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Wings Over Scotland

Working for the Yankee dollar

Posted on May 18, 2014 by

It’s been a grim sort of day today, so let’s finish off with something a bit lighter.

“William Wallace, before Mel Gibson (who is, let’s remind ourselves, a Yankee) made the factually inaccurate film in 1995, was a symbol for the unification of Great Britain, a unionist hero.”

We highly recommend reading the entire thing. It seems not to be a spoof.

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J. R. Tomlin

Mel Gibson is most certainly NO Yankee. We have our shames but he is not one of them. He is Aussie, thank you very much so go talk to them about his bigoted arse.

I’m not sure I can bother to read anything that is that poorly done that it can’t even find out Gibson’s nationality.

john ferguson

I love mince but not that kind, couldn’t make it to the end.


Aussie – but we wouldn’t expect your average No voter to know that sort of detail.


But just look at the British Flag… We’re gonnae get hit with that this week when Wullie, Kate and the bairn are up..Just look at his wee face..Aaahh

Albert Herring

All those foreigners look the same to me.


I got as far as ‘millions dies for that flag,’ thought of Bill Hicks, watched the following link to and concluded that this week has been beyond miserable. If the no camp are trying to depress us all it’s working.


FML, that’s all!


On what f*cking planet was William Wallace a unionist hero!

I can not be a ("Tractor" - Ed), for I owe him no allegiance. He is not my Sovereign; he never received my homage; and whilst life is in this persecuted body, he never shall receive it. To the other points whereof I am accused, I freely confess them all. As Governor of my country I have been an enemy to its enemies; I have slain the English; I have mortally opposed the English King; I have stormed and taken the towns and castles which he unjustly claimed as his own. If I or my soldiers have plundered or done injury to the houses or ministers of religion, I repent me of my sin; but it is not of Edward of England I shall ask pardon.

Paula Rose

Is that what the pixies are saying?


Okay, it’s way past ridiculous now. I think they’re now going for a tactic of: “let’s tell really outrageous and obvious lies, so the smaller ones seem more likely to be true.”

Alfresco Dent

Mel Gibson is from the USA.

Proud Cybernat

This is what happens when your history is not taught in your own schools to your own children.


Accuracy and truth are not strengths of the Bitter Together campaign, but repetition of falsehoods and misrepresentations appear to be.


Mel Gibson was born in New York but his family emigrated to Aus.

Apart from that was that article for real?

Hugh Wallace

I couldn’t. Just couldn’t. My ancestor would be spinning in his grave if his body hadn’t been quartered and the parts later burned.

Peter Macbeastie

If ignorance is bliss, the writer of that heap of steaming tripe must be in permanent orgasm.

So many factual errors in one piece are actually difficult to comprehend. You start at Mel Gibson the Yankee and it doesn’t really improve. Then you get to the moron in the comments who doesn’t understand the difference between civic and ethnic nationalism. One is racist; we are the other one.

But you can’t explain that to some people, because some people would not accept something contrary to what they believe if the evidence for it was cast in iron and dumped in their living room. They are closed books. There is no way to open them. You cannot educate those who already believe they know everything.

Thankfully idiots of that ilk are refreshingly rare. Most folk are simply not that stupid.


It is rather hilarious, aside from this bit:

Millions died for that flag. You would be disgracing their memory by shattering everything they gave their lives for.

People don’t die for flags. They don’t die for what flags represent. They don’t even die for their country. They die to protect those they love, their way of life, and their freedom.

People died under the Nazi flag: was it “disgracing their memory” to condemn Nazi atrocities? Millions died under the Ottoman flag, too, should we refrain from celebrating the independence of Greece, Egypt and other countries from Ottoman rule because of all the Ottomans who died?

What a craven, twisted argument that is. “People died under that flag” – and people died under the Scottish flag, too – people who fought against rule from London. Then again, considering this ignoramus actually recasts Wallace as a unionist hero is not so amazing considering he isn’t the first to do so:

link to

link to

link to

Democracy Reborn

Never mind William Wallace, Goebbels would be proud of that article.


I notice the writers name is ‘thepoliticalpixie’.
That is quite evident with some of the outrageous claims that he/she makes.

Suggest he/she must be a script writer for Bitter as the narrative is set in a parallel universe, where up is down, black is white, truth are lies.
Graduate of the Joseph Goebals school of journalism perhaps?

