Why they’re afraid
We’ve noted several times recently an increase in the intensity of the No campaign, which has really been ramping up the rhetoric and menace since the turn of the year. But it’s also been accompanied by a growing sense of denial, as every poll showing a shift towards Yes is dismissed with the use of ever-more-selective comparisons.
Last night as part of its coverage of the latest polling, Scotland Tonight retweeted a comment from Oliver Milne, the Chair of Scottish Labour Students:
You know how we love to check facts, readers. Let’s check the facts.
Oops. On the cold hard evidence of the trend of all polls since the launch of the White Paper, Mr Milne’s assertion that opinion is stable or moving in favour of No seems to be, well, let’s be kind and say “misguided”.
Of course, we wouldn’t expect you to just believe a graph:
Now, it can’t be assumed that just because polls are moving in one direction they’ll automatically keep doing so. The Yes campaign will have to maintain and increase its effort as the debate really starts to heat up. We can probably safely posit that the UK will pull all manner of rabbits, carrots, sticks and guns out of its hat between now and September. But it’s hard to see what they’ve got left to frighten Scots with that they haven’t already tried. No wonder they’re scared.
Dear Mr Cameron. I suggest you reconsider your strategy of aggressive propaganda.
Once more you have nailed them Rev!
Tanks back on the streets of Glasgow by September?
I think that lad must have been one of Johann’s pupils, if his language skills are anything to go by.
OM: Please miss, see this grammar, I still don’t get it.
JL: Oliver, have you ever considered a career in politics?
If only trends were always so linear!
But looking at it from the purely negative viewpoint of Better Together, it must be troubling that threatening to; bomb airports, erect border posts, close shipyards, raise food prices, transfer jobs, destroy pensions etc, hasn’t worked.
I’m looking forward to increasingly fantastic predictions of calamity that will descend upon Scots if they dare chose to execute their democratic right to chose their own government.
Have the consequences of plagues, earthquakes or space/time vortexes been considered yet?
We need clarity. We need answers. Better Together just haven’t thought this through yet, have they.
I mean, if we are going to vote for independence, Alistair Darling needs to come clean about which Biblical scale disaster we will uniquely be affected by.
I have to consider what’s best for my cat.
I wonder if we’ll see the YES increase accelerate once folk see it’s more like the normal thing to support.
There’s alot to be said when ‘discussing’ the debate with NO supporting men that the polls show most men are actually already YES supporters.
He is an LLB, and he writes things.
I shall look out for him if he ever becomes a practising LLB and avoid his firm.
He’ll probably get a job with a TU or GDC.
Oliver sez, “I write things”.
Very good Oliver, now how about writing out for us how this £1.5 trillion debt is good for Scotland?
@ MochaChoca says:
Think Tipping Point.
We are there or thereabouts.
Was a bit worried that the ‘latest’ outlier from TNS would upset these figures, but I see it’s already in there. Nice!
I see the cross of St Andrew is being formed that’s always a good omen.
What is it with Scottish Labour and comprehending changes in percentages?
“But it’s hard to see what they’ve got left to frighten Scots with that they haven’t already tried.
I don’t think they’ve used the False Flag ‘events’ yet. There are a few high profile events in Scotland prior to the Referendum where False Flag ‘outrages’ could be deployed and, naturally, blamed on the nasty separatists. The British State will do everything in its power to ensure it prevails. We under-estimate them at our peril.
“Think Tipping Point.”
Or in social science terms, critical mass. There is a reason why the No side were so desperate to portray independence supporters as “a small minority”, “never over 30%”, “cybernats”, “a lunatic fringe”. In doing so, they’ve basically been lying to themselves though
link to en.wikipedia.org
It isn’t about comprehending. It is just politics. He is either trying to talk up his own belief that they will win or trying to stem the tide of people in Labour switching to Yes.
