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Wings Over Scotland

A horrifying thought

Posted on February 20, 2015 by

This is the Minister for Care and Support, Lib Dem MP Norman Lamb, on last night’s Question Time, letting Scotland know its status as an equal and valued partner in the UK, a partner whose democratically-elected MPs have the same right to have their voice heard on behalf of their constituents as those from anywhere else.

Glad we cleared that one up.

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How democratic of our imperial masters, “them being part of the government absolutely horrifies me.” No wonder they got booted out of every single country they thought they owned around the globe.

Grizzle McPuss

English BritNats come in all shapes; even the most inconsequential.

And who was to know that Norman Tebbit (“get on your bike”) was to reincarnate as Duncan Bannatyne.


Representative democracy = absolutely horrifying for the Lib Dems

No wonder they are collapsing


Did any of the other colonies have any influence on the Westminster parliament before they won their independence?


For me, the low point of the programme (I’ve just finished watching it on iPlayer) was Heseltine ranting about the absolute need for nuclear deterrence then in the next sentence saying the real threat to Russia is the islamists to her south. I wish Nicola had jumped in right there and asked what deterrent effect Russia’s (or anyone’s nukes) had on islamism.


The stupidity of Lamb here was that MPs are not supposed to stand up for the United Kingdom, but their individual constituents. This often gets lost in the rush to pretend there is any such thing as a unified ‘national interest’.

Betty Boop

That was approximately an hour of my life I won’t get back. It was an exercise in putting Scotland in its place, ie doing as your told.

A total set up by the BBC and where, or where, did they find all those right wingers around Stockton-On-Tees?

It is probably as well that I am not FM because I would have lost it on that panel.

Could someone please explain to Duncan Bannatyne how UK tax policy affects Scotland before he goes back into “the Den”. He must have been one “lucky” businessman considering last night’s comments.


Just feel the LOVE coming from England and all beamed into your Scottish homes by the unique way of funding the BBC.

No no no...Yes

The Minister for CARE and SUPPORT!!!

Nicola did well considering the anti-Scottish vitriol on display. “We want you to stay” never sounded hollower than last night.


My mistake, I thought that politicians were working for the benefit of the people of the United kingdom. So many politicians seem to think that democracy only works if you vote for them. It seems to me that Westmonster has managed, all on their own to do a pretty decent job of messing up the UK. where banker get bonuses for messing up the economy and the poorest in society get the bill.

As they say, Its the same the whole world over, its the poor that get the blame, its the rich that get the pleasure, isn’t it a blooming shame. Long time ago Labour knew this, but alas no more. Troughers


Lord, grant that Norman Lamb
May by his shitey charm
Vents his spleen.
May he sedition hush and like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush.
God save the Queen.

That’s us telt!

Bob Sinclair

Betty Boop

My guess is that the audience for QT last night was made up entirely of BAE Systems (Stockton) staff, given their otherwise bizarre love of a replacement for Trident.


Im useless at Arithmetic…can someone confirm

40 Scottish Labour Mps voting with the Government = GOOD
11 Scottish Lib Dems Mps voting with the Government = GOOD
1 Scottish Tory Mps voting with the Government = GOOD

6 SNP MPs voting against the Government = BAD

Are my sums correct?

( Eric Joyce excluded in case he might batter me for not showing my working!)

Marie clark

That remark was from a LibDem, well well. Neither liberal or democratic was it.

I gave up on QT about 2 years ago, when I realised that what English politicians waffled on about was of no interest to me at all. Education and NHS did not matter to me as these are devolved. After the referendum the EBC tax was cancelled, and I think that was a good move because it’s done wonders for my blood pressure. I don’t listen to anything from the EBC about news or politics. Radio Scotland is never on now either I just can’t bear it when you know it’s all rubbish.

The attitude, well from what folks are saying here, is we don’t really want you. Aye We want your resources and your money, but not you lot. Bugger off and keep quite and let those of us who know how to run a country deal with things.

Aye right oh then, roll on the 8th of May. I really can’t see Scotland as part of this crap for an awful lot longer. Thanks a million Proud Scot Buts.

Chris Downie

While I agree she was walking into a trap, the FM painted herself into a corner by talking of Russia as a “threat”. It simply gave the militants among them, audience and panel alike, more ammunition (no pun intended).

I also thought she could have stated, quite correctly, that much of the (perceived) “threat” faced by the UK is due to its foreign policies being beholden to US neo-cons and Israel lobbyists.

Some will say, with some conviction, that the SNP are open to attack over their U-turn on NATO. Sure, we know you can be a non-nuclear member, but it isn’t the nuclear stance in itself that I see as an issue, more the fact that joining what is an aggressive military expansionist power would go against the Party’s long-standing wish for non-interventionist foreign policy.

Geoff Huijer

‘Oh, and by the way thanks for the oil Scotland…
now get back in your box’ may well have been said
to NS off-camera.

But when it’s lights, camera, action we’re all subsidy
junkies again…

Jim Watson

It horrifies Norman Lamb since he is part of the pro austerity westminster elite. It horrifies him that there is now an alternative economic policy being floated that will totally undermine the nonsense that they have been defending for the last number of years.

What horrifies me is Norman Lamb…

R-type Grunt

The SNP really have to stop willingly stepping into BBC traps. The BBC are the enemy of Scotland. They will not be defeated by us participating in their games. One of these days English people are going to wake up to the plain fact that the UK is not a democracy. Scotland is, but the UK is not.


the fact Lamb was horrified at democracy working as it should, could be one of several reasons why his party is heading for oblivion in the next election!

Les Wilson

This attitude by English politicians is ever growing, fed by the anti SNP criteria of the media.So there are no surprises here.

It seems that it is ok if we have a Westminster party governing us, but they are indignant to the point of hysteria, that Scotland should have a democratically elected government at the same assembly to look after our interests.

That is not democracy, that is occupation.A imperialistic agenda. The plebs are not worthy of democracy, who do they think they are…. We are going to show them, shortly.


They HATE us. We who would be the progenitors of change; we who would challenge the status quo and vote for progressive change; and we who DARE to assume that we are part of this ‘family of nations.’
Cause we’re not a part of this ‘family of nations.’ This latest lamentable, undemocratic, anti-Svottish outburst proves yet again that Scotland is a constitutional conundrum to them. And something to be despised.
Nothing more, friends.
They get an oil fund for fracking, the oil-richest nation IN EUROPE gets gruel.
And patronised, of course.
We are second class citizens, and our place is regularly stamped on our psyches by that imperialist edifice, BBC Scotland.
How dare we form the balance of power!
But they also fear us.
And that, my friends, is a good thing.
Let us proceed with hope and fervour. We – and democracy – are going to win


And QT comes out of the meagre BBC Scotland budget!


That clip will not go down well with Lib Dem voters who voted Yes. In the 19th century a contingent of the Liberal Party led by none other than the mighty Gladstone supported Home Rule for Ireland and Scotland. Look at them now. Orange Tories.

Proud Cybernat

They only want Scottish MPs in WM who will toe their UK party line i.e. Scottish MPs that they can control and effectively silence. Throw them a bawbee every now and then to keep them happy to continue to hoodwink their constituents.

Time for change… that breeze is getting stronger… it’s in the air… can you feel it yet… those winds of change are acoming.

Westminster No More.
Feeble Fifty No More.

The Scottish Lion has found its roar. In about them.


QT is so staged it’s as far removed from genuine political debate as it’s possible to get, but that episode plumbed new depths. Things must be bad if the only Tory they can dig up is Michael Heseltine. I didn’t know he was still alive, and after that showing I still don’t. Glad to see uber-smug entreposeur Duncan Ballantine is delighted with how the economy is going – I’m betting he hasn’t been down the foodbank recently. And the Labour woman parroting the “vote SNP, get Tory” party line as per usual. At least Nicola made her points although she was never going to win votes with that audience.

wingman 2020

Anyone on here still have a TV licence? If you do, consider it a direct tax and assistance to the establishment and maintaining the established order.

