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Wings Over Scotland

About last night

Posted on November 28, 2013 by

If you missed it, Nicola Sturgeon’s extraordinary cross-examination demolition job on Alistair “Crybaby” Carmichael can now be seen on the STV website. And if you’re pushed for time and can’t spare the full 19 minutes, here’s the gist of it:

279 to “About last night”

  1. Arabs for Independence says:

    A masterclass from Nicola Sturgeon.
    I hope the Better Together were on suicide watch for Mr Carmichael last night and that they removed his shoelaces and belt.

  2. Alastair says:

    I believe that sums it up rather nicely. Worth watching (STV version) again and again.

  3. Ally says:

    Was certainly something when even the “political experts” agrred that Sturgeon won hands down!

  4. Luigi says:

    Another old BT dinosaur bit the dust last night.
    Mass extinction event coming soon (September 2014)

  5. Luigi says:

    I’m sure most people will agree that allowing NS to take the lead, representing the Scottish government in the YES campaign was an absolute blinder.  This creates so many problems for BT, they still haven’t figured out how to respond effectively.  I mean, from a BT perspective, how on earth can you deal with the fact that:
    1. She is obviously very smart
    2. She is very popular (with both sexes)
    3. She is not Alex Salmond
    “It’s no fair, I tell ye, it’s just no fair!”

  6. alexicon says:

    I liked the way she turned the onus on Carmichael to explain what powers would Scotland have in the case of a no vote. He couldn’t answer any of it and it showed them up for being the fraud BT are.

    More of this please!

    Also there’s not been much coverage from our free and unbiased press, I wonder why? Of the consequences of the removal of the ‘Barnett’ formula if Scotland votes no.

    The Herald, under the guise of Gardham, has went all out on the attack on the white paper this morning with no mention of the removal of the Barnett formula and the massive cuts that will follow.

    We have to get that message out.

    Another message we need to get out.

    link to

  7. Ann says:

    I recorded it at watched it this morning.
    Have to say that Nicola was fanastic.  She had Carmichael tied up in knots and he could not answer one single question on what will happen if Scotland votes no with regards to the EU, The Barnett Formula et. al.

  8. Ken500 says:

    Carmichael elected to protect NHS/Education. Increased student fees and pushed through the Bil to privatised the NHS, privatised the Royal Mail and gave the wealthy tax breaks. Shame on you.

  9. MochaChoca says:

    Must’ve went off feeling like he’d been flung about like an empty shell suit, if it was me I’d have been greeting too.

  10. MajorBloodnok says:

    After watching that video I was thinking that the next debate should be done in a “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here” style.  Withing 10 minutes Carmichael would be buried up to his neck next to an ant hill with his face smeared in Dundee marmalade.

  11. Juteman says:

    Very professional job by Nicola.
    Of course BT know they have no answers, that is why the programme wasn’t on at 7pm.

  12. ronnie anderson says:

    We,need to ask Nicola to go on to the BT site,& debate with them 6 to 1 its a stick on, or would she get banned,

  13. john king says:

    I wonder if the SNP  have considered keeping her behind a bullet proof glass wall?
    just to be on the safe side you unnnerstaun. 😉
    anybody else seeing the SNP  lining up the first prime minister of an iScotland, Alex retiring perhaps? 

  14. MochaChoca says:

    Rev, I was wondering if you got an invite to the White Paper launch event? if not, pretty poor from the YES side, considering what you do and that your readership probably outpaces the MSM online presence in Scotland.
    Suppose they have to try to avoid controversy though.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Rev, I was wondering if you got an invite to the White Paper launch event?”

      Nope. I didn’t know it was an invitation gig, I assumed you had to apply.

  15. Murray McCallum says:

    If Carmichael is the best MP to be Secretary of State for Scotland then we are truly screwed. He seemed ill informed and unprepared – arrogant in fact. His nervous giggling at one point was quite sickening.
    “How do you get fiscal independence in a monetary union” asked Carmichael just a few minutes after saying he wanted to take the UK into the Euro. Much of what he said was riddled with contradictions.
    Nicola totally nailed him on the consequences of a No vote.

  16. Big Drone says:

    I’m so glad she’s on our side!  Who’s next?

  17. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    Posted on the previous thread. I know keep up Archie.
    SOS Body Language – Interesting use of the pen in the right hand which seemed at times to be like a dart or even a WMD aimed at NS. Was his left hand mainly in his trouser pocket?
    I will check once the debate is posted online but I am sure during the toasting he replied to a question ‘I dont know, I won’t be here’. 

  18. john king says:

    Juteman says
    “Of course BT know they have no answers, that is why the programme wasn’t on at 7pm.”
    now you say that Juteman I totally agree with you, if that programme had been recorded they would have edited the arse out of it an spliced the answers together, 
    maybe their scared of another FOI request  from Rev Stu? 😉

  19. Doug Daniel says:

    It was brutal. As I said on Twitter, I now know what it must have felt like sitting in the crowd at the Colosseum watching a gladiator being absolutely torn apart by his opponent. Carmichael didn’t stand a chance. He might as well have started waving a white flag at one point.
    Surely there’s no way he can continue as Scottish Secretary until the referendum? The guy simply isn’t up to it. He made Michael Moore look like a political heavyweight.

    Archie – aye, I noticed the pen thrusting. That was the point he lost it. It’s worse than finger-jabbing, which is a complete no-no for politicians these days.

  20. heraldnomore says:

    I think his left hand was busy trying to confirm that he was still a man; or to see if they had actually dropped yet.
    Given the the PM is running away from the FM, could we persuade him to take on the lighter-weight, the little girlie, that is the DFM.  I’d pay to see that one.

  21. Seasick Dave says:

    Everything about Mr. Carmichael; the denials, the accusations, the body language and the facial expressions just scream “bully’.
    Nicola was excellent in the face of such a truculent and obnoxious opponent.
    Rona was worse than a man short and may as well have sat in the canteen.

  22. john king says:

    Major Bloodnok says
    “Carmichael would be buried up to his neck next to an ant hill with his face smeared in Dundee marmalade.”

    She should have given him a chinese burn, and an atomic wedgie

  23. Annibale says:

    Carmichael’s reputation would have been less damaged if he’d said “You know what, Nicola? You’re right – I’m voting YES!”

  24. john king says:

    atomic wedgie 
    (pants right ower yer heed, eye watering )

  25. balgayboy says:

    This BT waving of the pen in these debates must be a mandatory requirement. Maybe it’s a subsitute lightsaber.

  26. desimond says:

    I watched The Incredibles the other night…the Baddie is basically a wee daftie who wants to play with the big boys and girls.

    Apropos of nothing, Im now sitting here thinking of wee eager David Mundell waiting for a phone call saying “It must be MY time to have a go now!”

  27. Illy says:

    Yeah, Nicola did wonderfully, especially with her ending statement.
    As soon as I heard that No wanted to go second, I was thinking “he wants to have the last word” and then Nicola stole that for her own ending statement that she was behind shipbuilding on the Clyde regardless of the referendum, and he *wasn’t*.

  28. joe kane says:

    Further to commenteer Luigi above,
    helpful wiki entry on the rapid decrease in the diversity of unionist policies in the Holocene-Thatcher Era –
    Extinction Event
    link to

  29. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Wasn’t this guy meant to be a big clunking fist?
    He’s just a balloon.
    Aye, they don’t make Vikings like they used to…

  30. john king says:

    seasick dave says
    “Rona was worse than a man short and may as well have sat in the canteen.”
    Are you kidding every time Shirley (big Daddy) tried to clamber out of the ring Rhona flung him straight back in again,
     she played a blinder, in fact in the first half I thought she and Nicola were a tag team as she had Shirley in a folding press while Nicola stood back and watched

  31. TheGreatBaldo says:

    Meanwhile the transformation of the Labour Party into fuly fledged Tories is almost complete as Tom Harris sets himself up as SLAB’s answer to Nigel Farage….
    link to
    Remember folks…..inclusive civic Scottish nationalism BAD…..xenophobic racist British nationalism GOOD…’s just one of the many reasons we’re ‘Better Together’….

  32. Juteman says:

    What I was actually meaning was that most folk will have missed it, as they were in bed. Staying up to midnight isn’t an option if you have to get up early for work. BT won’t show these types of programmes earlier, as they know they harm their cause.

  33. john king says:

    Ian Brotherhood says
    “Aye, they don’t make Vikings like they used to…”
    A but if he had brought his big shiny (plastic) batteaxe it would have been different,
    maybe next time he’ll look up the meaning of the word velociraptor?

  34. John G says:

    Please also post the part of the debate where AC confirms what we all knew, that he is a man who can “hold his own”. Both Nicola and Rona both did very well not to laugh out loud!!

  35. Morag says:

    Apropos of nothing, Im now sitting here thinking of wee eager David Mundell waiting for a phone call saying “It must be MY time to have a go now!”

  36. john king says:

    juteman says 
    “What I was actually meaning was that most folk will have missed it, ”
    Exactly my thought when you said it,
    my enthusiasm made it look like something else 🙂

  37. desimond says:

    @John King

    Big Daddy…hahaha….brilliant….even better when he was crying for his Mammy! 

    “But but…Im playing by the rules” will be his epitath

  38. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ balgayboy – More like his Sonic Screwdriver as he is a fan of the Doctor.

  39. john king says:

    Morag says
     Im now sitting here thinking of wee eager David Mundell waiting for a phone call saying “It must be MY time to have a go now!”
    Ha ha ha ha ha that’s hilarious Morag 
    I can just see him sitting biting his fingernails down to the quick pacing the floor waiting for his chance

  40. Gillie says:

    This so called “Bruiser” ended up being skinned, filleted, battered, deep fried and served up on a platter. 

  41. john king says:

    John G says
     “hold his own”.
    is that because his trouser pockets have holes in them? :0

  42. scotchwoman says:

    Every campaign needs good leadership. Nicola is exceptional, combining intelligence with passion.
    At least Moore was a bit brighter than Carmichael – but he still got taken to pieces. I’d love to see Nicola take on Darling next. 
    These debates will move a small number of people towards YES but that’s not their only function. They are also important in undermining the arrogance and over-confidence of the NO campaign.You could think of the next 10 months as a tug of war. Nicola pulls beyond her weight.

  43. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s Carmichael with his pals, in happier times…

  44. Luigi says:

    Apropos of nothing, Im now sitting here thinking of wee eager David Mundell waiting for a phone call saying “It must be MY time to have a go now!”
    If Mundell was overlooked for the big, bruised one, himself recently scrapped from the bottom of the barrel, then poor Mundell must be lying underneath the barrel. Still, he may indeed be in with a shout.  Carmichael’s last chance saloon tonight (QT).  He better play a blinder, or it’s early retirement for the bruised one.

