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Wings Over Scotland

The Surrender Code

Posted on February 14, 2024 by

When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time.

Because give him some credit, he’s not lying.

Since the day he was – let’s phrase this carefully – chosen as SNP leader, Yousaf has consistently said the same thing, over and over: that his priorities will be the priorities of the Scottish people. And we know what the priorities of the Scottish people are – or rather, we know what they aren’t.

(It is of course the case that the First Minister should govern in the interests of the entire country, including No voters. But Humza Yousaf is also the leader of the SNP, and as such it’s his job to try to shape and influence the priorities of the people, not just to slavishly follow them. They have plenty of other parties that they could vote for if they don’t want independence.)

So the conspicuously absent word in tweets like these should be no surprise:

Those of us for whom independence still matters have perhaps made something of an error in believing that the problem is SNP voters inexplicably failing to notice the party’s demonstrable lack of interest in achieving its supposed defining goal.

Because what polling since Humza Yousaf became FM suggests is that even SNP supporters don’t regard it as a priority. For whatever reason – and perhaps years of being conditioned by signalling from the previous leadership are a significant factor – the party’s voters, like the party itself, now appear to prioritise simply staying in power, with independence regarded not only as unachievable, but damaging to even attempt.

(They doubtless tell themselves that that’s for the benefit of Scotland, but that belief collapses under even the gentlest scrutiny of the SNP’s record in domestic governance since 2015. Rather, like football fans, they’re now just addicted to the thrill of winning for the sake of it.)

That would certainly go a long way to explain the 20-point gulf between support for independence and the party, and the failure of Alba to make a breakthrough, and why indy supporters are moving to a party that’s as implacably opposed to independence as Scottish Labour – because they’re scunnered with the SNP and no longer think indy is a live issue so it doesn’t matter.

It is no longer possible to reasonably assume that an SNP voter is meaningfully interested in independence, or vice versa. And if you care to actually listen to what the party’s leader says, even the pretence is now all but gone.

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Ian McCubbin

Oh dear but where does this leave independence movement.
Those of us now outside SNP and who still want independence may not make up majority of Scots.
Will Snp lose seats to labour as predicted or will it all end in stalemate with no party in control of Holyrood?
What will SNP do if they have up to 10 Alba and ISP along with 20+ Labour MSPs?
An interestng scenario possibly.

Andrew Morton

Hardly surprising, the SNP has dropped 50,000 members in the last few years almost all of whom will have been dedicated independence supporters. What remains are the less committed.

They would naturally have independence as a nice to have but not essential.

Patsy Millar

Rev, just as I was having a wee cheery up with the Rev Jolly sketch you had to bring me back painfully to earth with a reminder of the reality that is Scotland at the moment. Bugger the lot of them.


‘Like football fans’ is exactly it.

James Che

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.

That is what happened to the Snp.

They are now the very opposition to Scottish independence.

Lorna Campbell

I would dispute that older Scottish people are anti independence. Most of those migrating to Scotland are in the older/elderly bracket, but they do not reflect the Scottish elderly position, albeit many Scottish Unionists are elderly, too. However, in no age bracket do Unionist Scots outvote independence-supporting Scots. During the 2014 referendum, the independence hubs were full of older Scots, manning them visiting them, donating.

I would agree that those left in the SNP do not see independence as a priority because they see the ‘trans’ issue as the priority. Some day, the intentionally and wilfully blind will realize that they were conned and have been cheated out of independence by the politicians quite deliberately. The leadership of the SNP thought, in 2014/15: oh, how can we engage the young people? Yes, let’s concentrate all our energies and resources on the ‘trans community’, whatever that is. Let’s betray all the female voters who have supported us throughout SNP history and let’s especially betray the females who actually worked hard in leafleting on the doorstep, going on marches, holding all kinds of fundraisers. We don’t need them anymore, so they can go to hell.

This issue, and this issue alone, has destroyed the SNP and will destroy the Greens and Labour and Lib Dems. It does not matter a jot who comes to power this year, the result will be the same: the parasites will take over the reins of power and infiltrate every political body. A letter in today’s National lays out how we could have achieved independence, but the stark and shameful reality is that the SNP leadership grabbed hold of the delusion with both hands and used it to crush independence. No backbone. Boneheaded. Traitors to the cause of Scotland’s independent future. Do they care about child poverty and the miserable lives of so many? In a vague, middle-class, virtue-signalling way, but, more than skin-deep? Nah, or they would have grabbed independence with both hands. The ‘trans’ issue was the war of choice that let them off the hook.


How much did the top job cost?


“In my first full week as FM, i have been focussed on the priorities of the Scottish people.”

Humza Yuosaf (aka: Hoozat Useless)

Your Party was elected on an indy ticket so i guess that makes you a liar, Useless, eh? Where’s the referendum you and your predecessor touted to get your Party elected?


I’ll be abstaining at the next Westminster election unless the SNP or Alba adopts the Sinn Fein policy of their MPs refusing to take their seats in England’s parliament.


Lorna Campbell

Let’s betray all the female voters who have supported us throughout SNP history and let’s especially betray the females who actually worked hard in leafleting on the doorstep, going on marches, holding all kinds of fundraisers. We don’t need them anymore, so they can go to hell.