Red Squirrel

It’s been a tiresome week of rubbish from the Naws but I think we have a winner!

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Croompenstein says:
On what f*cking planet was William Wallace a unionist hero!

The Wallace Monument in Stirling was built at the height of Empire, and at the time (1865) the heroes of the War of Independence, like Wallace and Bruce, were seen as having performed the good service to Scotland of having kept it independent (non-conquered) so that it could later enter into a voluntary Union in 1707, and benefit from a share of the spoils of Empire thereafter.

So Wallace was a Unionist hero in the minds of people who think that he fought and died so that 500 years later opportunist Scots magnates could get richer than would otherwise have been the case.


“If you’re somehow still under the stupid impression that independence will work, then you urgently need to see a doctor. Because it’s bad news, I’m afraid . . . You’re clinically insane.”

“You need a little bit of insanity to do great things.”

Henry Rollins


Here is the political pixie talking about the British Empire and Egypt in the political history section.

“But then after the First World War, Saad Zaghul and the Wafd Party decided they didn’t want Britain meddling around in their affairs any more
(let’s face it, at one point we covered a third of the globe, we’re involved in the history of practically every modern country, but we did literally mess everyone’s lives up, just look at Africa!)”


Dr JM Mackintosh

Sometimes I really question if I want independence in a country with fcuk-wits like that!
Hopefully he will move to England or better still Siberia after a Yes.


If that article isn’t evidence of the downside of recreational drugs then I dunno what is.


And again when talking about Jihad

“Why they can’t just be respectful of other people’s beliefs is beyond me. Their audacity is baffling.”


Its pretty much an average news day at Pacific Quay which is a bit of a downer really. Doubt William Wallace thought himself a unionist though, as our neighbours hung drew and quartered him, his head on a spike at London bridge, his bones sent to every corner of Scotland.

Betty Boop

I had a fairly decent afternoon canvassing and was feeling quite content that I had managed to get 3 no voters to, at least, think about their opinions. Then the Rev made me read this pixie stuff. Oh, how depressing; an assault on intelligent thought.

If someone can write that stuff, there are more than a few who will believe every word; the idiocy is enough to give me nightmares.

To intelligent views; a wee reminder about the Scotland Yet post production and distribution crowdfund. You can donate at link to


I think the writer is away wi’ the pixies.


Why d’ye gie that eejit adverts?

[…] Working for the Yankee dollar […]

Calum Craig

Wow, just wow, that someone could be so deluded.


Probably inspired & funded by Black arts Inc.
click on Potheaded political Pixies profile


I am wondering whether the No side have realised that they won’t win through the ballot and that their only chance is to win by the bullet. And that they are wanting us to fire the first bullet so that they will feel justified in whatever actions they take thereafter. Either that or they are just scum. Either way, let’s annoy them by not rising to their bait.

Paula Rose

Where is my mind

link to


Whatever you do do not read this!

link to


See what I mean?

All these people hitting “your” link and giving his views credence.

Bob W

I wonder if it’s worth reading her SF novel ’empress fallen’, she seems to have a good grip on fantasy.


I actually feel bad for her, to expose this level of your own ignorance……

Don’t limit yourself to just reading this column though, you’ll be missing some pure comedy gold otherwise. I particularly like the posts where she’s dipping into conspiracy theory.

Anyway, thanks Rev, I now have a new light entertainment blog to check out regularly.

Adrian B

Very young with a view of the world shaped by a privileged upbringing. She clearly thinks that Scotland is too wee, too poor and too stupid. The title working for the Yankee Dollar is very apt.


Bob W

If you’re into female subjugation?



Nice try :-]


wee e

Gibson was actually born in New York and spent his childhood in the US, going to Oz about time for high school. The Yankee thing was the one thing that you could say was correct.

What a weird exposure to jockholm syndrome that wee essay is. A puir sowl probably best left to cringe in obscurity.

Bob W

goldenayr- ‘he’ is a she.


Bob W

And the problem is?


to the writer of this article ” The Lord tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he’s pretty sure you’re fucked” ( sorry couldn’t resist – hangs head in shame )


Wow, I have read some badly written stuff in my life but for the first time ever I couldn’t read to the end of that article by the pixie. As some one else has said I got to the bit about died for the flag and gave up. Unredeemable crap is the nicest thing I could say about this fantasy piece.

On a positive note for today, wings at yes in the park had another good meeting today.

