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Wings Over Scotland

A watery grave

Posted on May 07, 2024 by

We watched a TV documentary about the sinking of the Bismarck last week.

The most striking aspect of it was the visible and audible distress on the faces and in the voices of some of the Royal Navy sailors who’d been on the ships which sent the German battleship to the Atlantic seabed as they told the story of the final battle.

It wasn’t because they had any sympathy for the Nazis, but because they had human empathy for their ordinary counterparts in the Kriegsmarine and the hopeless situation that their crippled and surrounded vessel was in, pounded from all sides by shells and torpedoes and facing an inescapable and hellish fate.

They were most pained by the leaving of hundreds of survivors to die in the ocean, just moments before they were about to rescue them, because of the threat of having their own ships – now themselves stationary sitting targets – sunk by U-boats which were known to be in the area.

And we couldn’t help but think of them as we watched Dr Hilary Cass give evidence to a committee at the Scottish Parliament today. (We urge you to find an hour to watch the entire session if you can find the time.)

Because Dr Cass wasn’t there to gloat or celebrate a victory. She studiously avoided making any sort of political points or criticisms of any governments or other sorts of organisations. She gently declined an invitation from Tess White MSP to comment on some repulsive attacks on her meticulous and painstaking four-year review of gender medicine from the loathsome and sleazy men-children of the Rainbow Greens.

(Comments wholly in keeping with the Scottish Greens’ general reaction.)

But just like the sailors of HMS Dorsetshire, HMS Rodney, HMS Norfolk and HMS King George V, Dr Cass was compelled by her solemn professional duty to sit at the end of a remote connection in her office and quietly and methodically launch salvo after salvo into the sides of the Scottish Government’s dangerous and irresponsible proposed ban on “conversion therapy”, motivated not by enmity or hatred but by empathy for the poor victims of years of the grossest medical malpractice.

Because as Dr Cass noted, it is in every way meaningfully impossible to enact the proposed ban without criminalising therapists who were trying to do their best to help troubled young people. She pointed out that the kneejerk funnelling of every single young person with a wide range of complex and varied mental health issues down a gender-transition pathway did them an appalling disservice, but that the proposed ban would make any other treatment options an intolerable risk for therapists.

In her measured, careful, non-judgemental way, she said that the best way to deal with supposed “conversion therapy” (which she rightly called “a completely unacceptable practice”) was via the route of professional regulation, because of course no credible professional body would allow a therapist to undertake such a thing in the first place.

But she delicately made clear to the committee that the biggest victims of the proposed legislation would be distressed children, because they would be denied treatments which in the majority of cases would resolve their issues without the catalogue of deleterious effects caused by the path of chemical/medical “transition”.

(And even in the rare cases in which transition might be the most beneficial outcome, those children were poorly served by the delays caused by simply dumping everyone with any sort of gender issues into the same long queue for a one-size-fits-all “solution” rather than holistically assessing each case on its own merits.)

The MSPs questioning Dr Cass, most of whom have been actively pursuing the trans agenda for several years, looked sheepish and awkward throughout, like naughty schoolchildren finally being hauled in front of the headmistress to explain themselves.

(The sole Green on the panel, Gillian Mackay, attempted in some desperation to feed Dr Cass questions which would elicit soundbites friendly to the trans lobby, but it would require some serious misrepresentation/selective editing of Dr Cass’s replies in order to achieve that goal, which we fully expect the Greens to do.)

The committee, in the SNP’s now-trademark style, sidelined most of the gender-critical voices present in the room. Ash Regan was not called until less than four minutes before the end of the allotted hour, and was cut off abruptly before she could ask her final question about detransitioners. Tory MSP Meghan Gallacher, who has also been vocal on the issue, wasn’t called at all, even though some MSPs had by then been given multiple bites at the cherry.

But no amount of manipulation could block the catastrophically explosive contents of Dr Cass’s calm, thoughtful and manifestly compassionate replies. If John Swinney has even one single atom of the decency of the men who sank the Bismarck, his first act once elected as First Minister will be to scuttle the “conversion practices” bill, because it is both as evil and as doomed as the flag under which that ship sailed.

0 to “A watery grave”

  1. Spartan 117 says:

    Truth is an absolute, will always become known no matter how liars try to crush it, and it shall set ye free.

  2. SusanAHF says:

    The TRAs idea of conversion therapy is only an attempt to stop the investigation of “gender distress” anyway. It is not required, like a lot of the social justice BS being proposed and passed.

  3. GM says:

    Excellent writing. Appreciate your efforts and the efforts of others on this issue.

    If sanity does not prevail then all those who enabled this insane, abusive ideology should be held to account when the scandals break. If it takes thousands of prison sentences for politicians, University lecturers, managerial consultants, government quangos, etc get the bastards done.

  4. Tom Kane says:

    You are a good lad, Stuart.
    It’s great to see analysis and compassion working together with a fine sense of humour.

  5. Casper1066 says:

    I have watched that film many times and did some research on the sailors who where there. They only saw the German sailors in the water as just that other sailors now requiring help. It could have been them. The call out for the German submarines would have been legitimate but they were at their fuel limit and couldn’t afford a battle with the subs if they turned up.

    Some said, they saw no subs. Because of the loss of ships, playing safe. I remember reading in one other – one guy a swimmer tied a rope around his waist and dived in huge waves, he saved around 17 lives. He didn’t get a mention for it, until years later.

    The Titanic transcripts from USA and UK are on line too… very interesting reading.

  6. Ian McCubbin says:

    Welcome news and have the same hope. But as Swinney is swooned with the woke in SNP and the Greens.
    I fear he may procrastinate on binning that awful bill.
    I hope not.

  7. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Asking John Swinney to torpedo the proposed ban on conversion therapy is like asking Heaven’s Gate to deny the existence of the spacecraft in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet or the Workers’ Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Though to denounce “Jackie” the Chinese satellite death-ray.
    Fanatical adherence to puritanical gender ideology is Swinney’s means of exercising control over the Cult.
    Sturgeon 3.0.

  8. Sven says:

    Mr Swinney’s likely reaction ? “ Truth is never to be expected from authors whose understanding is warped with enthusiasm”.
    John Dryden.
    Can anyone seriously imagine that any of these deluded tamperers with and deniers of human biology will ever accept or come to terms with the untold damage they have wrought on children; far less give up on their future plans.
    Another fine article from our host.

  9. Michael Bruce says:

    Bismarck was fatally compromised by a damaged rudder. Comparison with the sinking GRRA is unavoidable.

  10. John C says:

    She pointed out that the kneejerk funnelling of every single young person with a wide range of complex and varied mental health issues down a gender-transition pathway did them an appalling disservice, but that the proposed ban would make any other treatment options an intolerable risk for therapists.

    What a number of young people do when being referred to therapists is follow the guide that can be found on the likes of Tumblr or any number of Trans forums or from TRAs directly. What these do is they tell the young person to say the ‘right’ things in order to convince a therapist (who is also under pressure from government and activists in the NHS) to provide blockers, binders, and ultimately hormones and eventually that leads to surgery.

    A more robust, holistic system as proposed by Cass sets up sanity checks so it would in theory make it incredibly difficult for kids to fool the system. I know Cass didn’t touch too deeply on the cause of Trans ideology but at some point I hope a journalist takes a dive into the online world and they’ll see how TRAs are grooming kids to become Trans/Non Binary. They need these kids to be validated themselves and sadly, for even more evil purposes.

    The one fact I find fascinating is how slimming disorders amongst young girls has declined as a search term over the last decade while Trans related terms have increased. Again, there’s work to be done as to how Trans has become the new thing for kids, especially young girls to be part of if their mental issues aren’t dealt with.

    Hopefully Holyrood changes its tune and certainly Labour have made a hard turn away from Trans ideology of late but while the SNP are beholden to the Greens I fear a load more kids will be fed into a meat grinder before any form of sanity prevails.

  11. David Jones says:

    I often read articles and comments that make reference to “The Cabal” that controls the SNP. My question is; who is in “The Cabal”?

  12. Lorna Campbell says:

    You are quite right: the Greens and some of the SNP rainbow wing will attempt to discredit Cass herself and her Report. I won’t be holding my breath for a change of heart and/or direction, although I might well be wrong.

    It has struck me that the SNP – and the Greens and the other parties – have few weapons with which to fight Westminster and the Tories that do not involve the tools of independence, which they will eschew because they do not want independence or a confrontation with Westminster.

    So, they will continue to distract and throw female people and young people, in general, to the wolves, although they might call a halt, as England has done, to puberty blockers as a sop to the electorate.

    The rainbow zealots will not allow, willingly, a proper scrutiny of any area of the ‘trans’ ideology because that would leads to the examination of motives and that is the very last thing they want highlighted.

    It would lead straight to the adult men (and some women) behind the Queer Theory/Post Modern motivations, then on to the corporates behind them That, in turn, would show just what ‘trans’ ideology is at its most basic, which is a sexually-driven, porn-allied belief system that corrupts the brain, but which is also vastly profitable. It is also extreme homophobia writ large.

    Sometimes, you cannot save people, no matter how hard you try. They will go down with the ship because they will not stand up to the toxicity of the leaders who lead them to oblivion. Most of us on here are former SNP members, many of us, long-term, but we could no longer stomach the policies and lack of forward motion in the SNP. We abandoned ship some time ago because we knew it would be sunk under its own hubris.

    It will be a sad day but also one of enormous relief when the SNP finally goes down and under; the great pity of it all is that so many people will go down with it who, but for a backbone and some self-awareness could have saved themselves. More will abandon ship after the GE, having finally seen the light.

    We can take them on board, but not if they persist with the policies that are ‘killing’ our children psychologically and destroying them physically. Let them show they are just ordinary people doing what was asked of them and not ideological zealots.

