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Wings Over Scotland

Whoever you want them to be

Posted on April 09, 2015 by

The deeply ideologically-principled Liberal Democrats, readers:


Can anyone help us collect the full set?

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Marie clark



they all seem to be at this, typical, WE are the best, your life will be so much worse under someone else…
im sorry, you sold out and have had your day in the sun, lib dem prats

mary docherty

Joke or a farce or a pain in the **** It’s getting stupit noo !!


I live in Gordon district, the one Alex Salmond is standing in.
The absolute crap the lib dems are pushing through letter boxes beggars belief.
After the last election there was only something like 8 %points between the top threepartie and the Tories were not much further behind.
The lib dems are now begging for tactical votes to keep Eck out and labour are telling people only they can oust the Tories !!!!!
You couldn’t make it up.


Lib Dems..The Swingers Party


@desimond “The Swingers Party” . Isn’t that Tommy Sheridan’s Solidarity? ????


The one i received is exactly like those, Rev, but reads:

“Only the Liberal
Democrats can
balance the
books and fix
the economy
in a fair way”

Sorry, i don’t have the ability to scan or send it to you.


Vote SNP this year, Vote SNP next year, get another Referendum for Sept 2018 and lets Get Tae Fcuk out of this mad house.

Vote SNP May 7th


Okay, enough is enough already. First Past the Post must go. It’s been tried, it’s failed terribly, it’s stuck us with two party politics, the spoiler effect, gerrymandering, wasted votes, disproportionate representation, and tactical voting campaigns like this one.


Voting Liberal Democrat, any where, let’s who ever they whore themselves to, win.

Vote SNP, get Scotland.


What IS it about the Liberal Democrats?!? I will probably get crucified on this site for saying so, but my current MP is/was Jim Murphy and before that, because of where I lived, it was Charles Kennedy. I can honestly say that Charles Kennedy was even worse than Murphy as an MP!

Charles Kennedy was the laziest, most feckless, spineless, brainless, useless public “servant” anyone could possibly imagine. I understand that was the time when he was regularly being found passed out on the floor of his office minutes before he was supposed to speak in Parliament, yes he had a problem, but even so…

I was looking at the Electoral Calculus website and they envisage a scenario whereby Scotland will return 48 SNP and 11 Labour members — no Tories and no LDs. I am not so sure this will happen and we could even get 2 Tories and 2 LDs. But for some reason, maybe because of Carbunkle’s malice towards our FM (helped by Bumface), I really want to see the Yellow and Blue Tories completely wiped out in Scotland!

The great thing if we only have SNP and Labour returned from Scotland is that:

1. That would allow the SNP to concentrate solely on wiping out Labour at the next election, with basically 10,000 SNP members to focus on each Labour constituency.

2. A possible Tory-LD coalition would have NO legitimacy over Scotland and this would be an additional argument for indy. I mean, who would be “Scottish Minister”?!?


Here’s an idea of the content of the leaflet i received.

This leaflet from the “Scottish Liberal Democrats was printed in Bristol and published in London.

Utterly laughable, it’s an all out attack on their bedfellows, the blue Tories.

They claim that “Only the Liberal Democrats can balance the books and fix the economy in a fair way.”

They then go on to state “The Conservatives were planning on doing some extreme things before the Liberal Democrats stopped them.” (the words ‘extreme things’ are underline).

They then list 3 issues: public sector workers being paid less, bosses being able to sack workers with no good reason and government being able to read our emails and spy on the websites we visit, before claiming responsibility for preventing the blue Tories doing all these things.

They also have a picture of, and quote from, alcoholic Kennedy:
“The Liberal Democrats will balance the budget fairly by 2018, cut taxes for workers and ensure decent public services.”

Only wish i had the ability to forward it to you, Rev, so you could add it to your collection.

My one is doing the rounds in the Kelso area of the Scottish Borders.