Jon D

If you really need to know more about this deluded child

link to


Once again, the only ones bringing up the 13th and 14th century Wars of Independence are Unionists.

Bob W

Read your initial post, where you say ‘his’ rather than ‘her’ :-l

My reply was to that post, not your post regarding female subjugation.

Hope that clears up your problem.

Robert Bryce

My initial instinct was to laugh at the irony of this factually incorrect blog post criticising a factually incorrect film compounded by the irony of an image of the union flag stating that millions had died for it (you fucking bet they did. All those poor Africans, Asians etc)

Before I managed to laugh I noticed that the author couldn’t even spell September.

Then I got bored.


Can I have a shot at writing unionist propaganda – oh please?

I might try the traditional approach:

This is the most successful political union in the world…the UK is the envy of the world…it has lasted 300 years…the envy of the world…

Then again, I might try the modern, blogosphere approach:

Alex Salmond is a salmon-faced…salmon. Hate-filled cybernats are living in a world of Braveheart.

Now, let’s put it all together:

The hate-filled salmon-faced UK…Braveheart Alex Salmond is the envy of the world…

‘Dad! I think I got it wrong again!’

Albert Herring

I see they’re using the Sunspot theme. Pity the content’s more sunstroke.

Ian Brotherhood

Are we expecting any BT big hitters to venture north this coming week?

You have to wonder if they draw straws to see who’s next:

‘Oh no, not me again! I did it the week before last!’

And whatever happened to Reid/Lidl? Weren’t we warned that those big beasts had been summoned, and were limbering up?


Bob W

Apologies,any further pointers are welcomed.

Within reason.


Ian Brotherhood

They’re saving them for the final onslaught.


She needs therapy.

Bob W



Ian Brotherhood

FAO the sad soul who authored the piece in question:

Philip Glass, ‘Invitation’ –

link to


Is it a spoof?

I mean it gets very, very silly, the “look at the British flag” (bit cue picture of flag) is reminiscent of a Spike Milligan Q series sketch.


It’s always hilarious that unionists decry Scottish Nationalism as bad, even by civic means, but ingnore the fact we’ve been living under rampant British Nationalism for 300 years… “just look at the flag” said with no sense of irony. “Millions died for that flag”, yup and everywhere that flag went in the world millions died trying to oppose it.


Wallace as a unionist lol,whatever next? I read that he fought in the name of King John Balliol,otherwise known as ‘Toom Tabard’.


So not a unionist then.


I think it’s a spoof and that the spelling and grammar mistakes are deliberate. Either that or proof that care in the community isn’t working for some clients.


Bob W

I hate this colloquialism but it fits.



I think?

Modern verbiage is passing me by.

Chic McGregor

Sadly, that mythos is one Cowan et al are hell bent on purveying. You have to understand that one of the great motivational traits of the ‘historian’ is to reverse popular opinion, even (maybe even especially) if that opinion is correct. Its a power thang, not dissimilar but more prevalent than that which exists amongst many journalists, more on a par with that characteristic of the enfant terribles of the art world.

It is what draws many to their profession of choice.

Richard Taylor

“Scotland’s Story” by Henrietta E Marshall (1906), telling Scotland’s story from before Kenneth 1st up to Empire with Queen Victoria and Edward VIII, had that problem – how to tell the Wars of Independence from a British Imperial standpoint. Basically she went with the line of how awful it would have been had Scotland been dragged unwillingly into the Union rather than by free choice. Being a child at the time, I did not question how Wales and Ireland had ended up in the Union, nor that Scotland did not enter into the Union by strictly democratic means. I remember the book from my childhood – Dad still has it, along with “Our Island Story” aka a history of England up until 1707, then the UK…

Ian Brotherhood

@Goldenayr –

‘They’re saving them for the final onslaught.’


Can you imagine? They’re holding Wee Helen and ‘Doctor’ John in a reinforced pen somewhere in the Home Counties, giving them nothing but big tubs of the stuff bodybuilders use, bowls of Buckfast, and playing Alex Salmond’s FMQ performances on a permanent loop, readying them…

One day – soon, perhaps! – they shall be set free to come haring northward, leaving a trail of foamy flecks in their wake…

God help us all.

Training Day

@Richard Taylor

Aye, similar to J D Mackie’s History of Scotland.

