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Wings Over Scotland

A moment of candour

Posted on April 20, 2017 by

We don’t often wholeheartedly agree with anything “Rape Clause Ruth” Davidson says at First Minister’s Questions, but we can’t fault this observation from earlier today.

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123 to “A moment of candour”

  1. Richardinho says:

    Wings in quote mining shock- lol!

  2. One_Scot says:

    The woman makes me sick. She stood up and defended the Tory Rape Clause. How anyone can vote for these people is beyond belief.

  3. Marko says:

    Hmmm, nothing to disagree with there, but I have my suspicions that you are doing a little bit of cherry picking.

  4. Joseph Robinson says:

    Had to play that three times with different volumes as i could not believe she was saying that. Wow has she seen the light finally.

  5. donald anderson says:

    This is true Roof.

  6. jimnarlene says:

    Nice piece of editing, have you worked for the BBC?

  7. andrewreid says:

    Hell – “a place of torment and punishment” – yes, Ruthie, spot on about how Mayhem will treat Scotland after the successful power grab she is looking for from the general election.

  8. Artyhetty says:

    Wow that must be an epiphany for her. Sadly many know this all too well Ruthi and it is gonna get much worse. Your party knows no bounds when ot comes to creating ‘hell on earth’ for the jobless, sick, disabled, poor, working poor, immigrants. Anyone that would never vote for you in a million years really.

  9. geeo says:

    Quality editing!

  10. Artyhetty says:

    It’s what the bbc would quote as the whole sentence, and nothing but the whole sentence, if it was being said by anyome else of course.

  11. Macart says:

    Cannae disagree wi that. 🙂

  12. shiregirl says:


  13. caz m says:

    #RapeClauseRuth and the Toxic Tories.

  14. caz m says:

    #R@peClauseRuth and the Toxic Tories.

  15. PhilM says:

    Get to it CassetteBoy!!!

  16. galamcennalath says:

    Edited and presented in the finish BBC style!

  17. Grant says:

    Get James Cook back from LA, it’s choas on the aisles of Holyrood!

  18. Bob Mack says:

    Better than the usual piece of rancour I suppose.
    Nice edit by the way rev.

  19. schrodingers cat says:

    soz for quick ot
    BREAKING: Catalonia will unilaterally declare independence if Spain blocks September’s referendum

  20. Dr Jim says:

    What? Even more than it is now!?
    What a promise to make!

    You should have done it Daily Mail styley

    Davidson promises “””HELL ON EARTH”””
    To the saboteurs of her boss’s will, the great and powerful Mrs May and the “Enemies of her State”

  21. velofello says:

    How very BBC of you.

    Ruthie: When a person’s ambition surpasses their morality, the path spirals downwards.

  22. misteralz says:

    Apologies for going O/T so early, but has anyone done this yet?

    link to

    I was 89% SNP, who were beaten by one percentage point by the red tories. Did the heatmap thing and was really worried when I saw that Scotland was mainly red, then saw the scale which meant that most of Scotland agreed with me. Phew!

  23. Robert Louis says:

    Oh look there’s an election, so Labour IMMEDIATELY jumps into bed with the Tories. AGAIN.

    ‘The voters outside looked from Labour to Tory, and from Tory to Labour, and from Labour to Tory again; but already it was impossible to say which was which*’.

    *Adapted from Animal Farm, by George Orwell.

  24. louis.b.argyll says:


    Any idea why James Cook and Laura Bicker are BOTH in the US along with the entertainment guy with the moustache?

    If any big news happens they fly in Jon Sopel anyway, now that Matt Free seems to switch networks monthly.

  25. Richardinho says:

    Ian Murray is basically saying that he’s happy to help the Tories get a majority in Westminster as long as it helps him retain his seat. It’s really incredible that there’s no push back against this from the Labour party (Maybe not that incredible).

  26. David Howdle says:

    Out of context? Not a bit of it.

  27. Arbroath1320 says:

    Had to play this a couple of times for my partner.

    My partner’s response … “did she …. did she just …. did she just say what I ….” 🙂

    My response … “YUP!” 😀

  28. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    Is Martin McClusky BLiS Political Director any relation to Len of UNITE??

  29. heedtracker says:

    BBC r4 tories are convinced Ruth’s going to “do really well” this time. Must be true, Sarah Smith is also really excited and thinks that Ruth’s going to “do really well” this time, also.

    A whole Ligger Neil Daily Politics show today, total blackout of any SNP at all, not a mention, huge UKIP boost, even Carbuncle got his slot time too. Ligger’s hair’s a nice colour today though, blonde tints, with a hint of a long hot triumphant tory summer ahead, and not in the least tory psychopathic.

