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Wings Over Scotland

A reliable source

Posted on April 20, 2014 by

If there’s one person we know Unionists treat as an unimpeachable fount of definitive information when it comes to the subject of the EU, it’s European Commission president Jose-Manuel Barroso. Time and again they cite his opinions with regard to an independent Scotland’s status, and they almost exploded with joy when he made unusually explicit comments about it on the Andrew Marr show recently.


So in the context of our piece earlier this morning in respect of the UKIP vote in England, it seems worth pointing up something Mr. Barroso said last October, which an alert reader spotted but which for some reason didn’t get as much coverage in the Scottish media as most of his pronouncements do.

“David Cameron’s plans to claw back UK powers from Brussels are ‘doomed to failure’ as all 28 member states would fail to back Britain’s ‘unreasonable’ demands, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has warned.

Barroso poured scorn on the Prime Minister’s plan to bring legislation from the EU back into the UK’s control, insisting that it would only be achievable by reviewing over 150,000 pages of EU law on a case-by-case basis.

The Conservatives’ position, the last time we checked, is that they will attempt to renegotiate the terms of the UK’s membership prior to an in-out referendum in 2017, and if they fail to achieve the major concessions they seek they’ll be left with no alternative but to campaign for an Out vote.

With UK public opinion already consistently in favour of leaving (despite Scots wanting to stay in), it seems reasonable to suggest that official government backing for the Out position would make the vote all but a done deal. Which puts the No parties in a rather awkward position in Scotland.

If Mr Barroso’s expert opinions are to be trusted, then an independent Scotland might face delays in acquiring EU membership, but it’s a racing certainty that the UK will be out of Europe forever within three or four years of the Scottish independence referendum – a prospect which would have UK businesses in a full-blown panic.

But if he’s talking rubbish about the UK’s chances of renegotiating its membership, then it must logically follow that he also doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to Scotland. He either knows the minds of Europe’s leaders and foreign ministers or he doesn’t.

We’ll be watching with keen interest to see how often his opinions are cited by “Better Together” over the next five months.

262 to “A reliable source”

  1. Patrick Roden says:

    Bloody hell Rev, you really are good at this!!!

  2. handclapping says:

    Somebody should ask him about Scotland’s chances again now that he is no longer in the running for the NATO job.

  3. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    There goes my theory of Cameron egging on UKIP to get some seats in Bruxelles and be his Joker to play to get spinnable concessions from the EU.


  4. HorseBoy says:

    80 Top Scots Men voting YES for Independence:

    Sir Sean Connery, iconic actor (pictured);
    Blair Jenkins, former BBC Scot. & STV head of news;
    Sir George Mathewson, businessman & banker;
    Dan Macdonald; property developer;
    Dennis Canavan, former Labour MP & MSP;
    John McAllion, former Labour MP;
    Paul H. Scott, author & former diplomat;
    Jim McColl, businessman;
    Tommy Brennan, former shop steward;
    Dougie MacLean, singer;
    George Kerevan, economist & journalist;
    The Proclaimers, singers;
    Cameron McNeish, hill-walker & author;
    Pat Kane, musician;
    Hardeep Singh Kohli, comedian & writer;
    Brian Cox, actor;
    Alan Cumming, actor;
    James Cosmo, actor;
    John Byrne, writer;
    Martin Compston, actor;
    Stewart Kirkpatrick, website editor;
    Andrew Fairlie, restaurateur;
    Colin Fox, Scot. Socialist Party;
    Alex Boyd, photographer;
    Alasdair Gray, writer;
    David Hayman, actor;
    James Kelman, writer;
    Alan Bissett, novelist;
    Irvine Welsh, writer;
    Alasdair Stephen, architect;
    David Greig, playwright;
    Alastair McDonald, singer;
    Frankie Boyle, comedian;
    Jack Vettriano, artist;
    Iain Anderson, radio presenter;
    Gerard Butler, actor;
    Jim Delahunt, radio sports presenter;
    John Wallace, Principal of RSAMD;
    Ted Christopher, singer;
    Gerry Hassan, writer;
    Peter Mullan, actor,
    Dick Gaughan, singer;
    Mark Millar, comic book writer;
    Kyle Falkoner, singer:
    Aamer Anwar, lawyer;
    James Aitken, lawyer;
    Peter De Vink, financier;
    Malcolm Fraser, architect;
    Angus Tulloch, investment manager;
    Tim Barrow, actor;
    Prof. Joe Goldblatt, academic;
    Greg Hemphill, actor & comedian;
    Ricky Ross, singer & radio presenter;
    James Robertson, author;
    Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, composer;
    Malky McCormick, cartoonist;
    Sir Tom Hunter, businessman;
    Michael Fry, historian & author;
    Craig Murray, author & former ambassador;
    Kevin McKidd, actor;
    Sandy Adam, businessman;
    Tony Banks, businessman;
    Mark Shaw, property developer;
    Calum Colvin, artist & photographer;
    Simon Howie, businessman;
    Aly Bain, musician;
    Harvey Aberdein, lawyer;
    Dr. Richard Dixon, environmental campaigner;
    Jai McDowall, singer;
    Sir Charles Gray, former Labour Strathclyde Council leader;
    Alex Mosson, former Labour Lord Provost of Glasgow;
    Nick Johnston, former Scottish Tory MSP;
    John Mulvey, former Labour Lothian Council leader;
    William McIlvanney, author;
    Alex Arthur, former championship boxer;
    Bob Thomson, former chairman of Scottish Labour Party;
    David Taylor, former chief executive of SFA;
    James Scott, former executive director of Scottish Financial Enterprise
    Andy Myles, former chief executive Scottish Liberal Democrats

    link to
    (its half way down page – Top Scots YES women men)

  5. Helena Brown says:

    @ Handclapping, someone should ask him again, considering he got no backing from said David Cameron.

  6. Helena Brown says:

    @ HorseBoy, does that mean there are more celebrities for YES than NO?
    Pleased to see some of those names though.

  7. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    Why the feck do Barosso and his ilk not retire and let others feck up the lives of the poor European unwashed?

    There is perversely in this a nod and a wink to a use of the House of Lords, if it were not for the fact the clowns actually have votes in it and can affect legislation; cf fracking.

    As a retirement home, it makes sense and if costed could be cost effective when compared to the damage the perpetrate on us. A blanket ban on reporting what they actually say would be necessary as well as tight control on their expenses.

    Vote Yes in September and prove to me that I am deluded. Need red biddy transfusion.

  8. Greannach says:

    Looking forward to hearing Flipper’s views on this, provided the UKOKs haven’t totally silenced him or silently dumped him. Hope not.

  9. nemo says:

    John Wallace is principal of RCS, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, formerly RSAMD. He retires at the end of this academic year. Might we look forward to active campaigning from him when he is no longer in a position where he has to keep all the various RCS stakeholders happy?

  10. Croompenstein says:

    I thought that was the Easter Bunny in the photo with Barroso but he is actually pointing out the number of chances that Englandshire have of remaining in the EU after 2017

  11. Cyc says:

    It suddenly struck me that if there is a Yes, the kids born after will never know anything but an independent Scotland.

  12. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    My second daughter is expecting on the 21st of September.


  13. RogueCoder says:

    @ Cyc 12:38
    THAT is a fantastic thought. Our children, born free….

    We’re gonna win this 🙂

  14. bookie from hell says:

    Has Alan Cochrane had one creme egg to many?

  15. bjsalba says:

    I understand that Barroso is going for a third term – after failing to get the NATO job.

    Check it out on Euractv – looks like three other candidates are in the running.