It definitely doesn’t feel good to know you don’t matter.

Alba’s policies on ‘woman’s rights’ is just exactly the same as the Tories. That’s disappointing!

Unless the ‘Posie Parker Party’ is standing in Scotland I won’t be voting for anyone.


Independence wasn’t given as an option in the poll. You had to pick other and type it in. So maybe not as bad as it seems.


Fresh blow for SNP as poll finds just a third of independence backers believe breaking up the UK is a top priority

If you are starving, freezing, unable to find suitable accommodation, the teachers are telling your son he is a girl,your roads are full of potholes, rapists are being called she and put in a woman’s prison, juryless trials are on the cards, paedophiles/rapists are getting away with a slap on the wrist, the government is corrupt & the current FM may have paid for the top job, there are currently 3 police investigation involving the SG, freedom of speech is being denied, you have zero trust in any politician then independence isn’t going to be your top priority.


Humza is utterly useless – Isn’t he ?

The first thing folk do when they are changing party is stop voting for them. And we are seeing this in the nuSNP.

NuSNP MPs are noticing donations have dried up, the party’s cash is long gone, the footsoldiers have gone, their membership is plummeting and morale is non-existent. And they will have to defend Self I.D., men in women’s spaces, child mutilation and any other scandals that come to light – on the doorstep.

Humza’s days as a MSP, never mind a party leader, are numbered.

NuLabour, and the other English parties, may gain MPs at the next election, but I think their victory will be pyrrhic.

I don’t think the westmonster election will happen until the last possible moment (November – I think). And between then and now we have Salmond’s court case, e-mail revelations, a nuSNP mutiny, and the downfall of the transcult to look forward to.

Remember in 2007, no one expected the SNP to do as well as it did. And wasn’t that a great time to be alive.

However, we must all remember – “It’s the hope that kills you.”. 🙂


How about stopping our resources from being looted Humza or maybe not spending our money helping out your relatives. unelected unelected


Ah like Shona Robinson. She eywis – eywis – hus a look oan her lobotomised puss like Wile E Coyote dis when he’s jist run aff a cliff n jist realised he’s aboot tae plunge tae his roadrunner-free doom. Or is that Humza Yousaf ah’m hinking ay, or Michael Matheson , or Fergus Ewing…or…well, ah could go oan. Aw these see-through spectral nae-marks look n smell the same tae me. N ah smell shite.


If that’s the case and Scots or some of them put the likes of the NHS the economy etc ahead of independence, then these things will not prosper, nor will they, for the only way for Scotland to reach its full potential NHS, economy etc is WITH independence.

I’ve no doubt Yousaf and Co knows this, but he’s pandering (votes/donations) to those who wants these public services to be better now, but the reality is they can never be truly better until we control every aspect of them without interference from a foreign country.

It seems to me that many Scots are not educated on the fact that there can be no REAL progression without secession, ergo we’ll remain in a poverty racked state of limbo with ever reducing public services.

An excellent article on the financial side of things in an indy Scotland.

link to

Vivian O’Blivion

“grow the economy” how do they propose to do that? They can barely utter the term “industrial policy” and no Minister (even at junior level) has “industry” incorporated into their job title.
Of course “industry” gives the Malthusian zealots fae the Greens the vapours. The Salmond strategy was to grow support for independence by demonstrating competent, adult governance under the restrictive terms of Devolution.
The Cabinet and Ministerial posts are now filled based on perceived, personal loyalty to the leader. I’ve seen this scenario in the Private Sector and it doesn’t end well. Handpicked nincompoops spiralling in ever decreasing circles.

Anton Decadent

Some of you will be realising that these clowns, and that includes pretty much the entire political class across the board, are a boiler room fraud and do the bidding of those who give them status which is not the electorate. Any kind of nationalism, culture, self determination in Western nations is seen as far white, sorry, Right.


So Trans rights is only 3%.

Makes a mockery of the NuSNP claims that this is what the public voted for in the previous Holyrood elections.

Be damned the whole fuckin lot of them.

Young Lochinvar

I blame the supposed bulk of SNP members who voted for HY.
He was absolutely clear at the hustings what his focus was and it certainly wasn’t independence, what was it he said just once; ah yes – I’m really quite keen on Independence.
Hardly a rousing call to arms.

What did he focus on; the alphabetties pet projects as they were demonising Regan and Forbes to his benefit.

The electorate watched on in increasing bewilderment and rising disgust at the SNPs self imposed unraveling loss of direction.
The deaf to the room SNP members meantime seek solace in not seeing past blue tents.

The SNP is done, they still haven’t truly grasped the *why* in what happened at Rutherglen Hamilton West, to them it’s always someone else’s fault.

Lorna Campbell above is right, the alphabettie cuckoos in the SNP hierarchy nest will jump ship to whoever, whatever, whenever, is the winning party and will do the same to them as well.

Border Terrier

Probably time to face up to reality – the push for independence is dead in the water for some time to come

Gregory Beekman

I’ll vote Alba (hey, I’m a member) but I’ve sort of accepted in my heart that independence will never happen. We had one golden chance in 2014 but we bottled it as a nation. A shame that will wound us forever.


