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A big boy did it and ran away

Posted on October 26, 2014 by
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Labour/Unionist politicians a bunch of total lying hypocrites. Always have been and always will be.

Marie clark

here here Ken. Oh and well done Chris hammer right on the nail.

Fellow Yesser

Miliband’s Bedroom Tax Gagging Order could really hit Labour and show people what the party has become.

link to

Hashtag #BedroomTaxGag building steam if you’re going to retweet.


How apt. Sums up perfectly the fact that McLeish has always been a man who will run wi’ the hares and bark wi’ the hounds.


Hey big spender

Calgacus MacAndrews



Jack McConnell, was he the man who, as First Minister, returned £1.5billion back to the treasury instead of investing it in say, housing, schools, NHS, local amenities and the like, in Scotland ?.
But then he did end up with an ermine jaikit and £300 quid a day expenses. Hypocritical of him to stand on his soap box now, is it not.

Free Scotland

Or it could be Henry’s way of guaranteeing that no-one will suggest that he should take up where Lamont left off.


In his ridiculous position, of trying to please everyone at the same time, Henry McLeish has now succeeded in alienating everyone. NO voters and YES voters alike are not interested in anything he has to say. His big chance to shine and redeem himself after past came six months ago, when he could/should have supported independence. Sadly, for him, he blew it big time.

Joann Lamont is a poisonous, bitter, failed politician.
Henry McLeish is just a confused, failed politician.

[…] A big boy did it and ran away […]


McLeish thought he’d played a blinder hanging on for devo max. What a sucker. He’ll never have the guts to admit he made a big mistake.


Mr McLeish voted for Scotland to be governed from London,England.By right wing governments.He’s on the same side as the tories,UKIP,Orange Order and BNP.Under the Union Jack.


The fact that virtually all Labour in Scotland MP’s kept as far away from the referendum as possible was just one more weirdly creepy thing about them all. Rancid UKOK media never bothered them much. Leave it to Bliar MacDougal, Scotsman, Herald, Jacky Bird, BBC etc. Take Aberdeen’s Frank Doran MP for example. He’s never said a word on anything Scotland ever.



The classic Labour confusednik – no backbone in sight of course.

I’m a good guy really !

I want the best for Scotland as much as you !

Let’s start loving each other again. We’ll find a dead good guy and it’ll be alright honest. Labour matters .. no really it does.

Cue timbleweed.

Dont give these mumpties air – lets move on; who realy gives a Fxxx about Labour

John Gallagher

Maconnel Brown Darling Robertson
Lamont Alexander and the whole bloody bunch are all two faced ("Tractor" - Ed)s They have betrayed our beautiful country We have fantastic leaders in our preresent Scottish SNP GOVERNMENT AND WE LET THEM DOWN PUT IT BEHIND US AND fight for FREEDOM FOR SCOTLAND THE FIGHT STARTS NOW WITH A SCOTTISH ALLIANCE GIVE US A LEAD ALEX AND NICOLA SAOR ALBA

ronnie anderson

Our national broadcaster beep beep reporting on Jolo.s resignation then show a piece on Nicola ( elected as leader/ FM unapposed )nice to see they are keeping the people informed.what date is the next SNP conferance ah would hate to miss two conferances.


Apologies – for errors in last posting : Was attacked by BT Assault Cat insisting on playing with key board.

Jeez !


The classic Labour confusednik – no backbone in sight of course.

I’m a good guy really !

I want the best for Scotland as much as you !

Let’s start loving each other again. We’ll find a dead good guy and it’ll be alright honest. Labour matters .. no really it does.

Cue tumbleweed.

Dont give these numpties air – lets move on; who really gives a flying Fxxx about SLabour

Dorothy Devine

Bloody Brilliant!
Next one could just be a change from henry to Joanne !


McLeish and McConnell now ‘criticising’ the centrally controlled Labour party.

Clearly this is just a cynical ploy to shift blame for the Lab/Tory #indyref alliance southwards with their “nothing to do with us, we wuz only following orders (and very reluctantly we should add)” line.

They are just trying to dissociate themselves from their part in the campaign and to get everyone to ‘move on’ and stop thinking about what they were prepared to say and do to win the no vote.

Don’t think it’ll work though, because whichever way you look at this it has been revealed in the starkest terms that they are still just a bunch of lying, self-serving, conniving, unprincipled careerists, and I can’t see that changing any time soon.

ghillie mackay

Thanks Henry, you great eegit.

I was really sad that half my countrymen voted no too. Are you doing anything about it? Because me and my kin sure are!

We learn far more from our mistakes than we do from our successes. But only a wise man actually acts on that. Have you got in you?

I’m waiting for an answer. (and don’t try pretending you don’t have someone checking the voice of Scotland)


McLeish deserves ridicule, and more.

He voted No. He sold out his country.

Many many people is a state of fear or confusion over the issues, misled by scaremongering followed up by offers and promises … voted No.

McLeish wasn’t that type of No vote – he fully understood what was going on. By continually talking around some mythical middle ground of alternative constitutional settlement, he was complicit in the final defeat which was brought about by false promises of Devo Max.


Gutless that’s Henry , Voted no even knowing it would be to the detriment of Scotland, but as a Labour man he felt he had to vote “no”, bloody gutless Henry!.

Arabs for Independence

Henry turned his back in his country for the sake of his party. What an eejit.


They are all a bunch of self serving chancers.
I don’t think they have enough vertebrae between them to form a single spine.

ronnie anderson

just switched channels to watch the Andrew Marr show digital clock reads 9.06 is that correct its great when you have to question the time by the Bbc

fred blogger

it was them nasty WM boys, no! not just.
they were 14x over the limit, 14BS/1truth.
we put the pressure on them, they buckled.
we lost the vote, and emerged victorious.


Sad is the word. Henry McLeish will go down in history….and down…..and down.


Henry- dont forget his treachery by givin thousands of square miles of Scottish territory in east coast waters to the morris dancers!

The eton mess mob wanted access to the oilfields and Mcleish said “how much do you want, your lairdships?”

If this country was a real, instead of a pretendy one, such action would warrant life imprisonment or worse!


Party before country is the Labour motto.


Party before country is the Labour motto.

The Man in the Jar

McLeish and McConnell are the type of folk who if you ask them “What’s the time?” their answer would be “What time would you like it to be?”

ronnie anderson

Sarwar, murphy ,brown, on the campain trail for the leader of labour Party in Scotland. Wan crate, two crates,ah wunder if Barrs would lend Brown a couple of Irn Bru pallets, him being a political heavyweight like.

Chris Cairns

As you might’ve guessed – I drew this on Friday, such is my routine, hours before Lamont’s bombshell. Glad the Rev felt able to post it nonetheless ‘cos McLeish’s self-serving moral cowardice deserved a kicking, I thought.


Yup, gutless McLeish, trying to look like one of the good guys, and looking like any other Labour arsehole.

Well observed, Mr Cairns

Tam Jardine

Radio Scotland about 5mins ago- George Foulkes on the Scottish Labour leadership election:

“One of the problems of choosing is that we have a plethora of talent”

No no no...Yes

Mcleish is another ego maniac and a slave his party. He wanted the limelight during the referendum because of his dilemma in voting No, but he still voted No because of his loyalty to Labour.
Mcleish moans about the lack of identity and purpose of the Labour party, but he will have nothing to do with sorting it out. It’s all about me, me, me.
He is a waste of space.


Mcleish voted yes, he didnt want to end his lifelong friendships with people.

