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Wings Over Scotland

In Times To Come

Posted on October 19, 2024 by
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Nice one Chris

David M

Nice touch. I like this.

Betty Boop

Exactly! One is worthy of remembrance, the other only with disdain.


Chris, absolutely brilliant and really sad. None of us will be here in 80 years to see that.


Yeah (don’t be too sad)…

Znek: nostalgia for a time that is yet to come: where are you?
link to


Negativity helps nothing…

Existence Dysphoria: Minus Negative: The Stage Is Set:

link to


I think Sturgeon might get a statue at Traitor’s gate in her beloved Tower of London.

It won’t be paid for by public subscription though, will it ?

Tinto Chiel

No need to go so far, Astonished. There’s a handy Traitors’ Tower in Rutherglen and the nearby Town Hall still proudly flies the union flag.


Vivian O’Blivion

Assuming an independent Scotland continues the tradition of bonfire night, I can think of a suitable effigy to replace Guido Fawkes.


“Penny for Auld Nic”

Alisdair Mclean

You would never get the penny back.


I’d like to see a statue of Sturgeon in my local park.

It’d be life-sized, so about three feet tall…

Something else for the dogs to cock their legs upon.


If sturgeon looks behind her as she runs from justice, she will turn to stone.


Very apt.

Scotland has lost Margo, Winnie and Alex.These three changed Scotland for the better.

Those who have followed – Sturgeon, Humza and Swinney – don’t deserve to be recognised.


Really can’t be easy doing a cartoon in the circumstances.

So Sturgeon’s Chief of Staff was a suspected (by Alex Salmond) MI5 agent…

The same Liz Lloyd responsible for the the most pivotal act in the whole long saga… leaking the story to the Daily Record against the wishes of the victims and of course Alex Salmond.

Clearly she is exactly what he suspected her of being.

And that is the person Sturgeon had as her Chief of Staff. Her right hand woman.

Given all we have seen of her these last 10 years there is little doubt left in me what Sturgeon is and in my view she will be remembered, as being one of the biggest rats in Scottish history. She is right ‘up’ there.

FFS she was put in charge of the 2014 campaign…

What Alex Salmond achieved, given what he was surrounded by, is nothing short of miraculous.

Incredible man.

Last edited 6 days ago by Mac
Kevin Cargill

Absolutely brilliant as always Chris. Of course the man could have replied “why on earth would they build a statue of a fish”?

Linda McFarlane

Spot on Chris. Spot on.


Ooooo she won’t like that one bit.


Yuup. But she better get used to it. It won’t be long until everyone finds out what an utter rat she is.

And Liz Lloyd will spend the rest of her miserable existence wondering if justice will catch up with her. And I think it will.

Last edited 6 days ago by Astonished

If Liz Lloyd is MI5, as many believe, and her behavior indicates (remember her simply refusing to appear at the Salmond enquiry, supremely confident no-one would make her), then sadly she knows she has nothing to worry about… doesn’t mean there won’t be theatre of course and perhaps even a mostly or entirely genuine legal process; but she will know throughout that she will be well taken care of for her key role in what seems to have been an extremely successful operation to neuter the SNP as a force for independence and deeply divide the movement.


Yes she will be taken care of but the biggest problem for the British state will be the cat being fully out of the bag & the Scottish population being aware of the stitch up of Alex. The snp & the british establishment will be finished as we march onwards.


she will know throughout that she will be well taken care of”

Absolutely. However, that this woman is being taken so much care of, despite of what she has done, only serves to further reinforce suspicions that she was a plant/operative/useful idiot of the secret services while working within the Scottish government.

The exact same applies to Nicola Sturgeon, high ranking SNP officials, civil servants both in gov and COPFS and potentially the police linked to the fabrication of the complaints procedure, the criminal leak to the newspaper and its cover up, the recruiting of false accusers, the guaranteed anonymity of perjurers, the conspiracy to earn anonymity with the purpose of permanently suppressing information of high interest from the public, the suppression of information during the civil case, the fabrication of charges for a criminal case criminal case and also to those who blatantly lied under oath during the parliamentary inquiry.

The powers that be appear to be underestimating the Scottish people. They clearly take us for idiots who zip at the back. But, the more they try to suppress information and protect evident culprits, the more suspicious and the less trusting and complying the people of Scotland are becoming.

Those Whatsap messages and the identity of the culprits must come to light. It is my personal opinion that the real reason why those messages have been forcefully suppressed is that they might reveal the actual conspiracy, that accusers might have been working in tandem or under coordination therefore the Moorov doctrine was not applicable but was pushed through anyway, and, more importantly, that those messages may reveal a direct link between the whole operation and the highest ranks of the British state.

Therefore, until those messages are released to the public in full, without redactions and I am proved wrong by their contents, that is exactly what I will continue to think those messages are hiding.


I agree, anything published widely undermining her “control, authority and reputation” well irritate her no end. Go on people, rip her loud and wide across social media.
And we should be aware that previous Fm’s can be investigated.


Sorry, “will” not “well”. Aaaargh!

Jeremy Wickins

I rather hope that Sturgeon, instead of falling into obscurity, I remembered for the prison time she gets.


I know people are hurting, and dealing with loss in their own way. But for me, honouring Alex Salmond means getting Independence over the line. Nothing short.

While I support it, and even like the idea, it needs more than just a statue or renaming his bridge in his honour. It’s only Independence which will see the soul of Alex Salmond truly resting in peace…

We have work to do.

Given time, oblivion and obscurity will consume the parasitic “nobodies” and tr@itors, as indeed will Hell, when their own day of judgement comes.

Robert McAllan

Breeks, absolutely, no finer tribute. Continuing the fight and delivering Independence must be the focus from here on in.
As for ‘the parasitic “nobodies” and tr@itors’, their time may well be nigh!

Carol Jardine

Well said.

Graf Midgehunter

Dr. Who will be remembered longer than she will. 🙂


No I think she has earned her place in history all right but not for serving Scotland.


