There may be trouble ahead
Posted on
February 07, 2021 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
But will she answer these “serious questions”. Harrumph
“Lets face the music and dance”
Signed off with “she will have serious questions to answer”.
Not just her, I think.
T’were well it were done quickly.
There are always reasons behind lies.
As an side scroll to the bottom and NS features in this unrelated video taken on 29th March the following FMQs and the controversial Aberdein/?/NS meeting. It just strikes me how tired and stressed she looks.
The baws oan the slates.
Nae dout!
Yes, there may be trouble ahead.
Just started up Braveheart.
Braveheart the movie.
We always flippin do it. Just when the goal is in sight, some misguided caretaker of Scotland makes an arse of it – usually through motives of greed, self-interest, power or a combination of all three. Time this chapter was finished but I fear this golden opportunity of taking advantage of the BoJo Golden age has been well and truly kicked over the posts into a big fat prize of ‘cheerio tae fuck all’. God Help Us.
Why are they not asking about Westminster’s Top Civil Servant
in Scotland lying to the investigative committee, breaking the
Process rules, illegally changing rules to specifically target Salmond
and altering submitted documents after the fact.
We should be seeing her walking into Cornton Vale ASAP.
I reckon she’ll come doon with a dose of the auld Covid 19 and have to self isolate. Then dear hubby will succumb to it too. A months self isolation to tick down the clock into mid March. Then a bad case of viral amnesia. In Sturgeons casr the more lies she tells and has told the easier it becomes to repeatedly lie
Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive.
Sir Walter Scott (Marmion, 1808)
Scotland is a difficult question for Nicola.
It’s the media that will bring her down, not Parliament, Inquiries, or the Ministerial Code.
I now believe they’ll turn on her massively in the middle of March (Ides), when it’s too late for the SNP to replace her and recover for the election.
[To be sung to the tune of *MANY HONEST* Scottish Folk Tunes] :
Aye, Nicola …
Don’t be so ridiculous,
Aye Nicola,
Ha’ad your hands up
And be *honest*!
Oh, Wee Nicola,
Ye’ve just been found ridiculous,
Aye Nicola,
Ha’ad your hands up
And be *HONEST*!
Oh dear Nicola,
Stop being so ridiculous,
Oh dear, Nicola,
Ye’ve been found oot to be dishonest …
Oh dear, Nicola,
Awa’ with the songs,
And the Praises *YOU* claim!
Oh dear, Nicola,
You’ll hae some explainin’ the ‘morrow!
I’ll just link to a comment I’ve posted on the previous page.
Hell mend ’em!
And I think we can safely say that this is the end of the “Sturgeon Selfies” era.
The coward will never be seen in amongst her public ever again.
Just through the towel in Sturgeon.
Because if I see you out and about, I’ll not miss you hen, believe me.
Or even “throw” the towel in Sturgeon.
Here’s no use bemoaning what we have missed. Water under the bridge and that, but we have made the right decision, we cannot go forward, twisted, bent and corrupted. What sort of a Scotland would that make? Not mine.
We regroup, learn our lessons and push forward on our own conditions, not the conditions of a colonial government.
And I never ever thought we would be siding with the likes of James Mathews and Jackie Baillie.
Strange times.
Question. If she is finally forced to resign over all this, do you think the media will finally stop treating her with kid gloves and not mentioning the huge pile of wrongness she’s sitting on, or will they go on shielding her?
Try a True Romance… of yerself, Scotland.
“Yer father was a fighter and a patriot”.
That Marmion quote. Who on earth thinks Sturgeon is only a beginner in deceit?
the phrase that was repeated – did her government mislead – over and over.
They obviously know, and they are shit stirring, but they kept all the way away from saying, about the submission to the High Court identified when she ‘became aware’.
This is a call to Nicla to keep on script. Nothing more.
I suspect we’ll get ‘poor defenceless woman forced out for crimes of evil misogynist man’, ‘why can’t Scotland accept women in power?’, ‘what Sturgeon’s resignation tells us abut Scotand’s woman trouble’ ad nauseam. You can usually rely on the media to miss the point.
Morag 12.42
Morag, are you the original Winger from the borders area who was in the medical profession?
If so, good to hear from you.
Regardless what the outcome tomorrow and the rest of the coming week is, the biggest travesty is the fact that throughout all of the time since 2014, she has not done a bloody thing to advance independence.