Pam McMahon

John Thurso, Lib Dem MP for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, is currently urging us virtual Labour party members (don’t think there are any up here) to “lend” him our vote.

Don’t exactly know why he’s bothered, because he’s managed to hold onto his seat in the House of Lords whatever happens to him on May 7, unlike Tony Benn.


In Argyll and Bute they are throwing money at mail shots and door to doors delivered by Royal Mail every week so far. It appears some are coming from their central office, would that get round the spending limit for their candidate.

Bob Mack

Voting SNP can only help Scotland .We can stop this. Vote Liberal

John H.

Lib Dems, the chamaeleons of British politics.


what a bunch of chancers only we the lib dems can stop the tories ,correct me if i am wrong but were they not in UK government the last 5 years ,why did they not stop the tories when they had a chance instead of doing bugger all.

Lib Dems we will support anybody if it means we can get our noses back in the big trough.

call me dave

We are through the looking glass now folks.

A week ago I would have scoffed at the thought of a ‘grand coalition’ but the leader’s debates and the behaviour of the tories and their unionist labour supporters have sown the seeds of doubt in my mind.

Trident is a declaration of hostilities towards Scotland.

Are you all feart yet?… Me neither!


The Liberals and Labour ("Tractor" - Ed) David Owen’s Social Democrats who merged with them have always been political opportunists.

Having claimed for a hundred years to be in favour of Scottish Home Rule, they couldn’t even define what Home Rule meant to them in the run up to the referendum.

It is time for independence supporting Socialists and Greens in Scotland to also vote tactically for the SNP in May.

For once, let us beat the unionists at their own game.


OT early but you have got to see this story on The Scotsman site. SNP are getting blamed for a wee west highland terrier losing it’s leg because he left the gate open after canvassing! It’s mental! You can imagine the comments from the lunatic Brit Nats!



sally hughes

If the comment about the wee scottie dug loosing its leg when snp folk left the garden gate open turns out to be false… its going to get called Dug Gate

Grizzle McPuss

Sorry to be O/T, BUT…

You’ll like this –

link to

(apologies if already posted)


Vote SNP, get SNP.


Lib Dems Demo chant…

What do we want?
Whatever anyone is offering!


Long time no see, Rock. Good to see you back posting.

Swami Backverandah

Well I’m in a constituency with a LibDem as previous member.
The flood of pamphlets through the door was so excessive I took to parking my recycle bag next to the letter box.
I pulled out one which came personally addressed in an envelope.
Candidate obviously needs a training course in how to write a job-application.

There was no attempt at polite engagement, and he didn’t even include a separate CV.
As someone who has received many job applications during the course of a career, I can say he wouldn’t have even made it to the interview.
Do they not realise they are applying for a job, lucratively funded at that by the public purse?
As an attempt to entice me to at least consider the prospect of hiring, “Vote for me cause I’m what you had already”, doesn’t quite cut it.

The latest brochure is currently being deployed as a mat under my boots, to keep the mud from staining the doorstep.
It’s the impenetrable gloss that makes it so suitable.



A must watch Jim Murphy the saviour of the union (the movie)

link to


saudi shelling of Yemen: made in the UK.

link to

wee sandy

You gotta read/watch Bella Caledonia ” Jim Murphy-Savior of the Union (The Movie).”

Not laughed so much since the GE2015 campaign started!

Sorry. Don’t know how to link.


Soooo campaigning on policies and principles is officially oot the windae. Vote for me just if you don’t like the other guy.




Vote SNP get Scotland (Not Britain North)

Dr Jim

They’ve turned a General election into a game show

50 votes for a chance at the wheel of destiny and a bonus 100 votes for the nasties slur on the SNP

If the Unionists do happen to win then we shall see if they enjoy the prize they THINK they’ve won..

Peter Barlow

Voters’ pet dogs are 100 times more important than party politics.
While the story may be being spun by rabid Britnats, it might be simply true.
Dogs are like family members. Don’t joke about them. Seriously – don’t…

[…] Whoever you want them to be […]


LibDem wishful thinking! After backing the Tories, they are probably toast in most of the seats they hold. Perhaps even Orkney & Shetland!

