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Wings Over Scotland

The pitch

Posted on June 08, 2017 by
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Nail. Hammer. Head. Hit.
You know what to do, folks.


That sums up the case for the union.

Andy McKangry

Unfortunately and depressingly more than half our country still think it’s a good idea to give one of those balloons their vote. I really do dispair that so many Scots still remain hooked on these parties. I get how the rich and selfish, the old and comfortable and the bigots both racial and sectarian would vote Tory, but I cannot fathom why anyone with half a brain would ever go back to voting Labour in Scotland. The stand for nothing but themselves, they have supported the Tories or abstained on just about every issue since our referendum and people should never forget that they BETRAYED our country and our people in 2014 and will do it again on every occasion they get a chance.

Street Andrew

A whitewash would be good. Or should I say Yellow-wash.

Here’s hoping.


All three represent branches of the same party.
The stop Scotland’s people from having a choice party.
A more undemoctratic trio is hard to find.

You know what to do


That’s a keeper. 🙂

Free Scotland

Fantastic! Let’s hope all of the 3 negative parties experience a negative swing here in Scotland. It’s what they deserve.


My X will be going to the SNP, as for the three stooges, Y oh Y would anyone vote for them.
Peace Always

Tony Little


I agree. I just don’t understand how people can turn a blind eye to the facts around them and STILL be prepared to vote for one of the parties that haven’t done anything for them for the last four decades.

The Tories we know about, they will “protect” the already well provided for – the ones who DON’T need protecting. The wealthy elite and the big corporations and the City.

The LibDems talk a good talk much of the time. I can sympathise with some of their policies, but in practice they’ll do little when they get a sniff or power to push hard enough.

All Labour in Scotland are bothered about is desperately trying to win back the seats for the trough that they used to think were theirs by right. That ship should have sailed by now.

I know we have a corrupted media, I know we have a blatant and obviously biased BBC and I know it’s difficult for the SNP message to get out there. But, come on, sufficient people MUST have had their eyes opened? Surely?

Or maybe the old “truism” really is true. To update the quotation, “You CAN fool enough of the people, enough of the time, to hold onto power – despite everything you do against them when in power”

The only hope today is to get the vote out. It will be a long one.

Free Scotland

Looking at that pic again, I’m forced to ask why, when I look at ruth the mooth, am I simultaneously reminded of John Prescott and Les Dawson?

Jack Collatin

And Ponsonby and Campbell gave them air space, yet neither said, ‘Where the fuck are Mundell Murray and Carmichael? Surely I should be grilling them on their record? You three are an irrelevance.’
Our MSM are laughing at us all.
We now live in a totalitarian state run by an elite and managed by a coterie of minders who are drawn from the same Old School cultural background, Unionists and elitists since birth.
We nudge closer to Independence nonethe less.
Great drawing, Chris.
Your art will feature in future histories of these End Of Days for their precious Union.
There is a mighty storm brewing.


It’s hard for us wingers to comprehend but the attraction the uk holds for Scots unionists is power. History, empire – all that stuff gives them a sense of glory. Just like the teachers pet at school or the toady sucking up to the bully.

But when the power goes and the bully is left a blubbering weakling the toadies desert them en masse. That’s why when brexit hits and the uk looks like a weak, pathetic busted flush them their loyal unionists will start deserting them.


Pitch perfect Chris, another belter!

donald anderson

Yup and there are still people thinking they will get a Corbynite by voting for a Dugtailite.


That Ruth drawing looks like the bully from Back to Skool on the ZX Spectrum.

link to


My vote has been cast, my conscience is clear, as mentioned above “sufficient people MUST have had their eyes opened”, surely the message has got out this time, there is only 1 party that fights for Scotland, SNP all the time.


Robert Louis

Scottish Labour should hang their heads in shame.. When I see the Scottish Labour leader telling people to vote Tory in some areas of Scotland just spite the SNP, I know for sure that Labour are the self serving frauds we always knew they were.

Vote SNP for a party that ACTUALLY REALLY cares about Scotland and its people.

I will never forgive Labour for their oh so easy and cosy siding with the Tories in Scotland, until the day I die.

Vote SNP.

(great cartoon by the way) The three unionist stooges.


The Unionists are scared. That’s why they are undemocratic.

Naina Tal

Jist been to the polling station. Had a wee chat wi the only rep standing ootside SNP of course. Whaur’s the Yoons?

Susanne Campbell

Let’s do this folks. Let’s send a clear message to Mrs Weak and Wobbly


A perfect summary of the unionist plot to ‘keep Scotland catched’. Their plan hasn’t changed in 300 years.

Let’s do all we can to fox their plot.

Brian Powell

If voters in Scotland can’t stay focused then they will need to live with the consequences and the consequences will be Tory Governments.

In Dundee in the 30s unemployment was 40% with no real unemployment benefits, but no revolution followed, no massive unrest.

The Jarrow marchers polished their shoes, put on their only decent clothes and marched in order to London, but only to beg for help. Why didn’t they rise up instead?

The belief that someone else will fix it all, so they won’t have to do it themselves runs deep for many Scots. Corbyn isn’t an answer, but he looks like an easier solution that means they won’t need to do anything.


[…] Source: Wings Over Scotland The pitch […]

Dr Jim

I’m standing here in the colony of the Scotchland in a little village just outside Glasgow that was once called Bishopbriggs but no one could pronounce that here in the main country of mother England so we changed it to Bishops bridge
so everyone could understand it in our new and glorious Kingdom of England where the people who have been allowed the vote are very exited about electing a Tory MP to our parliament in England

As the voters enter the building they are screened by the police to make sure there are no weapons or subversive material to be carried in which would suggest support for the one time Nationalists of Scotchland who at one time the government allowed freedom of speech which as we know was later found to have been a mistake as they tried to break the democracy which exists in our great country, thankfully with measures now in place by our glorious government bureau President May outlawed these divisive nationalists for good in 2017 and our great country is at peace again

In Scotchland now there is no poverty because president May has banned the use of that word to describe what she says are our strivers in society those who wish by honest hard work to improve their situation in life where they can call England their home
Later buses will arrive bringing the elderly from their brand new elderly unit dwellings that were erected for all older people to be housed in after the removal of the divisive nationalists in 2017, these new buldings are a boon for our older folk with 24 hour a day Television and board games always available to keep them entertained while they wait for our Lord to come and take them to the even better place Croydon dignitas clinic run by the founder of modern Brexit Lord Boris Johnson and the great Nigel Farage

I may be mentally irregular and unstable but this could happen or something damn close to it, Labour folk don’t vote Labour coz your vote goes straight to the Tories, vote SNP to not give our country to these Bastirts

Robert Peffers

The trouble with those three ugly talking heads is what they think is, “Their country”, isn’t a country. It is an unequal union of four countries, contained in a two kingdom union that is now a very disunited kingdom.

We all know our country is legally, “Our country”, and is also an equal kingdom partner in their unequal, “United Kingdom”.

We want a divorce on the grounds our partner is an abusive bully and we claim our fair share of the abusive union’s assets when we end The United Kingdom.



“The great rocknroll swindle” comes to mind when trying to explain the phantom campaign they just delivered. All bluster with as much substance in it as a hand full of air! Yet the drones will buy it, open the hands, then think and nothing!!! HOPE, is starting to take hold by an increasingly awakend younger voters. There lays the only cycle breaker, if not today( which i really, REALLY hope for) it is gathering momentum for the next release of ” the great transparent as fuck swindle.”

chris kilby

It’s funny cos it’s true. Actually, it’s deeply depressing and more than a little worrying. Any Scot voting Tory today needs their head examined and any “life-long Labour voter” voting Tory should be ashamed of themselves.There are no words to describe them.

While I don’t buy for one second exaggerated claims that the Tories will win a dozen or more Scottish seats today (three or four will be more like it, tops) I know how many Scottish seats they’ll win next time – none.

Two years from now the full horrific extent of Brexit will be obvious even to the most Cromagnon-browed, knuckle-dragging Unionist – a fiasco wrapped in an omnishambles inside a clusterfuck so vast, writhing and all-enveloping it will be visible from orbit.

This will be followed by three years of escalating anger culminating in unrest, riots and worse. Theresa May (or one of her successors) won’t be calling any more snap elections, that’s for sure. They’ll be waiting till the last possible moment in 2022. Just like John Major did.

Even if it is led by the reanimated zombie of Jimmy Savile, Labour will win a crushing landslide in 2022. And, having long-since clamoured for Indyref2, Scotland will be banging on the nearest fire exit by then. If not sooner. Guaranteed.

If only Scotland had voted Yes in 2014…


Excellent summary CC.
Daubing’s r no bad too
Surely you must be due a holiday by now 🙂

Robert Peffers

Macart says: 8 June, 2017 at 7:28 am:

“That’s a keeper.”

Aye! Macart – So was Frank Haffey a keeper – and look what happened to him.

link to

I’ll get my coat and I’m awa oot tae vote.


Not really sure what the true meaning of ‘SOS’ is, but today, for me, it’s ‘Save Our Scotland’.

Let’s make sure we don’t have that sinking feeling come Friday morning. Please get out and vote SNP today for a better future for Scotland and our children.


That’s my vote for the SNP in the ballot box. Dr Jim, your post made me laugh, such a vivid imagination!


Quite a profound wee comment there Brian Powell.

We’ve had strong Labour governments before, both strong and socially just, and in their time indomitable, but even the strongest have just been a reprieve of sorts from the democratic deficit which a Scotland subjugated by the Union cannot escape.

Even if Corbyn comes, Corbyn will go, forever stalked and soon replaced by the immortal and immoral self serving greed of the Toffs and Tories. It’s a choice between two toddlers in a play group; one builds the bricks and the other knocks them down; again, and again, and again… Your choice is academic, it’s the process which is ultimately futile.

Only Independence breaks the mould, and breaks it good. Scotland can opt for the simple dignity of independence and open up a whole new plane of existence for every one of us. We have outgrown the play group. We have tired of it, and I don’t believe the Union can reel us back in for all the propaganda in the World.

Tinto Chiel

It’s not pleasant to wake up to a picture of three utter ba’-heids on polling day but your ‘toon was spot-on, Chris.

How can anyone still vote Labour? Well, during the council elections, a hard-working SNP councillor was canvassing in my ward and was explaining all the things he’d done for the local area to a traditional Labour voter, who agreed the previous Labour guy had done nothing for him or the area in many years.

“So will you consider voting for me, then?”

“Naw, better the devil you know…..”

Yoon brainwashing from cradle to grave is one factor but self-harming stupidity doesn’t exactly help either, does it?

chris kilby

If the Tories win today it’s just a matter of time before Theresa May dissolves the Scottish parliament.

Not because she wants to, oh no. It’ll be the will of the people. The devolution “experiment” will be deemed a failure. Holyrood too “divisive.” Then there is the growing “crisis” in Scottish education and the NHS, of course.

It will be in the national interest. An end to the “obsession” with independence which no-one wants anyway. Now is simply not the time. Then Westminster will be able to get on with the day job…


First in line to vote this am. Checked the box..empty, all good so far!

Never felt so anxious about a vote since the 1st referendum :}

winifred mccartney

I don’t know how many times I heard commentators on BBC justify the debates saying devolved issues was what the ‘people’ wanted to talk about. They could have educated the ‘people’ and made the debates about westminster issues but that did not suit their purpose which is at all times to proclaim snp baaaad. The nurse plant was only there to target NS, she had a very chequered history and was not all she appeared to be but the BBC deliberately brought her back ‘invited’ she was, even though her question was about a devolved issue. The glee shown in the spin room by SS, JB and company was very evident ‘job done’. The bbc is the enemy of Scotland.

By making sure the issues raised were about devolved issues the tories did not have to explain their policies and RD got off scot free – all she is capable of is saying no to indyref2.

The only debate worthy of the name was with stv one with Ponsonby which was at least fair although 83% of people in Scotland are Scots yet we have so many English, Welsh, NI voices but few European or people of colour. I do wonder where we get all these people from.


Remember folks, if you’re planning a wee Scottish break this summer, take your cash to somewhere Scottish!


I remember the early hours of 19th September 2014, look what happened after that. Whatever happens after today, in the long run, we will make it work and Brexit will destroy the UK.

chris kilby

Surely the expected Tory landslide today only makes independence more inevitable?

But it’s going to be a long, hard, ugly five years. And if we really want independence we may have to fight for it this time cos I can’t see these buggers ever “letting” us have another referendum.

