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Wings Over Scotland

Crowdfunder of the day

Posted on November 20, 2015 by

We’ve been pondering this week whether or not to hold a quick fundraiser to pay the £750 fine levied on us recently by the Electoral Commission for being a bit late with some indyref paperwork, readers.

(Our feeling is that there’s still plenty money left in the Wings War Chest from this year’s big crowdfunder, but lots of people have specifically asked for one for the fine, mainly to make a point to both the Commission and the little army of Unionist trolls who almost exploded with glee when the news came out late last month.)

But we’re not sure we can compete with this.


The Scottish Conservatives leader – a member of a party which last year took in over £29 million in donations alone – is gathering cash in order to fight the Edinburgh Central seat at next year’s Holyrood election, at which the Tories will be wrestling with the Lib Dems for 3rd place.


The news got better for Davidson later in the day, though.


A sudden flood of grassroots support?


Ah, no. It turned out that more than half the money in fact came from a single donor – the multi-millionaire former Tory MP, current New York resident, failed social media magnate and (as far as we can establish) non-UK taxpayer Louise Mensch, for whom the sum represents about five days’ make-up budget.


It seems even Tories aren’t massively keen to throw money at a hopeless cause, especially as Davidson is all but guaranteed to get a seat on the Lothian regional list anyway and is standing for the constituency seat purely for show.

(Though that does at least put her one up on her Labour counterpart Kezia Dugdale, who as far as we currently know isn’t risking a humiliating constituency defeat in May and will just stand on the list again.)

Still, it does give us a reason to have a quick poll.

[poll id=”57″]

Or should we drop Louise Mensch a line and see if she’ll give us a sub too?


She’s a big fan.

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158 to “Crowdfunder of the day”

  1. galamcennalath says:

    Crowd fund. Xmas is coming. How about the fine, and then all other proceeds go to food banks?

  2. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Crowd fund. Xmas is coming. How about the fine, and then all other proceeds go to food banks?”

    Nah, I’d spend any extra on booze and chips and tasty, tasty heroin.

    (Basically as a way of stopping it getting out of hand.)

  3. Gary45% says:

    Happy to put in some pennies for the fund raiser, if the democratic will of the wingers votes for it.

  4. Rod says:

    Have a quick fundraiser, because ‘Many a Mickle maks a MUCKLE’ 🙂

  5. mike cassidy says:

    Pay it out of the war chest –

    and rub her face in the fact that even her own party won’t provide enough money for their supposed future leader to stand for direct election.

  6. Itchybiscuit says:

    I was going to vote in your poll but I find myself too wee, too poor and too stupid to click the box. I guess I’m just not intellectually equipped to make decisions for myself. ;o)

  7. Paul Stewart says:

    Hi wings, I think that you should do a timed fund raiser? See if we can raise the amount in record time? Excess going to food banks as per usual.

  8. Kenny Campbell says:

    Is there not a limit on contributions from abroad ?

  9. Lollysmum says:

    Is this against the clock Stu? You know just showing how it can be done with NO loaded donors just us plebs 🙂

  10. Andrew Abel says:

    Tbh, maybe there has been enough crowdfunding for the meantime? There seems to have been a flood of people after our money (documentaries, books, comics, foodbanks, etc. etc.), and this seems like something that would fit well within the existing Wings Warchest.

    Something about having a crowdfunder for this fine doesn’t quite feel right.

  11. Simone says:

    £750, I think we can do that in 30 mins, even though it is a Friday night.

  12. Ellie says:

    Hahaha, I like your style Stu!I vote crowd fund!

  13. msean says:

    Crowdfund. Get more than the tory in a fraction of the time.

  14. indyracer2018 says:

    Funding to fight for Edinburgh central by buying her very own tank!

  15. Thepnr says:

    OK I’ll bite.

    As far as fundraising goes I don’t think Wings Over Scotland has to make a point. It already clearly has.

    Since the Rev states himself that there is enough money in the kitty from the previous fundraiser to cover the fine there are always other pro-indy causes seeking support with fundraisers of some kind, I’d prefer the money that people can afford to be diverted to them.

    From small acorns and all that. I will always support Wings but there are many others that could do with our support. Maybe not all will succeed but they too may have a wee gem among them.

    Unless we support them also, then we will never find out.

  16. handclapping says:

    Are you not in the position of the Scots Gov here, having to raise money in Scotland to offset the imposts of an uncaring London quango?

    Do we need to send you food parcels yet?

  17. manandboy says:

    Crowdfund for me. Just for the craic.

  18. derek c says:

    Let’s get this funde rolling . The war chest cAn never be too big

  19. Chic McGregor says:

    Crowdfunder, but given the small amount required, how about a limit, fiver?

  20. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Ah yes, perfect Friday night fodder – getting pished while watching a number get bigger. Soo-perb.

    Heroin? Dunk yer deep-fried Snickers in it, and wash it all down with a pint of Vimto-flavoured MD20/20, a wee glass of Jaegermesiter bombed-in every three gulps.


  21. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    I’m going to let the poll run at least into tomorrow, so if the will of the readership IS for a fundraiser it won’t be tonight.

  22. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Crowdfunder, but given the small amount required, how about a limit, fiver?”

    There’s no way of doing that AFAIK.

  23. Wulls says:

    pissing myself laughing.
    If you did a crowdfunder we would raise £700 in about 45 seconds.
    First comment from galamcennalath is a good one
    Pay the fine, rub Ruthies nose in it, and feed the less fortunate all in one go.
    Only way to beat that is if we could make Ruth work in a food bank for a few shifts.

  24. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Is there not a limit on contributions from abroad ?”

    I was wondering about that myself. I think maybe you just have to declare gifts from abroad, I don’t think they’re forbidden.

  25. Dougiekdy says:

    Do the fundraiser AND ask Ms Mensch for a sub.

  26. Skip_NC says:

    If everyone voting in this poll had donated one solitary pound, we would be two-thirds done by now.

  27. Simon Chadwick says:

    What’s wrong with it getting out of hand? Isn’t it already out of hand?

  28. velofello says:

    I say we crowd fund for the fine and use the surplus to bring some measure of Christmas to disadvantaged kids.

  29. Ian Brotherhood says:


    Well, if it’s not to be Fundraiser Friday, could it be ‘Let’s All Have A Good Laugh At Andrew Neil’ Night?

    Has anyone done the ‘We Didn’t Start The Fire’ mix yet?

    Or what about ‘Thank Foulkes It’s Friday’?

  30. Skip_NC says:

    Regarding donations from Louise Mensch, see link to As I read it, anything under #500 is not a donation (p2) and those who are allowed to make donations (ie #500 or over are listed on p4. If Mrs Mensch is on a UK electoral register, a #1,000 donation would be permissible.

  31. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Why does she(*) have to do a fundraiser anyway? It can’t be that she needs the dosh, must be something else…

    She wants vile Cybernats to get up in arms and call her names?

    I do very much hope we won’t rise to it, if that’s what she’s up to. (*I started off this comment by calling her ‘Swaggerstick’ but then went back and deleted it.)

