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Wings Over Scotland

The Standards Committee

Posted on August 01, 2015 by
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Oh Jeez, ma breakfast! 😀

Nice one Chris.


My eyes, my eyes!

Chris this should have come with a warning 😉


Ach well, my monitor needed a clean, tea works, right!
Good one Chris

[…] The Standards Committee […]


Spot on always, no shame,idea or morality as long as we get our free money from the public purse


All that and then finding out Michelle Mone is going to get a peerage, pass the bucket.

Who says crime & lies does’nt pay.


Nice one Chris I got sick seeing that old codgers belly but this one made me laugh. The unionists encapsulated.. do as I say not as I do


Money grabbing whores the lot of em


The Sewel Convention will now be seen in an entirely new light!

And does Carmichael have his fingers crossed behind his back?

Does the Westminster cess pit have more secrets?…no doubt. ????


Michelle Mone’s really let herself go hasn’t she?

No no no...yes

This United Kingdom unravels more and more as each week passes and Chris captures it brilliantly. I wonder, is that bra from the Michelle Mone collection?



Ms Mone may have a whole new market opportunity in that chamber.


You can do anything you like, just don’t get caught. Here endeth the UKOK lesson.

link to

If you’re very naughty boys, there’s always D-notice.

Rule Britannia.


Britain’s low life in the raw.


Honestly,I cannot begin to be amused that Ms Mone is going to the HOL.

This is a petty,stupid and very annoying decision. They are now pissing on the Scots from a great height. They have made a grave mistake. Independence inevitable? Yes,yes,yes!


Sewell in charge of overseeing House of Lords standards, Press and Journal tory chancers try on another massive boost for future Lord Carmichael. Put student reporter Megan Kerr, 16, on the case.

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2.How do you think your peers would describe you?

“I suppose it would depend if they were describing me to me face or not! If nothing else I hope they might say that I can usually think of some quip to take tension out of difficult situations.


I said I was not amused! No! HOL does NOT stand for Hooters of London.

This is not a laughing matter!


With the expansion of the HoL they’ll be needing to introduce DD-notices.

Well they’ll have an ‘expert’ to help them.

Democracy and cost cutting in in action – reduce the members of the elected commons and increase the House of the Cronies by four times as many.

ronnie anderson

@ X Sticks Its damp & cloudy here in Santa Ponsa but I hope the Sun is Shining on You Colin HAPPY BIRTHDAY, have ah great day.

Naina Tal

Will she be known as Lady Moan? Baroness Moan? Great title for sitting with that shower of perverts. Maybe she could form a committee for extra curricular activities along with Lord Sewer.Pink bras etc provided of course by Me-shell.

ronnie anderson

Ah Mone Ah Mone is she advertizing her wears in HOC/HOL,& are the apparel covered by the expences.

Great toon again Chris.

The Man in the Jar

Whats all the fuss? After all Lord Sewel is only carrying out the remit of his job and maintaining the standards of the House of Lords. 😉

Roddy nicoll

I see the lovely Ms Mones’s true colours have at least been exposed as she has been elevated to the Lords. Now we can understand her rabid anti Indy stance

she will be in such great company


Nice one, Chris.

… and anyways, who says the Standards Committee should be about maintaining high standards?

Perhaps it should ensure behaviour of the Westmidden Mob stays at the same dodgy level it has always been! They wouldn’t want the upstanding new folks from Scotland encouraging established troughers to behave better!

pete the camera

Re: Ms Mone infamous for making this look good


Brilliant cartoon Chris, so true.
@heedtracker, can you believe that ‘journalist’ feels sorry for Sewel?
They have really lost the plot.

pete the camera

Should have read “Ms Mone infamous for making tits look good”


…”you can’t run a country by a book of religion,

Not by a hint or a lump or a smidgeon

Of foolish rules of ancient date,

Designed to make you all feel great,

While you fold spindle and mutilate,

Those unbelievers from a neighbouring

State..” FZ


Mone will certainly cause a few bust-ups in the lords!