Excuse, after excuse, after excuse, not to follow through on the will of the soveriegn people of Scotland who voted her party in to government on the premise of independence.
That will be her legacy; the politician who was handed a mandate on a plate and squandered it all for political points and to pump her own ego.
Cactus,,, where have you been mate?
Where you away rocking all over the world.
Memory lane tonight.
Craig Jones says:
8 February, 2021 at 12:31 am
“And I think we can safely say that this is the end of the “Sturgeon Selfies” era.”
@ Craig Jones – I sincerely hope that your views might be right though I have my doubts.
The very strange powers that have recently entered the SNP, will in no way accept the demise of their favoured “Sister”.
There may not only be “Trouble Ahead”, as our gracious host points out – there could well be GREAT BATTLES AHEAD for the heart and soul of a Party which once was the Heart And Soul of a Party FOR SCOTLAND, ONLY FOR SCOTLAND, AND INTENT ON DELIVERING SCOTLAND RIGHT UP ONTO THE INTERNATIONAL STAGE.
The Party in question, the SNP, is *NOW* torn asunder with desperate factions intent on destroying the SNP, *UNLESS* the biggest Party for Independence in Scotland, follows the strange dictats of those “MANY MEMBERS” who the Party Leader claimed had left last week.
Many valid sources claim that ONLY 24 “members” left the Party and this TINY number encouraged the Party Leader to make a personal “unscripted video” and invite them all back.
There are Many, Many, more of you, fully paid up Members for years and years, THAN 24 EXTROVERTS WHO DECIDED TO QUIT and managed to attract the attention *AND* the unmitigated support of the SNP’s *ALLEGED* Party Leader!
Wholesale change from top to bottom of the SNP, IF WE WANT INDEPENDENCE!
I posted late in the last thread some reporting that I think is significant. In short, the Salmond defence in the criminal trial alleged that the allegations of Woman H appeared on the very next day after Mark McDonald’s resignation as Children’s Minister, and the possibility, if he further resigned his seat, that Alex Salmond might seek election in his Aberdeen Donside seat. This appears to be the start of it.
To say that there may be trouble ahead is an understatement of the inevitable. There WILL be trouble ahead. Of that there is no doubt.
The chances of Sturgeon defending that she did not lie to Parliament, did not give false testimony to the Court of Session becomes more exposed by the passing hour. Lying to Parliament is one thing. But giving false testimony to the highest court in the land is another thing altogether.
These are offences punishable by imprisonment. And the utter contempt for the courts and Parliament cannot be ignored. The scale of what has been done is too great.
And so she that would jail now looks set to become the jailed.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we set out to deceive. As true today as it was when the line was penned all those years ago.
She’s run out of road!
I suspect we’ll get ‘poor defenceless woman forced out for crimes of evil misogynist man’, ‘why can’t Scotland accept women in power?’, ‘what Sturgeon’s resignation tells us abut Scotand’s woman trouble’ ad nauseam. You can usually rely on the media to miss the point.
My worry also. And all the wee groupies who think she saved the country from covid just because she’s better than Johnson in front of a camera and we’re a couple of points behind England for the highest-scoring death count in the world, will wail about the terrible loss to the country and oh the unfairness of it all.
@Morag says:
8 February, 2021 at 12:42 am
“Question. If she is finally forced to resign over all this, do you think the media will finally stop treating her with kid gloves and not mentioning the huge pile of wrongness she’s sitting on, or will they go on shielding her?”
Sky will go for the jugular. I reckon there must be a few other journalists who will join in as well. Depends on what comes out this week I think.
Morag, are you the original Winger from the borders area who was in the medical profession?
If so, good to hear from you.
Vet. Now retired. Good to hear from you too.
Who within the sacred circle is DM… I appreciate it could also stand for direct message but I don’t think so.
Jan just heard, we need to take this on to DM …
DM is a person, so who. And obviously don’t say in full if its one of the alphabet stooges.
I bet you never thought we would end up in this position?
After all those years of fighting, we have actually gone backwards.
But we will keep up the good fight.
God loves a trier.
I do think that once people realise that she lied over ONE thing then they will start to begin putting two and two together and get round to the enormity of colluding to have Mr Salmond incarcerated in order to keep him out of the way.