It has always slightly baffled me why David Cameron ever agreed to the referendum in 2014. But then if he knew that the SNP were infiltrated at the highest levels and that they had an agent running the referendum campaign it certainly would explain his (over-)confidence in agreeing to it.

They really thought they had a lock on it. That is why they agreed to it. Yet despite all that, thanks to the brilliance of Salmond and the WBB, the campaign got away from them, they lost control….

Even with Sturgeon ‘running’ it… they realized they’d fucked up.

Salmond was a Maradona level player in politics, he could carry an average team to win major trophies. Even when some other team players were actually working for the other side. They underestimated him.

They attacked Alex so viciously post 2014 because they feared him. They feared him because he was a great man. Greater than most realize (for now at least).


David Cameron agreed to the referendum believing that the SNP would lose. That however came unstuck, and Yes ran then close, closer in fact than we dare think.

And the man who did it could have done it again. The dark state knew that and they knew thay he could come back. And that was the reason he had to be destroyed.

And so the attempted stich up of Alex was commenced whilst all the while concomitantly the agents of the deep state sought to hollow out the SNP, and hollow out its commitment to independence.

But Salmond was on the way back. He was set to expose the deep state plot. He was set to use that. He was set to resurrect a coordinated pan part strategy to securece an independence mandate with this being quicker than many might realise was possible.

Moreover England’s difficulty, is Scotland opportunity. And mak3 no mistake England post Brexit, with a slumping economy , collapsing exports, and at war needs Scotlands resources more now than before.

It is not diffivult therefore to understand how Alex’s passing, assisted passing even, could be more than helpful to the deep state.

Nor is it difficult to understand how, like the vanishing records of his existence being removed from public view the utter refusal of the state to countenance any public recognition of his body being returned to Scotland was so vigorously resisted. The last thing they wanted was any public recognition. That, like the attempt to destroy him is crystal clear.

And it is for that reason that he must be remembered. And that together with the exposure of the deep states dark deeds, will be his legacy that will deliver independence.


Yes, exactly. A lot now depends on effectively exposing what the deep state really did to him, and to the SNP. Alex Salmond surely had his strategy for accomplishing that, and was lining things up that would do it nicely. Presumably, those he most trusted in the leadership of ALBA were informed of how he was going to go about it, In that case, it is their responsibility to pursue the matter with the determination and bravery required. This will not be for the faint-hearted. They will be aware that the deep state, anxious to finish the job, will now be training their sights on them. We need to support them. Let’s hope they have the resilience they need, and some share of the political nous and strategic acumen, that A. S. so often displayed.


They’ll never allow it to happen not in our lifetime, but it should.

Until we come together as a nation we’ll always be a after thought in the minds of our colonial masters and Unionist jailers.

At the moment we are spineless individuals looking for reasons to exist when we should be marching and demanding the claim of right is acted on by our useless Scottish government.

stuart mctavish

Belter – rainbow tickling stick in the right and the left aiming a skelp on Anthea Red ferns cheeky bum for completeness.
Different era, maybe, but considerably less fear for so much as a sneeze, for all that.


Ah’ve bin seekin oot a Sturgeon pinata on ebay. Nae luck. Ah’ll mak ma ain.

The Flying Iron of Doom

I’m selling these superb lavender-scented pin cushions if you’re interested? 🙂


I’ve got her favourite book. How to lose friends & influence absolutely no one. Not even a dug.


Brilliant as usual Chris. But there is a statue of sturgeon there, its behind Alex holding a knife.


I am starting to understand the malice and hatred behind the attacks on Alex.

He embarrassed them. They thought it was safe to play out the referendum in the knowledge they had people on the inside to spy and sabotage.

When that poll came out with YES in the lead they realized they had made a hideous mistake and complete panic broke out.

Cameron was round seeing the Queen assuring her it would be fine, the Queen herself was out answering fictitious questions to scare the old folks, train loads of MPs arriving in Glasgow, The Vow… they crapped it. It was so visible, all hell broke loose.

They planned the referendum to be a comfortable NO and it would put the question to bed forever and a day…but instead along came Alex Salmond and Wings and others and totally ruined their fucking day. Made them look like fools in the eyes of their bosses…

Because now the opposite of what they had promised had been achieved. Despite all the destruction inflicted by Nicky and Lizzy the question of independence was still burning and much stronger than before and it was not going away. You can kill the party, you can kill the man, but you cannot kill the idea.

Alex irreversibly changed the scene and in doing so he made them look like idiots. They could not forgive him that.

Alex Salmond is a truly heroic figure in Scottish history.

All the poisonous articles after he died are testament to the fact that they fear him still.

Bob Mack

They fear him more now. He has gone beyond being just another man.


Very apt and would be fully deserved.

A true man of the people, national hero and international statesman.

Scot Finlayson

Hounded to his death by the full force of the British establishment,judicial,media/BBC,smear,corruption,lies,perjury,political plots and machinations,

not a bullet a bomb or poison but assassinated all the same.


I couldn’t agree more

Frank Gillougley

But his statue sited in Edinburgh? Na! Na! Na! Surely a statue of Alex Salmond belongs in the middle of Scotland in Stirling, closely associated with Wallace and Bruce as one of the very few true patriots Scotland has ever had.


In the Wallace Monument Hall of Heroes


Lastly, what disturbs me most is that Alex Salmond was such a decent man, a politician widely recognized as someone of high integrity and honesty and he was also completely ‘by the book’, everything was done peacefully and legally and by the power of persuasion. He was comparable to Ghandi in India in this regard IMHO, a complete pacifist and democrat, dedicated and committed to the non-violent peaceful attainment of independence for his country, highly intelligent, highly articulate. So he was our Ghandi… yet look what they did to him or at least tried to do to him.

Look what they have done to the SNP… the same really.

Clearly then the conclusion must be that we truly are a prisoner in this ‘union’.

What was done to Alex (and the SNP) brings it into sharp relief.

And I think it is going to continue to do so, for more and more people…. Yet again they underestimate the man.

It is not a word I thought I would ever use but by crucifying him they have made a bona fide martyr out of Alex Salmond.

