The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

The way ahead

Posted on October 08, 2014 by

We’re still on holiday until Tuesday, readers. But we wanted to ask you something.


It seems inevitable that there’ll be fewer developments and less news directly related to independence in the coming months. There’ll still be lots of stuff it’s possible to view from an independence angle, of course, but not as starkly as in the last three years. So it’d be interesting to know if you’d like Wings Over Scotland to stay focused on that subject, or broaden its view out to encompass wider Scottish politics.

There are issues around doing so. Not being based in Scotland will be more of a handicap when covering day-to-day matters. More importantly, it would almost certainly lead to a more party-political outlook. While of course Unionists (and far too many journalists) lazily conflate the Yes movement and the SNP, it remains a fact than Wings has no party affiliation or alignment, and although several contributors belong to various ones I’m not a member of any party.

Covering more general Scottish politics would, we suspect, be very likely to affect that agnostic stance, albeit unintentionally. Wings has never claimed to be anything but partisan on the subject of independence, but partisanship on issues and parties are two very different things, and it’s a line we’re wary of crossing without careful thought.

As ever, this isn’t a vote. We make no promises that we’ll act in accordance with the majority opinion. But we’d welcome your thoughts all the same.

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Michelle van der stighelen

Broaden to encompass scottish politics but keeping independence at the forefront.:) thank u!


It is not just MSM reporting on the referendum that needed to be brought to task but clearly the reporting of all things political including current affairs that needs online oversight.

WoS is clearly the vehicle for doing that.

Michael Brand

Keep doing what you do. Expose Westminster’s lies and failures. Keep building resentment against Westminster & the unionists. We have a General Election to impact in a few months and hopefully Scots & Welsh nationalists will hold the balance of power at Westminster.


You do know that if 45% vote for more party politics they are not going to give up if you concentrate on independence 😉


I think your existing ‘About’ heading says it all-Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. Continue

george clarkson

Do as you have always done ,debunk the untruths ,expose the liars no matter where it comes from .We need to cut through the crap to find a way through to the ultimate destination


I’d like to see Wings continue and adapt to covering wider aspects of Scottish politics. While I really enjoyed and found the independence coverage illuminating the articles that really got me thinking were the ones which (inadvertently?) wandered into commentary on the parties on either side of the argument and what they stand for.

More of that would be nice!


Is there any way you could look at covering the absolute mess that are Scottish Councils? (particularity Glasgow…) .

There is a massive network of readers on the blog who probably have some very good inside knowledge of the dealings…

Make yourself kinda like a source for stories of corruption and shady dealings?

I also think running monthly series on a particular issue; say public transport. Run basically an information campaign on each topic and the many different ways we are being shafted, (or not) as the case may be.

You could get contributions from people who read wings and are knowledgeable on the subject too… These could inform the blog readers (and therefore the majority of the Yes activists) of how the current system works (or doesn’t…)

Plus jokes, more of those too.

Rob Outram

That really depends on your thoughts about another referendum Stuart…or UDI? There’s plenty folk about who see one or the other coming in the next few years. If that is the case, or if you believe it likely I’d suggest you stick with that angle. If not it’s a tricky choice. Either way I for one would feel there was a very large hole in the on going debate about our future of Wings were to vanish.

Mae Carson

I think broader politics in Scotland will become increasingly ‘interesting’ if/when the WM unionist parties renege on the VOW or fall far short of the promised Home Rule/Devo-Max and during the run up to GE 2015.

That’s probably the right way to take Wings forward at this time, certainly until a settled(?) agreement is reached re powers and Holyrood’s future security is written in stone.

That said, perhaps there are other areas of your life Stu which you want to spend more time on?

Alastair Sinclair

I would like Wings to continue with the independence theme

joe kane

As far as straying over the line that separates issues from party politics, I don’t think WOS can go wrong with being anti the red tory scab party.


Broaden the scope to Scottish politics in general, but maintain the laser focus on dismantling the MSM narrative when it seeks to serve a party political aim that is against the best interests of Scotland, and by extension the prospect of independence.

Take your point about being removed from the action, maybe additional contributors will put themselves forward now?

Wallace Sedgeworth

Setting aside the broken promises and the likelihood that the vow will not be honoured Our first priority is to get as many pro independence MP’s elected in the May 2015 general election as a majority of SNP MP’s representing Scotland at Westminster will give us a mandate for independence.

bookie from hell

target new devo powers

aim at a field–to scattergun
aim at barn door–a lot of hits

Federal Union–shortterm is fine

I think commons debate next tues on VOW

enough material to work on

Bugger (the Panda)

The reasoning is simple, if you don’t give some guidance here the Judaean Peoples’ Fronts will entrench and lots of people will lose their will to come here, or find another home?

I prefer them all, including JPF etc , to be here and behaving, for the greater good.


Cutting through the bullshit has been a valuable public service. I hope you continue. Encompassing wider politics really just means following the MSM agenda.

Gregory Black

I hope you continue to educate the masses, you have rekindled my interest in politics and a large portion of the rest of the nation. Either way I would like to thank you


Lewis Holleran

I think there isn’t a major issue with moving to a wider Scottish politics angle.
Sure there might be articles here that readers disagree with, but that’s all part of debate – we gain more through seeing differing angles than all constantly agreeing with each other and patting ourselves on the back.

Sorry for the massive sentence!

Oscar Taime

Agree with Michelle. Wings rapid, incisive and engagingly humorous contributions that have generated so much to our engagement can and should play a vital part in the evolution of our Scots media both out there in front as now and hopefully also in tandem with others like dateline, Bella, NewsNet & others.

What’s the story re funding? Do you have enough subscribers?

It might actually be worth considering advertising as the side effect could be to show businesses just how useful it is to court us Yessers.


I reckon Wings should cover Scottish politics and the media here in general. The general election is only around 6 months away, and there will be a lot of activity again in Scotland from the March through to May. This is obviously the first major election since the referendum, so it has the potential to throw up some surprise results, even though it is the dreaded first-past-the-post system.

Craig Evans

I suggest you keep the ethos of the website and continue to hold the parliaments, both UK and Scottish to account for their actions whilst exposing party actions both good and bad from all parties.

Given the recent u turns coming from Labour in Scotland that might be a good place to start?

However, given the poor performance of the opposition parties to keep the SNP under proper scrutiny, rather than engaging in political points scoring; this should be another aim as I for one am not a member of any party; but all parties need to be held to account and whatever party is in power in Holyrood, they need to be praised and ridiculed as appropriate.



Yes, it would be easy to be seen as a cheerleader for the SNP. Today’s news about the railway stuff is a case in point – that really needs an article pointing out the facts and the slant that the MSM is taking (what they’re told to say by Labour, by the looks of it).

However, regular readers will recognise that you have been happy to criticise the Scottish government, the yes campaign, whatever, if they’re doing something daft.

The bottom line is, we need it. We need the ammo to keep chipping away at people who’ve swallowed establishment propaganda, and to point out why No was the bad choice we said it would be. Figure it out how to do it, please!

Bugger (the Panda)

Sorry, the theme should be independence based giving some licence for people to wander away to related pro indie topics, and herded by you back on topic if the thread becomes an overheated handbag fight. That would risk losing the many women who come on here to post or just read. They will melt away; not good.


I don’t think keeping your beady eye on the disgraceful shenanigans of the press and the broadcasters of this sad nation will leave you short of work Stuart. Their post referendum task of striking down the Yes movement and putting Slab centre stage has barely begun. So if you’re up for it then I for one am keen to keep reading it, and the brilliant range of commenters we have.


Don’t go there!

Witness last night’s hijacking of the thread by a spat involving SNP/SSP and actually nowhere to be seen SPS.


As long as the goal of independence is still the foundation rock for the website happy to take your lead Stu.

Personal opinion is that YES agenda will be around for a while yet.



Who is JPF?


Keep with what you are already doing.
The focus is and must always be independence.


Broaden horizons please, even if we disagree with some of the positions taken, at least you reference your sources and justify your stance.

Bill Fraser

Monitoring the press is an extremely important service that you provide to your readership. This is the first priority in my opinion, secondly unraveling the spin of politicians and their lackies. That, in my opinion leads to the view that a wider overview is necessary whilst maintaining a prime focus on empowering the people of Scotland and informing them of political ambitions to the detriment of the public as a whole.


Can’t you move to Scotland? Anyway, before the referendum I expected you to continue even if we did win, presumably doing the investigative journalism and killer analysis the papers weren’t but without the goal of indy. Maybe looking at it from that perspective helps? But never give up on independence even though I’m sure it doesn’t need said!

Steven Mitchell

Observations on performance of parties, personalities and policies should be the norm. All part of the political arena regardless of whether they were on the Yes or No side…….although if reporting a good idea from a resident of the No camp it might stun the audience !

Lene Kruhoffer

On balance I would like you to focus more on Independence and what is happening with delivering the promised more powers to Scotland (it would appear not a lot apart from us being set up for a(nother) good shafting..) My hope is that we will get another referendum sooner than we think and I think it is therefore vital to keep reminding people of the lies and deceit which went down and scared so many folks half to death…

Neil McAdam

I think at least from now till the “timetable” dates are reached, the focus should remain on the fight for Independence.
The people of Scotland were (amazingly) duped on this.

If they don’t keep those (mostly useless) promises, there should be a rebellion of some sort.

They came to fight us and they won!


Everyone has to be kept on their toes so keep doing what you do but with all the political parties, your focus can narrow again come the next referendum.


What I like best about Wings is your ability to expose the lies and mendacity emanating from the MSM, BBC and Westminster. I feel that ignorance duped so many people to vote for dependence. Until there is a strong alt media in Scotland we rely on Wings to ferret out the propaganda and expose it. That’s what journalists once did and one or two still do. But none do it as well as you do which is why Wings has such a wide readership.
One problem with focusing too closely on party politics is the type of partisan slanging match which developed yesterday. I hope we can have an agreement to avoid that in future, with a policy similar to the “ignore the troll” line.
Scotland is a wealthy country. We need to keep producing the evidnece and letting everyone know how much we produce and what happens to it.

Colin Clement

I would prefer if you stayed focused on the Indie question, one of the biggest challenges we face is not fragmenting, the unionists will look for areas they can pull us apart and weaken us, we need to stay as focused as we can on the prize.

We will need to learn some new skills for this phase of the campaign but having WoS there reminding us why we’re doing what we’re doing could prove a big plus is the coming years

Lewy Tee Bee

Provide a beacon around which those who believe in independence can gather.
You have a huge readership and because of this you hold the power to inform not just hundreds of thousands but millions.
Keep the flame burning Rev, keep the flame burning.


Another good area to cover would be what is devolved to Holyrood, and what is not devolved, and what that means in practical terms. I notice that people on twitter today are having a go at the SG for not re-nationalising the railways, when in fact they do not have the power to do so. There still seems to be a lack of understanding about the devolved settlement, and bringing a clearer understanding of it would be good.

Iain Donald

Hi Stu,

I would like to see Wings cover more general Scottish politics, while maintaining a neutral stance as far as political parties go. The main reason for this is because I want them to use Wings as a source for Scottish Independence.

You are outstanding at what you do but a lot of people on the No side did not see this because they refused to even look at Wings, stating the usual smear pish, usually spouted from Better Together and chums. If we can get people, who wouldn’t normally have viewed wings during the Indyref on-board then it could help with the next push for Indy.

The websites viewing figures speak for itself but I think if we can get people who voted No in the ref to come to Wings (attracted by neutral coverage for the Devolution settlement, 2016 elections etc.), I think they will be more likely to pay attention to pro Independence articles from this site, whenever they come around. This could move more people to our side.

Ultimately it is up to you and I know whatever you choose, it will be outstanding.




Oh Lordy, the BIG decision.

For my part I would like you to continue in a similar way, we still need someone to keep on top of the meeja!

Leo Foyle

Is Scotland independent yet? Until then, concentrate on independence.


Given that Keith Brown MSP has just awarded ScotRail’s franchise to a Dutch-owned company and has not – as the unions are now saying – forestalled a decision or apparently considered a government-owned non-profit company, I’d say that there is a need to analyse these decisions from a partisan viewpoint, particularly if Derek Bateman softens his approach to the SNP government while working with NewsNet Scotland.

The whole point of independence was surely so that we could hold ALL politicians to account, regardless of party affiliation.

One policy decision that is going to need forensic analysis – and which could potentially wreck the SNP’s chances in the future – is the apparent support it is giving to fracking in the central belt. The SNP need to rapidly come out against this or recent momentum toward ‘Yes’ and more general support for constitutional change will be lost. Perceived support for fracking by the Scottish government means that I won’t be joining them any time soon and despite the boasts on rapidly growing support, I know two party members who have left the SNP over failure to secure a clear and firm policy commitment to block fracking where possible. If there was indication that the SNP were going to ‘talk out of both sides of their mouths’, it was the promises made to EDF in the run-up to the vote about nuclear power.

‘Yes’ was never about ‘Hail the new boss, same as the old boss’. In his resignation speech, Alex Salmond spoke of “holding Westminster’s feet to the fire…” Dare I suggest that what is good for the goose is good for the gander too?


I’d like the indy focus to remain at the heart of things, but a broadening of the overview of our politics would also be welcomed. The Wings ethos of debunking the lies and showing the bullshit for what it is would work well within that broader general view.

I can well understand an unwillingness to get into partisan party politics so my recommendation would be to continue to soar above it as high as possible. Don’t back away from pointing out failings in any of the parties, whether anti or pro independence. Stick with a firm grasp on truth and honesty, toss in some scabrous wit and I can’t see you going far wrong.

The good work needs keeping up Stuart, and I for one believe you and Wings are as well placed as any to keep it up.


Perhaps you could try to create unity between the supporters of all of Scotland’s pro independence parties.

Try to get them to see the sense in us all tactically voting for the opportunity to remove the Unionist parties MPs from Scotland.

If everyone who voted YES were to vote for the SNP at the 2015 general election it could bring independence closer.


I thought Wings was at its best when exposing the “little white lies” of our politicians and journalists. The importance of this was hightened during the referendum but the need continues even in the swamps of the everyday. A bit like a Scottish “Private Eye” probing such shit as the press release from Cathie Peatie’s girl and Docherty about the SNP not reprieving the school that Cara had voted to close.

Biographies of the talents of some of our “esteemed” public figures for use when they hit us with their pronouncements would also help in keeping us informed of their previous.

As to the stance of Wings IMO it should be all Unionists are guilty until proved innocent after their referendum performance with an added dash of this is what you voted for.

Dan Watt (@DanPbass)

I thought that Wings’ primary function was to act as a Scottish media “watchdog” and that it is a coincidence that the referendum campaign gave it such a lot to be critical of.

Surely though, the awful media denigration of Scotland is and will be something that you can get your teeth into for years to come. Heck, even after Scotland gets its independence back, the Labour party’s primary function will be to slag off the SNP at every turn.

There will be no shortage of things for Wings to get tore into, such is the nature of the beast. Keeping doing what you are doing gets my vote, keep independence at the forefront your reporting but also make sure that everything across the political spectrum in Scotland is scrutinised to the fullest.

With a readership so large and varied, you can’t go wrong? 😀


Wings is my goto site for honest information, mainly due to your devious habbit of providing links to evidence that support your claims. In the current media environment I need more of WOS not less. Finally Wings has always claimed to be soaring above Scottish politics clearly implying a broader remit than independence alone.


For me, keep going in the same direction, but with more of a focus on devo-max/home rule – include a broader look taking in Westminster on Scottish affairs and Scottish local government – expose dishonesty and hypocrisy, wherever it is found in national or local politics, or the print and broadcast media – keep up the forensic analysis of stats and finances – look for voluntary and regular subscriptions or for crowd funding from those who can afford it if you need the money to keep going yourself or employ others – provide some means for non-subscribers to get access – provide ways for readers to whistleblow and contribute material – the yes movement had its eyes opened to the MSM lies and disinformation and needs to help grow the alternatives like Wings – keep the faith – it’ll be all right in the end, and if it’s not all right it isn’t the end.

Dan Watt (@DanPbass)

Would also like to add, that your genius decimation of everything DH tweets about or says would be something I would hate to see go away. 🙂

Doug Daniel

It would be good to try and keep things as non-partisan as possible. As you say, a lot of stuff can still be viewed from an independence angle – for instance, Labour’s criticism of the ScotRail decision is blatant hypocrisy after telling people not to vote to give the Scottish Parliament the very powers required to renationalise the railways. The Greens have shown it’s possible to back SNP decisions without necessarily being pro-SNP, and I think as long as the nature of the site is to scrutinise the media and the unionist parties, turning into an SNP cheerleading site isn’t necessarily inevitable.

The next milestone is giving Labour a kicking in 2015. If some sort of loose Yes alliance does end up coming about, then again, we can kick Labour without being mere SNP cheerleaders.

One thing is for sure: the behaviour of the media (and the Daily Record and Herald in particular) in the aftermath of the referendum show the need for a site like Wings is as great as it ever was.

Glenn Michaels

I think you should definitely do some hot gossip stories on Scottish celebrities and sports people.

Not a day goes by where I don’t wonder what showbiz parties the krankies are hanging out at or where Jackie bird buys her milk in her jammies.

eric russell

i think an honest look at all the aspects of scottish politics is a necessary thing. it would be good for someone to remind the politicians of all parties that they represent our view and not their own or their parties, and if they start to move away from the mandate they were elected on, then just a little reminder would be more than useful. so a look at the wider issues in scottish politic would ensure that the scottish people know what is being done in their name, both here and down in westminster. i am not a great political animal myself, but i do want to know what is happening. it will be difficult, and maybe at certain time almost impossible to remain neutral, but that is for you to decide for yourself. if people think you are doing a good job, then they will read what you write, if they dont, well you know yourself what will happen.


From your geographical location you are probably ideally placed to spot any legislation detrimental to Scotland that might be sneaked through the Commons and Lords, like the one redefining the border sea area of Scotland with England and the latest removing the franchise from Scotrail or the intention to bomb the Middle East after the referendum. The latter two decisions must have been taken before the referendum and would certainly have changed the result. You would obviously have to have eyes and ears in the right place


Just keep doing what you are doing. The site gives folk the chance to air their frustrations. You are the best.

Derick fae Yell

What this site does best is forensic dissection of the mendacity emanating from Unionist politicians and the mainstream media.

The need for that service will increase over the next two years as WM 2015 and Holyrood 2016 come round. No mainstream media source will do it.

Widen to cover
More general Scottish Politics
Westminster politics.
International affairs?
News analysis from a Scottish perspective is what I want.

Happy to pay a subscription if that’s what’s needed

Murray McCallum

Would look forward to WOS picking apart all political manifestos, and their possible impact on Scotland, for GE 2015.

During the referendum there seemed to be consensus that poverty and inequality were significant issues. How can we highlight practical steps to tackle this and parties/organisations failing to address it?

I think WOS should criticise any political party they see fit. It will be easier to do this for some more than others.


I would say that Wings should concentrate on the constitutional matters, especially as there is going to be significant horsetrading in the next few months and it will be important to find inconsistencies in the approach of all parties, e.g., why is all of welfare not devolved to Scotland whilst devolved to NI.

Alex McMahon

Even without changing the current style of Wings there will be plenty of material to work on. There’s a lot of health-related skullduggery going on (Eleanor Bradford & Helen Puttick) that will get worse if anything. That RMT b.s. today also gives you an idea of things to come. The Unionists are clearly using the MSM to disredit the Scottish Government becuase of the two elections that are due. Keep up the good work! I’ve been looking at Wings daily for quite a while.


It’s Wings’ questioning, deconstructing and revealing of propaganda and political sleight of hand that I have valued most. That approach can be applied to pro-indy political parties as well as unionist parties.

Where the mainstream media has failed to challenge, you have stepped up to the plate Stu, sense checking and encouraging alert reading rather than passive consumption of media output and political soundbites.

I think that valuable service will be just as important in the run up to the Westminster and Holyrood elections, as it was in the run up to the referendum – perhaps even more important.

Doug Daniel

Dave says “Can’t you move to Scotland?”

Exactly, get your arse up here. We’re not letting you back into the games industry any time soon.