Let’s face it. Wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen British tanks in George Square. Ruthie would LOVE that!

chris kilby

(Sorry ’bout the “spamming,” btw. Feeling a bit despondent this morning. Even though the SNP will still win 50 seats today. Give or take.)


I agree with those saying that a large Tory majority will lead to the dissolution of the Scottish Parliament. That’s really what is at stake here, which is why people need to get out and vote.

Dorothy Devine

Spot on Chris!

OT But does anyone remember the protest made by a farmer against a bank where he delivered a trailer full of manure to their front door?

I was just thinking of the amount of ordure delivered to us by the media of Scotland and the UK and thinking , wouldn’t it be nice to make a few return deliveries?


Hear No Sense
Speak No Sense
Think No Sense


Better than Banksy!

Newsstands have gone completely stark staring mad today. I think the newspapers want us to vote tory, but its like the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, when the Nazi’s open the ark, don’t open our eyes…

Marie Clark

Spot on Chris, well done.

Just been to vote. It’s bucketing doon here, no a soul around but me and the two polling clerks. Usually a’ the auld incomers are oot in droves at this time, but not this morning.

I then went to collect my paper and the two lassies in the shop asked me how I thought it would go. I said I really don’t know, it’s quite hard to tell. They both said that they did not know which way to vote, so I replied well, if you want the tories vote labour. If you want to protect Scotland vote SNP.
I found it all a bit depressing cause they were both very much YES at the ref. I did point out how bad things would get under they Maybot, and that she would probably try and close our parliament. At least I have given them something to think on.

I don’t mind admitting that I am feeling very nervous about this election. Sigh.


If Westminster dissolves Holyrood, then “Holyrood” dissolves Westminster by citing Scotland’s inalienable sovereignty.

Quid Pro Quo that nobody will touch with a barge pole…. in my humble opinion.


I’ve done my usual turning of the papers at McColls this morning, normally it’s just the Hail and one or two others. Today ! FFS
Back over there soon, on the pretext of needing rizlas, to turn them over to the sports pages again soon. Covering with the National is a cunning wheeze too.
The girls in the shop know fine well what i’m up to, but my natural good looks and cheeky charm seem to get me away with it. 😉


The final Reporting Scotland before the election covered the Sturgeon/Dugdale/Davidson phone calls to give a less than accurate view of the events. They failed to mention Dugdale’s prior talking about the call and Davidson’s admission of recording the call. They even stated there was no proof of the calls despite the tweet by Davidson that she had recorded her one.

It left a negative impression of Sturgeon and the final BBC biased bit of coverage before they have to shut up before the vote.

I’m trying to remember any Scottish MP/candidate actually appearing on the TV channels, apart from Angus Robertson there has been a total absence of them. Mundell/Murray/Carmichael all kept under wraps.


I met a yes voter this morning who told me she was considering voting labour as she did not want to let the tories in by back door .

she soon changed her mind when I told her labour in Scotland were telling people to vote for the tories .


The Times no less,

june 8 2017, 12:00am, the times
The Brexit catastrophe is only just beginning
jenni russell

After an appallingly dishonest election campaign, the PM is leading us towards an economic abyss

The electorate is going to the polls today in a state of blissful ignorance over the catastrophe that is about to hit the country.

That is because Theresa May has run a dishonest but successful campaign.

She called an election to give herself a mandate for her version of Brexit. She has contrived to get through it while avoiding the substance of the subject entirely. Labour hasn’t challenged her because it too wants to avoid the topic. This has been the Brexit election where Brexit was scarcely discussed.

She has told the electorate nothing new about how she intends to do it, about how Britons will be poorer and more highly taxed if she keeps to her plan to leave both the single market and…”

Want to read more, cough up some hard earned.

Here in Scotia, charismatic Ruth D will save you all, vote for the BBC Scotland party.


Tory Davidson quote: “Lets smash tomorrow”.

You have been warned Scotland. The Tories deliver. They have been smashing tomorrows since Thatcher.


My wife had exactly the same conversation talking to a yesser who really likes corbyn. Managed to change her mind but I’m hoping there aren’t too many considering SLAB because of corbyn.


Good view from Australia on post Brexit EU. Vote NO Scots or lose your EU passport for ever, raged BetterTogether 2014.

link to

“It has not been missed in Europe that Britain has already started to take a much less assertive role in global politics, notably with British Prime Minister Theresa May declining to join her European counterparts in criticising Trump’s climate change decision, or on Russia or the Middle East.

The assessment is that Britain will be consumed by internal problems for some time – Brexit itself, and the thousands of treaties that must be renegotiated with the rest of the world as a result, as well as its relationships with Ireland and Scotland.

And this is all based on the presumption that there is not an upset result in the British elections this week.”

If Ruth D gets just one Scottish haha tory win today, we all know its all over for nation state EU member Scotland, in newsrooms like Pacific Quay.

Free Scotland

Posted on previous thread by Nana:

link to

The election campaign about Brexit, where nobody from Treeza’s team wanted to talk about Brexit.

Socrates MacSporran

Haw you: Peffers.

You and I are gonnae faw oot – efter your unfounded attack on a fellow member of Lodge 001 – the Scottish goalkeepers.

Of course, Big Frank did not have his finest 90 minutes at Wembley in 1961. No ‘keeper can let-in nine goals and emerge a hero. But, in that game, as so-often in Scottish football history: the cry was no defenders.

OK, even if we leave aside Bobby Shearer’s excuse: “The English cheated, they used an orange ball; Eric Caldow and I widnae kick it, an’ big Billy McNeill and big Frank Haffey refused to go anywhere near it” – Big Frank did not get the cover he deserved from his outfield men.

I have, over the years done two or three features on this game for various papers. Denis Law, Dave Mackay and Ian St John all told me: “I was on the park, but, I didn’t play”.

It was the worst possible day at the office and Big Frank, by unwisely agreeing to be photographed on the Sunday, in front of Big Ben, gave those paragons of virtue, the Scottish Football Writers, an excuse to “crucify” him and pin the defeat on him as the convenient scapegoat.

The only Scottish writer to, in his match report, condemn Haffey, was Hugh McIlvanney, and the rest were so-scared of him, they fell into line.

I am one of the few Scots who has watched a recording of that game all the way through. I would blame Frank for two of the goals, and partially-blame him for another one. Jock Stein – who had no time for goalkeepers, also blamed Frank for three of the goals.

But, Blly McNeill, who was most of the Scottish football writers’ Man of the Match, was also at fault for three of the goals.

So, lay-off Big Frank, he was an accessory after the fact, but should be joined in the dock by his ten outfield team mates, team manager Ian McColl, and, the SFA selectors who picked the team in the first place.

Compared to the damage various Great Scots – Gordon Brown and Tony BLiar to name but two – have since done to this country.



Ruth D’s “Lets smash tomorrow” is very creepy but does tomorrow actually belong, tomorrow belongs, tomorrow belongs, to Ruth D’s BBC Scotland creep show?

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Wednesday 7 June 2017, new poll conducted by London research company Qriously gives Labour a three-point lead over the Conservatives in the 2017 UK UK general election 2017.

London-based Qriously is an ad-tech startup with an extensive list of clients including Vodafone, Audi, B&Q and organisations like the New York Police Department. Qriously conducts surveys by sending short questionnaires via mobile phone to billions of users in a matter of seconds. Using its platform, Qriously has been able to correctly predict the outcome of the Brexit referendum, the Italian constitutional referendum, the Dutch general election and the Turkish constitutional referendum. According to Kahler, they can theoretically reach 80 per cent of smartphone users worldwide.

Qriously conducted this survey between Sunday 4 June and June 7, interviewing 2,213 UK adults. Data was weighted on gender, age, region and income to be demographically representative.

Doug Bryce

Parallels can be drawn with the Greek elections.

May is likely going to be elected on an EU promise she simply cant keep.



I’ve just heard Victoria Derbyshire stating that the result of exit polls will be posted on the BBC tonight. I wonder if exit polls are being carried out across Scotland?

Proud Cybernat

Well done, Chris. Cracker.

When people seriously engage in politics, they learn and understand what their X on a ballot paper actually means and how it has real power to change things. By not engaging in politics their X simply has no meaning to them – it’s just a graphite mark on a piece of paper and so, with that perspective, they simply become automatons, unthinkingly placing their X where they have always placed it, blissfully ignorant of the real power they have in their hands.

When people become aware of the real power their little X can wield then they become much more careful about where they place it; they understand its real value and importance, its ability to force change.

The three Yoon leaders above are all against a second IndyRef. That’s fine – many of us are against many things. But Davidson has gone further – she has explicitly stated that she would even block us having that IndyRef; she would block us having that choice.

Well people – for the sake of democracy – let us send Ruth Davidson a massive message today: Vote SNP and tell Davidson our voice will not be silenced, our absolute right to choose our own path will not be denied.

“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson.

Bob Mack

To quote one of their own Unionists.
“Now ,this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is the end of the beginning”

No matter what result comes forth from tonights election, we have grown and nurtured a sapling that will not be stunted by lies or deceit. It will grow and prosper despite being denied the oxygen of even handed publicity from every source. Nobody,but nobody will be able to kill the idea that Scotland can be free.

I salute all fellow wingers and those who have overcome the control of all the mechanisms of State to finally see a different future.

They may ridicule is but we are the future. How funny is that to say that in my late sixties. However it remains true.

mike d

I just hope scots aren’t daft enough to think that by voting liebor in Scotland,they will help Corbyn down here in England. I’m telling you here and now, Corbyn will not beat the tories in England. And if you don’t vote snp to protect Scotland and yourselves,then hell mend you’s when the cuts come.


If the Tories win UK wide and ‘steal’ some SNP seats here through deception, the Labour Party (Scotland branch) will have to either change it’s direction or change it’s name..
Maybe ‘The Scottish Monster Saving Union Party’


link to

I picked up on this poll too, it appears to be done by buying advertising space which is linked to smartphone users. If this is the case will it not be biased to an age group. Can anyone expand on it?

mike d

I also said on this website that England would vote for Brexit.


Does anyone after watching the news on BBC or ITV (I don’t watch C4 or Sky) feel they are any better informed than before they watched it. All I see normally is a lot of ego driven journalists, or even worse a specialist editor, pontificating but explaining nothing, most reports devoid of any real facts. The BBC News ‘mission to explain’ is often ‘mission to misinform’ as far as I can tell.


Yes vote for a Westminster based party who
Will always put themselves, their party, London,
And England ahead of any policies or priorities
That Scitland has!

If anything significant comes up that would vastly
Improve the economy of Scotland, such as the McCrone
Report, they can class that as Top Secret and hide it from
You for 30 years, and lie to you on a regular basis.

Our oil reserves would run out in to 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s,
And it seems that it will run out again now and in the 20’s?

Norway found the same oil in the same sea at the same time,
Have so far improved their infrastructure, and put aside £100,000
For every man, woman and Child in their country.
Scotland, who had never been allowed to borrow money, is told by
Westminster that It has £28,000 of debts for every citizen?

Who in Westminster has my £512,000 that should belong to the 4 people on my household?

harry mcaye

Well said Socrates. I’ve watched the goals, youtube I think, and would agree he was only at fault for two of the nine.

I have a feeling I might know your identity. Does your surname have church connotations?


Head says 46 heart says 60..

Craig P

My wife will vote SNP for the first time because she is scunnered with Brexit. And hates May in a way that was never the case with Cameron. Hopefully there are a good few more progressive unionists like her who find May and Davidson repellent and come to the conclusion the SNP is the best choice – even if they don’t yet support Indy.

Dan Huil

Excellent if stomach-churning cartoon from Chris.

Don’t know if you’ve seen this: link to


We can achieve Indy in two ways …

1 by some clear and present danger associated with the Union which causes Scots to wake up and chose Indy via a referendum

2 by getting more and more powers until Indy is just one more short and confortably taken step

I have always felt the first the most likely to deliver. We have seen how difficult it is to prise powers out of Westminster’s deathly clutches.

If the Tories win today across England, then catastrophic Brexit will provoke scenario 1.

On the off chance that a progressive alliance including the SNP takes over the reins, then scenario 2 might have some life left in it.

Win Win, I suggest, optimistically.

However, without continued SNP (and Green) success, the game’s a bogey! It would be back to stagnant Unionist rule for at least a decade.