Adios amigos.


I wonder what percentage of Lib-Dem votes are actually for Lib-Dem policies whatever they are now?

Or just tactical votes against the nearest competitor.

I honestly think it must be around 90% tactical.

Willie Rennie just seems like a total waste of space – Everytime he showed his mug on the debate shows, I bet the vast majority of the audience wished they could just fast forward.


“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first”.
Ronald Reagan

The LibDems prove his point!


Remember, only the Liberal Democrats can stop the Liberal Democrats in this constituency!


The Lib/dems and Tories in a straight fight for the heartstrings in West Aberdeenshire & Kincardine. The only problem for them is that the latest poll shows the SNP with a 12% lead over the Cons. Even got a personal letter from Ruthie, she’s a long way from home, “The facts are clear only a vote for Alexander Burnett can stop the SNP here.”
We have a young first timer in 23 year old Stuart Donaldson. He is the grandson of Hamish Watt and son of Maureen Watt so comes from a solid SNP family. This is a huge constituency stretching from Montrose to Inverurie and Stonehaven to the Cairngorms. He is out every single night heading up his team of willing volunteers. Last election SNP 7000 votes, predictions this time 20,000, he is mollicating them.


Just spoke to some SNP canvassers here in Insch and they said it’s going pretty well for Alec Salmond up here in Gordon, which will totally piss-off the libdems.

The libdems couldn’t draw a straight line with a ruler.


The Scotchman – The Establishment mouthpiece in Scotland.

Saw the story about the poor dog and read the owners comments; not sure she did not have a predetermined dislike for the party in question in advance – thus the big splash in the press.

If this was a Postie who had caused this (such as how Labour / Tory / LibDem material is delivered), would the politics have been an issue then ?

Still shame about the wee dug.

Grouse Beater

Feeling blue? Election depressing? Vote for a good laugh. … 🙂

link to


Aw Naw …… Just in from Yougov analysis.

That’s it we’ve had it the Murphy effect kicking in,

SNP now only predicted to win 55 seats in total.




Grizzle McPuss says:
9 April, 2015 at 7:22 pm
Sorry to be O/T, BUT…
You’ll like this –
Oh bloody hell I have tears running down my face. Absolutely effing brilliant! Thank you G McPuss 🙂
link to


I got 2 in today. One was a large leaflet and the other was addressed to me personally with a Royal Mail stamp. They arrived hours after the postman had been so can only assume they are delivering even the addressed ones by hand.

Mary Galbraith’s (Argyll and Bute) leaflet came in as well, she is going down the largest party route.

” if the Tories are the largest party, they would form snout he coalition with the Lib Dems and Cameron would stay in Downing Street “

Kevin Evans

Is that you gov poll for real?

Triangular Ears

I’ve just had my SIXTH Labour leaflet through the door. Four of them are those massive leaflets everyone has had, and two are from Tom Harris. The second Harris one reeks of desperation:

1 It is addressed to me personally.

2 “Even if you were disappointed by the No vote last year, it’s time to look forward, not backwards. Forward to an exciting future where a confident Scotland, at ease in its security within the UK, delivers for all its people.” LOL!

3 “Campaigning for better bus services”, “We need new laws that will force bus companies to provide a better service.” complete with a picture of Tom and some other guy thumbing down a bus in the snow.


Wait a cotton picking minute, I heard the Lib Dem candidate for Dundee West this morning plea passionately for people to vote for the party that they really believed in and away with this vote x to get y.

They really are a party for all seasons.


@ Kevin Evans

There is going to be a large-scale YouGov poll published shortly (today or tomorrow), and it is that which has been described as “newsworthy”, without any hints as to why.