Betty Boop

Re the 2014 referendum. Alex S was a true parliamentarian and trusted parliamentary processes would be honoured. Unfortunately, there are many dishonourable politicians and the UK establishment undermined those processes and fairness as much as they could, using the media, foreign politicians, threats, empty promises against democratic process.

Nemisis Benn

I cannot decide about this – it’s either EEEEVIL or just wicked.
Alex Salmond was younger than me, so I will think myself lucky.
I had my doubts about him until the fishwife took over and then I realised that in comparison to her, he was purer than the driven snow.


I hope it comes true Chris.

I’m sure if they can erect a statue of Donald Dewar – they can do the same for Alex Salmond – who spent much of his life, trying to free Scotland from this illegal union.

Alex Salmond IS a national hero.

Finding a sculptor isn’t the problem – its the funding, and the most difficult of all – getting permission to place the statute, but Alex Salmond’s endeavours for Scotland – should see it happen.


Perhaps Mr Dewar’s statue could be removed and there’s a plinth already prepared ?
Although, in truth, I did like the previous suggestion of a monument in Stirling.

Colin Alexander

I am sorry Alex Salmond died. He had many admirable qualities and abilities. It is terrible what the conspirators did to him.

Alex Salmond spoke of the sovereignty of the Scots but, he was an oath man of the King of England, sworn to defend the sovereignty of the English / so-called British Crown, as an MP / MSP. He remained a UK Privy Counsellor of the English Crown till he died.

His / SNP / Alba strategies were founded on the sovereignty and consent of his sovereign English Crown in UK Parliament.

The reality is Scotland did not achieve independence in 2014 and Alex walked away at the time and backed Sturgeon to take over.

Now, it is unlikely Scottish independence will ever be achieved via the election of MPs or MSPs.

Aunty Flo

Yes Colin, it has also always perplexed me that, while championing Scottish independence, he had, as a member of the Privy Council, also sworn an oath of loyalty to uphold and protect the English monarch, his lands and territories.

I just couldn’t reconcile this apparent contradiction, and hoped he would at some point see fit to resign from the Privy Council (not unprecendented among poiticians from Commonwealth countries seeking independence).

Alas he never did.


Cause the monarchy is a separate union. Union of Crowns?

The monarch is here by the consent of the Scottish people. Thats why we could have kept Lizzie if we’d became independent in 2014. A referendum would’ve been held on whether to keep her as a head of state or help her on with her coat.

As for the oath they take – isn’t that just to keep secret what’s ever discussed at a private council meeting & to speak freely to the Maj without fear of getting yer head chopped off? LOL


The historical model Alex S used was the period between 1603 and 1707. At that time, constitutionally speaking, the monarch was monarch of two countries that were still legally independent of each other. That had enormous difficulties in its day, but now that real power was no longer vested in the monarchy it could become more easily workable once Scotland and England (or the rest of what had been the UK) returned to being two sovereign entities. There are other historical examples of that kind of arrangement, and indeed in the Commonwealth. In pre-referendum politics it was also good strategy, in regard to winning over some voters who were attracted to independence but would hesitate if it meant abolishing the monarchy. Besides which, Scotland has been a kingdom for a very long time, stretching back many centuries before the union, If A.S. had taken a Republican stand and refused to take an oath to the Queen, he would have had to give up the whole idea of achieving independence through the legitimate political process currently available, and that would have made it virtually impossible to grow the pro-independence vote in the way that he was ultimately able to do. It would have been a declaration that the SNP sought to achieve independence outside that process. A.S. always believed that the way to go was through legitimate political process, and he was a master of using it to full advantage for his and our cause. That was the type of politician he was, and it went together with repudiating totally any form of illegitimate violence to attain the end. As a strategy it may seem to have had its drawbacks, but the alternative would have had far worse consequences and would only have ensured that the independence movement remained ineffectively on the margins of Scottish (and indeed British) politics. Salmond’s was the right path, and the only viable one: he believed in and practised democratic process. It did not prevent the possibility that whether or not to retain the monarchy could be put to a referendum vote AFTER Scotland had gained its independence. Salmond’s way is still the way to go, and the ultimate way to win. . .


Interesting, wull. I hadn’t thought of this angle before. It does explain what had seemed a bit odd.


Salmond’s way is still the way to go, and the ultimate way to win”

But for that strategy to win, however, it is fundamental that the system accommodates that route and that the opponent engage in the rules of the game in the same way as it demands us to do.

We now know beyond any reasonable doubt that that is not and will never be the case.

A testament to that is the way the SNP was infiltrated and destroyed from within; the way all rules and laws were thrown out of the window to roll on the disgusting conspiracy against Mr Salmond; the way the powers of the state have abused their power to suppress information from the public on industrial scale; the media Blackout against Alba; the usurpation of control over the executive and legislative powers in Scotland by an unelected representative of the crown and the likely infiltration of secret services in all forms of government of Scotland.

We saw already in 2014 how the imperial power will abuse that power on demand to change the rules to benefit itself whenever it wants.

From all of the above, which is in all possible sense a direct assault on both Scotland’s claim of right and any idea that Scotland is a functioning democracy, it is safe to establish that such route, while it is ideal, it is the most favourable and favoured one and it is the only democratic one, will simply not be feasible. The imperial power will simply not allow us to have that route.

We have wasted ten years already trying to pursue a route that was never made available to us other than as an illusion.

We need to change the rules of the game, and that starts by having candidates who stand on an abstentionist mandate, will not not swear allegiance to a foreign crown, will not take seats on a foreign parliament and will not abide by the colonial straightjacket put on Scotland’s parliament: the Scotland Act.

Until then, we will remain on a hamster wheel: running at cruise speed until dropping off with exhaustion but never managing to move forward.


If A.S. had taken a Republican stand and refused to take an oath to the Queen, he would have had to give up the whole idea of achieving independence through the legitimate political process currently available”

The concept of “legitimate” political process in the context of the union is what I will never understand. Legitimate under whose rules?

The people of Scotland are sovereign over Westminster, not the other way round.