The numbers are an entirely separate matter
The TNS outlier, which was conducted several weeks ago but kept back until now so that it could be pulled out of a hat like a rabbit to counter last weekend’s newer poll results, which were positive for YES…
: rolls eyes:
If this is the Labours Next Generation Jim Murphy, I can only think of 2 words and Im sure you know what they are.
This deniability is getting absurd. How long before this:
“Look its a squirrel!”
“Oh a Squirrel!”
“No its not!”
“But you just said it was.”
“No I didnt..”
Rev, please keep a long list of all these No folk. They have no shame and will look to capitalise as soon as we vote YES. We may forgive, but we must NEVER forget.
C’mon folks we have to be fair to the severely afflicted these days don’t we? The poor wee fella is obviously afflicted by being a supporter of the losing side with the losing argument. In fairness he is correct in his assessment, or at least one part of his assessment poll of polls shows largely stability. I mean the poll of polls, as clearly identified by Rev Stu, does indeed show stability, the support for NO is on a steady and STABLE decline.
Yeah. Either he was taught by Johann, or he types with his feet.
Dare I ask…does he help out at Govan Law Centre?
Misguided, in denial or just plain old deviously misleading?
We’re breathing down their necks and they know it.
I expect the Scottish Liberation Army to put in an appearance any day now.
O/T @Stu
Excellent ad on the subway btw.
link to t.co
big_al says:
O/T @Stu
Excellent ad on the subway btw.
link to t.co
I thought Sillars v Galloway was amazing last night in that Sillars was vote YES reasoned and calm and Galloway ranted away with usual project fear nonsense and stilts with lots and lots of Galloway bettertogether angryness to boot. Hope voters don’t get put off by bettertogether tantrums and merely go for no to avoid Galloway style UKOK rage.
Like last night Galloway was panto style furious about being described as an “English MP,” kept getting more and more angry, then when asked what devo Scotland should be “given” Galloway flipped over to Prince Charming and how its not up to him, its up to you, pointing at panel of BBC “experts.” Another day another round of bettertogether tub thumping.
Anyway, pay no attention to the lad, he’s clearly confused, he has the words Labour and Socialist in his title piece – and we all know that that no longer computes!
Good to see the latest TNS poll put into context. Steady progress and the forecast for July is hot,hot,hot.
With regard to Oliver Milne, he is obviously a clever chap. However, is he aware that
“I write things ” is an anagram of ‘WRITING SHITE” ?
I’m off up to see the folks in Dundee, so you’ll be getting tonight’s three early.
The Swanks – Ghost Train
link to youtube.com
The Rempos – “Sham-Rock”
link to youtube.com
The Twisters – Count Down 1-2-3-4
link to youtube.com
P.S. I hope folk enjoyed the ‘fingers of destiny’ that made an appearance on “Endsville”. I was in kinks.
This comment from the Guardian,an article entitled, “Orkney and Shetland, will they join the micronationalists”; picked out by Guardian staff to stand alone in the section of ‘contributing to the debate’:
“I’ve never heard an English person call a Scot “Scotch”. But Americans do. Enda Clarke may not be British.
In any event, if you find being called “Scotch” offensive, that is nothing compared to being an English person in Scotland!
When a Scot abuses an English person on the ground of his/her nationality, as a matter of inteerest, do you criticise the Scot? I hope so. I’ve yet to see it happen, personally.
If only the decent Scots actually stood up against their bigoted countrymen who feel it is acceptable to abuse English people merely because they are English.”
Fantastic ad!
On Politics.
In Politics if thou would’st mix,
And mean thy fortunes be;
Bear this in mind,-be deaf and blind,
Let great folk hear and see.
By Robert Burns. (1793).
@cath Looking forward to Parity Day in the polls. I’d guess that’d be a reasonable example of critical mass
As i campaigner i don’t believe these polls for a second.
So if we can pull ahead in even these polls, then its well done.
@ Vronsky
You think she maybe helped out with the tap-dancing lessons?
Possibly, though her body language suggests the yo-yo.
