Tumbleweed Halls
Posted on
September 26, 2020 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
SNP conferences perchance?
They should have been – except its the economy stupid.
That makes me so sad for the young at a time when life should be free of parental constraints and full of fun and promise they might as well be in jail.
“they might as well be in jail”
It’s one weekend, hardly a life sentence.
I imagine it is now a non-story as an english uni has had to lockdown 1700 students.
So the hypocrite U.Kaye Adams wont be able to sell her SNP baaaaad lies . (A few weeks ago Adams was promoting a return to uni in another SNPbaaaad story).
Great cartoon though.
It’s a Vault Disnae cartoon.
I’ll get ma coat.
Stayin in their rooms lyin in bed ordering take out pizza delivery and not going to lectures,
how on earth will your average uni student cope with that,
my heart bleeds.
(i`m joking honest)
You have a way with an image, Chris!
I heard the courier left a pile of papers for the students in Dundee.
At least they won’t run out of toilet roll.
If only there were other ways to learn, ways that were
Not available in, say, the 7o’s.
To some, they will just fester.
Even as they watch others.
Rude awakening or
New attitude?
Endemic ‘poor me’ view or
Taking responsibility and finding a way?
I think the lockdown strategy can’t work. If half a dozen in a halls of 600, say, get it, they’re all locked down. After 2 weeks they are set free. Then a different half dozen get it and another lockdown. And so it goes.
If it was one of mine, after this two weeks, I’d bring them home and work on-line. Lockdown fatigue will be quick and it will be rampant.
Anyone ever tempted to have a look at Cochranes (telegraph) demented rantings he appears to have one subject and one subject only he seems to have a unhealthy obsession with the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon in particular , like all supporters of the English Tory party the truth is just one of these things that gets in the way of their whole purpose and thats Lie Lie and Lie again
Anyone know who actually buys this English paper in Scotland yet a lot of the media inc the BBC refer to it , extremely low sales content not applicable to anything here it probably has less readers than the Beano , maybe it’s the expat community around Edinburgh who are intent in turning Scotland into England ,
As for a second Indy vote I thought about this for a while we must be the only country in the World who allows foreigners to vote on the countries future , the longer it takes to hold a vote the more diluted Scots influence gets , this along with foreigners being in position of influence in our institutions we have allowed Scots to be pushed aside by English immigrants
It gives me little pleasure to reflect on what Douglas Ross,leader of the “Scottish” Tory accounting unit ,said about the carnage in our universities due to a policy which in England became carnage on stilts.
Douglas Ross speaks so confidently in condemning a Scottish response and the poor man is so let down by has colleagues in Westminster. Such a shame and it is all Wings fault.
Y’all will be supporting the NEC candidate in Arg and Bute? Let us expose, sorry,give wide publicity to her views and in particular whether she is soft on independence. C’mon you know not to do so is anal.
Astonished @8.15am
I know that English Unis have Covid outbreaks, but haven’t heard it reported on the BBC’s radio station in Scotland.
The culture of the West has become risk averse. Safety First. A sign of a culture in decline.
Independence is a risk, aversion might also explain why for Scotland it appears farther away than ever.
Unis are full of the belt and braces, ‘scared of their own shadow’, proscriptive type. Many have long ceased to be places where an open and free flow of ideas occurs. Careful what you say obtains in many. They were woke well before woke hit the headlines. Too many are cash strapped and need discrete state funding, with that comes strings.
The foreign student milch cow is dry; better education at home. So what’s left? Toe the latest socio-political line or perish.
The rate of student satisfaction is in decline. Standards of published research questionable. As for that self-selecting ‘élite’ Russell Group nonsense…smoke, mirrors and kings new clothes. The contemporary West in a nutshell, arrogant, hubristic and delusional.
Then there’s the Covid-19 crap…..
The Scots and English of the 19th and earlier centuries must be a different, much hardier species.
That cartoon virus looks like an anti-personnel mine.
Forgive me. I would like to go with a different slant to this Chris.
Hopefully the students of today will be all the more focussed to tackle these problems In their careeer paths.
After 9/11 in America, the US Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines had a huge surge of recruits. So too with recruitment at American emergency services: paramedics, firefighters, doctors and nurses.
With all the Humza Yousaf crap on him HEAVILY PROMOTING his pet Wokeist policies instead of INDYREF2 we could do with some good news out of the shite-fest infecting the world psyche.
With some decent luck, those Tumbleweed Halls, pictured from the genius of Chris Cairns, maybe impact student decisions. Where we are now and the gravitas of global pandemics will bring about swathes of new, trainee nurses, doctors virologists and epidemiologists.
Remember when hope over fear was a good thing. Pre-2014. Pre Yousaf. Pre Murrell. Pre-Sturgeon.
Also please remember people 18 are legally responsible adults, not children.
I will not be treated like a child by any authority. I can think for myself, thank you.
Risk..bring it on!
Where are the unionist party apologies about condemning the Covid
Out break at Scottish Universities when things are, as always, so very
Much worse in English Universities?
Where is SNP demand for apologies and where is the kick in Boris’ balls
about England not having test kits available for the students, kits used have
a 7% accuracy and the results back log, if they had kits, makes their management
of the crisis more than pathetic.
Let’s give Matt Mishandlingcock a knighthood and the English might think
He is more than an incompetent lying Pratt.
Love the cacti Chris. Gave me the first laugh of the day.
As I was telling my wife I cannot imagine our first year with social distancing (we met in halls). All these new peers to get to know, get drunk so their inhibitions drop out, see what stupid things they will agree to do. All that is gone.
The universities are threatening yellow and red cards and being countryfied if you flout the rules too much. Learn Morse code and bang on the pipes people.
Great Toon Chris.
Pity is wasn’t closer to Christmas.
“Deck the halls with Coronavirus”.
Oh dear, I’ll get ma bunnet.
How is life under dictatorship of Sturgeon? Hope you have a fine collection of face masks handy cause your gonna need em
Ahh those hallowed (empty) cloisters. There’s never a Mustrum Ridcully about when you need one.
The cloisters are closed to help stop the spread of the virus.
Meanwhile is there a way out of this union, in which vast amounts of cash required by the SNP for an indyref that they don’t posses might not be needed, via using next years elections as a indyref.
link to thenational.scot
Meanwhile die-hard British nationalist Brillo, aka Andrew Neil is to front a right wing new tv news channel called GB. it will be launched next year, and it will more than likely be a British nationalist propaganda channel.
link to thenational.scot
It seems a new student ran into his hall of residence in Manchester
shouting about free Corona at the University.
They thought it was a Mexican Beer
and not a Chinese end to your career.
This lockdown will result in the best exam results ever!
The Tories under new plans are to use taxpayers money to bailout a billionaire who owns a fair bit of land and who created a body in the 1970’s to hide her wealth from the public. The Queen who has a Privy Purse of around £43 million pounds (last I looked), and a 770 roomed palace with a gold piano, is once again to drain the taxpayer of their hard earned pennies.
Hopefully an independent Scotland will be a republic.
link to thenational.scot
Meanwhile her life long state sponging son Prince Charles who broke the lockdown rules earlier this year and brought the virus and his retinue to Scotland, then jumped the queue for a test is once again back in Scotland fleeing England on the last day before lockdown costing the taxpayer £19,000 pounds for a flight to Scotland on a private jet.
I sincerely hope an independent Scotland jettisons the royal flotsam for good.
link to thenational.scot
Generation Spoilt fucking brats.
katherine hamilton says: 26 September, 2020 at 9:30 am
The only purpose of lockdown’s was to keep the spread of the virus under control so that health services are not overwhelmed. It was never used and should never be used to suppress the virus.
The only solution is finding causes of outbreaks through track and testing. I’m not saying this. This has been highlighted recently and needs to be constantly highlighted until the message gets through:
link to theguardian.com
We need to keep this in perspective.
All of us are in a form of lock down where we have restrictions on who we can visit and what we can do.
I don’t like it and would love to do go back to a bit of normality. However, we can’t do that. Firstly, we collectively accepted this in order to protect the elderly and vulnerable. Things got back to normal but now we are accepting extra restrictions. This needs to be done at allow our young to be educated. A modern society with the hopes of having a healthy economy simply can’t function without an educated populace. Even without self-interest, it is morally wrong to deny the younger generation a future if they can’t get an education.
Bottom line, use track and trace in the uni’s. Find out the source of outbreaks and deal with it so there is no need for never-ending lockdowns which is not in the interest of anyone.
Andrew Neil, Head of Marketing for Brillo, allegedly,
Is at age 71 looking to make some more money to
top up his millions and promote right wing extremist propaganda
with a new We are Supremest GB Fake News Channel.
It’s being funded by the US Discovery Channel, which is really
John Malone, famous for being the largest land owner in America
With 2.2 Million acres. ( Wonder who cuts his grass?)
He is with $6.6 Billion at age 79 but again wouldn’t mind getting his hands
on some more cash and land before he looks down on God.
He put in $250,000 to Trump’s inauguration fund
Now if this greedy right wing Supremest can use his GB News Channel
to convince England that having an NHS is bad and a warm friendly insurance
Backed American Health Care system is good, it makes life so much easier for
Boris’ Boys to sell out the whole country to Trump.
Malone’s investments in Health Care can go through the roof, the Tories make a fortune
and in gratitude agree to sell Scotland to Malone and have it added to his global domination plan.
Where is Super Salmond to save us from this pile of Kryptonite?
I have one in third year, far as I can tell he spent most of his time playing vid games on line till the wee hours. Did the majority of his scholastic work on line and turned up for the occasional lecture (which I think was optional)
So no change here really.
Nice toon Chris as usual.
Dictatorship! seriously?
Keep licking your Douglas Ross poster.
Its funny how Sturgeons guidance in Scotland is termed a “dictatorship”, then a week or two later when the rest of the UK copies her guidance its wonderful, fantastic, world beating.
