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Wings Over Scotland

Who’s your fave Dave?

Posted on February 20, 2014 by

So we’ve now had David Cameron, David Mitchell and David Bowie all “lovebombing” Scotland with pleas to stay in the Union (as assorted Tory ministers and their Labour and Lib Dem hangers-on lurk in the shadows a few feet away tapping knuckle-dusters into their palms and making throat-slitting gestures in our direction).


But the big question is, which David would you like to see try it next?

Which celebrity David (or Davids) should next plead with Scots to vote No?

  • Starkey (31%, 387 Votes)
  • Icke (19%, 235 Votes)
  • Hasselhoff (15%, 183 Votes)
  • Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich (12%, 149 Votes)
  • Beckham (8%, 102 Votes)
  • Dickinson (5%, 58 Votes)
  • Dimbleby (4%, 47 Votes)
  • Walliams and Miliband (3%, 39 Votes)
  • Jason (3%, 37 Votes)
  • Essex (1%, 11 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,248

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Why do I have these horrible visions of David Icke coming out for YES?


Only David Dickinson can give us the real deal!!


I would say Starkey, but frankly he’s difficult for me to listen to without developing the need to punch something.


This is fun! Sneery Mr Starkey would absolutely turn many an undecided to yes.

David Essex is too nice to be on that list. 🙂


@TheGreatBaldo: Why do I have these horrible visions of David Icke coming out for YES?

Oh God, don’t give me nightmares!


My nomination is Ronald Reagan’s old acquaintance, Princess David.


Haha, everyone knows Starkey’s would be the most ‘helpful’ contribution.


I really want it to be Icke, but I dunno if he’d back the Union since he thinks all those in power are evil lizards.

At the same time though, I can imagine him insisting running away from Westminster and the monarchy would simply be futile. We’re all doomed, either way.

Ach, I’m not voting.

Angus McLellan

David Starkey in the lead? You’re not taking this seriously people, are you?

Cankert Callan

God Stu, how could you come up with a poll where I’m forced to pick that f**king David as the answer? I hate him, really! 😉

Did Walliams and Miliband just get married?

Deek fae Moni

Magic! Got to be Gruppenführer Starkey


I was between Dimbleby and Starkey and went for the casual racism from Starkey. Dimbleby went out of his way to snub me twice because I said something vauguley left wing towards Margaret Beckett in the late 90s.

Grouse Beater


Picture him, if yous will:

“Scotland is a small, weak, rudderless country led by amateur politicians acting as if sheepdogs that think themselves Rottweilers. Compared to our glorious Elizabeth and the gravitas of the House of Windsor they are mere court jesters. And so it has been throughout its 700 years of turmoil and clan warfare … blah, blah. blah.

Significantly, the word, “snarky,” meaning malicous troll, is almost a diminutive of his surname.


TheGreatBaldo says:
20 February, 2014 at 10:04 pm

Why do I have these horrible visions of David Icke coming out for YES?

More likely he’ll claim Alex Salmond is a reptilian, which is why he wants to keep the monarchy.


TheGreatBaldo – that thought had crossed my mind too – eeek!

G H Graham

Stairheid suggests …

“Yon bloke wi the big fancy motor, David Dusseldorf.”


Starkey, Beckham and Icke. Yes would be a shoo-in.

Drew Ure

Dave Lee Travis would just about seal the deal altogether.


Let it be Beckham or Icke – this will put us in an unassailable lead!

James D

“… forget the other guy” – it has to be Dee, Dozy & Co.

Showing my age.

James D


Tomorrow’s headline on BBC News, “Alex Salmond is a lizard claims David Icke, we speak to experts who agree”.


….having said all that….

A Cllr Terry Kelly vs David Icke debate would indeed be a sight to behold.

Unintentional surrealism would probably be the most polite description !!!

But if you were wanting a “Barking Mad Conspiracy Nut Nutter off”..

Prof Tom Gallagher vs Icke would took a ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ style epic !! 🙂

Go on Rev set them up !!


maybe David Dickinson to shore up the orange order vote


James D

Me too. Oh happy days.


Gosh saw David Essex at Dundee’s Caird Hall circa 1974 oh or 1976, can’t be sure. Is he still on the go?

Anyway the Monkees will suffice, day dreaming and believing.

Who really gives a flyer?

Doug Daniel

David Starkey – I think even Blair McDougall would admit defeat then.


Would I be awful to suggest that Californian born snowboarder Dave England tells us to vote No as the ultimate backfiring lovebomb?


I went for Beckham. I am sure he is a nice lad in his own way, but as part of the BBC London’s ‘centre of the earth’ philosophy, he will really rub up the fitba’ folk the wrong way, including a good few Rangers fans.


What, no Lee Travis option?