    Has anyone noticed that he always prefaces his remarks about Scottish Independence as personal, but they never get quoted as such? In the Woodrow Wilson discussions in ‘A breath of fresh air’ on this site, the impression given was that he was speaking on behalf of the EU.

  16. heedtracker says:

    Just shows how seriously corrupt bettertogetherBBC really is. This all came out in October so why didn’t Marr even mention any of this to Barrosso on his show in March?

  17. proudscot says:

    “Has Alan Cochrane had one crème egg too many?” Naw, he’s probably chewed one wasp too many!

  18. fairiefromtheearth says:

    What gets me its EU regulation for drinking water not to be fluradated as it lowers the IQ so if were in the EU why is our drinking water poisioned oh sorry fluridated lol i wonder what time today the planes will start spraying the cockroaches or do you think theyv got the bank holiday off lol

  19. yerkitbreeks says:

    From Cornwall, in The Western Morning News :

    “The facts speak for themselves. The Scottish Parliament already promotes more people-friendly and socialist policies than its counterpart in Westminster. It has a more efficient health service, a more enlightened education system, a pledge to create a non-nuclear defence force, and a commitment to re-nationalise essential industries and utilities. Who wouldn’t want to live in a nation with such aspirations?”

    Read more: link to

  20. Croompenstein says:

    @yekitbreeks – Enjoyed that article, thanks for the link

  21. big_al says:


    Don’t see my name on that list.


  22. Jimsie says:


    Glaring omission from the list. Rev. Stuart Campbell.

  23. Papadox says:

    Big Gordy is going to give us a lecture on pensions and economics come next Friday.

    How to take a pension scheme that is in reasonable shape and destroy it, then blame somebody else for it, that should be anybody else sorry. (£100 billion mere bagatelle)

    How to sell off your countries Gold reserves cheap (2 for 1) and claim it was a canny move.

    How to spend £6.5 billion pounds on two aircraft carriers which are of NO practical use to the RN and even if they were there are no airplanes for our aircraft carriers, which has got to be a concern.

    Then again there are no rUK dry docks to service these things if they should ever go to sea. Wonder how he feels looking out of his widow at two white elephants that he is responsible for, pride, I doubt it.

    However his pride and joy which must give him his most satisfying time in government is his ending of the worlds longest running problem, ending boom and bust, a truly remarkable career politician. (Just before we had the biggest bust in history)

    The fact that big Gordy is willing to share with us how to turn from a boy of the kirk and God into a counting house where god is turned into GO£D at the expense of the peasants.

    A truly remarkable human being, and to take the time to pass all his knowledge onto Alistair Darling so he can carry on the good work.

    He is prepared to share his experiences with all rich people for charity, what a man!

  24. semus says:

    Mr Barrosso also stated that he has seen what is happening in Kiev at the hight of the fascist riots,and is on record as saying that” He has seen what is happening in Ukraine, and that is the future.”.
    Sein as he didnae get the NATO job, can wee know give him a wee hand to get a really big unelected job in Kiev,and crowd fund a really smart Portuguese fascist uniform with armband.The future Sorted

  25. Allan28 says:

    In 1975 Harold Wilson was able to claim that renegotiation by the UK had been ‘successful’ when in fact nothing had really been achieved by Jim Callaghan (his Foreign Minister). The Commission facilitated this by allowing the claim to prevail, knowing that Wilson’s real policy was to deal with Eurosceptics within the Labour party and to remain in the EEC.

    David Cameron will no doubt try to replicate this approach as far as possible. The difficulty for him is that Wilson’s approach succeeded in a world where the EEC was much smaller, there was no UKIP and the main sources of information for the electorate were limited.

    There was an Ashcroft poll published last month which found that only 1 in 5 voters were confident that ‘David Cameron will be able to renegotiate a better deal for Britain in the EU.’

    The chances of a Westminster referendum leading to withdrawal of rUK from the EU appear high.

  26. wingman 2020 says:

    @papadox Never forget

    link to

  27. wingman 2020 says:

    In the event of a NO vote… then an exit from the EU… residents of Scotland should challenge the decision in court.

    I have been a European for forty years… why should the Tories take that away from me? They don’t represent me.

  28. Jimsie says:


    Your C.V. for Gordy should also include the funding of the Iraq war. He was particularly proud of this as he boasted on numerous occasions. He and his pal Bliar should be hauled in front of a war crimes tribunal.

  29. Alfresco Dent says:

    @ handclapping

    He’s not in the mix for NATO? Since when? What did I miss?

  30. wingman 2020 says:

    link to

    Be aware of this guy. He likes to think he is at the Revs standard of writing…

  31. galamcennalath says:


    That Cornish newspaper article is one of the best I’ve read yet. Thanks!

  32. TJenny says:

    Alfresco Dent – the NATO post was given to a Non-Nuclear NORWEGIAN. Ha, ha. 🙂
    (soz, don’t know his name).

  33. wingman 2020 says:

    The funniest, most perverted, ridiculous article that Simon Heffer has ever written. Too many creme eggs, a sugar rush and probably chasing the ermine.

    Unbelievable rubbish.

    link to

  34. galamcennalath says:

    @wingman 2020

    Simon Heffer

    In contrast to my comment above, yes, that article is positively disgusting.

  35. Steph says:

    I know several people who seem to get Barroso and God mixed up. I’m looking forward to showing them this!

  36. Marcia says:

    I did wonder at the time why the UK press and tv swept Barroso’s statement under the carpet.

    amazing amount of visual images for a Yes vote.

    link to

  37. caz-m says:


    You’re getting your show dates mixed up, big Gord is booked in to frighten us on Tuesday, the Shadow Cabinet are booked in for the Friday gig, “Friday Fright Day”.


    We are a right bunch of multi-talented Wingers.
    We even have a Winger on the last post who can translate Malysian for us:-

    schrodingers cat says:
    20 April, 2014 at 1:34 pmThe Man in the Jar says:
    20 April, 2014 at 11:23 am@Capella

    Farage is a Huguenot name.

    …… is also malysian for vagina.

  38. ianbeag says:

    If England votes to leave the EU in 2017 can we expect a flood of rUK companies moving to a Pro-Europe independent Scotland to retain unfettered access to the EU??

  39. RogueCoder says:

    Fantastic – what an astounding array of positive images! Can’t decide which is my favourite.

    Oh, what a bloody brilliant time to be alive! 😀

  40. big_al says:

    Ignore people like Steve Sayers or those in his company, they bring absolutely nothing whatsoever to the debate.

    Brit trolls.

    Nothing more.

  41. Alba4Eva says:

    Fariefromtheearth, Scottish drinking water is not Froride artificially added to Scottish Water. Plans, after consultation, were rejected by the Scottish Parliament in 2004…

    link to

  42. Roll_On_2014 says:


    Good article in your link… the only thing that let it down was that the author referred to the SNP as the ‘Scottish Nationalist Party’.

  43. Robert Kerr says:


    Please supply link for your statement that there is no dry dock in UK for the carriers.

    I would really really like to prove a HardNo a liar.

    Many thanks

  44. Tamson says:

    I didn’t know Peter Maxwell-Davies was pro-Indy. He’s a good example to shoot a couple of BT foxes: English by birth and upbringing, but fiercely proud of being an adopted Orcadian.

  45. Tamson says:

    Meant to add – Peter Maxwell Davies is also Master of the Queen’s Music!

  46. cynicalHighlander says:

    link to

    ABLE Seaton Port (ASP) is located in the centre of the UK on the North East Coast close to the mouth of the River Tees and covers 51 hectares (126 acres) including a 10 hectare (25 acre) dry dock – one of the world’s largest.