Wear a mask and I’ll give you respect. if not, well you know the answer.
I heard that Bill Gates is making a new range of underwear. There is a wee micro chip that goes up your “japs eye” and makes you sterile, its to control the world population.
Believe that if you will, many seem to believe the rest of the bollocks.(no pun intended)
Wear a mask, get respect, save a life.
This Professor of Sociology
And supporter of genderwoowoo
Might just have solved the education problem
link to twitter.com
The Tories like to make others do their dirty work.
Just like they did with the BBC Chasing the war hero
Veterans in their 80’s and 90’s for license fees.
These new so called financial support schemes makes the
Company owners pay off staff while the Government tries
To give the impression they tried their best.
I know a Sole Trader Travel Agent who hasn’t made a bean this year.
As of November they can claim the max £1.875 which covers 3 months.
Roughly £125 per week which is taxed.
The £100 remaining has to cover her N.Ins payments, rent on her office,
Standing fuel charges, water rate charges, Rent, Phone system rent, broadband
Do you think that anything is left for all the domestic living costs?
The travel agents made many pre Covid booking but don’t get a penny until the
Balance is paid just before travelling. Clients often pay the deposit with a credit card.
The banks take 2% of that deposit from the agent?
Another con between banks and the conservatives.
The agent has to pay premium rate calls to the travel company who has furloughed many staff members. After an hour they get thru and request refunds for the client as flights or cruises had
Been cancelled or gov restrictions forced it.
This is double work for the agent, they don’t make a penny but some on hold calls can be £5 plus each and they have to pay the credit card company.
Some rebooked their April/May Holiday for Aug/Sept so when that had to cancel too, the same work and cost all hit the agent.
Now Mr Sunak, can you tell me how this business survives with your payment not covering the phone bill and credit card fees out with the main operating costs and general living costs.
When the savings are gone it’s the loss of a good going business, another one in the Universal discredit queue.
Not being allowed into homes will affect cleaners, kitchen fitters, plumbers,
Surveyors, Insurers, carpet fitters, window installers, etc.
With 3 million heading on to the Tory scrap heap the laugh is they stop your money if you can prove you are looking for a job where none exist.
PS what is it the Tories say they will retrain 3 million people in?
Are there 3,million shortages in some profession we don’t know about?
Clydebuilt says:
26 September, 2020 at 9:37 am
Astonished @8.15am
I know that English Unis have Covid outbreaks, but haven’t heard it reported on the BBC’s radio station in Scotland.
Clydebuilt – You can imagine my astonishment.
I doubt Ukaye adams will see this …. And if she does she’ll ignore it :
“Manchester Metropolitan University students forced into lockdown”. Last I looked Manchester wasn’t, in any way, under the remit of the SNP.
Having worked for Open University, which had a 5 star teaching award, they managed with videos, phone tuition and tutorials once a week.
Now with zoom easy to distance learn.
They shod not have returned this term but moved to online and video conferencing for duration of pandemic until a vaccine found.
Well characterised by Chris ?
‘I heard that Bill Gates is making a new range of underwear. There is a wee micro chip that goes up your “japs eye” and makes you sterile, its to control the world population.
Believe that if you will, many seem to believe the rest of the bollocks.(no pun intended)’
There is a time approaching when it will be recognized that those who made fun of those people trying to work out what big money and big government might have in store for us behind closed doors are just as intrinsically necessary to the success of such plans as the establishment institutions and corporations themselves.
When once ‘conspiracy theorists’ were laughed at it will be those complicit in pushing the control-seeking narratives of big state that will be shunned and ridiculed.
Speaking personally I don’t want to even fucking know the kind of low life, willfully ignorant coward who engages in such crap at this moment in time when there are those of us trying to warn simply that ‘something might be wrong’ based on the readily available solid facts.
Cartoon looks like lectures at uni. Reminds me of 28 Weeks Later.
Slightly ot
Fife NHS have come up with really great scheme.
Instead of walking to you local GP in the village,you have to phone/email for an appointment which you receive in the next town meaning vulnerable folk have get public transport to attend.
Sounds like a really well thought out strategy to stop the spread!
Hi Pacman
I suppose that’s what I’m saying but you put it better. Isolate infected kids and their contacts. Like the rest of society. No parties, visiting others are national rules which they have to follow, same as the rest of us.
No need to lock ’em up. As I say it’s likely to be a repetitive cycle.
The bogs at Glasgow Uni?
scotsindependent.scot is no very pleased with Wings Over Scotland.
Thanks for the insight into “Big Brother Watch”
If Hendrix was alive today the words would go,
“Hey Joe, where are you going with that giant microchip on your shoulder”.
I forgot to add, Bill Gates new “Microsoft” underwear, kind on the skin.
“micro-soft”, get it?
I’ll get ma bunnet.
Because of punters like yourself the country will be in eternal lockdown.
Wear a mask, get respect, save a life.
It really is that simple, or don’t, its up to you.
Well said. If we are to have a lockdown we need to have some financial support for those harmed by it. Furlough, credit where credit’s due, was a godsend to many. This package is effectively as good as useless.
-Iain McCubbin-
You are probably right. It seems that unis returning may accelerate the spread. Better to have lefy the students to work at home, and to live freely. This second lockdown is insane. Of course if they’d stayed at home no rents for the uni administrators!
Im not saying disobey or not to follow ‘the rules’ here.
Im talking about using the massively pushed narrative of the state as some kind of club to beat people with who happen to try thinking outside the box with added mockery just to make it obvious how much you enjoy doing so.
Here’s the truth: it takes some courage to step outside of the official narrative. It takes zero courage to use the official state line to make up for the fact you have nothing behind your own opinion because you don’t even have your own opinion. Then to use that in mockery against someone is the definition of being a thick, gullible bully.
Well done. You run with the official line and laugh at the people that don’t. Here’s a massive round of applause you total fucking champ.
“Thinking outside the box”
That would require thinking!
Man, Thanks for the commendation of being a “Champ”, your approval means so much to me, you have no idea the level of my sincere gratitude.
I am a great believer in “thinking outside the box” yes seriously, but god only knows where the anti-mask/vaccination brigade get their information from.
The facts and proof are there :-
– surgeons wear masks in the operating theatre. Why?
Answer – to prevent infecting wounds etc.
– patients with immune deficiency disorders (e.g. post bone marrow transplant) are “barrier nursed” i.e. all staff coming into contact with them wear barriers (masks, aprons, gloves etc.). Why ?
Answer – to prevent passing on even simple infections to which they are likely to have a severe adverse outcome.
Masks work !
@Ron McLean
I’m sure Stu will be gutted that a publication with 753 followers on twitter is not pleased with him.
Jings, crivvens & help ma boab etc.
Going to Uni used to be a rarity, now it is almost expected. A lot of the problem is the expectation of young people to have the time of their life once they get to Uni is promoted as the norm. That’s just not always the case.
We all know there is a varied Uni experience, some having a great time others hating every minute and regretting the years the feel they wasted. Some just don’t cope no matter what.
Acquaintances in academia report the pressure on them to keep students is enormous especially as some may have got in with compromised preparation for the course. Some courses and staff may not survive if there is a huge dropout. The pressure isn’t just on the students since academia became much more monetized. As for English Unis, they are already having lockdown problems although just like the exam problems Scotland is first to report them.
Most staff are pragmatic but the idea that the students are purely a source of income is dispiriting for staff who want to teach and nurture the next generation.
The two bawbags team up to to form an anti independence front.
link to thenational.scot
“Mystery of the Urinal Deuce”
Bill Gates still hasn’t given me my $1000 for forwarding on his email to ten of my friends in 1995 so he needs to settle up on that one before he puts his chip in my brain.
Facial recognition technology, RIPA 2000, using the the Terrorism act on people who refuse to hand over passwords, those are real abuses of civil liberties.
Ms Spear doing what she does best and causing all sorts of discord. Defended by the usual – Wishart, Mhairi Hunter and assorted Stirling weirdos.
If there is one thing even they must realise, this woman will not be a positive presence in Holyrood and will continue to cause strife within and outwith the SNP. It is up to A and B SNP branch of course, but who would want what she brings with her?
Rep of Scot@ 1:56
Neil Oliver in a unionist fink tank. Where he belongs.
Geoff Huijer says: at 9:27 am
“If only there were other ways to learn, ways that were
Not available in, say, the 7o’s.”
Aye, there’s a lot of attention being giving to Uni students in academia.
But what about and how are the covid restrictions affecting all those young’uns that are in more practical vocations and apprenticeships?
It’s as if those young folk are not worthy of the same attention, which reeks of the class system still being prevalent in our society.
These workers once trained will be the ones that actually keep the backbone of our society running in the long term with their skills engineering and building.
Yes, theoretical and academic studies have their place, but if you look around you will observe just how important and how much our reliance on other industries is required.
SilverDarling @2:13
Spear-Carrier just longs to be centre stage.
If one of the worlds richest men had said on a mainstream news channel ‘yes, I will make 20x my initial capital on Brexit’ the masked-up remainer types would be pissing their nappies.
Instead he says the exact same thing about the roll-out of vaccines and its a non-issue apparently.
“Nicola Sturgeon’s husband and other senior SNP officials are being sued by a party activist over a rule change making it harder for MPs to swap Westminster for Holyrood…”
link to twitter.com
We need a coherent approach to law and public policy if we are going to cope with covid-19, and defend the fabric of open civil society. Unfortunately, the illiberal and dogmatic approach to public policy that defines Westminster and genderwoowoo friendly Holyrood, simply doesn’t qualify as being rational or practical.
Scots will never enjoy the benefits of democracy if we allow our legal officers to remove us further from both the Common law and the international rule-of-law. Which is exactly what both parliaments appear desperate to achieve.