The Nowcast, which is the thing predicting 55 seats, is something different, which predicts each seat separately based on their respondents there, who sometimes are numerous enough for it to be close to the size of a national poll.

They calculate a range of percentages for each party and then classify the constituency accordingly. I think that they describe the seat as “SNP” if the lower end of the SNP range is higher than the top end of the next-placed party, with “likely SNP” and “leaning SNP” referring to differing amounts of overlap in the ranges.

So although the 55 is the highest total forecast (or rather, nowcast), they have fewer seats in the safe column and more in the probable/possible columns than the last time they updated it.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Voting for the Yellow Tories in large parts of Scotland can only be described as lunacy.

Only the Liberal Democrats can delude themselves that they aren’t heading for the mother of all hammerings in May.


Tam Jardine

Poor wee dug. The rule I stick by is if a gate is shut you shut it after you. The Scotsman couldn’t possibly be trying to make political capital out of this tragic accident, could they? That does seems to me to be sinking to a new level, even for the Scotsman.

I’m certain the SNP activist will have a different take on the incident but I’m not sure of the Scotsman have done him the courtesy of attempting to get his take.

It’s probably Stu’s fault anyway – he’s the cybernat controller and a cat person so join up the dots…

Anyway – hope the wee dug is ok. Kudos to Mr Kerevan for his sensitivity to those lost to the cause. There, ladies and gentlemen is what a proper MP looks like. (See what I did there Scotsman?)

Andy Howie

There is a Yougov / times poll out at 10pm which is supposedly “newsworthy”. Don’t know why but I have the fear (it is probably pain taking)


Yougov poll genuine,predicting SNP 55 seats.also guardian poll predicting 51 seats .

Dave McEwan Hill

asklair at 7pm

Alan Who? the LibDem MP for Argyll and Bute has assaulted us with six mailshots in the last three or four weeks. Door-to-door mailing service must have cost him about £3000 each time,not to mention the cost of the leaflet, at least four of which were printed in England. Some of the leaflets have been individually addressed (including one exclusively to women)which costs a lot more.
His election expenses will make interesting reading

As each of the leaflets has been very politically themed I hope he has not been using his Parliamentary Communication allowance which has to be non political information for his constituents but we have suspected him of doing this before.

There is virtually no show from Labour or Tory so far in A&B so it’s safe to say unionist hopes lie with Bunty (as he is also known)against Brendan O’Hara, a first class SNP candidate.
If the Tories in A&B vote Tory however Bunty is sunk.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

It’s true that ‘scottish’ Labour are spending every single penny they have on all these postal leaflets. It’s costing a massive amount of cash, be sure of that.

They are doing so for one, because they simply don’t have an activist base left to deliver leaflets.

It’s also because this is Labour’s westmisnter expenses sucking ‘scottish’ MPs who were are talking about and they were ALWAYS going use every penny ‘scottish’ Labour had in an effort to save their own skin.

It basically means that Labour’s MSPs are completely fucked for next years Holyrood election but they can hardly be surprised where London Labour’s priorities are after Lamont spelled it out for even the most stupid of them.

Martin D

They have done such a fine job of stopping the Torries.
What a crock of shite!


I have so many Lib/dem and Con leaflets I was thinking of sending them to Longannet, it should keep them going for another month. My wife even got a personal letter in a house of commons pale yellow envelopes letting her know that “although parliament was now closed her lib dem dude was still working for her”. She was flummoxed.


@Triangular Ears 8.19pm

That second leaflet from Tom Harris certainly is desperate if it’s for GE15.

Transport is a devolved policy issue.


I haven’t had anything from the lib dems: or the tories: or the SNP. I have only had the labour stuff

*goes in a huff*

Stevie boy

Lib Dems Willie Rennie.. ‘Ive seen the tears’.

U’ll be seeing them again in a matter of weeks.. in the mirror!!