Expect another surge in Yes votes when UKIP score big in the European elections. It’ll be fun to see the No camp trying to explain that one away and how staying in the Union will be just fabulous and we’ve got nothing to worry about.
The subway advert is great, gave me a wee warm glow.
Come on, be fair now, we all know from Labour’s conference last weekend, that the numbers aren’t important…I think Oliver’s point is that his analysis just ‘feels right’….ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I’m still desperate to see Yes lead in any poll. I can’t for the life of me understand why not one single poll has shown support for yes above 50%.
Unless the polls are targeted in staunch no areas, then I get it.
I hope polls showing support for yes being the majority happen soon, because I suspect quite a few swing voters will be convinced if we see enough of them between now and the vote.
An artificially high No vote in ‘polls’ could ultimately be deployed to justify a rigged referendum result in favour of No. In that context, McDougall’s mantra of ‘no complacency’ can be interpreted as BT ensuring that they will be perceived by the ‘Scottish’ MSM as being unchangingly, routinely ‘in the lead’. A narrative, as we know, to which the ‘Scottish’ MSM will all too happily subscribe.
What sort of Lawyer works in a Lab?
Something not right there! Or Left!
Dan Watt says:
I’m still desperate to see Yes lead in any poll. I can’t for the life of me understand why not one single poll has shown support for yes above 50%.
Unless the polls are targeted in staunch no areas, then I get it.
I hope polls showing support for yes being the majority happen soon, because I suspect quite a few swing voters will be convinced if we see enough of them between now and the vote.
Try looking at these polls Dan they might cheer you up.
link to tinyurl.com
link to tinyurl.com
Looking at the recent more eratic behaviour of Darling, Willie Young, Cameron, Broon, Lamont etc, things are not going their way,as they try to put gloss on Sh!te.
One day its lovebombing, then Nano, but still nearly all fear.
@Dan Watt.
There have been polls that show yes ahead. Don’t take straight Y/N polls at face value; it’s more complex than that. Enjoy the trends though…
They’re afraid because….the best people to govern a country are the people who live there.
How does a member of the same party as Gordon Brown and Tony Blair call himself socialist? The last trace of socialism in SLab faded away in the 80’s
I will echo what Desimond said “Rev, please keep a long list of all these No folk. They have no shame and will look to capitalise as soon as we vote YES. We may forgive, but we must NEVER forget.”
In the event of a YES (and I sincerely hope so) I don’t want to see these scum making out that they were in favour of a YES.
I would comment on oliver but I think everyone has covered what a dire cockwomble he is!!
@ Arbroath 1320 says:
Try looking at these polls Dan they might cheer you up.
link to tinyurl.com
link to tinyurl.com
That really is class, thanks Arbroath
O/T I passed a Lidl supermarket yesterday and noticed they’ve added a new bit to their signage. “Scotland, we’re with you” it says, and a St Andrew’s Cross in a heart shape.
Haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere, but is that what it looks like?
Proudcybernat @ 2:32. I totally agree, and I’d be fairly worried about the appearance of false flag outrages as September approaches. They’ve done it before and that was only for the pathetic 1979 devolution thing.
Glad to be of service fergie.
The only poll that counts is the real one on the 18th September, and I’ll be trying to studiously ignore anything which precedes that. On the scare story front, my money would be on a plague of locusts and slaying of the first-born. I’m also not sure that either asteroid strikes or drought have yet been threatened.
Of course, an independent Scotland won’t get BBC, which means no BBC weather forecasts. I’m sure Alistair Darling could spin that into a threat that we’ll have no weather post September (“Now Mr Darling, does this mean that in Salmond’s Scotland it will always be cloudy?
Well no Andrew, I have it on good authority that biblical rains are likely on a daily basis. Severe drought is also almost assured.
Thank you very much, Mr Darling. Is there anything else you’d like to add to inform our viewers?”).
kalmar says:
25 March, 2014 at 3:27 pm
O/T I passed a Lidl supermarket yesterday and noticed they’ve added a new bit to their signage. “Scotland, we’re with you” it says, and a St Andrew’s Cross in a heart shape.
Haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere, but is that what it looks like?
That’s cool, I wrote to the owner (in German) and his secratary wrote back saying that they are pro Scottish and they will talk with their Scottish HQ in Edinburgh and have all union jacks removed.
Every little helps… as the annoying advert of that other supermarket keeps saying!
I think the No’s have known they were losing for a very long time. If you look at their actions you can see it. Why the talk of getting rid of Darling, he was a winner wasn’t he? Why all the bother with setting up a Devolution Commission, the people were listening weren’t they?
I think their very private polling is telling them something they are not willing to tell the Public.
Subway advert is brilliant, OMG, I’m so excited about the subway ad, well done Rev Stu, bloody brilliant!!!
Subway add is fantastic!
@Arbroath 1320, cheers for the links pal, the Orkney one reflects the same results most months too
I trust theres a piece coming with this blooming Subway advert, some of us cant access twitter via works PC’s and all that.
Jens Stoltenberg,of Norway is to become the next Secretary General of NATO, in preference to Barroso.
An aspect of that that must be making the Together politicians reach levels of near continuous projectile vomiting with fear, is the possibility that someone from an Independent Scotland might get into that position.
Or even hold the Presidency of the European Union.
Imagine the impotent fury or the staring-eyed incomprehension.
I wonder what “trade” Oliver there practices? Joinery? Plumbing? Engineering?
I can’t help thinking there’s something fundamentally dishonest about politicos joining a trade union. We know why they do it – to get ahead in the Labour party – but it’s still weird. I was under the impression trade unionism was about workers uniting together to fight for their common rights – not just clambering up the greasy pole.
It’d be like an Etonian joining the SSP and going “check me guys, I’m a socialist!”
I asked if Skier could work out the numbers when you take into account the likely to vote part of the tables, think it was 73% of the No vote is likely to vote, which obviously leaves 27% of the 47% overall number to be deducted…..A quarter give or take of 47% is 11% odd……
Which actually puts them on 36%…..so when you take that into account, you’ll understand the bluff and bluster from MacDougall, they are fucked.
love the subway ads.
Glad to help you there Dan. As I have been known to say on the odd occasion, I do not believe the newspaper polls I think they are flawed, not that I’m an expert you understand.
I base these thoughts on something I read recently about opinion polls and the referendum, link to tinyurl.com, which seemed to imply that the pollsters appeared to use how people voted in 2011 as their basis for ‘correcting’ their results.
In any event, most pollsters apart from Ipsos MORI attempt to overcome any risk that their samples are biased by adjusting their data so that the number of people they interview who say they voted Labour, SNP or whatever at the last Scottish Parliament election in 2011 reflects the actual outcome on that occasion.
In my view there is one major flaw in this theory and that is there are a great many Labour voters who will be voting YES but can not be used to adjust the NO figures. By the same process there are a smaller number of SNP voters who will possibly be voting NO. I’m not complaining about that though, as far as I’m concerned the longer the newspaper polls show NO ahead then the more complacent I believe they become. More over the longer we are shown by these polls to be ‘behind’ then the harder we actually work to gain a YES victory.
In my extremely blinkered view, I actually think the polls I linked to previously do actually give a fairer vision of what the people of Scotland actually are thinking about in relation to Scottish independence.
@fergie35 brilliant! Good to see eh. I’ve only just caught up and noticed the wings ads too..
I for one will not be taking no voters names.
If its a yes vote i am in the rebuilding game and not the revenge game,
Was the hall half-full or half-empty when JoLa gave her speech to conference? Perhaps Ollie can let us know.
I’ll be away for a wee while and I don’t know if I can utube from the library. So that means you get a bonus track.
Bob Vidone & The Rhythm Rockers – Weird
link to youtube.com
I’d like to see a pic of the posters that isn’t on Twitter. I can access Twitter at work and even post, but only on the mobile version and that doesn’t display pictures. Same on my phone. I can only see the pics if I’m at home.