  30. ianbeag says:

    Why would any parent want this person involved in educating their children or be allowed by her employer, Fife Council to remain in post. Another example of the growing breed of ultra right extremists now representing the Tory party in Scotland and one of Ruthies ‘Fallen Angels’
    link to

  31. HandandShrimp says:

    I saw Murray’s comment last night. It would seem that he cares firstly about his own seat and secondly that the SNP do not win. The rest apparently doesn’t matter. Labour could usher in one of he most virulently right wing governments, with a huge majority, since the late 80s and not give a jot about it…as long as a few personal scores are sorted and …SNPbaaaaad.

    God only knows where Labour go from here. As for Struth and her party of utter darkness…just say no, you know it makes sense.

  32. galamcennalath says:

    misteralz says:

    … has anyone done this yet? … I was 89% SNP

    Interesting distraction, thanks.

    I was 89% Labour, 87% SNP. 🙁

    The questions, however, were basically aimed at an English audience. And most noticeably there was nothing like, “Should Scotland become an independent country?” Or, “Should Ireland reunify?”

    I think the quiz tells me I’d be Labour if I were English, which might be true. But I’m not English.

  33. Cactus says:

    Ah liked the bit in the video after Ruth’s statement, where the whole of Holyrood break into a rapturous concurring applause, she even got a standing ovation from the Presiding Officer 🙂



  34. Arbroath1320 says:

    Just completed the quiz put up by Misteralz.

    link to

    I think I’ve even shocked myself here … 92% SNP …91% Labour …86% Green.

  35. Dan Huil says:

    The bbc still says Davidson is the most popular person on the planet.

  36. You are doing no more than what Reporting Scotland did at lunchtime, Stu.
    NS once more wiped the floor with the Three Amigos, yet Sally and Brian managed to edit out everything, with Ruth getting top billing, mouthing empty soundbites about how great it will be to live under the thumb of an English Fascist Government that will ask poor women, ‘But when you said No, did you really mean Yes?’, and Kezia Dugdale talking pish about the SNP wanting a Tory government by abstaining, as NS pointed out that it was her party joined their Tory Pals voting for the dissolution of Parliament, and Willie Rennie, that giggling lampoon of a man, had nothing to offer except mindless nonsense about the SNP putting EU membership in their manifesto.
    IMHO, they are a bunch of dim dangerous idiots who will not rest until Scotland is destroyed.
    BTW BBC Scotland, the Green party has more seats that Rennie, Rumble, Bumble, Grumble and Tumble, yet were not featured on today’s show. Sleazy landlords offering rooms for sex isn’t news Up Here?
    Or do the BBC Crew have a lot of mates in to Buy to Let business?

  37. ronnie anderson says:

    FB_IMG_1492693554556.jpg What are these idiots playing at costing the electorate money & wasting peoples time going to a post office . It shouldn’t be the Carse of Gowrie on the leaflet it should be the Arses of Gowrie.

    How to lose elections & piss people off Big Time.

    I hope Lanarkist & BDTT looks into this.

  38. Cactus says:

    @Ruth D ~ yer auld voters are all going, going, gone…

    From no to Yes!

    From right to left.

    From east to west.


  39. boris says:

    link to

  40. Jack Murphy says:

    One_Scot said 12:17 pm
    “The woman [Ruth Davidson] makes me sick. She stood up and defended the Tory Rape Clause. How anyone can vote for these people is beyond belief.”

    For anyone unfamiliar with this Tory legislation even the magazine Cosmopolitan reported on it !! :-

    “New tax regulations that will undoubtedly prove highly distressful for women who have had children as a result of rape have come into force in the UK this week, despite protests from campaigners.”

    “….But can you imagine how distressing this would be, potentially having to sort through statements of traumatic events just to get the tax credits you rightfully deserve?…..”

    link to

  41. Chick McGregor says:

    Ronnie, photie disnae work.

    As someone who spent his childhood in the Carse, Kinfauns Primary etc., my interest is tweaked.

  42. joannie says:

    I got 89% SNP, 86% LibDem and only 70% Sinn Féin who I actually do vote for.

  43. misteralz says:


    Yep, would be interesting to see a Scotland-only version of the same quiz. I think the real difficulty for the compilers of such a quiz would be in the initial build, where they had to figure out the various twig offices policies…

    I liked how in my results the tories were at the absolute bottom, suggesting I would sooner vote UKIP or BNP. Which is certainly true in STV.

