for what it’s like to be a Jew in Scotland, pretty good until some fud nips your head about the Middle East or apparently blames for for inflicting Jim Murphy on them.

North chiel

Don’t know why the Scottish football authorities haven’t
Challenged the massive Sky/BT subsidies to English (and Welsh)
Football businesses .Scottish football clubs (and other smaller countries
Clubs) have to compete at a European level (unfairly) against these
Businesses where they can recruit the best personnel (players) using
The massive subsidies (tens of millions) .
This is so obviously unfair competition .(especially in a European competition
Context.Or am I missing something?

Helena Brown

Big Jock I liked you analogy about football supporters and voters. I had decided this morning to describe those changing from Labour to the SNP as abused dogs, been loyal and been kicked for years, now is the time for payback.

Perhaps we should remind the good people of Scotland that we have never persecuted Jews, why would we? We are among the few countries never to have done so and I for one would like to see that continue.

People have the right to criticise Israel but ordinary Jews who live here have as much control over decisions made in Israel as we have over those made in Westminster.
(hope my paragraph breaks meet with approval?)


I couldnt give a toss whether or not they sell plastic cups of over priced weak beer at halftime at the fitba or not.Nor could creepy Jim.But he’d rather talk about that than trident.


@ Helena

Killing with hammers sounds painful right enough. 😀


@Chalks, you have been to Scotland matches, so that proves me wrong? So you are a thug! Regarding you comment on rugby fans… Who’s stereotyping now!!


On A&E I am just waiting for Murphy to say that all A&E will perform above average under his watch.


Oh and as for what it’s like to be a Jew in Scotland, pretty good until some fud nips your head about the Middle East or apparently blames for for inflicting Jim Murphy on them.


The former is harsh the latter really harsh.

Big Jock

A boy Jimmy grows up in a house where his mother is abused. The father is an alcoholic. The father introduces the boy to his favourite brand of Scotch whisky -Lets call it Whit & McCiver.

The boy develops a taste for the whisky, and eventually becomes an alcoholic. He goes on to abuse his own partner. The cycle continues from generation to generation. Rinse and repeat!

One day the government decide to stop abusers accessing alcohol. A law is passed that any convicted or serial abuser, will be prevented from purchasing alcohol. The person is tagged to prevent them purchasing alcohol legally.

The abuser then decides to sue Whit & McCiver for making him an alcoholic. He also opposes the ban as his lawyer thinks the government are to blame for making alcohol legal in the first place.His MP tries to change the law as he feels it is too harsh on people like Jimmy.

At no stage in all of this does the alcoholic admit his own problem and shortcomings as a human being. He lashes out at society. He tries to blame the makers of alcohol. He feels no remorse for hs crimes nor his behaviour to his wife.
His MP shows no respect for Jimmy’s victims just opportunism. His lawyer doesn’t worry about societal damage caused by repetition of this behaviour. They just want Jimmy to have what everyone else in his country has.The case proceed to court.

In summing up the court decide not to give Jimmy access to booze. They argue that the abuser cannot be trusted with alcohol,can’t control himself,shows no remorse and puts his victim in danger when he is around alcohol. Further to this they reject his civil case against Whit & McCiver. They feel he is the author of his own misfortune and should not look to blame a third party for making him an addict.

ronnie anderson

@ North cheil Did you read the penalty clause above the comment box.

Jist because the Rev,s doon in Bath disna mean you escape the penalty,ah hiv ah enama near me in Airdrie Yvonne Hamma I,ll be sending her roon tae your hoose if you persist in upsetting the Rev,an you wont like her.

Paragraph Break.

ronnie anderson


Who knew Atos didn’t pay corporation Tax. fking bastardos,excuse ma French.


@ Ronnie Anderson
Around Christmas time, Nicola announced that no contracts would be awarded to any companies that did not pay the ‘living wage’. Minimum wage is much lower than that.


It would be a nice little earner to offset Casualty costs, not to mention a vote winner to install a bar in every A&E waiting area in the country. What d’ye think?

North chiel

“Ronnie Anderson” – “Geeza P break

ronnie anderson

@ Lollysmum Ma mistook sorry.

Big Jock

A2 Even better. Why not just bypass the hospital and have A & E sections in every bar in scotland. that way you can get trashed,smash a few bottles ,fall over and beat a few folk up. Without the need to leave the bar!

sounds like Murphy’s next plan!


‘Snode1965 says:
16 February, 2015 at 1:13 pm@Chalks, you have been to Scotland matches, so that proves me wrong? So you are a thug! Regarding you comment on rugby fans… Who’s stereotyping now!!’

Me, annoying isn’t it?


And while a section of the population is drunk, in jail, beating their wives and children, this is a distraction for everyone else who won’t notice what Labour are up to..

Robert Peffers

The old joke about Hampden Park in the bad old days when football grounds were mainly standing room only with plenty booze and no facilities. It went like this –

First fan: “Jings, wish I’d no haed they four screwtaps Ah’m burstin fir a pee”.

Second fan: “Ach! Jist pish in the guy in front’s raincoat pockit”.

First Fan: Wid he no ken”?

Second fan: Weel ye didna ken whan Ah pished in yours”.

First Fan: “Here this pie’s cauld an it tastes rotten”.

Second Fan: “Away ye mug ye”. Ye’ve went an boucht a throwin pie instead o an eatin pie”.

Thing is it really was far too near the truth to be funny.


@robert Peffers 16 February
Liked both these jokes. Had not heard before and I’m no spring chicken. Thanks

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