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Wings Over Scotland

We have a Facebook page now

Posted on December 28, 2012 by

We’re really sorry. But apparently there are some people who primarily interact with the internet through the godawful atrocity, so now you can direct them there. We’re only planning to use it to post links back to here, so if you already read the normal site (ie the one you’re on now), there’s no reason to ever go to the Facebook page.

(Although do go there once and click “Like”, as apparently and weirdly it gives us more stats once we get a certain number of them, or something. We think.)

Now we’re off to have a shower and scrub ourselves with a scouring pad.

21 to “We have a Facebook page now”

  1. Morag says:

    You feel dirty?  Spare a thought for me.

    I just got back from spending Christmas with friends in England, and there was a little pile of late-ish Christmas cards for me to open.  As I worked through them I came to a card – a “community calendar” from David Mundell, featuring his ugly mug grinning at the top.

    If I put a “Yes Scotland” sticker in the window, do you think it would work like garlic or rowan and keep them away?

  2. Stevie Cosmic says:

    I reckon it’s a good idea. OK, there already was a FB link on the articles, but I think this might drive a little more traffic towards this site which can never be a bad thing.

  3. scottish_skier says:

    If I put a “Yes Scotland” sticker in the window, do you think it would work like garlic or rowan and keep them away?

    If only. I suspect city parking officers are of unionist persuasion too.

  4. Appleby says:

    You used to be cool, man. Now you’ve gone, like, mainstream, dude.
    More like lamestream, am I right? I am cancelling my subscription and writing a letter of complaint to the editor. After your big defence for twitter I’d have thought you’d be more enthusiastic about fb.

  5. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    Don’t, man. I feel terrible enough as it is. Facebook.

  6. Appleby says:

    I feel kind of dirty just knowing I’m here and you’ve been on there, tbh. I’ll not be jumping on that bandwagon even though I’m happy to read your tweets. A step too far into the abyss.

  7. Cuphook says:

    I wonder how many people are aware that the Facebook buttons and such that you see on pages are tracking your online activity? It’s worth using Ccleaner frequently. 

    I had to do the same recently because YES Scotland and RIC insist on organising through Facebook – The man who’ll rob your eyes to see.

  8. Cuphook says:

    My last post about Facebook tracking visitors to your site has disappeared. Obviously a conspiracy. I was going to add that people should use something like DoNotTrackMe and clear out their cookies constantly – whenever you’ve finished doing something.

  9. Cuphook says:


    I tried to post two comments about Facebook and they’ve both disappeared.

  10. Holebender says:

    You will never get me anywhere Faceplook. It’s the Devil’s work.

  11. pictishbeastie says:

    I hope you’re no’ going to be posting any inappropriate,personal shite on facebook now ,are you Rev? 

  12. dadsarmy says:

    Tut, such seasonal good cheer should be shared!

    Send him a card with Alex Salmond’s face on it, and Nicola Sturgeon’s last speech.

    Maybe invent a meeting of the “Conservatives for Independence” 2nd Jan 10.30 at the local library. He’ll be there! In spirit if not in person …

  13. Appleby says:

    Rev will be posting pictures of himself in the bathroom mirror – fat girl camera angle and all. Then it’ll be pictures of him “casually” lounging in bed. It’s all downhill from here…

  14. Semus says:

    Morag has a point.I haven’t had any damage done to my car in parking areas & Dr’s surgery since I removed the YES sticker.I did so as we suspected our new car was attracting bumps and scratches due to us being seditious bastards from the true norm. Anyway my car was the only car I saw with a YES sticker in Dumfries and the Stewartry.
    Happy New Year from a lonely North Britain South
    I thought facebook was for naughty people

  15. Elizabeth Sutherland says:

    Sorry rev,

    I will not be going near Facebook, I don’t want to get contaminated by such evil going’s on. The Unionist’s would delight in tearing your Wings off, feather by feather. I’ll stick to this main page to keep my Independence. 

  16. Goody, now we can be BFFs, LOL

  17. Juteman says:

    My car has been ‘keyed’ twice. I had never considered the YES sticker might have caused it. I thought it was simply because nobody liked me. 🙂
    Luckily it’s an old banger, much like the driver.

  18. Morag says:

    Semus said:
    Morag has a point.I haven’t had any damage done to my car in parking areas & Dr’s surgery since I removed the YES sticker.I did so as we suspected our new car was attracting bumps and scratches due to us being seditious bastards from the true norm.

    Hell’s teeth, can nobody read?  The card from Mundell was pushed through my letter box.  I was contemplating a “Yes Scotland” sticker in the window of my house.

    I have two “Yes Scotland” stickers on my car, a Golf GTi Mk VI, and so far as I am aware nobody has so much as laid a finger on it.

  19. sneddon says:

    Having read the quality of your  ‘debate’ with ‘appy xmas on Twitter I’m convinced twitter is even more of a bampot hotel than FB.  These folk are ill.  But tbh both are  like a 21st century Bedlam.  A horrid fascination with car crash intellects.  When used constructivly, like most communication channels, fine when used properly but….

  20. Boorach says:

    Anyone got spare ‘Yes’ stickers?

    A few keyings, bumps etc could only improve my old van!! 😆 

  21. Morag says:

    Actually, I have a handful….


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