  45. Nan says:

    Nicola comes across as passionately believing what she is saying.  Alistair Carmichael does not, a man of no substance, sticking to a controlled State party agenda.  

  46. gerry parker says:

    @ Big Drone.
    Alistair Darling next?

  47. HandandShrimp says:

    I take it the Twitterati amongst the BT ranks are drawing a veil over this one?

  48. MochaChoca says:

    Nope. I didn’t know it was an invitation gig, I assumed you had to apply.
    Ah.. I don’t have a clue how these things tend to happen but that sounds more likely. The reaction if you had been there might have been interesting.

  49. Gillie says:

    Alistair Carmichael needs to man up.

  50. muttley79 says:

    I do not think I have ever seen a debate like that before.  People talk about Nicola’s Sturgeon’s debate with Michael Moore.  However, although he was well beaten, at least Moore did not go running to the moderator (or whatever you call them?).  Carmichael on the other hand has been billed by the MSM as a ‘bruiser.’  😀  I thought that both Rona and John Mackay looked like they wanted to start laughing.  I cannot believe that Carmichael tried to get help, given that he was talking over Sturgeon as much as she was him.  He also appeared to lie when he said Moore was not on some committee at Westminster.  That was a demolition job.  Nicola Sturgeon was a one woman wrecking crew last night!  

  51. Morag says:

    If Mundell was overlooked for the big, bruised one, himself recently scrapped from the bottom of the barrel, then poor Mundell must be lying underneath the barrel. Still, he may indeed be in with a shout.  Carmichael’s last chance saloon tonight (QT).  He better play a blinder, or it’s early retirement for the bruised one.
    I don’t see how Cameron can sack Carmichael now.  Not after all the hype about his appointment, so recently.  He may be wishing he’d left Mickey Moore to get on with it.
    I wonder what would be happening now if Danny Alexander had been left in the job, back in 2010 or whenever it was.  They’re running out of talent, that’s for sure, even to their rather strained definition of talent.

  52. Robert Louis says:

    Last night was an excellent example of where, for the very first time, the anti independence campaign was held up to proper scrutiny.  Carmichael was asked several important questions, yet all he could could offer was meaningless platitudes and soundbites.
    So used are the anti independence NO campaign to never being asked challenging questions about their plans for Scotland following a NO vote, that on the rare occasions it happens, they have NO answers.  Of course the simple fact is, that the anti independence campaign have NO vision for Scotland post 2014.  They are only concerned with their re-election to Westminster in 2015, so to them what happens to Scotland is just not important, as long as it doesn’t become independent.
    The NO campaign really needs asked to spell out exactly what they will offer the people of Scotland if they vote NO.  We know what will happen with a YES vote, but know nothing about what Westminster might do in the event of a NO vote.
    Carmichael looked silly at the hands of what are relatively straightforward questions.  Perhaps they should bring back Michael Moore, who was bad, but not quite as useless.
    Nicola Sturgeon, the stealth bomber of Scottish independence.

  53. Robert Louis says:

    My advice to David Cameron, is sack Carmichael, and gee wee mundell (paddington) a shot, i mean he can’t possibly be any worse.  Or can he??

  54. Luigi says:

    Last night was an excellent example of where, for the very first time, the anti independence campaign was held up to proper scrutiny.
    Aye, it’s now game on, the white paper is on the table and the gloves are off.  BT, however,  are still trying to play it as they have been (ineffectively) for the last 12 months.  They have to catch up fast, or they will be completely demolished.

  55. desimond says:

    This week has been exceptional in many areas but most importantly in the most important area of all – Women and the Referendum.

    From Childcare, the empowerment of working mothers and then wee Nicola facing down the alleged bruiser….its been a mistress-stroke( see what i did there?) of inclusive and encouraging tactics from the YES campaign in respect to winning over the crucial female vote.

  56. Luigi says:

    My advice to David Cameron, is sack Carmichael, and gee wee mundell (paddington) a shot, i mean he can’t possibly be any worse.  Or can he??
    Perhaps that was DC’s cunning plan all along: appoint Carmichael, keep the LibDems happy and let him make a total arse of himself.  If he really wants rid of Scotland, he will probably let Carmichael plod on for a few more, embarrassing months and then appoint Mundell, around Easter time 2014, just when things start getting critical!

  57. Robert Louis says:

    You are right.  Three simple fundamental questions, and Carmichael of the anti independence campaign had no answer for any of them.  The man is paid over 100k per year, so Scottish taxpayers deserve at least a modicum of competence.
    Gross incompetence from Carmichael.  P45 time in any other line of business.

  58. alexicon says:

    If anyone is considering a holiday in Dubai maybe you should consider not buying any toffee from an alleged Scot.
    Suzanne McDonald, Owner Director, Toffee Princess, Dubai: “Scotland will never become independent and if they do, I will denounce my Scottish nationality. They cannot cherry pick which parts of being British they want to keep (The Queen, currency and BBE etc). How they think this is going to work, be funded and how they will support Scots overseas is beyond me. Besides, they won’t even let us vote on it as we are not resident in Scotland!” 
    link to

  59. faolie says:

    Apart from getting filleted, from what I remember, his ‘answers’ to Nicola’s questions about what we’re going to get from a No vote were all about what he thought was going to happen from a Yes vote, or, ‘that’s going to have to wait for the next UK GE’. Eh?
    It’s always the same from the No leaders, when asked what we’re getting from voting No. They either turn the question around and therefore ignore it, or haver on about ‘projecting power in the world’. Don’t they realise that the world’s moved on and their aircraft-less aircraft carriers and their useless Tridents are a joke and a tragic waste of cash?

  60. gerry parker says:

    There used to be program on TV where a debate moderator put things in turn to each of the panel members, building up scenario’s with each member stating what their position would be. It would be interesting to see that style applied to the referendum debate where people could then be put on the spot by an intelligent and skilled interrogator. Europe and currency would be good topics to start with.

  61. Breastplate says:

    Good grief, I’ve never seen a politician been used as a bouncy castle ’till it burst. It was quite good fun and hope to see more of this. Well done Nicola!
    I hope there was a nurse in attendance  for Carmichael.

  62. john king says:

    Revs headline
    “About last night”
    Followed by,
    can we just forget it ever happened and just be good friends?
    just don’t talk about it whatever you do, I have this reputation you see and it could be severely damaged if this gets out, 

  63. Robert Louis says:

    Well, if she lives in Dubai, she’ll not be voting.  Probably knows bugger all about it anyway, aside from the lies she reads in the Telegraph and its pathetic ilk from London.

  64. desimond says:

    Luigi, Robert Louis

    Cameron could always ask Aberdeens finest (after Doug Daniel of course) to join in the debate…step forward Mr Michael Gove!

    The more this plays out, the more NOs list of credible defenders collapses…it is clear that Cameron will have to step in and agree to debate with Alex Salmond.

    If you think Carmichael, a man used to shouting at Lib dem backbenchers to turn up,  was ill prepared on Scottish matters when facing Nicola Sturgeon, it will be nothing compared to Cameron against our First Minister.

    Strangely, the 3 Lions lyrics of “30 years of hurt, never stopped me dreaming” suddenly seems very apt.

    30 Years of hurt
    Never stoppped me dreaming
    So many jokes, so many jeers
    But all those oh so nears

    I tell you, its coming home folks!

  65. Training Day says:

    “Last night was an excellent example of where, for the very first time, the anti independence campaign was held up to proper scrutiny.”

    Aye, and what an indictment of our media that that scrutiny only comes from a rival politician, and not the media.


    Surely the Dubai luminary should be renouncing her Scottish nationality?  Maybe she’ll denounce it too.

  66. JasonF says:

    In the first part Carmichael appeared to be acting a bit like a bully towards both Rona and Sturgeon, to the extent that he stopped Rona pushing him for answers on some issues. That combined with later turning to Rona for help gave a very bad impression of the man.

  67. Horacesaysyes says:

    I had spent a fair bit of yesterday trying to educate some ‘probably no’ friends on Facebook, while avoiding getting into too much of an argument with folk from their friends list that I didn’t know, and so wasn’t in the best of moods last night.

    But this fair cheered me up! 😀

  68. Robert Louis says:

    Meanwhile feartie David Cameron, the cowardly UK Prime Minister, is still afraid to debate Scottish independence with anybody.  Week in, week out, his Government issues press briefings against Scottish independence, and he himself regularly talks it down in Westminster and interviews, yet when he, the man in charge, is offered the chance to debate, he runs aways, shouting it’s nothing to do with me.
    David Cameron, is an out and out coward of the very worst kind.  Effectively he shouts anti independence abuse, then when challenged, simply runs away, feart.  Pathetic.

  69. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    I think she meant renounce but she is, after all, a toffee apple.

  70. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    If this had been inside the Chipperfield Circus big tent they would have sent in the clowns to distract the audience whilst he was carried out.
    How many more clowns does No have left?

  71. annie says:

    Carmichael and Nicola both on Question Time tonight wonder if there will be a bit of an atmosphere.  It was good to see the panel declare Nicola the winner rather than pretend as they did with Moore that it was 50/50.

  72. liz says:

    Re toffee princess – she’s an expat so who cares what she thinks.
    A lot of expats who moved to the middle east are trying to re-live the days of the Raj.
    ‘One million migrant workers came to to Dubai to help build the massivr increase in construction offlts for the rich, most come from areas of extreme poverty in the Indian sub-continent.
    Many workers said they couldn’t afford to eat properly, living on a diet of potatoes, lentils and bread. Average salaries are often no more than £120 a month. This for a six-day week, often working up to 12-hour shifts. One company paid approximately 30p an hour for overtime.’
    Not that I’m suggesting that Suzanne McDonald had anything to do with thatbut it’s not exactly a place that believes in equality.

  73. Alba4Eva says:

    I saw that someone from ‘Bella Caledonia’ was at the launch, asked a question and got an extra long and full response from Alex.  :o)

  74. Doug Daniel says:

    David Mundell can’t be Scottish Secretary because the coalition agreement stipulated the Lib Dems would always have specific ministerial posts – so the Scottish Secretary, Business Secretary, Energy Secretary and Chief Treasurer will always be Lib Dems under the current coalition. That’s why any time one of them gets sacked, they get replaced by another Lib Dem.
    So the next Scottish Secretary would need to be another Lib Dem.

  75. Robert Louis says:

    The problem with Question time tonight, is that Carmichael will have unionist man Dimbleby to protect him.
    I must say, the adjudicator of the debate on STV last night did a very good job.