As an owner of a wee dug myself that loves to chase cars for some reason ,i find that when i let him out in to the garden the first thing i do is check to make sure the gate is closed ,now i am sorry to hear about this wee dug its always sad when a poor wee creature gets hurt,but i have to put the blame on the owner and not whoever left the gate open,it could have been kids or the postie or even someone cold calling that did it ,but as the owner you are responsible for the safety of your pet check the damn gate next time before you let your dug out and stop trying to blame everybody else for your mistake.
The question is if this had been anybody else except an SNP canvasser would we have ever heard of this story ,the answer is no.
Rant over



Film on Bella is brilliant – all should watch and remember.

Best laugh was the crowd response. Spilled ma beer !

Yes yougov info on seats real – from twitter.

Polls aren’t everything I know – its just fun to see the red mob squirm; waiting dfor good news


Amazon Prime advertising Outlander on E4 tonight

Calls will be made no doubt!!



Likewise I have seen rumours that something is cooking on the Yougov pot. All the other polls seem to be showing next to no movement in the sub-samples but there have been odd polls that have set pulses racing in the UK polls too of late. I doubt the one tonight will show Labour in the lead but the gap could be tighter with the other parties being squeezed.

Some odd polls about right now I think I saw one on the Guardian today that had UKIP back up at 19% and both Labour and Tories back down at around 30%.


Well just to prepare you folks I have seen elsewhere that the yougov poll puts SNP at 40 and Lab on 37. Not sure how that equates to the nowcast in which they suggest a very slight softening of the SNP vote. Worth noting that elsewhere today Survation have the usual massive SNP lead in their Scottish subsample and in another yougov UK wide poll on voting SNP in England and wales the Scottish subsample shows us at 43 and Lab on 24. Anyway, say the figures are correct then it still tells us very little since the poll is only one out of a large number and the only one indicating a shift in voting patterns. It seems like it may be an outlier. There will be more analysis later but expect mass pants wetting from the usual suspects.

Paula Rose

I lost my disabled squirrel last year due to a “better together” campainer – I’ll never get over my loss.


What were Labour thinking last year? They could have decided to stay neutral. Instead they went to great lengths to even deny the idea that such a thing as Labour voters for independence was for real. Sadly for jolly boy Jim it’s exLabour for SNP now.

Tam Jardine

I know this is a political forum but Cmon the South get in. Palmerston is a FORTRESS

Colin Church

YouGov and Guardian polls lay the myth of “representative” debate audiences. TV in a parallel universe. Canvass, canvass.

Bella vid is very clever. I think Murphy will see it as a tribute rather than a piss take.


@ Hand and Shrimp

For the period between now and the election, YouGov have introduced an extra weighting – likelihood to vote. It’s based on self-assessment, which may not be accurate, and a lot of people who say they are 9/10, 8/10 or 7/10 likely will in fact vote.

But YouGov are down-weighting such people by 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 etc. If one party’s supporters are more likely to vote (usually Tories), this alters the result, though probably not much.

bookie from hell

andrew neil

After 3 bad polls for Tories, Tory High Command nervously awaits YouGov poll 22.30 tonight. If also bad prepare for headless chicken time
9:11pm – 9 Apr 15


New memo from the Scotland Office:

The leaflets aren’t working! We need a new leaflet – get some printed with the following text:

“Voting Liberal Democrat in many parts of the country only helps the Tories.

In these areas, only the Liberal Democrats can stop the Tories.”

That’s weird, where did that great big rip in the fabric of reality come from?


Lies, deceit, trickier, Vote teamGB. TeamGB today kicked with an ugly wee fat bloke on BBC r4 at 7am putting the boot in to Scotland running Scotland with IFS complete and utter hocum and its ending with an ever more ridiculous Libby Carrell of rancid Graun doing exact same with IFS too.

Does it ever occur to any of these lying chancers that they are quite a large part of the reason so many Scots want to get as far away from their control as is physically possible? No. Or not yet at least, but soon enough.

Paula Rose

Sorry to go off topic petals – but I am right in assuming that you have all had conversations in the real rather than virtual world today?