  32. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    How to crash Indigogo in 5mins and 31seconds. Unless someone else has a different time scale? 🙂 A prize for the winner perhaps? A night out and in with Paula Rose? A translation lesson with Ronnie Anderson? Makin porridge at Nana’s? Bring oan a fundy raiser.

  33. r esquierdo says:

    I would like to see a crowd fund to take out a civil court action against Mr Murray Foote who broke the 2013 referendum act by publishing the vow in the Daily Record.

  34. charles mc says:

    Do the crowdfunder but get people to donate the minimum amount just to show the power of many against one large doner

  35. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Excess going to food banks as per usual.”

    “bring some measure of Christmas to disadvantaged kids”

    For two reasons, no. The more selfish one is that, as I said when we did the one for Louisa Sewell, it was absolute torture deciding what to do with the extra money and then actually distributing it. I never want to go through all that again – while it was nice to do good, it was actually really horrible playing God and deciding “these people but not these people”.

    The second is that if we link good causes to something that’s for Wings’ benefit, it could (and let’s face it, would) be portrayed as us raising money for ourselves off the back of people in need, because the first £750 of money being raised mainly for poor folk would be going into our pocket. I don’t like how that comes over at all.

    (And thirdly, it buggers up the idea of doing it as a two-fingers gesture, because people would be doing it for charitable causes instead. And if we’re not doing it as a gesture we shouldn’t bother, because as we’ve already said there’s plenty money in the WWC to just pay it.)

    If we do it, it’ll be on the explicit premise that we’ll keep any excess and spend it on sweets. That should stop it getting to silly levels.

  36. Malc says:

    Am I the only one annoyed at “You’re ‘mazing”?

  37. crisiscult says:

    I would like to donate but I’m afraid it might stoke the fires of division in the previously utopian land that is/was Scotland. I’m afraid it might make proud Scots angry. I’m afraid to admit that I believe the cause of independence is not over. More than anything, I’m afraid of pissing off the nice genteel, and charmingly sensitive, writers and editors of the Record, the Mail, the Guardian, the Herald, the Scotsman, the Telegraph, and assorted other [insert super-ordinate with or without expletive].

  38. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Crowdfunder, but given the small amount required, how about a limit, fiver?”

    There’s no way of doing that AFAIK.

    Try putting it in your blurb in capitals and in the perks column add that anything greater than a fiver will go to disadvantage kids.

  39. Graeme James Borthwick says:

    It’s Xmas, almost, be generous, give the Xcess to Ruth.

  40. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    ‘I’m afraid of pissing off the nice gentile, and charmingly sensitive, writers and editors of the Record, the Mail, the Guardian, the Herald”

    I’ve edited the spelling in your original post before some lunatic starts accusing you of anti-Semitism.

    link to

  41. JLT says:

    Rev …you know what’s coming LOL

    We hit the £750 target within 3 minutes …and by the end of the day, you will probably have around £60,000 in the ‘fines’ kitty.

    Go for it!

  42. Thepnr says:

    If it does go ahead Rev then I would contribute, say a fiver. “Just to prove a point”. If there’s an excess then would it be a problem in donating the excess to the Orkney Four if the they lose the trial?

    I know their fundraiser has done well, but what if it had not done well enough to prevent them being out of pocket and possibly losing their homes. In that case it’d be a bit more than a fiver I’d donate.

  43. mealer says:

    I think the Rev shouldn’t pay the fine at all.He should rot a while in gaol.That would learn him to do his paperwork on time.Plus he’d become a martyr.

    “Free e Stuart Campbella” would top the charts at Christmas.Volunteers to look after the rats,please.

  44. John Sm. says:

    Coincidently this week our household received an invitation from Ruth Davidson to make a donation to her party to enable it to ‘fight the most effective campaign possible in the run up to next May’s election.”

    Amusingly, the correspondence also contained a Ballot Paper, personal statements from candidates, an invitation “as a supporter of the Conservative Party’ to submit our vote for the Tory North East Scotland List MSP (who could resist voting for Alex Johnston), plus a Freepost return envelope.

    Perhaps the Tories need to double check the accuracy of their supporter data base. Mind you, it’s sort of tempting to exercise my democratic right and help them choose the best candidate for our region 😉

  45. Bill Hume says:

    5 days makeup budget….I can afford that. Mind you, as a 64 y.o. West of Scotland male… won’t amount to much.

  46. Alastair Wright says:

    Crowdfund and use whats left from paying the fine to fund a pro Indy candidate in Edinburgh central.

  47. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Seriously – ‘quick’ fundraiser, aye, but if you state beforehand that it’s going to be, say, a ‘five hour’ or one-day window and it ends up raising £10k, we’d be accused of orchestrating a PR stunt etc.

    Why not just have the thing as usual, leave it open for ten days, a fortnight or so, on the understanding that anything over and above what’s required to pay the fine is kept aside for any future fines and/or legal advice?

    Don’t know about anyone else, but I would like to know that there’s a pot of dosh there for WOS to have the confidence to initiate legal action as and when it’s warranted – things will be getting a bit hairy in four, five months from now.

  48. ClanDonald says:

    I’m not sure saying any extra will be spent on sweets will deter folk, Rev, after all, James Kelly raised five and a half grand by promising to spend it all on hot chocolate last week.

    So if the fund reaches it’s target I’m happy to buy you a festive pint. Can you get Christmas gingerbread & cinnamon flavour cider?

    In fact, just pay the fine out the war chest and have a fundraiser for Rev Stu’s 2016 cider stash instead. That’s sure to piss off the unionists even more, hurrah! 😀

  49. daisy walker says:

    I agree with Thepnr. Keeping a weathered eye out for the Orkney 4. I’m able to donate though, not a fan of LM. Plus I have some money to spare not having bought a BBC tax licence.

  50. Tackety Beets says:

    I’m sitting on the fence and will flow with the majority ,mainly because I see Stuart’s issue with “playingGod”

    If it goes to a Crowd Funder .

    A )Limited Time

    B )Start time known to us all in advance , no one will want to miss it.

    C )Stuart has been encouraged to up his wages and as far as I know not done so ?
    This being the case the surplus is our wee thank you XMAS bonus to our RWM Rev. Campbell.
    I suspect he spends far many more hours than 40/week on our behalf. Just look at the amount of well reseached & acurate articles he delivers.
    We usually know when there’s a good Poker game in town. LOL

    D )Any surplus or whatever % just goes back into the war chest .
    We’ll hopefully need WBB Updated & Printed ?

  51. CameronB Brodie says:


    We hit the £750 target within 3 minutes …and by the end of the day, you will probably have around £60,000 in the ‘fines’ kitty.

    I think the word you’re looking for is “contingency” fund. 😉

    Go for it Rev., and show how easy it is to humble a chance-r. 🙂

  52. An Duine Gruamach says:

    Dugdale is standing for Edinburgh East next May, isn’t she?

  53. Sandra says:

    The Yes café Edinburgh South (with which I have no connection) got vandalised this week and is struggling. Just saying.

  54. Brian says:

    Louise Mensch is a cheeky chappie. Despite gaffing occasionally, she did good work on that Tim Hunt stuff.