  44. Marcia says:

    Was that a requirement for your BBC interview as an editor? 🙂

  45. misteralz says:

    Apologies for another distraction, btw, but I discovered that as a UK citizen, but not a resident, I can still vote in a UKGE. So I’ll be voting, obviously. More here:

    Hope it helps someone. 🙂

  46. Proud Cybernat says:

    Heard from reliable ‘inside’ source that Davidson is utterly despised in the Scottish Tory Party.

    Quelle surprise.

  47. Eckle Fechan says:

    Rinse and repeat.

    A mediocre woman, doing a mediocre job.

    Picture her future c-list celeb career in the South, guesting in reality TV progs like “Stuck In a Lift With You”, with S. Calman and herself the inaugural pairing, sweating it out between floors and feigning self righteous indignation.


  48. call me dave says:

    Saw it all live on parli tv.

    The FM seemed a bit more steely and gave tRuthless a good shellacking which she deserved.

    Excellent post from WoS twitter.
    Some good statistical info.

    link to

  49. heedtracker says:

    Proud Cybernat says:
    20 April, 2017 at 2:58 pm
    Heard from reliable ‘inside’ source that Davidson is utterly despised in the Scottish Tory Party.

    My Slovene girlfriend hates her, too thick and he really wants the leader job, cometh the hour, cometh the WATP carpet baggers…

    Adam Tomkins MSP?Verified account @ProfTomkins Apr 18

    Where are all those cybernats today who’ve been screaming at me on here about our “unelected prime minister”? It’s all gone very quiet.

  50. Dr Jim says:

    Some Tories now calling for Tory manifesto to include a “No referendum for Scotland clause”

  51. Iain More says:

    You aren’t doing anything the BBC etc does on a daily basis and several times a day.

    In this case though it is spot on, then again on second thoughts ‘Hell on Earth’ might be tame in comparison to what the Tories have in store for us all!

  52. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Chick McGregor Nothing new for me Chick am no IT savvy. The gist of it is that Douglas Pover & Beth SNP are posting leaflets to the villages in the Carse of Gowrie & costing people money & time collecting the from the post office. Its cost my G/Daughter £ 2 to collect a leaflet ffs.

    How to gain votes NOT.

  53. heedtracker says:

    BBC24 reporting the Rape Clause demo outside Holyrood as, a protest against “family tax credit reforms.”

    Anyone can be a beeb gimp but they are that basic, and apparently, SNP are bad too.

  54. yesindyref2 says:


    I like it!

  55. I don’t know why anyone would be surprised about Labour MP Ian Murray sees his first priority as keeping his seat and his second to see the SNP defeated preferring the election of a Tory Government to an independent Scotland.

    Labour politicians have always put their careers first, the only interests they ever had in Scotland was to provide them with a cushy job for life.

    Where they could then con people by bleating about how bad the Tories are, and that only by electing a Labour Government would look after and improve things for ordinary people.

    The scales fell from many peoples eyes, when Labour finally revealed themselves in their true colours when they campaigned as part of bettertogether alongside the Tories.

  56. jfngw says:

    The BBC is investing heavily in Davidson, she is their unionist champion. The ex Rupert Murdoch sidekick at the BBC will be very harsh is she fails him.

    Could we have already past peak Tory, or are the ‘socialist’ voters of Labour going to give her that helping hand. Going by Labour’s only MP, the answer would seem to be yes.

    Labour would rather see no personal care, prescription charges, bedroom tax, re-introduction of tuition fees (it was theirs to begin with), a rape clause, anything as long as it maintains the union. They would probably even support the abolition of Holyrood to achieve their aim.

  57. Free Scotland says:

    Even the young tory sitting right behind her allowed himself a smile when she said that.

  58. heedtracker says:

    Another cold bucket of toryboy Brexit reality. Who’d have thought this would happen in 2017 Europe? I’d like to hear reprobates like my Slovene girlfriend explain this away, toryboy in Scotland style.

    link to

    What employers need to do immediately:

    Identify the EU nationals in your workforce and calculate the risk of losing their skills

    Provide your affected employees with information on current Home Office application options

    Encourage them to start collating the information and evidence required to complete these applications

    Encourage eligible employees to apply for a registration certificate or permanent residence card as soon as possible

    Understand the impact of the Immigration Skills Charge on your business

    For advice on complex cases, contact an immigration law specialist, who cost a fcuking fortune.

  59. twathater says:

    Hi gals and guys just to let you know there is the Brutish Pipe Bands Championship being held at Paisley St.James park known AS THE RACECOURSE on Sat 20th May 2017 , there are expected to be approx 150 teams taking place

  60. gus1940 says:

    7 weeks is a long time in politics.

    Nicola was on fire at FMQs today and it was interesting that the 1pm London BBC News showed a clip of her in action.