Unilateral revocation of the Treaty of Union by Scotland’s parliament is therefore perfectly legitimate under International Law. Scotland is not the property of England. It is only united to it by means of an international treaty with fundamental conditions and that can be revoked.

Scotland does not need to ask or obtain permission from England to terminate that treaty. It would be great if both partners agree, but that one of the parties of the treaty wishes the treaty to continue, does not mean the other has to abide and that the treaty must continue.

So, in my view, you can only talk about “legitimacy” of a political process if you continue to accept the absolute sovereignty of Westminster over Scotland and if you continue to accept that Scotland can only become independent by seceding from Great Britain, but in a way that Great Britain (which is what the Treaty of Union created), remains standing. In other words, in a way where Scotland does not use its full powers as a signatory of the treaty. I do not think this is practically possible, because that is effectively devolution, which is what we have and devolution is definitely not independence.

Looking at the case of the UK leaving the EU, for example, the original treaty had to be revoked. A new one was created with the new relationship agreement. The same would therefore apply to Scotland when ending the union. The only difference is that the UK leaving the EU did not end the EU. But Scotland revoking the ToU will end “The Kingdom of Great Britain”.

In my opinion, to give our parliament the power to end that treaty we have several routes:

1 – (the most logical one) is having Scotland’s MPs to withdraw from Westminster and to reconvene the old Scotland Parliament- this would automatically terminate the union. This requires to elect an absolute majority of anti-union MPs. We did this all the way from 8 May up to the last GE, yet this was deliberately ignored by the SNP.

2 – the second option is by creating a mechanism to overrule Scotland’s MPs (which still today are the custodians of Scotland’s old parliament). The evident mechanism would be to elect MSPs on a mandate to empower them to ditch the Scotland Act and to withdraw all powers from Scotland’s MPs. That would effectively terminate the union. Revoking the treaty would be just a formality.

Standing on an abstentionist ticket would be a slow way to force the end of the union. This is the route chosen by the Irish, and we know it works because we have seen them successfully using it. But it is slow.

In line with the Treaty of Union, Scotland must be represented in the Parliament of “Great Britain” by 45 MPs. if through an abstentionist ticket that number falls, it will become another constitutional breach of a fundamental condition of the treaty. Westminster can only continue acting as the “UK” parliament if Scotland is represented in it.

Personally, I do not think Scotland can vote to become a republic within the confines of the union or the Treaty of union. The fundamental reason for the Treaty of Union to come about was precisely to ensure the same monarch would hold the crowns of Scotland and England. In other words, Scotland deciding to become a republic will effectively overrule the treaty of union. This would be a nuclear option of last resource if the British state and its useful idiots in Scotland continue to insist in blocking all our paths to end the union.

North chiel

Spot on Breeks . Independence would be his true legacy

Meg Merrilees

Alex agreed the referendum with David Cameron in 2012 and two years later we nearly got it over the line.
It’s 2024 and the Scottish Elections are in 2026 – we did it before, we can do it again. What are we waiting for- there is work to be done!

Marie Clark

Spot on Chris.

Al Harron

There should be a number of statues to Alex all across Scotland in times to come. While I’d have no problem with a traditional one on a plinth outside the Parliament, I also think there should be one on ground level, to represent the Alex Salmond who doled out soup for the homeless, shook hands with the sma’ fowk, and maintained policies to benefit all Scots. A statue to remind that for all his statesmanlike qualities, he never forgot who he was fighting for.

Graeme George

I’d love to see one alongside Desperate Dan in Dundee which he often spoke about during the referendum

Stuart McKinlay

by Pablo Neruda (extract).

Miré y allí estaba mi amigo:
de piedra era su rostro,
su perfil desafiaba la intemperie,
en su nariz quebraba el viento
un largo aullido de hombre perseguido:
allí vino a parar el desterrado:
vive en su patria convertido en piedra.

(Extract after Pablo Neruda)

I looked and there was my friend,
his features sculpted in stone,
his face opposing the storm;
the gale rending from his nose
a long groan of persecution.
There the banished man is now found:
settled in his homeland; enduring as rock.

(Earrann às dèidh Pablo Neruda)

Thug mi sùil agus siod mo charaid.
Bha aodann mar chloich,
a bhathais a’ toirt dùlain dhan droch shìde,
a’ ghaoth na shròn a’ dùisgeadh
donnalaich duine fo gheur-leanmhainn.
Sin far a leigeas an dìobarach a sgìos dheth:
ri còmhnaidh na thìr fhìn; cho maireann ri creag.

Stuart McKinlay

Clarification — the above Neruda material is by Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh.


A statue of Alex in George Square and a statue of the great John MacLean close by would be a joy to behold.
A focal point on St Andrews Day.

David Rodgers

That is wicked 🙂


Sturgeon has further to fall from grace!
The moment and history belongs to Alex Salmond.
Schools in an independent Scotland will read about how Westminster corruption and the Sturgeon Cable tried to ruin the truly great Scot of our times.


Thank you, Chris. May it come to pass before too long. Two statues – one to replace the Dewar one, and another in Stirling.


With the BRICS moving to a monetary system based on resources, it is important that Scotland move to an independent currency.
Pity that no one close to power will discuss this.


I for one will be attending any memorial service for Salmond just as I will attend Nicola’s court hearing.
When she goes down it will be with a cheer.
Next for Swinney


Another great tribute to a TRUE Scotsman Chris ,The statue I agree with and salute , the location I disagree with , that MONSTROSITY is a festering sore on our beautiful country and a reminder that the butchers apron OVERSAW and manipulated everything by deliberately placing their VICHY placemen in their TROJAN horse
On independence I want to see that disgusting reminder of our colonised past and subservience destroyed to dust, it is only a constant reminder of the Tre@ chery carried out within by the enemas (correct spelling) of Scotland

Scotland has many beautiful ancient buildings illustrating our historic past one of them should be adapted , NI has the beautiful stormont, Scotland’s SERVANTS should have similar

Hatey McHateface

FFS, that cost £414 million back in 2004, when a Pound was still worth something.

What would it cost to demolish and re-build today? £2 billion? More?