  55. mealer says:

    On the subject of fundraising,it seems to cost £10,000 plus to run a decent constituency campaign for Holyrood.How on earth will the Libdems get hold of that sort of money?

  56. CameronB Brodie says:

    I didn’t mean that to come across as I now think it might. I wasn’t meaning to be snooty. 😉

  57. Ian Brotherhood says:

    It’s Foulkes Friday! 🙂

    Here’s George explaining why he supports Citizens Assemblies! It only lasts 30 seconds, and has only had 14 views!

    Do YOU have any other wee snippets of George saying stuff inbetween getting bevvied? If so, please, let’s see them! Let’s all say – “Thank Foulkes It’s Friday!”

    link to

  58. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Why not just have the thing as usual, leave it open for ten days”

    I think the shortest you can technically have on IG is either 7 or 14 days, but you get most of the money on the first day.

  59. crisiscult says:

    Gentile genteel. Thanks for that. I’d like to claim that was on account of a couple of glasses of wine but tbh I’m just a numpty (hope I’ve spelt/spelled that correctly 😛 )

  60. Anagach says:

    Go fundraiser.

    If the war chest is not empty at the end of the year then roll it over to next year – a la Scottish Government.

  61. HandandShrimp says:

    I think the Rev shouldn’t pay the fine at all.He should rot a while in gaol.That would learn him to do his paperwork on time.Plus he’d become a martyr.


    This is a very cunning plan but I can see a tiny downside…

  62. Cadogan Enright says:

    Unless yerman Mense is on the UK electoral roll, yerwimmin with the outstanding crowd funding result is breaking the law.

    Let’s hope she does not see is, and keeps it.

    I would go with the £5 idea just to show what a real crowd looks like.

    I like the idea of starting at a particular time to see if we can crash the system

    If more than 5 – we should give it to any other Indy fundraiser that just fell short recently AND the balance to the Orkney Shetland 4 as they have pledged to give any surplus to food banks anyway.

  63. cearc says:

    Surplus for the Orkney 4 would be a good idea. They must be feeling a bitty nervous about their costs.

    They will be sending any extra to foodbanks, so It has the extra advantage that Stu doesn’t have to go through the grueling process of deciding who to give the surplus to.

    Of course there is no reason to not just pay it but it would make a good point especially with the surplus going there.

  64. schrodingers cat says:

    Nah, I’d spend any extra on booze and chips and tasty, tasty heroin.

    (Basically as a way of stopping it getting out of hand.)

    lol, if I won the lottery, id spend it on fast cars, hookers and booze, the rest I would just piss up against the wall….

    while you couldn’t enforce a limit on donations, you could just ask us to donate a pound, 750 quid by 750 different people does make a statement. I also think that you have a power to wield rev, but that power comes from us, and if the wingers want to do this, let them.
    it may well be a small victory, but an exercise which would be good for the moral and confidence of us btl. god knows, there is more than enough which divides us, something which would unite us, wouldn’t be a bad thing
    it is going to be a long hard winter of discontent.
    ill take this effort by us as a small victory and use it to stoke my wrath, just to keep it warm….
    it has taken me months to get over 18/9 but im beginning to get my mojo back
    humour me rev…

  65. blackhack says:

    My fiver’s ready and waiting…..

  66. Gary45% says:

    Good ideas regarding surplus monies.
    Orkney/Shetland4 is a good idea as they are giving unused money to food banks.
    Let it run for the usual time.

  67. schrodingers cat says:

    mealer says:
    I think the Rev shouldn’t pay the fine at all.He should rot a while in gaol.That would learn him to do his paperwork on time.Plus he’d become a martyr.

    devastating critic mealer

    rev, don’t ever chose mealer as a PR agent

  68. Thepnr says:

    @schrodingers cat

    Agreed. I wouldn’t choose mealer as a “Head Policy Advisor” either. He might just bite you in the bum when he get’s a mood.

  69. GallusEffie says:

    Was about to say what Schrodinger’s cat said at 11:06 – a voluntary limit of a pound per donation.

    Anything over & above to go either to next year’s electoral shenanigans or the Orkney 4. I’d be cool with either option.

    And yes, a clearly stated start time do we’re all ready to go, like good wee robots.

  70. HandandShrimp says:

    and tasty, tasty heroin

    deep fried with onion rings, I hope

  71. mealer says:

    schrodingers cat 11.12
    Aye.Sometimes I just blurt out drivel.I’m thinking of sending an article into “The Rattle”.

  72. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Rev (10.52) –

    ‘I think the shortest you can technically have on IG is either 7 or 14 days, but you get most of the money on the first day.’

    Fair do’s.

    So, you make it plain for all to see that you’re doing it for the minimum period – a week – but that only the donations made in the last 24 hours will be used towards paying the fine…

    Disciplined as we are (!) we all hold fire for six days, and only the likes of those with more money than sense and/or incapable of following basic instructions will donate before then. Those monies go into a ‘Useful Eejits’ pot, to be used for slander/libel actions next Summer – I think we all know it’s likely to happen at some point. (Eh, Foulkes, Smart, A. Neil, Cochers, Hothersall et al?)

    It’s a cunning plan! 🙂

  73. schrodingers cat says:

    Surplus for the Orkney 4 would be a good idea. They must be feeling a bitty nervous about their costs.


    I promise, if they have to pay legal costs, the second the crowd funder is launched, I will be there

    the balls and courage they showed cannot be penalised. otherwise no one will ever do it again

    that cannot be allowed to happen.

    there are crowd funders and crowd funders folks

    the Orkney 4 cannot be thrown to the wolves, we cannot allow them to be punished

  74. JLT says:

    CameronB Brodie

    You’re fine, mate. LOL. I understood it. ‘Contingency’ is a better word than my ‘fines’. So, don’t worry. Enjoy the rest of the evening.

  75. Petra says:

    Would it not just ABSOLUTELY sicken you to your bl**dy back teeth?

    Anas Sarwar, LABOUR FGS, booking a FIVE HUNDRED-seater venue with an offer of a free dinner to set out his vision (coerce people) for SLab and Ruth Davidson TORY begging for cash, WORLDWIDE, in order to fight the Edinburgh Central seat at next year’s Holyrood election. What the hell is going on?

    What will Wee Willie Winkie make of this? Skint of course. Can’t pay their £800,000 Scottish Policing Bill or Carmichaels legal fees. More than anything continuing to back his Union cronies such as Dugdale and Davidson versus Nicola Sturgeon SNP at FMQs every week to find himself being booted up the arkie by Davidson. Hell mend him.

    Some key politicians in Scotland are now taking the profoundly dire, materialistic US political line and it WONT go down well in Scotland at all. The reality is that the Tory and Labour Parties in Scotland don’t give ONE whit about poverty stricken Scots. High time that everyone wakened up to this fact, including people like Rowley and Findlay (get out of SLab and support Independence PLEASE).

    Their mindset / actions highlight once again that people queuing up at food-banks are the last thing … people … on their minds. Thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of starving Scottish children freezing in their beds at night and then getting up to the bare Mother Hubbard cupboard in the morning and trotting off to school, absolutely bl**dy miserable, means nought to them. That is until they want to quote poor versus rich educational standards at FMQs.