  47. AnneDon says:


    I don’t understand why more isn’t being made of this. Rolls Royce are now German-owned, and have said they will leave England if it leaves EU.

    Be nice if they moved up the road again!

  48. AnneDon, I don’t think it will be just Rolls Royce. If they vote to leave the EU, they can kiss goodbye to car manufacturing in the U.K.

  49. Andy-B says:

    O/T Rev. I do apologise.

    If its not one source its another, claims here that several NATO nations intent blocking Scotland’s entry according to an inside source.

    link to

  50. Fireproofjim says:

    @robert Kerr
    Re dry docks. The new aircraft carriers are 920 ft long
    The dry dock at Inchgreen, Greenock is 1,000 ft long and can easily accomodate them.
    I’m not sure about the Rosyth drydocks but that is where they are being assembled so assume they can handle the completed vessels.

  51. Jamie Arriere says:

    Westminster’s endless faith in its own clout will give them a helluva shock when the other 27 EU nations turn round and say :

    “Wait a minute, you’ve already got a whacking big rebate and countless opt-outs from Schengen, the Euro and the Charter of Fundamental Rights – and you’re still not satisfied. You send a bunch of nihilists to the Parliament who complain about everything except the expenses. See ya”

    ps Add Christopher Brookmyre to the list

  52. big_al says:

    link to

    Total utter shite.

    It’s in the express FFS

  53. TheItalianJob says:

    @big_al says

    Any links to Daily Mail or Express articles I don’t even bother opening them to read. Torygraph well occasionally I do read them.

  54. Roll_On_2014 says:

    OT – But it is from a reliable source

    It appears that STV is one of the latest high profile Companies that have told the CBI to stick the NAW campaign up their ASS where the sun does not shine.

  55. turnbul drier says:

    @robert kerr and fireproofjim

    This pic was doing the rounds on twitter a couple of days ago.. it’s shows the scale..

    link to

  56. CameronB says:

    How to ‘annoy’ a squirrel. 🙂
    link to

  57. dramfineday says:

    Andy-B @ 3:39

    then there is this Andy – compare and contrast with the SE article.

    link to

    find myself agreeing with big_al’s sentiment

  58. jon esquierdo says:

    I have said it before and ill say it again . How do we educate the uneducated? Please tell us rev

  59. Clootie says:

    @ robert kerr


    Able Tees have one of the largest in Europe on the mouth of the Tees River. Designed for large offshore platforms / drill rigs etc
    Drydock Length 376 metres and width 233metres (An extension is planned)

    Aircraft carrier length 280metres and width 70metres

  60. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Nice article here by Colin Fox, SSP:

    link to

  61. john king says:

    I see Newsnet are having a touch of the vapours, they’ve banned theycantbeserious for calling George Robertson a Quisling, not entirely sure why? seems a perfectly reasonable point to me!

  62. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Wot? Iain McMillan still hasn’t resigned?

  63. CameronB says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    I would rather he said and the membership left, as he is only the institutional figurehead. I would imagine his support for the union is embedded within the fabric of the organisation. I want the manure to stick.

  64. CameronB says:

    …rather he stayed

  65. thomas says:

    @ John King

    I like News Net Scotland but they really are O.T.T sometimes as has been said before with comments and the truth.

    Guy is only saying what every man woman and child in scotland is thinking.

    Still , their site and their rules.

  66. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @CameronB –

    It would certainly become interesting if he decides to hang about, but a clearer cut case of bringing one’s organisation into disrepute is hard to imagine.

    Not that I’m complaining about rabid capitalists of his ilk having a hard time. There must have been some interesting 19th hole discussions across the exclusive golf clubs this week-end – I daresay, with a few wee goldies in them, there must be many business leaders who would jump at the chance to thrash the living daylights out of Ian McMillan.

    He’ll have to break cover eventually – when he does, it’ll be like a Benny Hill sketch, and one to savour.

  67. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Iain McMillan could not have said and done this without it being sanctioned by his bosses. He is an employee of the CBI, like Johanne Lamont is a member of London Labour.

  68. Alba4Eva says:

    Newsnet Scotland used to be like Wing at the start… Indeed, they even led the way at one time, but fully agree with their over safe attitude. The loss of an element of edge has made the site lesser in my opinion.
    In saying that, I think there is a place for trying to keep and build a reputation as a serious journalistic site… but as we have seen from the BBC censor comments, then NNS… Wings drives me to the conclusion, that more journalistic respect is gained from being fully open and allowing comments (provided there is no over the top carry on). This balance is important and I conclude that Stu nails it here… hence Wings unarguable success.

  69. CameronB says:

    I want to know what Better Together have to say, about either encouraging or allowing this situation to come about.

  70. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Can we please institute a Wings Award for the most ludicrous unionist article, and immediately give it to Simon Heffer?

    I wonder what such an award could be named?…we could have different categories: magazine/newspaper article; speech extract (we all know who’s a shoo-in for that one – it would be cataclysmic for anyone else to get it); blog; question/statement during FMQs; submissions to Parliamentary committees; Tweet etc.

    Compiling the shortlists would be fun.

  71. Alba4Eva says:

    Ps. Lordy George (Alien attack) Robertson is a Quisling.


  72. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Should the BBC not put out an apology to us all for having Iain McMillan on their programmes so often as a honest, neutral observer?

    Should the BBC not have to register as a member of the No campaign?

    Will I be the next Scotland manager?

    Answers of all three to be sent on a £20 note to Rev Stu.

  73. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Ian Brotherhood

    The Alien Abduction Award?

    It has to be how they were programmed?

  74. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    The French called them collabos

    By the way, who is Eva?

  75. john king says:

    “By the way, who is Eva?”

    Its a mobile phone thing as in lovu4eva.

  76. Bugger (the Panda) says:


  77. Alba4Eva says:

    Bugger, I’m older now and would surely have named myself ‘Alba4ever’… but back in those years gone by when I was but a young whippersnapper on Wings… Ah wiz obvious down wiv da kidz man… fo’ eva n’ eva brov yeah. Peace bro. 🙂

  78. Les Wilson says:

    Andy-B says:

    Andy you can be sure that Westminster is calling in favours against us joining.For now!

  79. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Johann Lamont would be favourite for the inaugural ‘WOS Unwin Award’, in recognition of Outstandingly Consistent Incomprehensibility.

    (Jackie Baillie MUST have an award named after her, but I can’t think of a suitable category…)

  80. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BTP –

    Huh? Braun are doing mobile phones now? Just don’t hold them too close to your ear…

  81. Les Wilson says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:

    Ian, how’s about “UNIONIST FREAK OF THE WEEK!”

  82. Alba4Eva says:

    Sorry JK peace, waz you man respec. I need ta click my marbles togetha man. Losin it bro. LOL 😉

  83. TJenny says:

    IB – the Walter Mitty award for JB maybe? Although we could award that to a whole cast of BTers.

    And the Sidam* award deffo for GB or AS – maybe a joint award. 🙂

    *Sidam Touch = (opp of the Midas Touch) where everything touched is broken or ruined, e.g. economy, pensions, deficit etc.

  84. Findlay Farquaharson says:

    “(Jackie Baillie MUST have an award named after her, but I can’t think of a suitable category…)”

    how bout fat lying cunt of the year?

  85. john king says:

    Ian Brotherhood says
    “Can we please institute a Wings Award for the most ludicrous unionist article, and immediately give it to Simon Heffer?”

    What about this one?
    “Knight Commander of St Gregory the Great”

    last luminary to receive this was Jimmy Saville,
    the Pope even managed to get Saville to genuflect!

