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Walking on broken glass

Posted on November 22, 2014 by

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98 to “Walking on broken glass”

  1. bmc875 says:

    Run for the hills before they wake up! I know what you mean. I suspect others may not.

  2. cearc says:


  3. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    I haven’t a clue what either of you are talking about.

  4. Barontorc says:

    And not a handbag in sight!

  5. Marie clark says:

    Whit! whit are you twa havering aboot.

  6. chalks says:

    Its like catchphrase

  7. Michael Hamilton says:

    Explain please,I know what you mean by walking on broken glass but not in this instance, sorry for being a dumbass. .

  8. cearc says:

    Glass ceiling, what glass ceiling?

  9. Michael Hamilton says:

    Explain please,dumbass here 🙂

  10. Robert Kerr says:

    She has broken the glass ceiling.

    The first lady FM of our country!

    Or am I wrong?

  11. Robert Kerr says:

    Clue as always is revealed. “not a single quota”

    But I read that after my earlier post

  12. terry says:

    Off topic but look what I came across on ebay when looking for some Yes Scotland jewellery – seems like there’s a huge demand for the Wee Blue Book – one for sale at £9.50 and 8 bids – a thirst for the truth still out there? Or what? link to

    Nicola won’t give a toss about any attmepts to focus on her female attributes. She will be way too busy getting on with the job and believes in herself, her team and the people of Scotland to let any guff get to her.

    • Michael Hamilton says:

      Understand!I had thought for a while that Nicola would replace Alex, Never really thought we would win but with the referendum,I believe the idea was to awaken Scotland’s political imagination and BOOM, next time INDEPENDENCE

  13. jimnarlene says:


  14. galamcennalath says:

    Aye, she’s gawn tae be a busy wummin!

    A lot of us are expecting her to lead us to independence!

    Just reading on the SNP site about how support has grown since Nicola took charge. But this caught my eye …

    SNP Business Convener Derek Mackay said:

    “As May’s General Election approaches the SNP will work to hold Westminster to account on the ‘Vow’ they made to the people of Scotland to deliver not just more powers – but the most devolved powers possible for the Scottish Parliament.”

    Let’s face it, WM will not deliver DevoMax. So setting that up as the benchmark, when it is bound not to be met, is preparation for a fight for greater things. In my mind.

    Nicola will deliver the ultimate prize, I have no doubt!

    • Michael Hamilton says:

      Totally agree with you,If it can’t be done under the guidance of Nicola at Holyrood and a large bloc of Alex led snp Westminster mps, not to mention more austerity, it will never happen

  15. Allan Watson says:

    O/T “The National”

    We all know that the days off the print media are numbered, but just not yet. They still have a role to play particularly to the elements of society that either don’t use social media or who still prefer their news from the papers. Therefor we must get access to this market. The introduction of The National may just be the vehicle for this to happen. The timing could not be better with the GE in May 2015 and the Scottish elections in 2016.

    I firmly believe that one of the reasons that we lost the referendum was because we did not have a counter to the relentless negative propaganda of the print media. We failed in two ways in that we could not get our message out convincingly enough and we could not counter effectively the lies, deceit and bankruptcy of the Labour party because we did not have the support of any of the print media. All the print media (except the SH) were negative to our cause.

    I note some comments on a previous thread that the we should not buy this paper because any profits that are made will support the no supporting Herald. I disagree, we need to get our message out and counter the garbage that Labour put out and if we can do that by buying this paper I can live with that. I would urge all Independence supporters to give this newspaper a chance at least until the GE next year. If it turns out that it is not doing what it said it was going to do, stop buying it and it will die a death very quickly, but lets give it a chance.

    BBC is another unresolved matter!!!!!

  16. SquareHaggis says:

    Re; ebay WBB

    A wee bid war wouldn’t go amiss.
    Get the price up and everyone will want one 🙂

  17. Clootie says:

    What about a variation on the Nancy Sinatra song “these boots are made for walking” –
    These shoes are made for walking

    You keep saying you’ve got something for me.
    something you call Vow, but confess.
    You’ve been messin’ where you shouldn’t have been a messin’
    and now someone else is gettin’ all your best.

