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Wings Over Scotland

End Of Part One

Posted on July 05, 2024 by

Well, we hope you all listened to us in January and got your bets in.

Enjoy your winnings. Because the real work starts now.

(As we write this there’s one Scottish seat waiting to be declared – Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shire, which had been SNP. So it’s still possible that the SNP could break double digits, but even in that case the winnings on the 13/8 bet would still have more than covered the 8/1 bet and left you in profit.)

Last night’s election was extraordinary in all sorts of ways. Labour’s majority of 166 (give or take a couple depending on those last few results) is well below even the lowest of predictions, but has been won on just barely over a third of the vote.

Keir Starmer won the backing of just 33.8% of the electorate – 6% FEWER than Jeremy Corbyn did in 2017, and only 2% more than Corbyn got in his shattering 2019 defeat. On a night of low turnout from a deeply disillusioned electorate, Labour’s total vote actually went DOWN on Corbyn’s tallies in both 2019 (by around 600,000) and 2017 (by around 3 million).

But because of the havoc wrought by Reform UK – who took 14% of the vote but only got four seats for it, while the Lib Dems got 71 seats for 12%, gaining 63 MPs on just 0.6% more vote share – and the UK’s comically broken electoral system, Starmer will govern like an emperor with one of the biggest majorities of all time, just a few shy of Tony Blair’s 179 in 1997, and against the wishes of almost 70% of the population.

The SNP clung like a drowning man to the line that their crushing defeat in Scotland was down to the election being about kicking out the Tories.

But that excuse was laughably false, because result after result showed Tory voters switching to Labour to kick out the SNP. The only seat the Tories lost in Scotland was Aberdeenshire North, as a result of Douglas Ross’s catastrophic decision to parachute himself in over the head of popular local incumbent David Duguid.

It caused such a mutiny in Tory ranks – the local party basically refused to campaign – that Ross had to stand down as the party’s Scottish leader.

And even there the SNP vote share went down, just not as much as the Tories. Labour were absolutely nowhere (they disowned their own candidate), and if even a fifth of the Reform vote had stayed with the Tories then Ross would have hung on.

(We must of course concede that technically Reform DO want to kick out the Tories, but only to replace them with much more extreme super-Tories.)

To pick an example genuinely at random, we stuck a pin in the electoral map, at Airdrie & Shotts. Here’s the 2019 result:

In 2024 the Tory vote melted from 18% to less than 5%, but largely because Reform came from nothing to take 8%. Those weren’t people who wanted Labour in power, they were people for whom the Tories weren’t Tory ENOUGH.

It makes no sense for SNP voters to switch to Labour to “kick out the Tories” when the SNP already held the seat and the Tories presented zero threat. They deserted the SNP because they didn’t want to vote SNP any more.

Conversely, switching your vote from the SNP to Labour in – another random example – Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock “to kick out the Tories” would have been an incredibly risky strategy, given that Labour were absolutely nowhere in the seat in 2019 and the Tories were only a couple of thousand behind.

But switch they did, with the SNP and Tory votes both being cut in half and a sizeable chunk of the latter going to Reform. The Labour vote did more than double, but it still wouldn’t have even been enough for second place five years ago.

The conclusion is clear: this was a vote to get rid of the SNP, not the Tories.

But we knew all this beforehand. Scotland’s election was never going to be about kicking out the Tories, because there were hardly any Tories to kick out – under 10% of the country’s seats at Westminster were occupied by Conservatives. In more than 20 seats, switching from SNP to Labour entailed risking MORE Tories winning because Labour were so far behind, in 3rd place or even worse.

Only some failures of Unionist tactical voting stopped the SNP ending up with FEWER seats than the Tories – eg in Aberdeen North, where voting Labour was completely insane from a Unionist perspective, with the party miles behind in 4th place.

But the Labour and Tory vote split in half, letting Stephen Flynn sneak through with a vote tally that again wouldn’t even have been enough to come second in 2019.

It was an extremely Pyrrhic victory for Flynn, whose plans to get elected to Holyrood in 2026 as a stepping stone to the party leadership now lie in tatters. Under the rules invented to stymie Joanna Cherry, he now can’t run for the Scottish Parliament without first standing down at Westminster – not a great look for the Westminster leader.

(Kate Forbes will probably be the happiest SNP politician in Scotland today.)

He’s now trapped in London, a nonentity leading a tiny rump that’s lost its prestigious role as the third-biggest party, away from the real Scottish action, and as a final twist of the knife he’s only going to have Pete Wishart and Kirsty Blackman to talk to.

(Blackman was also the beneficiary of a split Unionist vote. There were 25,000 anti-independence votes in Aberdeen North, but they fragmented and kept Blackman in the seat with just 14,500 despite her vote share plummeting from 54% to 34%.)

John Swinney duly issued the usual platitudes about listening and learning lessons, but absolutely nobody believes the SNP will actually do either, as last night’s parade of excuses and Swinney’s own toe-curling insistence that the SNP still had a mandate for a second referendum illustrated.

The party is stone-cold dead in the water, and the independence movement’s only regret should be that it held onto as many as nine seats. But alternative indy parties failed to make any sort of breakthrough last night – as far as we can tell Alba’s best showing was a dismal 2.8% for Neale Hanvey in Cowdenbeath and Kirkcaldy.

It’s hard to avoid contrasting Alba’s continued failure to launch with the pretty striking success of Reform in similar circumstances. While they may only have four seats, Alex Salmond would kill for Nigel Farage’s vote share. Fully 20% of Scottish voters want independence but didn’t vote for the SNP yesterday, and the vast majority of them didn’t vote for alternative indy parties either.

A rational explanation (or at least partial explanation) for that is that the SNP had to suffer a big defeat before people would start to accept that the party was no longer a credible route to independence and had to be replaced. It’s quite hard to get voters to believe a party with 80% of Scottish seats is a busted flush.

But last night certainly provided that watershed. The SNP is over, and now it’s time for people to stop clinging to the corpse, weeping and raging impotently at the heavens. Today is when the real work on the new era of the indy movement has to begin.

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Thomas Potter

The SNP only have themselves to blame.
Good riddance and now we have a chance of getting Independence back on the agenda.

Dorothy Devine

Apparently the SNP failed to convince Scots of the urgency of independence , according to John Swinney. It seems he failed to notice that they had not mentioned the I word in any of their literature , not only that some SNP MPs seem to think independence was unimportant.

I hate the buggers and their twisted logic , hell mend them all.


“The SNP is over. Today is when the real work on the new era of the indy movement has to begin.”

I agree, but will it?


One way to look at the numbers is that when the SNP had majority of seats in Scotland it was because many wanted out of a Tory run UK.

While Labour are in power in Westminster folks don’t fear as much and don’t want to hit the escape hatch of Independence.

Sadly I don’t think this Labour Party is actually any better (we perhaps less incompetent) for Scotland than the Tories. And if Reform and the Tories merge or have an electoral pact… Within 5 years we will have another Tory/Reform Government.