  86. liz says:

    On the rev’s twitter there is an article from The Huffington Post:

    José Manuel Barroso launched into a sensational attack against David Cameron today, declaring Ukip will trounce the Tories in next year’s European elections to become the “first force” in British politics.

    Do you think he’s annoyed that Cameron didn’t support his application to be NATO boss?

    You would need a heart of stone not to LOL.

    link to

    The comments section is full of UKIP’ers

  87. The Unionist Crowd are reminding me, increasingly, of berserkers – chewing down on their non existent shields to rouse themselves into a battle rage. Stoking themselves up with non-existent hatred as they shout their battle cry of ‘Separatists’

    The further south they normally reside the more berserk their statements against a ‘yes vote’ – Heffer, Cochrane, Robertson …

  88. john king says:

    Finbdlay Farquaharson (cant you go with an easier name to spell?)how bout fat lying cunt of the year?”

    Naw too subtle!

  89. liz says:

    Apologies should have checked it’s from 2013.

  90. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘The Ming Award’, for Unsolicited Interventions, with a special commendation for people who ‘retire’ and then clearly don’t.

  91. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    No need for an apology.

    It proves that Barosso is just a hired Euromouth.

    Ex Maoist too.

  92. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Ian Brotherhood

    I would doubt that Ming actually knows if he has retired or not

  93. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The Daytripper Award, for the fastest incursion by a unionist north of the border.

  94. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    The Drive-By award

    Homage à Wee Ginger Dug

  95. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The ‘Danny’ Award, to recognise Exceptionally Shameless Promotional Stuntery.

  96. john king says:

    @me 5.21
    ” seems a perfectly reasonable point to me!”

    Jist dinnae tell em a said that.

  97. bjsalba says:

    I suspect if NNS allows anything that smacks of Nazi, WWII or even remotely related – like the Q word, it will be used against them by BT when it gets down and dirty at the end.

    They have to be seen to be squeaky clean.

    It doesn’t matter that the No side trod on that territory first.

  98. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    The Away Day Award

  99. RogueCoder says:

    O/T – ish.
    Probably it’s been posted before, but here’s one of my favourite Yes Minister sketches, pertinent to the campaign, and still remarkably relevant today.

    link to

    Sir Humphrey’s bluster seems remarkably familiar 😀

  100. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The ‘Ooh-er Missus’ Award, to Willie Rennie, for ‘I got him up twice last summer, and I’m determined to get him up again.’

  101. Jimsie says:

    Off topic

    A website or Facebook page which lists all indyref events organised by all independence supporting organisations would be a very useful resource for all YES supporters. This would help ensure that all events were well supported. Any thoughts on this?

  102. john king says:

    This is for Alba4eva
    tae get down with the kids ye unnerstaun 🙂
    link to

  103. K1 says:

    Did you say the ‘Danny’ Award to recognise Exceptionally Shameless Promotional Cuntery….oops…Stuntery…my mistake! Smirk.

  104. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    Was that you singing there or playin the squeezebox?

  105. Alba4Eva says:

    Pure rad john man…
    Mah rocks were so far off, I had to use satellite tracking. 🙂

  106. Thepnr says:

    Best post of the day, and even educational was finding out that Farage means vagina in Malaysian.

    Hello Mr Farage, ye fanny!

  107. Gordon E says:

    I second Jimsie’s idea of a website or Facebook page that lists all Yes events. That would be really handy as it is a pest trying to keep an eye on what is going on and some events are bound to be missed no matter how hard you try.

  108. john king says:

    If ye liked that, here’s wan fur ye’s tae practice fur the new year
    link to

  109. Caroline Corfield says:

    @Robert further info on the aircraft carriers and dry docks should you need it
    link to

    note Able claim to be able to dock two aircraft carriers but obviously they don’t mean the two new ones, and this is the company that took on the ghost ships from the US navy and then found itself hamstrung by protests despite successfully dismantling onshore installations with similar amounts of contaminated materials.

    As for the aircraft carriers, here’s that fount of all knowledge wikipedia: link to

    with some interesting details on the number of places involved in the construction of them.

    (I do hope I amended the links properly so they’ll paste)

  110. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    A Farge (Malaysian version) is very useful whereas Nigel is just a dose

  111. john king says:

    “Was that you singing there or playin the squeezebox?”

    Naw, that was ma MAMA 🙂

  112. Robert Kerr says:

    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for info on dry-docks.

    I am aware that the bits are put together at Rosyth.

    However I worked on the Esso Norway FPSO Balder. She was in dry-dock at Port Glasgow and additional steel was added to cope with the “hundred year wave”. Shiehallion had been hit by then whilst on station! Anyway there were serious concerns that Balder would not clear the dock gate with the extra weight. Needed especial high tide.

    So have the UK a dry dock big enough for these carriers even without aircraft? These ships are three dimensional!

    Sorry to be pedantic.

  113. schrodingers cat says:

    the CPOPO award
    ……….confirmed player of the pink oboe award

  114. Robert Kerr says:

    Thanks Caroline.

    Yes looks like Able dry dock can take the carrier draft with an appropriate tide.

    Good to have Lady Engineers on the WoS site.

    I know a few,

  115. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The Calman Award, for Verifiably Fact-Free Rumourmongering.

  116. RogueCoder says:

    @ Robert Kerr
    Is your question about displacement? Based on the stats on the pages Caroline posted above…. it would be tight. The dock has a water depth of 12.15 metres at mean high water spring (highest spring tide, effectively), and the carrier’s draft is 11 metres. That doesn’t leave very much room – and there’s no mention of the dock’s nominal depth (i.e. depth at regular low and high tide marks).

    I’ve spent some time on boats, but that was at sea – I know nothing about dry dock operations. But a cursory look at the figures suggests to me that this dock might not suitable for the two new carriers.

    I don’t know about Govan’s facilities- just having a wee google now…

  117. CameronB says:

    O/T, but it looks like Kevin McKenna has finally admitted he is a proudscot English nationalist. Get the sick buckets out for this very strange article. Despite anecdotal evidence of resentment to the evident north/south divide, Mr. McKenna is only able to say he ‘might’ vote Yes.

    I’m confused. 😉

    link to

  118. Ian Brotherhood says:

    …and for the second year running, the ‘You Vote Naw or I’ll Shag Yer Maw’ Award goes to Ian Davidson.

  119. Alfresco Dent says:

    @Jenny T

    A belated thank you. That’s some good news then.

  120. Clootie says:

    NewsnetScotland have gone a little crazy regarding the banning step.

    I can understand a warning and ban. However it should be balanced and appropriate 3months / 6months etc.

    The lack of good manners in responding to emails is also unfortunate.

  121. TJenny says:

    Alfresco Dent – only a pleasure. 🙂

  122. Bugger (the Panda) says:



  123. Edward says:

    I see, according to the Sunday Herald, that Milliband is heading to Scotland with his ‘big guns’ and plans a ‘public’ meeting ‘aimed at persuading undecided voters’

    So will this be an open to ALL the public, or just the ‘invited’ public?

    Labour have form regards so called ‘public’ meetings in that they are normally by invitation and vetted and the BBC are compliant in showing that its all sweetness and light

    There is a large scope to demonstrate outside the ‘venue’ and if your lucky inside as well

  124. SquareHaggis says:

    Speaking of dry docks

    link to

    Squeaky ones

  125. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    That article was also in the Washington Post a couple of days ago?

    So good they did it twice?

  126. call me dave says:


    Sorry to hear about ‘cant be serious’ getting the heave.
    NNS certainly went po-faced a while back, bit sad really.

    I got a verbal last year when I mentioned the ‘("Quizmaster" - Ed) like’ description to some better together thing… but it’s their site, and I still cough up some dosh every month.

