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Wings Over Scotland

Zoomers on stunned

Posted on April 20, 2015 by

If you thought the right-wing press was having paroxysms at the weekend, readers, you’re going to love what they had lined up for the day of the SNP manifesto launch.


Let’s have a little tour of the London newsrooms, shall we?

We had the Scottish Daily Mail essentially telling everyone to vote Labour.


But Jenny Hjul in the Telegraph warning “leftists” not to support the Nats on the curious grounds that they weren’t left-wing enough.


In the same paper Iain Martin (when not tastefully likening the manifesto launch to the Nuremberg rallies) called for independence for England to protect it from being “bullied” by the evil Scots.


While Boris Johnson explained that the SNP will kill your babies.


Back in the Mail, Piers Morgan called Scotland’s democratically-elected First Minister “the most dangerous wee woman in the world (you’ve never heard of)” in a mad rant about how the election of some SNP MPs would essentially cast the entire planet into lawless and bloody chaos at the shrieking behest of “a mini-Godzilla, breathing fire and brimstone” (a description which we’re sure will delight the FM).


And Dominic Lawson claimed that her party’s “growing intimidation and intolerance of dissent reeks of fascism” alongside an editorial calling her a “megalomaniac”.


Although in fairness the paper did also highlight her nice shoes.


And that’s just today. Yesterday we found out from Wikileaks that the UK government had indeed (as rumoured last year) met with Sony to discuss whether it should hold back the UK screening of historical drama Outlander until after the referendum, lest the primitive natives of Scotland be inflamed into revolt. (It did.)

And we also saw Ed Miliband reaching out to Tory voters:


While John Major rode into battle against the monstrous Jocks too.


Still over two weeks to go, readers. Stay tuned. This could get messy.

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I see the Daily Mail refers to Labour’s Ian Murray (Edinburgh South) as a “rising star”. A capsizing pudding more like.

Betty Boop

Observing their calls to man the barricades, we have to assume that the land south of the border is populated by lunatics.


The Reichstag will catch fire next.

Betty Boop

@ MajorBloodnok

Good day, sir. Is there a bunker hereabouts?

Geoff Huijer

I had decided to vote SSP but not now.

This kind of abusive shite has helped
me decide. It has to be SNP.


A lot of people are quite literally soiling their armour at the moment, very amusing


Gosh ,were fascists and communists at the same time .


Strange, almost surreal days in Scottish and UK politics. Iain Martin comparing the launch of the SNP’s manifesto to the Nuremburg rally, while Fraser Nelson produces a thoughtful article on Nicola Sturgeon.


1. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. This will help keep the SNP in people’s minds and avoid a falling away of the vote closer to GE. So all good.

2. Feel the Better Together love! Keep going, MSM, we need to capture the 15% who want Home Rule and decided indy?… not yet!

3. Has anyone noticed an actual attack on the SNP figures or even their policies? No, it is all personal attacks and hyperbole. How the MSM fear a woman who wants to end austerity!

4. It is pointless the MSM fuming against Nicola and the SNP, because their readership hardly matters…. but I think some people might be pricking up their ears in Liverpool, Cornwall, Leeds and Cumbria…

5. During #indyref I remember thinking, with Scotland awakening, it would really be better for Westminster to cut its losses and just dump Scotland. If the SNP manages to awaken England over the next five years, could all get VERY interesting.*

* I do not think the SNP will be allowed to share power by Ed, everything points to him much preferring to do a deal with the more ideologically and genetically close Cameron.

Doug Daniel

This is the chaos that ensues in the Westminster establishment at just the hint of Scotland getting to make its voice heard. Imagine how they’ll act when we’re actually doing it for real.

They must be kicking themselves that they didn’t just wave us goodbye last year.

Mik Johnstone

Looks like the Union IS over, and at the hands of the Tory Press and Media ….


What a strange country teamGB really is. Daily Heil says vote tactical, “Labour voters must switch to Con or Dem” in such and such constituency.

It could all work, its just a bit weird that the neo fascists at the Heil think Scottish Labour voters actually buy their pervy garbage.


This is just getting f**king mental.

Tick ticketty tock 🙂

big jock

“SNP in goverement ,like King Herod in charge of a baby farm.”

Yep loads of dribbling chins to wipe , nappies to change and spoilt brats to skelp!

Auld Rock

I still find that the Daily Fail’s rhetoric by calling us Nazis when the Rothermere’s supported Hitler, can’t really get my head round it. Better go and have a lie down all this too, too much for an old engineer.

Auld Rock


Absolutely Pathetic.



Strange how we are too wee and too poor to be able to run our own affairs, yet magically we have the power to destabilise the entire planet!


I’m surprised at this reaction. I thought we were better together?


Isn’t this fun? Who’d have thought just sticking an X in a wee box could cause such havoc! Power to the people – at last! 🙂


You’ve got to wonder what they are afraid of. It’s quite sad really they just about exhausted their supply of anti Scotland commentators during the Indy ref, that they need to wheel out Bo-Jo who next? The chuckle brothers?

David Whannel

Not forgetting link to

Tîm Criced i Gymru

Only one way to respond to all of this – get CROSS and put it in a box marked SNP/PLAID on the 7th.
This, I’m afraid is the gut feeling of the minority Imperialists in Engerlandshire coming out at last – we’ve know it has existed for centuries – it hasn’t gone away – BUT NOR HAVE WE!

I think many fair-minded English people are utterly embarassed/disgusted/mortified by these outbursts and are very sympathetic to us on the ‘Celtic fringe’.

I’m sorry (well, not really!), but WESTMINSTER, you’re getting what you deserve on May 8th you are in for a MASSIVE shock- I just hope CYMRU/Wales wakes up and doubles it’s representation there as well.
Let us free, England, to be your equal Celtic neighbours and friends – stop showing off your pathetic bully tactics – Scotland has woken the rest of the world to this by now – don’t show yourself up for what you WERE – grow up and mature WITH US, cos you’re rapidly getting left behind on the winds of change! I can smell the fresh air on the thermals… it’s coming!


I had to give up when I saw Piers Morgan upset that Her Majesty couldn’t just have Sturgeon “hung, drawn and quartered like Edward I did to Wallace.” These people are all insane. Independence is no longer enough. Let’s literally cut them off and let them drift off into the mid-Atlantic where they can’t bother anyone.


Paving the way for a mysterious turn around for the unionist parties in the early hours of the 8th?


The stronger they attack the stronger we will become.
They are dangerous fools , democracy my arse , they are the true goon squad.


As it happens, although its quite macabre and total nonsense in this context, I do know what a baby farm is. It was a 19th century practice of buying babies from unmarried pregnant mothers, pretending to be giving them a good home, when in fact they were just killing them.

Really, a baby farm run by Herod would be quite efficient.

Democracy Reborn

During her 11 years in power, Thatcher’s annual Tory Party conference speech was cheerfully known as “Maggie’s Nuremberg Rally”.

Was Iain Martin, I wonder, watching on as a Young Conservative at the time?


They’re not merely worried, they’re terrified. They can see that they’re 900 year old privileged establishment is coming to an end. And it’s those nasty Scots who are about to bring it crashing down about their ears.

I didn’t notice any of these zoomers pick up the news Murphy even went to see a lawyer to see if he could legally stay on gravy train without a ticket link to


I am 55 years old.
I am a socialist at heart.
In that 55 years I have never felt more better together.
Aye….. Right….


If Piers Morgan is your answer…you really dont understand the question.

Manic media Folk now saying “These radicals arent radical!”..have they just noticed its just a sensible party led by sane caring people…still regardless of sane and caring..we cant have the establishment applecart turned over now!

All the while the people of Wales think “Hold on a sec” and people of North England turn their heads in a “Tell us more” gesture.

Scottish have 1 last chance to decide..choose wisely(for once)


Imagine if this was reversed and we were doing the slagging. What an outcry it would be. We would be called racist, anti-English, English haters,Nazis… Oh wait…

Donald MacKenzie

My God, we’re so frightening I’m almost afraid to look at myself in the mirror.

Jamie Arriere

Overwhelming stink in London of a lot of nappies needing changed.

Keep it up, zoomers.

(Zoom, just one look and then my heart went boom
Suddenly and we were on the moon
Flyin’ high in a neon sky, oh oh)


All too reminiscent to the treatment of the indigenous peoples in days of ‘Empire’ & glorious colonialism; only not so glorious if you weren’t a ‘Brit’ ; if you doubt it ask the Irish if this sounds damned familiar.

The Scottish press are pretty useless for the most part, however the English (or ‘National’ press) are downright disgusting, a fact not lost on English people who’ve suffered at the hands of the Hacking Scandal.

Complete disgrace.

big jock

Remember folks. This is a modern day version of what they did to Eire over the home rule fiasco in the 1910’s!


I cannot believe that we probably have the most politically corrupt media and political system in the world, and we are powerless to do anything about it, so what chance have our children got.

Robert Louis

My goodness, the hysteria coming from these unionists and their media chums truly beggars belief. It is really hard to fathom their reaction.

Last year, they pleaded with Scots to stay in the union, and now they liken us to nazis or baby killers.



@ Muncle wrote:

“You’ve (sic) got to wonder what they are afraid of”

Errr, – They are afraid of getting a new UK government that thinks we haven’t borrowed enough, taxed enough or spent enough over the last 5 years. They are afraid of two left wing parties, the Jocks and the Cocks, screwing up what has been achieved in this last parliament.

We are afraid of yet another Socialist Government claiming to be the party of the workers – whilst history shows us, beyond any doubt, that no socialist government in the UK, EVER, has ever managed to reduce unemployment during their term of office.

… so at least you can stop wondering what we are afraid of now Muncle.

[…] If you thought the right-wing press was having paroxysms at the weekend, readers, you’re going to love what they had lined up for the day of the SNP manifesto launch.  […]

Steve Asaneilean

So Iain Martin – a former Westminster MP seeking re-election – thinks it’s okay to make a joke linking a democratic Scottish party and the millions of Scots likely to vote for it to Nazi Germany and, specifically, Nuremberg.

Nuremberg was where the Nazi party passed the anti-Jewish laws that directly led to the Holocaust.

Six million Jews perished along with 7 million Russians, 2 million Poles, a million Romanians, 100,000 mentally ill patients, 15,000 gay men.

But it’s okay to make joke about it Iain? After all it’s only politics isn’t it?

Shame on you.


All this vitriol is going to be a gold mine next time we need to campaign for Yes. Keep ’em coming Etonians!


For all Daily Heil readers who may be browsing here?




Ian Murray a “rising star”? Not the first description that would leap to mind.

fred blogger

really they try to reconstruct what democracy is and then leave it out of the final product.
anyway snp manifesto link to apologies if it has already been posted.


I have just read the last 3 articles posted and I don’t know how to create a wee man shaking his head in disgust.

Better Together are alive and well. The MSM wants the compliant right wing Labour Party because they are nearly Tories….what am I saying –NEARLY!!!


So all in all a fairly normal day from the rabid Westminster loving press then (and politicians).

Nothing surprises me anymore to be honest. You see/hear so many scare stories they all just blend into one another.

The stories and doom laden rhetoric eventually become meaningless when you see/hear it day in day out..



There appears to be a concerted Troll bating effort going on. They want to provoke us into retaliation so they can use the Nasty party cyberbully meme for the next two weeks. The best response is in the voting booth.


All I can say is xenophobia drools as normal in the hallowed corridors of Westminster.


“Back in the Mail, Piers Morgan called Scotland’s democratically-elected First Minister “the most dangerous wee woman in the world (you’ve never heard of)” in a mad rant about how the election of some SNP MPs would destabilise the entire planet.”

Ah ha, that would be the very same smouldering sack of shit Morgan who was sacked by The Mirror, as their Editor, for publishing fake Iraqi torture pictures.

Nice to know these pearls of wisdom are coming from such a credible bunch of folk such as Baffled Boris and Pillock Piers, eh.


I misspelled a word to my link. I will try again.

link to

For all Daily Heil Volks that may be browsing.



As today is Monday, all day 😉 , that means that on tonight’s SKY News paper review we should see non other that one of the editors from the Mirror and one from the Daily Mail! 😀

I wonder what s***e our Daily Mail Scotphobic editor will rustle up for us tonight either in his retched little rag or by way of verbal diahorrea tonight! 😛


Like an SS stormtrooper King Herod cross dressed as Lady Macbeth dragging a scorpion like dagger along the river of blood while cruising along with four horsemen of the apocalypse and riding the back of a giant Ed Milliband. All the way to Wapping!


The fatal mistake they make here is believing that only Scottish born belong to SNP, whereas it is a wide family with growing English support. No one likes to read the inflammatory, racist, narrow-minded, bigoted comments that ‘respectable’ BT politicians and journalists are making. Anyone would think that they don’t like democracy in action and would rather an Eton-led Tyranny…


sensibledave says: so SNP voters are communist nazi baby killers and socialists too sensibledave?

Progressive Liberal countries like Scotland’s neighbours over the North and Irish Sea, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland are fine places to live for everyone, not just the rich etc

But they’re not reigned over by teamGB and Westminster are they? Dickhead


Where is John Barrowman i feel so unloved at the moment 🙁


I can only assume this MSM abuse will go on up until the GE … and beyond, no doubt.

For the most part it’s utter nonsense. You’d think the SNP was a nasty party! We’re not the Tories or UKIP, you know! The MSM don’t attack policies. They attack the notion that Scots might try to influence their parliament.

Mail Online says , “The political control of broadcasters is one of the hallmarks of a dictatorship, whether fascist or communist”.

Sheesh! Tell us about it! The most truthful thing I’ve ever read in the Mail.

By devolving responsibility for broadcasting to Scotland we can STOP the blatant political bias.

David McKeen

When will they realise that all this relentless vitriol is actually encouraging people to vote SNP?


In the previous article, I wondered what the media would be like a week out from the GE. Well, by God, what Stuart has posted here was what I was expecting in that week.

So, what the hell are we going to get in that very last week???

To be quite honest …going with what I have read here, it seems that the Union is unravelling right before our eyes. Calls for ‘Independence for England’ is a new one (for most of us here, that is music to our ears).