Anyway, it’s clearly Starkey next, isn’t it? 🙂


Got to be Starkey 🙂

However, Dimbleby would be my second choice.

Icke is quite, quite batty but he isn’t unpleasant.

wee folding bike

The Hoff has form. He brought down the wall in Berlin.

magnus barelegs

the poisonous dame starkey of course. the guy would turn milk sour just by staring at it.

definite vote winner for yes if that deluded little englander stuck his nose in.

Flower of Scotland

Just heard on Scotland Tonight , not a David ! But Jonathan Ross is coming out for No !
Hurrah ! That,ll mean more people coming over to YES !


I suspect this poll would allow me to vote multiple times were I the sort of raving cybernat who would do a despicable thing like that!

Cankert Callan

I’ve been working alot over the last couple of weeks. Getting the whole DDoS comment issue now!

Oliver Drake

No mention of King David the Psalmist? Poor show!!


Can I be difficult and go for an outsider?

Bags me ‘Dave’ from Minder.

Awight Arfur?

Cheers Dave, pour me a large V A T. I jus touched a naked fish, paralysed me awl dan the left-and side it did.


I voted Hasselhof ‘cos he’s the only one in that list with any gravitas.


That’s odd I just listened to some david essex earlir this evening, somthing I’ve done maybe twice in the last 3 decades!


This is inadvertent ammo for the No camp.Expect Jason,Dimbleby and Essex to commence the love-bombing.


Other: Seaman?
Not sure I want the English to lob Seaman at us though.


Jonathon Woss is a No?

I am surprised he is the slightest bit interested.

The Man in the Jar

Yes result!

Can we persuade Brian Sewell to change his name to Dave just for a day. It is all the time that it will take to secure independence.

link to

scaredy cat.

Sorry O/T. Had to share.
GCU poll results at National Collective

Yes 62
No 18
DK 20


You Had Already Voted For This Poll. Poll ID #51

Naw a huvnae!!!

Starkey gets ma vote though. A class lovebomb type.


I hope the Hoff comes out for YES, he gets Kitt to say YES to.

He did the Fringe last year and apparently was excellent.


Yes, I can envision David Icke coming out for YES too. After all, Westminster and the Royal Family are all shape-shifting lizards! And no one wants to be ruled by lizards! *cough* *cough* >.> Icke coming out for a YES vote would set independence back by no less than 10 points…


I really wanted David Soul to be on the list… Potential re-release of “Don’t give up on us baby”?

Jamie Arriere

First thought, like many, for Starkey, but I actually think he would prefer to be shot of our “feeble little country”.

Maybe Jason – “Mange tout! Who dares wins – this time next year we’ll be millionaires!” That sounds like a Yes man to me

So it has to be Dimbleby – that would run the BBC’s bias up the flagpole for all to see!


We had our Union meeting today too, our branch backed Yes, 53% not sure what the No and Neutral figures were…looked about the same.

I keep bumping into more and more people at work that are Yes. I shouldn’t be surprised but I guess the constant negativity in the media makes one cautious. I’m now at the “is my office typical?” stage because so many are Yes. 🙂


F R David might urge us to vote No, were it not for the fact words don’t come easy to him.

The Man in the Jar

I just found out that the link that I posted is to a Brian Sewell parody site.

It is very funny here is a wee sample. (stick with it. It is only 41 sec.)

link to

scaredy cat.


It’s starting to feel that way. Seeing lots of cars with Yes stickers too. 🙂


Definitely Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich. They have Xanadu which could have been written for Better Together:

black barren land…cursed without hope…Lost from the start etc

Oh aye, they’d fit right in there.


With all the Huff from JoLa today… I went for the Hoff. 🙂

Seasick Dave



For the pure Yes boosting value, the obvious choice is Starkey. Still chose the Hoff. The answer to any question is always the Hoff.

Seasick Dave

Only choking.

Chas ‘n’ Dave.

ronnie anderson

@JamesD,That brought back memories, many a dance flare got stomped on LOL, ach the old wans are the best James/Marcia.


Yes, I can envision David Icke coming out for YES too. After all, Westminster and the Royal Family are all shape-shifting lizards!

Gah! We must start thinking this through and guard against it. Lets start putting it round David Icke type blogs that Salmond is definitely a lizard too – it’s short for Salamander, and if you need proof, his party even has the same colourings! That cannot be co-incidence! And he wants to keep the shape shifting lizard queen as well.

No, no if you’re David Icke there is no point at all coming out for Yes – the lizard people will just laugh at you. By contract, that Alistair Darling seems like an awful nice chap. Not lizardy or alien looking at all.


scaredy cat – Good news – did they take a poll beforehand too? Is that the uni that lent David Cameron a lectern?