I support Indy as a priority but there are multiple priorities.

It doesn’t feel like the GE is a vote on independence so Yes voters feel able to go elsewhere for the first time in years..some taking the opportunity. Fin


Doesn’t matter whether the so-called “priorities” are those of the public or are those of Dumbza’s rancid SNP…

Either way they’ll make a cluster-f**k of it!

The list of failed, withdrawn, challenged, amended beyond recognition or just utterly incompetent legislation is long and not terribly distinguished.

From GRR to IndyRef2 to HPMAs to ferries to A9 dualling to Curriculum for Excellence & NAT5/Higher/ADV Higher to school buildings to hospital buildings to GP and Dentistry provision to land reform to selling seabed leases for wind turbines for a song to…need I go on?

Whatever Dumbza Yousless and his big tent of clueless, self-serving clowns are just an almighty shit-show.

Lorna Campbell

Ruby: not ignored. I’m coming round to that way of thinking myself. Incidentally, just as a matter of interest, why do you write ‘ignored’ against so many people? Just wondered.


“we will deliver on the priorities of the people of Scotland”

Or at least, the 3% who believe that gender recognition and trans rights are the top priorities.

[…] 14 February, 2024 at 2:26 pm […]


@ Gregory Beekman 4.50pm Every time I see that manipulated lie raising it’s reviled head I cringe, SCOTS voted FOR independence make no mistake about it, the PROOF was established, albeit it was then disappeared to suit the establishment, no matter how many times fake independence supporters or yoonionists want to try to deride or deny the reality by using the disparaging “We wuz Robbed” phrase it doesn’t change THE TRUTH

And TBQH if Alex Salmond or anyone else insists on using the same franchise we deserve to remain tied to the corrupt and fucked UK

Does ANYONE really think that WM will not use every and all avenues legal or illegal to hold on to their cash cow, FFS they already did it with the 2014 ref, breaking purdah , postal votes , all political leaders swamping Scotland, supposed stars and celebs love bombing Scotland, Obama sticking his nose in,Lizzy giving advice,project FEAR,the bbc and other broadcasters interfering with outright lies,Openly lying to pensioners,lies about borders your relatives will become FOREIGNERS, allowing EU residents to vote whilst telling them that Scotland will be ejected from the EU if independent,the VOW collaboration with the lying political leaders, and to top it all giving votes to ANYONE from ANYWHERE because we’re too soft and too stupid and so want to be loved
Instead of being ASHAMED at the bastards LYING and CHEATING be PROUD that we got so close up against that monumental warfare arranged against US the indigenous Scots, let us LEARN by our mistakes and fuck being too soft and too stupid, if people want to come here and share our beautiful and bounteous country fair enough, but THEY don’t tell us what we should do constitutionally until they are granted citizenship, IF they are granted citizenship
I am sick and tired of politicians undermining our country, I am sick and tired of politicians undervaluing our country, I am sick and tired of politicians giving away what is ours, and I am sick and tired of politicians encouraging everyone from anywhere to just turn up and you are welcome here


The TIT has failed in every regard.

Lorna Campbell

Young Lochivar: the real problem is not the numbers of so-called ‘trans’. At least, we can see them. It is the supporters who are in every party, in every government, in every public service, in many private businesses and corporates… These are the ones who are the real danger, and we just never ask what it is that their motives are.

Some of them will, of course, be deviants in the closet (and I suspect that quite a few politicians will fit that bill) but it has to be more than that. They entered the SNP specifically to carry out two agendas: 1. the ‘trans’ takeover that was designed to stymie independence; but the second? It has to be political because they are now in every party, with exactly the same purpose: to stymie government of the people by the people; so, their primary purpose is not just to push the ‘trans’ agenda, albeit that is how it appears, and actually is to a great extent, but it must also be to put the brakes on every party so that that party’s policies and manifesto commitments will not be met.

Who would benefit? Not the Tories, not this time. Not the SNP and independence. Not the Greens and the green policies, not the Lib Dems and their pseudo liberalism, not Labour and its right of centre agenda because the ‘trans’ issue destroys all of these by dividing the parties. So, who? The hard left post modernists and queer theorists? Undoubtedly. Yet, who would benefit most from the destruction of our society, given that Communism is no longer a philosophy fit for purpose? It can only be those who always benefit no matter which political system holds sway: the fat cat money-makers who work only on their own behalf. Follow the money.


“We had one golden chance in 2014 but we bottled it as a nation”

Scots voted yes in 2014, so don’t feel so bad about it.

Meanwhile Ian Gray the new health minster is promising to make our NHS a lot better, well you know what I mean, we’ve heard it all before with Yousaf, Freeman, Matheson and of course Sturgeon the betrayer.


This article will definitely get the well intentioned but nevertheless fantasists,stewing in their juices and foaming at the mouth.

I genuinely believe that currently more than 50% of Scots favour Independence. That includes me.

