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Wings Over Scotland

A tale of four nations

Posted on May 28, 2021 by

804 to “A tale of four nations”

  1. Dan says:

    @ Captain Yossarian at 1:09 pm

    I suspect we are pretty much in agreement with regard to there being a need for reform of various functions of the State so as to properly hold power to account.
    How we achieve these aims is probably where we differ in opinion.
    The archaic undemocratic setup of the UK has long been able to fudge stuff as and when required to eliminate threats that would significantly have a detrimental impact on the Establishment.
    If you are happy to stay tied into that system that is your choice, I however hold the belief that the current UK setup does not not properly serve and protect the best interests of the majority of UK citizens.
    Incidentally, my holiday home owning Labour supporting neighbour from down south in England is actually an advocate for ending the Union too, because he understands this would be pretty much the only way to initiate proper political reform in England that would better serve the majority of the people that live there.

  2. Brent Crude now over $70 per barrel,

    1,000,000 barrels per day piped from out our waters,

    $70,000,000 per day,

    the oil belongs to the sovereign Scottish people to do as we will and yet we see nowt of the $70,000,000 per day.

  3. Effigy says:

    TV in Scotland tonight-
    English Test Cricket
    English international Football
    Bargain Brits on Benefits- in England
    Skies above Britain
    The Repair shop from England
    Spring watch from England
    British Sewing Bee
    Building Britain’s Nuclear Power Plant- England
    The Blitz- Bombing Bristol
    Anne Boleyn English Queen

  4. cynicalHighlander says:

    Since you’re talking about the Crown.

    link to

  5. Breastplate says:

    Scot Finlayson,
    You are correct but Union Don says it costs more than that to take it out of the ground and we are lucky to be in the UK because Westminster picks up the bill. They’re doing us a favour really.

  6. Breastplate says:

    Oh I forgot to mention that he thinks Ireland is clamouring to get back into the Union because they’re skint too, like Scotland.
    If it wasn’t for our English cousins I’m not sure where we would be.

  7. Captain Yossarian says:

    Dan says:
    2 June, 2021 at 7:12 pm

    The two bodies that have moved this along most are Public Concern at Work and the Institution of Civil Engineers. Both are charities and are based in London. They don’t find this complex at-all. In fact, they find it straighforward.

    In Scotland, we have Professors of Law, Advocates, Directors of law firms, QC’s and Teaching Unions. They’ve been looking at it for years and cannot work-out what to do next. No-one will ask because no-one communicates.

  8. Robert Hughes says:

    “……because he understands this would be pretty much the only way to initiate proper political reform in England that would better serve the majority of the people that live there. ”

    That view is much more common among English people than you would think from the moronic inferno of UK MSM Establishment- buttressing coverage of the subject and the continuous attempts by * certain elements * to frame the aspiration of Independence as a racist ( zzzz ) Anti-English , narrowly nationalistic minority pursuit .

    My impression is a majority of English people are benignly indifferent to what Scotland aspires to : it’s the vested interests that have the most to lose – economically or in terms of perceived loss of * Greatness * – that scream the loudest about the * preciousness * of the Union .

  9. Meg merrilees says:


    I don’t have a TV but I am shocked at the schedule you have listed above.

    Wow! Talk about being colonised!

    That is truly frightening.

  10. Meg merrilees says:

    Captain Yossarian @ 4.10pm

    Swinney has been moved sideways because heads will have to roll at the education department because he ran it so badly.

    He has survived two ‘no confidence’ votes in the last parliament and she/her cannot afford to lose him in this Parliament – so the present incumbent is basically a sitting duck who will be sacrificed when the rabble get angry enough.

  11. Hugh Jarse says:

    Between expats and our ‘Rangers’ inclined countrymen, there’s a fair sized audience here, ready to jingo.

    It crossed my mind the other day that pre indyref, one would be shooshed for pointing out the cultural hijacking by the Anglo talking heads on our media, and of our institutions.

    As if it weren’t deliberate.

  12. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Jason Leitch is not going anywhere anytime soon. The third wave is on its way, and we all know what that means.

    For those who still cling to the msm narrative, here’s one to consider…

    Your only daughter, very healthy and in her early 20’s, announces that she is pregnant. She hasn’t had any jags yet.

    Do you advise her to get the jag or not?

    If you advise her to go ahead and get both jabs, do you know which is the safest for her?

    Do you know the current stats for fatalities and serious adverse reactions?

    Do you know which of the available ‘vaccines’ is (by far) top of the table for deaths?

    If you don’t have answers to these questions, for your newly pregnant daughter, then why not?

    What situation could be more serious?

    The tide is turning on this shitery – it you don’t deal with it now, your weans will have to deal with it later.

    And there endeth the lecture…


  13. McDuff says:

    yeah its all England England. Watched a documentary the other week about the blitz on ` Britain` and it was all about England London and Coventry. Never a mention of Clydebank whose fatalities were twice that of Coventry.
    This country is rapidly being cleansed of its identity and its citizens don’t appear to mind. Unbelievable.

  14. cynicalHighlander says:

    Ian Brotherhood

    It is an individuals choice as the only one to know how there own body reacts to certain drugs and whether there own immune system could be compromised.

  15. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cynicalHIghlander (10.19) –

    I appreciate the response, but you haven’t addressed the question.

    Would you take personal responsibility for deciding on behalf of someone who can’t or won’t?

    Are you confident that you are informed enough to make that decision for someone else?

  16. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    On an open forum no

    All one can do is assess there own state of health and how any past drugs have had a negative effect.

    A comment in reply to someone else about my decision not to take the vaccine.

    “Using pros and cons and know my own immune system and how it reacts. If I have an infection and take antibiotics no problem if I take preventative antibiotics with no actual infection my immune system kicks in and fights the antibiotic making me ill.

  17. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cynicalHighlander (11.02) –

    Good luck.

  18. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Captain Yossarian 7:34pn
    Keep going with this line of inquiry I have watched your line of rationale. As an ex Chartered Engineer, not of the Civil orientation, I support your case. Especially since I have unpleasant dealings with Swinney in the past. Bairns lives don’t matter to the SNP.

  19. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Ian Brotherhood says:
    2 June, 2021 at 11:18 pm


    Sorry I can’t be more helpful so good luck to all involved in the dilemma. Not easy.

  20. Tackety Beets says:

    O dear me,

    Extraction costs is $12.5 per barrel as confirmed in early 2015 by Stat Oil Ceo on GMS
    The woman interview was trying her hardest to say they were making a huge error investing billions buying up old Oil rigs in N sea

    “With oil prices so low & very little left, how can you possibly recover your investment ?”

    The interview was repeated in regular bulleting thro’ the day but edited to remove the “$12.50 / b extraction costs”.

    If I remember correctly it was broadcast on Miss-Reporting Scotland too, edited version of course.

    Last time I checked it was now 1.5m barrels per day $70-12.5 is a tidy profit. X1.5×365

    31,500,000,000 Mmmmm …….Food banks anyone

  21. Tackety Beets says:

    Ian B

    Tough gig there, defo NOT AZ !

    Pfisser seams to be the younger generations best option?
    I have no knowledge on Moderna or 1 shot J&J

    Any update or news on the Livingstone Company getting approval?

    From what I understand they have a totally different approach.

  22. Captain Yossarian says:

    Tannadice Boy says:
    2 June, 2021 at 11:23 pm

    The singular problem we have in Scotland is that everyone is afraid of John Swinney; especially our lawyers.

  23. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Captain Yossarian 11:39pm
    I know but the emperor has no clothes. We have 3 choices. We endure for another 5 years, we leave Scotland, or the unpalatable option. The Institutions have failed. And speaking as someone that has delivered lots of engineering projects across Scotland within an Institution. It’s very sad. Don’t look for intellect in the Scottish Government. It’s not there. We are not too wee or stupid etc but we are too corrupt.

  24. Don says:

    @Tackety Beets 2 June, 2021 at 11:37 pm

    “Pfisser seams to be the younger generations best option?
    I have no knowledge on Moderna or 1 shot J&J
    Any update or news on the Livingstone Company getting approval?

    From what I understand they have a totally different approach.”

    Seems to be a pretty normal vaccien approach link to

  25. Don says:

    @Tackety Beets 2 June, 2021 at 11:31 pm

    “Extraction costs is $12.5 per barrel as confirmed in early 2015 by Stat Oil Ceo on GMS”

    2015 ? 🙂 🙂

    You clearly think you know better than one of the SNP’s top economists and the writer of the SNP Growth Comission Report ?

    “In comments broadcast in a radio interview, Andrew Wilson – who chairs the party’s Growth Commission – conceded that any future economic case for independence should not include North Sea oil revenues.” link to

  26. Don says:

    @cynicalHighlander 2 June, 2021 at 11:02 pm

    “All one can do is assess there own state of health and how any past drugs have had a negative effect.
    A comment in reply to someone else about my decision not to take the vaccine.
    “Using pros and cons and know my own immune system and how it reacts. If I have an infection and take antibiotics no problem if I take preventative antibiotics with no actual infection my immune system kicks in and fights the antibiotic making me ill.”

    Covid Vaccine is NOT an antibiotic, if your over 50 and have any underlying illness you certainly have a high risk of dying from one of the variants if you catch it. Only Fools think otherwise.
    link to

  27. Don says:

    Robert Hughes 2 June, 2021 at 7:38 pm

    “My impression” And there lies your problem, its just your “impression ” and not actually any real facts behind it , you should try to learn some basic economics and try to work out for yourself who really “has most to lose” 🙂 🙂
    link to

  28. Don says:

    @Breastplate 2 June, 2021 at 7:31 pm
    Scot Finlayson,
    “You are correct but Union Don says it costs more than that to take it out of the ground and we are lucky to be in the UK because Westminster picks up the bill. They’re doing us a favour really.”

    Still struggling to work out why Swinney wanted Oil taxes cut to save Scottish Jobs ? link to

    Or why the SNP’s own head of it growth commission says this “In comments broadcast in a radio interview, Andrew Wilson – who chairs the party’s Growth Commission – conceded that any future economic case for independence should not include North Sea oil revenues.” link to or this

    link to

    It almost like you haven’t heard yet how petrol and diesel vehicles are going to be phased out from 2030 any idea what effect that will have on the UK Oil Industry ? link to

  29. Don says:

    @ Breastplate 2 June, 2021 at 7:34 pm

    “Oh I forgot to mention that he thinks Ireland is clamouring to get back into the Union because they’re skint too, like Scotland.
    If it wasn’t for our English cousins I’m not sure where we would be.”

    I said nothing of the sort , your just doing what you do best ie “bullshittihg” link to

  30. Breastplate says:

    Don @ 12:56
    Yes you did, you said Scotland couldn’t afford independence then you posted links to show us Ireland was skint too. They obviously can’t afford independence so will be hot footing it back to Westminster begging the English to make their decisions for them.

    That’s the theory that is overloading your tiny mind.
    Independence is something you must be able to afford or in Scotland’s case, not afford.


  31. Captain Yossarian says:

    Tannadice Boy says:
    2 June, 2021 at 11:49 pm

    I intend to wait and see an outcome and that should be soon. The final scenario for me is to leave Scotland and I’ve already told the lawyers that. For me, the most disappointing have been the lawyers. You trust them to do something and you pay them and they do nothing. You have to do everything yourself.

  32. Meg merrilees says:

    You couldn’t make it up!
    It would seem that the arch Brexiteer numpty who owns Wetherspoons- Mr Opinionated Tim – is calling for the government to allow more EU immigration to make it easier to find pub staff.
    Careful what you wish for!

  33. The Isolator says:

    Meg merrilees

    Going back to your post regarding the TV schedule.I had to watch the Scotland game via an online stream as I don’t have Sky.Watching it on my tablet my stream crashed with about 10 minutes to go so I turned on the Engerland game around the 78 minute mark.I’m not sure who the commentators were but they took great delight in conveying the message that the Netherlands had equalised in the 88th minute to make it 2 each.The co commentator then remarkably informed us that he couldn’t pretend he wasn’t delighted with this and had to “scolded” by the commentator.All on STV ffs,talk about colonization and propaganda on the airwaves.

  34. Breeks says:

    Wonder what Sturgeon’s Administration is giving full priority to today. Not Scottish Independence obviously.

    Maybe it’s an “I survived COVID” medal scheme, with the medals made out of recycled mandates.

    Maybe a COVID recipe book. What to eat when the pasta runs out.

    Maybe a COVID travel guide. Safe places to hide once once you’ve been rumbled once travel restrictions are lifted.

  35. Sensible Dave says:

    Robert Hughes

    You wrote “My impression is a majority of English people are benignly indifferent to what Scotland aspires to…”

    … I have been saying this for years Robert … but you wont get many on here to accept that. Most folk here on Wings need/want English folk be against Scottish Independence. As has been discussed before, it’s some sort of warped variant of the Stockholm Syndrome.

  36. Stuart MacKay says:

    I see Rob Brown gives Kenny MacAskill a well deserved kicking:

    Alba Means Independence in the UK?
    link to

    I can see why Kenny said what he said but it has the ever so slight hint of appeasement which I didn’t not join the party to see.

  37. akenaton says:

    Interesting reading from T I above concerning politics and football.
    Given that the BLM movement in the US is mired in corruption and is being financed by the Democratic Party, is it not about time that our clubs stopped the ludicrous practice of players “Taking the Knee”

    AS a long time Hearts supporter from back in the days of Conn, Bauld and Wardhaugh….and of course the Golden Boy himself, Alex Young, it upsets me to see the proud tradition of Scottish football reduced to a political scam.

    It seems to me that in Scotland, colour prejudice is almost non-existent and only dredged up when in the interests of our disgusting political class, or the agenda driven woke left.

  38. Tackety Beets says:

    Hi Don,

    This is the only time I will address you directly.
    Why ?
    Let me explain.

    “Pfisser seams to be the younger generations best option?
    I have no knowledge on Moderna or 1 shot J&J
    Any update or news on the Livingstone Company getting approval?

    From what I understand they have a totally different approach.”

    Don adds > Seems to be a pretty normal vaccien approach link to

    Read my text then read the article where in my opinion it takes a dif approach
    Quote in link Don provides > “Valneva’s candidate is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, which contains virus that has been destroyed so cannot infect cells, but can still trigger an immune response. Its a more traditional approach than Pfizer(mRNA) an AZ (adenoviral) vaccines.
    & this bit was relevent to IB

    Because the vaccine doesnt contain any live virus, it may be especially suitable for vulnerable people, or folk with weaker immuner systems.

    Is that clear enough Don ?

    Don also asks
    “You clearly think you know better than one of the SNP’s top economists and the writer of the SNP Growth Comission Report ?”

    Anyone reading my post on Oil will note I merely imparted factual information & made no personal comment, except on the MAFFS.
    As regard 2015, anyone with knowledge knows that the industry has gone thro’ a massive operational cost cutting excercise leading to extraction costs being even lower now than the STAT Oil figure of 2015

    So there we have it Don, its a free country write all your shite in reply to me if you wish, I would ask you not too.

    Constructive critics are always welcome but ……

    Don,thats the polite bit done…… eff off & be a silly billy somewhere else.

    Enjoy your day ahead folks.

  39. Don says:

    Stuart MacKay 3 June, 2021 at 8:38 am

    “I see Rob Brown gives Kenny MacAskill a well deserved kicking:
    I can see why Kenny said what he said but it has the ever so slight hint of appeasement which I didn’t not join the party to see”

    What you mean is they all fully understand Scotlands finances and how the Fiscal Transfer works so don’t want to lose that to make Scotland a 16-20% poorer country than the rest of the UK. In other words they want to be able to keep their cake and eat it too and are just trying a massive cons trick on Scotland (well gullible Nationalists at least) instead to try to achieve that. Look at the mess Scotland is in right now and it would be much worse when they got the full powers to do whatever they want, they just want power without responsibility but want England to pay for their cock up’s and uselessness.
    I bet ifyou asked Kenny he would tell you that the SNP feel exactly the same too.

    How Socialism actually works in the UK
    link to

    link to

  40. Shug says:

    I have a friend in the police who told me they hooked her about 3 years ago

  41. Robert Hughes says:

    Sensible Dave .

    Yes , but ……you only have to look at the comment section of * certain * English tabloids to see that there does exist that % of fervently pro-Unionists who have a pretty contemptuous view of Scots and – despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary , believe England massively subsidises Scotland ( hi Don/Nod ) and that the latter would collapse into absolute penury without the magnanimous generosity of our neighbours .

    Still , as I said , these are a minority as is the % of Scots that are reflexively anti-English .

    Worth restating that many Scots are very hostile to the overbearing English influence/control within the Union and not to English people per se

  42. Don says:

    @Tackety Beets 3 June, 2021 at 9:20 am

    “This is the only time I will address you directly.
    Why ?Let me explain.

    “Pfisser seams to be the younger generations best option?
    I have no knowledge on Moderna or 1 shot J&J
    Any update or news on the Livingstone Company getting approval?”

    LOL You really like to think your something special don’t you , yet just make up a lot of bollocks and ignore what properly informed people tell you. Why not be honest and just admit your a bit of a no knowledge prat that just continues to ignore what proper SNP economists tell you instead of all the crap you just make up to fool yourself and try to fill others heads with. People like you are why so few people take the Nationalist movement seriously, no real knowledge so just make up your own garbage to keep yourselves satisfied and the bigger lies you tell yorselves the happier you are. 🙂

    Sadly for you the truth is coming down the line to hit you soon like a runaway train.

    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

  43. Breastplate says:


    “they just want power without responsibility but want England to pay for their cock up’s and uselessness.”

    You’re a hypocrite. You claim Scotland can’t afford independence and need to scrounge off England, you are the person on here advocating that Scotland should not accept responsibility or make its own decisions.

    This is exactly what you are accusing the “gullible nationalists” of.

    Admit that you are an imbecile and I’m sure people will make allowances for your tripe.

  44. Captain Yossarian says:

    Regarding the school that’s sinking: The only English lawyer that looked at this, called the situation ‘putrid’. The forensic MSP from Dumbarton will remember this description because the opinion was addressed to her, I was only copied-in.

    I think his point was that, in Scotland, if one or two folk at Holyrood instruct the Scottish legal profession to do nothing, they just do nothing. There’s another Scottish Government QC looking at it just now, wasting everyone’s time, and I wish he would just clear-off out the way.

    We’ve seen all of this for ourselves at the Fabiani Inquiry, of course. I think many of us thinking Scots would call that putrid as well.

    Scotland’s best engineers have spoken and we have a result. Just publish it and let us all get-on with our lives.

    It’s with John Swinney and his ‘Head of Outcome Agreement’. Just do your jobs and get this outcome agreed, today.

  45. Balaaargh says:

    We’re doing pregnant women now, are we? The good ol’ appeal to emotion fallacy. For a start, it’s not your place to be telling your adult offpsring what they should be doing. Never mind on a subject on which you are not an expert on.