Nobody I know likes or even trusts Starmer which is why the vote was so bad. This doesn’t feel like a Labour or even Lib Dem style government coming in… It’s just a slightly less worse version of the Tories.

Just as the SNP has been captured by the Devolutionists and mired in The Pride (But mostly the Trans lobby) wars… So too has Labour seem to be captured by the Rich and powerful who just want to enjoy Brexit without the mess.


The Hanvey result is very disheartening.
Just goes to show the general public are purely voting on party colours or, more likely, for the personalities that lead the parties and not the actual MP. Likely fuelled by a diet of directed MSM releases, particularly a large focus on US elections that bleeds through into ours and having no further thought or reading.
To give Hanvey only 2.8% of the vote following a successful 5 years of operation on behalf of K&C, regardless of the party colour, is wild


The SNP might also have been helped in Aberdeenshire North by Labour having suspended its candidate and doing no campaigning for him.
link to


It also didn’t help that the SNP ‘independence strategy’ was never coherent in any way. Obviously that’s because independence was never intended.

There’s no way swinney will step down. He’ll remain to scuttle the ship in 2026, then report back to whitehall for retirement drinks.


“get woke, go broke” – has become a meme now, applied mainly to films/games, to make them “progressive”.

identity politics has destroyed the SNP and they are in the process of losing their political influence; will they learn? And does anyone care?

ideologues, zealots, fanatics are quite resistant to “seeing sense” – some will be digging in, doubling down, some will be running for the exits, to try and grab themselves some NGO knife and fork job before the rush.

admitting you were wrong is not something they want to do – and I am looking forward to enjoying the contortions of their coping mechanism – on the doggers, or on bella – “its an MI5 plot by Alba and WOS” – or “too radical, we weren’t radical enough”

“the people have spoken – the BASTARDS! … ”

– the nutters have been running off the leash for too long, and now the choke chain is being yanked. A lot of people in politics really hate democracy and so give it a new name “populism” and attempt to demonise it – maybe people’s views should be checked for rightness, before being allowed to vote?

It was the “reactionary gang of transphobes” – they will say, but it is merely the popular will, pissed off with a lot of things – a nationalist movement abandoned its prime reason for existing, and was prepared to throw everything under the bus for – bizarre – other, at best, minor issues of trivial impact, at worst, sinister, social engineering.

Now for the holyrood crowd (nothing happened down at westminster anyway) – will the greens tack back to being “nvirnmental”, how much attendance at the never ending pride events will continue? Will Humza be allowed to rant away about “white people” again? Or will we see furious backtracking, painting their faces blue and posting about the clearances?

– in the old days (before internet) when a girl had a bad reputation, she would wipe the makeup off, put on the sunday school dress and move 2 towns over, where she was not known and become “respectable” again. Maybe the SNP need to delete a lot of twitter accounts – all that rainbow flag flying – wherever I see that, I feel a deep revulsion. Will they learn?

Will any SNP politician have the guts (and foresight and opportunism) to come straight out and openly blame ID politics/wokism/all the fucking perverts and weirdoes for their destruction?

– many will talk around it.

Patrick Roden

As a previous member of the SNP, I have completely stopped voting for them and now despise most of them.

I will never vote for them again because they have betrayed Scotland.

David Hannah

Handcuff Sturgeon.

Why hasn’t Murrell been charged?

Only Dorothy Bain can explain that one.

She’s protecting these disgusting individuals.

David Hannah

Look at Sturgeon’s face. She’s grim. a face like thunder. I was cheering every result for labour.

David Hannah

Dorothy’s got this whole charade going, acting all high and mighty as the Lord Advocate. Wanting to abolish juries. She’s as crooked as a dog’s hind leg! She’s practically got Nicola’s photo framed on her desk. She’s protecting Sturgeon.

The legal system has to rise up and stand up.

These bastards are fucking. the scum of the earth. Where is scottish legal? JAIL THE FUCKS

Alba Andy

REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL… Does anyone know when:
1. Polis Scotland will announce if they will be charging NS?
2. The already charged Mr NS will appear in court?
3. Alex Salmond’s case against Scotgov will come to court?

Because I’m an optimist (as a lifelong indy supporter you have to be), my dream is that when all the above have concluded and all those who were party to the AS stitch-up have been charged, the SNP will go to Alex on bended knee asking him to return as leader and complete the job he so nearly achieved in 2014.

Boyce Franks

Since Nicola became leader the SNP attacked anyone who questioned their commitment and path to independence and caused a mass exodus of activists to leave the party. The point they need to learn is that we do not believe the SNP themselves believe in independence anymore. The 8 MPs they have now will be as ineffective as the 48 they had before. A wide open goal, with the British government on the ropes, and they couldn’t score – just like our national football team.

The 48 SNP MPs in London turned out to be well-behaved British devolutionists who obsessed more about gender issues and Palestine than pressing home Scotland’s right to independence.
They were nice little Scottish pets down there. They new their place and never stepped out of it.

That’s why their noses are bleeding today.

David Hannah

They voted for reform as Nigel Farage is liked. He’s liked after his stint on I’m a celebrity.

and there’s not enough houses and too much illegal migration.

if you look at the stats – despite the mainstream media narrative – of ‘scotland being different’

42 per cent of scots want immigration reduced. Google it.

those that believe that human activity is the sole form of climate change is reducing.

I’m gutted for Alba but they’ve not registered because the emotive issue is not there right now for Independence. It’s not being felt in our day to day lives its a harder argument to present.

Where as immigration is affecting us all. I’d go hard on immigration if I were alba.

Scotland First. Natives first. We are a natives first party. then you’ll pick up most of the votes.

No more deliveroo drivers. Ban the deliveroo bikes in Glasgow. These people are horrible and destroying the city centre – the scourge of the third world loitering around our streets.

We deserve so much better. Scotland first.

David Hannah

Alex Salmond needs to apply for I’m a Celebrity.

He needs to go on a skinny diet of SNP tears as he’s been enjoying himself of late. We need to get the old man in shape as far as possible.

And then go again in Holyrood in 2026.

Get big Eck into the jungle. He’d be a laugh!

David Hannah

It’s good to see Salmond’s pal David Davis returned to Westminister.

That mean’s there’s still the possibility of him reading out the names of the alphabetties who Scotland needs to go to jail?

Doesn’t it?

I hope that upsets Sturgeon.

David Hannah

Get the Joanna Cherry video shared.

Sturgeon’s face. AHAHA.

It’s your fault Nicola!

David Hannah

Scotland should have a Referendum with one question.. Should Sturgeon be in prison. YES or NO


Wonder if there are enough folk with spines left in the party to oust Swinney. Put J.C in control and they have a chance.

Dave M

I voted for a local independent candidate yesterday, but only because I had to vote for someone. There was no way I was voting for Deidre Brock to sit on her arse for another five years, nor would I be voting for a unionist party or one of the handful of fringe parties who stood in the area.

I didn’t want to see a Labour government, but I won’t stand for being held to ransom on the grounds that the SNP allegedly stand for independence for my country. They only mention it when there’s an election, and I hope that they now understand that we won’t be taken for fools, given they didn’t spot that we handed Labour their jotters in 2015 in exactly the same way.