  13. David Hannah says:

    This transgender ideology is a form of homophobia. I know a lassie from the highlands who’s parents have never accepted her as a lesbian and coerced her into marrying a man. Until she moved to Glasgow to start a new life. She is now in an abusive relationship with a ned from the Drum! I told her she can be herself and my friends are your friends!

    So I agree with that clip of Hiliary Cass saying homophobia still exists.

    We need to find out the names of the head teachers. And run criminal background checks on that LGBT Youth Scotland charity – who don’t represent gays – I highly suspect they’ll have a chequered past – it’s always the ones you most suspect.

    This whole subject fills me is shame and embarrassment. The LGBT lobby do not represent me. They are an embarrassment.

  14. ross says:

    The last two paragraphs here are worrying.

    If a committee chair cannot facilitate members having a say they should be reprimanded and replaced.

    What are the rules here? Shocking

  15. David Hannah says:

    Saying sorry would go along way. But the problem with the Suzie Greens of the world is that. It admits guilt. And they would rather their children are medically transitioned rather than saying sorry.

    It’s absolutely clear that it all stems from homophobia. Sending the kids to the Sandyford.

    And now the LGBT lobby – forcing rainbows down the throats of everyone – its breeding a new wave of homophobia. The lobbyists want preferential treatment. They want to destroy the country and depopulate the West – With 20 per cent of children in the United States identifying as LGBTQ plus thanks to woke indoctrination – drag queen story time. It’s clear that the diversity agenda of the SNP is one that simply means a leg up for everyone – except the white native (especially males).

  16. Ian Smith says:

    There’s a very fine line between conversion therapy and pointing out the bloody obvious.

  17. David Hannah says:

    link to

    Almost three in 10 (28.5%) Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ+.

    It’s clear that locking our children away during Covid times. Exposing them to violent pornography online. And telling them in school that they can be fixed, by transitioning and swearing allegiance to the rainbow flag.

    Has damaged the family unit in the country. We need to remember that we were born in the free west. We were born free. We don’t want to be hidden away under headscarves. Or hiding our sexuality. We have freedoms in the West and we should be proud of who we are. We eat from freedoms plate. There’s nothing wrong with who you are. You don’t need to change!

  18. sarah says:

    @ David Jones at 3.02: “who is in the cabal that runs the SNP”.

    I read the names the other day but can’t remember where. Perhaps someone else will know but the names included Angus Robertson and Ian Blackford. Nicola Sturgeon.

    I would have thought that Mike Russell must be in it as well.

  19. David Hannah says:

    I’ve seen a lot of mixed race couples lately. And it never used to be like that. It’s because the native teenagers are being told that they are the problem with all this woke indoctrination – this homophobic woke indoctrination.

    There’s no rainbow flags for the straights. And now children are being revulsed by the depravity of online pornography.

    Homophobia is still rife. It’s important to distinguish the LGB from the T.

    Homophobia from horrible bigoted parents of all faiths, and homophobia from the globalists.

    The globalists being. The Eco warriors that hate national identity. That hate Scotland as a nation. that want to give all of our money to Brussells. That want to send us men to go and die in the East. They have poisoned the minds of our children. They locked them away and gave them the DART! They damaged their devolopment. And made them believe in the climate LIE!

    And now I’m seeing a lot of mixed race couples. And our whole communities changing.

    when I went to Zante years ago. Boys could be boys. Now all your seeing on the television is Zara McDermot – Why IBIZA is a drug taking hellhole – watch out for the men the rapists.

    The woke has destroyed our country. Worse yet. They are homophobic bigoted scum. I despise them for their hatred towards who I am! We need to rise up and stand up for the children of Scotland!

  20. Lorna Campbell says:

    David Hannah: it is eugenics, no different from the eugenics programme of the Nazis or the Americans before that. Girls, especially, with co morbid conditions, such as autism/ADHD, etc. are being sterilized, as are the (much fewer) young boys. They will end up being unable to breed, to put it bluntly. If 20% or more of the population cannot breed, that means far fewer humans in the West and far fewer humans with neurological disorders or who are homosexual, wasting this huge potential. It also means life-long medication. I doubt very much that the sycophants in Holyrood would even have considered these aspect of it all. Nah, to them it’s all about ‘helping’ children. They are either truly evil or truly stupid. Either way, they are unfit for office.

    I am also sick to the back teeth of being told that women asked for this. They did not. They asked for common decency: that is, equality of opportunity across the board; but they did not ask for equity, which is equality of outcome. That is an impossibility unless you start to allow through useless people into positions for which they are unfit and penalizie intelligent, critical thinking people who do not fit the mould.

    Anyone who has done any research whatsoever on the human condition will know that people who do not fit the mould, who might even appear a bit ‘glaikit’ in their intelligence, or who are ‘out there’ in their approach to things, are the very ones who, generally, move our society forward because they do think differently and that is what is required. Women very often think differently from men, and often with far greater insight (but sometimes with greater daftness, I have to admit) but they are rarely credited with that, which hinders our society. The equality of women is a necessity for stable society not a hindrance to it, and children who do not fit the mould are very often the very ones who come up with the answers as adults.

  21. MaryB says:

    David Jones @ 3.02pm
    Keith Brown and Alyn Smith too?

  22. sam says:

    Good stuff.

    link to

    This could be good

  23. Dave Hansell says:

    “David Hannah
    7 May, 2024 at 3:36 pm

    “I’ve seen a lot of mixed race couples lately And it never used to be like that. It’s because the native teenagers are being told that they are the problem with all this woke indoctrination – this homophobic woke indoctrination……

    ….And now I’m seeing a lot of mixed race couples.”

    David. I have to concede I am somewhat confused on reading this post.

    Consequently, it seems reasonable to find some enlightenment via some questions if that is okay?:

    1. It seems reasonable to surmise from the way this post is contextualised that the existence of mixed race couples is apparently seen/presented as problematic here? If this is the case why is this so?

    2. Precisely what has mixed race couples got to do with homophobia?

    3. What has the existence of mixed race couples – whose existence predated the phenomena labelled ‘woke’ (what and whose definition of that term is being used here?) – got to do with ‘woke’?

    4. Is it being advocated that mixed race couples should not exist – regardless of individual preferences of partner?

    5. Why should ethnicity – i.e. race – make any difference whatsoever in peoples choice of partner?

    6. Is the apparent problematic issue presented here of the existence of ‘mixed race’ couples anywhere in society in any way limited to those consisting of white Caucasian and any other ethnicity/race only or does that issue include the full range of potential mix? For example; Asian/African; Japanese/Turkish; Arab/Chinese etc etc etc mixed race/ethnicity couples?

    7. Is the apparent problematic issue here in any way based on an assumption of some kind of hierarchy? i.e. That some ethnicity’s/races are inherently superior to other ethnicity’s/races; or that one particular ethnicity/race is superior to all other ethnicity’s/races?

    Thanks in advance.

    Dave Hansell

  24. Mia says:

    “The committee, in the SNP’s trademark style, sidelined most of the gender-critical voices present in the room. Ash Regan was not called until less than four minutes before the end of the allotted hour, and was cut off abruptly before she could ask her final question about detransitioners”

    Flaunting this level of bias is not only absolutely disgusting and unacceptable, but completely undermines and de-legitimises that committee as being in any way or form representative of the people of Scotland. It makes it as much a farce as the Fabiani’s farce was.

    These people are evidently forgetting that it is the people of Scotland who they are working for, not their toxic pet causes or the generous donors that keep their political parties afloat. Is there any way to submit complaints to such committee or potentially disqualify it because of its evident bias?

    Not allowing Ms Regan to ask her question about de-transitioners can be seen as a disgusting attempt by that committee to deliberately silencing concerns about de-transitioners. That is completely unacceptable.

  25. Platinum says:

    There are NO cases where transition would be the most beneficial.

    Even if for the individual transition cured cancer, gave them a million dollars and caused angels to descend from heaven, allowing one single person to pretend to be the opposite sex utterly destroys the sex-based rights of the other 8 billion people on earth.

    No one should EVER be allowed to pretend to be the opposite sex.

  26. Gregory Beekman says:

    I don’t often comment, but my God that was a good article – a great read.

  27. David Hannah says:

    It’s Queer theory. I’m talking about. It has nothing to do with being gay, lesbian or bisexual.

    Queer theory in schools is inviting sexualised drag acts to read story books to kids – flow job and Mhairi Black.

    When I was growing up I was like one of the Inbetweeners – and there was nothing wrong with that. I was allowed to be a boy – in which I would have done things I would cringe at today.

    I believe that straight boys today are being demonised. And that’s teachings from Western schools. So much so that some are afraid to even ask a girl out on a date. They live online and have been exposed to online pornography – as encouraged by the SNP.

    Its just an observation – the native population have been brainwashed into thinking that their history is Poison and is the reason for all of the ills of the world. I.e. Slavery.

    The natives are now too afraid to ask the girl they like out. while Johnny Foreigner who has moved from Nigeria asks the girl out. Because he’s not been told that he is the problem in his school in Nigeria.

    If that makes sense? It’s just a statement of fact. 10 years ago there used to be Sun Sex and Suspicious Parents on the BBC. Lads holidays and all the profanity. When I was growing up.

    Now men are totally and completely demonised. They are forced on line and are nervous wrecks. All because of Woke Ideology in schools.

    So the future of Scotland the nation fails to reproduce out of fear.

    Meanwhile… single sex toilets in your primary schools are removed.

    Women are terrified. They don’t know what to do in the bedroom. The fear men. They have been told men are the great deamon of the World. And that life would be easier being a man!

    As Lorna says. Normal gay lesbian bisexual, and autistic/adhd – who look at the world with a different lense.

    Meet the green haired goblins in LGBT Youth Scotland during PSE. And decide that life will be easier with the Shiny Rainbow and becoming a boy.