Scot Finlayson

Ruth Davidson hoping `Tomorrow Belongs to Her`

link to

call me dave

Met an old neighbour at the polling station (92 yesterday) in the pi@@ing rain too she walked there.

Voting SNP. for the SNHS and Pensions 🙂

All my lot are doing the same SNP. = 6 for Grant in Glenrothes

Only the SNP rep standing at the door, same at two other polling stations I dropped by at and NO Lib Dem or Tory placards outside any of them.

We’ll see how the dust settles later.

Robert Graham

Whatever the outcome tonight. I hope Nicola has a good long rest away from this rancid Scottish media, Just imagine having to get up each morning and face some scabby obviously hostile media mouth, a talking head spouting the same pish as the day before and the day before that . A nightmare for most of us at least we can switch off, she has to be on tap 24/7 , I don’t think it’s fair for one person to have to shoulder all this media shit storm , as I said she has worked wonders she now needs a rest .


My prayer for today. A picture of Ruth Davidson crying and not tears of joy either after the exit polls.

Please God and the creek don’t dry!!

Dr Jim

I saw on the BBC a Pre program special on how the BBC were setting up for election results coming in and talking about the political guests who might be taking part and so on
but my eye was drawn to the TV Autocue Monitors where running on the screens was tonights script for the presenters, and I thought for a moment and then thought again, how do you write a script for a thing that hasn’t happened yet, given that the questions you may have to ask could change from moment to moment depending on the results and or any surprises coming, and then I thought Ruth Davidson probably wrote the script because she’s likely to know the outcome of the postal votes anyway


Like it Chris,nice Hitleresque hairdo on Frau Harrison.

Hauf Les Dawson,hauf Adolf Hitler,an’mibbee hauf Fatboab right enough.

I am worried about the Corbyn effect on Scotland’s ‘virtuous’ British ‘socialists’.The remote possibility of even one term in government for their fake ‘class warrior’party is worth a lifetime of social progression and freedom for Scotland to some.

More will have to feel fuller effects of Scotland being governed by Tory Britain before they understand a free independent Scotland is the answer.

Best of luck to all SNP candidates.Scotland’s saviours.


jfngw says:

Does anyone after watching the news on BBC or ITV (I don’t watch C4 or Sky) feel they are any better informed than before they watched it.

I feel I have been given more information, but the issue (as you suggest) is – how much is accurate and truly representative?

My skepticism for the media goes back 20-30-40 years. Starting from when I was a student I was aware that reporting on events or processes, which I had close experience or knowledge of, were not being accurately portrayed. At best the reports were superficial and not getting to rather heart of the matter, or at worst were simply all wrong. That lead me to wonder about the accuracy of everything else where I had no insider knowledge.

This was a drip drip situation where to be honest I probably accepted most of what I was hearing/reading as true. I’d didn’t dwell on my underlying doubts.

The tipping point where I concluded everything in the media was suspect came with the SNP governments in Holyrood, New Labour’s spin, UK’s foreign policy, the way the EU was portrayed etc etc..

Then from 2013 with IndyRef1, I gave up on the BBC and most of the MSM totally.

A democracy can only function with informed voters who have enough accurate facts to draw their own conclusions. The UK has a media whose role is to misinform. I can only conclude this is done to undermine democracy.


We should know the score by 10pm tonight. The exit polls are a pretty good indication.

But it wont matter how many seats the SNP lose or don’t lose its going to be spun as a defeat and an endorsement to deny a second Indyref.

The only way they wont spin it will be if the SNP comes back with more than 56 seats.

That’s the standard the SNP is supposed to reach in order to gain an uncontested mandate for anything.

It wont even matter if May doesn’t increase her majority.

That’s democracy in the UK.

Robert Peffers

@Free Scotland says: 8 June, 2017 at 7:37 am:

” … I’m forced to ask why, when I look at ruth the mooth, am I simultaneously reminded of John Prescott and Les Dawson?”

I’m old enough to realise why that is, Free Scotland.

Back in the days when it was normal for the working class to actually be employed in hard manual labour there really was a political party composed of actual working class MPs and it was aptly described as, “The Labour Party”.

Then those MPs were actual former workers and mainly all had that, lean and hungry”, look about them. There was, in those far off times, a phrase bandied about in political circles – “Bloated Capitalists”. In fact a look at any mixed group of political figures in those days instantly identified the capitalists among them.

Then came the era of the career politician and that included the career Trade Union Bosses. (Note the use of the term, “Bosses”, in that latter group). So what began as democratically elected Labour and Trade Union worker’s representatives changed to, “Bosses of the Working Classes”, in place of, “Representatives of the working classes”, and the rot had set in. Note that we never hear of, “Bloated Capitalists”, these days.

Or maybe I’m wrong?


The perfect storm.
59 SNP MPs and a Tory majority at Westminster.


WGM says:

The perfect storm.
59 SNP MPs and a Tory majority at Westminster.

Indeed, we can dream 🙂

An adequate storm would be SNP with around two thirds of the seats, a weak majority for the Tories overall, a pro Indy majority in Holyrood … and a crash and burn Brexit deal/no deal.

Robert Peffers

@X_Sticks says: 8 June, 2017 at 8:40 am:

“A perfect summary of the unionist plot to ‘keep Scotland catched’. Their plan hasn’t changed in 300 years.”

A bit like this I think:-


This year the whole family gets to vote.

Take a wild guess which way we’re all voting? 🙂

mike cassidy

That “Wired” poll archived.

link to

The problem is the polls have produced results right across the spectrum of possibilities.

So it was inevitable at least one would give Labour a lead.

On the other hand, ICM give the Tories an eve-of-election 12 point lead.

link to

Even Yougov have moved away from ‘hung parliament’ territory to give the Tories a 7 point lead.

Their Scottish analysis –

“Our Scottish polling for the Times suggest the Tories are outperforming there and will win a good handful of seats from the SNP”

link to

Fasten-the-seat-belts time. Its going to be a bumpy ride.


I despair ! Thousands of postal votes have not been received in counties up and down England. Voters are enraged that they can’t vote and all are voting against the tories. They cannot have that many incompetent local councils. Dirty tricks methinks. Lots of students being told their registrations have gone missing.


Great Scot! Tilda Swinton, NY NY, all the way from Nairn, “we are an independent country in Europe, its just England that isn’t…” 6.30mins in,

link to

Robert Peffers

@Socrates MacSporran says: 8 June, 2017 at 10:33 am:

“Haw you: Peffers.
You and I are gonnae faw oot – efter your unfounded attack on a fellow member of Lodge 001 – the Scottish goalkeepers.”

Ach! Socrates, Ah wis ainly joking ye ken.

Matter of fact I was at the match and I agree with your assessment. The guy responsible was indeed the manager and his very wrong underestimate of the opposition. The only good thing about it was the manager learned from his mistakes.

Robert Peffers

Robert Peffers says: 8 June, 2017 at 12:36 pm:

“@X_Sticks says: 8 June, 2017 at 8:40 am:
“A perfect summary of the unionist plot to ‘keep Scotland catched’. Their plan hasn’t changed in 300 years.”
A bit like this I think:-”

How did that happen?

Here’s the correct cut & paste:-
link to

Flower of Scotland

Just home for coffee. Soaked to the skin in Muchty helping to get out the vote. Didn’t meet any other party doing the same.

Then out to do Strath. Please stop raining! We’re doing all we can but noticed that previous rabid LibDem voters have “Tory to stop Indyref2” plackards in their windows. So they don’t care about policies, only the Union.

Good luck guys doing the GOTV! It’s so miserable out there!


Effijy @ 11.12
Your £512,000 oil money was given to the rich when the Tories reduced income tax for the better off from 60% to 40% and flogged off our National Oil Company-Britoil – to BP for a knockdown price.
Unlike Norway not a penny has been saved for future generations and the Tories are rubbing their hands at the prospect of doing the same for the huge new fields west of Shetland.
Never let them get away with it again.

Proud Cybernat

Just spoke with a couple of Shetlanders (voted SNP). They reckon Carmichael is toast. In their words:

“Voting for a proven liar would send out the wrong message from the island. We can’t do that.”


I predict a low turn-out in Scotland.
The weather will benefit the unionists. Dry in the morning, then pissing down all day. Pensioners vote early, and most of their postal votes are already in.

moany faced git

‘It’s shite being Scottish!’

Not looking forward to this at all –
May gets her increased majority,
5 scottish seats go to the squaddie ‘on the ground’ tories
ad nauseum – we’ll never hear the fucking end of it.

I am well and truly scunnered with it all.
Even crumbs of comfort such as that toad Carmichael buying it wont compensate.

North britain here we well and truly come.

Socrates MacSporran

Robert Peffers

I second your opinion on Wembley 1961 – picking two attacking wing-halves was the biggest boob. That was a great attacking English team and we played into their hands.


Just back from voting, and had a laugh when talking to the Labour guys on-duty. Our wee village elected a Tory at the Council elections. We voted for the man – a local farmer – rather than the rosette, because we all realised, regardless of our political affiliations, he was likely to be the one who stood-up best for the interests of the village.

He was elected in the first round, and was the most-shocked man in the place: “But, when John Scott MSP persuaded me to stand, he promised me, there was no way this village would ever elect a Tory”, he said.

Any way, one of the Labour men told him: “You’ll have to buy a suit, and you’ll need to attend meetings every day.

The response was: “For the price of a suit I could get three boiler suits, a couple of pairs of wellingtons and a set of waterproof overalls, which would be more use to me, and, if I have to go to council meetings, because you Labour guys canot sort yourselves out – then, you’ll be doing the lambing for me”.

Now, that’s a Tory/Labour pact that does some good.


Scrap, scrap, scrap 😀 UK hacks are crazy breed.

link to


Returning officer this morning acting on a complaint that ‘we were getting in voters’ faces’ had a word with us – myself, Lab (both old hands at campaigning) and young Green. He was happy that we were standing back and *offering* leaflets to voters so obviously just a disgruntled punter. We reckoned that the complainer must have passed when a voter had confided in us that she couldn’t stand Ruth Davidson and we had agreed that she was aggressive and not very nice. Presumably the Tory ‘surge’ has not appeased him/her.
P.S. None of us were ‘burly men’!

Meg merrilees

K1 Lizg.

Have posted latest thoughts on Off topic


Jings it’s no half wet at the moment in SW Edinburgh. Polling station quite busy despite that. SNP and Labour reps at the doors of our station and two more votes for Cherry in the ballot box.

Free Scotland

No burly men in suits at Prestwick polling station, and no unionist reps. Just one old lady sheltering under a large, yellow, SNP umbrella.


@ Petra re exit polls

I’ve already completed a survey from one on-line pollster (I was asked to wait till I’d voted before filling it in), and am expecting another this afternoon (that company asked me earlier in the week when I intended to vote, and then told me when the survey would arrive); obviously that is different from the face-to-face exit polls conducted immediately after voting, but I think the results will be weighted in their normal way and then published after the polls close.

Occasionally people comment here and elsewhere that they have signed up to eg YouGov and never had a political poll – perhaps I belong to an unusual demographic, because I have had dozens of political polls over the years, including at least 10 this time.

meg merrilees

Posting vote reminder cards 5 -7am.
Anyone out and about then was pleasantly surprised that we were out so early and was generally positive. Gave me a small boost.

Then i did my stint at the polling station this morning 7-10.

SNP the only ones with two boards outside the Polling station -Con, Lib Dem and Lab one board each.

One voter complained that it was unfair that we had two boards as that was biased – (despite me having put them there, and cleared it with the officials before opening time this morning), I acted ignorant of how they got there and smiled sweetly.

It is fascinating however trying to decide someone’s loyalty as they approach. I’m sure the angry, tight-mouthed ones who don’t respond to my ‘Good morning’ are Labour.
Some really tense and angry peeps out there.

Steady flow of voters + 8 dogs in 2.5 hours.

stu mac

The terrible weather today is depressing. Not just because bad weather is always depressing but that historically bad weather diminishes the anti-Tory vote and helps the Tories.

meg merrilees

Maryscot @12.47

Worrying news if postal votes have not arrived.
Do you mean postal ballots – the unmarked papers?
Surely people would have been querying the non-show sooner than this?
Maybe they can still organise an emergency vote? – but across swathes of England???
Def sounds ODD.

More worrying that student registrations have gone missing.
Do they still have time to go for an emergency registration -surely they will have some sort of letter or phone message confirming that they registered?

Could cause a real problem with the count if there a lot of people missed off.
Social media will surely help to raise awareness of this problem.