Not everyone can publicly announce things, he would have been hammered by people he likes.

Trust me though, he voted yes.


The likes of McLeish & McConnell are nothing more than self-serving deceitful ("Tractor" - Ed)s. They helped create the Slabber book of treatuary.

Here’s a couple of observations for all these Slabber “socialists” who are now greetin “London made us dae it”. If that’s true then why did you not tell London to go and take a flying fuck to itself and form a truly independent Scottish Labour Party?
OR leave the Scottish branch office and join a party which still operates on true socialist policies and principles – the SSP.

Those questions are rhetorical, btw, because we all know why.
Joining the SSP doesn’t offer you the politically glamorous highlife that London offers. You would have to make real sacrifices and political commitment, wouldn’t you, eh.

Filthy Slabber scum – red tory ("Tractor" - Ed)s.


The sour taste of defeat in September has been sweetened by the sight of a civil war tearing apart the Labour party.

I am praying that we see a repeat of The night of the rubber knives (the aborted attempted to oust Gordon Brown as labour leader in the run up to the 2010 GE)

Hopefully, somebody will have a go at Ed’s position and give us something else to laugh at.


I would like to add, his vote only counts once. We didnt lose cos mcleish, for all intents and purposes a nice guy, didnt publicly back a yes, we lost for a host of reasons.

Kevin Meina

If slab made a serious mistake and were forced to do it by big bad Ed and London ,why not have a rerun.


Just listening to ‘crossfire’

It is best entertainment Ive heard in a long time 😀
John McTernan blaming Lamont and Andy Kerr affronted at McTernan’s utterances – its Labour in fighting in full force and in public – laughed my head off


Re Lamont supposedly keeping silent on the bedroom tax, I wonder if Stu could compile a video showing Red Tories contradicting themselves? First what they said some time ago and then what they said later? It would be a vital tool in the upcoming election campaign, where task no. 1 is the destruction of the Red Tories as the ("Tractor" - Ed)s to Scotland who did WM’s work in our bonnie land (even worse than betraying us to England; the English are as equally shafted as we are by WM).


Now that’s what I call a cartoon when it can command responses like ‘hypocrites’, ‘run wi’ the hares and bark wi’ the hounds’, ‘poisonous, bitter, failed’, ‘weirdly creepy’, ‘two faced ("Tractor" - Ed)s’, ‘no backbone’, ‘lying, self-serving, conniving, unprincipled careerists’, ‘bloody gutless’, ‘self serving chancers’! 🙂

Actually it’s rubbish; no sentient being ever associates Labour with morality. The idea is impossible, … except for comic effect. Well done that man!


The sour taste of defeat in September has been sweetened by the sight of a civil war tearing apart the Labour party.

The tension between Westminster Labour and Holyrood Labour has blown up into a huge rammy. This is a battle for the soul of the party. This could destroy Labour.

I’m impressed/amazed how sensible Andy Kerr and Malcolm Chisholm actually sound, in the company of John Mcternan and George Foulkes (LOL) on crossfire this morning. Scottish Labour politicians surely must understand that their socio-political vision, however well-meaning and imaginative, will never, ever be realized, as long as Westminster remains in control. It just ain’t going to happen, so unless they are in it for a comfortable career (and many are), then they must do something about it.

Are there any genuine Scottish Labour politicians left, or are they all just Red Tories?

ronnie anderson

Radio Ga Ga Scotland,Malcom Chisholm is backing keizia dugtail for leader of Labour Scotland FFS. The Kings Theatre are have a space for another Pantomime this year.fandabydozey,s & the barrowman ( dont wear ma jaikit ).

Arabs for Independence

Must admit listening to Crossfire this morning and loving the rats gnawing on each other.

Doesn’t sound like they are gonna learn any time soon. They are too busy slagging the SNP to look at there own inadequacies.


The irony is most of them probably voted YES. A load of disgusting shite stirrers. Just keep quite and stop annoying folk and making them even more angry.


@chalks says:

Mcleish voted yes, he didnt want to end his lifelong friendships with people.

If that is true then the man is shallower than he presently shows.


@chalks says:

Mcleish voted yes, he didnt want to end his lifelong friendships with people.

If that is true then the man is shallower than he presently shows.

Bill McLean

O/T On Radio Scotland a few minutes ago Duncan Hotherstall claimed that he had recently been at 3 “packed Labour meetings” recently and that Labour membership was on the up – anyone any comments on this.


Just saw the front page of the Sunday Mail with a picture of Ed Milliband and the word betrayal underneath. The mist clears a bit.

If the S Mail is putting this on their front page , that’s the real story, not Jola.

She’s fired the cannons and now watch as Murphy , Curran , Burnham and Cooper ( Yvette) start manouevering behind the scenes. Wouldn’t even be surprised if Eds big brother starts getting a few quotes printed.

No doubt also Gordon will be plotting away in his ivory tower. He seems to like a bit of seething revenge and he does have a few ( self inflicted ) scores to settle.

That’s the pawn moved two spaces , watch which knight moves to protect the king ( or Queen).

ronnie anderson

@ Bill McLean, Hotdogstall,s playing with his peerie this morning & we’re hudding the whip.

David Anderson

Good cartoon Chris. Nail on head. Every time I heard McLiesh bleat on about how difficult it was to vote NO it just smacked of putting party before country as is far to common for Labour supporters.


Arabs for Independence says:
26 October, 2014 at 10:04 am

Must admit listening to Crossfire this morning and loving the rats gnawing on each other.

Doesn’t sound like they are gonna learn any time soon. They are too busy slagging the SNP to look at there own inadequacies.

I could actually listen to Kerr and Chisholm, who seem to at least have a bit of sense. Mcternan and Foulkes, however, are prats of the highest order. I sense that Mcternan is a deliberate shit stirrer though, whilst Foulkes is just a village idiot.


Bill McLean,

Did he say which phone boxes they were held in?


@Chablis, I fully understand he may not have been able to say biblically he wanted Yes, so why did he continually so why did he continually draw attention to himself before the 18th? Why not keep his gob shut- that is exactly what Chris Cairns has captured. His hypocrisy.

No sympathy for the guy, and if his friends were important, they would understand his principles if he came out for Yes. He may have been 1 vote, but it could have been more, because look at Labour for Indy.

Hand wringing and chest beating is no use is a politician, when the future of your country is at stake.


link to

Now he’s telling very odd lies. He didn’t change the name of the executive to the government, the SNP did that and Labour were outraged. My memory isn’t that bad.

Swami Backverandah

@ chalks
“Mcleish voted yes, he didnt want to end his lifelong friendships with people, etc …”
“I would like to add, his vote only counts once, etc …”
Lots of us are “nice guys”, chalks, but we have principles.
There’s a lot to be said for standing up and being counted. If you believe he says one thing while doing another, that shows him up as a hypocrite. And firmly of the Lamont ilk – a big boy made me do it.

Seasick Dave

Bill McLean

Packed, as in ‘SEC packed’?


Arrrgghh, that was @chalks. and publically


The irony is most of them probably voted YES. A load of disgusting shite stirrers. Just keep quiet and stop annoying folk and making them even more angry.


Dave says:
26 October, 2014 at 10:14 am

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Now he’s telling very odd lies. He didn’t change the name of the executive to the government, the SNP did that and Labour were outraged. My memory isn’t that bad.

Correct. I think he did try to change it, but he was knocked back by his London masters. That, however, was not what he said in the herald article.