    I reckon that the result will not be anything like as decisive for the Tories although it is difficult not to see them winning another majority.

    Is it not the case that May and her band of fanatics are so obsessed with Brexit that they are forgetting all the negatives on which they can be attacked.

    It must be remembered that 48% of those of the UK electorate who voted supported Remain and that of those who voted Leave many of them were misinformed as to what leaving The EU would incur and the truth about that is going to become pretty clear in the future with perhaps a few nasty surprises for the Tories between now and 8/6.

    People might just start to come to their senses and think a bit about just who is running the country and in whose interests are they doing so and might not be too keen to see them in charge for another 5 years.

    We are being ruled by turncoat May and her 3 Mad Brexiteers Johnson, Fox and Davis with the real swivel-eyed loonies Tebbitt, Gove, Rees-Mog, Cash, Redwood, Bone, Duncan-Smith and company pulling the strings ably supported by their media cheerleaders in The Mail. Express, Telegraph and the Murdoch rags with their daily excretions of Racism and Xenophobia with headlines such as the charming ‘Crush The Saboteurs’.

    It’s just like 30s Germany.

    The Tories can be attacked on so many fronts:-

    Sucking up to The Saudis and supplying them with arms to be used to massacre innocent civilians in Yemen.

    Attempting unsuccessfully to persuade WM to support bombing the Syrian government forces.

    Attacking Russia and Syria for Bombing and shelling Aleppo resulting in the deaths of innocent civilians and accusing them of War Crimes.

    Joining the Coalition which is doing exactly the same thing in the battle for Mosul which thankfully appears in the eyes of our politicians and media not to be a War Crime.

    Crawling up Trump’s backside and supporting the US as the Dr.Strangeloves in the Pentagon get to play with their toys again.

    Ramping up hatred for Russia and trying to scare the population that Putin is about to attack Western Europe while surrounding Russia with Nato’s military might.

    The gradual destruction of the hard won Welfare State slashing benefits all over the place with such things as The Rape Clause and withdrawal of Motobility Cars and much more.

    The desperate state of The NHS in England and the disgusting treatment and demonisation of the Junior Doctors.

    They keep telling us that the whole world outside The EU is queuing up to sign trade deals with a non-EU England but what exactly does England produce that they would be interested in buying since Thatcher started the destruction of UK Manufacturing.

    People might just start thinking about that one and looking at the UK’s horrendous Balance of Trade Deficit start to put 2 and 2 together.

    I could go on as there is much more that could be listed but from what I have listed above there is plenty of ammunition to attack them with over the next 7 weeks.

  61. Proud Cybernat says:

    “Some Tories now calling for Tory manifesto to include a “No referendum for Scotland clause”

    Fine. If the red or blue Tories get 30+ WM seats in Scotland then they can block #scotref. If, on the other hand, the SNP get 30+ WM seats then #scotref cannot be stopped.

    Democracy in action.

  62. Albaman says:

    I still think that she’s, (and the Conservatives as a whole) are really U.K.I.P., just look at her body language, and the hatred showing in her face, “the nasty party” ?, nah,that’s too good a name for them.

  63. Desimond says:


    Im no fan of the pipes myself but that’s a bit harsh!

  64. Jack Murphy says:

    Scottish Parliament TV.
    First Minister’s Questions.
    Now Archived and available to view.

    link to

  65. Proud Cybernat says:

    Blue Tories want a larger majority in WM (to be gained from Labour, of course) in order that they can guarantee getting sickening and brutal policies like this passed into law:

    link to

    And let’s not even mention the heinous #toryrapeclause.

    Indy in EU or Total Tory Control Freakery – what’s it to be Scotland?

  66. Arbroath1320 says:

    Sorry for going O/T here peeps. Apparently Ian Murray MP is actively encouraging people to vote for other parties.

    link to

    Anyone meeting Ian Murray in the coming weeks, after asking him on how he recommends people vote should gently remind him that there is a particular Article in the Labour handbook that he should read and inwardly digest.

    link to

  67. orri says:

    If conservative central office impose upon their fictionally semi-autonomous any reference to being opposed to another independence referendum then they simply set themselves up for their inevitable defeat in Scotland being a demonstrable opposition to that. They might try to strong arm both the Lib Dems and Labour into adopting a similar policy but that’s not going to gown down well with a lot of the supporters of those parties.

    Other political parties should be perfectly able to write their own manifestos without having things imposed on them by another.

    In the rUK though any attempt by a Conservative government that won on such a platform to somehow portray that as a mandate to deny the people of Scotland their UN given right to self determination isn’t going to get very far. How does it work, the electorate of Scotland rejected you at the polling booths but because they turned out to vote for other parties they legitimise it as a UK wide election despite voting for parties that stand on a policy that Scotland gets to decide its own destiny?