    For one if Sarwar had decided to feed one decent meal, even a breakfast, to 500 starving children in Glasgow (MUCH cheaper than the champagne guzzling gluttons) he may have made a VERY SLIGHT case for his election.

    Anyway I could go on and on about this … crack up forever … so I’ll just say this Stu I’ll happily, very happily, donate to make a point but I reckon we should have an on-going fundraiser on here to help out any number of desperate people in the future.

    Make a NAME for ourselves, as the most compassionate, caring people that WE ARE, through providing boots and / or coats, bed socks, pyjamas and so on for the hundreds of thousands of poor Scottish children in Scotland.

    Then let’s target the billionaire and millionaire Independence supporters, such as Sean Connery, to help us out.

  76. cearc says:


    Sounds like a lot of extra work, better to just sprinkle it on the chips for that wee tasty tang.

  77. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Thank Foulkes It’s Friday!’

    Here’s George, keeping it real, sorting out cheeky BBC rascals, and all in the name of Democracy!

    Go George!

    link to

  78. JLT says:

    To be honest, I’m wondering if we should have two funds going on here.

    Very much agree with everyone’s comments on helping to look after the Orkney 4, but I’m wondering if we want to split part of that money (depending on how much is raised), and donate a good portion of it towards the foodbanks.

    The next month is going to bring in the festive season, so rather than just running the pot for a few days, I’m wondering if we should let the pot run for a good month or so (with daily reminders from the Rev). I honestly believe that we could raise a huge amount that would do wonders for those who really need it.

    Then say in a month’s time, we can debate on how we want to split the money (depending on the outcome of the case, and how the parties in Orkney are doing) and spread a bit of cheer right across Scotland.

  79. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    JLT: link to

  80. cearc says:

    schrodingers cat,

    Absolutely agree. One thing that is so clear from the hearings is that the election court was rarely convened – before the days of online crowdfunding.

    AC actually said that he didn’t expect to get caught as leak enquiries rarely name the culprit. So I very much doubt that it would have crossed his mind that an election court would be convened!

    The fact that this one has been (providing that there is no financial loss to the 4) could be a well needed wake-up call for politicians

  81. CameronB Brodie says:

    I think you’re correct though, as well as Ian Brotherhood and any others, in pointing out the need for a specific legal fund. This could be a fundraiser specifically for that purpose. Also one for ad hoc japes and wheezes, though that might be what the Rev. refers to as the “War Chest”. 😉

  82. Tackety Beets says:

    Apologies , I overlooked the O&S 4.

    Another Yes, I agree with that option for any overspill.

  83. CameronB Brodie says:

    (We) Also (need) one for ad hoc japes and wheezes,…

  84. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Friday Night Foulkes Teaser!

    Who’s that lassie behind George, going back and forth? Who does she look like? Eh?

    Could it be?

    It’s only had 94 views. If that’s who I think it is, it won’t be 94 for much longer…

    :0 🙂 😉

    (Aw man, I am SOOOOO getting a new Alert Reader badge if it is…)

    ‘George Foulkes: April 2nd 2009’ –

    link to

  85. Escarii says:

    I think taking the crowd-funding too far is not going to work out well in the long run. It’s a blessing but you have to be careful about overdoing it, lest you get a reputation. You could prove a point or you could just pay it and give your enemies less to whine about.

    I love the ideas around of an Xmas fundraiser for the foodbanks but can totally respect why you’re not for leading the charge! However do you think WoS would support a fundraiser organised by someone else, someone more suitable and independant? And can anyone think of anyone suitable who could be coerced into giving up their time to run this?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I think taking the crowd-funding too far is not going to work out well in the long run. It’s a blessing but you have to be careful about overdoing it, lest you get a reputation. You could prove a point or you could just pay it and give your enemies less to whine about.”

      The unhappier they are the more I like it. But I put it to a vote and readers made a very clear decision. Nobody has to donate if they don’t want to.

  86. Ronnie says:

    Although happy to donate more, the idea of a ‘One Pound Crowdfund’ has a certain appeal and would make a clear statement of instant support.

    Also, who gets to hit the ‘750’ target?

  87. CameronB Brodie says:

    There’s been too much bloody warmongering going on in the press and TV. I’ve caught about an hour of CH4 news, Sky News and the BBC, since the Paris bombing. All of it a pretty blatant attempt to manipulate viewers emotional state and so affect their judgment.

    I hope these journalists are aware of the Nuremberg rulings, re. reporting falsified news in support of war. We can check up on them now and can record and publish our own evidence.

    That’s the power of citizen journalism.

  88. Derekm says:

    either way really just as long as you turn up with a bag of 1p coins Rev thats had a bottle of juice spilled on them by accident 😉

  89. JLT says:

    Cheers Rev …can see your point of view after reading your comment within the link. Can see the problem where it comes to working out what areas need the money the most.

    However, it seems a pity though, because I have absolute no doubt, we could have raised a ton of money for a greater cause and especially at this time of year.

    But …I don’t know if this would make a difference as an alternative idea. Would it be an idea to have a banner at the top of each post for the next month or so, asking people to donate what they can (food, clothes, toys) to the foodbanks.

    If several thousand folk see it continually over the next month when they visit here, then it might just give them that little extra nudge and help to donate to the Foodbanks during the festive season. It solves the ‘fundraising’ problem in one sense, and reminds folk to not forget about the foodbanks during the chaotic party and festival season. At the end of the day, it brings a little light to the foodbanks themselves, as well as the families that need them.

  90. Petra says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood says at 11:58 pm ”Friday Night Foulkes Teaser! Who’s that lassie behind George, going back and forth? Who does she look like? Eh? Could it be?”

    link to

    Yeah it’s her Ian, Kezia Dugdale. She’s backed one loser after another …. Foulkes and then Murphy.

    Karma it would seem as she’s the NEXT BIG loser.

    I’m into astrology and she’s born under a bad sign / s as they would say … used by her own Party and the Daily Record to be the fall-guy … scapegoat.

    Carry on Kezia. Ten years from now you’ll eventually waken up. But where will you be then?

  91. Chic McGregor says:

    Main reason I do not think using existing funds is a good idea, is that I do not want to give them the satisfaction of thinking they have reduced Wing’s fighting fund.

  92. Capella says:

    Crowdfund. I’d chip in and if the total exceeds the fine, then use it for a fighting fund. You can probably sort out the legal technicalities with the money raised!

  93. Chic McGregor says:

    Yep Murphy’s Law, everything that can, Foulkes up.

    Would Karma Kezia be regarded as an unfortunate accident or ritual suicide.

    Sorry, I’m on vodka fueled full pun mode having had seven teeth extracted yesterday.

    Has she named her Schadenfreude cabinet yet?


  94. Balaaargh says:

    Skip_NC: “If Mrs Mensch is on a UK electoral register, a #1,000 donation would be permissible.”

    How about this: run a crowdfunder to rub Ruthie’s nose in it, split the excess between the other Unionist parties so their leaders have a deposit to stand next year and THEN; use the warchest for a, tracesmart or equivalent paid account to do a search and confirm whether Mrs Mensch is indeed on the electoral register?