  127. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Edward –

    Unelectable Fanny With Big Guns Heads North Shocker!

    Who do be these ‘big guns’ they tell of? Dougie Alexander? Balls? Or are we talking Old Beast Big Guns? Reid? Lidl?

    Please, please, please let it be Grim Reaper aka George Robertson. It would give him the chance to ‘clarify’ his recent comments – we could all do with another laugh.

  128. fairiefromtheearth says:

    Alba4eva thx for that info on the water, i stand corrected on that one now for the chem trails in the sky can you point me to a scientific explanation for it?

  129. fairiefromtheearth says:

    oh and thats why Scots must not be as stupid as the rest of the world 😉 the water the water lol

  130. Marcia says:


    I doubt if there will be ‘undecided’ voters at the Labour meeting. They would need to be vetted beforehand as they would not want any negative publicity if someone actually told them what he or she might actually be thinking. The Yes side don’t mind people to disagree in an open forum, the No side do not.

    This video contrasts the 2 campaigns:
    link to

  131. cynicalHighlander says:

    Pity some come very late to the party as it seems that I am wasting my time here posting links.

    link to

  132. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Hot gas discharge from jet engines, causing vaporisation of the water in the sky and cloud trails?

  133. call me dave says:


    Open meeting… Aye right!

    Have I missed Darling on the radío or tv in the last day or two, maybe he’s putting a new elastic band in the better together catapult.

    Saw the article today where FM can’t wait to crown our Charlie III, it’s the way they tell em in the Mail. 🙂

    Quiet night so footie link for 8pm in ‘off topic’

  134. SquareHaggis says:

    Will NewsNet be banning the likes of Torrance?
    Only seems fair and on balance.

  135. Croompenstein says:

    @cynicalHighlander – I think Stu feels like that sometimes too 🙂

  136. Ian Brotherhood says:

    How long will Ed and his big guns spend on Scottish soil?

    More than 3 hours?

    If so, should we take start taking them seriously?

  137. Edward says:

    What are the chances of these London Labour pricks being closely scrutinised and questioned during their visit north?

    Answer , none what so ever they will be cocooned and protected by a compliant media who will repeat ad nauseum their pathetic utterances.

    The so called big guns will get a free ride from the likes of the lacky Naughtie, who just loves sucking up to the ‘big beasts’

  138. Alba4Eva says:

    Fariefromtheearth. The aircraft trails are to do with humidity/temperature/pressure… if the conditions are right, the jet exhausts create ice crystals which grow in the conditions creating the trails… if the wind/air pressure/humidity etc is not right, the trails disperse quickly. There is not much more than that to it.

  139. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @call me dave –

    I have it on good authority that Darling is currently in a small room telling a fly on his straitjacket that he won’t hurt it.

  140. Clootie says:

    @fairiefromtheearth 07:55pm

    You need to build a “cloud buster” to protect yourself from the chem trails …but first you will need to make some orgonite 🙂

    …still a conspiracy nut at heart.

  141. Croompenstein says:

    Holy Lumping F*ck..

    link to

  142. john king says:

    for BtP
    link to
    for Alba4eva
    link to
    for Ronnie Anderson
    link to


  143. Andrew Morton says:

    Alan Bisset in Kirkcaldy.

    link to

  144. CameronB says:

    I suppose that sort of thing is bound to happen when governments renounces their responsibility towards social cohesion.

    Not sure what the journalist is trying to prove.

  145. john king says:

    “I have it on good authority that Darling is currently in a small room telling a fly on his straitjacket that he won’t hurt it.”

    The question is,
    should it believe him?

  146. john king says:

    CameronB says
    “Not sure what the journalist is trying to prove?

    that people like a free good?
    link to

  147. Les Wilson says:

    O/T some bookies, Wm Hill for one now have a YES at “2”

    link to

  148. CameronB says:

    Ah, food-banks encourage the ‘deserving poor’ to become ‘undeserving’. It’s almost as if these guys are marching to “Es zittern die morschen Knochen”. Almost. 😉

  149. Thepnr says:


    Argghhhh! That makes me fecking mad. The bastard lies and takes advantage of peoples generosity and then it’s reported as some kind of story.

    The UK is very sick, it’s terminal. The only cure for us is to get the fuck out! Please do it.

  150. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @john king –

    re: Edwina Currie.

    I don’t listen to Radio Scotland constantly, but I don’t watch the box, so I probably listen to it more than most.

    That despicable scunner has – at least twice if memory serves – cropped up on Call Kaye or similar RS shows in recent months (as the ‘guest’) prattling on about this, that or t’other. She’s clearly a freelancer these days, and has to be paid for these gigs. Gobshite for hire.

    This c-c-c-character is being PAID BY US to utter this hateful, divisive, incendiary nonsense. If that, in itself, isn’t enough to convince Scots to cancel their BBC TV Licence Direct Debits then I can’t imagine what is.

  151. john king says:

    The rotten bones are trembling
    Horst Ludwig Wessel (October 9, 1907 – February 23, 1930) was a German Nazi Party activist and an SA-Sturmführer who was made a posthumous hero of the Nazi movement following his violent death in 1930. He was the author of the lyrics to the song “Die Fahne hoch” (“The Flag On High”), usually known as Horst-Wessel-Lied (“the Horst Wessel Song”), which became the Nazi Party anthem and, de facto, Germany’s co-national anthem from 1933 to 1945. His death also resulted in his becoming the “patron” for the Luftwaffe’s 26th Destroyer Wing and the 18th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division during World War II.

  152. call me dave says:

    Andrew Morton

    Thanks for that excellent link. Enjoyed it.

  153. Croompenstein says:

    Daily Heil Fuckers…

    link to

  154. john king says:

    Edwina Currie says
    “As anyone with their wits about them can grasp, if you increase the free supply of something worth having, you’ll have takers queuing at the door.”

    Lets vote tory for free pot noodles whoo

  155. SquareHaggis says:

    @Andrew Morton

    That’s the one!

    Spreading far and wide.

  156. CameronB says:

    john king
    I thought it was an appropriate choice, as it essentially about the destruction of social order in the revolt against communism.

  157. alexicon says:

    The daily heil fuckers are attacking the Weirs today for donating more money to the YES campaign.
    The comments , as usual, are something else!

  158. john king says:

    Alexicon says
    “The daily heil fuckers are attacking the Weirs today for donating more money to the YES campaign”

    Aint life a bitch when your up against people who aren’t in it for the £££’s

  159. Grouse Beater says:

    Caught another sly attempt to convince folk large country UK is best fit to govern the British Isles.

    A Radio 4 programme middle of the afternoon entitled, “Love Your Country?

    Google “More BBC Bias” – grousebeater.wordpress.

    Don’t let the question mark fool you into thinking it was academic sceptism. It was sheer unadulterated propaganda.

    I also spotted my first cuckoo of spring: a No campaign billboard today claiming voting No means jobs galore thanks to Westminster.

  160. Thepnr says:

    @Grouse Beater

    Yes I listened to that, propaganda written all over it. Dearie dearie me. We’re not that daft are we?

  161. Croompenstein says:

    @Andrew Morton – That was wonderful listening to Alan he is a great speaker, thanks for the link

  162. john king says:

    CameronB says
    “I thought it was an appropriate choice, as it essentially about the destruction of social order in the revolt against communism.”

    Dinna ast me cos a dinna ken
    link to

  163. Grouse Beater says:

    Glad you heard it, PNR.

    Made me wonder if the BBC are feeding listeners by the back door – a falsehood that radio programmes carry more integrity than television shows – NOT!