I’m sure it started with threatening him and moved on from there. I think she couldn’t handle the fact that she had no idea how to cope with the mechanics and intricacies involved in the prospect of achieving independence and thought that she could do more for Scotland by keeping the status quo and helping in small ways. She failed to realise that good governance in a democracy is all about reconciling the individual into the whole NOT reconciling the whole into lots of fragmented individuals .
I just love the ‘delicacy of Ms Sturgeon ‘misleading’ parliament and courts – not, of course telling downright LIES.
I honestly think that Mr Salmond has sought time and again to try to get her to come clean without totally destroying herself but she is clearly determined to act like a Dalek
Sturgeon’s demise could be the best thing that has ever happened to Scotland and I think it will signal an all out attempt of the population of Scotland to gain independence. They will realise that if people are rotten, then, in a small country, they have nowhere to hide. The SNP and the other independence parties will rally together and Scotland will achieve the goal of independence.
@Daisy walker 1:11am. Who is DM ? If you check out tweets deleted by MPs you will find that there are more than a handful of tweets being deleted yesterday by SNP MPs – all tweets to Derek Mackay? – or could that be DM
I have no face-to-face interaction with anyone, apart from shop assistants. Tonight, in conversation with one, a long-term SNP supporter (like me), he rebutted my concerns – nay, assertions – about what was happening with the SNP leadership. Another customer was waiting, we couldn’t continue the conversation.
Party before principles.
‘Les Mains Sales’, anyone?
Willie Jay. 12.55
Good post.
Let’s hope Sturgeon is running out of escape routes.
I personally finished with the SNP after Sturgeon’s Brexit speech last January.
Oh FFS. I haven’t read Les Mains Sales since student days and so googled it only to find out it’s about an assassination attempt of a leading politician. It wasn’t that which resonated with me all these years later. It was the Party bearing down on the individual. Please don’t jail me.
Well, it’s a start.
A framing.
Not a peep about the conspiracy though.
Evens she appears!
That’s a comprehensive piece front Sky News.
About time someone other than Stu laid it out so frankly.
Hey BDTT – I see your posts. Good for you!
Hey Cactus – lovely to have you back in the mix. You were missed 🙂
That’s a comprehensive piece from Sky News.
About time someone other than Stu laid it out so frankly.
Hey BDTT – I see your posts. Good for you.
Hey C, our prickly friend – lovely to have you back in the mix. You were missed 🙂
Brian Doonthetoon @ 12:30.
Re: your link to comments on the previous page and the Garavelli article.
I posed a couple of questions here about a week ago but lost my place in the thread so don’t know if they were answered.
Reviewing the Garavelli piece has confirmed to me that NS was to be a witness in the AS trial but did not show up.
I wonder if she was assigned a letter for anonymity.
After being summoned to court as a witness, I wonder what her excuse for not showing up was.
Contempt surely?
At the meeting on the 28th of March with AS and GA, were there perhaps two complainants in the room?
Trying to be cryptic.
Thoughts anyone?
Greyskies, “rebutted” means to disprove, or at least to provide valid arguments against something. So what did your mate say that disproved the points you were making?
Studhog, NS is not one of the alphabet women.
I’m appalled (although not surprised) that in the female newsreader and then the male correspondents’ speech,
there were repeated mentions of the complaints against Alex Salmond, with no mention that he HAD BEEN CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES;
and repeated use of the phrase ‘the affair’ (now, was that an accidental or wilful double-meaning?)
It’s either gross carelessness or wicked subversive propagandising against a man found innocent yet, clearly, maliciously conspired-against at the highest levels.
THAT issue ought to be front-and-centre of media coverage – the conspiracy and cover-up attempts, with redaction and withholding of documents, and intimidation through court ‘confidentiality/anonymity’ stipulations.
@studhog, I,think you are quite correct, and we are not alone in that thinking, possibly the one throne out
Maybe there were two titanical voyages Ruglonian…
One boat to the left…
One boat to the right…
To port, to starboard…
The iceberg was in between.
The efforts to obfuscate, misdirect and obstruct the truth from being properly broadcast would be admirable if deployed for a good cause. Its bemusing to see how inept Sturgeon has been in the cause of independence, how supine she has been towards Westminster. Incompetent? Not really. How? Well look how vehemently committed she has been in her campaign to get Salmond. If only she’d directed such dogged bloody mindedness in the direction of independence.