Not good.


I passed several polling stations in Edinburgh East this morning – the only boards/attendees on show were SNP and Labour – no sign of Fatso’s Fascist Army.


In Scotland, and only in Scotland, we see Labour embracing Tories and Tories embracing Labour. Two Unionist parties in a hug of hate for the SNP and for SNP voters.

For anyone swithering, no excuses, go out and vote. Just do it. Be part of it. It’s not a big ask.
You’ll feel the better for it, today and tomorrow, and longer still.

Vote SNP


My vote for the SNP done.

One elderly Lib Dem lady at my polling place, along the road at the next one SNP, LibDem and Tory. No sign of Labour but their candidate was the one who stormed out of the Oban hustings.

A slightly depressing air about the place. Sons at Uni say a lot of young folk may vote Corbyn but whether that will take away from the SNP is not clear. They may have been Green voters or non-voters before. If there are others who think like Loki today, there may be more than marginals that go Tory.This election may cause more instability than anything else.

Another dose of Tory Austerity may be what the Scottish Corbyn ideologues need in order to bring back into focus the democratic deficit in Scotland.

Meg merrilees

My sister and her husband have both voted SNP…

She was going to vote labour and he was either not going to vote or vote UKIP!

Last night, he was FINALLY enraged by the Daily Mail’s own lies- he’s read it for years and by gradually becoming so contaminated by it, refused to acknowledge that it was obnoxious.
There was no stopping his complaints about it last night and today -Bingo.

I’m stunned.

Miracles do happen!

Jack Murphy

Kezia Dugdale,Brexit and Scottish Independence.
The Telegraph:
“Kezia Dugdale: I could vote for independence to keep Scotland in EU…….”

link to


Well done Chris. This has in many ways been a non election in Scotland. A Westminster Election and all they could talk about is the Scottish Government.

I see Ruth Davidson called Nicola a Clype. There’s a few choice words I would like to call her, but I’d probably be attacked again by Hamish and his pals who think anyone who use a cuss word is a Unionist troll. FFS. (Remember he called everyone who disagreed with him a Friend of Hammer?)

Remember, Remember the 14th of September,
Weasel words, Treason and Plot,
Near Federation, for the good of our Nation,
Was all that they promised us? Not,
Lies upon lies, the truth they disguised,
They were up to their usual Yoon trick,
We took our eye off the ball,
We fell for it all,
From a glass eyed Unionist Prick.

There’s Kezia girl, who’ll give you a twirl,
Whilst changing her mind in a jiffy,
Ruth Tank Commander, the Scot’s Salamander,
Whose choice of blue friends is quite iffy,
Wee Willie Winkie, whose policies are stinky,
Well goodness knows, “What does he do?”
There’s Jabba the Hut, Whose enormous big butt,
Takes the space, where you could easily sit two.

And I want to ken, what our “Slovenian Friend”,
Get’s up to when the curtains are shut?
I’d probably guess, with much mental distress,
It involves some butter and Jabba the Hut.
So this is the cartoon, with three of the Yoons,
Who want to get mine and your vote,
Well I’ll tell you right now, especially that Tory Cow,
Gets right on my f**king goat.


stu mac says:
8 June, 2017 at 1:52 pm
The terrible weather today is depressing. Not just because bad weather is always depressing but that historically bad weather diminishes the anti-Tory vote and helps the Tories.”

Cheer up you olde Scottish miseries.

Rain and democracy are not exactly the same thingees are they. Maybe in November, the rain might put off some but summer rains are one of the great things about Scotland.

I know I love summer rain though. Its like Scottish democracy, it helps our Scotland grow and progress, as it cleans and washes away all the shite.

How’s that for positive spin thinking 😀 True though.


meg merrilees, Been keeping an eye on the subject of postal voting all day. In England you only put an X against the party you want to vote for, unlike Scotland. Thousands of people (especially students) opted for a postal vote as they don’t know whether they will be at uni or a home today. Thousands have been ringing their councils asking when they would receive the paperwork and told it would be soon.Lots of students not received their postal vote and some told registration has gone missing. Now today, people from Cork/Ireland, Middlesbrough,Bristol, Sevenoaks and over 1,500 postal votes not received in Plymouth alone. One lady noticed on her polling card that the address of the polling station was one mile away from the polling station. Hearing more stories all the time. All voting to get the tories out too, so this is no coincidence.

Proud Cybernat

Jack n Victor no’ impressed…

link to

Brian Nicholson

My thoughts on constituency results for the SNP.

50+ smashing
45-50 acceptable given its Westminster vote
40-45 concerning, need to review campaigning strategies and policy priorities
under 40 disastrous, need to radically change approach to confronting the unionist threat.

Dorothy Devine

Jack Murphy, the only thing that bothers me about that is the 1st April date.


@Meg merrilees

Well done. I wasn’t asked to do polling station duty duty, but having done it before, have to agree, it’s fascinating how some react to you on approach. You get toothy grins or shy smiles from supporters, and quite gruff reactions from non supporters.

I never react like that to canvassers, I just smile, and move on, they never chap my door though.

It’s literally torrential rain here, so out for ma snashters, and voted.

Comey testimony on live at 3pm, so watching that, which they are describing as superbowl. Let’s hope its the start of Trumps troubles.

Fracas broke out at polling station in Cumbria, as they waited for Tim Farron! Haha.


Brian Nicholson…anything over 40 is an excellent result.
56 was a once in a lifetime result, gained solely from the guilt of soft NO voters.


At least this time Sillars and Wilson didn’t throw their usual spanners in to The SNP works.

Not a cheep from Jakey, only a brief appearance by the Great Clunking Fist and May seems to have kept Baroness Mone securely locked up and gagged.

Robert Graham

AYE – Proud Cybernat -Jack and Victor have it spot on , lookout for the bunting and the balloons in the background at Pacific heights tonight, and the contortions when they try to suppress their total joy , listen out for cheers and yeh awesome titters, it will be like a New Years party , if the SNP lose a seat . Not Fekn looking forward to it .


Just back from voting. No let up in the rain nobody standing outside the polling station.
Cant get a feel for it yet but even 55 seats going to the SNP will be spun as a mandate to deny a second Indyref.
They just don’t want democracy to interfere with their unfettered fascism.

Wullie B

Proud Cybernat says:
8 June, 2017 at 10:52 am

“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson.

This is in reference to the Second Amendment, The right to bear arms, against enemies foreign and domestic, the domestic being the government

Our government made sure to disarm the populace, after Hungerford and Dunblane, and some reckon Dunblane was carried out on orders of Mi% by Thomas Hamilton who supposedly had links with the Westminster pedo rin


With regards to that poll in the Sunday Herald.
I am seriously struggling to get my head around the stupidity of No voters saying they would switch to yes if the Tories win the election. Even if Corbyn wins an outright majority at some point soon we will end up with another Tory Government anyway. A Corbyn Government may at best last for 2 terms.
FFS why cant these people understand that the ONLY way to avoid getting Tory Governments we don’t want EVER is by voting for Independence.
Honestly who the fuck thinks like that?


Not all she purported to be

link to

Chris Baxter

Tory majority of 35.



Here is the piece from Times on Brexit, it can only be catastrophic

link to

Chick McGregor

Good one Chris.

The unholy trinity.

Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Teapots.

Tom Kane

Thanks Chris… Well seen.

In my head there’s already a statue of you in George Square in Glasgow for the work you’ve done. Right beside James Watt.


Iain More

Well my X went to the SNP. Duty done! It was a fine day in Moray up to the point I dumped the chuggy in Keith. It was dreich once the train hit Insch.

I hope the weather doesn’t drive the turn out down overall. I drove several infirm voters to polling station this morning.

Poor turn outs at Polling Stations will only multiply the Yoon OV effects. Its miserable in Aberdeen right now.


As ive said a few times, im not a big fan of the SNP or Nichola, but anyone who goes out to vote and puts an X in any other spot except SNP this time around hasnt been paying attention.

Robert J. Sutherland

Dorothy Devine @ 09:53,

“Get behind me, Satan!” =laugh=

Probably just as well I’m not a farmer or sewage farm worker…

…but one can dream…!


Valerie says:
8 June, 2017 at 3:18 pm

Here is the piece from Times on Brexit, it can only be catastrophic

England had better hope Empire 2 is an actual thing. Scottish tourism should get a boost though, with sterling turning into bog roll. Imagine an actual press and BBC that wasn’t merely giant English tory attack propaganda, the headlines and news would be very very different.

Jack Murphy

TODAY.It’s a quiet day on the News-Front so here’s a piece by former British Ambassador Craig Murray:
‘Why Britain is a Flawed Democracy’

This statement really jumped out at me:
“….. “Independent” media is owned by offshore billionaires.
The BBC hierarchy is openly Tory – the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the BBC Trust, the Head of News James Harding, Sarah Sands, Nick Robinson, Andrew Neil etc. are all open Tories…….”

link to

I knew about Nick Robinson but not the others listed.
As for BBC Pacific Quay….


Watch this on the PMs case for having a general election.

link to

Brian Powell

Brian Nicholson

More than the rest is a win.

Robert Graham

I am hoping for a reasonable result tonight , I will put down any losses right at the unionist medias door , this constant hectoring on devolved issues i am afraid might cost a few casualties tonight , once was bad but four or more without correction was damaging , it was holyrood on stilts , Nicola must feel drained shes done well to keep this constant barrage at bay , it must be soul destroying trying to get the truth out in a sea of lies .
Anyway i hope all you folks have a reasonable night best of luck .

Brian Powell


Seeing the Times article re-enforces my assessment that one of those three is a malicious self serving bag of crap and the other two ignorant dimwits.


Who knows how the result will turn out tonight after the polls are closed. That includes me of course as I’ve really no idea either though I will always big up the result I want which is just a bit of psychology 🙂

The truth is though that if you are to make any sort of decision on any subject and not just an election then the more information you gather the more likely you are to be right. So I looked at the polling, previous election results, betting odds ect. Then I had my best guess which I’m sticking with.

The polls though are the fly in the ointment, they have swung widely and massively towards Labour and in the final day or so a bit back the other way.

The reason polls cant be trusted is because some might say the Tories have a 12% lead and then you have others giving just a 1% lead. Deary me, that is total trash that they polls can differ so much.

See next time we do it ourselves, all wingers that volunteer get out and collect 20 or 50 voting intentions in our own constituencies. James Kelly of Scot Goes pop could do the weighting and write the questions.

I predict we’ll have the most accurate Scottish poll in history of an election result if we had even just 100 volunteers. We need to think about that Rev.

Anyway, wife made the proxy vote for me today. She’s very excited about what she’s reading on social media (Facebook) about the voting and sounds pretty positive.

I’m happy about that because my wife is opposite from me and forever the pessimist, gave me good vibes 🙂


The Tories have postal voted already. They like the anonymity that voting for their granny brings. They don’t like being identified as the greedy self serving bigoted people they are. Guess what. They are.

Robert J. Sutherland

bjsalba @ 16:26,

Wow. It may have been delivered in a conventional dispassionate academic manner, but that was a searing indictment of the Tory UKGov’s incompetence over Brexit. I just wish this kind of heavy-duty expertise was matched by anything that has ever appeared on the BBC, but alas no surprise there. (It’s not just the Brexiteers who don’t have any need for experts, it seems.)

It is interesting that he, uniquely for an English-based critic (but then his accent is Ulster), has clearly recognised the fundamentally anti-democratic nature of the Tory case. Which is essentially “shut up and leave us get on with things until this is all over”, carefully omitting to say that it will be decades before it is all over! Yet the Tories have the damn nerve to accuse us here of being a “one-party state”.

He has likely not even seen anything like the “shut up” barrage that we have had to face on a daily basis, and the most sorry aspect of it all, as the cartoon well illustrates, is that it is coming by no means solely from the Tories. Instead of standing up to this neo-fascistic control-freakery, BLiS and FibDem have actively collaborated in it! In effect they have been saying “shut up and let the Tories get on with it”. What kind of opposition is that?!

It seems clear that the English (and inevitably we along with them, at least for a while) are going to go through the same kind of experience post-election as we here went through post-indyref. A quickly-dawning realisation that they have been royally cheated and sold a stinking turd.

Dougan is a hero. Pity his voice has never been aired by the media we pay to keep us informed. But take a look yourself anyway – it’s dynamite!


Would be hilarious to have May lose her own election. Even if the Tories won that’d be almost worth it.