  164. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘The Gooch* Award’ – Edwina Currie


    (Hopefully, ‘gooch’ can be used by those uncomfortable with the ‘c’ word. It’s not the same ‘thing’, but is located in roughly the same place.)

  165. call me dave says:

    Sour ‘green’ grapes allows better together a free poke at the YES campaign.

    There were rumblings of this before a few months back if I remember.

    link to

  166. CameronB says:

    Who are the BBC broadcast such shows for? It isn’t the socially dislocated stranded in rotting housing schemes. I doubt it is for the third of Scots who are likely to vote Yes. Probably isn’t the English as they don’t have a vote. It may have be intended to enthuse the third of Scots who may vote No. I think though, it is more likely that it was directed towards the third of undecided Scots.

    I would be interested in the financial justification, if the target audience was indeed, just over a million Scots. I would imagine that only a small percentage of such a target group would actually have listened to the show. Who audits the BBC?

  167. Croompenstein says:

    @call me dave – I would imagine he was paid thirty pieces of silver for that shite.

  168. Paula Rose says:

    What is the percentage of the Scottish population that feels able to make an informed choice? Just asking, the recent WoS polls and others suggest that many have yet to find a reliable source.

  169. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @call me dave –

    Saw the Herald piece by the same guy.

    Big wow…

    The guy wants attention? Fair do’s – he’s had his fifteen minutes. Fact is, we OWN ‘Yes Scotland’ – Greens, SNP, SSP, LFI, WOS, NNS, Bella etc etc.

    ‘Yes Scotland’ was never more than a slogan. It was useful, but we can live without the admin. They’d be as well shutting down the Hope Street office and spending the rent money on free badges/stickers. We’re on our way, and we don’t need no HQ.

  170. Paula Rose says:

    @ CameronB – I suspect its aimed at Scottish residents born in England (like myself) and I can assure you and them – IT AIN’T WORKING.

  171. john king says:

    Thepnr says
    “Yes I listened to that, propaganda written all over it. Dearie dearie me. We’re not that daft are we?”

    Isn’t it it amazing the amount of subliminal messaging we are subject to?

    The supermarkets are the ones I see as the most obvious,
    the explosion of Union imagery in Tesco’s et al was not so much subliminal but in your face, (maybe they thought we wouldn’t notice because we’re too stupid?)
    but the wife and I were in Aldi’s today and the difference was noticeable from the Tesco next door, the place was festooned with Saltires, maybe they are more attuned to the way the tide is turning?
    But the amount of “British” crap on the telly is getting pretty dreary in its transparency.

    ps anyone else getting spellchecker underlining Saltire? because I’m getting pretty pissed off with it,
    dear God just spotted spellchecker has just underlined spellchecker
    but didn’t underline the word God when I put the letter G in lower case,

  172. SquareHaggis says:

    The full version of the Kirkaldy debate now up on Bella.

  173. CameronB says:

    Paula Rose
    Glad to hear it. 🙂

  174. john king says:

    Im up in the morning, off to bed

  175. CameronB says:

    Night John boy. 😉

  176. call me dave says:

    @john king

    too much information. 🙂

    Oh. . . still got my Easter to open!

    Ok scare of the day Monday will be… Broons coming tomorrow


    What connects Alec Douglas Hume and Gordon Brown?

    No prizes, it’s a quiet night and Barcelona have scored two goals in 3 minutes all over now probably.

  177. Thepnr says:

    My posts are not posting. Damn it nobbled!

  178. Thepnr says:

    Hope I’ve not posted twice. This is for you Ian, Paula, Cameron and John. This is for us, we’re on our way. I know that to be the case. You only need the first 10 minutes to get the drift.

    link to

  179. CameronB says:

    call me dave
    Apart from them both lacking apparent human empathy, did they also sit as Prime-Minister without being elected to the post?

  180. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @john king –

    Im up in the morning, off to bed.

    No, John, that’s the wrong way ’round mister. No wonder you’re knackered!

  181. call me dave says:


    That’s right in every respect. 🙂

    Well, off to bed like @john king and see what happens in the morning!

  182. Paula Rose says:

    Yes Thepnr – I know this well, so much of this is about the people who live in, were born in, cherish this land, are the owners of it and should have a voice on the world stage. I am so fond of this country – I wasn’t born here, I have ancestry here, I moved here in 1984. To be a nation that creates a better world – what else is more important, plus all us Wingers will be keeping a close eye on those of us who represent our people xx.

  183. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Powerful material mister. Thanks.

    Fannie Lou Hamer.

    A new name…yet more reading required!

    It’s a serr fecht, eh? Having to ‘read’ stuff…

  184. HandandShrimp says:

    Not sure what the Daily wail readers issue with the Weirs is. Fate handed the money to the Weirs, long time members of the SNP. If fate is for independence who are they to kick against it. 😉

    Sour faced jealousy indeed.

  185. StevieMcB says:

    O/T Radio 4,in couple of minutes

    talking about the Big guns coming up to scare us this week.

  186. Paula Rose says:

    If I suddenly became rich – I’d do the same.

  187. Anne Lawrie says:

    So Gordy is going to lecture us all on PENSIONS on Tuesday – the very man for the job! Who’s organising BT?
    On Friday the shadow cabinet will be in Scotland en masse. Did no one tell them that’s the day of Margo MacDonald’s memorial in Edinburgh? Will be interesting to see the media coverage of the two events.

  188. Grouse Beater says:

    @ John King

    Isn’t it it amazing the amount of subliminal messaging we are subject to?

    You’re not kidding.

    But I am seeing a great many signs of confidence, not the least of which are Saltires fluttering above buildings where none flew before, or a Union Jack hung.

    Apropos national symbols on buildings – don’t know if you realise the huge stone statue of Queen Victoria sitting squarely on the Royal Academy of Art at the foot of the Mound, Edinburgh, was never part of the architec’s design.

    It was a later imperial addition weighing …

    … all of three blood tons.

    I hope to see it removed one day. What we need on that great Georgian pediment is a statue of John Byrne!

  189. HandandShrimp says:

    Ed Milliband was up here a couple of weeks ago and delivered, by the agreement of most political journalists, a painting by numbers, dull speech. A big gun he is not. On the other hand Cameron and Clegg are not exactly packing heat either.

    Brown? Brown is more like a big gun but he is also cranky and seems to be doing his own thing. He launched his whatever it was and then disappeared. He has reappeared over the last year a couple of times and has done something vague. I can’t actually remember anything he has said on the matter.

  190. caz-m says:

    This is Gordon Brown being positive.

    link to

  191. Croompenstein says:

    Just remember this when ‘safe hands’ Broon, he of the I’ll end boom and bust is pontificating to us thickos

    link to

    link to

  192. Les Wilson says:

    Does ANYONE listen to Gordon Brown these days?, I sense his undeserved ego is his problem. He does not want to miss a chance to be seen.

    So will all listen to the windbag, right!,er, er right! OK, probably not!

  193. CameronB says:

    I wonder what Gordon Brown’s annual appraisal might be if he worked for a multinational. Industry and commerce don’t tend to carry dead weight, especially if it has previously proven itself to be unreliable.

    call me dave
    I’d be nothing without a search engine. 😉

  194. StevieMcB says:

    It will be big guns firing blanks 🙂

  195. Grouse Beater says:

    Brown is more like a big gun

    Whoever coined the phrase “the clunking fist” got it right.

  196. Croompenstein says:

    sour puss grumpy face..

    link to

  197. caz-m says:

    Anne Lawrie

    That’s an interesting piece of information about Margo McDonald.

    I think most people will be more interested in Margo than Gordon. No one is listening to their fear bombs anymore.