James Kay

The Unionist parties made various promises in regard to Devo Max, and their feet need to be held to the fire. Any backtracking (and there has been/is/will be a LOT!) must be exposed.

At the same time, there is a danger that the Independence parties might settle into a ‘second-best’ position. At all times, the pro-independence parties should be fighting for what is best for Scotland. What they fight for now must NOT distract them from the longer-term vision. There will, almost certainly, be a need at some time to criticize some who would seem to accept whatever is offered as being the best that can be.

Report broadly on Scottish Politics and be harsh on anyone who does not drive forward the goal of independence.

Cherry Loudon

Never posted before. Big fan of what you do. IMHO I feel that you have to include Scottish politics. However, I think that your role should remain for the people as the one voice we can trust. There is going to be a backlash from WM and the nature of this will be more dirty tricks, we could end up with what happened with the miners in the 80s. It could even be another Ireland with Mi5 rubbing shoulders with that wee ‘wummon doon the road’ who knows all there is to know about everyone. As harry potter was told.. dangerous times ahead. This may get ugly and someone has to tell it like it is.

Ramona McMahon

I’d be happy in whatever choice you make, as it’s all be very informative and entertaining.

fred blogger

form grassroots groups to fight for welfare rights, to end workfare, 35hr/wk job searching, and foodbanks.
see edinburgh coalition against poverty web site.
£2bn/yr is currently being torn out of the scottish economy by cause of welfare “reform’s”.
fight for restoration of retirement @ 60 for women and PGC @ 60 for men.
it will also take a massive load off the NHS, prevention is better than cure.
we need land rights, perma-culture and a eco-home building programme.
the reasoning is self evident.
please also note the work of the jimmy reid foundation.
push for ESC recommendations a 40% increase in benefits, or a basic citizens welfare income payment.
fight against high rents.
move towards a culture of truly social housing.
link to
we need to prepare for indyscot by laying the ground work for our socialist culture.


An analysis of political opinion in Scotland in direct relationship to Westminster governance. Highlighting areas where Westminster is failing Scotland and where self governance could have brought a different result.

the Penman

If you can fact-check, analyse and counter the rank lies, distortions and bull that will continue to fill Scottish politics (on all sides, with the SNP a minority but still included), then you’ll not just have a purpose but will also fill an ongoing gap in the market. Please.

James McLeary

we need you to stick around Stu – we cannot let the current media run all over Scotland without challenge. Ideally you would be offering an alternative view (as per Campaign) but in both print and online. If that’s not possible, then we need you to continue the Independence message, continue the Truth Outings against current media, and take a position that represents the people and not the Parties per say

Ghengis D'Midgies

.. but the MSM needs to be exposed on a daily basis. For example: link to

The propaganda against Scotland, against independence has been going on a lot longer than the referendum campaign and it will continue till we are dead or replaced and no longer present a threat those parasites at Westminster.


1: The devo settlement (if it happens)
2: The road to independence

in light of the other post-indy media propositions, Bateman+NNS and the Foster/Devoy proposals look like they will be better placed for the day to day “news” and thus doing so will probably have to be regulated and follow “the rules”. Wings will always have the place for edgier & post-analysis journalism but does not need to be a 24hr news operation.


It is certainly a balancing act, to simply focus entirely on independence may look a bit of a cranks blog.(not my opinion i hasten to add).

Not to say wings should not keep independence in focus as a desired intent though.

The next event wings etc can mobilise the Yes movement is obviously the 2015 GE.

What will be the preferred strategy for Yes voters for that ?
Hammer away at labour an give them a serious doing in Scotland then use a huge WM SNP vote to send the clear message independence is not going away ?

I have asked a few folk their thoughts about voting in 2015 and the first reply in almost every case is would the risk of a Tory majority be worth hammering labour seats .

My reply to that has been that is that labour can achieve a majority without Scottish seats, and lets face it, if they turn enough seats down south where our seats would swing it, they would probably win massively without Scottish seats anyway.

My view would be hammer labour, try get 30 seats min to get a Scottish Westminster majority then watch UKIP split the Tory/labour vote enough to ensure a hung parliament.

That would make uk political life interesting i would imagine.
Hell,they might give us anything we want to bugger off from WM…!!


I’m thinking in line with Mae Carson and Lene and Capella et al

I see what’s going on now, post referendum, as being directly related to your motivations, Stu – sticking up for Scotland. Before, all of us were united in the best way to do this: independence. Independence is still the goal, but it’s now longer term. The short term (i.e. till 2015) is to present a united front that is pro Scotland (and so pro the Yes parties and affiliates e.g. women for independence), and is anti Britnat (anti Labour, Con, LibDem, plus the other smaller groups of course like UKIP, BNP etc + MSM). We already have plenty of evidence that the BBC, for example, are moving on a united BritNat theme of bombing Iraq, then getting involved (maybe on the ground) in Syria. They are also already shifting the SNP (and other yes parties) to the sidelines as we enter 2015 election focus.

If we were to achieve ‘home rule’ or ‘devo max’, at that point our unity could weaken as some might be content with that. Until that point, which cynics think won’t happen (including me), we are probably all united. If it doesn’t come through our activism, and yours, then we work towards a new referendum again.

I’d like to see this site involved in activism not so different from the past e.g. articles, leaflets and advertising that reminds people not to vote Lab/ConDem in 2015 and reminds people of their lies, assuming there are no rules against that approach. As no party affiliated, you can say things like: vote tactically to keep out Labour in your area, for example.

The most general thing to remember is that scotland doesn’t have its own media (TV station or newspapers), so many people are subtly fed their British sympathies. We need to counter that. Why does everyone think Scottish Government hasn’t got power over broadcasting?


I think that doing as you have been doing with a focus on Scottish Independence has been great and enlightening for a lot of people. Going forward retain the focus on Independence, but we do need Wings to be there to expose the unionist politicians rubbish in the run up to both the UK General Election and the Scottish Holyrood elections in 2016. Thanks for all your work in the past.


@Doug Daniel
I thought all the best games came from Dundee anyway.

So why is he not up here already? Scottish Emergency Kittens too fierce?


I think the site should continue exactly the way it has been going….. never change a winning forumula…… just change the reason for all the posts vanishing into thin air.

We now have our YES foundations, I think it is now time to go into the attack and DECONSTRUCT every NO argument. The main thing above all is control of the media and getting the message out to NO voters, not preaching to the YES choir…


I think one of your many strengths is you ability to challenge the mainstream media and Unionist politicians with analysis and (I mean this in a nice way) pedantry.

In my view, it would be good to apply your strengths to broaden out and cover the wider political picture in Scotland.

There may not be a referendum schedule to work to, but there is plenty of work to do to hold media to account, shine a light when politicians fail to deliver their promises, and also to ensure good work gets a fair hearing. Is this not what you planned to do in the event of a Yes vote anyway?

This needn’t be cheerleading one party. The independence movement is comprised of a few parties plus some excellent campaign groups that are not standing for election. WOS among them.


Broaden to wider politics and continue to eviscerate press and political cliques remorselessly because we desperately need you. And please, please, please do it equally to all political parties, including the SNP (who I belong to).

I was interested in George Kereven’s recent take that In a curious way, “the vote on September 18 created a Scottish nation for the first time, if not a nation state. A Scottish nation in the sense that ‘nationalism’ must now define itself not in terms of ‘identity’ but in ideological terms; i.e. what policy course to follow in order to modernise the Scottish economy and Scottish society. Even the ‘anti’ nationalists will have to reply in like coin, or face political redundancy.”

We have to persuade the 55. By shining a light on the problem of uneven powers vis a vis ‘devo whatever’ and encouraging access to Wings if they are interested in social justice (aside from the independence debate) you will open their imagination to new possibilities beyond MSM.

Brian McCulloch

‘And now an article by our Scottish correspondent’. I’m sure there are many skilled, Scotland based ‘reporters’ who would volunteer their time. That would allow you (Wings) to focus on Westminster, whilst acting as editor-in-chief.


What you are good at is puncturing balloons and giving a solid analysis with citations. There is enough going on, and publicly, to do that and have fun with it. Two elections over the next eighteen months will give plenty opportunity and put an end date in your mind for those days when it feels like a chore.


Firstly I believe that you should focus on the more powers promise. Keeping us up to date with relevant developments with the Smith Commission, broken promises, your analyses of what we eventually get etc.

I also think pointing out the double standard between what the unionist parties said during the independence campaign and what they will say during the next General Election would be useful. It would maybe even be a good idea to create a region-by region analysis for the next UK & Holoyrood elections on voting tactically to damage unionist parties as much as possible. While not endorsing any political party, pointing out who has the best chances of winning in a particular area.

Other than that general Scottish politics could help to fill the time. But the focus always being on how we can achieve independence in the longer-term.


I think it should stay focused on Independence. It is the one thing that we all agree on and why we all come here.
If you broaden it out into Scottish politics in general then the site will lose its USP and may become similar to the newspaper comments sections with people arguing all the time.
Make comments on todays political issues but always from the point of independence, i.e. Scotrail franchise and why the SG is limited in what it can do etc.


Spread your wings over Scofland. The more voices telling the UKOK propaganda machine to f… Off, the better.


You were instrumental in keeping me informed over the last 2 years and for this I thank you. Your wee blue book also helped me to inform don’t knows and no voters, resulting in a few of them changing the way they viewed the media and WM and subsequently changing their voting intentions. I hope that you carry on exposing the lies and corruption within Westminster and the media, not just on Scottish issues but across the board. I hope that you will keep Independence for Scotland at the forefront of your reporting and help keep the momentum going.

Gavin Greig

What Wings excels at is presenting an alternate, referenced view of and to the mainstream media and I would keep that as your “mission”. The references are particularly important. Within that, there’s no harm in broadening the focus to cover Scottish politics in general, while supporting the cause of independence.

The last three years have shown that there’s plenty that’s only being minimally reported upon, and which could do with more attention being paid to it. Much of it will overlap with the independence issue anyway; and even where it doesn’t do so directly, I think a more politically informed and aware electorate can only benefit the independence cause.

I would be wary of getting too closely associated with a single party’s politics, but even if you ultimately feel the need to nail your colours to a particular mast, you can balance that by taking contributions from people of other parties and persuasions (as you already have).


I think stick to what you are good at. Bringing to the attention of readers an aspect of Scottish mainstream media, news coverage or events which is unbalanced or untrue and provide an analysis as to the purpose of the coverage. Inviting comment from ourselves. There will be a lot of hot air expelled in the months leading up to the election and the outcome of the Smith report so there will be lots to discuss including the biased slant of the Scottish press


Independence – first, last and always, but via the perspective whereby WM Legislation affects Scotland and Holyrood.

“The VOW”, Krash, Flipper, SLAB,Tories,fibdems, Skeletor etc.

This morning I watched the RT prog “Going Underground” when the presenter informed us that PFI in 2015/16 will cost us £63 billion – more than half the NHS Budget.
To profiteers via guarantees from BLAB.
Monies that Mibbeland and Balls refuse to mention as they conveniently “FORGET” the economy.?

It was further revealed that New Labour Opposition Ministers are being funded by PWC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) via monies supplied by Yankee Health Lobbyists who are forcing TTIP upon NHS in UK.?
Chukka Amuna says he is complying with WM Rules.
Accepting bribes from TTIP consultants.??

Lest we forget – it was Krash,Bliar,Mibbeland and Balls who created the “Black Hole in the NHS” via their blind and stupid adherence to, and creation of – PFI.
TTIP is the Latest form of PFI.

Bugger (the Panda)

muttley79 says:
8 October, 2014 at 12:20 pm

Who is JPF?

Judaean Peoples’ Front.


I think the focus should still be true to independence but broaden to the wider media through a Scottish Lens. With less headlines about Indyref coming to the fore I think the stealth of the SNP and other parties membership and increased activity in Scotland (god knows everyone here wants to get involved in some way whatever the indy political party we back)could actually start a whole new wave of headlines both South and in Scotland in the coming months leading up to the GE. The foot is firmly still on the pedal, We just took it off to change gear to a higher one!


For me personally, the real value of Wings during the referendum campaign was in it’s ability to almost instantly debunk the stories coming out of the MSM & BT camps. That focus on ensuring that the electorate in Scotland can see how stories are being spun for political gain needs to remain. Although there appears to be effort to produce an ‘Indy’ newspaper or even an alternative to the BBC/STV news, the very action of going ‘mainstream’ and attempting to appeal to the masses probably means they won’t be able to be as ‘robust’ in their words as Wings has and can be.

I think it might be necessary to widen Wings remit to cover Scottish Politics in it’s entirety, treating all parties equally (as a new SNP member I have no objection to the SNP being criticised if they resort to the same ‘tricks’ as the unionist parties). We have an absolutely fascinating political period coming up with the May 15 GE and the Holyrood elections the year after. Sure that will give plenty of opportunities for stories, even before we get into the ‘vow’/Devo Max ‘negotiations’.

No need to answer this as it could be highly personal, what’s holding you from a return to Scotland? I assume you moved to bath for career reasons? I seems like you could have a good shot at a career in your homeland.


As a writer, I’ve always been told: write what you know, find your own voice. With this in mind, I’d say that if you were to cover the news in general, you’d have to give up being so vocally partisan on this single issue, or you’d be accused of being the same as the MSM – one-sided. And if you covered news in general, I think 1) you’re right about it being difficult from afar (I’ve tried it); 2) you’d also risk becoming yet another media outlet not based in Scotland, which we don’t need; and 3) you’d have to sometimes cover things you don’t care so much about, which would water down your ‘voice’.

I’d suggest holding to your independence theme for all of the above reasons, and one other: as we move inevitably toward independence in one form or another, we will need English allies with strong consistent voices on the subject. If you keep on this path you set out on, you will be doing us a greater service than if you detour where other, Scotland-based, news sources should be forced to go. You are more help to us, undiluted, than otherwise. Just my opinion, of course.

Stay true to your voice, your independence-oriented heart, and help push us along the path we all see ahead of us.

Training Day

Keep the core focus on independence, Stu. The fact that you are not affiliated to any political party is a huge strength in this regard.

The question you are asking us is: why would I want to keep reading Wings post-referendum? I read Wings for many reasons – incisive analysis, writing with a flair, wit, boldness of thought and action, the comments of many contributors. But most of all I read it because IMO there is no Scottish commentator better able to dismantle orthodoxies, challenge received wisdom and, in essence, stick it to the rich, the powerful and the complacent.

Keep on keeping on doing exactly that.


I think the main focus should be independence still. That is necessary to keep the goal of a ‘yes’ in future at the forefront of debate. Obviously, other discussion’s will come into the debate just as it did over the 3 years leading up to the Indyref. In a way it manages as it is to serve as a general political commentary for Scottish politics. I think it’s good to keep the goal of independence at the forefront of wings because it reflects the fact we want independence to be at the forefront of Scottish politics.


The journey to independence is the only game in town. Anything else is fiddling around the edges.
I’d be worried that a party political stance would dilute and divide this great community. Plenty of time for haggling over details once we have the power in our own hands. Until then, carry on.


Given the 3 pro Indy parties have enjoyed a massive uplift, it would be good to have the focus on Indy as the target, and for me it helps to have debunking the BS, as a focus. I generally take what I find out here into the wider world. I think our short term focus does need to be the GE and getting as many pro Indy parties into those Labour seats as far as possible.

Paul Kirkwood

Both please . And there is nothing wrong with being partisan; we don’t always all have to agree with each other. It’s called healthy debate; no one has a monopoloy on Rightness. I think Slab have stifled debate in Scottish Politics for years; get iy out there! P 🙂

Gavin Greig

muttley79’s point at 12:25 about highlighting what the limitations of our devolved powers is a really good one. There’ll be a lot of this sort of thing to cover in the context of the Smith Commission; and it’s a good candidate for a focussed reference section.

Graeme Macfarlane

I’d like to see a wider range of party political issues being reported through WoS, although the analysis of said issues should reflect possible implications to the Pro Independence movement/ideology. My reason for this view is simply that we, the Scottish electorate, do not currently have a democratic mechanism to create an independent Scotland; we do however have a General Election coming up. Therefore, it would be in our best interests to support all of the Pro Independence parties by analysing their manifestos and contrasting them with the Unionists’, all the while relating the findings to the question of Independence.

Baz Thomson

It’s been suggested by many, the solution to having any impact within the current British media is to collaborate and join forces with other like minded organisations. The referendum has produced many online sites and pages who encompass all areas of Scotland (and beyond) and who have spent the last few years exposing the truth, unearthing information we normally wouldn’t get to see. Move forward collectively with a common goal, communication is the key, wings, ytais, bella, newsnet, national collective, yes Shetland, Dundee, Ayr, Glasgow and so on, all working together, combined subscription, all online, all under one umbrella.

Betty Boop

Stu, thank you for asking us about this.

I think you should carry on as before. We need the lies, omissions, fantasy exposed. We need to compare what was said before the referendum to what is being said now. We need analysis of any proposals which might come out of the Smith Commission, etc. Basically, we need help in “holding their feet to the fire” (ie the Westminster parties).

What I would like to see before the GE, is a Wee Red Book in similar fashion to the WBB, covering those aspects and laying out what some of the proposals might mean for Scotland.

We don’t need political division amongst readers/contributors; that would prove fatal to this website. Leave that to MSM. We need this site.

Liquid Lenny

Stay focussed on exposing the MSM lies, it does not need to
be party partisan.

We are a broad church keep it that way for the benefit of
Scotland going forward, Last nights spat, where I thought Oneironaut was totally out of order (And I am also a SNP member) should concentrate our minds that we have more in common than we have which separates us.


Tricky. The timeframe and original point of Wings has gone with the referendum being over.

However, millions of people have had their eyes opened about MSM bias and the need for sites like Wings is much greater now particularly from a demand basis. It would be sad not to meet this demand.

I will still visit. And to be honest I do not mind if it is wider than just independence. Like it or not we are very much still tied into the Westminster politics and would enjoy seeing this exposed particularly with EU referendum coming up.

A reason I liked Yes was all the humour. Wings made me laugh. There is plenty coming up to laugh about.

I am starting to think the only way Scotland will be independent is if the good people of England wake up and realise the true state of their media and political structures and demand change.

Would be quite interesting to have some English/Welsh/Irish/EU perspectives and exposures. Would also build visitor numbers,continue to shake up MSM, build relationships destroyed by MSM north/south etc.

Would still be Scottish focused but with wider net.

Thanks for asking.


by the way, re stories to cover: I think there are lots of Westminster actions that damage Scotland, enough for at least 2 posts a day. We have the MSM to slate the Scottish parliament for everything (obviously until such a time as a Britnat party takes power). We need to stay focussed on the imperial master. How much are the Iraqi bombs costing Scotland? What are the foreign office doing to promote Scottish goods and services? Are we getting a good deal? What did the UK Ambassador do in Spain this month that promoted Scotland or Scottish interests? We have no idea because the MSM doesn’t care.

At the risk of promoting grievance politics, I personally want to know what my country is getting out of the union no a daily basis.

James Caithness

Exposing the unionist parties as hypocrites and charlatans would be good within Scottish wide politics. Highlighting the unionists affiliations with bankers, big business etc.

What I would worry about is niggles and divisions developing within the yes/independence movement as we have now joined political parties.

Can this be done?

Steve B

I think that any change may be more psychological than anything. Because independence affects most aspects of political life, Wings has already covered a great many topics. In fact, it is hard to think of any part of Scottish politics that Wing’s hasn’t at least already touched on.

We need someone to hold the media and politicians (of all parties and none) to account and I think Stu has shown he’s not afraid of doing that in a direct, timely, robust and sourced manner which is something everyone in the Yes movement going foward will need for the long haul ahead.

Obviously if Wings is in it for the long haul then I guess Stu will have to pace himself for a marathon (or at least a 1500 metres!) and not a sprint which would bring changes to Wings in its own right. Maybe regular guest columnists at set times in a week or month would help, together with arrangements for holiday cover, etc?

Robert Louis

I think the point you make regarding less attention to independence being the state of affairs, since the referendum is over, is in some, but not all, ways correct. In the short term, and certainly up to the Scottish parliamentary elections in 2016, it does seem as though independence, or certainly devo max will still be a major political topic.