We are now happily using Amazon Prime, Apple TV and Netflix. And feeling much healthier physically and spiritually from not being brainwashed by a glut of advertisements on one side and the cult of the BBC.


BBC Question Time should be renamed “We are not here to talk about Scotland, but it is okay to talk Scotland down”.


Norman Lamb may well be horrified that nearly half of Scots want independence.He may find the prospect of them voting in MPs who support independence horrifying.But that’s democracy.
There’s an easy answer for the unionist parties and it’s not to late to implement it in time for the general election.All they need to do is to form a unionist alliance in Scotland with only incumbent MPs standing.If the incumbent doesn’t want to stand,the incumbent party in that constituency can select an alternative candidate.For the SNP held seats,the party most likely to give the SNP a run for their money would contest it.


R-type Grunt says:

20 February, 2015 at 12:24 pm

The SNP really have to stop willingly stepping into BBC traps. The BBC are the enemy of Scotland. They will not be defeated by us participating in their games. One of these days English people are going to wake up to the plain fact that the UK is not a democracy. Scotland is, but the UK is not.

Mhairi Black’s invitation to QT is another obvious set up. I hope the SNP brief her well and that she manages to stay calm and focussed. She is a bit young to go straight into the lion’s den, but I suppose if she wants to be a politician, she will have to cope with the abuse. For an SNP politician, it comes with the territory.


Les, you said it right. The UK isn’t a democracy, it’s an occupation.


(No wonder Sinn Fein refuse to sit at Westminster).

Dr Jim

I think it’s just great
If this is the best tactic they’ve got we’re definitely on to a winner
The Meeja poisoning the English in the south, belittling us Scots in the North
As soon as the SNP are elected overwhelmingly here the tidal wave of bitterness towards us “Dahn Saaf” will increase so much they wont be able to wait to get rid of us
Keep it up BBC ITV SKY and uncle Rupert Murdoch and all


He hits the nail square on the head. Middle England will not accept interference in ‘their’ parliament.

We have to accept taxation without representation, clearly. Pay WM your taxes, provide a home for their WMDs, then shut up about expecting any influence. Some of us knew exact what Better Together actually means. Better for London, not for Scotland.

How long before 10-20-30% of No voters get their brains out of bed and wake up to what they did?

When they do, they can start to think about redeeming themselves, beginning with returning MPs who will stick up for Scotland!

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Lamb really is an odious yellow tory twit.

You have to wonder how a revolting little shit like that sleeps at night when he poodled along with the tories forcing the disabled and most vulnerable into destitution and misery with their orwellian welfare ‘reforms’ and endless austerity.

I’m going to enjoy every second of election night watching these vile yellow tories of Clegg get wiped out in scotland and nobody will shed a tear for their passing. Good riddance to them.


Notice the Tory loons are cock a hoop on the Scotsman threads saying Nicola had a ‘mare. Blind as well as stupid.


Dr Jim says:

20 February, 2015 at 12:38 pm

I think it’s just great
If this is the best tactic they’ve got we’re definitely on to a winner
The Meeja poisoning the English in the south, belittling us Scots in the North

As soon as the SNP are elected overwhelmingly here the tidal wave of bitterness towards us “Dahn Saaf” will increase so much they wont be able to wait to get rid of us
Keep it up BBC ITV SKY and uncle Rupert Murdoch and all

Indeed, idiots like Lamb spouting their nonsense will result in two possible reactions from Scottish voters:

1. Yes, Lamb is right, I better stay in my box. We scots are useless anyway, so I’ll vote Labour/unionist.

2. Carry on Lamb. A big SNP presence at WM? I can’t wait. GIRUY Westminster!


Comment – new users please read this page first for commenting rules. HTML tags like and are permitted. Use the live preview box. Include paragraph breaks or I WILL KILL YOU WITH HAMMERS.

Oh right.

That’s why the comments are drying up.

The SNP should not appear on the BBC. END.

You have been actively telling us to not pay the license fee and not to watch it but you make an Article about one of it’s Programs.
A program made and funded by BBC Scotland with Scottish license fee payers.


Nemo me impune lacessit, (No one provokes me with impunity). They should have played fair in the referendum which would have settled things, Alas they didn’t.

Helena Brown

Well now wonder how all those people feel about being better together.
I was looking at the comments on the CouchTuner pages after watching the last episode of Outlander, I will say none of them current, most 5 months ago but one which really summed it all up was the one that said Scotland would have been a Third World Country if it had not had the English running it. Fortunately someone had got there before me but I would love to say unbelievable but really apart from those like Lollysmum and one and two others that is what they think of us.


Astonishing! 😮

Neither Liberal nor Democratic.

Coalition has really revealed these shysters for what they truly are.

Dorothy Devine

OT but that date thingy on the Guardian website is nauseating. If those two guys were chocolate they’d lick themselves!
( I have a fairly low opinion of Mr Torrance to start with)


When you look at some of the pure hatred directed towards Nicola Sturgeon on Twitter last night it makes you shudder.

As for that undemocratic bilge spewed out on that clip makes me quite mad. This is the democracy they wanted us to stay with and vote No for.

How dare they.

I do hope there are some regretful no voters.

Training Day

It takes a special kind of self-loathing serfdom to watch last night’s QT and not be absolutely outraged at how your dignity and self-respect are being derided by your Better Together ‘partners’.


This explains it all.
comment image:large

Peter A Bell

The madness of the British nationalist mindset exposed. Because their attitude to Scotland is entirely adversarial, they are incapable of thinking in any other terms.

During the referendum campaign, the British parties – indeed, the entire British establishment – made it clear that Scotland was to be punished for the heinous crimes of seeking to restore its rightful constitutional status; aspiring to a better politics; and challenging the “natural order” of the British state. Insincere “love-bombing aside, it was made clear that British nationalist would seek revenge on Scotland for our presumption in supposing ourselves a nation as other nations – principally in the form of low-level economic warfare.

So consumed are they with this idea of Scotland as “the enemy” and with the “evil villain” caricature of the SNP contrived by their propaganda machine, that they genuinely suppose that the party would cut off Scotland’s nose to spite the UK’s face. In much the same way as the British establishment declared itself prepared to suffer the detrimental effects of abolishing the currency union simple to spite those “uppity Jocks”.

BBC Question Time is just a TV programme. More silly circus than serious political debate. But if what we witnessed last night (Thursday 19 February) is even a small indication of the British state’s attitude towards Scotland then there can surely be not the slightest doubt that the political union has broken down completely and irretrievably.

Only with Scotland’s independence and the establishment of a new association, freely negotiated on the basis of equality and mutual respect, can the relationship between our two nations be salvaged.

[…] This is the Minister for Care and Support, Lib Dem MP Norman Lamb, on last night’s Question Time, letting Scotland know its status as an equal and valued partner in the UK, a partner whose democratically-elected MPs have the same right to have their voice heard on behalf of their constituents as those from anywhere else.  […]


I hope the Scottish electorate chills Lamb to his marrow on the 8th of May

Eckle Fechan

As already mentioned, the sheer condescension and bias in the room last night was palpable.

I felt so uncomfortable for the FM, esp. with his Lordship spouting forth Senate wisdom like an Emperor with contempt for the plebs. The “simple fact” is, we’re all treated as plebs in their Game.

How long before the Game changes though, and the ill-informed ignorante awaken?

Because Change is in the air, that much is palpable too, which is perhaps why our red, blue and orange friends are shitting bricks.

Believers 45, Collaborators 55. But the tide is turning and the dream shall never die.


Just watched the first half of QT.
Stage-managed, State propaganda, courtesy of the BBC.

Hezeltine is in there, because he’s very good
at playing the part of a member of the bullying Ruling Class.
He knows everything and the people know nothing.
Therefore he must speak and the ignorant voters must listen.