You seriously have to wonder what will happen on the 8th of May if the SNP do hold the balance of power. What will the likes of the Tories, the Establishment, Big Business all be doing? Apart from full-flowing tears, shrieks and all-out swearing, I would not be in the least surprised to hear a couple of the big Boys demand a ‘Referendum for England’ or a cry of ‘Independence for England’. LOL

Aye …payback is a bitch!

But hey! You gotta laugh ….maybe we won’t need a 2nd referendum after all!


Ah cheers sensible Dave, that makes perfect sense now that you’ve explained it. Of course the last five years has been just a-okay haven’t they.

Iain More

I just feel the love. Just when I thought heads couldn’t spin any faster or throw out more vomit they do. I feel like I am permanently stuck on the set of the Possessed with Linda Blair.

Mae Carson

Never mind the ranting, where were these journos educated? Take Piers Morgan’s line, it would suggest we’ve never heard of this world, what’s that about? If he meant Nicola then the bracketed comment should have followed the word ‘woman’. Only in his small world.

As for Ian Martin, Nuremberg rallies were long before my time, the trials just before I was born, but were still a news item when I was pre secondary school. However for Ian born in ’71 his only experience of them was via history books. To conflate fascism/Nazi rallies/trials with SNP’s broadly socialist policies is not just highly insulting to all voters intelligence but also to those who lived through WW2 and its aftermath.

Sadly poor Boris (we know him well) I suspect he was born while his mother was standing and was dropped head first!

It truly is amazing that SNP can be referred to as Tartan Tories one minute, then socialists or communists and finally genocidal maniacs of all and every strand of history ……….. they really must be scared of losing their influence, access to power and an attack on their wealth.

I suspect they know they have lost.


The end of the Union didn’t come with a bang, it came with a tsunami of bile and vomit and hate.

Grizzle McPuss

Has anyone got any idea of the date for the next London Trafalgar Square rally…the “Scotland we…really really really do love you…please don’t leave us” ?

I do hope nom-dom Bob Geldof will be there again, giving us the benefit of his independent Irish passion. And let’s not forget the supporting cast of Eddie Izzard, Al Murray and Dan Snow.

Bâtards hypocrites


Re Heedtracker 3.52

Sorry Heedtracker, I can’t make head nor tail of your comment.

Muncle asked a question. I answered it accurately and concisely. If you believe that I wrote anything that you don’t think was true – pleases let me know – and do proof read your entry before pressing “submit” so that I might have a chance of understanding you.

Proud Cybernat

We see the southern Tory press and broadcasters massaging and manipulating public feeling with these deplrable headlines so that, come 8th May and Cameron has the tiniest lead over Labour but not an overall majority, they can claim that Cameron “won” and that the ‘mood of the country’ (yes, the very mood their present xenophobic headlines are desperately trying to shape) demands that Cameron, as leader of the largest party, should remain as PM in a minority Govt. and will invite the nasty SNP to vote him down againt the “mood of the country” (the “country” being England, of course). How “nasty” and vindictive will the SNP be seen to be then, going against the “mood of the country”.

But, of course, the SNP can rightly respond that their alliance with Labour (assuming the polls are right–taking nothing for granted) is actually more representative of the entire UK and not just Tory England. A Labour-SNP alliance will represent Scotland, England and Wales whereas a Tory-UKIP-LIBDEM alliance will, by-and-large, represent England.

So, yes, Dave–the SNP will dare to vote you down and kick your ass right out of #10.

Robert Graham

Pst do we still need to keep the real take over and the invasion plans secret now I think we have been rumbled we might have to adjust the timing because these quick witted press sleuths are on to us do we resort to the prearranged codes from now on or -/-/::.,-/:/; over ? Box ~|<_\|* for reply

paul gerard mccormack

Colonised by wankers – trainspotting


I think I read somewhere the Daily Mail is, apparently (yes, I know), the most read online paper around the world. What the must the world think of the English media? Scotland and it’s people are loved the world over.

Has anyone heard any feedback from abroad about these attacks by what is supposed to be our government too?.


Mik Johnstone says:
“Looks like the Union IS over, and at the hands of the Tory Press and Media ….”

The union will be over when my tax money stops being deposited in the Bank of England

Kenny Campbell

I cannot be the only one waiting on them pulling something out of the bag…..Clearly deploying the Broon won’t be enough this time.

Whatever it is will need to be big and bold.


My God, these people are insane.

Do they have the slightest inkling about the societal shit storm, the harm they could cause with views like this?

I’m with Clootie, I wish there was some way of displaying shaking your head in disgust online right now.


Em… Hey Boris, whats a baby farm? You do know where babies come from… right?

Perhaps a sinister new Tory policy has been let slip…

arthur thomson


Well suck it up pal. We have had to live with the shame of being associated with you and your chums annihilating and torturing ordinary people in other parts of the world, covering up an endless list of criminal activities by your elected and unelected representatives, your xenophobia, your scapegoating of immigrants and the poor, etc etc.

We are trying to do something better and we are so happy about it regardless of the challenges we face. When you and your sort are unhappy I know something is working out right.


Artificial polemic,by those who wish to serve their masters current or future.

A bunch of self serving so called journalists pandering to their paymasters,oh and one prospective pm.

Very very boring as it is predictable,they have newspapers to sell and they don’t mind how they do it,pathetic.

Should we sue for Libel or perhaps challenge them to a duel….nae f&#k it…

Vote SNP


…I thought it was just Scotland!
Warning do not sit near a keyboard drinking coffee while watching this.

link to

Connor McEwen

David Mckeen and Geoff Huijer are in Agreement.

I sometimes think of songs to suit the mood.
Please stay by the Crying Shames for Farmer Cameron.
Followed by Long John Baldry, Let the heartache begin.
Charlie Pride,Crystal Chandeliers. [against expenses]
The Snakes come out at night, for Andrew Neil by Charlie Pride.
The Mansion on the hill by C.P. To look down on Scotland.

Les Wilson

I wonder if the treasury is hard at work with the shredders,
just in case the books might need looking into?
That be just one of the many things making them panic!

chris kilby

Is the English Tory press (and Scottish Red Tory press) sweating like…

a) Mel Gibson at a Bar Mitzvah?
b) Gary Glitter when the polis took a swatch at his hard drive?
c) Jim Murphy?


I don’t think the SNP are far enough to the left. But why would I ignore a party who has a real chance of winning seats and exercising some power to drive the next government more to the left?

There is an opportunity to use my vote to deliver power to people who are talking about progressive policies that really appeal to me, I am passionate about and none of the other mainstream parties are talking about. A genuine opportunity to stop the horrific austerity politics and a fighting chance to avoid spending billions on doomsday devices. I’ll take whatever left I can get at the moment thank you very much.


@Kenny Campbell

Things are beginning to get a bit mental.

Christ only knows what things will be like in 2 weeks.

Been through it all before, but something tells me if we remain strong and hold our numbers, massive change to us will come.

We have them on the run now. Let’s hold these bastards feet to the fire!

chris kilby

@ Macart:

“My God, these people are insane…

I wish there was some way of displaying shaking your head in disgust online right now.”

There’s always May 7th.

(If you think they’re mad now, just wait till May 8th!)


Wow! I have never read such a sewer of filth and hate in respose to a mild ,friendly speech by Nicola Sturgeon introducing the SNP manifesto.

People here are suggesting dirty tricks but the one they are fireing up for is an SNP supporter loosing their cool in retaliation for their humiliation. Do not bow,be proud AND

HOLD! HOLD! HOLD! Just wait for Nicola to give the lead. I trust her and so should you! Her response will be intelligent and civilised and you will enjoy it!


What a kerfuffal. Nothing been seen or heard like this since Bonny Prince Charlie reached Derby with his Highland Army


Did Lord Leveson not sort this out.

Surely the above excerpts are so over the top that the newspapers concerned should face Scotophobic and race hate criminal inquiry and sanctions?

Connor McEwen

Ignore Sensibledave

[…] Zoomers on stunned […]

chris kilby

@ Kenny Campbell:

Labour’s “deploying the Broon” alright. Almost as much as the Tory press is.


I was under the impression that Piers Morgan is a resident of the United States. Is he writing in the Mail as a representative of President Obama – or as a UK Taxpayer. Time we saw some credentials,


Totally lost it.


Even if Scotland didn’t vote SNP, Cameron would not win. Scotland would not vote for him. How good will it be to see him out of office. The nasty hypocrite. Imagine banning a TV programme. Control freak. The slavering lies and double cross. .

Training Day

These establishment shills masquerading as journalists really are certifiable.

How far will their masters go to thwart Scottish democracy?


This vile hatred of Scotland must have been near the surface!

I think i will wear a badge”Ashamed to be British”


@ Muncle 3.59

….. I Didn’t say that the last 5 years had been brilliant Muncle. But we are in a lot better state than we would have been had Labour been returned. And we are currently in a lot better state now – than we will be in the future if we borrow more, tax more and spend more – and elect to government a party that has never, ever, ever, ever – reduced unemployment during their term of office. … just saying! No point in shooting the messenger.

ronald alexander mcdonald

I wonder if journalists have a sweep on the go. Who can write the most ridiculous piece cleans up.


Off topic but on topic

And just where did the SNP promise that there wouldn’t be another Referendum for a generation, Jim?
Where’s the beef, Jim?
Show us!


Clootie wrote:
“I have just read the last 3 articles posted and I don’t know how to create a wee man shaking his head in disgust.”

Yes, Clootie, i get the exact same feeling when i see folk helping these Unionist rags to survive by posting direct links to their articles.

It beggars belief that some folk, despite knowing the endless tripe these rags print against our country and our cause, still continue to make up all sorts of excuses to justify aiding and abetting the survival of their rag of choice.

Marie clark

Help ma boab. Shakes the auld heid. These eejits hae tane leave o’ oany sense that they had.

Well we all knew the nearer it got to 7th May the worse it would get. God only knows what is coming next. Keep it coming boys, keep it coming. We have been here before, and a lot of people you conned the last time now see you for what you are.

Independence for England! maybe not such a bad idea, gie the rest of us peace.

Bet you wish now that you had let us go last September. The union is being broken, but it’s you lot doing the breaking up and you can’t see it.

By the way boys, DO NOT FEED THE FECKIN TROLLS. Ignore them, or report them to the Rev. Do not be sucked in, it’s what they are after.


2 more Ashcroft polls for Scottish constituencies – SNP ahead.

link to


“The end of the World will be on 8th of May, if the SNP get more MPs into Westminster!. Ah tellsya fire and brimstone, pestilence and floods!.”

“Manifesto?……our manifesto?…..never mind that, them outsiders will tear down the woodshed and ban Morris dancing. Get the pitchforks ready and find the Witchfinder General!”

Worked for the referendum, so why not try and dupe all the UK electorate with this pish.


I really don’t know how we manage here in Sweden with all this grown up behaviour of listening to even the most xenophobic groups who have managed to get themselves into a potential king making position here (only to be thwarted by the Leftists< Greens and Rightists who let them speak but turned their backs on them while they did so but they got their chance at least and aren't hinging about it either. The UK media makes the place look like a Primary School playground where a cool new athletic looking kid comes in who happens to be foreign but doesn't want to be there but has to because his dads got a job nearby (for now) and all the Kewl (and not so Kool)kids are pooping themselves with fear and loathing at the potential of this kid while the real cool kids are like lets see what he's about and work with him. He looks like he can run, catch, take a hit, perhaps he's the new scrum half the old ones a but shit honestly.


Ashcroft polling confirms SNP leading in Edinburgh North (Tight though 3% in it) and Edinburgh South ( Skooshing it by 14% !)

Folks in the area help Edinburgh North out 🙂


It’s their Indyref panic all over again,but that only can work once. We remember Mr Cameron and his e***n Tories remark,well he got his no vote,so now onto the next part of that requestto kick out the varicoloured Tories.

Robert Peffers

That high pitched whine, I thought at first to be Tinnitus, seems ever louder and higher pitched as election day gets closer and the pungent aroma of abject terror not only gets stronger by the day but becomes ever more acrid by the hour.


There is only ONE thing I can say to that Marcia. 😉

link to


Has anyone noticed how “Scotland”, “scots” and “the SNP” seem to become so easily interchangeable when the hateful Brit Nats start spouting their vile remarks?

Of course, when challenged, they (some of them) will say they mean only those horrible separatists, but then, before you can say Better together, off they go again and within a short time, it’s “scots” or “Scotland” again. They just can’t help themselves. All those “proud scot but”s can do is try to hide their embarrassment and laugh it off.

Robert Peffers

@Betty Boop says: 20 April, 2015 at 3:09 pm:

“Observing their calls to man the barricades, we have to assume that the land south of the border is populated by lunatics.”

No, Dear Betty, the English, by the whole, are a perfectly sane, decent charming people. The Westminster Establishment, though, have always been treacherous, vindictive, greedy, cruel, rather eccentric at best but totally lunatic at worse., (Did I mention untrustworthy)?


@Marie Clark 4.53

I’m taking a leap here Marie, but I’m guessing your “trolls” comment was aimed at me?

By Troll, do you mean anyone that doesn’t agree with you? Do you mean anyone that isn’t going to vote SNP? Do you mean that anyone that asks a “difficult” question or point out an inconvenient truth?

Murcle asked a question and I answered it. If there is something about my answer that was wrong, incorrect or untrue please let me know.

Or, as is your preferred route, just censor my contributions – which is often the response when people find their “truths” questioned.

Am I really that much of a threat to your groupthink?


Not really on topic but I was listening to Nicky Campbell on Five live this morning and the discussion was about whether or not the SNP were good for the UK.

There were quite a lot of different views and some of the English callers were quite positive about the party, however, there was a Scottish caller called Margaret who was scathing in her views not just of the SNP but also of Yes voters. She spoke of how the referendum had caused division and she could not understand why the SNP had not withered and died after the referendum result but instead has went from strength to strength. There was a wonderful moment when Margaret said that the No side had won but an English caller beautifully retorted with “Yeah but look how you won” which shut her up magnificently. People like Margaret would happily accept more of the same tired old politics until the end of time. How do you get through to people like that that there may be a better way?