Whatever’s next for the SNP or whichever organisation replaces it, they need to get on with the bloody job and not be distracted by ‘niche’ issues which will tear up the social contract. Perhaps Starmer is about to get involved in realpolitik and not be side-tracked by such issues. Time will tell! But in Scotland, we can’t afford to be anything other than laser-focused on independence. Now that the SNP’s deadweight MPs are gone, perhaps the real work can finally start.

Ian McCubbin

So disappointed by Alba and ISP.
Guess they did not convince independistas who left SNP.
The independence cause has a hard road to build back on now.
Who will take a lead?


Now that Starmer is in charge of the nuke button(apparently)!

Which button will he push first?

The red button? –
The rainbow button?
The I don’t feckin ken button?


What the fuck is happening in the SNP with regards to Sturgeon? We’ve just seen the clip above were Sturgeon refused to acknowledge she was to blame for the SNP demise and today John Swinney coming and standing in front a poster SNP for Scotland saying he was entirely to blame for it all. Why would he want to take the blame for Sturgeon failure unless its all designed for when the police investigation is finished Sturgeon just to step into her previous roll as leader of the SNP.

Doug McGregor
Vivian O’Blivion

With the Inverness, Sky & Ross-shire recount postponed ‘till Saturday, the best the SNP can do is break into double figures at Westminster.
What does that mean?
Well, a likely loss of c. £964.6 k, pa in British State, Short money for starters.
Then there’s the 10% tithe Jackson’s Entry is strongly rumoured to extract from MPs. That’s another £356 k income missing from the next accounts.

Swinney can spin and prevaricate all he wants. £1.3 m, pa revenue decline will be decisive. The Party can add financial insolvency to moral bankruptcy.


Stu, not sure of your logic here, that “the SNP had to suffer a big defeat before people would start to accept that the party was no longer a credible route to independence” and therefore turn to Alba.
In Reform, those of us who want to see a complete reconstruction of the Right (as is occurring throughout Europe) were able to be a part of the destruction of the old “wet” Tory Party. Reform has grown as a function of its onslaught on the Tories (and even Labour although that is still early days). I would have thought Alba, if it had a future, would have been doing the same; not waiting for the SNP to be exposed, but growing as a result of, and part, of that exposure. I really wasn’t expecting Reform to do so vastly much better than Alba.


This is ALL down to how the british security services infilktrated and destroyed the SNP from within! Sturgeon was compramised and bought. the same for All the other leasders in her cabal.
Whats most distateful, is the silence and greed of the SNP elected politicians.
Shamefully lining their pockets and betraying a nation, the SNP, will forever be known as the party who Betrayed Independence!
All this on Sturgeons watch!

NEVER would I have been glad that the SNP had so many losses!
They are a UNIONIST party to the core!
Perfect analysis as usuall Stu!
Without you …. were done!

mike cassidy

At 72, independence isn’t even a dream anymore

Hell, I might not even be around for the next General Election

I’m just a detached observer from now on

Looking forward to seeing whether Westminster Labour will start fucking around with devolution before the next Holyrood election

Or take a chance that two years isn’t long enough for them to be hit by a backlash


Doug McGregor
Thanks for the clip it was a real eye opener. Sturgeon making out she completely innocent and its Humza ans Swinney fault, I suppose she trying to defend her living as a MSP.

Everyone was looking at her as if to say do you believe the shit thats coming out of your mouth, YES she does.


M_alc @ 11.08am

What is concerning me: Harvey was elected as an Independent with, as I understand huge support from his constituents. Not party!!

Who is K&C?


Mike Cassidy, stay hopeful, one step at a time, today we got rid of the SNP in 2026 who knows. The one thing we must do is rid ourselves of Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP has to do the same.



I believe a lot of people had already post their postal vote for him, and he was being victimized by the SNP so indy supporters decided to back him instead of the SNP.


Yesbot @ 12.36.

K & C is Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath, Mr Hanvey’s former constituency.




David Hannahsays:
Scotland First. Natives first. We are a natives first party. then you’ll pick up most of the votes.

Sorry to say. In one of Mr Salmonds speeches in Edinburgh I think. He stated vehemently stated he would have none of that nativist stuff. Boy was I pissed off when I heard that.
Politicians are the problem we need to get rid of them all.


Voting in 7 Tory MPs after 14 years of their austerity, cut backs, and abuse of Scotland.

Our country can’t be saved if some idiots want another ten years of the same.


Salmond [whom I respect] is disliked by too many people. It handicaps Alba. His party came across as being too similar to the SNP to make any difference. It should have put abstentionism in its manifesto but it didn’t so many viewed its candidates as being as equally Westminster-centric as the SNP’s.

Scotland definitely needs a party which is ballsy and bolshie about independence. One that doesn’t give a damn about pandering to political tradition and the britnat media. One that makes its own headlines.

Andrew F

In the last week I re-watched the Al Jazz documentaries “The Lobby UK” and “The Labour Files”.

Watch them. This will be Starmer’s UK.

They cheated, lied, smeared and undermined genuine supporters in favour of operatives who are very nasty pieces of work.

One quote from the docos was like: “If they are like this at the branch level, what will they be like if they become the government?”

Good luck UK, I mean it and you’re going to need it.

This guy is going to bring your nation misery.


never having listened to him much before, it strikes me how bad starmer is at public speaking; I mean he was a lawyer, right – his delivery in one paced with the emphasis placed on one place. It comes across as stilted, and off a script (as it is) – I am falling asleep listening to him. Maybe his speech writers assume the general public are r3t4rded and we have to get the message across to the dumbest guy in the room.

– you need to vary the rhythms, should have a musical structure

maybe its the point – he will bore us all to death, into sleep, at the front end, while blackrock are round the back stealing the furniture


I wonder how the chat to King Chucky went –

KC : uncle jimmy said you were a good lad, safe pair of hands … you work for me now, so – “jog on”

KS : … but I …

KC : do one – antiques roadshow is coming on


“Devolution will kill the SNP stone dead” (George Robertson, 1997).

Well, well. Old George may have been (partly) right after all.

The subsequent 2015 election of 56 SNP MPs (mostly timid, over-promoted careerists), led to nowhere by an apparently compromised and/or clueless, party leader, has certainly finished the job IMHO.

Quite a few of those timid careerists and nut jobs lost their comfy tartan slippers last night, methinks. Found out. Too bad.

Only one real, hard lesson to learn, Mr Swinney and Mr Flynn: To be an enemy of Westminster is dangerous. To be its friend is fatal. Learn and change direction (if you can).


Just listening to Starmer bullshit ting on outside Downing Street and how people have out their trust in Labour.

That’ll be the trust of 33.9% of the electorate and 6% less than Jeremy Corbyn got in 2017 that the Rev has helpfully pointed out.

The bullshit from this Red Tory is incredible. But hey, ho, it’s England that counts again as we will find out.

Anyway, in Scotland I was delighted to see the SNP scum swept away. The fight continues. Independence has not gone away.