Hezeltine always insists that he is right and cannot be wrong;
after all he is wealthy, a former Defence Secretary, and a Tory.
How can ordinary people just not accept
the gulf in class and intelligence,
bow their heads, apologise for getting above themselves
and vote Tory.

The man is a dinosaur, soon to be extinct.

Grizzle McPuss


All the SNP are desperadoes. Who knew?

Mundell on ‘puppetmaster’ Salmond:

Scotland’s only Conservative MP, David Mundell, has told the party’s Scottish conference the SNP are “desperate to prop up Ed Miliband.”

Speaking in Edinburgh, Mr Mundell warned that former SNP leader Alex Salmond could be a “self-styled puppetmaster” who pulled the strings of UK Labour leader Ed Miliband.

He added: “Just when you thought it was safe to return to the polling booth, enter stage left Alex Salmond, the self-styled puppet master pulling both Nicola [Sturgeon] and Ed’s strings. And I say stage left, because the dangerous economics of socialism are shared by Ed Miliband and Alex Salmond.

Improvised politics, dont’cha love it?

Craig Wilson

They’re doing a lot of huffing and puffing, and dancing around the subject, but the basic crux of it appears to be, “Don’t you DARE vote for the party you like, because it might muck up our little Thatcherite love-in we’ve been having since 1979.” I can hardly think of anything less likely to change our minds. It’s pathetic, spineless drivel.

When Sir Menzies Campbell was still Lib Dem leader, I saw him speak at Glasgow Uni just before the 2007 election. Aside from the usual Lib Dem talk of the time, I remember him being anti-independence but pro-Home Rule. I wonder what happened to the Lib Dems’ political compass, never mind their soul, that they now line up behind the Tories, UKIP and Daily Mail to feebly try and oppose the one party actually trying to bring Home Rule to Scotland.


And another thing – as shown very clearly on QT,

we’re not ‘together’.


LOL, so Mundell is playing the Vote SNP get Labour tune on his bagpipes (county of England bagpipes obviously)

The Onionists are really spoiling us this election (although Vote UKIP get the Trade Unions still has me totally baffled)

jackie g

Our fav Tory Mr Mundell at the party conference spouting absolute tosh as usual.

Mundell on ‘puppetmaster’ Salmond Scotland’s only Conservative MP, David Mundell, has told the party’s Scottish conference the SNP are “desperate to prop up Ed Miliband.”

oh it gets better.. the dangerous economics of socialism are shared by Ed Miliband and Alex Salmond.”

Eh? Ed Milliband a socialist that’s a new one.


Their real problem they have is they cant use Project Fear again, as in vote SNP and we wont let you use sterling, 1 million finance jobs will leave Scotchland land for England, you’ll be defenseless against terrorists like IS and Scots oil’s gone now. Crash Gordon and the Flipper cant terrify pensioners and the sick. You’ll have no money in your poor wee Scottish purses is even more bonkers, loved that one from the Herald BetterTogether propagandist Katherine Macleod, ex Flipper Darling adviser and rather prolific across the BBC 18th Sept doing her terrified wee Scottish lady act, balanced very creepily with BBC’s “you’ll beheaded on the way back from the shops without England running Scotland” and so on.

None of it works now. All they have is the BBC in Scotland, 37 papers and their daily attack reportage about how shite Scottish NHS really is and youre all shite because you cant run an NHS, without England.

So what do they do now? Try and make England fear and loath SNP mp’s in Westminster and its why Sturgeon is still getting involved with BBC creeps like Dimbelby at QT. Real politics. Sturgeon’s got a lotta guts coming into their slice of hell but the majority of Scotland backs her all the way.

paul gerard mccormack

i want to leave ENGLAND now.

Jim McIntosh

We all know Heseltine is an arse, but he dropped a pretty big clanger last night when he complained that a large SNP presence at WM would mean that Scotland would get an extra £180 billion for supporting Miliband.

I know this is a load of hogwash but to some of the less informed voters this could push them towards voting SNP. After all it was partly greed that lost us the referendum, it’d be ironic if the same greedy people voted SNP to get this huge wad of cash.



🙂 I confess I thought that people would just think that Hezza was being a dozy Muppet…but you might be right.


Holebender – only this week Italy have been telling us isis are ready to attack from Libya. Surely they wouldn’t be so stupid – the UK have nukes!

call me dave


QT on BBC Radio 5 live no need to watch it on BBC live OR I can get it on BBC playback on the computer later. No licence required.

What’s the problem?

[…] A horrifying thought […]


This explains the concept of “English” and “A citizen of the UK”.

A review of Enoch Powell’s Book – link below

link to

Rob James

As previously mentioned, how did that half wit Bannatyne make his fortune. Was he just there to appeal to the politically inept audience and viewers. His comment about Russian world domination was totally ridiculous and I’m wondering if he was fed the line. Having studied Soviet order of battle pre cold war, the organisation of forces was defensive. Long range weapons remained deep in the interior, primed for protecting the front line After SALT, we saw numerous examples of the Soviets decommissioning of nuclear warheads and silo sites. It is the USA who were reluctant to reveal their decommissioning strategy. They now have more warheads than the rest of the world put together, more aircraft carriers than, more long range strategis bombers than …etc.etc. Make up your own mind.

Les Wilson

Just watched a snippet of a SKy report, supposed to be about Tory chances in Scotland. ( what chance!)
However, they went to Perth area, where I am sure they thought they would have found some Unionist supporters.

They people they spoke to in the street were primarily elderly, shock horror they as said they would vote SNP!
Tail between the legs time!Zooooooooooooooooom away!

David Wardrope

@ Grazer,

But remember, if ISIS decide to hit us by coming up the Clyde in subs or flying in off the coast of Cornwall we’re all doomed

Proud Cybernat

Anyone know if Alistair Darling will be making a special guest appearance at the Tory Party Conference? Just asking, like.


Credit where credit is due, the puppet David Mundell recognises Alex Salmond, as a master, who knew. Is it not the function of a master to deliver lessons to those requiring it. Trust me if Alex is giving Ed Milliband guidance, Westmonster should be afraid. We could even end up with a Government fit for purpose, you know the kind that represents people.


outlaw the SNP. It’s self evident they shouldn’t be involved in UK decision making. If they’re illegal, then people can’t vote for them, then the problem goes away.

(please read above with ironic tone)

Grouse Beater

Has anybody heard from the United We Stand groupies – Bowie, Rankin, Rowling, McCartney, Dan Snow, Izzard, Bremner, or our ‘neutral’ Queenie, rushing to condemn Norman Lamb MP for his brazen racism?

Where are the jerks now?

All quiet on the southern front?

Harry McAye

From an earlier comment, am I to understand it is 20 year old Mhairi Black who will be the SNP representative in two weeks time in Glasgow, up against Jim Murphy no doubt? That is one obvious set up, after her twitter history was brought up. I think she’s great but that was a huge cock up not to get her to go back through her twitter before she was announced as a candidate.

De Valera

Really depressing to hear our part of North Britain talked about like this, but what is more depressing is that most of the residents of North Britain agree with him and not our First Minister.

The Irish would never put up with being denigrated constantly but they are much smarter than 55% of us.

Les Wilson

Peter A Bell says:
Peter, your comments are indeed valid. Seems to me there WILL be a divorce, but the outcome for these Islands depends on how the English will behave in that scenario.

It would be ultimately sensible for an Independent Scotland to be readily acknowledged, both countries to work together in mutual respect, as, we will still share these Islands.
There are many areas where consensus could be worked out.

But I fear, it will be akin to a soiled brat having his 10th lollipop taken away, and tantrums will ensue, for a while…

If they work against Scotland’s interests, as they might be prone to doing, then all respect will be lost. Such a happening would be the most stupid thing for them to embark on, as the wounds would take a very long time to heal.