    A sensible parent would be telling their daughter that they should be asking their GP in the first instance and asking to be referred to a consultant obgyn if they want more answers. A sensible parent would be telling their daughter that they support them fully in their decision.

    Of course, the best thing you can do is get yourself vaccinated. Not everyone can receive a vaccine which is why it is important that those around vulnerable people get vaccinated because that is how herd immunity works.

    Speaking of sensible. I hadn’t posted a response to your earlier comment because the thread had returned to a sensible topic and I went off and had a social life with friends and bars and restaurants. Who’d have thought the new world order would have beer!

    You linked to a tweet making reference to a Dr Simone Gold,

    “Dr. Simone Gold – terrifying if true…”

    If true…? That means there’s no actual evidence that it is, just the word of an individual on a video. So who is Dr Simone Gold? Well, she’s a Stanford educated lawyer and an emergency physician. Those are pretty impressive credentials however, good education does not create good people.

    Simone Gold is the founder behind the right-wing group, Frontline Doctors, who claimed that a malaria treatment worked against COVID. When multiple studies failed to verify this conclusion, the reply was that the evidence isn’t needed. It just works.

    link to
    link to
    link to

    Unsurprisingly, when a solution came along which wasn’t theirs they changed to attacking it, again with no evidence. I’m sure she’ll continue to give reputable legal and medical advice from her prison cell.

  46. Stuart MacKay says:


    Riddle me this, Master of Economics. Since Theresa May and Boris Johnson have refused the democratic right of the Scottish people to self determination does that open the door to the issue of reparations in the future divorce settlement?

    As far as I can see the clock is already ticking on that one and the bill is going to be huge.

  47. Ruby says:

    link to

    The Disunited Kingdom

    I wonder if Stu will post this today?

  48. Breeks says:

    Stuart MacKay says:
    3 June, 2021 at 8:38 am
    I see Rob Brown gives Kenny MacAskill a well deserved kicking:

    Alba Means Independence in the UK?

    It would make you weep, wouldn’t it?

    Maybe the big mistake we are making as a Nation is trusting these important issues to politicians.

    Scottish politics seems to be a risk free environment for charlatans, and there are no apex predators to cull their unchecked proliferation.

  49. Don says:

    @Breastplate 3 June, 2021 at 9:45 am

    “You’re a hypocrite. You claim Scotland can’t afford independence and need to scrounge off England, you are the person on here advocating that Scotland should not accept responsibility or make its own decisions.”

    Yet again just making up what i said to suit yourself as always, the only hypocrites are people like you who continue to pretend Scotand won’t be 16%-20% worse off with Independence. Scotland could be Independent but poorer for that, its only people like yourselves that are such hypocrites that you have spent decades campaigning that Scotland would be richer and thus better off instead of campaigning honestly. The truth is that lies are all you have because your all too wee and too dishonest to campaign truthfully to the Scottish people , you are in fact nothing but deceitful grifters attempting not only to con the Scottish People but to con yourselves too.

    How come the SNP’s own Head of its Growth Commission paper can only make a case for Indy in the Financial Times now by deliberately missing out £7bn of annual spending Scotland already has right now ?

    Public Services are paid for from Taxes raised , Higher Taxes are raised from Areas of higher population density than rural ones which cost more to support than they raise.

    As the Highlands and Islands all receive Fiscal Transfers from Scotlands higher Tax raising Central belt (“Subsidies” if you want though) we can only suppose that you want those stopped too ? Or perhaps your tiny insular mind hasn’t stretched to thinking about that issue yet ? Such clueless hypocritical fecks some of you are.
    9 Regions of the UK are net receivers of Fiscal Transfers INCLUDING areas of England.
    3 Regions of the UK are net providors of those Fiscal Transfers

    How hard can it be to understand , too hard for people like you though LOL. This is ahow a Socialist system works , if you want to leave it then campaign for that but at least tell the fecking truth of the implications of doing that instead of spending your pitiful whole lives trying to lie to Scotland of the only truhful outcome of it.
    link to

    link to

  50. Stuart MacKay says:


    No doubt Kenny is trying to break the logjam of inaction and indifference in the SNP so he’s to be applauded for trying but Christ, he could have worded it a little better.

    You’re right though. The issue needs to be wrested from the clutches of the politicians. Lobbyists, special advisors, etc., like so many Grima Wormtongues, have castrated democracy and accountability. Only when there is the threat of revolutionary change (metaphorically speaking) and the snouts look likely to be permanently separated from the troughs is there likely to be action.

    As a, relatively unimportant, example, in the grand scheme of things. There was a recent parliamentary question over when the Scottish Government was going to start licencing grouse moors over the issue of poisoning and blasting eagles and harriers in pursuit of profit. The reply from the Transport Secretary (WTF??) was that it will be attended to once the legislative priorities have been dealt with. So all that campaigning and uproar was for nought – the issue is going to be ignored. Repeat ad nauseum for anything else and it’s clear that the Government and Parliament are no longer fit for purpose.

  51. Ruby says:

    I wonder if Stu is looking at the quality of the posts and asking himself WTF he is paying money to run a blog that caters for flame-baiting Unionists.

  52. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Balaaargh (10.03) –

    You shirk the question.

    Plenty of people, for all sorts of reasons, cannot make informed decisions and must rely on others. They have no choice.

    If such a person asked for your advice – because they trust you and value your take on things – what would it be? You approve of getting the jag. We all understand that. But which one would you recommend, and why?

  53. Don says:

    @Stuart MacKay 3 June, 2021 at 10:03 am

    “Riddle me this, Master of Economics. Since Theresa May and Boris Johnson have refused the democratic right of the Scottish people to self determination does that open the door to the issue of reparations in the future divorce settlement?

    As far as I can see the clock is already ticking on that one and the bill is going to be huge.”

    Reparations ? Seriously Stuart ? I’m afraid this idea has no foundation in real fact and the only reason you think it exists is because of circulating nonsense propaganda in the Nationalist Echo chamber. Your clearly a thoughtful bloke on many issues and i can see why many might beleive in “reparations” but only if they didn’t understand the real recorded economic numbers that already exists on the Scot Gov Website. Do you ever hear of any Senior serious Natioanlsit Politicians calling for reparations ? No , so why do you think that is ? Its because if they did they would get laughed off the park, Scotland (like many other regions of the UK) has only paid for its own Public Services ONCE in around the last 24 years (back in 2012 IIRC).

    I’m presuming you think these imaginary reparations are based on Oil revenues ? What have been happening to Oil Revenues in the last 10 years and are only going to get worse as we move to electric cars ?
    In the words of many Nationalists themselves “you need to understand the McCrone report ” (do listen the whole way through) link to

    There is also a much longer and better Radio interview with McCrone here (who seems a Nationalist himself to me) link to

    Its not too hard to see that as we move towards an end of the Oil Era that Scotlands “Balance of payments” will be going to continue going the wrong direction. We probably are already now passed the breakeven point of having received all North Sea Oil Revnues back in the form of Fiscal Transfers back to Scotland (including thoughout the 1990’s as McCrones own words)
    Do try to check out the graph on this link as it should demonstrate pretty quickly why the idea of “reparations” is simply invented ficton. link to

  54. Republicofscotland says:

    So a bit of digging by a tabloid newspaper has shown that auld queen Lizzie, had a ban on employing ethnic minorities and foreigners at her 770 roomed house Bucks palace.

    The tabloid also turned up that auld lizzie with regards to employment rights was and still is exempt from laws that prevent race and sex discrimination.

    All other employers must abide by laws that protect ethnic minorities in employment and their right to be employed but not auld Lizzie, she gets around it by something called the Queens Consent, that allows anything that affect her private interests to be negated with regards to her and hers.

  55. Ruby says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    3 June, 2021 at 10:24 am
    @Balaaargh (10.03) –

    You shirk the question.

    Plenty of people, for all sorts of reasons, cannot make informed decisions and must rely on others. They have no choice.

    If such a person asked for your advice – because they trust you and value your take on things – what would it be? You approve of getting the jag. We all understand that. But which one would you recommend, and why?


    How would you answer that question Ian?

  56. Republicofscotland says:

    Colonel (I love the rape clause) Davidson hasn’t taken her place a the trough in the HoC yet. She and the Garter King of Arms haven’t yet agreed on her new lofty title on what she should be called.

    I can think of a few names to call her.

    Have you any names for Davidson?

  57. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Ruby (10.40) –

    I think you already know what my answer would be.

    But I asked Balaaargh.

    If you would like to have a stab at it while we’re waiting for ‘him’, go ahead.

  58. Breastplate says:

    I’m sorry if this is confusing for you but how much Scotland is worth in monetary terms is irrelevant to the constitution.

    Please try to understand that no matter how poor the people of England are, they will not want to give up their decision making to Germany, for example.
    This is the same for Scotland and it is to our shame that there are people like you in our country who think it is proper that a foreign country should make our decisions for us.

    But alas, that is the battle we have to fight.

  59. Don says:

    @Ian Brotherhood 3 June, 2021 at 10:24 am

    “You shirk the question.
    Plenty of people, for all sorts of reasons, cannot make informed decisions and must rely on others. They have no choice.

    If such a person asked for your advice – because they trust you and value your take on things – what would it be? You approve of getting the jag. We all understand that. But which one would you recommend, and why?”

    I doubt there is much between either of them , any serious side effects among hundreds of millions of doses given have been small (although bad outcomes can and do happen) overall they are all of net benefit and the greater good has to be the only sensible route.
    Even the Pfizer Vaccine is showing a small amount of side effects now link to

    There are even concerns now that the UK may not even reach “Herd Immunity ” with Vaccines if the younger age groups don’t get vaccinated and that would be a very bad thing because there are genuine people can’t get vaccinated becaase of existing illesses and not reaching Herd Immunity would leave those people more vulnerable. link to

  60. James says:



  61. Breeks says:

    Don’t feed the Troll folks.

    You’re not engaging with a discussion. There’s only one way traffic, so save your breath, ignore, and invariably they get bored and piss off. They’re just attention seekers who get their jollys upsetting people and butting in to disrupt people’s conversations.

    I know, I sometimes succumb myself. It’s easily done. But not feeding the troll has shown itself to be effective. Let them suffer the raised blood pressure. Dinnae bite.

    Whether it’s Don spouting shite, or whether it’s the BBC pouring their pish into your living room, don’t watch, don’t listen, certainly don’t pay for them. Basically, – Don’t feed the Troll.

  62. Lochside says:

    Don…you are a half witted Unionist troll who cannot even spell. Trolling out lies about ‘oil’ being exhausted when there is more oil West of Shetland currently than ever was in the North Sea, coupled with tacit acceptance of the theft of a Scottish resource that has impoverished us in comparison with Norway says all we need to know about you.

    Away back to your lodge/barracks and bow down and kiss the Butcher’s Apron ya pathetic bitch of England.

  63. Ruby says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    3 June, 2021 at 10:50 am
    @Ruby (10.40) –

    I think you already know what my answer would be.

    But I asked Balaaargh.

    If you would like to have a stab at it while we’re waiting for ‘him’, go ahead.


    Sorry I do not know your answer.
    I do not read every post on this forum.
    Could you re-post your answer? Cheers

    I wouldn’t be offering advice to anyone vis a vis vaccines especially not vulnerable people who are unable to make decisions.

    You asked Balaaargh and I’m asking you. Is that a problem?

  64. Ruby says:

    The only advice I’m wanting to ask others at the moment is about ‘The Irish Protocol”.

    What is that all about? Sounds like a big mess.

    The Alex Salmond Show was interesting.

    Lord Wigley said perhaps the UK would unravel in the same order as it was formed.

  65. Don says:

    Ruby 3 June, 2021 at 11:15 am
    The only advice I’m wanting to ask others at the moment is about ‘The Irish Protocol”.
    What is that all about? Sounds like a big mess.
    The Alex Salmond Show was interesting.

    Lord Wigley said perhaps the UK would unravel in the same order as it was formed”

    And you heard this on Putins propaganda channel Aye ?

  66. Ruby says:

    Lochside says:
    3 June, 2021 at 11:03 am
    Don…you are a half witted Unionist troll who cannot even spell.


    You have been hooked by ‘Donsie the half witted Unionist Flame-baiting troll’. 🙂

  67. Don says:

    Breeks 3 June, 2021 at 11:00 am

    “You’re not engaging with a discussion. There’s only one way traffic, so save your breath, ignore, and invariably they get bored and piss off. They’re just attention seekers who get their jollys upsetting people and butting in to disrupt people’s conversations.

    I know, I sometimes succumb myself. It’s easily done. But not feeding the troll has shown itself to be effective. Let them suffer the raised blood pressure. Dinnae bite.”

    Its always funny how people like you when they have no answers can only run away back to your bunkers to hide from the truths none of you can face or that many of you don’t even appear to have the ability to be able to understand for yourselves , no wonder the Rev has had to take an extended break from you , working in a mental institution for too long must surely take its toll after so many years.

  68. Republicofscotland says:

    “A TORY MP who sent her colleagues laughing by making a joke about sending Scots to the “colonies” as slaves will appear on the BBC’s Question Time tonight.”

    This is the kind of mentality that pervades Westminster, and of course Johnson penned a poem calling for the extermination of Scots. Yet we have idiots in Scotland that still believe in the union and that somehow, it cares for them and they are seen as equals.

    Lucy Frazer MP for South East Cambridgeshire made the slave of Scots remarks during her maiden speech in the HoC in 2015.

  69. Grouse Beater says:

    Talk of ‘Home Rule in the UK’ is rekindled in the media. Staunch believer in indy, Kenny MacAskill ALBA MP, discusses the idea here:

    ‘Home Rule in the UK’: link to

  70. Ruby says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    Lucy Frazer MP for South East Cambridgeshire made the slave of Scots remarks during her maiden speech in the HoC in 2015.


    link to

  71. Stuart MacKay says:


    I notice you avoided answering the question.

    Any contractual arrangement or union has to be freely entered into by both parties. If one party fails to live up to the terms of the contract then some form of remediation is clearly due. If the Union fails to respect the wishes either party and “false imprisonment” is the result, then I’d expect any court to take punitive action against the offending party.

    Oil revenues? Don’t make me laugh. They wouldn’t even cover the first item on the list. I’m looking for numbers commensurate with the size of the tobacco settlement in the USA, except larger. Much, much larger.

  72. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Ruby –

    Let’s just wait and see what Balaaargh has to say, shall we?

  73. Don says:

    @Ruby 3 June, 2021 at 10:21 am

    “I wonder if Stu is looking at the quality of the posts and asking himself WTF he is paying money to run a blog that caters for flame-baiting Unionists.”

    I wondered too if Stu is looking at the quality of the posts from mental conspiracy theorists and anti vaxxers and thinking “Thank Feck i’m away from all that” It does appear that what many of you just want is a comfort echo chamber alone where you can all just comfortably spout complete utter bollocks to each other constantly unchallenged without having to face any reality at all ? Has anyone actually noticed yet what Stu have been telling them for months ? The SNP or Alba for that matter have no actual plans for Independence for the one reason that no reaon exists for it.

  74. Ruby says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    3 June, 2021 at 11:31 am
    @Ruby –

    Let’s just wait and see what Balaaargh has to say, shall we?



    Is your answer to the question TOP SECRET?

  75. Ruby says:

    Stuart MacKay says:
    3 June, 2021 at 11:29 am

    I notice you avoided answering the question.


    ‘Donsie the half witted Unionist Flame-baiting troll’ caught another fish.


  76. Ruby says:

    Grouse Beater says:
    3 June, 2021 at 11:29 am
    Talk of ‘Home Rule in the UK’ is rekindled in the media. Staunch believer in indy, Kenny MacAskill ALBA MP, discusses the idea here:

    ‘Home Rule in the UK’: link to


    Thanks for the interesting link.

  77. Don says:

    Stuart MacKay 3 June, 2021 at 11:29 am

    “I notice you avoided answering the question.”

    I answered the question just fine , you just didn’t get the answer that you wanted to see.

    “Reparations” is just another wholly invented greivance whether through ignorance or just deliberate deceit on your part i cannot say.
    Scotland joined the Union to get out of a financial mess left by the Darien Scheme failure and Scotland never looked back since joining and the numbers exist to prove that but instead of providing them i’m sure some Nationalist blogger with absolutely no numerical knowledge or financial understanding somewhere will have made up some wholly invented fantasy Blog (because its only after all what Nationslistsm do best)

    Feel free to provide actual numerical evidence to abck up your claims for “reparations” ? But we know your not going to to that other than yet another fictitous list of imagined greivances

  78. J.o.e says:

    Just skimming through the comments and it seems its the same old.

    The ones who want to display 100% confidence in the current narrative of the ‘pandemic’ and 100% confidence in the medical technologies being distributed have had a day off after failing to acknowledge that the WHO and other public health bodies have described a PCR test result on its own is meaningless without symptoms – which is directly at odds with the mass testing program which justifies the lockdowns, justifying the rollout of experimental technologies through a temporary use measure.

    They now continue on as if their inability or unwillingness to address the issue never happened.

    This is not natural. No honest person, who isn’t totally in the grip of some severe stress related denial, would not at least hold an open mind to the possibility that government and big business CANNOT BE TRUSTED.

    Pretending 100% confidence in this, while avoiding official sources that contradict the narrative, is a sure sign of someone who has questionable motives.

    For the rest – your legacy will be one of being a willing bystander to government and corporate corruption on an international scale when ALL THE SOURCES WERE THERE FOR YOU TO EDUCATE YOURSELF.

    Pity its not some animal being hunted. Or a slaughterhouse. Or something to do with gay rights, or a tree getting cut down, or the greatest of all crimes someone suggesting that Scotland can’t look after the 3rd world. Then a lot of currently passive dumb bastards would be fighting tooth and nail for their pathetic, establishment endorsed, ‘rebel’ wee pet cause.

    What if I put it another way and said ‘the LGBT community are being coerced and misinformed into taking experimental medical technologies that have unknown long term side effects’?

    Or maybe ‘BAME people are being misled into giving up their rights based on misinformation from governments and corporations’?

    Maybe those programmed emotional triggers are gaps in the armor of wilfull fucking ignorance?

  79. J.o.e says:

    @James Che

    I appreciate the older folk more and more as time passes. I left school in the late 90’s so you can roughly guess my age group.

    The mental problems the younger generations could be facing now is beyond imagining if they do not gain a proper logical framework from which to view it.

  80. Dave Somerville says:

    The guy Don has got the usual suspects all in a tizzy.

    So if they can’t beat him, they call him a Troll and tell the teacher that a bad man is upsetting them and they would like him barred from Wings.

    It’s been happening for years on Wings.

    The usual suspects want a cozy echo chamber, where everyone agrees with everybody else.

    Anyone with the slightest difference if opinion “gets it”.

    So you first start by circling like vultures, then you strike.

    No Wonder the Polls are in reverse, you all want a closed shop.