  76. TheGreatBaldo says:

    Strangely Blair McDougall has done an ‘Anas Sarwar’ on Twitter today…….noticeable by his absence..
    link to 
    I can’t think why….
    I mean not as if ‘The Bruiser’ went down in one  🙂
    or that even Alex Massie in The Spectator is rubbishing the latest scare du jour about the EU…..
    link to
    How long before we send out a search party……
    ‘The Phoney War’ is now well and truly over and BT defence of the Union is looking more and more like the Maginot Line by the day…..

  77. Morag says:

    I didn’t know that!

  78. Robert Louis says:

    Doug Daniel,
    Who do they have left?

  79. Morag says:

    Poor wee Paddington….

  80. Murray McCallum says:

    Could Richard Madeley be Alistair Carmichael’s special adviser?
    Just trying to understand what happened here.

  81. muttley79 says:

    ‘The Phoney War’ is now well and truly over and BT defence of the Union is looking more and more like the Maginot Line by the day…..
    Should that not be the Magrit Line instead?  😀 😀

  82. Robert Louis says:

    The great baldo,
    What an excellent article in the spectator.  The final paragraph sums things up nicely:
    “So, yes, there is some uncertainty. But many things are uncertain. Uncertainty is always with us. But uncertainty alone is not – or should not be – enough to decide the issue. Better instead to argue from first principles and win the argument on that basis, not on the back of dire warnings that you cannae do that because it will annoy the Spaniards. I mean, really.”
    Source :
    Jog on, indeed.

  83. Iain says:

    While I enjoyed Carmichael’s discomfiture, I didn’t particularly like the debate overall. The trouble is that with this unregulated format, the less perceptive and knowledgeable viewer won’t distinguish the winner from the loser, as long as the loser keeps on talking. That’s what Sarwar relied on – we knew that there was no substance in his constant interruptions, that he was just burbling to try to drown out Nicola – but to some folk who didn’t know the issues, his nonsense may have seemed no different to Nicola’s genuine point-scoring.      

  84. Morag says:

    Who do they have left?
    I just looked it up.  Here’s the list.
    Danny Alexander
    Malcolm Bruce
    Menzies Campbell
    Michael Crockart
    Charles Kennedy
    Alan Reid
    Robert Smith (Bt)
    Jo Swinson
    John Thurso
    I’ve never heard of half of them, but then I’d never heard of Carmichael till a couple of months ago either.  Should we start a sweepstake?

  85. Luigi says:

    The problem with Question time tonight, is that Carmichael will have unionist man Dimbleby to protect him.
    I have a feeling that the Falkirk audience will be in no mood for Dimbleby’s usual tricks tonight.

  86. TheGreatBaldo says:

    So the next Scottish Secretary would need to be another Lib Dem.
    Aye that’s my understanding too…..looking at the remaining cohort Jo Swinson is pregnant so would be missing during the actually campaign….
    Malcolm Bruce and Sir Ming are cut from the same virulent Anti-SNP/well intentioned but pompous oaf cloth as Carmichael…..
    Charlie K could pose serious problem for YES, as he is a brilliant debater (even with the well known bevvy problems)
    But then you’d have an ardent Federalist trying to defend the Union and he’s made it clear being in Govt with the Tories turns his stomach so I can’t really see him agreeing to sit in Cabinet with them……
    After that I’m struggling to name another Scottish Lib Dem MP to be honest… I think they are now stuck with Carmichael for the duration.

  87. Jingly Jangly says:

    Re Dubai, thankfully they have stopped transporting the Sub Continent Migrant workers in cattle trucks, it used to do my brain in seeing the eyes peering out between the slats as they were transported from site to site within Dubai.

    I had the misfortune to visit there a couple of times on business, one of our office cleaners was a qualified medical doctor and was earning 1000 usd per month working 12 hours shifts six days a week, living in old shipping containers with dozens of other “migrant workers”. Just think about being packed into a shipping container with no air conditioning in 40c deg  plus heat. One day one of our Indian secretary left the office at lunchtime to get a visa to visit Paris, she came back in tears over  four hours later. Her Brother worked as an engineer with Emirates, he and his wife were going to Paris for a long weekend and our secretary was going along as babysitter. Anyway they arrived at the Visa office and the Dubai National behind the counter had a look at their passports and said to them to wait until called. Four hours later he called them up and gave them there passports back with said visa’s when they enquired why the delay, they were told “The last time I travelled with Emirates my plane was delayed 4 hours so Im getting my own back”

    Still makes my blood boil thinking about it.

  88. Doug Daniel says:

    Jo Swinson, Malcom Bruce, Ming Campbell, Charles Kennedy. Mike Crockart, Alan Reid and Robert Smith (not from The Cure) and John Thurso are the Scottish Lib Dems who haven’t had a wee shottie at being Scottish Secretary yet.
    Kennedy: clearly not interested in being part of the government
    Campbell: retiring
    Bruce: retiring
    Swinson: eyes on a bigger prize I reckon
    Crockart: resigned as Moore’s PPS over tuition fees, so probably not
    Smith: has started treatment for Parkinsons, so doubtful
    Thurso: not exactly known for being on-message for the Lib Dems
    Alan Reid: maybe
    They might have to start looking further south for a new Secretary of State for Scotland!

  89. Luigi says:

    While I enjoyed Carmichael’s discomfiture, I didn’t particularly like the debate overall. The trouble is that with this unregulated format, the less perceptive and knowledgeable viewer won’t distinguish the winner from the loser, as long as the loser keeps on talking. That’s what Sarwar relied on – we knew that there was no substance in his constant interruptions, that he was just burbling to try to drown out Nicola – but to some folk who didn’t know the issues, his nonsense may have seemed no different to Nicola’s genuine point-scoring.    
    Indeed, but people do pick up the vibes, even if they miss a few big points.  Believe me, BT reps are not popular in the street.  The posturing, the negativity, the aggressive  body language, the offensive remarks – it’s all there to see.  The BT team are acting like a bunch of nervous wrecks and there is another hard, bruising 10 months of fighting still to go.  Many won’t last that long.

  90. alexicon says:

    Toffee nosed Princess?
    It looks like she’s already denounced…sorry renounced her Scottishness.

  91. call me dave says:

    Salmond on the EU question put by Lamond defends the Scottish position well.
    I remember somewhere a legal eagle said it would take about 1 day to get agreement on the EU.
    Salmond also reminds Lamont about fishing and all the rest.  Lamont is a ‘very proud patriot Scot’ , but what a feartie.

  92. desimond says:

    All this talk about Carmichaels job being taken off him is rubbish, there will be no flipping at Westminster!

  93. ayemachrihanish says:

    Rev, flowers on route to NS constituency office – because – that was simply the best example ever of someone (over a sustained televised period) simply standing up for the people of Scotland. All the while – being mildly mocked by a supposed feudal superior.   
    She was brilliant..  
    Suggestion for the wider undecided watch  
    1.       Channel 5 – The Wight Show – the imaginary feudal superior event.  
    2.       Nicola Sturgeon’s cross-examination demolition job above  
    3.       Then decide – who has the people of Scotland’s best interests at heart?

  94. Norrie Stewart says:

    I guys we are going to broadcast live at 12:35 after FMQs there is a chat facility to allow your comments your input feedback would be valued.

    Find us at-  http:/ 

  95. Norrie Stewart says:

     Hi guys we are going to broadcast live at 12:35 after FMQs there is a chat facility to allow your comments your input feedback would be valued.
    Find us at-  http:/ 

  96. MajorBloodnok says:

    Luigi said: I have a feeling that the Falkirk audience will be in no mood for Dimbleby’s usual tricks tonight.
    Going by usual QT practice, most of the audience won’t be from Falkirk, or even from Scotland… how do they do it?

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      Free bus passes from Newcastle.

  97. Jim Mitchell says:

    I bet he’s sorry now that he took that job!

  98. Jingly Jangly says:

    Jim Mitchell
    Very much doubt it, brass neck and arrogance, pocketing his 100k a year plus big pension after a few terms, plus shoe in to well paid job in the city if he doesn’t get his ermine.
    These people don’t care what others think of them, only for themselves.

  99. Murray McCallum says:

    O/T but optimism v doom and gloom.
    “Almost every contractor in the oil and gas sector is planning to hire workers next year, despite the uncertainty created by the vote on independence. A survey by Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce, published today, found that the referendum is a key issue governing the future of the industry. But it also shows that there is significant optimism in the sector, with a record 98% of North Sea contractor firms looking to recruit in the next 12 months.” – The Scotsman
    link to

  100. ayemachrihanish says:

    FMQ – £4 billion more with Independence – verses – £4 billion less with a No Vote means.. 
    £8 billion LESS!  
    Yes, £8 billion EVERY YEAR less to spend on Scottish priorities!   

  101. Fab001 says:

    As previous posters have said this is the first time I have ever seen a No Campaign representative put under proper scrutiny. If only our so called impartial media had been asking these questions, then the No Campaign would have been exposed for what it is.

  102. Brian Mark says:

    The real reason that Carmichael fronts BT in debates is that Tory boy Cameron is to scared to participate in open debate so he gets Dumbo to do it for him!

  103. call me dave says:

    Is Wullie R serious?   Salmond will sell out our fishing industry to get into the EU.  Too late the UK Gov did that long ago.  It’s in the public record that it was considered expendable by Westminster.

  104. Jingly Jangly says:

    Forgot to watch presume he was talking about the abolition of Barnett, people forget there is already a 2.5 billion cut coming our way in the name of austerity, so its a minimum of 6.5 thousand million pounds per year premium we have to pay to stay in the UK.  Note that I have not included the savings we would incur by not having trident, overseas military bases, paying for English Courts and Prisons, HS2, Crossrail London and hundreds if not thousands of other drains on our resources which we would not have in an independent Scotland.

  105. ianbeag says:

    Another Tory tweet from Reading councillor to join the ‘Madley’ brigade   How they must love Scotland and the Scots
    link to

  106. Beastie says:

    Noted comments about the time of the programme.

    I’m on Scotland Tonight’s Facebook page reasonably often, and I’ve started commenting on the fact that the programme goes out at eleven o’clock (approximately) each evening but events like this are one off specials, in effect, and given the subject matter of these one to one debates they should not be buried at the start of the insomniacs zone. I’ll keep doing it until it either catches on or they bother replying with a satisfactory answer which, honestly, I don’t think they’ll have.

    I know what the answer will be, some pish about contracted programming, but the only relevant excuse I can imagine is ‘we’re a ratings driven commercial station’ and drivel like Coronation Street and the ever repetetive shite that is the X Factor clearly bring in a lot of viewers. Somehow.

    I would argue that a head to head debate between two major political figures… well… one and Alistair Carmichael, anyway… would drag in a healthy number of viewers at any time of day.