    These shoes are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do
    one of these days these shoes are gonna walk all over you.

    You keep lying, when you oughta be truthin’
    and you keep losin’ when you oughta not bet.
    You keep samin’ when you oughta be changin’.
    Now what’s right is right, but you ain’t been right yet.

    These shoes are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do
    one of these days these shoes are gonna walk all over you.

    You keep playin’ where you shouldn’t be playin
    and you keep thinkin’ that you’ll never get burnt. Ha!
    I just found me a brand new box of matches yeah
    and what he know you ain’t had time to learn.

    These shoes are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do
    one of these days these shoes are gonna walk all over you.

  18. Luigi says:

    Could Ruth Davidson or Jackie Ballie ever fit into those shoes?

  19. Milady de Winter says:


    Brilliant! Someone needs to make a video on You Tube for that!

  20. Golfnut says:

    No golf today, off to the Hydro later, tickets – check, membership card – check, tartan shoes – check( wife only) not going to ask how much they cost.

    After the ref, we were not supposed to fell like this, enthused, motivated, determined, ready for the next stage of the campaign.

    So— looking forward to this.

  21. heedtracker says:

    Takes me back to Lennox Eurythimics with 5.5 million YouTube views. She’s got guts and energy and it’s a sleazy old UKOK Tory boy world with a ferocious teamGB BBC led media warming up to turn her into the next AlicSamin monster. Even so, It’s feels like it’s a bright new era for the futire of Scotland no matter how hard the unionists pretend it’s not.

  22. I think we have been very fortunate to have 2 such dedicated and skilful leaders of our party and country. Alex laid down the foundations and I am sure Nicola will build this nation into one of the most socially aware and democratic countries in our times.

  23. Tackety Beets says:

    Clootie / Milady

    Lady Alba springs to mind . ( Don’t mention A Lennox FFS )

    I hope Nicala will break more than glass in the months and years ahead .

  24. Tackety Beets says:


    Nicola !

  25. CameronB Brodie says:

    On the subject of meritocratic achievement, let’s not forget SLabour are due to elect a new leader. 🙂

    link to

  26. Paula Rose says:


  27. cearc says:

    A wee birdie tells me that Paula Rose has a copy of those shoes which she will be wearing for her tribute act in the Yesbar tonight.

    (remember to shave your legs this time, sweetie!)

  28. handclapping says:

    It sounds as if the way to Paula Rose’s heart is through her shoes! 😀

    Another grand cartoon Chris, thanks.

  29. Donald says:

    O/T re Wee Blue Books. If you’re near Inverness the Yes Shop on Church Street (we’re still here, thank you very much) has a good few in its lending library section. No need to pay for them, just return them when you’ve finished and spread the word.

  30. Sinky says:

    This afternoon’s event with Nicola Sturgeon at Glasgow Hydro can be watched on a live stream by clicking on relevant link

    The event will be live streamed on link to from 13:20hrs

  31. Valerie says:

    Haha, had almost forgotten SLab leadership!

    Yes, I’m thinking it refers to the glass ceiling. Also, just saw some lady from the UN has said our FM has assembled a cabinet others should emulate – referring to the gender balance.

    We are very lucky this country has this plethora of talent. I think Alex has left the post with such grace and dignity, and will never undermine anyone in the party. It this discipline and professional conduct I admire, and why I joined SNP. The Hydro is going to be mental!!!

  32. Macart says:


    😀 Priceless

    Nice one Chris. 🙂

  33. Jim Mitchell says:

    O/T this has to be the funniest headline of the day!

    Ed Miliband is insisting Labour remains the party of working people.

    Followed by this, Some voters may enjoy demonstrating their lack of respect for the political class, but Ed Miliband knows it is toxic to show even an ounce of disrespect towards any part of the electorate.

    And then there’s this, Ed Miliband knows that if he’s to stand a chance of winning next year’s election his party can’t afford to alienate a single voter.