Words about the Union to the effect that Scotland would willingly have come to England as a bride, but not as a bridesmaid.

They whole lexicon of Unionism makes you wretch.


Ian Brotherhood

“floamy flecks”…Gasp,pant…ROFL.

GAUD,Ah’ve just burst a gut!


Just flicked over from another site where I was dealing with an individual not dissimilar to the thread subject.

Cheers Ian,you put perspective back in my argument to him[Bob W,definitely a”he”this time.]


Anyhoos guys,Zebidees calling.

Oichde mhath.


Why Oh Why is Scotland so uniquely incapable of being a successful independent country?

The Answer : it is not unique ,it will be a very successful independent nation but our home grown cringers allied withe the latter day British Empire loyalists will lose their gravy train if Scotland votes YES.

So vote YES!

Dave McEwan Hill

I’ve finally cracked it.

The Better Together campaign is faltering because those who run it think we are all as stupid as they are.

Jamie Arriere

William Wallace a unionist?

Well after finally having recovered from laughing at that, I’ve tried to apply the cretinous logic the Political Pixie (did she really mean Pygmy?) uses :

Edward I, because he beheaded Wallace and cut off his limbs, must be a separatist!

See, I can write bollocks too


There is a fine statue of William Wallace opposite His Majesty’s Theatre in Aberdeen. Granted that the cooncil has arranged to have large flower containers obscure the text round the base. But thanks to Google, here’s a picture of what the inscription says
link to

The Man in the Jar

This from Political Pixies profile.

“This website is a hub of intellectual thought, a place to learn and discuss, and a source of information and analysis. Browse the site to decide on what to read to expand your knowledge on economics, politics, philosophy, current affairs, history, and modern studies, or read a taster of the blog to whet your appetite for what can be found on Or even join in the debate in the forum and watch the videos on offer.”



Oops Don’t know what happened in the previous link!
Wallace pix here
link to

john king

Got as far as “look at the British flag”, I couldn’t be bothered to go on.
What a sad individual.


She tries so hard to come across as an erudite thinker, but quite frankly, fails. She commits a blogging crime that defines her as nothing more than a half-wit with delusions of grandeur. She insults her readers.


Ok read through more of the post. It’s chock full of ad-hominems. Is she 5? Christ what an utter muppet.

john king

I think the ravings of this deranged young lady are best encapsulated in this quite bizarre statement,

“we would have to take the euro, plus, we wouldn’t actually meet the debt to GDP ratio requirements, so that’s out the window. ”

So we would be forced into the Euro in spite of not being in the ERM and not having our own currency but then turns it on its head because she’s starting to struggle with reality then says “so that’s out of the window”?

you know what’s wrong with this site?
there’s not enough guffawing,
we need more guffawing,
everyone join me,
and thigh slapping lets do more thigh slapping

If you are a lady (of which there are many on this site) you may wish to restrict yourself to a more genteel chortle
just don’t let the downstair staff hear you. 🙂

btw does Salmond really have a face like a salmon?


Well Mr Pixie is right about the Wallace Monument, in terms of the words said, but he should reflect on the times and how you built a monument to a resistance hero of Scottish Independence at the height of Empire? With lots and lots of flannel to reassure the great and the good that you are unionist to your bootstraps.

Have you been recently? the monument is high Victorian camp and full of portraits of Victorians.

What Mr Pixie has not worked out is that Wallace was not the memorial, or Gibson’s film and the film stimulated a lot of people to find out more of the truth about him.

john king

Marcia says
“She needs therapy.”

I suggest starting with colonic irrigation!


Ahh Bethan Scott aka The Writer. Wooooo. They’re coming out of the woodwork now for their glorious day in the sun, sinking the boot in to fellow Scots, while trying to display their exceptional “writing” skills. Not. No hint of who she really is on her benign twitter profile, leading a double life, mysterious and talented all wrapped up in an imaginary, self deluded package……


@john king. Sorry I forgot. GUFFAW :-). Slaps thigh too…….


Braveheart factual NO Entertaining YES it was originally assigned to Scotland’s football team and the Tartan Army but when it took a Political twist it was aimed at the SNP and then Yessers as a few scenes in the movie reflect the unionist so they use it as deflection as they looked in the mirror and did not like what they saw.