I have said it before and I will say it again: Why are those on the No side so bitter? Do they honestly think that people who voted yes should just forget about independence and go back to the way things were? There is no going back.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

The hilarious irony of the Lord Rothermere’s Mail attacking a peaceful, popular and democratic party for imaginary fascism will not be lost on some. 😉

Rothermere urged Hitler to invade Romania

The former owner of the Daily Mail wrote to Adolf Hitler congratulating Germany on its annexation of Czechoslovakia, and urging the Führer to march into Romania, British secret service files, released by the National Archives for the first time today, reveal.

The former owner of the Daily Mail wrote to Adolf Hitler congratulating Germany on its annexation of Czechoslovakia, and urging the Führer to march into Romania, British secret service files, released by the National Archives for the first time today, reveal.

Lord Rothermere even hired a glamorous German spy to introduce him to leading Nazi figures in the run-up to the Second World War. MI5 papers, reveal how Rothermere, owner of Associated Newspapers, paid Princess Stephanie Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingfurst to further his contacts with Hitler, Goering, Goebbels and Ribbentrop.

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Some where there is a store room full of Black and Tan uniforms and their looking for the key. That’s the mentality of the WM establishment.


If anyone wants to get away from all this stuff you can do worse than listen to Newsdrive this evening. Mhairi nearly mentioned something earlier on about the manifesto launch but then thought better of it … otherwise it’s all health drinks & rickets and the odd wee comment from Kezia about why its a good idea to vote Labour …


o/t a sensible look at the state of affairs
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Robert Peffers

@Muncle says: 20 April, 2015 at 3:20 pm:

“You’ve got to wonder what they are afraid of. It’s quite sad really they just about exhausted their supply of anti Scotland commentators during the Indy ref, that they need to wheel out Bo-Jo who next? The chuckle brothers?”

Don’t be silly, Muncle, The Chuckle Brothers are far too sane and clever.


@Robert Peffers 5:13pm

reminds me of the old Australian joke:

how do you know when a plane load of Poms has arrived?

The whining goes on after the engines have switched off.


Well well didn’t Nicola do a fine job today? Polite, answered every trick question thrown at her, didn’t fall into any of the media traps which were set, offered the hand of friendship, end result, total fucking meltdown and stamping of feet by the right wing establishment! They’ve gone hysterical and I don’t mean in a funny way. Two weeks of this and everyone will switch off. I have no idea what they are scared of but I can’t wait to find out. We know Scotland has been screwed over the last 45 black gold years, it must be by a stratospheric amount to cause this amount of angst.


wow looks like they all got out of bed on the wrong side this morning,ah well there is nothing like free publicity carry on onions your doing a grand job.

You forgot the bit about Nicola breathing fire ,or her ability to fire thunderbolts out her eyes ,she beat up superman last week then called him a wimp,Batman is still in therapy and the x-men ran away and are still in hiding and her henchman Eck has a battlefleet parked behind the moon just waiting to invade the world and put himself on the throne as King Eck the 1st.

There is your headlines for tomorrow as i know you are all a bunch of lazy gits so i thought i would be nice and help you out as it must be hard trying to make up bonkers stuff every day.

a supporter

God we ARE important. The “…mini-Godzilla, breathing fire and brimstone” has got them shitting in their breeks.

Funny how Scots are supposed to be racist towards English. What is today’s torrent of abuse against NS and Scots called? It is appalling.


sensibledave @5.14

You are Trolling. You post a generalisation, which is based upon knowing alternative futures – you make the bold statement that we are better off under the last 5 years of tory government as opposed to a Labour one.

Now you offer no specific reason to justify your at best ‘guess’. Care to actually offer one ?

Oh and by the way I am not better off after 5 years, but of course cannot know if I would have been even worse off under a guessed alternative reality (Labour government)

Can you see where your not making a case or an argument?

Brian Nicholson

gordoz says:
20 April, 2015 at 5:00 pm

Ashcroft polling confirms SNP leading in Edinburgh North (Tight though 3% in it) and Edinburgh South ( Skooshing it by 14% !)

Folks in the area help Edinburgh North out

You have that backwards. The closer race is Edinburgh South (3%). Those working and chapping doors in Edinburgh area should offer an extra night or two to Edinburgh South as well. Think how chuffed you will feel on May 8th knowing you helped put two new SNP MPs into Westminster (and gave two more P45s out as well).

John Moss

Fabulous and funny 🙂

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I’d see the likes of this.

Nuremberg rallies run by Fuherer Sturgeon and Alex Salmond being “gemmied” back into Westminster.

Sometimes life really is stranger than fiction.



I think shiprex the problem we have in the U.K. is that for decades, and probably since the invention of politics in the U.K. actually, the British media has become so accustomed to just a two horse race they are currently like a rabbit in the middle of the road transfixed by a car’s headlights. 😉

What I mean is that in the early days of politics all we really had was basically the original Liberal party and the original Conservative party and that was just about it. Later, along came a young upstart called the Labour party. The appearance of the Labour party on the scene basically saw the demise of the Liberal party.

After some tooing and froing we have ended up with what some people call a three horse race but is it … really?

We have the Tory and the Labour parties who are the big monsters in town and then we have the wee tiddler called the LibDems who basically never really achieve that much and at best serve as a coalition partner.

Now however, with the astronomic rise of the S.N.P. in Scotland and the wanderings of U.K.I.P. in England all bets are off basically but the media don’t like it. They are not able to handle much more than a two horse race. Therefore they are doing everything they can to scupper the S.N.P. in Scotland (FAILED) and U.K.I.P. in England. ( partial success)

Until the media in the U.K. accepts that we will no longer have a two horse political system I’m afraid we will continue to witness the pure bile that we currently are witnessing.

Pete Whimster

All these years I gave been giving the English credit for having more intelligence than they actually possess. It’s all becoming more and more clear. Keep digging that hole…..

Robert Peffers

@big jock says: 20 April, 2015 at 3:32 pm:

“Remember folks. This is a modern day version of what they did to Eire over the home rule fiasco in the 1910’s!”

Aye! Big Jock, and it cost them the South of Ireland. Wise people would have learned the lesson. Some, though, will never learn. When a nation becomes so much dedicated to gaining their independence there is nothing going to prevent it.


O/T Murphy’s London masters undermining him again.

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I know you blew this argument out of the water Stu. Now it is the turn of his bosses to also do it.


@sensibledave 5.14

Remember this site is for everyone, not just SNP supporters. It is great you comment here but why ask questions and then answer them at the same time. Trying to provoke an inappropriate outburst? 🙂


Woohoo, the SNP launch their manifesto, and the threat level is Def con radio rental.

On the positive side, Cameron has been called an English nationalist twice in 24 hours, yesterday by Marr, and today by Faisal Islam, who also pointed out Cameron supported Goldie if/when she supported SNP budgets.

You do wonder if some of them are thinking, we should have let them go, because we would be having a much easier GE.


Luigi says:
“Has anyone noticed how “Scotland”, “scots” and “the SNP” seem to become so easily interchangeable when the hateful Brit Nats start spouting their vile remarks?”

Indeed. A Pandora’s Box is being opened. And, as with the mythical version, the contents will never go back into tha box.

Not to put too fine a point on it – They are endangering their precious Union which they fought so hard to preserve just months ago.


The Tory Elitist Politicians and Media are so far up their
VIP arses that they may never see the sunshine again.

Please everyone share these lunatic rants with as many people as possible.

Do you want to be mastered by a London Tory Bastard?

These are the same privileged families that ordered Scots troops over the top to use up German bullets in world war one. Our lads dying made life a wee bit easier for Johnny English. 25% of those killed were Scots, but yet we don’t have 10% of the population?
How could that be when pool and share?
Easy we don’t and never did, we are just another colony to robbed and raped to keep Hooray Hendry’s nose in the trough.

For Bonkers Boris, who on earth would put a man in power who can’t come his hair or knows what size he takes in a suit?

Robert Louis


The Ashcroft polling data out today, show that it might just be possible to unseat Labour’s Ian Murray. Yip, the Ian Murray of ‘stickergate’ notoriety, who during the referendum claimed to the media his office had been ‘vandalised’ (of course this was blamed in the press on YES people). It turned out thanks to some actual checking by a winger (Morag?) that the ‘vandalism’ was some small YES stickers on his office window and door.

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It is neck and neck in Edinburgh South, but let’s face it, it would be rather grand to see Mr Murray lose his seat.

The SNP candidate for Ed South is the rather excellent Neil Hay.

Proud Cybernat

@ MrObycyek

“Why are those on the No side so bitter?”

Because, lets face it, rightly or wrongy, the Proud Scot Buts are the ones who think that they have something to lose whereas Indy supporters see that they have something to gain.

Indy supporters have accepted their position peacefully within the Union for over 300 years. Even after the IndyRef we accepted the result, peacefully. Afterall, we are used to living within this debiltating, anachronistic Union.

The question is–will the bitterness of the Proud Scot Buts accept the next Indy Ref result when the numbers are reversed, when it is YES 55% and NO 45%?

Will the biter Unionists accept the next result with the good grace that the Indy Supporters have first time round? Or will their Unionist bitterness finally spill over at losing their ‘country’?


With increased coverage of Scottish politics in general and SNP in particular, even Daily Mail readers are going to realise that this won’t mean the end of the world.


alexicon says:
“O/T Murphy’s London masters undermining him again.”

I think the London based BritNat media are beginning to view this as Scotland versus their Establishment. They may simply be viewing Murphy as an outsider, part of the problem rather than one of their own, or simply as collateral. Oh, the irony!



Brent crude $63 per barrel. The Telegraph predict it will be $100 or more by the end of the summer.

I wonder what it will be in 16 March2016,the date Scotland would have been independent if we had not been terrified by our friends?


@Brian Nicholson 🙂 Doh!

Glad somebody was paying attention !!

Welsh and envious

This stuff makes me ashamed to be British. Another sordid episode in the long and undignified decline of the empire.

chris kilby


(Too late.)


I was at Glasgow Uni the same time as Iain Martin and Nicola Sturgeon

Think he must have asked her out and she said no.

What else could explain his hatred if his homeland?

If you read all the above having been through #indyref it’s like very familiar.

Just makes me and everyone I know determined to vote SNP. They must know this so basically given up on Scotland. Just fighting over little England.

Stuff them – posh boy no marks.

Will it reach the alien invasion levels though?


Sensible dave. YOU ARE A TROLL.

Pages and pages of anti-Scots bullshit from the media heaped on by politicians who tar us for choosing our own party.

You come on and pick holes and ignore the disgusting behaviour of the MSM and WM.

No other country would stand for it except here were a compliant media judge ordinary folk as extremists and terrorists for daring to have a fairer system.

Your points are irrelevant if you ignore the constant stream of lies and pish we face daily.

Fuck off to whatever place you have crawled from. You will gain nothing here. this is an independence blog , your a unionist pissing of readers with your petty points. Your not wanted

A TROLL . Google it yah numptie.


Entirely unelected hard line Lord for life tory boy sees conspiracy in his own tory boy side, shock. Whatever next from the teamGBists?

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In a sign of deep unease among senior Conservatives at some of the party’s tactics, Lord Forsyth of Drumlean accused the prime minister of having “shattered” the pro-UK alliance in Scotland and stirring up English nationalism after the Scottish independence referendum last year.

That’s via Severin Watt, another UKOK bullshit artist. Its not entered their heads yet, Scotland wants devo max. Or has it?

Maybe its all cunning plan by Putin, channelling Hitler, via the Federation, in North Korea, under the control of Darth Vader, and round the back and under those foreign EU bastardos, and through the most dangerous woman in Britain, poor old Farage just blames immigrants.

Far right UKOK, watching their Scotland growing up and after 300 hundred years of our imperial masters right to reign over us, finally getting told to get tae fudge.


I never realised Piers Morgan was such a terrible writer.


Regarding the ‘growth’ fallacy being claimed under the Tories, most of the expansion has been in private debt – mostly housing bubbles and financial speculation. Our private debt levels are almost the same as 2007 which lead to the financial crisis. Even the FT today was talking about the depressed productive economy of the UK.

Former FSA chief Adair Turner sums is up…
link to

This has been the tory, and indeed labour method of ‘expanding’ the economy since we were de-industrialised.

This will be the plan going forward under austerity. Shift the burden onto the private sector under ‘help you get into more debt’ schemes. Get people to take on ever more debt whilst salaries stagnate. It doesn’t end well, and guess what, the government has to increase spending in the end or the entire economy deflates.

Dorothy Devine

I find these so called journalists absolutely shocking.

What did the Leveson enquiry achieve apart from a load of public dosh for the main players?

is it possible to appeal for UN observers at this point?

David Agnew

Well Rev you did always say that if the union ever did end it would the English that did it. Willing to bet it you didn’t think it would be that soon though?

Zoomers on Defcon fucked.


@T222Deracha 5.39

I, of course, accept that my comments may sometimes not follow the general self-congratulatory, group hugging that can go on here. However, as someone that is interested in politics in the UK, and, undoubtedly, the SNP is going to influence my life in England one way or another – I think it is “fair” that I offer fellow citizens my viewpoint – albeit one from south of the border.

Anyone who follows politics and has any sort of political persuasion will know that politicians of all parties become cynical and, increasingly, act and speak with cynical contempt to their audience.

Ms Sturgeon is new to many that are not avid politics followers. She is a breath of fresh air, untainted, formidable, credible, professional and competent. In Scotland though, Nicola has been around since 2007. The SNP has been in government for (in political terms) a considerable period – and now has a record that we can scrutinise and see if there are gaps (of a cynical type) between the rhetoric and the reality.

What follows is not an attempt to open up a new avenue for discussion, but they are just a couple of examples where I perceive cynical manipulation is already to the fore from the SNP, of exactly the same type that we have had from the major parties for years.

Firstly, the rhetoric goes along the line of: them nasty Tories want to destroy the NHS and make huge cuts and get rid of doctors and nurses and privatise it all – whilst the reality is, since 2007, spending on the NHS by them “NHS hating Tories” in England has gone up by 23% – whilst NHS spending in Scotland has gone up by just 15% – as a result of decisions entirely within the gift of the Scottish Parliament.