Get real – that money could be much better spent on something practical and useful, not on your wet dream of airbrushing awkward periods out of our historical record.

If you seriously want our Scottish Government to convene in some superannuated, Victorian, impractical, unheatable deep freeze, why not stand for office yourself and make that your policy #2.

After your policy #1 of course, Plebiscitary Elections for indy.


Aah, you make me recall previous ripping the pish out of taxpayers.
Showing you the money…
The Holyrood Administration of Devolved Powers building was meant to cost around 40 or 50 million, then the costs ballooned in a twa ferry procurement stylée.

I would stand and if elected I’ll donate all my wages to good causes in my constituency.
I would only claim expenses / wages for staffing duties.
And would only cast votes as instructed to by the electorate in my constituency. Big shady lobby groups can get tae fuck.

The only caveat to the above is that to get that sort of honest, uncorruptible political representation you’d be voting for someone who would not even attend Westminster, because I’d be standing on an abstentionist and end the Union ticket.
So that’s one half decent cunt standing, step up the other 56…


TBQH Dan I do hope you stand for the 2026 Scottish elections , I myself would love to do so but at 74 years of age with health issues it is not an option
I would much rather vote for one half decent cunt than vote for ANY of the despicable self serving party troughers from ANY political party
We need independence independents in HR to illustrate to the electorate just how BAD the party system is and how badly DIRECT DEMOCRACY is needed to move things for the benefit of Scots

Hatey McHateface

You’re not in my constituency, but I would vote for you if you were.

I’ll defo vote for anybody in my constituency that is prepared to stand on the same policies.

I would have no problem with you keeping the salary, Dan. Pay peanuts and you get … you know 🙂

Regarding the voting as instructed idea. I like it, but it needs a worked out process.

I’d do something like the following: Poll 101 random, registered voters in your constituency, by phone, explaining you need a decision on the question. Explain the pros and cons. Explain what your preference would be and why. For people who slam the phone down, or refuse to commit to an answer, add another call and keep going until you have a total of 101 definite responses. The majority answer is how you will vote.

Publish the results (names & phone numbers redacted).

Maintain a web site, discussing upcoming votes, the background to them, the pros and cons, and how you would prefer to vote (you will be the expert after all). Welcome comments but FFS, moderated for sanity. Publicise that registered voters may be randomly canvassed and their wishes acted on.

Who knows, Dan, it might energise and incentivise democracy and encourage voters to actually find out something about the big decisions of the day!


Now it could be down to the vagaries (aka uselessness) of the new comment system and folk not seeing this conversation; But only 6 folk on the supposedly most read Scottish politics and notionally pro-independence site liked my post, so why the fuck would I bother standing to represent the interests and wonts of my constituents when I’d be pissing in the wind as one isolated individual.

You and I have our differences like every other person does, but for all the back and forth bantz and antagonism we create by engaging with each other, a lot of it does actually show significant alignment in thought on many subjects. Which is more than you get from the lurkers and can’t be arsed responding crew.
I’d already come up with pretty much what you suggest with a program of interaction with constituents to discuss, educate (could be both ways) and reach a consensus on voting instruction.

And that’s the thing, at least you and twathater actually bothered to respond with some input.
That other posts generate nearly 40 likes for saying something that doesn’t actually move us forward in any way seems bizarre.
Is this really just an intellectual reading site and nobody actually gives a fuck about implementing practical solutions to begin to rectify the things that concern them.

I forgot to add but have mentioned previously that I’d also be standing on a commitment of a much simpler and easier to enact recall mechanism where the folk that voted for me could also initiate my removal if they deem that I have failed to represent their instructed wishes, or that my conduct is not deemed acceptable to them.
Seems strange that folk still seem infatuated with Party Politics and leaders when they don’t offer anything like the political representation I am suggesting.
But hey ho, Scots must jist love whining so much they can’t actually cope with beginning to liberate themselves from their woes.


I think your comment may have not been seen, Dan. I am not the smartest tool in the box, but to keep up to date with the comments, I am relying on the section “Recent comments” and click on them one by one.

It is not the first time that I have missed a comment or a couple, particularly when there has been quite a few new ones since the previous time I looked.

Can I just ask if you are considering becoming a candidate for the HR2026 election or for the UKGE2029?

The reason why I ask is that you mention in your comment that you would only cast a vote as instructed by your constituency. This would not be possible if you stand on an abstentionist ticket and do not attend Westminster (which I totally support, by the way, and I think it is the way to go if we want change).

You are definitely the kind of pro-independence candidate I would be running to vote for if there was one in my constituency: non-nonsense, knowledgeable, involved in the community, experienced in work out of the “politics/history degree career bubble”, articulate, focused, and determined.

If you stood in my constituency I would consider volunteering to help.


Cheers for response Mia, it’s appreciated because it actually progresses the conversation and asks questions.
A lazy click of a like or dislike button does absolutely nothing to facilitate progress because the like or dislike could have been clicked for a myriad unknown to anybody else reasons.
That’s why the new upgrade is shite, and is also awkward to find all posts if folk are out doing other life stuff and more than 30 comments have been posted. It’s the apple maps style upgrade which would have had folk driving into the sea.

Re. What parliament would I stand for. Scottish Parliament is a diddy administration resulting from the Scotland Act of Westminster.
The voting system for Holyrood is compromised for various reasons. On the face of it it is more proportionally representative but it was implemented by Unionists to limit and restrict Scots desire for returning to self-governance.
Next Holyrood election is not long enough away to allow time to put in place the strategic local network required to run a campaign with a reasonable chance of success.
Constitutional matters relating to the UK State are not devolved to Holyrood and reside in Westminster, and ending the Union in the UK political realm would involve a majority of Scottish MPs (arguably with majority support from the electorate) enacting the will of the Scottish people.
We can all (well the ones that bother posting) move on from there with discussions an thoughts. And get the likes / dislikes clicks tae fuck as I have no interest or time for them as there is no way of determine why the click occurred. Factional reasons, quality of post, dinnae like primate in my avatar, want to shag me. Who knows. lol

So this is just my thoughts which need flashed out with the input of others because it’s fucking ridiculous that a decade on from the 2014 IndyRef there still isn’t a concise and coherent way for Scots to express and enact their self-determination.

