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Wings Over Scotland

Two houses both alike

Posted on February 17, 2024 by

This is so freaky I had to check they weren’t quoting each other. It’s like a game show.

Just a couple of nice well-brought-up Hutchesons’ Grammar boys in smart suits, there, thinking the same, speaking the same, saying the same, and angling for the same job. (Which one of them now has, and the other may have soon.)

Scotland is a 96% white country (98% white as recently as the 2001 census). We’re still not entirely sure what their point is.

As two non-white Scottish men in charge of the country’s main political parties, they certainly seem to be doing rather well for themselves.

And you wouldn’t – we presume and hope – turn up in the Pakistani, or Nigerian or Somalian or Kenyan or Bangladeshi, parliaments and start raging about how pretty much everybody running things was brown (spitting the word out contemptuously for good measure), because people would probably think that was somewhat racist.

So why are they so angry about white people being in charge of most things in an almost entirely white country? Even though they appear to regard being questioned as a form of bigotry, maybe somebody ought to ask.

0 to “Two houses both alike”

  1. Alice Timmons says:

    Well, I don’t know what they’re moaning about. They can just do what they tell women to do when we say it’s unfair that men get to take our places in sports, or in the boardroom. “Just try harder”.

  2. Kenny says:

    Just noticed this YT vid is dated 8 months ago. Seemed to slip under the radar until now.
    Extraordinary statements, by both of them, what exactly are they proposing?
    Can we rewind to Sept ’14, before or after Ref, and ask Mr Salmond to ensure he stay exactly where he is regardless of the outcome?

  3. Alex Browne says:

    Who copied whom? (Don’t know when Anas spoke.)

  4. Name (required) says:

    90% of the Scottish government cabinet – white

  5. John Gibson says:

    Scottish Labour – Shite
    SNP – shite

    There finished it for you
    Couple of utter clowns

  6. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Who copied whom?”

    Not sure. Sarwar’s video was uploaded last summer but I don’t know if that’s when the actual speech was made.

  7. Johnlm says:

    Sarwar Facebook page posts this speech on 10 june 2020.
    Yusless ‘anti white’ speech is quite difficult to find.
    Elon Musk attacked Yusless on Twitter showing a speech which looked out of synch with the mouth movements.
    This was enough to start the ‘ pile on’ with others such as GBNews happy to condemn whilst not actually showing the footage.
    AI and deep fakes are now almost undetectable from reality and, unless we can confirm sources, repeating such will play into the Governments hands demanding censorship.

  8. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    Yousaf speech was also 2020:

    link to

    (Amusingly, the Ferret proclaims it as “not racist” because… well, just because they say so.)

  9. Karen says:

    And many of the non-white (coloured? Are we allowed to say that?) Scots will be young (students, recent graduates) and so far too young for all those top jobs.

  10. Milady says:

    Alice Timmons at 1:09 pm

    Spot on Alice, spot on. Given the logic of current Scotgov direction we should soon be able to self ID as any colour, race, or age we want to as well. Would save me waiting 8 years for my pension.

  11. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “young (students, recent graduates) and so far too young for all those top jobs”

    Precisely. It takes time to reach top jobs – very often decades – which is why I noted that as recently as the 2001 census Scotland was even whiter than it is now. Literally half of the non-white folk in Scotland showed up since the turn of the millennium.

  12. holymacmoses says:

    Regardless of race, colour or creed , are they the best people for the positions they hold.
    (1) Does Scotland/SNP have someone more capable of doing the job?
    (2) Does the Labour Party in Scotland have anyone more capable?

    My answer to (1): Absolutely & they should change the leadership.

    My Answer to (2): Frankly, my dears, I don’t give a damn

  13. Monica Worley says:

    2 outa 2 leaders of the top 2 political parties in Scotland are brown. And men at that.

  14. Ruby says:

    How did these two slip through the net and

    1. Leader of Labour in Scotland
    2. Leader of SNP & First minister of Scotland

    Was money involved?

    No idea what these two dumbos are trying to achieve?
    If they are trying to make ‘the whites’ less racist they have totally failed.

    If they are trying to encourage organisations to hire more browns then I reckon these two dumbos are the wrong people for the job.

    Asians have been in this country for about 100 years or more but there are still problems with racism.

    My conclusion: Multi-culturalism doesn’t work.

    It doesn’t work for the browns or the whites.

    If you want to live in a country with more brown people there is a simple solution.

    White people are not good enough for those two.

  15. Republicofscotland says:

    As you clearly state Scotland is a predominately white country so its to be expected, if it was all down to racism surely Yousaf and Sarwar wouldn’t have gotten their lucrative positions in the first place.

    I’m pretty sure that most of those positions they both mentioned in say Pakistan or India or as you allude to African nations such as Nigeria (the African nation with the largest population) are filled with brown skinned people.

    So were Sarwar and Yousaf being a tad racist in their white rants? well substitute white folk out for brown folk and there would surely have been an outcry for them to resign from their positions, so yes one can say with a degree of confidence that both men were acting in a racist manner.

    But why are Sarwar and Yousaf so angry about white folk holding certain jobs?

  16. Hatuey says:

    It is perhaps noteworthy that neither of the mentioned corner shops.

  17. Ian says:

    Bringing any religion into Bute House should be a big no no too.

    link to

  18. duncanio says:

    Anas and Humza, Dumb and Dumber.

  19. Ruby says:

    This is a repeat of what a said about a week ago.

    I don’t believe people in this country wanted multi-culturalism.

    That was why the people who put up no blacks/no Irish were saying. For some reason the politicians didn’t want to listen. Gillian Duffy & Gordon Brown is a recent example of that.

    So they had to get the PC Brigade to convince people they were evil racists.

    I reckon white people have been well and truly manipulated into accepting a multi-cultural society whether they like it or not. Exactly the same think is happening now with the gender identity nonsense.

    I believe being ‘racist’ is all part of human nature. Ask yourself why people live in all these different communities surrounded by similar people.

  20. Alf Baird says:

    Sarwar and Yousaf are confusing colonial racism with colour racism.

    The main issue for Scots is that most of the people running Scotland’s institutions, like 15 of our 19 higher education institutions, are not Scots.

    And those ‘assimilated’ Scots who do run some of our institutions tend to hold to the same Anglo culture and values, which is not Scottish culture and values.

    That is why Scots want independence, to have opportunities in thair ain laund and no longer be subject to colonial racism, which ‘is a consubstantial part of colonialism’ (Memmi).

  21. Lorna Campbell says:

    If you went to Pakistan, how many of the top jobs would be held by Pakistanis and how many by white people? What a pair of silly billies. Eventually, just as they did in reaching the top of their parties, immigrant-origin people who have the money will be able to move up through the ranks.

    Many white people will be unable to move up through the ranks because they are working-class and unable to afford to attend schools such as Hutcheson’s. Every single CEO position in the global corporates is occupied by a male. Life just ain’t fair, chaps, on so many levels. Boo hoo.

    So much prejudice and lack of opportunity are down to lack of the shiny stuff, not the colour of your skin or your sex, but, if you are doubly disadvantaged by being black/brown and/or female – and have no money and live on a sink estate, you are unlikely to get anywhere

    Being in poverty is the barrier everywhere in the world. I, personally, am not responsible for colonialism or slavery, and neither were my ancestors. They were all dirt poor and scrabbling for a living in dark satanic mills or on rural land that were a constant struggle for survival. So, welcome to the affluent West, chaps. Not so different from the affluent East when it comes to the lower orders, eh?

  22. Chris says:

    Of all the speeches he could steal, why on earth would he pick that universally-applauded soliloquy? ???

  23. Ruby says:

    Good point Alf.

    Hautey: every Tartan Tat shop on the Royal Mile

    Ian: I can’t be doing with the Holy Joes in government. They are fine for the church or Sunday school.

    Lets all stop pretending we aren’t racist. Yes we are racist.
    It’s a perfectly normal thing to be.

  24. Garrion says:

    Just another identitarian tool in the arsenal of political obfustication and manipulation of the public/political sphere. The trick is to say that there is a crisis or great injustice, racism, or transphobia or what have you, positioning yourself as virtuously calling it out.

    What decent person is going to counter that argument without then being accused of precisely the bigotry they are describing, unless they are very brave, like the good Rev?

    Works on two levels. Makes you bulletproof to attack inside politics (especially from the left), and positions you in a virtuous halo in a compliant media. It’s theatre.

    Thing is that these grubby little sociopaths truly don’t give a shit about anyone or anything unless they’re in the same corporatist class. These people aren’t politicians, they’re tools.

    The wankers are winning worldwide, as they say.

  25. DougMcGregor says:

    Between the two of them there’s an awful lot of unjustified shoulder chips, they both seem to think that their job is to promote their ethnic group into the top echelons of Scottish society, is that what we , the Scottish people, need? Or want?

    I would suggest to them that the Scottish parliament is completely unrepresentative of white, heterosexual, employable males both in terms of MSPs and policies. Now that is a problem!

  26. John says:

    Sophism, rhetoric and deceit are the Private Schools main teachings of the way to rule. That and paedophilic deviance.
    It does still bother me that many still refer to their Private education as Public Schools and actual Public Schools as State. Though it certainly follows their methods to twist everything.
    This neo feudal state is experiencing the inevitable collective Karma of colonising around the planet, as are all the other European colonists countries.
    It’s almost ironic the two main parties are run by a couple of Private school wankers telling us we’re not accepting them. That it’s reality just makes it sad.
    Could be worse.

  27. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @John (2.51) –

    ‘It’s almost ironic the two main parties are run by a couple of Private school wankers…’

    Aye, it certainly is, considering the parties they lead are generally described as ‘left of centre’.

    I must’ve done alright in the 11+ because my folks were offered a place for me at St. Aloysious in Glasgow. I knew that my mum didn’t want me going because it would cost money, even though the fees were covered. The old man probably would’ve liked me to go as he himself had been schooled in a Jesuit seminary. But the old dear wore the breeks and I didn’t want to cause bother so I told them I would miss my pals too much and that got me out of it.

    There was another lad in my class who was also offered a place. He took it. But he came back to us after only one term, absolutely hated it.

    Have often wondered, over the years, if I might’ve had a totally different life had I gone. Certainly wouldn’t have done any harm career-wise. But then I think about the guys I know who went there and similar schools elsewhere in Scotland. Some are okay but there’s a definite superiority complex problem with a lot of them. They can conceal it up to a point but it always manifests itself eventually, usually when they have to deal with people they consider their lessers i.e. everyone who didn’t go to that same school.

  28. Johnlm says:

    Woods’ Law #3:
    No matter whom you vote for, you always wind up getting John McCain.

  29. Mark Beggan says:

    Captain Stormer has already made his first critical error: replacing the Scouse guy with the coconut, who is detested in the south side of Glasgow and the surrounding areas.

  30. Red says:

    If we live in a democracy, why doesn’t the Scottish Parliament represent us?