William Wallace Rose up again Edward’s 1 (the Hammer of the Scots) injustice (puppet John Balliol imprisoned in London – in chains?). Raggy Man’s role. The Poll tax. A citizen’s poll imposed on the people of Scotland, by Edward 1. To tax Scotland – a tithe/one tenth – and imposed conscription for Edward’s wars in France. Edward has vast estates/lands in Normandy. Edward was more French (continental) than British and spoke French. The Scots revolted. Led on to Robert the Bruce. Established Scottish Independence. Independence will be re-established in 2014.

700 years later illegal wars (15% Scots in British Army – higher pro rata) and 1/6 (£Billions) of Scottish revenues go to Westminster Exchequer. A higher number, disproportionately, than before. WMD’s imposed on Scotland against the majority wishes. Vote YES.


Oh wow.

Political pixie right enough. 😀 LOL

Fresh, insightful opinions…

… so no low self esteem issues then? 😀


The young can be duped because of lack of knowledge and experience. The majority of white, middle-class, wealthy, male, ill informed State ‘journalists’s, what’s their excuse? Self interest, arrogance or ignorance.

David Smith

I think maybe Bethan needs a wee lesson in facts from oor Saffron!

Grouse Beater

Saw two of Vote No Borders ads – lies – in the cinema last night. They got hissed and booed.


sorry if this was said above – skimmed through the comments and didn’t notice it. I may be wrong but I think it’s actually stated at the Wallace monument how Wallace was recast as a unionist hero in the 19th Century (for the reasons mentioned by Calgacus). If that’s not where I read it, it must have been at a lecture. Anyway, this girl hasn’t made the idea up.

Heather McLean

Just read about this deluded girl “one day hopes to visit Mars (although she’ll settle for just the moon).”

Could we crowdfund her a one way ticket?


@David Smith – She wouldn’t last a round with Scotland’s Sweetheart

joe kane

Claiming William Wallace helped in the formation of the UK state and is a unionist hero is a bit like claiming Hitler was responsible for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and, therefore, should be thanked for causing World War II which brought it about.


British State media controlled by Westminster is pushing for another disastrous military intervention in Africa. If Western States did not drain Africa of essential resources underpay for resources and evade tax. Governments could afford adequate security. Give Aid, do not invade. It is counter productive.


Yes it must be the silly season when in this morning’s Herald David Toryance is having a go at the SNP for voting down Callaghan’s government in 1979 when he claims “Callaghan was trying to find a way round the devolution impasse”.

We still get this old chestnut on the doorsteps to which I reply the reason Thatcher got in was the fact that two million more voters in England voted Tory rather than Labour and it seems you much prefer rule by a Tory government to a Labour government in Scotland.

Les Wilson

A completely illiterate article by an illiterate.


Aye a political pixie thats awa wi’ the fairies. I wonder how she will handle being reminded how she has mis-called one of Scotlands hero’s after independence.


The Herald has the front page headline screamer,

“Referendum Poll reveals teenagers fear for the economy.”

What they don’t tell you in the headline is that the online poll of teenagers, was carried out by a Glasgow based,

“Debt Management Company”.

Why didn’t they make this their headline story:

“Shock horror! People who visited a debt management website are worried about the future economy”.

The Herald really must try harder, you’re giving you’re Sunday sister a bad name.



All three.


Just been catching up on the other threads. I’ve been away for much of the weekend and only managed the odd quick peak in over the past couple of days.

My God this makes grim reading right enough. They appear to have completely lost the plot over the past couple of weeks, but this weekend kind of distils their current tack and lays it out in crayon for everyone.

We cannot, must not rise to it. Keep doing what we’re doing. The more shrill they become, the more reasoned and approachable we MUST be. Or to put it another way. We’re hitting the mark out there, its the only explanation possible. I’d give a lot to see what was in that buried poll which caused such panic in them.


There is unionist comedy everywhere now. Just listened to half cut Comical Cockers of the Torygraph explain to Jim Naughty on vote NO BBC radio why he’s a willie, works in London lives in Edinburgh. Cockers the willie debates working in London with Naughty the….


“Salmon-faced Salmond”.This guy is a genius! Pixies For Yes have no chance.


Millions died for that flag. You would be disgracing their memory by shattering everything they gave their lives for.

Powerful stuff!

Nana Smith

Re the ‘Hiding the truth’ article over at newsnet,I think it should be printed and sent to every household.
Having spoken with a woman last week her main concern is the economy and her attitude was very much “too wee too poor”.