Thanks to the likes of Wings, Craig Murray & Gordon Dangerfield, the dam has been creaking. This Sky News report is the beginning of the little jets of water squirting out. The sheer scale and volume of ‘wrongdoing’ here just cannot be held at bay. The dam might be breaking too slowly, it might gush forth at a time more preferable to British Nationalists, but break it must.
And once it does the flimsy Covid Queen mask will be seen as the single ply piece of toilet paper it is. Eg.
Scotland, pop 5.5m, covid deaths 6431. Australia, pop 25.8m, covid deaths 909
12th March 2020, WHO announces pandemic. Dr Kluge: “urged countries to continue to implement a containment strategy while accelerating their efforts to control the disease. Swift action is essential and each day can make a difference.”
ELEVEN months later, thousands dead, economy in tatters, schools closed, 3rd lockdown, countless knock-on effects, Scotland finally implements quarantine procedures for people entering country and Sturgeon has the cheek to take a pop at the UKs clown PM for not acting quick enough or going far enough. Unbelievable. Australia have been quarantining people since 28th March 2020. ELEVEN months, thousands of deaths later, Sturgeon acts. Sort of. Covid queen my f***** a*** (copyright Jim Royle).
postscript frae Saturday Chris Cairns…
You really really really captured the essence of oor bonnie Jo.
If you’re reading this Joanna…
We love you X.
Morag: Thanks for correcting me.
It was a two-minute conversation in a supermarket between shopper and server, both of whom are ‘on the same page’ re independence i.e. we want it. But we obviously diverge (is that the right word?? please correct me if it’s not) on our take of what is happening. He is still supportive of the SNP, I am not. We couldn’t really go into specifics, given the time constraints. (Oh – should that be singular? You’ll no doubt let me know.)
He’s not the only one who I am perplexed by (grammar?? by/with whom I am perplexed??).
Suffice it to say (and the ‘it’ is correct there) that I won’t be voicing my opinion any time soon with anyone.
Hey y’all, we are now watching The Watchmen.
And the times they are a changing…
Do not ye know.
Rev knows.
Please read Gordon dangerfield’s latest post…a very scottish coup. A must read for anyone who cares…
Although I can’t stand ANY of the britnat media as THEIR corruption knows no bounds I sincerely hope that they are desperate not to be scooped by other media and the slow leaks turn into a torrent, if the beeb don’t rush to compete in Scotland we will know just how much Sturgeon is compromised
You never know if Sturgeon is routed and charged there may even be a rush of whistleblowers
I can dream
It is beyond the bounds of credibility that Nicola Sturgeon did not know about allegations against Alec Salmond in November 2017. This makes her ‘April 2018’ lie to Holyrood all the more outrageous. It is beyond the bounds of credibility the ‘impromptu Aberdein meeting’ she ‘forgot about’ in her office in the middle of ‘a busy day’ 4 days earlier in March 2018 was the first time she heard of the allegation/s.
Scottish government procedures state, when allegations of sexual misconduct are recieved, the First Minister must be informed. This applies both to allegations against current ministers and the unique procedure devised to target past ministers that the Scottish Government devised and deployed with the apparent sole intention of applying to one person only (Im being generous, we should christen it Salmonds Law, definition; an illegal law designed as single use only to target an enemy on fallacious accusations). The first allegations against Alec Salmond were made on 7th or 8th Nov 2017. It is inconcievable Nicola Sturgeon was not made aware very soon after this time.
So, although she lied to Holyrood about the March/April meetings of 2018, leading some folk to say, ‘well what difference does 4 days make, maybe she genuinely forgot’, the strong strong strong likelihood is she first heard of allegations months before, in the previous November. She knew long before March. This is lie upon lie upon lie upon lie.
but while theres £600k,Rangers Salmond and Hirst,
Butterstone will quench your thirst.
@Achnababan 3.30 Thanks for the pointer. The penultimate paragraph’s a beauty!
@Brian Doonthetoon 12:30 am
I think you are referring here to the ‘elephant in the room’. This leads to the other ‘elephant’ that being that Nicola Sturgeon knew long before that March meeting about the allegations against Alex Salmond.
Cue the devout dismissing this is MSM mischief.