    Whoever this guy Don is, he is running rings round the usual suspects and they don’t like it one little bit, so the call goes out to the Rev to “eliminate” him.

    If you can’t handle debate, you shouldn’t be on this website.

    The site is dying on its feet, and the only thing you can think of is to turn to the Rev, again, and tell him to block a bad man you don’t like.

    How about trying to out wit this Don with facts, something this site was founded on.

    Or easier still, ignore his posts.

  81. Breeks says:

    Ruby says:
    3 June, 2021 at 11:15 am
    The only advice I’m wanting to ask others at the moment is about ‘The Irish Protocol”.

    What is that all about? Sounds like a big mess.

    The Irish Protocol is arranged agreed by Westminster and the EU whereby Northern Ireland essentially enjoys the benefits of EU Membership, whilst remaining part of the UK.

    It’s in trouble, because like the Treaty of Union, it is essentially a “convention” designed to do something which cannot properly be done, so there’s a delicate game of brinkmanship to determine where the bit that’s done improperly occurs, with minimal repercussion or consequence. In other words, where the fudge occurs, and the inevitable convention put in place to obscure the guddle.

    The EU needs, and will have, a border to it’s Membership, the Good Friday Agreement prevents that Border being in Ireland, but the Westminster Government loses face if that Border is a line in the Irish Sea cutting off Northern Ireland.

    The UK Government is going to lose, but “somehow” pretend it’s won, and that’s going to leave Northern Ireland’s Unionists wondering if they’ve duped, and getting very angry once they realise they have been, and that Ireland has taken a big step towards a United Ireland. The “improper” thing I mentioned was the UK agreeing there wouldn’t be a Border in Ireland, as stipulated in the Good Friday Agreement, but bullshitting everybody about a Schrödinger’s cat Border, which is both there, but not there, at the same time.

    In the real world however, where things have consequences, there WILL be a border in the Irish Sea, or, the UK will align itself so close to the EU and accept EU jurisdiction, but then, that defeats the whole principle of Brexit.

    So yeah. Big mess is just about right.

  82. J.o.e says:

    @Dave Somerville

    Sorry, wrong. I ignore Don because he tactically ignores me.

    Im very happy to take him on and I already have.

    His comments on Scotland finances my answer is:

    Scotland is a small nation with a large amount of natural resources, including renewable potential. There is no intrinsic deficit in Scotland as a territory. It is at least as viable as an independent state as other small nations in the world.

    Any negative outlook on finances is a result of mismanagement of which the state of Britain has had the biggest part to play. Therefore it is not an argument against independence but a reason to look seriously at the prospect of autonomy.

  83. Breeks says:

    Breeks says:
    3 June, 2021 at 12:21 pm

    …It’s in trouble, because like the Treaty of Union, it is essentially a “convention” designed to do something which cannot properly be done, so there’s a delicate game of brinkmanship to determine where the bit that’s done improperly occurs, with minimal repercussion or consequence. In other words, where the fudge occurs, and the inevitable convention put in place to obscure the guddle…

    And if Scotland had a Government which actually wanted the Union to be in trouble and failing, that Scottish Government would be kicking up fk about trading advantage of one area of the UK over another, as constituting a material violation and breach of the 1707 Treaty of Union.

    Unfortunately for Scotland, we DON’T have a pro-Independence government, we’ve got good-for-nothing Sturgeon.

  84. Captain Yossarian says:

    Dave Somerville says:
    3 June, 2021 at 12:16 pm

    It’s the country that’s dying on its feet, Dave. Completely directionless. In the few months I’ve looked-into this site, this has always been happening.

  85. Breeks says:

    J.o.e says:
    3 June, 2021 at 12:30 pm
    @Dave Somerville

    Sorry, wrong. I ignore Don because he tactically ignores me.

    Im very happy to take him on and I already have.

    You’re getting sucked in J.o.e.

    We ALL know you’ve addressed his questions. SO HAVE WE. Not just once, but multiple times.

    I repeat myself, it’s neither a conversation or discussion you have with Don, or any other troll. He isn’t there to listen or be persuaded. If he was he’d have ran away to hide his ignorance and embarrassment weeks ago, but he sticks around posting his asinine links, which everybody with a few brain cells knows, have all been debunked over, and over, and over, and over again.

    Just ignore the bait. Don’t feed the troll. He’ll get bored and fk off like all the others.

  86. Cenchos says:

    Sturgeon is starting to looking beyond Covid at last.

    She’s now starting to cite COP26 as an excuse to do nothing at all.

  87. Balaaargh says:

    Nice deflection but it’s still deflection. My answer was in my post, if you choose to ignore it then that reflects on you.

    I am satisfied with my personal research. I am satisfied that vaccines work and that most of these vaccines work. I haven’t done much reading on the three vaccines from the Chinese pharma companies mainly because most of it is in Chinese. The Sputnik V vaccine has produced good results despite initial Western scepticism. I am satisfied that actual qualified experts have examined the data from the trials, questioning assumptions and other flaws where necessary. I understand that the massive propagation of false narratives in this age of the internet will worry some people who don’t know how to separate the sense from the nonsense. But that relates to me, and me only.

    It would be irresponsible for me or you as a non-medical expert to be recommending any vaccine to anyone else. If my hypothetical daughter decided not to get the vaccine, she’s still my daughter and I’m sitting in a beer garden in Edinburgh with excellent 5G knowing that she benefits from my protection.

    Vaccines work. They protect not only the individual but have a cumulative effect across the whole of society. And they have done for two centuries.

    And if these ones didn’t work, do you really think that after centuries of eurocentric capitalist imperialism, the new world order would be testing mass rollouts on their own people when there are underdeveloped countries in Africa and Asia where cover-ups are easier?

  88. Stuart MacKay says:

    J.o.e @11:51am

    Never a truer word said and everybody should read it – at least several times.

    Unreliable tests/technicians + pushy corporations wanting to make money + governments without a clue + pushy politicians wanting to make money = mess

    You can’t sensibly talk about a mess so, just like The Economist, there’s the need/desire to simplify and exaggerate otherwise the issues are too complex to even reason about never mind make any progress on.

    The problem is with the pandemic there are too many moving parts so in the struggle to make sense of it all the detail and nuance gets thrown away and all that’s left is a “he said / she said” situation where everybody is struggling and failing to make sense of it because nothing does.

    The reality is somewhere in the middle but good luck in finding it.

  89. Breeks says:

    Cenchos says:
    3 June, 2021 at 12:44 pm
    Sturgeon is starting to looking beyond Covid at last.

    She’s now starting to cite COP26 as an excuse to do nothing at all.

    Was that FMQ’s Cenchos? I was going to watch but didn’t. I find her insufferable these days.

  90. Stuart MacKay says:

    Ruby @11:36am

    > ‘Donsie the half witted Unionist Flame-baiting troll’ caught another fish.

    And here was I trying to lighten the mood and get Don to see that posting links to “facts” is going to get him precisely nowhere.

    Ah well, no good deed goes unpunished.

  91. Breastplate says:

    You are correct in that Don is not here to engage in any sort of debate but I would argue that he should be ridiculed nonetheless.
    I do think it important that the Unionists put forward their arguments, regardless of how pitiful they are.
    There are other trolls that should be ignored completely though.

  92. Ruby says:

    Breeks says

    The Irish Protocol is arranged agreed by Westminster and the EU whereby Northern Ireland essentially enjoys the benefits of EU Membership, whilst remaining part of the UK.


    Thank you Breeks that is very helpful.

  93. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Balaaargh (12.48) –

    If that was directed at me, I’ll leave it to others (including Ruby) to decide whether or not you answered the question.

  94. Balaaargh says:

    Well Ian, I’ve answered it twice now.

    And I’ve answered your previous comment about Simone Gold too.

  95. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Balaarargh –

    Whether you’ve answered it at all (let alone twice) is debatable.

    And I made no mention of Simone Gold, for the simple reason that I don’t know who she is.

  96. Balaaargh says:

    Ian, are you admitting you didn’t do any research on the link you posted in reply to an earlier post of mine?

    This is how FUD spreads. It shows a lack of critical thinking on your part.

  97. Cenchos says:

    Breeks at 12.52:

    ‘Ms Sturgeon says she will take forward a range of ways Scotland can pursue its renewable energy potential. She says there is “lots of work” to be done in the lead-up to COP26 in Glasgow later this year.’

    From B** Scotland website. I’m off to decontaminate now.

  98. Ruby says:

    Dave Somerville says:
    3 June, 2021 at 12:16 pm
    The guy Don has got the usual suspects all in a tizzy.

    So if they can’t beat him, they call him a Troll


    I call him a flame-baiting troll.

    “Flaming or roasting is the act of posting insults, often including profanity or other offensive language, on the internet. This term should not be confused with the term trolling, which is the act of someone going online, or in person, and causing discord.”

    You say ‘So if they can’t beat him’.

    Who would decide the winner?

    Surely what is being posted here are opinions and that includes ‘Donsie the Flamebaiting Troll’s’ multiple links.

    I only read a few of ‘Donsie the Flamebaiting Troll’s’ posts and gave up because it looked as if he was regurgitating the ‘Better Together’ script from 2014 along with the usual Unionist insults. He appeared to be stuck in Groundhog Day 2014′

    I think I did ask him what he was trying to achieve posting here but was subjected to abuse.

    Perhaps I can ask you the same question.

    Are you posting here to try to save the Union or are you just here like Donsie to flamebait?

    Most sites have a zero tolerance policy regarding ‘flamebaiting’

  99. Ruby says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    3 June, 2021 at 12:57 pm
    @Balaaargh (12.48) –

    If that was directed at me, I’ll leave it to others (including Ruby) to decide whether or not you answered the question.


    What are you dragging me into now? I wasn’t interested in ‘Balaaargh’ answer I was interested in yours.

  100. Big Jock says:

    Breeks – As we all predicted. Sturgeon has already found the next crisis for this year COP 26. She can string that out until next Spring. Then it’s the council elections. That will take care of 2022 plus the economic burden of Covid. She just needs another wee crisis for 2023 and she has virtually stitched this up. 2024 is the GE.

  101. McDuff says:

    As others have said, don’t feed this Don troll as he is only trying to wind us up.
    He represents all that makes us want independence.

  102. Effigy says:

    I don’t know if many here drive in and around Glasgow City but
    I need to do so for my job and the road planers or perhaps it road
    Dismantler’s have gone totally off their rocker.

    I want to use a road leading into Cowcaddens that
    had 2 lanes each way and a convenient slip road
    that lets you avoid the lights and continue on after giving way.

    They have paved over the slip road so that everyone must now be held up
    at them. There is astonishingly low footfall there so no need for it.

    There is now a tail back quarter of a mile back from the lights with trucks and cards all spewing out
    Pollution for an extra 10 minutes trying to get through.

    They haven’t adjusted the lights to give any additional time now that they have
    more than doubled to volume of cars that go through them.
    Now that I’m through the lights a find one of the lanes now permanently closed off to traffic.
    It’s now a resurfaced cycle land with large granite blocks acting as a boundary with the cars.
    Every 20 Meters there is a large plastic sign on top of the granite with a bicycle logo on it.

    We now have another back log of cars at the next set of lights due to having one lane.
    Never will vehicle pollution levels have been so high with this disastrous quest to put cars off the road.

    In other areas I drive I see that they have bus stop islands projecting out to use up one of the 2 lanes
    that we could use. Yesterday I was the 3rd car behind a bus that stopped to let passengers off and on. The bus and the island now make the road impassible.

    What comes racing up behind me, an ambulance.
    There is no where for the cars behind the bus to go and nowhere for the ambulance to pass.
    Did anyone die as yet from the idiocy of the road planners because they will.

    If you are having a heart attack you are now required to teach hospital by cycling.

    All this prevents me from meeting enough of my clients, making money for me my company and those in the company that supports me.
    There is then less tax paid.
    We generate more pollution than before and 10’s of millions are spent on handfuls of cyclists
    rather than filling in a sea of pot holes.

    So what if thousands gave up their cars in frustration.
    Where do the car manufacturers workers go?
    The car salesmen, the mechanics, the petrol station workers, etc

    And if reaching the city centre is more bother than it’s worth, the shops close
    and if the shops go the pubs and cafes will largely close down.
    There will be massive revenue losses from Parking, Road Tax, Fuel Duty,
    Business rates and VAT.

    Not to worry, wee Jimmy with the bike can have two lanes to himself but now he doesn’t
    want to go to the City as it’s a ghost town.

  103. Breastplate says:

    I agree that restrictions for the best intentions can have detrimental consequences and not just the traffic calming efforts.

  104. Breeks says:

    Breastplate says:
    3 June, 2021 at 12:55 pm
    You are correct in that Don is not here to engage in any sort of debate but I would argue that he should be ridiculed nonetheless…

    I’m reading that as not ridiculed, 😉 and while I know where you’re coming from, I accept many people dislike the hostility shown towards trolls, Don has proven himself repeatedly deaf, dumb and blind to anything which contradicts his transparently skewed narrative.

    How many times has he posted a YouTube link which highlights Gavin McCrone saying his report was for ministers and just made secret by standard default? But, as pointed out time and time again, we know McCrone is lying on the BBC because of the covering letter attached to his 1970’s Report saying it had to be highly restricted due to it’s sensitivity.

    What a candid Gavin McCrone said on 23rd April 1975 when he expects his Report to be confidential is quite different from an Establishment Gavin McCrone on the BBC trying to put the genie back in the bottle after his report is released and the outrage is fuelling Scottish Nationalism in a referendum campaign.

    Check for yourselves… link to

    Or let me quote McCrone’s own covering letter… ” When my paper was written it was classified “secret” and given only a most restricted circulation in the Scottish Office because of the extreme sensitivity of the subject. I am copying it now to Leo Pliatzky, Dick Ross, Jim Hamilton, John Liverman and Stuart Scott Whyte.

    Signed: R G L McCrone.

    Thus we have Don the troll, spouting his favourite YouTube link time and again, despite being led by the nose to written word explicit contradiction from Gavin McCrone himself, which has 46 years of unalterable historic, provenance.

    To coin the phrase, our Don can’t handle the truth.

    Next time he posts that link, and you can bet he will. Ridicule is what he’ll deserve. But he won’t get it from me, because I’ll be ignoring him under “not feeding trolls” strategy.

  105. Dan says:


    link to

  106. Breastplate says:

    I mean he should be ridiculed, he deserves nothing more.

    I agree with you on the McCrone report, if the McCrone report was about oil and gas in English waters, every man, woman and child would have known about it because they would have made sure of it. There would have been nothing sensitive about it.

  107. Claire says:

    Marion Millar has been charged Malicious Communications hate crime aggravator.

    Sad day for Women’s Rights and Free Speech

  108. Ruby says:

    Breastplate says:
    3 June, 2021 at 2:06 pm
    I mean he should be ridiculed, he deserves nothing more.


    How about ridiculing those how get caught on his hook or is that a bit mean?

  109. Breastplate says:

    If you want to ignore Don, then do so or better still, ignore me.

  110. Ruby says:

    Dan says:
    3 June, 2021 at 2:00 pm

    link to


    Any news about ‘Rhiannon Spears’ hate crime?

  111. Ruby says:

    Breastplate says:
    3 June, 2021 at 2:17 pm
    If you want to ignore Don, then do so or better still, ignore me.


    Ignore you?

    If you get caught hook, line & sinker by ‘Flame-baiting Donsie” I might be very tempted to ridicule you.

    Are you tough enough for that? 🙂

  112. Nally Anders says:

    Complete outrage re: Marion Millar.
    Women don’t matter in Sturgeon Scotland, this is the Mark Hirst case all over again.
    Angry and completely discussed.

  113. Breastplate says:

    Why do you feel it necessary to whinge about other people’s posts.
    Top tip, scroll by.

  114. Anthem says:

    The Darien Scheme was only a disaster because the English withdrew their funding for it after Scots had committed all their funds to it. The needless deaths were caused and committed by the English navy who threatened anyone who was willing to help the Scots. That’s a fact.

  115. Republicofscotland says:

    And so the persecutions begin.

    link to

  116. Republicofscotland says:

    Nally Anders.

    Its akin to state terrorism, designed to silence women and advocates of women, by threatening them with prison, but not before the police act in a menacing manner, to frighten the women and their advocates further.

    Its the kind of free speech oppressing, that you see in a totalitarian regime, and its now active in Scotland under Sturgeon the Betrayers tenure.

  117. Republicofscotland says:

    Nally Anders.

    And further more this particular women has suffered psychological torture at the hands of Police Scotland with a thinly veiled threat to have social workers come to her house to see her two children.

    Twitter hasn’t complained or removed her tweets, and the woman in question is unsure of what the so called offending tweet is, the nature of which she is still not allowed to know.

    Women’s rights in Scotland are under attack, free speech is under attack, we must defend both or face the consequences of not doing so.

  118. James Che. says:

    Dave Somerville.
    I have been posting fact about the reality of the 1707 treaty of the union, but those you say would like a debate ignore the facts and slide into abusive name calling,
    I truly love a good debate based on facts.
    So we will go over it again for those who genuinely would like to discuss and debate a subject that relates to the actual purpose of Rev Stu’s site. Scottish independence,
    Facts in history.
    a) The population and people of Scotland were never consulted or never voted on joining the treaty of the union in 1707.

    b) The Treaty of the Union was a limited trade deal between those whose signitures are on the 1707 treaty.

    c) The Scottish people can be shown in history records to have objected to joining the treaty of the union through protests and rioting.

    d) The Scottish representatives who signed the treaty of the union did not own the country of Scotland. It belonged to the Scottish sovereign population.

    e) The queen of England selected the Scottish representatives, not the Scottish people,

    f) The Scottish signitured representatives were paid for their services by England’s queen and England’s representatives, thus making them employees of England. Not Scotland.

    g) it was illegal in 1707 and still is now to sell something that does not belong to you, including a country. It is and was in 1707 recognised as theft. Which is imprisonable.

    h) Due to the secretive nature that the treaty of the union representatives undertook on both sides, in bringing about the 1707 treaty and the fear they displayed if the people of Scotland should hear of it, displays dishonesty and wrong doing with acknowledgement on their behalf,

    I) The sovereign people of Scotland through the actions of the Scottish and English representatives were never asked, “Do you want to join Scotland and England together in a union?”

    j) The omission of the question to sovereign native population and people of Scotland as a historic fact leaves them outside the 1707 treaty of the union.

    k) Should The Treaty of the Union ever come to end between the signitured representatives, whom exchanged personal finances and written agreements, it would not be the legal responsibility of the Scots to reimburse England.

    l) However, the sovereign Scottish people themselves, should be obscenely reimbursed from England for the use of their country and the extraction of taxes and minerals without the permission of the sovereign Scots and their land,

    m) The Scottish representatives would have to have written proof of a “BILL OF SALE” from the sovereign Scots, of the whole country land sale to themselves prior to them selling Scotland to England,

    n) To conclude. The people of Scotland never joined in with the treaty of the union as factual written historical evidence shows,
    They still hold their sovereignty and should sue for the 300 years use of their stolen land mass and surrounding waters.