  68. Robert Graham says:

    Time for a reality check for those who wont support Independence .
    No Bus Pass
    No free Perceptions
    NHS broken up and privatised
    Pensions reduced to jobseeker’s allowance level
    Tolls re introduced on all bridges
    Means tested benefits for all
    And the Cherry on top is a Tory government for all those over 50 for the rest of their time on this planet .
    Well do you feel lucky ? then go for it voty Tory you know it makes sense .
    For the rest of us a gun with one bullet is available thats how f/kn desperate this is going to get .

  69. Dr Jim says:

    Young people advised not to get married in Scotland due to the reintroduction of Prima Nocte following the dissolution of the Scottish parliament and direct rule from Westminster imposed by locally appointed Barons

    Now if you saw that in the papers these days you might be shocked but you wouldn’t be all that surprised and that’s quite an indictment of todays politics

  70. orri says:

    Actually, being kind, Ian Murray is simply pointing out the inherent absurdity that had “tactical” voting strategy in the last GE where the advice always seemed to be to vote Conservative despite all evidence to the contrary. Given all the palaver about how best to vote for pro-independence candidates in the local elections on our side you really can’t blame him for inadvertently pointing out that on the unionist side it always boils down to voting for whichever party wants your vote.

  71. Weechid says:

    joannie says: “I got 89% SNP, 86% LibDem and only 70% Sinn Féin who I actually do vote for”

    I got Sinn Fein 92%, then Plaid, then SNP. If we get a No again at the next Indyref does that mean I could move to Eire?

  72. joannie says:

    @Weechid – you could move to Ireland and stand for election.

  73. twathater says:

    Desimond @ 3.59pm

    Desimond I love the pipes masell its just the Brutish bit i cannae stomach it makes me nauseous

    We smiley thingy

  74. Proud Cybernat says:

    “Apparently Ian Murray MP is actively encouraging people to vote for other parties.”

    Isn’t that what Labour MPs did in 1979 WM Confidence Vote to usher in Thatcher?

  75. Bob Mack says:

    I think we now know where Mr Torrance got his “Ulsterisation” of Scottish politics line. Direct from the Tories HQ.

    Their local election candidates are an assortment of racists ,loyalist,abusive or Orange Order. There are literally no depths to which the Tories will not stoop. Dirty politics indeed

  76. Les Wilson says:

    I think Nicola did really well in FMQ’s today.
    She gave them all a bollocking, she did not fall into any trap, she reigned in Holyrood. She needs to keep up the pressure, anyone who saw Ruth the Mooth’s face after her encounter would see she was not at all happy, -all to the good.

    Come on Mayhem, take Nicola on, in a tv debate, I dare you.

  77. call me dave says:

    Laggan’s Zielsdorf family to be deported next month 🙁

    link to

  78. David says:

    Poor, childish and deliberate misuse of editing will get you a wee laugh but my humour vacuum respectfully and politely asks that you stick to that day job that you are remarkably good at. We need the careful and painstaking dissection of the anti indy politics and the careful and painstaking dissection of the anti indy media and the opinion polls from a different angle that the anti indy politics and media won’t commission. That’s why I give you financial support.

    You should leave the “clever” but potentially misleading edits to some of your tech savvy supporters who like doing that sort of thing. I thought twitter was your quick fire and quick win outlet and the web page was supposed to be a welcome reference point for where all indy supporters could find the substance they needed to back up their independence arguments.

  79. Marcia says:

    According to the Scotsman, today was not one of Ruth’s finest.

    link to

  80. twathater says:

    Watched FMQ’s today and was impressed at Nicola’s handling of the diddies moans ,was impressed that K Gibson highlighting and naming liebours responsibilities in the schools debacle and the PFI scandal , we need MUCH MUCH more of this , all SNP MSP’s should be highlighting and outing the pure hypocrisy that emanates from the unionist troughers .

    Although wingers and independenistas watch the prog to see what lies the troughers come up with , there must be undecideds who have memory blanks , and it would be good for them to be reminded how much of a success the current SG are making of running Scotland properly , whilst facing cuts , austerity and a maniacal right wing jock hating government , against the wasteful inefficient union loving idiots that were liebour

  81. Stoker says:

    I see “Rape Clause Ruth” has a new title to add to her collection:

    Capitan Loco
    link to

  82. Dan Huil says:

    Nothing wrong with a bit of humour now and then. Putting up with unrelenting britnat BS from the bbc et al is enough to depress the most optimistic of us. I believe part of the strategy [!] of britnattery is to depress the hell out of us. It ain’t gonna work, not least because of the work done by people like the Rev and Chris Cairns.