    Why is it full of people who resent the Scots?

  31. Ross Quinn says:

    Murrays Super Media Monitor was trying to make hay of Anas not being the best orator. I found it pretty hilarious as surely it would bring attention on where he learned his oration and ye Gods it’s the same place as Hero Humza, surely the interns Murray has running his pet project aren’t that stupid…
    link to

  32. Livionian says:

    I await patiently a world where people stop banging on about demographic differences, identity politics, and the best person for the job gets the job.

    The vast majority of sane people in this country agree, but the overwhelming minority of decision makers do. Hence the problem.

  33. Bortwiskels says:

    Let’s have them do those lists again with the socio-economic background of the people in these posts, or whether they were publicly or privately educated. Maybe that’s a clearer indicator of why they’re where they are.

    I also don’t think two individuals so clearly out of their depth in prominent jobs should be using their platforms to highlight the lack of meritocracy in our culture.

  34. ` Literally half of the non-white folk in Scotland showed up since the turn of the millennium`

    I would say in the last two or three years a massive increase in African and Asian immigrants,

    also massive increase in English immigrants,

    for a country that the BBC and unionists tell you is third world there are a lot of folks wanting to get here.

  35. Mia says:

    “So why are they so angry about white people being in charge of most things in an almost entirely white country?”

    Could it be because they (or rather their handler) think it will help them move our focus of attention away from the fact the Scottish political establishment is deliberately pissing all over our democratic rights with their refusal to act upon our many democratic mandates for a referendum, onto something else?

    In other words, it is giving them a wonderfully long-lasting pet cause to hide behind so they can pretend they are pursuing something when the only thing they are doing is using both hands, mouth and feet to hold the yes movement back.

    As you say, Rev, in a country where 95% of the population is white, you cannot have 50% of non-white people in positions of power and still claim it is somewhat representative of the population. What these two idiots pretend to be pursuing is therefore an unachievable task, unless they force in positive discrimination like it is being done with disabled people.

    But positive discrimination on the basis of your skin colour is in itself racism and will be rejected by the majority. They know this. It will fabricate division, just like the trans crap has done, making it perfect for their purpose of distraction. And because it will be incredibly difficult to get representation of non-whites on positions of power close to 50%, they can continue peddling this deflective crap year after year, after year, after year.

    Clearly Sarwar and Yousaf have the same script writer. It is yet another sign that democracy in Scotland is completely dead and the “political parties” are nothing of the sort. They are simply crown entities, so close to each other than they are almost impossible to tell apart. Their only focus is to distract the Scottish voters from the fact Scotland is being subjected to absolute rule.

    A beautiful proof of this is Sarwar saying “he will stand up to Starmer”. One has to wonder if these idiots actually think before opening their mouths. If he has to “stand up” to the leader of his own party to ensure Scotland’s needs are served, it means the labour party, by default, either does not give a shit about Scotland or it is not its priority at all.

    Why would somebody in Scotland want to vote for a party for whose leader the needs of Scotland are just an after thought?

    And after a real face-off between Sarwar and his boss Starmer, for how long after it does Sarwar think he will be able to keep his job of manager of the branch of the northern branch?

  36. Wendy Wood says:

    Two sons of well-off families who could afford to send them to the poshest school in Glasgow. Neither has had a proper job in their life and they are their mummy’s darlings. Being brown in a white country is obvs a privileged position for some.

  37. Red says:

    But why are Sarwar and Yousaf so angry about white folk holding certain jobs?

    They told ye why, with their undisguised contempt. My question is for how much longer are what Two Cheeks call “white people” prepared to vote for idiotic racists who dislike them?

    And see they “white people” who think Gaza is their business? Do they think their moral support for Islamic causes is going to be reciprocated in any way? Has it ever been?

  38. sam says:


    “A black councillor [Shirley Brown]has been found guilty of racial harassment after describing an Asian political opponent as “a coconut” during a heated debate today.”

    Racial harassment on Wings?

  39. Hatuey says:

    Isn’t it unusual to have a second article like this on a Saturday? It’s usually just the cartoon that goes up on a Saturday…

    It seems like there’s more emphasis on Humza and Sarwar these days too.

    Oooooh it makes me wonder.

  40. Red says:

    Sarwar and Yousaf are confusing colonial racism with colour racism.

    Naw they’re no. It’s you who is confused, Alf.

    They just don’t like you, and they’ve telt ye so. They’re in power and you urnae, so they can say what they like about you, while you’d better watch your step if you criticise them.

  41. sam says:


    “But positive discrimination on the basis of your skin colour is in itself racism and will be rejected by the majority. ”

    On the other hand, “positive action” is not unlawful discrimination.See what Croner (Employment Law says.

    “Positive Action vs Positive Discrimination
    We often mix positive action and positive discrimination, but they are different in key areas. The fundamental difference is that positive action is allowed in, so let’s look at how lawful positive action contrasts discrimination.

    Positive action is about taking specific steps to improve equality. A workplace will actively encourage applicants or groups to apply for job roles.

    Under the Equality Act 2010, you can take positive action to support those from under-represented groups, to help them overcome any disadvantage when competing with other applicants or applying for development and training.”

    This differs from discrimination, where a person is employed specifically because of a protected characteristic, rather than because they’re the most qualified or equally qualified for a role. Positive action doesn’t negatively affect other groups.

  42. wullie says:

    Anyone educated in the private sector should never ever be allowed near any public office. They leave a trail of disaster behind them. Down through history you can see who and from what class have caused the greatest havoc to society in these islands.

  43. ClanDonald says:

    How convenient that Humza forgot to mention his own job, the Justice Minister, when he was listing all the important jobs in his portfolio area. If he had done so the non-white percentage of people on his list would have been pretty representative of the population. But then he’d have had nothing to be angry about.

  44. Shug says:

    Oh and neither wants independence

  45. Mia says:

    “Positive action is about taking specific steps to improve equality”

    Forcing a 50% representation of non-whites in positions of power is not “improving equality”. It is manufacturing inequality. In other words, you are positively discriminating non-whites and negatively discriminating whites, the native population.

    In a country where 95% of the population is white, you expect to see a representation of non-whites at around 5%, simply because, generally speaking, you would expect that 95% of those applying for jobs in Scotland will be white.

    “positive action” is another buzzword attempting to hide the action’s real meaning: active discrimination. If you are positively discriminating a sector of the population, by doing so you are in fact negatively discriminating against the rest. I cannot see how that can ever be disguised as something “positive”.

    The only thing that is fair is to hire the candidate that is best for the job. You do not need “positive” or “negative” interventions for that, just a fair process. You must remain neutral.

    One has to wonder if this fake “positive” intervention might be the actual reason as to why we have so many incompetents in positions of power.

  46. Alf Baird says:

    Bortwiskels @ 3:38 pm

    “Let’s have them do those lists again with the socio-economic background of the people in these posts, or whether they were publicly or privately educated. Maybe that’s a clearer indicator of why they’re where they are.”

    Yes, the elites running Scotland’s institutions appear to derive mainly from two sources:

    1. the 3% of Scots who attend private schools, and;

    2. England

    In other words, Sarwar and Yousaf are themselves a reflection of the ‘narrow stream from which the mediocre meritocracy in a colonial society is derived’ (Memmi).

    link to

    link to

  47. Dr Benway says:

    It’s true that Humza “Scotland is too white” Yousaf is a racist, it’s just that he’s too arrogant and stupid to know it. Proof of said stupidity lies with the fact that he seems to expect a largely white place (but increasingly less so) like Scotland to somehow acquiesce in his view that we should willingly hand it over to a bunch of sociopathic grifters who happen to be brown, and feel somehow guilty if we don’t do so so enthusiastically.

    The EU has apparently just quietly signed off on, or is about to sign off on, some bill or other that will bring in 75 MILLION more “migrants” to Europe. The fact that the vast bulk of these invaders oh sorry migrants are military aged males from North Africa and the ME who have no English, no skills and very bad attitudes seems to have escaped their notice except that of course it hasn’t, it’s deliberate policy aimed at destabilising Europe, exactly similar to what’s going on in the US with the Biden regime’s deliberately uncontrolled open border policy. Even the stupidest people there can now see that it’s designed purely to destabilise the country while “reducing” the white population.

    Up till a few years ago I held to the view that although I wasn’t a big fan of the EU it seemed to me that it made economic sense to have access to that market, and that Scotland would be better off out of the UK and in the EU rather that the other way around. While there’s no doubt that Scotland would be better off out of the UK IF it had the right kind of political leadership, there’s now equally no doubt that re joining the EU would be stupidity of monumental proportions unless of course they don’t actually have our best interests at heart surprise surprise. The EU’s mask has slipped

    Until a few years ago I’d have been horrified to be associated with the so called “far right” till I found out that being far right actually means not being keen on having your country overrun by invaders or objecting to your kids in school being indoctrinated into accepting paedophilia as normal, so I now have a quite different view of what far right means. Nowadays it basically means common sense.

  48. sam says:


    I was not trying to do anything more than draw your attention to employment law.

    The UK was and is a place where systemic discrimination exists.

  49. robertkknight says:

    “Two houses both alike”

    ‘Two cheeks same arse’

  50. panda paws says:

    I’m far more concerned with the fact that despite only circa 4.3% of the Scottish population being privately educated, they seem to hog all the top jobs in politics, law (judges in particular) and media inter alia.

    Maybe Anas and Humza could ponder that for a moment…

  51. sam says:

    “Our report, Taking Stock – Race Equality in Scotland, details how a third of black and Asian groups in Scotland consistently experience racial discrimination, and that a slightly higher number consider racial discrimination to be a widespread issue.

    The same research tells us that up to 60 per cent of people who say they experience this do not report it to any kind of authority, suggesting significant degrees of both low-level and more obvious experiences of racial discrimination are going under-detected.

    What we can be sure of is that racially motivated hate crime remains the most common hate crime in Scotland; that black and ethnic minorities are nearly twice as likely to live in poverty, and that there is both a substantial “employment gap” and, for those in work, a “pay gap”, whereby white Scottish workers earn, on average, ten per cent more.

    This is greater than the gender pay gap and key to understanding experience of in-work poverty amongst non-white Scottish groups (and it means a double whammy for black and ethnic minority women). How should we understand these and other examples in a country where the prevailing political rhetoric leans against racial inequalities?”

    link to

  52. John H. says:

    Scotland has traditionally always welcomed incomers. But with clowns like these leading our two main parties I fear there may be change on the horizon. A Muslim member of the SNP in the area where I live suggested before last Christmas that Christmas itself should be replaced with something more inclusive. With what wasn’t specified. I fear for the future.

  53. Garavelli Princip says:

    White on Brown – racist!

    Brown on White – justified indignation.

    Head of the SNP – Privately educated

    Head of Labour’s Scottish branch office – Privately educated.

    Working class members of the judiciary – nil

    Working class members of the Faculty of Advocates -damn few

    Working class members of Labour’s shadow cabinet – hens teeth.