  119. Republicofscotland says:

    It looks like Kenny MacAskill and a few other at the Alba party have sold Scotland out, I’m shocked.

    link to

  120. Breeks says:

    link to

    Marion Millar has now been charged for allegedly Tweeting “something” which “somebody” found hateful.

    Welcome to the modern day witch trials of Sturgeon’s 21st Century Scotland.

  121. Breeks says:

    Sorry guys… didn’t realise this had been posted… 😉

  122. James Che. says:

    Republic of Scotland.
    Please read historical fact, Scotland is ours, it does not belong to the politicians or governments,
    There was no treaty between the Scots and English people, Fact.

    In 1706/1707 England payed and had on their payroll employees whom claimed to represent Scotland, Fact.

    If they were Scottish representatives Scotland would have payed them instead, Fact.

    The actual Scottish people were never asked if they wanted to join Scotland and England in a union, Fact

    That leaves us outside the treaty of the 1707 treaty of the union. Fact

    Where do these facts leave us the Scottish people now.?

    So did the Scots people ever join the treaty, NO. Fact

    They protested and rioted against joining the treaty of the union. Fact.

    A big mistake made by the representatives in 1707 in their secretiveness and hurry , that has legal repercussions today. Fact.

    Selling a stolen country you have no proof of owning for personal financial gain, Is Theft. Fact.

  123. James Che. says:

    Your more than lucky,
    We have had roads closed and blocked of here for more than two years, there are bridges down over railways and waterways the council have showed no signs of fixing, mending or reinstating, its been so long that if you try negotiating some of these potholed roads you scrape the bottom of your car, it’s not even safe for cyclists, never mind pushchairs or walkers,
    These were main through roads for hundreds of years, gone with council policies in less than three years,
    Locals to get home have to make detours from anything from 3 miles to ten miles.

    Like I mentioned earlier in this site the council are reapportioning this land to themselves and other wealthy land owners, and we cannot challenge them for they are occupying every solicitor locally, and very expensive for anyone making a challenge legally. And a lot of this has been happening under lockdown rules when people cannot see what is happening out and about.

  124. Cenchos says:

    The only apparent function of the SNP now is as agents provocateur.

    Look next for announcements re. private security firms and prisons.

  125. Sensible Dave says:

    Robert Hughes

    You wrote ” … English tabloids to see that there does exist that % of fervently pro-Unionists who have a pretty contemptuous view of Scots”.

    Ah! You have made the mistake of confusing the “comments” sections (or Twitter, or most social media) with some sort of “poll” of what “normal” folk think. The same thing happens here on Wings – a most recent example being the perceived support for Alba here on Wings versus the actual support in the population.

    On almost any issue that you care to name, their is a bell shaped curve of opinion from one extreme to the other. The vast majority of “normal” folk’s opinions fall in the central 90% of the curve – with a loony fringe existing at each margin. In general, it is mainly the loony fringe that feel compelled to write in comments, or on twitter, etc.

    Please remember, Twitter/Facebook/Wings … is not “real” world and really should not be cited as providing the evidence for anything!

  126. Breeks says:

    Anthem says:
    3 June, 2021 at 2:31 pm
    The Darien Scheme was only a disaster because the English withdrew their funding for it after Scots had committed all their funds to it. The needless deaths were caused and committed by the English navy who threatened anyone who was willing to help the Scots. That’s a fact.

    The Darien Scheme also sought to exploit the global geography and logic which would ultimately lead to the Panama Canal being built. So arguably, the Darien Scheme was an example of “decent” colonialism which tried to generate wealth for Scotland without committing genocide, and using brains instead of braun, which was surely quite commendable given the bloodthirsty nature of other European colonisation.

    It was a sound idea, strangled by the jealous malignancy of England’s East India Company, and perhaps just a little too far ahead of it’s time and the technical engineering capacity to construct what we know today as the Panama Canal. But who’s to say that a canal wasn’t what those ambitious and pioneering Scots were planning?

    Scotland’s “colonial Empire” might have been geographically small, but extraordinarily efficient and hugely profitable, and from what I can gather, much more ethically sound and morally acceptable than the more commonplace plunder and exploitation at the end of a musket… (although, in fairness, let’s not kid ourselves. It might not have stayed that way, nor indeed stayed Scottish if it had taken off).

    It puzzles me how Unionists do seem to relish the failure of the Darien Scheme as some great shame upon Scotland, but I don’t see any shame in it, other than it being a shame that the visionary scheme was undermined and failed. It was a good thing they tried to do.

  127. Nally Anders says:

    Thanks for your earlier comments Republic of Scotland
    Completely agree.
    Now we know for sure why ‘women’ as a characteristic, were not included for protection under the HCB.
    A target has been painted on the back of women in Scotland, who choose to excercise their right to free speech.
    Women won’t Wheest.

  128. Stuart MacKay says:


    Head over to read the same thing on Grouse Beater, link to

    Gareth has prefaced the comment with a bit of common sense. Not sure if it’s damage limitation exercise or not. He made the observation that this is what is being discussed so it’s best out in the open.

    Kenny probably shouldn’t have been the one to pen that article as the way it’s worded makes it look like an Alba initiative which from Gareth says is not really the case.

    A bit of a foot-gun all the same.

  129. Republicofscotland says:

    James Che.

    I know about the 1707 Treaty of Union, and how the selling of Scotland took place in a cellar on the corner of an Edinburgh street where the offending document was signed by the treacherous bastards found here.

    link to

    Meanwhile above the common man and woman who had no vote rioted in the streets reported by English spy Daniel Foe, who changed his name from Foe to Defoe to make himself appear more interesting.

    Then of course their was the Equivalent some of which went on to go towards opening the Royal Bank of Scotland.

    But none of this means anything to Sturgeon the Betrayer she isn’t interested in Scottish history or independence. We can talk all we want about the 1603 and 1707 treaties and our Declaration of Independence, but if our Scottish government isn’t really interested in Scottish independence, then that’s all it is just talk.

  130. Republicofscotland says:

    Stuart MacKay @ 4.28pm.

    Thanks for the link Stuart.

  131. Captain Yossarian says:

    Regarding the school that’s sinking: Yesterday was the day that the Scottish Government’s ‘Head of Outcome Agreement Unit’ was going to present proof that this building was safe to our MSP’s.

    I don’t know if he did that or not; I certainly haven’t heard anything. The problem has been that he would only present the information if he was instructed to do so and John Swinney was the only man able to do that. Surely John Swinney isn’t delaying this?

    If it’s safe, then just provide the information. It isn’t complex. I hope he’s not still farting around with lawyers because people need to know.

    One point I’ll add is that five Directors of engineering companies which were involved in this project have lost their jobs in recent years and so it will come as no surprise to anyone in the construction industry in Scotland if this building proves to be unsafe.

    All I can say is that my information supports the opinion that it is unsafe. I hope I’m wrong of course, but I’m almost convinced that I am not wrong.

    Over to you Mr Swinney.

  132. Nally Anders says:

    Why Marion Miller was charged.
    Compliments of David Paisley, beginning to wonder if he is Stugeon’s secret brother.

    link to

  133. Republicofscotland says:

    Nally Anders.

    Thanks for the link.

    I’m totally flabbergasted that she’s being charged for putting a piccy up on her twitter page of a Suffragettes Ribbon.

    In which Police Scotland are trying to say its a noose.

  134. Breeks says:

    link to

    Sobering to read. Comments too.

  135. Cenchos says:

    If it is the case that MM is being taken to court for a picture of a ribbon, the police person who charged her should also be charged with malicious prosecution. The legal process is now just being used to force people into silence, regardless of whether the charges will stick.

    This is psychological terrorism being deployed against the populace.

  136. Stuart MacKay says:

    The Hate Crime Bill should have been titled the Rorschach Bill because whatever it is you’ll know it when you see it.

  137. Robert Hughes says:

    Sensible Dave

    Aye , fair point .

    I lived and worked in London for years ( my son was born there to an English mother ) and I never experienced anything that could be remotely described as ” racism ” due to being Scottish : the only thing I could complain of was a bit of irritating stereotyping ie Scotland has 364 days of rain , Scots are mostly drunk/aggressive/talk ” funny ” , at times this had an element of condescension attached though mostly it was merely banter .

    None of this changes the fact that Scotland comes out badly in the Union * arrangement * – we never agreed to , and , as that original comment Dan referred to said , both Scottish AND English people would be far better off – in every sense – if the Treaty of Union was slung in the dustbin of History where it belongs .

  138. Stuart MacKay says:

    Wait a minute. Isn’t the SNP logo a bit like a noose ???
    So Nicola will be turning herself in as I type this.

  139. Grouse Beater says:

    Home Rule in the UK: link to

  140. mike cassidy says:

    I’m sure its just coincidence that they charged Marion on the day this came out

    Watchdog says Police Scotland do not know scale of hate crime

    link to

  141. Ruby says:

    Breastplate says:
    3 June, 2021 at 2:26 pm
    Why do you feel it necessary to whinge about other people’s posts.
    Top tip, scroll by.

    Why do I complain about responding to flame-baiting trolls?

    In the hope that this forum will keep going and people won’t be put off by the flame-baiting trolls.

    Basically I’m hoping for an interesting stimulating site.

    My question for you is:

    Why do you feel it necessary to give me tips?

  142. Republicofscotland says:

    Anyone know why Police Scotland are attempting to purchase a large quantity of victim/disaster tents?

    Is something about to happen that will mean Police Scotland require such equipment.

  143. James Che. says:

    Republic of Scotland.
    Your right in one sense, it is just all talk, but not because the Scottish devolved government does not recognise it, they officially are not our government, they are a sub- division branch of Westminster parliament, discussed and decided upon it’s creation by Westminster.
    For the rest of us who recognise the reality of the Scottish people not being in the treaty of the union it has different connotations,
    It means we are not beholding to Westminster laws and legislation, it means we are not beholden to a devolved governments laws and legislation, it means we are not beholden to SNP new laws or legislation,
    It means that when the Scots realise that not one of them are factually in the treaty of the union, ( ie signed into it).
    Non of the above be it Westminster or the snp or the devolved Scottish government have any legal hold over us.
    Placing legal facts aside for a moment.
    Our biggest downfall here in Scotland Is the lack of belief an awful lot of Scots have in themselves.
    And they quote this law or that law that is passed or legislated for in Westminster or Scottish devolved government,
    But miserable fail to recognise that legally the Scots were never captured into English law by the treaty of the union, maybe for some they would like to believe this as it takes the responsibility out of their hands to act for themselves. Perhaps the trolls are correct in claiming the Scots like to see themselves as victims.
    If as I believe due to historical facts we the people NEVER entered into a treaty, we are sovereign, we have the right to choose a total different government other than the snp corrupt devolved government or Englands Westminster governances.
    Holyrude is under the auspices of Westminster, it follows what Westminster dictates.
    We are sovereign, detached from the treaty of the union, we do not have to.
    Wether we wake up and come together as sovereign people in Scotland, will be told in history books or on digital media in the years that follow,
    To wee? To poor? Or just to scared and blinkered to take control of our own life’s I am not sure.
    It would be fantastic if Alba scrutinised The facts regarding the legalities of 1707 treaty of the union.
    We’re all hoping for a leader that outshines the rest in politics, to lead us forward,
    But I have to question our leaders and wonder wether we are going to have to do this mammoth task ourselves.
    Work together or fail together!


    But totally ignore their own legal position

  144. President Xiden says:

    Looks like the Scottish Government are setting up the SQA to take the rap for John Swinney’s disastrously premature decision to cancel the exams .

  145. Dave Somerville says:

    Robert Hughes. 5.49

    Good post

  146. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    The SNP figures here are “interesting”…

    link to

  147. J.o.e says:


    Next flu season might be one to remember. They were talking about ‘Covid 21’ last year and the ‘next pandemic’. You know, the same World Economic Forum types who are hailing Covid as a means to get the 4th Industrial revolution underway (all on video and in writing)

    Of course it will have nothing to do with anything made by pharmaceutical corporations, obviously.

  148. Dave Somerville says:


    Just noticed you have added me to your “Troll” list, because I don’t seem to come up to your ever so high standards.

    You come across as a bit of a Drama Queen Ruby. If you don’t get what you want your toys are chipped out of the pram.

    You show a lot of similar traits to that of your hero Sturgeon.

    It’s Ruby’s way or it’s no way.

    Immature is the word I would describe you as being.

    Let’s hope this is the last time I converse with you.

  149. Sensibledave says:


    I understand it is in preparation for the Forthcoming Euro tournament.

    I believe the Scottish government are preparing for what happens if the Scottish team meet the English team and they have to deal with the physical and mental fall out of Scottish fans superiority syndrome hitting a reality wall !

  150. Republicofscotland says:


    I’ll crack the jokes.

  151. Republicofscotland says:

    J.o.e @6.47pm.

    I’m not quite sure that explanation flies, but worth a stab, however someone has emailed Ian Livingstone looking for a credible answer.

  152. Ruby says:

    Dave Somerville says:
    3 June, 2021 at 6:54 pm

    Just noticed you have added me to your “Troll” list, because I don’t seem to come up to your ever so high standards.

    You come across as a bit of a Drama Queen Ruby. If you don’t get what you want your toys are chipped out of the pram.

    You show a lot of similar traits to that of your hero Sturgeon.

    It’s Ruby’s way or it’s no way.

    Immature is the word I would describe you as being.

    Let’s hope this is the last time I converse with you.


    You call me a drama queen yet you are the one having a tantrum!

    Was it not ‘abusive flame-baiting troll’ that I called you?

    Talking of ‘similar traits’ you show a lot of similarities to the ‘abusive flaming baiting troll’ who posts as Don.

    You got two accounts Dave?

  153. Republicofscotland says:

    “Our biggest downfall here in Scotland Is the lack of belief an awful lot of Scots have in themselves.”

    James Che, thanks for the reply much of which I agree with but not the above, our biggest downfall is our current FM who decided to save England from itself on Brexit instead of saving us from this rancid union.

    If sturgeon wanted Scotland to become independent she would’ve held an indyref in 2016 onwards regardless of what Westminster thought about it, after all, as you say its the people of Scotland that are sovereign. She didn’t and has no intentions of doing so, we need an FM who will pursue independence vigorously until then we’ll remain an after thought in this f*cked up onesided good for nothing union.

  154. Ruby says:

    “I believe the Scottish government are preparing for what happens if the Scottish team meet the English team and they have to deal with the physical and mental fall out of Scottish fans superiority syndrome hitting a reality wall !”

    Call the cops! Sensible Dave has committed a hate crime.

    On hang on! Can folk living in England be charged under the SNP’s HCB?

    I reckon this ‘SNP’s HCB’ could end up being a big mess.

  155. Sensibledave says:


    You will understand, contrary to the common belief in Scotland, that English really fans really want Scotland to fail, and fail badly.

    It’s like city fans wanting United to fail or Celtic fans wanting rangers to fail (how’s that working out?).

    As always, England fans approach the tournament with high hopes and v low expectations.

    Just to kick things off, I look forward to seeing the degree of diversity, racial integration and equality that exists in the representation of Scottish folk in their team – compared to the England team. 😉

  156. J.o.e says:


    Oh, im sure it will be very acceptable

  157. Dave Somerville says:


    Not only have you put me on your “Troll” list along side this Don character, but you have me morphed into him as well.

    Jesus Ruby, I have not been on Wings for a good while now, but for a reason only known to you, you have me down as another poster who is quite a regular contributor.

    I thought my last post to you was my last, but hopefully this one will be.

    What a pathetic little Drama Queen you are.

    Please pester some other poor Bastard.

  158. Republicofscotland says:

    “I look forward to seeing the degree of diversity, racial integration and equality that exists in the representation of Scottish folk in their team – compared to the England team.”

    What a stupid point to make, when you clearly know as do all of us that England has a far greater amount of coloured folk/ethnic folk than Scotland has, so its far more likely to have a diversity in its team.

    It could be something to do with those b*stards at the Home office refusing them from entering and living and working in Scotland and doing so for decades at least.

    However the worlds first black international football player, played for Scotland, the guys name is Andrew Watson.

  159. Sensibledave says:


    I live in sensible England where (thankfully) we are not at risk of the implementation of loony laws by noisy “woke” factions.

    If only Westminster hadn’t devolved such matters eh? Careful what you wish for eh?

  160. Ruby says:

    Dave Somerville says:
    3 June, 2021 at 7:39 pm

    Not only have you put me on your “Troll” list along side this Don character, but you have me morphed into him as well.

    Jesus Ruby, I have not been on Wings for a good while now, but for a reason only known to you, you have me down as another poster who is quite a regular contributor.

    I thought my last post to you was my last, but hopefully this one will be.

    What a pathetic little Drama Queen you are.

    Please pester some other poor Bastard.


    “I thought my last post to you was my last, but hopefully this one will be.”

    What made you change your mind?

    You can claim you don’t have two accounts & you don’t also post as ‘Donsie the Flame-baiting Unionist troll’ but nobody is going to believe you.

    You never answered my question about your motives for posting on Wings?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    PS It’s good to talk.

  161. Republicofscotland says:

    “I live in sensible England ”

    I told you Senseless Dave, I’ll crack the jokes.

  162. Sensibledave says:


    … you are right of course. England is far more diverse and integrated than Scotland – which is why i have taken issue, on a number of occasions here, with numpties here that try to pretend otherwise.

    If only Scotland could import some English respect and tolerance for those of a different nationality, politics and religion.

  163. Dan says:

    Podcast for those interested in Energy Policy.

    Craig Dalzell is joined by Keith Baker to talk about the ongoing campaign to revolutionise Scotland’s energy by launching a National Energy Company and Scottish Energy Development Agency.

    link to

  164. Ruby says:

    Sensibledave says:
    3 June, 2021 at 7:47 pm

    I live in sensible England where (thankfully) we are not at risk of the implementation of loony laws by noisy “woke” factions.

    If only Westminster hadn’t devolved such matters eh? Careful what you wish for eh?


    Perhaps your politicians feel they don’t need these laws because the English are so perfect & they never ever grumble.

    Mustn’t grumble!

  165. Republicofscotland says:

    “If only Scotland could import some English respect and tolerance for those of a different nationality, politics and religion.”

    Senseless Dave.

    You mean like how those of a different nationality were treated during and after Brexit, or the nasty remarks made by a high royal on the colour of Megan Markle’s skin, or auld queen Lizzie being exempt from the racial and sex discrimination act.

    Of course I could go a wee bit further back to the no blacks, no Irish, no dogs, era that England embraced.

    Senseless Dave you’d do well to remember the adage, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

  166. Republicofscotland says:

    Dan @7.54pm.