The rhetoric with regards to Education spending is equally gobsmacking in its cynicism. The reality: Since 2007, Education spending in England has gone up by 12% – whilst the SNP only increased spending by 4% in Scotland (which is actually a cut in real terms) – again, these decisions were taken by the Scottish Parliament.

Lastly, the rhetoric of progressive politics and policies is all about being “worthy” and “fair”. But, when tested, the SNP actually implements regressive policies like free university education to everyone, and freezes everyone’s council tax – simply because it is expedient and they don’t want to piss off the middle classes and alienate them as possible SNP voters.

And before everyone jumps down my throat, there are many examples of exactly that same cynical contempt for voters from the Tory and Labour party in England.

The difference is we already know that – and factor it in to our decision making.

wee sandy

Well that was interesting. Just had a call from Jackie Baillie looking for my vote. The call lasted over 7 minutes.

About 3 minutes was taken up by her trying to convince me that the biggest party will govern. I told her this was a lie.

About 2 minutes was taken up by her trying to convince me that Jim Murphy would implement the spending plans for the NHS in Scotland THIS YEAR! I told her this was a lie.

She then informed me that as I did not agree with her I must be a SNP voter. I told her this was the truth.

She informed me that she was too busy to try and change my vote.

Have the Labour Party in Scotland given up trying to change minds?



“Paving the way for a mysterious turn around for the unionist parties in the early hours of the 8th?”

Yes, that is the exactly the game they are playing.

Don’t be too surprised if the unionists hold on to most of their seats, but with greatly reduced majorities.

Curtice will then ‘convincingly’ inform the Scots how tactical voting, Gordon Brown, The Record, the silent majority, the Greens, the Socialists, succeeded in preventing a Labour/Lib Dem wipeout.

Our own Morag will convince us that vote rigging on that scale would have been practically impossible. SNP support was just not strong enough.


OK sensibledave, I’ll take a crack at this…
1st post
1. Borrowing. National debt has doubled, but the other guys WOULD have done worse. :- Unsupported speculation, and somewhat difficult to justify on the evidence.
2. Spending. Public sector spending has fallen, service levels have fallen and taxes have risen.
3. Left wing parties. Neither of these parties are left of center.
4. …what has been achieved in this last parliament. :- This is a very shaky claim. Perhaps you would like to specify exactly what these achievements are…
5. …party of the workers. :- Do Labor still claim to support the workers, and don’t the Conservatives also claim to support the workers?
6. Reducing unemployment. :- Re-classifying unemployed people as “self-employed” does not give them a job.

2nd post
1. We are better under the Conservatives. Who is this “we”?
2. Trolling. :- Your passive-aggressive attack suggests that you have been accused before. This coupled with your preemptive accusation of censorship suggests that you have been barred from this site under a different name. Easy enough to find out of course. When did “sensibledave” appear, and who had been banned recently.
3. Groupthink. :- “No matter how badly it has gone we can not possibly be wrong.” That sounds more like the policy you are trying to push, rather than the alternative the SNP are offering…


Just note how our troll thinks the quantum of expenditure determines the level of benefit in the output. He obviously believes that as the USA spends 15% of GNP on healthcare the USA citizen enjoys a healthier life than us. Therein lies his delusion and why we pay him no mark

I got the tidbit about Outlander off of IMDB after watching the latest episode (amazingly there was no nudity until about 2/3rds in).

Sounds like Cameron scratched their back regarding peer to peer downloads and Sony delayed Outlander. Even now it’s only available ‘legally’ via Amazon Prime.

Proud Cybernat

At Westinster Scotland will carry itself with dignity and grace…

link to


sensibledave @ 6.29

Dave you seem to be under the impression that the SNP just formed and are new to us people in Scotland. As an old man I would like to point out that the movement has been around more than 100 years the modern party formed in 1938. Ms Sturgeon has been on the scene somewhat longer than 2007.

There is no deficit of cynicism in Scotland.

If you think that education which is not charged at point of need is regressive then I and you will have to disagree.

If you think that the elite are not wanting their friends to carve up a big slice of the NHS budget via private companies then again we have to disagree.

The SNP take neither of those paths, that is why they have my support.

Oh and suggesting that the blog and people in it is “self-congratulatory, group hugging” is Trolling.


@Proud Cybernat

Thanks for the reply.

I think we both know the answer to your question. If they can behave so badly after apparently winning then the result of them losing almost does not bear thinking about! It will happen though eventually. It is inevitable.


corrupt journos let off last week.
now the press show their appreciation..


If you ever doubted that a large group of SNP MPs would raise the profile of Scotland and Scottish issues then just look at what the THOUGHT of a large group of SNP MPs has achieved.

Ignore the bluster. They no longer ignore us.

A series of polls over a few months have done more for the profile of Scotland than the feeble branch office of Labour achieved across several decades.


I’m in Edinburgh North-not really surprised by the Ashcroft polling as that’s what I’m getting from speaking to folk, Lazarowicz is a journeyman who clung on last time despite a bit of a skirmish over expenses, Lib Dems cut his majority right down. SNP have put up a quality candidate and are putting in the hours.

Edinburgh South is more interesting through, Ian Murray and his tiny majority – did a few unwise things during indyref – would love to see him sent packing. Will be tight – plenty of auld dears willing to hold their noses and vote Slab to prevent the Nat tsunami.



The SNP came into being on 6th April 1934. In remember in the mid and late 1960’s some of the original members from the 1930’s time did not like the abbreviation of SNP, they called it the ‘National Party’. Old habit die hard with some I suppose.


Why are they afraid of the snp getting to have a look behind the curtain…wouldn’t be and dirt back there suuuuuurely?

David Agnew

Mr Sensible Dave thank you for your spirited defense of the UK media and its attempt to shit on Scotland’s reputation within the union. Thank you for ignoring the obvious dangers of portraying any democratic choice Scotland makes as being un-democratic. Thank you for failing to notice that this situation Scottish labour finds itself in, is entirely Scottish labours fault. Thank you for re-hashing old arguments we had to endure for the last four years.
Thank you for not bringing anything new to the table. Thank you for not noticing that politics has changed in Scotland. Thank you for not noticing that the UK media is shitting itself and is steadily destroying the what little connective tissue is left in this union. Thank you for staying quiet. Thank you for looking the other way. Thank you for allowing these people to use your “Britishness” as a pejorative term. Thank you for voting no, and thank you for letting the SNP because no one on your side ever planned for what followed a no vote. Thank you for clearly failing to grasp that what is happening is democratic. Thank you for not being able to pin the blame on where it needs to be laid. Westminster.

But lastly thank you for being silly enough to think you have the arguments to change anyone’s minds here.

Dr Benway

Joemcg & Rock

If you’re so convinced that the vote is going to be rigged then why bother? Are you suggesting that we shouldn’t bother voting?


Isn’t this amazing, sensibledave has just reproduced everything that Andrew Neil came up with in his interview with John Swinney today. Are Tories and Labour supplying joint briefing papers now? (By the way, Scots of my ken would not talk of “them Tories”. If you are trying to be patronising and wishing to mimic Scots usage, it would be “thae Tories.”) Anyway, you are a troll and an earlier post by you was defending the ludicrous attacks of the English press. No more feeding for you. Begone to your squatting place under a bridge.


Amazing, 5ft 4 powerhouse in high heels, scaring off all the big men. Its now not even worth reading,


@ All

I cant respond to all comments – nor would you want me to.

I am sure get the jist of my points – all politicians are cynical and show contempt for the electorate, and Ms Sturgeon is certainly no exception.

Ms Sturgeon and her party should be under the same scrutiny as everyone else. She does not hold back on her views of politicians in other parties, their policies or their record.

She should expect the same scrutiny where her failures, cynicism and rhetoric/reality gaps are highlighted.

Dan Huil

I wonder what the headlines will be in tomorrow’s newspapers. The English editions of course. Better together? Ha ha ha.


We shouldn’t really spend much time mulling over the Mayor of London’s comments- he is not after all a ‘top cornflake’.
Who could forget his pearls of wisdom on social mobility? “I worry that there are too many cornflakes who aren’t being given a good enough chance to rustle and hustle their way to the top”- would that be the most economically divided, poverty capital of England with the highest rates of child poverty in the UK? Are these the cornflakes he cares about or is it the other cornflakes- the exceptionally high paid bankers who caused the UK financial crash and are protected by law through the Corporation of the City of London?
Clearly he has very challenging cereal issues of his own-he might be better to try something lighter like rice crispies and prepare for a big dose of all-bran coming his way in May.


Maybe Nicola should have put in a clause in her manifesto saying she’d wholeheartedly support an independence referendum for England if SNP hold a position of influence after 7 May! (They’re nae gettin tae use our pound though! 🙂 )

Dougie Bee

Full panic mode in the MSM..who feckin cares
You wanted us to here we are
Like it or lump it..or let us go..
What a heap o shit they are…..

Louis B Argyll

Well said Marcia…
I’m not a member when others in my family may be.

Others passed the idea of the nation down when there was no party.

As a free thinking Scot I am as much a guardian of the nation as the next person, regardless of membership of other smaller clubs.

The nation state is the biggest party, it’s all of us.

A shared responsibility.

David Wallace

Don’t feed the Troll…

Louis B Argyll

Or ‘that’ Tories..


JGedd says:

“Are Tories and Labour supplying joint briefing papers now?”

Have been since since the went into Indyref coalition bud 🙂

Will continue into LAB / Tory Coalition government – only logical
‘Stop the SNP’ next step.


@ David Agnew 7.06

… this is my last response today.

You haven’t read anything I’ve written before or you wouldn’t write such tosh.

Other commenters here who may have conversed with me on other threads will disabuse you of your preformed prejudices in more detail but, in short hand, and as i have written before:

I don’t care whether Scotland goes Independent or not – what matters is democracy. Whatever the majority of Scots want – they should have.

As Ms Sturgeon said today (but which was denied by other commenters on other threads), if she is in a position to influence the government in Westminster post GE, then she has a responsibility, which she will take seriously, to the whole of the UK, to govern responsibly for the good of all the people in the UK.

If Ms Sturgeon and the SNP are going to be part of the government that governs me, do I not have the right to question or scrutinise her manifesto or her record.

You seem to want it both ways. You want to take up your absolute right to help form a government of the UK – but you don’t want me to have a view, or express an opinion, because I don’t live in Scotland?


@sensible Dave, you are very foolish if you think that the 75k New members that joined SNP since last year are some kind of drones.

The SNP more than any other party face a constant test of managing expectations from a demanding membership. The localbranches have been overwhelmed, and had to adjust very quickly. They are members that constantly question.

The SNP have changed hugely since last year, in terms of communications, and are walking a fine line all the time.

As for scrutiny? FFS, you don’t think they are already the most dissected and villified party in the UK? Where have you been?

Robert Peffers

@sensibledave says: 20 April, 2015 at 3:38 pm:

“Errr, – They are afraid of getting a new UK government that thinks we haven’t borrowed enough, taxed enough or spent enough over the last 5 years. They are afraid of two left wing parties, the Jocks and the Cocks, screwing up what has been achieved in this last parliament”.

Well, Sunshine, considering that the national debt went sky high under the last Labour Government and increased even faster under the totally immature posh Boys we have now I’m wondering where you get your information from.

“We are afraid of yet another Socialist Government claiming to be the party of the workers – whilst history shows us, beyond any doubt, that no socialist government in the UK, EVER, has ever managed to reduce unemployment during their term of office”.

Once more I’m wondering where you get your wrong information from. What a party claims to be and what it actually is are two quite different matters. For example NAZI means National Socialist yet it was fascist. Stalin claimed to be a Communist but probably never lived in a commune in his life. Miliband says he’s a socialist but he and Cameron’s policies are as identical as not to matter.
Cameron says he is Tory but is more to the right than Genghis Kahn and just slightly to the right of Benito Mussolini. Yet you are daft enough to take their word for it.
“… so at least you can stop wondering what we are afraid of now Muncle.”

Nah! No one can believe a word any of you numptie say. BTW: The proven way to get over a recession was found by the USA in 1929. Any idea what it was, Sunshine?

David Agnew

Mr Sensible Dave. I have read your posts. I have read many like it in the last four years. The only thing I have to offer you and your opinions is rough badinage. Take it or leave it, its all you’ll ever get here, if you haven’t noticed.


O/T Apologies if this has already been put up before today, but this is pretty good; even the FM thinks so.

link to


The standard of political debate in the UK is absolutely dire. Wild accusations masquerading as fact, hidden agendas, personal attacks, assertions of opinion claimed as fact. The biggest oxymoron is Sensible Dave – the kind of posturing that assumes rectitude and bristles with self righteousness. For pity’s sake argue your points coherently – its far too difficult to attack an argument as solid as jelly thrown at a wall.

Austerity is fundamentally wrong. It doesn’t work. Anyone claiming it does needs re-educating. Most economic theory is total bollox – the only stuff that works at all is empirical. Economic man doesn’t exist.


Here’s a good summing up of austerity – the flagship policy of the establishment parties.
link to

tony philpin

The standard of political debate in the UK is absolutely dire. Wild accusations masquerading as fact, hidden agendas, personal attacks, assertions of opinion claimed as fact. The biggest oxymoron is Sensible Dave – the kind of posturing that assumes rectitude and bristles with self righteousness. For pity’s sake argue your points coherently – its far too difficult to attack an argument as solid as jelly thrown at a wall.

Austerity is fundamentally wrong. It doesn’t work. Anyone claiming it does needs re-educating. Most economic theory is total bollox – the only stuff that works are the empirical schools. Economic Man is a myth.


What happened there? you just vanished, web page not available. Spooky


Up until now, I’ve been try not to get too hopeful about the SNP taking a huge majority of seats. After reading all that though, I hope to fuck they take every last seat in Scotland and get it right up these scumbags in the press!


hmmm independence for England what a cracking idea thank you very much Mr Iain Martin if you need a hand with that i am sure the Scottish indy movement would only be to glad to help out 🙂

lol i am astonished at the levels of stupidity in that, has he forgotten we want independence and the reasons why they desperately tried to stop it ,and will England becoming independent be any different to if Scotland did.
you get my special dunce cap for outstanding stupidity lol

Robert Peffers

@BrianW says: 20 April, 2015 at 3:47 pm:

“So all in all a fairly normal day from the rabid Westminster loving press then (and politicians).”