Incorporating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Domestic Law in Scotland Working Group: summary report
link to gov.scot
Gates has spent billions on projects to improve the lives of millions of people (who have never used his software) and funded thousands of projects covering empowerment of women and girls, improvements in sanitation, developing agriculture, researching treatments for HIV, pneumonia, TB, malaria, tropical diseases, homelessness, university scholarships and more.
So yes. Yes, it is a non-issue.
Balaaargh @2:47
It would only be a non-issue if no one raised the matter.
I wish I lived in your fluffy wee world.
“I wish I lived in your fluffy wee world.”
Simply translates as “I do not respect the principle of “equality in law”, and do not think it worthy of achievement”.
Constitutionalizing Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in the New Millenium
link to scholarworks.umt.edu
Balaaargh @2:47
Gates’ philanthropy would only be noteworthy if it negatively impacted his life-style significantly more than you or I telling a shop assistant to sling our 5p change into the charity tin, would to ours.
My world is far from fluffy if you had been paying attention but you can live here, Joe. You can. All you have to do is stop listening to the dark voices. BoJo really is going to make Brexit a success but he needs just that little bit more of our civil liberty that Major, Blair and Cameron hasn’t already taken. And all those foreigners just have a minor flu, you don’t need to concern yourself with them.
Watch the BBC, Joe. Watch the BBC.
Or don’t. I do have a serious question though, how do they track the microchips with 5G in the 150 countries that aren’t rolling it out?
The cartoon reminds me of Argyle Street in Glasgow two weeks into lockdown. I had to pop into the bank and at lunchtime there were 5 people visible. Three police and two of the local “characters”. There were only two of us on the bus plus driver.
If you are so concerned Joe, why are you not at Trafalgar Square with David Icke aka The Messiah?
Nice guy mr Gates?
link to dcdirtylaundry.com
link to pbs.org
No bad guy mr Gates and here’s why.
link to tottnews.com
Those who are the enemies of democracy and the rule-of-law, or simply old-skool Tories, are apt to promote paranoia and conspiratorial thinking, as this supports the politics of FEAR.
link to tandfonline.com
Noticed NS tweeting in defence of Rhiannon earlier. Never seen her come out and defend JC or in fact any other SNP member at any point on social media though.
1/ A shout out to everyone – in all parties – standing for s/election to
for the first time. You will face abuse on here – especially if you have the temerity to be a woman and/or from one of our BAME communities. But stand strong and don’t be silenced…
2/ Bullies are cowards and that’s just as true on social media as it is in real life. By putting yourself forward, you are already showing more guts than any keyboard warrior hurling abuse.
3/ And to my fellow ‘old timers’ in politics – we should have the backs of those who are not as inured to it as we are, and call out abuse on here when we see it, even when it’s from our own ‘side’. Disagreement is what democracy is all about – vile, toxic abuse is not.
4/ And on the subject of calling it out even when it’s on my own ‘side’, disagree with @RhiannonV as much as you like, but leave out the misogynistic abuse.
I don’t why I thought it but a thought immediately popped into my head upon reading those tweets that NS and Rhiannon may well be in some sort of secret relationship.
Far out there I know but, it just struck me as unusual to see NS coming out (no pun intended) and defending her personally. Maybe it’s the speed of her career progression and previous “cosy” interactions that they have had on social media that provoked the thought.
What I don’t get is Rhiannon had locked her twitter off to only allow comments from “approved people” so I am unsure as to where the personal abuse claims could have arisen if her critics were denied the opportunity to comment. It’s clear whenever the heat is on though she runs off crying to the leadership.
The like of her, Fiona Robertson and the rest of the Wokus Pokus really make it hard to continue being a party member. I barely recognise the party any more although I still have a lot of time for many of the hard working MP’s, MSP’s and campaigners.
Independence just seems to be getting further and further away. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll even see it in my lifetime tbh. I’m of the mind that we may well need to see the formation of a new party to deliver us our Independence. The SNP appear to be going much the same way as “Scottish” labour.
I’m fast losing faith.
Silver darling at 2.15 pm.
Oor Nicola is defending Rhiannon Spears too, on twitter.
That lass needs no defending! The good news is that there is a much better candidate than Rhiannon standing. Her name is Breege Smyth and has considerable support in Argyll. Good luck to her!
Spear epitomizes everything that is rotten in the SNP. I hope she isn’t selected. I also notice Sturgeon is very selective on whom she shows her support. Bad times.
David Icke?
Ok, take a minute to firmly insert your brain cell and think on the following:
Wings over scotland
David Icke
One is banned on twitter and the other isn’t.
That means one says things that the establishment find damaging and the other doesn’t.
In fact the mere presence one of them actively brings anti-establishment argument into disrepute.
Which is why you felt the need to bring him into it.
Balaaargh says:
26 September, 2020 at 4:06 pm
My world is far from fluffy if you had been paying attention but you can live here, Joe. You can. All you have to do is stop listening to the dark voices. BoJo really is going to make Brexit a success but he needs just that little bit more of our civil liberty that Major, Blair and Cameron hasn’t already taken. And all those foreigners just have a minor flu, you don’t need to concern yourself with them.
Watch the BBC, Joe. Watch the BBC.
Or don’t. I do have a serious question though, how do they track the microchips with 5G in the 150 countries that aren’t rolling it out?’
This entire argument is a strawman distracting from the fact that one of the worlds richest men stands to profit at 20x on the roll out of vaccines – from which the companies manufacturing them have been kept 100% guarded from legal repercussions.
Of course. You know that.
The fact that one man is in a position to have such global influence is certainly worthy of concern, but in this instance, appearing hostile to the workings of globalised capitalism is most definitely a straw man argument associated with the populist alt-right.
Health Humam Rights Journal, 2018 Jun; 20(1): 121–132.
Evolving the Right to Health
Rethinking the Normative Response to Problems of Judicialization
link to ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
It looks like Spears does indeed have friends in high places. I’ve never seen NS or anyone else defend Joan McAlpine or Joanna Cherry that way and they have had so much more and much worse abuse.
Looks like Argyll and Bute will have no say in who represents them.
Just seen a frightening link above.
David Icke predicated that Arran would sink below the sea.
Ms Spears comes from Arran!
Will one cause the other?
@Joe says:
26 September, 2020 at 4:56 pm
“Wings over scotland
David Icke
One is banned on twitter and the other isn’t.”
One can back up their articles with documentary evidence; the other one needs locked up for their own safety.
Or shall I put that into words of one syllable or less…
There’s no argument here. Just bullshit. Cheers
I am thinking the comment that the Murrells were indivisible and will bring the house down rather than give up is looking prescient.
Nice thread that..
Scots will never enjoy the benefits of democracy if we allow our political and law officers to destroy the epistemic integrity of Scots law, which is exactly what the Rhiannon Spears clique appear desperate to achieve. Of course, their anti-foundational approach to the law is entirely compatible with British constitutional practice, though unfortunately not democracy and the rule-of-law.
Gender, Society & Development
Gender, citizenship and governance
A global source book
link to kit.nl
Aye, that Ruth Wishart tweet was the height of abuse according to some…
link to twitter.com
Does Sturgeon see Rhiannon Spear as her future successor or something? There’s a horrible thought.
Talking of abuse. Did the First Minister or any of the others tenuously calling out recent abusive behaviour have anything to say about certain others individuals within the SNP…
link to wingsoverscotland.com
I’m through. My constituency vote isn’t going to the SNP.
Not against the FM making a stand on twitter, but she should have done this a week ago when devolution was being dismantled.
@CameronB Brodie
That’s a good post Cam B.
The transgenderwoowoo science-deniers demand that you accept the idiotic terms ‘cis’ and ‘trans’;that you accept anatomically intact males can shower with children, girls and women. And they can live in and run rape crisis centres etc.
When you point out the idiocy of this – trans folk and their handmaidens insult you with the slurs transphobe, terf etc. Some also demand that you die or that they’ll come round with hammers to kill you. I am unaware of any police action regarding this.
I am aware of a great deal of police action regarding people who have hurt the feelings of trans folk and their supporters.
None of the above is misogyny (apart from the part regarding police action to protect trans feelings – Has Ms Sturgeon spoken out about this ?).
Ms Spiers also appears to have lied regarding her involvement in generation yes.
I assume Ms. Speirs went crying to Nicola ( I assume her Mum was unavailable). More fool Nicola for taking Rhianna’s side.
I expect Ms. Sturgeon to provide evidence of the misogyny directed at Ms Speirs. Could you ask her to please, stu ? Asking for a political party.
If she can’t then I expect she made the basic mistake of taking Ms Speir’s word for it.
Yeh I am getting well fed up.
Your links are bad and you should feel bad for sharing them. Junk opinion pieces that build their own straw man. “It’s never been tried before” Yes, that’s exactly how science works. Oh, and by the time it gets approved for general release? It has been tried. It also claimed the army would be forcing it on people in 90 days time. Back in May.
And the other one? I never realised that making contraception available to the public was eugenics. Thanks for sharing more of your FUD. Any word on backing up your claim on a more severe 21st century pandemic?
I’m not even going to waste my energy on sarcasm. The only BS here is every time you two touch a keyboard. I hope you’re both wiping down the surfaces frequently.
link to politifact.com
link to eu.usatoday.com
link to uk.reuters.com
Tannadice Boy
Thanks. I’m trained to ensure the most vulnerable gain access to due process in law and the potential to access justice, though that was a very long time ago. So I’m just re-connecting with Common law reasoning and a human rights based approach to public policy, as instructed by the Royal Town Planning Institute. So my indoctrination to conform with ethically informed social, legal, and democratic practice, appears to have been quite successful.
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Research report 83, First published Spring 2012
The UK and the European Court
of Human Rights
link to equalityhumanrights.com
26 September, 2020 at 6:25 pm
The transgenderwoowoo science-deniers demand that you accept the idiotic terms ‘cis’ and ‘trans’;that you accept anatomically intact males can shower with children, girls and women. And they can live in and run Ladies crisis centres etc.