    Dan we’ve been here before, we’re a country swimming in sources of power yet Scots pay through the nose for it, only independence will see Scots paying a fair price for power.

    On the power company thing, which I was once customer.

    link to

  167. James Che. says:

    Republic of Scotland.
    Again I do not disagree with you on some of what you say,
    But looking towards the snp in the Scottish government which by default is only there within the control of Westminster’s say so is not the leadership I would be encouraging. Even if they ever bowled us over by whispering Scottish independence up their sleeves with fingers crossed behind their backs. They are still doing away with women’s right, hate crime bills, disappearing money, and all the other false flags. They are not my version of politics that is good for Scotland, and judging by comments here over the last few months not many other people’s idea of good leadership.
    Personally i think we should be braking away from the old ways of politics where a set way of voting brings nothing but down hill struggles and submissive behaviour from our supposed leaders. They are not a shining example of “For good and well being of the people”.
    The Scottish Parliament does not hold sovereignty, although it’s not for the want of them trying to steal it from the people.
    There is a distinction between us the people holding our sovereignty and a created entity like parliament trying to grasp it. Especially in Scotland.
    Sooner or later and before Scotland becomes fully committed into a totalitarian state and destroyed beyond recovery the people are going to have to use their legal sovereignty to choose a different path,
    May I add I respect you for discussing and debating it without animosity, others have called for debates and discussion and then ignore it when there is an opportunity.

  168. James Che. says:

    Ahem, insert, breaking away

  169. Sensibledave says:


    Have a look through a couple of the previous threads and see:

    1) the repeated references to negative characteristics of the “English”
    2) the repeated negative references to the political choices of the “English”.
    3) the repeated references to perceived religious intolerance in England, whilst the indigenous Scots continue their deeply seated hatred of each other on the basis of which version of Christian “god” they attach themselves to.

    How’s that for starters?

    You make me laugh! Read your last comment again.

    You seek to negatively characterise the whole of the “English” nationality on basis of what you believe a newspaper wrote, or what a royal said or what dead folk did years ago!

    In your desperation to make your point, you indulge in the very traits you have previously condemned. You hold me responsible, and defend your negative characterisations of my country folk now … on the basis of what wrongs you perceive my forebears committed.

    You display exactly the same traits as the loony woke bunch that resort to attacking folk for the sins they perceive were committed by their ancestors.

    You may be surprised to learn that I think you should take your prejudice and shove it?

  170. Dave Somerville says:


    I’ve probably been on more Indy Rallies than you have had hot dinners.

    I will input to any debates I find relevant.

    Is that ok with you?

    Or do I need to have your permission to post?

    And of course I will need your clearance before I hit submit.

    I will post when I feel like posting Ruby.

    It has fuck all to do with you, you jumped up little Drama Queen.

    At the moment there is more talk of Covid on this site than anything to do with Independence.

    I can’t be arsed with the Covid debate, so have not been on lately.

    Your SNP have fucked up my country Ruby, you own the fuck up because you voted your hero Sturgeon and her Party back into power.

  171. James says:

    “Sensible Dave”

    Is that you, “Don”?

  172. Dan says:

    @ Republicofscotland at 8:09 pm

    Aye, indeed we have. Scotland has extremely favourable resources to population figures.
    Unfortunately that same population’s density shows they appear happy to continue being shafted in more ways than described in the Kama Sutra…

    The Salaries N Pensions Party getting called out again on their continual grievancing.

    #StopWhining & #UseTheMandate

    link to

  173. Cenchos says:

    Here’s a wee tune for someone when they come up for air:

    link to

  174. Don says:

    Dan 3 June, 2021 at 8:36 pm

    “Aye, indeed we have. Scotland has extremely favourable resources to population figures”

    Hahhahahahha Yet another fantasy assertion made without any evidence to back it up. Because you have nothing when your own SNP Scot Gov calculate and publish these numbers themselves on the Internet for all the world to see and understand.Deluded Dreamers.

    “Scotland raised £65.9Bn but spent £81Bn so Scotland spent £15bn more than we raised from all our own taxes. link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

  175. Don says:

    @Dan 3 June, 2021 at 7:54 pm

    “Craig Dalzell is joined by Keith Baker to talk about the ongoing campaign to revolutionise Scotland’s energy by launching a National Energy Company and Scottish Energy Development Agency.”

    Hahhahahah Craig Dalzell the guy that disappeared from some from from social media after being exposed for just making a whole lot of sh*t up ? These people really know how to take you all for complete to

  176. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi James.

    Sensibledave is not “Don”. The former has been commenting on WOS for ages, sometimes sensibly, other times not so sensibly.

    He’s from “Dan Sarf” but we don’t hold that against him. It’s good to read what “others” think.

    “Don” would appear to be a stirrer.

  177. Dan says:

    FAO nobody in particular…

    Caveat, figures are a good few years old but you get the jist.

    Scotland has only 8.3% of the UK’s population…
    61% of the sea area.
    90% of the fresh water.
    65% of the natural gas production.
    96.5% of the crude oil production.
    47% of the open cast coal production
    81% of the untapped coal reserves
    62% of the timber production
    46% of the total forest area
    92% of the hydro electric production
    40% of the wind wave and solar energy production
    60% of the fish landings
    30% of the beef herd
    20% of the sheep herd
    9% of the dairy herd
    10% of the pig herd
    15% if the cereal holdings
    20% of the potato holdings
    70% of UK Gin production
    100% of the Scotch Whisky industry

    Barely a breeze outside yet Scotland is powering itself and still exporting around 9% of GB Grid power to England,

    link to

    England still exporting approx 13% of its leccy from Europe.
    (scroll to right to see Euro connection gauges)

    link to

  178. Dan says:


    “England is still importing approx 13% of its leccy from Europe.

  179. Don says:

    @J.o.e 3 June, 2021 at 6:47 pm

    “Next flu season might be one to remember. They were talking about ‘Covid 21’ last year and the ‘next pandemic’. You know, the same World Economic Forum types who are hailing Covid as a means to get the 4th Industrial revolution underway (all on video and in writing)”

    Poor Anti Vaxxer Conspiracy Theorist J.o.e.
    Never mind its probably coming for you soon too. link to

  180. JimuckMac says:

    Don! There never was a pandemic, the four nations of the UK have already told us this.

    link to

    It’s all been a game.

  181. Don says:

    @Dan 3 June, 2021 at 9:19 pm

    “Caveat, figures are a good few years old but you get the jist.

    Scotland has only 8.3% of the UK’s population…
    61% of the sea area.
    90% of the fresh water.
    65% of the natural gas production.
    96.5% of the crude oil production.
    47% of the open cast coal production
    81% of the untapped coal reserves
    62% of the timber production
    46% of the total forest area
    92% of the hydro electric production
    40% of the wind wave and solar energy production
    60% of the fish landings
    30% of the beef herd
    20% of the sheep herd
    9% of the dairy herd
    10% of the pig herd
    15% if the cereal holdings
    20% of the potato holdings
    70% of UK Gin production
    100% of the Scotch Whisky industry”

    Hahahhahahhahahahhahhahhahhaha 10% of the Pig herd ? What are the profits on that and how much is the smaller amount of actual “Tax Revenues” does it generate for Scot Gov ? Next to feck all thats how much. Are you really so low IQ that you can’t understand the difference between having a % of something and it actually contributing to actual Tax Revenues or not ? (50% of near Zero is near Zero Yax Revenues)

    “96.5% of the crude oil production” produced only £0.6bn in Tax Revenues last year , Scottish spending Deficit = £15Bn. (Scotland already gets Full Geographical North Sea Oil Revenues)

    “47% of the open cast coal production” Hahhahahahhahahhah then it gets worse “81% of the untapped coal reserves” Feck Me 🙂

    Seriously , does anything else need to be said on these ? (Companies that do produce small amounts of Coal already pay corporation taxes to Scot Gov , we know this because the taxes and methods for collection are all listed here link to

    “90% of the fresh water” This is 100% fake, its not fresh water its 90% of Surface water most of which is in tens of thousands of highland lochans in the middle of nowhere in peat bogs and thus completely worthless. Does anyone have the guts to tell poor Dan his list is just a list of invented sh*te.

    “Barely a breeze outside yet Scotland is powering itself and still exporting around 9% of GB Grid power to England”

    More crap from you Electricity to the Grid doesn’t mean its being resold to retail electricity companies, electricity produced in the middle of the night is worthless other than from repumping water back up to the top of Hydro electric dams so that it is ready to be re-used at peak demand periods when it can actually be retailed and used the rest produced at nighttime is completely worthless.
    Companies that produce leccy from Windfarms are usually still overall lossmaking and therefore don’t pay tax at all. Other Scottish windfarms are registered “offshore” (well done SNP huh?…maybe even owned by people in the SNP ? ) link to

  182. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Don.

    I don’t believe I have responded to your “input” in the past but your latest response to Dan marks you out as a stirrer.

    Hopefully, Rev Stu is following your “input”.

  183. Ruby says:

    Dave Somerville says:
    3 June, 2021 at 12:16 pm
    The guy Don has got the usual suspects all in a tizzy.

    So if they can’t beat him, they call him a Troll and tell the teacher that a bad man is upsetting them and they would like him barred from Wings.

    It’s been happening for years on Wings.

    The usual suspects want a cozy echo chamber, where everyone agrees with everybody else.

    Anyone with the slightest difference if opinion “gets it”.

    So you first start by circling like vultures, then you strike.

    No Wonder the Polls are in reverse, you all want a closed shop.

    Whoever this guy Don is, he is running rings round the usual suspects and they don’t like it one little bit, so the call goes out to the Rev to “eliminate” him.

    If you can’t handle debate, you shouldn’t be on this website.


    The site is dying on its feet, and the only thing you can think of is to turn to the Rev, again, and tell him to block a bad man you don’t like.

    How about trying to out wit this Don with facts, something this site was founded on.

    Or easier still, ignore his posts.


    Very weird post.

  184. Effigy says:

    And look how well Westminster have done controlling
    all fiscal leavers for over 300 years.

    Just about to accelerate like a rocket but 2,500 Billion of debt
    so far.

    Is anyone trying to suggest England is better at living within its own means?

  185. Dan says:

    @ Don at 9.55pm

    You initially responded to me with regard to my stating that Scotland had favourable resources to population figures, which it undoubtedly does have.
    Don’t try and conflate that with how those resources are currently managed within the constraints of the UK context, as a comparison to how they would be managed if Scotland returned to self-governance, whereupon it would implement different policies.

    Even yer man Graphboy stated: “GERS can’t tell us what an Independent Scotland would look like…

    link to

    Is Jim Rogers talking shite here?

    link to

  186. Brent Crude $71.35 per barrel.

    40,000,000,000 barrels extracted so far.

    And we have foodbanks.

  187. Robert Hughes says:

    Aw man , you have to laugh , suddenly the SNPG are like an faulty ( should that be ” Fawlty ” ? ) ATM chucking out money faster than you can say ” police investigation ” .

    Such is their brass neck they’ll probably use this as yet one more pretext for extending the Independence-pursuing coma they’re in , claiming they were all set , had even drawn-up the paper on the paper that would lead to a paper being tabled to see if , in fact , another paper might be required until all the ” Conspiracy Theorists ” went and spoiled it all by saying something stupid like ” where’s the fuckn money ”

    An utter , shambolic farce

  188. Pixywine says:

    Dave Somerville. You don’t run rings round anyone using links to BBC news.

  189. Pixywine says:

    The bare bones of our situation is that Government has arrested everyone placed us under house arrest stopped us from travelling freely and offers us parole in return for compliance. To all Governments. FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH THAT IDEA. People on parole are prisoners serving out the remainder of their sentence In the community. We have All been reduced to the status of parollees. We now require permissions from idiot little Fazcists who puppet the Bankers dictat. No amount of links to BBC or other State run “news media” changes the essential Fascism that now makes up Government policies.
    And Don. I notice with some concern that you seem awfully given to acts of public Onanism. Do you not realise that it’s bad for you? Anyone who would apparently believe BBC news is clearly a nutter.

  190. Breeks says:

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    link to

    ”Nicola Sturgeon slams UK Government for ‘undermining devolution’ following four nations covid summit.”

    In a stunning roll reversal, the cretin undermining Independence slams the UK Government for undermining devolution.

    Meanwhile Scotland cries itself to sleep….

  191. Pixywine says:

    Looks like the Marion Miller case is bearing out my fears that Sturgeon and her Tyrannical Government will pursue her perceived political enemies through the courts with the Evil hate crime legislation. Truly a shameful downfall for a Scotland that once prided itself on wise council and sound jurisprudence. What a disaster the SNP are for our Countries reputation. O Hell for Scotlands people.

  192. Pixywine says:

    The blackbirds are on song in Holyrood Park Ruby I do hope you agree with me.

  193. Dave Somerville says:

    Ruby (aka The Drama Queen),

    The only “weird” thing on this website is your persistent immature posts.

    Grow up hen.

    There are enough “site Polis” on here without you adding to their numbers.

    And to all you other “site Polis”, give the Rev a break.

    The guy isn’t interested in your grassin emails anymore.

    The teacher has moved on.

    You lot will need to learn to stand on your own two feet (without the help of the Rev).

    I remember this site talked of things like Scotland becoming an independent nation, but now it’s about Covid-19 and grassin bad guys you don’t like.

  194. Dave Somerville says:


    I don’t do Covid mate, it reminds me too much of that bastard Sturgeon.

    And as far as the BBC is concerned, well let’s just say I’ve had nothing to do with them since 19th September 2014.

    My God, that date is getting ever so distant.

    It seems like only yesterday.

    But Pixywine, good luck with your Covid debate, I personally can’t be arsed getting involved in it.

    I find it as being another tool Sturgeon uses to put off holding indyRef2.

    Fuck Sturgeon, she is our common enemy, the root of ALL our troubles.

  195. Effigy says:

    A billionaire who was made a Lord despite a watchdog advising against his appointment donated £500,000 to the Conservative Party just days after taking his seat.

    Peter Cruddas donated the money on 5 February, after formally being introduced into the House of Lords on 2 February.

    This was the largest cash sum the tycoon has ever donated to the Conservatives.

    Lord Cruddas being sworn into the House of Lords
    He was introduced into the Lords on 2 February
    Lord Cruddas previously failed the Appointments Commission vetting process to become a peer, but the PM overruled its advice and made him a Lord.

    Labour chairwoman Anneliese Dodds accused Boris Johnson of “incredible sleaze”.

  196. Thomas says:

    @ effigy

    Labour chairwoman annaliese dodds accusing johnson of incredible sleaze?

    Talk about the pot , and dodds is a muppet of a pot , calling the kettle black.

    I dont think anyone is going to take the labour party seriously when they try and make political capital out of the tories appointing one of the boys to the lords when labour have been more than happy to engage in the same.

    How many labour party todies have we seen being appointed to the lords over the decades?

    From die hard scottish republicans ( no laughing please) like alistair darling to joke macconnel , all the while at each election promising to abolish the lords over a century.

    At least the tories keep the sleaze and thieving to a minimum. Cruddas half a million pales into insignificance when you consider the 1.5 billion of scottish taxpayers money joke McConnel returned to blair and brown cause he couldnae spend it , and was rewarded by ermine for services to the crown.

  197. Dan says:

    Archived link to The Times article re. Marion Millar

    link to

  198. Effigy says:


    Yes Lord Faulkner was drinking with Lord Watson
    when Lord McConnell asked for a bottle of champagne.

    One Labour Socialist Lord after another and not one of them ever
    contributed anything to improve the quality of life in Scotland.

    They did hide the McCrone report, they did steal 6,000 square miles of
    Scottish waters, a few oil rigs and lied through their teeth at Indy ref 1.

    Westminster house boys living the life of luxury on the back of Scotland’s wealth

  199. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the German constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

    `Through decrees and laws, the Nazis abolished these civil rights and destroyed German democracy.

    Starting in 1934, it was illegal to criticize the Nazi government.

    Even telling a joke about Hitler was considered treachery.

    People in Nazi Germany could not say or write whatever they wanted. `

  200. Luigi says:

    Breeks says:
    4 June, 2021 at 3:30 am
    Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    link to

    ”Nicola Sturgeon slams UK Government for ‘undermining devolution’ following four nations covid summit.”

    Indeed, perhaps she should have been more careful what she wished for. Chickens coming home to roost methinks.

  201. Luigi says:

    Scot Finlayson says:
    3 June, 2021 at 11:56 pm
    Brent Crude $71.35 per barrel.

    40,000,000,000 barrels extracted so far.

    And we have foodbanks.

    Aye but ye have to admit, they are the best defended foodbanks in the world.

    Estimated cost of Trident upgrade: 200 billion and rising.

  202. J.o.e says:


    The fact that anybody who supports Scottish independence still pays a TV license is a conundrum i’m unable to fathom.

    Its really the same for all TV license payers but Scottish indy supporters KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that the BBC is a propaganda machine.

    Paying to be propagandised. What self respecting individual would accept such a situation?

    Heres something interesting:

    link to

    According to official figures the average annual UK North Sea oil and gas revenue is about 1047 million GBP for the 3 years up to 2020.

    link to

    There are an estimated 2.5 million households in Scotland. If all had a TV that would come to 398 million GBP per annum in TV license fees.

    Scots could theoretically retain more than 1/3 of the average annual North Sea oil and gas revenue for the last 3 years simply by refusing to pay for propaganda against them.

    Obviously this is not going to happen, less than 100% of households own a TV and not 100% of those would agree to not pay for BBC pish.

    But theoretically its there.

    Even if you half that number to make it more realistic (for all the considerations ive not included in this simple example) its still gigantic.

    You don’t need North sea oil to create a situation that would eliminate food banks. You would just need the equivalent of the TV license being paid into Scottish coffers for use by Scots.

    Now imagine even a fraction of that money going into a pro Scottish organisation that works explicitly outside of the constraints of of normal politics?

  203. Daisy Walker says:

    Wow, re Marion Miller.

    The Times article (thanks for archiving Dan) it says the tweets were from 2019 and 2020….

    Which if true, means Police Scotland have REALLY FUCKED UP.

    If they are utilising the new Hate Crime Bill, it has no power to make the crimes retrospective.

    Likewise if they are going to argue that the tweets remained viewable, therefore anyone could read them today…. and a month or 2 passed between their first contact with Marion (when they refused to identify to her the so called offensive tweets), then either the tweets were not offensive, or Police Scotland have failed to alert her to the crime and failed to enable her to stop offending in the interim period while they set up the interview with her.

    I’m getting awfully fed up having to crowdfund legal claims of malicious arrests and prosecutions. Awfully fed up – but not giving up.

    Iain Livingston is a disgrace.

  204. Daisy Walker says:

    And another thing… re Marion’s situation.

    Hypothetically speaking,

    some ribbons are pinned to a tree in protest at political views.