This Westminster Establishment clamjamphrey is no different from those that have gone before them and they have learned nothing whatsoever in all the time they have ruled.

The last time they were faced with serious claims for Home Rule that obviously was not going to go away was in Ireland. They had the chance to do the decent democratic thing and negotiate a peaceful settlement. Instead they knew best and sent in the troops and so began the Troubles, bombs, bullets and bloodshed.

And they lost with first the dominion of the Irish Free State and then the Republic of Ireland. Now they have a devolved Scotland and are now insulting us and they know, and we know, Scots will go on to a free Scotland and we will be followed by a free Wales and a free Northern Ireland.

Yet the numpties still think they are going to win.


The latest speel from everyone’s favourite Tory newspaper, no NOT that one the other one. 😀

link to


Dan Huil at 7:19 pm – “I wonder what the headlines will be in tomorrow’s newspapers. The English editions of course. Better together? Ha ha ha.”

Dan, the worse the headlines tomorrow with the Scotophobic bile, the more rattled the Westminster Establishment show themselves to be.

Corporal Jones from the television comedy Dad’s Army had a phrase for it ….


Democracy pouring out of every nook and cranny down south even the man who would be PM describes Scottish voters in a fair minded and friendly way – Aye right. Can you believe it these media and Tory people who were so desperate to keep us and love us now do not want us to send our democratically elected MPs in case it interferes with their potential Conservative dictatorship propped up by DUP and UKIP. So much for the UNION try papering over the cracks now Mr Cameron. Oh yes and well done Boris we take note of your comments from your city state citadel.


The movement for Scottish home rule is 127 years old. The Scottish Home Rule Association was formed in 1888. Home rule was the flagship policy of the Independent Labour Party but when that waned the National Party of Scotland was formed in 1928 but was re-formed as the Scottish National Party in 1934.

In the 1950s John MacCormack’s National Covenant movement for a Scottish parliament attracted two million signatures.

Though a majority of people in Scotland would have probably supported home rule at any point during the 127 years, it wasn’t necessarily their top priority. Two world wars, a global depression, and post-war reconstruction after 1945 were higher up the agenda.

What had taken so long for the question to become number one is that there were more pressing issues. But the issue has gained greater urgency since 1979 with the Tories laying waste to Scotland. And now, austerity.

neil bruce

sensibledave says @ 3:38

“We are afraid of yet another Socialist Government claiming to be the party of the workers – whilst history shows us, beyond any doubt, that no socialist government in the UK, EVER, has ever managed to reduce unemployment during their term of office.”

It would be easier to take your posts more seriously if
your first one did not contain such a glaring inaccuracy.

Unemployment 1946 2.0%
Unemployment 1951 1.3%
labour government.

Unless of course you do not consider the Atlee government
to be socialist.

From then till the mid 70s unemployment stayed much the same.

When Thatcher took office it was 5.2%, under her and Majors
control it was, at various points, 1989 8.3%, 1992 12.7%
and 1997 7.4%.

Red tories, blue tories, same shite different day.


link to


Sunniva @ 8.12 pm

A Bill to give Home Rule to Scotland was going through Parliament in 1914 and was close to its final reading when the Declaration of War brought matters to a halt and it was not revisited after WWI ended.

As you said ‘other priorities’

I may also be worth pointing out that in 1713 there was a move to repeal the Treaty of Union which failed by one vote, if memory serves me correctly.

So a very long history.

Harry Shanks

Just had Tom Greatrex (Maj 20,000+) staff on the phone asking if they can count on my vote in Rutherglen & Hamilton West.

First time in 25 years I’ve ever had Labour canvessers on phone. They must be seriously worried.

Delighted to tell them 4 x SNP votes here.


Sensible Dave

Usually I don’t bother with folk who come on this site looking to provoke, but one of you key arguments did catch my eye. So enamoured was I with it, that I just had to respond since it seems that you are almost on the same side of the fence as us!

I don’t care whether Scotland goes Independent or not – what matters is democracy. Whatever the majority of Scots want – they should have.

Let us take that line apart for a second…

I don’t care whether Scotland goes Independent or not

If you don’t care, then why are you literally on the biggest Scottish indy-site out there. The folks on here …well, they are pretty fanatical for independence. You’ll never in a month of Sundays …nay! …a lifetime of Sundays in getting them to change their minds. So why are you here?

what matters is democracy

Yes …and that is what we are doing along with over 2 million other folk in Scotland in voting for the SNP. Since it has been acknowledged that the true authority resides with the people, then it is our democratic right to send down whoever we want to the mother of all Parliaments. If the people of Scotland decide to send the SNP in vast numbers, then it matters not what the rest of the UK think, let alone that lying weasel of a Prime Minister, that wild-eyed ‘No, I don’t do drugs’ Chancellor, and that useless muppet that apparently leads the opposition, who also apparently needs his hand held. However, one thing is true; Nicola Sturgeon will be kicking Miliband’s backside once we are down there in force.

Whatever the majority of Scots want – they should have

And we will, thank you very much! An SNP government that will drag Labour to the table, point out what Gordon Brown promised us in ‘the Vow’ along with Cameron, Miliband and Clegg, and give us FFR (Full Fiscal Responsibility). Most of Scotland want these powers, so we will have them, thanks very much. We can then dump the Barnett Formula which the rest of the UK seem to detest. Everyone’s a winner!!!
At the same time, we will make sure that there is plenty of funds for services such as the NHS, and if we can, get rid of Trident. However, if one is not happy with the situation, you can always come back here and start asking how you do Referendums. There will be plenty of folk who will be oh-so-willingly on hand how to explain how the rest of the UK can breakaway from those troublesome Scottish people.

Glad to help. See you tomorrow!


They don’t like it up ’em, Captain!


Dr Benway,

“If you’re so convinced that the vote is going to be rigged then why bother? Are you suggesting that we shouldn’t bother voting?”

In principle, why bother indeed.

The outcome of a Westminster election, as always, is decided by perhaps 100,000 or so middle class voters in less than 100 “marginal” English constituencies deciding which party is best for their pockets.

Tens of millions of votes will be “wasted votes”.

In this particular election, it is in the interest of Scotland for voters in large numbers, including Socialist and Green supporters, to vote for the SNP.

I am convinced that the election in Scotland will be rigged. But this time, a majority of the people of Scotland will not be taken for fools.

Even our esteemed Morag will have to accept that evidence or not, the election was rigged.

Independence will then happen faster than anyone could have imagined on 19th September 2014.


Dr Benway-did we imply not to vote? What a strange comment. There is enough evidence of weird goings on at the referendum vote plus comments from Dugdale and Carmichael to make us suspicious again. Maybe I’am paranoid but I just do not trust them.


Nuremberg? Herod?

The rabid outpourings from the Tories and all their little demons is really fascinating.

Farage has more or less cast Scotland as something even more wicked in his book than a boat load of illegal immigrants.

The problem for the Tories is that I don’t think Nicola is scaring Labour voters. The opposite, I think.


I’am also convinced the so called big three will save their seats.Murphy Curran and Alexander by fair means or foul. Probably the latter.

Ken MacColl

Iain Martin rang a distant bell so I googled him and his pedigree is impeccable. He has over the years held editorial positions in The Scotsman, Scotland on Sunday, Daily Telegraph,and The Daily Mail The first three of these are failing right wing journals -no doubt he did his bit – and the Mail is a particularly loathsome nasty publication. Incurring their displeasure would be the political equivalent of passing your Tenderfoot in the Cub Scouts.
The irony of being accused of holding Nurenburg type rallies in the Daily Mail is delicious for those who can recall the enthusiastic support given by Lord Rothermere to Hitler and his pals back in the Thirties.


I see Katie Hopkins is back centre stage by writing an article for the Sun, saying the migrants that drowned in the Mediterranean were cockroaches who should have blown to smithereens by battleships, presumable by shells and machine gun fire?

When will the people who hire this obnoxious horse faced fugly bitch fire her, once and for all?

Mind you, if she was even a wee bit Anti-Israel, her arse would be fired quicker than those shells she wants to murder people with.




I have long since worried that the SNP and it’s voters play far too much by the Queensberry Rules, and perhaps it’s now time to fight fire with fire.

Dare I suggest to any watch strategists that we literally take these foaming racist intolerants at their word and in the week of the election bombard the Scottish electorate with leaflets and billboards composed solely of an entire montage of these dire and abusive Twitter feeds and articles ?

If that doesn’t swing a more than a few waverers then nothing will.


Even our esteemed Morag will have to accept that evidence or not, the election was rigged.

I have a postal vote for 18 Sept, but am not using it this time. Who knows where it ends up.

What I want to know is if postal vote “sampling” will be conducted again, like what they did in the referendum.

In the referendum, both sides witnessed unrecorded numbers of postal votes opened and examined by EC staff maybe but definitely witnessed by both sides maybe, in particular BetterTogether, who may well have used their “sampling” recording data to produce THE VOW fraud.

Thats not paranoia on my part, just logic.

Postal votes are hitting a quarter of all votes in Scotland and as they watched them coming in during the referendum, it gave Bettertogether No Thanks an almost perfect three week exit poll. Also, on 18 Sept, there were no exit polls.

I called my local electoral registrar and was told I had been removed from the register, after 35 years. They said it was easy to go back on and they didn’t explain why I had been removed when I asked.

I also asked if they were going to “sample” postal votes this GE and the nice lady said she didn’t know and didn’t know who does.

Not happy.



“The movement for Scottish home rule is 127 years old.”

And the current struggle for Scottish independence is more than 300 years old!

The struggle for Scottish independence is as old as the Scots!


Latest from IrnBru

link to

After May 8 Murph could always get work as a bike stand.

Crack On!!


Why did you bother coming back to WoS if all you want to do is pick a scrap?

1) Stop having digs at Morag. You’ve done it twice today & I’ve read enough of your rubbish now. She has far more knowledge than you when it comes to elections so cut the bitchy comments-she doesn’t deserve them & they don’t become you.

2) Despite your previous assertions of ballot rigging you failed to show any evidence ergo you have no case.

If you don’t have anything useful to say then don’t say anything.

Colin Rippey

Careful now, you’ll be fine if you stick to the basic arguments that the folk here can take you on with, just don’t challenge them on Full Financial (or is it Fiscal, the manifesto can’t seem to decide) Responsibility.

This is a wee teeny change from the now totally stigmatised Full Fiscal Autonomy, something that the Scottish Labour, Scottish Tories, and Scottish Lib Dems have failed miserably to pin the SNP down on (mostly because none of them can add up correctly).

So steer clear of this and you’ll be fine (although I’m sure “someone” will quickly chime in with something about oil and “extra-regio territory” pretty soon).

Barbara McKenzie

I don;t think Boris is quite claiming that SNP will eat your babies.

The situation is interesting from a political viewpoint. England as a whole did not want Scotland to separate from the Union, and Scotland voted 55-45 to stay in. However support for the major Scottish party of independence has grown astronomically since the referendum, either because people have changed their minds, or because they see the SNP as the best way to look after Scottish interests.

England, or the British Establishment, are in the embarrassing position of saying well, we did want you to stay, but not actually to have any clout, and their obvious horror at the situation is not endearing them to Scottish voters.

Boris’s point is that it will be weird for the country to be run by people who want to break it up.

‘You would not dream of asking a fox to look after the henhouse or a temperance campaigner to run a brewery or Attila the Hun to work as a doorkeeper for the Roman senate – and no one in their right mind would enter into a contract with a bunch of voracious weevils to protect the lovely old timbers in the tower of the local church.’

Well, it’s tough, but it’s democracy.

A point that Boris is overlooking is that not everyone has the same regard for the lovely old timbers that form the Westminster structure, questioning whether they are in such good repair, or were ever that lovely. In fact even some of the dear little English chickens in the church (sorry for mixed metaphore!) think that Atilla-like radical change from the marauding Scots would be in their own interests.

O/T Boris is reported in the Daily Record. link to

Do vote in their poll of voting intentions. I don’t know how the DR feel about SNP support in the poll standing at 80% …

Barbara McKenzie

I don;t think Boris is quite claiming that SNP will eat your babies.

The situation is interesting from a political viewpoint. England as a whole did not want Scotland to separate from the Union, and Scotland voted 55-45 to stay in. However support for the major Scottish party of independence has grown astronomically since the referendum, either because people have changed their minds, or because they see the SNP as the best way to look after Scottish interests.

England, or the British Establishment, are in the embarrassing position of saying well, we did want you to stay, but not actually to have any clout, and their obvious horror at the situation is not endearing them to Scottish voters.

Boris’s point is that it will be weird for the country to be run by people who want to break it up.

‘You would not dream of asking a fox to look after the henhouse or a temperance campaigner to run a brewery or Attila the Hun to work as a doorkeeper for the Roman senate – and no one in their right mind would enter into a contract with a bunch of voracious weevils to protect the lovely old timbers in the tower of the local church.’

Well, it’s tough, but it’s democracy.

A point that Boris is overlooking is that not everyone has the same regard for the lovely old timbers that form the Westminster structure, questioning whether they are in such good repair, or were ever that lovely. In fact even some of the dear little English chickens in the church (sorry for mixed metaphor!) think that Atilla-like radical change from the marauding Scots would be in their own interests.

O/T Boris is reported in the Daily Record. link to

Do vote in their poll of voting intentions. I don’t know how the DR feel about SNP support in the poll standing at 80% …

john king

Robert Peffers says
“Nah! No one can believe a word any of you numptie say. BTW: The proven way to get over a recession was found by the USA in 1929. Any idea what it was, Sunshine?”

SIR SIR SIR (clicks fingers) It was the “NEW DEAL” sir
FDR’s Relief, Recovery, and Reform. That is Relief for the unemployed and poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels; and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression,
and also the Glass Steagall act of 1933 breaking up the casino banks!

Noo thats hoo its done. 🙂

john king

Sensibledave says
” this is my last response today.”



