The quality press
Posted on
September 08, 2014 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
You have to laugh.
Anyone would think WE were the ones who’d had to remove, apologise for and pay compensation for defamatory articles about THEM.
Do they still accept links to the wee blue book?
LOL just soooo typical of the press, the sooner were free the sooner we can sort out our own media and punish them
They’ll be gone soon.
Censorship – the Establishment at its best.
In the Scotsman you couldn’t say “shit” but you could say “sh1t”; “keech” was also an acceptable term.
They did that with Newsnet Scotland a long time ago….nae surprise they are doing it now.
Use a tinyurl.
Very sorry. New royal baby on the way hahahahaha.
Alan Cochrane 08/09/2014
Gordon Brown will concentrate in his barnstorming, nationwide tour beginning today.
Alan Cochrane 09/06/2014
Whose side are you on Gordon? The question must be posed in the wake of some wholly divisive interventions by the former prime minister.
Do they allow independence or must it be called separation.
I suppose it’s only fair as I call the “news” in The Scotsman ” bullshit”.
John McTernan must be $hitting himself over at the Hootsmon.
How much longer will it take before the Establishment realise that their assumed moral authority has gone. The TRUTH is only a mouse click away and Truth will be victorious over deceit. Maybe a YES vote on the 18th will be the final nail in their coffin. I truly hope so.
They’re sulking. Tick tock.
I keep hearing rumours that a number of Scottish Labour MPs, MSPS and assorted councillors will be voting Yes.
Anyone else heard of this?
Screw ’em.
Just use a shortened URL, don’t mention website by name.
Aye,Ian Davidson has his finger in the dyke and IF anyone makes a move he’ll gie them a doin’ or stick them with his trusty bayonet.
Tomorrow in The Scotsman
Rev. Stu Campbell is a Truth Teller.
REV—any comment on this–pure lying bile
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The Reverend Stuart Campbell:
Him who must not be named!
Stopped buying the Hootsman about five years ago after reading it from the days when the front page was covered with small ads -early fifties?
Stopped reading it online about two years ago.
Stopped reading about it more recently when I could avoid it but still occasionally see snippets in the blogosphere.
The drop in its standards has been relentless but I understand it is now on the verge of terminal decline and is likely to disappear soon.
Sic transit Gloria mundi.
I think an Inverclyde Labour councillor has already come out for Yes.
If any more do, they’ll time it for next Sunday’s papers to maximise impact (in their opinion)
I think most of us just go onto their sites for fun.
The public don’t read these rags anymore.
Post the referendum vote they will wither and die. Unfortunately good people will suffer because their unionist owners consider their jobs a price worth paying for a NO vote.
If you google something like “role of the media in a democracy” you’ll find all sorts of links to lots of grand words about how a free press and broadcasting media can hold politicians to account, educate the population, etc etc.. All positive and wholesome.
Then you look at the reality of the UK in the 21st Century. The MSM and broadcasters have become something quite different. Highly partisan, supporters of the elite and the establishment, instruments of propaganda, subverters of the democratic process. They set out to create news, rather than report it. Balanced and impartial? You don’t know whether to laugh or cry!
In iScotland we should demand a quite different MSM and broadcasters. Ones which fulfil the role they are supposed to.
The quality press – aye, we wish.
How about this disusting offering from The Scotsman linking the fate of the Scottish hostage with a Yes vote.
If you don’t want to contribute to the rag’s coffers, this is the link to the archived version of the “story”:
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[…] The quality press […]
Try writing it as “W1ng5 0v3r 5c0t14nd”.
If nothing else, it’ll wind them up, hehe 😉
First rule of Establishment Club – don’t mention the truth.
Another 10% pay rise in the offing for our hard-working MPs?
Not a great week to remind people just what a corrupt and self-serving institution the self-proclaimed “Mother of Parliaments” has become.
Oh look, here comes the heavy cavalry (or should I say the “Lightweight Brigade”), featuring those well-known, and even better paid, Labour MPs, charging north to save the union. I hope Scotland gives them the welcome they deserve.
Aye, it’s all coming together nicely. The perfect storm.
Apologies – link to archived version of Scotsman hostage story:
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Indeed. It is a token attempt at a block as you would guess, but is pathetic.
I just successfully posted this on the Scotsman:
Reality check…
Have a look at the Wee Blue Book from W.ings over Scotland!
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I think someone at The Scotsman has noticed the way the wind is blowing though.
The last few sentences of this article with the repeated use of the word “we” to refer to Yes campaigners, strikes me as a rather feeble attempt to say: “Yay, we really believe in you Yes guys! We’re with you!”
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Wonder if that’ll salvage their newspaper sales after independence?
just wasted the morning battling unionist trolls on the Scotsman. I know i shouldn’t but i am a bit like a fly to a light. On about the currency meltdown. It is all Salmonds fault, nothing to do with the rejection of a currency union. Nothing to do with an oil-less petro-currency, nothing to do with balance of payments or the astronomical debt. No it is all because Salmond is a fat eating egotist and it serve us right.
Their oy that Scottish institutions are falling on the stock exchange is just a further example of “proud jockary”. They are a sad bunch and i hope most are not resident Scots.
Still you have to fight their lies and smears, even if the dung-heap smells
do the hootsmon pay the britnat trolls on there rag of a site or is it gchq? ps i see proud brit scot craig reedie venting his unionist spleen again courtesy of the said publication, anyone would think they were all in it together to undermine scotland………………
We’ve got a quality press? 😀
I have a go on the Scotsman forums as well.
It is obvious they have a handful of obsessive / paid posters with multiple ids, ticking each other up.
Depressing stuff, but I don’t think it is a good idea just to ignore it at this time, and leave it a unionist only voice preaching to the undecideds that come along.
Annoyingly, they still have many thousands of readers, especially online.
“We’ve got a quality press?”
We’ve got a press?
Donnywho 11.14am
I was in a trap as well. They are trying to wind you up and keeping you distracted.
6 weeks ago, I shouted at the TV, swore at papers and argued online. I gained nothing other than frustration and increased blood pressure.
I pushed myself outside my comfort zone, because the referendum is so important.
Being active in the YES campaign has been transformational. Speak to your local group, there are so many ways to help, which can be tailored to you. You will feel so much better doing something positive.
I think it is a health and safety thing. If the words WoS appear on the Hoot Euan comes out in hives.
To be fair, Leslie Riddoch has always been a comitted yes campaigner. Evn when writing in the Scotsman. (a paper which has deteriorated sadly in recent years)
Was it something you said
Quality press? Is that anything like the Quality Polis?
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just use tinyurl to change the name of the link to get round their shenanigans
Probably covering their asses in case their moderators are too slow to act on defamatory comments posted in their fora.
To think I used to buy the Scotsman. Oh well better late than never!
Only 10 days left to save The Scotsman.
Think I’ll continue to wind them up on every opportunity with references to the Wings site.
They may need to ban the words ‘Scotland’ and ‘over’ eventually.
“Anyone would think WE were the ones who’d had to remove, apologise for and pay compensation…”
They paid out compensation? Yes!
I wonder if “w-egg-ings over Sc-egg-otland” would get through their cunning filter 😉
Toys out the pram…..
Supposing you just wanted to insult WoS? Supposing you wanted to call them a bunch of selfish bastards who only want what’s best for the people of Scotland? How are you supposed to slag someone off if you can’t even mention the NAME of the slagee?
They’ve now scraped the bottom of the barrel so hard and for so long, that there’s a HOLE in the bloody thing – and yet they’re STILL scraping away!