Got a leaflet and a newspaper in for Connarty today. Only the one page of Nat-bashing which is nice. Lots of playing the personal touch, would be interesting to see if it’s the same faces in other leaflets.

Colin Church

And what if the polls says labour biggest party by 5 seats but still need SNP to have majority. What then Jim?


Don’t get me started on the nippy yellow midgies, their leafleture saying the same sh1te in as many different formats imaginable A4, A3, A5, A3 folded, A4 concertina, personal letters from parliament, Annual report using Scot Gov funds, a fricken avalanche of dead wood and wasted trees.

At one point I felt compelled to call the polis to report a crime against the environment.

Friends of theEarth & The Greens will be horrified at this extra burden on our landfills.

Louis B Argyll

Indeed..Argyll & Bute has been getting swamped by lib dem junk mail FOR MONTHS..
Was complaining previously about A Reid’s cut and paste rehashes. Then today..a head office one..much more professional..but through the post as always.

Also today..First labour one…couldn’t look at it though .it was like the Medusa’s gaze, its toxic mix of sadness and spite willing me to look.
Straight in the blue bin with it.

One small SNP leaflet a week ago.
Our council is a mess of mis-aligned alliances and the constituency is vast..hotbeds if this and that.

A strange political landscape to match its physical nature.


Paula Rose 9.25,
aye,every day.Canvassing and leafleting too.Far,far too many SNP members are doing nothing though.They think the election can be won from the comfort of their armchair.


A wee contribution to the full set here in darkest Argyll & Bute (sitting MP Lib Dem Alan Reid), delivered this morning by our exhausted postie.

One personally addressed, from the Liob Dems in Edinburgh, printed in Bristol, the outside reading:

“Thinking about voting SNP in May?

Find out more inside:

[other side]

The SNP have taken their eye off the ball and have [cue red ink] failed local services.

Only voting Lib Dem will put an end to the SNP’s NHS failure.”

More text and atrocious graphic design inside that I wouldn’t dream of boring anyone with.

I can only assume that one’s early for the Holyrood election.

Second leaflet, unaddressed, thinner paper folded to A4, (printed in Pollokshaws), cue ALL CAPS, first side:


*BREATHE* *inhaler* Second side:

“The only way to stop the SNP is to vote Lib Dem

[the rest paraphrased to save my fingers]

FACT #1 Only the Lib Dems, who won last time, can beat the SNP.

FACT #2 The Conservatives have given up across Scotland classing some seats as ‘non targets’.

FACT #3 Labour know they can’t win either, defending current MPS, admit they won’t win seats from other parties.”

The rest is the usal blather with stock photos of models masquerading as local voters, no mention of Alan Reid at all.

This was accompanied by a mailshot from Labour’s Mary Galbraith, who knows my address, but apprently forgot my name between typing the envelope and addressing me as “Dear resident” on faux lined notepaper inside. I did notice it wasn’t a personal note, Mary.

I don’t know how much more of this the recycling bin can take.


I have lived in North East Fife all my life. As long as I can remember its been a lib dem seat (Ming Campbell). Every GE it’s the same campaign literature. “It’s a two horse race here between libs and Tories, vote lib dem to keep the Tory out”. Now that the Tories are no longer challengers in NE Fife it’s now “vote lib dem to keep the SNP out”

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Negative campaigning constantly from these two faced bastards. There election leaflets are also very devious often made to look like a newspaper publication with names like the “North Fife news” or “Fife Chat”. Honestly I don’t know who I despise more, the liberals or labourites. The Tories are also bastards but at least there honest about it !!!

Let’s kick these lying, deceitful and devious con artists into the long grass on May 7th. Vote SNP to keep the unionists out !!!


Well, in the past 4 or so weeks going round the doors in Glasgow North we’ve encountered a few embarrassed Labour voters, some still defiant ones, a couple of Tories, some Greens and a rabid Labour/Tory/UKIPer but no LibDems! …and they were second here last time, where have they disappeared to?