She doesn’t have a computer so only hears the media lies and even though I tried giving her a few salient facts I could tell she has already been brainwashed.
I’m certain there are many more like her.

Liquid Lenny

Wallace was a unionist, his body parts were sent to every part of the Union, therefore, he was a Unionist QED

James Westland

Like John King, i got as far as that “look at the British flag”pish.

Every time I see that symbol of britnat imperialism I feel like a good boke. Butchers Apron – wouldnt use to wipe the mud off my boots.

ian foulds

Nana Smith says – ‘…so only hears the media lies and even though I tried giving her a few salient facts I could tell she has already been brainwashed.
I’m certain there are many more like her.’

The last sentence is I fear correct but it is the only thing we should focus on to change it for 18 September


I’m a bit speechless after reading that…

Chic McGregor

As pointed out in a previous post, the Scottish historiographer Charles Rogers, who was the first to propose a Wallace monument on Abbey Craig in 1852, left people in no doubt that he considered Wallace to be a freedom fighter, a patriot and lover of liberty.

How many of the Scots and expats who contributed to the public subscription do you think might have done so because they saw it a monument to the Union?

The argument that Wallace was a unionist because if Scotland had not ensured its independence then, it would not have existed and been unable, therefore, to form the Union in 1707 is utterly ridiculous. It is akin to blaming the conning of an old lady out of her money on the chap who earlier fended off muggers who tried to rob her in the street because otherwise the second offense could not have occurred.

Or a bit like claiming Moses was a holocaust supporter because he lead the Jews out of Egypt.

But, as posted earlier above, I think the brighter the flame of ridiculousness, the more it attracts the ego-moths of the historian. “Can I really get them to believe THAT, can I, can I?”

Liquid Lenny

This political pixie person doesn’t seem to have a good grasp of history of the other peoples of the world either.

This extract from a review on a book about Cambodia during the terrible times of the Kymer Rouge

“Once, in the early 70s, when Swain was living in Phnom Penh, several disgruntled soldiers who had yet to be paid cast a handful of grenades into a cinema across the road from his apartment. The explosion was devastating. Swain carried a small girl from the ruins, shrapnel embedded all through her body. No ambulances came, no police, nothing. He desperately put the girl in the back of his car, along with four others of the fatally wounded and frantically drove to the nearest hospital. But he wasn’t even allowed through the gates. They were civilians, and it was a military hospital. Swain was forced to hurtle back to the other side of the town to the civilian hospital, where a doctor finally grudgingly accepted them after first refusing. The Vietnamese view on suffering is very fatalistic and so many doctors demanded drugs and resorted to accepting bribery”

Last time I was in Phnom Penh it was very much in Cambodia.

Wee plug for Cambodia, anybody planning to go to the Far East, go to Cambodia, brilliant people, cheap and a great place for a holiday, the Ankor Watt complex is one of the wonders of the world.

Will McEwan

It should always be recognised that Scotland was very comfortable in the British Empire particularly in the 19th century and punched well above its weight in the building and administration of it.

But the union was held by Scots in those times to be a union of equals which was completely acceptable to Scottish national sentiment. The Home Rule movements were largely for status similar to that of Canada – dominion under the crown – and the crown was the unifying component not the Westminster Parliament.


Grouse Beater says:
Saw two of Vote No Borders ads – lies – in the cinema last night. They got hissed and booed.

…. I heard they got booed in Stirling. Hope VNB get the message.

Richard Taylor

The writer claims there’s no oil boom now because of the high price of oil. Eh? There’s an oil boom now precisely because oil is around $100 a barrel. Fracking is being mooted because the oil price is so high.


Enough crank to start a truck.


This is written by a 17 year old. If you want to blame anything blame the private school system that promotes and encourages these views while enjoying charity status

Bill McLean

dying for that flag. This lassie is preaching to the perverted!


RT tv will report on the “missing poll” in the next 10 mins.,

Before 11am.


Perhaps “William Wallace was a Unionist” is an example of Acanchi style rebranding? Had a look at the site but basically can’t be bothered. Poor girl is in need of an education, if indeed this is a real person.

Les Wilson

Good article on NNS by John Jappy, for some who have not listened or read what he says before, it is worth a wider audience.Even if it is just for a reminder.
He says it honestly and with his subdued passion.

Nana Smith


Have they found the poll?