Tam Jardine

According to Duncan all is well -the current meltdown is actually a good thing. According to Catherine Headley the leadership crisis doesnae get mentioned on the doorstep. she must have been out non-stop in the last 36 hours to get a good feel for the grassroots reaction.

Clueless, absolutely clueless.


Bill McLean says:
26 October, 2014 at 10:05 am
O/T On Radio Scotland a few minutes ago Duncan Hotherstall claimed that he had recently been at 3 “packed Labour meetings” recently and that Labour membership was on the up – anyone any comments on this.

AYE, BULLSHIT. ((((( NEXT )))))


He was silent in the week up to it, mind mcdougall tweeting about him coming out for yes?

He wasnt joking….intimadatory tactics worked.

If he backed yes and it was a no, where would he be?

Look at labour, they do not respect peoples opinions nor democracy.

Yes,he should have been stronger, but I do not hold it against him.

He might have got publicity, but I think him ciming out, was overstated. Majority of scots have no idea who he is.

ronnie anderson

Morning CEARC hope your in the best of health I missed you for a few weeks.

Bill McLean

Luigi – No! McTernanis a deliberate shit stirrer – Foulkes is the shit!


That’s the pawn moved two spaces , watch which knight moves to protect the king ( or Queen).

They have been promoting pawns into office since 2011. They don’t have any better pieces left on the board.


Tony Benn left £5Million

Brian Powell

McCleish said No voters should think very hard before voting No, then said he was a reluctant No voter.

Hard to imagine a more spineless position to take.

Now Lamont saying it was London what done it. Her resignation was nothing to do with seeing a huge increase all the Independence parties, the sold out venues for Nicola Sturgeon’s tour, the packed venues for new SNP members in towns across the country.

BBC want to create a different picture of poor Lamont and Scottish Labour who would have done it differently if London hadn’t interfered.

Lamont was the supposed leader of WM MPs and Holyrood MSPs, she has absolutely no excuses. As with McCleish, Party was put above voters and Scotland’s interests.


he Man in the Jar says:
26 October, 2014 at 9:19 am

McLeish and McConnell are the type of folk who if you ask them “What’s the time?” their answer would be “What time would you like it to be?”

Even an unwound clock tells the truth twice a day, thats twice more than Labour

ronnie anderson

Mc Ternan if people dont vote labour in 2015 it will let the tory,s in by the back door. Not in Scotland ,does that man follow Scottish politics or dream it hing on tae whatever bar your proping up John fur the flairs no far away.


‘If Labour does not sort this problem out (by scaring some old and English people?), Scotland will be Independent’. What’s wrong with being Independent?


chalks says:
26 October, 2014 at 9:43 a

Trust me though, he voted yes.
Believe me, my friend is a liar.

fred blogger

the whole thing stinks of an attempted, cake and eat it, brand relaunching to me.
they sold their ukok labour brand and they’re stuck with it.



If you condider job requirements:

Do as told at all times.
Slag SNP in every response.

Kezia is a top candidate and her ‘Google’ skills will help attract young voters.

I await Big Blair tubaing her chances as he leads her campaign.

As for Henry the ArseFenceSitter…does as much for conscience as his report did for Scottish fitbaw



Morning, not the best but have been lurking about.

‘No jaiket’, I think a drysuit or evenjust a wetsuit would be more appropriate if you are going to PQ today. Keep well. XXX.

ronnie anderson

O/T Nth Lanarkshire are sending out letters on Voter Registration. There are two Registers the Open register / the Electorial register. the Open register they make money from by selling YOUR information to any Person/ Company/Organisation. Check which register your on folks,all Councils will be sending out letters.


This hasnt been the first time that Henry McLeish has pontificated on his fellow comrades failings in Labour Scottish branch and London Labour. Dont know what makes him think that he can take the moral high ground when he has never took full responsbility for his own ‘financial irregularities’ that brought the curtain down on his time as FM.

Post referendum, Henrys’ self appointed role as holier than thou commentator on all and sundry is a tad defunct as he actually went into the polling station on sep 18 knowing full well that a no vote wouldnt deliver devo max and that the vow was a last minute panicked con trick, And of course he knew that the Scottish people with a yes vote would have to beg no more as we would get all the powers of an independent country.

He went ahead anyway to vote no with his eyes wide shut and for me that makes hi an even bigger conman than i thought he was. The sands are shifting fast under his feet making him an irrelevance. He is yesterdays old fish wrapper. Go to hell Henry. Chris Cairns in picture form nails it again.


“We must be allowed to make our own decisions and control our own resources.”

Johann Lamonts leaving speech is the winner of Hypocrite of the Year award


Another good result in the Yougov poll for the GE. Scotland sub sample:
SNP 43
Labour 24
Tories 16
Libs 6
Do you think Ed Miliband is doing well or badly as
leader of the Labour party?
Total well 12
Total badly 82
link to
We could definitely do with a Scotland wide poll, preferably by the Rev.

ronnie anderson

@ Cearac Swithering at the moment as to whether I venture out,its not a day for umberella’s.


@Tam – One of the problems of choosing is that we have a plethora of talent


link to


Re Horseall’s comment about packed Labour meetings –

I thought BT had got rid of most if not all its Phone Boxes? 😀

Jim Mitchell

If someone (anyone), who at present is a Labour MP becomes their leader in Scotland, that will only signal that the big boys and girls in London head office are not going to tolerate an msp and any risks that might involve.

Given that Scottish Labour have already set a presedence in how they elect their leaders, it’s going to be very interesting how they go about it this time.

BTW i hope it’s Anas who gets the job, why? Because he is an idiot!


Ronnie, As soon as I got their letter I phoned up and told them to get me off their open register. Cheeky gets trying to make money of you if you register to vote, criminal. If I do not get confirmation in writing in near future I will be chasing them as well.

Flower of Scotland

Great cartoon Chris! Says it all. McLeish only ever thinks of the party, never the Scottish people. The Labour Party are all the same.


desimond says:
26 October, 2014 at 10:49 am
“We must be allowed to make our own decisions and control our own resources.”

She and others , like McLeish , seem to be trying to have the best of both worlds.


I was surprised at how sensible Andy Kerr was on Crossfire this morning. Re Chisholm, he must be doolally if he thinks Dugdale is talent and can be FM, just mental.


McLeish in the Herald and another day in the life of the UKOK fraud on Scotland. He really does not know?

“Alex Salmond is able to get on with things without looking over his shoulder,” he said. “He has been populist, and in a sense he has acted as the party of Scotland. We could be the party of Scotland; we could be the party of radical constitutionalism, and we could also replace populism with progressive centre-left politics. This is not Albert Einstein’s area of study, this is common sense. Why we have been in denial for so long, I don’t know.”


They say every picture paints a thousand words.
link to

Helena Brown

I can only echo others, great cartoon and encapsulates oor Henry. I feel that Labour have the cringe in great quantity and that is why they look South. Something for them to think about, you give people consent to treat you as inferior.
If Johann Lamont had not felt herself inferior she would have told Ed Miliband where to go, after all they said she was LEADER of Labour in Scotland. Why did she sit still and accept being treated as a branch if she felt it was doing her party wrong. Sorry Johann, it doesn’t quite work.

Robert Peffers

Ach! Ah’m aye careful not to drink anything while sitting at my desktop. However, I use an ancient netbook on a wee folding stool when sitting in my armchair. So when I looked at the cartoon this morning, it wasn’t my screen that got the spluttered tea –

– it was the wee papillon bitch sitting on my knee.
So now that I’ve washed the dug and put my jeans, shirt & jersey in the washing machine, had another shower and got dressed again all I can say is, Ach! Weel! The day can only get better.