I also genuinely believe that a lot less than 50% would vote for it until there was an honest, competent Government in place or in waiting. That also includes me. There are simply too many unanswered questions that no one is addressing. 90% of Scots have no real interest in politics however, people will never vote for the unknown.

If Independence is ever achieved (I doubt it) the Westminster SNP MP’s are out of a job. For that reason alone you can understand their reluctance to fully pursue Independence.There would be an almighty scramble for positions in Holyrood and in true SNP fashion, the wrong individuals would be nominated. Assuming, of course, that the Government of the day wish to call an election asap. I have read, only in previous posts on here from the crystal ball holders, that new parties would automatically be formed. Would they consist of the old SNP MP’s and SMP’s who have to date failed spectacularly in everything they have touched? How is the new Party Alba getting on?

Scotland had it’s chance and blew it. Given the governance of the SNP since 2014, we definitely dodged a bullet.

The fantasists can dream up their fanciful notions of how to gain Independence but there is only one way it will ever be achieved and that is by the ballot box.

A dose of realism is required by many.


“…we bottled it as a nation.”

Don’t think ‘we’ did any such thing. The Scots voted Yes.


It must be shit being a member at Chas’s. Golf club, what with him always turning up uninvited to tell the other players how hopeless they are that they should give up.


Said it before & I’ll say it again.

Remove mitigation.

Yoons vote SNP. They vote for them because in the unlikely event the SNP grew a spine & called a ref – they’d have the option to vote No again.

We seen that during the leadership contest & the proposed plebasite by Ash. Yoons went Tonto on X about *how unfair* it was because *elections are about other things besides indy* Greens too with the *fuck indy – trans shit first*

There is the problem that is causing the best of both worlds & the stand off. Unionists aren’t daft.

I’m not expert on polling but Lord Ashcroft isn’t asking Scottish people the right questions. WTAF is all that shit to do with Scots? There is only three questions that I can see that Holyrood is in (part) control of – everything else is Westminster. Pensions? The economy? *Facepalm*

I think the independence support hasn’t migrated because Alba seems to have picked up the SNP hymn sheet & want to go to Westminster. The United idea wasn’t the brightest. I don’t think they’d get anyone sane holding their nose & voting for a nonce apologist standing in their area.


“Gender recognition & Trans rights 3%”


7 yrs wasted on that shit & countless hundreds of thousands of £££s on wee trans clubs & chariteees..


Duncan Strachan


Bang on button. I’m sick of the desperate, hideous, obsequious desire not be impolite to Incomers and the UK. Many are good for us most couldn’t give a dried turd for Scotlands constitutionL rights



Correct. I dunno why that line keeps being trotted out like it was fact. Three universities studied the demographics. Scots voted Yes.

Unless the franchise is changed it will be a thumping No next time too.

Scotland – the only nation is the whole wide world thats Sovereignty & constitution is decided by it’s hostile neighbours. Whas like us eh? *Weeps* They’re aw deid & spinning in their graves.

J Scott

I had a conversation with my sister about the current SNP government. We concluded that when you don’t actually deliver any meaningful policies or improvements for nearly a decade , then people will become unhappy . Add to that, the fact that all you actually appear to deliver is policies seemingly designed to piss the majority of people off , OBF, GRA, potential juryless trials , then you are going to get a sore one at the ballot box . This is likely to happen at the GE , but the SNP will still hold the reins at Holyrood.

Now if you were say a , shamless narcissist, it would be handy if someone else was carrying the can when this happens . Leaving you free to pursue other income streams and to position yourself as the saviour of the party and of “ independence “ once the party has had its kicking .

David Hannah

The First Minister of Gaza. I hear he’s in Quatar talking with Hamas. No doubt giving all of our money away and wanting to build his own Gaza Strip on the River Clyde.

Meanwhile cutting the housing budget by £200 million. But self identity as transgender, non binary Ukranian Palestinian refugee. And be given the free house. The baby box. The two child payment. The mobility scooter. The free laptop. And the free mobility car.

Scottish men need not apply.

David Hannah

Now that he’s in Quatar. Talking with Hamas behind Alaister Jack’s back. I hope the First Minister of Gaza, has his passport revoked. And he’s denied entry back into Scotland. Now that he’s out. He should be cavity searched and jailed as a threat to UK security.

He’s been warned not to step out of line and he’s repeatedly ignored Alaister Jack’s warnings.

The First Minister of Gaza, Hamas Humza has questions to answer. Just as Nadir’s brother in law has questions to answer about the white power, and the man falling from the tall buildings.

And of course. The fake brother in law that Ergodan has been given £750,000 to help illegally settle in Bute House.

I won’t hold my breath for Hamas Humza ever working to save Scotland.

David Hannah

He really is a threat to national security. And he should be jailed and denied entry back into Scotland.

I support the Tories on this one. Humza needs to remember that he works for Scotland. And hot John Kerry and the £24 million he gave to the false, green agenda.

Or the money he gave to the African hospitals to build solar panels. The sun always, shines on the equator. With Humza Yousaf. Meanwhile it’s pouring down in Scotland and the water is getting in.

We’re suffering. Where MI5 when you need them to act on the deleted whatsapp messages, and communications with terrorist organisations, Humza of Hamas.