Cameron and Miliband are set on abandoning Scotland as a place to gather votes sufficient to provide any number of MP’s for Westminster. With that in mind Sir Jeremy Heywood and his team of misinformation compilers and spreaders are well advanced in their plans for the implemetation of Privy Council plans to decide that rule of the UK, for the forseeable future will be remitted to a government of national unity comprising Conservative and Labour party MP’s. It is likely Boris Johnson will be asked to lead the government. The threat to the House of Lords appears to be the trigger event.

So it follows that Scotland might well be forced by circumstance to leave the UK and join the EU sooner than thought possible

Black Douglas

john king says:
20 April, 2015 at 9:21 pm

Sensibledave says
” this is my last response today.”


Un-Sensibledave off shift only to be replaced by

Colin Wimppley.

I do hope they get the living wage. 😀

Bob Sinclair

Anyone who calls themselves British should feel nothing but abject shame if they think this is acceptable media behaviour.

I now consider my country to be in a state of war. Don’t worry, I have no plans to do anything rash, but I will do everything legal in my power & then some to prevent these bastards undermining the only true demonstration of the power of democracy this country has ever seen.

I’m just in from an evening canvassing after a 12 hour shift at work. It does make a difference, im certain of that. I’ll be doing that every night & my weekends will also be taken up with campaigning.

The rage that I am feeling today is as nothing compared to the joy I will feel when we finish the job we are currently engaged in, the overthrowing of a corrupt Westminster Labour Party.

Everyone I have personally met from Wings is 100% committed to working toward this result & I’m proud of you all. If you are not out campaigning then can I ask you, please get out there & help. It’s never been so important.


The BBC’ take on the SNP manifesto launch.
link to

It’s not so much their take on the event which is interesting but more the comments and analyses from the likes of Wee Jamsie Cookie Bun, Dim Jim and Sally Carbuncle.

Unfortunately, i couldn’t find any signs of Dim Jim being confronted on his manufactured lie of the SNP promising never to hold another referendum after last years one.

Nor could i find any signs of a discredited Sally Carbuncle being questioned or sacked over his offices involvement in the memogate scandal which was exposed for all the world to see.

Nope, just the same old discredited British Bullshit Crap.

The BBC, promoting liars, bullies and paedophiles.

Robert Peffers

@sensibledave says: 20 April, 2015 at 5:14 pm:

“I’m taking a leap here Marie, but I’m guessing your “trolls” comment was aimed at me?”

Well, sensibledave, (and that’s a porkie for starters).

I have to agree with the above. You are indeed, “Loupin”.

Big Jock

SNP predicted to win Edin South from Ian Murray Brit Scot…..oh please God!

Anyway news is, a poll for the Times coming out at 10pm tonight,is looking good for us!

See Sam Coates on twitter.

ronnie anderson

I see the multable Trolls are back, with their many many alaises


Apple for john king 🙂

Frankie pulling no punches here…

It is British people that don’t learn languages, or British history. Britain is the true scrounger, the true criminal

link to


David Agnew. 7.06pm ( doffs cap)

Respect buddy 🙂 Brilliant put down for the troll . Your last sentence brought a smile a mile wide . Thx 🙂


Barbara McKenzie wrote:
“and no one in their right mind would enter into a contract with a bunch of voracious weevils to protect the lovely old timbers in the tower of the local church.”

AYE, and nobody in their right mind would help the Daily Retard to pull in advertising revenue by clicking on direct links to that rag, supplied by you in your double post at 9.15pm & 9.16pm.

Just in case you haven’t noticed, Barbara, most of us on this site are strongly in favour of Scottish independence and most of us have a natural loathing for the rancid Unionist media.

We are not in the business of aiding & abetting their survival.

Barbara McKenzie

Sorry about my double post (and it’s always the long ones too).


Barbara Mckenzie did NOT write
“and no one in their right mind would enter into a contract with a bunch of voracious weevils to protect the lovely old timbers in the tower of the local church.”

but simply quoted and then criticised Boris Johnson. I don’t believe you actually read my post.

‘nobody in their right mind would help the Daily Retard to pull in advertising revenue by clicking on direct links to that rag’

Umm, so how do you explain SNP getting 80% in the DR poll, if all the more committed supporters of independence boycott the paper? Have you told Stu that he should never access the right-wing press in case they make money out it?

Big Jock

Boris I suspect you are correct.

The unionists are about to block Scotland out. The unholy alliance is alive and well. Scotland will use it’s SNP majority to claim sovereignty. The union that does not represent Scotland in its parliament can be dissolved.


Just to brighten the spirits…get on yoochoob and search for Jim Murphy downfall. Under 100 views. Expecting 10s of thousands by weekend.


ronnie anderson- maybe you are a troll?

ronnie anderson

@ David Agnew 7.06. To many thank you,s in that post David & you furgoat tae thank him for closing the door on the way OOT,smilies.


Thatcher had over 3millon unemployed and interest rates at 15%.

Thatcher secretly took all Scotland’s oil revenues and cancelled a pipe line wasting the equivalent of £Billion of Gas. The Gas was burnt off. Thatcher wrote, ‘this must be kept secret’ on the documents released last year. One of her Minister’s resigned. Thatcher spent the funds building Canary Wharf and Tilbury Docks. Thatcher deregulated the banks, reducing leverage from 25% to 13%. Demutualised the Building Societies owned by their members. This caused the banking crash. The members got a dividend each year from the profits. The mortgage holders and savers. The funds were kept safe, not gambled. Thatcher sold off utilities now owned by (foreign) State companies. Sold off council houses and didn’t build new one’s.

Labour kept the McCrone Report secret for thirty years. Scotland would have been Independent, and better off years ago, if the truth had been known. Westminster secrecy, lies and the Official Secrets Act.

john king

Frankie Byle at his absolute fucking best,

“Even our charity is essentially patronising. Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Give him a fishing rod and he can feed himself. Alternatively, don’t poison the fishing waters, abduct his great-grandparents into slavery, then turn up 400 years later on your gap year talking a lot of shite about fish.
In a further nod to satire, Comic Relief this year focused on Malawi and Uganda. I didn’t see any acknowledgement that Britain had been the colonial power in those countries. “Thanks for the gold, lads, thanks for the diamonds. We had a whip-round and got you a fishing rod.”



Lollysmum-are you trying to make this site cliquey where none of the “regulars” are questioned or criticised. I agree with Rock. Morag was a bit too quick to shoot down any suggestion of postal vote fraud or rigging.its not a personal dig at all, surely we can agree to disagree? What happens if all these projected polls turn to dust and the SNP only get 20 odd seats?

john king

Sensibledave says
“I cant respond to all comments – nor would you want me to.”

Oh I dont know,
it can get a dour around here you know,
we could do with a laugh.

DAMMIT he’s off shift.

Brian McGrath

Sorry guys but Wales has a very long way to go before Plaid get a look in. Most people here can’t see past Labour and all know that Wales cannot make it on it’s own at all.

Sad fact.


I see the latest YouGov poll for Scotland (Times) is just out

Unchanged from last one

SNP 49%
Labour 25%
Cons 17%
LD 5%


Did anyone think our poor wee insignificant country would suddenly become so important.


@ john king

I’m on my iPhone! … No john, not a shift end, just dog walking, cooking, lawn mowing duties require my attention . And just watched Game of Thrones. Now 10 o clock news, Newsnight then bed!

See you tomorrow.


Latest Youguv Poll

SNP 49%
Labour 25%

link to


ronnie anderson

@ John King nice to see you back I hope your well. Looks like we have a tag team in joe mcg & Rock.


link to

The editor in this case was a regular contributor to Shereen Nanjiani on our beloved and trusted Radio Scotland.

Dr Jim

Trolls and Speech Police again

Helena Brown

Sensible Dave and I are old foes therefore I am surprised to find him here. He is of the right wing persuasion,and wbat he hopes to achieve is beyond me,but many of you have got his measure so I need not bother.

ronnie anderson

@ joemcg I would salute your powers of deduction if you would explain you post at 9.50pm on my being a Troll,am a Troll finder.


James Kelly has news on the latest YouGov poll on voting intentions in General Election. This does NOT make for good reading for some. 😉

link to

john king

Ronnie Anderson @ 10.20

I thought that odd as well Ronnie,
whats your point Joe?

ronnie anderson

@ Helena Brown S/Dave & his ilk are like the Onionist politicions, thinking tha we have had our memories wiped,aye WE huv long long memories,some Internet exchanges arent forgotten easely.

Robert Peffers

@sensibledave says: 20 April, 2015 at 7:18 pm

“I cant respond to all comments – nor would you want me to.”

You have just presumed to know what everyone commenting here wants, sensibledave. Don’t you think that is rather presumptive? We, individually, make that choice – not you.

“I am sure get the jist of my points – all politicians are cynical and show contempt for the electorate, and Ms Sturgeon is certainly no exception.”

On what evidence do you base your accusations that all politicians are cynical and show contempt for the electorate? I do not know any SNP politician who would dare do so. You quite obviously have no knowledge of how the SNP works. First let my inform you the, “N”, in, “SNP”, is NOT the initial letter of the word, “Nationalist”.

Next let me explain that the elected to office politicians of the party do not dictate party policy. Policy is a matter for national Conference and any member can propose a policy at branch level. If seconded and unopposed it goes forward to national conference and all members have exactly the same number of votes as each other.

The SNP works from the bottom up – not from the top down. Another fact is that you do not see SNP elected members being driven around with guards. They walk around or drive around and nix freely with the public. Have a look at Nicola’s video clips the number of people that spontaneously hug her in the street shows how the public love and respect her.

You just have no idea of what is going on here in Scottish politics. I’m close on being an octogenarian and a political geek since around 1946. I’ve never seen anything like this before. the same scrutiny as everyone else. She does not hold back on her views of politicians in other parties, their policies or their record.

I very much doubt you have properly examined all of Nicola’s views of politicians. I don’t suppose you know what she said just yesterday about a MSP from an opposition party, Mr Tom MaCabe?

“She should expect the same scrutiny where her failures, cynicism and rhetoric/reality gaps are highlighted”.

I have no doubt the lady does but the whole point is you didn’t point out, or highlight, her failures, cynicism and rhetoric/reality gaps. What you did was express what in your personal opinion was her failures, cynicism and rhetoric/reality gaps.

Proper debate demands a debater who makes a claim of any kind should prove their points. Just because an extreme right wing twit, (and your expressed views are proof of that point), disputes something said by a respected First Minister of her country does not make her point, “cynical”, nor to have reality gaps.

If you wish to debate I’ll accommodate you. If you only wish to attempt to belittle a great lady I’ll disparage you. Matter of fact, though, I’d prefer to ignore you. Slanging matches are a total waste of time.


So after all that relentless creepy Morphy will crush all and any vile separatists , along with BBC #SNPout or else Scotland ofcourse, Murphy’s actually boosted the SNP vote by at least 5%.

If you’re out there creepy Jim, you’ll maybe get work as a stand up comedian somewhere.

Where oh where is tellen1 of rancid Graun CiF anyway:D

SNP 49%
Labour 25%
Cons 17%
LD 5%


Game over SLAB. David Lammy just said on the news that Labour would work with the SNP.


The on-line Herald has printed Ms Sturgeon’s manifesto speech in full!

Quite amazing.

I noticed that BBC 6 o’clock news bulletin had a brief interview with Ms Sturgeon after the manifesto launch but Reporting Scotland did not and neither did CH4 News.

CH4 news is doing a series of interviews with the heads of the parties. It will be interesting to see if they include Ms Sturgeon or stick with the four men – Cameron, Milliband, Clegg and Farage.


Must be doing something right 🙂

Simon M

I feel for the millions of people who live in England who are as sick as the rest of us of the broken, corrupt Con/Dem/Lab monopoly on UK power and their grubby, infantile media outriders. We in Scotland have a progressive vote in the SNP, Wales has Plaid Cymru, but who do they vote for?

If I were them – all of them! – I’d vote Green and bring about a seismic shift in the political landscape; a genuine progressive alliance that could leave behind the hatred and bile we’re seeing now from a ruling elite under threat.


For anyone who preaches austerity at you, point them in the direction of this..

link to


@ Helena 10.19

Hi Helena, I’m here because of our previous discussions! Yes, you are to blame. At least you know I am not a troll. A little hurt by your “old foes” comment. Was it Russell brand’s site where we met?

A huge day for politics in the UK today hence all the debate about what it all means.

As a result of today and all the key parties having launched their manifestos, we can now speculate about the various outcomes. Who might work with whom, who will get what, who might lose out and how they might react, etc, etc. we could all shut up until after the GE. But where is the fun in that?

Robert Peffers

@Welsh and envious says: 20 April, 2015 at 6:01 pm

“This stuff makes me ashamed to be British. Another sordid episode in the long and undignified decline of the empire.”

Whoa! There, Welsh and envious. Be as proud as you like of being British for Britain has four UK countries and four non-UK countries, (a republic and three crown dependencies).

They are all British as will be Wales remain when you leave England behind. It’s just one part of the bipartite United Kingdom with the bile and bitterness and legally when a bipartite union splits the Union ends.

Hopefully Wales will be a free country too by that time.


terry says:

Game over SLAB. David Lammy just said on the news that Labour would work with the SNP.

Unfortunately for Murph the Smurph Terry, David Lammy is not the only one to do so either. 😉

link to

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Marie clark

Not long in and thought I’d check in before heading off to bed.I’ve had a grand night Scottish Country Dancing ( nae incest mind), and what do I find?

Well it would appear that I have upset the troll (good) but I did not take his bait earlier on. I see in spite of my earlier advice some of you have been playing with him. Now, now, naughty naughty.Ignore him and his new mate who has taken over the shift,they’ll eventually get fed up and go away.

Seems we are going to have a plague of trolls in the next couple weeks.

By the way, whit’s wae calling Ronnie Anderson a troll? unwarranted surely. Settle doon guys and keep the heid, nae need fur oanyo’ this.

Still Positive.

Robert Peffers @ 10.29.

Well said, sir, that’s him telt.

However he has posted since then and seemingly totally ignored your post. You are one of our stars.