    It’s time these clown got their priorities right!

    But why would Hutchie boys do that?

  54. Owen Mullions says:

    Humza or Anas? What a choice! Is there a wee blue pill for electile disfunction?

  55. Red says:

    “institutional racism” means gie’s.

    “equalities” means gie’s

    Ranting about “white people” in what is still (for now) called The Scottish Parliament means gie’s

    What we can be sure of is that racially motivated hate crime remains the most common hate crime in Scotland; that black and ethnic minorities are nearly twice as likely to live in poverty, and that there is both a substantial “employment gap” and, for those in work, a “pay gap”, whereby white Scottish workers earn, on average, ten per cent more.

    None of these allegations are true. They’re a blood libel against our nation.

  56. TURABDIN says:

    As a person with a relatively «permanent tan» i dislike the «race» theme.
    More concerned by the intellectual gifts and mental acuity of the guys in the spotlight.
    Having met neither of the subjects im not in a position to judge their respective intellects.
    Both are of «colonial» culture, yet why are they not more assertive?
    What is «wrong» with Pakistan and its progeny?
    A purely rhetorical question…..
    Could do so much better.

  57. Young Lochinvar says:

    The Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Industrial Age, the Technological Age, the Woo Woo Age..

  58. sam says:

    @ John H
    “John H.
    Ignored says:
    17 February, 2024 at 5:45 pm
    Scotland has traditionally always welcomed incomers”

    Not necessarily so.

    Remember signs saying, “No Blacks, no Irish, no dogs”. A hierarchy of exclusion.

    You may also be forgetting the racial abused suffered by immigrants.

  59. sam says:

    “A GROUNDBREAKING study has revealed a significant number of Scots still hold “deeply racist assumptions”, but a majority of people north of the Border believe in equality and support tackling the problem.

    The most comprehensive study of its kind looking at mainstream views on race and racism in England and Scotland, which was carried out by non-profit initiative Reframing Race, has revealed a complex picture.

    When it comes to debunked myths about race, four out of 10 people in both nations still think that some ethnic groups are naturally harder working than others.

    Around one in five people in Scotland believe that someone’s race tells you something about their character, while around one in 10 even said they think some races are born less intelligent than others.”

    link to

  60. Red says:

    Remember signs saying, “No Blacks, no Irish, no dogs”. A hierarchy of exclusion.

    No, because those signs never existed.

  61. sam says:

    “The belief that Scotland is more welcoming to immigrants than the rest of the UK is a “misleading fantasy”, the authors of a new book have claimed.

    The academics behind the book point to discrimination against Irish Catholics over the past 200 years as evidence.

    And they argue that similar discrimination is continuing against eastern Europeans, gypsy/travellers, Muslims and other ethnic groups.

    They will present their findings to a committee of MSPs on Wednesday.

    The authors of No Problem Here: Understanding Racism in Scotland claim black and minority ethnic (BAME) applicants for large public sector organisations had a 1.1% chance of being appointed, compared to 8.1% for their white counterparts…

    …He added: “Just take one figure – in the year 2013/14 there were just under 5,000 racial attacks in Scotland. That is about 92 a week, and as we demonstrate in the book there’s a massive under-reporting of these kind of incidents…

    …However, official crime statistics published last year said there were 3,349 racial offences reported in Scotland in 2016/17 – 10% fewer than the previous year and the lowest number since 2003/04.

    But the number of racial offences in England and Wales increased from 35,944 in 2011/12 to 68,685 in 2016/17.”

    link to

  62. George Ferguson says:

    A couple of days ago I relayed the latest research from Library sources of our Houses of Parliament and the fact the UK military has been degraded. I am betting that has some to do with racial discrimination of white recruitment. The UK military can no longer guarantee your safety. The Regiment of Scotland is the only barrier to a battalion of Russians landing at Barry Buddon.

  63. Red says:

    George says The Regiment of Scotland is the only barrier to a battalion of Russians landing at Barry Buddon.

    How dare they try to stop New Scots from coming here.

  64. sam says:


    Perhaps you don’t exist Red.

    Just one example to prove that such signs did exist. More examples exist.

    link to

    “As more and more Indians came to the UK it changed and people would shout ‘Paki’ at us. When I went looking for digs it was standard to see signs saying ‘No blacks, no dogs, no Irish’.”

  65. sam says:

    “The Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young people we consulted with
    • a lack of understanding and visibility of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller
    histories and cultures in school.
    • being negatively labelled, judged and having presumptions made
    about them being trouble-makers or not willing to learn.
    • they felt they were treated differently from other pupils and could
    not access additional support when they needed it.
    • racist and offensive language about Gypsy, Roma and Traveller
    • people and communities was going unchallenged.
    • not being believed when they report bullying.
    • presumptions about them having a tendency to bully others.
    • feeling they had to retaliate or hide that they are Gypsy, Roma or
    • they had learned to expect bullying because no action was being
    taken to prevent or respond to it.”

    link to

  66. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    Sarwar speech: June 10, 2020.

    link to

    Yousaf speech: same date.

    link to

  67. Gavin says:

    Every leader of the three elected political bodies representing the most people in the UK: ethnically Indian or Pakistani!
    – Rishi Sunak (UK)
    – Sadiq Khan (London)
    – Humza Yousaf (Scotland)

    – From the 2021 census, the figures for ethnicity in England & Wales were: 3.1% (Indian) + 2.7% (Pakistani) = 5.8%
    (link to
    – Again from the 2021 census, the figures for London were: 7.5% (Indian) + 3.3% (Pakistani) = 10.8%
    (link to
    – Scotland’s population is 2.8% ethnically Asian (link to
    (This is the total for all Asian ethnicities – I couldn’t find the figures for Indian / Pakistani only, but it’s obviously less!)

    So the overall likelihood of this being the case are < 0.058 * 0.108 * 0.028 = 0.000175392.
    1 / 0.000175392 = 5701.5, ie there's a < 1 in 5701.5 chance of all 3 of these leaders being of Indian or Pakistani ethnicity.
    (actually, it's still less – as 5.8% is the England & Wales figure, and is higher than the UK figure)

    (It's also with mentioning that the leader of the elected body representing the next highest number of people in these islands is Leo Varadkar, whose ethnicity is 50% Indian!)

    I look forward to Sarwar and Yousaf committing to addressing this breathtaking lack of diversity.

  68. sam says:

    “Cases of discrimination account for 25% of all the complaints made across the armed forces, and according to the ombudsman, a “disproportionate” number of those come from ethnic minorities. Black and ethnic minority (BAME) personnel make up just 7% of all service personnel but in 2018 accounted for 13% of complaints – 39% of which were for bullying, harassment and discrimination.”

    link to

  69. sam says:

    “When it comes to school, data shows that some children are disciplined far more often than others. According to Government data, the groups of children with the highest rates of permanent exclusion in the school year 2018-19 are White Gypsy and Roma pupils (0.39%), Traveller of Irish Heritage pupils (0.27%), Black Caribbean pupils (0.25%) and Mixed White and Black Caribbean children (0.24%). All children have the ability to be disruptive in class so a disparity like this should be examined closely and addressed. Exclusions can be disruptive for a child’s learning and lead to disengagement with education. Some people wrongly attribute this to cultural or racial difference, when in reality there are multiple factors at play, including structural racism.”

    link to

  70. TURABDIN says:

    It was fear of the «multicultural» that destroyed Germany and Austria under the purists Nazis, effectively exposing Europe to the trash with which America currently drenches all in our day.
    Scotland can ill afford to retrace such steps towards mediocrity.
    The singer not the song applies here.

  71. sam says:

    “A review recently uncovered first-hand accounts of racism, sexism and homophobia by serving officers.

    It also heard about cases where staff had been “punished” for raising concerns.

    Bigotry uncovered in review of Police Scotland
    Women describe Police Scotland ‘boys club’ culture
    Police Scotland to increase vetting of staff”

    link to

    Sir Iain said: “It is the right thing for me to do, as Chief Constable, to clearly state that institutional racism, sexism, misogyny and discrimination exist…

    …Sir William Macpherson’s definition of institutional racism, set out in his 1999 report into the killing of black teenager Stephen Lawrence, is the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture, or ethnic origin…

    ..First Minister Humza Yousaf said that, as a person of colour, the admission of institutional racism by the chief constable was “monumental” and “historic”.

    Mr Yousaf said he had personal experience of racism within the police, having been “searched over a dozen times as a young boy, whether it was in my car or walking with my friends in the street or in airports”.”

  72. Breeks says:

    Aren’t we stretching the term “leadership” a little too far?

    Don’t spoil your ballot folks, spoil “their” cosy and cosseted election, and impeach the whole Vichy Assembly masquerading as a Scottish Government.

    Let these tossers try getting themselves recognised by a Convention of the Estates as it steps up to the job these dumb f*!ks couldn’t manage, – defend the sovereign integrity of the Scottish Constitution.

    When the SNP flounders, as it will, there isn’t one of these greaseballs I’d throw a lifebelt towards. Not one of them. Not an MP I’d vote for, nor a staffer I’d employ. Vermin, the lot of them.

  73. sam says:

    @ Rev Stuart Campbell

    “Mark Beggan
    Ignored says:
    17 February, 2024 at 3:18 pm
    Captain Stormer has already made his first critical error: replacing the Scouse guy with the coconut, who is detested in the south side of Glasgow and the surrounding areas.”

    Do you find this remark acceptable?

    See Shirley Brown case of 2010. She used the word “coconut” to describe someeone and was convicted of racial harassment. Lost her appeal against conviction.

  74. George Ferguson says:

    @Sam 7:26pm
    Of course it’s an anathema to me why you couldn’t do it in your own country of origin. I am OK with the settlement of Nu Scots as long as they sacrifice just like us. Willing to put yourself forward Sam? And I will say you don’t understand the significance of green arrows installed in Bute House? On the ceilings at Scottish taxpayers expense. The MSM will catch up eventually.

  75. Red says:

    sam says: {repetitive cut and paste from what used to be called the race relations i industry}


    They “Nae dugs, blacks, or Irish” signs were a scurrilous fiction, manufactured to meet a growing need for racial grievances. Like about 99% of the pishy cut n paste you’ve shared with us today.

    Brown people are not persecuted in Scotland and our society isn’t racist. Most other societies abroad are unashamedly racist however. You wouldnae get very far trying to guilt and shame the natives in Pakistan for example. Laugh ye all the way tae the airport, so they would.

    And rightly so.

  76. Mac says:

    Both of these guys are full bore racists like I used to see in the 70’s…

    Those 70’s racists were fulminating against… well… people like them.

    Maybe those 70’s guys and gals were right… just look at the two products above.


    Not a nano second of self awareness.

    Try saying ‘p*k*’ or w*g in polite society and see how long you last.

    Pair of utter nouveau-riche nouveau-racist wankers.