I’ll get my coat.

Bob Mack

I think he mistook the phrase “” You are suspended” too literally.

Brian Powell

Mone being given a peerage and Sewal in underwear gives a great opportunity for endless parody and ridicule.

We should take it. I’m sure Mr Moodie will be taking it.

bookie from hell

Lady Mone,a Tory peer,oh dear

In January 2012, she gave an interview in The Sunday Times where she pledged to move to England if Scotland became an independent country after the referendum in 2014.

am I dreaming,happy days we voted YES


They are all a gift to comedy esp Moaner.

Chic McGregor

If hookers were the first professionals, were pimps the first poiticians?


On my tiny iPhone screen when I first clicked on I knew that was Carmichael straight away by his shape and stance! Great drawing Chris! As for I’m leaving moan are they gonna award all the unionist shills trinkets and baubles? First Darling now her. History repeating ala Burns stylee.


They are all a gift to comedy esp Moaner.

Herald’s Archie Macpherson saves teamGB again. Scotland running Scotland is now closet homosexuallity, a pet project, something something about cricket and bonnie prince charlie. Even Libby Carrell isn’t this funny.

“The cricket lover had hit a boundary for the Nationalists who wallowed in a collusion of opportunism with the Tories, whose insensitive handling of anything Scottish only aided their cause. And it was beautifully played by Nicola Sturgeon who, during the campaign, wanted to keep the idea of independence in the closet, like the “love that dare not speak its name”. It worked.

Try telling that to Alex Salmond, a man whose political acumen I have genuinely admired but who now sounds more and more the like the exiled Bonnie Prince Charlie in Paris simply unable to accept rejection of a cause, with a “Why didn’t they understand me?” tone to his comments. He is putting pressure on Ms Sturgeon to be his Flora Macdonald and resuscitate his pet project despite the once-in-a-generation imprimatur he stamped on last September’s referendum vote.”


While our imperial masters casually lie at us on tv, or do a few lines off prossie’s backsides, in sexy lingerie and biker jackets and as their ukok media shills grinch in their defence, it’s nice to hear from the real world.

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@heed – WTF is weetabix heid McPherson chuntering about. Stick to the fitba Archie though you were never a patch on King Arthur ya dob.


I guess it will allow Michelle Mone to keep abreast of political affairs.



Moaney about to join the Vermin in Ermine?

Perhaps their Noble Lords will get a discount on lingerie – the male members I mean… fnar fnar, yak yak, woof woof…

Ian Brotherhood

Just caught snippet of some dude on Shereen’s show, bumping his gums about why the HOL is a great thing and should be valued etc.

Pretty sure the same guy was on RS during the week trotting out a similar spiel. ‘Paul’ someone. Northern Irish accent. Who is he?

bookie from hell

Zany comedy relief

REV can I nominate Lady Mone


Croompenstein says:
1 August, 2015 at 10:55 am
@heed – WTF is weetabix heid McPherson chuntering about. Stick to the fitba Archie though you were never a patch on King Arthur ya dob.

I do not know. Presumably the nuttier the UKOK bettertogether defenderising you do, the more chance you have of becoming a member of the House of Lords.

And then you really will be sorry for your cheek.

Grouse Beater

The good Lords with man boobs will be pleased to see Ms Mone, and those without yet who wear bras.

(Best comment I want to make in the face of two fingers to Scotland and Westminster’s brazen corruption.)


Live from Glasgow – Independence March

link to


Yet another verification (as if any more were needed) of the self interested corruption at the core of the UK state system and a central plank to it’s continuation. Forget ‘Lady’ Mone, that’s just another wee poisonous cynical bite to add to all the others.

Start supporting the antidotes to all that self serving cynicism. Our grass-roots! Show the electorate (face to face and in their own communities) that politics’ true nature is social, voluntary and engaged.

The more that truth is experienced, the more people understand their own power and how to collaborate to maximise and focus that power, then the more damage is done to the corrupt body politic of this ‘Great’ Britain.