Great one, Chris


Cracker Chris

Everyone is talking about Jola but lets not forget this spineless McLeish put party before country. Giving it big licks to explain how hard it was for him to choose, and knowing what a festering pile of shit his party has become.

Another “proud Scot…but”

hypocritical prick.


Mmmm “et tu brute” springs to mind when I look at that picture Stoker.


I note that Lord Foulkes named Kezia Dugdale in his ‘Holyrood talent’ list. He didn’t declare an interest, but I will do it for him. She used to work in his office. 🙂


The pressing question this morning has to be: who let the hell hounds of Labour, Red Baron Foulkes and John McTernan, out of their kennels? 😀 😀

Helena Brown

desimond, do we get a vote on that one, definitely a keeper. Hypocrite of the Year has a better sound than Debater of the Year she was supposed to have won.
Sometimes you wonder if they ever ever listen or hear what they are saying.

Robert Peffers

@tombee says: 26 October, 2014 at 7:53 am:

“Jack McConnell, was he the man who, as First Minister, returned £1.5billion back to the treasury instead of investing it in say, housing, schools, NHS, local amenities and the like, in Scotland ?.

Aye! That’s Jack, the lad, McConnell, richt enuch.
hypocrisy seems to go with London Labour in Scotland branch Managership. As does the skunk tippit robes an earses oan rid leather.

Mind you! The Establishment might make exception for Johann in view of the manner of her leaving.


Nice one Chris.

I suppose he needs to cling to the high ground as he was instrumental in giving away the sea bed.



More a day for sitting by a nice fire and looking after yourself for the day.

It’s not as if you don’t do much!

ronnie anderson

@ Malk well done Sir,I hope people keep they’re eyes open & deny them the Revenue.

Paula Rose

Branch? Have they not twigged yet? It won’t stick.

ronnie anderson

McLeish joined the ranks of the Inglorious Bastard,s when he stole from the Scottish People as the then FM, he should never again recieve monies from the Public Purse nor Official Appointments by the Scottish Government,ie Football or any thing else.

Robert Peffers

@gordoz says: 26 October, 2014 at 8:30 am:

“Dont give these mumpties air – lets move on; who realy gives a Fxxx about Labour?”

Oh! Easy question to answer. It is, of course, Labour.

As my late wife described a rather difficult boy we fostered, “Wi him it’s self first, self second, self third and if thir’s onythin left ower – it’s self again”.

So the answer is, : –

Wi Labour it’s Labour first, Labour second, Labour third and if thir’s onythin left ower – it’s Labour again”.


Paula Rose

Leaf it alone. You win the quip of the day award. 🙂

Met a neighbour who accompanied me to the way to the newsagent to get my Sunday Herald. She asked how I was and the conversation turned to her vote in the referendum as though she was wanting to confess something. She said she made a mistake in voting no. She asked how I voted as if she didn’t know how I voted. She said she should have done the same. It was all the scare stories on the BBC that spooked her.


Kezia was blogging Foulkes shite

Welsh NHS

Wales is underfunded £1Billion by Westminster


Is it possible this is a ploy to get rid of Milliband before the GE… though that would involve considerably more joined up thinking than anyone in the labour party has been showing recently.

ronnie anderson

@ Stoker thats a twiks & between photo, throat/ cuddle,throat/cuddle.Eds no Geneticaly programmed tae make big decissions.

Robert Peffers

@MajorBloodnok says: 26 October, 2014 at 8:50 am:

“Don’t think it’ll work though, because whichever way you look at this it has been revealed in the starkest terms that they are still just a bunch of lying, self-serving, conniving, unprincipled careerists, and I can’t see that changing any time soon.

I’ll sum that all up for you, MajorBloodnok, “They are members of, The Establishment”.

ronnie anderson

@ Robert Peffers as a long time poster they,res nae excuse for You reading the Wings health & safety manual is a must for Auld & New readers. REV kin we hiv a Cut N Paste warning sign for impending dangers to the unaware.


Listened to BLabour officios blabbering on R/Scot about this whole load of crap. Had a go at SNP at every opportunity.

They’re going nowhwere fast, Labour are a British party to their very core. They have learned nothing.

Goodbye Labour (No big loss to Scots anywhere !)


Another classic cartoon moment, Chris. This one`s bound to hurt.

Henry McLeish used to exist in a limbo, there was hope for him to come over to Yes. We mostly thought the “It`s with a heavy heart I will vote No” routine was a ruse before an eventual coming out for Yes. Now, well, he`s just another deluded Labour No voter.

He always was genuinely was just taking the piss.


Those concerned only speak up when the Scottish polls turn against them,they all try to distance themselves. We should remember that they all had the opportunity to speak out about London control but chose not to,instead going along with the running down of their country and its abilities.

Can’t turn round now and speak out,you’re too late and too self interested. We canny believe Labour anymore,’that is something we canny dae’.

Robert Louis

Like the power junkies they are, craving their next fix, Labour in my opinion have further to fall before they reach rock bottom. Only then can they rebuild, without the cloying unprincipled careerists who have caused them untold harm.

Meanwhile their intellectual powerhouse, Ian Gray, is representing them to the Smith commission.

Someone should really put them out of their misery.


Haha Gordon Brewer is giving Anus a roasting!


It’s like comedy half hour. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic. These people are supposed to represent the electorate. Dinosaurs.

ronnie anderson

Labour weighing machine diznae weigh budgie feathers, but it has a rather handy Hook

link to


Edin Scot and others,
Regarding Henray and his vote,I’d like absolute conformation of that, which is almost impossible,is it not chalks?, but IF that were true, then I agree with others that he is actually more gutless than I first thought

Tîm Criced i Gymru

Keep cheering me up down here in CYMRU/Wales, will you, fellow Celts…what are the latest SNP membership numbers? Last count I saw was 82,017…but I’ve been away for a WHOLE 4 days, including a lovely restful two days in Bath, but despite knocking on every door along the Royal Crescent, I was told Stu (or ‘our little steward’ as they knew him downstairs there!) was out hunting (diseased, poisoned and dying BritVic Scots)!


Excellent cartoon Chris they are in super denial..

Crossfire from this morning.. the fun starts at 32:30..

link to

ronnie anderson

Ian Smart & Prof Pumise up next ha ha what a lovely weekend


According to Wings Twitter Ian Smart is on Sunday Politics show right now…..


What is unfolding is like a SLAB Fun House show, but there is no need for clowns when you have Red Baron Foulkes, John McTernan, Ian Smart, Anas Sarwar etc.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Croompenstein

But he does have a “plethora of talent”

All of it shite.


Is Prof Curtice the Only punter of his “ilk” in Scotland?, or is it that he has tied up his contract with the B.B.C. to the exclusion of others.

Robert Peffers

galamcennalath says:26 October, 2014 at 8:59 am:McLeish deserves ridicule, and more.

He voted No. He sold out his country.

Many many people is a state of fear or confusion over the issues, misled by scaremongering followed up by offers and promises … voted No.

McLeish wasn’t that type of No vote – he fully understood what was going on. By continually talking around some mythical middle ground of alternative constitutional settlement, he was complicit in the final defeat which was brought about by false promises of Devo Max.

Robert Peffers

Oops! Sorry about that repost – my wee netbook just crashed as I was reading it.


Labour still do not understand that the only way to solve their problem is for Scottish labour to be completely independent of Westminster, and for that to happen , and for the lost supporters to consider returning, Independence must occur ,and that is totally out of the question for the main Labour group, so I think the Labour Party as we know it today will die in Scotland, simple as that.