    Followed by, Ed Miliband knows that if he’s to stand a chance of winning next year’s election his party can’t afford to alienate a single voter.

    And there’s more, Respect is the basic rule of politics.

    From an article on the BBC news page.

  34. Clootie says:

    CameronB Brodie says:
    22 November, 2014 at 10:15 am

    Thanks for that link.

    Manipulation which is “legal” but wrong – It has all the hallmarks of a Murphy manipulation campaign.

    Why doesn’t he just send a note to the MP’s/MSP’s – “vote for me or else”

  35. Mealer says:

    I couldn’t get a ticket for Nicolas tour.

  36. Edinburgh Quine says:

    The fantastic thing about Nicola is she’s taking women with her, unlike that other woman who is the darling of both the red and blue tories. I wont mention her name as this is a quality news outlet.
    Clootie – yer song is magic! Somehow you need to have it recorded and put up on Youtube; I’m with Milady de Winter on that one.

  37. Lollysmum says:

    Good cartoon Chris

    Makes you think doesn’t it? No female shortlists for Nicola- she’s got there by sheer hard graft, her love for Scotland & it’s people and probably best of all -she doesn’t seem to take no for an answer.

    No need of wealthy Daddy’s networks (Cameron), job as Broon’s SPAD (Milliband)etc- she is there on merit & I think people respect her for that.

    Reckon its going to be quiet in here today with the Wingers rabble off to RIC & Nicola @SNP Tour.

    Must be a good day to be in Glasgow:-)

  38. Mealer says:

    I’ll be here.All on my own.Hour after lonely hour.While everyone’s away enjoying themselves.

  39. Bob Mack says:

    To all fellow wingers going to see the event at the Hydro today I say, ENJOY . Hope the atmosphere adds to the fire in your heart that is already obvious in thee pages. So proud to be one of you all.

  40. Croompenstein says:

    Nice one Chris, she certainly has a large pair of shoes to fill and I’m sure she will do

  41. Bob Mack says:

    I think Ed Milliband does run a party for working people !!!!
    Admittedly they may all be on £100,000 A YEAR MINIMUM, but still.

  42. Marcia says:

    I see she has smashed the glass ceiling.

    For those interested their is live stream of the RIC conference;

    link to

  43. terry says:

    @SquareHaggis WBB on ebay – now at £14.25 and 10 bids with 5 hours to go. Have you started bidding?

    On a serious note we gave out a ton of these for free and recycled them and they were the best thing for swinging folk to a Yes vote. Free is good – however it’s indicative that there is still a thirst for knowledge – especially in light of the fact (and I hate to say it) we lost the actual vote. Evidence like this makes me think we are winning the war!!!

  44. Alex Clark says:

    Nicola at the hydro finally gets reported on the BBC.

    link to

  45. BrianW says:

    I like the image, clever – instantly get-able.

    It is shame though that even the UN have to comment on the fact other govts should emulate our cabinet re gender balance.

    I think it’s great that we have a First Minister who is competent, feisty and will do what ever it takes to look after the interests of Scotland etc, etc.

    Oh, and by the way it’s a woman… gasp! I don’t mean to belittle the fact that our FM is a woman, but for me that is way down the list.

    She is MORE than capable for the job, and for me, that’s what matters.

    Just saying like..

    Oh and @ luigi 09:46am – The vile ugly sisters could never fill those shoes. They not only fit Nicola, she wore them with style and utter confidence. Not words I’d associate with the ‘Ugly Sisters’, and they are sisters, twins in fact. The only way mother can them apart is to call one Red Tory, the other Blue Tory. Simples 😉

  46. fred blogger says:

    i’ve checked, high healed tartan doc martens are not available, pity.