Campbell Clansman

The parties and candidates (Alba, ISP) favored by the Moonhowlers here at WoS all lost their deposits.
The same as the last election.
Expect a torrent of the usual “my dog ate my homework” excuses for the embarrassing showing.


Sturgeon desperately wanting folk to believe it’s not her fault. LOL! NEWSFLASH, Skanky, you’re as guilty as sin.

Remember this one, folks? “Both votes SNP”

And that’s just the start of a very long list that tells us YOU very much are to blame.

Feel free to add to the list, folks, to send her a reminder of why it’s her fault

As for her face, my auld granny would say “Look at that face, it’s enuff tae turn mulk soor.”

And here’s another for the list: Sturgeon worked with the Brits to try and frame an innocent man of a serious crime he did not commit. How much time and money was wasted on that venture instead of working on indy?

Oh yes, you very much are to blame, you and your husband.

James Duncan

The SNP’s vote was down by less than 2% overall, despite their disastrous record, according to the BBC. Sadly Alba made no impact at all, losing all their deposits, and yet there are still about 50% of the electorate who want independence.
It’s very confusing. Perhaps better minds than me can explain the puzzle . Abstentions perhaps?

Campbell Clansman

On a side note, that great brain who runs “Yours for Scotland” (so often quoted as a source of wisdom by the Moonhowlers here at WoS) predicted yesterday that the SNP would win 23 seats. See link to


It’s time we had a firebrand leading our independence parties.

If you look at how independence was achieved from the British Empire, in almost all cases it was not done by being polite and working within the Empire’s rules.

The English are masters at getting Scotland into batlles on England’s chosen field, Flodden being a good historical example, and the entire history of the last 20 years another.

What we have being doing isn’t and will never work.

It’s time for a change.

Ruby Friday

link to

NAT THIS TIME Nicola Sturgeon’s sister turns her back on SNP in General Electon & reveals her voting intention

Spiritual leader life coach sister said:

“Please just be aware. All parties have stabbed my sister in the back.”

“SNP don’t have a voice in Westminster. They should but they don’t.”

“I’ll just stay at being the dumb ass that sells makeup’

She is not voting.

What’s she saying now.

Her sister is Nat responsible for the failure of the SNP that was down to the failure of the voters.
The voters stabbed her sister in the back. Her sister is not responsible for the actions of the voters.

It was difficult to tell if the SNP had a voice at Westminster or not because they never opening their mouths well to speak that is they seemed to open their mouths a lot in the tax payer subsidised a la carte restaurants & wine bars.

Ah Bisto!

I expect she believes they had no legs either.

The SNP are legless in Westminster. They should have legs but they don’t

The tax payer funded a la carte restaurants & wine bars render SNP legless.

Sometimes I even make myself laugh!


politics, especially FPTP, has tremendous inertia

farage took 8 attempts to win even when he had the BBC acting as his PR

sturgeon was funny last night; like an arsonist discussing an inferno, with zippo lighter and oily rag still in hand

“it wisnae me, a big boy did it and ran away”


Will the SNP ever come to understand that their result goes all the way back to the dishonesty of the Salmond case.

To the SNP members that lost their seat I would simply ask, when you saw what they did to Salmond did you stay silent or were you part of the conspiracy to pervert justice.

Basic honesty is a key requirement and in this respect you failed.

You can’t have such feral people in charge.

Dont talk to me about change until you wash out the vietnam group and identify the plants.

Heads on spikes please.


No one else see the merry-go-round we’re all on?

That the next iParty that makes a dent in Scotland will just be bribed/threatened by WM or another lobbyist, or the CIA and deliver Scotland back to the Unionists with a neat wee bow – just like Sturgeon did?
Only took her a decade.
Are we really just gonnae wait the years it’ll take for another leader/iParty to gain a foothold before we can start entertaining the thought of our eventual exit from the Union again?
It’s a revolving shit show. We’ve given politicians the mandates and they’ve pissed them up the wall for personal gain.


Certainly the hour has arrived for a SCOTTISH NATIONALISM to come out of the closet sturgeon locked it in.
England’s trajectory is unquestionably in a chauvinistic, Anglo-British nationalist directiôn.
Salmond is decidedly no Farrage. The latter’s hour has certainly arrived, all he needs is a union jack suit, a fat cigar and an XL bully.

Antoine Roquentin

In a gassed-out country you can expect to find a gassed-out political system. In our disgust, Madame Roquentin and I only visited the polling station in order to spoil our ballots. Yes, I know: who cares if we did or didn’t?

Thanks for the breakdown and analysis, Stu.


The English MSM is gloating today, but for me Scots voted to remove many MP’s from a party (SNP) that sold Scotland out, and the SNP deserved what they got.

So what now which party do we get behind for oor ain elections in 2026, it certainly cannot be the SNP unless there’s drastic changes within the party, and even then could we really trust them to deliver on indy after all the lies and deceit, I think not.

And what of Salvo/liberation who knows what they’ll uncover or achieve between now and 2026 for the cause.

The new English government is just the same as the old English government, Starmer and his House Jocks, and the English Security Services will do everything in their powers to keep Scotland’s voice muffled on the international stage, to keep us small and manageable, to play down our right to end this illegal union by any means possible, Starmer like Sunak will reek havoc on Scotland.

Meanwhile our assets will continue to be stolen and folk from South of the border will continue flood into Scotland at an alarming rate taking up hospital, dentist, and doctors appointments that Scots really need, never mind houses and jobs.

We must destroy this illegal union or forever suffer the consequences of a foreign country’s (England) hold on us.

Campbell Clansman

More results:
Alba got a TOTAL of 11,784 votes. 0.5% of the total.

Turnout in Scotland was 59%, pretty much the same as turnout UK-wide (60%). So much for the myth that zillions of pro-Indy voters would refuse to vote.

Sally Hughes, a favored ISP/Yours for Stupidity candidate, got 1.4% of the vote.
Joanna Cherry, another Moonhowler favorite (albeit an SNPer) also lost big.
In East Renfrew, ISP leader Collette Walker lost her deposit (again), getting only 0.6% of the vote. Her 296 votes was less than the Scottish Family Party, and dwarfed by Reform.

Michael Laing

@ Doug at 12.46pm:

“Salmond [whom I respect] is disliked by too many people. It handicaps Alba. His party came across as being too similar to the SNP to make any difference.”

I’m thinking along similar lines. If people view Westminster as irrelevant to Scotland, and in the knowledge that the SNP achieved and could achieve nothing by being there, then voting for a minor party in a Westminster election probably seemed a pretty futile exercise to most. That’s how it seemed to me. Indeed, voting in a Westminster election at all appeared futile to me.

I am disappointed but not at all surprised at the result for Alba. If Alba is to make a breakthrough – and I tend to doubt that it can as things currently stand – I think it will be dependent upon external factors such as what becomes of the SNP and the outcome of the criminal investigations into Sturgeon and her cronies. Even then, I don’t see how Salmond can recover the ground that’s been lost.

We must find another way. We need to demonstrate ‘people power’ somehow.