    It makes me sick. And in the end – the native population dies out and so with it. Christian values – and freedoms plate! To be replaced by Islam!

    If that makes sense?

  28. ScottieDog says:

    Admiral swinney’s prime directive is to scuttle the SS independence and send it to the bottom. The SNP is akin to the HMS Belfast, snuggly moored in the Thames just by Tower Bridge.

  29. David Hannah says:

    To sum up. I think that woke indoctrination is stealing the confidence of young men. Growing up. I feel so sorry for them growing up in a life of rejection. All since queer theory.

    And women lose their gold medals. They lose their single sex spaces from school age. And they are taught to hate their bodies. And that they should be carved up to be a man. To win the gold medals – That’s right – The disabled ones that is. Mainly disabled who are not strong willed enough to reject the online chatter. Having been forced on during covid 19. And locked away without any social interaction.

    The result of all of this the death of Western society and western values and the western family home. For the incomers.

    You only have to look at the protests across every university in the World – who support Palestine. I do too.

    But the woke left liberals are now all wearing these Jihadi headscarves and covering their faces up. They are generation Z. And are white. What the hell are they doing?

    This is destruction of Western freedom as we see it. It’s happening before our very eyes. The Chinese don’t poison their kids minds with Tik-Tok. Only Americans and British. And the West.

    There’s nothing wrong with mixed race couples. But there is something wrong with teaching our children – that they are the problem. that they are responsible for the wrongs of historys past. It’s a disgrace what they are teaching in our schools.

    We should be proud to be scottish.

  30. crazycat says:

    @ sam at 4.39

    Ash tabled her motion in April; now that Harvie is no longer a minister, it presumably falls automatically.

  31. twathater says:

    I agree totally with GM 2.21pm anyone FORCING the continuation of this lunacy it must be made perfectly clear that THEY PERSONALLY will be held responsible for any claims of injuries or trauma suffered by these young people
    Wee Paddy, the tranadian, the red streak of shite and the one with the stoats face better start saving their HR wages for the soon to come no win no fee lawyers

  32. Willie says:

    We talk of the new SNP leader,and postulate, what if anything will he change. But I think we know all to well the answer to that.

    Swinney has been a member, and a senior member of the SNP government these last ten years. He has been part of the move away from independence. He has been part of all of the incompetence in government.He has been part of all the despised policies from GRS to supporting and promoting trans in school. He was part of the Hate Crime legislation. He was part of the cabal that stripped out all membership democracy
    And he was going to retire at the next election.

    But now unopposed with no member participation only a coronation he is to be the new King.

    So, we know the answer to the question.

    Moreover, as leader he will now lead an SNP in terminal decline. A Panel Base survey just released indicates that the SNP will be down to 13 seats at the next General Election. With the SNP already struggling financially the loss of short money will hole the SNP finances below the waterline.

    John Swinney is but the lipstick on the corpse.

  33. sam says:


    Thanks. Should have read the date. Doing too much and not enough.

  34. Mia says:

    @ Sam
    “good stuff”

    What happened to that VoNC?

    That VoNC is what sparked the jettison of the BHA. If there is no BHA, there is no place for Harvie to remain as minister of anything. If he is no minister of anything, then the VoNC may no longer apply.

    Am I wrong?

    In practice, it seems to me that by culling the BHA Yousaf saved Harvie’s corrupt arse, and this is why Harvie’s tantrum was soooo out of proportion that actually looked rather suspicious.

    Was it just a distraction exercise? Or was the culling of the BHA and chucking Yousaf out an excuse for the putrid Sturgeon cabal to have a cabinet reshuffle so they could appoint another green to the cabinet? We will soon know when unelected clown in chief Swinney appoints the new clown “cabinet”

    I do wonder if another VoNC can be raised against the unelected Swinney and his government if he refuses to implement the conclusions of the Cass Report.

    Maybe a VoNC can be raised once a month until they call an election. At the end of the day, who elected this man and parachuted him as the FM of Scotland? None of the voters did.

  35. Henwife says:

    The conversion bill is a huge threat to autistic girls and their parents. Its wording us so woolly that parents trying to help their daughters by exploring answers other than ‘in the wrong body’ to help them deL with their feelings of not belonging due to problems with social interaction could find themselves in court, as could any health professionals who don’t go down the teansing route. Our autistic girls are being damaged by the wings of the SNP and Greens who don’t know what they don’t know but are willing to impose their own ill-informed world view on the rest of us. At great risk too are the increasing numbers of teenage girls so affected by social media,porn etc that changing gender seems better than continuing as a girl, and, of course, the hard of understanding in the SNP and Greens are foisting the trans route on them too. We should be angry, very angry, at the abuse of our children which the Scottish state is perpetrating. Yes there is a vanishingky small number of children for whom transing may be the best option but the vast majority of struggling teen girls need proper mental health support (which Scotgov is failing spectacularly to provide, preferring the binder and hormones routes) not to mention a crackdown on access to porn for teenagers of both sexes.Thanks are due to Dr Cass for explaining a few truths to our MSPs today but are any of the rainbow brigade actually listening?

  36. Mia says:

    “Moreover, as leader he will now lead an SNP in terminal decline”

    I do not think this man will lead anything, to be honest. The cabal who parachuted him to the post by deliberately denying members the opportunity to democratically elect their leader will.

    “A Panel Base survey just released indicates that the SNP will be down to 13 seats at the next General Election”

    Only 13? That is a shame. I would have hoped they would lose many more seats than that. They certainly do not deserve even one seat for how they have disgracefully wasted our three majorities and how they have disregarded our democratic mandates.

    “John Swinney is but the lipstick on the corpse”
    You are being incredibly generous. I think of his undemocratic parachuting to the post by the cabal more as the off-putting cadaverine and putrescine which signal setting of active and irreversible putrefaction in the corpse.

  37. Morgatron says:

    Stu, what a marvelous, well written article.


  38. What Rot says:


    The trans issue will wither and die in short order if they’re not constantly connected to utter stuff & nonsense. Give them phones that can ONLY call & text.

    Problem solved.

  39. Campbell Clansman says:

    “Tory MSP Meghan Gallacher, who has also been vocal on the issue, wasn’t called at all, even though some MSPs had by then been given multiple bites at the cherry.”
    At least Ash Regan was given four minutes. The Conservatives, and in particular Megan Gallacher, have been more vocal about this than Regan. They also have 30 times more MSPs than Alba’s (ex-SNP) Regan. And the SNP shut Gallacher out.
    Mia is correct in complaining Regan should have been given more time. But Mia should admit that applies even more to Gallacher.

  40. Northcode says:

    That’s an emotive and clever piece of writing, Rev. Stuart Campbell. And using the sinking of the Bismack metaphor as the vehicle to make your point was a powerfully effective and perfectly aligned choice.

    You’re a talented writer there’s no doubt about that. And I have no doubt you’d make a talented rhetorician, too.

    In fact, I wouldn’t mind seeing you knock the stuffing out of quite a few of Scotland’s ‘elite’ on some televised debate. Metaphorically, of course…although now that I think about it, such a debate might be more satisfying for viewers if metaphor wasn’t involved.

  41. Anton Decadent says:

    For the OP and anyone else interested in naval disasters I recommend the book Black Saturday by Alexander McKee. It is about the sinking of the Royal Oak at Scapa Flow.

    Last year I recommended one of his books about Caen/D Day, it was so good I bought another eleven of his books and recently finished the one mentioned above.

  42. John C says:

    7 May, 2024 at 3:10 pm

    This transgender ideology is a form of homophobia.

    Massively. Countries like India for example force gay men to transition to be accepted (they’re not by everyone) but for many in the West, India is seen as ‘progressive’ as they have a large Trans population.

    I’ve known of LGB friends who’ve been called a ‘f#ggot’ by TRAs, then there’s the increasingly sad cases of young lesbians who’ve been groomed by Trans identifying males that actually, they’re a lesbian too and been guilted into having sex with them. Basically it’s a form of rape.

    Just as sad are the young girls who’ve went through the entire transition process as they see themselves as a gay man who then get rejected by gay men, so they often end up with creepy guys. In fact the entire Trans scene is riddled with abusive relationships. That ‘Beth’ creature for example has left a trail of broken people behind him.

  43. John C says:

    I’ve seen a lot of mixed race couples lately.

    What on earth is your barely disguised racism got to do with homophobia?

  44. Stevie says:

    Should anyone ask me for my pronouns, I will answer with ‘fk’ and ‘you’.

    I find it rather incredible that that thé SNP is still pushing their woke addiction – most people have to Wonder what happened to the house that Alec built.

  45. Effijy says:

    I fear it’s “Rig for silent running”.

    Try not breathe too much and don’t drop the spanners.

    More chance of a U Boat than a U Turn with this lot.

  46. John C says:

    There are NO cases where transition would be the most beneficial.

    Prior to this all blowing up in the 2000s, the amount of what we used to call transexuals were tiny & to get to the point of surgery, one had to go through so many hoops in order to screen out the fetishists.

    I knew one person who went through full transition in the 80s & he spent five years meeting with therapists, doctors, etc before eventually getting the go ahead. That process is now gone with people put on the route to surgery so quickly that as soon as kids hit 16 they’re going for life-changing surgery with minimal therapy to have decided whether that’s the right path.

    ‘Gender affirming care’ is now so seen as the norm that those who do question it & wonder why we can’t have a more secure system are hounded out of jobs & threatened with death and rape. This is why Cass is so important in that it’s shown Trans ‘science’ is built on nothing & that the more we get actual facts and figures the more horrific it becomes. Other countries have launched their own rviews or about to & it’s all lining up to show that for the last 15 years medicine has been controled by activists who’ve put ideology ahead of science and facts.

  47. John C says:

    Should anyone ask me for my pronouns, I will answer with ‘fk’ and ‘you’.