They will lose their cash cow, that will really hurt, as they are kinda addicted to it


Yes, it was mentioned (unconfirmed) that Mairi is to be up against Starkey and Murphy. It’s an ambush. Here’s my advice to Mairi:

1. Keep the heid. They are trying to get you to say something unguarded they can use against you and the SNP.

2. You are riding high in the polls. You have a strong constituency team fighting for you. Your chances in the GE are good, and are not going to change if you play it subdued at QT. It is not going to count against you as voters are already for you.

3. If you want to hit back, ever, hit back with stinging facts that are irrefutable and will be highly embarassing to your opponents. But play it cool, factual.

It would be better to say nothing than to be baited into saying something they can use against us.


I posted this on the earlier thread but it looks as though it should be here as well because I believe independence took a step futher forward last night.

1)Parties aren’t asked to put someone up for a QT panel. They specify an individual, usually one who has been in the news in recent weeks. If party says no to a particular individual, then no-one attends.
2) NS achieved several objectives on QT last night
a) She was there as leader of SNP (so pushing the fact that Alex is not)
b) Her credentials for being there were openly displayed to the UK for all to see
c) She talked about SNP policies & showed just how different they were to UK tories of all hues.
d) She didn’t stoop to the bearpit level of the rest of the panel.
e) She made the most of particular soundbites then shut up & let the remainder of the panel condemn themselves & their own party policies themselves by their comments about SNP & Scotland.
f)She talked about making common cause with English voters on specific issues (that went down well)so clearly saying we don’t hate the English. The only hatred on show was from the tories (red, blue & orange)
g) Not once did she slag off the other panel members. She didn’t need to. She just let them all show their true colours-the camera caught a couple of small smiles.
h) She will have caused a mini surge in SNP membership after that programme-it will certainly have brought some Noes on board.
i) Most of all she showed that she wasn’t a monster & remained cool, calm & collected even when under sustained attack.

She has had the longest apprenticeship in politics & it shows. She has learned her trade well & I think you will find that Nicola was quite pleased with the results.It seemed a bit like playing with clockwork toys-just wind them up & watch them go. More subtle than Alex but effective.

Marie clark

Eh whit! Ed Milliband a socialist, I must have missed that. When did that happen.

As for Mundell, he is a total irrelevance.


A LieDem Minister for Care and Support?


The pure contempt on that obnoxious little runts face said it all.

Red Tory Traitors.
Blue Tory Scum.
OrangyYellow two-faced bedhoppers.
Purple Kippers. (I prefer mine smoked thank you very much).
OR… to protect Scotland’s interests and vote SNP.

That’s your Warminster options folks.



Have you changed your name? I thought it was Wrinkleyreborn but in the last few days it’s different 🙂

Hoss Mackintosh

Odd thing is Micheal Heseltine started out as a Liberal. Not the Liberal Party which morphed into the Lib-Dems we know but the National Liberals who got so close to the Tories that they were taken over by them in the 60’s.

link to

A Liberal wipeout come May 2015 may also lead to another merger?

I can think of quite a few Lib-Dems who would fit in quite well with the Tory Party.


@ Handandshrimp

“I hope the Scottish electorate chills Lamb to his marrow on the 8th of May”

I we roast Lamb’s party in Scotland.


Should say ‘I hope we roast Lamb’s party in Scotland’. 🙂

haud on the noo

Mhairi Black ?

I take it thats the girl who made daft comments about Celtic or such-like ? There is no way she should have accepted and the SNP should step in to save her and them. Such an obvious setup and she could be badly damaged by (no doubt) older males, most happily aided by the unctious Dimbers no doubt.

Marie clark

@ Les Wilson 2.03. Les did you really mean a “soiled” brat having his 10th lollipop taken away.

I reckon you meant spoiled, but I like soiled, absolutely hilarious. Made me lol anyway. thanks Les.


Googled Katherine Macleod, Glasgow Herald, Project Fear propaganda machine” to see how she’s doing and Katherine’s been a bit quiet since January, well New Years day really, she says you cant trust the SNP, they lie, they are liars, vote SLab for the union saving.

So a UKOK shill for dudes like Flipper Darling, ex chancellor who left behind a UK that’s the third most unequal in the west, a super rich elite that walks through every Brown and Flipper tax loop hole, a London region that’s now the richest region in the whole of Europe yet UK debt mountain almost bankrupting teamGB, hell on earth in the middle east, Scots oil pissed away on nothing much at all, now says charge kids for their uni and college, engineers, medics, accountants, so we can all have free night classes in flower arranging, yoga, basket weaving and £100 bn Trident 2 nuke missiles farting about in the Atlantic…

link to

Fair enough they rule teamGB for their City super rich masters but still

“Indeed it should be considered regressive since it is funded at the expense of around 140,000 further college places, often the preferred educational option for those less inclined to go to university, and often from less well off homes.

Mr Hosie is right too when he says the SNP have pursued popular policies. Indeed they have but universalism comes at great cost to those dependent on the services of hard-pressed local authorities, the elderly who cannot afford to supplement their home help provision, and the students deprived of college places.

That is the price to be paid for mistaking universalism for redistributive, progressive politics.

Mr Hosie wishes progressive policies for English people too. Even less reason then to risk leaving them to the mercy of a Tory government.

In September the overwhelming majority of Scots voted against the break-up of the UK because they understood the merits of staying together.

Even if the oil price recovers the risks of breaking up remain the same.

Every Scottish politician will say a fairer, more prosperous Scotland is their priority.

Progressive sounding rhetoric will not pay the bills. Only actions and outcomes matter. Roll on May 7.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Fro those who seem unnecessarily downbeat about Nicola and QT, let’s remember that among the people who matter she came across as reasonable, competent and honest.

Doesn’t matter how many red tory, yellow tory and blue tory lunatcis foam at the mouth about her, she was head and shoulders above the rest of them on that biased BritNat circus.

Even question time itself was forced to admit that the most tweeted comment about the programme was Nicola pointing this out.

“it suits the Tories for the debate to be all about people on benefits, because then the debate’s not about tax avoidance.”

Nicola is easily the most popular politician in modern UK politics for a reason and she proved why last night. She is absolutely reaching the voters we need to reach and no amount of BritNat BBC bias and unionist hatred are about to change that.

The unionists are the ones who have hugely unpopular jokes for leaders who you wouldn’t trust to run a bath, never mind trust them to run a country competently

ronnie anderson

@ Deewal 12.48 Ever heard of Drywal,get ye behind it I,ll nail you in.

WOS has never told people not to pay the Bbc Licence fee, as indevidual Wingers we have expressed our preferances not to pay licence fee & encourage others to do the same.

Do you know the differance between Onions & Ingininan.


Following on from the couple of earlier Duncan Bannatyne observations.

He was incoherent, made a virtue of his lack of education and what was that line about the prisons being full of Dyslexics? He made it sound as if Dyslexia was the offence for which these people had been incarcerated. Also, his ‘nobody ever knocks on my door and asks for a job’ quip was just strange, implying that the girl in the audience simply wasn’t trying hard enough to find a job.

I cannot see what he was on the panel for.

jackie g

Call me Dave at the Scottish Tory Party Conference.

Labour and SNP ‘wedded together’ David Cameron says Nicola Sturgeon has made clear she is up for a coalition with Ed Miliband.

“As Ruth [Davidson] has put it, the SNP and Labour are halfway up the aisle together already,” he adds. “She’s right. They’ve picked out the wedding list.

“They’ve booked the honeymoon – probably to North Korea. They’ve set up a joint account – unlimited overdraft obviously.”

What planet are these people on? and who writes your sound bites Dave cause they are a bit rubbish.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

@jackie g

Has the upper class twit of the year Cameron got round to explaining why all those billionaire banking tax dodgers gave him and the tory party so much cash?

Yeah, thought not. The sleazy red-faced cowardly tory runt.