    Of course, aside from ratings is the other reason. The one where they are reticent to publicise the absolute fact that Better Together represent No. No idea, no clue, no facts, no credibility. No original slogans either; best of both worlds? Sounds suspiciously like a bread advert I heard a while back. They won’t want more publicity for that. Project Fear? Project Feart.

    Putting a debate on at half past seven would make it available to a lot more people… and Better Together would spit the dummy out completely.

  107. HandandShrimp says:

    If someone “denounces” their nationality simply because the people in their country have the temerity to want to run their own affairs then being Scottish clearly wasn’t for her in the first place. I’m sure she will be happy being something else.
    FMQ? What a waste of time, a mixture of drivel about something someone didn’t actually say and gratutious personal abuse. Willie Rennie is a very sad individual who would queue for 8 hours in the pouring rain just to piss on his own country. Has he considered a role in the Despicable Me Part 3. Lamont doesn’t count because she is just a Labour drone doing as she is told and looking more miserable by every passing second.

  108. caz-m says:

    I heard Johann Lamont said she would appear on a live tv debate only if the ratio of people involved was 4:1 in favour of staying in the UK and also very importantly, NO audience in the studio.

    Also involving Lamont, FMQs today should be re-named First Ministers BBC Scotland sound bites.

    You can almost put brackets round what is going to be used as a sound bite from the Labour leader.

    I would honestly not be surprised if the actual sound bites that BBC Scotland are going to use in their news bulletins are highlighted in pink highlighter on Lamont’s notes.

    This of course also applies to Ruth Davidson’s notes.

    She who stands as if she is cuddling a post box.

  109. Linda's back says:

    Is that not cuddling a dyke

  110. MajorBloodnok says:

    @Linda’s back
    I thought it was her Enoch Powell impression: “And some of them have them this long…”
    No offence to Enoch Powell, obviously.

  111. Linda's back says:

    link to
    Good take on NNS regarding coverage of the Spanish intervention 

  112. desimond says:

    Can someone explain exactly how the Questions are decided at FMQs.

    Why do you have 3 Unionists “Region” leaders asking questions on the exact same subject?

    When do the Greens and Independents get a go?, given they have as many folk as daft wee Wullie Rennie shouldnt it be week on – week off?

    Is there a point to SNP asking questions of Eck? Dont they already know the answers?

    Does Ruth Davidson ever feel guilty getting to stand up there EVERY WEEK knowing shes only in a job thanks to a Political System her Party is totally opposed to?

  113. Marcia says:

    Derek Bateman on the EU thingy;
    link to

  114. Democracy anyone?
    link to

  115. Macsen says:

    Just seen the discussion. These are my views as a Welshman watching in Wales. Can’t vote obviously but fully support Scotish independence but maybe also a step away (as are many undecided people in Scotland at the moment?).
    Actually, I thought Nicola came over a little too aggressive, especially towads the end. Carmichel seem hesitant at first but by the end he sounded a little more reasoned and less hectoring. He has a nice voice! He sounds and looks like a nice chap. Nichola could have held back just a little bit and she’d have come over less ‘getting one-ups’.
    Also, didn’t think she needed to get into ‘will you support the Clyde?’ etc – sounded like cheap political points which all politicians do.
    Couple of suggestion:
    1. As a father I don’t particularly like arguments using children. NS didn’t explain how 100,000 kids in Scotland would be better off. I know its oil etc, but it’s also a party political policy. Another party in indy Scotland may have another political priority. The point to make is that revenue from oil devided among 5 million people would be far more money per individual family than revenue from oil devided between 60 million people. That gives indy Scotland the almost unique selling point which no other country has. Point to make is that independence offers the realistic opportunity to raise children out of poverty. 
    2. Alex Salmond ‘pound is millstone’ – why not just say, as NS did, that, yes AS had changed his mind. But that the City of London is a millstone. Sterling and CofL is sqewering the whole UK economy. What indendence does is offer the maximum amount of leverage to stop the down-ward slide of the UK economy towards London and help balance the economy. But that by using Sterling Scotland would avoid unnecessary difficulty for rUK and Scots.
    3. Ask Carmilchel to go through UK Foreign Office and see what EU says on Scottish independence. Could be done tomorrow. Question solved. But NS made good point on uncertainty of ‘in out’ EU referendum.

  116. Nigel Burkin says:

    I am pleased that the fight has been taken to the BT bullies at last. Well done NS – it’s about time the Scots stopped being defensive about the independence YES campaign and started hitting back at Westminster and BT – take the fight back to their ground. That debate was an excellent start. The BT mob are not taking any notice of the rational arguments being put forward. The stuff on YES is all very well – but it’s going to take a lot more hard hitting to expose them for what they are and show the critical wavering voters what staying in the union will really mean.

  117. Greannach says:

    I can’t see why Cameron and Clegg can’t just put Stairheid Curran into the post. She would fit in to a Lib/Con coalition just fine, and might not notice it’s not Labour. She’s not as magnificent as Darling, though, and he did return home to a Tory Conference recently, so maybe the next SOS will be the Earl of Arboretum.

  118. MochaChoca says:

    “with a record 98% of North Sea contractor firms looking to recruit in the next 12 months”
    What a bunch of silly sausages, don’t they know there’s only 2 billion barrels left?

  119. The Rough Bounds says:

    I started to get the impression that she was going to walk across the floor and slap his kipper and call him a useless, unionist, two faced, fat windbag that she wouldn’t trust to go out and buy a pint of milk.
    But she kind of did it didn’t she?
    I really don’t like those slanging matches but for around half a century I’ve watched SNP candidates etc getting this sort of treatment from unionist bullies. It’s so nice to see guys like Carmichael getting it shoved right back in their snivelling faces.
    They asked for it.
    Nicola, you will be a formidable Prime Minister in our independent Scotland.

  120. Brian Powell says:

    On the consequence of a No vote. We should be looking out for an attack on Scottish Water.
    Owen Patterson, a couple of days ago, pointing up the advantages of competition in the water companies in England used Scottish Water as an example of efficiency. Bizarre.
    We might think Scottish Water is safe, however if there was a No vote and the budget for Scotland is reduced substantially as expected, then there could be an attempt to negotiate on Scottish Water.
    Even from within Scotland; remembering the LibDems and Tories think it should be franchised or licensed. An apparently easy option but really first steps to privatisation.
    Longer term consequence of voting No!

  121. Papadocx says:

    I watch BT msp lead by SLAB trying to guide/con the people of Scotland into the slaughterhouse of the austerity package knowing fine well what’s in store for their fellow countrymen and care not a jot. Treachery at its most heinous! We are being conned into the killing house to have our throats cut and bled dry. Then they will blame the Tories, the Tories will blame them and they will both blame the nasty SNP and they’ll get down to feeding from the trough. JOB DONE.
    How these self serving morons can live with their actions defeats me, must be genetic. SLAB is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Despicable heartless scum. ( a lot of them)
    The poor trusting voters who place their trust in these sudo socialists will be told “just think whit it wid have been like if yon had believed yon nats. 
    If they had followed the path of truth they would not be in the slaughterhouse and they wouldn’t be getting bled dry. They would be making choices about who was going to govern them and what direction they were going in. 
    Flashman and his toffs would have to work for a change and their fags (SLAB) will just have to get back to dog eat dog!

  122. Macart says:

    Just played catch up on player. What a car crash, I didn’t realise debate was a bloodsport.
    Carmichael is probably in need of an ambulance… Just as well the debate took place here then. We’ve still got an NHS worth the name.

  123. Gillie says:

    I see Boris Johnson wants to dig up Maggie Thatcher to debate Alex Salmond.
    You really do wonder what goes on inside Boris’s head.

  124. M4rkyboy says:

    link to
    This has to be read by everyone and spread far and wide.Dynamite from Ponsonby.

  125. Xander says:

    OT. Did anyone see the interview with Mark Carney BoE Governor this afternoon? It ‘s a little heads up for anyone with a mortgage. If not, you can get the gist from
    link to

  126. Doug Daniel says:

    “Can someone explain exactly how the Questions are decided at FMQs.
    Why do you have 3 Unionists “Region” leaders asking questions on the exact same subject?”
    Basically, that “To ask the First Minister when he’ll next meet the Prime Minister/Scottish Secretary/what his plans are for the week” question that the three party leaders always ask is their question that week, and everything from there onwards is a supplementary point – therefore, they can essentially ask whatever they like.
    “When do the Greens and Independents get a go?, given they have as many folk as daft wee Wullie Rennie shouldnt it be week on – week off?”
    It was decided in 2011 that since the Lib Dems had enough MSPs to be on the parliamentary business bureau – but were clearly reduced to a minority party – that they would get a question two weeks out of every three. The Grindies have now joined the bureau, but I don’t think the rules have been changed. They should certainly be at least taking it in turns with the Lib Dems.
    “Is there a point to SNP asking questions of Eck? Dont they already know the answers?”
    Aye, but it’s to allow the FM to announce stuff in parliament, or to set up a dig at Labour or Westminster, etc. No question at FMQs has any point, the whole thing is theatre.
    “Does Ruth Davidson ever feel guilty getting to stand up there EVERY WEEK knowing shes only in a job thanks to a Political System her Party is totally opposed to?”
    She doesn’t know what guilt is.

  127. Philip says:

    This might have been asked already but is there anywhere that this debate can be seen online from outside Scotland and the Rump? SVT will not stream here in sunny independent Finland 🙁

  128. desimond says:

    Thanks Doug,

    Theatre is the correct word, a Comedy of Errors ( you know who they are) springs to mind.

  129. MochaChoca says:

    OT: Always thought that Scotland was reportedly over reliant on public sector employment but latest figures show that Scotland has 8.02% (373,400 of the 4.657million (full time equivalent) public sector workers in the UK) compared to 8.35% population share.
    This is despite a higher proportion of the nationalised banks’ workers, as well as Scottish Water workers being classed as public sector, and yet our lot seem to be able to deliver a far higher level of public services.
    The question is, are they doing it deliberately?

  130. X_Sticks says:

    Greannach says:
    “I can’t see why Cameron and Clegg can’t just put Stairheid Curran into the post.”
    Aye, Greannach, preferably with a second class stamp and addressed to Timbuktu.

  131. mealer says:

    Mr Carmichael was absolutely hopeless.It was a bit like watching the one when Lord Wallace of Tankedupness made a twit of himself.

  132. TJenny says:

    X_Sticks – your comment nearly made me splatter my tea all over the keyboard – so funny 🙂 Should we crowdfund the stamp?

  133. Rod Mac says:

    For those of us who wanted the YES side to take the fight to the BT bullies ….well what can I say except well done oor Nicola

  134. Grant_M says:

    It’s on YouTube (if that’s any good to you), thanks to FMQUnofficial.