    Someone might just conceivably view them as being similar to a noose and feel threatened, I mean its a very big stretch, but just conceivably maybe they could think this…

    But then zero acts of violence happen for 2 years!!!!

    Nil, nada, nowt.

    A manufactured grievance with zero credibility and absolutely no circumstantial evidence to shore it up.

  205. Ruby says:

    Dave Somerville says:
    4 June, 2021 at 5:01 am
    Ruby (aka The Drama Queen),

    The only “weird” thing on this website is your persistent immature posts.

    Grow up hen.


    Dave Somerville aka ‘misogynistic bully’

    Are you by any chance an actor from River City?

  206. Robert Hughes says:

    Ah the Mother of Drag-ons has been doing a bit of * slamming * – that vibrating sound you can hear is the UK State quivering in it’s boots at the awesome power of this latest * slam * – re the insult to her Precious Devolution .

    What kind of terror will they feel when Lord Blackfraud gets to his feet in Westminster and unleashes his IED of ” we won’t allow……” proclamations ?

    God help them when Baron Wishart wakes-up and unleashes his full armoury of Celtic Rock/ets .

  207. Ruby says:

    Daisy Walker says:
    4 June, 2021 at 10:12 am
    Wow, re Marion Miller.

    The Times article (thanks for archiving Dan) it says the tweets were from 2019 and 2020….

    Which if true, means Police Scotland have REALLY FUCKED UP.

    If they are utilising the new Hate Crime Bill, it has no power to make the crimes retrospective.

    link to

    According to the Herald article

    ‘Ms Millar has not been charged under the recent Hate Crime Bill passed at Holyrood, which she campaigned against.’

    Marion Millar, from Airdrie, was charged under the Malicious Communications Act for tweets posted in 2019 and 2020, and could face two years in jail if convicted.

  208. wee monkey says:

    Effigy says:
    4 June, 2021 at 7:38 am
    Quote:-“A billionaire who was made a Lord despite a watchdog advising against his appointment donated £500,000 to the Conservative Party just days after taking his seat.

    Peter Cruddas donated the money on 5 February, after formally being introduced into the House of Lords on 2 February.

    This was the largest cash sum the tycoon has ever donated to the Conservatives.

    Lord Cruddas being sworn into the House of Lords
    He was introduced into the Lords on 2 February
    Lord Cruddas previously failed the Appointments Commission vetting process to become a peer, but the PM overruled its advice and made him a Lord.

    Labour chairwoman Anneliese Dodds accused Boris Johnson of “incredible sleaze”.”

    Meanwhile..nicola says

    link to

  209. J.o.e says:

    ‘A manufactured grievance with zero credibility and absolutely no circumstantial evidence to shore it up.’

    Just wait til they do the same with us being Scots as they have with being a woman.

    If they can erase women they can erase us as being Scots with a right to our own home and identity. And they will. In fact they are.

    It is racist/xenophobic to speak out and Hate Speech laws will come down on those who do.

    There comes a time when people will have to face the fact that certain far-right conspiracy theories are not conspiracy theories.

    It was a far-right conspiracy theory to suggest that the trans rights ‘movement’ was a danger at one time.

    There’s nothing new under the sun and this has all surfaced before however it was the critical theory, anti-nationalist banking establishment, corporate globalist mass murderers who came out on top.

    There’s a reason 1984 was written 1948.

  210. Daisy Walker says:

    This is interesting and well written with regards Communications Act…

    The MCA makes it an offence to send any kind of written, verbal or electronic communication that conveys a message that:

    is indecent or grossly offensive;
    makes a threat; or
    contains information that is false and known or believed to be false by the sender.

    In order for the offence to be made out, the defendant must have intended to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient or any other person that he or she intends that the information should be communicated to.

    According to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), a communication that is merely a blog or a comment posted on a website may not suffice as ‘sending to another’. When deciding whether an offence has been committed, the court will focus upon the intention of the sender, rather than the impact of the offence upon the recipient of the communication. The court is required to ensure that it understands why the particular language used by the message may be offensive to intended recipient(s).

    The courts have to step carefully when interpreting the phrase ‘indecent or grossly offensive.’ This is because they are required to uphold the right to freedom of expression as established by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. When deciding whether a communication meets the test of ‘indecent or grossly offensive’ the courts will:

    consider the standards of a reasonable person and how they would react to the communication;
    balance the need to uphold the values of an open, just and multiracial society; and
    take into account the context and all relevant circumstances.

  211. Ruby says:

    The message for feminists in Scotland is

    You’d better fuckin’ wheesht if you don’t we have ways of shutting you up!

    Don’t go thinking you are something special anyone can be feminist.

    See #feministswithdicks

    No safe space for feminists in Scotland.

  212. Dave Somerville says:

    Ruby. 10.47

    Good trick there.

    You throw out abuse left right and centre, then as soon as somebody replies to you, you cry wolf.

    So summing up, you like giving it out, BUT, you just can’t take it.

    So in the future there will be no more snide remarks from the resident snowflake Ruby?

    We’ll watch with interest.

    And your tactics are typical of the SNP Woke tactics. You can give it out big time, but you simply melt at the first sign of somebody answering you back.

  213. Don says:

    @Ruby says:
    4 June, 2021 at 10:47 am
    Daisy Walker says:
    4 June, 2021 at 10:12 am
    Wow, re Marion Miller.

    The Times article (thanks for archiving Dan) it says the tweets were from 2019 and 2020….

    Which if true, means Police Scotland have REALLY FUCKED UP.

    If they are utilising the new Hate Crime Bill, it has no power to make the crimes retrospective.

    link to

    According to the Herald article

    ‘Ms Millar has not been charged under the recent Hate Crime Bill passed at Holyrood, which she campaigned against.’

    Marion Millar, from Airdrie, was charged under the Malicious Communications Act for tweets posted in 2019 and 2020, and could face two years in jail if convicted.”

    Correct.. the Malicious Communications Act was passed in 1988. Terrible those PoliceScotland Agents of the SNP used UK wide legislation to bring charges isn’t it ? link to

  214. Nally Anders says:

    Meanwhile the Vatican has just outed the Pope as a ‘Terf’ having blasted Modern Gender theory.
    I await with baited breathe the expected twitter pile on from David Paisley.
    link to

  215. Ruby says:

    Twenty posts ago Dave Somerville-Paisley said it would be last time he would communicate with me.

    It’s been fun winding up a misogynistic bully but now I’m bored!

    THE END.

  216. Stuart MacKay says:

    Daisy Walker @ 11:09am

    Very interesting. If indeed the report that the “noose” image was the trigger then Police Scotland seem to be interpreting the Malicious Communications Act within the context of the Hate Crime Act and applying retroactively.

    Not sure this will ever stand up in court as the thinking seems entirely muddled. No doubt the desired effect is not to have a successful prosecution but instead put activists through a few months of hell – mental and financial – in order to deter others.

    That the action was apparently triggered by a complaint from another country (Coventry) just adds to the mess. I know the MCA is UK legislation but the HCB interpretation is Police Scotland’s to own and does not apply south of the border as far as I know.

    I’m sure this is just the first of many. The complainants will no doubt be spurred on by this success.

  217. Don says:

    @J.o.e 4 June, 2021 at 9:36 am

    “The fact that anybody who supports Scottish independence still pays a TV license is a conundrum i’m unable to fathom.”

    That says much about you , its because “paying the TV license” has nothing to do with Scottish Independence, this isn’t hard to understand unless you are a rabid conspiracy theorist. The TV licence goes intoa fund to pay for the TV transmission naetwork, you don’t by your own choice have to watch BBC channels at all. Too hard for you to understand ?

    “Heres something interesting:
    link to
    According to official figures the average annual UK North Sea oil and gas revenue is about 1047 million GBP for the 3 years up to 2020.
    link to

    LOL Thats Scottish Oil Revnues of only £1.04 Billon in the whole last three years , to put that in perspective the Scottish Government spending Deficit over the last 3 years has been approximately £45 Billion. You really aren’t very bright are you ?

    “You don’t need North sea oil to create a situation that would eliminate food banks. You would just need the equivalent of the TV license being paid into Scottish coffers for use by Scots”

    Even simpler you could just stop the SNP from setting up offices in foreigh countries where the UK already has offices , its a complete waste of Scottish taxpayers money that could as you say be getting used to eradicate the need for foodbanks in Scotland link to

  218. Ruby says:

    It looks as if ‘Donsie the Flamebaiting Unionist Troll’
    desperately wants some attention.

    Who is going to be the first fish to be hooked?

  219. Nally Anders says:

    Stuart McKay @11.28
    Police Scotland have indeed charged Marion under the MCA as you correctly state however with a ‘Hate Aggrevator’.
    A peculiarly Scottish twist, so don’t know how that will play out in court.
    All frankly incredible. Clear parallels with the Harry Miller Case and if there is any justice left in Scotland she should be exonerated.
    BBC News – Harry Miller: Police probe into ‘transphobic’ tweets unlawful
    link to

  220. Don says:

    Ruby 4 June, 2021 at 11:38 am

    “It looks as if ‘Donsie the Flamebaiting Unionist Troll’
    desperately wants some attention.”

    You really do like the sound of your own voice don’t you ? The problem for delusional people like you is that in echo chambers like here nobody much cares about your irrelevant clueless and poorly informed whining.

    link to

  221. MaggieC says:

    From Joanna Cherry on twitter ,

    “ Gender-critical women have been subject to coercive control by employers, service providers & membership organisations because of equalities policies & ‘transphobia’ definitions which don’t reflect #equality law. Time to call it out. “

    link to

    And the archived link to her article in the National ,

    link to


  222. Dan says:

    @ Daisy

    Re. Retrospective application of Hate Crime Act.

    Charge is malicious communication with hate crime aggravator.

    link to

    The Bill for this Act of the Scottish Parliament was passed by the Parliament on 11th March 2021 and received Royal Assent on 23rd April 2021

    link to

  223. Daisy Walker says:

    Thanks Dan, any crime can be classified as aggravated by hate, if it is motivated against any of the protected groups, ie race, sexual orientation, transgender, etc.

    In that respect this is not new practice.

    If, however, and this is speculation, Police Scotland have taken a complainers interpretation of a painting of a ribbon to represent a threatening hangmans noose, then they have not interpretted the law correctly, in addition, if the tweet was not specifically sent to anyone, but just posted, once again the above legislation would not apply.

    I had a quick look at the new Hate Crime Bill legislation – I think the protest groups are going to have to utilise it.

    Messages that bully lesbians into accepting ‘lady dick’ and intimidate those that speak out – are clearly sending out false information that is homophobic in nature. When the evidence is also gathered showing them carrying out follow up intimidation at the female’s places of work and getting them sacked.

    Inadvertently, the HCB might very well provide the legal leverage to turn the tables.

  224. Stuart MacKay says:

    Daisy Walker

    > Inadvertently, the HCB might very well provide the legal leverage to turn the tables.

    Can you explain this? I think the ability of COPFS and Police Scotland to harass people is far greater than activists abilities to defend them for the simple reason that nobody has infinitely deep pockets for all those crowdfunders.

    From that point there are only two options: give up or up the ante. Not sure what the latter will take. Chalk might not be enough.

    If there’s a takin’ to the streets to be done. Best get it organised before mid-summer. The autumn is going to bring a renewed risk of lockdown as more people start spending more time indoors.

  225. Captain Yossarian says:

    Back to the school that’s sinking: You may remember the Challenger Space Disaster. It happened because the space shuttle was ordered to lift-off in freezing temperatures and, because of that, a component part of the solid fuel rockets malfunctioned and the rockets ignited.

    The chap who designed them was Jim MacDonald (Scottish parents). He warned NASA at the time that there was a risk, but they wouldn’t listen. They were under political pressure to launch and that was all that mattered.

    They told Jim: ‘Prove to us that these rockets will fail’. You can ask an engineer to prove that something won’t fail, but you shouldn’t ask an engineer to prove that something will fail because it is extraordinarily difficult to do. Jim couldn’t prove it and so they proceeded to launch and we all saw the results of that. A very public and a needless failure.

    That rule is accepted all over the world now: ‘Don’t ask any engineer to prove that something will fail….ask him instead to prove that it won’t fail’. That’s not the way it works at Holyrood though. In Scotland, you have to prove it will fail and that takes a long time and you have to compile a large amount of supporting opinion from experts and present it to the Scottish Government.

    You do that, time and time again, and the forensic MSP for Dumbarton comes back and says: ‘No-one here agrees with you’. And that’s it…that’s Holyrood…no explaination required. It’s what I call the ‘doom-loop’ and so you have to start all over again. Either that or you give-up (I think that is what they want you to do).

    Anyway, and on a brighter note, we are at the point where John Swinney must provide his evidence. I’ve provided mine and now he must provide his. Someone is right and someone is wrong and it is that simple. I think that I’m right and it is pretty much a slam-dunk, but we’ll wait and see.

    Unfortunately, the City Council is full of Labour and Conservative folk who find it politically expedient to turn a blind-eye to this and so we have an unusual alliance of SNP, Labour and Conservatives all intent on preserving their own arses. The Lord Provost has the school in his constituency, believe it or not.

    We now have the input from the Secretary of State for Scotland, the Teaching Unions and the Institution of Civil Engineers and so they are looking-out, professionally, for the public interest. I’ll let you know if I hear anything today.

  226. Jack Murphy says:

    I thought I had seen most of the Pro-Indy Blogs but here’s one I missed, if you’re interested. It’s written by Karen.’theweedetour’

    From last month:

    “…Someone once said, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Never a truer word has been spoken. Tonight, we lost ‘Wings over Scotland’ Stu Campbell having taken enough, has decided to put his friends and family first.
    And who could blame him. Stu has been fighting an upward battle since exposing what is really going on within the Nicola Sturgeon Party and in doing so has taken quite a battering from those who profess to support independence. They do no such thing…”

    link to

    Karen also has opinions on matters more recent.

  227. Dan says:

    It’s all a matter of perception…

    From 2017

    SNP MP Pete Wishart criticised for “insulting” twitter-post days after leader’s plea for mature debate

    link to

    This Tory conference has all the atmosphere of a poorly attended humanist funeral for someone no one much cared for…

    link to

    As a practicing humanist and occasional wanker*, I found and still find the communications issued by Mr Wishart, with the platform he is afforded, to be grossly offensive on the grounds they are derogatory, hurtful, and hateful.

    * Wanker is characterised by being a member of the large (but generally discreet) social group that indulge in masturbation of others or themselves as and when required and the opportunity arises. EG Sperm Donor.

    There is nothing illegal about being a humanist or a wanker, so to be tainted by the negativity inferred by those communications when wankers could actually be helping a childless couple with IVF treatment causes unnecessary distress and anxiety.

    Wishart has form on this sort of behaviour as more recently he’s been chucking about blanket assertions that folk that simply question, or hold different views to his or his Party’s policies are hateful, vile, homophobic, or transphobic, when there is actually validity to opposing views.

    See recent article in The Telegraph that highlights it isn’t just the odd individual that this relates to.

    Major public sector bodies quit Stonewall diversity training as trans rights row intensifies

    link to

  228. crazycat says:

    @ Stuart MacKay at 11.28

    The person from Coventry mentioned in the Times article was not the complainant. A student at Brunel University (which is in London) posted a now-deleted tweet about machine-gunning TERFs, in response to the news that Marion Millar had been charged.

    A report was made to police after a Twitter user, who was identified as a PhD student in Coventry, published a picture of a machinegun and tweeted: “Making a nice list of terfs tweeting @WomenWontWheesht because she needs target practice.” The message was removed for violating Twitter rules.

    I also saw a statement yesterday that, although the HCB has received royal assent, it has further stages to go through before it can actually be used. I can’t find that assertion now, of course, otherwise I would cite it.

  229. Stuart MacKay says:


    Thanks, I was getting my stories mixed up. I also saw that the bill was passed but did not realise it had not come into effect.

    In that case it seems strange that the “hate intepretation” is being exercised in advance of it actually being law. That makes this article in Holyrood magazine, link to, all the most interesting. It would seem that we’re only in the early stages of this.

  230. Stuart MacKay says:

    Captain Yossarian

    It’s interesting that you draw the parallels with the Space Shuttle Challenger. It was exactly the kind of systematic institutional and inter-agency failure that lead to the astronauts being killed. It’s likely you’re seeing same “shoulder-shrugging” as nobody wants to step forwards and take the blame.

    In the US Government inquiry to find out what went wrong in one of the committee sessions Richard Feynman famously took an o-ring made from the same material in the Morton Thiokol booster rockets and dipped it into a glass of ice water. After a minute or so he pulled it out and snapped it in half. That got the attention of everybody and probably it was the moment where the inquiry finally started to make progress and people were prepared mentally and career-wise to admit mistakes.

    It will likely take a similar event for people to start to accept there just might be something wrong and the apathy/malaise that is gripping everybody will be thrown off.

  231. James Che. says:

    Going on the premise of evidence then we can call Scotland a race of people, evidence of how we are viewed as a race of people by others outside of Scotland such as the treaty of the union between Scotland and England, the Scotland act mentions the people in Scotland, the images of red hair, kilts and bagpipe are slanted as Scottish,
    The army also divides Scots as separate in how they are referred to, or when academics talk of spoken Gaelic as a Scots language, as do other books on Doric, etc etc
    Most of this summerisation of Scottish people is defined by those outside of Scotland or just visiting.
    As it is shown through out the centuries that Scotland is defined as a separate country and race of people from the rest of Britain by academics, politicians, Geopolitics, treaty of the union, by, Scots law, being recognised as belonging to the people in Scotland.
    Surely it is about time that under the protected groups we are a recognised race, even Boris Johnston refers to the as “ The Scots a verminous race”
    The Scots are indeed a recognised race, separate in the minds of many experts, officials and politicians,
    Should we not be calling out our protected rights under the hate crimes bill and racist comments,
    Should we not be calling out colonialism of Scotland and its people as racist,
    Should we not be calling out the way laws being bought into legislation by governments are endangering our race of people and way of life, these acts and laws are proven to be racist against our women, against the freedom of speech as a race, against our protected right to self determination, a subjugated race of people that has protected rights that are being abused even in racist commentary poems of the prime minister of Great Britain,
    These new laws are racist in themselves and bias in nature and enforcing it into a law in Scotland only dictates racism in its treatment towards a certain distinguished protected race of people.

  232. Stuart MacKay says:

    Jack Murphy

    I came across Karen’s blog earlier in the week when it got recommended for She writes well but it’s pity that her posts are a little too short.

    You can find all the recent posts at link to

    Sorry for the shameless plug but I take the chance when it’s offered 😉

  233. Balaaargh says:


    Section 21 of the legislation states that a couple of sections come in to force the day after royal assent

    link to

    It seems to be down to SG ministers to decide when the rest comes in to force.