  47. frazer allan whyte says:

    I understand now why the msm is so desperate to keep SNP leaders off screen whenever there is a “national” debate. Alex Salmond’s sheer competency would have made the other “leaders” look like total fools… but now the shock of having to see an utterly competent WOMAN doing the same… why it could put(the wrong)ideas into people’s heads and there could be serious outbreaks of discourse leading to real action and even a truly democratically selected government at Westminster, third home owners actually paying taxes, food bank closing and who knows what other horrors. The msm may be lying manipulative scoundrels but they are fully aware that despite her winning smile the FM of Scotland d o e s n o t p u r r.

  48. The Man in the Jar says:

    Aye changed days!

    I can remember watching Nicola giving a speech from the back of an old trailer in the field by the Bannockburn monument. She was wearing faded denim jeans and a pair of Doc. Martins.

    This would have been about ten years ago when “The Bannockburn March and Rally” was an official SNP event. It was understandably dropped in 2007 🙁

  49. Jack Murphy says:

    OT.LIVE NOW. Radical Independence Conference. [RIC]
    SECC Clyde Auditorium. GLASGOW.
    Independence Livestream:

    link to

  50. G H Graham says:

    First female FM & a cabinet split 50/50 by gender.

    How hard can it be?

  51. Calgacus says:

    Will there be a livestream from the hydro?

  52. Helena Brown says:

    I just loved those shoes, but like many a woman of a certain age find them difficult to wear but as Nicola wears them with style and a certain chi chi, I will leave them to her.
    She is our first woman First Minister but one who will make the last woman to hold high office in this benighted country pale into insignificance.

  53. Alex Clark says:


    The link was posted earlier by Sinky.

    “The event will be live streamed on link to from 13:20hrs”

  54. YESGUY says:

    Cracker Chris.

    I now have this as my screensaver. Loved the shoes first time and will no doubt see them on the streets soon. If you have a book out , i will glady buy it.

    Clootie .

    I sang my way through yer song with a huge smile on my face. Cheers 🙂

    Big Jock. Am sure you can do something with Clooties words on your You Choob page.

  55. says:

    An affa bonnie pictur. Pure genius Chris Cairns. Says it aw. Maks ye feel like everythin’s gonnae be jist fine fae nou oan. Nae mair gless ceilins. A wumman in chairge an mair wimmin in the cabinet an aw. About time tae.

  56. call me dave says:

    Showed the cartoon to a couple of labour folk in the cafe this morning ‘both voted yes btw’

    “Aye you get Nicola and we got Lamont” said one smiling.
    “Seen it already” said the other. (Hmm secret WoSser) who knew!

    Lots on today on the politics front.

    But footie link Hearts game. Just starting.

    link to

  57. BrianW says:

    off topic i know.. (and a bit of a dream sequence)

    Nice to see that the BBC has made the effort to walk across the wee footbridge over the Clyde to cover the Radical Independence Conference in the Armadillo.

    It’s good that Scotland’s National Public Broadcaster is covering events surrounding current political thinking in the nation..

    Mean while back in the real world. Front page news as Mr Farage smokes a fag and drinks a pint – thanks BBC. You never let us down do you?

  58. SquareHaggis says:


    Nah, I’ve already got that one, I’m waiting it out until the signed limited edition comes on the go.

    Serious collector you see.

    @fred blogger,


  59. Morag says:

    Hi guys. I’m in the Hydro now and it’s filling up fast. I saw Ronnie on my way in. He’s in good form and wearing his gold Wings badge.

    The place is absolutely enormous and the atmosphere is starting to build.

  60. BrianW says:

    oh they have.. just noticed the story on the BBC Scotland Website.. They’ll have sent over a couple of interns.. They even spoke to people?

  61. proudscot says:

    Slightly O/T – Cameron’s comment after his party’s drubbing by UKIP at Rochester & Strood was along the lines of “Defeat does not mean you stop fighting!” So why does he complain about the SNP and all other supporters of Scottish independence holding exactly this same opinion? One rule for unionists, the opposite for independence supporters? Suck it up unionists, we’ll be back!

  62. cearc says:

    Thanks Morag, keep commenting and have a good time.

  63. Peter Macbeastie says:

    Hah… just noted the comment about Baillie and Davidson fitting into those shoes and the following popped into my head… Holyrood; The Pantomime.