Blair paterson

Henry as always did not hesitate to nail his colours to the fence


I wish Dateline Scotland was still on. “Blow for nationalists as Scottish Labour engulfed in Civil War”…

Michael McCabe

Johann is gone. naw. What happened did she get K.O.-ED by some sort of Virus.


@Robert Peffers, totally agree with that comment. Makes his No stance all the more heinous because he actually knew the facts, and the lies being spouted, and did nothing to counter the flow of shite.

Sorry chalks, he might well be a nice man to chat to etc., but as a politician, he supports liars, and the horrible scare stories we have read on here to old people.


Does anyone know if a FOI can be obtained on the Labour parties
finances? Last i heard they were something like £20+ MILLION in debt. Can anyone verify this? Is it possible to get this information on the Scottish branch office?

btw, Did you good folks out there see the recent FOI details,
posted right here on WOS just a few days ago by another Winger,
regarding the BBC licence (Tax) fee?

Apparently, during an 11 day period in September (19th -30th) of this year – right after the referendum – BBC licence fee cancellations in Scotland alone have deprived the BBC of well over £340,000. This starts running into MILLIONS when the cancellation figures for the rUK are added.

Keep up the good work folks, spread the word and help crush the Unionist propaganda mouthpiece.

Meanwhile, sales of the Daily Rectum continue to plunge and there is no truth in the recent rumours that the Rectum now employs Anus Sarewart.


Problem is, the big boy who does it never actually has the decency to run away. He hangs about and does it again and again and again. And again. And then again.

If you are on half a million a year salary and expenses, running away is absolutely the last thing you would do. What you have is too blissfully wonderful. We call this democracy.

Another Pimms anyone?


Brilliant cartoon – hits the spot exactly.

McLeish is a self serving Lab party apparatchik – the fact that he lied in the Sun Herald about renaming the Executive as Government speaks volumes – he wants to be liked.

Well the fact we know that he ‘gave away’ 6000 sqm of Scottish waters proves that he is not only a ("Tractor" - Ed) but a cowardly one as well.

BTW why didn’t the reporter in the Herald pull him up about that


As stated many times during the independence debate. The majority of people wanted a better, fairer Scotland. All Labour ever wants is to retain power – Party first.

I hope that the people of Scotland chose people first next May. 30+ MPs working for the People of Scotland instead of self interest and party interest.


link to Herald says this nutter’s going to take command of Labour in Scotland. Interesting reading around CiF how these guys disappeared from CiF after 18th Sept. Tellen1 in particular left a big throbbing bleeding hole in rancid old Guardian, as did Prof Tomkins and where oh where is Severin Carrell etc?

Rosa Alba

I am really, really disgusted by McLeish of all the Scottish Labour: to Vote No with a sad heart, well I do not understand. Hypocrite of hypocrites to my mind, and who seems to be on an ascendency lark at present (with msm seeking his view).
Needs to be watched.


It is hard to imagine that the world in which we now live, could have been any worse than it is now if we had voted Yes.

Democracy Reborn

The only honest thing Henry has ever said was when he was caught on tape (in 2001) calling John Reid a “patronising bastard”.

O/T, a persusal of the Sunday papers shows just how much we made the right choice in Sept by choosing to remain ‘better together’:-

Independent on Sunday : UK now has record levels of poverty amongst the working population. A report by the Resolution Foundation found 5 million workers “languishing” on wages that are so low, they can barely afford to meet basic costs of living. The much vaunted economic ‘recovery’ is founded upon low paid, insecure jobs.

Sunday Express : poverty amongst pensioners in the UK now around 16%. The International Longevity Centre found that UK pensioners have more chance of living in poverty than their counterparts in Poland & Latvia. An expert attributed the level of the state pension – “one of the lowest in the developed world” – as being one of the principal causes.


Well the fact we know that he ‘gave away’ 6000 sqm of Scottish waters proves that he is not only a ("Tractor" - Ed) but a cowardly one as well.

I’m sure he gave them away, reluctantly.

Henry was ordered to hand over a big chunk of the Scottish seabed to Westminster. With a very heavy heart, Henry replied “Sure, how much do you want?”


Prof Curtice is fond of that phrase “The truth is” just before giving his opinion as if the Truth belongs to him. Interesting comment that Labour got 41 Westminster MPs with only 35% of the vote in the last election. They will struggle to get that amount this time I suspect.

Robert Peffers

Arabs for Independence says:26 October, 2014 at 9:05 am

“Henry turned his back in his country for the sake of his party. What an eejit”.

Once you become a tool of, “The Establishment”, your are theirs for life. Personally I think, “The Establishment”, always knows where the bodies are buried and their chosen tools know that’s the score.

This certainly was the case of Daniel Defoe who worked as an undercover, “Establishment”, agent to get, “The Paircel o Rogues”, to sign away Scotland’s birthright before The Treaty of Union was even signed. They had lots on him, including his debts.

It was/is often the case that a state blackmails their agents through either getting them into debt, or until the legalising of homosexual acts etc. getting evidence on them of having other dark secrets. They have manipulated all levels of society from covering up the sins of the Royals to scandals among the Lords and Commons and forced lesser mortals into deeds they would rather not have done.

Now I’m not saying they have such a grip upon Henry but there may well be things they have to keep hold of such as Henry, McConnell and other former obvious puppets of, “The Establishment”. Note the present rumours of child sexual and physical abuse by prominent members of both the Commons & Lords. The Establishment is corrupt and it always has been so.


Yes Chris, the guy’s a complete wimp. The only Scottish Labour Leaders / group leaders who had balls were women. Sadly one got cut down in her prime, the other didn’t have enough.

No no no...Yes

O/T IAN SMART on Brewers programme.
The Rev’s Twitter feed refers to a defamatory allegation made by Smart on the programme re Bill Walker.
link to

Smart also makes reference to Walker and Nicola Sturgeon on his own Twitter account:
link to
I’ve archived it here as well:
link to


Perhaps we should make up a leaflet listing the Scottish Labour MPs, their salaries and their annual expenses claims. For heartland distribution.

The list could titled:

“This is why they wanted you to vote NO”

Bill McLean

Re Ian Smart – does he post drunk? I can’t believe any rational person would tweet the stuff he does!- “someone who is FM condones child abuse” – did anyone else see this in Ian Smart’s Twitter account? This man is heading for big trouble with the law!

gerry parker

@ Luigi.
Some info here.
I took it from a previous post and reformatted it making a.pdf

Includes the level of Child poverty in their constituency.

link to

Hope it downloads ok for you.

Robert Peffers

@cynicalHighlander says:26 October, 2014 at 9:18 am:

“Party before country is the Labour motto”

Or perhaps, “I’d best do as they say or they will expose me”. Think about it – The Establishment made a king abdicate claiming it was because he married a divorcee. The truth seems to be he was a NAZI supporter as was his wife. Yet today the heir to the throne is married to a divorcee.

The Establishment has always worked that way. Think how many of the aristocracy were not just NAZI supporters but actual active NAZI Party members. Think how many hidden tales of transgressions have simmered away about parliamentarians since there was a parliament in London.

No no no...Yes

O/T Westminster caught out yet again:

link to

“Commenting on revelations in today’s Sunday Herald that the leaked RBS email the week before the referendum was sent proactively by the head of Scottish Referendum Communications at the Treasury, and is being investigated by City of London Police, SNP Treasury Spokesperson Stewart Hosie MP said:

“This is an extraordinary revelation. The Sunday Herald has uncovered the smoking email in this increasingly tangled web.