    Last job I had before becoming self-employed we were encouraged to put pronouns in our email signatures with around 60% of the office doing so. The rest of us just thought it to be nonsense, which of course, it is. After I left in 2017 it became compulsory. I now hear that’s no longer the case and staff can do what they want, which has seen most of the office take pronouns out their emails.

    I get the impression some, not all, companies are rolling back especially in light of what’s been coming out over the last 18 months especially. Seeing Stonewall being rejected by more and more organisations is just wonderful.

  48. Hatey McHateface says:

    It’s been a big day and Auld Scotia has a new leader and FM.

    Mind and remember to address your bedtime prayers to our new coronated monarch from now on. And you can move your beds if you like – they no longer all have to face in a certain direction.

    I wasn’t really paying attention, but out of the corner of my ear, I thought I heard the radio commentator describe the new Keeper Of The Great Seal Of Scotland as “white”.

    Could have been a very similar rhyming 5-letter word though.

  49. Dan says:

    Ach, pity the “Greens” and all other political Parties put so much effort into this genderwoowoo pish.
    Would have thought focusing on managing and developing our basic infrastructure would be more of a priority.
    Bonnie Scotland my arse when we are still pumping our untreated effluent into our rivers.
    Into double digit weeks of broken village sewer pipe issue, hundreds of thousands spaffed away on a holding procedure when a robust future proof remedy could have been put in place weeks ago for half money. ho hum…
    I hear Portugal may be a viable option to live and get out of the developing hellscape that is Scotland.

  50. Jim Bo says:

    Excellent article thank you Stu. Thanks also for the committee link which I just watched in its entirety. It makes me so pissed off seeing Ash Regan getting cut off like that tho and only wish Dr Cass had spoken up on her behalf. That would have been the icing on the cake.

  51. Andrew Morton says:

    When teenage girls suffered from anorexia they weren’t encouraged to diet, they received treatment to resolve their mental condition. It’s interesting that gender dysphoria now seems to be the delusion du jour and anorexia has almost disappeared from the radar. Perhaps the two might be connected, I think we should be told.

  52. Hatey McHateface says:

    “I’ve seen a lot of mixed race couples lately”

    Me too. They’re never off the telly ads. In fact, we seem to be encouraged to believe that’s the rule in 2024.

    In real life, seldom seen, if ever. But it is 2024 right enough, even in Scotland, and few would care.

    A couple where one is English and one Scottish though. That’s still going to be a step too far for many. It’s still 1724 when it comes to that.

  53. dearieme says:

    My father said he didn’t hate the German soldiers he had to kill, they were just young men who had been conscripted to serve their country. Until, that is, he saw Belsen. Then, if he’d been ordered to advance ten miles a day and kill every German he came across he would, paradoxically, have done it.

    Maybe the Scotnaz and the Scottish Greens are the equivalent of Belsen.

  54. Derek says:

    Anton Decadent
    7 May, 2024 at 6:49 pm

    “For the OP and anyone else interested in naval disasters…”

    Not a naval disaster per se, but there’s a really good book about the SMS Emden called “The Last Corsair” by Dan Van Der Vat. Covers the ship itself, and also what happened next.

    There’s also “The Sea Wolf” about Cochrane, but I can’t find it at the moment. State of flux here…

  55. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ Mia says: 7 May, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    “At the end of the day, who elected this man and parachuted him as the FM of Scotland? None of the voters did”

    Wow. Have a look through my binoculars. See that speck on the horizon? That’s a ship that sailed over a year ago.

    You’re big on conspiracy theories, Mia, but there’s no reason why you should have a monopoly.

    I always wondered why the suspicious silence from most on here over the “democratic travesty” that foisted Yousaf on us. Too feart to say boo in case the racism card was played? Sounds about right.

  56. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ dearieme says:7 May, 2024 at 8:52 pm

    I think you’ve spectacularly mis-read the BTL room.

    Plenty on here regularly gunning for a re-run, and precious few ever prepared to stick their heads above the parapet to say “enough of that”.

  57. Owen Mullions says:

    link to

  58. Campbell Clansman says:

    @ Mia says: 7 May, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    “At the end of the day, who elected this man and parachuted him as the FM of Scotland? None of the voters did”

    Mia (and others making this claim), the voters of Scotland made the SNP the largest party. With their votes. And the elected MSPs of the SNP chose Yousaf as leader and FM, just as they chose Sturgeon years ago, and Swinney now.

    That’s what happens in every parliamentary democracy. That’s the system in most of the nations of Europe.

    The voters got what they voted for–an SNP government that even at the time was known for its corruption and incompetence. They voted for it–and they should own up to their mistake.

  59. Mia says:

    “I always wondered why the suspicious silence from most on here over the “democratic travesty” that foisted Yousaf on us”

    There was no silence from me. At the time I very clearly expressed my opinion that the leadership contest had been rigged. There were around 8,000 very suspicious votes for Yousaf that did not have second preference. They were suspicious because they were out of place and it was precisely those votes what gave him the victory, because had the contest gone to second preferences, he would have lost. I am convinced to this day that a good proportion of those 8,000 votes, if not all, were planted.

    It was also very suspicious that before the final figure of membership was given, Murrell mentioned that he expected a certain number of votes. These votes represented a particular percentage of the membership. But the figure he was giving for the membership at the time was much higher than the real figure. After the real figure was released, turns out that the final percentage of votes cast was pretty much banged on the initial percentage he had estimated for a much larger number of members.
    It simply did not add up. It felt as if they had already decided before the contest how many votes there would be cast, so if less members than expected cast a vote, they would make up the difference by adding rigged votes. The secrecy around the membership figure was incredibly suspicious, as, of course, this magic percentage hinged on the “official” membership figure. The larger the “official” figure, the larger the marging of ghost votes they had to play with and the easier it would be to hid them as a small percentage.

    But at least, the membership had an opportunity to cast a vote and there was still some pretence of the process being democratic.

    That went all out of the window with the coronation of Swinney. Who elected the guy? Who decided he would become FM and when? Was that King Charles?

    It has been just one year since the rigged SNP leadership contest and they have already abandoned any pretence that the SNP or the ruling of Scotland for that matter are in any way or form democratic.

  60. Tinto Chiel says:

    What Rot 6:23 pm says: Ffs. TAKE THE BLOODY SMARTPHONES OFF THE KIDS!”


    In The Netherlands, for example, all smartphones have been banned in schools since January this year and this has immediately removed all the possible hassle for headteachers and staff from deluded parents in trying to enforce this sensible measure on just a school-by-school basis.

    I wonder why this simple precaution hasn’t been taken here? I find it rather troubling. Most social media is mind-rot for adults and so its effects on adolescents is almost certainly even more damaging. If you wanted to dumb-down a whole generation and make them vulnerable to unwanted external influences (including from paedophiles) it is a tailor-made medium.

    I know for a fact from my extended family that secondary teachers in particular are crying out for such a measure to be enacted to improve behaviour, teaching and learning in the classroom. The kids are addicted to smartphones and they have a dreadful effect on what happens in schools.

    Pupils badly need some cold turkey from them and some reconnection with the real, non-digital world.

    Why no ban here? It could be done at a stroke, if the SG had the best interests of our vulnerable youth at heart.

    Oh, wait……

  61. Mia says:

    “the voters of Scotland made the SNP the largest party”

    So what? What does that have to do with the Sturgeon cabal and the MI5’s plants infiltrating the party pissing all over the rules of the party and over democracy to parachute one of their corrupt cabal to the post of leader?

    People voted SNP for them to deliver independence, not for them to abuse their position of power and make a complete mockery of democracy.

    Who voted for Swinney to become leader of the SNP?

    Nobody. Somebody chose him. Who? Why aren’t we told who are those “senior figures” who chose him? Are those “senior figures” even in the party?

    Swinney and Humza before him was appointed as FM by the monarch.

    Where is the majority that voted for the monarch?

    You seem quite keen to guilt-trip the victims to excuse the abuse and the abuser. How very 19th century of you.

    Are you also one of those disgusting people who blame domestic abuse on the victims themselves for having married the abuser?

    Are you an apologist of the “now look what you made me do” brigade?

    Well, here is some news for you: we are in the second decade of the 21st century and guilt-tripping the victim to excuse the abuse and the abuser does no longer fly.

  62. Geri says:


    “Wee Paddy, the tranadian, the red streak of shite and the one with the stoats face better start saving their HR wages for the soon to come no win no fee lawyers”


    David Jones

    “I often read articles and comments that make reference to “The Cabal” that controls the SNP. My question is; who is in “The Cabal”?”

    The SNP hierarchy. My money is on Sturgeon, Swinney, Russell, Robertson, Robison, Brown, Oswald, Thewliss, Blackford, not to mention the sycophantic weans running the NEC who in turn get to set the conference agenda with bullshit no one can vote on.

    Swinney & the SNP are already out of office come the next election. I don’t see this shit being welcomed & promoted round the doors. They’ll be as welcome as a dose of the shits.

    Is it the council elections that’d stop this? Isn’t it councils forcing this shit into schools? Get them out of councils too & remember it’s all rosettes, not just the SNP & Greens to watch for. Tho saying that, these weasels wait until elected before moving over to the dark side.

    If they’ve no seat at the table they’ve no authority to push this crap onto young ppl in schools ?

    Its mentalist porn addled adults forcing children to comply with their sick perversions to make their grooming all the more easier.

    Everyone has body image problems. We don’t all need sterilised to fix it. The conversion bill IS conversion therapy. They’re indoctrinating mental vulnerable patients to chemically sterilise themselves claiming they can be something they never will be. They’re also threatening & being abusive to those who won’t buy into their lies where even trained therapists fear for their own positions.

    The Scottish government holding themselves talk shops need to allow EVERYONE to speak. The one sided bias shit is the *no debate* bullshit because they have no answers to hard hitting questions & they’ve no evidence for the shite they spout.