When you point out the idiocy of this – trans folk and their handmaidens insult you with the slurs transphobe, terf etc. Some also demand that you die or that they’ll come round with hammers to kill you. I am unaware of any police action regarding this.
I am aware of a great deal of police action regarding people who have hurt the feelings of trans folk and their supporters.
None of the above is misogyny (apart from the part regarding police action to protect trans feelings – Has Ms Sturgeon spoken out about this ?).
Ms Spiers also appears to have lied regarding her involvement in generation yes.
I assume Ms. Speirs went crying to Nicola ( I assume her Mum was unavailable). More fool Nicola for taking Rhianna’s side.
I expect Ms. Sturgeon to provide evidence of the misogyny directed at Ms Speirs. Could you ask her to please, stu ? Asking for a political party.
If she can’t then I expect she made the basic mistake of taking Ms Speir’s word for it.
Yeh I am getting well fed up.
To avoid moderation I renamed the crisis centres. Hope I don’t get posted twice.
I’ve just had a wee look at “Lizard boy” speaking at todays London rally. ( Embarrassing drivel.)
Over the years, I used to have a lot of respect for Icke in a lot of his theory work, apart from the lizard comment, that was a bridge to far in stupidity, and killed off any chance of respect from the public.
Leave the dark side and just wear a mask, save yourself.
“Power to the Sheeple.”
A wee bit of sensationalism from the National newspaper here, Sturgeon doesn’t mention the word Cybernats in the article.
link to thenational.scot
@CameronB Brodie
More power to your elbow. After I left the Army I graduated in Engineering so I have little understanding of the Law. Thereafter studied technical based qualifications(somebody has to do it). Keep going I appreciate your posts. I can’t read them all (time starved) but I learn something when I do.
They’re really desperate for Rhiannon to get elected eh, Dan… all the big guns out supporting her.
Makes me wonder…
Bill Gates explains his personal financial investment in vaccines and his expected return (26 second clip):
link to youtube.com
Ottomanboi @ 4:30
You might want to include India & Nigeria polio vaccine mishaps
I could go on all night about the things he and his wife are involved in through their Foundation , what is really eye watering is this Foundation has more wealth than the next 70% of countries on the planet, That’s right three quarters of the country’s in the world are poorer than the Gates Foundation and he is at the forefront and has interests in the pharmaceutical companies developing the vaccine , also the software that will enable its progress to be followed .
Game Set Match , Mankind is FKD big time
Tannadice Boy
Thanks and it’s great you appreciate a support for ‘technical correctness’. I’m not expecting folk become proficient as legal scientists, and so competent in supporting human rights law, though it’s fantastic that you fill your boots. That give me hope.
link to tandfonline.com
Joe @ 6:50 is this the clip where he quietly mentioned a subtle addition to a vaccine namely a electronic means of checking compliance and verification of being administered (i.e.) electronic Tag
William Wallace @ 4.40
Don’t give up on independence William. Go for the change we need in the SNP to make it happen. Cancel your membership, your subs and your donations and tell them that’s it till they sort themselves out. Nothing will change unless we force it and the only way of making them sit up and listen is apparently to starve them of cash so they cannot pay their nice fat salaries anymore. Many, now ex, members, have come to this conclusion already.
If these conspiracy and fear peddlers could prove anything, the world would be a different place. Conjecture gets you nowhere but up shit creek. Knowledge of how to use the law is an entirely different affair though.
Pragmatism and Creativity, V-1 | 2013
Book Reviews
José Medina, The Epistemology of Resistance
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, 352 pages
link to journals.openedition.org
sorry….Ill-founded conjecture….
Journal of Common Market Studies, 12 May 2020
How EU Juridification shapes Constitutional Social Rights
link to onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Quite why the First Minister feels it necessary to come out in favour of Rhiannon Spear is more than strange.
Spear is, and I do not wish to be pejorative, a nasty piece of shit.
Spear supported the jailing of Manny Singh and I think it is appropriate to quote from her Twitter Feed –
“ Manny was reported to the PF because he did not comply with the Council’s start time…….I hope he works with the Council from the start next time “
Singh organised a AUOB march with full involvement of the police. And as a march fully stewarded and attended by over 100,000 attendees it passed with zero incidents. A good time by all.
And Manni’s crime? Well that was to deny the SNP council spoilers like Spear who wanted to change the march arrangements at the last minute and require the march to kick off at 11.00am instead of 1.00 pm. ( 1.00 pm had been previously chosen and agreed because marchers were coming from all over Scotland by trains, busses and personal transport )
And that is what Manni is languishing in Barlinnie Prison for. And that is what the piece of shit, the so called nationalist Spear, says she hopes …..” he ( Mannie ) will work with the council next time ”
So here’s the deal Spear. And I am being pejorative. Fuck right off. Decent people don’t need toilet flushings like you as an MSP. 100,000 plus people from across Scotland marched in an utterly peaceful AOUB march and in response you promoted and supported his jailing!
Our country needs rid of crap like you, crap like Peter Murrell, and dare I say it crap like wee Sturgeon who is supporting all this behaviour. Sewer politics from sewer people.
We need to kill this cancer before it kills us. Let us take back control of our once democratic party.
I think Andy Klompenburg in the comments section of that video sums it up nicely,
“26 seconds of spliced and diced and edited. If you have any credibility you would play the WHOLE clip”
@Robert Graham
No I don’t think so. He mentions a few different times a vaccination certificate and then an ID chip that can be injected but it was not in that piece.
The one I just linked is actually one of the times he seems to slip a bit. For all his wealth he seems never to have been trained to control his own body language and to think more before he speaks.
@Cameron B Brodie
The issue here was that some people here were trying to say that Bill Gates would not profit from his interest in vaccines. That clip shows that he will. To the tune of about 200 billion dollars. Whether that is significant in your mind or not is immaterial, the fact is he will profit and he will profit massively.
The real issue is some people believe badly edited youtube videos.
Now the Spear clique appears to be coming into view, we have a far better idea of the party’s internal obstacles to respecting the democratic principles of “equality in law”, and the “universality” of the rule-of-law. A legislative platform that legalises the denial of biological reality, is simply the most dangerous legislative platform ever devised in Scotland. Most especially given English Tordym’s hostility towards the rule-of-law and social justice (see Brexit).
link to onlinelibrary.wiley.com
William Wallace 4.40pm
“I don’t why I thought it but a thought immediately popped into my head upon reading those tweets that NS and Rhiannon may well be in some sort of secret relationship”.
Sturgeon is certainly itthrowing it about a bit to William.
The last I heard was she was “stepping out” with Shona Robison.
If Sturgeon has found a new burd behind Shona’s back, then watch out for fireworks from within Sturgeon’s “inner circle” (No pun intended).
I guess the trick would be to find the original show. I can’t. I did see it when it was new but that’s all I could get.
I think the original clip also talks about the amount the rest of the world has put into vaccines compared to him.
I also think that 200 Billion could be whats made over the last 2 decades and not over the next.
But this is investment with returns. Not charity. The words are pretty clear.
Please stop chuck conjecture squirrels about the place. Or are you running spoiler for those who would force a denial of medical science into Scots law?
Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law.
Consequentialism and the Law in Medicine
link to ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Well Joe, you clearly didn’t look hard enough. The full interview from January 2019 – LOOOONG before COVID – can be found here:
link to cnbc.com
Contrary to Joe’s claims, the GATES FOUNDATION not Bill Gates himself has contributed $10Billon total as part of $100 billion invested over more than 20 years with a return of $200 billion IN ECONOMIC BENEFITS.
This is also further explained here:
link to gavi.org
GAVI is the body created by the Gates Foundation to fund R&D and delivery of vaccines to over 50 countries. Joe should read paragraph 10 on page 5 in particular where his 20:1 ratio comes from.
Robert Graham @ 9:36 am
“As for a second Indy vote I thought about this for a while we must be the only country in the World who allows foreigners to vote on the countries future , the longer it takes to hold a vote the more diluted Scots influence gets , this along with foreigners being in position of influence in our institutions we have allowed Scots to be pushed aside by English immigrants”
The last referendum used existing voting legislation, and the local government voters roll.
Even though Scotland voted No, the country gained new powers that a future independent country would need to have in place.
This is a recent one..
The Scottish Elections (Reform) Bill became an Act on 08 July 2020 and comes into force on 1 October 2020.
link to legislation.gov.uk
Isn’t it funny how things get twisted?
There are people and industries in the world who as a fact of legal history have actually killed hundreds of thousands of people in total with junk products in order to save costs, while receiving comparative slaps on the wrist legally.
But its the ordinary man on the street who must vigorously explain himself if he has his doubts – to other ordinary people who profit not a penny from it.
That is why Scotland is currently nowhere near independent ladies and gentlemen:)
Thank you. I will be more careful on posting youtube links.
In my defense im doing this on the fly – its not like im being paid for it…
I see you. I see your lies, your deceit, your misinformation, your logical fallacies, your distractions and squirrels, your conspiracy junk science.
Here’s a link, just for you.
link to clownantics.com
That’s funny. Cameron just said this:
CameronB Brodie says:
26 September, 2020 at 8:26 pm
Please stop chuck conjecture squirrels about the place. Or are you running spoiler for those who would force a denial of medical science into Scots law?
Interesting similarities. Your excitement defeats you
Three very politically motivated voters of a certain age in Argyll have always voted for SNP. All three have said there is no way they will vote for Rhiannon Spear if she is the chosen candidate.
Being one of the three who has never voted for anything other than SNP since Neil McCormacks day I will be very upset if this seat goes to the Tories. I will feel it has all been for nothing, the years of canvassing and marching. I am now no longer a member of the SNP.
Stan Broadwood.