  135. handclapping says:

    Not a fair comparison. I mean we dont have to run such things as a Government Equalities Office or a Commission for the Reduction of the National Debt so our public service should be less and our unemployment more.
    Odd that; could it be that Scots are better at running their own affairs?

  136. Papadocx says:

    Vote yes have hope for your grandkids.

  137. turnip_ghost says:

    A thought occurred and apologies if someone else has said this already (I’ll not get to read all the comments until later tonight) but do you think the Tories deliberatly ensured a Lib Dem was the sec of state for Scot JUST incase we elected another SNP govt..?

    Instead of having the Tories telling us off, since they are not well liked up here anyway, they get the lib Dems to do it, tarnishing them as well….Maybe the Tories are smarter than we think…Offering up both the libs and Labour as lambs to the slaughter in this debate…

  138. Philip says:

    Thanks Grant! I’ll go get the pop corn ready 🙂

  139. MochaChoca says:

    OT (again, following on from above)
    An equal population share of public sector workers that would mean a potential increase of jobs of in Scotland 15460 (full time equivalent).
    Not only that, but median civil servant pay levels in Scotland (£21,540) would need to increase by 11% to match median UK levels (£23,900), so either a hefty wage rise across the board or 11% more workers, resulting a staff level 58000 higher than now.
    imagine what either of those scenarios would do for the Scottish economy and that’s just by spending the same proportion as the UK as a whole. And given that even excluding NS revenue we pay about the same amount of tax per capita as rUK it would be perfectly feasible. 
    Of course instead of doing this we could use these funds to further offset our deficit but thats a question for the experts.
    Or we could vote NO and continue to fund public spending elsewhere in the UK.
    Of course this does also lead to the question: do we ACTUALLY have the levels of higher public spending in Scotland that we are made out to have?

  140. Morag says:

    The SoS was a shoo-in to be a LibDem the minute a coalition was agreed.  I mean, consider the alternative!

  141. Jamie Arriere says:

    Interesting media review on John Beattie lunchtime programme with Eamonn O’Neill and Stuart Cosgrove on the White Paper – between 1.15 and 1.23 on the link
    Particularly Cosgrove mentioning the huge gap in the market for newspapers to fill re pro-Indy or even balanced coverage or discourse. Also that up to 75% of the use of the word ‘braveheart’ on social media comes from the No campaign.
    However, O’Neill spoils a quite considered viewpoint on bias confirmation, by stating that there is ‘a diverse media…with plenty of diverse publications out there for everybody’ and suggesting people know where to go! Eh? 
    link to

  142. Chic McGregor says:

    Good job by Nicola.
    At last we are getting the ‘What happens after a No vote?’ questions.
    The two main things she missed, IMV, were first, where AC slipped in the “both sides have refused to pre-negotiate” comment – she should have corrected that, and the second was when she had him teetering on the ‘what new powers?’ question she should have slipped in the corollary ‘Can you even guarantee existing powers will not be removed?’.

  143. Horacesaysyes says:

    O/T but related to the Rajoy comments –
    Just a wild thought, but given that the EU say they will only provide an answer if queried by an EU member state, which means the Scottish Government can’t get a definitive answer and Westminster won’t ask the question, is there no chance that we could talk nicely to another country and get them to ask instead? Maybe Sweden or Finland would be willing to help out?
    Wishful thinking, I know, but I would love to see it. 🙂

  144. MochaChoca says:

    OT (again – sorry)
    Next time you hear someone talking about high level of science and research funding point them to the recent “HM Treasury – Country and Regional Analysis 2013” which states that total UK expenditure on science and technology for 2012-13 is £3599 million, but £305.6 million (£282m indentifiable + £23.6m population share of non-identifiable) of that is spent in Scotland.
    This is 8.5% of the total, just a bawhair above what we’d expect as a population share so seems to make the ongoing claims that we receive a hugely disproportionate benefit from UK government Science funding sound somewhat questionable.

  145. creigs1707repeal says:

    Wow!! Not quite viral but the Wright Stuff video has chalked up almost 40,000 views.

  146. Greannach says:

    A slightly off-topic, I’m afraid, but I wonder what happens to the likes of Stairheid, Darling, Carmichael and the others if the vote is Yes? Will they tout themselves around England and Wales à la Rifkind gasping for a safe seat, and if they find one, will existing MPs be chucked out to make room for their doubtless talents? Darling can always go back home to the Tory Party, so he’ll be okay. But what about MPs with an even lower profile than Stairheid? Say, the likes of Thomas Docherty, Lindsay Roy and the political titan that is Ian Murray? I wonder of they’ll try as MSPs, ousting existing ones or what? It would be fun to think which seats they might get. Apparently there are 41 Labour MPs and 11 Libdems. Then there’s little Mr Mundell…

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      Great name but what does it mean? I know it is in Gaelic songs and poetry but?
      Anyway, a propos the collabos, they will be absorbed  and paid by Mother England, just like all the faithful non British administrators and bureaucrats were after independence in other ex colonies.
      The Anglo Indians story is one of perfidy and racism par excellence, by the way.
      link to
      Think Bowani Junction.

  147. Papadocx says:

    What is all this nonsense between HMG/BBC/MSM/SPANISH PRIME MINISTER/EU/GIBRALTAR
    The next thing will be RN task force will be dispatched to defend GIBRALTAR.  AYE BETTER TOGETHER, THE POWER OF THE BRITTISH STATE. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.
    wheres the kiddy on fleet? Away to the kiddy on incident with our best friends the Spaniards.

  148. Luigi says:

    Wow!! Not quite viral but the Wright Stuff video has chalked up almost 40,000 views.
    Yep, rising nicely.  The “Glasgow Rangers fans on Scottish Independence”, posted earlier, has already clocked 280,000 views.
    Two nasty sides of BT.  The more anti-Scottish nonsense like this is exposed, the better.  

  149. Wayne says:

    Did anyone else notice how the esteemed and impartial analysts views of the Sturgeon v Moore bout has changed since it took place?  At the time it was called a draw, yet we heard the real truth last night, when Ponsonby was now free to admit the truth after witnessing the Alistair the ‘Bruiser’ Carmichael taking a knockout blow from Sturgeon.  It tells you a lot when even those two, who are very reluctant to give any credit or support to YES finally have to give in and reluctantly admit that the BT man took a helluva beating.
    There might just be some limits to the extent to which our pro-union media are willing to support the Union cause.

  150. Illy says:

    I would hope that most of them try out as MSPs.  Except I think Scottish Labour just did an end-run around them trying that already by locking in their candidates for 2016.  No-one wants to lose their seat.
    Unless I’m mis-remembering something.

  151. desimond says:

    Looks like Scottish Farmers may not have much to be depressed about once Independence comes along. I think we can tick the Rural vote as duly included after reading this note of BBC today : 

    bbc link

  152. Rod Mac says:

    Yes the two pundits did agree that NS won the debate ,but if you listened closely they sound on debating skills not the content.
    No mention was made of the £4 billion reduction in the block grant ,no acknowledgement that the SOs did not know how many kids lived in poverty , not his reluctance to answer the question “is being in Westminster and having 100,000 children in poverty a pric
    So they did acknowledge Nicola beat in debating skilss but nothing on the saklent pointse worth paying Alastair??”

  153. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    TJenny says:

    X_Sticks – your comment nearly made me splatter my tea all over the keyboard – so funny Should we crowdfund the stamp?
    I’ve  got a couple of oldish French ones which might help on the local delivery, them being former colonies ‘n that.

  154. Andy-B says:

    Nicola was brilliant, against that old velociCRAPtor Carmichael, can we please have him back again.
    O/T   The Daily Record, is up to its old tricks again denouncing the whitepaper, and asking a handful of people if they’d vote yes or no, all said no, one a student who’d have to pay £9000 a year if Lamont had her way said “Iv’e always wanted to vote no”.
    Jesus talk about turkeys voting for christmas.

  155. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    feck, cite tags

  156. Andy-B says:

    Just listened to Richard Bacons 5 Live radio show, female guest who,s name I missed said the Scottish whitepaper was a fantasy,and full of lies, that Scots would build Hadrians Wall back up  and that theres more chance of unicorns being found than an independent Scotland, surviving on its own.
    Combine these comments with the Wright Stuffs comments of yesterday, and a pattern starts to emerge, and it not a pretty picture.

  157. MochaChoca says:

    one a student who’d have to pay £9000 a year if Lamont had her way said “Iv’e always wanted to vote no”.
    Might be worth pointing out to lads like this that once they become men they will probably regret voting NO, given that a majority of men of a certain age will vote yes (apparently).

  158. Xander says:

    Well, having just finished watching the debate, I have to feel a little sorry for Alistair Carmichael. If only the Union parties could come up with a unified and binding offer in the event of a “No” vote, then their representatives would not face such a roasting.
    The DFM was in street-fighting mood, and it really was something to behold.

  159. david says:

    a wee lassie did it and ran away

  160. Audience needed on media debate.
    link to

  161. john king says:

    Greannach says
    “A slightly off-topic, I’m afraid, but I wonder what happens to the likes of Stairheid, Darling, Carmichael and the others if the vote is Yes? Will they tout themselves around England and Wales à la Rifkind gasping for a safe seat”
    Is there not a law in England against foreigners standing for election in Westminster? 🙂

  162. Luigi says:

    IF BT refuse to produce a black paper, then perhaps now is the time for a 500 questions list for BT to answer, in the event of a no vote.
    Here’s one to start off – what will happen to Scottish Water?

  163. MajorBloodnok says:

    Will Scotland lose the right to custody of 8.6% of Alistair Darling’s eyebrows after a NO vote?

  164. desimond says:

    david says:

    a wee lassie did it and ran away

    Hahaha…post of the day. Bravo.

  165. TJenny says:

    David – I think you meant to say;

    ‘a wee lassie did it and didnae run away’ 🙂


  166. Luigi says:

    Ian Gray’s oil fund gag now on 15,000 views.  He’s a star!

  167. john king says:

    Luigi says
    “IF BT refuse to produce a black paper, then perhaps now is the time for a 500 questions list for BT to answer, in the event of a no vote.”
     I like it, here’s one
    how much will hs2 take from the Scottish economy with no return?

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      john King
      Sent you a couple of e-mails

  168. Luigi says:

    What will happen to Barnett, if there’s a no vote?
    What will happen to the council tax?
    What will happen to student fees, free prescriptions?
    Ach, we need to do this properly! 500 big ones should be possible to compile.

  169. muttley79 says:

    Good idea!  What will happen to the Barnett Formula in the event of a No vote?  What will happen to our membership of the EU?  What will happen to the NHS?  What will happen about tuition fees?  What will happen to free prescriptions?  