Never in these horrible brit nat news items do they mention that AS was INNOCENT! If ever it’s a grudging comment once the narrative is set.
We know who is really guilty of lying and collusion and corruption!
Nicola was down as a “reluctant” witness for the defence. In the early days remember she missed loads of Covid meetings for trivial reasons – one being a girls netball event. So when her turn was due to appear fro the defence she said she had to go to London for a cobra meeting. The defence ie Alex had the power to compel her to attend. But Alex refused to. He was putting the country first even though he was staring at a prison sentence and he was losing a vital witness
Craig Jones says ..1.15
I bet you never thought we would end up in this position? Me either..
It’s a 9am start this morning
Re whistleblower; if ever somebody is going to crack, I am betting it is somebody from the legal background. Either the Lord Advocate himself or COPFS, and I say so because because in the legal profession, reputation is all you have. If you are caught doing something like this, there is nowhere on Earth you can hide and reestablish yourself. The legal profession is indeed a very very small world.
The guy on Sky News trying to explain the ‘basic simple facts’ of the Salmond v Sturgeon stushy getting all confused and making a right mucking fuddle of it…. made me laugh
Jackie Ballie is right, it is very serious, because it isn’t just a mistake but an attempt to mislead parliament and the courts.
But I fear that many voters won’t see it as that. It will look like word against word (“attempt to mislead” v “small mistake”) – and especially if the discussion will be had during the election campaign many voters will think it’s just parties bickering and will conclude getting a date wrong by 4 days is not a big matter.
So it is in my view entirely plausible that even after a vote of no confidence Nicola Sturgeon will lead the SNP into the next election and win.
Unless further charges (such as the stich up) can be proven (e.g. The Murrell text messages published on main stream media)…
Could someone post Gordon Dangerfield blog. It is absolutely forensic in showing whatever way Nicola handled this affair she broke the. Ministerial code.
She is guilty. its a must read.
Bob Mack says:
8 February, 2021 at 8:43 am
“Could someone post Gordon Dangerfield blog. It is absolutely forensic in showing whatever way Nicola handled this affair she broke the. Ministerial code.
She is guilty. its a must read.”
You missed out love and romance she’ll face the music and dance.
Alex Salmond won’t be attending the committee on Tuesday.
“Before the fiddlers have fled,
Before they ask us to pay the bill, and while we still have that chance
Let’s ( not ) face the music and dance “
Frazerio says:
8 February, 2021 at 4:19 am
“It is beyond the bounds of credibility that Nicola Sturgeon did not know about allegations against Alec Salmond in November 2017. This makes her ‘April 2018’ lie to Holyrood all the more outrageous. It is beyond the bounds of credibility the ‘impromptu Aberdein meeting’ she ‘forgot about’ in her office in the middle of ‘a busy day’ 4 days earlier in March 2018 was the first time she heard of the allegation/s.”
Hence Liz Lloyd’s failure to appear. She does and it all comes apart. All it takes is the right question and Lloyd has to perjure or implicate.
No credibility, plus every single parliamentarian and political journalist knows that it is inconceivable that Lloyd would have done what she has without the full backing and instruction of The FM.
We are being asked to wheesht for people who are most clearly unfit to hold public office. That the vast majority of parliamentarians have stayed silent is a damning indictment of the calibre of people that rise in The SNP.
Something seriously wrong with these monkeys. Zero morals. Zero decency, zero respect for either the public, or Mr Salmond, the real victim of a crime.
As someone who believes in democracy and the rule of law, freedom of the press, and open debate, it is inconceivable that I would vote SNP.
Too many rotten apples, too totalitarian,
Honourless cretins.
The sharks are circling for Sturgeon, but they are also interested in making sure Salmond is sufficiently smeared in the process, to prevent his possible return
20 minutes in and Fabiani is already warning committee members they might not have time to ask follow up questions.
It’s a parliamentary committee, it should use as much time as it requires to fulfil its remit, time should never be an issue when taking statements on oath.
If this was a Judge-led enquiry then they would be happy to use as much time as is required in seeking the truth.
“Prevaricating Peter” lol
Morag says @ 12:42 am
Question. If she is finally forced to resign over all this, do you think the media will finally stop treating her with kid gloves and not mentioning the huge pile of wrongness she’s sitting on, or will they go on shielding her?