We should not, if I can suggest so, be making aspersions about Nicola Sturgeon’s sexual relationships or otherwise. Consenting adults are nothing to do with anyone else, save for the individuals themselves.
We go down the road of the filth who have infiltrated the SNP over recent years if we malign on innuendo. We may be mad, we may be outraged, but we are better than that, even if they are not.
What bothers me is malign control, and vicious and evil attempts to frame people and jail them, that is what I hate, or should I say detest.
Yes Sturgeon may be in a gay relationship, I don’t know, but what I do know is that her husband has acted in a way that is incompatible with continuance within the party, that others are have been acting in a similar way, and that Nicola Sturgeon is publicly by her lack of action condoning it.
As to being gay, lesbian or heterosexual, who cares. That’s folks own business. Being a bastard, a c*nt, or in a relationship that compromises fairness, isn’t. And that needs dealt with.
So keep up the good work Stan. Decency will prevail. The scum will be gone. There are more decent folks than scum.
And keep up the good work Rev Stu. For without you, and your investigations, so may of us would be utterly uninformed.
@ Effijy at 5.30
You don’t need to worry about Arran – Spear comes from Bute.
She’s no Bute. Lol
@kapelmeister says:
26 September, 2020 at 6:00 pm
“Does Sturgeon see Rhiannon Spear as her future successor or something? There’s a horrible thought.”
Spear of Destiny?
Those of a certain age will remember a game of that name that was the forerunner to Wolfenstein. Proper 8-bit blocky graphics…
The one thing guaranteed to oppose the authoritarian legal dogmatism so favoured by both of wings the political spectrum, is A LEGAL RESPECT FOR BIOLOGY. Mkay!!!
link to link.springer.com
Beaker says:
26 September, 2020 at 9:21 pm
Spear of Destiny?
Those of a certain age will remember a game of that name that was the forerunner to Wolfenstein. Proper 8-bit blocky graphics…
Great band as well, with Kirk Brandon, brilliant voice.
Remember EU Health law considers health a human right, and respects the biological grounding of “sex”, which it acknowledges is different to “gender”. Remember also, that law which lacks moral concern and respect for the Natural law, also lacks legal force. It only possess AUTHORITARIAN force.
Journal of Medical Ethics, 41 (1). pp. 95-98, Availablein LSE Research Online: December 2015
The relationship between medical law and good medical ethics
link to core.ac.uk
Willie @ 7.29
Great post.
I hope everyone is keeping an eye on processes etc. in that particular seat.
The law retains a respect for the Moral law, a.k.a. the Natural law, by including phenomenology into the framework of legal consideration. Forcing the GRA amendments into Scots law, is simply incompatible with the medical and phenomenological understanding of the differences between the sexes. So the GRA amendments are not compatible with either the Common law or Scots law. Though neither is Brexit.
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science
International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine
Free Preview © 2000
The Hermeneutics of Medicine and the Phenomenology of Health
Steps Towards a Philosophy of Medical Practice
link to springer.com
Could she be a Westminster mole?
Britainy Spears?
Could she be a plant?
Broccoli Spears?
Could she prove to be a star
Up high in the Atmospear?
Could be like in football when the Board say they
are right behind the struggling manager, and then they
Get sacked.
SNP Leadership backing looks like the kiss of death the way they have been behaving.
@ willie
“And that is what Manni is languishing in Barlinnie Prison for”
Wrong. He was given a choice of curfew or jail and he chose jail.
Not to lower the tone, but hey its Saturday night.
“Don’t throw those bloody spears at me”. Zulu.
It’s been a long year.
link to judiciary.scot
Aug 25, 2020
At Glasgow Sheriff Court today Summary Sheriff Brown imposed a Restriction of Liberty Order of 72 days on Mandeep Singh…
“Here’s to every woman standing for the Scottish Parliament next year” tweets Rhiannon Spear.
Does that mean she didn’t approve of her fellow NEC members machinations against Johanna Cherry over Edinburgh Central, in order to try and get the nomination for Angus Robertson?
Not long and we are back to destroying the SNP, the leadership and the members. With friends like this who needs enemies, unfortunately the fight for independence has plenty already. You won’t change the leadership or policies of the SNP if you don’t like them, by deserting the party.
If the SNP don’t win next year you can forget any thoughts of independence, possibly for ever. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Divide, conquer and control it’s always been the UK way, seems to be working rather smoothly by so many contributors on here. I wonder why ?
Manni Singh – you haven’t been forgotten.
Sturgeon’s SNP – we won’t forget !
OldPete, I could casually respond by saying it’s you who cannot see.
Many Scottish nationalists will no doubt continue voting for the SNP, on an irrational tribal or nationalist basis. For these people politics is like football or something and they’ll cheer for anyone who wears the jersey.
I’m not a nationalist. I support independence. Independence is actually the only thing I care about when it comes to politics. You’ll rarely see me comment, for example, on GRA or anything else.
I won’t blindly follow any team or any flag. However, I will support any politician or party that takes us closer to independence.
Nobody commenting here desired that Salmond be put on trial for crimes he didn’t commit.
Nobody commenting on here frittered the 500 grand Indy fund.
Nobody on here wanted the Indy movement marginalised and kept at arms length.
Nobody on here believes the rights of transsexuals are above those of women generally or more important than independence itself.
Nobody here believes our right to hold a referendum on our future should depend on the “permission” of Boris Johnson.
Nobody on here wanted the NEC to change the rules in order to scupper Joanna Cherry’s chances in Edinburgh.
Things are going to develop and unfold in the next few weeks and everybody is going to have to think carefully about these things.
What’s clear to me is that the SNP are now a pro-devolution party. if you assume that, pretty much everything makes sense. They’re actually telling you that.
Punt Spear and her science denying clique from the party, and remember that Scots law is an essential part of Scotland’s difference to England. That might help the party remember their purpose, and enable them to defend our rights more effectively from expansionist English Torydum.
It also helps to remember that Scotland’s judiciary tend to be disgustingly Tory in outlook, so tend to be “ambivalent” to the principles of justice or equality in law. They pledge allegiance to the Crown and Parliamentary sovereignty, so their approach to the law and their dispensation of justice, is distorted and perverted by British nationalist culture.
So I think the reason the Scottish government is taking shite legal advice over constitutional and gender issues, apart from their apparent parochialism and political naivety, is the lack of available, ethically robust, alternative legal opinion to our judiciary’s ambivalence to justice, and antipathy towards the Natural law. Which is simply an articulation of Presbyterian narrow-mindedness.
The GRA amendments would FORCE Scots law to view the world from the entirely psychological perspective, thus rejecting logic and phenomenology from legal consideration. This is the sort of legal practice that enabled the Nazis to their thing.
Phenomenology as a healthcare research method.
Evidence-Based Nursing, 21 (4). pp. 96-98.
link to eprints.whiterose.ac.uk
@ OldPete 10:36 pm
That’s one perspective with some of the aspects you mention being relevant.
But to counter that I’d ask who is actually creating the division?
Do you recall Yessers back in the 2014 Indyref campaign arguing amongst themselves over such emotive and divisive policies as Self ID, the erosion of women’s hard fought for rights, and the threat to our Free Speech?
I certainly can’t. For me it was all about having our own proper Government that we alone elect and empower to implement policies Scotland actually wants. With the additional benefit of also being able to get rid of dodgy Governments that err.
Yet now we find our own Scottish
GovernmentAdministration with the limited powers it does have control of in the UK context attempting to implement policies that Scotland did not give them a mandate for.FFS, at this hugely important time for our nation, why would any skilled politician or party be fucking around with this stuff when there are far more important matters to attend to.
Interesting idea that NS should back Rhiannon Spears so publicly when it isn’t even a certainty she would be accepted as a candidate.
Perhaps those young candidates should maybe reflect that it takes a nanosecond to check on a lie in the internet age and a lie stays with you as it should.
The answer is to be honest and I’d rather have an honest older candidate than a young liar any day. It’s a bad day when you have to clear up the mess even before the candidate is adopted.
Some may find this thread ‘interesting’ –
link to twitter.com
@Colin Alexander says: 26 September, 2020 at 10:37 pm
Manni Singh – you haven’t been forgotten.
Sturgeon’s SNP – we won’t forget !
Zzzzzzzz, prob best you give it a rest for a bit with the mind-numbingly feeble attempts at polarisation and suppression Nicola Alex, everyone had you worked out many yoons ago, we deserve something a bit more nuanced.
Ian Brotherhood @11:29
What a twister of the truth Sturgeon is. It’s all starting to unravel though. Her intervention regarding Spear looks very like desperation.
As for Spear. On 24 Sept she posted a video in which she said “I founded Generation Yes”.
Now,on 26 Sept she’s tweeting frantically to say she’s “a founder”.
@kapelmeister –
‘Flounder’ may be more apt.
By publicly backing this roaster, the unflappable FM has finally flapped.
Cue gnashing and wailing, grinding of proverbials, pennies dropping, scales falling, dreams shattering, hearts breaking etc etc…
Never mind – we can all look forward to her giving ‘her side of the story’ at the Harassment Committee…unless she refuses to appear on the grounds that she’s dealing with ‘a national emergency’.
Well, would anyone bet against it right now?
Something to lighten the mood; always remember to remove glasses BEFORE entering shower.
I didn’t…
@Ian Brotherhood
That thread was quite disturbing.
I’ve just seen Rhiannon drinking out of a union jack mug with very hairy armpits. (not the mug)
Not sure which was worse.
link to twitter.com
El Gordo,
Manni shouldn’t have been jailed because he shouldn’t have been in court in the first place.
Colin Alexander is right. It was the SNP councillors that sought police intervention and wanted charges brought, I believe.
Pretty much the same way Peter Murrel sought to apply pressure on the police to investigate Alex Salmond.
Completely scandalous that the SNP have done this to them.