  170. MajorBloodnok says:

    @john king
    Is that a day return?  Makes a difference.

  171. bannock hussler says:

    If yes, it has been suggested that they will be used as speed bumps either side of the boarrrdah.
    If no, they will be fired into space from a Carmichael ‘haud ma ain’ launcher (TM) to enhance global warrrning!!!
    This does not answer your question, which is our guarantee.

  172. crisiscult says:

    Andy-B and others re students voting no; I was chatting to an Arabic teacher at University. He was asking Scottish students (all late teens/early 20s) about independence and he said to me he was quite surprised that they were all against. It wasn’t so much their NO that surprised him but their reasons. He said they were all quite individualistic  reasons e.g. the current system is good for us (note use of US), it works fine for us, there’s a lot of uncertainty with independence …    None of the comments related to general social issues or even any hint that they were aware of those as being relevant. He asked them whether they thought university would continue to be free. He said their response was clearly that they hadn’t thought about it, but didn’t seem to be too worried. 
    So, in terms of Turkeys voting for Christmas, it’s not as simple a metaphor but we could change it to Turkeys with some kind of disease that makes them inedible voting for Christmas even though there are some very juicy, edible Turkeys waddling around nearby.

  173. Edward says:

    The EU Agri payment or lack of it for Scots farmers got an airing on GMS this morning, with Tavish Scott, the farmers friend rubbishing the idea that the farmers would be better of with an independent Scotland, stating that they get enough. Naturally Jim Naughtie was basking in Tavish’s glorious aura so didn’t really press Tavish on anything, so Tavish was allowed to be his usual ignorant twatish self
    Tavish doesn’t know where the money would come from, ignoring the fact that the money was supposed to come to the farmers in the first place
    WARNING : Remove any throwable objects, while listening
    Tavish must have been wearing his union jack suit
    2 hrs 16 mins 14 sec into the programme
    link to

  174. muttley79 says:

    How much will stamps cost in the event of a No vote?  Will there still be dugs and sausage rolls?  Will Trident remain in the event of a No vote?  How many food banks were there be 2 years time?  Will we still be governed by fucking Tories in 10 years?  Will people still be paid at all in 10 years time in the event of a No vote?  So much uncertainty…Surely the MSM should have realised this?  Will North Sea Oil still be volatile in five years time, or will it have reverted to being an integral part of the British economy?

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      muttley 79
      Like it
      Double plus good

  175. john king says:

    “Sent you a couple of e-mails”
     nope, nothing just looked 

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      john.dman.king@ etc
      just lost your post address in between Mac Mail, and Outlook for mMac

  176. handclapping says:

    My question:- What are they going to do to make life expectancy the same all over the Union or are we to get the Boris answer, ie some people are born to die soon so its not worth doing anything, to paraphrase his speech to the Maggie Thatcher Appreciation Society.

  177. Murray McCallum says:

    I strongly suspect that Alistair Carmichael’s Westminster accommodation expenses are inclusive of heating bills and that he therefore takes full advantage by having his heating up too high.
    The downside to this (from his career view) is that he is obviously falling asleep as soon as he gets to his digs and slips into his onesie rather than reading his briefing papers.

  178. Ken MacColl says:

    Watching Carmichael being roasted by our DFM last night brought to mind a line from the late Rikki Fulton-in the guise of the Rev I M Jolly – referring to a previous incumbent as “the Secretary of Scotland in a state” 
    That session , and the apparently genuine bewilderment of Iain Gray at the reaction to his Oil Fund question in the Parliament on Tuesday, makes me despair at the lack of talent on the opposition benches.
    Alan Reid could be a contender – aye right!

  179. Les Wilson says:

    Link works no more REV, a youtube link?

  180. handclapping says:

    @Murray M
    Alistair in a onesie … purleeze some people are having their tea!

  181. muttley79 says:

    I was chatting to an Arabic teacher at University. He was asking Scottish students (all late teens/early 20s) about independence and he said to me he was quite surprised that they were all against. It wasn’t so much their NO that surprised him but their reasons. He said they were all quite individualistic  reasons e.g. the current system is good for us (note use of US), it works fine for us, there’s a lot of uncertainty with independence …    None of the comments related to general social issues or even any hint that they were aware of those as being relevant. He asked them whether they thought university would continue to be free. He said their response was clearly that they hadn’t thought about it, but didn’t seem to be too worried.
    I just cannot understand this mentality at all.  I find it sickening; that people base their view on independence purely on whether they think it is good for themselves or not.  I suppose some people are always going to be selfish.  However, given that we have had around 30 years of extreme Neo-Liberalism, then maybe it is not surprising.  It just sounds so soul destroying though.  People need to waken up if they seriously think that we are going to be able to maintain free education after a No vote.  

  182. handclapping says:

    Knowing you as a man of wild imagination, try gold lame mankini with a strategic array of socks

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      String vest socks?

  183. handclapping says:

    Dont push me or my cheese on toast will be wasted!

  184. EdinScot says:

    Just caught up with that Stv destruction by Nicola Sturgeon of the Secretary of State for Portsmouth.  ”Its no fair someone asking me all those questions whimpers Carmichael ahh mean ah thought the media had oor backs”!  The comedy gold continues from the Unionists.  Game set and match to Nicola and YES.

  185. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    I think Iain Gray, like the whole Slab frontbench has a string vest brain, whilst the backbenchers have nane, tap oor bottam.

  186. BobD says:

    I don’t think this debate was so lop sided, but NS did ‘win’.

    I do have one issue with the GBP currency union idea discussed in the debate:  The Euro does not work without closer political union.  This is the Euro project over the next few years, coordination of taxes, rules, governance (so long local populations acquiesce).

    How can we have a GBP currency union without close political union, ie remaining in the UK?  

    I actually think we should not have an currency union, but use the GBP until we can convert to a Scottish currency.

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      I agree with that analysis.
      A “currency union” is not for ever. It is just and interim measure which will, or should allow, Scotland to move in whichever way it wants as the situation develops; Euro, Norwegian Kironer(?), Canadian Dollar or Chinese Rimimbi.
      Our choice.

  187. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Was it a Croque Monsieur you were enjoying as, you will never ever get the chance to taste that furrin muck after the referrrendum?

  188. john king says:

    Muttley 79 says
    @ luigi
    how long before the rural areas of Scotland stop getting a postal service from a privatized Royal Mail?

  189. MajorBloodnok says:

    Rhona [pause] “Just answer the question!”  Classic.

  190. Training Day says:


    Let us hope that the Yes hierarchy finally waking up to the fact that they need to highlight the consequences of a No vote to the likes of these students living in a bubble is not an epiphany that’s come too late.

  191. ONWARD says:

    Now that we have the Scottish Government’s White Paper, we need for comparison purposes the equivalent ‘White Paper’ for continuing in the Union. Obviously the Better Together and the UK Government is unwilling to do this. They know that to have the consequences of a No vote spelt out would make life very difficult for them.
    We therefore need to do it for them. A published document listing out the likely outcome of a No vote for all the main headings with questions and answers would be invaluable as the Better Together would be forced on the defensive by being asked to accept or deny the contents.
    Is this a Job for the Yes Scotland or Wings?

  192. john king says:

    Handclapping says
    “Knowing you as a man of wild imagination, try gold lame mankini with a strategic array of socks”

    You are so far over the line 
    the line is a dot to you

  193. john king says:

    Major Bloodnock says
    “Just answer the question!”  Classic.”

    Can I just for the record point out I did INDEED  pee myself at that point, I nearly passed out laughing. 

  194. Kev says:

    I wonder if the poor chap will make it along to QT in Falkirk tonight – please David make sure she doesn’t sit next to me or I might greet!…
    Astounded to see its an even panel and hope to see Harvie put in a good contribution as always…would be good to see a before and after poll of the audience but the BBC wouldn’t dare would they?

  195. Barontorc says:

    @Horacesaysyes says:
    28 November, 2013 at 3:15 pm

    O/T but related to the Rajoy comments; 
    I’m sure this strategy was discussed before and it was found to be do-able for a ‘friend of Scotland’ to ask the question Cameron refuses to ask, although I suspect that AS already knows the answer and he’s keeping schtum to let Cameron get further roasted in his own ‘unfriendly’ juices.
    Cameron will move every fibre of his being to avoid helping Scotland – or so he says – but methinks there’s also a very strong sub-plot at work as part of the inevitable negotiations that are forthcoming. The political pigmy bunch of course wouldn’t realise that even if it slapped them on the back of the head – and they’re left to play second fiddle, making bullets for the UK establishment that the MSM and BBC are quite orgasmic about and delighted to fire, ie.,  Cochers, Gardham and Crichton, et al.
    There is obviously the default position, that Cameron will be happy to accept the outcome if the ruinously anti-democratic press and BBC succeed in returning a NO vote – and that should be of interest to the ECHR. Like baw-haw Carmichael and his dire LibDem cronies, the goal is self-interest followed by the ruination of Scots aspirations to be an independent and sustainable country – an absolutely myopic attitude toward an immediate neighbour of their rUK., not to mention their own country.
    So how about just one of the 28 EC countries speaking up for Scotland to clarify once and for all the ‘in-out’ position.

  196. Wee Jonny says:

    Nicola “Alistair here’s yir erse now piss off!!!”  

  197. crisiscult says:

    muttley79: agree, it’s pretty dispiriting. When I volunteered for Citizens’ Advice I met some law students who said they were only doing it to get it on their CVs. How common this attitude is, I have no idea and whether it’s more common than 20 years ago, 40 years go etc. I remember a documentary with Kirsty Young about the British family and the focus on kids brough up in the 90s was that they were at the centre of the family and often ruled the roost. Maybe a connection.
    As for questions for BT, can I ask if they can promise us we won’t leave the Social Chapter of the EU and that protection for fixed term and part time employees will continue. Also, can they tell us whether we will continue to be protected from unfair dismissal or if they will extend the current plans to ‘buy off’ people’s unfair dismissal protection to large employers.

  198. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    The B of E is going to drop the “Funding for lending” fund which is used to help banks lend for house buying because, house prices are overheating.
    But, not in Scotland or N Ireland so, her we go again, the SE of England gets a cold and Scotland gets the ‘Flu.
    Everything is controlled and engineered for the S East of England’s votes.
    Another reason for cutting the link.