    This pish may work in the confines of their wee elite bubble in a committee room. It doesn’t work on the voters outside tho…tick tock for elections.

    The already cash strapped NHS wasn’t set up for pampering porn addicts & fetishists. Pay private. Plenty of therapists willing to run a clock on Big Al in his Maws dress & his eunuch fetish. Glasgow on a Saturday night could issue castrations for free. There ya go. Sorted LOL. Let weans be weans. Part of growing up is talking & exploring. Not slapped with a label, ushered intae surgery & told to shut it..

  63. Anton Decadent says:

    @Derek, thanks, I have bookmarked those to peruse at a later date.

  64. Geri says:

    “I always wondered why the suspicious silence from most on here over the “democratic travesty” that foisted Yousaf on us”

    When was that? Silence? You certainly have that wrong.

    It seems to be a new thing. The elite seem to have decided they’ll just dispense with the democracy bit. It’s a Western phenomenon of late…

    Who voted Truss?
    Who voted for Sunak?
    Who is in charge of senile genocide Joe over the pond?

    Another new thing seems to be electioneering on one important popular issue & then doing the complete opposite once elected. Not just the SNP either but international too.

    Strange times ahead. Like changing boundaries & voter ID to always secure a perpetual Tory government. (Regardless of what shade they wear)

    Same is happening in the US. Morphing into each other.

    It seems everyone is switching identity. Not just TRAs LOL

    Maybe there’s something in the water …

  65. shug says:

    So who is next to grab defeat from the jaws of victory will it the Swinney??

  66. shug says:

    I like the idea of naming the Cabal members

  67. To those who wish some information on the cabal that ousted Humza, Robin McAlpine’s latest article ” Two portraits of a fall” is really worth a read, even though it is rather distressing. The reference is here
    link to

  68. Campbell Clansman says:

    Mia’s moronic comments are always good for a laugh. The latest fantasy is her blaming King Charles (of all people) for “appointing” Swinney as FM.

    In the real world (not myopic Mia’s) the Scottish Parliament voted for Swinney as their the preferred first minister. The same Scottish Parliament that was elected by the voters. The monarch’s only duty is to ratify that choice.

    The SNP voters are guilty of inflicting Humza and Sturgeon on the world, and on Scotland.

    With Scotland’s current sad plight, we all need a laugh. So keep on posting, Mia.

  69. Cynicus says:

    Mia says:
    7 May, 2024 at 4:52 pm
    “The committee…….makes it as much a farce as the Fabiani’s farce was.”
    Don’t be daft, Mia!

    The Fabiani farce could have been scripted by the late Brian Rix for performance at the Whitehall Theatre.

  70. robertkknight says:


    Thanks for the Robin McAlpine link – he certainly didn’t miss and hit the wall.

  71. Hatey McHateface says:

    We’re defo in the third decade of the twenty first century.

    Unless this Brigadoon situation I sometimes read about on here is real!

    Are you an apologist of the “now look what you made me do” brigade?

    No, but there’s plenty of regulars on here who are when it suits them. Pres P and the humous people for example, they all get their defenders on here, claiming it was the Yanks, or the poster’s favourite pathological hate figures, that made them carry out their “justified” acts of aggression.

  72. Robert Louis says:

    The Cass report spectacularly, methodically, systematically and scientifically proved what the gender Loons are saying to be wholly incorrect, misplaced and, most importantly DAMAGING to the very young people their ‘gender ideology’ screams about.

    Of course sane folk already could see, even without detail, that there was something quite wrong with the gender cult. And that is important. It is a cult. dopey, easily led folk who genuinely want to do something for equality, are force fed hubris designed to firstly anger them, then unquestionably adopt the gender cult beliefs.

    I look forward to just a few years from now when some of these clowns in the joke scottish ‘government’ are hauled up in court to explain WHY, despite best evidence, they doggedly continued with this damaging nonsense about gender. What they cannot seem to yet grasp, is that the CASS report set a line in the sand. It is NOW, best practise. It is NOW, the de facto source of what is in medical circles termed ‘evidence based medicine’.

    Once that best practice is in place, and you as a government go against it, you become liable for any failures. I bet Humza could see that – and so the Sturgeon clique had to get rid of him.

    The game has fundamentally changed in the gender debate. Cass did that. The loony whiny ‘greens’ know it, but just cannot accept they were wrong. This is also the case for the gender-obsessed ‘lgbt’ youth Scotland, the wholly misnamed ‘stonewall’, and loony organisations such as ‘mermaids’.

    The gender dysphoria management reality has shifted, quite fundamentally. The Scottish government and SNP need to get their heads out of their gender-obsessed a*ses, sniff the coffee, and wake the f*ck up.

  73. Mac says:

    I may have missed it but who were the clique of wankers who backstabbed Yousless and were seen quaffing champagne together just after they betrayed him, that Robin McAlpine refers to in his latest piece?

  74. sam says:

    link to

    Another touchstone for Jo Swi

  75. Luigi says:

    So, what now, Mr Swinney?

    Independence in the EU? A stronger devolution post Brexit? Ha Ha

    A dying organisation run by incompetent, unelected bureaucrats? (a bit like yourself)?

    No thanks.

  76. Geoff Anderson says:

    Good article from Robin
    link to

  77. Mac says:

    The way Yousless was dispatched, the instant he decided to deal with ALBA pretty much confirms that he was never really in charge and that Sturgeon never really stood down and that his ‘election’ was a con-job. I doubt now that he even really won.

    This is why the SNP has to be completely flushed. It is rotten to the core. Sturgeon has totally poisoned it. It is totally undemocratic and has been for a while thanks to her.

    The contrast to what she was given versus now, to what she has created, is truly remarkable. I struggle to think of a bigger betrayal in politics and it is on-going. She really is a Poundland Ceausescu. Hideous woman, really fucking awful.

    Anyone who still doubts that she is not a rat is living on Fantasy Island.

    We now have the SNPG literally committing child abuse.

    It would be funny if it were not so horrific.

    Sturgeon and Murrell are no where near smart enough to have done all of this by themselves. It is so obvious.

    I just can’t believe they would go to the lengths of hurting innocent children. I am so disgusted with these people pushing all this horror onto the most innocent.

    Child abusers plain and simple.

    Sturgeon’s Nonce Party. It is actually true. Sadly it is being done across the West not just in Scotland and we all know who is behind it…

    Scotland in particular seems to be a test bed for some of the vilest shit they are doing. I am really tired of it.

  78. Breeks says:

    8 May, 2024 at 4:21 am


    Thanks for the Robin McAlpine link – he certainly didn’t miss and hit the wall.

    Small point for the record…

    Given the exasperation and anger at the performance of this abysmal Government, we might wait a long time for such a compelling jusification to impeach the Vichy Assembly of Holyrood wholesale, and rid ourselves of these hollow chalatans and their colonial Scotland Act, at a stroke.

    We should strike while the conditions are so favourable for success.

  79. Lynn says:

    Robin McCalpine
    I hope the Media have read this . It now all makes sense .
    Although I don’t know where I stand on independence yet , I do sincerely know I would prefer Alex Salmond to this dishonesty.
    One day the reality of what Scotland now thinks of Nicola Sturgeon will permeate. As the press turn on the SNP , I give it a week , they have provided the material for their own downfall. The partying and sparkling drinks was shameful when she is under police investigation. She is up there with Trump .
    None of us want this level of abuse in Government.
    #not my government!
    Is it not time we the people had a vote of no confidence if democracy has fallen .

  80. Dan says:

    @ Tinto Chiel

    I was going to incorporate something similar in my broken village sewer post re. Kids and phones / internet.
    If they want to live in a cleaner better environment and be able to leave the village without using a boat, then they’ll need to switch aff the Youtube and TikTok pish and come and help this getting auld git remove all the new fucking beaver dams around the village.
    It is an absolute joke what is happening around here, and people really are soft in the head if they can’t see it or comprehend just how much work will be required to rectify the situation.

    This is yet another issue created by power lying in the hands of some far off bureaucratic twats rather than with the local people that actually live and understand the area.
    Cue some “rewilding” enthusiast living in LaLa land spouting some shit about how great the beavers are without ever having seen one or having a fucking clue about the realities of their activities.
    This village is low lying and for quarter of a millennium has had a series of defined burns and drainage channels built by old timers that knew what they were doing, and maintained until recently to keep water levels controlled, but it’s fast becoming and swamp with lots of active beavers busily choking up these watercourses.
    This will require large excavators to be used to clear the ever-growing tangled mess. And this will be all the more difficult a task because access to the tree lined burns that used to have stable banks isn’t so easy now that the water level is rising; And with the beavers burrowing into the banks and dropping trees it means the large affected sections have become a swamp that won’t be able to support the weight of the machinery required to clear the mess.
    Slow hand clap for the idiots that allowed this to happen…

  81. Garavelli Princip says:

    8 May, 2024 at 7:44 am
    “I may have missed it but who were the clique of wankers who backstabbed Yousless and were seen quaffing champagne together just after they betrayed him, that Robin McAlpine refers to in his latest piece?”

    This is an excellent question from Mac. I read Robin’s excellent piece with horror and anger, but absolutely no surprise. The reality behind it has been clear for years now. (Robin McAlpine is a hero for writing and publishing it).

    But Mac’s question is important and must be answered. These faceless bureaucrats (whose wages I contributed to for many years) need to named and shamed.

    We know who the puppet-mistress is, and can only hope she is dealt with by the law.

    But these wasters and arseholes need to named. (I was going to say “and shamed”, but they have none). The public is entitled to know the identities of faceless people who can dismiss and appoint first ministers without democratic input or accountability.

    How about it Rev?