14 February, 2024 at 3:19 pm

Independence wasn’t given as an option in the poll. You had to pick other and type it in. So maybe not as bad as it seems.




Third time lucky eh?

Mark Beggan

Humza was born to be a clown and he is half way there to fulfilling his destiny.


“Unionists aren’t daft.”

I was with you until you said that, Geri.


You might as well do the same as SNP voters and succeed Dugdale.

As someone not so famous once posted here:

“Scotland really has some of the most stupid and pathetic people on the planet.”


Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t Sturgeon campaign at one election saying a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence but for a strong voice for Scotland?

I asked a Scottish friend about this saying why would you vote for the SNP if you were anti-independence? He said because they were the only serious show in town and they would stick up for Scotland. I replied but surely it won’t lead to anything good, just endless limbo and not much progress on anything – encouraging a party who are not that motivated about independence, even though it is their raison d’etre, but still like to complain about it and Scotland’s lot generally, is like a caricature of the whinging Scot.

In terms of being good for Scotland it would be better to have a party that was able to work with Westminster for the better of Scotland, not one that supposedly wants independence but does nothing much about it but then complains they can’t do much because the country is not independent.

I know the SNP have changed tack now but is it too late? About the best thing the SNP can hope for is the weakness of Labour generally.


IMO, You still need to add likes to the btl posts and I’d love if the ones I ignore just fkd off out of my sight, in fact if there was a thumbs down option perhaps they would simply disappear with enoogh votes – we know who would be gone quickly. Let’s clean up the debate pls and get the trolls tae fk.


IMO, You still need to add likes to the btl posts and I’d love if the ones I ignore just fkd off out of my sight, in fact if there was a thumbs down option perhaps they would simply disappear with enough votes – we know who would be gone quickly. Let’s clean up the debate pls and get the trolls tae fk.


The SNP seems to be persuading the many potential Yes voters to accept devolution without saying as much. Perhaps they think that if they stop talking about independence, folk will think that what we have is as good as it gets. To get people to accept second best, they change the narrative. It’s a form of condirioning.



**Independence wasn’t given as an option in the poll. You had to pick other and type it in. So maybe not as bad as it seems.**

See, this is why I don’t trust polls. That was sneaky. Along with asking an administration wtf they plan on doing about pensions..jeez.


Lol well let’s hope they’re daft enough to vote Labour. A nice bit of bedroom tax & snatching their bairns school meals may bring the Yoon thumpers some much needed clarity.
Vote yoon – then live with Yoon policies.

Mitigation, imo, is a sticking plaster that hides the reality of remaining in the union. They’ve safely voted SNP in the knowledge that if a ref was ever called they’d just vote No again.
Green polls show they are unionist too & any I’ve had the misfortune to come across on x is the rabid Pampers crew who need the SNP to remain in power & aren’t fussed on independence.

So there was have it. Indy has no one to vote for unless a bunch of independents stand or Salmond starts getting radical & across ALL social media. Taking seats in WM is a complete waste of time. It’s an English parliament – let them have it all to themselves & withdraw. No Scotland – No parliament of Great Britain.


‘In a survey, the first of its kind, people voted for the most “bland, boring, soulless, uncultured middle-England municipalities of mediocrity, that imbue the inhabitants with an almost terminal case of ennui”.

Falmouth trumped Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, by 27 votes, while Aberdeen and Alloa in Scotland came third and fourth on the list.’

Well, this is a turn-up for the books. Apparently Aberdeen and Alloa are in middle England now. Who knew?

link to

Corrado Mella

I must admit that I’m seriously considering upping sticks and moving to a country that is already “independent” in the sense that it’s consistent, cohesive and socially homogeneous.

I can do it tomorrow, on my ticket to freedom – an EU passport and four spoken European languages.

I’m sorry for all of you, sorry for the many good people that I know, sorry for the long-term customers who will have to find someone else to give them competent IT support, sorry for the many charities that I’m helping and sorry for all the fellow Independence supporters.
You’re precious and good, but too few and far between.

The rest is a scraggly concoction of non-entities, spineless, opportunists, nihilists and assorted ignoramuses.

I don’t have time for losers. And you?

Know your worth.



That was in 2015 BUT it also said if we were taken out of the EU against our will (Brexit vote the following year) then they’d call an independence referendum.

Sturgeon had a mandate when Scotland voted to remain. She bottled it, then tried to reverse Brexit which would have rendered her own mandate void. Stupid cow.

Also, Scotland gets absolutely nothing from Westminster. Nothing. Zero. It wouldn’t matter if it was Christ himself that we sent there. Even the dumb *Scottish* Tories who won 7 seats got absolutely nothing to show for it. There is also the Bain Principle. No one will ever vote on any SNP stuff put forward. Haven’t you noticed they all walk out when a Scottish MP stands to speak? Only time there is a full house is PMQs. That’s if you can hear a Scottish MP even speak over the animals in the zoo jeering

Parliament TV really should be mandatory viewing.

Mark Beggan

My confidence in Police Scotland is waining. Branchform rolls on like a rolling stone gathering mistrust and conspiracy.