Oh, damn.. a typo. 😀


Haud on, Mairi Black is a very competent individual. She is fair, fiesty, intellectually competant and emotionally balanced. Forgiving of No voters, and has a maturity way beyond her years. I feel very proud of her. But she is young, passionate, and inexperienced, and though I think she is well able to hold her own in that bear pit, they will try to trip her up. She needs to think of the long term objective, and that QT isn’t the election campaign. So, my advice, don’t be baited. Even if it risks making you seem a bit muted, it won’t matter, as the voters are for you. It’s only a silly Unionist infotainment show. Better to keep your counsel and say little than give them any ammunition.

Watch how Nicola played it on QT, which was just right. She was offered opportunities to speak, said her worth in a calm, sensible, but firm and clear manner, then resisted shouting at others making outrageous statements, just left them enough rope to hang themselves.

Tinto Chiel

After viewing that shameful little clip, surely it is our bounden duty as Evil Cybernats to troll Norman viciously? Come on, Wingers, repeat after me: MINT SAUCE! MINT SAUCE!

Peerie Norrie, yer tea’s oot…

ronnie anderson

@ Iain Grays S Lament.
I have hear people use that term in refferance to Nicola Sturgeon to often (head & shoulders) Nicola doesent do Shampoo Adverts.

Nicola Sturgeon is small in stature, big in heart & stands out as a very competent politicion & more exposure on national broadcasts will open peoples eyes & ears to the lies they are being told by other politicians & media.

paul gerard mccormack

Re Mhairi Black – Don’t under any circumstance enter the lion’s den. DO NOT DANCE WITH THE DEVIL. THE SNP MUST PULL HER> she/SNP will have nothing to gain from this. She’ll get pelted with that sectarian shit. DO NOT GO THERE. NO WAY. (Sorry for shouting, but will have to get a letter off to High Command before the last post to stop this madness!)


Sorry, Lollysmum. Missed that, getting old and the eyes are going.

ronnie anderson

PMSL Ruthie the Slugger, ah thought she wiz ah kickboxer hiz she furgoat about disapline like everything else.

ronnie anderson

Diddy Dave at conferance Con gov created 187.000 now jobs,a 100 a day since they took office.

Ah dont know how many days to date they have been in office,nor am ah a mathematician ( tooks awe ma grey matter tae speil it).

Onny how there,s ah wee exercise fur some Wingers ( fingers & toes allowed, or you,s could use your calculators.

Tom Thumb

Cameron at conference “Salmond is going to get in through the back door”.

Deliberately trying to scaremonger with “Salmond”, knowing he wasn’t popular.

Not the first time I have heard this

Nana Smith


Seems I have missed a lot…been unwell

Anyhoo Smurphs been waylaid by Sean Clerkin!

link to

ronnie anderson

Diddy Daves dain ah good job of selling Scotlands wealth creation powers. I,ll buy it just need to arrange a loan fae HSBO.

Tam Jardine

Mhairi Black is walking into a setup of course, but it shows she has the courage of her convictions. Had she declined that would have been used against her.

She didn’t become an SNP candidate without being vetted and I for one am looking forward to her getting more exposure. I think she comes across well – down to earth and driven. If someone is going to survive at Westminster I can think of no better training excercise than the BBC’s QT panel with its plants and it’s setup questions.

Just need to get a few of our own in the audience to give her some support.


Clearly the intention from the BBC and unionists is to try and trip up Mhairi Black to make her and the SNP look bad, which is always a possibility, but then there is always the chance that she does really well, and the voting public take to her and we can see the back of Douglas ‘how full can I fill my pockets with tax payers money’ Alexander once and for all.

Bob G

they dont want us ..they want everything we have


I think this is one fact that needs to be highlighted to the WHOLE of Scotland. Even ‘No’ voters would be left with a sense of annoyance at what is coming out of England.

Simply put …Scotland voted ‘No’ because we were told that we were a valuable friend and asset to the UK. How hollow does it sound when the people of Scotland decide to vote with an idea of implementing an ideology of fairness, morality and ethical values …only to be told that the SNP must not be allowed in power.
This is nothing to do with the SNP. This is about the Scottish people using their democratic right to put forth their wishes on the table and thus make a coalition with another arty who might agree with those ideals in principle.

To be told that Middle England will have a hissy fit if the SNP is thrust upon them is not only wrong, but very hyprocritcial, considering that England implemented the Tories on Scotland.

I sure hope that the Labour-SNP coalition comes to pass. It just might finally get the rest of the UK to admit that the Union is no longer workable. It will be interesting if Middle England does have a fit, while the Tories then try to backpeddle all the crap that they have been saying (‘Vote Labour, get SNP’) by declaring in a bid to placate Middle England that there is nothing wrong with the SNP running the UK …and all because Cameron and Co will be frantic in trying to save the Union. They know next time round that Scots won’t be asking for Currency Union or taking a % of the debt. They know that if we walk, there is a chance that we might leave them with the entire bill! Oh, how they’ve dug themselves a hole should all this come to pass!


Sunniva at 3.04pm

You are quite rightabout Mhairi. Some of the posters on here are panicking about a candidate being on QT. Does anyone here really think she will be left to sink or swim? Of course not but some of you are enough to put anyone off-even Nicola. We have enough doom merchants already without you spreading even more gloom here.

Mhairi will be fine. She wouldn’t have been selected to stand if anyone thought she would fold at the slightest problem. Politics is about debate-don’t expect her to shy away from that because she won’t. She is a gem & quite possibly a future Nicola so stop dragging her down.

ronnie anderson

@ Nana Smith sorry to hear that Nana I hope your back in top form xx.

Bob Mack

The clear message I am taking from Cameron is the Union comes first.Ix he actually advising Tory voters to vote tactically against Salmond.That is my dkstinct impression.Interesting


Wrinkleyreborn-no need for apology- I did think you might not have noticed it that’s all 🙂

Nana Smith
Thanks for that post-Sean Clerkin film was good. Sean is persistent isn’t he?

Hope you’re feeling better now.

Linda McFarlane

@ lollysmum

I completely agree with you. Nicola was cool and professional. The rest of them made themselves look like a bunch of school bullies especially when they piled in on her.
I am sure that many Scots who watched that will be furious at the disdain they hold us in. Couldn’t have asked for a better recruitment campaign for SNP.


Bannantyne-“where are ye getting the £100 billion figure from Nicola” no the sharpest tool eh Duncan?


Tam Jardine.

I’m with you on the MB Subject.

She is young and inexperienced but has the heart to get issues through and so what if she makes a mistake or two, Young folk do , it’s how they learn. Things will be more heated when she has entered WM or Hollyrood.

Our Young are engaged in politics when everywhere else in the rUK , young folk feel unwanted and apathy sets in. seeing our younger folk out there fighting politics for Scotland makes me very proud.

If MB is attacked constantly on tv the public will see an establishment gent and the leader of the Dumbo Club(LAB) picking on a wee lassie.

Should get a few backs up. i expect our supporters in the audience to back her up. And all the BS spewed out on last nights won’t see past the first answer in Glasgow. We know deflection and spin.

Get behind the Lassie folks. She’s one of ours and has the guts to put herself into the spotlight when most of us would run a mile.

Two weeks of sending her Good lucks on twitter/ facetube etc. let her know we’re here with her in spirit. if she has support , there is no stopping her.

After all it only the EBC. 🙂

Milady de Winter

I watched last night and got more and more depressed. Thoughout Indyref I certainly argued self-determination would free us from the increasing right wing, pro rich, anti poor, morally bankrupt system at Westminster but I didn’t really believe that the vast majority of ordinary English people were that much different from us, just trapped in a terrible two party system with no proper alternative.

Watching last night’s audience though, I felt like a stranger to the country, watching people support policies and representatives that were to me morally, socially and economically bereft of common sence, justice and decency. I went to bed really quite upset.