  82. dasBlimp says:

    Garavelli Princip
    Ignored says:
    8 May, 2024 at 9:27 am
    8 May, 2024 at 7:44 am
    “I may have missed it but who were the clique of wankers who backstabbed Yousless and were seen quaffing champagne together just after they betrayed him

    Up until Yousuf was ousted everybody here was slagging him off. You need to make your minds up.

  83. Rob says:

    OK, naive question time; a small clique of spads ousts a First Minister for their own interests, why would a replacement FM leave them in place at his back?

    Will what does – or doesn’t – happen to them suggest anything about a Swinney premiership?

  84. Alf Baird says:

    Geoff Anderson @ 8:28 am

    “Good article from Robin”

    In a local bubble political analysis sense perhaps. However, he and other pro-independence intellectuals need to better comprehend the reality of our colonial ‘condition’, as only then might they and the people understand what is really happening to them and to Scotland, and why independence and liberation is our most urgent priority:

    link to

  85. David Hannah says:

    I agree with Robin McAlpine – Excellent article – Sturgeon dispatched with Yousless.

    She phoned up Patrick Harvie personally?.. I saw her in the background at Holyrood. She’s been absent from Parliament every other day.

    Everyone has freedom in Scotland. But Sturgeon does not have freedom. Every day she’s living a jail sentence. Because her day of ECKoning is coming.

    You’re going down bitch! Ha. Ha. Ha! Come on Salmond. Get intae them! Alba all the way!

  86. Geri says:

    Campbell Clansman

    “Mia’s moronic comments are always good for a laugh. The latest fantasy is her blaming King Charles (of all people) for “appointing” Swinney as FM.

    In the real world (not myopic Mia’s) the Scottish Parliament voted for Swinney as their the preferred first minister. The same Scottish Parliament that was elected by the voters. The monarch’s only duty is to ratify that choice.

    The SNP voters are guilty of inflicting Humza and Sturgeon on the world, and on Scotland.

    With Scotland’s current sad plight, we all need a laugh. So keep on posting, Mia.”

    Wrong. In the real world a democratic vote is called by sparking a general election & seeking a mandate from the public. Not Chucky rubber stamping a cliques choice.

    You seem oblivious this happened in England too with Sunak & Truss. Unelected by a public vote. Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones eh?

    Don’t blame the Yes movement for Sturgeon, Hamza & Swinney. We voted to end this rancid, undemocratic union & it’s rancid, undemocratic system along with it. You roasters voted to keep it. Suck it up, sunshine. This is yer prize.

    The English voters are guilty of inflicting a whole fcking litany of duds, deviants, warmongers & psychos on the world & on Scotland. A current roaster, Cameron, busy sparking nuclear war with his idiot comments. I guess he doesn’t need to give a fck cause the Scots will suffer the response.

    Keep em coming. You’re funny. Yoons are always great for glaring hypocrisy.

  87. David Hannah says:

    The day of ECKoning for Sturgeon is coming.

  88. Geri says:


    Cause they’d oust them too. It’s the oldest trick in the book. A clique /cabal run the party. “Keep in line or we’ll make yer position untenable next” would be the message.
    ie, like BoJo/Thatcher, have the party refuse to work with them in parliament to force a resignation.

    The cabal need extinguished if they’ve become that powerful. Nothing good comes from those directions.

  89. Ian Smith says:

    I don’t suppose Swinney cares too much about how long he lasts or the intrigue around him.

    He has just been promised a very large out of office, and ongoing pension fee, for stepping in for a few months, in an attempt to keep a lid on a few scandals.

    Once others manage their manoevering required to step out, I doubt he would care to fight on.

  90. Mac says:

    This whole ‘woke’ movement is essentially the same oppressor/oppressed model that was used by the Bolsheviks. It is different in that the oppressors and oppressed have been reframed but it is also very similar indeed, in fact it is almost identical.

    So while the content of woke ideology is vapid and fundamentally low intelligence, the underlying reframing of the oppressor/oppressed model is very clever and cunning. They have clearly lifted it, tweaked it, and inflicted upon us.

    Very smart and evil people have sat down and planned this and remodeled this oppressor/oppressed model it to give it a fresh life. And then very powerful and evil people have implemented it.

    This has been ‘decades in the making’. And the source of it is not Ru$$ia or Chin@ or any of that bollocks.

    This has been rolled out across the West through our schools and universities and every institution starting as far back as the 80’s. Ru$$ia and Chin@ don’t have the stroke to pull that off. This has clearly been done from the inside.

    This has been done by the people who hold real power in the West and it has been done to cement in their power. That is what the Chinese lady said. What we are in right now is refreshed version of the cultural revolution. That is why everything feels so completely fucked up, dystopian.

    That is because it is and it is by design. People should be furious at what these evil diabolical cocksuckers have done.

    They are basically waging a war on us, destroying our democracies, planning our enslavement, going after our children… there is no hiding from this.

  91. Rob says:

    Thanks Geri, but why wouldn’t a new FM have a clear-out of over-reaching spads and protect his own back by “getting his retaliation in first”? Does the position come without power?

  92. Spartan 117 says:

    Always saddens me to see folk arguing online. Save your ire for the fucking imbeciles making a complete and utter cunt of running this country – both elected and unelected – and the completely spineless “opposition” that consistently fails to oppose or hold to account.

  93. Garavelli Princip says:

    As ever, Das Blimp misses the point.

    Yousaf was/is useless and worthy of a good slagging. But the point I was making was about the general principle about the contempt for democracy involved.

    Notwithstanding this, Alf Baird is of course correct.

    The whole devolution pantomime is a side-show and a diversion from the path to independence (as this episode amply demonstrates).

    It is designed to keep us uselessly occupied with arcana and nonsense while the Brit state gets on with the plunder of Scotland whilst our eyes are averted. That, naturally, is the plan.

    The fact that those put in place by the Brit State (and that’s where ‘King’ Charles Saxe-Coburg-Gotha comes in) to provide a simulacrum of ‘democracy’ to a condition of colonial subjugation, themselves have such utter contempt for democratic norms, somewhat gives the game away.

    As does the pantomime of swearing failty to the rich landowner named above who was elected by no-one, and unlawfully claims kingship in the land of Scotland.

  94. Mac says:

    The inescapable conclusion of this is that the biggest proponents of woke ideology will be the biggest frauds, biggest betrayers.

    Trudeau in Canada is one, Ardern in NZ was another, and of course the queen of woke herself Sturgeon. Every one a sinister authoritarian and betrayer. There is a long list of them in nearly every Western nation…

    The content of woke ideology does not survive serious intellectual scrutiny but it does not have to. It is designed to appeal emotionally to a certain demographic of limited intelligence who are also commensurately more prone to violence as their method of expression.

    These are the foot soldiers, the useful idiots and they are plentiful.

    Decades in the making.

  95. Northcode says:

    Robin McAlpine asks:

    “Who is in charge? Who is doing this? Who ordered the assassination of Yousaf? ”

    England, of course, is the answer.

    He ends his article with this:

    “…leaves me with little hope that the future has much of a contribution left to receive from the SNP. If the SNP remain relevant to the Scotland directly ahead, I can’t see how.”

    There is no ‘how’, the SNP is lost to Scotland and the independence movement. The ‘why’ is simple enough to understand, though.

    The SNP is now England’s ‘watchdog’ charged with safeguarding its Scottish colony. Everything happening within the ranks of the SNP flows from that fact; that one thing that is actually real about the SNP. Because everything else we see of the SNP is fantasy, even its name.

    There was never any chance Yousaf would be allowed to make a deal with Alba – that outcome would have been unacceptable to England, and so any hope of it being realised was quickly eliminated – goodbye Yousaf.

    The SNP no longer serves the Scots and there is no hope that it ever will again.

    The SNP has a new master now – and it isn’t the Scottish people.

    There really isn’t anything more about the SNP to understand.

  96. Geri says:


    “Does the position come without power?”

    Usually yes. If there is enough sycophants in the party siding with the cabal & there looks to be cause they’ve had plenty of opportunity to revolt but chose not too.

    Same thing is currently happening in the US. An external outfit is running the show in exchange for party donations, position & personal wealth.

    Imelda & her shoes should have been sacked & suspended from the party immediately after Hamza was parachuted in. He chose not to & now he’s suffered the consequences of keeping her around. That’s the trouble with cliques – they never think their own creation will turn on them too. Hell slap it intae him. He didn’t have the smarts to out manoeuvre her from the get go.

    One thing is for sure. Imelda is on someone’s payroll & we can guess who. No one on earth gets to swan around the levers of government while live investigations are ongoing unless yer a dictator & being protected.

    What a cunt she is.

    As for Swinney. He’s such a fence sitting coward who has buried the bodies. He’ll not care if he stays or goes. He’ll pick up his salary & his wee posh invitations for life.

  97. Ebok says:

    What am I missing?

    128 MSPs vote to elect FM.
    7 greens abstain
    4 L Dems support ACH
    22 Lab support AS
    31 Cons support DR
    64 SNP support JS.
    All votes along party lines.

    But hold up: there are only 63 SNP MSPs.

  98. Confused says:

    Humza, I have slagged off quite a bit, but he showed a bit of sass and a sense of humour – the dig about selfies, with the godmother seething.

    one for Humza

    link to

    “who’s the weakest link in the chain now … ”

    the haircutting scene reminds me of a barbers in my childhood, known locally as “mad mick”

    – but his name wasn’t even “mick”.

    if you weren’t bleeding after, he was off his game.

    this is terrifying

    link to

    I don’t know what it means

    it is so good, it should attract the kind of memes downfall did

    I’m the new FM
    at the holy-rude
    I won’t do indepen-dence
    like they thought I should

    I shine my head
    no hair out of place
    I never get lost
    cos they can see me from space …

    I’m the new FM
    I’m the new FM

  99. robertkknight says:


    “and the completely spineless “opposition” that consistently fails to oppose or hold to account.”

    Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake, or in this case, doing your own master’s bidding.

    The whole devolution concept was to be the leather pouch of magic beans that’d grow into something that wasn’t full independence but something resembling it that could all the while be controlled by London.

    The biggest trick that London ever pulled was to turn the SNP into a nothing more than a crackhead where finances were concerned – willing to steal and cheat and lie and sell it’s soul just to maintain its habit.

    All the MPs and MSPs and SPADs and staffers their friends and family members addicted to the money Westminster throws in the SNP’s direction in return for keeping a lid on Indy. All overseen by the thoroughly corrupted and compromised cabal who run it on behalf of the British State.

    Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

  100. Sven says:

    Ebok @ 11.10.

    Has Ms Regan (Alba) who voted in favour of Mr Swinney been included in the count of SNP MSPs to bring it to 64? As I see no mention of Alba in the list.

  101. Athanasius says:

    The Cass Review is “an internationally discredited social murder charter?” Well, that’s ye telt.

  102. dasBlimp says:

    Ignored says:
    8 May, 2024 at 10:52 am
    Robin McAlpine asks:

    “Who is in charge? Who is doing this? Who ordered the assassination of Yousaf? ”

    England, of course, is the answer.

    England? LOL. What is England? You’re about as bonkers as Bucktoothed-Baird you are.

    Don’t forget Westminster (the big building in Londonistan where all the … er .. decisions are made) is half Scottish. Geri dropped that bombshell yesterday. Hahaha

  103. Shug says:

    Geof anderson

    We need names in the frame if we are to deal with them.

    A simple list broken down to:


  104. Anton Decadent says:

    Excellent satire in the Robin McAlpine article when he referred to Humza Yousaf as “the kind, well-meaning man”. It was satire, wasn’t it?

  105. Northcode says:

    A question has been posed:

    ” What is England?”

    The answer:

    The tattered remnants of a greedy and vicious empire responsible for the suffering of tens of millions across the planet and a nation desperate to hold tight to its last remaining colony.

    Some supporting evidence:

    Indeed, the phrase “we have catch’d Scotland and will bind her fast” has historical significance.

    It reflects the attitude of English figures during the time of the Union of 1707. John Smith, the Speaker of the House of Commons, uttered these words after the signing of the Act of Union with Scotland.

    Essentially, it conveyed the idea that Scotland had become an English colony, and its sovereignty was effectively transferred to England.

    extract from Wikipedia.

    There, question answered.

    And there’s no doubt the attitude shown by the likes of Speaker Smith in 1707 is still prevalent in the halls of England’s power to this day.

  106. Bill Likely says:

    Without turning this into a WW2 blog, there is a very good youtube series called Trench Diaries featuring the memoir of Burkard Baron von Müllenheim-Rechberg, the most senior ranked German survivor of the Bismarck. He was not a Nazi and became a West German diplomat after the war. All of the survivors were treated very well by the Royal Navy.

  107. Garavelli Princip says:

    Every time DasBlimp makes a post, he confirms the antithesis of the thesis he purports to uphold: He confirms the condescending contemptuous attitude of the English to Scotland and the Scots.

    Keep it up!

  108. Alf Baird says:

    Garavelli Princip @ 10:32 am

    “those put in place by the Brit State (and that’s where ‘King’ Charles Saxe-Coburg-Gotha comes in) to provide a simulacrum of ‘democracy’ to a condition of colonial subjugation”

    Indeed, colonialism is quite the deception, more especially for the assimilated native aye ‘craving’ to be a Brit; albeit easy to see through the hoax for thaim wi brains in thair heids, nae in thair airses.

    And, just to confirm, insofar as Scotland (including its judiciary) is concerned, Britain retains an “Imperial Constitution” (Dicey) which “claimed absolute sovereignty” over numerous other peoples, and in this regard:

    “Parliament in London was an Imperial Parliament that…”could make or unmake any law whatever” and constitutionally, local courts and populations in the empire had to accept this principle” (Elkins).

    And, as Westminster is an “Imperial Parliament” what does that make its subordinate creations? British Imperialism remains effectively colonial and hence judicial rule formalised.

  109. Spartan 117 says:

    I find all this talk of “England” or “the English” rather simplistic and quite frankly wrong. For the above terms read “The British State” and “Westminster”. The State or Government is NOT the people, I think that much is obvious.

    I am married to a rather lovely English lass, and quite frankly everyone in England is as sick tae the back teeth of the bungling fannyheids ensconced in WM as we are up here. We get it in stereo though, as we have yet another layer of bungling tax thief incompetent grifters to deal with. The fact is that this country desperately needs to change. Carrying on as usual and blindly voting Blue or Red (or up here, yellow) in the hope that they may be marginally less shite than the previous lot just doesn’t work. Swapping Pishi Nutsak for “Sir” Kryten will be like swapping Useless for Swiney; no fecking change whatsoever.

    Democracy in the West is undergoing a crisis, its biggest existential threat IMO, all done from dark forces both within and external. They seek to divide us, sow doubt, dissonance, set one against the other, fear, victimisation, undermine stability.

    Interesting reading in Robin’s article. Chief Mammy still pulling the string behind the scenes. And Useless isn’t “kind” or “well-meaning”; he’s a racist.

  110. Ebok says:

    Sven @ 11.25am

    My apologies Sven, it was a rhetorical question: a poke in the eye for Regan, who was holding open the Alba ‘exit’ door as I was leaving.

  111. dasBlimp says:

    Ignored says:
    8 May, 2024 at 12:27 pm
    A question has been posed:

    ” What is England?”

    The answer:

    The tattered remnants of a greedy and vicious empire

    That’ll be the British empire. You know, the one that included the Scottish who ‘punched above their weight’ in all aspects of British colonialism, admin and slaughter as directed by a British government that is 50% Scottish.

  112. sydthesnake says:

    Kate Forbes DFM
    WOW, cat amongst the green pigeons

  113. robertkknight says:

    “Kate Forbes DFM”


    Who knew loyalty, fealty and devotion could be so cheaply bought.

    But pith and power, til my last hour
    I’ll gie this guarantee
    We are bought and sold for London’s gold:
    Such a parcel of rogues in the SNP!

  114. Republicofscotland says:

    Yeah as some have said Forbes is the new DFM, lets not forget that Forbes is committed to the S30 route, or that she’s a (BAP) British American Project member. Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar is another BAP member

    link to

    The debauched Greens won’t be happy with the appointment, not with Forbes almost angelical views, these two Forbes and Swinney won’t deliver independence, the next two-years on the indyfront will be a full of carrot dangling and f*ck all else.

    “JOHN Swinney has appointed Kate Forbes as Scotland’s new Deputy First Minister.

    Forbes takes over from Shona Robison, who has resigned from the role but will remain in Cabinet in a position yet to be confirmed.

    The former finance secretary was the first to arrive at Swinney’s official residence, Bute House, as he put together his top table.

    In a statement, Forbes said: “I am deeply honoured to accept John’s invitation to be his Deputy First Minister.”

  115. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Give this man a coconut!



    1 May, 2024 at 9:58 am

    Apparently a SNP insider says that a deal could be struck between Swinney and Forbes, he becoming FM, she becoming his deputy FM.

    If true would Forbes becoming Swinney’s deputy FM be a deal breaker for the Greens.

  116. Sven says:

    Ebok @ 13.32.

    No need for apologies, Ebok, my misunderstanding. I’m cursed with an excessively literal mind.
    And yes, I take your point now.

  117. Campbell Clansman says:

    Ash Regan, ex-SNP, currently Alba’s only MSP, voted for SNP’s Swinney to be FM.
    That vote for serial failure Swinney says it all about Regan, and Alba. They’re just another set of unprincipled troughers.

  118. Xaracen says:

    robertkknight said;

    “The biggest trick that London ever pulled was to turn the SNP into a nothing more than a crackhead where finances were concerned – willing to steal and cheat and lie and sell it’s soul just to maintain its habit.

    All the MPs and MSPs and SPADs and staffers their friends and family members addicted to the money Westminster throws in the SNP’s direction in return for keeping a lid on Indy. All overseen by the thoroughly corrupted and compromised cabal who run it on behalf of the British State.

    Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”

    Robert, the actual ‘biggest trick that London ever pulled’ was to pretend that England’s MPs are entitled to ‘outvote’ and thus overrule Scotland’s MPs in the Union’s shared parliament. But England’s MPs possess no legitimate formal authority over Scotland or her MPs whatsoever! Nothing in the Treaty or associated ratifying Acts conferred any such authority to England’s MPs in the first place. England’s MPs represent only the English half of the Union, and England’s sovereignty only has legitimacy within England’s kingdom, which includes no part of Scotland at all.

    That’s the only trick that ever mattered because it enabled all of the other tricks, scams and cons, and Scotland’s MPs are fully complicit in that international crime! So, yes, Robert we are certainly being cheated!

  119. Sven says:

    Ms Forbes now Deputy First Minister eh,
    “These are my principles, and if you don’t like them I have others …”

  120. Owen Mullions says:×270/HlHjo9RbJPm9A6Xr.mp4?tag=12

  121. John McGregor says:

    If Swine eh implement’s this The greens I think will go for a vote of no confidence in him to try n bring him down ??

  122. Hatuey says:

    We should assume that Forbes and just everybody else knows that the SNP is on the brink of extinction, and that probably explains a lot of the seemingly strange manoeuvring we are seeing. The SNP has been at the sore end of one blow after another for over a year now, and things are likely to get worse, possibly a lot worse, not better.

    Swinney was probably the only person of any stature that they could talk into taking the leadership job on and that will prove to be one of the worst decisions he ever made in politics — the patsy who walked the SNP from crisis to oblivion…

    I expect the British State and its tentacles in the MSM and elsewhere will try and keep the SNP afloat, but I doubt if any of them will lose any sleep over it and there’s only so much they can do with the current of public opinion so strongly against them.