The only tool they need is apathy, and the Lords, the BBC, Westminster and the City of London et al are factories of electoral apathy designed to paralyse, upset and then disengage the electorate. Their marching slogans are ‘What’s the point?’ and ‘They’re all the same!’

Please, please, please help counter it. This is the last day (11:59pm deadline) of the National YES Registry crowd fund. Please have a look at their film, and see what you think of their grass-root proposal and then, if you can contribute great! Even sharing the link and getting the message out as widely as possible would be a massive help.

Please check out the film and make up your own mind? It’s getting really close to the last chance to help this brilliant project, if you can. It’s currently 57% funded with only 14 hrs left. Help the grassroots guide the way to YES!, come Indyref2

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Ms Moan, has been looking at tits all her life, So working with a bunch of them in the HoL will be no trouble for her.

call me dave

Caught the excellent cartoon early this morning but waited until after I had had a cup of coffee before going back for a second look.

These metal clip things on the suspenders don’t half nip your arse… er…so I am told! 😉

Looking in on the march on livestream.


Famous15 says:
1 August, 2015 at 9:05 am
They are now pissing on the Scots from a great height.

Got it exactly!


lol nice one Chris

We the people demand to know Lord Sewage was it one if Mones bras?

Just when you think they cant get any thicker low and behold Labour prove us wrong,i guess old lord sewage`s usefulness to the establishment must be at an end since they have flung him to the dogs in a tory boy press sting.

the big question everybody should be asking is why now,or is this another case of a politician doing a once in a life time never did it before honest and nobody knew about it whitewash.

Is it a threat to all the other pig swilling Labour peers tow the line or the skeletons come out the closet it would explain their behavior as they are acting like they are being bullied.

What a place that westminster is full of weirdos except our lot and they stick out like a soar thumb because they are normal.

call me dave

Here’s anther load of Balls. What a shame eh!

link to


This morning the BBC IN Scotland radio station’s newish effort at comedy “Breaking The News” making a return appearance was Katie Grant, took great delight in pointing out Scotland’s NHS is in crisis amongst other Unionist drivel. Kirsty Wark’s been on before…….


I noticed on BBC online news this morning that Nicola is described as the ‘SNP leader’. I’ll bet Ms Mone will always get her House of Lords title from the BBC.


What a place that westminster is full of weirdos except our lot and they stick out like a soar thumb because they are normal.

I don’t know. Sitting listening to boring old farts moan about politics in their lingerie must the second worse part of a prostitute’s working day, servicing the requirements a of our imperial masters. These women really earn their wages, which is my teamGB irony of the day because none of their enobled UKOK clientele do.


To be, or not to be, whither it be nobler in the mind to screw the whore, or the electorate for the unelected or the unjustly elected…


Mone is quoted as saying “I helped the prime minister with the referendum and in keeping the union together that was tough but the rewards were worth it” arrrrggghhhh!

Jack Murphy

Read in the papers today that Lord David Steel wants the SNP to help him reform the House of Lords !!
Some folk just never learn in this Bettertogether Society. 🙁

Grouse Beater

The Lords debate on the Referendum – called by the foppish Baron Lang of Monkton and his despicable notion we owe unionism to those who died in the two European wars – was the most jaw-dropping I’ve ever heard, for its statements of pig ignorance, its inanities, its gushing, hypocritical sentimentality, but above all, for its blackmailing of the Scottish nation.

The Moidart

That’s us at Glasgow green. Started at the back and finished at the front. No trouble at all. Brilliant. BBC next. Woohoo!!!!


@Famous 15

I’m not amused either, even though I’m pissing myself laughing.

Lady Ultimoan of Sidcup-Without-The-Si.


Yes Lady Mone’s a Tory peer of the realm and gets her shots in, or rather the independent newspaper does it for her in their sleazy style of very British hypocrisy, now she’s a UKOK Lady.

“She has previously spoken about her support for the Prime Minister during the lead-up to the Scottish independence referendum, claiming would leave Scotland after becoming the target of an “extremely vitriolic social media hate campaign“ because of her open support for the Union.”