Jock Politicaljunkie

Starkey would undoubtedly be of the greatest assistance to the YES Campaign. I have just read Grouse Beater’s “Starkey script”, above, and found myself using his voice in my head!! Oh, Jeeezo! 🙁


Just heard on Scotland Tonight , not a David ! But Jonathan Ross is coming out for No !

Och naw – first Barrowman, then Bowie, now Wossy? I can’t call myself a fan of Ross as a comedian/presenter/whatnot, but he’s a big advocate for several things I admire.

At least Yes has Bill Bailey, I don’t know how I’d cope without him on side!

Mary Bruce

I’m seeing on twitter tomorrows front page of the Herald which says “Boost for yes camp as trade union to back independence” but can’t make out anything else. Looks exciting. Anyone got any more information on this?


Wonder if the Queen will stoop to conquer, egged on by royal groveller Starkey.


Looks like someone at the beeb has a sense of humour! This from Newsnight, sorry if it’s already been posted. link to

ronnie anderson

@Cath you tain the words rite oota ma mooth wie the black barren land,lol


Daily Mail, Express will no doubt wheel out God too.

ronnie anderson

Rev, You,ll need tae amend they votes,Dave Dee Dozy Becky Mick Tich,have mair hits than awe the rest o them , you ever been hut wie a whip.


So where is Rodney Trotter on that list, better known to Trigger as Dave.


Jonathan Ross is a big mouth bully. He is still in the bad books for slagging off wee Manuel and his family.

He is bad news. As soon as I see his show on TV I turn it over.

He is a Pwick.

Doug Daniel

Mary Bruce:

I’m seeing on twitter tomorrows front page of the Herald which says “Boost for yes camp as trade union to back independence” but can’t make out anything else. Looks exciting. Anyone got any more information on this?

Aye, it’s the Public & Commercial Services (PCS) union. I know at least one of their branches has decided (overwhelmingly) to officially back a Yes, but the Herald story is about the entire PCS union deciding to back Yes. Well, the whole Scottish union, anyway.


@ Mary Bruce

“The tide is turning in the trade union ranks”

link to


Staley – worth at least 5% swing to YES.

Such arrogance cannot be wasted we need to buy his ticket.

joe kane

It’s got to be the lovable and watchable tv dandy and human carrot David Dickinson.

None of the other poll choices has the credibility or experience needed to flog the over-priced antique pile of unusable old cobblers known as the UK state, whilst making it feel as if you’ve just bought the bargain of the year.

Al Ghaf

David Brent?


Jonathan Ross a No – that’s so he hopes he will get another contract at the BBC at £6m a shot.


Crazy Dave Tractor Boy gets my vote.

[youtube link to


Sorry to burst some of your bubbles David Icke had an artical on his site about the political party leaders in GB and how they were related to the queen apart from any guesses Salmond of course and the YES camp gets a better viewing on his site, but hey someone whos for Scottish independance lets knock him its just who we are.

jingly jangly

As an Arranach, Im not too happy you are all having a go at our saviour David Icke. He prophecised that Arran would be destroyed by earthquakes if they did not have peace in Northern Ireland.

Thanks to David Icke the powers to be seen the errors of their ways and negotiated the Good Friday agreement thus bring peace to Northern Ireland and saving The Isle of Arran from destruction.

Thanks David.

Flower of Scotland

Did you put that photo of Glasgow on Facebook Rev ?


I remember Starkey’s History of Britain.It was like 12 episodes, each an hour long, of which Scotland merited something like a 5min mention somewhere in episode 3.

mr thms

link to

How David Bowie Caused the Financial Crisis

joe kane

Talking about bombing people you know nothing about, how about recent WOS follower David Aaronovitch?

I’m sure if he thought about it carefully, Aaronovitch could convince his well-informed London metropole mind that Scotland isn’t that much different from Iraq and would be willing to give it a go.


I lived over 25 years in the US and I feel ill at the choice!



C’mon guys. The Hoff has already declared for indy:

link to


David Steel
David Miliband
David Tennant


Tomorrow’s Herald front page, just about readable.

link to


One things for sure, we’ve had enough of that half-hearted Irish Guy:

Dave O’Lution


What about a real worry….Sir David Attenborough…he is the one respected guy who people might actually say “Lets haud on a wee sec and let the man speak..”

John D

There was no “None of the Above” option!


Thats a great video,good enough to close on lol


Ziva David, the Israeli spy/assassin/crime-scene investigator in NCIS.

Betty Boop

I am creased up at the thought of David Starkey trying to “love” bomb Scotland! His face would go through all shades of purple in the effort to say anything civil.

Davy Jones, though, would be quite a trick; nay miraculous. He has passed on, has he not?