    Theres no irony in the SNP’s hopes resting on the British State. Colonial politics are always complicated, colonial administrators always conflicted.

    What matters to those at the heart of all this, what always matters, is that the country’s resources continue to be shipped out and the natives remain without influence, aloof of real decision-making, and distracted by their poverty. Since Sturgeon took over the party, that’s the one area the SNP have consistently succeeded in.

  123. David Hannah says:

    Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie warns many people “will be concerned” about the appointment of Kate Forbes as deputy first minister.

    Harvie says the former finance secretary expressed “quite startlingly social conservative views” in last year’s SNP leadership campaign.

    And the Glasgow MSP adds he doesn’t want to see a “culture war agenda” going forward.

  124. Spartan 117 says:

    Whatever the positives or negatives etc of KF becoming DFM, I take the view that whatever winds up that little shit Patrick Harvie must be a good thing.

  125. David Hannah says:

    But Forbes has shown her true colours this week. She’s shown herself to be a fraud just prepared to trample on old friends to climb the ladder.

    We know this to be true with the Anniesland bowling club conspiracy – with Stephen Flynn.

    At least she’s anti-woke. She’s more normal than most of them! But her free ports are going to be a big problem. We’ll tear them up after Independence. 25 years – I don’t think so. We’re taking our land back – Border over there!

    As long as she doesn’t sell out Scottish Whisky like the SNP have done. 65p alcohol tax. I actually remember the SNP transporting an entire distillery to China. Does anyone remember that or did I just imagine it?

    No more selling out of Scotland. We need a Scotland First approach to politics in this country.

    Given the choice between a crooked SNP Government and a Labour Government under Anas Sarwar – I’d prefer Labour – Not that I’ll ever vote for them. I like Jackie Baillie and that’s about it!

    Forbes has joined Sturgeon’s cabal. She’s got her orders from Sturgeon herself and her plotting against Yousaf just goes to show. She’s cut from the same cloth. Prepared to trample on old friends to climb the ladder.

    My final thoughts would be I see crooked Dorothy Bain was there swearing John Swinney in. The false Whig Dorothy Bain. More like Dorothy Stain. A stain on the bedsheet of corruption. Crooked Dorothy lives on for another day.

  126. Dorothy Devine says:

    Spartan117, indeed!

  127. David Jones says:

    Surprised Swinney didn’t engineer a return to cabinet today for “the greatest politician of her generation”

  128. robertkknight says:

    “Surprised Swinney didn’t engineer a return to cabinet today for “the greatest politician of her generation””

    Don’t be daft…

    Sturgeon is to Swinney what Rod Hull was to Emu.

  129. President Xiden says:

    Harvie provides even more evidence re his ingrained BIGOTRY re a woman because she does not share the same views as himself. A grubby little bigot.No more, no less.

  130. Northcode says:

    In ‘normal’ democracies the people choose their governments.

    The English government represents the democratic will of England’s people.

    A majority of the people of England voted for England’s government in the same way a majority of Scots voted for Scotland’s ‘government’.

    And yet the Scots in exercising their democratic will are held, both as individuals and as a people entire, to be at fault for everything their government does or gets wrong in their name.

    The English MSM (which includes most of Scotland’s MSM) continually drips poison into the ears of Scots by telling them how useless they are. And by telling them how useless their ‘government’ is (which is true, but not in any way the fault of the Scots) .

    The Scots are this or the Scots are that or the Scots are junkies or unhealthy or stupid or incompetent or…and on and on the put-downs and insults go.

    But when the Scots refer to England’s culpability for its government’s failings it is by some twisted logic ‘wrong’.

    As usual, it’s one rule for the English and a different rule for the Scots. No surprise in that, of course – it’s how the colonised are treated by their colonisers; with blind and irrational contempt.

    The ridiculous third rate production of the Forbes show is just another example of that contempt.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Swinney quits soon and Forbes becomes Scotland’s next FM.

  131. Billy Carlin says:

    I had the Limited Edition large print by Robert Taylor called The Last Moments Of HMS Hood signed by the artist and also by Ted Briggs the last of the 3 men who survived the sinking of HMS Hood by the Bismark hanging above my mantelpiece for decades until I got rid of it because after the 9/11 and 7//7 London Bombings False Flag SCAMS to get us into UNLAWFUL wars I did much research that exposed that ALL these wars were based on LIES and PROPAGANDA and part of the agenda that is still going on today with EVERYTHING that is going on – the war is against the PEOPLE of this planet and every single political party and government in the west at least is involved in this agenda hence why they are ALL doing and saying the EXACT same things and ALL deliberately destroying our economies to make everyone worst off.

    It was also the same on the German side when HMS Hood blew up there was no cheering the demise of the over 1400 men of the Hood’s crew who died at that moment – just a stunned silence.

    I also got rid of the hundreds of Naval Warfare/Warship books that I had collected since the days I build Airfix models of The Hood, Bismark etc when I was a boy in the 1960’s – gave them all to the PDSA. Sold off cheap all of the 1:700 scale models of the Royal Navy and other warships that I had collected for building when I had retired.

    Not only is war a SCAM but amazing how clueless the people are to the FACT that the Bismark and all the other German warships etc were build with absolutely NO Debt or Interest or Inflation while the UK etc were struggling to build their ships etc because of how much Debt plus massive Interest they were in and Britain has had to massively cut their navy etc since WW2 because of this SCAM Debt/Interest and Scotland cannot even build a few Ferries because of this and because of our Governments DELIBERATE destroying of our economies and jobs as part of UN/WEF Agenda 21/UN Agenda 2030 and many people actually think it is just to do with incompetence.

    Mind you Humza WAS Useless and Swinney should be called Even More Useless as he was a clown when he was leader the first time around and Forbes should be called Mini Me Useless.

  132. dasBlimp says:

    Ignored says:
    8 May, 2024 at 5:09 pm
    In ‘normal’ democracies the people choose their governments.

    The English government represents the democratic will of England’s people.

    Ha ha ha ha ha There is no such thing as the English government, you muppet!

  133. Northcode says:

    Aye, and there’s no such thing as the Scottish government either.

    Britain = England
    The UK = England

    Therefore the UK government, and the Scottish government, tae, is the English government.

    And there’s no democracy for the Scots even if they’re occasionally allowed to vote in a UK general election which is overwhelmingly an English vote for an ‘English’ government (we can call it a UK government if folk prefer, it makes no difference to the reality behind it).

    It’s like fishing in a barrel made from fish and stuffed full of fish. Hardly much fun, even for a minute or two, before tedium sets in.

    It’s just too, too, easy. Flick a switch here, push a button there, dangle a carrot up top and set a trap down below.

    The result is invariably and inevitably predictable. Oh, for a challenge; for a real argument.

    I’d still destroy that argument with a few paragraphs and not much in the way of effort, but it might be slightly more fun than what’s routinely presented by the unionists as ‘argument’ on here…for a short while anyway.

    Still, the unionists provide an invaluable service in that they more or less make our ‘colonised Scotland’ argument for us.

  134. dasBlimp says:

    Don’t mention carrots, Northcode, you’ll get Baird all excited. Meh wots up Doc?

  135. Geri says:

    Who votes Tory then? That man nobody.

    As for Harvie – was he even elected or did he go through seven rounds of shite to get a free seat?

    WTF does that muppet think be is? He has the rule of Holyrood. He treated Ash & Holyrood Mandy with contempt too. Nasty wee bigoted prick has a real problem with women.

  136. covidhoax says:

    I was watching utube videos from Germany in the 1930s, it’s incredible how happy everyone is, a complete contrast to walking the streets of Glasgow, Aberdeen and every other Scots city.

  137. Northcode says:

    “Don’t mention carrots, Northcode”

    At last. It’s been a long time coming, but finally…an argument from a unionist I can get my teeth into.

  138. Xaracen says:

    dasBlimp said;

    “Ha ha ha ha ha There is no such thing as the English government, you muppet!”

    Blethers! Every government of the UK has been unremittingly English because only parties with a vast majority of England’s MPs in it can ever form a working government in Westminster, unless it wants to be permanently and vastly outnumbered by its opposition. That therefore rules out any party consisting mostly of Scottish MPs getting into power. Yet another ‘democratic deficit’ that only the Scottish half of the Union suffers.

  139. Hatey McHateface says:

    At the end of every thread, Rev Stu should tot up the blames and provides us with scores.

    This thread, it’s the English.

    Others, the Great Satan.

    The Zion1sts often get an honourable mention too.

    But it’s never us Scots. We’re aye the victims and aye as pure and blameless as the driven snow.


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    • Robert Hughes on Why I’m Never Leaving Twitter: “Excellent sluething there , Mia . The history of U.S ” interference ” in U is long and extensive :…Mar 1, 18:37
    • Marie on Why I’m Never Leaving Twitter: “Nuland – The cookie queen. I remember it very well.Mar 1, 18:25
    • Mia on Why I’m Never Leaving Twitter: ““Where on earth does anybody get the tinfoil-hatted idea that the USA instigated R’s invasion of U? That does not…Mar 1, 18:03
    • Robert Hughes on Why I’m Never Leaving Twitter: “Maybe we’re interpreting the word ” instigated ” differently , Skip . I’m not saying the U.S literally instigated R’s…Mar 1, 17:29
    • Robert Hughes on Why I’m Never Leaving Twitter: “” Where on earth does anybody get the tinfoil-hatted idea that the USA instigated R’s invasion of U? That does…Mar 1, 17:04
    • twathater on Why I’m Never Leaving Twitter: “This from John McShiteyface BASTARD TAX MOAN “Because it’s an inconvenience and an annoying nuisance for them. But mostly because…Mar 1, 16:48
  • A tall tale

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