There is a footnote though.. I went out this morning leafleting for SNP in my area and an elderly lady (in her 80s she told me) came out immediately after I put the leaflet through her door. I suspect she just wanted to speak to someone, but we got chatting generally about the area as I hadn’t been in her road before and commented how nice and quiet it was etc etc. It was only as I was walking away she looked at the leaflet to actually see what I’d delivered. She called out after me, gave me a huge thumbs up and shouted she’d voted yes. It fair cheered me up. I might also add I am leafleting in Newton Mearns, on Jim Murphy’s own turf.

ronnie anderson

Mundells missed ah trick in his speech ( ah highbacked Chesterfield an ah White Collar )ah replacement fur Ricky Fulton methinks.


Jeez – just forced myself to watch some of Britnat conference on today. BOAK

State Broadcaster interview with wee Brian T – at 15.50
Absolute comedy gold from Husband & Wife team of Conservatives from Perth & Kinross .. ‘Alex Salmond is a Demon’ must surely be some material there REV. Its a belter of an interview with middle Scotland.

David Mundell (Oh the humour); can’t believe a night of passion produced that ?


I think all Mhairi has to do on QT is let FUD open his mouth, then sit back and watch him implode.
The lass was 15 when she made these comments, what’s FUDs excuse?
Labour party ” Who Are You?”
7 pence on FUD wearing the egg shirt.

Dr Jim

Been watching Torie Party nonsense you have to laugh at the cringing fear sloshing around their feet rising to their knees and ever upwards
Drowning seems inevitable
I don’t know how many times i’ve heard Alex Salmonds name mentioned so often in one afternoon, all in panic i might add
Even the so called journalists they dig up could’nt contain themselves, although ever drunk and visibly swaying from side to side was the madman Cochrane “We’ve got to stop them the Nats that is, Stop them, we must” or words very similar
I could’nt watch anymore when Brian Taylor started interviewing a couple of Torie activist types and it descended into “Alex Salmond is a Demon what are the people in England going to say”
Brian Taylor made a thin attempt at saying “Well that would be what the people would vote for” NO NO NO DEMON He is a DEMON came the reply
Its like watching these little Emoticons that tear their hair out
My daughter sends them all the time
I knew they were panicky, but this WOW !!
Get another round in for Cochrane he’s almost on the floor

Marie clark

Don’t panic, don’t panic mr mainwaring. Glory be, the fear is running oot o’ them. The tories of all colours are still feart o’ oor Eck. Ur they furgettin he’s no the heid bummer noo, that wid be oor Nicola. Cluck cluck cluck. Tory party conference. Deary me, not very edifying is it.

@ Nana Smith, soryy to hear that you’ve been unwell, I missed your posts. Welcome back.


REV – RE The Tories thinking of a snappy slogan for there conference ?

Turns out they couldn’t decide between ‘Spread out’ & ‘Talk shit’


I thought it was an awful edition of Question Time last night, so same as always.

The amount of time given to Michael Heseltine to speak was a joke and yet the audience lapped it all up as if he was some all knowing sage of the ages. Michael Heseltine much like the Trident system he lauds so much is a relic that no longer serves any purpose in the world of today and should have long ago been put out to pasture. If we ever needed to use Trident we would have already lost. It is not a deterrent and does no more to make us safe than my magic extraterrestrial spray that stops alien invasions does. Maybe I should approach the UK government with my spray and charge them a few million (I’m not greedy!) for them to use it against any possible alien threats.

The smugness displayed by some people on the panel was nauseating at times and Caroline Flint’s bizarre habit of speaking out the side of her mouth always comes across, at least to me, as talking down to other people.
The less said about Duncan Bannatyne the better. It is was as if he had just stumbled out of the pub and onto the panel like something out of The Naked Gun. He was rambling and incoherent at times and contributed very little to any of the topics discussed other than to demonize Putin.

Lastly there was a lot of talk about young people being forced to do 30 hours a week community service to get benefits but that flies in the face of what was said previously by the Conservatives. Previously people such as Esther McVey, the Employment Minister, said looking for work is a full time job. How can looking for work be a full time job if people are expected to work 30 hours a week doing community service?

The general audience in QT at times seem so ignorant and yet that is nothing compared to some of the texts that are sent in while the program is running. If it is not someone bemoaning the fact their texts are never shown, the result of which is that their complaint is printed which is a waste of a text, then it is someone complaining about the lack of UKIP representation on the panel each week!

Grouse Beater

Ballantyne’s accent derived from living in both camps is a hoot.

“Ah’m no intres-tit in investin’ in yer comb…panny.”


There above – DOH!

ronnie anderson

paul gerard mccormack says:
20 February, 2015 at 1:34 pm

i want to leave ENGLAND now.

They can imprison the body but cant imprison the Mind.I left a long time ago. in both Mind & Body.

Les Wilson

Well, I think some folks have it wrong with Mhairi.
Firstly she is far from stupid,secondly she will be schooled on what to expect.

But also think this is a canny thing for the SNP to allow.
How do you think Scots will react, to her being bullied, by the usual dickheads ?and that is a given, if recent political programs are anything to go by.

No, I think that while she will take stick and more, she will be expecting it. However, if they are nasty to her, which is their brief, she will at the end of the day have the support of the viewing angry Scots. An own goal for the Unionists.

call me dave

@ Nana Smith

Good to see you posting again, best wishes.

“I see no ships” in Cameron’s announcement but the BAE man and the Herald says it’s OK.

I’ll wait until Mags or Ian Davidson confirms it but I hope Murphy doesn’t promise it…


It’s only a Question of Time….

Robert Kerr

I watched the start of the QT because NS was on.

It was as dire as ever.

Two comments.

First of all how small the audience was. Quick view at the start from platform. I suppose it was hard to pack the benches even there. Second the audience was very obviously a selected hostile group of unionists.

The red headed scottish accented lady was the most obvious plant I have seen on QT.

Dimblebore is vile.

Our day shall come.

ronnie anderson

Jeezo just when you think your cured of a ailment it returns wie ah vengeance DiarrheaOtheear.

Diddy Dave,s comment Outlanders filmed in Scotland,how much is the Airfare to the Us of A, ah would like tae see it.


Seems Tory latest strategy at this stage is to

A : Cleverly spread out at venues

B : Call Alex Salmond a Demon

C : Spread out / Call Salmond a Demon / and insult those on benefits.

Never saw this coming – its just so clever.

Nana Smith

@Ronnie right back at you xx

Lollysmum & Marie Clark

Thank you. I was reading wings[need my fix] but pain in my hands stops me from typing. RA is a nasty debilitating disease!


Before MB goes on QT it might be a good idea for the experienced Nicola to have an hour’s preperation session.

Advice about how to keep calm under pressure, answering questions for maximum effect and in general what to expect. That way she’s better prepared and brimming with confidence.

Maybe MB’s “Battle Squad” could do a hard practise run through as well.

You can’t buy experience – you have to learn by doing it. 🙂


Mhairi will do fine, her heart is in the right place and she represents what many of us feel. I wish her luck.It is not uncommon when they attack you they, reveal their true self and motivations. I suspect that those in attendance will be loaded by QT, but they will also be Scots. Let them show their true colours, honesty is after all, what we are after. Let her speak for her self and I have every confidence in her, that girl is well up for it.
There is no better time, few believe what the unionists say as they have lost trust entirely.

Proud Cybernat

Mhairi Black will be well schooled in what to expect from the Unionist blowhards on QT from Glasgow in two weeks. But the Unionist blowhards will know that too. They will be reading these pages (for sure). They will attempt to appear Ministerial-like rather than attempt to bully. They’re not stupid–the Unionists will know how that sort of behaviour will go down well with a Scottish audience.

Their main tactic will be to make her look inexperienced and totally out of her depth. They will press certain buttons (in a faux concerned manner, of course) to get an adverse reaction. But they will have to be careful not to sound patronising. These Unionists aren’t dumb–they can play the game. Mhairi will need to be vry sharp, calm and refuse the bait. Hit them with facts and she will do just fine.

Ian Watt

I thought Vince Cable was saying yesterday that the lib dems would welcome being a coalition partner with the SNP.

Obviously this gadgee, Lamb, has not been kept in the loop on this one !