David MacGille-Mhuire

Speaking as a Dave (David, Daibhidh agus Daithi, Daoud, Davie/Davey, Dauvit et al)
Zowie Bowie, and that long “super” model drink of water – Kate Moss, can Major Tom it back to the Martian badlands of the “Cool” Britannia, austerity-driven, neo-feudal la la land they so laud at their neo-Blairite/”Saint” Cameroon/Restorationist Thatcherite “Brit” mutual masturbation, digit driven, genital-ego fest cried “The ‘Brits'”.

In short, they can fcuk off back to their privileged fantasy land of Dystopia tarted up as Utopia.

I trust all the Kates and Catrionas out there – as well as the Ayrshire Bowies – will, similarly, combine to denounce this foul “Stalinist”/North Korean style act of their good names being so traduced by these running dog, British state, puppet propagandists.

PS I didn’t realize that they – the aforementioned – and the Krankies and Barrowman were so somehow related.

Are “Fatty Gallouses” Taylor of the Beeb, “The Biz” Fraser, “Naughty Jock-Mac-The” Naughtie, and “The Shrieking Shriek” Wark – all of that Brit MSM ilk – similarly connected?

All of the same spider-ish, British Nationalist clan and its septs?

PPS Extensive weather coverage of SCOTLAND’s weather on the international Auntie Beeb. Not JOCKLAND, mind you, here in Japan.

As yet, my Japanese wife with the Gaelic surname and legally recognized family seal – hanko – registered as such, has not divorced me. Nor has the sky fallen down on our head. Forbye this, she is looking forward to my Scottish passport.

Ian Brotherhood

What about this David? Standing next to the proper Charlie?

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Here’s Baddiel plugging his one-man show at the Fringe (last year, year before?…what-ivs) all about ‘fame’, being recognised, meeting Madonna etc.

Until copied here it had 4 (yes, four) views.

David MacGille-Mhuire

Have reposted this. Many thanks.

Addendum: Never, have I met in all of my time overseas, met anything but courtesy and open-minded support for Scottish re-independence when the facts are carefully explained.

The bile and vitriol met has always – and I do mean always – been produced by British Nationalists (and that does not, interestingly, include all of the UK Diplomatic Service).


We need a Goliath.

Ian Brotherhood

If, like most people, you don’t know who David Baddiel is, or why his ‘lovebombing’ us would be significant, you may want to see the video linked below.

Those who remember his double act with Frank Skinner will need no further explanation, but may want, for purely masochistic purposes, to view it all the same:

Ian Brotherhood

@David MacGille-Mhuire –

Enjoyed your post at 2.28.

Not sure if you’re thanking me for whatever you reposted, but if so, please don’t mention it.

I’m one of that mini-wave of Weegies who ended-up in Japan early nineties, doing the whole ‘Nova’ sketch, mostly Tokyo, some Osaka, Kobe etc. Some have remained, and are happy, doing well. Others came back to the dole, but now, after so many years, this chance has arisen. (Please be assured mister, we will take it.)

No idea what age you are, but our paths will surely cross, retrospectively, like one of those Pete Frame diagrams in the old NMEs.

More power to ye mister – I’ve always felt that folk outside Scotland have much more respect for it (and us) than we do.

Sad, but true, neh?


I did wonder if it would be Sir David Attenborough or the scruffy one from the Goddies, to do the voice-over for the BBC’s spring-time natural world offering of ‘Boarder Watch’, broadcast live from Hadrian’s Wall.


I truly would never tire of punching starkey in the face. he is a horrible, horrible human being.

scaredy cat.

@ T Jenny
Sorry I don’t know if they polled beforehand. I saw a post on facebook so that’s all I know.

It was GCU who provided the podium though.


The TSB bank threatening to move headquarters to London if Scotland votes for Independence.

I would politely tell them what they can do with their bank.

If they don’t have faith in the people of Scotland then you shouldn’t show any faith in them.

link to

Also on GMS all quite on the PCS Trade Union backing Independence story in the Herald.

Nothing to see here, move along. So far.

C’mon Naughtie, give us one good “YES” story.


Morning Rev, er am I still banned?


Starkey must be due. I think he is literally the only decent card that BT can honestly play. Someone who knows what it is to be British and what the positives are for the Scots.

By explaining UK history, he would discuss how bloodlines united here, battles won there, crowns at this point, parliament at that point, shared this, shared that, unique in this, blah, blah, blah …then Starkey is your man.

But the end result will be the same. He will fail. What is he going to tell us that we don’t already know?

After that, BT are scoobied. Who is going to explain what it means to be ‘Better Together’ …Beckham? A former England captain. Extremely doubtful. Dimbleby? Not a hope in hell.


I don’t think so.



The can roll out Jonathan Ross if they want. I like the guy. I think he’s pretty funny, but at times, the man makes a clanger of himself now and again.
On one hand, he’ll ask …nay ….he’ll beg us to stay …and then he’ll say something like, ‘because we need your oil, you tight-fisted Jocko’s’.

john king

“Morning Rev, er am I still banned?”