Ninety nine decisions treat
Ninety nine ministers meet
To worry, worry, super scurry
Call the troops out in a hurry
If Rhiannon Spear is the one forcing the adoption of the GRA amendments, then it is probably safe to consider her the most dangerous person in Scotland. If she is the one driving this rejection of science denying public law, she poses a very serious threat open democracy. So and her sock-puppets need punting from the party ASAP, and then it is probably advisable to keep a close eye on what they get up to once purged from the party.
Gender-sensitive Parliaments
Domain 1 – Gender equality laws and policies
link to eige.europa.eu
He chose to be jailed, was a personal choice.
You are never right Colin.
sorry….driving this rejection of science-based public law….
Poverty, inequality and socio-economic rights: A theoretical framework for the realisation of socio-economic rights in the 2010 Kenyan Constitution
link to core.ac.uk
@CameronB Brodie
What’s your view on the hairy armpits tho prof?
I’m still waiting to see a statement from either Nicola Sturgeon or the Snp in support of Joanna Cherry and Joan McAlpine for all the abuse that they’ve taken from some members within the Snp for standing up for women’s rights .
Not a word said in support of women when Mhairi Black called us all Jeremy Hu*nts .
Not a word of support either when all the abuse came from the woke within the Snp and other parties aimed at all the women’s groups in Scotland standing up for women’s rights and they have to arrange their meetings in secret .
It’s up to the Snp how they deal with this now but they need to sort it out now and not when they come looking for women to deliver leaflets , canvas and chap doors for them , standing all day handing out leaflets and working on the stalls taking abuse from the unionists in the run up to May 2021 .
They say an army marches on its stomach well the women’s army cannot stomach any more of this abuse and they will walk away from the Snp and they can kiss their Independence goodbye as women are 51 % of the population in Scotland .
All the better to capture the essential essence of the individual’s embodied “being”. I understand this through an appreciation of phenomenology, and a history of continental girlfriends. Not that I’m a tart.
@CameronB Brodie
Ah, you like the smell, each to their own i suppose
OK, I was a bit of an outrageous libertine when younger, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know my shit.
Gender Mainstreaming
in Legal and
Constitutional Affairs
A Reference Manual for Governments
and Other Stakeholder
link to peacepalacelibrary.nl
So long as the funk ain’t too funky, it all adds to the appeal of the funk you’re grooving too. At least that’s how I used to approach things, though that’s probably too much info for most.
Not depicting our first minister as Boadicea on a chariot these days, Chris?
Your essential weekend reading
‘Scotland’s Declaration’: link to wp.me
Nah, i get what you’re saying, i’ve often overhead it enquired “huv you hud a shite”
Tomorrow’s National front page:-
link to mobile.twitter.com
Sunday National twitter:
link to mobile.twitter.com
I don’t want to get all “Loretta” (Life of Brian), but the first omission that Grouse Beater draws attention to in the Declaration of Arbroath, the legal invisibility of women, then and now apparently, is also harmful to the health of Scotland’s governance. And so harmful to Scotland and all who live here.
Scotland’s legal and political identity is pretty much the same as women before suffrage, i.e. invisible to Westminster, which is determined to silence and exclude Scotland from the determination of our constitutional futures. This is simply discriminatory and dogmatic legal practice that articulates a pathology of racist and authoritarian cultural paternalism.
The law has historically excluded women and racial Others (ethnic/cultural minorities), as well as the poor and politically marginalided. This was all getting sorted out until neo-liberalism became the dominant global mode of all levels of governance, even colonising the fabric and practice of the law. That’s why the RTPI trained me to approach the law the way that I do, and to appreciate WOKE pedagogue as a worthy approach towards achieving social justice.
WOKE folk don’t deny biological REALITY though, and do not seek to shape the law in a manner that supports nostalgic and sexist stereotypes that are bound-up in culture, and infused with its’ latent misogyny. Simples.
Phenomenological Bioethics
Medical Technologies, Human Suffering, and the Meaning of Being Alive
link to routledge.com
Re Nicola Sturgeon’s tweets , Article from The National “ Nicola Sturgeon criticises keyboarder warriors in run up to 2021 Holyrood election , archived link ,
link to archive.vn
And I’ve also put the un-archived link as the comments are worth reading , even Rev Stuart Campbell and Grouse Beater are brought into the comments .
link to thenational.scot
And the the herald runs a different headline “ Nicola Sturgeon condemns ‘ vile and toxic abuse ‘ from keyboard warriors ,
link to archive.vn
So it’s aimed at the “ vile cybernats “ again .
Nicola Sturgeon’s intervention in support of Rhiannon Spear actually reveals how toxic she herself is.
The First Minister has no right to try and promote one candidate in favour of another. Selection should be in the consideration and choice of the SNP members of Argyll and Bute.
Like the brutal ploy to stop Joanna Cherry standing for Edinburgh Central through rule changes, or the use of vetting to restrict candidate, or favourable vetting to promote candidates, this is all now being revealed to ordinary members who are aghast at what has been going on.
Moreover that Sturgeon is now playing the discrimination race abuse card, I think we can further take it how the Hate Crime Bill was being formulated to restrict free speech and smother political discussion.
The truth about how Nicola Sturgeon and her clique of control operates is now coming out and she knows it. She and the clique are the minority and the majority will take back control. About that there is no doubt.
Sturgeon is not irreplaceable!
El gordo,
He shouldn’t have been in court in the first place.
Ian Brotherhood says:26 September, 2020 at 11:29 pm
I fully support the idea of having more woman, non-whites and people from other minorities in our civic and political society. However, I find it hard to support her position simply because of the way she is going back it.
I fully support this advancement even if is through positive discrimination. However, these individuals that are being advanced needs to competent and capable of taking on the position they are taking. Let’s be honest about it, this isn’t about positive discrimination but about getting the right individuals in to cement the power of a particular faction in the SNP and they are just Yes people blindly obeying orders so they can get themselves further up the greasy pole.
While there is this need for positive discrimination in order to equalise past injustices, there needs to be a balance so that they worst excesses of identity politics does not happen which is popularly termed Wokism. That requires the strength of being able to push back these extreme positions to ensure that this essential policy is not harmed. By putting forward this position, has Sturgeon not put herself in a corner where she is powerless to do this? This argument is further strengthened by her reticence on the abuse of the likes of Joanne Cherry and JK Rowling has received.
There has been a lot of criticism against Sturgeon on here and I’ve tried not to get involved but with her own words, she hasn’t helped herself.
Just wanted to pass a comment on this Rowling character while on the subject. It does seem strange that with all the abuse and hatred that she has poured onto the independence movement that we are one of the only groups who are coming out in support with. I guess that Sturgeon may reflect on this as one who rides the populism of extreme causes like Wokism one day will become it’s public enemy number one, the following day.
Sorry just forgot to put in a previous post a thought I have had about this Woke movement which I’ve been meaning to mention for a while.
As it is such an extreme movement where they are like ferrets fighting in a sack over how tolerant they are by coming out with even more extreme positions, it reminds me of the saying of an appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
There is simply no honour amongst thieves and anybody who throws their lot in such a crowd needs their heads examined.
I guess the hate crime legislation was intended for us and everybody who disagrees with GRA.
There’s some nice overlaps there too since those on the indy side who are most vocally opposed to GRA are also the sort of “keyboard warriors” who disagree with her section 30 position; they’d also be likely to take a dim view of any conspiracy to throw Salmond in jail for crimes he didn’t commit.
Photos have appeared in the on-line papers’ sites showing the police assaulting demonstrators in Trafalgar Sq. yesterday with fearsome very long batons which bear little resemblance to the normal side-handled ones currently carried nor the old short ones which were carried in a trouser pocket.
When were these long ones introduced and on whose authority?
Strangely the TV news channels have been reluctant to cover what turned out to be riots – the only images being shown are of demonstrators milling around without any sign of violent behaviour.
@Ian Brotherhood 11.54pm
Also interesting to notice the FM twitter blocked Kirk Torrance yesterday when he tweeted in support of Kirsten Thornton.
“When the First Minister of Scotland throw the accusation of ‘misogyny’ at people (both women and men) who are pointing out a brazen lie by a prospective [female] candidate for the SNP, after she shamelessly takes the sole credit for the achievement of another woman (who has never received the credit she deserves)… would the FM be guilty of using her position of authority to bully those with legitimate concerns into silence: publically (sic) favouring her preferred candidate?”
As Kirk himself notes, the truth hurts
link to twitter.com
I think this whole sorry episode serves a useful purpose: when people show you who they are, believe them.
If you find yourself on the side of the FM, Aamer Anwar and Rhiannon Spears you’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.
The BBC/Marr propaganda special, supported by the Daily Hail,
admit that there are Covid issues at English Universities, however
Scotland/SNP Bader!
They claim hundreds of students are going home and giving up on a
University place. No names and no proof of course but that’s what they do.
The cherry on top is the spurious claim that students here have been told
That they might still be locked up at Xmas?
Isn’t that strange that the claim is they can leave halls of residence in their hundreds
but if it was Xmas no one could get out?
Did anyone see Nicola predict the state of the nation some 3 months ago?
If any students on lockdown have left then they are obviously so stupid and selfish
they would be unlikely to be capable of gaining a degree.
Go home and risk the health of your family, friends and fellow commuters as you
have been Brocken by being confined to your quarters for a couple of days.
God help us if people of that calibre are our future.
PS Ed Davey, the non entity at the front of the Lib Dems on Marr states that he wouldn’t allow
Indy ref 2 even if the SNP win the majority of seats.
There we have it from all unionist parties, if every vote cast at May’s election was for SNP
it doesn’t matter. Scotland is under the control of England no matter what.
The Oxford dictionary must come up with a new definition of democracy for the English.
Democracy- A worthless vote for captured and suppressed colonies that can give an
Impression that the Empire gives a damn about what they want, need or deserve.