So much for democracy in teamGB but that’ll teach em/us.


Sewel & Carmichael – the tip of the iceberg.


Think time is up for the house of lords,this system belongs in another time. Great cartoon btw.


Great image, says it all.

I can’t remember who but someone recently said to me, ‘and you know he’s Scottish’. Which is b*****ks. However, looking at his profile, the wiki one(!) he was quite heavily involved in Scottish matters, either from afar, or as ‘Under secretary of state for Scotland’ , 97-99. See ‘Sewel Convention’, still in place today, regards devolution and such matters etc.

Not one for conspiracies, but could there be a connection? I mean he is by far not the only vermine in ermine to engage in such dodgy practices at the tax payers expense. It’s common among them and been going on for a long time, so why him, and why now?

Let’s see what transpires when the troughers return from their extended summer holidays, paid for by the tax payer, thank you very much!

G H Graham

There’s always something that grates in Grate Britain.

Chic McGregor


“Mone is quoted as saying “I helped the prime minister with the referendum and in keeping the union together that was tough but the rewards were worth it” arrrrggghhhh!”

Tit for tat eh?


If Ali is defenestrated in September we will have to get up a petition for him to be Lorded too.

I think they are working on the premise that if they make the HoL totally ridiculous they can persuade their own folk to go along with its abolishment / emasculation and then they have total power, Mwahaha. Queenie dies and its Gideon President for Life, Mmwahaha, Mwahaha!

You’ve a great gift for catching a likeness, Chris


Or tat for a tit even?

Neil MacTavish

I think its an outright disgrace that a man of such high standing should be seen snorting cocaine with an old 5 pound note, we will be the laughing stock of the world, imagine other countries looking down their noses at us, we clearly are not paying our unelected politicians enough. Whilst I am at it, only two prostitutes, how will he ever be able to look an oligarch in the face when negotiating tricky energy deals. He will be ostracised by middle eastern princes, and force the country into ruin. Just as well he resigned then, unlike the other chappie in the cartoon.


Michelle Mone will have enough on her plate supplying bras to their Lordships. Apparently the chamber is full of massive tits of all political persuasions.

She can take her Peerage and shove it up her massive Unionist Arse. I hope it fucking chokes the cunting bitch.

Fuck her.



Lord Sewell of Colombian Marching Powdershire is frae Banchory, a lovely little slice of the Home Counties, 10 mile from Aberdeen.

Banchory must be so proud of their man o pairts, or should that be pairs, of hookers. Oddly enough Banchory was once a retirement village for retired and minted senior British Empire colonialists. But as that noble race of UKOK supremacists died out, Banchory nearly did too. It’s come back though, with the Great white flight from Merry olde London.

Sheryl Hepworth

Ah now I finally see what Camoron is doing!! Light dawns! He intends to expand the HoL’s and gradually do away with the HoC’s thus enabling ”our betters” to truly rule this land of hope and glory as it was meant to be ruled!!


OT: Question

Kings Over Scotland

Charles Edward

Hey there Mr. Bee
Watch out for that honey!

It’s a mooby – trap.

john king

Bugsbunny@ 4.12
link to
no seriously,
calm down,
not helping Steve,
just giving them ammunition!


Sewer destroyed the City centre in Aberdeen. Took down the Co opie Arcade and replaced it with the monstrosity (Co opie) John Lewis building.The Labour/Unionists councillors (Sociology lecturers at Uni) colluded and buried the McCrone Report for over thirty years. Labour/Unionists voted against the essential by-Pass road for over 30 years. Labour/Unionists have prevented the UTG predestrianisation of the City Centre. People are protesting in the street.

Labour councillors responsible are reported to be feuding with each other. Labour in total melt down, along with the LibDems and the random Tories. The Greens are a mess. Total catastrophe.

Iain More

Do what you want but don’t get caught – that is the Bwitish Way.

Was that one of Mones bras a certain snow snorting Lord was caught wearing/

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