“The previous claims by the Cabinet Secretary that the Treasury was “promoting financial stability” in revealing RBS plans has been totally blown apart by the revelation that it was actually a pro-active e mail from an official in a so called Scottish referendum unit and released while the RBS board was actually in session!.

“It seems that the London Treasury had a political dirty tricks department operating throughout the referendum campaign. However the huge problem they now face is the increasing likelihood is that this particular trick was not just dirty but illegal.

“I will now table a series of Parliamentary questions on this issue to add to the proper and comprehensive investigations which must now take place”

pussy nancy

I wouldn’t pee on Henry Mcleish if he were on fire! He stepped down as FM for being found out for sub-letting his Fife Office without informing Westminster, to the tune of £36,000!
I can also confirm that he and Gordon Brown turned up at a centre for adults with learning difficulties in Kirkcaldy for a photo opportunity with the ‘Fife Free Press’ One of the occupations at the time for the clients was the seasonal job of making and boxing Christmas crackers. Henry proceeded to order 20 boxes containing 10 crackers each at £3.40p per box. When I retired some 15 years later, that bill was still unpaid!
He is no different from the rest of them. Out for all he can get.


HELP me, I’m going into Meltdown!

“The number of voters who believe the Labour leader is doing ‘badly’ in his job as leader’ has soared to 82%, higher than David Cameron at 64% and higher even than Lid Dem leader Nick Clegg at 72%.

Commenting, SNP Business Convener Derek MacKay said:

“This consistent polling showing the SNP leading on Westminster voting intentions – now with a 17 point lead over Labour – is very welcome news indeed.”

(Yougov for Sunday Times shows SNP 43%, Labour 26% for Westminster.)

Actually, looking at the yougov subsample, the SNP got it wrong – it’s 24%, for Lab, not 26%. Oh please let it be true 7/4/15: SNP 46 seats, Lab 11, Lib 1 Con 1. I’m having an emotional moment.

Robert Peffers

@Chris Cairns says:26 October, 2014 at 9:28 am:

“As you might’ve guessed – I drew this on Friday, such is my routine, hours before Lamont’s bombshell.”

I hadn’t noticed. You don’t have the second sight by any chance? It is, in fact, much more relevant in light of Lamont’s abrupt departure.


LOL. The yougov poll shows the North of England voting 1% SNP or Plaid!

link to


Great Chris yet again.

I just cannot take the guy seriously. I mean, he reminds me of Art Garfunkel.

I keep waiting for him to burst into a rendition of “Bridge over Troubled Waters” lol lol

Robert Peffers

@Tam Jardine says: 26 October, 2014 at 9:38 am:

““One of the problems of choosing is that we have a plethora of talent”

Actually the BBC, (as usual), edited out a bit oif the Guid Lairdie’s statement. It continued, ” … unfortunatly they were all long dead and buried in around the 1950s”.


Being one of the 45%, I surmise that living in Scotland post indyref would be a bit like living in occupied Europe during WW2.

Knowing that you have no-one looking after your interests, knowing that the airwaves are being manned by the occupying authorities, afraid to even step out of line one iota for fear of reprisals….

The list of similarities is endless.

In our case though, the occupiers trojan horse based at pathetic quay, churning out its daily dose of unionist tripe MUST be an early target for these who wish rid of our “nazi” occupiers.

secondly, knowing that the occupiers are being collaborated by 55% of your own nation is a cross the Scots alone only must bear. THAT at least did not happen in Europe under occupation-THAT is unique to the Scots nation!


Sorry about that, I see you already posted the yougov.

Having read the Herald article, I’m mortified I thought Curran was OK, seems she’s the worst of all the Lamont backstabbers. What a nasty piece of work she is.

David Stevenson

Cag does thinking:

Labour got 42% of the vote in Scotland in 2010. Where does the 35% figure you quote come from?


pussy nancy says:
26 October, 2014 at 1:29 pm
“I wouldn’t pee on Henry Mcleish if he were on fire! He stepped down as FM for being found out for sub-letting his Fife Office without informing Westminster, to the tune of £36,000!”

– Correct, the press dubbed the scandal “Officegate”

“I can also confirm that he and Gordon Brown turned up at a centre for adults with learning difficulties in Kirkcaldy for a photo opportunity with the ‘Fife Free Press’ One of the occupations at the time for the clients was the seasonal job of making and boxing Christmas crackers. Henry proceeded to order 20 boxes containing 10 crackers each at £3.40p per box. When I retired some 15 years later, that bill was still unpaid! He is no different from the rest of them. Out for all he can get.”

– The man is a Unionist & Privy Counsellor, what do you expect.


link to off topic a lot!
Our imperial masters such as this dude from Norflok apparently says teaching Scottish literature in Scottish schools will make Scotland parochial as its all too much of a focus on home-grown literature. That’s in the Sunday Times. Rule Britannia and thanks again, proud Scots buts.


Henry’s motto – “These are my principles’- if you don’t like them, I have plenty more”


Yes the Labour and Unionists Parties are £20Million+ in debt. They get away with these vast loans by services rendered. eg stealing from the vulnerable to give to the wealthy ie the Banks, themselves and their associates. Corruption rules. Abusing public money and lying. Not keeping manifesto promises. That is why they are in politics and join Unionist Parties. Self interest.

The SNP is entirely funded by it’s members. Crowd funded. This give the SNP Gov the freedom to carry out policies in the interest of the electorate/country. Not corrupt interest groups.


Who cares what McLeish really thinks or why Lamont jumped or was fired. What’s happening is that ScotchLab have seen a post-ref swing to pro indy parties and will use WM as something to blame for it, anything but themselves.

They’re attempting to position themselves as really actually having had Scotland’s best interests at heart all along and this will be trumpeted as truth and fact by their pals at BBC/STV/DR/HERALD etc, even if they have to put up a public show of badmouthing Westminster.

I had doubts about the collective wisdom of the Scots electorate prior to Sep 18th but got caught up in the “something in the air” stuff and was mildly optimistic that we’d swing it, but of course the result on the 19th proved that the doubts were well founded.

As seemingly ever it again (always) comes back to media, education and effective and widespread canvassing on the ground, because there are still enough Scots dimwits with porridge for brains out there who may well fall for the message that SLAB are alright really and can be trusted to look after Scotland’s interests rather than those nasty nats who caused all the trouble in the first place etc etc ad nauseum.

I can only hope that come May 15 my cynicism will this time be unfounded.


Bill Walker’s offences were committed under Labour’s watch./administration. Although complaints were made nothing was down under the Labour/LibDem? Administration. They were not taken seriously. That is why he was able to go on to be an SNP MSP. No convictions. These were historic offences.

Then Labour spin brought them up to try and discredit the SNP administration, which did do something about the allegations when they came to light. Unlike the Labour liars.

Is Kerr off the drugs? Mason Gordon needs some. Labour/Unionists get away with fraud and murder.


Does not matter if he voted yes in private.

MacLeish publicly said he was voting no.

If he had backed YES we could be talking about really interesting things that matter like how to run our country for the good of as many people as possible or gettting shot of trident or what should be in Scotlands written constitution etc

Instead we are debating the red Tory leadership, the rise of UKIP another war in the middle East.

I have zero time for Henry Mcliesh.

He is a coward or a liar or both.


After reading the Sunday papers, i think an attempt to reinvent Labour is underway. The media will portray the new ‘Scottish’ Labour party as different from the nasty party that stood with the Tories during the referendum.
The BBC will play its part in this ‘rebirth’.