Dave McEwan Hill

RT is Channel 85 on my freeview menu and Al Jazeera (on which you may get a closer approximation to Middle East truth than we are fed by our establishment)is on 83

Bugger (the Panda)

Post in off topic re Conan the Librarian. Seems OK.

Dave McEwan Hill

John Jappy

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

Wrong one (but very good). John Jappy now

link to

Robert Kerr

Article on JJ on News Net. Not read in detail yet but it mentioned “colonial mindset in London”

Corollary is of course that Scotland is considered to be a colony!

Enjoy the status!

joe kane

Just a quick notice.

There is a BBC Radio Scotland programme on this afternoon at 13.30 about Scottish disabled voters and the referendum.

WOS follower and independence supporting Black Triangle Campaign based in Edinburgh will have one of their spokespersons, John McArdle, featured.

Frankly, any disabled Scot who votes NO is either rich or metaphorically needs their head examined.

One million Votes
link to


Come on be fair. She’s a bright and passionate Scottish lass at the tender age of 17 with a powerful imagination and ambition to be a writer. It’s not her fault she was taught Scottish History and Modern Science by the Clangers.

Ian Brotherhood

@Dave McEwan Hill –

re John Jappy vid.

I posted link to that here last night, about 9 p.m. It had 222 views.

It now has 2,828.

Dave McEwan Hill

Interesting m newspaper reaction to the odd poll at the weekend showing a growth of the NO vote (though two other polls show no such thing).

SUN reports it but provides a constructive take on it in its editorial; Record ignores it but carries David Martin’s assertion that Scotland will have no trouble achieving EU membership and The Herald also ignores it (though it carries a dodgy teenage poll on its front page) but it carries the information from the other poll which indicates that independence is now the most popular option among home grown Scots.

I’ll try to sneak a read at what the Mail, Express and Scotsman are saying when I go down to the supermarket for mince

Les Wilson

Ian Brotherhood says:

Good stuff Ian!

Dave McEwan Hill

Ian Brotherwood at 11.38



ICM tables strongly suggest that they asked a question on how comfortable people we’re with being asked their view on indy before they asked peoples views on indy.

Ergo, the poll cannot be compared to previous ones.

If you look at reduction in Yes shares / increase in No, then those most uncomfortable with being asked about indy show the biggest drops in Yes and increases in No.

ICM made people shy before asking them the indy question it looks very much like.


This is written by a 17 year old. If you want to blame anything blame the private school system that promotes and encourages these views while enjoying charity status,

She felt comfortable enough to wade into the independence debate and cite revisionist history as a defense of her viewpoints. Comments are fair game. Age ought not to come into the equation here. If she gets blasted for it, its her own fault for not doing her research.


Look at the flag! Look at iiiiiittt!


an unbelievable amount of swallowing had to be done in order to produce such blind guff. It’s the product of a dirty bum crack farting through a westminster blindfold. I am continually shocked by the level of this stuff (and i can see the irony in my somewhat non-academic comment above) . I should know better but it gets me every time


Please don’t ask me to read such drivel again! does my bloodpressure no good at all!

Robert Knight

I look forward to her growing up.

Tom Platt

Great punch line in the video posted by Betsy.
“He didn’t die for the flag, he died for the freedom to burn the flag”
I must remember that.


Age nor gender is no reason to excuse ignorance.
She publishes her ill thought out arguments and invites comments. To excuse her would be patronising.


The Barnweil Tower erected in memory of the ‘unionist hero’ Sir William Wallace in 1857, before the Stirling Tower. The inscriptions on this monument are wonderful and surely couldn’t have been construed in any way pro union even in 1857.

Side 1 – “Erected MCCCCLV., in honour of Scotland’s greatest national hero, the renowned Sir William Wallace, born MCCLXX., who after performing numerous exploits of the most consumate bravery in defence of the independence of his country was basely betrayed into the hands of his enemies by whom, to their everlasting disgrace, he was unjustifiably put to death on the XXII. of August, MCCC. Centuries have not dimmed the lustre of his heroic achievements; and the memory of this most disinterested of patriots shall through all ages be honoured and revered by his countrymen.”

