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Wings Over Scotland

This is why games are terrible now

Posted on November 20, 2017 by

It happens at 2m 30s, if you're in a hurry.

Seriously, all those millions in development, all the hundreds of pounds people have spent buying the PS4 and the VR headset and the game and the upgrade – how hard could it be to have it detect when you'd gone seriously off track and have the navigator go "ARGH! SHIT! OW! BLOODY HELL, GET BACK ON THE ROAD YOU MORON!", so as to not completely ruin the whole thing?

How dull-witted do you have to be, how far have you missed the point by, to obsess over every last wheelnut in the name of "realism" and then sit the player beside a virtually-real companion who keeps calmly reading out directions even as the car he's in plummets down a mountainside on its roof? For God's sake.

I despair, I really do.

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Honestly? This doesn't look all that great. I'd still rather play Sega Rally Championship on Saturn or Dreamcast. Is there something wrong with me? Maybe my eyesight is going bad. Or maybe this new title just stinks. Oh, well.


Honestly, I really enjoy playing Dirt Rally 2.0 but this criticism is of course totally valid.

Frankly, it’s also stupid that you can barrel over a million times and come away unscathed (perhaps getting a four or six second penalty if you roll far enough off the track). It should be “rally over” that that point but then that would make it too much of a challenge and “frustrating” and we can’t have that, can we?

The thing is, arcade driving games where ‘the rules’ of the game allow smashing into things and coming away ok are fine. You know it’s not pretending to be ‘realistic’.

But this game is meant to be a realistic representation of rally so can’t really get away with that – it should make you drive properly but punishing you for this nonsense as you so eloquently imply.

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