Starkey on QT yet again? Anyone would think the BBC were anti-scots…ermmm.

Les Wilson

Here is Outlander, pilot and 8 episodes.
link to

Note do not download anything like flash or anything else.
When you have seen the pilot go to the column on the right and scroll down to Outlander,then click and you will be able to pick each episode. Enjoy.

James Caithness

The lassie I saw speaking in Kirkcaldy will be great.


Welcome back to the battle, Nana, good to see you getting stuck straight back in, onwards and upwards.

gordoz says:
“David Mundell (Oh the humour); can’t believe a night of passion produced that?”

LLF – after a bout of the boak.

Robert Kerr says:
“the audience was very obviously a selected hostile group of unionists.”

Aye, that was confirmed, Robert, the very second they went to the first audience question (about SNP ruling WM) and then straight to Nicola for a response.

Is it any wonder English politics is up shit creek without a paddle when Englands people are also treated like crap by the so-called national broadcaster.

Instead of focusing on real issues which matter to Englands people and putting Unionist failures under the spotlight, they conspired on another feeble attempt at Nat bashing.

Oh well, hopefully the viewing public will see right through it.


Now, let’s think, who would I rather have on QT. The aged lizzard, Michael Ray Dibdin Heseltine or the young, vibrant and passionate Mhairi Black?

Bit of a no brainer, let Dimbers see and feel what real youthful passion for her country is. It’s for Mahri and others like her that I voted YES. This is where our future lay, not as some forgotten colonial outpost that can be asset stripped at will by the elite who want our money but not our voice.

BTW, don’t assume that all us wrinklies are feartie Unionists with one eye on the pension and the other on the wooden box. I’m 67 and there’s plenty of life and vision left in me yet. And there’s more like me!

Ok, maybe I’m risking being killed with hammers by starting a sentence with a conjunction but sometimes you just have to go out on a limb!

ronnie anderson

Mhairi Black. will equip herself very well on QT, there are many more younger (Yes Generation) who had been exposed to the great & the good of politics & handled themselves very well indeed with their depth of knowledge.

Dont anybody underestimate OOR MHAIRI,the Onionist Trolls will be out in force on Indy sites watch oot People.


@Eckle Fechan

Believers 45, Collaborators 55. But the tide is turning and the dream shall never die.

It is this kind of a moronic talk that will prevent us from ever becoming independent. Calling 55 per cent of the Scottish electorate ‘Collaborators’ is bonkers. We need to convince more people to support independence. You do not achieve this by abusing them in this ugly manner.

I get very suspicious of people on the internet who pose in the guise of ultra hard-line independence supporters. Frankly, they are either completely misguided Yes supporters, or they have their own agenda detrimental to the cause of independence.


@Nana, keep well, always love your links, and Sean Clerkin harrying Spud, whilst he pretended to be on his phone was good fun.

Having a good chuckle at some of the comments about Bannatyne. I too wondered at points if he was drunk, and a couple of times he asked, ‘what was the question again’? Complete dinosaur, and a pity he is not more in touch with current employment practices.

He also ran up against the know it all arrogance of Hezza, who asserted dyslexia should be spotted at school, and Duncan said, ‘we hide it’ Hezza retorted, ‘you can’t hide dyslexia’. Serves Duncan right though, he came across as bitter, and therefore everyone else should have it tough.

I agree with comments about Mhairi Black, she needs to study Nicola, because control and body language are important, and can be learned.


Watched the Heseltine Show on catch – up.

Nicola was up against a loaded deck. Bannatyne is a DUF, clearly there as a token ” other Scot” so the panel was balanced in the eyes of EBC. You can see how he made his millions with that sharp incisive brain?

Thought the Heseltine comment on nuclear disarmament brilliant. Idiotic if UK did away with Trident that would leave France as the only country in Western Europe with Nuclear deterrent.(or words to that effect)

So Spain, Italy, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Etc… are all idiots as well.


I think it will be an own goal for the Unionists if they are seen to be baiting Mairi. Dirty tricks will be totally toxic for them and will only convince more people to vote SNP. They are in a very weak position in Glasgow. My advice, Unionists – don’t push it.


@Nana Smith. Just in case, mother, you didn’t notice, mother, Murph was on the phone, mother, to his mother.

I’m 62 and from Glasgow and never called my Mum, mother in my life.


Hoss Mackintosh

Re Glasgow QT – any Wingers going?


Thought so – it will be a hand picked special BBC unbiased audience.

They will not want a repeat of the 2nd Darling / Salmond debate where the “Yes” audience were the stars of the show

Red/Blue/Yellow Tories, councillors, family, friends and assorted place men will have been selected already.

Mhairi Black will have to watch out – Good luck to her.

Helena Brown

Milady de Winter @ 3.55pm, I have felt that for many year I am a stranger in my own land and hoped that Independence would cure that feeling. I watch news programmes and it might as well be France 24 because that is where we normally end up. It is English news with the patronising out take. I stopped watching politics, well we bought a new TV and wanted to keep it in one piece. Question Time used to make me rage and as someone with a good lot of insomnia I just could not longer take it.
I am glad that your leafleting was so rewarding as I fully intend getting out there with the ones in Dunfermline, and I know there are a lot of people who will surprise me.

ronnie anderson

@ Les Wison Thanks for the link Les, ah wiz taking the pishh oota Diddy Dave#s speech on Outlander ,that isent shown in Scotland, but no doubt other people will see your link & watch it, mibbe’s a few Conservatives noo that Dave’s geid it ah mention ha ha.keep posting it & share the link F/B ect.


Brian Cox, the actor, gives a QT master-class on how to handle David Starkey, ‘Britain’s rudest man’. Youtube, “Brian Cox pns (sic) David Starkey”. MB should make a point of watching it.

Thick-skinned, sharp-tongued Starkey relishes winding up QT panel and audience alike. He excuses his rudeness by saying he ‘is only behaving the way the BBC producers have asked him to behave’. That’s probably true but he clearly relishes the task. But Starkey’s’s not up for election, so he can afford to be as controversial as he likes, which gives him an unfair advantage over politicians seeking office. But, when was the BBC or politics fair?

Starkey describes QT as a ‘bear-pit’ and people’s ‘feelings like pavements; to be trodden on’. He also warns, rightly, ‘that no-one should go on QT, unless they are used to fighting bears’.

On the other hand, the BBC are taking a huge risk by putting ‘loose cannon’ Starkey, into a Glasgow arena, just before this knife-edge GE. As MSP tory, Murdo Fraser, declared, after Starkey’s last string of QT Scottish pejoratives, during the Referendum, ‘Would someone please tell David Starkey to keep his trap shut!’

Nana Smith

@call me dave

Thank you!

@Stoker & Valerie…I have lots of links to post when I can.

Typing with one finger right now, taking too long Grr!

Cadogan Enright

Folks, I saw the programme – Nicola was terrific and was a blast of fresh air – outperforming them all.

Its silly to suggest that we abandon the BBC to the Slabbers

If we give up, then they have a green light for bias

Nicola was a beam of light into the sad politics of England’s 4 Tory party politics

It was a pleasure to see her in action

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

“Alan Ferrier ?@alanferrier 5 hours ago

“Seeing Alistair Darling getting a standing ovation at a Tory conference turned my stomach”

link to …”



Well Well……
Colours firmly nailed to the mast.
I’m positive that little tantrum has really encouraged
the few remaining LibDems in Scotland to stick by the party.
Only one way to wipe the smugness off his face and that’s at the ballot box in May.

ronnie anderson

@ Roughhain 5.54. Smurph was calling the Mother-ship (McTernan Mc Dougall ).


Did Heseltine mean to imply that France might nuke us? Bizarre or what?

Thank goodness, too, that the West has been really ‘strict’ with Putin, to the extent that Russians can no longer buy bananas! Ha! That’ll show those pesky commies that we mean business! It’ll be grapefruit next. Mark my words.