If this is so, then in my opinion, there shall certainly be plenty of stories in background and overall strategy regarding independence, such that you will have plenty to do. Consider, that already people are talking of a ‘YES alliance’, which although not fielding named candidates, would push and campaign for a massive SNP seat gain for the London general election in 7 months time, to be followed by a mass push for all the non unionist parties for 2016.

I personally, do not think independence as a subject is going away anytime soon. Of course the unionists and BBC would like it to be dead and buried, and in that respect, there really is a place – AN IMPORTANT PLACE- for your style of analysis and reporting, with a focus on independence or the ‘VOW’ to give devo max or ‘more’ powers to Scotland.

Either way, there will be lots regarding independence, either in its pure form, or via both elections and the more powers promise.

Your website does much more, and always has done, than just report on independence, by providing insight and background to important Scottish topics, such as the economics of Scotland (e.g the oil, banking) Vs rUK, and the political, constitutional and cultural aspects of Scotland.

Although London and unionists have not woken up to it yet, Scottish politics has dramatically changed both in the run up and aftermath of the referendum – never forget, the other side only won by 5% (to call it ten point, whilst accurate, is a tad misleading, as it was a bilateral vote). Look at the mass membership of the pro indy parties, which is literally rocketing day by day.

I do not doubt, that Westminster is about to deceive and disappoint Scotland big time in regards to Gordon Broon and the Three party leaders promise. The matter is not settled, and so far as many are concerned will not be until the promise is delivered – IN FULL.

The stooshie to end all stooshies is coming down the tracks fast.

In that light, Scotland NEEDS your input to focus on the context of more powers and independence, with electoral strategy, certainly up to 2016 (no more holidays for you till then!! :)) There is no harm however, in reporting other political matters of relevance.

Regardless, your header ‘who watches the watchmen'(quis custodiet ipsos custodes) can easily adapt to keep not just Westminster’s feet to the fire, but also some of the indy leaders feet too. You can make sure none of them starts backsliding.

Aside from all that, we need you to keep the pressure on the utterly crap so-called ‘scottish'(but English controlled) media. The way in which you skewer piss poor journalism, brightens my day.

liz g

This I think is the ideal place to have the kind of conversations you are talking about because,

Firstly…..They will have to happen to go forward with our
Independence (when it happens) anyway and it will give the process a head start.

Secondly….. As you pointed out there are posters on here who are not members of any party which is a much healthier mix of opinions,and therefore more likely to temper the debate.

Lastly….. you are quite good at pulling the idiots into line so that new readers are not put off,but you may have to be reminding everyone of that condition (which has always been there) a wee bit more.

As for being portrayed negatively they will anyway and this is about having OUR say in a way that takes US forward,so who gives a shit what they make of it.
Hope that helps.


Keep up the scrutiny and exposure of the media, which I thought was one of the most important things you did over the referendum campaign. Erode the blind trust in the BBC and corporate media.

I agree to avoid aligning yourself explicitly with any of the political parties.

Andrew Ellis

I’d agree with those saying the general focus should remain the same, particularly WRT fisking the output of MSM & mainstream unionist parties. Be good to see some more guest contributions from the broader Yes movement and I think a focus on building up the Yes Alliance and promoting tactical voting in the 2015 GE to ensure as many LD and New Labour MP’s lose their seats? Also if funds and future crowd-sourcing permits, more polling would be good, e.g. would be interesting to poll No voters to see how many now regret their decision and what influence if any the Vow had on their decision.


Better together won the no vote with lies threats and a promise when the promise is broken so is the result dont play by their rules and accept the settled will for ever shit get back up and into it

R-type Grunt

I’ve just been listening to the news on Radio Scotland. In the piece about the Dutch company raking Iver the rail franchise it took three minutes before it was pointed out – by Ken McDonald – that due to European competition rules the Scottish government had little choice in who got the contract.

That’s a damn good reason for this site to maintain its incisive coverage of the main stories in Scotland today.

Milady de Winter

Echo sentiments about, for now at least, keeping the focus on the Devo vow etc. and exposing the lies and spins of the WM parties and MSM. I hope you can rise above political party partisanism (I may have invented that word but it’ll do). I am thinking of leaving the Bella Caledonia Fb group as some of the posters are extreme and it gets heated and unpleasant because some people are so wedded to a party line or belief they simply cannot ‘hear’ another view. Some are undoubtedly trolls of course but Wings has always struck me as a more thoughtful and sensible place. I can read a story, check out the links and then debate or comment without getting a verbal slaying if someone disagrees.

Craig Macinnes

Stu, can’t thank you enough for this project. Wings has become my go-to site for a number of reasons.
Information, properly sourced
Different voices bringing various strands together giving insightful perspectives with one common goal. Independence and a fairer society.
The gadfly effect. Stinging the complacent whether in Westminster, Holyrood, the BBC and the print media.
Community and morale boosting. God knows it can be a frustrating and at times lonely path trying to get through to the brain dead. Wings it seems to me brings a number of talented intelligent people together.
Humour and lively debate.
Mutual respect. It’s good to have my established views challenged.

I am aware that running this site is challenging. You must be exhausted. You need to make a living. Ultimately it will be your decision as to how much more you can do. Perhaps once you’ve digested the many suggestions from the Wingers, you will be better placed to determine just what in practical terms the future of the site might be and what level of help you need.

Dr Ew

I don’t generally read Wings for new, more for your razor- sharp analysis of media coverage. I also enjoy your occasional articles offering clear explanations of complex subjects, of which the Wee Blue was a terrific offshoot. However your strongest suit is fearless calling out of poor standards of journalistic scrutiny and/or integrity in the mainstream media – what a business consultant might call your “unique selling point”.

In terms of focus, your own article seems to suggest you feel there is plenty of scope within UK and Scottish politics that has a material bearing on Scottish independence and/or the Yes Movement. And I think we’re all clear the Yes Movement is very much alive and kicking.

One practical suggestion to improve site interaction: If possible I’d like to see a “reply” facility so it becomes possible to respond directly to comments. I think it would make more ccoherent discussion / debate / all out rammies and help preserve the integrity of the main topic through the main thread.

I’m sure you’ll be taking advice on financial models, Stu, but I’d be happy to take out a subscription. I’m intending to take out a few, in fact – especially as I’m no longer paying my TV licence.

Dr Ew

Oh yes, and perhaps an edit facility – just spotted a typo on the first line!


I would prefer to see the site’s main focus remain on independence. I think there is a real danger that if a broader political outlook is embraced that it will rapidly become what will effectively be a narrower outlook that promotes a smaller group or groups ideologies. I have no real interest in his type of political discussion unless it somehow impacts on independence. IMHO most people avoid extremes of political ideology and this site currently caters for every spectrum that wants an independent Scotland, I wouldn’t want to see anything that might make that change or put people of from visiting the site.

Ian Caldwell

You have been at the forefront of the quest for Independence and you
shouldn’t give up until the job is done. The Union and its supporters want us to retreat into the background. We must disappoint them.

Others will be there to cover other issues.

Gabriel Neil

I think, given the impact this site has had on Scottish politics, and the pretty well-established political viewpoint it has, it would be surprising for you not to carry on discussing Scottish and UK politics. Newspapers and broadcasters are still going to distort facts, and redressing that balance is no less important after the referendum. The process of the Smith Commission is going to be an interesting moment in Scottish history and having a typically Wings pov on it would be very valuable I believe, both for the general understanding of the issues and the growth of the pro-independence movement from here onwards.

Dr Ew

Actually, come to think of it, NOT having an edit facility is a good thing. I’ll just try to be more careful – and think before posting.


I think the site should retain its ultimate focus on Independence,but also keep a wee eye on the devo getting smaller every day commission among other things.

Basically,what you think is best and interesting to your readers,but retaining the plain speaking as it is invaluable.

john ferguson

I’m sure the folk who read Wings are wise enough to handle a wider scope of Scottish (and UK) politics warts and all. A focus on eventual indy is paramount. Thanks.


(haven’t read all of the above cos I’m pushed for time at the moment – but..)

Move to cover Scottish Politics whilst keeping a weather eye on the Independence movement.

Already, the Unionist parties are moving to try and smear the SNP as best they can prior to next years General election.

They need to be countered in the strongest terms – given that the MSM and BBC will aid the Unionist parties as much as they can.


As well as continuing with the re-active debunking and analysis, I feel that with your skills, and the skills of those here, that in depth investigative expose pieces would do no end of good in opening the eyes of those who let Scotland down.
Tipped off, whistle blower sort of thing. Once WoS is known as the go to place for whistle blowers, it could grow wings.
As mentioned above, & as a start, local government is rank rotten in much of our country. Slab controlled councils don’t hold the monopoly on nepotism and cronyism. Expose them all.
Really glad to know your continuing in some form or other anyhoo Stu.


I’ve never considered Wings’ output as partisan regarding independence as much as partisan regarding truth. There will always be scope for such partisanship in any country’s politics and it is often more effective when it comes from someone with a remote view. So please keep doing the job the BBC should be doing and the rest of the MSM could be doing: speaking truth to (limited) power.


Personally, I would be very happy to continue to read your mix of political news, analysis and media monitoring from someone clearly outside the Westminster bubble (and not sponsored by corporate or political backers that mean your opinions are potentially muzzled.)

There has to space for someone to provide a Scottish Private Eye style publication, with a pro-Indy slant?

John Sellars


I strongly believe that we will not timetable a referendum in the hope that things will change favourably for yes supporters. I do believe that a new call for independence will be triggered by an event (or events). However, we don’t know what that will be yet. Something akin to the Poll Tax will come along – it may be fracking, it may be the 2015 GE result, it may be an In/Out vote on EU or a new war… something will occur which will unite a good majority of Scots to demand Independence. That will be the moment when a snap referendum can be called.
Bearing in mind that leading up to and around the 2015 GE, our opposition will all be fighting each other and this leaves them all vulnerable – whilst the SNP/Greens/SSP can unite as one behind Indy.
With this in mind, we need someone ever watchful – garnering information and attitudes and keeping up morale.
You are that man.

Thanks – John


I’m sorry, I cannot really comme here; except, as usual, by a quip borrowed from a famous French comic: “The future of Wings lies ahead of you. Unless you decide to turn around.”


I would like you to open this site up to cover Scottish politics in general, focusing on exposing half truths and unsubstantiated comments from politicians and political commentators (pro indy included) is something that is depressingly absent from main stream media sources. (In all honesty I would like to see you take this a lot further and use the Wings brand to start up and run a fully fledged newspaper, but that may be for another discussion)

This site has been refreshing and I dare say an enlightening resource for every reader whether they were pro indy or not.

What I don’t know is what your resources are, what they’re likely to be in the future and whether you can run a site like this as professionally as you have done without paying yourself (and others you need to operate it) a decent wage. There will undoubtedly be further operating costs, you will I presume need to pay writers a fee for contributions etc.

If you are to maintain this site, albeit with a new remit, myself and others will need to contribute to it on rather more structured basis than tossing you a few quid when you do a fund raiser. How you balance that with potential revenue from advertising and ongoing costs I haven’t the foggiest, but I think I would find it helpful if you could tell us how far your ambition reaches and what you would need to make that a reality. 🙂

Marker Post

Keep on top of the media, expose their lies. At least with the media, you can trawl on-line and archive the evidence from your bath 🙂

Ronnie Young

The mainstream media has been a lying propaganda tool for the establishment for, well probably ever. Due to the indyref I believe a large chunk of the Scottish population is now awake to that fact and will be more open to alternative news on all subjects local and worldwide. You have a significant following so I’d love top see you debunk the msm in your fabulous cutting style and help your readers to become better informed on all subjects of importance. Let’s aim for a better world not just a better Scotland 🙂

David Halliday

I’d very much like you to stay focused on independence: the independence movement simply has nothing better than Wings Over Scotland as an effective balance to what’s in the rest of the media. As far as I’m concerned, that approach has already allowed you to address political issues generally, in depth and by reference to sources, and you can continue to do so. And I do think that in reality the way all these other issues, as they arise, are going to be discussed will be shaped by the fact we know independence is a live option for us. The consitutional question may not dominate by being in the forefront but it’ll dominate by being in the background, all the time. It’s going to be important that someone keeps measuring the politics we get against those we could have.


Hi Rev

Just keep on exposing the lies, greed and incompetence of those self-serving politicians and businesses that have denied Scotland a future as its own master.

Be the blog of choice for any political argument that affects Scotland. You certainly have more than enough followers and potential funders to carry on.

Robert Bryce

Stay on the current path Rev. It’s tried & tested. The impact of the format is still powerful today. I’m still a firm believer that this site played the biggest online role in achieving the 45%.

Simply continue highlighting the bullshit of unionism and it’s complicit media whilst pointing out the facts. No change of tact or format is required. Slowly slowly catchy monkey.


Being critical of the SNP government would be interesting, might held land the message that wings is issue focused rather than aligned to that party.
Might get some new readers, but might put some of.

David Lewis

Could you pieces on Fracking pro & cons Westminsters roles in planning.
TTIP analysis this seems to the things that are on the lips of Yessers in my Areas of Clacks.

Also how about a story on the No of food banks in Scotland where they are and pieces from some of them and the poor souls who have to use them .

Maureen Mangan

I hope wings continues. I’m sure that there will be many things that will come to light that had they been publicised before the vote may actually have influenced it. There is talk of a new Scottish independent newspaper – it would be useful if wings could also contribute to that. In the past two weeks I have heard no voters be amazed that the Clara field actually exists and that nuclear waste is being dumped in Scotland. There was so much misinformation going round during the campaign that I’m not surprised folk didn’t know what to believe if all they had was the msm to depend on. So please keep doing what you are doing.

Ian Brotherhood

FWIW, I see WOS as part of an emerging civil rights movement.

Plenty of us have already performed acts of ‘civil disobedience’ (e.g. refusing to pay the licence fee) and there’s no doubt that even the legitimate activities of Yes campaigners were framed and presented via MSM as being somehow subversive/threatening.

Like it or not, we’re already seen as ‘the enemy within’ by the establishment, but there’s no way that 45% of anything can be marginalised.

Is it not a ‘civil right’ to protect your eldest citizens from being terrorised (‘your pension will end!‘ etc)?

Is it not a civil right to prevent government agencies humiliating, starving and killing your most vulnerable neighbours (ATOS)?

Is it not a civil right to prevent your community being systematically brainwashed by relentless, all-pervasive MSM/advertising?

Is it not a civil right to demand fair treatment for all workers, and that the most powerful employers pay their taxes?

I could go on, but you get the drift…

This movement has gone beyond party politics. The kind of rammy which happened last night is irrelevant – let party members bicker and bitch all they like (including me) but don’t get caught up in it (unless you enjoy that type of thing). WOS shouldn’t, IMO, ‘declare’ for any party.

It’s clear what this site stands for – honesty, decency, and the balls to speak truth to power.

In that sense, WOS is surely part of something bigger than constitutional politics, be they Scottish or not.

John Sellars

Whoops!!! I didn’t say the salient bit in my previous post!!!

I’d like to see you stay focussed on Independence – albeit that will necessitate references to wider Scottish & UK politics.
Keeping Independence at the core of your work will keep the subject on the boil whilst unionist try to blow out the fire.

Thanks – J

Bob Scott

This is a great opportunity to reflect on the lies told and to show by example,(albeit belatedly),how we can afford to be independent. Broad canvas exploring the true economic factors, resources operating in Scotland.
There is a thirst here in Spain for information on all aspects of life in Scotland. I give wee talks to students in the 15 to 17 age group here in Valencia before they head off to uni.The same highly articulate age group that will be important for the future of Scotland. For me education before the next referendum would take priority without in any way losing sight of our primary goal. Give them the knowledge. Bob.


Don’t see how you cannot continue as you are. Independence is the aim. I think identifying policies and statements aimed at demeaning Scotland or denegrading their lives and examining them is what you should continue to focus on. So in that reapect, the establishent. An independent Scotland and the removal of the Wesrminster influence is the goal. So continue to scrutinise Westminster parties.


O/T The Alexander brother is gagging for Ed.
We need to find a ‘Deep Throat’ in Labour.

link to

Maureen Mangan

Please keep going. Stick with the independence theme at least until the general election next may. Perhaps link in with the newly formed Scottish independent newspaper so that your message can be read by more than just those on the net.

And let us know how we can help with resources/funding.

Inbhir Anainn

As the ultimate goal is Independence stay focused on Scotland’s constitutional issues in the main.

Jim McIntosh

Haven’t read all the comments yet, so apologies if this has already been said.

Over the next 6 months wings should focus on getting as many ‘Independence’ MPs elected to Westminster. This can be done by calling all Scottish unionist MPs and candidates out on anything and everything they say. This is a great site for debunking their lies and half truths, we must keep that up. People come here to get forensic examination of the issues, that can’t change.

A double digit number of Scottish Indy MPs (of whatever hue) in the HoC next year will give them kittens. It would be great if we could hold the balance of power.

Then we focus on getting an increased majority of Indy MSPs into Hollyrood in 2016 and decimating Scottish Labour.

Just think how quickly we might achieve independence if we were fighting on three fronts.


The dearth of any Jewish contribution to the recent debate and subsequent referendum, over the future of Scotland gives cause for concern. Whilst not huge in number in Scotland the Jewish community is, (and has been for many centuries) an integral and important part of Scottish society and it is crucial they get involved in mainstream Scottish politics so that their voices can be heard in any debate. It might be a, “Friends of Israel” group could be set up within the SNP so that voices of moderation could be heard ensuring other sides of any adverse comment about the state of Israel could be made public.

link to


Remain a broad Church. I joined the SNP two days after the tragedy, but some friends have joined the Greens. The “no” side are pushing the “settled for a generation” line, and we should resist it. The “no” campaign WAS a disgrace, young people and ethnic Scots DID tend towards “yes”, and the turnout, the size of the “yes” vote, and the reaction in political commitment in the aftermath have changed the landscape. Keep on exposing the dishonesty of the UK “establishment” and keep on making the argument for change. A federal settlement at the very least.


The referendum may be over, at least for now, but the constitutional struggle continues. I would like wings to carry on in the same vain arguing for full fiscal autonomy (devo max), keeping the information flowing that will help keep the energy of the YES movement alive.



My take on this is this, during the independence debate, you uncovered material that would have never been reported in the press and the YES canpiagn was able to highlight these issues, I believe this was one of the reasons why 45% of people in Scotland wanted independence, you and other websites for independence have uncovered so much that it helped to change the minds of some NO voters and undecideds.

You posted a great article today about the railway contract, this is something that wouldn’t have been reported in MSM despite James Kelly tweeting it, you uncovered the actual facts and we are able to use it and show up the ignorance and petty behaviour of an elected representative, I would go as far as including all policitical parties, including the SNP, if they attempt to mis-lead the puclic, they would be less inclined to do so if they knew WOS and other policitical bloggers are keeping a close eye on matters.

I would say, keep this page going until the 2015 General Election, it’s your choice if you wish to continue upto the Scottish Elections in 2016

I will finish off by saying Thank you once again for all your hard work and giving us material that we can use to highlight issues to the people of Scotland.


I’d like you to carry one doing what the site does best, which is holding the media to account and pulling them and politicians (of all sides) up for their lies.

I’m pretty sure, while independence will not be at the forefront of the news or political agenda for a while, making sure it can’t ever happen and the Westminster parties and media are secure in their troughs will most definitely will be. What you’ll see now is an attempt by all of them to blame the SNP for everything, to accuse and to continue smearing and lying – they will be going all out to make sure the SNP doesn’t win too many seats next May, for example.

For that, there will be any number of lies, smears and media manipulation.


*carry on* not carry one.


I would say that being drawn into broader issues is inescapable. The key is to keep the independence issues central, using relevant UK wide political issues as they unfold.

Thank you for all your great work. I take my hat off to you Sir!


My first reaction is to focus on Independence, but widen the scope to include holding the Unionists to their promise of DevMax (which clearly the majority of Scots seem to want), hounding them should they (as expected) fail to deliver, exposing that we are not better together and never will be, then taking an anti Unionist stance in the next two crucial elections. And, showing just how much guff the MSM spew out. Then there is the possible EU exit.

All that is still on the path to Independence, and the next couple years aren’t going to be quiet. There is plenty to chip away at!