Videos of SNP candidates in tears because their gravy train has just crashed off the rails. Every one of them a completely useless chancer that did zero for independence. Hell mend them. They were warned enough.

Campbell Clansman

Bottom line from the election:

Only 35% of Scots voted for the (purportedly) pro-Indy parties.

In 2022 Scotland’s First Minister said that Britain’s next national election will be an effective referendum on Scottish independence.
That “effective referendum” has been held, and the results are in.


59% of Scots thought it their holy duty to support the system that has treated their country as an appendage for three centuries and is very likely to continue to do so.

Boycott the British state? Maybe the only means available of ceasing to be an appendage.
Conventional wisdom would have you believe boycotts don’t work.
Tell that to Gandhiji.


Wee error slipped in there Rev.
“eg in Aberdeen North, where voting Labour was completely insane from a Unionist perspective, with the party miles behind in 4th place.” Should say Aberdeen South.


Has Swinney resigned yet? Or is there still more of this shit show to endure?


Joanna Cherry has got as much of a brass neck as Nicola Sturgeon. Saying that the SNP hadn’t explained the why & how of independence after having been an MP for so many years. Whenever she appeared in the media it wasn’t to talk about independence. I expected her, along with maybe one or two others, to leave the SNP and join Alba, but the very public push from the SNP wasn’t enough and clearly the pull of actually trying to gain independence wasn’t either.

The acid test for any politician in Scotland is imagining them helping lead an independent nation. With that in mind, it’s no wonder, that despite a UK that is for all but the very wealthy, determined to fail well beyond what it already has, that support for independence has flatlined. It doesn’t matter that it’s around 50% (that could easily be largely because of the UK’s political and economic shambles). Without Scotland based reasons for independence, it looks like it’s a case of better the devil you know for the remaining 50%. So status quo it remains, with independence looking more like a protest movement than ever.

Cherry may partly be correct in saying that the why & how of independence hasn’t been fully made (by the SNP for sure), but it’s the ‘who’ that is for the time being, the biggest obstacle and getting rid of the roadblock that is the SNP is the main task for anyone that wants to avoid Scotland being dragged down into a very and even harsher world that the UK is determined to ensure happens.


Look what was published the Day of the Debacle:

link to


New political parties are like rocket ships and their fuel is media attention. Alba’s failure to launch is down to a lack of fuel, nothing else.

Reform by comparison got lots of attention in the MSM.

The SNP’s death is inevitable but it isn’t dead yet. Things need to go from bad to worse before it finally keels over, and they will. We all know what’s coming down the pike.

Hundreds of people in Scotland lost their jobs last night. For those people it’s time to talk, not listen. Everybody knows Sturgeon caused this. They don’t need to worry about being fired or hounded by her clique today, so let’s hear what they have to say.

When Kate Forbes put that silly yellow jacket on last night, she no doubt believed she was expressing support for the party. By the time she took it off, the party was on its death bed and she must have wished she’d gone with the black one.

Oh well.



John’s to hold the fort until Nicola is able return and take up her previous post in the SNP, but she unable to return at the moment I believe she has legal issues.

Ruby Friday

We need to demonstrate ‘people power’ somehow.

Agreed! Is that not what we just did with the very, very limited powers that people in a colony have?

How about some ‘flash mob’ dancing.

Everyone knows some Scottish dance steps maybe not the Seann Triubhas or the Sword Dance but every one can ‘pas de bas’ a wee bit and make that noise that they do at ceilidhs no idea how you spell it but you’ll know what I mean
Help with that would be appreciated.

link to

That looks easy enough. Heel Toe here we go. Wheech!?

Lets get dancin’

If nothing else the tourists will love it and we would have fun & get fit. 🙂

Wouldn’t if have been marvellous if the SNP hadn’t been legless and had done a a wee bit of the old ‘heel toe here we go’ in Westminster Hall.

Elizabeth Robertson

The only corpse in the room is the Indy one! Hahahaha.


Could’ve been so much worse for the Sham Nationalist Party…

G Leadbitter: 1001 Majority
S Logan: 942 Majority
S Gethins: 859
C Law: 675 Majority

One seat to declare tomorrow, but 4 of the 9 have their jackets on decidedly shoogly pegs.

Never thought I’d live to see the day I was glad the SNP took a beating, but it’s not really the SNP, it’s Sturgeon’s mutant nuSNP, and they can all go to hell!


Died on the Fourth of July

Ruby Friday

Elizabeth Robertson

Any relation to Angus funder of porn or the Lord from Port Ellen?


5 July, 2024 at 2:35 pm

New political parties are like rocket ships and their fuel is media attention. Alba’s failure to launch is down to a lack of fuel, nothing else.

I don’t believe that’s true. When Salmond launched ALBA as a List Party to support the SNP and deliver a Holyrood Supermajority, it was a game changing initiative which nobody saw coming. It was instantly electrifying, and for a short time, Scotland had another chance.

It wasn’t a lack of publicity which poisoned the strategic masterstroke that was ALBA. It was Sturgeon’s vindictive narcissism aided and abetted by the brainless WGD types, the delinquent creeps, paedos and weirdos in Sturgeon’s menagerie, and not forgetting The National.

You’ll be able to spot the narrow minded bastards responsible, because they’re still doing it.

Michael Laing

@ Campbell Clansman at 1.00pm: You are the “moonhowler” here at WOS. Your fatuous comments are of no relevance or consequence.


Michael Laing @ 3.30pm;

Amen to that, brother.

Campbell Clansman

The Scottish voters demonstrated the much talked about “People Power” yesterday.

35% “People Power,” to be exact.

Ruby Friday

Campbell’s Soup is absolute shit especially his ‘Cock-a-leekie’


Breeks, I’m afraid I don’t have the power of imagination required to even contemplate the hypothetical possibility of such an alliance between Alba and the SNP.

The offer of a pact itself was a stunt, and nobody really took it seriously. I’m not going to start now…

Yes, it was a good idea that could have made a difference, blah, blah, blah. I have 8 million good ideas that could make a difference.

Newsflash; when it comes to realpolitiks, reality matters.

Campbell Clansman

Michael Laing
Ignored says:
5 July, 2024 at 3:30 pm
@ Campbell Clansman at 1.00pm: Your fatuous comments are of no relevance or consequence

The civilized world is in awe of the sheer intellectual brilliance of your response!
No wonder your side was able to persuade so many Scots to vote for them!


Elizabeth Robertson

If you really believe that then you are an even bigger idiot than you first appear.


The mutant SNP went out of its way to not appear «nationalist», the nation, ethnicities, cultures etc the historic stock in trade of nationalist freedom movements worldwide were toxic to the Great Queen, her progeny and devoted worshippers.
The mutant also appeared, although offered opportunities on a golden plate, afraid to inflict real hurt to the adversary’s system; fearful of not having the tackle to cope with the certainty of backlash, maybe?