Should have spread rumours that there was a conspiracy within her party to bring about her downfall.


@ Robert J Sutherland

If you google “Professor Michael Dougan” (with or without adding in “Liverpool”) as I did, having never heard of him before, you will discover that

a) he was born in Belfast but has 2 degrees from Cambridge
b) various things he wrote/said went viral (to no avail) before the EU referendum

You’re right, of course, that what he said was not disseminated by the MSM. I didn’t read all the articles that came up in response to my search – I mostly wanted to find out where he came from originally – but from the ones I did it’s clear that he did reach some people.


Little comment has been made re the hysterical desperation of all 3 unionist parties campaigning against the possibility of Indyref2 and the reason for the hysteria.

I reckon that the obvious reason is that without Scotland’s assets RumpUK would be going naked to the Brexit negotiations with the obvious end game of the collapse of the RumpUK economy.

Robert Kerr

Well that’s four votes for SNP. Me, wife, daughter and carer.

Only person present was SNP observer who held door for wheelchair.

Looks like very low turnout thus far judging from the cross outs on the list.


Yes gus, and that’s why they don’t want any Scottish SNP MPs round that negotiating table.

Robert Graham

i dont know if there is much in this , over on the canary they are reporting a heavy turnout of young voters across England with photos as proof ,central office getting twitchy and texting their membership , might be a fluke but hears hoping . stranger things have happened .

Ian McCubbin

Well done. Saw it on Twitter its apt 3 stooge with Indy stuck in there craw.
The have n’t thought out what they will do after Indy. All are finished in Scottish politics then as none supported it and all were EU and Scottish parties.
Now toast the Unionist line till the end


Robert it is true. They reckon 75% turnout so far with lots of youngsters over most of England. My daughter teaches A levels and her students were all going to vote after their exam this afternoon.

Robert J. Sutherland

crazycat @ 17:22,

Thanks for confirming his origins. It’s a special pleasure to have such eminent good sense spoken by someone from NI. =grin=

During the EURef, someone on WoS had helpfully posted links to his videocasts, so I had seen him before, and been very impressed, but I was unaware until today of this new one. (The glories of social media – far better informational value than the mandaTory TV dolt licence.)

The warnings he gave then are already beginning to materialise in the troubling shape of the Great Repeal Bill.

And the worst by far is yet to come, when Mayhem’s sticking plaster really starts peeling off all those dodgy seams under the waterline of poor old PS Brexitannia.


Robert, Lots of youngsters turning out to vote in England. Seen the photos etc. My daughter teachers “A” levels and all of her students were going to vote after their exam this afternoon. They are saying over 70% turnout and most polling stations saying they have been busier than they were for the referendum.


Hehe CC ~ I likes your latest. Reminds me of the three moving clowns you used to have to roll a ball into, to win a prize at the Glasgow Carnival / Circus. They were the clowns with the pointy bobbled-hats. You can still see some of the original stuff at Glasgow’s Riverside Museum tish now.

Just over 4 hours left to go Scottish voters.

I’ve pulled my lever…
Have you?



Yes, and since in most if not all constituencies a vote for Labour is wasted, the best way to try to get Corbyn in is to vote SNP, as they will support his minority government.

ian murray

I am sure the postal votes will be found….already marked and returned
Why are there issues with postal votes?
During Indy 1 were there not different forms in some areas ?

Liz g

Just watched an official election guy pick up postal votes in N Lanarkshire
Is this usual

Dr Jim

Nice one STV

A very nice unpolitical piece by STV there on how Glasgow’s full of Junkies and HIV folk and show pictures of where it’s done pointing out it’s next to nice residential houses then bring on the experts to tell us all about how it’s bad policy that causes all this terribleness

Followed up by telling us they can’t report on politics today because of the rules

Aye nice one STV and we’re all so thick nobody noticed it

I don’t think they realise that every time they do this their card gets marked again, Tut Tut you’re catching up with your pals at the Beeb STV


Remember this one from exactly two months ago to the day…
link to

Behold, your lever..

Use it.


Dr Jim

Postal votes

I can’t remember the exact details but somebody counted postal votes before against total votes and found that there were more votes cast than people actually resident at the time of voting
Somebody may know more on it and I may have got the details wonky that’s why I’m reluctant to quote stuff that’s not verified


@ Liz g

Yes; since the postal votes have to be verified, it makes sense to pick them up at various points during the day, so that the only ones awaiting verification at the count venue are the very last ones.

That way, they can be added to the ordinary ballots as soon as possible.

It does look a bit dodgy though!

Dr Jim

Will Theresa May and Ruth Davidson resign if they don’t win their “referendum” Ooops sorry election


@Dr Jim says:
8 June, 2017 at 6:26 pm

Yes Dr Jim , I watched that too and noted the GP from Muirhouse stating ‘bad policy’….WTF….top story too…6pm….4 hours before polling ends….way to go STV…….tad too political for my liking.


I wonder who Kezia voted for?


Voting in grangemouth where i live described by SNP agent as “steady and brisk all day so far” depite shit weather.


Wings is relatively troll free and there’s probably a good reason for that in that any trolls here are soon spotted and get short shrift.

Take a look at this though from John Curtice’s site “What Scotland Thinks” the btl comments are pure raging mental UKOK.

It’s even worse than the Scotsman. It used to be a decent place with decent comments. Look at it now, what a state for what is supposed to be a serious political analysis website. Curtice must be embarrassed by the comments. If he’s not he should be.

link to


Another X for the yellow team.


Cock up there, here’s the link.

link to


Meg merrylees @ 2.02 pm

THAT is good news = )

Well done for helping your sister and husband question and reason for themselves and come up with the inevitable answer:


Proud Cybernat

After the distraction that is GE17, the main event resumes. ScotRef & Brexit. That is the REAL battleground for the future of Scotland. We know it and the Yoons most certainly know it. GE17 is but a sideshow.

And full battle mode resumes tomorrow.

I will be starting another campaign against the BBC and the MSM in Scotland in general. My plan:

1) Demonise & Ridicule the BBC/MSM in Scotland.
2) Encapsulate above in simple image / soundbite (consultation will be required with Wingers and others).
3) Commence Indigogo fundraiser to have labels printed (just like the BBC Misreporting Scotland campaign) and distributed across Scotland.
4) Keep at it until ScotRef2.

People not yet politically engaged simply MUST understand the simple message that the media they read and listen to in Scotland simply cannot be trusted to tell them the truth and, in fact, that it is deliberately and cynically misinforming them.

Theresa May has used this GE to try and get rid of the nationalists and the saboteurs of her Brexit plans. We’ll see just how successful she has been in Scotland tomorrow. But regardless of the outcome the campaign against the lies and misinformation of the Scottish print and broadcast media really has to be ramped up now.

Let us make the majority of people in Scotland truly scathing of the media here; let us RIDICULE the media here. But at the same time, of course, point them to sites that give them actual facts that are properly sourced.

Time now to really get in aboot them.


Dan Huil

@Proud Cybernat 7:07pm

Sounds good to me.


Gonna be a long night… teas, fruits & nuts for snacks.

Elected ~ by Alice
link to

(also dedicated to the people who were listening to this song on Radio Shortbread the other day, before they cut it well short to go to news – Thank you.)


@Proud Cybernat

Sure am, count me in.

No longer must we focus on individual political parties but the media. That’s what Wings does but only we readers know that.


So much for no campaigning today !

Just got an email from kezia dugdale asking for my vote !

Cheeky fecker.


Aye, count me in Proud Cybernat ~

It’s time that WE ridiculed the MSM / BBC.

Fight fire with fire like.


Proud Cyb– @7.07

It is generally accepted that the matter of Scottish Independence is WHEN not IF.

This raises the question of just what happens to the media in Scotland once we are Independent?

Broadcasting is a simple one insofar as Scotland will have its own broadcaster in place of The BBC with both home produced programming and imported programming including from The BBC along the same line as The Irish Republic.

I would expect STV to fall into line as regards supporting Independence but there will definitely be a need to sort out the longstanding scandal of The Borders Commercial programming coming from England – there is little in the way of technical problems as regards a solution to this.

The dead tree press is another matter given that ownership apart from The DC Thompson papers is outwith Scotland.

Can we expect The Herald, Scotsman and Record to fall into line and drop their Unionist stance?

As for the kilted versions of the Metropolitan papers it will be interesting to see which way they will jump – will they just continue as now and try to undermine an Independent Scotland, moderate their political stance or just abandon their kilted versions?


Gutted, no Ruth Davidson Party on my ballot paper so glad to vote SNP ?


I forget where I saw it, BTL comment somewhere I think … But a very sobering thought.

If the UK exits Europe with no deal, on day one and from day one, your freight lorries stop at the ports and your planes don’t fly.

And it stays like that until there is a deal. Theresa’s “no deal is better than a bad deal” is dangerous, infantile stupidity.


Just cast my vote for Chris Law at Strathmartine Dundee no canvassers outside just 2 billboards outside both fallen flat no sign of anything SNP bit disappointing but hopefully Chris will do well nonetheless



OT – defence and Indy!
link to

“… insulation installation services to the Royal Navy’s Astute class submarines”

I guess Wood will remain a true blue Unionist.


OT – defence and Indy – again
From UKDJ:

Allied foreign ministers signed Montenegro’s Accession Protocol in May 2016, after which all 28 national parliaments voted to ratify its membership. Montenegro’s accession represents NATO’s first enlargement since April 2009, when Albania and Croatia joined the Alliance.

For an interesting rundown on Montenegro’s application and accession, there’s wiki:

link to

It was going to be linked to Macedonia’s application (naming dispute with Greece), and NATO’s scepticism about new Eastern European members, but several members supported Montenegro.

Scotland wouldn’t have similar problems, which included Montenegro’s outdated weapons.

Cadogan Enright

@proud cybernat 7.07

Why not join other wingers at Inform Scotland?

We need help to ramp up against the BBC

The next step is to fully explore Ofcom, or expose them if they fail

link to


Just back from voting, going on to two other proxy votes in different part of north Glasgow. Quite busy still, steady flow. Harvie was outside wi snp & labour. No sign of Tories.


@gus 7.30pm.

Good post and perhaps answers the question,

Q. Why are the msm and unionist politicians desperate to avoid Scottish independence ?

Is it…

A. They love the union passionately and really believe we are ‘better together’?

B. They all stand to lose a lot, personally (politicians) and business wise (msm).

It’s a toughie huh ?

Robert Graham

Thepnr – Thanks for the Curtis link – eh I think , it’s always informative to see another point of view, eh well that was the expectation, Silly me eh , I wouldn’t mind if the comments were coherent, but the biggest fiscal debt in the western world, destroying the health service, destroying the police service, among other types of drivel , well how do you get through to people like that, Christ it would be like arguing with a child, basically a pointless excercise , the most entertaining part was an argument on the variations of the spelling of jimmy krankie , have I spelt it right, I haven’t a bloody clue, frankly I don’t give a shit , I was going to say don’t give a dam but that’s getting into, wuthering heights territory , total fiction just like that website .

gerry parker

Gus 1940.

“This raises the question of just what happens to the media in Scotland once we are Independent?”

We have our own Leveson enquiry headed by someone like Prof John Robertson and start doing things right.


Robert Graham at 8:13 pm

Sounds just like BBC HYS. I wonder where all that hate comes from.


Heads up folks – we could be in for a good night.
Well done to all foot soldiers who work so hard in the face of establishment adversity and of course our mates at Auntie BEEB !

For all those who voted Tory today looking in, if by some hellish occurrence you achieve a Pyrrhic victory and take seats
by the votes of fools, to the determent of Scotland, sleep on this –

link to

Your future awaits – & The drum riffs are your soulless bones falling from your bodies.


Gonna stop panicking!it’s us against them .. 45 seats .. let the dregs soak up the rest!

Dr Jim

Scotland has something money can’t buy and that’s what makes the Yoons so desperate to keep their greedy grasping mitts on us
Location Location Location and of course without Scotland the UKs prestige will fall even lower than it already is, not to mention the UKs credit rating will drop like a stone because of the thing that wont speak it’s name but has been powering the English economy for 40 years, OIL, black gold, Texas tea,
and the billion barrels sitting west of Shetland right now waiting to come up in 2019, and England wants it badly
We know and so do they

Just one more mention of something else the English want
They want to Frack the shit out of Scotland the first chance they get

Think about that Labour voters as well as the financial slump they allowed the bankers to get away with but couldn’t bail themselves out with oil money because the Saudis made the price go down in competition with America, you know the special relationship people

But still the English tongue is stuck up the Saudis Arse

Still, looking forward to next year when Ruth Davidson gets the full Ulster row going so folk will say I never saw that coming I just thought it was about politics Duh!