Go and never darken our towels again!


I want Dave from that old public info film about swimmimg safety – ‘Dave swims like a fish’


It’s got to be David Jason, he could hilariously fall through the gap in Better Together’s logic and we’d all be distracted!


It would appear the BritNat interventions have helped solidify our vote but we still need a 5% swing. That is doable and the BritNats know it. So, they are in a panic and they’ll only get a lot lot worse as the polls narrow further.

the Penman

I voted Beckham, just for the chance to hear an intelligent and articulate voice elucidate the case for the Union, for a change.




Some other David’s who may be quirky, David Lynch, David Villa, David Silva and that well known redhead who likes sunspecs, David Caruso.


Can you add Annie Lennox to that please.


Should of read the post first, please ignore.
I like Annie, hope she votes yes.

Another Union Dividend

The TSB story is of course not what it seems. The registered HQ nameplate will be in Edinburgh but bulk of head office functions “moved” to England.

Now that’s nothing new as HBOS began this process when they took over Bank of Scotland in 2001 and Lloyds accelerated the process when they took over in 2008.

Despite Bank of Scotland’s IT and back office methods being far more modern they were sacrificed in order to introduce Lloyds antiquated system throughout BoS organisation.


Herald PCS story, sadly Magnus seems to have forgotten the POA declaration for Yes last year.

link to

scaredy cat.

@ Croompenstein

Brilliant!That made me laugh. But wasn’t Dave the one who couldn’t swim? I thought Mike was the swimmer.



Yup, I tried to post a comment on the thread referred to in The Herald this morning. The Prison Officers union came out for yes some time ago.

Typically of that paper though, I am still on moderation despite posting comments for many, many months – none of which have broken any rules, so my post hasn’t appeared yet and on my reckoning has at best a 50:50 chance of ever appearing.

And yet somehow, John MacIntyre OCD continues to spew his repetitive venom on an uninterupted daily basis…

Ian Sanderson

Aren’t we getting near the bottom of the barrel with this? David Mitchell,s comments were from May 2011!

Another Union Dividend

Still waiting for some mention of Dave Bowie’s previous political insights in MSM / BBC which seem to be operating a blackout on any such comment.

His admiration for Eva Braun’s husband and wishing his style of government for Great Britain

link to

And I see in Herald Labour revolting MPs are opposed to transferring Air passenger duty to Scotland, so what major powers / Devo Max will come after a NO vote.

But also good news that Civil Service Union members will be coming out for a Yes vote despite leadership advice.



Yes Mike ‘swims like a fish’.

link to


O/T I have just listened to Malcolm Rifkind on GMS explain the situation in Ukraine and why we should be taking action to influence it. Central to his thesis was the ‘cynical’ tactics of Vladimir Putin and the big government in Moscow trying to frighten the Ukraine people if they don’t stay within its zone of influence.

Now where have I seen that before?


David Blaine. He could at least create an illusion of love and respect 🙂


GMS thsi morning and Naughtie just cant help himself to being selective. Newspaper review and its the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail with the story that TSB are moving south due to uncertainty (really Jim), and inside the Mail its more on the Bowie story and how its upset Scottish fans of Bowie with special emphasis (by oor Jim) of the swearing online.
The Herald and the story that PCS have come out for support for independence. But according to oor Jim, they are the first trade union to do so. Really Jim and what about the Fireman’s union, the FBU Scottish branch (nr 2 I think), there might be others, but its kept quiet.
All I’m aware of is some union bosses are trying to keep a lid on debate within membership



As per comments above the POA came out for Yes in October last year, the first union to do so. Naughtie just following the shoddy journalism of M Gardham.



Yes me too, possibly the second time, someone however has made the POA point. Surely the chap from Woking is paid by someone?


Cwu (scotland number two branch) came out in favour of independence some time ago, much to he chagrin of the hierarchy in Wimbledon.

So Magnus, turns out lots of Scottish unions are actually supporting the Yes campaign.


Peter Macbeastie

How about Dave Gorman? He’s funnier than David Icke, and doesn’t attract the flak for being a slightly strange oddball.

Just a normal, run of the mill oddball.

Stuart Ramage

Im another cybernat in tassie, anyhoo first post for me. Ive read the revs how to post instructions and I am going to break rule number 2 and play the man not the ball. Our friend and all round good egg Ian Taylor of Serbian war criminal and Syrian sanctions busting fame is the white knight who is going to buy the Shell refinery in Geelong. The sale is subject to regulatory approval. If any readers in Oz feel like emailing some links of his dubious dealings to the national papers we might get some of the smell to stick.