Robert Peffers

@john king says: 20 April, 2015 at 9:18 pm:

Robert Peffers says

“SIR SIR SIR (clicks fingers) It was the “NEW DEAL” sir
FDR’s Relief, Recovery, and Reform. That is Relief for the unemployed and poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels; and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression,
and also the Glass Steagall act of 1933 breaking up the casino banks!

Noo thats hoo its done. 🙂

Oh! John, I nearly had to go and change my drawers after reading that. I really shouldn’t drink so much tea and laugh hard like that.

Tam Jardine

The only poll that counts and aw that…

Ashcroft has finally got round to polling sunny Leith:

Edinburgh North & Leith :

SNP 43% (+33)
Labour 29% (-9)
Conservatives 14% (-1)
Liberal Democrats 6% (-28)

That’s a wee antidote to Huw Edwards describing the coming apocalysnpe.

Was down at the Bernard Street campaign office and there are plenty of leaflets to get out there if anyone has some free time. No room for complacency.

ronnie anderson

@ John King Ah trickle turns intae ah stream, ah pished masel at joemc,s comment,baith of us are Troll finders an they try to turn the tables on us LoL, silly people.

call me dave

Visiting my partner’s in Oban as I said earlier. SNP posters hanging from every lampost, well done the local branch.

Anyhoo! They are both Sunday post / daily mail not on the internet, I don’t like AS types, proud Scots but, even a tapestry of the coronation coach on the wall FGS!

A Libdem leaflet on the coffee table, I couldn’t take it no more…. well after 6hrs of blethering, an evening meal and a few drinks in the sea front restuarant both are voting SNP

Then I trundle into the hotel read the polls etc etc yahoo!

It’s taken me 5 years but worth it. 🙂 🙂

Both have taken a shine to Sturgeon well done ‘nippy sweety’

ronnie anderson

@ Robert Peffers At least you did,nt soil your keyboard, btw Big Boy Pampers are half price in Lidl’s ha ha.


@Sensibledave 10.50pm

Reason number 1 in a long list for voting for the SNP and independence (I hope you’ve got the concentration span to keep up to the end):

Benefit cuts blind man committed suicide after Atos ruled him fit to work.

Dec 28, 2013
By Luke Traynor Daily Mirror

Desperate Tim Salter struggled to even feed himself when controversial private firm Atos ruled he was fit for work, despite his failing eyesight.

The 53-year-old, who also suffered agoraphobia, was about to be kicked out of his housing association home when he hanged himself in the hall.

A coroner ruled the Government’s decision to axe Tim’s meagre incapacity benefit contributed to his death.

And the former assistant store manager’s sister Linda Cooksey told how his fitness to work test was carried out by a physiotherapist with no experience of mental health issues or knowledge of his blindness.

The 60-year-old said his family never even knew about his money problems until after his death.

She added: “Stopping his benefits sent him over the edge. When his small savings ran out he got in trouble with his rent, and his £30 disability allowance a week just wasn’t enough.

“Tim ran out of money. He was a proud man and never let on to anybody. It’s so sad. I want everyone to know what this government is doing to vulnerable people on benefits.

“He had a certificate to say he was blind. When we got into his house there was no food, he practically starved in the last weeks.”

South Staffordshire coroner Andrew Haigh said: “A major factor in his death was that his benefits had been greatly reduced leaving him almost destitute.”

Tim died on September 25.

An eviction letter from South ¬Staffordshire Housing Association was found in the bin by his family.

He was registered partially-blind in 1994. His eyes were damaged when he tried to kill himself in 1989 after losing his job.

His family has written to David Cameron about his Atos treatment.

The housing association insisted help was available for those struggling to pay rent.

And the Department for Work and Pensions said Tim had the right to appeal its decision.

Verdict: Suicide.


Hi sensible Dave,
Sorry about the late reply, I was too busy out enjoying myself on your more than generous benefits, thanks for that. You seem angry, is there anything else you want to get off your chest mate?


Ronnie Anderson – a troll?!


Is there something you want to tell us Ronnie?


Having just recently started using Twitter properly the most surprising thing is seeing how horrible and nasty a lot of people are. I think the examples here are very telling and if an SNP supporter were to make parallel comments it would be headline news.


Legerwood says:

20 April, 2015 at 10:34 pm

The on-line Herald has printed Ms Sturgeon’s manifesto speech in full!

Yes, but they’re blocking most of my normal comments of late and even if my comments do make it they’re usually about 8-10 hours later. Sting taken right out of them.
Very heavy censoring going on at the Herald at the moment and I’m sure many on here are having the same problem.

Anybody out there got info on the latest hatchet job done by Peston on tonight’s bbc news at ten, where he says spending in Scottish NHS and education is actually less than the rest of UK?


@robert puffers 10.29

Sorry Robert, I’m watching Newsnight and using my iPhone. How sad is that.

I thought I did give you examples where I highlighted the gap between rhetoric and reality? Nhs? Education? And just for some balance the Tories failed to get rid of the deficit and didn’t hold a referendum on Europe.

In another thread here, I was beaten up for suggesting that the new SNP MPs in Westminster, post GE, should take their responsibilities seriously and work to make the union better for everyone. Ie exactly what Nicola said today!

ronnie anderson

@ Marie Clark. Awe Marie thanks for defending me, but am ah Big Boy ah dont take the bait,ah guddled fish as ah laddie so,s ah know how tae tickle the Trolls oot fae under their rocks. Did ah tell you ah hud a Drawer fur ah cradle, long before the Murpph did lol.xx


Man Shaking Head in Disgust attached:

link to

Carl Jenkins

I don’t think there has been such a panic in London since Bonnie Prince Charlie’s March through England in the Olden days!

Some of the language being used is outrageous and is more likely to drive Scots towards voting SNP than voting for ‘other’ Parties.

It’s a turn off for the voters and a great laugh for the SNP activists. :0)

Brian Doonthetoon

I don’t know about anyone else but I’m finding I’m running out of time, trying to read all the comments, before I make my own. And I’m on holiday – so I can surph all day long, if I want! But I still can’t keep up.

Onnyhoo, Stoker, you mentioned,

Piers Morgan

The link below takes you to a pic. I played around with Rev Stu’s original, changed the names of the whiskies and so on, but added in a quote from Piers Morgan, which you can see in red, at bottom right.

comment image

Well, I say to him…

Hoss Mackintosh

@Tam Jardine.

If Edin North & Leith are looking for a hand then I will be down this weekend with my leafleting squad.

Go Deidre – you are a star!

Brian Doonthetoon

Apologies – that link screwed up. Google insist on changing a short(ish) logical link into a link with mega extra characters.

No, I don’t understand WHY either.

Try the link below – it converted a 443 character Google URL into a wee short one.

link to


No I’m not trying to make it cliquey. I am trying to avoid a repeat of the rammy Rock caused the last time.

He was making accusations about ballot rigging that couldn’t be substantiated for lack of evidence therefore nothing could be done about it. Without evidence, it just sounded like sour grapes& that’s exactly how it would have been treated if we’d tried to take it further.

Several members of Wings were official observers at their indyref counts as was Morag & none could say that rigging happened.

Yes in previous elections, there has been postal vote rigging(mainly by Labour who also have form in England for it) but there was proof to back up those claims so it was possible to investigate those incidents.

I don’t blame heedtracker for being cautious & not trusting the postal vote system. I wouldn’t trust it either.

If anyone is worried then get involved-volunteer as observers. After the polls close,check the boxes for seals, follow the ballot boxes to the count to make sure they get there safely & unopened. Check the seals again as they are taken into the count & count the number of boxes taken in.

If postal vote sampling happens this time, volunteer for that as an observer.There’s a few ways to be involved but most won’t detect postal vote rigging. We only discover that’s happened when people turn up to vote & find that someone else has submitted a postal vote in their name.By then it’s too late-it’s happened & the actual voter is prevented from casting their ballot. If they don’t kick up a fuss, no one knows about it.

@Colin Rippey
Your comment about FFA. It was changed in the manifesto to Full Financial Responsibility because that was the terminology used in the Smith Commission negotiations & the resulting outcomes report. It will also be called that as it passes through the lords & commons. Nothing more sinister than that.

FFA & FFR are the same thing- everything but foreign policy, defence & macroeconomics.

Ronnie Anderson-a troll-I’ve heard it all now. He’s part of the furniture in WoS- he’s been here that long 🙂


@Sensibledave 11.28pm

Reasons 2, 3, 4 and 5 to vote for the SNP and independence:

Terry McGarvey, 48. Dangerously ill from polycytheamia, Terry asked for an ambulance to be called during his Work Capability Assessment. He knew that he wasn’t well enough to attend his WCA but feared that his benefits would be stopped if he did not. He died the following day.
Daily Record 28 Feb 2014

Elaine Lowe, 53. Suffering from COPD and fearful of losing her benefits. In desperation, Elaine chose to commit suicide.
London Evening Standard 14 August 2013

Mark Wood, 44. Found fit for work by Atos, against his Doctors advice and assertions that he had complex mental health problems. Starved to death after benefits stopped, weighing only 5st 8lb when he died.
The Independent 28 February 2014

Paul Reekie, 48, the Leith based Poet and Author. Suffered from severe depression. Committed suicide after DWP stopped his benefits due to an Atos ‘fit for work’ decision.
The Scotsman 2 June 2011


Why do people keep feeding the Troll? what do you expect to achieve? For fecks sake leave your ego alone and DON’T FEED THE TROLL

Dal Riata

Is sensibledave from the same team that works the Guardian’s Scottish-based articles’, like tellen1 and geneer? Or maybe even Norsewarrior of these parts before getting his arsed booted into the digital ether? Oh, the intrigue.

And the result of last year’s referendum? The more the British Establishment gets hysterically xenophobic if not outright racist towards Scotland, the SNP and the Scottish people themselves, while the lies and scaremongering begin to exceed Project Fear levels, the more I become suspicious- very, very suspicious – of the legality and veracity of that… ‘result’.

Craig Macinnes

Look folks..the more these arrogant, ignorant twats spout their fascist claptrap portraying scots as “subhuman” the better for us. Every time a Boris a Farage or a Morgan provides their “final solution” to the “scottish problem” they show themselves up for what they really are and more and more decent people flock to the cause of progressive, people-centred self governance. They are our biggest recruiters.

Graeme Doig

Well done Natasha.

The stark and tragic reality of life in the union. Dangerous policies aimed at vulnerable folk who’s lives don’t matter when there is political dogma and right wing voters to court.


Quite a day, and meant to add creepy Morphy is a bad comedian and Franky Boyle’s a great politician now. Scotland’s like that maybe.

Also BBC Bob Peston says SNP anti austerity manifesto would boost teamGB National debt at least £200bn £1.8tn but not how.

It wouldn’t be so bad listening to BBC or indeed any unionists creep show anywhere, if teamGB economy was just a wee bit as good as say Norway’s or Germany even.

That would at least give some credence and weight to their insane UKOK red and blue tory shrieking that only our chums in the Treasury or the BoE or the City or the IFS or the OBR, or an ex Harrods towel arranger like Gideon Osborne, all know how successful state economics actually work.

Austerity for the worst off, socialism for the rich. Rule Britannia.


@Graeme Doig

The sad thing is, Graeme, that the list goes on and on and on; I’ve only just started.

It’ll probably be water off a duck’s back anyway; if he had any human decency he wouldn’t hold the views he does.


I see I’ve missed all the action,and the big news is ronnie anderson’s a troll !


@dakk 12.13am

Oh, that’s old hat now; we’ve known that for years. It’s Stu you want to worry about; he’s an MI6 mole.


I apologise for this post but I find it … well just amazing really.

Today’s front page of the Daily Record. 🙂

link to

Just for a wee bit of balance here are today’s SCotsman and National front pages as well. 😉

link to

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You wrote about SG spending less on NHS but what you didn’t say was that SG’s budget has been reduced by WM by 10% over the last 4 years. They are legally required to balance their budget every year so can only fund what they have money for. SG’s funding comes as a block grant decided by WM. It is then up to SG to decide where it needs to be used. It cannot be dictated by Westminster as that would constitute ‘interference in the affairs of a devolved government.’

Despite that reduction, SG is still funding the SNHS next year to the tune of £12bn-that’s the highest it’s ever been & the staff are getting their 1% payrise that Cameron refused to pay in England.

As someone who lives in England & works in health & social care in London, I know which health service I prefer.Our NHS is being privatised & that means cuts in services because the private companies take their profit out of the funding before delivering a cut down service to patients.

When funding went direct to NHS as provider, 100% of it was used for patient care. With privatised services it’s only about 70% & it shows in the services delivered. E.g.Patients can no longer get incontinence pads -they have to buy their own.

Services now have much stricter eligibility criteria so help with some conditions is much harder to get. What used to be preventative or early intervention services now make patients wait until they are at crisis point before help is available.In the meantime, private companies are soaking up the money & demanding more.

SNHS is very different-it is well funded & hits higher targets than either England or Wales.

ronnie anderson

@ X Sticks Am the Troll that fell in the hole that Murphy dug, noo you know the Trolls ur rattled on here when they attack me Ha Ha,at least they leave others alown

Kenny McCullin

I detect a split between those who report on the SNP for the bbc.

Still heavily slanted overall, but one or two English reporters have been balanced in their reporting.

That said a bbc reporter who reporters on Northern Ireland compared the SNP with Sein Fein, stating they both wish to break up UK, the news anchor, raised his eye brows at this comment.


Re Robert Peston-he isn’t to be trusted where calculations are concerned. The last time he had to do some about an independent Scotland’s income he left out Scotland’s oil revenues & Margaret Cuthbert (economist) picked him up on it & corrected his calculations.

It’s also in his family’s interests to exaggerate-he is part of the Establishment which is trying to cling on to power & SNP in WM is messing up their plans.His father is Baron Peston.

I’d take anything he says with a pinch of salt!

ronnie anderson

@ Lesley-Anne that D/Record headline,s not for Scots that,s to noise up the people in England, newspapers playing the incitement game, north & south & from the same stable Trinity Mirror.


Natasha 12.16

Ye Stuart has been different since he came back from his long weekend ‘wee breakdown’ last month.