In many ways its mutant outlook also fitted the globalist matrix which is ill disposed to local «nationalisms» that might subvert the planetary corporatist agenda; note, no mousiness there.
By contrast the stalinist implementation of WHO & big pharma medicalization fiats during Covid should never be forgotten for their counter democratic policing.
Indeed the mutant appeared a queer party of lightweight farded eunuchs ministering to her absolute majesty in a sultry hareem of political artifice, smoke and mirrors. Little wonder the often told exotic tales of trans/lgbtxyz doings penetrated so many.
The hareem is laid waste…so now what O People!
Gird those fine loins for a dirty fight? The father and mother of all battles?
Slàinte mhath to that.

Ruby Friday

According to Sturgeon the SNP have the same pronouns as Sam Smith.

All this pronoun stuff is confusing.

They (Nicola) said it last night on TV.

Them are non-binary!

Did anyone gay, non binary or trans get elected?

Just wondering if the rainbow flag did damage to gay & lesbian politicians as well as to the independence movement.

John McGregor

The snp got what they deserved the ? root of Fvck all They will end up Bankrupt with the loss of the Short money from Westminster plus the reinbursment of the £600k plus The cash they have to pay the rest of Magpie Pete’s lone money

John McGregor

The snp got what they deserved the ? root of Fvck all They will end up Bankrupt with the loss of the Short money from Westminster plus the reinbursment of the £600k plus The cash they have to pay the rest of Magpie Pete’s loan money


Come on, people. So the politicians have left undone those things that they ought to have done, and have done those things that they ought not to have done. What’s new? Politicians won’t change.

WE can do something different. Right now. We can bypass the politicians completely.

Every reader who wants to see the truth about Scotland’s right to govern itself extracted from the locked cellar in Westminster, and direct democracy restored here, should sign the Edinburgh Proclamation on Over 11,000 people have done so. Open the site, scroll down to the “Join the Liberation movement etc” box, click on the symbol, read the proclamation and then sign.

The Liberation Movement’s members are voting this week to elect the first committee. That committee will take Scotland’s case for de-colonisation to the international community and courts.

The next step is to get Liberation’s QR code on your phone or printed out so that you can carry it with you and recruit more signatories. This code is at the bottom of the Resources page on, the admin and campaigners for the Liberation Movement.

Spreading the word about Scotland’s inherent rights and about our existing, though hidden, constitution, will end the power of these devious, ignorant politicians for ever.

Happy campaigning, everyone!


Yeah the irony of the party of independence dying on Independence Day struck me too.

But the job is only half done. This is a two headed beast, Westminster and Holyrood.

One head off, one to go.


“… and as a final twist of the knife he’s only going to have Pete Wishart and Kirsty Blackman to talk to.”

That was funny. Because it is true. I’d be slashing my wrists if I was him.

Ruby Friday

Campbell’s Soup is absolute shit his consomme is pure pish.


@ Campbell Clansman

Gloat as you may, but at least the folk you are attempting to deride made the effort to try to make a difference.
Independent for Independence candidate Sally Hughes campaigning efforts were severely compromised because thousands of her leaflets were delivered to the wrong constituency by Royal Mail (sometimes twice) and that meant thousands weren’t delivered to the constituency she was standing in to raise awareness and her profile to potential voters.

Plus you have also been told a couple of times now that your lame effort to try to tie Indy support to political Parties is flawed because you continue to ignore that around 40% of Labour supporters in Scotland also support Scotland returning to self-governance.
And whilst I am here… Still waiting on your response to tell us all the positives from your preferred London Rule’s woeful management of our energy sectors.
C’mon then, as you’re a unionist then spit it out and tell all us UK citizens how we are benefiting from foreign ownership of our energy generation.


Britnats said independence was dead the day after the 2014 referendum. 45% for independence is now 50%. But we’re still in need of genuine pro independence leadership.


Struggling for ideas as to where the independence movement goes from here. The Alba experiment has failed, the SNP is unreformable, other attempts at new indy parties seem futile, I haven’t really felt more hopeless than I do now.

About politics that is, there’s plenty more to life than politics thankfully.

Campbell Clansman

Ruby Friday
Ignored says:
5 July, 2024 at 4:35 pm
Campbell’s Soup is absolute shit his consomme is pure pish.

Another intellectual response which should appeal to the non-persuaded majority.
Perhaps just once you could respond with something intelligent, like a statistic? Just a modest suggestion


If anyone wants to lighten the mood, just pop over to WGD. Outstanding entertainment on a par with the band on the Titanic as it slipped beneath the waves…

Delusional arseholes still worshiping at the Esoteric Order of St Nicla whilst simultaneously weeping into their Ovaltine.

Shortbread-tin nationalists… just like their party.

David Jones

After losing the vast majority of their Westminster seats surely the SNP need to replace Stephen Flynn as SNP Westminster leader?

Carol Neill

I’m gutted but not altogether surprised by the alba gubbing, I just don’t get why eck is not coming out all guns blazing
He knows where the bodies are buried

Campbell Clansman

Since some people here only want to read positive, pro-Indy comments, here’s one:

The Alba Party got TWICE AS MANY VOTES AS THE MONSTER RAVING LOONY PARTY. 11,784 to 5,421, to be exact.

Bob Mack

@Robert Knight.

Paul tells them you cannot put lipstick on this pig.
Most agree then immediately proceed to give it a new frock
and sandals as well as a complete facial. Hysterical.

Carol Neill

Ach my comments always get booted into moderation then dumped !
O well crack on Ruby whatever day , you make me laff and piss off the trolls


Ignored says:
5 July, 2024 at 4:57 pm
If anyone wants to lighten the mood, just pop over to WGD. Outstanding entertainment on a par with the band on the Titanic as it slipped beneath the waves…

Oh spare us. Is it still Scottish Skier and Dr Jim taking turns with the same addled brain cell?

Don’t tell me, I really don’t want to know.

Bob Mack

@Campbell Clansman.

Just a modest suggestion?

Sounds as if you have much to be modest about

David Hannah

Gillian Sturgeon – “they’ve stabbed my sister in the back.”

She’s a bit wet behind the ears isn’t she? She’s literally thick as mince.

Intelligent people don’t post the shite she posts.

Your sister is a criminal Gillian. She’s a backstabber. She’s fucking the biggest backstabber in this entire country.

And she’ll throw hubby murrell under the bus to save her own skin.

She’s a psychopath and a narcissist. I feel sorry for your parents gillian if you read this.

David Hannah

Sturgeon and Peter Murrell. Partners in crime.

Someone needs to remind Gillian Sturgeon that her sister is a crook. She’s more crooked than a dog’s hind leg.

Mike Fenwick

The Finish Line … first you must find it, before you can cross it.

Many, too many, I suspect, do not yet realise that the finish line Scotland must cross to fully regain our independence is at the United Nations. Scotland will be finally independent again (and it will only be fully independent again) when the nations of the world at the United Nations confirm that they recognise – Scotland IS an independent Sovereign State. That is the finish line! But they need to know that the people of Scotland want to regain their country’s independence.

It won’t happen because of posts on F/book, on X, not because of blogs, and yes – not even because of elections like yesterday. What they need is evidence, hard documentary evidence. What they need is evidence of your self-determination to regain Scotland’s independence.