Agree with what you’re saying Andy Ellis @ 9:08. Slightly
off topic but I don’t agree with positive discrimination measures. Two wrongs don’t make a right x
ElGordo says: 27 September, 2020 at 12:11 am
How do you know the hairy arms weren’t photoshopped to make the likes you look absolutely stupid?
Willie @ 7:45
Could not agree more except for the majority taking back control, that as yet seems less certain. Are there that many left to make a majority?
NS and her cohorts seem to have wondered into a weird world of their own, by themselves.
Regarding covid, 100,000 of these students catching the virus would be less of a burden on the NHS than 1000 over 80s. STDs would be a different matter though.
I thought the whole idea was to stop the NHS being overwhelmed but I’m not sure what the governmental strategy is now.
Nevertheless, if people don’t want the virus, they should self isolate and not expose themselves to the virus.
SusanXX says: 27 September, 2020 at 9:37 am
There’s nothing wrong with positive discrimination as long as it is only used to restore imbalances rather cover for parachuting in individuals whose only qualification is agreeing with the established position.
Jings, we’ve got the Yoons flustered. Right from the start of Politics Scotland, Brewer and the Boys are in full SNP Baaaddd mode.
Nicola Sturgeo n vowed to govern for all of Scotland, and not just for those supporting her pet projects.
Opinion polls indicate the people don’t want these changes to be made but she ploughed on regardless. That not governing for all the people is it?
Ian Brotherhood says:
26 September, 2020 at 11:29 pm
Some may find this thread ‘interesting’ –
link to twitter.com
Ian, my wife and others answered NS’s tweet with some pointed questions. No answer yet.
gus1940 says: 27 September, 2020 at 8:49 am
I think the batons you have mentioned are friction lock ASP’s which according to wiki, batons of similar make have been in use since the nineties:
link to en.wikipedia.org
Recorded Global Civid cases goes beyond 33 million today
and 1 million Covid Deaths.
Await BBC announcement that SNP caused it.
@John H. (10.12) –
Very hard to find any support for the FM’s twitteration.
It’s ironic that she’s getting this reaction after trying to issue sage advice to political rookies – this anger, some from SNP members, is new territory for NS herself. If she’s ever had such a backlash before I can’t remember it.
Worth a re-post in anybody’s money:
willie says on 26 September, 2020 at 7:29 pm
“Quite why the First Minister feels it necessary to come out in favour of Rhiannon Spear is more than strange.
Spear is, and I do not wish to be pejorative, a nasty piece of shit.
Spear supported the jailing of Manny Singh and I think it is appropriate to quote from her Twitter Feed –
“ Manny was reported to the PF because he did not comply with the Council’s start time…….I hope he works with the Council from the start next time “
Singh organised a AUOB march with full involvement of the police. And as a march fully stewarded and attended by over 100,000 attendees it passed with zero incidents. A good time by all.
And Manni’s crime? Well that was to deny the SNP council spoilers like Spear who wanted to change the march arrangements at the last minute and require the march to kick off at 11.00am instead of 1.00 pm. ( 1.00 pm had been previously chosen and agreed because marchers were coming from all over Scotland by trains, busses and personal transport )
And that is what Manni is languishing in Barlinnie Prison for. And that is what the piece of shit, the so called nationalist Spear, says she hopes …..” he ( Mannie ) will work with the council next time ”
So here’s the deal Spear. And I am being pejorative. Fuck right off. Decent people don’t need toilet flushings like you as an MSP. 100,000 plus people from across Scotland marched in an utterly peaceful AOUB march and in response you promoted and supported his jailing!
Our country needs rid of crap like you, crap like Peter Murrell, and dare I say it crap like wee Sturgeon who is supporting all this behaviour. Sewer politics from sewer people.
We need to kill this cancer before it kills us. Let us take back control of our once democratic party.”
And from Andy Ellis:
“As Kirk himself notes, the truth hurts”
link to twitter.com
BTW, as someone pointed out on Twitter yesterday:
“There are 3 females standing for selection for the SNP in A & B but only Spears is complaining of “misogyny”. A “misogyny” that nobody other than Sturgeon can see, apparently.
Richard Hofstadter (1916-1970) American academic, historian, intellectual on paranoia.
“The idea of the paranoid style as a force in politics would have little contemporary relevance or historical value if it were applied only to those with profoundly disturbed minds. It is the use of paranoid modes of expression by more or less normal people that makes the phenomenon significant.”
“If there is anything more dangerous to the life of the mind than having no independent commitment to ideas, it is having an excess of commitment to some special and constricting idea.”
And appositely …”A university’s essential character is that of being a center of free inquiry and criticism – a thing not to be sacrificed for anything else.”
Don’t you think
That the misogyny claim is being made in support of someone
Who supports trans’ views which are as misogynistic as it gets
I know its Alex Massie
But even a stopped clock is right twice a day blah blah
SNP must recognise gender reform pitfalls
link to archive.is
On a Sunday on his blog Yours For Scotland, Iain Lawson reproduces what he consider to be article of the week, and this week’s article is absolutely essential reading.
It is by Joanna Cherry MP QC and it covers the legal aspects and avenues available when a nation breaks the law and or breaches international treaties. A fascinating subject since in that subject lies many arguments that could not just impact on Brexit but also provide routes to independence.
But aside of that the article also uncovers how corrupted the SNP NEC is and how people need to get it back under control if the party is to have a future. Interestingly too, Joanna reveals how in a side quip, Westminster’s most senior legal officer the Advocate General revealed how she had a detailed knowledge of how corrupted, how hijacked the internal workings of the SNP has become.
Prophetic or more accurately simple confirmation that the Westminster establishment are well aware and involved. The article is I think essential reading this weekend.
link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com
And as its a Sunday morning
A little light relief
Nobody seems to know if this is for real or not
Time to call Sherlock Brodie of this parish
link to twitter.com
@Ian Brotherhood this has been building for some time.
There is a lot of anger over Self ID, Hate Bill, blocking Joanna Cherry, pushing her favourites, the Alex S stitch up, the support for the lying alphabet sisters ignoring all questions and comments that disagree with her position.
And on top of that failing to keep to the manifesto promises.
I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.
O/T BTW give the students a break, they are in lockdown, can’t go home can’t socialise with their pals, and for what?
Supposedly to save old folks from getting infected.
The fact that 2000 + died unnecessarily in care homes, is a scandal yet to be dealt with
Yes, and this week is the anniversary of Joanna Cherry QC MP turning the establishment on its head and getting the Queen’s prorogue of parliament reversed.
Makes you realise just how flawed, deliberately flawed even, Nicola Sturgeon’s only one option, sometime maybe, S30 referendum is.
But that’s why Cherry is hated by the clique, and as is clear, the London establishment too.
Come on now folks, the WOKE perspective is laudable, as it supports the rights of women and ethnic minorities. The SNP’s leadership ain’t WOKE though, they are simply parochial and misogynistic authoritarians, who appear incapable of supporting the rule-of-law. By backing Spear, the FM has simply shown her hand as being a bit of an authoritarian who lacks both respect for the law, and knowledge of how to support its’ universality. So it’s just as well hubby appears to have nobbled the NEC, so the couple can flout the law to the heart’s delight, without any effective political checks and balances to prevent them.
Ian Brotherhood;
What a really nasty and disappointing tweet from a brilliant journalist I would expect so much more from. ?— Stuart McDonald MP (@Stuart_McDonald) September 26, 2020
The above was directed as a response to Ruth Wishart who Tweeted;
This is my home constituency too. And I don’t really want represented by someone who has manipulated her party’s NEC, and has a very strange notion of Scotland’s legislative priorities. link to t.co ruth wishart (@ruth_wishart) September 25, 2020
Ian @10:21 am
Wishart has tweeted to suport Sturgeon’s support of Spears.
He is also calling those who oppose his beloved leader “the absurd wing of the Yes movement”.
I’m eagerly awaiting the First Minister’s tweet thread calling out those that engage in rampant hypocrisy…
Selectively pontificating on the perceived abuses meted out and received by certain individuals now, whilst having maintained complete silence when similar has occurred in the past is bad form.
Just reading a few comments about “Spear” sorry I dont know if the spelling is correct I haven’t a clue who she is ,anyway it looks like rather being assisted by the FM she has been done over by the resulting focus on who and what she represents ,a lot of these people seem to like to operate under the Radar well she has just been thrown into the bright sunlight lets see how long she lasts even with the FMs support , maybe this will give the FM a taste of how the public are reacting to her style right now .
What’s that you say? The ‘vile cybernats’ trope has been resurrected?
Who was it? Douglas Ross? Andrew Neil? Ruth Davidson? Willie Rennie?….I know..Neil Oliver……no?….then who?
The leader of the SNP?
Uh huh.
What a catastrophic time for the SNP, only 60% support in the opinion polls.
Put as sussincly as I can, the SNP will never amount to anything more than a club for parochial totalitarians, so long as they follow such a distorted approach to the law. Without a respect for panomenology and bioethics, the law is simply a tool of authoritarian oppression. So the Spear clique, which appears to include the FM, actually poses a threat to Scottish democracy and the rule-of-law. They will never liberate Scotland from the harmful pathology of British nationalism, and its’ articulation through arbitrary and dogmatic law that is hostile towards international law and order, as they appear to share the same approach to constitutional law as the Tories.
A Dynamic Model of Belief-Dependent Conformity to Social Norms
link to mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de
Sometimes the “vile cybernat” approach is needed. This is one of those times, the kid gloves need taking off and the corruption exposed.
@Alex Lomax
And 0% commitment to indy in the leaders.
Whoever said the bbc is balanced & free of government interference? The latest game of chess is well and truly under way: link to archive.is
The Difference in Women’s Hedonic Lives: A Phenomenological
Critique of Feminist Legal Theory
link to core.ac.uk
John H. @1012.am.