  199. An excellent summary. All that was missing from Carmichael was the nappy and dummy-tit.

  200. Wayne says:

    @ Horacesaysyes
    Just a wild thought, but given that the EU say they will only provide an answer if queried by an EU member state, which means the Scottish Government can’t get a definitive answer and Westminster won’t ask the question, is there no chance that we could talk nicely to another country and get them to ask instead? Maybe Sweden or Finland would be willing to help out?
    This is a really good point, and I was thinking exactly the same thing yesterday.  Given the fact this this issue is clearly topical, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that another EU state might decide at some point that legal clarity was required on the secession issue.
    The problem of course is that the Spanish PM aside (although he was really talking about Catalonia) most European leaders are going to stay well clear for fear of being accused of interfering in UK domestic politics, not least with UK-EU relations not being exactly at a strong point.  Whilst it is therefore feasible that another member state could ask the question, who would that be, and what would be in it for them?
    If I were the SNP it is an issue I would be pursuing behind the scenes but right now I can’t think of another member state that would have an incentive to do this.  The position might be different I suppose if there was a decisive and demonstrable shift in Scottish public opinion, such that a YES vote not only looked possible, but actually likely.  In that case this all ceases to be a hypothetical and EU members are going to have to start considering their position.  If that happens then nations that want to be on good terms with an independent Scotland, and in particular a likely SNP government, may be amenable to the sort of horsetrading that could make such a scenario possible.
    Right now though the Spanish and UK government must be working very hard behind the scenes to make sure that there are no public comments which undermine their positions in respect of Catalonian and Scottish independence.  

  201. Dan Watt says:

    In case anyone already hadn’t said, Question Time on BBC 1 tonight includes the both of them. AC will almost definitely be wearing different pants than he was last night.
    Incontinence pants, just in case.

  202. G. Campbell says:

    Downing Street St Andrews Day bash attendees: David Sole, Kenny Logan, Hugo Southwell, Michelle Mone, John Barrowman, Hannah Preston’s Mum.

    Judy Murray was invited but couldn’t make it. She’s currently helping Santa open the Discover Dunblane Christmas Extravaganza.

  203. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Roddy and Dan – Its funny but this morning I had a great desire to post a cartoon of Dominatrix and Diaper but I am sure Scotlandshire and others will produce something similar.

  204. John H says:

    Just watched Nicola and Mr C …
    Carmichael = Coo with gun!
    Nicola = Future leader.

  205. @John H

  206. Frank Wright says:

    ASK AN ECONOMIST (Free offer)
    Regarding economic questions for BT, we could first ask the view of an economist…

    ..the BBC Scotland website is offering to “put your questions to our economics experts” and state that “Professor Andrew Hughes-Hallett who will answer your questions from a studio in Washington… He is a professor of Economics and Public Policy at George Mason University in the US as well as being a Professor of Economics at the University of St Andrews”.

    This looks worth investigating.  The link is:
    link to


  207. G. Campbell says:

    Downing Street St Andrews Day bash attendees: Ed Miliband, Susan Boyle, Ronnie Corbett, Andrew Marr, Ally McCoist

  208. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Wayne – ‘Right now though the Spanish and UK government must be working very hard behind the scenes’

    According to Mr G A Ponsonby on NNS you are actually quite correct and in the background there are all sorts of nefarious secret meetings not just with Westminster but in Scotland. Here is the link which I ran through TinyUrl to squeejy it down a bit :
    link to

  209. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    Just watched it all on the STV player.
    Even better than watching Braveheart.
    The plonker left himself wide open to total humiliation when he started his questions session, and foolishly used the word ‘esoteric’.
    I was waiting for Nicola to tell him that child poverty wasn’t at all esoteric.
    She was saving a killer punch for the end though …

  210. A2 says:

    ‘Tell her to stop interrupting me’
    ‘Alistair, Answer the question’

  211. G. Campbell says:

    Downing Street St Andrews Day bash attendees: Chris Paterson (rugby), David Tennant (actor), David Dinsmore (Sun editor), Tessa Hartmann (lippy & big hair)

  212. Danny says:

    Carmichael claimed that Michael Moore was not on the all party taxation committee
    link to

  213. gordoz says:

    Chris Paterson nice guy  – plays rugby – banged head a lot -cant see political sunt a mile off or who cares anyway – (Hi Chris .. everything ok today  – good !) Tennant, Dinsmore – Pricks & Proudscots; Hartman Blonde on debate with Kirsty Wark ( blonde aye  ) / ‘nough said.
    No worries then –
    Lets move on

  214. Dave says:

    Just watched this and I was very impressed with NS. Sharp as a tack and tore the yellow tory buffoon to shreds. I heard his first interview on GMS after the ‘bruiser’ was set loose and I put his feeble first performance down to first night nerves. It is obvious now that he is a trougher who is sadly out of his depth.
    Next up NS v the red tory AD (who is starting to look a bit peaky imho)?

  215. Wayne says:

    Thinking about the debate itself, it was clear on the cross-examination section that Nicola was not only better prepared but she had a much better strategy.  The problem that BT has is that their arguments are now so familiar, everyone knows what is coming.  Even on issues such as the EU and currency which are trickier for us and where at least an effective politician could certainly give us a hard time Carmichael fell well short, and it was actually Nicole that was able to the the argument to him.
    He really wasn’t expecting the childcare angle and from then on he was on the back foot right til the end.  Because BT have such a limited range of arguments and they have been scrutinised and countered by YES ad nauseam it is really not very difficult to beat them in debates or to construct a strategy to take them out of their comfort area of fear and uncertainty and no you can’t etc.
    If YES can consistently turn the uncertainty issue in its head and squarely at the feet of BT we are well on the way to winning, because there is simply no way they can answer these questions without committing political suicide.

  216. Wayne says:

    Typo…..Nicola of course!

  217. gordoz says:

    All right lets call out the undecided (trolls etc),
    If you watched the debate – seriously who would you want to be out there representing your intetrest’s … honestly ?
    How well prepared are the SNP, Salmond and Sturgeon – Jesus what a deputy waiting in the wings. Look at the rest. Even as a YES not necessarily SNP Christ come on … what a combo to fight the overall corner fro Scotland. Tears to yer eye and all that. Once we’re there then fight a Scottish Labour corner.
    What are your alternatives .. more let downs by JoLa & ED Millivanilli ?
    Knowing how self destructive the Scots ( & ProudScots / Northbrits are), still not convinced we can ‘rage against the overwhelming machine’ and win the day … but rage we must. Better to fight to win independence than have foisted upon, when Oil runs out .. dooohhhh!
    Dont listen to the Spaniards … just mention FRANCO and restriction of peoples rights .. the Catalans are ready …!! Was Franco a good guy ??

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      Franco was born in Galicia (the Celtic part of Spain and the progenitor state for the Celtic family), although he was of a a military family stationed there.
      Funnily enough Rajoy was born in Galicia too.

  218. Bob_W says:

    Lindsay Roy has already stated he will retire at the next GE.

  219. Sandy Milne says:

    I think I’ve finally sussed out the BT strategy. They are going for the too wee, too poor and too stupid angle with emphasis on the too stupid part of the equation. By trotting out the biggest bunch of dolts and intellectually challenged individuals they can find, Lamont, Grey, Carmichael, Darling, Brown and co, they must be hoping this incredible level of imbecilic ineptitude is going to rub off on the rest of Scotland’s population or have the rest of the world perceive us all to be equally intellectually challenged.  

  220. liz says:

    Re students and voting. Most of them will still be on holiday in September and I would think only the most committed will vote.
    They have been too well protected by the SG and they don’t even know it.

  221. Old mikey says:

    I can picture Michael Moore watching last night’s debate between Nicola and Carmichael with a wry smile on his face.

  222. gordoz says:

    Always new Nicola Sturgeon was a good performer – having seen last nights performance, now realise Hardeep Singh Kohli was right when he said he was in awe of her at school fighting for the pupils rights.
    Now totally believe she would be a great successor to Alex Salmonds ‘Moses; if we don’t get there this time, we have so much in reserve. Just look at the opposition.
    Wee Jola, Rennie & Ruthie ???
    Look a the reserves ! James Kelly …. (stop)

  223. gordoz says:

    liz says
    Sorry   – don’t you believe it !
    At GCU (Glasgow) they have been well briefed by their Deans about folly of Independence. Plenty of ‘British’ prejudiced lecturers hammering home the message.
    Most wont hear of the fact that NO side will introduce fees as they were freely told at high school that Salmond was the worse kind of ‘Brit state’ subversive.
    How can you fight that ?

  224. JLT says:

    Hello Folks!!!
    I’ve been busy this week doing 13 hour days, and so I haven’t seen too much of the news (apparently, some document got published this week!). The wife’s also recorded bits n’ bobs for me, and it seems she has taped me from what I can gather above …is a clip from Jurassic Park!
    So …I get the feeling that Sturgeon annihilated Carmichael in what can only be described as the bloodiest kicking on celluloid screen since Mel Gibson’s ‘The Passion of the Christ’
    At around 10.30 on BBC 2, I did catch Swinney battering Lamont last night. I thought it was one of her better performances (apart from the fact she just would NOT look at Swinney. Her hatred of the SNP really showing through).
    However, he killed her in the last minute of the program by reminding Jackie Bird and Co, that if we vote ‘No’ then the Unionists will destroy the Barnett Formula and thus really shaft Scotland. That’s your prize if you vote ‘No’!
    You could see her fizzing as she couldn’t deny it …especially when Swinney reminded us that her counterpart, Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones had also said he wanted an end to the Formula.
    God, as much as it’s good to be back on the boards, I’m away to watch Sturgeon spank Carmichael!

  225. gordoz says:

    Bugger (the Panda)
    Franco was good guy to Catalans ?

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      No, not at all, just ask their neighbours in Guernica.

  226. The Rough Bounds says:

    And Charles Kennedy with a Rye smile.

  227. gordoz says:

    Downing Street St Andrews Day ;
    Susan Boyle, Ronnie Corbett, Andrew Marr, Ally McCoist
    Christ massive losses there … ( ya beauty)
    Dave Hill might have something to say aboot McC ?

  228. liz says:

    @gordoz – You would think they would be on social media and pick up information that way.
    I must say when I was their age I would probably think the opposite of anything a lecturer said.
    At least there have been Yes results from other Unis.

  229. gordoz says:

    Bugger (the Panda)
    Agreed –
    FRANCO still terrorises a lot of Spanish territory, and especially since his regime was not that long ago.
    Catalans hate the very thought of Rajoys’s Statements. Many modern Spaniards too, cringe at the notion.

  230. Ken500 says:

    Dope on a Rope, Boris wants a corpse to debate ‘smart Alex’

    Thatcher was Mad.

    It was Thatcher deregulation and the Tory Bankers, who fund Boris, who have bankrupted the UK.

    Boris’s IQ?