Robert Louis

Just voted for SNP. Jim Eadie, Edinburgh South. Let’s hope he wins.


gerry parker – nice one!


I was speaking to two ladies this morning, who said they’d voted Tory last time but were NOT going to bother voting this time.

They said there wasn’t any point because “the SNP are going to win anyway.”

Says I tae them, “aye, yer right” and wished them well as I sauntered away.

Hopefully, there’s many more like them fine ladies.

And to think all you girls had to fight to earn your right to vote!

Go girls x

wee bud

Just voted in wet Campbeltown.. I may be a bit paranoid but there seems to be a lot of Tory sectarian voters ..

My daughter showed me a message on Facebook where the new breed of Tory couldn’t vote for them as he couldn’t find them on the ballot paper.. The clown didn’t know their Sunday name was Conservative!!!


Robert Graham @ 8.13
“”I was going to say don’t give a dam but that’s getting into, wuthering heights territory , total fiction just like that website .””

Is it not “Gone with the Wind”? Rhett Butler says: ‘Quite frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.’ Near the end of the film.

Time is dragging…


Just said to the wife, have you voted as she was in her lounging garb, she said no, so it was a quick right get your decent clothes on and I’ll drive you there……..sorted, another Lossie vote for Angus!!

Peter Craig

Unfortunately I have to imagine Friday morning will be quite lovely for batshit Jill and her slavering acolytes.
The 2015 vote was unquestionably a huge FU to Cameron & co for their statements on the morning of 19/09/14.
Much as 56 of 59 MPs heartened me, that number was always going to be unsustainable.
Any losses will be portrayed as a rejection of support for indyref2. That said, even if the SNP fall to 40 seats thats still more than double the others combined.(How good would that have looked 15 short years ago?)
SNP will undoubtably drop a few seats today but if,as looks likely Treeza wins, then 5 more years of Tory mis-rule + Brexit can only be a boost for the cause of self-determination.
Hope Jill and friends enjoy it whilst they can, cause their days of misery are not far off now.


Just on the media thing, and sharing.

I follow on Twitter, because it’s sarcastic and funny a lot of the time. There is a band of lads vying with each other to buy up bundles of Mail and Express papers, and burn the pile to post the vid on line. Very uplifting!

Someone asked if Waitrose asked why so many, and the guy just said, they are going to a good home.

North chiel

A little concerned re the weather today in Scotland and thus turnout . Will this impinge on the accuracy of the 1000pm exit poll as postal ballot is unaffected by today’s weather ? Hope the overall turnout is high . Anything between 40-50 seats would be terrific in all circumstances.Fingers crossed.


Is that Jackie Baillie in the middle?

Dave McDave

Just back in from the polling station in Helensburgh and it was absolutely riddled with Selfservatives in their matching blue anoraks and rosettes. No SNP bods visible but I possibly missed them as I literally had to push past ten of R*peClauseRuth’s cheerleaders who were blocking the door of the polling station. (More irritable arseholes than a proctologist’s waiting room!) Unfortunately I had my family with me so I had to bite my tongue this time, but I was glad we had all applied “Tory-Pest Repellant” aka big Yes badges!!


Another report about about students votes going missing.

link to

Down south, local paper collating reports, and one council has had to hurriedly issue out postal votes to replace missing ones, blaming an IT glitch.

I’m sure the seat involved is just coincidentally a marginal seat held by 500 Tory votes.


Stand-by for some new form of “EVEL2” to be introduced tomorrow evening if the Tories win by a majority in England.

The current PM will probably have a choice of three speeches to read from, dependent on their vote outcome.

Once the results for GE17 are in, and all the hoop-la has settled down, the post-election-dissection should show all the bleary-eyed-folk, how the unionist parties campaigned solely against an independence referendum, rather than make their own policies up for the actual election… should they care to care.

The SNP are going to win anyway.

Robert Graham

Legerwood – ha ha aye bloody dragging, and I spelt damm wrongly gee wiz ha ha , that film was as long as this bleedn election, let’s hope for a happy ending ,


Just in from mine 2 SNP bods and 2 SNP cars delivering voters. asked the red tory sitting there if she was representing all 3 parties(she wasn’t amused and had disappeared by the time I had voted. SNP guy said it was more than twice as busy as local elections. Came in to this email from kez tied at 18:45

Dear Friend,

Polling stations across Scotland and the UK are open until 10pm tonight.

We are in touching distance of a Labour government, but I need your help. Every single vote counts in this election, and Scotland is key to the result.

Don’t let the rain put you off voting. Don’t risk waking up tomorrow morning to another Tory government that will impose further hardship on families, just because it’s wet outside.

Instead, imagine waking up to a Labour government that will deliver a £10-an-hour minimum wage, protect the pension triple-lock, ban zero hour contracts, invest billions in our schools and hospitals, and end austerity.

The only way to get a Labour government is by voting Labour. The SNP can’t win this election, and a vote for Nicola Sturgeon and her candidates just lets Theresa May back into Downing Street.

ian murray

I am pretty sure McTiernan said Corbyn had no chance today


I see on a couple of English sites there is some real anger at the tabloid screams to support Brexit. Talk of burning them.

I’ve been suggesting lists of advertisers, petitions to stop their ads and boycotts if they don’t.

A social media campaign would be a good start.

Liz g

Even stranger
Same guy returned to the polling station
Polling lassie says hi only have another six
He says no I am not taking them they have to go with the ballot boxes


I voted a fortnight ago.
I am in a sunny, hot place.
I have been in the vicinity of English voters.
I am unfortunately in grave danger of becoming anti-English.

To all of those who have been out working for SNP/independence , thank you.


Got four phone calls between 5.00pm – 6.00pm from Labour wanting to know how I voted. First time it was a polite “Hello, but no thanks”. Second time it was “No thank you” Third time, I just hung up. Fourth time, it was “Stop harassing me and can I speak to your manager”. Talk about how to win over voters! Mind you, it would have been a waste of time, Deirdre Brock had already got my vote hours ago!!!


It’ll be alright on the night folks- nae dramas

Watching that fur a wee bit before watching the Ponsonby channel. Cannae suffer that BBC coverage. Long night ahead fur me as I stay up most of night,scared of missing something.

I’m going for 53 seats!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Dr Jim.

You mentioned,

“OIL, black gold, Texas tea,” which made me recall this clip from the fillum “FM”. It features Weird Al Yankovic and Mark Knopfler. Clever, for its time…

link to


Robert Graham
You still got it wrong, damn. Predictive text, thank God it does not predict elections. No nails left.


Worked hard today for the SNP in Edinburgh West. Detected a slight shift in fortunes for the Unionists. HOWEVER.

No dramatic resurgence detected but since SNP did so well in 2015 the Unionists will allege they defeated the SNP even if they did not .Please be ready with comparisons and statistics which shows the true level of support for the Yoons.

I could not bear the arrrogance of Ruth Davidson if Tories won back a dozen or so SNP seats. That is not a triumph for the Tories.


Polls will soon be closed, and its done.

Braced and ready for any result. It’s a British General Election, and feels quite foreign these days.

Seems to me there’s an air of giving the Unionists enough rope to hang themselves with this election; the real business starts now. Brexit negotiations start in days, and the UK PM, May or Corbyn has the thorny problem of Scotland; Hell to pay if Scotland is barred from the negotiating table, and the UK bargaining position is hamstrung if Scotland is given its say.

If the Tories win, the ScotRef Battle lines are starkly drawn and couldn’t be clearer.

If Labour sneak past the post, then we sit back as civil war erupts between Corbyn the Magnificent and those backstabbing Blairites both North and South of the Border.

A hung parliament sounds ideal for Scotland, but I’m not so sure. When it’s Blue against Red, the balance of power is held by an de facto arbiter; a malleable inbetweener with emphasis on wiener. Where that arbiter is jockeying for the end of the Union, I rather suspect the red and blue factions will find enough common purpose for “the Establishment” to prevail, although you can bet they won’t be honest in going about it. Cue a quiet tolerance of “rebel” factions; Europhile Tories, or Blairite Labour permitted to vote with “the enemy”.

Besides, with the SNP holding the balance of power, that means holding the casting vote on Brexit. Delicious irony I know, but thats a poisoned chalice which so far has “done for” everyone who’s touched it.

6 mins to closing time. We’ll know soon enough.


A reminder of where to watch the results.

link to

link to

Juan P

Hoping Angus Robertson holds on in Moray.

A great servant to people there and he’s been more effective at holding May to account than all of the shadow cabinet combined.


Here we go!


Exit poll, prediction Tory 314 seats, 266 Labour, SNP 34, Libdem up 6….fuck…

call me dave

Game on UK exit poll projection.

Tory 314
Lab 266
Lib 14
SNP 34
Green 3
1 Welsh Nats

Worse than I hoped for SNP 34 But it’s only a poll!

Robert Louis

Brace yourselves. Anybody know the Scottish sample size.

Tam Fae Somewhere

Exit poll saying 34 seats for SNP.

Not expecting 56 again but 34 is just wrong!

Jockanese Wind Talker

SKY Exit Poll

Tories 314
Labour 266
Fib Dems 14

SNP 34 🙁

Hope they’ve got Scotland wrong.

Margin of error is allegedly 20 seats.


Exit poll= dribble

No way we’ll lose 22 seats- crap.


Cant be that many losses surely


Mother of Christ what has Scotland done? Either the Yoons have conducted the most successful joint tactical voting campaign in history or they’ve rigged the vote.
Tories will be back in with the help of the Ulster unionists and Davidson will be on the equivalent of a Heroin high.
There is no God.

call me dave

If that exit poll is true then May is toast with no overall majority.

Scotland prediction looks a bit drastic but still there must be some pretty close calls and we may do better.

Richard Duncan

BBBC exit poll showing SNP 34 seats .

good god Scotland what have you done 🙁

Jockanese Wind Talker

SKY now saying “Scotland…highly uncertain on estimate for the SNP”

F**king hope so.

Bigging up Tories being kept in power by tRuthless if Tories take a lot of Scottish seats.


Taking the exit poll ….

Tories 314/650 means they win 48% of seats at a UK level.

SNP 34/59 means they win 58% of seats at a Scottish level.

We win, they lose – simple.

Will it be as ‘bad’ as 34? Hope not!

The exit poll sampled (I think) 10 polling stations in Scotland and extrapolated from that. In a few hours we’ll know whether that was a valid sample!

Still Positive

Sample of only 10 constituencies in Scotland.


If exit polls are right, how can May stay on? Tories wanted 150 majority hardly a month ago.


BBC of all places saying many of the Scottish seats are “50/50, so that number could change”.

Tories losing majority is a handy counter-punch.

Dear Ruthie…how many elections did YOU win tonight ?

We won one.

Think about this, if this result relects the high point of electoral support for the union, then frankly, it puts YES on 57.6%.

Dorothy Devine

How does an exit poll work? If the votes haven’t been counted then just how accurate is it?


Don’t tell me they let Davidson and McTernan play with the postal vote again?

Training Day

If poll is anywhere near true it has been rigged

Grey gull

Can’t believe/ disappointed the exit poll for SNP is true but maybe tactical voting for the yoons as worked. Certainly has drawn up battle lines for Indy ref 2. Still think there’s something in the pre election chat about Theresa wanting to lose to avoid all the brexit grief and Tories can blame it on labour. Should I get my tinfoil hat?


Not sure if its significant that John Curtice didn’t announce the exit poll or has yet not commented.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Only way SNP lose 22 seats is if folk have fallen for the “Scottish Govts record” being pushed in a UK GE.


Have used this as a mid term protest vote against Scots Gov


Corbyns manifesto stealing the SNPs policies has taken SNP votes to BLiS


There really are that many dafties

It’ll a’ come oot in the wash I suppose


Fran says:
8 June, 2017 at 10:08 pm

Cant be that many losses surely

I’m afraid it’s perfectly possible

we do have the most stupid electorate on the planet, just cast your mind back to 2014


James Caithness

If exit polls correct looks like Tory/Lib Dem coalition of chaos again.

I am always suspicious of those establishment rats.