  77. Mac says:

    I think it demonstrates that we are in a colony or worse (as AlF Baird suggests) that both candidates for “Scottish” FM openly loath 96% of Scottish people.

    It is kind of in ‘our’ face… They are not us.

  78. John H. says:

    Sam 6.46pm.

    Well Sam, I’ll be seventy eight soon, and I can honestly say I have never seen any sign in Scotland saying “No blacks, no Irish”. “No dogs” I have seen.

  79. Sandy Howden says:

    link to Does anybody know what this guy is implying. My thoughts are about Humza is that he is going to get the same treatment as Corbyn. Is this the start?

  80. sam says:

    I have no idea what George Ferguson is talking about.


    “Brown people are not persecuted in Scotland”

    No? Hibs player having beaten Hearts. Gets racial abuse. “I could feel myself welling up. We were all planning to go out to celebrate. I went home. I couldn’t face it. My mother called me in tears. I can’t protect my family from that.”

    Speaking to the Daily Record, he added: “I would rather someone physically assault me or spit on me than racially abuse me.

    “Personally, it is the most hurtful thing you can do to me. I can’t explain the pain you feel and it is a deep pain.”

    The “race relations industry”. Barnardos?

    I’m not trying to “guilt or shame” anyone.

  81. George Ferguson says:

    @Mac 8:46pm
    The nano second of self awareness goes to Humza. After all it was Humza that promoted race relations by saying White White White etc. In a country that is 96 % White. Where has the Scottish Government 470k promotion of Ethnic Leadership of Minorities gone, Humza and Anas. 10 years of prayer mats in Bute House publicly funded coming up. Of course that narrative discounts the reaction of the indigenous White folk. Be aware.

  82. sam says:

    John H

    Me too. Absence is not evidence.

    If you are interested, take a look at this link.

    link to

    The signs were more likely to exist in the 60s.

    Upthread I posted a link to a post that is a recollection by a Pakistani man of his memory of seeing such signs often. He was the first to make a claim of racial discrimination under the new legislation.

    You can find evidence of anti Irish feeling in the Glasgow Argus of 1847 when many destitute Irish facing famine arrived there with many destitute Highlanders similarly affected.

    The Pontins stuff is recent.

    There is also research done for the Commission of Racial Equality in 1997 that shows a pattern across the UK of anti Irish feeling.

    I think you are wrong in the claim you made upthread though the research seems to show improvement in attitudes and fewer cases of abuse.

  83. MaryB says:

    Look at the photo of the intake to the Parliamentary Interns 2024 course at the John Smith Centre at Glasgow Uni for info about Scotlands attitude to race and political leadership.

  84. Ruby says:

    John H.
    17 February, 2024 at 9:03 pm

    Sam 6.46pm.

    Well Sam, I’ll be seventy eight soon, and I can honestly say I have never seen any sign in Scotland saying “No blacks, no Irish”. “No dogs” I have seen.

    Are you kiddin re the ‘No Dogs’. Poor wee souls can’t go anywhere. Guide dogs are the only exception.

    We don’t have that many blacks in Scotland.

    Humza told a story about his mother taking legal action against an estate agent who she claimed didn’t want to show her a house in Newton Mairns. She got a Scottish person to phone up and they got a viewing.
    Although there may have been no notice accord to Humza’s mother there was discrimination.

    Humza did something similar with the nursery only he had to give a Scottish name. Only it turned out the nursery discrimination was down to bigotry and not racism.

    Yes we are racist! Everyone is racist.

    Everyone just pretends they aren’t hence.

    I don’t think ‘multi-culturalism’ works.

    Just out of interest which countries in the world are ‘multi-cultural’? Are they all ‘white’ countries?

  85. Ruby says:

    ‘Speaking to the Daily Record, he added: “I would rather someone physically assault me or spit on me than racially abuse me.’

    I don’t understand that. Why is it so hurtful?

    Is it similar to someone being misgenered?

  86. Confused says:

    it’s all a bit like blazing saddles, in reverse –

    link to

    (coolly brilliant black sheriff tries to win over the horribly racist townsfolk, by saving it, and defeating the forces of capital)

    we get

    moronically ungifted pakistani grifter rounding unjustly on people terrified of being called “racist”, and in the process intending to sellout out Scotland to the forces of capital

    “The FM is a P … “

  87. Bobbyp says:

    Red 6.56pm ‘No blacks, no Irish, no dogs’
    No, because those signs never existed.

    My Irish dad, RIP. Saw them in london with his own eyes in the 40’s.
    You lying piece of shit.

  88. Frank Anderson says:

    91.8% of people identified as ‘White: Scottish’ or ‘White: Other British’ 4.2% of people identified as Polish, Irish, Gypsy/Traveller or ‘White: Other’ the population in Asian, African, Caribbean or Black, Mixed or Other ethnic groups doubled to 4%20 Oct 2023 › …
    Ethnicity | Scotland’s Census

    The Asian population nearly doubled in size between 2001 and 2011, rising by 69,000.

    2.7% of Scotland’s population identified as Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British. This was about 141,000 people, split between:

    50,000 people who identified as ‘Pakistani’
    34,000 people who identified as ‘Chinese’
    33,000 people who identified as ‘Indian’
    21,000 people who identified as ‘Other’
    4,000 people who identified as ‘Bangladeshi’

    0.7% identified as Black.

    So are these leaders trying to suggest that positions should be allocated on ethnicity, discriminating against some individuals? Would they be happy if all the top positions were filled by say, Bangladeshi people? How many posts would be reserved for Poles or Gypsy/Traveller people? Would you be able to self ID to the ethnicity you want?

  89. Mark Beggan says:

    “Maw am gon doon the chinkys dae year wannt anythin..
    “Naw son, but nip intae the pakis on the wie back and ask Ahmed if I can hiv ten fags tae Monday”

  90. Geri says:

    Yous lot are just not down with the kids these days tsk!

    It’s sooo modern & progressive to see everything as an injustice.

    We should show racism the door. Help put these two out to pasture. Neither serve Scotlands interests & neither should be spouting that pish in parliament.

  91. Hatuey says:

    “Everyone is racist.”

    Research suggests otherwise, that it’s learned, institutionalised, and generally exacerbated by other factors like economics. There was a study of German cultural trends in the 1980s that showed increased membership of neo-nazi groups occurring when the economy slumped, for example.

    There are studies that demonstrate an absence of racial bias in children, if you look into it.

  92. Geri says:

    Ruby 9:53pm

    Cause he’s a tit!

    If someone assaulted him or spat on him he’d claim that was racially motivated too.

    He’s a dunce.

    When he’s voted out of office I bet he’ll play the race card.

    Him & Sarwar seem desperate to stir up a bit of racism similar to what we see next door with Ukippers/brexshiteers.

    The establishment is up to something, Dumbza, Sarwar, Sunak, Patel, Braverman, Cleverly…all playing at good little helpers.

  93. Geri says:


    I’ve read similar.

    An unhappy population/workforce never ends well.

  94. Kcor says:

    The elites at the top are chums with each other.

    Cameron and Milliband and their wives are/were best pals.

    Opposing each other is just a show for the plebs.

  95. Hatuey says:

    Of course, a mere glance at the history books is all it takes to see that Scots going back hundreds of years have typically been very keen on immigration, especially when it involved Scots going to other countries and (let’s be diplomatic) making their fortunes…

    The part played by Scots in the conquest of India alone, at all levels, was so immense that it is hard to imagine it ever happening without them. And the colossal wealth extracted was of a scale that undoubtedly played a key part in the industrial, economic, and cultural development of Scotland as a whole;

    “The Indian connection was to impact on Scotland in ways not anticipated when first set up.The recruitment of Scots in the 1720s and 1730s began to show dividends from the 1750s, as those in India sent back ever-increasing amounts of money, a great deal of which was invested in the social and economic fabric of Scotland. This injection of much needed funds probably reached half a million pounds per annum around the 1750s and 1760s, and nearer three-quarters of a million and more per annum, going into the nineteenth century.Such sums were a colossal stimulus to life in Scotland. The favours, the posts supplied and the money remitted and brought back by those who returned, helped mend society, created a social and economic infrastructure and jobs, robbing Scottish separatism and nationalism of its urgency and probably the Jacobite cause of much of its strength (McGilvary, 2008).”

    In other parts of the world, the story is much the same if not even more stark and damning. Scots were up to their eyeballs in the slave trade, historical exterminations of people in North America, Canada, Australia, Africa, and so many other places.

    There are people here who seem to think the historical record is some sort of a la carte menu. Those people are worse than racists, they are hypocrites of the lowest order. If they have one arguably redemptive quality it is their ignorance of history.

  96. twathater says:

    I recently posted this on Barrhead Boy and not one comment, are people too frightened to have opinions
    twathater says:
    4 February 2024 at 5:04 pm

    Another enlightening and educational show as usual Roddy but
    Can I ask am I the only person concerned that Yvonne continuously raises references and subjects to muslim interests on every TASP a show focused on SCOTTISH independence , today it was in reference to TMV (the muslim vote) where records and information is being gathered and collated throughout the uk in areas with a large muslim population to enable those votes to be targeted where they will have the most beneficial effect

    TBQH I find this rather threatening and concerning, is this a deliberate manipulation of a religious section of our population to have overwhelming control of our politics , at present we are fighting against the usurpation of our democracy by a cabal of gender fanatics who were elected on a completely different mandate from the one they are FORCING through and have continued to ignore and frustrate the overwhelming opposition to their deviant and perverted policies

    We already have an unelected by the population FM who continues to spaff our tax payers money hither and thither whilst our own children and pensioners suffer poverty and hypothermia , who consorts with dictators and issues open invites to visit our country , who revels in telling the world that Scotland is open to everyone when he talks about 1 million refugees coming to the uk

    An unelected FM who stands up in the supposed Scottish parliament and through a spittle flecked tirade denigrates and demeans Scotland for having WHITE people in their official organisations , Scotland a predominately white Christian country HOW DARE THEY
    A tirade that if it were reversed would have been ridiculed and demonised rightfully as racist

  97. Johnlm says:

    This is all part of the Soro’s ‘Where there is harmony, may we bring discord. ‘ Schtick.

    The above speeches were in response to the death/murd4r of George Floyd on May 25 2020.

    The Americans, unhappy with c*vid lockdowns and their collapsed economy had started disobeying the ‘no congregating’ policy.
    Floyd’s death came at an opportune moment to distract. The cops retired and the BLM/Antifa rioters were left to run free. In fact in several cities there is footage of government delivering the bricks.

    Across the rest of the World where C*vid protest, and even walking on the beach, would get you arrested, pro-BLM marches of thousands of people were encouraged.

    This stuff was just to distract from C*vid lockdowns and the collapsing banking system.

  98. Morgatron says:

    Now if they aren’t being racist , there being vaguely selective. Do they want more black , Chinese , Asian people or perhaps is it a religious question they are posing ?
    Perhaps we could ask Sarwar how many white people were MP’s in the Pakistan parliament when his father served in it?