So for the love of sweet baby Jesus, Stu, will you post a bloody picture on Wings? Now?
Latest TNS ‘Certain to vote No’. 33% as normal.
The devil is in the detail…
Gillie says:
Was the hall half-full or half-empty when JoLa gave her speech to conference? Perhaps Ollie can let us know.
Before he could answer your question Gillie he’d want to know if you were referring to the whole hall or just the area of the hall where people were sleeping, oops sorry I mean sitting listening attentively to every word of their great leader.
What subway ads?
Are there are any time restrictions on Polls prior to the 18 September…….a month before, week before ?? Or will we be having them right up until R-Day?
Love the ad!
Speaking of the illiterate I popped in to see what the bearded wonder had written in his most recent ” I hate Alex Salmond ” article ( is he related to Ms Lamont?) and found this wee gem ,
“Commentary: Scotland’s First Minister is trying to silence a growning chorus of critics, writes Alan Cochrane ”
Is it groaning or growing do you think?
Shame there are no comments allowed or I might have alerted him.
The subway ads are just terrific! You are working so hard Stu. Thank you.
I don’t think any Yesser could be unhappy with that meta-analysis, it all looks good for us.
One thing though: it’s entirely inconsistent with the canvass results of door-steppers (especially RIC guys) and university/college debates. At first I thought these were one-off results because the ‘real debate’ was supposed to be just kicking off, but as the weeks roll by it becomes increasingly apparent that the +50% > +70% Yes is actually the norm outside of standard polling.
If we factor in voter motivation, Yes might just be well on course for a landslide.
Scottish-Skier says
Latest TNS ‘Certain to vote No’. 33% as normal.
The devil is in the detail…’
Right, enoughs enough, the bet is going on tonight.
I’ve watched it come down from 7/1 for a Yes vote. Money can go to my train ticket for the party.
O/T See former chief executive of the Scottish Liberal Democrats and special adviser to former DFM has said he will be voting “Yes”.
Party response: A spokeswoman for the Scottish Lib Dems said the party was making “the positive case for home rule to Scotland as part of a federal United Kingdom”.
She added: “Consistent polling has shown that this is what the majority of people in Scotland wish to see.”
It’s almost as if they actually think they could ever be in a position to make this happen.
@ Brian Powell
An aspect of that that must be making the Together politicians reach levels of near continuous projectile vomiting with fear, is the possibility that someone from an Independent Scotland might get into that position.
Or even hold the Presidency of the European Union.
Imagine the impotent fury or the staring-eyed incomprehension.
Now that gave me a thrill plus Lidle plus the ad!!!!!
Not counting my chickens till they are hatched.
we still have lots to do with the youth vote and the ladies vote.
Some schools are still blocking Yes Scotland.
Which means its up to us do do the work.
So lets talk in our homes, to our children, to our friends and neighbours. In the pub the shop and the car park.
Yip wont be long now before a string of links dynamite, jimmy wigs and bagpipes story emerges
MochaChoca says
O/T See former chief executive of the Scottish Liberal Democrats and special adviser to former DFM has said he will be voting “Yes”.
Party response: A spokeswoman for the Scottish Lib Dems said the party was making “the positive case for home rule to Scotland as part of a federal United Kingdom”.
She added: “Consistent polling has shown that this is what the majority of people in Scotland wish to see.”
It’s almost as if they actually think they could ever be in a position to make this happen.
I’m thinking here that we can take the old saying, “you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink” springs to mind here with a couple of wee changes Mocha.
You can show the LibDems the reality of the situation but you can’t make them believe it!
@Dorothy at 4.13 It might be drowning!
Ah, but do you know WHY that is? That is my one original contribution to science. (Probably less significant than my one original contribution to criminology, or even my one original contribution to musicology.)
Just in case Joanna has another TV interview while I’m away.