Helena Brown

Ticktock your cynicism is sadly shared by us, we want to see the SNP do well but it seems that Scots are definitely programmed to drag defeat from the jaws of victory as per 18th September. Funnily enough though after 1979 people thought better in and in 1997 and said we will show them, perhaps this will happen this time. All we can do is hope.

Ian Brotherhood

Which recent post had the details of expenses – Sarwar, Murphy etc? Need the stats for a banner for Thursday.

Help, please.


ticktock says:
26 October, 2014 at 2:08 pm
Who cares what McLeish really thinks or why Lamont jumped or was fired.

Agreed Ticktock
She was always just a common Glesca wifie, who unfortunately had absolutely no redeeming features either in looks, intellect nor personality.

In other words, just perfect for selection as “leader” by london, as one who will react in robotic response to whenever the morris dancers pull the strings……

But,I always thought the “leader” of labour was Miliprick? SLAB are only a branch office……..


@ David Stevenston Sorry just got back from being out. The 35% figure came from either Prof “The truth” Curtice or Ian Smart on Sunday Politics. I thought it was the prof. You mean it wasn’t the Truth? Shit I thought the BBC always were fair and impartial too.


Ian Brotherhood says:
26 October, 2014 at 2:29 pm
Which recent post had the details of expenses

Try here for full list.

link to

Les Wilson

Do NOT ever trust Mcleish, he is friends with Gordon Brown and his wife is friendly with Brown’s, they meet for dinner often.He says a few things to give himself a way to sit on the fence, or so he made it seem. He is out and out labour party. The present one of course.

He is just another sneak like all the rest of them.

gerry parker

Ian brotherhood.

Here for an extract.

link to

David Stevenson


Yes, I believe they may be in error, though since I got my numbers from Wiki (and haven’t checked with any other source) I could be wrong. Same source says Labour got 39.5% and 41 seats in 2005. These figures are in line with my recollections as Scotland was the only place where the Labour vote rose between 2005 and 2010. They don’t have Brown as leader this time (only in Scotland would he have been an advantage) nor were they in the internal mess that they are now. Nod can they realistically play the ” we can save you from the scary Tories” card (though they will try). I can see no way in which they can replicate either the 2005 or 2010 votes, but it would be foolish to forget the residual pull that Labour still has in Scotland. We couldn’t erode that sufficiently to win last month. Here’s hoping we can succeed in May 15….


Why does no one from the BBC ask Labour what their membership figure is ?


Wasn’t Smart the “Better a 100 years of Tory rule than independence” chap. Hard to take anything he says seriously. A strange Labour shill.


ticktock says:
26 October, 2014 at 2:08 pm
“Who cares what McLeish really thinks or why Lamont jumped or was fired.”

Precisely, every last Slabber is a ("Tractor" - Ed).
All of this is just a major distraction attempt.
The Slabber office has always obeyed its London masters and always will.

“…there are still enough Scots dimwits with porridge for brains out there who may well fall for the message that SLAB are alright really and can be trusted to look after Scotland’s interests…”

You better believe it. That is why it is so important that we in the Yes movement continue to put the truth out there and into the so called “heartlands” and beyond.

One thing i will add is this – With each passing day more and more filthy corruption and deceit is being unravelled about this organisation of rancid ("Tractor" - Ed)s.

Surely now the position of Labours two representatives on the Smith Commission should be called into question, both removed from said Commission immediately and replaced by two SSP representatives.

We must NEVER allow the world to forget what these ("Tractor" - Ed)s did to Scotland.

Robert Peffers

@Mealer says: 26 October, 2014 at 2:57 pm:

“Why does no one from the BBC ask Labour what their membership figure is?”

Because they already know the answer and do not want anyone of the general public to know the truth.


This facility is not a list but still might be useful to you.
link to

liz g

Nigel 2.35pm
Oi whits up wi “common Glesga wifies”
That’s fighting talk yet know.


Chitterinlicht says:
26 October, 2014 at 2:20 pm
Does not matter if he voted yes in private.
MacLeish publicly said he was voting no.
If he had backed YES we could be talking about really interesting things that matter like how to run our country for the good of as many people as possible or gettting shot of trident or what should be in Scotlands written constitution etc
Instead we are debating the red Tory leadership, the rise of UKIP another war in the middle East.
I have zero time for Henry Mcliesh.
He is a coward AND a liar.

I could not have put that better my self.
Hope you don’t mind my little tweek on your final sentence.

gerry parker

@ Robert.
And since the registration and funding of political parties is a reserved matter, The Scottish parliament cannot even legislate to make it Law that political parties participating in Holyrood must have their headquarters in Scotland, and publish their membership numbers.
They were very cunning in the matter of reserved powers.
@ Stoker,
That’s a good resource you posted.

Ian Brotherhood

Thanks for the help chaps, but I still can’t locate the original piece I got these stats from:

Anas Sarwar – £204,606,89
Jim McGovern – £201,808.49
Jim Murphy – £196,969,33

Those appeared in a Reddit blog, but I’m sure I saw the same list on a post here, certainly within the past fortnight…

Just need to be able to quote a source.


Regarding H McLeish

How the hell did the man get to FM when he has so much trouble making a decision. “Oh i wanted to vote YES but had to vote NO” WHY ??

If you add up the reasons for the vote then it was a nap that a Yes vote would give us a chance to change. But no, he couldn’t make the decision and instead went by the party line. The line he bloody criticised from day one.

People like him , and there are too many in Labour, have sold this country down the Swanny.

Traitors. Nothing else could describe them more.

I hope Labour die long before the SE. P45’s for the whole lot. And anyone thinking of voting for these Traitors are no less than they are.

I’ve met a few Labour supporters who will never go back regardless of their so called changes.

Never let them forget what they have done to this country. EVER.

They are cowards who see food banks as the norm, see our troops sent off to fight for oil and drop them like stones on their return. As if we don’t have enough oil now.

A year to do anything about the bedroom tax that cost people they’re lives and the abuse to our poor and disabled as scroungers instead of the victims they are.

Burn in hell you bastards


gerry parker says:
26 October, 2014 at 3:29 pm
@ Stoker,
That’s a good resource you posted.

I got it from a recent post by another Winger.


Labour don’t get it. Scots are turning away from the because they lie, deceive, and are constantly negative. Who is going to be their leader? Sarwar? Murphy? Dugdale? Listen to them anytime theyopen their mouths and all they mention is the SNP, never of their policies. They do exactly the same in England, but replace SNP with who is valid there. They try to present a socialist case in Scotland whilst a right-centre front in England/Wales – yet thanks to social media they are found out time and time again.

1.6 million voted yes. Many of course are not SNP supporters, but many will vote SNP in May possibly for the first time and by judging the increases in SNP plus SSP memberships – the biggest jump in numbers is in Labour’s ”heartlands” – Glasgow, Motherwell, Cumbernauld, Airdrie etc.

82k SNP members. Not all active, but if we on here, do our bit – we can see those scores that the subsamples are showing up e.g a dozen Labour MPs being returned to WM.

We must never forget what they sold us down the river.

I joined the SNP as did 2 pals, 1 the SSP, and another joined the Greens. None of them have been active in politics or interested. Many even voted for the first time in years in September.

ALL of them are voting SNP in May. They may give their 5,10,12 quid whatever it costs to the party every year and do nothing else, but proudly have their party card in their wallet, but they will all take the 5 minutes required in the spring next year to make sure Labour do not win in Scotland.