Thank you for that link, as one commentor put it on the thread, it appears to be deflection to pre-protect in a fashion, a certain new but mostly loathed, (by the public) SNP candidate whose mentioned in the thread, in which if she elected will certainly not go down well with the constituents in that constituency.
What on earth is the FM up to? Pushing this unwanted (majority) agenda that’s sure to damage the independence cause.
ANCIENT wisdom.
“If you would know who controls you, see whom you may not criticise.”
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
WANNA make some $€¥£?
Invest in big pharma….there’s loadza loot in disease.
link to fool.com
Cameron @11:32
I was wondering what panomenology was. I was about to research.
One of the Better Together weasels, who even stabbed his own sister in the back having to stepdown, no doubt they’ll be a place for him in Project Fear 2.
link to archive.is
What on earth is the FM up to?
I don’t think she is evil or of criminal intent, I simply think she has lost her way. She’s trained as a solicitor, so I don’t think the Justice Minister is the only one out of their depth.
link to cambridge.org
Stoker @11:32 am
Paul Dacre also owns the 17 000 acre Langwell Estate near Ullapool.
Well, that would give BoJo a place to do his next Scottish visit.
Here you go.
A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence pp 157-188
Chapter 4 From Criticism to the Phenomenology of Law
link to link.springer.com
Re my 11.33am comment, if the FM can stand up and defend Spear’s position, in John H’s link, why can’t she also defend the positions of MacAlpine and Cherry, who are also women.
I smacks of preferential treatment, for someone who supports, GRA Self-Id.
Saw brewar floating the idea of postponing the Scottish elections!!!!
After brexit power will be stripped away.
What you going to do nicola?
Here’s a bit more background to help instruct folk as to just how dangerous Spear and her clique are.
Phenomenology, Structuralism, Hermeneutics, and Legal Study: Applications of Contemporary Continental Thought to Legal Phenomena
link to repository.law.miami.edu
The Alex Massie article linked above nails it. What the hell is wrong with the FM that she wants to die on this hill?
kapelmeister says:
27 September, 2020 at 11:02 am
He is also calling those who oppose his beloved leader “the absurd wing of the Yes movement”.
Yup, Wishart was in full flow on twitter yesterday decrying “the fringe”; some choice responses too:
“I think many of them are not supporters of independence at all. They are infiltrators and Unionists; eg Wings et al.”
link to twitter.com
Now remember, I’ve not looked at this stuff in almost thirty years, and I’m certainly no Brain of Britain. In fact, I learnt most of this stuff after sustaining a very serious brain injury. Yet I still appear to be more legally competent and committed to defending the democratic principle, than either our government or judiciary. That is truly terrifying.
I blame the principle of Parliamentary sovereignty and institutional British nationalism’s distortion and perversion of justice and the democratic principle, which appear to have joined the growing ranks of the homeless in Brexitania.
Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy, Issue 2, 2008
Law’s ‘Uncanniness’:
A Phenomenology of Legal Decisions
link to elevenjournals.com
Shug @11.51am
This is from the daily record , “ Holyrood 2021 election could be cancelled amid coronavirus fears “
link to archive.vn
Will this give the Snp another excuse not to push for an Independence referendum anytime soon as they’ll be saying next that if they cannot hold the elections they wouldn’t be able to hold a referendum .
@kapelmeister, 11.20
He also called those who oppose GRA etc ” the fringe of the YES movement”. I wonder when he will get around to using the term “the deplorables”.
@MaggieC says:
27 September, 2020 at 12:24 pm
“Will this give the Snp another excuse not to push for an Independence referendum anytime soon as they’ll be saying next that if they cannot hold the elections they wouldn’t be able to hold a referendum.”
Could be. A couple of people I know (in private companies) have been told to expect to continue home working until next summer. If private companies are planning this then you can be sure a lot of the public sector will be.
@Beaker / @MaggieC
Brings a whole new definition to the term Neverendum.
The first “tell tale” signs of the direction Sturgeon was going in was when she went all soft on Land Reform
One of her first jobs when she came to power was to hit the mostly English Landowners in Scotland, who owned huge estates all round our Country.
I really thought this was going to be pay back time.
I thought she was going to tax them so much per acre that that it would be impossible for them to sustain such charges, that they would be forced to up sticks and hand the land back to the Scottish Government and the people of Scotland.
But like all the dreams and hopes I had when Queen Nicola became the leader of the only Independence Party in Scotland, faded and died.
And what has happened to cause such a catastrophic collapse in what was meant to be the final chapter in Scotland’s Union with England??? I don’t know.
What I do know is that Sturgeon has totally betrayed every single Scot who thought that one more push would have done it.
She wanted Mandates, we gave her Mandates.
She wanted us to put a majority of SNP MPs into Westminster, we put a majority of SNP MPs into Westminster.
And yet we still wait.
And now Sturgeon has become unrecognisable as the person who was to lead us to Independence.
She doesn’t even try to hide her contempt for anyone who disagrees with her and her policies.
And by the looks of things, Sturgeon is STILL going to be leader the other side of the Holyrood election.
So what are we going to do? How are we going to rid ourselves of Sturgeon and her clique?
Well as far as I can see, the revolution has to come from within her own Party. The elected members of the SNP have to fight back against Sturgeon and Murrell. There has to be strong voices within the SNP who will end this nightmare Sturgeon is putting us through.
Otherwise we are in for five more years of Sturgeon, Devolution and their hated policies.
Way off Topic ,
Just when hostilities have Quietened down some of the usual suspects on another platform seem intent in resuming their snarky remarks yes that’s directed at you the Lurkers from that particular site , Why don’t you make yourself known and post a comment you can defend , If anyone happens to disagree with comments made on that site you are immediately jumped on and if you retaliate you’re in trouble , the blind unquestionable support for what the SNP leadership are doing right now is baffling , head in the sand doesn’t come close , the acceptance of GRA legislation and associated f/k ups are totally ignored and substituted with look at the Polls look at the polls shit is pushed as a vindication of their position ,
Well listen up idiots it’s because Bawjaws is so bloody awful the approval rating is moving up not what anything the SNP are doing , when push comes to shove when Unionists come to vote yer approval rating goes out the Window and they will revert to Type so banking on recent changes makes fools of all of you Mugs .
So what’s the Cunning Plan then ? when that entirely predictable situation happens , is there actually a plan, any bloody Plan , what happened to the Plan when the Edinburgh Hub was first planned, when Civil Service staff were being poached, is there anyone in SNP head office acutely doing anything that can’t be changed, altered, or overruled by Bawjaws government , and Lastly do the brainless cretins actually worship the ground some SNP high heed yins occupy ever have one original thought I suspect if they did it would be Lonely ,and a destitute bloody Orphan .
Beaker @ 12.38 pm
Just thinking about my previous post @ 12.34 pm , I’ve to go for my flu vaccination on Tuesday in our town hall instead of going to my GP’s surgery . The town hall is where I go to vote so it’ll be interesting to see how they arrange the hall for people going in and out of the hall .
If they can arrange the hall for this they should be able to do it for Elections . I’ll try to remember to post how it all went after Tuesday .
Aye bought and sold for English gold such a parcel of rogues in the nation still true today ???
@MaggieC, 11.51
Thanks for the link. So there has been the GRA machinations, the Hate Crime, the conspiracy against Alex Salmond, the attempt to get rid of jury trials, the “flattening the curve and protect the NHS” restrictions on civil rights (the NHS has been protected at the cost of increased mortality but the restrictions still remain), the show trial of the political prisoner, Julian Assange, and now the talk of cancelling the elections which would leave the current crew in control for the foreseeable future. I don’t like what I’m seeing. Has the whole coronavirus activity morphed into Ermaechtigungsgesetz? See link to arcofprosperity.org
Beaker @ 12.38 pm
Just thinking about my previous post @ 12.34 pm , I’ve to go for my flu vaccination on Tuesday in our town hall instead of going to my GP’s surgery . The town hall is where I go to vote so it’ll be interesting to see how they arrange the hall for people going in and out of the hall .
If the Nhs can contact all the patients and arrange the hall for this then there would be no reason for the electoral commission not to arrange it for elections .
I’ll try to remember to post how it all went after Tuesday .
Reading the various comments I think it is clear that Sturgeon, despite all her scheming, may be realising that she is not invincible, and that opposition is growing against her and her rotten clique.
Every stone that is being upturned reveals the stench of rottenness.
The complaints by the alphabet women against Salmond, the collusion of the civil servants and party administrations such as Evans, Ruddick, McCann, Murrell, the collusion of the Policecand the COPFS, the BBC and Kirsty Wark, the arrest of Craig Murray and Mark Hirst, the arrest and subsequent jailing oh Manni Singh following woke SNP Glasgow City Councillors such as Rhiannan Spear, the corrupted NEC implementing illegal candidate selection rules and surprise surprise the highest legal officers in Westminster know about, the secret ballots, malign vetting to stop candidates going forward, it all there.
And the Hate Crime Bill. Folks can now see what that was really about. Silencing the press, silencing debate, and jail time for those who need to silenced.
Well a National Conference is coming up. Branches need to select delegates. Delegate vote on members to bodies such as the NEC and the NC. Let’s all get involved.
And in relation to candidates. Members get to vote on some of the candidates. And so, where they do get a vote, they are perfectly entitled to reject the leadership shoe ins. The Rhiannon Spears leadership shoe in for Argyll and Bute, the Justice Minister’s Humza Yousaf’s wife shoe in for Fife, the Angus Robertson shoe in for Edinburgh Central are not automatic. Members have votes.
Indeed, in Edinburgh Pentlands, a long term party activist has launched legal action against three party officials – Peter Murrell, Ian McCann and another party official. Let us expect more of that as we push to clean our party up and clear out the spollers.
Yes, we are going to take back control. These people are not going to stop the march of a nation.