    A beautiful lass with two ugly sisters….

    I make no suggestion at all of who I have in mind for the roles; I’m sure you can work it out… 🙂

  64. Jack Murphy says:

    LIVE ON NOW—SNP Scotland Tour.
    From SSE HYDRO Glasgow.
    Nicola Sturgeon MSP.
    Looks like a nearly full house. 🙂
    Music/Groups etc on now.

    link to

  65. Mac55 says:

    Are there any links to the conference?

  66. K1 says:

    Does anyone have a link that isn’t through facebook? Not everyone is on fb, cheers.

  67. Swami Backverandah says:

    Is this it?
    Hope I haven’t fallen faoul of the ‘how to post links’ guidelines and incurred the Wrath of Host. 😀

  68. Swami Backverandah says:

    Previous post was a dud.

    try this, or open a new youtube tab and type in #SNPtour LIVE from the SSE Hydro


  69. Swami Backverandah says:

    Have I incurred Wrath of Host?
    My 2 previous links to Hydro have disappeared.
    To the poster who requested a link, try opening a new youtube tab, and type #SNPtour LIVE from the SSE Hydro in their search area (not in the www address bar)
    hope this helps.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “My 2 previous links to Hydro have disappeared.”

      YouTube links must be posted WITHOUT the http:// prefix.

  70. K1 says:

    Thanks Swami, got it!

  71. Calgacus says:

    Thank you Alex, had to pop out there but now going to watch, cheers

  72. Schrödinger's cat says:

    Not sure what im watching, this isnt just a political rally, nor is it a movement”…….i think im watching a steam roller

    I wonder what slab supporters watching this are thinking

  73. Schrödinger's cat says:

    A vote for the snp is a vote for scotland…..
    No doubt about it

  74. SquareHaggis says:


    I see it went for 14.25 and the seller has listed another one, must have a batch.
    Only thing is the description says it’s “unread” 🙁

    Livestream of the RIC conference is well worth a gander.

  75. Fred says:

    Superb speech from Nicola, we’re very lucky, she has the Great Northern Walrus’s card marked for starters, hopefully he’ll be heading for the big black blubber pot next year.
    Fashion note, the tartan jaiket was outstanding, how about a perr o thae kinda tartan nylons tae match?

  76. Annette says:

    Woah, woah, one day Nicola Sturgeon declares she is making gender equality a top priority and just a couple of days later she presents her cabinet with a 50/50 gender ratio? That’s terrible – where will we end up if politicians do what they promise to do? She’s just like that Caroline Lucas, getting politics into disrepute by doing what she was elected to do…

  77. Lollysmum says:

    Ok-looks as though it was very quiet in here this afternoon.

    Sorry Mealer I didn’t see your message till just now. I hope you weren’t too lonely on your own here.

    Me-I’ve just watched it all on Livestream to here in rainy, foggy Luton & yes I wish I had been at the Hydro along with all those yessers. Makes me feel that I’m missing out on something truly historic.I would have felt even worse had it not been for the wonder that is the internet & livestreaming. Thanks to whoever was doing that work at the Hydro-you did a great job today.

  78. think again says:

    Meanwhile at a minority event covered by BBC Internet Alistair Carmichael says “the clock is ticking ” It sure is but not quite how he imagines it.

  79. Calgacus says:

    Absolutely superb event at the Hydro.Well done to all involved.

  80. gerry parker says:

    Great afternoon at the Hydro. Packed out and Nicola reporting that SNP membership now over 92,000. Alex in great form too.

  81. manandboy says:

    Not long home from the Nicola rally at the Hydro.
    It was brilliant.
    But it was also so much more.
    It was to feel the future.
    That future is Independence and not one of the 12000 at the Hydro will disagree with that.
    Nicola is superb!

  82. Valerie says:

    Pretty amazing time at the Hydro, great acts – Red Hot Chilli Pipers had the place bouncing. Doggie McLean had me crying with Caledonia. Standing ovations for Alex and Nicola, and a spontaneous Flower of Scotland from the throng at the end.