Finally, am I being fanciful in thinking the nuke-loving Scots ‘wummin’ (audience plant), had to be a long-lost relative of the ‘brave highlander’ from Inverness? I kept waiting for her to end with the expletive, ‘British Army!’ What length those wily BBC producers go to, and all to provide us with this cheap vaudeville. Panem et circenses, eh?

ronnie anderson

@ muttley 79 5.41. ( eckle fechan ) note, not a regular poster on Wings,in ma misspent auld age, name rings ah bell on F/B. Mind oot fur Trolls, as Auld Vic said VE are not Immune.

Democracy Reborn

An empty taxi pulled up outside the House of Commons. Out of it stepped Norman Lamb MP…

[…] Last night was the first Question Time I watched since Alex was on, and that was purely because I wanted to see Nicola get stuck in. Unfortunately, Nicola simply doesn’t have the experience Alex has in being vastly outnumbered by a hostile and aggressive media, and so she was put on the defensive far too often – even on something like Trident, which has absolutely zero rational justification, yet you wouldn’t know it from the maniacal rantings that issued from the dessicated remains of Michael Heseltine. […]


Are they really bringing Starkey up to Glasgow for QT? QT gets less and less a serious political show and more just click bait every week. QT is to politics what Top Gear is to reviews of cars ordinary working people might be able to afford.


Watched the full programme on iplayer and a total gang up on Nicola at the end. If Scottish MPs are having to vote to save the English NHS should England not be asking why this is the case and why their own MPs are failing them? We need to send the SNP down there in droves. The misguided fools think Russia is afraid of the 40 warheads that can be launched. The more and more I see these programmes and “the Scottish question” comes up the more bewildered and mystified I am at the hostility to Scots MPs that is being stirred up south of the border.

One nation, one big happy family, aye right.

Christian Wright


We had the racist rant of ex-Con, Mr Nuttall of UKIP the other week on QT, and now this. There have of course been many others.

Occurs to me these could be collected, edited for time, and presented one after another in a brief video “advertisement” with no commentary, save a closing low-key written reminder that only the SNP can be trusted to represent Scotland’s interests at Westminster.


I watched it. Big mistake. I just about wanted to scream at the woman who jocularly offered to host Trident in the back yard.

link to

I lived in the shadow of Polaris all my life, before Trident moved in. I grew up with the inescapable dread in the pit of my stomach – will it be today? Will we be hit with a nuclear strike, or will the safety measures fail? Will we be Scotland’s Hiroshima, or Scotland’s Chernobyl? Nobody asked if I wanted this, or anyone in Scotland. How dare you belittle what we went through. You have no idea what it’s like living in the shadow of nuclear annihilation. Every. Day.

You don’t know what you’re asking for.

You don’t want this.


Doc Starkey was up at Rory the Tory’s stone pile for UKOK placing his stone of vote NO we beg you Scotland. Its on their facebook page or was and another English oddity after his “youre a feeble little country” stuff on QT.

BBC R4 news are certainly not going to tolerate Alex Salmond in Westminster after their really vicious vote anyone but Salmond teatime news stuff for Cameron’s speech. Just when you think they cant any more corrupt… Cant mind the BBC vote SLab ligger BBC R4 uses but he’s a spectacular conman.

Actually they also gave a lovely wee boost for the SLibDems in Scotland too as they had a great indy campaign and have emerged much stronger for it in Scotland, so vote SLibdem apparently.

You think i’m kidding don’t you. I’m really not:D

link to

“As you know, stone and support has already come in from leading public figures including historians Simon Schama and David Starkey, philosopher AC Grayling and writer Alain de Botton, and this Monday 28th July the project will be led by a team of mountaineers and explorers including Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Doug Scott OBE and Alan Hinkes OBE (the first British man to climb every peak over 8000 metres.) Don’t forget that Sir Ranulph will be speaking to volunteers at 4pm”

To be fair to Doc Starkey, he did tell us we’re feeble and little so his logic does dictate Scotland shouldn’t run itself . Its just very weird he traveled all the way to Gretna to put a stone on a pile of other stones.

kat hamilton

think the audience were vetted to sound the most unionist, anti scottish, anti trident geordies you could find on last nights question time…nicola did her best despite all of the above, and the lippy caroline flint who loves the sound of her own mutterings..god help us if this motley crew are the voice and reason of the better together project, and why and for what reason was heseltine wheeled out to give us the benefit of his ramblings. for gods sake scotia, wake up and take control of our own destiny. sigh….


So democracy would horrify Norman Lamb.

Either they are simply too ignorant to understand that all this does is make you guys want a free Scotland even more.

Or they don’t care. I’m not sure which is worse.



That woman was the biggest EBC ‘plant’ of the night, with her broad scottish accent an’ all.
Nicola should have said “Will next Tuesday do you?”


Gie ye, yon dry-boak. Come lousin-tum, 7th May 2015, they kin awe get thurr jaickets.

Go fur it folks. SNP is the wan.


@ Cadogan Enright 6:25
‘if we give up, the EBC have a green light for bias’
The EBC are colour blind…have been for a while…hadn’t you noticed?

Paula Rose

points in no particular order re last night’s QT

If a Scottish audience had presented such bile against those they were supposedly in a partnership with – there would rightly have been outrage.

Again – what form of legislation could be tabled at Westminster where an SNP vote would be detrimental to the majority of the UK.

I will have to find a license payer to watch Mhairi Black – the referendum showed that our young people have a lot of sense.

The establishment will flourish if they can convince the real people in the countries of the UK to mock each other – don’t let them.

And as an afterthought – I was born in England and moved here because of love, any generalised anti-english comments here are noted by me.


Lamb has turned in to a bit of a bam. I preferred his work with Shari Lewis …

link to


@Sunniva 2:14 re; Mhairi Black – good advice there.

NS & QT – Aye, what Lollysmum said at 2:14.

Sorry to hear you’re suffering Nana, I hope it improves soon.

BTW, good to see you back to form Call me Dave 😀


So the thought of fellow UK voters from Scotland having any say is absolutely horrifying.

Better together, aye?

(Aren’t you glad you voted NO.)




*Delete as you see fit.. or not.


Marie – I gave up on *television news* 10 years ago when I realised they were describing a different world, with different priorities to the one I lived in.

Michael McCabe

@ Nana Smith 3:22pm Good to see you back and Thanks for your post. It made my day seeing that.


The hatred from Ms Flint to Nicola was palpable. I hope when they come crawling to the SNP after the GE that Nicola gives them short shift.

Or if it’s Nicola calling the shots she teases her with some sort of deal and then tells them to do one.

Does Scotland really need to work with the likes of that woman?

Mark P-I

Oh the irony….Norman Lamb(sounds so gentle) the Minister for Care and Support. WOT?


What a nasty wee man.

Nana Smith

Thank you X sticks & Michael McCabe


In reply to Gillie@12.13pm on the 20th:

Greed rules our gracious Queen,
Her hands are far from clean;
That’s plainly seen,
She rules upon our land;
Though unelected she will stand,
Her and her lecherous band;
Forever more.

No tax at all she’ll pay,
From now to judgement day;
Forever more,
Bow down, down low they say;
Before her gracious Majesty,
Before her, you are meant to pray;
God save the Queen.

Purr Purr Purr.

Old Cow.


Grouse Beater

A Lamb to the slaughter:

link to

[…] too has also once again been told to know her place, not this time by a LibDem stooge who thinks Scotland can only play her part if she votes the “right way”, no, yet again […]


Duncan Bannatyne made a documentary a few years ago about tobacco company’s selling cigarettes to children in Africa, he was very upset that they were doing this, it is killing children in Africa, !!!! Yet he is happy to renew and have NUKES that will kill hundreds of millions of people??????
Go figure this guy out…. i have listend to his pitch and for that reason AM OOOT.

Grouse Beater

“Duncan Bannatyne made a documentary a few years ago…”

Bannatyne admits to having tried and failed to become an actor early in his ice cream career.

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