I’m typing this after a ridiculously hectic and physical week of activity, and the last few days have seen me putting in serious physical and mental effort working outside and soaked to the skin whilst safely dismantling a building to help out someone that has made a huge commitment to the cause of returning Scotland to self-governance.
It irks me greatly that I put in so much effort on a voluntary basis and yet folk that are paid to do stuff are so unproductive and accomplish so little for their taxpayer funded “work”.

Last edited 5 days ago by Dan

Can I just say Mia I personally think yourself alongside Dan and a few other posters would make great MSP’S, I can assure you I am not being facetious or condescending, your unshakeable positivity and breadth of Scottish history aligned with your patient ability to dismiss self aggrandising know it alls ,who actually know f all shows you will not be diverted from your goal

Campbell Clansman

I also would encourage Dan, “Mia” and the like to actually run for MSP. And when Dan, “Mia” et al. would garner the usual 1% of the vote that ISP gets…
I’d get a laugh reading “Mia” complaining about how his (her?) majority was stolen from him/her by Mia’s usual conspiracy theory MI5, by mysterious “postal voters,” or by some other international conspiracy. Or that he/she actually won 97% of the votes of “real” Scots.


Your recall mechanism is one that I have endorsed for ever , THAT is direct democracy BUT it will never happen as long as you have the party system where THEY decide if the miscreant will be punished or promoted

If you remember I pushed for a pro forma to be published on WOS to THREATEN the Scottish Nonce Party with annihilation in 2020 UNLESS the poisoned dwarf withdrew her GRRB and HCB and publicly announced a convention for indy , I practically begged Stuart to help or adopt the idea , response was fresh air , instead we had the increase of perverts and deviants being elected for another 5 years of incompetence, debauchery and self enrichment
SO YES Dan it looks like everybody wants sumbuddy else tae dae the heavy lifting while they knock fuck oot thir keyboard


That was yer beloved Union.

Always over budget, over time & underwhelming.

Give one price then constantly change it as it went on & on & on cause I’m sure the architectural drawing wasn’t even finished before Donald Dewar shouted ‘I’ll take it’ & it was the presiding officer who put his foot down to get that shit finished. No more money. Lest we forget leaving the safe codes on top of the safe LOL!

They also did the same with the Trams.

Then there was the PFI bullshit of schools falling down & loan shark hospital carparks..

Or the £5 BILLION of Scotlands money languishing in the London Treasury cause Labour, that “socialist” political party “couldn’t think what to spend it on”
I’ve just given four things they could’ve spent it on but it suited yoons to saddle Scotland with debt instead.

Yet all you yoons can sing about is a couple of ferries. *yawn* Same trick tho. Fuck up from day one – its only Scotland.

Hatey McHateface

It’s not possible to work out which slot in your letter box that post came from.

But I do have grave suspicions – which I won’t elaborate – guid fowk may be enjoying their breakfasts.

C MacKay

I’m up for this and so’s everybody I know- he gave us back ourselves


When we pulled up behind the line of cars on the slip road at Dyce we were staggered to see so many. It was only the previous evening that we had heard about the convoy so to get it out in time was a challenge. But indy supporters didn’t let Alex down. Just as he never let us down. There were 60 cars in that slip road. Plus others gathered up another junction. Not to mention the many cars that joined us en route. Then there were the bikers. Magnificent. So while it was disgraceful that the establishment let him down, the people didn’t. North Macedonia was magnificent. Coming into Fraserburgh and seeing the crowd with the pipers playing on the corner had us greeting. Well, it spoke volumes about Alex. I reckon it’s what he would have wanted in some ways – the “sma folk”.
Chief. You’re gone, never forgotten. Your spirit lives on.


I trust this will come to pass:-)

agent X

SNP announce interim chief executive as Carol Beattie takes charge

SNP depute leader Keith Brown welcomed Ms Beattie, saying: “She brings considerable experience to the role and her appointment will continue the work, under John Swinney’s leadership, to ensure a professional, modern, dynamic election-winning organisation.

Has anyone seen any evidence of Swinney ever running a dynamic election-winning organisation?

In fact she she stood in the Falkirk council by-election on Thursday, but lost to Labour’s Claire Aitken.

Last edited 6 days ago by agent X

Alex Salmond – probably the best politician ever produced in and for Scotland. He was so good the Establishment (and all its paid promoters in Scotland) had to lie and cheat to pervert the groundswell of support for Independence in 2014. Thereafter they lied and cheated to traduce him in an attempt to have him jailed, where he might well have died. What can you say about people like that apart from it is what they have done for centuries to people who posed a threat to their colonies.
I was struck by the difference in the send-off given to Mr Salmond in North Macedonia – honour guard and ceremony – and how he was received in Aberdeen – three undertakers with a trolley and two baggage handlers. Could the Scottish/UK governments not rustled up half a dozen Scottish Soldiers to do the honours here?
I was glad the people turned out to honour him.

Vivian O’Blivion

From the statement yesterday announcing Murray Foote’s relinquish the role of SNP, CEO; “Mr Foote will stay in the role until his successor is appointed.“

Today’s news; “Carol Beattie, former chief executive of Stirling Council, will take over immediately until a permanent appointment is made.“ “The decision was made at a meeting of the SNP’s national executive committee …”.

Looks like they changed the locks on Jackson’s Entry while Foote was away for the weekend. Why the panic? Does Stu still have a mole in the NEC?


I thought it was announced the day Alex Salmond was coming home to try and get the headlines.


Thought the timing was a bit strange but not to grab headlines.

Nae Need!

Did you see what she said – she’s been brought in as damage limitation (for the NuSNP) and an attack dog to anything US lot might try and do to bring certain people, blinking like sewer rats, out into daylight.


Thoughts over a coffee.