The Twisters – Speed Limit (a.k.a. “Twisted Fender”)
link to youtube.com
You have no idea how hard it was to find that one.
Do something do anything but don’t nothing.
Love the tube ads! 37 newspapers and the BBC in Scotland, all working hard to close down Scotland’s new democracy. Its interesting how the BBC in Scotland is untouchably untouchable though.
Morag says:
I’m thinking here that we can take the old saying, “you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink” springs to mind here
Ah, but do you know WHY that is? That is my one original contribution to science. (Probably less significant than my one original contribution to criminology, or even my one original contribution to musicology.)
The only reason I can think of Morag is because horses are more intelligent than humans.
Overhead within Glasgow Council offices….
“That Johan lamont, got a face like snipers knee”
Another No turned into a ‘don’t know’ today.
I was speaking to a service engineer at work, and he noticed the Yes screensaver on my phone. He was amazed that I was voting Yes. When I asked why I shouldn’t, he came out with the old TWTPTS scare stories.
I asked him where he got his info from, and he said the BBC. I showed him a few Indy sites on my phone, and especially the articles on Newsnet about BBC bias. Mmm, maybe I need to look into this more closely, he said.
Sorry, I lied. That wasn’t “Twisted Fender”. I must have gotten confused. Oh well. Not meaning to be cruel but there does appear to be speed limit to Joanna’s cognitive functions. If only the same could be said for the rate at which she spouts mince.
Detroit Cobras – Laughing at You
link to youtube.com
As a few people have mentioned, false flag operations are par for the course in this kind of situation.
This only works while it seems credible that disgruntled nats have to resort to (say) terror attacks as they know they have no chance in the referendum. Hence why it is so important to the UK to trumpet the message that it’s a shoo-in for Better Together.
And a particular reason why I’d welcome polls showing a healthy lead for Indy.
All those meeting up in Counting House next week….dont forget you can walk round the corner and get your picture taken with the Wings Subway poster ( I’m assuming its in Glasgow…Bath doesnt have a subway does it?).
Nae stealing it mind!
Quoting G H Graham:
“I’m looking forward to increasingly fantastic predictions of calamity that will descend upon Scots if they dare chose to execute their democratic right to chose their own government.
Have the consequences of plagues, earthquakes or space/time vortexes been considered yet?”
They *might* even threaten to switch off gravity… ;-)) Seriously though, this has me thinking: What next? Probably a whole pile of the same old thing redressed to look new.
Another bonkers analysis here from Ian Smart: link to ianssmart.blogspot.co.uk
Seems that fingers in ears, eyes shut ang shouting “La La La – I can’t hear you’ is the current Labour plan.
“I can’t help thinking there’s something fundamentally dishonest about politicos joining a trade union. We know why they do it – to get ahead in the Labour party – but it’s still weird. I was under the impression trade unionism was about workers uniting together to fight for their common rights – not just clambering up the greasy pole“.
Spot on, Doug! The Labour Party: Shitwrights and toolmakers to the Union.
O/T ( Sorry Rev)
Have new orders for Aye Right Leaflets for delivery next wednesday. Printer says he must have total by first thing Monday morning.
Orders open until then, same price contact:-
gavinlessells AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk
Gavin, are you going to update the url to Derek’s blog?
Still get 4-1 for YES at Ladbrokes and 7-1 for 50-55% and 7-1 for over 55%.
Re Wings ads:
I’ve been using the subway since the 1940’s. This is the first time I’ve seen anything that was worth reading.
Great stuff, Stu!
Whenever someone plays the fear card I ask the same question and if they respond by saying the BBC or the papers, I simply say, you are being lied to.
They say EH?
I say: remember the Iraq War? when you were being bombarded daily for months about how Saddam was a threat, linked with terrorists etc etc., politcians said it, so-called experts said it and in the end we were found to be correct and they were found to be bare-faced liars? Well, its happening all over again in the indy debate…
Its also happening again in Syria:
We are close to a tipping point, after which support for Yes will snowball. At least I hope so, because I’ve got £50 on Yes achieving over 65%.