    Like most people I don’t care one jot about the colour of peoples skin , their background or religion, my only Concern is they are the best person to carry out the role they are employed for.

  99. PacMan says:

    We have a second generation Pakistini Muslim who is First Minister of Scotland. We also have a Pakistini Muslim who is the leader of the Labour party in Scotland and most likely could be a future First Minister.

    In the Scottish parliament we a more than adequate representation of Gay and Lesbian people in all parties. We also have MSP’s who are neurodiverse.

    In short, Scottish democracy has more than well ticked the DI&E boxes.

    What has all this diversity brought to Scottish democracy? mediocrity, incompetence and foisting policies onto the Scottish public that is both unpopular and unwanted.

    No matter what people wants this will follow it’s course, society will take a step back and say we’ve had diversity and look at the result, lets move on and base inclusion to politics based on merit and ability rather than ticking DI&E tick boxes.

    It will happen but until it does, it is going to get worse before it gets better.

  100. SteepBrae says:

    JohnIm at 6.12am and Rev. Stu 17th Feb at 7.38pm:

    In 2020, it was clearly no coincidence that suddenly, on cue, all at the same time, people became angry about racial inequality – not only nationally but globally. Has there been wall-to-wall TV coverage of a grieving family at their loved one’s funeral since then?

    Not to mention the on-cue rainbows in windows as backdrop to the co-ordinated clapping for our beloved, heroic NHS while its resources were haemorrhaging.

    We are easily manipulated.

    Meanwhile potholes are not fixed, houses not insulated, education suffers, people go hungry, bankrupt, homeless. Vacuous mouthpieces get the top political jobs and the world wobbles while the elite line their own pockets.

    You just have to hope that more and more of us see the distractions for what they are. And it’s an election year so things can only get weirder.

  101. PacMan says:

    Ruby says:17 February, 2024 at 9:42 pm

    We don’t have that many blacks in Scotland.

    There has been a large influx of black people in my area over the past year or two. There has also been an increase in black people in retail, particularly in security. I have also seen other black people with high-vis jackets and obviously work gear so they are asylum seekers.

    On hearing their accents, it obvious this new influx is isn’t due to inward migration from other parts of the UK.

    You might not have any black people in your area but you will have soon enough. Thank the Conservative government for that with their wonderful Brexit policies that has secured the cheapest labour from around the world.

  102. SteepBrae says:

    However, as fewer and fewer of us allow ourselves to be taken in (revolting natives that we are), there’s a plentiful supply to take our place. The establishment is always a step ahead.

  103. Breeks says:

    Maybe skin colour is to be the new gender grievance in the “Anything but Independence” governmental doctrine.

    As for Scotland demonstrating prejudices against the Irish, I would not / could not, deny it happened, but while the talk is racism, there’s also a smell of sectarianism, and Scottish towns and cities polarised by football – while the rest of us groaned with how tedious it all was. Just sayin’….

    We Scots are not immune to prejudices being instilled into our communities, but how can we ever be sure of its root cause, – particularly while Westminster rule relies so heavily on a divided Scotland?

    The Irish are not the natural enemies of Scotland, the Ruskians are not the natural enemies of Scotland, the Muslims are not the natural enemies of Scotland. Ask yourself whether Scots fighting Irish is any different from Sunni fighting Shiite, or Slav fighting Slav.

    YooKrane is to Ruskia, what Taiwan is to China, and Israel is to Islam… the enemy at your door – by Western design, not Scotland’s design.

    Sectarianism was religious intolerance deliberately engineered to sow division between the Celts in Ireland and Scotland. As I grew up, even as a child, I knew religion was how “they” would divide us. Every fkg Saturday was devoted to it.

    Our bane was their tool. It was so transparent that whether your strip was royal blue or green and white stripes, I just saw a pawn being manipulated; a body men susceptible to indoctrination; somebody dumb enough to believe the lies on the BBC. Someone weak. And for dessert we have Jambos and Hibees in Edinburgh? Oh Jeezuz. Pass me the sick bucket.

    I haven’t mellowed with age. I have deep rooted disdain for all fitba strips; which team prejudice do you support? My answer has always been none of them.

    And Scotland’s “love” for its national game felt every inch as contrived and manipulative as Scotland’s prowess on the battlefield, a callous distortion of truth and history curiously neglectful to mention who the Scots traditionally fought so bravely against, and all designed to harvest our warrior progeny into serving with the Redcoat army and thinking it’s an honour upon Scotland.

    Never mind the army, I seethe under my breath at a “British” Olympics team. Every “Nation” wants to exhibit its sporting prowess, except the British who want to cheat by competing as an “amalgamation”. Why don’t the English want to compete as England? What is wrong with them?

    I haven’t mellowed, but perhaps one of the most uplifting aspects of YES in 2014, was that “their” designs on Scottish sectarianism dividing Scots in order to better rule over us, didn’t work as intended. For too many, Scotland’s well-being held a stronger motivation than instilled prejudice, and “they” weren’t able to Ulsterise Scotland.

    Yeayyy for us. Well done my fellow Scots, I’m proud of you. Except I can’t say “proud” anymore, because “proud” Unionist Scot-buts wear “pride” like a badge. (It’s ok, pride is a sin anyway, so let them have it).

    It didn’t work in 2014, but religion itself lacks the potency it once had. Maybe they’ll be more sophisticated next time. Maybe spontaneous turncoats like Sturgeon are more effective and easier to sustain.

    I’m sorry if that offends any fitba supporters. Perhaps I’m doing you a great injustice and you really do have a love of sport and football in particular, but I’m sorry. I see you, I see a dilution of Scotland’s sense of identity. Can’t help it. The sectarianism is NOT a feature in other sport / supporter fraternities. So why do think it is there in our wee Nation?

  104. Luigi says:

    Ach give the two wee political puppets a break. They have a bit of a dilemma. Two non-white leaders against each other makes for a massive problem. After all, whoever loses won’t be able to use racism as an excuse. The usual “It’s because I’m brown” nonsense won’t work this time. I would never vote for either of them, and it’s nothing to do with skin colour. I just don’t vote for clueless idiots. My heart bleeds. Popcorn ready.

  105. Johnlm says:

    Humza Yousaf ‘felt like an outsider’ after 911. (Glasgow Times)
    It ruined his adolescence. Unsurprisingly.

    In reality, the C1A staged 911.
    Yusless now works for the C1A / M15
    Go figure.

    Is he still working through issues of private school bullying, all based on a lie?
    Not one of our sharpest.

    Humza Yousaf: ‘I felt like an outsider after 9/11’ | Glasgow Times

  106. SteepBrae says:

    And pride comes before a fall. And these very same NO-voting supporters have allowed themselves to be duped into thinking it wiz the cafflicks what done it. For example, it was the English army that slaughtered the Covenanters but that’s been morphed into blaming your neighbour sporting the green & white scarf.

    Breeks: and history curiously neglectful to mention who the Scots traditionally fought so bravely against…

    Yes, divide and rule.

  107. stuart mctavish says:

    If you interpret white as a euphemism for redcoats (or newscotslabour as Ellis might call them) it all makes perfect sense.

    Yet more so once you realise the pressure both candidates for FM are under if they don’t have the support to turn a middle east ceasefire vote into a vote of confidence in the UK*, and the demographic from which that support must inevitably come.

    *A vote to which Scots born MPs representing English constituencies can reasonably hope to be invited, imho 🙂

  108. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    They’re both assets of the US State Department.

    Yousaf was identified as a “future opinion leader” and inducted into the State Dept’s, International Visitors Leadership Program while in his second year as a humble parliamentary aide for his MSP uncle. Nothing suspicious about that at all.

    Sarwar was inducted into the British American Project at their 2018 Seattle conference. All expenses paid delegates to the BAP, 2022 Minnesota conference received a missive not to mention their presence on their social media. As the bard of Falkirk, Aidan Moffat said, “if you’ve nothing to hide why hide it?”.

  109. TURABDIN says:

    Something quite rotten in Scotland’s «house».
    link to
    As a foreigner i am appalled at the indifference to the upkeep of the fabric; the reference to the twice burned School of Art is pertinent.
    Is it a «British» mind set, that cavalier attitude towards things that matter, that cultural fabric, without which there would be no Scotland or England worth noting.
    Scotland is a country sold to the neighbor by those who ought to have been its guardians, so perhaps it is.
    Tough guys might weep oceans.

  110. Ruby says:

    18 February, 2024 at 1:19 am

    “Everyone is racist.”

    Research suggests otherwise, that it’s learned, institutionalised, and generally exacerbated by other factors like economics. There was a study of German cultural trends in the 1980s that showed increased membership of neo-nazi groups occurring when the economy slumped, for example.

    There are studies that demonstrate an absence of racial bias in children, if you look into it.

    You are not putting up a very good argument Hatuey! I am disappointed.

    What does people joining neo-nazi groups for economic reasons got to do with race?

    What have children got to do with it? They are just playing.

    Whether it’s innate or learned I believe everyone on this planet is ‘racist’

    When I used the term ‘racist’ I mean difference.

    People like to be surrounded by like minded people.

    How would you define a country?

  111. John Main says:

    Wow, took a wee while for that penny to drop.

    Yet any eejit knows exactly what the chance of a white Christian becoming leader of the proud, patriotic nation of Pakistan is – zero.

    I wonder when the next penny will finally drop – it was a flawed and fraudulent process that gifted Yousaf the top job in the first place. He’s the New Pretender, and in any proud, patriotic nation (like Pakistan, say), the street protests would have started on the day of his “ordination” and would have continued until he was turfed out of office.

    Not here in Scotland though. Go figure what that really means for Indy.

    Sarwar defo shades it when the time to place your vote comes around. The process that put him in his place was, as far as I know, legal and above board. I’m old enough to remember when considerations of honour and legality meant something to the average Scot.

  112. Effijy says:

    The Guardian exposed the fake Tory empathy and commitment to resolve the life destroying
    injustice perpetuated against honest hard working Post Masters over a 25 year period.

    A former Post Office chair said he was told by a senior civil servant to stall compensation payouts to post office operators so the government could “limp into” the general election.

    Henry Staunton, who was sacked by the business secretary, Kemi Badenoch, last month amid anger over the Horizon scandal, said the request came soon after he took up the role in December 2022.

    He also alleged that Nick Read, the Post Office chief executive, tried in January to dissuade the government from proceeding with blanket exonerations for operators.

    In an interview with the Sunday Times, Staunton, 75, said the request to slow down compensation payouts appeared to be an attempt to reduce the government’s financial liability before the general election this year.

    “Early on, I was told by a fairly senior person to stall on spend on compensation and on the replacement of Horizon, and to limp, in quotation marks – I did a file note on it – limp into the election,” Staunton said.