  234. Nally Anders says:

    The state of Scottish Justice.
    The stench of corruption is overpowering.
    link to

  235. crazycat says:

    @ Stuart MacKay at 1.57

    Here’s the reference:
    link to

    @ Balaargh at 2.19

    Thanks; the sections that have already come into force appear to be

    22 Short title
    The short title of this Act is the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021.

    which is fair enough, and

    17 Ancillary provision
    (1) The Scottish Ministers may by regulations make any incidental, supplementary, consequential, transitional, transitory or saving provision they consider appropriate for the purposes of, in connection with or for giving full effect to this Act.

    (2) Regulations under this section may—
    (a) make different provision for different purposes,
    (b) modify any enactment (including this Act).

    (3) Regulations under this section—
    (a) are subject to the affirmative procedure if they add to, replace or omit any part of the text of this or any other Act,
    (b) otherwise, are subject to the negative procedure.

    which looks an awful lot like carte blanche to me.

  236. Jack Murphy says:

    Thankyou Stuart MacKay at 2:17pm.

    Meanwhile the Wheels of Scotland’s Justice System grind slowly on.

    TODAY. Post By Kirsten MacDonald in Craig Murray’s Blog:

    “On Monday morning, Lady Dorrian and two supporting judges will hear the application from Roddy Dunlop QC for Craig Murray to be allowed to appeal to the UK Supreme Court against both their verdict of contempt of court for jigsaw identification, and against the disproportionate sentence…”

    Craig Murray’s Trial: What happens Next:
    link to

  237. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Stuart MacKay – well done; you know your engineering; I wasn’t aware of that.

  238. Cenchos says:

    The Voices for Independence site is a brilliant resource.

  239. James Che. says:

    Could anyone define Scotland’s hate crime bill and what it actually relates to verbally and legally.

  240. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Stuart MacKay – one last thing: the Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster happened two or three years after Piper Alpha. That was two out of the three worst engineering disasters of the last century. Both happened because managers refused to take advice; buried their heads in the sand. We can make the case for the Lord Provost and all the rest of them not knowing about Challenger, but we cannot say that of Piper Alpha, can we?

  241. Stuart MacKay says:


    Thanks. It’s actually very simple behind the scenes. Almost every blog and news site has an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed which is usually a list of the 10-20 latest posts on a site. All voices does is check the feeds for all the blogs in the database every hour and publishes the links to new posts. Apart from adding topics to reach new post, writing some pithy content describing the topics covered and adding a description for each blog it’s mostly automated so there’s not much work needed to keep it going.

    It’s rather basic right now but given the reception it have gotten so far I’ll continue to polish it.

    I’m not the first to do this. First up is Robert Pollock, Dunedin, NZ with Then there’s link to but unfortunately the magazine / news site format does not work so well with this type of information.

  242. Republicofscotland says:

    “Not sure this will ever stand up in court as the thinking seems entirely muddled. No doubt the desired effect is not to have a successful prosecution but instead put activists through a few months of hell – mental and financial – in order to deter others.”

    Stuart MacKay @11.28am.

    Stuart, that’s exactly what it is, to have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head for months on end, its a form of psychological torture. You can’t plan anything in advance, and if you have a job you worry about how you’ll feed and keep your family if you go to prison, make no mistake its psychological warfare, the outcome of the court case if it goes to court, might be one that is thrown out by any self-respecting judge.

    However, by then the mental and physical drain of not knowing will have taken its toll, and a clear message will have been sent to the wider public, that we’ll be knocking on your door and doing the same to you because we can.

    Its a disgraceful state of affairs, that the police can menace and frighten folk in this way, and they can use a veiled threat of social workers coming to your house with regards to your children. Women’s right are under attack, freedom of speech is under attack in Scotland under the tenure of this FM, if we don’t defend these hard earned freedoms, we’ll lose them, the HCB is being used to erode our rights under the guise of hate speech.

  243. Stuart MacKay says:


    > veiled threat of social workers coming to your house

    I found that to be particularly heinous. Anybody deploying that kind of abuse should at least be out of a job and preferably, for the good of society, in jail.

    Here’s a word I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of: terrorism

    The calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.

  244. James Che. says:

    I do not know where the rest of you have gone, perhaps you could let me know,
    The feeling of being on a alien site is becoming more felt, and the regular commentors names from the past years have all but disappeared,
    Has this site been reappropreated and hijacked,
    Time to do the garden I think.

  245. Alf Baird says:

    James Che. @ 2:17 pm

    “Should we not be calling out colonialism of Scotland and its people as racist”

    In my research into the subject of Scotland’s constitutional predicament and socio-political reality, I found that the two main forms of racism adversely impacting on the Scottish people are:

    1. colonialism, which is racism resulting in prejudice against a colonized people, for example socio-linguistic prejudice where a people are deprived of learning their mother tongue (Scots) resulting in an Anglophone hegemony and an ethnic/cultural division of labour, and;

    2. The development of Appropriated Racial Oppression (or internalized racism) where a people come to accept their inferiority and subsidiarity as deserved – we know this as the Scottish Cultural Cringe.

    These matters and more are discussed in my book: link to

  246. Robert Graham says:

    Sturgeon on the BBC ” no problem with SNP finances ”

    Aye its just we cant put our hands on them just now ,Christ even Father Ted had a believable excuse ( resting in another account )

    Every SNP member must be the stupidest people on the planet its their party why dont they take it back instead of letting Princess Nicola the failed Lawyer screw them senseless

    Sturgeon knows about the Police investigation about the missing £600000 but Swindler has never heard of it aye pull the other one honest John

  247. J.o.e says:

    Fuggin hell. It’s like Cameron Brodie’s evil twin is on this comments section.

    Not seen anyone so dedicatedly post so much nonsense shite along with so many garbage links since him. Difference being that Cam was on a different team.

  248. kapelmeister says:

    Eurovision has given me an idea.

    Nic Sturgeon is Elle Diablo.

    After 2014 we gave our votes, our money and our trust to Elle Diablo.

  249. J.o.e says:

    @James Che 2:17pm


    While we have had, as Mr Baird can obviously explain in great detail, the colonisation of our nation by another for a long time now we have another layer being placed on top that which is trying to eradicate the racial/ethnic consciousness of Europeans in general while simultaneously opening our borders and welfare systems to the rest of the world.

    This of course is scoffed at by the mainstream. However for anyone who can simply open their eyes and look at the narratives, laws and policies being pushed it is as plain as day.

    We are in the situation where we are facing working/lower class people looking into the face of real hardship with high unemployment, collapsing public institutions and shortage of housing while we are importing people from all over.

    At the same time we are protecting every other group from criticism except our own people who are also capable and willing to work and raise families.

    Scots have to start seeing this for what it is.

    This is not how you strengthen a nation. Its how you destroy it.

  250. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Dolores Cahill, on today’s edition of UK Column, lays out in detail why public health officials and politicians can and will be held personally liable for any damages caused by ‘vaccination’ being taken without informed consent.

    At 26mins, here:

    link to

  251. Dan says:

    @ Captain Yossarian

    It’s interesting you bring up the subject of engineering. I was going to touch on aspects of that subject in our previous posts re. “the school”, but the post was getting long and I had to get on with other stuff.
    You mentioned academics, legals, and politicians are often at the top of the pile when attempting to resolve certain matters.
    That to me can be a questionable situation, as with them having focused on progressing in their own areas of expertise, they regularly know heehaw about the engineering or practical aspects relating to the matters they are tasked with dealing with.

    Anybody that works in engineering knows fine well that the likes of seals and bearings have a wide variation in their respective properties because they can be installed in numerous different applications.
    Temperature range, RPM range, loading, lubrication type they are to run in, or types of fluid or pressure they are exposed to, service interval or life if single use, all contribute to the material selection used and component design so they are fit for purpose in whatever application they are to be incorporated in.

    Bearings can have the same basic dimensions, but have multiple different specifications such as heat treated inner or outer races, nitrided ball cage, and running clearance options, which all need factored in for a specific type of use.
    Fit the wrong spec of bearing or seal in a critical area and shit can happen…

    It’s a similar situation in every other aspect of engineering, and when deviation from accepted engineering standards and practices occurs… fuck ups tend to happen.
    If you work in engineering in areas such as the oil industry, you can see an incredible amount of stuff that could easily have escalated to being disastrous.
    Coz it’s all about the safety!

    …A forgettable trip…
    Fly to Malta then get on a tiny fast rescue craft and head out into rough seas to a moored ancient oil rig registered on Panamanian shipping regs to avoid the need for proper safety standards.
    Attempt basket transfer with no crane line heave compensation. Due to huge snatch loads lose expensive equipment and luggage out of the basket into the sea, but fortunately no personnel.
    Whilst this was going on load the derrick of an un-ballasted semi submersible rig with drill string making it top heavy.
    Proceed to tow un-ballasted rig for over a week with a single tug boat across the Med past warring Libya to operate in a location off Egypt, in a sea depth greater than the rated depth the rig can work in because the anchor winches aren’t capable of handling the length and weight of chains required to reach the seabed and skid the rig properly into the different positions required during its operations.

    Proceed to drill a wildcat well with no gas detection or EX rating zones in place.
    Well there is gas detection of sorts… Simply Pilot the ROV around the drill string on the seabed looking for bubbles on sonar whilst drilling operations are in progress, trying to forget Boyle’s Law that P1 V1 = P2 V2. Coz a bubble the size of a basket ball at 650 meters deep is gonnae be huge when it gets to the surface.
    Run 30 inch casing and during cementing process fail to disengage steel cement stinger before cement sets…
    Yay! Rig now fixed to casing.
    Call and wait days for wireline crew to rock up and use explosives to blow steel stinger and disconnect drill string from casing. Oh, and order more 30 inch casing and a couple of new fibreglass stinger so if it gets stuck again you can twist it off and just drill it out so no biggy.
    Once that’s done try to skid rig to new location to start process again…
    But those anchor winches can’t handle the weight! So it’s runaway chain time and peels anchor winch off rig floor.
    Still got about 5 of the 8 winches sort of working so endevour to carry on.
    4 weeks have now passed since start of job, still waiting on new casing arriving, but got a hell of a suntan from lying on the helideck for a week…

    Time to crew change out on an ancient helicopter that looked like it came from the set of M*A*S*H… being piloted by an idiot that thought he had to line up with the big “H” on the pad regardless of wind direction.
    Just about end up in the sea as shark food on lift off as chopper is blown off helideck due to sidewinds and drops like a stone once draft is lost from helideck.
    Fortunately blades don’t contact rig on the descent and we recover and make it to Alexandria, then Cairo, then home, and retire, noting not to answer phone when company calls to ask me to go back.

  252. James Che. says:

    Alf Baird .
    Finished levelling small lawn at back of house and wished I could do the same for politics in providing a level playing for Scotland,
    And your both correct the mantle of a semi subdued colonised race does hang over Scotland’s people,
    It is extremely difficult nowadays for Scots to even discuss facts of history, they turn off their emotions and wisdom to accept alternative new policies bought in by a government that is not actually ours,
    A good example of this is Scotland’s? ( Big question mark)New hate crime bill, at the top of each page the first thing to read, is UK legislation. Gov.
    This legislation is particularly aimed at Scotland and its inhabitants, but goes forward as approved by Westminster uk legislative and consent of the crown. That it is passed as UK legislation has gone unnoticed by most people living in Scotland is amazing.
    But not surprising as their minds appear to all intents and purposes to be subdued, that this even happened is indeed racist, to subdue a nations voice under the European convention of human rights is exactly as you both explained. Colonialism,
    Have we truly stopped thinking and acting in our own best interests, have a large per portion of us become mind and spirit dead to human rights. Or their right to self determination.
    We have always recognised that no politics, politician or political party has the right to take away the sovereignty of people,
    When it comes to governments They work for us, not the other way around, and as long as they allow us to vote it stays that way legally.
    When they take away your voting rights then we are seriously in trouble all over the world.
    Meanwhile how do you enable people to learn not just in here but everywhere, to recognise they are sovereign
    Trying to bring a challenging discussion on actual realities and facts surrounding the treaty of the union goes unnoticed, as if it was a quick talk about swimming pools or the weather,
    It astounds me how people have died inside living bodies.

  253. President Xiden says:

    Dear oh dear oh dear…Humza making up stuff, surely not? link to

  254. Ruby says:

    link to

    ‘If, after receiving a report from the police, the Crown Office decide to prosecute Ms Millar, it promises to be a “cause célèbre” because of her national and international supporters.

    The respected American legal analyst and attorney Jonathan Turley, the Shapiro Chair of Public interest Law at George Washington University, added his voice today.

    He said on his blog Ms Millar’s case was part of a “free speech fight brewing in Scotland”.

    He wrote: “The effort by some to criminally charge advocates [of free speech] like Millar is to silence rather than to respond to opposing viewpoints. ”

    Scotland will become known on the world stage as a country that denies free of speech.

    The Edinburgh International Festival will be cancelled due to artists refusing to attend.

  255. Republicofscotland says:

    Does anybody even watch this shit anymore, I mean we all know QT is a BritNat mouthpiece propaganda advert.

    link to

  256. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Dan – I worked in one of these countries you mention. I worked for the Government. They weren’t perfect, there was a lot of corruption around, but was it any worse than Scotland? No, in fact, I think it was slightly more competent and predictable.

    Once every few years they used to round-up all the serious crooks, those that were giving the country a bad name, and would lock them up for periods ranging up to 6-years. In fact, they almost all received 6-years for some reason. Parliamentarians, civil-servants, councillors, military guys and even members of the ruling family.

    The biggest oil platform have around 200No people on board? I’m guessing the ones your talking about have fewer than that. These men will know how to handle themselves in an emergency and most emergencies will be able to be handled on a platform. So, what you are describing is bad, but it can happen in these environments.

    What we are talking about here is a new school for 450No kids which has been proven to be defective. These kids cannot handle themselves in an emergency and this is not minor; it is at the top-end of defects and is as bad as it gets. At the moment it is seen as a ‘risk’ because it hasn’t happened yet. When it does happen, they will all get the fright of their lives, believe me.

  257. sarah says:

    O/T Application to SNP for refund of donation to the “ring-fenced Independence Referendum fund”.

    On the comments to Iain Lawson’s blog article “So you want your cash back” there is a report of a successful application [see comment by SF at 3rd June 1.06]. They emailed to on Sunday with the detail of their two donations – references had been given in “thank you” emails from Peter Murrell [!].

    Jim replied on Tuesday saying one donation was to the fund but the other was for the General Election campaign. The indy ref donation refund was received by SF on Wednesday.

    I have now applied for my donation to be refunded – I had no reference in my thank you emails which Jim sent but was able to give him the dates and amounts of donations sent by me in March and April 2017. Fingers crossed.

    This shows that records of donations to the ring-fenced fund DO exist. So it must be possible for the CEO to produce records to the National Treasurer to show where those funds are – so why doesn’t he?

  258. Gary45% says:

    A wee bit of advice for all the anti-vaxxers/maskers.
    Seems like you’re now all complaining about your freedom to spread the virus being taken away because your wee feelings are getting hurt. (Get the jab, get the passport. SIMPLES.)
    Stay in the house and keep chewing the legs off the sideboard, while the rest of us enjoy the summer.
    There are many benefits to getting the vaccine, once I get the second jab I’ll be “stereo Bluetooth” compatible.

  259. James Che. says:

    Talking of people being dead inside their bodies reminds me of the predictive film Zombies,
    Maybe it’s being trialed in Scotland first a bit like the poll tax,

  260. Republicofscotland says:

    Alba MPs doing more for the Scottish independence cause than any SNP MP has done since 2014.

    Its patently obvious which of these two parties supports an independent Scotland, and which is willing to try and do something about it.

    link to

  261. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Gary45% (7.37) –

    Nicola Sturgeon and Jason Leitch today signalled that there are plans to start ‘vaccination’ of our children. (Nicola said any sign of more vaccines being approved ‘makes her heart sing’.)

    I don’t know if you have any children. I do, and they’re both ‘adults’, so I had no say in their decision re the jag. One has had both, the other has not yet received notification for the first appointment.

    But if they were still at school? No way would I, or their Mum, be signing any consent form. Not a chance.

    Would you allow your children to get this jag? Would you be content to see your grandchildren receive it?

  262. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Captain Yossarian 6:54pm
    Keep going you are making a compelling case about the school. I take it you are a Chartered Civil Engineer. I don’t recall you saying so. Your passion for the safety of the children is in sharp contrast to the indifference of the politicians. But the SNP are the governing party so I hold them to account. The Institution should be supporting you. What you have to remember that politicians are largely unskilled in Engineering. I have got the tea shirt and have been there, in exactly the same place. I am happy that a young(er) engineer like yourself has taken up the mantle. Bodes well for the future of Engineering post SNP.

  263. Dan says:

    Captain Yossarian says: at 6:54 pm

    The biggest oil platform have around 200No people on board? I’m guessing the ones your talking about have fewer than that. These men will know how to handle themselves in an emergency and most emergencies will be able to be handled on a platform. So, what you are describing is bad, but it can happen in these environments.

    Aye, there can be about a hundred but that fluctuates depending on what crews and contractors are required at specific times.
    I think you’ve missed the point in my post that many of those occurrences could have resulted in very serious incidents. There was absolute disregard in following so many safe working practices.
    Things can indeed happen, but that’s why we put in place and follow measures to reduce the likelihood of such events occuring.
    Having an offshore survival certificate in your pocket won’t protect you when big shit kicks off.
    Plus the willful negligence of the operating company to adhere to industry standard guidelines whilst carrying out their operations would likely make them in breach of their insurance cover for any liability incurred.

    An incident occurs…
    Insurance Claim Advisor – “M’kay, I’ve read through the newspaper headlines and just so I’m clear on this at the start, your company was operating an old oil rig outwith its own specific and industry standard protocols, with inappropriate levels of safety equipment for the tasks being carried out. And also doing so in a depth of water greater than the rig was designed and rated for, whilst tethered to the seabed with only 5 of the 8 anchors working…Hmm, we may have a problem here…”

    And on the subject of insurance and liability cover. The school you mention will have to have that in place, and presumably as pupils and staff are still in attendance the foundation / drainage / structural settlement issues are not deemed to be of such a level that catastrophic collapse could occur and risk injury to pupils or staff.
    If this school was on a sinkhole or the like, then that would be a different scenario risk wise, and it would have an order in place that it cannot be used and any insurance cover for school use would not be granted.

  264. Captain Yossarian says:

    I’m not a member of the ICE, but I am a member of two overseas institutions, one of which is just the same as the ICE.

    I have had good assistance from both and I’m not complaining. The ICE don’t actually need to help me as I am not a member, but they are not standing-by doing and saying nothing. If you write to them, they get right back to you.

    One of the checks has been done by a chap who was once the President of the ICE. He was brought-up in Knightswood and now lives in Argyll. I suspect he had his check done inside 20-minutes, but I might be wrong.