Starting on the 5th of July 2021, the Declaration of a Sovereign Scot began to build and provide that evidence, and has done via the HQ of the United Nations and via 18 UN Member States, and has done so now for over 3 years.

I will shortly post details of where and when I will begin travelling across Scotland (with blank forms). So, today on this 5th of July 2024, I invite you to be ready – to join all the Sovereign Scots who have already taken part. How? They used their individual signature, just that, no more – their signature to confirm the end of the union, and to tell the nations of the world of their decision!

First destination will probaby be to the Isle of Arran. Details and date to follow.

David Hannah

Has anyone asked Mhairi Hunter for her reaction?

That Sturgeon and your woke policies have been rejected.

Scotland rejected woke.

Scotland rejects woke. And it voted to curb immigration.

We’re not racists. And we’re not transphobic either. We’re normal.

You are abnormal mhairi hunter – or as many probably consider – mhairi MUNTER – based on your looks you fat oaf. Fuck off with Sturgeon to Corton Vale.

Get these people telt. Their time is up. Pack your bags and go.

Ruby Friday

You want statistics.

Campbell’s Soup is absolute shit he calls his Irish bean soup Campbells ‘Two hundred and thirty-nine Irish Beans Soup.’

He claims if he added one more bean it would be too farty.

Children’s jokes are the best. They love all farty jokes.
Even tiny babies laugh when they fart.
Note to mothers with young babies.

Maybe you should add a bean and give them some ‘Campbell’s Farty Soup’ to keep them entertained.

Did you know Campbell Soup has been here since 2011 (check the archives) trying to sell his farty soup, pish consomme & Cock-a-leekie.

Review of his other varieties to follow

SNP thought their soup was gold because it contained 24 carrots. 🙂

Ruby Friday

Carol Neill
5 July, 2024 at 5:27 pm

Ach my comments always get booted into moderation then dumped !
O well crack on Ruby whatever day , you make me laff and piss off the trolls

That’s a shame Carol. You could be getting modded for so many reason ones you could never in a month of Sundays think might caused you to be modded.

Don’t take it personally it’s a bot that’s doing the moderation.

I recently decided to call it ‘The Good Ship ModBot’

Check back in a couple of days your comment might have passed moderation by then.

Watch out for YouTube links they are tricky and you must never include the http: they never pass moderation.

Planets also tricky. Better call it Planet Yourarsehole rather than by it’s proper name. 🙂
I kid you not.

That would also apply to any polite reference to one’s arsehole


So it looks like it’s only the Britnat plants that’s left.

Maybe there should be a national independence party. Indy for Scotland, England, Wales & NI like the Greens – under on banner.

I think the results show that ppl are absolutely scunnered with the whole Westminster archaic bullshit. Nothing but shite on offer.

Can someone please smack baldy heid. He wasn’t offering independence for him to be reconsidering FFS. Our media desperately needs a good clear out too.


@ Livionian at 4.53: “where do we go from here?”

If you look at my comment at 4.29 there is an answer. 🙂

Pat Blake

Mike Fenwick 5 July, 2024 at 5:44 pm
“to join all the Sovereign Scots who have already taken part. How? They used their individual signature, just that, no more –”

Which won’t be worth the paper it’s written on. Signatures without proper ID is worthless. As are internet petitions. Elections are your only way to get the international community to take independence calls seriously and not only are you not due another referendum yet but your independence parties are toast. The people who could be bothered, spoke.

The SNP proved themselves to be a bad government. Particularly bad at managing money. At the moment the Tories are in the same boat. Whoever you want to lead you to independence have to prove they can steer you competently after you separate. Otherwise the public won’t support it in large enough numbers. They prefer the Devil they know. So, if you want to be free, stop with the magical thinking and work out how to get an able government in time for the next legitimate time for a referendum (about ten years). Good luck with that.

Stuart MacKay

robertknight @4:57pm

re: WGD – thanks for the reminder. I was in need of a laugh.

The opening paragraphs held some hope – de facto referendum, more aggressive stance, etc. etc. But rather than getting to the “Paul on the road to Damascus” moment, there seemed to be only “must try harder”.

Then I got to this…

His brand of strong man leadership was inherited and intensified under Nicola Sturgeon

Well, that’s one way of putting it. Perhaps there’ll be a campaign to bring back Sturgeon to revive the party’s fortunes.

It’s almost as entertaining as The Torygraph – which probably has to rebrand itself as Reformaldehyde.

Carol Neill

@ruby , I said nothing controversial , merely my disappointment
I shall go back to lurking in the wings ( no pun intended ) and keeping my gob shut


Ignored says:
5 July, 2024 at 6:29 pm
@ Livionian at 4.53: “where do we go from here?”

If you look at my comment at 4.29 there is an answer.

I shall be voting when I get home tonight.


ALEX salmon eerily silent. Is he rejoicing at the routing of his once beloved Party? I leafleted fir seven hours yesterday and don’t regret one minute. This is a setback admittedly but we have had them before and have risen to greater height. I fir one want independence and wants see any legitimate way of acquiring this without the SNP

David Hannah

Allison Thewliss in tears.

Things you love to see. Things you LOVE TO SEE. HAHAHAHA. YESS! YESS! YESS!

Remember the banner she stood in front of ” Decapitate Terfs.”



Ignored says:
5 July, 2024 at 6:53 pm
ALEX salmon eerily silent. Is he rejoicing at the routing of his once beloved Party?

‘Izzie’ you are at it.

President Xiden

Ignored says:
5 July, 2024 at 12:05 pm
Now that Starmer is in charge of the nuke button(apparently)!

Which button will he push first?

The red button? –
The rainbow button?
The I don’t feckin ken button?

If Elon Musk can engineer a rocket which can u turn after being launched, Starmer would definitely push that button.


With apologies to Liz Truss ‘We have recalled Agent Sturgeon from the field, her work is complete’


From Craig Murray’s blog.

“Millions fewer people turned out to make Keir Starmer Prime Minister than turned out to attempt the same for Jeremy Corbyn. That is the most important fact of this election, and the one the mainstream media works hardest to hide.


Corbyn 2017: 12,877.918
Corbyn 2019: 10,269,213
Starmer 2024: 9,634,399

I don’t think any Prime Minister has ever come to power with less popular enthusiasm than Keir Starmer.”

link to


I have to take issue with this as a member of the SNP and former donor to this blog. the SNP is not over. as awful as this result has been, the history of the SNP has always involved peeks and troughs – in the 80s we were reduced to 2 seats. Labour have benefited from a mixture of Reform splitting the Conservative vote and people just being fed up of the Conservatives themselves. This is certainly a high water mark for Labour and now, as the incumbent, they will have to take all the cynicism towards government that the SNP and the Conservatives have had to endure. Granted, the SNP has made a lot of unforced errors and some changes will have to be made, but they will be made. if there’s one thing guaranteed to make politician listen it’s losing elections. the idea that there is any alternative to the SNP for independence supporters is obviously wrong. there is Alba, but Alba are nowhere. the only other option is to remain a carping, impotent voice in the wilderness. it seems to me that the Reverend Stuart has became obsessed with the trans issue to the exclusion of all other things and it has seriously affected his judgement. It was only a few years ago that he was one of the most articulate if not supporter at least fellow traveller of the SNP and it’s disconcerting to see him now be so completely disillusioned by them. why should it be so impossible for the SNP to get a new leadership, to make the changes that he desires, and for them to get back on the winning trail, and for some sense of unity and sanity to return to the independence movement?