Louisa Bojesen
question If Scots vote NO?
Ewen Cameron Watt
(event of close vote)
“Maybe Down The Track ANOTHER Chance For Scotland To Vote AGAIN for Independence”
John Allan
With regards to the youth vote, my 15 year old son doesn’t get a vote but today he had a classmate come out with “My dad’s voting No because we won’t get the BBC if we get Independence”.
As they were in Modern Studies, he immediately got on the Interweb and pointed friend to the section on WoS that explained all about broadcasting
I am very proud of him.
The art world (centre: London) says it is not afraid, but I wonder.
link to theartnewspaper.com
“If Scotland votes for independence later this year, some very important native artefacts in UK institutions could be heading north”
@G H Graham 2.14,ah dont think he,s tried pissin on the
sawdust in the Arbroath smokies ovens yet,or hiz he.
I thought you should all know, the Krankies and John Barrowman, are to appear together, later this year in a panto,in Glasgow so hurry and get your tickets, as we know how much you love them.
Oliver Milne a a man in denial, a party in melt down.
ronnie anderson says:
@G H Graham 2.14,ah dont think he,s tried pissin on the
sawdust in the Arbroath smokies ovens yet,or hiz he.
Excuse ME! There will be absolutely NO pissin in the sawdust of MY smokies ovens under any circumstances!
Pretty sure Oliver is a famous Glasgow Uni ‘tradeunionista’
Fronted their No vote campaign ?? A very proud Scot Labour reactionary indeed.
Hat tip.
John Negroponte,
link to en.wikipedia.org
link to globalresearch.ca
Just posted Wings’ subway ad on Facebook so that people get to see it there, seeing as they won’t be getting to see it on the subway any more. I know I’ve said this before, but it never fails to amaze me just how low the unionists will sink in their attempts at censorship.
@John Allan 4:22pm
“Some schools are still blocking Yes Scotland.
Which means its up to us do do the work.”
I remember reading elsewhere about there being a problem about schools blocking access to the Yes Scotland website. Whilst I agree that it is up to us to get the message out there, it is unacceptable for any Education Authority to prevent access.
It is important that all 16 and 17 year old have access to both sides of the debate. You could go further and say the same should apply to all public buildings, so that the people of Scotland can do their own research and make up their minds. Any thoughts on the best way to get an audit carried out across the country?
Has the Advert been removed from the Subway?
So an unemployed guy can advertise he is available for hire but a perfectly valid Website, which as far as I know is free of any claims of accepting blood money, cant advertise?
Is it time to buy a WINGS double decker bus and go all Cliff Richard on this campaign?
you can take a horse water ,
but a pencil must be lead.
Desimond says:
Has the Advert been removed from the Subway?
So an unemployed guy can advertise he is available for hire but a perfectly valid Website, which as far as I know is free of any claims of accepting blood money, cant advertise?
Is it time to buy a WINGS double decker bus and go all Cliff Richard on this campaign?
I’m afraid it is true Desimond, Stu notified us on the other thread.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
It really is an extremely sad day in Scotland when the ability to offer up free speech is gagged by a bunch of none entities.
@ Kalmar
O/T I passed a Lidl supermarket yesterday and noticed they’ve added a new bit to their signage. “Scotland, we’re with you” it says, and a St Andrew’s Cross in a heart shape.
Have you got a picture that?
If you have,send me it, I’ll make sure the main HQ in Germany gets a nice letter from me with encouragement to keep up their good work in Scotland. The market is open and being resident here in Germany I know how to “massage” their baws …!
I was wondering if he uses a chunky crayon when he writes things.