Side 2 – “Sir William wallace, Regent of Scotland, MCCXCVII. In resistance to treacherous invasion, and in defence of the laws and liberties of his country, he fought against fearful odds the desperate battles of Biggar, Stirling, Blackearnside, and Falkirk, and between these actions, in little more than a year, he stormed and took from the invaders very fortress, castle, and town which they had seized in the Kingdom. Though worsted at Falkirk by overwhelming numbers, aided by fatal dissensions in his own army, he continued warring with the oppressors of his native land until his foul betrayal, seven years after that disastrous battle, by the execrable Monteith.”

Side 3 – “At Wallace name, what Scottish blood But boils up in a spring-tide flood!
Ever honoured be the memory of the matchless Sir William wallace, the first of his countrymen who in an age of despair arose and dared to nobly stem tyrannic pride,throw off the yoke of foreign oppression, and maintain the independence and nationality of Scotland; and who, by deeds of surpassing valour and stainless patriotism, has glorified this his native land, and imperishably associated his name with the defence of national rights and the liberties and immunities of freeborn men. From Greece arose Leonidas, from Scotland Wallace, and from America Washington – names which shall remain through all time the watchwords and beacons of liberty.”

Rod Miller

Wasn’t Mel born in Peeksill(sp) New York? Still apart form that I couldn’t finish reading this drivel!


Mel has dual citizenship in US and Ireland. As an American, I have no problem claiming him. I think the real shame here is the degradation being shown to William Wallace with this ridiculous prattle. Wallace a unionist? Mel is of no consequence, in my opinion. The real shame is what’s been said of Wallace.


It appears from the odd, informal and slightly Americanised way this is written that “The Writer” is very young, I would say no more than early 20’s. I think someone above me said that she is 17. Seems right.

A real sorry example of the quality of current affairs and history teaching in her school. Granted, history and politics teaching seems to be fairly weak throughout the whole education system.

A tenner on her being quoted/interviewed in a unionist rag (lkely the Mail) as an shinning example of the “fresh young face of Better Together, equally as savvy about social media as they are about politics”

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    • Skip_NC on Poisoning The Unwell: “I suppose she could have realized she was over the limit and handed the car key to someone who was…Jan 18, 13:04
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “We’ve been around the houses a few times on this before MIA and we always end up at the same…Jan 18, 12:59
    • Robert McAllan on Poisoning The Unwell: “Aye Frank, too many Scots in Scotland have failed to catch up with the realities of life under the Murrells…Jan 18, 12:56
    • Robert McAllan on Poisoning The Unwell: “Wid thon no gie ye the dry boak? Nae sense o’ awareness, nane o’ them!!!!Jan 18, 12:48
    • John.H on Poisoning The Unwell: “Allegedly, she had to resign because of incompetence.Jan 18, 11:55
    • Marie on Poisoning The Unwell: “Yep. Behaviour of someone who considers themselves as not only fabulous darling but also completely untouchable????Jan 18, 10:38
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    • Jon Drummond on Poisoning The Unwell: “That sums her up perfectly. Nasty, scabrous, narcissistic dwarf that she is.Jan 18, 10:26
    • Alf Baird on Poisoning The Unwell: “Yes, a colonial budget is primarily the wages of colonialism doled out to a mediocre meritocracy and a mostly British…Jan 18, 10:12
    • Ian Brotherhood on Poisoning The Unwell: “Check out this video. Is that a car key in Sturgeon’s hand? If so, WTF was she doing driving when…Jan 18, 10:09
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    • JockMcT on The same old tricks: “Murrell won’t squeal. He has too many skeletons hidden.Jan 18, 09:03
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    • diabloandco on Poisoning The Unwell: “That posted before I re read , Chris I think you’re wonderful and the cartoon is excellent ! Apologies for…Jan 18, 08:02
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    • 100%Yes on Poisoning The Unwell: “She just hasn’t poisoned Scottish politics its everything she ever touched. I can’t bare to watch or listen to her.…Jan 18, 07:07
    • Marie on Poisoning The Unwell: “I’m trying to figure out what is wrong with that woman. Narcissistic personality disorder?Jan 18, 06:15
    • G m on Poisoning The Unwell: “The truth of a wasted decade in a wee picture. It was the most important time for our country in…Jan 18, 06:14
    • robertkknight on Poisoning The Unwell: “Queen Biohazard in all her rotten to the core glory… beautifully illustrated by CC.Jan 18, 05:10
    • Cynicus on Poisoning The Unwell: “Excellent image from Chris The cartoonist. History will surely judge this woman to have poisoned the well of Scottish politics…Jan 18, 02:30
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