  83. mike d says:

    Call me dave 5.13pm. Immigration and visas should have been devolved to Scotland. I remember back to the days when Celtic or rangers signed a non European footballer and had to wait months on end to get same player a work permit.when it was one of their premiership counterparts,same permit was completed in weeks. Honestly who do these b******s think they are. Time we were away from them.

  84. birnie says:

    Have we all registered that the “Right Honourable” Ruth has been gazetted (18.4.17) as Hon. Colonel in Chief of a Territorial Signals Unit?


  85. Scott says:

    call me dave says:

    20 April, 2017 at 5:13 pm

    Laggan’s Zielsdorf family to be deported next month ?

    link to

    This is a bloody disgrace they should defy this and stay where they are and lets see what May’s crowd would do and if they demand that the police should arrest them the police should refuse as well.

  86. Ian mhor says:

    Interesting from Farage on ‘4Today’this morning.
    He believes, from what he has heard, that UK fishing rights will be thrown under a bus as leverage in any Brexit deal.

    From 2:50 in.

  87. yesindyref2 says:

    I tend to agree with a couple of the comments, and think at the bottom of the article there should be a disclaimer:

    “For the humour impaired that was a selective quote, as used by unionists”.

    (that “humour impaired” is NOT aimed at the posters above who rightly commented on it)

  88. arthur thomson says:

    Yes it is going to be hell for the poor and the vulnerable in the neo-fascist Tory UK. And to combat it in rUK there is nice Jeremy Corbyn. He is such a useless prat. Supports Brexit and opposes Scottish self-government. He apparently doesn’t even have the gumption to realise that he is being used as the leader of the Tory B team.

    I want to see the SNP continue with their strategy of positivity. BUT they have the responsibility of properly informing people of the consequences of backing the Tory parties. Too many people may be blissfully ignorant of these consequences because they avoid politics wherever they can. If the SNP and Greens do not get the message across to them then we will be genuinely moving to a catastrophic situation – for the poor and the vulnerable in the first instance and the vast majority of Scotland’s population rapidly after.

    This is a heavy responsibility for the SNP/Greens but they need to understand that it is their responsibility because no-one else is going to do it. Every household in Scotland needs to receive a letter spelling out the awful implications of voting Tory – either directly or indirectly via the other unionist parties. They must never be able to say that they were not informed.

  89. naina tal says:

    If you want to see the Colonel
    I know where she is
    I know where she is
    Sitting on the barrel of a tank
    I saw her I saw her
    Sitting on the barrel of a tank
    (I saw her)
    Sitting on the barrel of a tank

  90. heedtracker says:

    Every household in Scotland needs to receive a letter spelling out the awful implications of voting Tory – either directly or indirectly via the other unionist parties. They must never be able to say that they were not informed.”

    Google stuff like how much of the NHS does Virgin now run, yes Richard Branson’s Virgin, from his billionaire tropical island hideout?

    link to

    Its about a £1bn in NHS contracts for Richard alone. Psychopath tories have a plan for you and me.

    “About Virgin Care

    Our aim is to make a real difference to people’s lives by offering services that: are better than before; provide a great experience for everyone; and save the NHS and public money.”

    and make dudes like Branson, lots and lots of easy and lovely mullah.

  91. joannie says:

    Yeah, and Richard Branson will be far from the worst. Wait till you’ve done a lovely new trade deal with Donald Trump, there’ll be vulture funds buying up hospitals and charging the government exorbitant rents to use them.

  92. Robert Graham says:

    Time to scare the shit out of those who would despite all the evidence vote for a Tory government .
    A horror story is about to unfold if the Tory party cling on to power and they gain seats in scotland .
    Every single piece of protection put in place by the SNP will be removed .
    The damage that has been inflicted by those who voted NO in 2014 is there in all its f/kn glory if they think its bad now they aint seen nothing yet .
    The Tory party will castrate Holyrood and render it totally useless .

  93. galamcennalath says:

    Pop goes Scot Poll of Polls

    SNP 44.3% (50.0%)
    Conservatives 24.3% (14.9%)
    Labour 16.0% (24.3%)
    Greens 7.0% (1.4%)
    Liberal Democrats 6.3% (7.5%)
    UKIP 1.7% (1.6%)

    Figure in brackets in GE2015

  94. paul gerard mccormack says:

    – love it.
    encore! encore!
    this is her real achilles heel. – she is a brilliantissimo subject for the mimicry
    janey godley showed us the way.
    excellento 🙂

  95. caz m says:

    Ex-BBC Scotland reporter Ruth Davidson…

    And boy do we know it.