Mark Beggan

What a web of lies Sturgeon has caught herself in. Lies about lies, upon lies within lies.
Shelob waiting in her lair.


My slant isn’t quite as bleak, Geri. It’s clear that the SNP needs to be taught a major lesson and that’s more important than anything to me right now, but even those who would put Indy first must see that getting rid of the SNP is a prerequisite.

Once we take the SNP out of the equation, anything is possible. Things can change very fast.

We don’t know how, but the sort of level of support we see for independence (even after a decade of SNP failures) is likely to find ways and means of expressing itself.

It’s morbidly fascinating watching political parties walk off cliffs, though, with everybody fully conscious of the fact that they are heading right for it. Tyrannical forces within the party refuse to accept there’s a problem, and discussion is prohibited; admitting there’s a problem would be tantamount to the leadership admitting they had failed (something Sturgeon has never been able to do), and in the lower ranks tantamount to disloyalty. So, everybody shuffles along quietly if miserably towards certain political doom.

I’m hoping one of those historical watershed backlashes happens and they get kicked out of every seat. It feels like something along those lines is bubbling under the surface.

The next General Election is may turn out to be the ultimate popcorn night.

Wee Chid

David Hannah
Ignored says:

You can always vote for the Zionist backed Labour party. I’m sure you’d prefer Israel running our countr. They could help WM get rid of all the indigenous Scots and complete the colonisation and absorbtion of Scotland into the Greater England project. They have form.



No counter argument against anything I wrote, just a poor attempt at abuse. Such is life.
Thankfully I will never see you at my golf club or any golf club for that matter. It would be too difficult for you to heave your fat erse around the course of 6 or 7 miles.
Mind you, you could always ‘prop up the bar’ boring every one in earshot.

Comment of the year to date-

‘Yoons vote SNP’. Who can better this over the next 10 months or so and steal the prize from Geri.


I have no counter argument because you produce no facts to debate.

The only fact I have ever seen you produce is that Independence marchers smell.
I doubt that they smell worse than the general population.

Robert Hughes

” Yoons vote SNP’. Who can better this over the next 10 months or so and steal the prize from Geri. ”

Hmmm , let me take-up this challenge , Ch’ass …..

” Mind you, you could always ‘prop up the bar’ boring every one in earshot. ” .

Coming from the undisputed Most Boring Commentator On WOS , that must take the prize for conceited self-delusion and absence of even a sprinkling of self-awareness .

A single sentence of Geri or Johnlm’s is worth more than your entire * contribution * here , Ch’ass .

@ Hatuey . Agreed . The Nu SNP embolus must be removed at the earliest opportunity . Only then will full recovery ( of our aspiration ) be possible .

Stuart MacKay

Political parties no longer lead, they only follow. That the SNP is no longer interested in independence is no surprise. Their goal is to get re-elected and until the electorate put independence first and foremost you won’t see any party respond.

With the S.S. Great Britain sinking slowly beneath the waves, the electorate are likely to continue their clamour for the basic essentials – jobs, education and health – that can no longer be delivered effectively, or in some cases, even at all. Maybe they’ll come to their senses and realise that change will only come with independence. The only problem is that nobody on stage is capable of delivering it. Even if Alba was staffed to the rooftops with Salmonds, they’d still have to operate in a system that is on the verge of collapse. Their chances of success in these circumstances are vanishingly small. I think it will take a general shake-up of the west and a rejection of neo-liberalism before we can expect to see the current situation change sufficiently to make independence a prospect. It’s slowly being delivered as Europe sinks further into the mire to be east. I’d rather it wasn’t delivered by tanks rolling into Berlin, again, but every cloud has a silver lining.

@Lorna excellent comments as ever. I disagree with your point that the trans lobby destroyed independence. On the contrary, the creation of the world’s first trans-ocracy would have been a notable achievement. It simply didn’t occur to them. Perhaps if the fruit-loop socialists and trans-humanists from sunny California were pushing for succession from the USA then we’d see a copycat action here. But alas, twas not to be.


15 February, 2024 at 8:44 am
It would be too difficult for you to heave your fat erse around the course of 6 or 7 miles.
Mind you, you could always ‘prop up the bar’ boring every one in earshot.

More fuckin’ playground shit & name calling from childish Chas

and it’s not even funny.


We need some action! Otherwise we’ll be stuck discussing what Chas said next.

Police Scotland are very slow.
3 years now since SNP fraud was reported.

link to

Scotland’s chief constable has said his working relationship with Nicola Sturgeon has made the investigation into SNP finances “difficult”.

I can’t remember what the other two Police investigation are called but there doesn’t seem to be much action on either of those fronts.

Meanwhile all the evidence has been shredded, deleted and buried in a back garden in Portugal.

Surely the the one about the leak to the D.Record has got to be a pretty easy investigation.

Andy Anderson

Hindered by our politicians: Using the GL we can be free.

If you are retired like me and have the time and interest in all things related to Scotlands independence you cannot help but become dismayed and disappointed at the lack of knowledge that our so called independence supporting MP’s and MSP’s appear to have.

Three examples of political mistakes and lost opportunities.