Dunno, but I do know that all the Nicolbaa sheep will blame Wings, Iain Lawson, Craig Murray, etc. for what’s been done to their idol.
@Davie – ‘As someone who believes in democracy and the rule of law, freedom of the press, and open debate, it is inconceivable that I would vote SNP’.
Read Gordon Dangerfield’s article Davie. We’re being governed in Scotland by a SNP Junta. Dangerfield is a measured chap and he doesn’t say that for nothing.
I get your point about the Scottish press. Sky News will run with this. Thank God for Sky News.
I like how she wears red a lot. Symbolises danger. And Labour. Both appropriate.
More obvious than ever today how much SNP members are flanneling and carrying on the smears compared to the forensic questioning of the opposition ones. Alex is right not to appear, I think – none of them are on his side: it would just be 2 or 3 hours more smearing with no chance to get his side out, with a hostile media then carrying on again for days afterwards.
It’s over for the Murrells, it is just a question of when and how now. There is no way they can survive this even if the limped past the election somehow.
They can keep the masses misinformed by hiding information with the help of their pal the unionist press and blocking the inquiry but all the people in the know, know. People who are not asleep at the wheel, they all know what she did.
When you get people like Gordon Dangerfield with advocate levels skills forensically laying it out and bringing it all together into a coherent picture of what was really going on it is overwhelming, totally convincing and so plausible it does not just have a slight ring of truth to it, it has a cathedral bells ring of truth to it. This is what happened.
Nicola not only knew from the start, she led the orchestration of the stitch-up. And she led it by deliberately removing herself from the process that would railroad Alex Salmond, so she could pretend her hands were clean, when in fact they were caked in the filth of deceit and the abuse of power.
I would have loved to see the pregnant look on Peter and Nicola’s little faces as it dawned on them (and I think fairly recently) that they are now about to be destroyed as they attempted to destroy Alex.
The difference is they really are going to be destroyed.
There will be no coming back from this, no triumphant judicial review, not acquitted on all charges… they are guilty as sin and they are going down.
They will be very lucky to avoid jail. It is that bad.
Quite a little move isn’t. Use one SNP FM to attempt to destroy another and when that fails politically blow her up.
The unionists on this committee are bowling for a strike – take out salmond AND Sturgeon.
One good thing about Radio Scotland telling everyone to get on their knees in hope of encouraging division along emotional lines is that they cant help reminding us that Scots just won Calcutta Cup for third time in 4 years and beginning to look capable of consistent excellence.. assuming John Beattie feels need to compare and contrast coverage of the ‘incident’ south of the border.
for assuming, pls read hopefully
I laughed at the schedule for a Rugby Highlights show
that for the first time was put back into the early hours
of the morning where it was unlikely to have any viewing figures.
It’s concerning that they haven’t mentioned World Cup 66 this week
and it’s 10 hours old already.
Davie oga.
“We are being asked to wheesht for people who are most clearly unfit to hold public office. That the vast majority of parliamentarians have stayed silent is a damning indictment of the calibre of people that rise in The SNP”.
Agreed. There are people so afraid of speaking out’ co let’s face it, they will all ha e something to lose in doing the honourable thing.
All these careerist SNP bum suckers would be nowhere without AS and the decent hard working SNP activists of yesterday year who paved the way for their elections.
I saw the midlothian careerist MP getting floored by Reece-mogg over begging for borrowing powers.
I mean seriously.. Reece-mogg??
Never did the careerist mention the Mcrone report’ or the squandering of scotlands wealth.
What a pathetically weak character of politician we elected in December.
There was a reason we were all told hush for indy. Now we know why.
Sturgeon has had no regard or loyalty for the man who helped her in her political career.
Instead she followed orders from her handlers.
She loves adulation…. She will never be held in the high regard Margo Macdonald was
What a patheyix
To finish my last post….
What a pathetic calibre of MPs we have
Confirmed Salmond not appearing before committee.
I have had conversations with two separate people at work over the last two days who now know about this. They are just your average person on the street,not hugely politically inclined. This has gone way beyond the confines of their attempted damage limitation exercise. Good. Fuck them all.
Have people lost the link to Peter Murrell
committee or is it just my machine?
Impressions of this witness/session > deceptive dishonest devious and deflecting
holymacmoses says:
8 February, 2021 at 10:07 am
Have people lost the link to Peter Murrell
committee or is it just my machine?