    “It was not an anti-postmaster thing, it was just straight financials. I didn’t ask, because I said ‘I’m having no part of it – I’m not here to limp into the election, it’s not the right thing to do by postmasters.’ The word ‘limp’ gives you a snapshot of where they were.”

  113. Ruby says:

    link to

    Did you go out and protest in the streets John Main?

    The ‘illegal election’ of Humza is the least of our worries.

  114. Ruby says:

    I wonder if Police Scotland have been given a similar instruction so that the SNP can limp into the general election?

  115. John Main says:

    “Scotland has traditionally always welcomed incomers”

    Knock out post on this thread, in terms of solid gold cognitive dissonance and reality denial.

    That this statement should go unremarked on a thread and indeed a blog devoted at least half the time to ranting and railing against incomers, just goes to show that we Scots do still lead the world in one very narrow area of expertise.

  116. Den says:

    Neither of them should be running Scotland as FM. Yousaf has no mandate from the Scottish people he was anointed into the role not voted for at the ballot box. Additionally neither are culturally aligned with the traditional Christian values of this country. Can you imagine a white Christian running for election as leader in Pakistan ? The same is happening in Westminster, Sunak was anointed not voted for by the electorate not only is Tory policy killing its voter base, the fact that they have an unelected PM of non Christian faith is going to cost them, the English will never vote for an non white christian to run the country.

  117. Effijy says:

    Can I remind everyone that Sarwar was available for London Labours North Accounting unit when they chose candidates they considered better such as Dippy Dugdale and that Dick Leonard.

    God and time showed these starlets to be dull as Ditch Water and incompetent.

    Now the third rate candidate is the Westminster puppet most likely to keep their Colony in its place.

    We face 5 years of Labour couldn’t change anything as the Tories ran off with the money and them Boris can come back into power under the demands of Britland South.

    100 years of Labour, Tory, Tory Labour who in the modern era are both right wing parties.

  118. Agent x says:

    Nicola Sturgeon reported to Met Police over her deleted WhatsApp messages

  119. Johnlm says:

    Genocide John deliberately misses the point yet again.
    Two Brit devolutionists(?) decide to stir up ethnic issues to divide the country.
    Some irrelevant waffle about Pakistan.
    Vote Labour.
    Message ends.

  120. Ruby says:

    link to

    That’s another weird post John Main.

    You claim ‘someone’ made a comment. You don’t tell us who and then claim because this post has gone unremarked it shows that we Scots do still lead the world in one very narrow area of expertise.

    Was there something stopping you remarking on that particular post?

    What’s stopping you remarking on that post? You are a Scot aren’t you? Do you just come here to criticise others.

    Are you all about do as I say not as I do?

  121. Ruby says:

    Interesting Agent X

    Got any further info?

  122. Ruby says:

    Agent X

    I found it

    link to

    Nicola Sturgeon reported to police over UK Covid inquiry WhatsApp claims

    A police report submitted to the Met and seen by the Sunday Mail has called for an investigation into the apparently conflicting statements.

    Why the Met?

  123. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    “Nicola Sturgeon reported to police over UK Covid inquiry WhatsApp claims”

    link to

  124. Alf Baird says:

    PacMan @ 8:13 am

    “it obvious this new influx is isn’t due to inward migration from other parts of the UK.”

    In-migration to Scotland mostly comes from or via England, so yes, from ‘other parts of UK’, and where any necessary entry visas are issued (reserved power) for those coming from further afield. The census also tells us, since records began over a century ago, that the majority of Scotland’s in-migration has come from one country, England, and this is still the case today.

    Which also tells us that only independence and reclaiming sovereignty gives ‘a people’ control over their borders; ergo, whilst Scotland remains haud ticht in the ‘union’ Scots have zero control over their border and hence little or no control over population change in Scotland.

    Population change appears to have accelerated over the past 25 years which leads to a further shift in the national ‘identity’ of the Scottish population over that period, this possibly exceeding one million people, or 20%+. Evidence suggests that where the indigenous population in a colonial territory is pushed below 50% then independence becomes less likely, such as in New Caledonia, and Wales. At current rates of population change such an outcome is not very far off in Scotland.

    Hence the importance of population ‘management’, control over national borders, and protection of sovereignty in all countries. A country with no control over its borders is unlikely to exist in the long run.

  125. Republicofscotland says:


    McConnell (a die-hard Britnat) as head of Glasgow Life made a good living out that position, as did Gray at the School of Art.

    link to

    There’s no cash to fix that one-off organ, but I’d bet that Tammany Hall aka Glasgow City Council would find the cash to tidy parts of the city up and have enough coppers on the streets if King Charles came a calling.

    Scottish history and culture will always come second to those of our larger neighbour in this colonial set up.

  126. John Main says:

    @Effijy 10:23

    All of Europe is shifting right. I say “thank feck”. It seems to be an indicator of the “right” that we can face reality and happily call a spade a spade.

    Those on the “left” are going to have to come to terms with the harsh reality that it was on their watch that the clusterfuck we see all around came to pass. For the umpteenth time in recent history, it turns out that the progressive virtue signalling utopia just doesn’t work out. Surprised? You really shouldn’t be.

    Good that you managed to namecheck Boris though. Hope he’s still not keeping you awake at night. What makes you think he’s innarested in making a political comeback?

    You do know that new political personalities can come along to change the scene? Lord knows, some new faces are desperately needed in Scottish politics.

  127. Republicofscotland says:

    Good comment Vivian, isn’t Yousaf’s likely successor Kate Forbes also a member of one of those groups?

    Forbes like Yousaf wants to go down the S30 route basically keep on begging Westminster to hold an indyref.

  128. John Main says:

    @Alf Baird 11:07

    I’m inferring from your post that you disagree that “Scotland has traditionally always welcomed incomers”.

    Then again, maybes it’s the influx of New Scots that are changing our traditional welcoming ways to hostility. Logically, that could work also.

    I think myself that if we leave out the Scottish Exceptionalism, we can see that like every other nation and culture under the sun, we are accepting of small numbers of incomers who are prepared to assimilate and adopt our customs and values.

    And like every other nation and culture under the sun, we push back when those small numbers of integrationists become large numbers of colonists.

  129. Johnlm says:

    News update.

    “All Europe is shifting right”

    Lunatic Zionist defender of Woke country governments praises the return to the right(?).
    Lunatic recommends voting Woke Labour at the next election.

    ‘The right’ abandon Avdiivka.

    Lunatic ploughs on relentlessly

  130. David Hannah says:

    I despise the Tory party. No friends of Scotland. But these racists can pack their bags and fuck off back to India or Pakistan with attitude. And take your prayer mats with you.


  131. David Hannah says:

    Time to close the borders. I’ve had enough of the Africans, the middle eastern people coming here to steal our houses, our benefits and our jobs. And then blaming whitey for their black privelege.

    These arseholes surely must know that the invading force in the British Empire was always disruptive.

    It’s time we had an Irish attitude to immigration and stop them from coming and setting up camp in our hotels. They are a disgrace to humanity.

  132. Republicofscotland says:

    So Police Scotland have spied on the Human Rights lawyer Aamer Anwar, and Sheku Bayoh’s family, holding illegal information on them.

    The (PIRC) Police Investigation Review Commission got involved saw there was a case to be made, and asked the COPFS for a warrant to look into Police Scotland’s files on the illegal information on the lawyer and the Bayoh family the COPFS REFUSED to give the (PIRC) the warrant.

    link to

  133. David Hannah says:

    If they hate our skin colour do much, why don’t you move to Dubai. Or Saudi Arabia. And get paid lots more money.

    Fuck off, you pricks. Black priveleged cunts. That’s all you are. Whitey didn’t cause your problems. This is a white Christian country last time I checked.

  134. Mark Beggan says:

    Metropolitan Police question the Sturgeon thing about it’s thieving, lieing freak show. She is to be hung drawn and quartered at the tower. If only!

  135. David Hannah says:

    We need Kate Forbes. We need to restore Christianity and anti wokeness and family values to our Scotland.

    I’m sick of the kebab shops. And the Asian food shops. I miss the Scottish pubs. And Scottish food. I go to Morrisons cafe for a full Scottish. I hate all that tofue shite. It’s disgusting.

    Our country is fucked. I’ll go to another country and be respectcul. Why don’t they respect ours.

    We need an anti woke first minister. Kate Forbes will do the job for me.

    I’m sick of the attacks on the tax paying working class male. And I’m sick of fawning at the feet and explaining myself to these cunts.

    They want a race war. They’ve got it.

  136. TURABDIN says:

    A welcoming opendoor policy is fine in principle, but the door ought not to be left unattended.
    It is your house, you must remain the arbiter of whom you choose as a guest.
    European countries, despite their colonialist history and maybe because of a sense of guilt arising from that, have been slow to acknowledge that not all are welcome.
    The political or culturally oppressed refugee is a rarity nowadays, most are economic migrants resulting from bad management, corruption, social dysfunction etc in their homelands.
    Keeping parts of the developing world in such a condition may serve the interests of the shadowy honey-tongued power brokers for whom the nation state is antithetical to their globalist projects; free market capitalism abhors minorities and those awkward special cases.
    In this bogus free movement idea, modern day transhumance, indulgent liberal social attitudes may result in social disharmony.
    In the «MidEast» such things are quite controlled, often brutally. Why invite trouble when you may have already a sufficiency, with a potential for more.
    Who in their right mind would desire this on your patch.

    link to

  137. Republicofscotland says:

    Brian Doonthe toon.

    Yeah I wonder who the member of the public was who made the complaint, Sean Clerkin made the complaint that led to Operation Branchform, if Brancform is anything to go by f*ck-all will come out of the WhatsApp messages.

    In anycase Craig Murray says that the English security services HAVE ALL the WhatsApp messages.

  138. Mark Beggan says:

    The two gloves puppets in question here have no options. Glove puppet 1 is already finished, he just doesn’t know it yet. He will probably need his own private police force to protect him at the next election. While glove puppet 2 will grovel till his own lot boot him out.
    The puppet masters have got too many puppets all tangled up.

  139. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Yousaf is the last ever Leader of the SNP.
    How do I justify this bold assertion?
    The only viable alternative is Kate Forbes. The Sturgeon / Yousaf strategy of strangling all talent at birth to protect their personal supremacy made sure of this.
    Jackson’s Entry, the MPs and MSPs can’t tolerate Forbes. Her paid attendance at Wheaton College “For Christ and His Kingdom” Illinois (6th to 10th) October was a step too far for the professionally woke zealots that make up the payroll SNP. Wheaton College requires all prospective students to sign a covenant declaring homosexuality to be immoral.
    The problem for Jackson’s Entry is three fold.
    * The membership is liable to chose Forbes in any genuine election contest.
    * The slush fund (missing £600k, alleged Qaisar £50k bung & soon to be diminished Short money) isn’t available to create the once legion of “ghost voters”.
    * If they fail to farm the election out to a third party and keep it in house, the game’s up anyway.