    They have members at the Scottish Government who have let the side down badly. When you are a professional engineer, you agree to an ethical code and all the rest of it. Number-one (or number two) is ‘don’t mislead’. I’m afraid that a few of them have mis-led and that is a problem for the ICE at the moment.

    You are also correct in that it is entirely the Scottish Government’s problem. They are trying to tell me it’s the City Council’s problem, but it’s not.

    The whistle-blowing charity is called Public Interest at Work. The guy there called the Scottish Government ‘putrid’ while in a fit of bad temper. Bad temper or not, I think he called it right. We were talking about John Swinney at the time.

    The teaching unions have been slow to offer assistance and I’ve had to do it all for them, but I think they are responding now and that helps.

    As soon as this is over, I want to return overseas. Anywhere in the world as long as it’s far away from this honky-tonk joint. As I think I said to you before, I used to listen to ‘Off the Ball’ on Radio Scotland while ironing my shirts and that was in Africa. That’s as much of Scotland as I need nowadays. I think you’re the same, aren’t you?

  265. J.o.e says:

    @James Che

    Gary45% comment at 7:37pm gives us a fair clue of what needs to happen before any change will come to the masses in general.

    Only someone who has not a single clue of the realities of the world, recent history, politics and global corporations could take a tone so ridiculous and mocking.

    While not everyone may not be quite so divorced from reality (this was a guy who more than 1 year ago was literally posting verbatim statements from the BBC and Sky as if he was a super clever boy and nobody else can turn on their r3tardbox and get the exact same information) they are still in a little cloud of ignorance. We have a population of coddled, spoiled, arrogant 1st worlders who have never ever felt or even SEEN what real oppression looks like and what happens when powers go to far.

    Its sanitised little news reports from their favourite propaganda channel, pitched at the level of an unimpressive 13 year old, which they swallow unquestioningly.

    I saw a very funny sign from the anti-lockdown march which said ‘Fight for your freedom like you fought for toilet paper.’

    Our people are in for a long overdue arse kicking. The trouble is we are going to receive it also.

  266. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Dan – You make two points:

    1. The industry needs to comply with Industry Standards and in fact it is a condition of contract that you do that. If it is found that you have not complied, then it used to be the case that you would automatically lose any subsequent court action taken against you.

    2. Professional Indemnity Insurance would most likely have payed-out if it was reported at the time as an ‘honest mistake made by a professional’. Once you cover-up an honest mistake, insurance will obviously refuse to pay-out and that is the situation we are in now. That’s the situation we are in at this school. It does not comply with Design Standards.

    On the subject of general insurance and liability cover, all I can say is the building hasn’t cracked yet. The building owner (the City Council) will presumably not have reported the risk to his insurer as the City Council disputes there is a risk. Once we see the engineer’s reports then we will know if the City Council are right. I suspect they are not right and that is why they are slow in releasing the reports.

  267. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Captain Yossarian 8:59pm
    I was a Chartered Engineer and indeed mentored many young Scottish engineers through the CEng process. I was mainly based in Scotland although travelled and worked in about 20 countries. Back in the day we were worth something. Scottish Engineers were prized mainly because of their integrity. What a sad state of affairs we have now. On leaving Scotland, we are liquidising our assets. Sold the house, sold the family’s heirlooms on both sides. We are in a good position. Keeping our options open until Police Scotland arrive at the doorstep. Yes I love Off the Ball too. Polical refugees vote with their feet. Enjoy your life you are a brave man.

  268. Captain Yossarian says:

    We are still respected overseas you know. I worked in Libya just before the fall of Gadaffi. My wife is an English teacher and taught Gadaffi’s grandson, Hannibal, English. She used to panic at parent’s nights in-case the Colonel turned-up drunk or whatever but he never did. The Libyans wanted as many Scottish engineers as they could get, because we could communicate and we were the only folk who regularly knew what we were doing. We got plenty of things wrong, but nothing like this.

  269. J.o.e says:

    Its funny but Scotlands turnaround, when it comes, will come from the people all the ‘professional’ types liked to ignore when they told them about the problems they (and eventually the rest of Scotland) would face. The people who can’t just up sticks and move to a former holiday home.

    Then when things calm down and some sort of normalcy returns those same ‘professional’ liberal types will continue on pretending they are responsible and informed people – and continue ignoring what the lowly bigots and peasants have to say.

    The academic, professional and business classes have dropped the fucking ball on every front imaginable. Its not just the SNP to blame. If a guy like me who pretty much stopped going to school at 14 could see what was coming (and my friends of a similar caliber who can barely write a professional letter who also could see the writing on the wall even before 2016) then what is this education worth that Scotland has stumbled so blindly into this?

    Our intelligentsia are dumbfucks and have collectively failed in their default role in society.

  270. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Captain Yossarian 9:45pm
    The rest of the World will catch up. They watch what’s happening as well. Albeit from an uninformed distance. It’s down to individual Engineers to maintain the engineering integrity. The school is a pivotal point.

  271. Robert Hughes says:


    Aye , it’s like that , exactly .

    Can’t help thinking there must be some kind of ” Intelligent Design ” behind what’s happening around THE VIRUS ! , it’s just so perfectly equipped to cause maximum division , conflict , confusion , fear , anger and maybe more than anything else provide diversion/distraction .

    While the populace is busy tearing itself apart , all around them , by stealth , everything of real value , love , community , kinship , freedom is being dismantled .

    Take the jag , the jag will set you free , will set us all free – to consume again and again and …..?

  272. sarah says:

    O/T Does anyone know what has happened to Colin Dunn aka Zarkwan aka Indyposterboy’s Twitter account? Today it says “this account doesn’t exist”.

  273. Republicofscotland says:

    This is quite striking, and its shows without a doubt that the persecution of Marion Millar is a political one.

    link to

  274. Dan says:

    @ Sarah

    RE. Zarkwan

    link to

  275. crazycat says:

    @ Sarah at 10.04

    link to
    link to

    (replies include some who are not convinced)

  276. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Joe (9.48) –

    ‘Our intelligentsia are dumbfucks and have collectively failed in their default role in society.’

    Kin right.

    You touch on a subject which has cropped up from time to time over the lifetime of this place, but never really developed as far as it should’ve because, well, folk kept banging on about other stuff, politics an aw that…

    What passes for an ‘intelligentsia’ in this country has never been representative of ‘the people’. And that’s not meant to sound revolutionary-style. The ‘people’ means abody, at every level, who consumes msm. By definition, that means most of us. That’s the target audience at all times, right? So, what we ended up with was a Scotland where serious, intelligent people, with all sorts of important roles in society, read something like The Guardian, watch the Newsnight Review bit (do they still do that?), see how many they can get on Celebrity Mastermind, and are perfectly content in themselves, feeling they have a pretty sound understanding of what’s happening. They ‘like to keep up’.

    I was lucky enough to get a tertiary education. It was great. I shouldn’t have gone to Art School. I only went there because my closest pals all applied at the same time. Precious memories, and I learned a lot at that place, with those friends. But the most I’ve ever ‘learned’ is from listening to people, anywhere, usually in pubs. Just listening. Or watching. Sometimes both!

    The greatest trick the UK media ever played was convincing us that the stupid, classist, racist, sexist stories it told us – in the News or Current Affairs, Comedy, chat-shows, game-shows or whatever else – were a true reflection of ‘us’. How many of us recognise the ‘Britain’ they’ve been shoving down our necks for as long as newspapers, radio, television and the internet have existed. It’s a fuckin miracle we still have any ‘culture’ worth talking about.

    But we do.

    And it simply doesn’t fit with those stories. Aye, we’ve got our share of total arseholes and mouth-breathers, but they’re the equivalent of the dodgy cousin who causes chaos wherever he goes.

    James Joyce was once asked why the Irish were such a fiery, fighting people. Seems a reasonable enough question, right? But Joyce replied that, in his experience, they were a ‘quiet & gentle’ people, or something like that.

    Most of us would trust Joyce’s portrayal before whatever stereotype of ‘an Irishman’ was being punted by Punch magazine at the time. And their depiction of Scots was every bit as shameful.

    It’s only by making examples of this stuff, from our own memories, that we can even get a handle on how badly we’ve all been represented by a really toty % of the population. It’s doubtful whether most of them, ipso facto, feel the slightest unease over it all.

    We have never – literally *never* – had a mainstream media which even attempted to represent the interests of the people.

    But ‘culture’ carried on all the same…


  277. sarah says:

    @ Dan and crazycat: thanks. So another Yes great is being hounded out of public view. This is totally unacceptable – but without MSM willing to put this on screens/radios/front pages, how is the word going to get out that the current SNP leadership is wrecking Scotland?

    I’m afraid I am nearly in despair and having to rely on there being enough strong, brave and capable people to get us out of this horrific mess.

  278. Gary45% says:

    Ian Brotherhood@ 8.16
    I don’t have kids, but if I did, they would all be vaccinated. Nieces and nephew have all had theirs.
    I totally understand the fears many people have, I hate to say most of the nonsense is being peddled by the “flat earth” type of punter.
    As I posted last year, my other half was a medical doctor for 35 years, and we both cannot wait for the second jab, and hopefully some sort of normality.
    I remember years ago having to get the Typhoid vaccine to go to Tunisia on holiday, the side effects from that were more severe than the sore arm, and aching muscles I had from the AZ.

  279. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Gary45% (10.59) –

    Okay Gary, thanks for the response.

    Good luck to you and yours.

  280. JimuckMac says:

    Gary @ 10.58.

    You do know that it’s not a vaccine you are jabbing yourself and your family with.?

  281. Michael McCabe says:

    Hi Ian B me and Lynn send you our best wishes and hopefully we will all meet up again soon. ?

  282. Ian Brotherhood says:



    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Smacker to Lynn.

    Aye, hopefully a git-the-gither this year!


  283. J.o.e says:

    ‘I totally understand the fears many people have, I hate to say most of the nonsense is being peddled by the “flat earth” type of punter.’

    Say 1 thing and in the same sentence deny it.

  284. Robert Hughes says:

    Ian B @ 10.49

    Excellent post my friend .

  285. Dan says:

    Is it beyond the bounds of reason for an individual to be both a flat earther and a mountain biker?

    Oh, for a less complex world where women are simple line-segments, while men are polygons with various numbers of sides…

    link to

  286. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A Pfizer commercial…

    link to

  287. J.o.e says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Yes, you’ve pretty much touched on something thats a big subject for me.

    I pretty much now see the MSM as I would the propaganda arm of an invading force. Beyond weather, traffic reports and other miscellaneous things it is a negative influence on our lives.

    The level it has sunk to now is both positive and negative. Positive in the sense that it is now so ridiculous that it is actually making even fairly passive people somewhat aware that something is wrong. Negative because it is still managing to utterly misinform people.

    And you are right – the misrepresentations made by these people that overall paint the picture of the world we live in is criminal.

    The sooner more people realise the depth of the dishonesty and the malign intent behind it the better

  288. J.o.e says:

    @Robert Hughes

    The funny thing is I wasn’t even thinking about the Covid situation in that post. But it still applies.

    A documentary about Sigmund Freuds nephew (or something) called a ‘a century of self’ I think, basically outlines the way that psychological techniques were seen as better for marketing than straight up information in the 1st half of the 20th century. The methods to get people making emotional decisions rather than rational ones.

    Id say, and I think there is some evidence to suggest, that governments and other organisations have taken that to a level that’s hard to imagine

  289. J.o.e says:

    That pfizer commercial was sick. The comments below were good to read though.

  290. Alf Baird says:

    J.o.e @ 9:48 pm

    Yes, decolonisation and national liberation always depends eventually on the lumpen proletariat, whereas our pampered bourgeoisie will aye sell us oot, as thay’re daein the noo an as they did in 1707.

    Ian Brotherhood @ 10.49

    “But ‘culture’ carried on all the same…”

    Aye, oor ain cultur and Scots language are what gives us our national identity and in turn our national consciousness, without which there can be no motivation for independence. This explains why peoples in self-determination conflict are linguistically divided – in our case maistly Scots speakers aye voters, an maist anglophone’s naw voters. Independence is aw aboot cultur an Scots langage!

  291. Dave Somerville says:

    Sarah. 10.53pm

    Re, current SNP leadership…

    “I’m afraid I am nearly in despair and having to rely on there being enough strong, brave and capable people to get us out of this horrific mess.”

    I feel your pain Sarah.

    This surely can’t continue unchallenged?

  292. Tannadice Boy says:

    @Sarah 10:53pm
    The strong capable people you speak of, is yourself. Don’t expect other people to lay down their life or in anyway be bothered. Scotland voted for the SNP. Democracy is relative. You either believe in democracy or you don’t. The SNP have formed a Government. They are in charge and don’t they know it. Unfortunately they have subsumed the Institutions. Enjoy living in Scotland for the next 5 years.

  293. Beaker says:

    @JimuckMac says:
    4 June, 2021 at 11:10 pm
    Gary @ 10.58.
    “You do know that it’s not a vaccine you are jabbing yourself and your family with.?”

    Well I’ve had both jabs and I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks. My choice, same as it is the choice of those who do not wish it.

  294. Margo says:

    @ Stuart MacKay

    Thank you for setting up the website. The page is well laid out and contains valuable up to date posts by different indy bloggers – well done!

  295. Breeks says:

    link to

    I hope Joanna is right, and the tide is turning.

    To surmise my interpretation of what she says, all those victimised and disadvantaged by Transactivism are beginning to find grounds to sue for the discrimination which was heaped upon them and impacting on their lives.

    There is an intrinsic equilibrium to “fairness”, which isn’t fair at all unless it’s fair to everyone. But it’s that very fairness which Transgender misogynists have been distorting and abusing in recent times to the significant detriment of women in particular, but, in the fullness of time, we must hope the equilibrium will be restored and women’s rights will be protected.

    I repeat, I hope she’s right.

    Hands up confession, it’s no doubt a reflection of my own prejudices that restoring the equilibrium to fairness will stop at “fair”, when personally, I’d like to see the backlash go much further, and these malignant, twisted, misogynistic shit stirrers called out, stigmatised, and driven to the periphery of our society, just as they have sought to do to others who were brave enough to stand up to their bullying and Wolfpack style harassment and intimidation.

    “Fair” hardly seems fair. Surely we need a degree of punitive fairness to discourage spoiled brat mentality of those who won’t take no for an answer, even when that answer is science based, impeccably logical and rational, and already enshrined within the existing law?

    I know it’s a paradox, but how can fairness rule supreme without a degree of tyranny at it’s disposal?…

    Ah yes,… justice.

  296. Robert Hughes says:


    You’re referring to Edward L Bernays , who took some of the ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud and applied them to , basically , marketing : creating desire for objects/products in the ” masses ”

    He wrote a book a few books , one called ” Propaganda ” – unsurprisingly . One notorious quote ….

    “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

  297. Robert Hughes says:

    Breeks @ 8.07

    Needless to say – but I’ll say it anyway . Spot-on comment as per .

    The problem with the Gender zealots – like all fanatics – is they’re attempting to impose , by coercion , bullying , ” No Debating ” , abstract nouns – Fairness , Equality , Freedom etc , rather , their interpretation of such concepts : as if these things can legislated into existence , minds forcibly changed .

    Of course Laws have been changed historically to reflect changes in attitudes and to overturn prejudices , Women’s , Black People’s , Gay Rights etc , but these changes where reflective of the changed attitude of the majority of the societies in which they were enacted and , crucially , did NOT impact negatively on the rights of other members of those societies .

    Yes , we can only hope Joanna is correct that the tide is turning . It really has to , principally for the sake of all women , also because if this lunacy continues there will inevitably be a terrible backlash , which could see the rights of all of us diminished

  298. J.o.e says:

    @Robert Hughes

    That quote is pretty interesting. I’ll have to look for that book.

    What is especially interesting and disturbing is that it very closely resembles what was being complained about in Mein Kampf. In fact if you take that quote as a complaint and not as a suggested method of action it could well have come straight from the book.

    Free minded people are very much stuck with the problem of how to maintain a free society without being subverted by hidden financial interests and ruled from the shadows by manipulation or resorting to some kind of autocratic strong man.

  299. J.o.e says:

    lol f**k. Just wiki’d Edward L Bernays. Forget my last comment

  300. Robert Hughes says:

    Indeed J.o.e

    Bernays himself obviously seen no contradiction/ethical conflict between ” the conscious manipulation ……..of the masses ” and ” Democratic society ” , on the contrary , he seemed to believe one of the advantages of Democracy was that it provided the opportunity for such manipulation .

    I fear the resort to ” some kind of autocratic strong man ” could be where the UK is heading – a Bolsonaro/Duarte with a clipped RP accent

  301. J.o.e says:

    @Robert Hughes

    I really don’t think the danger to the UK is the autocratic strongman. We are being crushed under the heel of institutions, organisations and 3rd rate public officials and will continue to be so. I think the British and Scottish psyche is more weak in the face of this than ‘some arsehole trying to tell us what to do’.

    The one benefit of the autocratic strongman, as certain autocratic strongmen have pointed out, is that the public gets to rest responsibility on them and they own the failures and misdeeds.

    The nebulous array of institutions, ‘offices of’, committees, boards and councils are much harder to get a grip on and can spread out the shock of any reaction to their failures or crimes by reshuffling people or at worst appearing to ‘throw one under the bus’.

  302. Pixywine says:

    Gary45. You won’t be enjoying the summer. Try going on holiday I think you’ll find that the Government is liable to change your holiday hot-spot from a “green” to an “Amber” with consequent cost and stress to the holiday maker. You’re thinking at the level of yaboo instead of following events. If you kept up with politics you would surely know, by now, that everything Dog biscuit, Joe and Ian B were warning about a year ago has come to pass. None of this is about “feelings”. It’s about Liberty a concept that seems beyond a tiny mind like yours.
    Apologies to other Wingers who correctly smelt a Government rat a year ago, if I’ve failed to credit you.
    Gary. Dog biscuit says hello.

  303. sarah says:

    @ Dave Somerville and Tannadice Boy: I know there are many people of the calibre necessary to help Scotland – I worked with them in the recent campaign – but the MSM, SNP leadership and supporting cast, have all the power over what the wider public is told.

    We have been saying this since 2014 and despite noble efforts by indy radio and film and magazines/blogs, we are still disadvantaged. And the Scottish police, justice and government are getting more and more unreasonable and unjust.

  304. Robert Hughes says:

    J.o.e @ 9.22

    Yes , you’re probably right about that – the faceless , unaccountable bureaucrat * following orders * rather than the overt quasi-dictator : though when/if things fall apart ( through corrupted institutions , police and legal bodies ) and the centre cannot hold ( through extreme polarisation of public opinion on contentious issues ) the emergence of a * Strong Leader * is always a possibility , even in the so-called ” Cradle/s of Democracy “


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    • Anthem on Signal and noise: “I feel the same. Just thinking on what she said today, that she “may join another party”. This is her…Mar 13, 00:57
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    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Couldn’t agree more, Lorn.Mar 12, 21:35
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