Session finished at 10am
Here’s a lay person’s impression after watching that.
It was as if they had all been to the dentist and had their teeth removed and were trying to ‘gum’ PM into submission.
Did Linda Fabiani really not have an ounce of ironic awareness in Billy Connolly looking over the proceedings?
Was Peter Murrell a credible witness? NO.NO.NO. Prevarication, complete hesitation, at times surprise, body language (scratching non-existent itches) arrogant dismissal & wholly non-convincing faux ‘concern’over invasion of privacy.
Mitchell, Fraser and Baillie didnt miss though, while The SNP yes men were an incoherent waste of time.
THe Truth??? Really??? Is that their attempt to get at the truth??? The Truth, my arse, as any fool looking on could see.
That Committee meeting was a waste of effing time . Deflection and lies from the whole lot of them .
Hmm I wouldn’t be surprised if the opposition members of committee don’t pull the rug out from under the inquiry/Nicola especially with Alex Salmond unable to attend without risking being held in contempt.
Effijy 12.13
Jackie Baillie took Peter Murrell to the bag-wash there. I was almost embarrassed for him. Dishonesty doesn’t go-down well in Scotland, Peter. We natives don’t like being lied to.
We have Alex Salmond’s press conference to look forward to now. After Peter Murrell’s shameful performance, we will see a confident political operator in full control of the facts.
I think the Murrell dynasty is now dead.
How to attend and inquiry and tell the truth, just don’t answer the questions…simples!
OT some background info re covid queen:
Peter Murrell evidence
Now the Rape Centre letter makes sense. It was forward planning for the Peter Murrell defence this morning. Any awkward question and out comes the line “…we are intruding into the women’s privacy”
The best example was when Jackie Baillie was asking about his inside information on the London Crown Office prosecution before the rest of the World.
He truly gave the enquiry every assistance, short of actual help.
I had to miss the inquiry as I had a work meeting, but from the comments above it sounds as if I didn’t miss much.
I don’t recall any previous committee session starting before 10.15 at the earliest.
This one started at 9 and was done by 10?
Nothing to see here…
A Salmond’s Lawyers letter to the committee, they don’t miss.
What an embarrassingly low calibre of representatives Scotland is saddled with – not that it´s much better elsewhere , but is THIS the best we can do ?
I suppose it’s a reflection of the political paradox that those who are attracted to positions of power and influence are ( mostly ) the very last people who should be given power and influence .
As others have said …..looks to me like the MSM are simply biding their time , waiting for the most propitious ( from a Unionist POV ) to detonate the IED the Holyrood clown show has placed at their disposal
” propitious time “
Its amazing to watch old sayings given life.
In this case “lip Service”. A couple of members Baillie and Fraser trying to get to the truth, and the Convener Fabiani Was interrupting them or even answering the questions when Murrell was floundering.
Shameful really.
” I swear to tell the truth etc” seems only to apply to Alex.
Everybody else has a free hand to tell the truth or not.
There will be a debris field if soiled reputations left in the wake of this charade.
Very glad Salmond is not going to legitimize the Fabiani farce by attending.
Would have been nice to have an honest inquiry, sincerely trying to uncover the truth.
But this incarnation of the SNP don’t do honesty, truth or integrity.
So zero point playing their rigged games anymore.
What I find quite astonishing about todays hearing is that Murrell refused to corroborate his own sworn witness testimony from December.
That fact alone is very telling.
In addition to that, Murrell spent most of the session arguing with committee members over their remit, process and procedure than answering questions, he used that diversionary tactic several times in a bid not to give an answer to the committee throughout what was an extremely short session.
It is up to the committee to decide what is and what is not relevant to the enquiry, not witnesses giving testimony under oath.
I also think that Jackie Ballie was quite correct in that there was someone else in the room, that was my first instinct too when he suddenly looked up to his right.
Near the start of the session shortly after he started replying to a question asked he suddenly looked up to his right hand side (the left hand side when looking at him), as if someone was there motioning or gesturing something to him after he started to reply to a question from the committee. Taking into consideration that he was sitting in a conservatory, surrounded by glass windows, a second person may well have not been in the same room but IMO he could definately see them and take direction from them in that situation even through glass.