  95. Kininvie says:

    Question though, Rev, is why were you late? I’ll happily stump up if there’s a good reason, but if you were just lounging on the beach instead of doing your accounts, I’ll not be so keen…

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Question though, Rev, is why were you late? I’ll happily stump up if there’s a good reason, but if you were just lounging on the beach instead of doing your accounts, I’ll not be so keen…”

      We filed a full and accurate account of spending, on time. But it didn’t include all the required invoices, because I hadn’t been sent them by suppliers – I’d just paid for stuff up front because time was pressing. I offered the EC bank statements as evidence instead, but they weren’t having it. There wasn’t much I could do. I couldn’t send them what I didn’t have.

  96. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @ChicMcG –


    FFS, aww man, naw, naw…

    Seriously writhing in sympathy here brother – pour another FFS, and neck it. Tis the only answer…


    One, two, three..


  97. cearc says:

    Ian Brotherhood, 11.58

    An ‘Alert Reader’ trophy for that one I think!

  98. heedtracker says:

    It turned out that more than half the money in fact came from a single donor – the multi-millionaire former Tory MP, current New York resident,

    Is anything at all tories wont bullshit about?

    There’s an old English saying that I just made up- It’s a toryboy world, but we really can fcuk all of it off.

  99. Chic McGregor says:


    Maybe he was, just a tad, on the busy side. Just a wild guess.

  100. Chic McGregor says:


    Yep, genuinely, seven.

    The voddy works, but in quantities I am not sure whether the analgesic effect is topical or systemic.

  101. cearc says:


    That’s some mouth you’ve got there but I expect you’ve noticed.


    Chips and heroin, that’s what you need!

  102. Capella says:

    @ Petra
    Good grief that Foulkes video is cringeworthy.
    Yes it looks like Kezia doing the photocopying. Doesn’t she have staff?
    But strangely, he says that “Alex Salmond won the contract”!!!
    Are they so hefted to privte sector terminology that winning an election is, in fact, winning a contract? If that is the case then contract law applies. Penalty clauses are in order.

    BTW there are no BAD signs. Just people who do bad things. Kezia is a Virgo (if that isn’t a personal question). Best suited to service roles. Though the most famous Virgo is probably Queen Elizabeth 1st of England. Nuff said.

  103. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cearc (12.43) –


    I thank you, and thank you, and thrice I say it, thanks amuch – that was all I wanted, bless ye!

    Now I can neck the last can and go to my flea-pit, happy as Larry, whoever he is.

    Slainte all!

  104. Iain More says:

    So the Brit Nat Tories idea of crowd funding is to draw in dirty foreign money???

  105. Chic McGregor says:

    Mr Chicken
    I live in hope that I might divest myself of the chip on my shoulder before I pop my clogs.

    Opiates however, I will forego unless the palliative requirements of my final exit makes them necessary.

  106. CameronB Brodie says:

    I lost a business due to ‘delayed paperwork’ (a day late in supply our VAT return – no previous infractions). It wouldn’t have been as painful if HMRC hadn’t actually owed me a sizable repayment. ;(

    You make a good point. 🙂

  107. CameronB Brodie says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell
    Well…..I suppose. 😉

  108. CameronB Brodie says:

    Oi. Nuff said. 🙂

  109. ScotsCanuck says:

    F.A.O. – Louise Mensch, they’ll be having snowball fights in Hell before I ever recognise the UK (or Britain) as my Country. Scottish first, last & forever. Make the call Rev and I’m in for 20 …. just tae make a point, ye ken.

  110. Capella says:

    @ CameronB Brodie
    Well I’m a Sagittarian. I can fire my arrows everywhere! 🙂

  111. Petra says:

    I noticed a poster earlier stating that they liked Chunky Mark’s latest video. Can’t find it (him) now! Anyway I think that he’s brilliant and would make a great addition to the Labour Party south of the border.

    @ Chic McGregor says at 12:32 am ”Petra Yep Murphy’s Law, everything that can, Foulkes up. Would Karma Kezia be regarded as an unfortunate accident or ritual suicide. Sorry, I’m on vodka fueled full pun mode having had seven teeth extracted yesterday. Has she named her Schadenfreude cabinet yet?”

    Chic she’s over and out (astrologically) whatever way you want to look at it and her Cabinet will be filled by the usual Labour liars, backstabbers and ignoramuses. She’s being backstabbed right now, knows it but is having to cover it up.

    I’m also vodka / diet lemonade fuelled tonight and my teeth are intact Chic …. so no excuse for me. I’ve danced the night away (until I had to leave due to other commitments) with family and friends who are ALL Independence supporters and that includes the VERY, MANY young children in the family. Highly, highly educated and on the political ball. Ten year olds in my family could educate the Kezia Dugdales of this World. I’m not kidding. I’ve had my input but by God can hardly believe the grasp they have in relation to what’s going on. I’ve listened to them debating Holyrood versus Westminster and discuss our resources and I butt in to add a few now and again. Some older, teenagers, are discussing (arguing over) the Barnett Formula to the point that I can’t understand them (then I bail out). Great news for the future I would think.

  112. manandboy says:

    link to

    The Government’s borrowing in October is the worst for six years. No wonder George Osborne can’t balance the books when he’s shelling out £10 million on a plane upgrade to fly Cameron around the world.

    Osborne is a very incompetent Chancellor. But shhh, no one is allowed to say that.

    BTW, can someone put some warm clothes on the Emperor – he’s still naked and shivering uncontrollably. Yes, I know we’re supposed to lie about it, but the guy is now dribbling down his leg. He’s got frozen urine on his ankles. What do you mean, keep on lying?

  113. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I’m putting it in again here, ‘cos it’s worth watching closely.

    It’s not hard to ignore Foulkes. Just watch ‘Kezia’.

    What does she actually do?

    Have you ever seen an office worker sign/fold/envelope a letter in that way? What does she do when she’s at the back of the office, opening and shutting big sliding doors with no obvious reason?

    Point is – she wasn’t just ‘working as normal’, cause that isn’t ‘normal’ working. She was acting a bit-part in Foulkes’s self-serving production, and that’s why it all looks so odd.

    What’s most disturbing about it is that this was Foulkes trying to claw back some cred as a ‘working’ politician when the MP expenses scandal was going full-tilt. In order to do that, he had to be seen in a ‘normal’ office environment with ‘normal’ staff surrounding him. It’s not unlike the stage-set which Alistair Carmichael probably insisted on positioning himself in before talking to Channel 4 (and we all know how that worked out, eh?)

    This is a propaganda exercise, and Kez (if that is her right enough) was a willing actor in the whole charade.

    If it seems like I’m nit-picking, so be it, but of such details are scandals made, and Kez’s support of Foulkes, especially at that time, says as much about her naivete as it does about the cynicism of the faceless characters heard applauding the end of the ‘shoot’.