John C

Watching Sturgeon’s face as the exit poll was revealed was astonishing. A momentary realisation that actually, the blame mainly lies on her shoulders and her decisions to purge the party of competent adults for activists interested in Trans issues rather than independence or running things well destroyed the SNP.

It wasn’t much better from Mhairi Black on Channel 4 who blamed everything, including the rain, on the SNP’s failure apart from herself & the people who trashed it over the last five years especially. It’s especially galling to see SNP figures like Black talking about periods of ‘self-reflection’ when Black’s been joyfully calling mainly women ‘Jeremy Hunt’s’ while barely turning up in the Commons or her constituency to do any work. Indeed, Emily Matliss asked Black directly last night if she stood down because she knew an SNP backlash was coming to which Black blatently lied and said no. Of course Black, and other SNP MPs who stood down before the election, did so knowing they didn’t want images of them standing in election counts looking miserable.

There’s two more years til the Holyrood elections. Til then the SNP are a zombie party who’ll limp on til then trying to patch up what they’ve got. I’ll be amazed if any self-reflection actually happens or they’ll be like the Corbynites who’ve spent the last five years blaming voters rather than themselves for defeat.

So for now, Labour are again dominant in Scotland. Even if Starmer manages to seriously repair the damage of 14 years of Tory rule, Scotland will have to deal with clods like Ian Murray and Douglas Alexander speaking for us on the UK stage.

Frankly what the SNP need is along the lines of what Kinnock did to Labour in the 80s where he flushed out the extremists, the entryists & the loons the party had gathered over the years. There is however, nobody like Kinnock left in the SNP as the party has been so hollowed out of talent that I think what’ll happen is the party suffers decimation again in 2026, and then it depends whether these people slink back into the shadows or they finally admit failure and make serious efforts to become a broad umbrella of the independence movement again.


“No more deliveroo drivers. Ban the deliveroo bikes in Glasgow. These people are horrible and destroying the city centre – the scourge of the third world loitering around our streets.”

Cannae do that. You’d need to ban fat lazy Scots* from ordering food online rather than getting off their arses and going to the shop themselves.

They’re not destroying the city centre nearly as much as corporate investment funds buying up property and ramping up rents. They’re trying to make a living. I work in a bicycle shop and deal with them all the time.

*I generalise, obviously…


Hang on a minute. is James Kelly, Alba member and recent candidate for the Alba NEC really cheering a win for Scotland’s main devolutionist party?

John C

One more thing. There’s still a criminal investigation ongoing and it’s very likely now the election is done that we could be hearing from that soon. That remains a major factor that could finally destroy the SNP before the 2026 Holyrood elections.


The very fact Sturgeon remained as an MSP tells you all you need to know about the nonce party. That kunt sacked ppl for less.

Not even as much as a party suspension for her. Same will happen with Flynn. They’ve zero moral code or wit about them.

Parliament isn’t the answer. MPs will always come & go or be turned. A convention & a credible group to steer it is exactly the route to go. It’s what delivered devolution so forget the naysayers crawing continual doom.

Sir kid starter rules on a measley 33%. I don’t see any fucker claim he shouldn’t be PM cause it wasn’t 50/60/100% of the vote.

He’ll take his seat just as BoJo & Brexshit “oven ready” did with 43%.


That’s exactly what I thought about Nicola last night . I was embarrassed for her . Her husband facing court and goodness knows what her level of knowledge or even involvement is yet she sat there , bold as brass as though it was an everyday occurrence. No morals at all .
I am starting to think she does not realise the rest of us Are squirming for her .

But shame on the program for having such corruption on board . I switched it off .



She’ll be neck deep in it. That psychopath ruled the roost as FM on absolutely everything – accounts included. People couldn’t go for a crap but she knew about it. It’s unbelievable that she didn’t & a con that she & thinks the public will buy.

She’s been a plant & it’s obvious she is being protected along with the perjurer who also had a spot on another channel. Bumping her gums without a single care in the world.

They’d have been thrown to the wolves a long time ago otherwise. The only ones with that level of brass neck are the ones who were paid to do it. Mission accomplished. They did as instructed.


@ Lynn and Geri, THAT piece of SCUM is definitely unhinged sitting there as if she has nothing to hide, FFS she was caught on camera telling others that the finances were a’ok and that people had to be very careful talking about the finances as it could be misconstrued, the question is WHY are COPFS still not charging her in relation to the MISSING indy ref funds , the financial fraud and the MOTORHOME DEBACLE, it wasn’t just the magpie who had control of the finances and who was responsible for financial probity , it was also Sturgeon and Beattie, and the FACT that the previous ELECTED treasurer and others were FORCED to resign their positions due to being REFUSED ACCESS to relevant accounts indicates collusion in fraudulent activity , so much so that the company responsible for auditing the accounts and signing them off as correct refused to do so, and terminated their contract

Peter A Bell

“It’s official. This General Election has turned out to be the most disproportional election result in history.” Electoral Reform Society

link to


I have been banned yet again from Twitter for indulging in irony with our American friends. IT sure has no sense of humour

Given the ‘gender debate’ and Starmer’s stance on women (whatever that may be today) I was amused by this small piece of toilet issue being discussed for the incoming Government.
Evidently there is a urinal in Rachel Reeves personal loo and it has been decided that it is inappropriate for her to see it there so it has been blocked in.


Looks like you were right then! I think this is the end. Don’t get me wrong – I’m 30 and I am 100% sure that if I live a natural life span, I will die in an independent Scotland. But I think we are looking at, what, 2037-2050 now. Assuming Labour stay in for three terms, their vote will be collapsing by 2037 and that will have been long enough away from Indyref for no one to claim a generation hasn’t passed.

It may be quicker if Farage takes the initiative and bolsters a quick Tory return in 2029. I think only Reform UK doing well and advancing will promote the independence cause beyond the 50:50 deadlock any time soon. A clear Reform-Tory coalition prospect for 2029 would be a gift for the independence cause. Having said that, we need to see more independence polling now Labour are in. It looks very much like Labour haven’t actually made a dent in the numbers, we have known for ages that they would do well and as recently as 2 July it was still 5050 in polls. Everyone said 20 points would be wiped off by the Tories being kicked out, but let’s hope and see. I think the decoupling of Independence polling from SNP polling has been a welcome safety net but I hope sincerely that it survives. 2026 will be interesting because even on todays numbers Labour can’t get in unless they do a coalition deal with the Tories…


Looks like Wings thinks the only way for the SNP to regain some of its support is for them to morph into ALBA. Salmond coming flying on with his cape a flapping.

The voting figures clearly show that the SNP can regain much of the lost vote by concentrating on their record of government at Holyrood.

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