  231. john king says:

    Major Bloodnok says
    “Will Scotland lose the right to custody of 8.6% of Alistair Darling’s eyebrows after a NO vote?”
    No, because they’ll return to their ancestral forest in Mexico as butterflies. 😉

  232. gordoz says:

    liz says –
    Just giving you as experienced  – day 2 day. Only worrying for then as individuals as dont think their total influence will make much difference.#
    Thought they would be out on the streets suporting Indep’ though, but they seem to think Labour will save them from fees in Scotland ??? And UK is OK crap

  233. Ken500 says:

    Rajoy won’t be there much longer, neither will Cameron.

  234. Norrie says:

    I like this idea crowd sourced ‘Scotlands NO Future’ an indepth look at Scotland if we vote no. Could probably be done from Revs back catalogue, an ebook, if the bitter lot will not do it someone should.

  235. Jon D says:

    And another paper just out from the Scottish Government, with a foreword from Nicola “Scotland in the European Union” putting the case comprehensively in another 100 or so pages. 
    link to
    These guys are being unbelievably thorough, as indeed they have to be. Similar publications on farming , but I won’t link too much on one post
    A lot to get out there and about which BT  have much to be scared.  Good times!

  236. john king says:

    doug Daniel says
    “Archie – aye, I noticed the pen thrusting. That was the point he lost it. It’s worse than finger-jabbing, which is a complete no-no for politicians these days.”
    has anyone told Anas Sarwar?
     hurry before he makes a massive mistake 🙂

    • Bugger (the Panda) says:

      John King
      That is why he was given the pen to reduce the negative effect of his bullying style of confrontational politics. ~~~~Great idea to pit him against Nicola  who is a criminal lawyer from Glasgow.
      He was out of his depth, way beyond it.

  237. call me dave says:

    MoD reject joint shipbuilding arrangement with Scotland and again say no warship to be built outside the UK.  But Carmichael promised last night to back the Clyde so all will be well.
    link to
    Mr Bateman has an excellent article on the EU / Spanish situation.
    QT: Looking forward to hearing  M. Curran’s latest take on things.

  238. Ken500 says:

    No one cares about currency, the EU or the Queen. None of them are deal breakers. If BT keep on gong on about them they will bore people to death. The reaction is ‘No’ not again.

    People do care about the elderly free personal care, bus passes,tuition fees, protecting NHS/Education, child care, unemployment. They are the issues that are important to people.

    If BT keep on going on about, the currency, the EU, and the Queen, people will lose the will to live.

    Traditionally young people do not vote. They have other interests. Young people are less likely to engage in Politics. The number of 16+ legible to vote is a relatively small % as a proportion of the electorate.

    In the Schools vote, the whole school are voting, not just the 16+. There are no figures for just the 16+ year olds. The Glasgow? University vote was 64% No, held on a campus in the Borders (where some folk vote Tory). 64% of the students who voted were from elsewhere, and would not be eligible to vote. They would not meet the residential requirement.

  239. Calgacus MacAndrews says:

    The debate is up on YouTube. I’ve put a link to it in a YesBraveheart “No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition” piece:
    I’ve watched it twice now this evening. Face is starting to hurt from laughing and smiling too much.

  240. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    I was interested in the bomb that NS laid at AC’s feet regarding the Child Poverty figures and this led me to their website and I lay before you an interactive map courtesy of Google overlaid with figures for each of your wards and regions [2012]
    link to
    It is not good reading and for a SOS of Scotland who could not answer, either refute or deny, is a sad day for his position of responsibility. It took me all of 10 minutes to find the information.
    As the days go by there is a visceral hatred welling up in my heart of previously unknown politicians becoming experts on all things Scottish. The unfortunate thing for AC is that many of us here on Wings could have shot him down in flames but not with the same keeness of blade. Yes it takes time and wit to learn how to defend, attack and counter in a verbal debate but IMHO our leading politicians are in a different league.
    As an incidental has Cara Hilton [Dunfermline] uttered a word yet? Are her triumphant voters wishing she would say something interesting? Do the canny Fifers now realise they got a Cruella DeVille in disguise? ‘Oh I will take your puppies for a good cause’
    Ok my rant is over for now. Thanks for reading.

  241. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Gordoz at 8.07
    It would have been politically awfully difficult for the manager of Rangers to turn down the invitation and I don’t think it is entirely sensible to assume that allthose there will be NOs.
    I had saved Ally McCoist’s statement some time ago but I’m buggered if I can find it. It may have gone the way of lots off stuff I lost last year when I was hacked and lost tons of stuff.  

  242. gordoz says:

    Totally forgot about Stairheid the night … Magic / crisps & beer at the ready now !
    Undecided’s (+ Hard Labour)   this is a must watch, if nothing else its a good  laugh; just like last nights  Mr Seriouso … the  one  … the only …. Mr Jaammmeess Kelly!
    Hello…. aw christ, thurs lots aw they number hings ….. Maaagggss / Cara …. whit was ah tae say again!!! Hooses  … its aw  aboot hooses, Maaaggss … how many fingers ur on ma haunds ?     Six …. I right ok … got it noo !!

  243. Andrew Morton says:

    OT I found tnis wonderful story about an American who came o the UK to intern at Westminster and ended up working for the SNP.
    link to

  244. clochoderic says:

    Re. Boris Johnson I saw  a very apt quote on Twitter last night.
    ” There are two types of successful people: those who are clever and know they are lucky and those who are lucky but think they are clever.”

  245. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    It is interesting that AC claimed to have ensured the future of the Clyde yards, if we voted No.
    This man is not sufficiently capable of making it to the Referendum.

  246. Ken500 says:

    Carmichael was sitting beside Dr Murrison the UK Defence administrator/minister, when Dr Murrison stated, ‘ that Clydebank was the best/only place in the UK to build the vessels and Scottish Independence would not change that position.’ There was no reason the order could not placed there. Davidson and Roy were only concerned with finding facts and figures they could use as arguments against Independence, or separation as they call it. Davidson was desperately trying to lead Murrison to say Independence would stop the order but Murrison stuck to his guns. That happened during the Defence Committee, televised on the BBC Parliamentary Channel.

  247. gordoz says:

    Dave McEwan Hill – Know & respect your background but….
    Would you go Dave  ?  That’s my point .. if promotion depended upon it (sorry for the pun) the answer would still be NO.
    Thats probably why Im still a foot soldier, but at the front integrity means everything, and Its the signal it sends out that means so much.
    Sorry no offence meant if he’s a mate. But the hour is a comin’
    I’ve had it with the Proudscots, Realscots, Truescots, Britscots, Scotbrits, Nitwits …
    For me – the time has come for so called celebrity to show their hand .. (personal opinion)
    Scot or not ?
    That’s my point ..

  248. macdoc says:

    Just watched FMQ’s.
    It was hilarious to see Drew Smith’s face after being school about Scotland’s funding via Barnett formula. He knew he had just been made a fool of. 
    If it wasn’t so tragic I would enjoy seeing this week in week out. I’m unsure whether they are just intellectually challenged or so entrenched in British Nationalism that either won’t listen or don’t care.

  249. gordoz says:

    @ Andrew Morton
    What a brilliant story ‘about an American & the SNP’  – many thanks
    a great read.

  250. Xander says:

    @Frank Wright
    Here is a previous interview from October 2010 with Professor Hughes-Hallett discussing the finances of an independent Scotland:

  251. Les Wilson says:

    Incidentally I came across a recommendation from Deutch Bank that Scotland should peg our currency to sterling. Sorry never though at the time to save the link. Google will have it though.

  252. Ken500 says:

    David Murray supported Alex Salmond and supported him as the best person for FM.

    Many of the business people in Scotland support Independence and the SNP.

  253. Ken500 says:

    There are many times when it appears some Unionist politicans don’t understand the Barnett Formula or UK funding arrangements. Or are they deliberately trying to mislead? Ignorant or devious.

  254. Weedeochandorris says:

    Interesting analysis. David Cameron to miss the St. Andrew’s bash tonight and why he’s “right to snub the Scots”.

  255. Cindie aka CR says:

    Thanks for the intersting links everyone, they should keep me busy till Question Time!
    @Les Wilson, I read that too, very interesting article.  The link for the Deutsche Bank’s advice is here: link to

  256. Faltdubh says:

    The Yes argument seems to be massive amongst creative types – artists, writers, singers, songwriters. I think this will heavily influx the youngster/student vote. I am by no means writing them all off, but when you take a quick search of ‘Scottish independence’ on Twitter – you’ll see lots of soundbytes against independence yet they don’t seem to have any idea what they are backing up. They are basically just believing what they’ve been fed/told from either parents or the mainstream media politicians.
    I did notice though after last night’s debate – how fads and patterns form. To begin I’d split it 50-50 with possibly even Carmichael getting most positive Tweets, but once the second half was underway, it was an avalanche towarsd Nicola and even ”telt” was trending. It was interesting also to see lots of ‘If the vote was tomorrow, I’d be yes’ or ‘I’m swaying to Yes’.
    The more and more and even more of these that go on. The more engaged people become with it, plus the movement being cross representative. BT’s campaign sure has students, but we seem to be creating the creative types towarsd Yes – the likes of here, National Collective, Bella Caledonia plus the musicians, poets, singers, and so on who are all backing Yes is unbelivable.
    Here’s to tonight and see what we are given fae the Beeb.

  257. Morag says:

    When I did the Yes Ambassador training, a book called The Tipping Point was recommended.  It’s sort of about that sort of thing.  We’re being encouraged to do our own little bit to build up a critical mass.

  258. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    I think we are at the tipping point.

  259. Chic McGregor says:

    OT  FYI  Comet Ison didn’t make it.   The Sun gobbled it.

  260. Chic McGregor says:

    QT verdict.  YES won.  Biggest contribution by Eddie reader with a close call for second from Nicola, Alistair and Patrick.

  261. Morag says:

    I think we are at the tipping point.
    Please God!
    I now vow to wear my Yes badge everywhere, and carry the Aye Right cards, and try to tip that little fraction more.
    (PS. Calum says I’m a maven. I should probably clock him one, it sounds insulting.)

  262. DaveyM says:

    That was good fun.  Bravo, Nicola!

  263. Sal says:

    Perhaps I missed something? Followed the links to watch a resume but it’s Jurassic Park?

  264. NorthBrit says:

    For some reason this came to mind again:

  265. Just watching this now. In my day job I buy stuff for a living, I buy stuff from Scotland and have no problem continuing to buy from Scotland if Scotland votes yes. I also buy from the USA (since that’s what Carmichael mentioned) simply because there are some things you cannot buy elsewhere.

  266. Franariod says:

    I thought Carmichael was supposed to be the man to put us rebellious Scots back in line ? No wonder Moore was Peed off when he got sacked from post. He didnt give up as meekly as that. Round 3 to Nic.


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