    It’s a sinister wee snippet – I hope Kezia gets to see this, and maybe have a wee think about why she is where she is now.

    link to

  114. CameronB Brodie says:

    “Do not throw the arrow which will return against you.” 🙂

    link to

  115. call me dave says:

    I’m not worried too much about where the excess money goes.
    It won’t be wasted, so just tell us when and how to donate.

    @Ian Brotherhood.
    Larry Foley in the 1890s

    link to

    £3 a week rise for pensioners. George is too generous that’s a cup of tea and an empire biscuit! 🙂

    link to

  116. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Call me Dave –


    It’s too good. ‘Soo-perb’ doesn’t even get near it…

    Love it.

    Off to my scratcher, happy as! 🙂

  117. Petra says:


    @ Kininvie says at 12:40 am ”Question though, Rev, is why were you late? I’ll happily stump up if there’s a good reason, but if you were just lounging on the beach instead of doing your accounts, I’ll not be so keen…”

    WHIT! It’s high time, well over time, that he took a proper holiday for his own sake. From a selfish point of view what would we do if he just decided to disappear? I think about this … often.

    @ Capella says at 12:53 am ”Petra BTW there are no BAD signs. Just people who do bad things. Kezia is a Virgo (if that isn’t a personal question). Best suited to service roles. Though the most famous Virgo is probably Queen Elizabeth 1st of England. Nuff said.”

    Capella you are right there are no bad (Sun) signs per se. But if you believe in astrology you have to look at the WHOLE astrological chart; planets; houses and aspects. The position of the Sun say in Virgo tells you nought. Maybe you know this already?

    There are other placements of planets and points at the time of birth, other than the Sun, that make a massive difference, such as Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto (and Ascendant, MC, Nodes, Vertex, Ceres, Chiron). More than anything the houses they are in and their aspects to each other. Quite often you come across people who are ‘unlucky’ or worse still. Kezia Dugdale is being duped I would say and in turn trying to dupe others. She’s not a bad person at all. Brainwashed comes to mind and just working her way towards some kind of enlightenment. She’s young and will find her way eventually to ‘making good’ following some sort of ‘crisis’. Right now … No.

    Alex Salmond as an example has a fabulous, most patriotic chart. No point in going into it on here of course because it would just be a load of old gobbledygook.

  118. Lollysmum says:

    Ian Brotherhood at 11.58pm

    That, sir, is damned fine people spotting on your part but what on earth were you looking for to be watching the lord & master Foulkes in 2009? Was this some form of self inflicted torture by any chance?

    Definitely an ‘Alert Reader’-well done 🙂

  119. john king says:

    All the while Im looking at the endless enthusiasim for a fundraiser and the temptation to rub their fucking noses in it by donating a penny each and covering it in short order,

    But has anyone thought of Stu in all this, each time we contribute substantial sums doesnt that make him a hostage to eh…fortune?
    What if he wants to chuck it all in and go and sweep a beach with a metal detector, could any of us blame him?

    On the other hand Reverend Im sure you would be the first to tell us all you want out,


  120. john king says:

    mealer says
    “I think the Rev shouldn’t pay the fine at all.He should rot a while in gaol.That would learn him to do his paperwork on time.Plus he’d become a martyr.”

    I would slip him a file under the door… butI think the emergency kitty’s using it. 😉
    link to

    Hey you might have something there mealer
    we could call him The Cooler King
    link to
    And no Im no talkin aboot Wee bubbly Jock Shughie Mcphee!

  121. john king says:

    @Rev Stu Campbell
    “There wasn’t much I could do. I couldn’t send them what I didn’t have.”

    Thats outrageous,
    rather than crowfunding the fine we should be crowfunding a defence breif, to suggest you were in any way responsable for the fact suppliers hadnt sent you receipts is a disgrace and Im pretty sure would be thrown out of court,why dont you ask Andrew Tickell what he thinks.

  122. CameronB Brodie says:

    john king
    You might have something there John, though I know nothing of the law. Surely it cuts both ways?

  123. Robert Louis says:

    I’d be ok for the fundraiser. Like others, I think wings should use the money as a ‘reserve’, because come next May there will be dirty tricks a plenty coming your way. It is clear the ‘cringing Scot’ unionist glitteratti really do not like you for exposing their lies and deception.

    If it comes to a point where the Orkney four have money issues regarding the court case, I would expect the REV to fully use this site to ensure money is raised for that cause.

    The Carmichael case, much as we all enjoy seeing a lying unionist london poodle squirm, is about political accountability. It is a big flashing red sign that says, the people of Scotland are not prepared to let Westminster politicians tell bare faced lies in order to usurp the democratic process. That Carmichael was a cabinet minister at the time, is why his case is so very important. Even if the case is lost, it will make others think twice in future.

    Anyway, do a fundraiser, but keep expectations low. Any over funds need kept to fight the unionist media liars next may. Although my name is not Ebeneezer, so maybe some, if there is enough, could go to foodbanks.

  124. Morgatron says:

    Stu, with any dosh left plesse buy all the pastries in Scotland and put Big Jackie Baillie on a diet, second thoughts what about targeting both hers and deputys seats ? Nothing in this world give me more satisfaction of the thought of these useless & bitter so called public servants on the bru.

  125. tamson says:

    “Though that does at least put her one up on her Labour counterpart Kezia Dugdale, who as far as we currently know isn’t risking a humiliating constituency defeat in May and will just stand on the list again.”

    I think a good modification to the Holyrood system would be to require all list candidates to also stand in a constituency. If they then win a list seat, they have to pass a minimum threshold of constituency votes before being allowed to take it, say 10%.

  126. Sharny Dubs says:

    Fundraiser, and we’ll all be keeping a weather eye on the Orkney 4, they can’t be left out to dry.
    Now to more important things, how do you attach a picture to your post? I’m a dedicated numpty.

  127. Stoker says:

    I’m against you paying the fine, you were not in the wrong.
    I’d rather you fought the bastards in court and get all costs back.
    Well worth the gamble, looks like you have a very good case.
    Go on, Carbuncle the turds!

  128. MolliBlum says:

    Ruthie has serious competition for the title “crowdfunder of the day”.

    In a bizarre new twist on “cash for questions”, Shetland’s LibDem MSP Tavish Scott has set out his begging bowl seeking “donations for demands”.

    Anyhoos, he’s asking people to “donate and help us demand the discount!” – a reference to the high costs of ferry travel to and from the northern isles (just in case any readers here are unaware) which he claims is unfair compared to the western isles ferry costs. (I won’t bore folks with the whole RET / subsidy thing here… it’s just another “SNP Bad” story)

    Why on earth any MSP requires extra dosh to stand up and make a “demand” in parliament on behalf of the constituents who elected him is puzzling, to say the least.

    Given the very special irony of Tavish Scott’s crowdfunder being in Alistair Carmichael’s constituency, I agree with those who think it would be appropriate if any overflow went to the Orkney Four.

    Especially since they’ve taken such a huge personal risk on our behalf that they deserve all the help they can get.

  129. Finnz says:

    Not sure if it’s been mentioned before, but how about a crowdfunder for the SNP candidate in the constituency Davidson is standing in…

    Davidson may have been pledged £2000 in 2 days, we could pledge £20,000 in 1

  130. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Rev [ There wasn’t much I could do. I couldn’t send them what I didn’t have.]