    Gordon Brown turned the London Financial Centre into a free for all. Rules went out of the window and they were allowed to buy and sell without fear of prosecution.

  198. David Smith says:

    @Grouse Beater.
    I do my bit when over the border in this respect.
    If you’re ever in eastern Galloway or the Borders round Newcastleton and you see a black Punto with saltire flying, it might just be me! 🙂

  199. Kalmar says:

    There’s no such thing as ‘chem trails’ firefairie. Contrails are described above. What you’re talking about is full-on conspiracy theory lunacy, which must have started either as a satire of conspiracy theories or someone mis-hearing the word contrail. No offence, but get a grip 🙂

  200. Grouse Beater says:

    @ David

    and you see a black Punto with saltire flying, it might just be me!

    Good man!

    I run a black Smart car for most journeys but the weekend jalopy is in my avatar – which makes me too easy a target for unionists if I waft my way around the capital so I tend to take jaunts into the Scottish hinterland.

    Not been down your area for a while … but did mention the idea only days ago! Galloway is a bit like Norfolk – lots of history and great things to see but usually driven past on your way north of south.

    Nice pooch in your avatar – I hope you train it to bite the ankles of ("Quizmaster" - Ed) MPs.

  201. James123 says:

    @Les Wilson

    O/T some bookies, Wm Hill for one now have a YES at “2?

    Has anyone seen this!!!

    link to

    Red32 offering Scottish independence at 2/9!!! WTF

  202. Edward says:

    I see the Torygraph is also doing a number o the Weir’s, seem’s coordinated with Heil on Sunday
    A quick scan down the comments on the Torygarph article and looks like it attracted all the right wing facist scum of creation. Really some of the comments are down right bile

  203. rab_the_doubter says:

    A frustrating evening – Trying to explain things to my sister.
    ‘but I don’t have enough info’ she said
    ‘here have a look at these websites’ I said. ‘I’m not interested and im not changing my mind’ she said.
    ‘Don’t you want to know the facts before you make a decision’ I said
    ‘I dont want to know any more they’re all the same’ she said.

    just what do we do with this attitude, I’m at a loss, help!

  204. Grouse Beater says:

    @ Edward

    Really some of the comments are down right bile

    You reach the stage it’s better NOT to read newspapers.

  205. Grouse Beater says:


    just what do we do … I’m at a loss, help!

    Has she any idea what Westminster has in store for Scotland if we vote NO?

    Tell her.
    Print it out.
    The written evidence with quotations is easy to find.

    Ask her if she welcomes retribution for her kith and kin.

  206. TheItalianJob says:

    @Les Wilson

    Red32 offering Scottish independence at 2/9

    Yes! WOW! What’s going on?

  207. Jamie Arriere says:

    “We shouldn’t fear change. To those who say ‘let’s wait, we’ve had enough change’, I disagree. I think we should move things forward. I think we would open to reasonable criticism if we didn’t. I understand change engenders fear in some people but that doesn’t mean we should avoid it.”

    Is this about devolution? No, it’s a quote from Mike Mulraney, member of the SPFL board after tabling motions for the SFA AGM to let the clubs take more responsibility for football development.

    This can-do positivity, after decades of stagnation, is spreading throughout Scottish society – it’s contagious, unstoppable.

  208. SquareHaggis says:

    I really hope the Weir’s bung another mil in the pot, just to piss the ba**ards off!

  209. caz-m says:

    @James 123

    What does Yes 1.24 and No 1.36 mean?? please explain, TA.

  210. SquareHaggis says:


    link to

  211. CameronB says:

    Change is inevitable. It is the dynamic which has driven the development of civilization.

    Better Together stand against change and so the processes of social and cultural development. Therefore, Better Together are the true ‘barbarians at the gate’. 🙂

  212. caz-m says:


    You must find out what her fears are first Rab, then that gives you something to work on.

  213. James123 says:


    In the little options menu on the page change to fractions rather than decimal, its easier to understand. 2/9 just means that you would have to place £9 to win £11, only making £2 profit. So the bookie thinks that a Yes vote is very likely to happen. This may just be a mistake, we’ll see.

  214. StevieMcB says:

    The online bookies have exploded

    link to

  215. rab_the_doubter says:

    Grouse beater
    Im afraid its plugs in the ears. I’ll keep chipping away, problem is that shes bought into the canny be arsed with politicians, theyre all the same line. Have pointed out the differences between AS and DC. The fact that nobody in the uk has the government they voted for. Can’t convert everyone but would really like to think she’d come on board.
    The really hurtful thing though is that she said to me that my dad would be ashamed of me. TBH though I think he’d be proud.

  216. caz-m says:

    Red32 2/9, is that a mis-print??

  217. CameronB says:

    As your sister says she isn’t interested in politics, I would suggest keeping it simple. What does she think about TRIDENT?

  218. TJenny says:

    StevieMcB – These bookies’ odds – could they be a result of online glitches caused by the fire + power outage on the Rock? Or the other way round, the betting on YES caused internal combustion!

  219. rab_the_doubter says:

    I don’t think trident even appears on her horizon. Problem is lack of engagement In today’s world.
    Anyway, on a more positive note, brother in law, formerly no is now undecided but leaning strongly in the yes direction, so I didn’t totally waste my breath. Small victory, but hopefully when added to all the others it will have an impact.

  220. Grouse Beater says:


    TBH though I think he’d be proud.

    The YouTube Bisset video Caz-M posted is an excellent introduction of the issues simplified and spoken by a solid member of Scotland’s diaspora.

    Let her watch it.

  221. StevieMcB says:


    We’re on fire! 🙂

  222. Grouse Beater says:

    In Dublin recently and friends in the pub, all keen to know about independence and all republicans, asked, what are the bookie’s odds?

    “Day’re invariably correct about da outcome.”

    If bookies here think the Yes vote a sure winner then …

  223. CameronB says:

    Apparently even Lord Ashcroft might vote YES, after listening to Better Together. I do hope this is genuine. 🙂

    link to

  224. Cactus says:

    Jose-Manuel Barroso.. “two sugars please” 🙂

  225. Dcanmore says:

    Well it looks like the Trident replacement will cost a lot more over its service life, now predicted to be around £150bn and upwards.

    Good piece here:

    link to

  226. Craig says:

    Re Newnetscotland, I am becoming suspicious about their motives.

    Who are they trying to please?

    Who are they trying to fool?

    It doesn’t make any sense to annoy loyal Yes supporters.

    Posters on unionists sites like the Hootsman can get away with any anti-Yes, anti-SNP, anti-Salmond, anti-Scottish, anti-Scotland comment.

    Calling Robertson a ("Quizmaster" - Ed) was the truth. Why would a freedom seeking site block the truth?

  227. john king says:

    Rab says
    “just what do we do … I’m at a loss, help!”

    Play her the Lady Alba (ppwhaarr) song and ask her does this describe you?

    CameronB says
    “What does she think about TRIDENT?”

    I wouldnt, if she’s such a Lov Trident will not fill her waking hours.

  228. @rab_the_doubter

    Its a bit underhanded, but I’m going to assume that your sister, like most people, wants to have children(if she doesnt already have them, or grandchildren, for that matter).

    Play the “Fukushima” card. There was a leak at a nuclear test reactor up in the north of Scotland. News was leaked a few months ago, but the UK government did its damnedest to keep it a secret for as long as possible. That should have alarmed everyone.
    link to

    Then you have the fact that the Dounraey area is now a radioactive hellhole. Even the sands are now fatal. A little chunk of the coastline is now as much of a no-go area as Pripyat, Ukraine.
    link to

    Also, one just has to look at how farcical the UK nuclear industry has been over the past 60 years. There have been multiple spills and leakages at nuclear plants across the UK (though, almost always in Scotland and Cumbria… Shock horror).