Then I thought about the other comments. In being pro Indy we all believe we have the moral high ground in terms of justice and democracy. It follows, should pro Indy politicians fail to reach the high public standards we believe in, then they too deserve to be exposed.

So in summary – pro democracy, pro Indy, pro Scotland, anti those who have failed Scotland, anti bad journalism, anti Union, anti London establishment …. but being willing to expose anyone who abuses public office and the standards expected.

Tam Jardine

My own view is that Independence should remain the focus with the press, BBC, Sky STV, big business and the unionist parties firmly in your sights.

The goal at the moment is for Yes parties to wipe out the unionists in May.

However, it is not fair to expect you to shoulder this burden with occasional guest articles. There are plenty folk on here with considerable expertise, knowledge and insight into politics and many more potential citizen journalists. We, the readership of Wings need to provide more articles.

If I can find suitable topics I will try – it is not reasonable to expect Stu’s herculean labour’s to continue the way they were.

Steve Shepherd

Focus should remain on Independence possibly reporting the activities of the various pro indy groups that still continue. Issues of general concern to the public at large i.e. Fracking will be worth investigation. Analysis of economic data and reporting of major policy statements from the various parties would all be useful and a health swipe, with your usual humour, at all politicians who deserve it is always welcome

Katherine Alexander

There is a role to report on what is happening with delivery of the vow. There is also a role as politics moves on to raise the issues that will arise as media continues to support the pro Union establishment by ignoring half of the picture.


Leo Foyle: Is Scotland independent yet? Until then, concentrate on independence.

I would argue to keep the focus on independence: it’s the one grand unifying idea, and introducing too much party-politics might put us in danger of keeping our eyes off the prize. I’ve seen it personally, as well as on the site, as SNP, SGP and SSP have gone into the “stormin’, normin’, formin'” phase before the General Election. This is good, but we need to get it done early so we can focus on the task ahead. Last thing we need is pro-indy parties bickering in the last weeks before the vote.

If Wings does more discussion of party-political stuff, I think it would be beneficial to have designated authors who’ve stuck their colours to the proverbial mast: have an SNP member (even councillor, MSP or MP) write articles about SNP things, and the same for SSP, SGP, RIC, Solidarity, and anyone else that wants a platform. If Labour for Indy are still around, them too.

For now, I think it’s imperative to hold the Unionists to account. Every time something happens that contradicts entirely what they said before the referendum, it should be highlighted. This could be as minor as food prices, or as profound as The Vow. What’s important is that we are no longer trapped in the narrative of having to “prove” independence: now they have to “prove” the Union. And they’re doing a spectacular job so far, aren’t they?

@Muttley79: Another good area to cover would be what is devolved to Holyrood, and what is not devolved, and what that means in practical terms. I notice that people on twitter today are having a go at the SG for not re-nationalising the railways, when in fact they do not have the power to do so. There still seems to be a lack of understanding about the devolved settlement, and bringing a clearer understanding of it would be good.

Definitely. I’ve noticed this a lot in canvassing and at the shop, where people seem largely clueless as to what Holyrood can and can’t do.

I know I said I was going to be off for a while, but I’ve been working on a post where I look at various New Labour/Conservative/LibDem MPs and their voting record on bringing more powers to Holyrood. After all, these are the people we’re supposed to rely on to fight for more powers for Scotland, so you’d think that they’d have a strong record on voting for devolving more powers, right?

Well of the dozen or so I’ve researched so far, it’s absolutely shocking how often SCOTTISH MPs will either abstain, or vote AGAINST giving more powers to Holyrood. They’ll happily vote for more “responsibilities,” but it’s amazing the brass neck they have in campaigning for more powers when they have personally voted against them on so many occasions.

I’ve noticed some are wary of voting SNP in 2015 to “punish” New Labour, saying they should be more positive. Well, from what I’ve seen, it isn’t a matter of punishment, it’s about these MPs PROVING that they CANNOT be relied upon to fight for more powers, and so the only option we HAVE is to remove them and replace them with people who we know WILL fight for more powers – and that means a pro-independence party.

@Rev: While of course Unionists (and far too many journalists) lazily conflate the Yes movement and the SNP, it remains a fact than Wings has no party affiliation or alignment, and although several contributors belong to various ones I’m not a member of any party.

It’s exactly their conflation and subsequent pillorying of any and all Yes activists with the SNP which pushed me into joining that very party. I wouldn’t be surprised if a significant minority of the new SNP members aren’t in a similar situation.

I hope New Labour are happy. They were so desperate to promote the “SNP = Yes” paradigm that SNP membership has bloomed beyond threefold in less than a month. Careful what you wish for, you great galloping galoots.

@JKNotRowling: Is there any way you could look at covering the absolute mess that are Scottish Councils? (particularity Glasgow…) .

I had a dabble in that on my own blog regarding my local Inverclyde Council:

link to

Basically I’m making it my life’s mission to sort it out.

Andrew: One policy decision that is going to need forensic analysis – and which could potentially wreck the SNP’s chances in the future – is the apparent support it is giving to fracking in the central belt.

My perspective is that the SNP have NOT come out and banned fracking in Scotland because a) they don’t have the power to, and b) the little power they do have is being used to buy time. What you view as “apparent support” I view as stalling to stop Westminster from taking measures to prevent the Scottish government from having ANY say over fracking at all.

The House of Lords already voted to remove power over renewables, without so much as a discussion with Holyrood. The UK government is already taking away the right to protest against fracking even if they drill underneath your house. So if the SNP do indeed decide to outright ban fracking right now, what do you think Westminster would do in response? They’d just take away our ability to do anything. Then there would be no stopping Westminster.

The Scottish Government’s “apparent support” is the only thing standing in the way of Westminster just taking over control outright. They HAVE to play it this way, or Westminster will just shrug their shoulders and take the power back. They are not stupid enough to openly support fracking given the tremendous environmental damage we’ve seen in the US, when the SNP have made such massive gains in promoting renewables and pillorying successive Westminster governments for the environmental damage caused by nuclear waste.

It’s a similar reason we’ve not had answers from the SNP over a possible “Yes Alliance” – we have to balance the possibilities such an alliance would have on Westminster, the media and big business, and they will be just as determined to stifle Scotland now as they were during the referendum.

As others have said, SNP are playing the Westminster game – we may not like it, but it’s all we’ve got. When the SNP have complete control over energy policy, THEN we can put the pressure on them to do what they can with that control, and I’ll be right with the other parties in demanding they ban it.


For me it seems like good idea to broaden scope for the 2015 and 2016 elections whilst still considering from independence viewpoint. No reason you cannot criticise the pro independence parties as part over general political environment. The referendum and its impacts or lack of impact re powers etc will feature heavily in the 2015 and 2016 elections.

G. P. Walrus

A primary aim of WM in the coming months will be to present some warmed-over sub-Calman offering as Home Rule and then to shut down discussion. The MSM will accept this uncritically at best and cheer-lead for it at worst.

Wings, with its huge readership, can play a very important role in highlighting the difference between whatever is finally offered and what could and should have been provided. This should be the main focus of the site IMHO.


My 2p worth, we still need someone to hold the compliant media to account for its’ failure to scrutinise the outpourings of drivel from Westminster.

We still need someone to hold Westminster to account and to showcase the possibilities of an independent Scotland.

We still need someone to hold Holyrood opposition parties to account on their failure to engage in anything beyond petty tribal politics.

To be honest Stuart, I think your job is only just starting !

Votadini Jeannie

I understand your dilemma re the various parties, but I’d have thought having no affiliation is a good thing, in that you can be completely objective when reporting their activities – something that few other MSM outlets can manage.

I think that your focus for now needs to be The Vow, in its role as a stepping-stone towards the greater goal of independence. This will include taking the broader political scene into account, but you can filter that down to activities which will affect the vow and the likelihood of it being mplemented.

Keep doing what you’re doing, in other words, reading between the lines of newsprint, pointing out the spin on stories, showing us what they “accidentally” missed out, and putting into into context for us.

Your reporting so far has won many supporters and converted a lot of Nos to Yes. You can still do that, even though Independence is on the backburner for now.

Stewart fae stoney

Definitely keep it going as the information you cover and dig up is invaluable to average person on the street. Scottish politics in general with still a focus on independence as this is still out main goal. Take the piss out of UK politics and the idiots that run it please


Just be you and let your conscience be your journalistic guide.


Without having read through the comments yet I’m in danger of repeating much of what has gone before, or not..

With the Smith Commission, then two elections and a possible EU referendum in the next couple of years I reckon there will be enough media for you to watch for us. That in itself broadens the scope beyond the indy debate.

Then there’s the whole new media thing post referendum, the wind of change we all feel and the engagement in politics. So I’d like you to guide us through firstly the progress of The Vow, then we take it from there.

If we get FFA we go in one direction; and if it falls short and we are all astonished, then go in another direction.

But I’d avoid broadening beyond that, for the moment. When we get to the elections we can then look at policy, voting systems and tactics, and whatever is thrown up by then.


The single biggest barrier to independence now is the extensive elder generation still offline and trapped behind the MSM – they don’t even get the online comments to articles in their biased newspapers. How do we reach them ?

Thomas Widmann

From my point of view, anything that would help to build an ever wider Yes movement in the medium term would be good. In other words, I’d welcome more general news, but only if it’s presented in a way that is welcoming to all potential Yes voters, not just the ones currently voting for Yes parties.

One of the big known unknowns is what all the Labour for Indy voters will do now. Many of the LfI activists are currently joining the various Yes parties, but what about the non-activist voters? If they go back to seeing the SNP as the enemy because that’s what Labour says, we have a problem.

I’m not sure what the solution is, but I think a site that’s too partisan mightn’t be attractive to these voters.

Graeme Doig

Not read any comments yet so all this has probably been mentioned.

Stu, i think it is vital that Wings continues primarily as an antidote to msm. This site has a huge and loyal readership.

I believe the focus should continue to be working towards independence – what other goal is there.
The primary focus should be to continue to hold the unholy trinity of wm, slab and the bbc to the closest scrutiny and account. We need to continue to hold wm and slab to account over ‘more powers’ and highlight the impact of any powers on the economics and politics here.
We also need to keep a close eye on the media (especially bbc). The establishment and it’s lackies seem to be in full snp witch hunt. Wings (along with other indy focused media) needs to act as a strong counter to this as i believe you may have just done on your newest thread (although admit i haven’t read it)
I also think there has to be room for looking at Scottish politics in the realms of alliances and strategy for moving forward to GE 2015 and beyond. This needs to be done in an inclusive and mature manor to avoid spats and petty grievance. We need to stay united to the common cause of freedom for our nations future.
Can i also suggest a space on the site for folk to get organised in the form of action we can take (e.g. targeting certain individuals with letters, protest and events) and anything else folk could get involved in to further the cause.

These are a few ramblings.
Thanks again Stu.

Rod Robertson

In the short term the most important thing we need to do is keep the 1.6 mil YES Voters on side.
We need the YES Alliance to take hold in time for May Election.
I would like to see WOS promote and monitor that to ensure we remove the maximum amount of Unionists from Scotland as possible.


WoS has a unique audience, is a digest of westminster arsery that has a favourably high amount of views among the public and has held the media and politicians and others to account.

Whilst being non partisan politically, WoS could very easily show people the importance of paying back the duplicitous bastards in labour and the libdems for their lies during the Referendum and explaining why it would be a magic idea not to send more of these forked tongue clowns back to westminster to basically fanny about at our expense and the expense of proper democratic representation.

That is my humble view.


I think the strengths of this website is that it can cover issues that MSM media can’t/won’t cover due to their corporate backing. Expose the tangled web that is the revolving door between banks/Whitehall/parliament without fear. This is what people really need to be educated about.

Indy might have less relevance going forward for a whole but people need to be aware of the truth about the machinations of the British state and not what we are told by the BBC, MSM media etc.


“Whole” should have read “while”


Please keep the focus on Independence.


Just as others have said – stay on exposing the MSM lies.

For now, I think we need to make sure we get the max devo we can, everything except defence and foreign affairs – get that later, devolving control of media we have to fight for that one.
45% voted Yes and 14% voted for more powers – we must hold them to account.

Already you’ve got the media trying to get rid of K McAskill, RMT blaming the SNP for not nationalising the East Coast line, JoLa offering an olive branch to save the NHS, Horshall etc saying use the powers already devolved – but not explaining where the cash is coming from.

The media will be on the case of voting for S/BLAB to keep the tories out – we have to make sure they don’t get away with that.


I hope to see Wings continue to highlight the things the media in Scotland is failing to do, and to expose the hypocrisy of all political parties in Scotland where that occurs. (We all know that mainly means Labour, but Yes supporting parties shouldn’t be immune where it’s applicable.) And keep doing it in a readable and humourous manner.

As Iain McWhirter recently said, nobody understands what the hell is going in Scotland right now. Temporarily the Wings blog just needs to tick over until things become clearer.

At some point in the next month or two I hope that the SNP, Greens and SSP can come together to fight the 2015 General Election under a united Yes banner, even if it’s not technically fighting for independence, but instead fighting to make sure political parties based in Scotland get the maximum representation they can as opposed to branches of parties based in London.

If/when that happens, the need for the Wings Over Scotland blog will return to the level it has over the past few years.


This is still a crucial time for Independence and for Devo-Max, because of the VOW, and because of the Smith Commission. Smith ends in a few weeks, but there are 3 different levels it can come up with, and all can affect when the next referendum will be, whether 2 years or 5 or more.

If Smith goes for Devo-Max, then it has to be delivered which may not happen. If not, then Indy is the answer, pro-Indy candidates in the 2015 GE, call for another referendum, SE 2016, etc. If Smith goes for nothing, then the same.

If Devo-Max is delivered, the game is a longer one. If Smith goes for a medium strength bundle of powers and they’re delivered, it’ll also be a longer game. WOS could diversify if it wants.

Otherwise I think WOS needs to stay on message, at least until after the GE2015.


I do agree with that at the moment. It’s still a crucial time in terms of the vow and more powers and over that period it would be good to focus on that, however, it is good to follow up what labour, cons and Tory parties are saying down south in order to expose the lies and hypocrisy wheeled out during the referendum campaign. In short Stuart has his work cut out!!

Bill Greaves

I live in Thailand and I am beginning to depend on you for honest news – please keep it up. The ‘Vow’ is going to be broken and someone like you is needed to loudly publize the fact.
As you said, the referendum is over and interest in independence is going to wane – unless someone does something to keep it going. I am not a social media expert but, considering the explosion of SNP memberships, there must be some way to get 100,000 people to write Liar on Cameron’s web page… isn’t there? Keep the troops busy and interested. And then there is my personal cause – the police. When I first emigrated to Canada there was an annual event called ‘Our Cops Are Tops.’ The police have become a fund raising enterprise and everyone is a potential donor. The police don’t protect people anymore, they just raise funds for the governing body. Create an independent body to lurk in ditches with speed cameras but give the police back the right to serve and protect. It would be good for everyone including the police and it would be another opportunity for Scotland to be an example to the world.
Thank you


I contributed above, recommending a “Broad Church” approach. I do want to stress that Wings should do all it can to counter any suggestion of a Tory revival in Scotland. These people must be exposed. The recent Tory Conference was probably the most depressing, and indeed disgusting, public spectacle I’ve witnessed in this collection of countries in a long life. The bigger the political gulf between the parts grows, the more certain Independence becomes.


Just to add to my comment, my only interest in politics is Independence Independence Independence. Politics are just a vehicle to deliver Independence!

Whether in a year or two, or in 5 or 10. I’ve waited over 40 years, I’d like to see it happen before I pop my clogs!

Caroline Corfield

Mostly what Taranaich said.

I became addicted to this site for a number of reasons, humour not the least of them. But the evidence backed analysis was probably the number one reason. I would use that evidence in conversations in reality and online. The real impact of this site wasn’t just in the number of unique visitors nor the bounce rate, it was the passing on of the information, published by word of mouth, in other blogs and on facebook or twitter statuses.

The need for that hasn’t gone away and the need for it to be from a Scottish perspective and focused on Scotland, and her place in the UK of GB and NI, the EU and the world is more important than ever.

Graeme Doig

And money is no object as i’m sure you’ve gathered over the years 🙂 although i’m sure you have a few decisions of your own to consider.

Jim Stirling

I think you need to broaden the coverage of the site, to attract and keep a new hopefully ever expanding audience .While obviously keeping to your core beliefs, I think it is important that wider news from a Scottish { not necessarily independence } viewpoint , by covering what is important to your readership you can start to draw MSM users away from their daily fix of page 3 plastic boobs, cartoons and unhealthy obsession with all things celebrity .


“Soaring above Scottish Politics”

Does exactly what is says on the tin.

You can be anti Union whilst still pulling up home based parties for their lies, backtracking and evil actions where applicable. Not everybodys gonna like it but theres no church like a broad church.

That or drill down into a role of “Chief Come-Uppance Officer in GE 2014(Scotland)” with a key comeuppance agenda based on highlighting justice rather enacting malice.


@ Rev. Stuart Campbell

I think you already get it right and shouldn’t try to change the approach for the new circumstances.
Reasoning… you have given us the facts we needed and the humour we needed wherever our individual political bent lay.
Being clear that the aim is an independent Scotland and determined to get to the facts has been and should remain enough.
Details on which subjects will present themselves.
Keep stimulating and informing the pro indy people as our numbers grow.
We are going to have to reach a lot more of the people who don’t currently agree with us and take our heads out of the sand about them. Lecturing them won’t change their views, so you may find we need to cover some surprising things-even basically English things to have the information to sow the seeds of doubt in unionist minds.


In a nutshell I mean it ain’t broke so no need to fix it.


And for another thing –

Get your arse out from behind the Rat cages and get yourself up here on a tour. Give more folk a chance to meet you while recalling your part of the Indy campaign. Invite a few speakers here and there and keep the fires burning.

You know it makes sense.

Rhonda Cooper Vss

Due to the ever nearing GE I think you should keep exposing politicians and political parties as you have done in the past. Matter not if its Labour, Tory or even SNP. Anything out there that needs our attention from any party before we decide which way to vote, is best done by someone like yourself, completely neutral and not part of any party. Thats what we have lacked from all MSM, complete neutrality. But whatever you decide is fine by me, love reading your articles


What do you want to do, Stu ?

If you can find a common passion between yourself and all

of us then I’d say Yes to that.

For me,

Wings is the backbone of the grassroots movement

for Independence.

With Wings I can fly.

No Wings, I’m fluttering about on the ground –

no disrepect to other very important Indy contributors.

Chris Cairns

More cartoons. Just a thought.

Betty Boop

@ Taranaich, 1:50pm

It’s a similar reason we’ve not had answers from the SNP over a possible “Yes Alliance” – we have to balance the possibilities such an alliance would have on Westminster, the media and big business, and they will be just as determined to stifle Scotland now as they were during the referendum.

Taranaich, thank you for your comprehensive post, well-thought out as usual. As far as the above is concerned, I often think that we yessers are too forthcoming in public about strategy and dismiss the opposition too readily, believing that our cause is good and their cause so weak that people will see through their assertions. Our problem is that they hold the power and, by showing our hand, we show them the way to erect barriers. I can understand the SG being circumspect when dealing with the British State.

I read your emotional and excellent post on wildernessofpeace about your referendum day experience (found some echoes of my own day)and read that you intended it to be your last for a while, but, like the Rev, you obviously can’t help staying involved 🙂

Mo Lau

I have become an avid fan of WoS simply because of its truth telling. Your articles on the independence debate have provided a counter point to the slush provided by the general media. As part of the Independence debate, you have covered a range of topics, including highlighting where possible and appropriate the counter arguments and untruths published by media on a range of political issues. I believe that every issue and difficulty in Scotland is political, because of the system we operate within. I would be happy for you to continue the way you have been, but I will be equally happy for you to widen your view point. Personally, I believe they are one and the same. Regardless, I will keep supporting, reading and sharing.


I doubt most of us would object to you taking a much lighter schedule, espe ially since you’ll still need to pay the bills and another crowdfunder without the referendum in sight will be a harder sell, I think.

The media are definitely in need of monitoring in the run up to the next set of elections. Few people are better placed or better at that than Wings. Independence doesn’t need to be the top focus right now. Just keep chipping away at the liars and highlighting how they screw us. People will come to their own conclusions. And if a other indy push does happen soon, you’ll have kept the pot boiling pretty effectively.