Share the love. Ive sent links to the Melb Age and the Sydney morning Herald regarding the legal threats to Wings, National collective. Fill yer boots.


O/T – Our Kingdom Interview: BBC bias, bullying, and the Scottish referendum
John Robertson and Oliver Huitson 21 February 2014

link to


This todate has been a totally non-violent campaign, so I had to vote for Sharkey as he is an ugly, arrogant, meally mouthed little shite and I want to be first in line to crap on the little git, I can’t stand the bastard.

When we vote YES in Sep 18th I hope his bile chokes him.


Sorry if it’s been mentioned before.

The Daily Mail has gone out in an all out attack this morning on Independence and its flavour of the day the cybernats.

Of course Bowie is a hero and all the cybernats are nasty people.
What they forgot to mention is that Bowie’s son Zowie, or Duncan as he’s known now, has tweeted a nasty insult likening AS to Bin Laden.
They also forgot to mention that Bowie was heavily criticised in the seventies for saying that the UK needed a Hilter and for giving a nazi salute.
It also looks like the DM is tweeking the latest OP findings in favour of the bitter ("Tractor" - Ed)s of course.

Front page they have a headline saying that the TSB is basing itself in England because of Scottish Independence. I never knew that??????

They’re afraid, very afraid.

On the other hand the Sun has got it right on all fronts about Bowi. Even Andrew Nicoll tore him a new one.
Well worth a read.

Thomas William Dunlop

Reminds me of a poem- Too Many Daves by Dr. Seuss

Did I ever tell you that Mrs. McCave
Had twenty-three sons and she named them all Dave?
Well, she did. And that wasn’t a smart thing to do.
You see, when she wants one and calls out, “Yoo-Hoo!
Come into the house, Dave!” she doesn’t get one.
All twenty-three Daves of hers come on the run!
This makes things quite difficult at the McCaves’
As you can imagine, with so many Daves.
And often she wishes that, when they were born,
She had named one of them Bodkin Van Horn
And one of them Hoos-Foos. And one of them Snimm.
And one of them Hot-Shot. And one Sunny Jim.
And one of them Shadrack. And one of them Blinkey.
And one of them Stuffy. And one of them Stinkey.
Another one Putt-Putt. Another one Moon Face.
Another one Marvin O’Gravel Balloon Face.
And one of them Ziggy. And one Soggy Muff.
One Buffalo Bill. And one Biffalo Buff.
And one of them Sneepy. And one Weepy Weed.
And one Paris Garters. And one Harris Tweed.
And one of them Sir Michael Carmichael Zutt
And one of them Oliver Boliver Butt
And one of them Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate …
But she didn’t do it. And now it’s too late.


What does a barrel look like after 7 months of scraping?

We will soon find out!


There’s always David Byrne, though he was born in Scotland which might not be what they are looking for.

Linda's Back


Re TSB non story see an earlier post at 8.27.

All the major decision making was moved South years ago.

The HQ is remaining in Scotland (well name plate at least).


The TSB position is barely credible. The vote is not for 6 months, No claim they are going to walk it and actual independence is not for 2 years. Sounds like a decision to rationalise and reduce costs and blame it on independence.

One of the many mutually exclusive scare gibberish from Project Fear is that the banks will move to London and that an independent Scotland would be at huge risk from the still wobbly banking sector. Nope, if they move to London, London will be at risk from the still wobbly banking sector.

The all member meetings the PCS have held have been fascinating. These are real, ordinary workers who have sat and listened to formal presentations from Better Together and Yes Scotland plus a Union member presenting the case for neutrality and conducted a Q&A session afterwards. This isn’t a self selecting on line poll it is a representative capture of all opinions within the Civil Service in Scotland. The PCS still has a very high membership ratio in Scotland with 60% to 70% typical of most workplaces. Of all the things that are happening on the ground this is something that old school Labour activists and Trade Unionists should take note of. Ordinary people are fed up with neo-conservative policies in Westminster. They want out.


Good to see you back in bunter, I think you just had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wee smiley facey thingy.


Sorry for the O/T again

Open Democracy is doing a question and answer piece with Dr John Robertson ofthe university of the West of Scotland on the findings of their BBC biased.

Well worth a read.

link to

@Linda Black, Ye as I said I made my apologies for maybe repeating what someone else may have written
I’m at work and don’t have time to read all the posts, so forgive.


Desimond @ 12.56

Dave O’Lution!

I enjoyed that????


They also forgot to mention that Bowie was heavily criticised in the seventies for saying that the UK needed a Hilter and for giving a nazi salute.

That is a plus in the Mail’s books Shirley?