Well after a week of depression mixed with grief on the death of Salmond and watching Swinney smiling with Starmer and hearing Nicola and her BBC team spew their hate filled comments I do wonder what is ahead and if the worst of Westminster’s asset stripping is still to come.
Having considered the gloom I wonder what Alex would be saying and i think it would be along the lines of:

The SNP will be out unless they change
They are compromised so no change is expected
So Alba has to step up, sort out its structures and succession plans.
The grifters will move on as soon as they see the P45 ahead
There will be shock when Westminster chucks them under the bus and comes out full strength for Labour and headlining ferries and wasted money.
I doubt if the SNP will recover.

I think he would be saying its not what we expected but we must keep going and take the dream forward to the next generation.

Nae Need!

I don’t like dreams. I like concrete plans, strategy, step by step processes clearly set out in advance. I want to know what I’m voting for, and ‘dreams’ is NOT something I can get behind.

agent X
Last edited 6 days ago by agent X

How many years till the next westminster election ????
Unless the SNO bin Nicola and her plants and adopt SNP 1 alba 2 in 2026 they are finished


Would you be voting SNP 1 at this stage? None of my family would ever vote for them again.

Kit Bee

Vote SNP?? NEVER. They have just voted to not go with that 1 2 plan so f*** em. Don’t vote SNP!!#

Hail Alba


Not long if Sir Kid Starver keeps up his antics.

A jurno asked P at a press conference about materials (For dirty bombs) being sent to U from the UK government.

That’ll escalate fast..

Obviously it’s not being reported in the UK media but given Z is busy telling everyone he’ll just use nukes by himself if his demands aren’t met then he could’ve been supplied with something.

No one is voting SNP at all in this hoose! Not even SNP #100,000,000
Get them out. Vote another Indy party or independence solo candidate if they’re standing.

Don’t vote Green either!


We can’t look at anything – because you’ve linked to a paywalled article – in future archive it.

Alex Salmond death could lead to ‘highest-ever support for independence’ | The National


A picture paints a thousand words and the faux-nationalist rag that is Nicla’s fanzine selecting the least flattering photo in both their and the Herald’s vast image archive speaks volumes.

Now the prospects of the lid being blown of the whole Get Salmond cabal have conveniently gone away, watch Branchform being concluded with no further action being taken.

The dragging out of that investigation prevented Salmond’s case being heard, but with Salmond’s case unable to proceed, there’s no reason to continue to stall Branchform.

It’ll be a startlingly convenient coincidence if things play out as predicted, no?


We have been told by Alex’s side that the malfeasance/misfeasance case against the Scot Gov is continuing, so all is not yet lost.


I must have missed that. Have they publicly announced such, or is this hearsay/speculation?


I thought it was his lawyers, Levy and McRae’s, who said it in their tribute that was published a few days ago. But whoever did say it, they weren’t speculating and they were a reputable source. I’m sorry I can’t pin it down further but I’m sure someone else can do so.


Following his death, the Herald and Nicla’s fanzine ran with “The court case against the Scottish Government launched by Alex Salmond last year is set to continue, according to friends of the former first minister.”

Levy & McRae…

link to

The somewhat ambiguous sentence in David McKie’s tribute stating “While there are still some injustices to be resolved” could be something, could be nothing.

I’m no expert, but I can’t my head around the dead, or their representatives, bringing a case in any scenario other than wrongful death, whereby the relatives are entitled to compensation.

I sincerely hope that the Get Salmond cabal, no names, no pack drill, we see you, are brought to book, but I won’t hold my breath for fear of turning blue.

James Gardner

The Nationot now takes over from the Hoots Mon as the Purveyor o’ Pish !


O/T Is Carol Beattie, the new “interim chief executive” of SNP, related to Colin Beattie, ex-Treasurer of SNP?


Not that I’m aware.

Anton Decadent

Ever seen them in the same room together?

James Gardner

If they do one for Sturgeon it will be Teflon coated…..


The man who almost extinguished the «United Kingdom» giving its then «leaders» frequent panic attacks will receive scant recognition from the establishments of Scotland and England.
The British State on current observations may well disappear up its own fundament.
I think we know who will be beaming a cheeky broad grin as things get very uncomfortable.

Nuair a bhíonn deacracht ag Sasana, bíonn deis ag Éirinn
As bold Irish nationalists said, let it be Scotland’s also.
«England’s difficulty, Scotland’s opportunity»…good political sense in any language.

machrihanish lad

Are we really so dumb?
April 2013… and as if by BBC accident. The Royal Air Force Air Cadets organization has announced that Olympic gold medalist Sir Chris Hoy has agreed to become their ambassador. Nail. Mast. Colours.
Well..God Save the Queen. 
Of course, there’s an imminent referendum.
But hey, that’s a Sir Chris Hoy and the Royal Air Force Air Cadets organisation announcement moment 

And then today: as if by some media magic power of influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces…on the same weekend the people of Scotland are by events, to stop, perhaps reflect on the loss and funeral of Alex Salmond…

No. By coincidental BBC media magic… the very same Royal Air Force Air Cadets Ambassador finds out on the very same weekend…. that (stop the press) he perhaps in two to four years from now…. subject to state media revision – might NOT be dead. Are we really so dumb?

Sir Chris Hoy & Nicola Sturgeon they are a media marriage made in Unionist heaven… 

She will NOT be attending the funereal of Alex Samond because she will be – proudly with her sister – at this time of need – at the bedside of The Royal Air Force Air Cadets Ambassodor, Sir Chris Hoy..

Are we really so dumb? No. This shit makes me want to vomit!

And Spouse

I’m hoping that somebody with Scotland at heart, does the first documentary about the life of Big Eck, before the BBC and K Wark get ahead of the game and spread their version of propaganda.


What an inspiring documentary that would be – in the right hands.

The last verse of this Kenneth McKellar recording of ‘Will Ye No’ Come Back Again’ would make a great soundtrack:


“Sweet’s the laverock’s note and lang,
Lilting wildly up the glen;
But aye to me he sings ae sang,
Will ye no’ come back again?

Will ye no’ come back again?
Will ye no’ come back again?
Better lo’ed ye canna be,
Will ye no’ come back again?”