I would wish you to continue to make Independence your overall priority as that is still what 45% of Scotland wants. Marches and gatherings are being organised and people are desperate to continue and not let it disappear completely out of sight. They want to use their ‘people power’. Keep that in mind.

Keep doing what you have been doing, holding the MSM and all parties and politicians to account. Standing for the betterment of Scotland and exposing others who act against Scotland’s interests. Report the stories that the MSM do not want us to know about.

Do not get too partisan in anyway that would allow others to divide and conquer us. We must not allow ourselves to fade away as they hope we will.

Keep educating us in politics so that we can educate others and lead them to this site. Show us what we can still do to help ourselves towards Independence.

Many thanks to you and your Wingers that have got us so far this time. Wingers posts will help to keep you informed of issues arising in Scotland should you miss them.


The single biggest barrier to independence now is the extensive elder generation still offline and trapped behind the MSM – they don’t even get the online comments to articles in their biased newspapers. How do we reach them ?

I would love to see a printed magazine on the newsstands – With a bit of help and collaboration, Wings and some other blogs could become a Scottish ‘Private Eye’ type weekly publication.

But realistically, unless we have big funding, then FACEBOOK is the online equivalent of the tabloids.
It’s even ‘uncool’ with the kids, because all their parents are on it.

So expanding a facebook presence is the next best thing to reach the masses. And to bump up the numbers, that means expanding the focus slightly to general Scottish current affairs.

Two big advantages for a campaigning site:

1. Articles are PUSHED towards the viewer, meaning you don’t lose readers between election/referendum campaigns.
2. Articles are easy to share.

I would be willing to chip in to hire a moderator/admin to remove all the junk/spam/troll posts, which must be a huge time-waster for Stuart.


You have successfully managed to cut through the crap, misinformation, and downright lies of the media and the No campaign, promoting Independence for a wide cross-section of political supporters who I think will continue to need and value your contribution.

If you continue to highlight these and generate discussion on the shortcomings of the media, unionist propaganda, etc you will add considerable value to the quality of political awareness in Scotland, particularly as there are still very few sources of critical commentary on politics. Party politics cannot be avoided and should feature.

Being partisan or otherwise will not in my view reduce support for your efforts – your judgement (agnostic or otherwise) has been fine so far. Independence / Yes values need to be kept to the fore by all means possible and if that involves some partisan political commentary on your part then it should be a price worth paying. Don’t tell me you are afraid of the additional heat it may generate? 🙂

Your location out-with Scotland makes no difference – either in credibility or in managing day to day stuff. As I see it everyone is fair game for your pen (keyboard) You should continue to sharply criticise and rely on us, your readers and commentators to pull you up or add fuel to your fire.

A concerned scotsman

This is already a good web page, keep up the good work.

It would be good to see a web page devoted solely to Scottish politics.

Then maybe we would get the truth on matters such as Hollie Greg and Robert Green.

Keep up the good work.

mai parks

If you feel compromised re your original remit then stay within that genre.
There are many of us who are part of other groups that are political so we receive info that way.
You could continue investigating in your own comfort zone.
Just a thought…’re too good to lose !


I’ve just read Bill Fraser’s comment:

“Monitoring the press is an extremely important service that you provide to your readership.”

I agree. That’s not party political, but still can cover the cause of Indy.


I’m quite happy for you to keep exposing any kind of hypocrisy or lies from the msm or politicians, whether it’s about independence or General Election or by-elections, whatever. It doesn’t matter which party/newspaper/blog/TV/twitter account by @DHothersall it comes from.

It’s not just the politics, though, we like your style, that’s why you’re so popular. No doubt that’ll never change whatever you decide to do.


Go broader!! If you’re up for it, why limit yourself ?

Flower of Scotland

I agree mainly with Ian Brotherhood. We need someone like you who immediately get onto issues as they happen, when we are still wondering what it all means!

Independence must still be top of the agenda Stu.( and if you could sort the site a bit. I’ve got to put my name and email in every time I come back into the site)

Thanks for being my first port of call whenever news happens!


I’m one of the 50000 who have joined the SNP as a direct result of their efficiency in fomenting the YES movement, but I would recommend reading Gerry Hassan’s article of 2nd October which includes :

“There is the SNP’s rise in membership, which is both a potential opportunity and a potential threat. It leaves Scottish politics rather unbalanced and looking a bit like a quasi-democratic one party state. Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘coronation’ as party leader, for all her good intentions, is not a good omen for future SNP democracy.”

Could Wings morph into a pressure point for keeping the Scottish parties’ ” feet to the fire “, particularly with regard to Federate or even Confederate issues, if not yet getting back into Inde mode ?

Haggis Hunter

My own tuppence worth;
I would like to see Wings focussed on Independence in general.
Media watch is something that Wings excels at, and Scotland really really does need media watch as we do not have government regulation, infact the media is run by the Brit government, and as it is not devolved it is the most corrupt media in Europe if not the world.
Please keep up the good work Stu, I would be fekked without my daily Wings!


Pro independence (I assume that is taken as read).
Political, but not party political.
Please keep going, Stuart. I dread to think about the increase in the suicide rate among WoSsers if the site didn’t keep going. However, I am guessing that batteries need to continue to be recharged, and that you are entitled to a life as well as being The Scottish Superhero!
The unionist establishment had nearly succeeded in taking democracy away from us. During the referendum campaign, and in spite of the result, we have recovered most of it. We can’t let them take it away again. That means targeting their remaining bastions, the BBC, the MSM, big business and the unionist parties. The main purpose of Wings will need to continue to be the factual debunking of the lies and myths they continue to peddle, as well as highlighting the facts they choose to hide. That will keep you going for years to come!
There are also areas that need to be covered that the politicians can’t, such as an analysis of individual GE seats to provide an independent analysis of which seats are most likely to be won by an SNP, SSP, Green or independent candidate. (For example, could Dennis Canavan be persuaded to fight Falkirk?) The quality of debate on this site shows that there are contributors who would be more than able to compile and submit articles to you for publication – you mentioned that you may not be best placed to cover local issues. Please use us wherever appropriate. You have given so much to us that it is only fair that we share the workload in return.
Finally, a Wee Red Book highlighting BLAB in Scotland’s lies, deceit and attacks of the people they pretend to represent, would be invaluable – crowdfunded and delivered to every home in Scotland before the General Election. Maybe it would be a Big Red Book, there are decades of ammunition.


Previous post seems to have disappeared ? If it reappears it will say :

I’m one of the 50000 who joined the SNP in gratitude for fomenting the YES movement so well, but note Gerry Hassan’s comment last week.

“There is the SNP’s rise in membership, which is both a potential opportunity and a potential threat. It leaves Scottish politics rather unbalanced and looking a bit like a quasi-democratic one party state. Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘coronation’ as party leader, for all her good intentions, is not a good omen for future SNP democracy.”

Could Wings not morph into a vehicle for keeping the Scottish political parties’ ” feet to the fire ” as regards Federate or even Confederate issues while meantime keeping Inde on the back-burner ?


MSM I think, but perhaps a touch of storing any political party pledge, and then throwing it back at them when they break it. There’s the VOW, but there’s also Sturgeon’s “Devo-Max leads to Independence”. The SNP need to be kept at that, rather than drifting off into party power government. That’s not what well over 50,000 new members joined for, including me.

The other thing is that analysis of IFS, IPPR, CPPR, Reform Scotland reports, etc. There’s the bulk of the report, largely data and factual. Then there’s the executive summary, reasonably accurate but already a bit twisted from the actual data. Then there’s the press release. Then there’s the selected bits the media highlight to further their own nebulous cause.

That analysis needs to be done, and the media and the reporting thinktank, kept to the straight and narrow supporting the data, not political bias / lies. As if!

Schrödinger's cat

Nature abhores a vacuum, that is why wings came into existence

No one from yes will come down and tell you what to do, they never did in the past, and they are no longer here to do this. that is what grass roots means, that is what has been created.



If Devo-Max is delivered, the game is a longer one. If Smith goes for a medium strength bundle of powers and they’re delivered, it’ll also be a longer game. WOS could diversify if it wants.

I don’t believe we will get anything near Devo-Max.

The London parties WANT Scotland to be subsidised, or appear to be at least, as an insurance policy against independence.

They WANT the main focus of the UK to be London and the South.

God forbid we get too much power, and use it to compete effectively – making Scotland an obvious success..

eg Imagine Scotland had been allowed to get a share of oil revenues, and had built up an oil fund of £50 billion, a fraction of Norways..

Makes independence a lot simpler..


Go for the Unionists as before and hold them to account. Dissect the political media as before. Support any “new media” which comes from this. Soon you’ll be able to take apart the proposals which will fall short of our expectations and their “vow”.


We desperately need a Scottish or British politifact

Maybe that’s worth considering

Steve Asaneilean

Broaden – to ensure some critical analysis of what is happening in Scotland (or in the UK when it has an effect on Scotland).
The biggest failure of journalism in the current situation is the failure to adequately scrutinise, to seek out the other side of the story, to find the evidence that confirms or refutes the story and then to present the story thus.
I hope and believe Wings has the ability (and capacity?) to counter-act that failure.


I agree with those who think that independence should be at the forefront. With the run up to the forthcoming GE it is important to keep the broadfront alliance going. Keeping the focus on the eventual goal of independence would help prevent fragmenting of support. The Unionist politicians should not be allowed to rest easily in their beds and their lies should not be quietly buried.

However, I wouldn’t wish to straitjacket your approach in any way. I have trusted your judgement until now so look forward to you bringing your forensic gaze to bear on whatever strikes you as pertinent to the future of Scotland.


I’m not a regular on the site, and with the “personna” I had on the Herald, had to be careful to keep myself remote from WOS as well, for obvious reasons! All my postings and research and analysis were my own, which meant I could stand behind them (or admit a mistake).

What I can say therefore impartially, is that in the last 2 or 3 weeks, I doubt I came across anyone who hadn’t heard of the WBB. It was a tremendous achievement. I read the summary, the 5 points, and found them good, but had no time to read the rest.

My Dundee living ex-economics son however read it from cover to cover (or electron to electron), and thought it excellent. Even he learnt a lot. So congrats to the Rev, the site contributors, the readers, and those who gave money to keep it all going.


Keep monitoring the press. Mainstream press needs challenged in the way that you have done. Maintain the pro independence slant.
If you need finance to continue the good work, I’m more than happy to respond to a crowd funding appeal again.


Do what you’ve been doing. Target anyone or anything that hasn’t or doesn’t put Scotland first.

ronnie anderson

Im in favour of widening the scope, a case ongoing at the moment in Hollyrood 3.40 kenny MacAskill being asked to resign by the Labour party with the other partys backing them up.Total number of Labour MSPs in the Chamber 6,as I said this morning BUSTED FLUSH. They have nothing to offer the Scottish people. There are many WINGERS who could give you help in broadening the scope, like yourself Stu I belong to no Political Party but in the furtherance of Independance I will help any Indy party/groups in any way I can.

Wings Over Scotland as has been said many many times is a Unitary movement. Cometh the the hour, a man stepped forward & started A process the is not finished Onward & Upward WINGERS.


A little observation by the way, having studied the upvotes on the Herald since they started them. Upvotes can rise 24 hours, 48 hours, 3 days or even longer on articles. Which goes to show that not everyone just reads the articles even days afterwards, they also read the comments. And some people like to catch up on the news and views.


The very fact that Wings is an established indi site in it’s own right, i would hope for more of the same.

Debunking the MSM myths is your speciality and i trust you will continue to do so. being based in England has never hampered you before and won’t now.

Joining up with other groups would not make sense as there are too many groups anyway. I believe Wings is in a league of it’s own thanks to your efforts Stu.

This is the one site were we learned to identify lies and spin. Where many of us are learning about politics too. Wings has in my opinion always given advise and facts backed up by data and links to see 4 yourself.

I hope you carry on as before. With Independence always the aim.

Politics will come up in comments and there are many great folk here who can keep us right , so if you wish to concentrate more on the political issues then fine by me.

The best news by far is your not going anywhere. That would be a tragic waste of all your efforts.

We lost a battle Stuart , not the war.

P.s… Getting Wings on print would be a biggy for me. A weekly magazine with all the posts and topics online. There are many who don’t have access to the web.

Jamie Arriere

I don’t think we need to tell you that independence remain your focus, because absolutely everything that is happening, and will happen to Scotland over the next few years, is through the prism of the No vote.

Every policy imposed, every budget cut, every job lost, every demand ignored and every anti-Scottish impact will be considered with ‘Would that have happened if we were independent’.

We still have a coherent Yes movement, and the boots on the ground are joining the Yes parties, and many of the interest groups are staying. The unionists don’t have them, and are heavily reliant on the media to convey their messages.

I still think, on a day-to-day basis, that should be your main job – debunking the shit that comes out their mouth before it even hits the floor. We have an accumulated and growing collective memory of the political and media liars, and their form for duplicity and hypocrisy, which we should never lose.

That as well as providing an excellent forum for folk of all parties and none, to chew the fat, discuss the issues and keep the morale up. (I don’t mind the stooshies, although a STOOSHIE ALERT system might be handy at times). I like the Common Weal idea of tearoom forums setting up around the country, but this online one remains the best

The immediate priority for the next year is to scrutinise the Smith Commission (indeed send submissions to it) in light of the ‘Vow’, and then for the General Election ensure that the democratic deficit in Scotland applies to both Labour & Tory governments.


Hi Rev.Stu, thanks for the chance to give you some feedback.

Please keep exposing the lies and dirty tricks of the British establishment.

I can no longer read newspapers or watch tv news so please keep bringing us articles from a genuinely Scottish perspective.


I think Smith is open. The intention was probably to make it closed, deliver a meaningless package of “powers” that would harm Scotland, not help.

From a couple of communications the SNP realise the traps, are making the right moves. But more than that there’s the likes of the STUC who were heavily Devo-Max, the SVCO, Reform Scotland, etc. all waiting to jump out of the NO (or YES) shadows.

I think Smith will be shocked. And so will the Unionists’ two member “contributors”.


I would really like the focus being on exposing untruths and taking lies apart or analysis political moves to educate people on whats really happening regardless of whos doing it more interested in the possibles of why and to what ends.

Dr Ew


Agreed! Upvotes are interesting and, I think, make for more efficient threads insofar as it encourages people to endorse a p.o.v. that has already been articulated rather than extend it needlessly by repeating or typing in what is effectively a “like”.

Can I also reiterate my own “upvote” for a “replies” facility. These allow side debates to spin off as they will without interrupting, or in indeed hi-jacking, the main thrust of the topic.

Somebody gimme a thumbs up!!!


Wings was a beacon in a long dark night for the Yes campaign. You had concise and verifiable truths we could use as ammunition in the fight. I would like to see a means of spreading that vital knowledge wider than the Yes ‘family’ as we will only end up talking to ourselves otherwise.

Keep exposing lies and scheming by whoever is doing it.


Carry on as you are Wings with the primary focus on independence and issues affecting that since you do such an excellent job of it!


I believe it would be best to carry on focusing upon independence related issues as opposed to broadening your scope. There seem to be a few new organisations which will focus on providing “impartial/unbiased” Scottish news, and including all the current news sources I think that if you decided to focus on the broader area of politics in general then there would be too many different sources of information, all reporting the same things in the same way. So I would say let them do their thing and you continue doing your thing because you’re damn good at it. 🙂

john gallagher

keep exposing the lies encompass wider politics that are pertaining to Scotland but focusing on getting rid of independence AYFS John KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND THANKS FOR A WEE BIT OF SANITY

Late Developer

I think you had a lot to do with the momentum of the Yes campaign in the closing days.

And I think you have a lot do with the thousands of people now joining Yes parties.

And I believe you unwittingly gave many people the confidence to become firm Yes voters — which was an outside-the-box thought for many of us, I can tell you.

I only heard of about Wings in August 2014 so there MUST be masses of people who still have not — perhaps as many as 2 million of them.

You had hits of 0.6 million per day.

With more time time you would inevitably have eaten into that 2 million.

Now you do have more time!



You became so popular because you are so unique.

If you defocus, you won’t be unique anymore.

If you defocus you’ll become just one more blog out there, people will drift, and the unque independence focus you provide will dissipate.


But if you do want to widen your great work, why not keep “Wings Over Scotland” with its current focus, BUT ALSO start a second website called e.g. “Unicorns Over Scotland” with a wider focus.


The No Campaign was run in England just as hard as it was in Scotland, maybe more so. It went out of its way to brainwash our English friends as thoroughly as our Scottish ones.

So perhaps you might want to seriously consider the notion of “Wings Over England” !!

England after all is where the power lies, and all the resistance to independence.

See Sun Tzu’s Art of War – starting a fire in the enemy’s camp!

That is exactly what the No campaign was doing every single day.


Keep the focus on Independence in the following ways:
1. Highlight/educate us on what is and what is not devolved – especially when it is almost – but for a key power. Point out the times when the MSM and the “Opposition” at Holyrood make dumb suggestions/demands that are just not do-able because Holyrood doesn’t have all the necessary powers/money.
2. Point out when the Holyrood opposition parties combine (like asking the same dumb question at FMQs) rather than represent their own voters.
3. Point out when opposition MSPs vote the party line to the detriment of their own constituents (Highland MSPs voting for underwriting Edinburgh’s tram fiasco to the detriment of dualling the A9 is a good example).
4. Keep us informed when the Scottish edition of national newspapers differ markedly from the London Edition. Knowing why would be useful.
5. Keep us informed about the anti-independence BBC folk/journalists are saying and doing. I want to know what they are up to.
6. Keep us informed on what the Westminster government is doing in England which has repercussions on the Scottish budget.
7. Have guests writers keeping tabs on what lies the local Scottish (Tory ) press is peddling. The P&J/Courier/Mail “Campaign” on non-existent armed routine police patrols is a good example.
8. Give us some of the good news that the MSM/BBC bury – like the Scottish Government’s second Forth crossing coming in under budget and on time. When did that last happen at WM?

I did think about asking you to keep us informed about all the nasty things that the UK Westminster is doing UK wide in our name, but after consideration that would dilute the “Those living in Scotland are best at deciding and we need independence to do that” message. However, there is nothing to stop you doing short articles signposting other blogs which you consider to be pertinent or particularly well written – as in this is NOT good for UK never mind Scotland.


My inclination is to keep WOS free from party backing, scrutinise the Unionist Parties, MSM and BBC to expose their lies and hypocrisy, and to keep the Independence momentum as high as possible in the meantime.
I think the production of a Wee Red Book (as mentioned many threads ago) where we expose the lies and failures of the Unionist parties to deliver on their Vow and other associated policies would be a fantastic contribution to the May 2015 GE campaign for all pro indy Yes supporting parties.

Bugger (the Panda)


Looks like Gideon has a few more problems on his hand and this might explain why the cannot let Scotland’s riches
stay in Scotland.

Looks like the World is stuffed.

link to


The MSM and State Broadcaster marginalises Scotland yet we have a pivotal position within the neoliberal agenda…

Nukes, tactical position. Stability of NATO alliance. Financial stability for the UK which allows it to take part in conflicts.

Stability of the UK as US partner (along with Sweden Germany etc) facilitates US domination of the EU militarily (NATO) and economically (through current market situation and next TTIP).

Our continued progress towards true democracy is a part of the bigger picture, we need to look at Scotland and what is being done here in this context.

We are right up there with Palestine and Novorossiya in being on the receiving end of a MSM truth blackout. So i think expand things, the world needs that collective analysis that is Wings.

Deep Fried

Stick around. Lead, inspire, debunk and have fun. You provide a valuable and powerful channel. Stay on the story of independence. Doesn’t mean you can’t cover all sorts. If you lose the focus self interest groups will take over. Beginning to see it happen already. SSP against SPS or whatever. Wings needs to be a unifying force.

This is only my second post. Feel strongly that you should keep going and keep focused on the dream.




B-b-but you’re household name.

‘specially aroond these pairts.

Please, keep up the guid fecht an mair power tae yer elbaw.