Being disliked by the Mail is an accolade though 🙂

bookie from hell

TSB moving headquarters from Scotland

Bank of Scotland 1695(before the union)

so depressing


it’s not often i go O/T but this is a special case –

we are trying to crowdfund a fleet of Advert trailers for use in the east of Scotland, particularly Edinburgh.

we have one almost ready to go, but need more money before the rest of them come on line



O/T, Prof Curtice being quoted in the Guardian today that George’s day trip to Edinburgh had “backfired in spectacular fashion”.

Archived here, Scottish independence: currency union warning ‘backfires’ on Westminster

Dave McEwan Hill

The TSB has merely confirmed its present arrangements


heedtracker says: “Daily Mail, Express will no doubt wheel out God too.”

The laugh is, it won’t be Dave God, but Gordon Bennett.


@scaredy cat @Croompenstein

I fear Dave was the guy crying “Why do i keep losing me birds”


Love bombed by Starkey. Now that would be worth seeing. We’d probably need a shower and a drink afterwards though.

G H Graham

Stairheid Rammy Expert, Johann Lamont quips …

“Huv yoos no been listenin’? I shouted at yoos yesterday, it wis David Dusseldorf who’s getting ma’ vote. Ah had tae sit doon efter cos aw’ that shriekin’ geid me the boak, it did.”



Cheers, bad timing and just missed the Revs warning to a previous poster. Duh



Number 5 in best Islands in the World….that will do for us!

link to


I wasn’t very impressed by David Mitchell’s article. His “when he said English he meant British” quote just about sums it up.

Rather than a plea for Scotland to stay in the Union, it more projected some of the reasons why we must leave the Union.

john king

Comment by your friend and mine on OUR KINGDOM 18 minutes ago in response to Professor Robertson’s preference for independence

safely preserved in case it somehow vanishes

Duncan Hothersall • 17 minutes ago
“I think one the main reasons my work has upset the BBC so much has been because I am not easily linked to an ideological position. … I do favour independence for Scotland.”

Yeah, there it is.


I’m not voting ‘cos you haven’t include Carwyn Jones, so there! 🙁


Dumped the TSB years ago, they are an awful bank. Rip-off interest on credir cards abd rediculous overdrafts fees, worse than wonga! Would be glad to see them leave any day.

Scotland needs a Dave Fishwick. Independent, community orientated banking is the way to go, the FSA despise him but he is standing firm against the firm.

I’d back a Bank of Davie on my high street.

jingly jangly

Desimond, Their number 3, Bora Bora looks suspiciously like Moorea to me, its close to Tahiti, Bora Bora is several hundred miles away and is flat.

So if they cannae get the pictures right, they probably have got the numbers wrong as well maybe Lewis/Harris should be number 1!!!


The goblin king has said that Labyrinth will block Scotland’s membership of the EU if it opts to go it alone….


REF; John King you have to be joking (Hothersall) actually has said he favours scottish independence, whats the catch ???

turnbull drier


happy to contribute, but can you get a paypal option?


O/T – Has Wings’s FarceBook page been hacked? The Kiev poster and the WoS comments don’t look like the Rev’s work.

Craig P

It was a Dave who started it all for me, Davie Hutchison, the man who uncovered the McCrone report. That was when the scales fell from my eyes and I realised that there was proof Westminster had been lying to us all these years.

john king

Unfortunatly not Davy, he was responding to prfessor Robertsons point that although he isnt a nationalist he does however support independence,
Hothershalls “there it is” comment was a crude and quite disgraceful attack on the integrity of the good professors lifetimes work.


Dave Milliband could do more damage than Sly Ozbourne, Yes would rocket.


I’m David Bowie’s son!


Was there not a bit of a furore in the 1980’s when David Bowie released a list of all the venues for a world tour none of which were in Scotland?

I remember his Scots fans and the DR mounting a campaign about it and a Scottish date was hurriedly added. We’re an afterthought to him as well!



HA HA HA, HE HE HE (Larfing Gnome style)


If anyone interested in a series of lectures at Glasgow University asking how British Scotland is.

link to

Personally, after months of being told I’m no different from anyone else in the UK, and years of living abroad finding I’m not much different from anyone else in the whole of the world, I’m not sure an answer to the question how British is Scotland will have any influence on my voting intentions, but they are probably of interest to some of the posters here

John Bell

Yes, Mike might swim like a fish but ‘Sir Issac Newton told us why…’


“I’m not voting ‘cos you haven’t include Carwyn Jones, so there!”


Johann thinks he’s saint(David). got it from a leeked email.

Robin Ross

I produced posters for a Hall of Residence Ball in Aberdeen in 1969 or 1970. Headline acts David Bowie and Yes. Never got paid because ticket sales crashed. Plus ca change!


There is an interview with Dr John Robertson on Our Kingdom website. Here is some extracts:

‘Since then, the radio interview has been pulled from the Radio Scotland site (it’s still on YouTube) and several of my colleagues have been warned by BBC contacts to distance themselves from me.