Grey gull

Surprised/disappointed with the exist results. If it’s true the yoons have pooled resources but in doing so have drawn up the battle lines for Indy ref 2. Still wondering about the tin foil hat idea that Theresa wanted to lose the election so they could blame someone else for brexit


From Twitter “Ironic, in theory, that 34 SNP MPs would hold far more power than 56 MPs”


As the Rev just said, they don’t usually issue so many disclaimers as they have done on the SNP numbers, they haven’t caveated so much on the Labour and Tory numbers. So let’s stay upbeat, we’re still going to win this, also really big possibility if those Tory/Labour exit poll numbers remain accurate, that SNP would potentially hold balance of power, more powerful input than they have had with 56?

I don’t think we’ll lose 22 seats. But we will lose some.

Upside, May’s gone potentially, therefore new even worse Tory pick: Boris? Welcome to an independent Scotland folks.


Well if the exit poll is anywhere near correct then the whole country is divided more than ever it’s been in history.

So much for drawing people together eh May- idiot


BBC Scotland can barely contain their delight and excitement at how well Tories appear to be doing in marginal seats held by SNP. Pete Wishart seems to be really worried and talk is of being neck and neck with Tory.
If all of this is true then hell mend the labour tactical voter in Scotland for not only giving Davidson bragging rights but for keeping Corbyn from taking more seats from May.

Puzzled Puss

Losing 22 seats looks scary, and I really hope they’ve got that bit wrong, but to put it in perspective, we were not expecting 56 seats in 2015,and would probably have been quite pleased with getting as many as 34. It’s still a decent majority of Scottish seats.


A short article form the FT about the accuracy exit polls …

link to


I’d much rather have 35 MPs in a hung parliament than 50 where the government has an overall majority.


@ Graeme

If we have lost 22 its going to start feeling like 2014 again

Ian Mackay

Is that right? The exit poll is based on a sample of 10 constituencies in Scotland? Even if they tried to pick 10 indicator seats that exit poll for Scotland is pretty worthless.

My guess is that most or all of those 22 losses are close calls. 50/50s. And if they are 50/50s then its more than likely that the SNP will end up mid 40s.

If I was an exit pollster in Scotland I wouldn’t be hanging about in the rain. I’d be doing ten minutes and getting numbers based on a) what my bosses want and b) who I actually poll outside a polling station in that 10 minutes. (Probably why I’m not an exit pollster though! 🙂 )

I do hope May doesn’t get a majority though. Let’s hope they surveyed more constituencies in England and Corbyn does a bit better.



meg merrilees

Dorothy Devine

The exit poll is only a sample of votes cast on the day- it does no include postal votes so a high postal vote in any constituency could skew the exit poll considerably.

Regarding the Scottish votes, the exit poll is based on a maximum of 14 polling stations in
Scotland – might be a hare running. Oh, look a squirrel!

Sweet to here them talking of a T May leadership challenge – a clever gamble?

Nah! I don’t think they are that clever – I genuinely think they believed they would walk it.

Early yet- would be more important to see what the turnout is and let’s wait and see.

Robert J. Sutherland

It looks like this election, however it turns out, will be far from “strong and stable”. What a total euroshambles.

The electorate has just taken the political chessboard and whacked it, throwing all the pieces up in the air.
Where they land is anybody’s guess. But Theresa herself is surely toast.


If the polls are right and the majority of those 22 seats in Scotland have gone to the Tories and done so because of Labour’s Dugdale and others telling Labour voters to vote Tory then Dugdale has cost Corbyn the chance to be the largest party in a hung Parliament. Labour would then have had a chance to form the Government with support from the SNP.


Just listened in absolute disgust and incredulity to a braindead Indy yes supporting SNP voter who decided for no reason to vote Labour at the last second in the polling booth.
I think there is a good case to only allow people to vote who pass an IQ test.


Look at those numbers…

Tory 314

Libdems 14

Combined = 328

No. to form government = 326

Lib dems about to shaft the uk ?

Dave McEwan Hill

I’m not going to sit up and watch the results. They will be the same tomorrow morning.

I’ll make a couple of points.I have made them before.
The only way to enthuse an SNP vote is to offer the prospect of independence and talk of the better country we will build when we have the independence to run it. We got 56 seats out of 59 at the last election because of a relentless referendum campaign about the benefits of independence.

It doesn’t matter how well we run domestic affairs through the Scottish Parliament we will not get the credit for it. A campaign based on us getting credit for it doesn’t understand who or what our enemy is or how flawed that campaign is. It is not the Tories, Labour or the LibDems we face . It is the UK establishment and the media they completely control.

Knackered .I’ve been up since 6.30. I’m off to bed shortly.


Grey gull
‘Still wondering about the tin foil hat idea that Theresa wanted to lose the election so they could blame someone else for brexit’

That was my gut feeling when the snap election was called.

Once negotiations started they knew they were on loser,so bottled it.

I also feared the Corbyn effect on the Scottish ‘socialists’ who will never learn what British values are.

harry mcaye

I made a note of the 2015 exit polls. First one was pretty bang on – SNP 55. There was another yougov poll later that had 48 SNP. Hopefully this poll is seven or eight out in our favour.

harry mcaye

Should have said, they were way out for the Tories – 316 and 284 when the actual result was 331.


Mike, that’s Loki, the ‘radical’ leftie who’s basically made a name for himself by being promoted by the unionist commentariat, he’s about as ‘representative’ of snp as I am of a Tory voter.

Robert Louis

Legerwood at 1037,

You make a good point. If the exit poll is correct, then Kezia Dugdale and her advice for Scots in some areas to vote Tory may indeed be a major reason for Labour not getting a bigger number for Westminster.

When will Labour get it into their thick skulls, that joining with the Tories in Scotland, will only benefit the Tories. Utter, utter clowns.

Anyway, if the exit poll is correct than the majority is for the SNP, who ARE in favour of a referendum. The campaign to stop a referendum will have been rejected.


Toxic Tory Lib Parasite Alliance again.
More Austetity, NHS Sold off,
Pensions Cut, retirement age to 70,
Increases on Income Tax, Nat Insurance,
60,000 Scottish jobs lost with Brexit, benefits cut,
No trade agreements with anyone.
Sky high inflation, mortgage rate increases,
Workers rights slashed and Zefo Hours Contracts
Imposed, free school meals cut, Rape Clause,
And Scotland’s next Prine Minister, Boris who is
Well documented in hating Scots.

Thank goodness we have imbeciles who couldn’t
Be bothered to vote or check the fake UK media news
On line or we would have had our 2nd Class Colony miss out
On all this!



Danny Alexander, wiped off the face of the map in 2015 smearing Nicola on live tv. What a wanker.


Mhairi Blacks seat up for grabs? Seriously?


Time for cool heads. This is simple arithmetic.
Bad weather + unlimited Tory campaign spending + propaganda tsunami + Corbyn effect in Scotland + postal vote = 22 Tory seats in Scotland.
If these sums are correct, based on exit polls, then UK political chaos will only increase. Labour in England have gained seats under Corbyn while the Tories under Theresa May have lost seats and will have no overall majority – if the exit polls are correct.

In Scotland, we move forward, a little wiser. Maybe we will learn that if you want Independence then you have to actually fight for it. Too many Yes voters perhaps think that all you have to do to wrest Independence from the British Empire is to go to a polling station once every so often.

Ghandi knew better.



That’s a relief. If the BBC are playing stupid games like that then it gives me hope that the rest of their patter is pure shite as well.


KLAXON! ‘Peak Nat’…Gleen Campbell tae Jeane Freeman, setting the narrative already…Up next Murdo ‘queens eleven’ Fraser, ‘younlose SNP’, couldn’t make this shit up.

Jeane’s more than capable of dealing with those little shits.


Douglas, not Danny 🙁

Mike Chisholm

One thing, possibly contributing to the exit poll, and possibly the actual result, is the underestimation of the Scots who strongly back Brexit. Yes, Scotland voted Remain but it wasn’t as though it was by 10:1.

I think Nicola and the SNP have failed to grasp this and will lose seats based on this but not as many as 22…. I hope not that many.



If you want to gain independence your movement has to be a broad church, not a leftist ideology f**kfest that is becoming more and more unpopular as the real world consequences of such BS start to bite in Europe and in the UK.

Nicola has been somewhat out of touch. The result? Tories increasingly popular in Scotland.

There needs to be a more right wing version of Scottish independence on the table.

Training Day

@manandboy 10.45

Your second and third paragraphs are spot on. Dear Lord, no more playing by their rules.

Oh and Dave at 10.39. You are right – independence is the galvaniser. Not ‘a strong voice for Scotland’.

Free Scotland

Naeb’dy exit-polled me.

Cadogan Enright

antidote to BBC election coverage

link to

Still Positive

Ipsos-Mori did an exit poll in my constituency of West Dunbartonshire and only asked 50% of voters in a polling station of 586 voters.

If I remember correctly, last GE, they did not do an exit poll in the other polling station which has c4000+ voters.

Graeme McCormick

Whatever the result the first thing Nicola should do tomorrow is appoint a Cabinet Secretary for Independence charged with preparing the country for Independence. That involves identifying and using the powers of the Scottish Parliament to change how we raise public funds ; use the Scottish government’s influence to change in practice how reserved powers operate in Scotland and show the way ahead how we can all live as if we are independent now . There is an Independence angle to all policy and actions. This needs to be explained and demonstrated in a positive way .

We have two years of no elections (unless there is another UK one) to drive this agenda which coupled with the fall out from Brexit gives nationalists a great opportunity to prepare, explain and legislate.

The Dog Philosopher

I just hope they’re serving lashings of humble pie in the late night canteen down at the BBC Bunker.

Slab determined to demonise Nicola with ‘that women’ slur, being repeated constantly now, so no accident. Quite a chauvinistic term, probably coined by male spin doctor you would think.

ian murray

Mhairi Black could be in trouble given the amount of “dark Money” poured into her riding by the Tories
I hope not

Alex I will take things you don’t hear in Westminster every day

“Yir talking shite Hen”

Answer Who is Mhairi Black

Cadogan Enright

cant figure out whats happening with live stream Indylive

link to

mike cassidy

1) If the UK figures are accurate –

then May will have to go and we will have a quick rerun with a new Tory leader.

2)If the Scottish element is accurate, then we grin and bear it till the rerun


Hold steady peeps. Wait until you see the whites of their eyes.

I would like to remind you that Independence lays at the end of a one way street called devolution.
Ask my kids. Dads always right.
Would someone wake me up when the real poll results come in please.


“Pollster on @SkyNews just admitted the range of SNP total in exit poll is from 21 to 50. In other words #fuckinguseless”


It will take a few days before we are able to ‘see things in the cool light of day’.
Till then, remember this was a UK General Election.
The Scottish Government is still in place unchanged.
The Scottish Parliament likewise.

But Westminster politics is different. How that affects Scotland we shall have to wait and see. But the Independence timetable is almost certainly unaffected. The European Union is still exactly the same with the Brexit negotiations still not started. The EU is on our side.

Keep right on to the end of the road.


If it is a hung parliament we could be doing this again in 6 months. I do hope we have plus 40 seats this reducing the Tory total further.

However, this is difficult to call, the first two seats don’t indicate a huge swing to Labour.

What will be will be. Not going to stay up all night


Note the ‘scalps’ are the popular well known SNP MP’s, this is where both Labour but especially Tories poured money into those areas particularly, this would fall into the line of this election being called to spike the guns of the SNP, what better way to play out the narrative of ‘no referendum’ if some of those high profile members are taken out?

Here’s hoping it’s all pish, nonetheless the whole narrative while talking to any SNP voices is to constantly undermine, and focus on the legitimacy of another referendum, that any seats lost ‘means’ they can’t pursue Scotref. It’s shameless, considering even gaining 34 seats is a massive victory for the SNP, by any standard.

Shower of shit from the usual suspects.


Exit polls are mince- I still reckon 50+


Vote Tory get more Austerity, cut pensions, make retirement age 70, cut Disability and Welfare again, bring back University fees, pay for prescriptions, bring back bridge tools, sell off the NHS, cut Education Budgets again and stop free schools meals, high inflation, higher mortgage rates, 60,000 Brexit job loses for Scotland, Income Tax increases, UK Children living below the breadline increasec from 4 million to 5 million, Boris, who hates Scotland, will be your next Prime Minister, etc.

Thank you the imbeciles who didn’t bother to vote, and to all those who can’t be bothered to research the Fake News
spouted by the BBC and UK Media of the rich by the rich for the rich!