Latest Yougov Scotland wide poll. Interesting indeed:

SNP 49 +3
Lab 25 -4
Con 18 +2
LD 4 +1


Who do they think they are always lecturing Scotland. The best people to run Scotland are the people that live there. The Unionists sense of entitlement and arrogance is totally ignorant. They lied and cheated Scotland in every way they could. Not one apology or acknowledgement of anything they have done. The cheek is beyond belief especially after the mess they have made. (and in the rest of the world). They are contemptible beyond belief. Do they every listen to their power hungry arrogant selves. They are irrational.

Andy Howie

Ok I was wrong over poll. Holy shit!!!

Sam Coates Times @SamCoatesTimes
Exclusive: Awful news for Labour in Scotland as SNP take biggest YouGov lead
(compared to last week)
SNP 49 +3
Lab 25 -4
Con 18 +2
LD 4 +1


Well, I got called a communist on one side of a street today, and a Nazi on the other side (he was a UKIP supporter) so I think I win the honours for today.

Paula Rose

Mealer my dear – I never meant to suggest that you were not doing your utmost, along with the adorable Haggis Hunter and young Brian I know this neck of the woods is well protected.


It would seem that there was a degree of bullshit put about regarding the Yougov poll

SNP lead increased 49% to 25%


I’ve come across a married couple, one of whom will vote Tory and one Labour. Looks to me like the whole tactical voting message hasn’t really caught on…



From the National today – not verbatim but near enough.

The next TV debate will be held on April 16 and will feature Nicola Sturgeon, Ed Miliband, Nigella Faradge, Natalie Bennet & Leanne Woods.

No appearance from Cameron nor Clegg, must be doing a wee sleepover.


Well I am being bombarbed with LibDem stuff, both unaddressed and personally addressed from Thurso and I DON’t LIVE IN his constituency!

Not a squeak from my actual ex-MP, probably too pissed to bother.


Knocking doors and actually speaking to people is the only way to win elections. It’s also great fun once you get used to it.


Why is the BBC canvassing for Trident. That is not their brief. To get the licence money to keep the ignorance, ill researched ‘journalists’ in a job. Wealthy, White, middle class males. They lied about the miners, they lied for Thatcher.They lie about illegal Wars, banking Fraud and tax evasion. They lie about Police corruption and child abuse. Cover up the child abuse by their collegues.


@ SquareHaggis

I think that debate is the one originally described as the “opposition leaders’ debate”.

Clegg, of course, is not in opposition (ha!), so will loftily sit it out. Miliband was at one point advised to avoid it also.

De Valera

There is actually some truth in the right hand statement, voting Labour indeed helps the Tories (especially if you get Labour MPs like Jim Murphy).

Best to avoid any confusion, vote SNP.

Tam Jardine

Derek Mackay is like a dug with a bone – he is one for the future. Studs in, playing the unionists at their own interruption game. At total command of the subject. Being right helps too

ronnie anderson

@ Natasha Wiz there ah rite line in the middle of the street you were on, you keep right on doing as your doing.

Betty Boop

@Natasha, 10:16pm

Knocking doors and actually speaking to people is the only way to win elections. It’s also great fun once you get used to it.

Couldn’t agree more Natasha. You get a better idea of what voters are concerned about too.

I haven’t been called names yet in this campaign, but, a unionist barked at me the other day. I managed to calm him down though before he retreated back into his kennel. 🙂


About Yougov poll – telt yez 8.09pm 🙂

Dal Riata

Got one of those Conservatives/SNP vote LibDem thingies from the postie today. Looked at it. Laughed at it. Threw it in the paper recycling bin.

Robert Peffers

@Betty Boop says: 9 April, 2015 at 11:18 pm:

“I haven’t been called names yet in this campaign, but, a unionist barked at me the other day. I managed to calm him down though before he retreated back into his kennel.