  140. David Hannah says:

    I listened to Yvonne Ridley’s story about Mohammed being a brilliant guy. The Muslim faith and the Christian faith is very much the same. Except they are more disciplined. I’ve got nothing against Muslims or Pakistanis. Or the Indians. I like many of them. I never have. They are part of the Glasgow fabric and the Tartan of our country.

    But I despise wokeism and. Ever since black lives matter, my views have changed.

    I used to be. Scotland Loves EU. I’m with Nicola.

    Now I want the borders closed. Ask Anas Sarwar if he agrees that the British Empire was disruptive to the native force. And if he agrees, tell him to stop disrupting our way of life. Pack your bags and go and live in India. They can thank the British for setting up their country and democracy.

  141. Hatuey says:

    Ruby: “You are not putting up a very good argument Hatuey! I am disappointed.”

    I liked it.

    You say everyone is racist (implying natural), I say the opposite, that it’s manmade, no evidence of it in children, it is learned, institutionalised, and a trait that owes much of its existence to wider economic factors.

    That last part could be developed a lot further. Racism in history tends to go hand-in-hand with top-down economic factors and goals, the slave trade, colonialism, Nazism, and what we are seeing in the Middle East right now, to name a few obvious examples.

    Imagining and promulgating ideas of racial superiority makes it easier to abuse and fleece people, I suppose, or at least makes sleeping at night and looking in the mirror easier.

    In short, if you fill people’s heads with silly ideas, you can get them to do almost anything. And from the perspective of the rich and powerful who run the world, that stuff is important and probably necessary.

    I don’t think ordinary people would consent to bombing the Middle East, enslaving people, burning villages, etc., or take part, if their minds were not filled with such silly ideas.

    I’ll decide myself who I don’t like, and I can assure you it will not be based on the colour of their skin.

  142. Confused says:

    in case anyone has been skipping on their nootropics, I will spell out what is really going on here –

    the “asian business community” (ABC) have set themselves up for a big win by


    – satisfaction guaranteed, and investments been made in both SNP and Labour (maybe even tories!) to guarantee a return.

    the ABC are a foreign-originated “mercantile class” who as is usual, are on the grift :

    “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”

    ? Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

    the added spice – a different culture/religion/racial augmentation, might normally cause trouble as folks pattern recognition (“all these rotten landlords in the west end … they all look like … “) goes into overdrive; but now a bug becomes a feature, for the pre-emptive (nice!) charge of “racism” is being levelled at any white-white-white indigenous native aboriginal person who “notices”, or asks questions.

    So, if you are an official who is noticing a lot of “no show” jobs/quango posts/positions are going to someone’s cousin/sister etc, or a tax inspector who comes across what seems to be a vast carousel fraud among people who all seem to be related, and of a certain origin … you might want to re-think your approach, just in case you are operating with unconscious racial bias there.

    – and if anything does go to court, expect to see the most self righteous racial grievance ambulance chaser in the land, aamer anwar, to be on the BBC giving it


    It is really depressing to me how often the real answer can be found by “follow the money” – is it ever wrong, I mean when you dig down to the bottom?

    link to

    link to

    link to

    police are still looking for one notorious landlord who gave them the slip –

    dawhal felldoon

    – hey now, none of yer racialist profiling, ya racist bastards!

    In a way, the ABC are incredibly impressive for what they do, given that “usury” is banned in islam.

  143. President Xiden says:

    Ian said

    Bringing any religion into Bute House should be a big no no too.

    link to

    Imagine the media outcry if Kate Forbes had held a prayer meeting in Bute House if she had won the leadership contest.

  144. Towbar Sullivan says:

    And EVERY single one of them white!

    The SHAME of it!

    link to

  145. President Xiden says:

    Ruby says
    ‘ Why the Met?’

    Because Police Sturgeon,……sorry Scotland, can’t be trusted.

  146. A2 says:

    Meanwhile the highest profile criminal Lawyer in the country…

  147. David Hannah says:

    He’s a tosser. 2 Muslim Asian leaders. And an Indian Prime Minister.
    All millionaires. And billionaires. With Non Dom status.

    And they still want to play victim. You can only try and guilt trip the west into feeling sorry for black people for so long.

    The British actually abolished slavery. The West Africa Squadron. The africans invented slavery and were the last people to abolish slavery in the 1980s.

    Now they come over here. With their attitude. They have an attitude some of them. I don’t find Africans attractive.

    Not my type. I don’t fancy the big hair. The wigs. Not my type. And yet. They’re getting all the houses while the housing budget is cut by £200 million.

    It’s not on. Stop the influx I say.

  148. Cameron Robson says:

    Because I’m Celtic White (Irish part inherited contribution?) I was bullied by a school boy of a gypsy lineage with a darker hue than myself who along with fists used to deride my pale skin and accuse me of being anaemic. I’m nearly 70 and if you think I am going through similar crap to that again by political leaders of a darker complexion you can think twice. I loathe what the woke eejits have done to Scotland and I would have no compunction in letting the dogs loose on them and chasing them ower the Border.

  149. Geri says:

    Genocide John

    Put yer pennies away. They dropped a long time ago for everyone else. There is no UK democracy. There is only American puppets. Vivian has already mentioned (various times) the *organisations* our politicians are sent to for indoctrination. It’s no secret too that the YES movement has appointed freaks with no to very little backstory either & it’s also no surprise that our politicians are sent out on an all expenses jolly to two f*scist regimes pretending they’re our friends.

    The British/Yankie establishment has been up to something for a while. Devoted little soldiers/useful idiots have been elevated through the ranks to push deeply unpopular policies & thats not been a coincidence. That’s to divide & rule & when it goes tits up – blame someone else.

    Are you voting Labour? The very arseholes who brought us Trans rights & perverts into schools & women’s spaces? Or Tories , those great bastions of law & order who deliberately let it fester while turning a blind eye for years.

    Shall we start calling you Genocide Jenny now?

  150. Anton Decadent says:

    @sam, you recently denied making the type of posts which you have spammed this thread with, you are a liar but that comes with the territory.

    Re the two subjects of this article, they were both key movers in the cross party anti racist group which was set up within the Scottish political scene and both used it to further their careers. Sarwar used it to smear opponents within his own party in one case making accusations of racism against another member of the Scottish Labour party and refusing point blank to name the sources of the accusations. Another member of the group is Ross Greer who, along with Yusaf and probably Sarwar, took himself to a Greek beach for a photo op with Greer actually stating that God had told him to open the doors to Scotland/the West.

    Re the cut and paste claims of racism in Scotland made above, as previously stated the two racist attacks on me were brushed under the carpet so no crimes are recorded as having taken place, this is how the race industry, and it is indeed an industry, works, paint one side as victims and the other as oppressors even in the face of contrary evidence. Here in Govanhill some local women were documenting its descent into crime ridden slum, in one video taken in the back courts they had pieces of scaffolding thrown at them by Roma children. Their entire channel on YouTube was nuked, no record of it exists, it is cast down the memory hole. Womens groups had enough of the atmosphere of terror in the area and marched through it in October 2014 but they were warned that complaining about being raped was hateful and when I last checked their website it had been hijacked by trans activists.

    @RoS, a few weeks ago you posted a link to a grooming gang which had been convicted in Glasgow and you appeared to imply that as we have our own bringing in others doesn’t make a difference, what you failed to notice/mention is that your link contained names and photos of those convicted whereas those convicted in Operation Cerrar have been granted lifelong anonymity. Why has an organised grooming gang made up one hundred percent of people either seeking or granted asylum in Scotland been granted lifelong anonymity and at whose behest?

    I am someone who works in an industry over ran by race grifting. There are absolutely no checks and balances in place with regard to their funding, it is granted automatically each year no questions asked by an ideologically captured funding body. There is a web of influence stretching across a number of industries, locations, cities and countries and nepotism, cronyism and political favouritism are rife.

    Some people are going to figure out that there is a hateful, vengeful element at work in our countries and that sometimes it is made up of groups which do not normally work with each other but which have a common enemy in white Christians.

  151. TURABDIN says:

    Alba party member Yvonne Ridley is woman who plainly knows her own mind.
    Muhammad, a really, really, great guy?
    As a Muslim she is not allowed, under possible pain of death, to think any thing else.
    As a Syriac rite Catholic i occasionally think Jesus had a few bad days «thought wise», nobody is going to kill me for thinking that or expressing, as here, that thought.
    Whatever, a Scotland that is like tartan folk weave, a polychrome criss cross of world views, is better than an any color as long as its beige nation.
    Even Youssaf and Sarwar have a place in the pattern.

  152. Andy Storrie says:

    Agent Hamza was made to make that speech about white folk by his London handlers. It was done to deliberately alienate the public away from the main indy vehicle.

    Same goes with his infamous “I’m not an expert on transport” comment, which came (deliberately timed) at a time when motorists were stranded on ice rink motorways. He was transport minister at the time.

    Humza is a bought and paid for London gofer. Over 50% of Scots now want SFA to do with London rule now, but agent Humza has deliberately failed to capitalise on the momentum.

    Every day that this ugly wee guy remains in the job serves as a reminder that London has nothing but contempt for the right of self determination in Scotland.

  153. James Che says:

    Both those speeches are hate speeches against the ethnic population in Scotland, and should be appropriately dealt with by the Scottish new laws on hate speech.

    It also borders on ” incitement” to set and make one group of people to feel and be encouraged to feel animosity towards another ethic group openly by government political official parties.

    Hate speech and incitement to cause hate towards another ethnic race are illegal in Scotland.
    Why have the police not arrested and charged both of them,

  154. Stuart MacKay says:

    I wouldn’t get too hung up on the colour thing. Garrion @2:40pm yesterday has it exactly right – it’s just a divisive thrown out there to make themselves look virtuous. However the real message is that when it comes to the interests of Scots, you know they’ll be last on the list. Standing up Starmer, don’t make me laugh.

    With these two, when it comes to appointments to positions of influence, immigrants are better, but relatives are best.

  155. Sven says:

    James Che @ 13.27

    Whilst the Hate Crime & Public Order (Scotland) Bill passed into law on 23rd April 2021 it has not yet been activated.
    This is allegedly because it is such a dog’s breakfast of a piece of contradictory legislation (my summation, not the devolved adminstration’s) that it is anticipated it will be sometime this year (2024) before the Crown Office can attempt to issue any form of even vaguely comprehensive and consistent guidelines to Police Scotland.

  156. Anton Decadent says:

    Already mentioned above is the pattern of leadership in Scotland, England and London. Eire was not mentioned and this is from a few days ago in the Guardian.

    link to

  157. James Che says:

    Well done to commentor Gerry Robertson over on, Through a Scottish prism’ for calling them out for all talk shop but no plans to get us any further towards independence.