    With the powder puff interviews and planted questions from her ex colleagues.

    Ruthie has been on easy street since she became Scottish Tory leader.

  96. Jim says:

    “Speaking to the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland programme earlier on Thursday, Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw accused opponents of the rape clause of spreading a “tremendous amount of misinformation” about it.

    And he insisted the clause was designed to give additional support to children who had been conceived as the result of a rape.

    Mr Carlaw said: “There is no requirement for anybody to fill out an eight-page form. They simply have to declare to their GP or another health professional that that was the circumstance in which they had conceived the child.

    “That will then allow the additional support to come to them.

    “It is not about them having to prove anything, it is not about them having to go through some sort of means-tested inquiry”.


  97. Robert Peffers says:

    @David says: 20 April, 2017 at 5:14 pm:

    “Poor, childish and deliberate misuse of editing will get you a wee laugh but my humour vacuum respectfully and politely asks that you stick to that day job that you are remarkably good at. “

    Perhaps Ruth was not alone in showing their true colours today on Wings.

  98. davidb says:

    @ galamcennalath

    You are free to quote those numbers, but it is very BBC to omit to mention that James himself states “the following figures should be treated with great caution”.

    There has not been any good and widescale polling done in Scotland yet regarding the GE.

  99. Graeme Doig says:


    These figures are from 3 recent subsamples so probably not the most accurate.

  100. yesindyref2 says:

    Interesting, 3 subsamples so as James says with care.

    But if the Greens don’t stand in the appropriate marginal constituencies, the SNP could end up with 56, gaining Murray’s seat, losing Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk for instance (ScotlandVotes).

  101. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    Bloody hell @Robert Graham says at 4:28 pm

    “…..For the rest of us a gun with one bullet is available…”

    Not even a bottle o’ whisky to go wi that revolver?

    Times of Austerity indeed!!


  102. yesindyref2 says:

    On electoral calculus gaming the Green vote, could get rid Carmichael – that LibDem vote is down.

    But yeah, small subsamples.

  103. Mark Macleod says:

    Really is the Union at any cost. Shameful!

  104. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    Fully agree with you @Scott says at 6:09 pm

    “Laggan’s Zielsdorf family to be deported next month?”

    link to

    “……….they should defy this and stay where they are and lets see what May’s crowd would do and if they demand that the police should arrest them the police should refuse as well.”

    If Shona Robinson can say “I refuse to let our NHS co-operate with rape clause”

    Then the First Minister CAN and SHOULD say “I refuse to let our Police Service co-operate with the Home Office attempts to depopulate the Highland”




  105. Robert Peffers says:

    @twathater says: 20 April, 2017 at 5:25 pm:

    “Watched FMQ’s today and was impressed at Nicola’s handling of the diddies moans ,was impressed that K Gibson highlighting and naming liebours responsibilities in the schools debacle and the PFI scandal , we need MUCH MUCH more of this , all SNP MSP’s should be highlighting and outing the pure hypocrisy that emanates from the unionist troughers .”

    As I’ve attempted to point out many times on Wings, the SNP generally know exactly what they are doing.

    In all forms of fighting from, brute force to polite debate there is good and bad strategy and it is vital to get it just right.

    Robert Bruce was a renowned strategist and as such often overcame much stronger forces by getting the strategy correct.

    ” … there must be undecideds who have memory blanks , and it would be good for them to be reminded how much of a success the current SG are making of running Scotland properly”

    Indeed but it has a great deal better effects if the reminder comes at just the right time. I usually keep tabs on all the houses of parliaments in the UK and I detect that this harder line now being taken is happening in them all, (Except in the Lords that have no SNP input).

    It certainly seems like a planned and well constructed stepping up of the attack. I await it’s appearance on the media. It’s past time for such as Neil to be taken down a peg or two.

    I sense something blowing in the wind of Scottish politics just now but think it may well be much more that a simple increase of SNP rhetoric. Nicola has hinted at something about to happen more than once.

    Not only that but it is not confined to an upgrade against just the Tory Party. Nicola adopted a harder line with all but the Greens today.

  106. Legerwood says:

    heedtracker @ 6.46 pm

    Private Health Care Companies in NHS in England

    Some interesting information and background to the involvement of private health care companies in NHS England. Useful crib sheet when the opposition bring up, as they surely will, the NHS in Scotland and the SNP stewardship of same.

    link to

    And this from March 2015. The total amount of £20 billion also includes payments to Dentists, Pharmacists etc not just to private Health Care companies. Figures from 2014 put the value of contracts to Private Health Care companies such as Branson’s at around £9 billion. Probably more by now.

    link to

  107. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    Fully agree with you @Scott says at 6:09 pm

    “Laggan’s Zielsdorf family to be deported next month?”

    link to

    “……….they should defy this and stay where they are and lets see what May’s crowd would do and if they demand that the police should arrest them the police should refuse as well.”