Labour are buggered!


Ian B – I remember seeing a poster, with a lurid green background, that had all the Scottish MPs expenses listed and I think Anus Sarwar was at the top of the list, but like you can’t remember where I saw it, maybe on twitter?

However, Ian Russel (twitter a/c has been tweeting posters of the Slabbers saying:

‘I’m (insert Slabber of choice e.g.) Margaret Curran and I’m one of the Scottish Labour MPs that supported the Tory welfare cap, I sold out the poor and disabled people of Glasgow East.’

I think he’s also done posters quoting their expenses too, so maybe drop him an email or tweet him. 🙂


link to

Ian B – is this any use?

Iain MacDonald

@Ian Brotherhood
Thanks for the help chaps, but I still can’t locate the original piece I got these stats from:

Try this in Google: 201,808.49

In that thread you mentioned finding the figures in a tweet.


Now that the poisoned dwarf has quit her post –
apparently due to her bosses telling her what to do –
does anyone know if she has submitted her own
personal submissions to the Smith Commission?

I’m being serious here.
It’s a genuine question and one the media should be asking her.
I have a wee feeling that’s just not going to happen.
The excuses will be in the book, and there will be a book.
You can bank on – she will.

She’s been free of any “constraints” now for 2 or 3 days and has
therefore been free to submit her own desires. But has she?

There’s no bosses in London telling her what to do now, eh.

So, Jo Jo, have you entered any submissions to the Commission?

There’s still plenty of time you know – up to 31.10.14.

We’ll be watching.

Sandra Wilson

A plethora of talent – really? Really? Where? A plethora of liars, hypocrites and ("Tractor" - Ed)s who bad mouth the SNP at every opportunity. As for McLeish, I remember him at school, he wasnae very bright then and he’s no improved wi age. Let’s mobilise to make sure they are all looking for ne jobs next year.


If you google the words,
“reddit blog sarwar expenses £204,606,89”

I think you might find the source you are looking for on the first page of google search results – 4th from the bottom?


I heard on radio westsound news earlier Dougals Alexander saying that Westminster had not undermined Lamont.


O/T Sorry if mentioned

link to

Petitioning Nicola Sturgeon

We the undersigned demand a revote of the Scottish Referendum, counted by impartial international parties.”
Nearly 100,000


Sarwar on Sky: “[the Labour Party is wonderful] Go to bed with Nicola Sturgeon,wake up with David Cameron”

Labour still in denial and will self destruct and no amount of schoolboy naughty words will save them!


liz g says:
26 October, 2014 at 3:28 pm
Nigel 2.35pm
Oi whits up wi “common Glesga wifies”
That’s fighting talk yet know.

Thanks Liz

I deliberately DIDN”T say “typical Glesca wifey”

BIG difference, ye ken!

If the cap fits, she should wear it!



I posted this link a couple of weeks ago, just type in the MPs name and the year you want. All their expenses will appear.


link to

Ian Brotherhood

@caz-m –

Well, it’s not as I remember it, but many thanks – it’s a trustworthy enough source to be going on with.

Cheers abody.

One of the banners will say ‘Labour! Yer Tea’s Oot’. The other will be the expenses totals 2013/14 for Anas Sarwar, Jim McGovern, and Jim Murphy. Between the three of them they ‘needed’ £603,384, and 41 pence. No ‘comment’ will be necessary.

Just goes to show – ye don’t always get what ye pay for, eh?


Get some spies oot roon aboot stationed at some of the large Establishments in the area. In case the burds try and flee the nest. Or get a decoy. For their secret meetings. Mason Broon could be there. They like secrecy in their activities, defrauding the public purse.

Tam Jardine


Sarwar on Sky: “[the Labour Party is wonderful] Go to bed with Nicola Sturgeon,wake up with David Cameron”

Waking up next to Cameron sounds like a price worth paying…

On topic – I know McLeish’s views are now largely irrelevant and at the time there was all this will he won’t he shite stirred up by Blair MacDougall feeding into McLeish’s long term flirtation with the SNP.

I don’t care much for personalities, reputations and legacies but I was very hopeful Henry would cross the floor.

The fact that now he is painting himself as a reluctant no and appears to regret his decision doesn’t matter one jot. Nor does it really matter if he voted yes after all (though concealing that seems fucked up).

Beyond all these petty matters and McLeish’s reputation, this was a vital and defining vote to free Scotland to take charge of her own destiny, and forge a new path based on new principles.

Like him or loathe him, I have no doubt that Henry would have carried plenty of borderline yes voters from the labour ranks and reinforced the ‘Yes is normal’ narrative.

A couple of hundred extra votes clearly would not have swung it but all I I’m sure it would have taken was a small number of labour (and lib dem and even tory) MSPs to cross the floor and we would have won the day.

Who knows – maybe he could have begun an avalanche with a timely declaration for Yes.

He bottled it when it counted, counted big time. And now? Who cares. He’s dead to Scotland now.



No bother

James Caithness

Talking about big boys see how much Eric Pickles spends on tea and biscuits in a year. BTW
what the taxpayer pays for the tea and biscuits.

Eric Pickles

link to



Of course I can’t provide confirmation that he voted Yes, I have a friend ‘in the know’ that confirmed just how close he was to endorsing yes, but in the end wanted to keep it private, which is his right.

For the record, he said he was voting no in the middle of august, before coming out and saying it had now become difficult. Unless you lot have evidence that he voted no?

I find it pretty funny though for people on here to be giving the guy a hard time for not coming out and saying he was voting yes, why should he? It’s up to him.

This was mirrored throughout Scotland with people not willing to say to friends/family that they were voting yes, mcleish’s journey mirrored many no voters journey to yes…a slow realisation that voting no perhaps isn’t such a good idea.

He may be a trougher etc, but you’ll find troughers on all sides of the political divide, yes, even ones that voted Yes.

To think McLeish would have taken MSP’s across the divide with him is pretty naive as well.

All Better Together parties said they would deselect their MSP’s/MP’s if they endorsed Yes. I think people seem to think that if an MP comes out for Yes then suddenly it’s a road to damascus moment for hundreds of thousands….newsflash – it isn’t, the majority of people that we required to win and we were winning, were swayed by the arguments of a yes and of ending the troughing bastard culture of westminster, yet you lot yearn for one of them to back Yes?

I was praying none of them came out for yes.

Of course, a Labour MSP backing a Yes vote and getting kicked out of the party is frankly no different to all the stories we heard about companies telling employees to vote no.

If you were an employee and had a mortgage/provide for your family, would you come out and back it and get the sack?

All this talk of principles etc is fine, but these people will tell you that they had principles, they voted Yes, in the ballot booth, thats democracy folks, the decision is between you and the ballot booth….the majority of voters still think that way. Get over it.


Chalks, McLeish himself stated publicly that he voted no. Are you saying he is lying? He said he did it out of loyaly to his friends and party. Again, here’s the article in the Herald where he himself admitted he voted no: link to


Canna view it due to the pay wall.

Will take your word for it though, looks like my friend was wrong then! It was a few days after the indy ref I spoke with them, but the impression was he’d be voting yes but didn’t want to come out for it.

Looks like he played both sides.

Attention seeking arsehole, but it seems like the yes side bought into it, I was bored by the whole will he won’t he pantomine in april ffs…like I’ve said, we give these guys far too much attention, they have 1 vote, that’s it. I’ve yet to meet someone who voted no because Gordon Brown was, or someone who voted yes because Andy Murray would.

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