    I know the feeling We at Maryhill Foodbank have had a shitstorm of Abuse since the Scottish Sun reported We wont be receiving any more funding from Glasgow City Council & a concerted attack from Trolls on our F/Book/Twitter Page.

    Im in two camps here Thepnr & Ian Brotherhood & JLT comes into the equasion to.

    I,ve supported the Orkney 4 & like many here so I would go for that 14days Crowdfunder & split the money WOS will be needed more & more as we get nearer to May & We know what the Hacks are like, WOS Legal fund is a good idea. The Hacks might think twice before they print shit on WoS.

    Alternatly a 3 way spill.

    Many Foodbanks are under pressure at this time of Year as they are doing Food/Clothing/Toys appeals.I can empathize with you Rev on playing God,(I had to make a decision yesterday that got me a clip on the jaw, would I make the same decision Yes). There are more & more Foodbanks opening up. Im sure the many Wingers can supply names & details of their Local Foodbanks in (Quarantine). & as JLT says if the Orkney 4 are succesfull, Foodbanks get a Bonus.

    Your decision Rev & I can live with it & still donate £££££+.

  131. Bill Hume says:

    Rev, I’d think twice about a fundraiser to pay this. Can you imagine the MSM reaction?

    “So called ‘Reverend’ from Bath flouts electoral law and then appeals to supporters to pay the fine”


  132. Bill says:

    A fines kitty because I’m planning to keep a bucket of piss to throw over any Labour candidate at my door next year. Will you pay my inevitable fine?

  133. gus1940 says:

    Go for the crowdfunding.

    I support giving the surplus to The Orkney 4 Fund especially as any surplus they may end up will go to foodbanks.

    I recently took out a year’s sub to iScot and have been very impressed with the first 2 issues received – a quality publication. How about a wee bung from any surplus to ensure they continue publication.

    On a lighter note – put down your coffee and move it well away from your keyboard:-

    In today’s Scotsman on-line one of their resident blinkered and brainwashed unionist supporting drones has suggested that somebody called Andrew Ferguson Neil should be First Minister.

  134. MJack says:

    Ha ha we´re so childish.

  135. Robert Roddick says:

    Just go for it Stuart. Let them see the support that you have.

  136. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Bill Hume I,ll make the correction for you, The Corperate Media,if the Rev excreted a dodgy curry & they Did,nt get a whiff he would still be a Vile Cybernat. Its the Poplarity of WOS,gets rite up their noses.

  137. Capella says:

    @ CameronB Brodie 1.33
    You mean a boomerang? 😉

    I’m wondering what the wiki link to user:D.Kurdistani was all about. My tablet has been rebooting itself ever since I clicked on the link. Maybe coincidence but curious anyway though not so curious that I’d risk the PC!

    @ Petra, I do think there’s something in Astrology, but you’re right, it’d be a brave person who would discuss it on this blog!

    Kezia is definitely in the wrong job and would be much happier doing something worthwhile IMO.

  138. Cadogan Enright says:

    @finnz 8.41 C:

    Orkney 4 and a legal fund make the most sense to me

  139. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry if I was the cause, though I have no problems on a pretty tight PC. I just knew that proverb and found a page that appears to have been awarded a wiki “Barnstar of Kurdish Merit”, written by a guy who identifies as Kurdish. I just thought there were some other cracking proverbs.

    “Do not throw the arrow which will return against you.”

    “Fear an ignorant man more than a lion.”

    “For every wise man there is one still wiser.”

    “Habit becomes second nature.”

    “It is easier to make a camel jump a ditch than to make a fool listen to reason.”

    “It is more difficult to contend with oneself than with the world.”

    “Kind words will unlock an iron door.”

    “Listen a hundred times; ponder a thousand times; speak once.”

    “Part with your head, but not with your secret.”

    “Stairs are climbed step by step.”

  140. Anagach says:

    Stu says
    We filed a full and accurate account of spending, on time. But it didn’t include all the required invoices, because I hadn’t been sent them by suppliers

    That is distressing, in the past I have given the accountants the payment details (credit card statements) since getting paper invoices can be a slow and tedious process in the electronic age.

  141. Capella says:

    @ CameronB Brodie
    I don’t think it is your fault at all. Ta for the quotes, some are very apt.

    I’ve just searched the net for fixes to the reboot loop problem and find it is common for Samsung Tablets after about 2 years so it is possibly a battery problem. I’ve just watched a video on how to replace the battery. 11 minutes watching every step in real time! It’s a little better than watching paint dry.

    link to

  142. Andrew Abel says:

    People keep talking about wanting the overflow to go to foodbanks, the Orkney four etc. That’s grand, but why does it need to go via wings? You can donate to all those funds anyway!

  143. peekay says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    “Nah, I’d spend any extra on booze and chips and tasty, tasty heroin.”

    And the rest you would just waste….thank you, I’m here all week

  144. Chic McGregor says:


    90% OT

    “Do not throw the arrow which will return against you.”

    That reminded me of a game I wrote in the early days of home computing (UK101) called ‘Urban Warfare’. It was a two player game with buildings you could hide behind like those in ‘Space Invaders’ except there were two rows of them which ran vertically one on the LHS and one on the RHS. each player could fire a missile at the other and try to hide behind buildings to avoid being hit.

    In the middle of the screen there was a row of blocks of UN troops. If a missile hit a UN troops block or tried to pass it too closely it was returned to the firer.

    Remembering this made me think ‘Whatever happened to UN troops?’ At one time they were frequently depicted with their distinctive blue bonnets in areas of conflict, trying, with varying degrees of sucess it must be said, to keep the peace, but I haven’t seen any on’t telly for an age now.

    Have the numbers really been cut back? If so why?

  145. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Chic.

    UN troops were seen in the news reports from Mali yesterday so I’ve just Googled.

    More info at the links:-

    link to

    link to

  146. Chic McGregor says:

    Thanks Brian. Looks like I burped too soon.

  147. Finnz says:

    @Cadogan Enright

    You are probably right with that, Stu is not an SNP supporter per se, but it would really get up the noses of the unionists…

  148. Robert Peffers says:

    @Petra says: 21 November, 2015 at 3:02 am:
    ” … Petra BTW there are no BAD signs. Just people who do bad things.”

    Belief in Astrology is even worse than belief in Labour Party Policies. It is about as sane and logical as the belief that Friday 13 is an unlucky day.

    Both Friday and the number 13 are man made concepts. There is no such thing as luck, good or bad.

    As the fictional computer says, “Does not compute”, just before blowing its fuses and expiring amid smoke, sparks and blue flashes.

  149. CameronB Brodie says:

    Chic McGregor
    My reply vanished. Nothing important, apart from a broken UN, if escalating proxy wars that go unpunished are anything to judge by. Then there’s the growing drone-culture and vote deals in the UN to get Saudi Arabia on the UNHRC.