    Then you have Trident…which is parked right off the coast of the largest city, and within the vicinity of a metropolitan area containing at least 1 million people, out of a population of 5 million.

    This is Westminster’s Scotland. the nuclear wastebin of the country.

  229. caz-m says:

    No mention yet on BBC Scotland GMS of the latest opinion poll results which show YES is closing the gap to almost parity on NO.

    Nothing to see here, move along.

    But, you wait to see the difference tomorrow morning, when they highlight the Broon speech, which has one aim and that is to put the fear of god into all Scots pensioners.

    Then be ready for the continuous sound bites that will be repeated on their news bulletins of Broons doom laden predictions.

    This will already be well rehearsed with the producers at Pacific Quay and the Labour Party strategist Paul Sinclair.

  230. SquareHaggis says:

    Anyone got any Broon/Darling face masks?

    link to

    Oh! Plus a wee Yes sticker.

  231. Dorothy Devine says:

    Rab , if it helps I’ll give you my reasons

    I don’t want the children and grandchildren of Scotland paddling in nuclear waste in the Firth of Clyde.

    I do want them to have an NHS .

    I do want them to have free education.

    I do want them to grow up in a country which looks after it’s most vulnerable citizens.

    I do want them to grow up in a country which offers them a future.

    I do want them to grow up in a country which respects the rights of others worldwide.

    I don’t want them conscripted into an army which fights illegal Westminster/Washington wars.

  232. caz-m says:

    Labour Party or Tory Party, it doesn’t matter who is in Government at Westminster, they have the exact same policies.

    They just take shots each at being in Government, the two Parties will protect London at all costs, and if that means hitting the less well off and disabled, then so be it, tough luck.

    Westminster MPs from of all Parties look after each other, and after their stint in the House of Commons, they will almost certainly end up with their ermine robe in the House of Lords.

  233. Wee Jonny says:

    O-T. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has written an open letter to Nigel Farage in todays i headed ” You may smile and smile and smile, but I am not seduced”. Wonder if the 11 million will listen to her.

  234. Les Wilson says:

    Dorothy Devine says

    Dorothy, well said, you are bang on. Spread the word!

  235. Donald says:

    Rab – you could try the angle of ‘we spend x on HS2, y on Crossrail, z on the upgrade of the London sewers. Forget about politicians, if we go Indy this money gets spent up here. Hopefully on something really worthwhile but even if it’s not your absolute top priority it must be better than spending our children’s future resources on trains we’ll never ride in and sewers we’ll never crap in’.

  236. Bill McLean says:

    Rab the doubter – explain to your sister what will happen to the NHS if we vote NO and they, and the would like to, take all powers back to Westminster. Ask her if she is happy about youngsters dying in illegal wars so that England can appear important?

  237. Bill McLean says:

    Rab the doubter – ignore my post at 9.25 – Dorothy Devine has summed it up beautifully.

  238. gordoz says:

    Ah Croompenstein ! Many thanks

    Evidence is always handy when confronting a ‘respected ?’

  239. jingly jangly says:


    Tell her yes they are all the same in the uk but in a wee country like Scotland, the people are closer to parliament and therefore parliament is more accountable. So they are not all the same!!!

  240. caz-m says:

    Brilliant speech by Mike Small, Editor of Bella Caledonia, and filmed at the YES Kirkcaldy meeting.

    link to

  241. Taysideterrier says:

    Great speech there, also go onto youtube and click on the film makers (twothumbs?)
    There are more speeches from the event.
    Alan bissett is also very good

  242. SquareHaggis says:


    link to

  243. gordoz says:

    O/T Pretty fair coverage.

    For those who missed this on the night ; ‘One Show’
    discussion. ‘Switched on Glasgow kids’

    link to

    See difference between the approach of Blair YES & Blair NO.

    Who do you think got through to the kids ? And who was being scary / yet again ?

  244. bunter says:

    Daily Fail doing a hatchet job on flipper today as Tories increasingly disgruntled. They suggest someone more charismatic such as Dr John Reid may be better. Ho ho!

    I have to say that I think they will jettison Darling before the head to head debates, as he has got away with so many lies that when he is confronted with them on live tv, I fear his eyebrows may implode.

  245. John H. says:

    No offence rab, but could it be that your sister has other problems which eclipse any thoughts of the referendum. Personal or money problems maybe. Do you think she would be open to you asking her?

  246. Les Wilson says:

    Well the “Shadow Cabinet” are coming to try and talk us into a NO.
    So perhaps they will all follow Milliband’s recent speech as brilliantly portrayed by Greg Moodie.

    Here it is just scroll down and laugh!

    link to

  247. caz-m says:


    Do you think they would put Brown in to replace Darling?

  248. Bugger (the Panda) says:



  249. Fiona says:


    Re your sister. If she genuinely does not care because they are all the same why not ask her to vote yes just to please you: after all it is not like it is going to make any difference.

    That might elicit her real reasons?

  250. Flower of Scotland says:

    Google looks very Scottish this morning!

  251. Minty says:

    Flower of Scotland – today’s Google doodle is supposed to be Yorkshire!

  252. caz-m says:

    Bugger (the Panda)


    It’s exciting times down in Better Together Land.

    You can just imagine wee Johann shoutin, “A think ma mate Maggie Curran could dae a better joab than Darlin”

  253. packhorse pete says:


    If all rational arguments fail, I normally advise people not to “vote against their country”, telling them they’ll regret it for all time.

    This often makes people think.

  254. Capella says:

    You’ve had lots of advice already I know, but sometimes people who are fed up with talk talk about politics can absorb information better visually. If you can print off a few telling graphics and just leave them lying around it might help. For instance, on pages 2 and 3 of the newsnet forum post on Interesting Maps of Scotland you see the extent of nuclear fallout and pollution around our coast. There are other striking maps too eg death rates of men under 65 in GB. Good luck.
    link to

  255. G. P. Walrus says:

    Caption to the title photo: “Two impartial sources say Scotland will be out of the EU. Me AND Andrew Marr!”

  256. Helen Cameron says:

    How do you know Scots want to stay in Europe, they haven,t been asked.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “How do you know Scots want to stay in Europe, they haven,t been asked.”

      They get asked in opinion polls quite a lot.

  257. morgan mc says:

    Having listened to a point of view that a one line amendment of the Lisbon Treaty took 18 months to get agreement on. What makes you think that Scotland not recognised as a country but a region by the same EU will have such luck negotiating it’s surrender of sovereignty in such a time frame.

  258. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @morgan mc –

    We’re busy at the moment, but someone will be dealing with your enquiry as soon as possible.

    Please hang up.

  259. David says:

    Hello morgan mc,

    If the EU want to continue receiving our oil and gas (remember, it is 92% of the current UK total, with more discoveries “in the pipeline”); if it wants to have easy access to our future renewable energy sources; if it wants continued access to our fishing grounds; then OF COURSE the EU will find a way to quickly rubberstamp our continuing membership.

    Yours sincerely,

    The Night Shift

  260. David says:

    P.S. You YES Yet?

  261. Chris says:

    I’ve no doubt whatsoever that the EU will welcome us with open arms. I wouldn’t be surprised if they delayed it a little to try and get a Scotland to commit to certain terms but in the end we’ll be a part of the European super state. Our laws, fiscal policies and military activities dictated by an unelected bureaucracy who are immune to legal redress

    We’ll be able to stand proud waving our blue and yellow flags and sing the national anthem (beethoven’s “Ode an die Freude”).

    The sweet smell of Independence – oh wait……


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