Unexpected for many of us Alec Salmond kept his 2010 election promise and managed to get us a referendum vote in September 2014. A euphoric time for many of us. There was a big thing at the time talking about civic nationalism with the emphasis that if you live in Scotland you can vote. All very noble and inclusive.

This referendum vote was a constitutional vote in that had the Yes side prevailed we would recreate once again a sovereign Scotland. A major shake up for the whole of the U.K.

Yet we allowed people to vote who had no historical or family links to our country. To clarify what I mean if you are from any part of the U.K. and resided here you had a vote. The United Nations recommends that significant votes on a major constitutional issue such as independence that the only people allowed to vote are those born in the country, those who’s parents were born in that country or likewise grandparents. This is because a new immigrant does not usually identify with their new country. Only their children or grandchildren do. You see this with immigrants from all countries including U.K. citizens abroad. Our politicians in negotiations with London made a mistake here regarding the voting franchise. For the Brexit vote in 2016 the U.K. did not make this mistake although they did not fully use the full UN guidelines.

Had we done this even with the lie of the Vow and the biased media the referendum result would have been just under 64% Yes.

Following the sadness and heartache of the 2014 referendum vote Scotland returned a massive result for the SNP in the GL of 2015 winning 56 of the 59 Westminster constituencies. I like to think that it was ignorance of our history that allowed our SNP politicians at the time to waste this major event. Westminster must have thought Christmas had come early when our new MP’s settled into the gravy train by the Thames without a peep regarding independence. Was this due to ignorance of the our laws or was it deliberate policy? Perhaps both.

Under the Treaty of Union they could have stated that Scotland is leaving the Union now as it had legally met the conditions with a majority of independence supporting MP’s. This would have created an unexpected and massive constitutional crisis. Although a correct legal action most of us nowadays would have considered this UDI so another vote would be promised within a year. A vote using UN constitutional guidelines and managed by the UN. During this intervening period work would be needed to prepare negotiations for independence and educate the population. We would have won our independent in 2017.

Scotland still has this majority of independence MP’s that is being wasted by our politicians. Having wasted the opportunity of the 2015 vote they could have used this opportunity and still can using any GL as a plebiscite vote ensuring that a note was sent out with ballot papers informing the electorate that a vote for an independent supporting MP would end the Union if there was a majority of such MP’s.

In 2016 we had a vote to leave the EU with only a 70 % turnout and a Leave majority of 51.8%. In Scotland we had a remain vote of over 62%.

Our politicians did nothing but moan. Their solution eventually was to write the Continuity bill in 2018 proposing that Scotland stay in the U.K. and EU just like it is with Northern Ireland today. The bill which legally was considered sound was held up for three months deliberately by the Supreme Court in order to allow Westminster to write a new law that stopped the continuity bill dead.

What our politicians should have done is refuse to leave the EU as under the Claim of Right the people in Scotland are sovereign and we did not want to leave. Another constitutional crisis missed. We may have managed an NI solution who knows. After the Brexit vote there was a meeting between Scotgov and Westminster. Obviously we just knuckled under the colonial yoke.

So there we have three examples that show that had our politicians at those times had grit, determination and knowledge of our laws and history we could be in a different situation today.


I appear to have caused a wee disturbance amongst a couple of the fantasists, romantics and dreamers. Will I ever recover from the shame and hurt?

What do we want-INDEPENDENCE
When do we want it-NOW
What happens if we achieve it-FUCK KNOWS

I take some solace that the percentage of the electorate who think like some of the roasters on here is thankfully small. I don’t think it is me who is suffering from self delusion and conceit. What is an ‘absence of even a sprinkling of self awareness’ supposed to mean?

On second thoughts, don’t even bother responding.

It is all so unfair is the mantra but we do have a magic plan to fix everything but………….it is a secret only known to the intelligentsia amongst us 3% in the know. Who cares about the other 97%!


The British fabricated the failing,non state of «Pakistan» maybe the FM is honor bound in some way.
link to
Those «generals» so comedy pukka sahib, clinging to that British imperial residue comfort blanket.
Scottish Unionism in all its manifestations is the home equivalent.
Major surgery is the only option to unclasp that hand of desperation.
Prepare the patient for the theatre!


link to

Alex Salmond to sue Scottish government again over harassment claims

So there’s Branchform and there this one & the ‘leaking and perjury’ and there will probably be one into the deleting of What’s App messages.

Salmond also confirmed that his civil action would be paused to allow the criminal investigations into alleged leaking and perjury at his criminal trial to be completed. Police Scotland said inquiries into the alleged leaks were “ongoing” while the Crown Office said it was considering correspondence from Salmond’s lawyers.

I’m finding it hard to keep track of all these police investigations.


Geri says @ 11:31 am: “Taking seats in WM is a complete waste of time. It’s an English parliament – let them have it all to themselves & withdraw. No Scotland – No parliament of Great Britain.”

Couldn’t agree more, Geri. That is why i no longer participate in UK general elections. It’s a process, at the end of which, all of Scotland’s best interests are put second to England’s. And they call this “democracy”.