    If Shona Robinson can say “I refuse to let our NHS co-operate with r*pe clause”

    Then the First Minister CAN and SHOULD say “I refuse to let our Police Service co-operate with the Home Office attempts to depopulate the Highland”




  108. Shinty says:

    David says:
    20 April, 2017 at 5:14 pm
    Poor, childish and deliberate misuse of editing will get you a wee laugh but my humour vacuum respectfully and politely asks that you stick to that day job that you are remarkably good at.

    Cannot disagree with this. Leave that to our ‘imperial masters’ at the BBC. Seriously disappointed that this is ‘main topic’ on Wings.

  109. ronnie anderson says:

    @ birnie 6.07 Thats the Signaler’s feked wie the modern equipment Ruthie will have them learning the Smoke & Mirrors technique .

  110. twathater says:

    Shinty and David you are entitled to your opinions , but with ALL due respect I am more upset and enraged by the many comments and interviews unreported and blatantly misquoted by the MSM .
    Comments by unionist MP’s ,MSP’s ,BBC reporters and celebrity supporters and sycophants , inciting violence towards our first minister ,attempting the ulsterisation of Scottish politics , inciting sectarianism , demonizing and denigrating the people of Scotland by calling them subsidy junkies and thieves , these things are not comedic snapshots they are deliberately designed to undermine and abuse, so you will forgive me if I enjoyed the revs wee edit

  111. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    Quick question @ronnie anderson says at 8:32 pm and @ birnie 6.07

    Are 32 Sigs part of the 77th Brigade??


  112. Shinty says:


    me too, so don’t tell me we should pipe to their tune.

    Of course we should call them out but not with cheap shots, that’s the BBC’s game not ours.

    We are up against the full might of Perfidious Albion not some pathetic school bully.

    I appreciate we all need a laugh but seriously ‘now is not the time’

  113. Auld Rock says:

    As a mere man I find that it is women who are at the forefront of this despicable Bill – Nasty Party.

    Auld Rock

  114. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Jockanese Wind Talker I havent a clue as to the Signals Reg , GCHQ/77th Brigade I put nothing past the British Establishment.

  115. Free Scotland says:

    Speaking of Ruth Davidson

    link to

  116. heedtracker says:

    Legerwood says:
    20 April, 2017 at 7:52 pm
    heedtracker @ 6.46 pm

    Private Health Care Companies in NHS in England

    Thanks for the info! Tory England’s already privatised their uni education funding, making mega bucks for student loan corps in the process. NHS next. Its murder listening to England gripe about their NHS underfunding and yet the keep voting tory.

    Planet toryboy wants to be Trump USA 2.0. Lots of war too, war is good, good for moral and good for business.

    But did England really vote Tory last time.

    Have you seen the latest list of tory gimps under election expense fraud investigation? Its a lot more than 30, with Fluffie Mundell in the mix too.

    Mayhem’s fighting the Law, with the help of fraudster BBC.

  117. Camz says:

    Did Andrew Neil edit that for you?

  118. Chick McGregor says:

    Gus 3:46pm

    Excellent post.

  119. Orri says:

    Let’s see if I’ve got this right.

    A video clip of ole Rape Clause is provided giving entirely the wrong impression.

    The person providing that openly says it’s deliberately edited that way. So, yeh, it’s deliberate. It’s not, however?, poor. It might possibly be crude but that’s part of the point.

    As to childish. Given the unending parade of stupid from the unionists where they take things out of context and seem either personally incapable of understanding a conditional clause or assume their audience is then this more of a pertinent demonstration.

    Next time the ever repeated no mandate is trotted out simply refer to that video. Same for the once in a generation and the legal advice bit.

  120. Jimbo says:

    Did she say “Hell on Urth”?

  121. Ken MacColl says:

    A friend mentioned to me last night that Ruth Harrison carries an uncanny physical likeness to Kim Yung Un.
    Can’t get the image out of my mind.
    Come to think of it they are both WMD enthusiasts too!

  122. ChewinTheFat says:

    Well, auld Rape Claus Ruth is slow on the uptake, int she?

  123. Jonnie says:

    Apologies for this rather tenuously linked comment however my google searches have so far been unfruitful. I recall seeing a figure along the lines of “As a result of the rape clause. women will have to disclose incidents of sexual assault/rape to claim as little as £14 extra a week” does anyone happen to have a source for this or the *actual* figure.

    Long time reader, first time commenter!




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