Bugger (the Panda)



Jamie Kirkwood

Report the Scottish political news in a objective impartial manner and you will be fine. I think it is a good idea to expand the horizons until the next referendum in 2020 of sooner if we’re lucky. Reporting the news objectively is desperately needed as no main stream outlet does. Report the facts and let the people decide I am confident Scottish independence would be aided by such a news outlet.


Political issues can be handled by more party political websites or those more aligned to such issues. Scotland still needs to be focused on its independence problem (no need to emphasise that). Ipsofacto, it also needs a website that remains focused on the ensuing independence issues, and there are going to be many considering Westminster has not done anything about it yet! We need a website where we can discuss the future without being bogged down with all the different politics that are current and will probably remain so for a few more years. Holyrood has to reassert itself with its new leader and possibly new ministers. This will affect the progress of independence. ‘Wings over Scotland’ can monitor that side of things while remaining focused on the issues as a whole.

Salt Ire

I think your site’s at its most effective when it’s concentrating on exposing the hypocrisy of the main political parties in relation to and in connection with the MSM. The fact you are pro-independence should be an ideological given, not something that needs reinforced. Private Eye has long fed the cognoscenti about Westminster’s incestuous nature but it lost its bottle over the referendum. This shows that the spirit of Paul Foot is only accepted when it doesn’t rock the boat too much. There needs to be this deconstruction by media experts, with Scotland next to their hearts.

Dorothy Devine

Well Stu , a myriad of ideas put before you – your choice .

Personally, exposing the lies that are deliberately ignored and swept under the carpet by the MSM is most important to me and a voice against the personal attacks on the FM and the soon to be new FM would be good.


The main “Vision” or target for the future is Independence and must stay that way.

WOS has been YES party supportive but all encompassing for different views and affilliations.

We’ve been constrained in the narrow corridor of the Ref. campaign with all eyes on that one date, that’s over now and we should look to build up on what’s been achieved.

How do we re-form the Yes Movement? Demographic targeting? Education simplified on certain topics which BT dominated such as pensions, currency etc.

Expand by all means to cover Scotland in general as long as it still encompasses the factual exposure of the MSM, Beeb and the unionist deceit.

The GE15 and SE16 ought to give us enough to do. 🙂

Jim F

I think we really need to keep a focus on eventual independence. It would be useful to cover the wider UK political landscape evaluated against the yardstick of independence (what almost certainly would have been different, what might have been different, had the vote been yes). Most of that will obviously be Scottish politics, but some England and Wales issues will probably be relevant too. There are obvious dangers of rose-tinted views, but I do think we need to constantly remind people that a different, better, country is not only possible, we could have had it by now. As groundwork for positive thinking, though, not fodder for recrimination. And thanks for all you’ve done so far.


@Chris Cairns 2:56

Oh I agree, Greg was excellent! 😀


Much of the same as above…

I would add that I like to use wings as a bullshit detector, including the comments.

I enjoyed the “battle” that other “journalists” waged against you mainly out of anger at this site calling bullshit on them so spectacularly. This is what i would enjoy you spending some time on; highlighting the absolute stark horror of lies and the partisan nature of MSM.

I’m think watching looking at scottish politics would be worthwhile,but maintaining the partisan nature of pro-independence. I know there are issues here but ill cop out and say im sure you’ll navigate them without my thoughts.



Given that there is still a huge Yes movement in Scotland, I believe it’s important for you to continue at the moment to focus on Independence. Where are we going to get our information from about Westminster lies if not from your analysis and dismantling of the complete garbage we’re fed by MSM?

You’re great at what you do, no other source of information is able to consistently shoot down in flames the propaganda machine which is the British establishment.


My humble tuppenceworth:

Keep doing what you do best – expose and challenge the pish that comes.out of Westminster and the mainstream media. But do so with a view to making the case for indy over the medium term. Remembering that – arguably – everything we do in next few years should be aimed not at the 45% but the next 6-15%; the ones we now need to.persuade.

Donald MacKenzie

Keep the focus on independence. Going broader opens up almost inevitability of getting party political which, in turn, both dilutes the strength of the message and opens the door for those with an interest in doing so to start creating divisions.

Alex Clark

Why did 45% of the electorate want Independence in the first place?

I’d suggest it was mainly because of their disgust of where the party politics of the UK parties are taking us and very little to do with Nationalism.

Western politics in the US and UK in particular are damaging us all with their austerity agenda and distribution of the wealth of a nation from the poor to the rich. The media though support all of this.

You can only eat two chickens a day! What do the rich and powerful want?

Rev Stu broaden the discussion as you see fit. There are still arguments to be won and information from this site helps win those arguments.

No no no...Yes

This Blog is the 3rd most influential in the UK for a reason, your hard work!

The future shape and direction of Scottish Politics will be influenced by Wings Over Scotland. BUT, YOU CANNOT CONTINUE TO DO IT ALL BY YOURSELF!
Basic Business Risk suggests that if you keep up the same pace you will be burned out and we don’t want that.

The next 2 years will be busy with GE2015 and HE 2016
Strategic Considerations:
Aims/Objectives- Add reference to Scottish independence to the “About” section Organisational Structure: Deputy Editor or Site Administrator would relieve some load and provide some contingency for you to get proper time off.
Finance- sustainable model through subscription or planned Fundraisers
Content: The current strategy is successful, keep it up.
New key topic:
GE Manifesto build up from pro-Union parties including analysis and comment,
profiles of GE seats that a YES alliance could target. GE Activist pack with details of MP’s Register of Interests, list of archived press articles etc. Let make the Labour Party (North Britain branch) in particular pay at the ballot box!


Just keep doing what you are good at, exposing liars and lies.


Yep.You decide.We’ll tell you if it starts heading somewhere we don’t like.


The goal is independence. Prioritise whatever is getting in the way of it wether it be on

PUNISH: How to punish big business or mass media for example organised protests, general boycott, flash mobs etc and bring them to their knees.

CONVERT: How to convert the No’s we need to understand the demographics of no voters and identify how best to convince them of a yes next time.

TACTICS: GE15, SE16 plans of attack, targeting/exposing of individual MPs/MSPs.

I don’t see the point of becoming another political commentary site. We should be going for the jugular, be very focused, radical and keep our eye on the prize.

Douglas Thomson

The prime directive is an Independent Scotland , that does not change for any of us. So although another referendum is not likely in the short term. Wings exposing the on going betrayal by the Unionist parties and with the General Election, Scottish Parliament Election elections coming soon it still driving for an independent Scotland. There is enough political activity to keep hold publics interest and motivation so no need to change over the next 2 years. Keep doing what you are doing and take stock after the Scottish election. Think about regional political intelligence, filtered by people working to a set guideline set down by yourself then feeding back information on local goings on to Bath. This overcomes your concern about monitoring Scotland from Bath. Gets people wanting help involved and experienced. While there will be a lot of information discarded there will be gems. Something to think about. Winning skirmishes and hounding the Unionists on a daily basis will eat into their moral and expose their betrayal. Rather than the big set piece. It worked in the Wars of Independence and will work again. In the long run we will win. Hailsa


It all depends on what happens in the rest of the Scottish Indy media. There’s the Scottish Statesman, the coming launch of the Scottish Independent, Bateman and Newsnet combining, competing TV projects etc. So broadening out may well find yourself competing much more with other voices, which may or may not be a good thing.

There is the link to article that claims there was nobody doing takedown analysis and labelling of the unionist side, but of course there was you doing all that with the SNP throwing you and Wings to media wolves when the Scotsman libelled you.

I’m also with you as to how you will broaden things out with just one of you in Bath.

I think robust comment and analysis of stuff that you do is generally very good. Don’t spread yourself too thin and try and compete with news sites.

Stormchase King

Wings for me was the only site a could trust to provide factual comment withour pushing tribal politics.

And gave me plenty of points to ponder
in a “you the jury” kinda way.

As has been said, do what your good at.
GE 2015 will undoubtedly have spin and counter spin from Westminster. Add in journalistic spin from the mainstream media, then the Ministry of Disinformation will have a field day without Wings to cut through the waffle.

Go one – you know you want to!!!

Paula Rose

Please keep the comment thread as it is – I am not enamoured by the variations I have seen on other sites, I do not think they would suit the discussions here. Plus could we have monthly up-dates on the wee cyber-rats?

Ghillie Mackay

Hi Stu, thank you for asking.

I agree with the gist of the comments above, and particularly urge you to heed Donna the writer’s advice to be true to yourself, that has worked so very well to date!

And Taranaich hits the nail on the head (again!).

I trust your judgement and that of readers posting relevant OTs to alert us to what is going on in the wider picture.

This is our Road to Independence. May that always be our focus.


o/t a little but as we want wings to do the media’s job, how did/does the SNP manage to maintain popularity without any msm supporting them? How did YES get 45% with a completely negative media? Perhaps the message and arguments are good?

jock mc X

Will support the site with a weekly donation if required,
while you experiment.
Would like to see you expand,take on staff etc,just dont go
away please.
If you have any spare time how about a video game, grand
scottish referendum theft auto,maybe.I’d buy it.


Keep Independence at the fore. Independence would solve lots of problems, which are not our business and out of our control.


i reckon you should focus on independence. It is going to be a major issue through to the general election. Your analysis of events provides us, the troops, with ammo. and we need that ammo to debunk the MSM and BBC bias against us.

Why not contact Derek Bateman to discuss a coverage strategy. Newsnet up till now has been as dry as a stick whereas you have been sharp in your analyses and in expressing them however Derek Bateman is no shrinking violet so some collaboration may be mutually useful.

Right now there are several issues ideal for your acerbic wit – The Vow; tracking; NHS in England, see today’s I paper.

Whichever you decide I’ll still be a Wings follower and respond to the bugle for funding.

james saor alba

keep on with the Independence & the way forward with their so called vow, also report on matters concerning Scotland if you dont want involved with any political parties, such as fracking.

Craig Dalzell

Rev Stu

I think your way forward lies in continuing the investigative journalism which has made you one of the most valuable sources to Scottish public over the past few years. It’s not partisan to assess the claims made by the political and media sphere and question them with your famous rigour.

We’ll need this especially during the “More Powers” discussions.

Please be the fire to which we hold their feet.


I used to act as a press monitor for my work Stuart, if I can be of any assistance please contact me with my name


As I have posted previously.
I have always been an SNP/Independence supporter,I only found this website/Wee Blue Book a few weeks before the referendum.
I can honestly say the site and book were an absolute god-send. I’ve lost count the amount of books I gave out, and the amount of people I’ve told about the site and still tell so they can get the truth.
As a new follower of this site, I feel I should not try and say which way the site goes but I think just keep printing the facts for all to see, and expose the lies from the media, and the populus will make up it’s mind come election time.
I will give it my best to inform as many of the population to follow the wings site.
Many Thanks to you Stu for getting this site on the web. Gary


Keep exposing the truth about these liars in westminster, keep giving us links where we can find whats really happening in scottish politics so we dont just see what thebbc wants us to see, keep posting links of rally footage etc and more importantly keep the fight going ! Its important we dont let this go!!!

Rebecca McKinlay

Highlight each and every way Westminster is shafting us. Expose the hypocracy and the lies spun out by the unionist parties in Holyrood in furtherance of Westminsters colonial agenda. Continue to be an excellent source of well-referenced factual material.

a supporter

Drop Independence as a main theme and become an outfit broadly supporting the YES parties. Such a medium is absoulutely essential in Scotland to show up the lies and mis/disinformation spread by Lab,Tory, LibDums and the main media which supports the Westminster parties.

We absolutely need Wings’ articles during the period when new devolved powers are being discussed not only to dissect WM’s propaganda but to keep pressure on Smith and WM Government.

Derek Morison

Please continue to concentrate on the media monitor role. Items don’t need to be specifically about independence, merely relevant to the public interest of the people of Scotland. I like the comment above about a ‘Scottish Private Eye’ – but I would suggest less gossip (so maybe that’s Public Eye?)


Continue in the way you have been: putting the pro-indy arguments and exposing the lies and hypocrisy of the pro-union side.

Smith is asking for views from the general public. How about a Wings submission which we can all customise and email in?


Happy to crowdfund you years wages. Please keep going, I will have feck all to post on FB if you don’t 🙂

David Anderson

Do as you see fit Stu, we’ll either agree or disagree. Whatever your stance I think it will continue to be a hugely positive contribution to Scottish society in that this website provides a counterbalance to the mainstream media that has failed to provide an iota of fairness to debate so far. I do hope you keep pushing the Independence line once we have established what powers Scotland will receive following the Smith commission. If you keep to trying to provide another viewpoint compared to the vested interests brigade then that can only be braw.


Why not write about Scottish politics? You can still continue to report on independence topics and expose lies why commentating on other Scottish political matters. I think you have a good idea and I am all for it but this is your website so you make the final descisions. I am sure we will all continue to read no matter what you decide. Anyway what harm could it do?

Bob Malcolm

george clarkston says it all, we need this site and other like it to put forward the arguement the press will not.


A post i put up on the graun earlier in response to someone bleating about not voting for lib dems being a vote for tories. Not sure what anyone thinks about this but I see one of the biggest obstacles to self determination being the MSM and to beat that, like minded people need a vehicle (ie a party) that can grow so that it can effect influence on the MSM. SNP cannot do that it seems but it could enfranchise the wider population of the rest of the UK who are widely apathetic about the difference their vote might make: “I don’t think the electorate would put up with that. The lib dems are has beens as are labour. UKIP are just a reactionary party of nimbys. The SNP is now the third largest party in the UK. I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed their brand and extended their franchise…something along the lines of Local Democrats running on a ticket of regional and national devolution..a form of federalism or DEVO max for nations and regions. That might shake things up a bit..”


I confess to not reading all the comments, there were too many.

“It seems inevitable that there’ll be fewer developments and less news directly related to independence in the coming months.”

This I think is modified thruth. You are quite correct and at the same time incorrect. The referendum itself is over, but not the aftermath. The Unionist side claimed it would be BETTER for Scotland to remain TOGETHER with (the) Rest (of the) UK.
Approximately 1.6 mill doubted this.

I would suggest that WoS has a role in monitoring just how much Scotland is Better Together with RUK. The lack of a real comparison is of course a real challenge. An independent Scotland does not exist and it would be foolish to claim that x, y or Z would not have happened in an independent Scotland. Such a claim would only be destructive for any serious independent political commentary site.
However, it would be quite legitimate to comment on promises partially or completely reneged on. When observing the consequenses of WM policy it would be reasonable to point out that an independent Scotland could have chosen different policies, with of course different outcomes (but not to propose or suggest the outcomes themselves).

It has been suggested that WoS comment on Scottish politics in general. If WoS could develope an independent neutral view on politics in Scotland without losing it’s pro-independence stanse, then I think would be an admirable idea. It would be nice to have somewhere that has and strives to maintain a politically neutral view. Somewhere that is relatively unbiased with regards to the political parties of Scotland. A site that presents critical analysis of politics in Scotland without favouring or disfavouring any given party.
Complete neutrality is of course impossible to achieve if WoS is to maintain it’s Pro-indy stanse. But if you continue to post your sources, I think you will remain unpopular in the right places.

All the best


Keep independence as your prime target.but scrutinize all political parties and MSM outlets.This will be an enormous task as you will be doing the job that most journalists stopped doing a long time ago.
If you show the media how it should be done properly.they may follow.

Kevin Lynch

Any commentary on the politics of Scotland and how it’s reported by the MSM are more than welcome. There’s more to Scotland than independence.

Robert Peffers

I had to go out today on urgent business and thus have come late to this column. I have no intention of reading my way through the full column of different opinions for that was not what the Rev Stu asked. He wants our individual opinions and not a discussion as we talk among ourselves. So here goes.

We very much need WoS for several reasons. Not least that it is a focus point for a disparate group of politically aware, and politically active, people with just one central aim that unites us – independence. That aim must stay central to WoS. However, if recent days show anything it is that we do indeed encompas several different political viewpoints and that is not an unhealthy state of affairs. It is, in fact, just as it should be.

Anyway being out and about I could only very briefly keep up with events that unfolded throughout today and there were several such events that could have been explained or exposed in the manner the Rev Stu does so well. For one such example : –

The SNP has pressed Willie Rennie to accept the fact that the Lib Dems must pay their debts and sort out the party’s £800,000 unpaid policing bill for last year’s party conference in Glasgow and not, as they have done, default on the bill.

In the Scottish Parliament Christine Grahame MSP challenged Willie Rennie and the Lib Dems to accept that his party owes this £800,000 unpaid bill for policing last year’s LibDem conference. Then, on BBC Daily Politics, Danny Alexander today claimed, “I don’t know anything about this”, and then telling Andrew Neil to ask “conference organisers” about the debt. Willie Rennie, on being asked the same question said, “I don’t know very much about that at all.”.

The Sunday Herald revealed that both the LibDem party and the UK Government refused point blank to pay the £800,000 of policing costs for last year’s event which, of course means that we Scottish tax payers must pick up the bill. Yet if last year’s LibDem conference had been in, say, Carlisle the UK Government’s Home Office would have paid most of it with the local force picking up the difference.

So the Home Office, (which is actually part of the Government the LibDems are in coalition with), refused to do the same for Glasgow and the LibDem Party now also refuse to pay-up. These Unionist political parties are free-loading on the Scottish people while telling us we are, “Better Together”.

Next thing we will see the Tory Party, London Labour, UKIP, England First Party, English Democrats, English National Party, Free England Party and the New England Party all jumping on the band-wagon for cheaper conferences at the expense of the Scottish taxpayers.

So tell me which Scottish Media, dead tree, radio or TV, will be telling we Scots the facts? So, Wingers, I see plenty of items for Wings to cover – all of which have a bearing on the ultimate goal An Independent Scotland.


Now that is an interesting idea.It could create critical mass in the UK.

Kevin Evans

The main focus of wings is independence – now the refurendum is over this time wings hopefully will help keeping people focused and together always pointing us in the right direction politically towards our next chance for an independent scotland – wings for me has always been a great political conscience that has helped me pass on the correct information to other people, always making sure articals are relevant to the political issue at the time or highlighting the social issues than need to be spoke about openly also.

I think wings over scotland should remain as a platform to unite us towards the goal of independence – westminster and the 3 main English partys will always try and deflect attention away from Scottish political issues and the independence question so it’s great wings keeps its finger on the pulse.

I hope wings, stu and all the other contributions to the site remiain together for as long as it takes.


Don’t know if this has been said before… Too many comments to run through, but I think that wings should be just that, loose over Scotland and cover all the uk. You do it with the sealand and gazette, take the fight to their back yard. Their problems are ours, our solutions become theirs.

Joe McCusker

Independence is our aim. The fastest way is to have only one “Yes” candidate in each constituency at every election. Whether it’s Holyrood, council, EU or UK. This is THE site to organise this. Let’s guide the politicians towards this whenever we speak to them. I’m sure the Greens, Socialists and SNP will see the sense in this, and we’ll get Real Labour people voting with us too.


I would be grateful if you persist with your analysis of media stories/headlines that tend to mislead readers. Young people, especially, use social media to get news updates. Quite a few of my nephews, and their friends, 18-19 yr olds with no political affiliations, know about your blog! In any case, irrespective of age, we all need access to news articles that help us see the other side to ‘the story’.

Which leads me to what must be a cliché: to reach independence we need people to think independently. Your analysis, examples of misleading information, comments etc, enlightens readers, young and old. I cannot think of a better way to reach independence.

Stay clear of any one political party, look at what all of them may say, evaluate and express, as always, your opinions.

Finally, keep independent thought as your message, whichever way you decide to present it. And thanks, for all your excellent work!


Stu, keep the focus on Independence, 45% is nearly half…… It’s not going away


Stu, what do you want to do? You have inspired, informed, educated your readership for the past couple of years. You have given us a forum for intelligent, informed, entertaining debate and crucially a site to direct the uninformed and undecided to help them make up their minds and learn about the issues. I, for one, want you to continue to lead the pack! Use your judgement and gut feeling to take Wings forward in the direction that inspires you!


Concentrate on the sole issue of independence.

The top priority now is voting out as many unionist MPs as possible in 2015.

Call for a Yes Alliance.

If you take a non-partisan purely independence stand, you can inspire readers to vote tactically for pro-independence candidates, in the absence of a Yes alliance.