Glad you’re the one who ‘fingered’ him and not me 🙂


Good find. They are certainly better than I was expecting. Given the way that London papers were raging I expected the record to be the same. Yes -amazing sounds about right.

I came across one of your tweets today giving a link to the full manifesto launch & Q&A session. Thanks for that-I’d watched it via Sky News earlier but they missed the start. Have caught up now though.


Ronnie, John, emergency Trolls meeting Tues@12:00 the barras.

Dave you kin stay haim. Your fired!


I think sensible is anything but. He only seems to have one yardstick, money cost. If the choice is a quartz for £10, a fake IWC for £500 or a Rolex for £3000, he’d go for the Rolex its the most expensive. However if required to tell the time then the £10 quartz is good enough and if its the Government spending our money then its what we all hope the Government would choose. Lean Government.

Anything but sensible seems to believe that a health service that uses Rolexes to time pulses is a better health service because it costs more when the truth is that it is a very inefficient service. Maybe he will learn; at least he is being exposed to some very good advice and facts in his visits to this blog and the BTL posters, self excluded of course, always modest. 😉

ronnie anderson

@ Natasha you mean you knew that aw the time,weil ah kin fool some people some O the time but ah canny fool ALERT WINGERS well am trollin ah mean trotting aff tae bed, good nite all, catch you,s aw the morra,thats if the Rev lets me sign in Heeheeeeee.


Glad to be of service Lollysmum. 😉

I’ve just read on Twitter that my personal favourite ex M.P., a certain *ahem* Fluffy, failed to turn up to a hustings debate last night so there was only one thing to do … empty chair him! 😀


So Fluffy didn’t turn up eh-that’s good news I might be able to use that as I’m canvassing in his constituency for the next two weeks 🙂


Natasha says: 21 April, 2015 at 12:07am

The sad thing is, Graeme, that the list goes on and on and on; I’ve only just started.


Hi Natasha,

I think the New Labour-Conservative-LibDem disability deaths you are referring to can be found at:-

The good news, if you can find any good in that desperate list of distress is the disabled people who established the Calum’s List website seem to have intimated to their 50,000+ readers that the best way to STOP these welfare reform disability deaths is to vote ANTI-AUSTERITY and SNP on 7th May 2015:-

link to

Every little vote helps !

john king

Xsticks says
“Is there something you want to tell us Ronnie?”

Welll now you mention it.
link to

taken at the last counting house gig. 🙂

john king

Seensibledave @ 11.18
@robert puffers

Tisk tisk Mr sensible I thought better of you than that,
I had the impression your task was to wind up those of us who don’t necessarily have the words or the understanding to put up a defence against your painfully obvious trolling attacks,

Oh by the way, getting some overtime in before the tsunami arrives?
because there sure as hell wont be any after the event,

Your petty little snide misspelling of Mr Peffers( to you) is a disappointment we expected so much more of you,

Rev Stu has been very patient with people who come on here to express differing points of view (and thats as it should be)
but a little courtesy is required from people such as yourself and we will listen patiently to your p.o.v and respond as is our wont in deferential, dismissive, ironic, funny, sarcastic, manner depending on who it is that takes the time to write a response to you,

However when you make a petty and (lets be honest) mean spirited misspelling of Mr Peffers name you are disparaging us all, as he is seen as a good decent and honorable man who is knowledgeable and worthy of respect,

It is worth considering,
how many unionist supporting sites would a winger even be given the time of day on, never mind being given the privileged of airing their opinions (no matter how respectfully their opinion is offered)?

Let me tell you Mr Sensible, in my experience none, apart from The Telegraph because I personally have either been banned or blocked from The Scotsman, The Herald, The Times, The Spectator and so on for no more than airing a view that was not in keeping with the political stance of that paper, which kinda makes a nonsense of your point that we’re a wee closed shop talking to ourselves,

It would seem serious debate is not encouraged in the MSM
so when you come on here it would be wise to have a care sir for the fact your (differing ) views are given the respect of being allowed shows a certain tolerance not displayed by other sites.

john king

Looysmum says
“Ronnie Anderson-a troll-I’ve heard it all now. He’s part of the furniture in WoS- he’s been here that long :-)”

link to
So he’ll be a tallboy then?
Ah’ll,eh get ma coat. 🙁

john king

Just noticed I misspelled Frankie Boyle’s name
it was a genuine error and not an observation. 🙂

john king

Dear GOD I really need to start proof reading before I post
sorry Lollysmum. 🙁

Tinto Chiel

Ronnie Anderson a troll? I almost choked on my deep-fried organic quinoa breakfast burger.

Word on the street is he keeps vanquished ones in his gemme wee hut, so you have been warned.


@John King

That pic of Ronnie from the last CH – ROFL!


Please stop trolling, after nearly 3 years of your humour and insightful comments,please stop annoying us wingers…..


Morning All

A couple of reflections on the comments above as there are far too many to respond to.

1. With respect to NHS spending – yes, budgets were cut overall – for everyone – and you know that. The Scottish Parliament chose not to invest in the NHS to the same degree as in England. That was your choice. Same with education.

2. Trolling. If, by pointing out things like 1. above is considered to be trolling – then I guess I am guilty.

3. I joined this thread in answer to a question raised by Muncle i.e. “what are they afraid of”. I told him (you all).

4. There is a general misconception here that us down south want to desperately keep the Union together at all costs (this is probably because you believe, or take your lead from) what you read in the MSM. We dont. As I have discussed at great length on other threads here, we are, on the whole, ambivalent. However, we are democrats and want whatever the majority of Scots want in terms of the Independence issue.

5. Again, as discussed on another thread here, I think the best chance Scotland will have for another referendum and a majority Yes vote, is if the Tories form the next government. If Labour get in, propped up by the SNP, and given the vote is so close, many Scottish voters may be happy with that as the perfect compromise – rather than Independence. Doubtless your knee jerk reaction will be to poo poo the very idea – but deep down, you know I speak with great wisdom.

6. To all the Nationalists on here, I am not your enemy. Your “enemy”, in electoral terms, is your fellow Scottish voters that disagree with your desire for Independence. I don’t hear much about those deluded souls here – much more fun blaming everyone else eh?

Ill pop back at lunchtime if you wish.


Oh forgot to say …

Politically and culturally –

Iain Martin is a complete ‘Bell-end’; should have said that a lot earlier

Paula Rose

Hi sensibledave – I think the best solution would be for the SNP to stand in the rUK then their would be a political choice, re-branding the UK as Scotland could well work wonders!


Wasn’t here yesterday evening but I see we are in groundhog day.

We went through health and education spending in March with Will Podmore. Has the debate moved on any? Any more evidence been presented? What precisely are we talking about: sorry I have not time to read the whole thread, but the previous exchange was in this thread

link to


@ sensibledave

Have to say disagree with your points 1/2 don’t get 3 ?

and agree with your points 4/5/6

Pretty much believe that Westminster is only interested in territory; not the people up here, the same goes for the other devolved areas and maybe even the North of England as well.

Sure you understand we are completely different peoples with different social & cultural attitudes.

Folks on here just really want to escape the total grip of WM control from both Labour and Tory. It doesn’t work up here anymore and our job is to convince the people that live in Scotland of this, nothing more.

Folks down south getting rattled by this attitude is not the issue, for them I suggest – next time, be careful for what you wish for. Our neighbours are now experiencing the result of meddling in other peoples affairs – sound familiar ?

If English folk feel strongly about whats happening, next time get stuck into your Politicians to keep there own council and let the people living in Scoltand sort this issue out as you say. Go our separate ways with goodwill intact.

That way we could all get the result we want.

Colin Rippey

I’d be interested in what your view is on the whether the Barnett formula should be maintained or should Scotland be “financially responsible”.

The current economic snapshot indicates that if the Barnett formula were scrapped that the rUK would gain financially from not having to send more money to Scotland.

The caveat to this of course is that when the oil price is over a certain amount the rUK loses out because all the surplus oil revenue would stay in Scotland.

So do you think it is proper to allow Scotland to manage its own economic affairs even if this means that the rUK could lose out on potential surplus oil revenue?


They want us to stay in their ‘Union’.
They don’t want us to have a say in their ‘Union’.
Strange that?!?


@ All

It strikes me that many here need to grow up – and grow a pair. You have achieved your secondary objective – i.e. for the SNP to have significant influence on the UK stage.

If Ms Sturgeon and her party wants to be in a position to influence the laws that affect me (in England), and the all other UK citizens, then we (all) have the absolute right to question her, her politics, her party’s politics , her record, her supporters, etc. and may find sites such as this to make those challenges.

Grown-ups here will accept that all the parties want to make life better for all citizens. The arguments arise out of how that is best achieved and which method is most likely to produce the best results.

The SNP stance, as I understand it, is that we haven’t borrowed, spent and taxed enough in the last 5 years. If only we had borrowed more, spent more and taxed more, the economy would be doing better than it is now and therefore UK citizens would be better off than they are now. I understand that strategy – I just totally disagree with it. That is politics.

As part of the growing-up process, the SNP party, and the SNP politicians and supporters in particular, need to learn to deal with questions from all quarters now – including the English and the English press.

If you want to make this a “separatists only” site then do so.

If not, then I think you can expect more visits from more people who want to challenge your politics. And remember, most English really don’t care whether Scotland is Independent or not. So don’t, as some here do, assume that such contributions are based upon someone desperately wanting the Scots to stay in the Union.


@ All

A quick one ….

I do laugh every time I see the screen shot of the three women in a group hug at the end of the last “challengers” TV debate (shown in the article above).

1. Nicola Sturgeon, potential Prime Minister of an Independent Scotland whose independent economy is heavily reliant upon oil revenues.

2. Natalie Bennett, leader of the Greens, who thinks those involved in the oil industry are devils incarnate.

3. Leanne Wood, leader of Plaid that wants Independence (financial?) for Wales

……… you couldn’t make it up!

If you wanted an example of the personification of the cynicism that is innate within politicians – then frame that picture. There are absolutely no “red lines” – when it comes to who politicians will choose as bedfellows in the pursuit of power.

And just imagine if David Cameron had taken part in the debate, should we assume that Ms Bennett would have given him a big hug as a “thank you” for the Tories closing the coal mines in Wales and Scotland? Maybe not!

Put aside your partisanship, just for a moment, and join me in laughing at the sheer preposterousness of the unholy alliances that politics creates.


@ Colin Ripley

A sensible question – and an easy one to answer that cuts through all the bovine dung.

I don’t care!

By that I mean, if the Scots want, and get, complete financial Independence. Then the rest of us in the UK will have to get on without Scotland’s contribution or cost (whichever way that it turns out). I think I can speak for the majority of the non-Scottish UK citizens when I say if the Scots want Independence then Independence they should have. If they want complete Financial Independence, then complete Financial Independence they should have.

Whatever issues arise for the rest of us in the fallout of such events are irrelevant and whatever economic prizes or disasters result are also irrelevant, the rest of us will have to just have to deal with it.

It is not me, or the majority of the rest of the Union you need to convince, or persuade, of the risks or rewards of such changes – it’s your fellow Scots.


Couldn’t help but laugh at the response to the first poster in comments section in the mail.

Robbie Lawson, York, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago
@Jack Where were you when ‘New Labor’……. -engaged in illegal wars and killed half a million people -sold off hospitals, roads and schools to PFI companies -flogged the gold at rock bottom prices -plundered pensions -moved 2 million onto incapacity -allowed the benefit bill to swell to over 200 billion -allowed between 5 and 7 million people to just walk into the country -gave up Britain’s EU rebate -Left the country in financial ruin in 2010 with the largest budget deficit in Europe

gmt1948, argyll, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago
robbie jack was on holiday that week


Well fuck me we have a double act now that could rival Francie & Josie!



Why did you bother coming back to WoS if all you want to do is pick a scrap?”

WoS does not belong to you. I will post when I like unless the Rev. Stuart Campbell tells me not to.

There will be no evidence as to how Labour manage to hold on to at least 25 of their seats. Only fools like yourself will then assert that the election was not rigged.

Paula Rose

Rock dear – would you like me to mop your fevered brow? Chill love, we’re all friends here.

Lollysmum – gie the lad a break.

[…] at what happened decades ago to see where complacency led us: selfishness, parochialism, hatred, fascism, treason, blood and soil nationalism, which is what the BIP are promoting no matter what they say. […]

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    • Young Lochinvar on The Silent Revolution: “Not particularly sure what or where that torch is shining.. Possibly something to do with where and when the Olympics…Jan 29, 05:13
    • Young Lochinvar on The Silent Revolution: “And your point is caller – other than being ageist? If it’s any of your business, which it it isn’t…Jan 29, 04:44
    • Young Lochinvar on The Silent Revolution: “Well clearly not you! A few rehearsed chosen phrases tucked away to use at choice opportunities at cattle markets across…Jan 29, 04:30
    • yoon scum on Saying sooths: “there is one of your core problems A well run and happy country gives little incentive to vote for indy…Jan 29, 04:23
    • yoon scum on Freedom of choice: “As a filthy traitor who should be deported out of the country ASAP Can I say Repairing a few potholes…Jan 29, 03:47
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    • Skip_NC on Freedom of choice: “Ouch. I have believed for a long time that the SNP is a devolutionist party. What more proof do people…Jan 29, 03:10
    • Young Lochinvar on Freedom of choice: “Now now Rev; you can’t expect the “reformed”(?) Nu SNP to get in the way of shoring up the Devolution…Jan 29, 03:09
    • Young Lochinvar on Saying sooths: “Until a hand span of years ago; guilty as charged. Now; fool me once – stupid me Fool me now…Jan 29, 03:01
    • Young Lochinvar on Saying sooths: “Short, correct and to the point JMc!Jan 29, 02:44
    • Young Lochinvar on Saying sooths: “Bravo! The point the lazy legalese here just don’t seem to want to grasp. Wonder why?Jan 29, 02:36
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    • gregor on Saying sooths: “Gerry Rafferty: Get It Right Next Time: “Out on the street, I was talking to a man He said, there’s…Jan 28, 22:44
    • Mia on Saying sooths: “In case anybody is interested in reading Mr Martin’s article, it can be found by following the link below: 28, 22:39
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