  150. CamerornB Brodie says:

    Robert Peffers
    Though I’m not religious, the role astrology has played in history should not be dismissed so casually, IMO. It’s the founding faith to many and one of the founding natural-sciences to many more. Increasingly popular nowadays, apparently.

    link to

  151. CameronB Brodie says:

    Chic McGregor
    I just remembered. Wow. 🙂

  152. Adam Davidson says:

    How about do the fundraiser and donate the balance to whoever is most likely to take votes off of wee Ruthie.

  153. mike cassidy says:

    re Foulkes and Dugdale

    She was his office manager -and political advisor – in 2009. So no surprise to see her pretending to do secretarial work in the background.

    But life is too short to see whether she does any more cameos in his rantings from the time (2007-2011).

  154. faolie says:

    It’s a fine. Just pay it. If we’re short of money when we need it, have another fundraiser then.

  155. Petra says:

    @ Robert Peffers says at 12:26 pm ”Belief in Astrology is even worse than belief in Labour Party Policies. It is about as sane and logical as the belief that Friday 13 is an unlucky day ….. As the fictional computer says, “Does not compute”, just before blowing its fuses and expiring amid smoke, sparks and blue flashes”

    There’s not a great deal that is sane or logical on this planet / universe Robert; that makes a whole lot of sense. Not everything can be measured objectively. There are still many, many concepts way beyond our comprehension, out of reach of our (established) human senses, such as an understanding of consciousness itself. Do we have senses so far scientifically invalidated (not proven), such as psychic ability?

    We’ve been brainwashed into thinking that if something can’t be measured scientifically it doesn’t exist, in the main, even although many issues still confound scientists themselves. They have no answers for concerns such as the Horizon Problem, dark matter, teraneutrons (existence or not) and the study of ultra-energetic cosmic rays which when resolved (if ever) may ultimately prove that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is incorrect …….. leading to ”as the fictional computer says, “Does not compute”, just before blowing its fuses and expiring amid smoke, sparks and blue flashes.” Then it will be back to the drawing board.

    I was an astrological sceptic but decided to study the subject and it works for me. You can identify, in an instant, personality traits from a study of the natal chart for one … red flag … someone with Mercury in opposition to Neptune is prone to lying. It’s also been proven over and over again to me through predictive astrology … birth, illness, death, house moves, job promotion and financial wins to name but a few.

    Don’t knock it until you try it Robert (winks).

  156. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Petra –

    How about the I-Ching?

    I showed the grid (it only had the numbers, no written clue as to what it was) to a hard-heided science-boffin friend who’s been studying physics and astronomy for decades, and asked him what he thought it was.

    He turned it this way and that for a few minutes, then smiled and said ‘I know what it is – it’s a basic computer programme’. And he was right enough. It does make sense to people who know about such stuff. What he didn’t know, and couldn’t believe, was that it’s at least 5,000 years old.

    There’s more in heaven and earth, an’ aw that jazz! 🙂


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    • Young Lochinvar on Signal and noise: “I thought the telling bit on the TV was when SHE who shall not be named love-honey was quoted hoping…Mar 12, 23:57
    • sarah on Signal and noise: “The problem is that most people haven’t heard about Salvo and the Liberation Movement. Even an ex-MSP of the Highlands…Mar 12, 22:03
    • lindsay on Signal and noise: “By extension this has to be the best discription ever of what today passes as Scottish “parliament”Mar 12, 21:55
    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Of course there’s only ONE side cloaking the debate. The ones wearing cloaks, real and figurative.Mar 12, 21:40
    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Couldn’t agree more, Lorn.Mar 12, 21:35
    • sarah on Signal and noise: ““Because it’s a waste of time. You cannot declare independence…unless you’ve had some sort of democratic event demonstrating that it…Mar 12, 21:28
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “I don’t agree with everything you say, but I do agree with some. See the last sentence, can we change…Mar 12, 21:10
    • Mark Beggan on Signal and noise: “All aboard!! The last train to Wokeseville leaving from platform Scotland. All aboard!Mar 12, 20:58
    • Mark Beggan on Signal and noise: “Generations of inbreeding.Mar 12, 20:48
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “IF there are any changes they’ll be the type of changes that remain the same.Mar 12, 20:42
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “Undoubtedly. There is always more. This is the REDACTED parliament, after all. But I don’t think it’s what YL says.…Mar 12, 20:36
    • Southernbystander on Signal and noise: “Yes I am sure you are right that in fact it is a very narrow set of ‘communities’ being referenced…Mar 12, 20:35
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: ““I cannot understand why Stuart Campbell has chosen to ignore organisations like SALVO and Liberation.Scot consisting of dedicated independence supporters…Mar 12, 20:14
    • George Ferguson on Signal and noise: “Agreed. Young people have no understanding of Scotland of the past. Social migration was there for working class Scottish people…Mar 12, 20:13
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: ““transgender and nonbinary people contribute immensely to the wellbeing of Scotland’s communities” You need to focus on the communities that…Mar 12, 19:52
    • lorn on Signal and noise: “The ‘trans’ lobby utilizes these individual cases at huge public cost in order to wear down women. Simple as that.…Mar 12, 19:49
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “They’re not stupid. They are richer. And the deal they made with their ‘lack of conscience’ bothers them not one…Mar 12, 19:49
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “Indeed. It’s certainly interesting (to me, at least) how Tommy has been scrutinised by both Peter A Bell AND Wings…Mar 12, 19:33
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: ““And they would turn Scotland into a extreme left wing authertarian hellhole And they would make trump look like an…Mar 12, 19:29
    • sarah on Signal and noise: “OK that’s me put off my dinner. Holyrood is sickening and Sturgeon having the gall to open her mouth and…Mar 12, 19:22
    • lorn on Signal and noise: “The rights of these men to enter female spaces? Is there such a right? Don’t think so, Scott K.Mar 12, 19:19
    • Lorn on Signal and noise: “That Vic Valentine, Scottish Trans Manager, Equality Network, stated that his organization makes sure that people in public and private…Mar 12, 19:15
    • Southernbystander on Signal and noise: “‘The Parliament believes that transgender and nonbinary people contribute immensely to the wellbeing of Scotland’s communities’, say the Greens. Eh?Mar 12, 19:11
    • Chris on Signal and noise: “Without wishing to stress the obvious here, but isn’t the simple way to stop this nonsense to elect more Tory…Mar 12, 19:08
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: “The entire stooshie is looking and sounding most unfortunately WHITE, WHITE, WHITE. I’m not a big fan of the BROWN,…Mar 12, 18:28
    • twathater on The evolution of fairness: “To use your example of IT being a waste of time, you used your knowledge and dedication to produce the…Mar 12, 18:14
    • agent x on Signal and noise: ““Speaking to reporters ahead of the debate on a rare appearance at the Scottish Parliament, Ms Sturgeon said: “I think…Mar 12, 17:52
    • KT Lorimer on Signal and noise: “The tranny dickheads are still in charge SNP amendment passed all is well in la la land.Mar 12, 17:40
    • A2 on Signal and noise: “At least misogyny and transmisogyny are seperate things now… progress!Mar 12, 16:30
    • KT Lorimer on Signal and noise: “No they are not – this is nothing to do with people who have been diagnosed with dysphoria and chose…Mar 12, 16:25
  • A tall tale

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