Rev, could you please put on here the film of Alex Salmond practically exploding with passion about the failure of the SNP since 2014 to do anything to gain independence. “I’ll be damned if I am going to see it [independence] talked into oblivion with inaction. …Not even put to the touch.”

The video is on the Alba Party’s facebook, dated 29th November 2023. It is the most inspiring speech and speaks for all we mourners. If it were projected all over Scotland a la Led by Donkeys, we would have a mass public rising.


I mean, Rev, would you please do an article based around the video.

Chic McGregor

Brilliant as ever Chris and cuttingly humorous.

Reminded me of one I did over 20 years ago when it was floated that Tony Blair might get a statue outside Holyrood.

Last edited 5 days ago by Chic McGregor
Chic McGregor

Oops copied the wrong toon


That’s good, Chic!


If Sir Tom Hunter hadn’t come forward – meanwhile Sturgeon the Judas has been banned from attending Alex Salmond’s funeral or a later Memorial/Celebration of our National hero – Alex Salmond.

“Alba Party general secretary Christopher McEleny said: “Lots of private individuals with means approached offering to help.
“Out of respect I won’t name them all but one I will mention is Loganair.
“They contacted us to say they were standing ready with a flight and would fully staff it and fly over and said as a Scottish airline they would feel privileged to do that.
“I thought this was really ­impressive, that as a Scottish airline they were duty bound to help and said they would fly straight there and take him home.””


Superb. Well done, Loganair.

Meg Merrilees

What a beautiful gesture.


Alex Salmond’s private funeral will take place in the week beginning the Monday the 28th of October.

A public memorial service for our national hero will take place some time after that.

Carol Neill

If anyone from the Cowdenbeath area is going I would be more than happy to share fuel and costs
im unable to drive any distance
nice touch that an online memorial book is available for those unable to get to Edinburgh

Graf Midgehunter

Could you give us a link to it, Carol.


Not sure if this is the one, GM.

link to

Graf Midgehunter

That’s one to start with. Thanks.

Carol Neill

That’s the one , I got an email and never thought to include a link ,sorry


Carol, I’ll be going via M90

Billy Carlin

Hi Stu don’t know if you have seen this…artistic creation ? :

link to


“Miss Nicola Sturgeon”? Have we missed something?

Graf Midgehunter

She’s a “Missstake”. Since 2015.

Garavelli Princip

And the nationality claimed by Miss Sturgeon is “British “. Well that’s clarified that for us!

The Flying Iron of Doom

To be fair, that field is probably selected via a drop-down menu which doesn’t provide “Scottish” as an option 😐


I’ve never been sure about whether or not she’s a signed uk asset or just a useful idiot. However she is definitely an idiot as she may not have realised Scottish is an acceptable alternative to British for Companies House in the same way that she didn’t realise that she didn’t have to have her private address displayed when registering the company. Unless the address where the police erected the tent and searched isn’t her residence!

Garavelli Princip

The residence searched by the police is in Mount Venon, Uddingston – the one she shares (or shared) with Peter. The address in companies house is in Kinghorn Fife – presumably that of her accountant.

I understand she also has (or had) a large house in Gleneagles – but I doubt lavender Pete was ever allowed there, since it was used (allegedly) for (ahem) other purposes! A private retreat!

There is a fair bit of ‘smoke and mirrors’ concerning her various residences and lifestyle – no doubt all known to the very journalists who now savage the reputation of the man who made her, and who was plotted against so viciously!


Check the Certificate of Incorporation where she gives her private residence.

Kit Bee

Methinks that whether she is an asset or a useful idiot the British State will have to get rid of her eventually. But how will they do it I wonder??

The Flying Iron of Doom

She’s probably preparing to coin it in by making appearances ‘n’ delivering speeches just as soon as this pesky Branchform business has duly concluded, “Nothing to see here, we promise.” That’s my guess anyway. Quite why anyone would pay to hear her words of “wisdom” is a mystery which I leave to others to explain…

Garavelli Princip

She’s a cult figure. All cultists survive by scamming the idiots who follow them. She’s a total failure, and nastry with it.


‘Hubble Bubble’

link to


Your linked archived for posterity and to save giving the Herald page hits.

link to

Graf Midgehunter

Thanks to Dan, I was able to read the fear ridden fairy-tale from Dani G. without a guilty conscience.

I think it’s getting all the clearer now that the Alphabetties and their apologists in the MSM and politics are starting to get really scared.

The noose is feeling a lot tighter now that AS has left us.

They didn’t expect the nation-wide reaction or the anger about the failure of Branchform, or “Branch anything” to get to the heart of the cover-ups regarding AS, 600,000, embezzlement and whatever else that the police have turned up with.
The Crown dam is weak, how long can it hold?

Parliamentary Privilege maybe coming to Holyrood, David Davis in WM itching to “correct” the “Betties” etc.. so it’s no wonder the Garavellis, McColms and other Sturgeon “Culties” can smell the fear.

The ugly truth is a coming… 🙂

Last edited 4 days ago by Graf Midgehunter
Garavelli Princip

Craig Murray has challenged the Murrell and Liz Lloyd to sue him for saying that:
They concocted these against him to try to destroy him because he was a threat to the British state… and the agent of that was Nicola Sturgeon and her husband Peter Murrell, and their office – their Chief of Staff Liz Lloyd, among others”

“The defamation courts are open to them. I would call all three and have a number of questions I would love to ask all three of them under oath. I also have some really interesting Whatsapp messages to introduce”.

I’d love them to take the bait – but I have a funny idea that somehow they won’t!

Garavelli Princip

Yet another reason for not buying/reading the Herald. I stopped it years ago. I’ve never felt more vindicated!




Wow. That is one piece of work. Just won’t quit eh?
Mind you like the rest it knows it can’t have it’s arse sued off now.


As usual the despicable actions and lies of this creature had to wait on AS passing , these presstitutes hadn’t the bottle to post their slurs when he was alive because they knew Salmond would sue them and their gutter press and EXPOSE the TRUTH rather than their despicable fairy tales

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