It’s a process that absolutely keeps Scotland, and all our resources, firmly under London’s lock & key via a cloak of deception. I’ve come to realise that anyone participating in this process, my self included, is endorsing acceptance of that situation.

Scotland really needs to wake up to these facts, PDQ.


link to

Lawyer asks if Alex Salmond case influenced Nicola Sturgeon WhatsApp deletion

“No one has dared to ask the question what bearing the trial of Alex Salmond or Operation Branchform had on the deletion of WhatsApps.

Robert Hughes

@ Stuart Mackay

” I think it will take a general shake-up of the west and a rejection of neo-liberalism before we can expect to see the current situation change sufficiently to make independence a prospect. ” . I think so too , Stuart .

I don’t think ” Scottish Independence ” can be isolated from the prevailing overall National/International situation .

I also think Independence will not/cannot be realised until people – more people – are able to see through the relentless onslaught of lies pumped-out 24/7 by bought-and-paid-for Politicians and their MSM servants/masters .

The complete distortions of reality that are being fed to the public re eg & *ovid , *aza and **raine are of the same nature as the distortions re the case for Independence . If people can’t see the blatant falsehoods being * presented * re the former , they’re unlikely to see the those of the latter .

In all these cases vested interests have almost total control of the applicable narratives and ” **raine will defeat *ussia if only we pour more $£billions in cash and * hardware * ” into that catastrophe differs only in degree of lethality and human/ecological devastation from ” Scotland can never prosper/survive as an Independent nation ” .

It’s all lies designed to maintain the status quo of – geo-politically – lucrative MIC-driven permanent war and- domestically – serve the imperial delusions of England-as-UK .

Yousaf leading Scotland to Independence is quite literally unimaginable – try it : try to picture H.Y standing on a podium declaring to a euphoric audience after an epochal victory in a Referendum ..” Scotland is a free nation again ” . It’s just not conceivable . It will NEVER happen .

That’s why he is where he is . His * election * was to guarantee the continuity of failure & disappointment instigated by the despicable Sturgeon/Murrell * partnership * .


15 February, 2024 at 10:26 am

I appear to have caused a wee disturbance

You did and it stinks!

Chas farts again! Discuss.

Lorna Campbell

Stuart MacKay: how do you think that a ‘trans-ocracy’ would have benefited women, children, young people and Scotland, in general, Stuart? All our rights would have been lost immediately, never to be resurrected. Those who believe that pushing through the ‘trans’ agenda would have led to independence, out will lead to independence mistake the hard left for democrats and are as deluded as the ‘trans’ themselves and their equally deluded supporters. It would have led to tyranny and totalitarianism of the hard left, queer theorists and post modernists.

Behind it all, the global corporate moneymen would have been rubbing their scaly hands as per, because they are neither up nor down whoever is in power. They still win. Westminster and England would never have allowed a ‘trans’ takeover, by the way. They will never allow it and nor will the American government, no matter how mouthy-foamy the men in frocks get. At least, they will try to prevent it, which might be a different thing from actually preventing it, but I don’t think so. After all, how could you ever trust a man in a frock with government secrets? Some of them would sell their granny to sit in a soiled nappy.

If the moneymen were ever in any danger of losing their trillions, they would simply decamp to another mug country, just as the Russian oligarchs decamped to jolly old London, UK, and bought up massive, palatial mansions in the unsuspecting countryside around the capital and were given a bye on taxes. Putin must have been rolling about in tears of laughter.

Neither extremes of right or left are of any use to the people. As you say, spot on, Stuart, the politicians and their parties have no integrity or critical thinking and are bought and sold by global corporate gold. Any policies offered would have to conform to global corporate intentions for us, the people, so no policy will be offered that might lead to a straying out of the sheep-pen – at least, certainly not by any of the mainstream parties, including the SNP and Greens.


Geri / Stoker,

Yeah I get the cynicism about Westminster but it is interesting that Geri bases that on what he sees going in the Houses of Parliament. But do you think this very edifying to anyone? It is a pantomime but don’t think it where what really matters happens.

You will reject it no doubt but imagine this:

Labour win at the next GE and they get a considerable number of seats in Scotland. They are now in power in the UK, even with Scottish MPs in the Cabinet, even have some top positions.

They are unionist so pose no threat to Starmer on that front and are Labour loyalists through and through, but make it very clear to him they speak for Scotland and want that to be taken seriously. They remind Starmer the Union is precarious and he needs to do actual good things for Scotland to persuade it the Union is worth preserving.

Don’t you think they would have some sway about policies that specifically affect Scotland? I do.

Johnstone Macpherson-Stewart

If you were to look up and widen your perspective a little you would have noticed the proposed changes in the World Health Organisation’s Regulations and their intended Pandemic Treaty both of which would spell an end to human rights, democracy, and most pertinently as far as Scottish Independence is concerned, national sovereignty. Whilst Alba and so many others refuse to see what is right in front of their eyes the campaign for independence at this point in time serves only as an enabling distraction.


I think many on here are fully aware of the globalist agenda being pursued by the WHO and other UN agencies, the banks, and various philanthropic billionaires.

Independence is the antidote, not a distraction.


Is wings Mi 5. it does too good a job. Only saying like……..

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