Charles Edward

Wings has empowered a whole section of the community who never really explored their thoughts on all the issues you have brought to our attention.
Independence has never been singularly attached to the referendum discussion.
In my mind it has been about education, health care, welfare of all in society, business and finance and all those departments that politicians should be looking after.
More than that it’s about how we are as people here in this country living together.
I would like Wings to increase its readership by not losing focus on what is good for the country and Yes, keep the tilt of the discussion towards independence because this will be good for all of us when it comes.
There is plenty of fire left in the belly of Scots for keeping the dream alive. You have been a major part of this.
Many Thanks.


The Drudge Report and the Theo Spark sites are on my regular reading list. Although I am still sulking with Theo for taking a side on our recent debate which I regarded as none of his effing business.

As I no longer care what dross the Biased Bollocks Company puts out, and have removed all my Brit newspaper bookmarks I still have a pressing need for news – however sad that is.

So a consolidating news site would be good to keep this invaluable site in standby mode. Until the next opportunity for our citizens to wake from their slumber in unvanquishable number. That would keep the site unmissable. I am desperately trying to find news sources that are not just the recycled opinions of that establishment which lied so hard and cheated my country of its rights last month. Please consider that option.

I think limitations on posting length may be an idea too. And threading would help to navigate the dead ends some of us want to drive up.

I like the Private Eye suggestion above, but that is a hard commercial act. It is never out of the lawcourts for a start. Which incidentally is a weakness in websites like this which seek to take “them” on. They have lawyers as well as no moral compass. That free speech is dangerous after all.


Keep doing what you’re doing please. Anything that shows the lies, deceit and general pish that comes from WM and the Unionist parties has got to be a good thing.


Hi Liz,

Totally agree with you.
But, in line with WoS’s general guidelines, if you avoid using words like ‘pish’ on this blog (and I agree with the concept), you’re less likely to annoy some people.
Not a question of being wishy-washy, just better trying to make sure more and more people stay on the side of independence, and follow WoS too.


Hi Rev Stu, We really need someone who will dig out the lies and deceits, someone to give an honest opinion on what is really going on within the Mean Stream Media. Someone not affiliated to any political party. Someone like you. cheers.


One thing you should seriously think about is moving back to Scotland.

Technically you could reproduce or even improve the set-up you have in Barf.. 😉

More importantly, here, you would be in the middle of an extremly fertile environment, within short distance of people for discussing the ideas eye to eye and the nearby logistical support to realise it.

Folk would also be on hand to give physical assistance on a day to day basis with helping run WOS when nesessary.

AND we have some very nice beaches and hills here… 😉


necessary – spelling gone to the dogs…

Philip McAuliffe

I think it would be good to concentrate on the issues raised during the Yes campaign – poverty, inequality, corporate cronyism, elitism, etc – while continuing to bring to our attention any underhanded/unhinged behavior that we are all expecting from Westminster. The independence debate is far from over (particularly as we still have no idea what powers will be devolved) but I think we should concentrate on the general election for now. If we can help to persuade the rest of the UK to dump the public schoolboys and vote for some real people, we may yet have a sensible debate on independence (the last one was like trying to reason with a class full of spoiled four year olds). WOS been a great source of reference,inspiration and humour throughout the debate and I for one would miss it. Please don’t go… you’ll never make it on your own….we’re bett….Aaarghhh! I’ve been infected!! Help Meeeeee!


Keep on with what you’ve been doing. Dilution into general politics is going to further dissipate the movement, just as the establishment want. There has to be a focal point for the continuance of the Yes campaign, if not here, then someone else will build it. Wings is already established and is the obvious place to focus the attention of the 45 and help the number grow.

I have already been looking at building something, for the purpose of advancing our cause and making it easier for the like-minded to co-ordinate our effort. It makes more sense to me though, that you continue in the brilliant way you have been doing, throughout our campaign. It’s a no brainer Stuart.


I tend to think, why change a winning formula unless you’ve no option. Do we know there will be insufficient material to carry on as we’ve been doing? The main problem latterly was that there was far too much material for one man and one blog to deal with. Much was allowed to slide, of necessity.

I’d say only broaden the scope significantly if it really does turn out that there isn’t enough material. I think there will be.

Mainly, I trust Stu’s judgement and instincts. Well about 98% of the time anyway. This came from him and him alone, and in the context of indyblog Darwinism it turned out to be the dominant species.

Sometimes I worry about Stu doing so much on his own, but he’s a control freak by nature, and frankly this site is nothing without his individual stamp on most of the articles. If we want it, we’ll fund it, that’s for sure. Sometimes you just have to say to the creator, you have the commission, carry on.


Sir Malcolm Bruce, deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, added: “It’s time the SNP got back in their box and respected the decision that Scotland has made.”

Enough said really.
Lets get tore in about them and eradicate them from Scottish politics.

frazer allan whyte

Come home and lead the resistance as Scotland works out how to liberate herself.

As, hopefully very soon, real Scottish papers and tv stations are set up people officially political and otherwise will need to be kept focused and kept honest. Personally I don’t believe another referendum is going to be “granted”. The country I currently reside in has as one of its mottos “sovreignty is not given it is taken” Whether that “taking” means UDI or step by step winning back author?ty over all aspects of colonially controlled life someone needs to be a forensically active observer.

I agree with the many contributors who say you need an assistant (or more)to preserve yourself from burnout. You should be paid a decent wage in an organized fashion without having to go all “corporate” to do so. I posted several times that I believe you are one of the people that history throws up to make history. The most of us who observe it more than make it would most likely be eager and proud to help finance it.

So yourself or somebody else please come up with a plan to keep you doing what you do so well in the service of Scotland.


You have got to keep going and reveal the Truth behind lies that the 3 main Westmonster parties are churning out.
Please continue to expose these profiteers until the General Election. Once they are sent packing, we can all get involved
in the wider issues that affect our Nation (Scotland)


SNP is the only party in town.
Labour is the enemy now…they have betrayed Scotland to hold onto the ailing prospect of power in Westminster.
Time to break all ties with the red Tories.


I think broadening out to other areas of Scottish Politics but maintaining a running theme and focus on Independance related material would be good.

The volume of Indpendance related stories will, as you say, understandibly lessen compared with the previous few years, but articles on other areas of Scottish Politics I think would be very interesting to the readership.

Just to add, I’m absolutely delighted to see that you will be continuing with the site. I discovered the site earlier this year and quickly became a daily reader. What you have created here is absolutely first class. I hope your well deserved holiday has been going well!


Stick to Independence with a little bit of wider Scottish Politics where you can avoid being party political


sorry to use a posh tory-boy publication as an example but it has to be said that Private Eye sometimes does a very good job exposing the corrupt, double-dealing hypocrisy in wastemonger and the city whilst maintaining some humour – so some similar close scrutiny of scotland’s great and powerfull wid be good, First up Broon (cos that wid be easy), then move on to Murphy et al. A print publication every month will help, imagine in the hands of students and the young – engendering and nurturing a healthy disrespect of those who rule us ie the establishment. You need to expand your staff though I would think – but subscriptions might go some way to make that possible.

Grizzle McPuss

I think the Rev should continue as Chief Cat Herder, corralling our parties / contributors of many varying beliefs as we head into the horizon that is GE2015.

Wings is the vital conduit of expression.

The subject of Independence has not quite left the building, but the priorities in the short term are to move forward as a unified anti-schism voice, plotting a strategy of ‘Union Free from Unity’

stephen redmond

Wings over Scotland – Stu,my personal opinion is that you help us continue the fight for independence,this is off the most importance to us the 45% your fort class journalistic approach helped me awaken my political desire and my desire of independence,with your guidance I was able to research stuff after being pointed in the right direction. Short term the focus must remain on the vow,the liars in Westminster,we have to destroy the power of Westminster over the 55%,this will allow us as sovereign Scots to declare,UDI or another referendum vote.its off the upmost importance that you break down what the Westminster plans for austerity and I particular how this impacts Scotland,as the mainstream media will focus more on a uk level,again for the 45% to use in our quest of freedom.I dont mind you covering broader Scottish politics,but wings should never lose the focus of independence,if it was to lose that angle,then I would have lost a wing man.expose the liars and give us the truth. Wings has done a tremendous job over the last three years and you have helped many Scots to wake up,continue to do so and us Scots will get the choice of a better future,oh any chance ye can rope max Keiser into doing a guest article,now that would be something if ye could.


Stuart, after reading & commenting on this post, I read Gerry Hassan’s piece for that bitter wee man Roy’s excellent Scottish Review, and with WoS obviously still in mind, the final couple of paragraph’s jumped out as to the way forwards for yourself & WoS.

“One key question remains beyond the constitutional debate: do the Scots really want change, and if so, who will dare to become the changemakers who will have the confidence to be bold and radical, and ask us the difficult questions which so far we have shied away from asking?

Post-referendum, there is an opening, energy and appetite for beginning such an initiative which could find a rich and deep response in a public who have shown their eagerness for political engagement. Do any of our existing politicians or parties have the courage to question ‘the settled will’ of Scottish elites, or does it have to come from outwith existing, mainstream opinions? The answer to this could potentially define the shape of Scotland for years to come.”

Enough work in amongst the gist of that for 10 Stuart Campbell’s, acting as informer’s, enabler’s, questioner’s & inspirer’s to last until Independence, & beyond.

BTW There’s only one Rev Stuart Campbell (in a finite universe), but there’s a Nation full of intelligent Scot’s, who are raring to do something positive, from which to hire some help.

To be contrary, stay where you are mate. Sometimes it’s better to view things from afar.From the outside, so to speak.

link to


Focus on what you have been doing over the last 3 years, moving towards independence. You say that is a long term goal now but I remember when I first visited this site the referendum was a long way in the future, about 2.5 years or thereabouts.

Don’t get dragged too much into party politics as you will end up alienating a section of your readers. Anyway the party members on here are big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves and will hold other parties to account when required. Also, I would think with you being based outside Scotland, it will be harder to really get into the guts of any story, leave that to the many news sites springing up.


That’s a hell of a good point Defo makes, above. It could almost be a job description….


One point which may have been overlooked is the power you already have to arouse fear in the breast of the lazy journalist or broadcaster.
It’s no coincidence that Wings has been rubbished from all the vested interests people – because they don’t want to be exposed.
But your climbing readership shows their efforts to be in vain. The more that readership climbs, the more worried they become.
Just keep on pointing out the lies, the contradictions, the hypocrisy and the spin (no matter the origin). Your role is to keep the media and the politicians honest….and the more the shysters worry about being ripped to shreds on Wings, the healthier life will become.

Colin Fraser

No, No,No, Stay true. Do not fall into the false trap. Do not follow the path of the paper press. You should stay suppin’ fae a wee spoon. The deil is in the buyout. Soar above, stay true. We are all in the same boat. Expecting others to faulter. Waiting for the first to rise. Grassroots we are.Grassroots we stay. We earn everything we gain. For Scotland.

Buck Nasty

I used you as a grounded source of newsertainment during the referendum campaign, much as I used John Stuart when I lived in the USA. I would like that to continue with all Scottish news, while maintaining a focus on independence-related stuff.

Martin D.

While it is true that Wings has never been any thing but partisan on independence and also that wading through the minefield of parties and policies can be tricky there are still many things that can be addressed by your publication without leaving the idea of independence to gather any dust. In fact now is the time to pave the road towards it in the future using the things we have learned and the rising power of the people who wish to remain engaged in changing toward the better and fairer society that was talked about in the lead up to the indyref. People are still struggling with poverty, food, heating, lack of steady work, times where there is more month than money, care for the elderly and infirm and the list goes on…. None of those things are going away. There is also opportunity to turn the heads of those who may regret their choice on the 18th of Sept. and find a way to have them enter the fold, as it were, by giving them a more more balanced view of the political landscape aiding them to see that the possibilities are not so bleak. I know this sounds rather conciliatory but to my mind positive change is all about being inclusive rather than the opposite. There are feet to be held to the fire on all sides of the issues. Wings can help.

Isobel Davidson

I agree with comments earlier in this post about
perhaps taking a wider view on scottish politics but keeping scottish independence at the forefront.
Best wishes


One thing that needs to be done is to educate people about what the Scottish Parliament can and can’t do under the current system. There are many, many people who think that Holyrood has a lot more power than it actually does.

Derek Henry

Don’t do it by yourself

Join up with what’s going on speak to bella calledonia or newsnet scotland and the common weal.They’ll give you plenty of stuff to write about.

Things are changing speak to them. Otherwise you’ll become isolated after things change.

Also I thought you would have pointed out the £75 a night charge for staying over night in hospitals that was announced this week.

After what Darling and Brown said during the campaign.


John Simpsoon said that it was a journalist’s job to be “a member of the awkward squad”, politicians should never feel comfortable with you or invite you into their clubs. That’s what Scotland really needs, and Stu seems to be quite good at 😉

During the referendum it became clear that MSM daily news outlets see it as their job to protect the managed democracy at all costs. Having been prepared to shred their journalistic credentials, display immense naivety on a supposedly national issue and accept payments to influence the public on independence how can we trust them on anything?

Independence was about building a better society in Scotland (and the rUK), something we should all want regardless of the outcome of the referendum. Free and open analysis of the decisions and rhetoric of politicians (and the establishment) is vital to that vision.

If we don’t have a Wings speaking truth to power without fear or favour that becomes a lot harder for the rest of us. Explicitly supporting a single party weakens that position – supporting an umbrella campaign for a “Better Scotland” does not.

They asked us to “prove” that we could be independent its time for them to “prove” we are Better Together.

wee jamie

I would like to see you maintain your usual excellent standard of reporting what’s going on Rev.However, as the general election looms,we are still in the position of having 3 westminster parties(4 if you count UKIP),who are pro-union, pro- austerity, and london based, and 3 pro independence, who are Scottish based, and feel you will have great difficulty in changing to a more circumspect viewpoint, when NOTHING has changed in any of their core objectives, the only difference post referendum being the massive increase in membership and support for the latter, and bitter squabbling re emerging along party political lines among what were once allies in the fight to keep scotland British, of the former better together brigade. I for one will keep reading your output on a daily basis , as one of my main sources of news, and between the lines information, no matter which path you choose.


Would love to see wings continue on but maybe the scope of wider scottish politics is the way to go, with the general election next year this might be the perfect place to look at it from the scottish perspective we may not have many seats but with the split north/south happening in england and wales its will make the results interesting resulting in possible 3 way coalition in which case how would the different parties in scotland capitalise on that?

i think anything that keeps the public engage with politics and cuts through the bull produced by all parties is the best thing this country can have.

or how about having a weekly highlight of a party policy and analyze it to see if its a good policy or just a fake promise to secure votes


aitchbee says:
“There are many, many people who think that Holyrood has a lot more power than it actually does.”

Very true. Also the other way, eg during the referendum campaign it became apparent most Scots thought the NHS was a UK wide organisation. BT played on ignorance. Education will deny them opportunities to deceive.

Sheena Nicolson

Please continue with the independence theme – I liked your quote

‘the greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence”. Dennis Waitley.

Wings over Scotland is necessary – you give us an insight into some of the hidden twists of politics….

Greg Allan

Hello Stu,

As well as continuing your watchman role, I would like to see Wings continue to somehow develop it’s plain English educational output in the spirit of the Wee Blue Book.

Not 100,000s of hard copies (!) but the odd PDF fact sheet or article appearing on the site that lays out facts on up coming key election issues pitched to people traditionally not engaged in politics and who maybe became engaged for the first time during the referendum.

Speaking to many people over the last few month it was clear that news literacy was a big problem (the “its in the paper, it must be true” voter). The sort of thing I mean is maybe like a breakdown of the UK papers, who owns them and their political stance? Very basic, but this is just a crude example to enable some critical thinking. Broadcasters too.

Some people do not even know where the functions and powers of the Scottish parliament end and Westminster’s begin. Basic knowledge that a politically aware person would take for granted. This is a problem when these voters try to identify where the system is failing them and who to vent their anger at.

In terms of GE2015 I suspect some big Scottish Labour targets will have a weakness regarding expenses, how they voted (or abstained) on austerity policies and their salaries vs attendance. I think facts regarding this would aid in the campaign to eject them from Scotland.

An early milestone in achieving independance must be to break the spell the MSM and Labour have over the people up here.

That’s my tuppence. Bit long but I don’t post often!

I will continue to support you whatever you do regarding the Indy or wider Scottish politics direction.




Carry on as before. Independence will be the biggest political story in Scotland until independence is achieved.

As regards party politics, the last fingerhold that the Union has on Scotland is the Labour Party. That’s just a fact, so the principle source of lies that need deconstructed will be SLAB. As Doug Daniel says above, removing them is now the main priority.


Continue to expose the lies, misinformation and omissions that affect Scotland by MSM and Westminster parties. Continue to be the goto source for the facts. So keeping your readership and revenue stream upto strength, so when indy comes around again, WOS is fully prepared. I will happily continue to read and donate.


I would suggest concentrating on 2 areas: first the reporting around the Smith Commission & parties’ positions on “more powers”, and second, contrasting positions on issues in the indyref campaign with their current positions and the current reality.

Reason: it is not so wide as to cause the difficulties you raise, and it plays to your strength of debunking and calling out lies. Overall, your coverage could help the debate on the continuing relevance of independence as a way forward. Thanks for seeking our views.


In my layman’s opinion, Wings has been a growing reference library, of media and politics snapshots, exposing the absurd and the propaganda in the mainstream media.

If this site becomes thought of as party political, its standing as a humorous pro-indy (but valuable reference) site would be harmed.

Therefore, I think Wings should stick to shaping the constitutional debate. Just my 2 smackerooni cent’s worth.

Bill Halliday

If you go by the Main Stream Media, it’s almost as if the Referendum never happened. The traditional parties are obviously determined that our “Celtic Spring” political awakening will fade away and “normality” return. It will be interesting to see where Party Membership numbers are this time next year.
There was so much good appeared to be coming out of this, the various 45% ‘groups’, the Common Weal and various people trying to start alternatives to the BBC but unless you have the time and ability to use Twitter/Facebook it’s nigh on impossible to keep up with the myriad of threads. That’s what our ‘Traditional’ politicians and Media are relying on.
It seems the only way to organise is via the Main Stream Parties and it’s all very well to join but pointless unless you are going to attend meetings and become involved in the debate. But as Ferdinand Mount points out, the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems were re-organised decades ago to prevent the grass roots from influencing Policy.
So please Stu, at least continue watching what Westminster and the main Parties are up to. There is still a slight hope we may be able to hold their feet to the fire. But be in no doubt, even if Labour and the Lib Dems are decimated in Scotland in 2015, it won’t make a blind bit of difference to Westminster. If anything it will help them.
As many more have pointed out, we had all the power in our hands up until 10pm on the 18th of September, then handed it back.


Why not do both? I don’t see why locality should be an issue. Just in passing, have you considered setting up a forum to enable discussion?

Alan McHarg

Independence should be core. Keep holding all to account. Pick apart the union arrgument and keep showing them for what they ate. Two more blue books required. One on scotlandd wealth and viability and one on the lies over the past three years minimum. Oh and another crowd funder to do it. Thank you.


Further thoughts.

The MSM will stop talking about independence. It’s back in the box, if not gone for ever, as far as they are concerned.

Independence as the ultimate target has to be kept continually in voters’ minds.

A philosophy of , “well it wouldn’t have happened with Indy” or “with Indy it would have been sorted” needs to be part of mainstream conversation. It won’t be on the MSM but on the streets and in the workplace that needs to be the way everything is viewed. What would have happened if …?

That way, when the next opportunity arises, more people have had more time to see Indy as the solution, not a problem.

bobdog collie

I would think a look at our unelected house of lords should be in our interests of being a fully democratic country as all our laws past in Westminster affecting Scotland are being scrutinised by the most undemocratic second chamber in the world apart from communist China who also have the power to shut down Scotland’s parliament in a self indulgent moment of something called a whim.

Alan McHarg

Independence should be core. Keep holding all to account. Pick apart the union arrgument and keep showing them for what they are. Two more blue books required. One on scotlandd wealth and viability and one on the lies over the past three years minimum. Oh and another crowd funder to do it. Thank you.