    They spend week after week Slagging of political parties that we all know ain’ t gonna make one iota of difference, or change Scottish politics in our life time, the sense of them deflecting the obvious, the elephant in the room, contributing very little to alternative plans A B or C, reminds of the stalling on NS and the SNP,
    It like aschool playground gossip shop.
    I stopped tuning in to it over a year ago now, but someone a little more stalwart on independence bought Gerry’s comment to my attention today.
    Well done Gerry, for taking the bull by the horns on what should be the main issue, wether you are the troll they accuse you of or not,

  158. Jacqueline says:

    James Che
    Ignored says:
    18 February, 2024 at 1:27 pm
    Both those speeches are hate speeches against the ethnic population in Scotland, and should be appropriately dealt with by the Scottish new laws on hate speech.

    It also borders on ” incitement” to set and make one group of people to feel and be encouraged to feel animosity towards another ethic group openly by government political official parties.

    Hate speech and incitement to cause hate towards another ethnic race are illegal in Scotland.
    Why have the police not arrested and charged both of them,
    Exactly James. They are disgraceful.
    Being white ethnic Scots seems to have us at a disadvantage.

  159. GM says:

    17 February, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    Aye those ideas were as defeated as they were ever going to be 40 yrs ago. I tend to split folk up into good c**** and w*******. If Humza, who is Scottish, was a red hot Scottish nationalist who brought all able people together in a drive to build up our country and win our Independence he would be, in my books at least, most definitely a good c***.

    Why has the very slight difference in Humza’s skin colour become a politicial issue now? The answer is of course that it isn’t an issue. It is a bullshit talking point for a w***** class. If they talk about it it becomes real. it saves them having to actually do anything. Whihc suits their clique down to the ground.

    As for the EU/US/Western liberal stuff noted by Dr Benway. We have noticed.

  160. Ruby says:

    link to

    Oh dear Hatuey!

    I’ll decide myself who I don’t like, and I can assure you it will not be based on the colour of their skin.

    That’s what you think! The law will decide who you can or cannot like.

    In short, if you fill people’s heads with silly ideas, you can get them to do almost anything.

    You sure can. Religion being a good example.

    I don’t think ordinary people would consent to bombing the Middle East, enslaving people, burning villages, etc., or take part, if their minds were not filled with such silly ideas.

    Silly ideas like religion?

    You haven’t answered my question:

    What is a country.

  161. David Hannah says:

    You’re right Turabdin. There’s a place for people of all colours and faiths. I like that too myself.

    I’ve known and know many Christian Indians, Philipinos. Lovely well spoken people with unique brilliance. I love the Irish. I have met many muslim friends over the years that wear the headscarf. That’s their choice. But you never see the men wearing the headscarves do you?

    I’ve known Iranians. Again lovely people. Very kind people.

    It’s the blacks I don’t like. The Nigerians. I’m not a fan of their culture. Unfortunately they are flooding in and taking over our communities. And they don’t integrate well. They’ve got a terrible attitude. It’s awful.

    If we don’t say something about it, they’ll be no scottish homeland. We’ve got no place to go back to?!

  162. Geri says:

    Some gender critical voices have said for a while now that Islam will be with us shortly. The GRR roasters are paving the way to fit neatly onto to the *Women know yer place & dae as yer telt* mantra.

    This would explain Dumbza & the GRR drive. Muslim women & girls don’t cross his mind because they don’t have safe spaces. No such thing exists. There’s no need for them. They’re either in the hoose doing housey duties or they have a chaperone out shopping for housey stuff only & straight back hame.
    Dae not browse M&S.
    Dae not visit a cash line LOL

    It’s textbook Britnat. Introduce some religious divide in conjunction with the GRR nonsense where everything is a criminal offence.

  163. Hatuey says:

    Of course, both of them left some cash on the table. The offices occupied by “whites” weren’t just full of white people at the time Humza and Anas made their speeches; they are positions that have all always been held by white people, going back forever.

    They aren’t even very capable virtue signallers…

  164. David Hannah says:

    I know that the Nigerians are 50 per cent Christian, 50 per cent Islam.

    It’s just taking a while for me to adjust. It’s natural. It’s hard to accept so many new colleagues all from Nigeria.

    It’s hard to accept. And I’m struggling with it. It upsets me. That’s how I feel and you can’t change my mind.

    I want a Scotland for the Scots. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

  165. Republicofscotland says:

    Worth a read.

    ““In 1689, the Earl of Shaftsbury said that the English parliament was sovereign. But the English Parliament doesn’t exist anymore. The English Parliament disappeared in 1707, as did the Scottish Parliament. [In] the Parliament of the United Kingdom, there is no law at all that says that that is sovereign.

    “And the reason why that’s important is because in Scotland, there’s no concept at all of parliamentary sovereignty. The Declaration of Arbroath, which you’ll all be familiar with, of course, says that sovereignty in Scotland rests with the people. That’s still the case today in Scots’ Constitutional Law. Still the case.”

    link to

  166. David Hannah says:

    They come over here to have a better life,

    And they destroy ours. Our health service. Our NHS. Our dental appointments.

    They close down our pubs and open up their mobile phone shops.

    It’s not on. I go to Morrisons Cafe. I don’t want to eat any off that middle eastern SHITE!

  167. Ruby says:

    David Hannah
    18 February, 2024 at 2:30 pm

    It’s the blacks I don’t like. The Nigerians. I’m not a fan of their culture. Unfortunately they are flooding in and taking over our communities. And they don’t integrate well.

    They don’t need to integrate well. We live in a multi-cultural society with each different community having their own culture.

  168. Republicofscotland says:

    “They come over here to have a better life,

    And they destroy ours. Our health service. Our NHS. Our dental appointments.”

    By far the largest group of folk to do the above comes from England, they are the biggest immigrant group to come to Scotland.

  169. twathater says:

    @ Cameron Robson 1.05pm, I wonder if many people have personal experience of gypsies, roma, or travellers, most places that are used by the various travelling communities end up being covered in piles of refuse which contain all sorts of unedifying materials and which have to be removed , usually by local authority teams or depending on the risk factor by specialist teams for disposal, the costs for these including the specialist teams are borne by the respective local authorities as tracing the offenders is practically impossible or financially unfeasable, those costs are paid by council tax payers

    There used to be a traveller site with toilets and shower blocks in between Barrhead and Paisley a very up to date facility which ended up destroyed and set on fire TBQH I don’t know who was responsible but again it was council tax payers who financed it

    I’ve watched numerous programmes where police have come under sustained attack by young and old damaging vehicles by missiles when they have attempted to either arrest individuals or retrieve stolen vehicles, it is literally a no go area with threats of violence and intimidation palpable

  170. wullie says:

    Every time they said the word WHITE they forgot to add the word ENGLISH. Clueless absolutely clueless They know nothing of Scotland, they have had a private English education which ensures their disgust with anything Scottish.


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    • sarah on Signal and noise: “The problem is that most people haven’t heard about Salvo and the Liberation Movement. Even an ex-MSP of the Highlands…Mar 12, 22:03
    • lindsay on Signal and noise: “By extension this has to be the best discription ever of what today passes as Scottish “parliament”Mar 12, 21:55
    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Of course there’s only ONE side cloaking the debate. The ones wearing cloaks, real and figurative.Mar 12, 21:40
    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Couldn’t agree more, Lorn.Mar 12, 21:35
    • sarah on Signal and noise: ““Because it’s a waste of time. You cannot declare independence…unless you’ve had some sort of democratic event demonstrating that it…Mar 12, 21:28
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “I don’t agree with everything you say, but I do agree with some. See the last sentence, can we change…Mar 12, 21:10
    • Mark Beggan on Signal and noise: “All aboard!! The last train to Wokeseville leaving from platform Scotland. All aboard!Mar 12, 20:58
    • Mark Beggan on Signal and noise: “Generations of inbreeding.Mar 12, 20:48
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “IF there are any changes they’ll be the type of changes that remain the same.Mar 12, 20:42
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “Undoubtedly. There is always more. This is the REDACTED parliament, after all. But I don’t think it’s what YL says.…Mar 12, 20:36
    • Southernbystander on Signal and noise: “Yes I am sure you are right that in fact it is a very narrow set of ‘communities’ being referenced…Mar 12, 20:35
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: ““I cannot understand why Stuart Campbell has chosen to ignore organisations like SALVO and Liberation.Scot consisting of dedicated independence supporters…Mar 12, 20:14
    • George Ferguson on Signal and noise: “Agreed. Young people have no understanding of Scotland of the past. Social migration was there for working class Scottish people…Mar 12, 20:13
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: ““transgender and nonbinary people contribute immensely to the wellbeing of Scotland’s communities” You need to focus on the communities that…Mar 12, 19:52
    • lorn on Signal and noise: “The ‘trans’ lobby utilizes these individual cases at huge public cost in order to wear down women. Simple as that.…Mar 12, 19:49
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “They’re not stupid. They are richer. And the deal they made with their ‘lack of conscience’ bothers them not one…Mar 12, 19:49
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “Indeed. It’s certainly interesting (to me, at least) how Tommy has been scrutinised by both Peter A Bell AND Wings…Mar 12, 19:33
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: ““And they would turn Scotland into a extreme left wing authertarian hellhole And they would make trump look like an…Mar 12, 19:29
    • sarah on Signal and noise: “OK that’s me put off my dinner. Holyrood is sickening and Sturgeon having the gall to open her mouth and…Mar 12, 19:22
    • lorn on Signal and noise: “The rights of these men to enter female spaces? Is there such a right? Don’t think so, Scott K.Mar 12, 19:19
    • Lorn on Signal and noise: “That Vic Valentine, Scottish Trans Manager, Equality Network, stated that his organization makes sure that people in public and private…Mar 12, 19:15
    • Southernbystander on Signal and noise: “‘The Parliament believes that transgender and nonbinary people contribute immensely to the wellbeing of Scotland’s communities’, say the Greens. Eh?Mar 12, 19:11
    • Chris on Signal and noise: “Without wishing to stress the obvious here, but isn’t the simple way to stop this nonsense to elect more Tory…Mar 12, 19:08
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: “The entire stooshie is looking and sounding most unfortunately WHITE, WHITE, WHITE. I’m not a big fan of the BROWN,…Mar 12, 18:28
    • twathater on The evolution of fairness: “To use your example of IT being a waste of time, you used your knowledge and dedication to produce the…Mar 12, 18:14
    • agent x on Signal and noise: ““Speaking to reporters ahead of the debate on a rare appearance at the Scottish Parliament, Ms Sturgeon said: “I think…Mar 12, 17:52
    • KT Lorimer on Signal and noise: “The tranny dickheads are still in charge SNP amendment passed all is well in la la land.Mar 12, 17:40
    • A2 on Signal and noise: “At least misogyny and transmisogyny are seperate things now… progress!Mar 12, 16:30
    • KT Lorimer on Signal and noise: “No they are not – this is nothing to do with people who have been diagnosed with dysphoria and chose…Mar 12, 16:25
    • Yoon Scum on Signal and noise: “Let us have a moments silence In memory of the braincells that died trying to grasp the concept of the…Mar 12, 16:04
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