    Very inspiring, I’m sure there has never been a political event like that, ever!

  83. AuldA says:

    We got the gist of it on the live feed.
    I was out during Nicola’s speech, but I saw Alex Salmond and the final part of NS speech and the final song.
    I was surprised there seemed to be patches of free seats here and there. Last minute snags, I suppose.
    Great event.

  84. Croompenstein says:

    @Valerie – Doggie McLean had me crying with Caledonia

    I’ve just watched Dougie MacLean singing it and have to admit I wiz greeting like a xmas card Was Doggie a bit ruff ruff 🙂

  85. Valerie says:

    Haha, still an emotional wreck, so my spelling is gone to pot!

  86. kestral says:

    if you want the shoes – ready for this – woman does sensible shoe budget

    now being a woman I know I find that difficult

    holy feck – 2 look that good in £35.00 shoes oh yeah @ #sexysocialdemocracy

    so buy them here – link to

    not ideal for canvassing but what the hell

  87. Robert Peffers says:

    Many names of the females of the species are writ large in the history of the SNP. Winnie Ewing, Margo & Nicola are but three of the many females who have graced the party in the past and present. In this the party follows the rolls of influential females throughout Scotland’s long history, (an nane the waur o that)

  88. tombee says:

    Attended the Hydro today. Fantastic atmosphere. Great speech by Alex Salmond. That man ISN’T just respected by the SNP movement. He is ‘LOVED’ by the SNP movement.

    How much would other party leaders throughout the UK give for that demonstration of respect and ardent admiration?.

  89. tombee says:

    By the way, Nicola Sturgeon. She is just ‘CLASS’. So she is.

  90. Rock says:

    Could Scotland become the first country to become independent with a lady as the first Prime Minister?

  91. Rock says:

    Could Scotland become the first country to become independent with a lady as the first Prime Minister?

  92. PARKPUB2 says:

    Just returned from day out in Glasgow, taking in the hydro of course, the whole event was so slick and professional, speeches and music were genuinely world class, Hosie really impressed too, thought AS may have used the event to announce Westminster challenge, but possibly thought could steal a wee bit of the limelight. We are on the march.

  93. e_f says:

    I got about halfway through the posts but The Emperor’s New Clothes spring to mind bit unless there’s some kind of hidden meaning, that cartoon is a wee bit sexist to me.

  94. Tartan Flower says:

    Wonderful to see Alex Salmond in person tonight. And the news that we had gained 2,000 new members in just a single night was amazing. We’re well on our way to the 100,000 mark!

  95. Croompenstein says:

    that cartoon is a wee bit sexist to me

    Oh FFS We are through the f*ckin looking glass !!


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    • Effijy on The Unquestionables: “Here we are 15 years into austerity, credit crunch, recession and cut backs and governments can hand out £60K per…Mar 17, 15:18
    • Chas on The Unquestionables: “‘As you say no one is accountable in Scotland anymore which is a ploy by the unionists to make us…Mar 17, 15:02
    • Mark Beggan on The Unquestionables: “Semper verus.Mar 17, 14:34
    • Mark Beggan on The Unquestionables: “There is no barrier to how low a human being can go.Mar 17, 14:28
    • I. Despair on The Unquestionables: “There is the process of judicial review that can scrutinise and (perhaps) overturn such decisions but there are strict legal…Mar 17, 14:21
    • I. Despair on The Unquestionables: “There is the process of judicial review that can scrutinise and (perhaps) overturn such decisions but there are strict legal…Mar 17, 14:21
    • Patsy Millar on The Unquestionables: “Thank goodness you have the patience to do this and much appreciated. Being a chancer seems to be the required…Mar 17, 14:07
    • Derick Fae Yell on The Unquestionables: “OSCR is a make-work organisation for unemployable scions of the Scotch middle class. Arrogant, secretive and deeply useless.Mar 17, 13:52
  • A tall tale

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