The focus should continue to be on media bias and incompetence. A broadening of scope into day-to-day scottish politics would be more than welcome, and there is nothing to stop you holding the SNP to account too while maintaining a partisan stance in independence.

The SNP were partly responsible for the conflation of their party with the Yes movement, and made tactical errors during the campaign which they must not be allowed to repeat.

Frank Lynch

Can’t you tie up with the NewsnetScotland/DerekBateman combo, the focus of which is also now focusing on the devolution settlement?


To add to what I’ve already said, if this site, or any project it wants to undertake or support, needs money, I’ll be glad to donate. I’m not rich, but I’ll always find a few bob to put towards fighting for the change we need, and countering the apologists and propagandists for the corrupt status quo.

frankie goes to holyrood

I love the “getting to the root of things” attitude on Wings.

Therefore, perhaps some focus on what is really happening in communities across Scotland, from the most deprived areas right through to the well-off areas?

I am hopeful that if people understand better what is really going on, then they will base their political (and IndyRef) views on fact rather than a view influenced by the MSM.

Chic McGregor

I think you should stick to what you do best. Critical analysis, exposing U politician misinformation and its dissemination by a U controlled media, research and FOIs to evidence your claims and the occasional Poll or two.

Re cooperation. From our (the readers) point of view it would be great if there were an on line resource which covered all areas of news and features. However I recognised at the onset that formal amalgamation was a non-starter. It is more a case of retention of editorial perspective rather than ego, although the two are somewhat related.

To that end, I made the following suggestion to NNS about three years back, pre-Wings, in fact.

I suggested that perhaps all the most respected indy sites could be linked in a magazine type format but where the individual ‘page’ editors retained editorial control over their content.

I envisaged the following:

The portal would display one of the websites as its front page.
At the bottom RHC of the page would be a little ‘turning corner’ image which the user could grab to turn the page (fancy graphic turn to enhance real newspaper illusion?)

The app started by doing this would also have a link to the next page(site) in the chain and the turning page would reveal the next website as it turned.

This site would also have the same corner app taking you to the next link and so on.

Note that each website would need to agree to including that little link app.

In effect it is not much more than the existing list of links most outlets now already have on their front page, but in reality, I think it would have a much more newspaper like look and feel and be much more comprehensive coverage.
It would also make it much more likely for readers to ‘thumb through’ all the main sites and get the range of different perspectives tick their ‘duty to be fully informed’ box.

With main pages like Wings, NNS, Bella, BFS, National Collective and William Duguid it would cover everything from critical analysis, political comment,art and literature, business news and first class sketch writing. All that would be missing would be Sport (and a crossword).

A one point entry reader satisfaction level to compete with any rag.

Chic McGregor

“We’re not letting you back into the games industry any time soon.”

Isn’t a lot of the Games industry in Scotland anyway?

Personally, I think Stu’s location has helped him avoid being sucked in to the palsy walsy quicksand.

Maybe after indy if we create a new town and called it Bath Bath (like Baden Baden in Germany). 🙂


Well its a big question you ask of us, but answering the big questions is how our country will gain its independence.

I agree with most people to keep independence at the forefront of what you do, as our MSM will try their best to ignore and rubbish the very idea of it.

The unionists in Scotland especialy the red tories are going to try very hard to cover up their rubbishing of Scotland at every level for over two and more years.

This must not be allowed to happen we need the likes of yourself and in collaberation with others to keep what they did to our country at the front of every conversation.

Our target must be the 2015 general election and with 1.6 millions votes at our disposal surely the past behaviour of the red tories must be highlighted every day, week and month and the power of those votes used to rid Scotland of this blight.

You are now in a unique position due to the sheer popularity of this site, to help change media coverage and its style for the very betterment of the people of our nation.

We need a new media to counter the old twisted unionist rife MSM that we have to endure at this moment in time. It is a critical path to our independence that a media exists to provide us with another view of Scotland.

I believe cooperation with all our YES groups and harnessing the power of citizen journalisum is a major target for WOS and the rest of the pro independence sites. As together we can take on everything the Westminster establishment throws at us and claim the prize.

jock mc X

Throwing my two cents in again,i have not read all the posts
but i get the impression readers are worried that Stuart
will take his eye off the ball as regards independence.

I am sure that will not be the case.

BUT there will be a hunger for what Wings is doing all over
the UK,westmonster politics sure but why stop there.

What i am thinking is…Stuart keeps this site going as is
but up in the links bar there is a new link to something
called,perhaps (Wings Over Scotland – On Sunday)…..

An online subscription Sunday newpaper,the talent must be
out there to cover all the usual sport, celeb stuff,but
with a wings attitude.

Man i would fu**k’n love it if wings became a MONSTER that
they could’nt deal with or ignore.

And if at some point it was being sold in every newsagent
so much the better.

You may say i’m a dreamer,but i’m not the only one.
Let’s make sure that things are never the same after
september 18th 2014…..Fuc*k Em.

Vlad (not that one}

Rev: You never gave me reason to doubt your sound sense or commitment, and I trust you will continue do whatever you think is best and most useful.

Please do not burn out. Stay focussed. There is along haul before us, so do pick and choose where to hit.

Try to avoid getting sidetracked into petty party politics.

By all means cooperate with the like minded, as long as it is not counterproductive.

But above all feel free to think outside the box, as per the WBB idea.

David Smith

While the main thrust of you reporting should remain directed towards the independence issue, I see a need for some pretty heavy journalistic hatchet swinging in the area of Scotland’s town halls, particularly the SLABscab ones.
Since land-related issues are critical to the regeneration of Scotland, some investigation there would do no harm either. I’m sure Andy Wightman would be pleased to assist.

R Weir

Dear Stu.

Thank you for your worthwhile efforts during the campaign for Scottish independence. I hope that Wings does continue as a vital source of criticism and coverage of Scottish politics well into the future.

The way ahead for your blog should be in my mind to remain as a supporter of independence. However fair and balanced ciritique is required of all Scottish parties, including the SNP (and I say this as an SNP member and voter).

Long may you continue.

Ian Brotherhood

@Iain (11.59) –

You may already have done so – in which case, apologies – but here is an ongoing project well worthy of support.

Kevin G started ‘Scottish Independence Live Events’ as a direct result of social interaction inspired by this site. He’s worked tirelessly, at his own expense, to initiate livestream coverage of indy-related events all across Scotland over the past two years, and has built up a network of volunteers who he has trained in the skills required to expand operations.

The appeal currently stands at £1,190, which represents approx 20% of the £4k he’s asking for.–2


WoS has been fantastic at debunking BBC-Labour MSM lies during the past two years, but we have to keep at it. The WBB was a blinder (ensuring YES went above 40% IMO), and more clever ideas will be required in future. I feel that we have all learned a great deal in this time – let’s build on that experience and take the fight to them. The establishment is utterly exhausted and desperate to get back to business as usual. The YES campaigners are also tired, but we are now battle-hardened, and we did not come this far to give up now. Making life as difficult as possible for the Red Tories, reaching as many soft NO voters as possible, isolating the Brit-Nats, and dealing with MSM mis-informaton are worthwhile objectives for the coming year(s).

They don’t want another fight.

Let’s give them one.


what you seem to excel at is exposing lies, half truths, tricks, manipulations and all the contradictions between what politicians and parties say and how they actually act.

Keep focusing on that, above all. No matter where it comes from.

The rest will take care of itself.

Ian Brotherhood

Further to my last, apologies – should’ve said K has now reached 30% of the target (not 20%).


Jim Graham

Frankly I’d like to see Rev Stu, Bateman, MacWhirter, McAlpine, Riddoch, Wishart, Newsnet Scotland, Kavanagh (WGD), Bella Caledonia, National Collective, Scottish Statesman, Women for Indy, Business for Scotland, Greg Moodie plus ecology, sport, arts and human interest writers all contributing to a new Scottish Newspaper, especially if that could also be produced in print.

I hear voices shouting “pipe dream”, but think about it for a minute. 1.6 million very willing customers! The financial risk not too high! If Catalonia can manage four supportive newspapers then surely we could manage one?

Could The Herald perhaps extend it’s ‘Sunday’ success by producing a daily tabloid? Or could the Scottish Statesman be adapted and financed for print? Is there someone, anyone, out there with the capital and the ‘guts’ to just go for it? Rupert Murdoch need not apply!

As for existing individual blogs, I would hope that these would continue. You folks are more than talented enough to keep both our interest and our loyalty.

The ‘Wings’ strength is in analysis and debunking of propaganda and lies. Independence, as far as most of us is concerned, is ‘unfinished business’. So there is definitely a successful continuing role for Rev Stuart for the duration, ‘to independence and beyond’. I don’t know about you folks, but I have no intention of waiting for the next generation.


For my money I think there needs to be a site which keeps an eye on how actions taken at Westminster affect Scotland and how they would feed into the independence discussion. This is especially true as they may inform the NEXT independence referendum!

For instance our share of a £3 billion bill for another middle east conflict we are getting whether we want it or not.

Posts may be more sporadic in this case, but I’m not sure


As for the above comment of Jim Graham, I heartily agree. How could 45% of Scotland’s electorate have NO media outlet?

Tom Platt

If events unfold as I expect them to, the May General Election will be the next crucial step on the road to Indy. The “Yes” momentum is easiest maintained by an equivalent organisation to “Yes” working between the pro Indy parties and factions. Wings could be an important part of that. To quote Michael Brand, please “Keep doing what you do. Expose Westminster’s lies and failures. Keep building resentment against Westminster & the unionists. We have a General Election to impact in a few months and hopefully Scots & Welsh nationalists will hold the balance of power at Westminster”. Holding the balance of power is less important IMO than the gaining of an overwhelming majority of Scottish seats occupied by MPs from pro Indy parties. They will obviously be mainly SNP MPs but not exclusively so. The SNP effort and mandate will be strengthened considerably and helped by their broader presence in a pro Indy Westminster coalition. I hope that you are willing to help.

Barbara Reid

I agree with lots of the comments posted. Wing’s contribution to the referendum has been invaluable. During the next six months all sorts is going to be thrown at the SNP candidates by the msm to discredit them in an effort to prevent a majority of independence supporting MPs being elected to Westminster. It is astonishing how little is known about the role of the Scottish government and the public blames them for everything not at all understanding that there is so little devolved. They will need the media that supports independence to educate and inform as much as possible running up to the election. Do what you do best, explain in easy to understand terms the spin these Eton and Cambridge educated journalists put on their reports.


I always liked the Gandhi quote, with phases of revolution …. Ignore, laugh, fight, win. What I didnt quite appreciate is we will have to repeat the first three! As far as the MSM are concerned, it’s back to ‘ignore’! And, we mustn’t let them do that for long!

Rosa Alba Macdonald

Expand to cover life and issues in Scotland more generally, and in the rUK when impacting on Scotland. Having said which there is the Holyrood Review, Newsnet, Scots Statesman, Modern Scotsman.

Brian Hill

I’ve always liked your analytical approach. I’d like to see it continue with the Scottish focus, maybe be broadened, as some have suggested. Independence is clearly important since that’s where our socially just vision lies and empowerment is central to it. More important, perhaps, is the sense of a different kind of politics, the Scottish engagement and the way we coalesce on this side of the spectrum. Westminster’s neo-lib, trough-snouting pretence at consensus has disenfranchised too many. We need to keep the fire stoked in the new, and better, approach we’ve found.

neil mackenzie

Please remain focussed on independence and also hold all parties to account no matter who with your excellent sourced analysis. This is what we have come to expect and are more than happy to contribute to another fundraiser as and when necessary for you to avoid using Tory foodbanks.

Scott Henderson

Like everyone here I was devastated by the result of the referendum. Like many I had to go into work on the Friday and take the sarcastic comments and smug smiles of the ‘NO’ voters that I had argued with over the period of the campaign. When I got home the first thing I did was log onto WOS. I needed hope… the same hope that your site had brought to me all through the barrage of fear from the wankminster machine. I still need that hope, I still need the information to counter the crap and lies coming from the main stream media… I still need Wings Over Scotland. Your an intelligent guy, you’ll know what direction you want to go in. Like the rest of us you were gutted by the result. Like the rest of us you’ve felt the confusion, betrayal and the anger. You’ve had a well earned couple of weeks off, batteries charged. Don’t you feel ready to get into those bastards again? The candles of hope have not been snuffed out, they’re burning, and more candles are lit. We need, I need, Wings Over Scotland – fuel to keep the flame alight.


muttley79 says:
8 October, 2014 at 12:20 pm


Who is JPF?

“From Monty Python’s The Life of Brian. Great for getting discussion board sniping back on track.”
link to


Scott Henderson I agree with you. I am also seething inside with the state of things we have now landed ourselves in. We have to find a positive direction to move forward and keep our hopes and aspirations alive.

Craig Brown

Rev, the most important part of wings has been showing westminster for what it is.. same goes for the msm. It makes it so much easier for us to get our point across when in discussions with others as you back everything up with evidence. You’ve got to to keep doing that.


Others, such as NNS, already have that wider field covered and
are doing a good job of it.

In my humble opinion I would like yous to stick to what you do
best – covering issues related to Independence with occasional
articles on other issues such as exposing blatant media lies.
Even starting a wee newspaper/Beeb watch type of section.

BTW, I found The Wee Blue Book to be THE most vital weapon in my
armoury, pre referendum. I plan on adding it to my collection of
family history research items so future generations of my family
can see the great work a lot of people were doing in the fight
for Scottish Independence.


Voters will continue to be told one thing in Scotland and another in the rest of the UK- especially by the Labour party. We need to be informed of this if we are to make the best possible decision come the GE next year


A pro-Scottish alignment without a party slant is like real grown-up media – you know, like they have in proper countries.

Imagine an anti-Irish Irish Times or Donegal News, for example. No, neither can I.

More power to your elbow. Guma math thèid dhuibh!


Bye bye British Labour Party and good riddance to you you self interested, incompetent, Tory fag boys. There was a chance to be something greater but turns out you have no interest in Scotland or it’s people just Westminster.

Scariest thing I have read on Indyref is from someone who crunched all ‘referendum’ voting numbers.

Basically the reason yes lost was 25% of people who never voted in 1979 and 1997 but were moved enough to get of their arses in 2014 to vote NO.


Project fear most likely.

How counter this in the longer term? Education and media and Wings is perfectly placed to do this.

A. Mylchreest

Given your location, perhaps it might be useful at some point to venture across to darkest Wales as we don’t really hear much about how their independence movement is progressing (or not) and especially how recent Scottish developments have affected them. Are they potential allies (e.g. in Westminster after the next GE) or is their agenda quite different from ours. Just a thought 🙂

Alan Coventry

The short term goal is no longer independence, but is still social progress and democratic reform. Scottish Politics can’t be overlooked. We will be given more “powers”, although not the ones we need or want. The powers given to (and taken from) us will be to give Westminster more power and hamstring the SNP / yes alliance Scottish govt. It is vital that the Smith Commission gets reported on, as well as future reporting of goings on at Holyrood.


Stu: I’d say keep independence at the forefront of everything you do – covering Scottish politics needn’t be completely partisan if you remember you’re pro-indy first and foremost, and so your broader coverage would need to keep that in mind when praising/criticising things politicians have said and done. We don’t know if there’ll be another bite at the cherry in the foreseeable future but if there is, you’ve got to remember WoS will be automatically looked to as a Yes figurehead and the Nos will be scouring what you’ve written between referenda for inconsistencies in the hope of finding a stick to beat you with. From a pro-indy viewpoint, praising Labour or even the Tories for saying/doing positive things, criticising the SNP for saying/doing negative things, would probably go very far in reinforcing the “partisan for Yes, not for the SNP” line should this all kick off again.

A. Mylchreest: almost nobody here in Wales is in favour of independence (the last poll was something ridiculous like 96% No, 4% Yes), but since 1997 there has been a steady buildup for devo max – we had a referendum a couple of years ago on boosting the powers of our Senedd and it was a landslide for Yes. Allies at Westminster? Probably not, the Welsh Westminster vote is as solid red as can be, while Plaid Cymru (the closest thing Wales has to the SNP, which is to say not particularly close) are generally held to be off-puttingly chippy and parochial in UK elections, and rarely gain any serious traction beyond their rural Welsh-speaking heartlands.


Stu, I’d like to see a regular newsletter/magazine to take things naturally to the next level, with possible regular subscribers!

margo allan

independence first .I will enjoy all forms of Scotlands politics.

[…] The way ahead […]

Phil Boswell

Keep the Indy focus, continue to educate and enlighten and encourage activism.


su j

Dear Rev Stu,
I dunno how you are gonna read all these!
Hope you had a great break.
I came late to your fabulous page and whilst I never had a doubt over voting YES, I had questions answered by your input. I also gained a lot of info after sleeping through politics for let’s call it a couple of decades…
You continue with your work if you have the energy. Be bold re indy, as it may come, and be bold about the ability of the tv and papers to mould our ideas. I am ashamed of the BBC but I’m paying my fee to see politics in action in Holyrood. Uncut.
I’m afraid you are at the helm Stu. Decision making since the ref has not been my forte but I sure have found my political voice.
Given the readership you have had, it seems appropriate for you to continue…unless it saps you.
We are not alone wanting indy as the hope over fear get together in George sq today shows.
Go Rev Stu!

William Bolton

Eyes on the prize Stu, stay focused. There are plenty of sources for news on wider UK political developments. If you get distracted by Cameron and Boris pretending not to hate each other then you just fall into their trap. Don’t let the UK media set the agenda. Encourage your readers to contact the Smith Commission to exert pressure for broadcasting to become a devolved power.

Stewart McLintock

Keep the info on indy
Keep the WBB up to date- maybe change the format, in other words it may be an idea to have a form of WBB for the 2015 WM general election.

It could be used to blitz every house with the options on Scottish indy via devo max.

Remember there is a hive of volunteers out and about who are ready and able to chap doors- we now know where the weak areas are and won’t rest on our laurels
We need to start early and a WBB arguing indy via devo max is ideal
We need to show the evidence – backed up by things like before and after shots of Labour twitter account and the Daily Rant

We need to show the hypocrisy of Labour on both sides of the border

We need to show the articles showing the oil running out in the Scottish media alongside the Times article showing record flow rates and record investment in Scottish waters

All these things need to be out in the open mid- Feb onwards


The indyref margin was 10% therefore the swing is 5%. There were probably more than 5% influenced by last minute promises by Westminster and Brown. The work on those promises hasn’t yet started and already it is over a week late! Do you think over 200,000 in Scotland who voted in fear could become disillusioned? Any time soon! The job isn’t done Rev Stu. Let’s keep going until the promises are met or the 5% switherers are with US! That means making them welcome not slamming them – keep it positive – they will see the real value of a Westminster promise very soon. As for Brown, he has no power to promise anything.


I know this wouldn’t exactly fall within your remit, however I was thinking that it may be a good idea if you produced some easy to understand articles showing the basic differences between Westminster and Holyrood while explaining how these differences make Holyrood a more “democratic” government. For example, the fact that Holyrood uses a form of Proportional Representation for voting in elections rather than First Past The Post. Explaining how the House of Lords can affect laws that are passed might also be a good article.
Although this doesn’t entirely take politicians out of the picture it places more of an emphasis on HOW the system operates (and how it could be run better) as opposed to WHO operates the system.
I think if the majority of people could understand these differences then they would be more inclined to vote Yes the next time round.

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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “She exhibits such a defeatist attitude (smile:)Jan 10, 23:20
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Where’s her dignity.Jan 10, 23:18
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Queen Natalie @TheNorfolkLion: “What the hell is going on in Scotland? This woke nonsense implemented in Scotland by Nicola Sturgeon…Jan 10, 23:13
    • sarah on Eyes Full Of Beams: “To be fair, Dan, although I have often asked Stu to get on the phone to the other powerful thinkers…Jan 10, 22:38
    • Tartanpigsy on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “The term ‘Grooming Gangs’ in itself belittles the crimes these people perpetrate It’s softening the essence of what they do…Jan 10, 22:24
    • sarah on Eyes Full Of Beams: “I’m sick of waiting, too [and am well past retirement]. What drives me mad is that it is obvious what…Jan 10, 22:11
    • Young Lochinvar on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Well said.Jan 10, 22:11
  • A tall tale

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