Oliver Milne is a long line of careerist labourites who could not line straight in bed if they tried, their motive is to feather the nest so one day their master will give them the career they seek…well on the 18th Sep we can all bring that to an end…vote Yes
Found this on JOLA’s Wiki, aboot SLAB:
(The Scottish Labour Party, often “BRANDED SCOTTISH LABOUR”, is a social-democratic political party in Scotland which “OPERATES as “THE SECTION” of the UK’s LABOUR PARTY in SCOTLAND”.)
(The Scottish Labour Party is formally PART of the Labour Party and is registered as an Accounting Unit (AU) with the Electoral Commission. It is NOT a SEPERATELY REGISTERED PARTY under the terms of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. As such the SLP does not have an OFFICIAL “LEADER of the Scottish Labour Party”, although Johann Lamont LEADS the whole party, having been elected by members in 2011.)
So Scottish Labour Party is really UK Labour Party!
Is LABOUR trying to deceive!
I’ve voted for LABOUR but NEVER again, they’re TOO Hard Left for me and I remember LABOUR’s horrendous WINTER of DISCONTENT in 1979!
Its MY Time, Its OUR Time, Its ABOOT TIME. #GrabTheThistle
O/T someone asked in this thread if YES had ever been ahead in the polls, the answer is yes.
link to politics.co.uk
link to schillerinstitute.org
Proud to be Scottish and i understand now why we are undermined and reviled by some in these lands we share.
Been telling people about this stuff for 5 years and looked upon as an idiot for it, 50 years old and since a boy never voted, knew as a boy it wasnt what i believed in, Joined the british army at 15 at 16 i understood when i got there i was viewed as inferior and under sufferage…
told the registrar to leave me alone when he said i had to vote as it was illegal not to, said i wasnt in his society so he could get stuffed…
Seems every dirty trick and undermining tactics have been used in these lands for centurys and its time to leave now!
Im hoping to get registered to vote for the first time in my life and im voting Gtf as fast as we can away from this unholy union.
Come the vote in september,I can forsee half a million ‘spoiled’ papers,they’ll have tried everything else by
No No No….Yes
Regarding YES being blocked in schools , I believe the Sun has put in a F.O.I request to councils about what schools are able to access better together and Yes Scotland or not as the case maybe .
Re supermarkets….Go into any Sainsbury’s, up the fruit and veg aisle, the aisle customers are led up as they come in the door….
Everything is wrapped up in Union flags..lettuce, onions, potatoes, pears, apples….Isn’t there a word for this in psychology? …auto suggestion?
Lord Sainsbury’s mob are implanting a little program in your brain, designed to surface as you vote on the 18th.
They will counter this by saying they put a saltire on some products….yes, about the size of a ten pence!
But… but… @KiltedKelpie says there’s no YES momentum!
We are winning. Spend your time on a few individuals, be positive and sell the message. It’s not difficult because the message is truthful and can be veified by research.
Acknowledge that we cannot answer every question – neither side can. However hope beats fear every time.

The lady in my life emailed me his “Vote yes for a better sex life says sexy Salmond” spoof so I looked him up. There were a couple of genuinely humorous pieces of comedy showing that the other side haven’t totally lost their sense of humour but most of it was the usual Nat-bashing.
I expect more hate from the Brit Nat Press and Media and more dirty tricks and getting dirtier with each passing day. I dare not turn the TV or Radio on at all any more and I dare not even look at a Newspaper front page as it will be sure to send my incandescent with rage.
Would it not be nice if we saw “parity day” on the 4th of July?
There was an article on the Spectator recently, all about the failure what is British Labour and Mr. Ed. I think most of the comments were from English posters, with lots of good humor, cheer and silly connections to Scotland. I voted most of the comment up and tried to engage a few posters who appeared to be both English and totally bemused about indyref. You’d think I was Boris Karloff.
Didn’t take long for wesexman and his sidekick to turn up and started on me tag-team fashion. Oh how we laughed.
Not impressed by the “subway” ad at all.
1. Didn’t even see it.
2. Ended up with a 6 inch spicy meatball on italian bread that I do not even like !!!
Thanks for that guys…lol