The shame of that revelation is that when Jackie Ballie asked Murrell whether he was alone in the room or not, he offered to turn the camera around, Jackie should have insisted he do this as they should do with all witnesses giving remote testimony under oath, but she did not even though it is in their remit to ensure witnesses are by themselves when giving evidence under oath.
Are we sure this isn’t just transphobia?
I thought this story very interesting.
It seems that although there should be no foreign travel, no gathering in large groups,
essential flights insist passengers must have a negative Covid test within 72 hours of take off.
On arrival passengers should isolate for 10 days.
Well Westminster’s English & Welsh Army, you know the one that isn’t Scottish although they pay for it, has over 1,600 military personnel who were flown into Kenya for Exercise.
They claim they had tests 92 hours before flying?
Well Covid had broken out there now and endangers the locals who were running kitchens etc for them.
Westminster has completely irresponsibly sent troops to play in the sun during a major pandemic.
Have they sent more troops to Kenya than Scotland?
Having massacred the Kenyans in past history, are they back to finish them off?
With further Tory cuts to a decimated Army, would the millions spent on this Jolly perhaps have been
better spent on saving their jobs ?
Last point- if it was designed to give the soldiers experience of being on a the front line,
does that usually come with outside catering services?
After watching the wriggling Peter Murrel for an hour, ‘The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ far from meaning what you and I would take it to mean can in fact mean anything.
It’s a worthless oath in the context of this enquiry, any truth rearing it’s ugly head would be found in contempt struck down and spat upon. Their starting point when preparing their evidence must be something like: Why tell the truth when you can tell a lie’.
I’m glad to hear that AS will not be dignifying this travesty with an appearance.
@Alison Balharry
I’d have thought his attendance before the committee would be to explain the evolution of the procedures to hold ministers/ government employees accountable for historic hearsay – possibly sprinkled with a bit of background on the contemporaneous thinking behind SG desire to grant immunity and remove corroboration in rape trials – and a bit of teasing as to whether he was still of that view and which list party he would be joining now that a Wings party appears to be off the agenda.. none of which is covered by the court order allegedly preventing him from telling the truth.
Sorry again, meant “anonymity” not (necessarily) immunity
Missed Murrell.
I take it he was savaged relentlessly by one dead sheep after another and generally given a good gumming by the toothless ‘non-Inquiry’.
The Fabiani Farce is going to be remembered as very much a part of the ongoing scandal and cover-up. It is aiding and abetting the crimes and cover-up, not attempting to uncover them. It is now complicit in what was done to Salmond.
Well done Linda. You have really honoured yourself.
*He can’t not refer to the meetings if he is to give a full account.
Independence is now just a pipe dream. I have never seen so many Yes folk being retweeted by hardline Unionists. We scuttled the Independence ship all by ourselves. It’s over for me.
John Grant says:
8 February, 2021 at 11:48 am
Independence is now just a pipe dream. I have never seen so many Yes folk being retweeted by hardline Unionists. We scuttled the Independence ship all by ourselves. It’s over for me.
Independence is there for the taking. You’re not weak and snivelling enough to let the likes of the Murrells take it away from you, are you?
I have been a member of SNP from 1955 YES first annual payment half-a-crown. I have seen Westminster always turn the dogs on the SNP on certain events and individuals. They have not done this on NS as she is not been seen as a threat. So who did Westminster set the dogs on….Alex Salmond. They have in place a top Westminster official riding shotgun in the Scottish Government and a weak leader who cannot delivery independence so Westminster is happy to carry. They thought wrongly that they got rid of the main person to deliver independence. COME BACK ALEX.
Hey Craig Jones, aye I’m always rockin’ around the clock somewhere or another, hope you’re doing brilliant 🙂
ps cheers for the Wings discretion, I got a bit carried away watching Braveheart last night and with the excitement of the crowdfunder too. Many emotions. I will return to exercising restraint.
Have a good week.
At the meeting on the 28th of March with AS and GA, were there perhaps two complainants in the room?
I believe only one & it wasn’t NS. The complainant in the room didn’t appear till the accusations became a trial matter & more women were added to the list.
I posted on another page here the meeting that G. Aberdein had with Nicola in her office on the 28th. The names of the people there weren’t & still aren’t REDACTED.
Here is the link I refer to above. Sorry I don’t know how to archive.
Hi Kiwilassye.
Apologies for typo!