I see this as a clear case of bullying by a powerful corporation through direct threats to me, reporting me to senior staff in my university, and by shutting down almost all mainstream press through, presumably, calling in favours from newspaper editors. My Principal and Dean have supported my rights as an academic. The University will not, however, do a formal press release.’


Sorry for posting so much of the following from the interview with Dr Robertson but this is unbelievable.

The BBC are trying to bully and discredit this man.

This needs to be spread far and wide.

Dr John Robertson from the University of West Scotland has just published research on bias and fairness in the coverage of the Scottish referendum debate.

An Early Day motion at the House of Parliament on 5th February called on the BBC to at least report on the research. This has been ignored

Newsnight Scotland made a provisional offer of a place that night then withdrew the offer after management interference with editorial autonomy. Other initial invitations led to later withdrawals.

Since then, the radio interview has been pulled from the Radio Scotland site (it’s still on YouTube) and several of my colleagues have been warned by BBC contacts to distance themselves from me.

I see this as a clear case of bullying by a powerful corporation through direct threats to me, reporting me to senior staff in my university, and by shutting down almost all mainstream press through, presumably, calling in favours from newspaper editors.

My Principal and Dean have supported my rights as an academic.

The University will not, however, do a formal press release.


I see muttley79 beat me to it.


John King mentioned it before me. The joys of a DDOS attack eh.




There’s a “What have celebrities been saying” page on the BBC. Apparently Frankie Boyle and Kevin Bridges are both pro independence yet the clip provided of them chatting to each other on Radio 4 is just them Alex Salmond bashing and nothing else.

Annie Lennox, who is listed on the National Collective website as pro-independence should be removed immediately after the claptrap she published yesterday on her Facebook page.

Laura H

If Dave Dee lovebombs us, then it will be the biggest coup the No camp have ever had. I’d be so impressed I would seriously consider joining the No’s.
Next step – resurrecting George and John for a Beatles lovebomb!! 🙂

Patrick Roden

OT but just had a question that every Labour MP should be asked:

Since England will be a foreign country when Scotland votes for independence, will you still draw a salary from English Tax payer.?

In fact it’s something that perhaps some of you guys who are brave enough (or thick skinned enough) to comment on the Daily Mail or Telegraph, might just want to keep asking.

I’m sure that if someone gave all these angry people a good Anti-Scottish cause to get their teeth into, especially one that would give them the ‘I’m sick of the English having to pay for the scrounging Scots’ rant, then it would pay dividends.

I can’t help thinking that the pressure created by the growing ‘No more English taxpayers money for the Jock MP’s’ campaign, and the realisation that they could be withdrawn from the Westminster trough, after September, might just cause the kind of divisions that could split the MP’s/MSP’s even more.

Whish would be nice 😉



As far as I can see Annie said

“The decision is not something to be taken lightly, or to be swayed by heady patriotic emotion.

It will be taken by the citizens of Scotland themselves, who need to seriously weigh up the pros and cons.”

I can’t say that troubles me. Basically she is saying reagrding Bowie that people need to calm down and that it is the people of Scotland that will decide this.

No issue with that from me. I like Bowie’s music but his view on Scottish politics cuts no ice. I have not slated him for his words. They do not bother me. What annoys me is that there are dozens of well known musicians, artists writers etc., that support independence and the BBC and media ignore them. However 4 words from one person supporting No get mega treatment by the press. In a sense they are trolling, trying to annoy us so we are evil cybernats slating Bowie but Bowie is not the issue. He is one man who does not live here and is entitled to an opinion. It is the fantastically biased media that is the issue. It is they that deserve our ire.


HandandShrimp is right. This isn’t about Bowie. He has the right to say what he likes, just as we have the right to think he’s a pillock.

It’s about the media, and in particular the BBC, giving his remark blanket coverage while completely failing to notice a word of what Dr. Zuleeg said to the parliamentary committee.


Grahame @ 10.12 am Contribution made, best of luck


Surely Dimbleby and Starkey have had their go????

Dorothy Devine

Och! you missed my favourite Dave and a very separatist song,

link to

Just in case I’ve got it wrong again ,its the Dave Clark Five and ” Bits and Pieces


Just back in and gutted to find that it wasn’t Dave but indeed it was Mike who ‘swam like a fish’ 🙁


I would nominate myself but my message would be ‘Get out while you still can!’.

O/T Many thanks to all the Wings readers who suggested links for my single page of Yes links. It now holds 100 links and there is plenty of room for more.

link to

bookie from hell


Sunday 23rd February 2014

Mr Danny Alexander said: “David Bowie’s call sparked strong reactions on both sides of an ever more passionate debate. He was attacked for being a ‘celebrity’, being English and not living in the UK.

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