Did his wife and dog bark at you too, Betty?


Their Bawbaggery knows no bounds!


Here in Gordon, I am greeted by a few signs for the tory candidate, Colin Clark. I don’t usually punch the air when I see tory unionist signs, but I did today as it means the unionists are diversifying their vote amongst the unionist candidates.

Power is just too much of a temptation for them to conceive to work together.

Long may it continue.


Alexander Burnett the Deeside Conservative. The Burnett’s own Banchory and half of Deeside. A cousin of the Queen. Millionaire’s. The Farquarson’s, absentee London landowners, own the other half. They did chop up wood for the poor. The most vulnerable are being sanctioned and starved to death. One Landowner owns all the land from Braemar to Perth. Land is exempt from Inheritance tax.


The LibDem (Green’s) are in the landowners pocket. The LibDems blocked the By-pass road for ten years and wasted £Millions of public money.

The Labour/Unionists voted against the By-pass road for thirty years, causing traffic chaos in a growth area. They have blocked the majority supported (funded) predestrianised UTG Project and (funded) Community Football Stadium which would keep the traffic out of the City.

They are wasting £Millions building a carbuncle in the City and a £330Million? On a venue in Crooketts constituency. After spending £26Million paying off AECC debts, the Venue doesn’t pay. Wasting £33Million vandalising the Art Gallery. People are protesting in the street and they have the cheek to waste money on a Consultation. They then ignore and do the opposite. Getting the
City into £Millions of debt. They are not fit for public office. Last time they nearly bankrupt the City and had to be censored.


Not for the first time the razor logic applied to the Unionists isn’t brought to bear when it doesn’t suit. It IS possible to be ideologically immoveable and to oppose two other parties, as any “yes” voter can attest. I oppose the Tories, Labour, and the Lib dems all for the same and different reasons, but from the same ideological point of reference.

They are Unionists. Ergo they oppose the SNP.
They are liberals and social democrats. Ergo they oppose the Tories.

There is no inconsistency here – only targeted campaigning


I got a similar one, only it was “Voting SNP only helps the Tories, only the Lib Dems can prevent this” or words to that effect. It went straight in the fire, so sorry I can’t provide a scan.

Donald Gillies

Latest from the Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross, where long term incumbent establishment Laird, Lord John Thurso ( formerly Sinclair) is telling everyone that Labour and Conservatives have given up!

In latest A3 full colour glossy, they publish 3 facts.

Number One, that best placed party to defeat SNP is the one that won the last time!

Number Two, that leaked memo from Tory HQ indicates they aren’t targeting seats they were strong in last time, classing them as “non-targets”.

Number Three, Labour know they can’t win either, concentrating on defending existing seats against the SNP and admitting they won’t win from other parties from this election!

Thats the opinion of the Lib Dems, quoting ” The Conservatives and Labour are out of the race and can’t win” and that Caithness and Sutherland is in a two horse race between the incumbent Lib Dems and the SNP.

So yes, this is their strategy.



“Long time no see, Rock. Good to see you back posting.”



I love the way that they are trying to claim themselves as the only party that are ‘yellowy-gold’, by putting the SNP in the same colour as the Conservatives..


Knew a rabid tory once. She worked for McLetchie. Me being a ‘leftie’, I was surprised to discover she respected my views much more than that of LibDems. She knew what I believed in, the Libdems apparently being untrustworthy for not believing in anything. She really hated them.

I’ve often amused myself since 2010 at what she must have made of the ConDems.

As for the dog. That is the owners fault. I’m sick of having to protect my kids from dogs who’ve ‘never done anything like that before’ when they go for my kids.

I do not blame the dogs one bit, it is the irresponsible owners failing to control the dog. Some dog owners seem blinded to the reality of what a dog is capable of in the blink of an eye. Dogs need protection from themselves.

Internet search ‘cat saves boy from dog attack’ if proof is required.

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