Look at it this way.

All 3 unionist parties made opposing an independence referendum their ONLY policy in Scotland.

The SNP absolutely refused to make independence an issue in this election. Emphasised this at every turn, due to the mandate already being in the bag.

If the result is STILL an SNP win in Scotland after all that, then i am VERY confident of a Yes vote.


The so called definite probables are 11 seats lost for SNP, the others ‘too close to call’ but as others have mentioned with bigger percentage odds for snp gains in those other 11, this is a rather weird use of the term ‘too close to call’.

This from the BBC Scotland number crunchers on the panel about 10/15 minutes ago.


I hope the exit polls are wrong but looking back to 2015 it looks like we are losing a lot of seats and if the BBC are to be believed it’s to the Tories and the Lib Dems. Bloody hell.


FFS No surrender Fraser on BBC and Jackie lying git Baillie on STV. Cant stand to watch this wont be able to sleep til its over.
I should have stocked up with hard liquor.


I think this exit poll may be a real bonus for the SNP. It was always going to be difficult to manage expectations with expectations being we go from 56 to mid forties. If as looks likely the exit poll is nonsense expectations are now anything north of 40 is a good night.

Cadogan Enright

any update on seat predictions??


Campbell, Fraser and Alexander = *circle jerks*


For those interested Indy Live is streaming the Glasgow count

link to


Unionist Scots live in the best of both worlds….protected by SNP government to many of the Tory policies and in receipt of the many benefits such as free prescriptions, free tuition fees etc etc…..AND they also get to stay in their precious union but do not have to suffer as much as their fellow countrymen down south.

Perhaps time the SNP stopped mitigating some of the Tory policies…would be hard for Ruth the Mooth to condemn her own party’s policies….if the ‘Proud Scots but’ want to truly be part of their precious Union then let them REALLY be part of their Union by making them suffer same cruel policies as their fellow citizens down south.

Hope ’34’ ain’t correct…if so…we will be laughing stock of the world…….AGAIN !!

Bets on Corbyn will be ousted if Labour do not win #ChickenCoup

Boris for PM.

Scotland shit on via Tory Brexit negotiations…UKOK Scots fine with that though…..

This is a f**king Dystopian f**king nightmare.

Suddenly Ireland seems a possibility ….I can get an Irish passport…..

yours sincerely

Potentially ( if predictions true ) a shamed Scot

Free Scotland

Just sat through a load of utter guff from Jackson Carlaw and Jackie Baillie on STV. I feel filthy.


This came up on my FB feed, apparently the Scottish exit poll came from 10 polling stations not 10 constituencies…
link to


Just once can we get a twat free commentary from a General Election?
Why do the TV channels always seek out the biggest cunts in politics to comment?


Its ironic that today the English seemed to be more progressive with their voting than Scotland.


Apparently Scottish exit polls cam from 10 polling stations not 10 constituencies…
link to


My article of 23 April 2017 projected the outcome tonight’s exit poll suggested. But the outcome I forecasted was a definite loss of 11 seats and 13 to close to call. That remains the case. Definitely a loss of 8 the other 13 to close to call. Check the article to see how your constituency is expected to do

link to


The Tories don’t believe the exit polls, Faisal Islam reporting ‘Tory sources’ ‘It will all look very different come 3am’


Looks like Tories voting tactically for Labour in Glenrothes.


I can’t stand watching ‘fake election news’…Jackie Baillie’s smug mug babbling about ‘downward trajectories for the SNP’ FFS! this from a mob of scurvy turncoats who got wiped out last time and just maybe will get a handful of seats back.

Geeo… don’t agree…the SNP should have fought it toe to toe with the Unionists. They threw away a mandate at the last election with 56 Mps due to lack of willpower. Playing nice ever since has proved ineffective.

rE. the next REF…count the Unionist votes v SNP and Green that will indicate our chances. If the collective majority of the people in this country demonstrate the intellectual capacity of a nemotode and the memory of a goldfish by voting against our Scottish people’s party despite Brexit, austerity, wall to wall media lies and villification of NS…then I despair for us ever to become free.

Nicola Sturgeon’s treatment sums up something that has bothered me for a long time….the personal abuse, the ganging up at every turn by the gang of three oppostion leaders, the active distorted presentation by the corrupt media. If people now can’t see bullying for what it is…or worse cheer it on and then vote for it…then this country is corroded morally and intellectualy beyond the point of salvage.

I hope when I awake this all proves to be a bad dream.

Ian Mackay

BBC state that SNP are close in east renfrewshire. Rev Stu points out that the exit poll gave the SNP a 10% chance of a win there?? So looks like the exit poll for Scotland is a little dubious. Others have noted that the Scottish sample was taken only in 10 polling stations and not more widely across the 10 constituencies.

So basically no-one is the wiser just now.


Apparently Kellner (yougov?) saying exit poll wrong, arguing with Prof Curtice on BBC, Kellner said ‘if the exit poll is as wrong as the first two results indicate the Tories could be heading for 100 majority.’


I don’t know about anybody else, but I’d take that exit poll result right here and now.

Chick McGregor

If the exit poll is correct and not just a BBC ploy to try to get SNP politicos to make an early denouncement of an indyref2, then it is worse than even I, a self-confessed pessimist, expected.

Betty Boop

@ Dave McEwan Hill, 10:39pm

I think you are right, Dave. We are up against the establishment not individual parties and should always remember that.

@ geeo, 10:38pm

If those predictions are correct, yes, the Libdems will do anything for a bit of power.


Exit poll is mince I tell yi

Grey gull

Said earlier I thought there might be something in the tinfoil hat idea that Theresa wanted to lose the election anyway to save herself the hassle of Brexit, but really meant to say it was the grey suits. I think a Theresa does what she’s told. I read somewhere (sorry not to provide supporting evidence) that actually Theresa wasn’t too keen on calling the election but was persuaded by the cabinet. Anyway, it looks as if the battle lines are drawn in Scotland. Unionists have tactically voted. You either believe Scotland is a country which is more than capable of making its own decisions or we are ruled by Westminster. Simples. The SNP will still have the most seats. The sovereign people of Scotland still have a choice. Bring it on!


Courier reporter at Fife count hinting that the SNP are feeling confident in North East Fife. According to the exit poll the SNP had no chance.


I think I will go to bed. If the exit poll is right then it is a bit sad because some good people are in the most at risk seats. If it results in a hung parliament then there is a sugar coating on the pill. If I wake up to more than 34 seats then that will be a bonus.


From the point of view of Indy, there were a lot of labour voters who voted SNP in 2015, and with Corbyn looking good, may ahve gone back to Labour. But it doesn’t mean they’re turned NO, nor even that they won’t vote SNP in future.

So for the sake of Indy we’re going to need to be temperate in what we say – no point in pissing off future YES voters.

Anyway, who knows what will happen, the night is yet young and my pile of 66% reduced supermarket food still high.

george wood

The SNP’s overall % share of the vote is important.

If there is a lot of tactical voting going on from the unionists then the overall share of the vote maybe respectable but the number of seats may drop substantially from last time.


Unprecedented! The BBC website has the Scottish front pages up by midnight. Usually it’s the British papers that are out now. The Scottish ones don’t normally appear till around 8 am. Perhaps the BBC is eager to let us know that the SNP are likely to lose 22 seats.

No UK papers available yet.
Who knows what goes on in the crinkles of the brain of a BBC webmaster. But I hope they are very disappointed tomorrow to find their completely unbiased opinion wrong.

Cadogan Enright

more popcorn


HandandShrimp says:
9 June, 2017 at 12:24 am
I think I will go to bed.

G’night H&S. C4’s thing is quite good, Alistair Campbell gets his shots in, Yanis Varoufakis great to listen to, pompous arse Lab dude explaining how Brexit was completely excluded from the whole campaign, he’s very angry about it, viewers in Scotland may be able to tell a different campaign story. And ofcourse as usual, noone SNP and nothing at all about their Scotland region of greater England.


Long night, was just going to bed after the exit polls, that was the plan, but.

paul gerard mccormack

45 is the most to be hoped for. I look forward to being surprised in the morning.

Where does the movement go from here and how do we get to the seemingly ever moving goalposts – that is most the interesting question?


More pish from the BBC ” Ray-Ray? @RayVersionTwo

Kirsty Wark on BBC: “Yes, the SNP will win in Scotland with 60% of the vote. But this will be a huge triumph for Ruth Davidson.” #GE2017″

Betty Boop

@ yesindyref2, 12:32am

I spoke to a couple of voters in different areas who usually vote SNP but didn’t this time. One said he always did and really couldn’t think of a good reason for not doing so this time. The other said he was fed up with the stuff about the referendum. Remind me which parties are talking about that incessantly.

I still find it hard to believe that folk haven’t worked out what voting for SLab means.


Projected seats to change

East Renfrewshire – Tory
East Dunbartonshire – Liberal
North East Fife – Liberal
Stirling – Tory
Aberdeen South – Tory
Perth – Tory
Dumfries – Tory
Berwick – Tory

Too close to call but they might change hands. All very tight

Edinburgh West split 129 votes LibDem Gain
Edinburgh South split 459 votes SNP Gain
Aberdeen West Split 1655 LibDem Gain
Argyll & Bute Split 3426 LibDem Gain
Ochil Split 1330 Labour Gain
Gordon Split 357 LibDem Gain
East Lothian Split 90 Tory Gain
Edinburgh Sth Split 260 Tory Gain
Moray Split 2918 Tory Gain

Douglas McCaw

Having been involved in a gruelling council election campaign against the Tories here in the south-west, followed by an equally tough GE battle against the same enemy – I fear for the result here.

The Cons hammered the ‘stop IndyRef2’ mantra incessantly throughout both. It was negative, crude and ignored the issues. But it was snappy and effective.

We stuck to the ‘stop Tory cuts’ script, playing the game with a straight bat while our opponents knocked nine bells out of our flagship policy.

We spiked Theresa May’s guns ahead of Article 50 to seek – and win – our parliament’s mandate for IndyRef2.

The world observed – mostly in admiration – a stateless nation preparing to stand up for its people’s sovereign will.

Inexplicably, we then seemed to send the message out that both elections were not about independence.

But they were.

Because after we pulled the indyref2 trigger the Tories were always going come after us in a mad fury.

And we kept our independence ammunition in the box.

A hard lesson learned.


Angus Robertsons seat looking very wobbly.
Scotland will be the poorer if we lose him from Westminster for another Tory drone who wont give a flying fuck for Scotland.

Reluctant Nationalist

@ David

It’s not necessarily ‘left’, as despite pretences and wide misunderstandings, the SNP are not going to wildly diverge from the western neoliberalism that most here have no decision over, nor a viable alternative to; and that neoliberal reality itself is a right-wing ideology. Sure, there’s the positive attitude to the NHS and welfare state – the bubble of socialism that sits in the neoliberal mix, beautifully – but it’s mostly about private interests.

But I agree with your sentiment, and IMO the btl on this site has turned into an obsequious echo-chamber fit only for mocking at times.

Scotland is a majoritively culturally conservative country, and despite the probable desire of whomever is in power to import foreign labour from culturally-similar Europe rather than from third-world shitholes, it has clearly pissed off a lot of Scots that the whole ‘come ye from anywhere and make this your home’ rhetoric is put above asking the people here (the Scots) what they want the future to be (although the SNP give lip-service to the future being decided by all of us – riiiiiight). I think it’s obvious a huge amount of people who increasingly feel frightened to speak openly in case they get done for Wrongthink, are angry about the whole ‘diversity’ crap, which should have died a hard death when even Angela Merkel declared multiculturalism a failure and an unsustainable lie back in 2010.

But the thing is, despite the belief held by some voters (those that some commenters on this site take joy in calling ‘racists’ and ‘bigots’ as if it greatly pleases the God of Political Correctness) that the Conservatives will keep our ways intact and away from the arty-farty progressive SNP, in fact, they are going to be worse. The Tories don’t give a shit. And the chance to forment effective dissent against an independent government of a small nation rather than a government of many different countries with a huge population has just become less likely.

Fuck it.


@Betty Boop
Baically speaking the media and the unionist parties have been successful on focussing the election on the referendum, and devolved issues, and kept it away from Brexit and the UK Tory policies. We’ve fought our best, and that’s all we can do.

34 seats would be very impressive considering the onslaught, and there’s number one gone – EK.


first SNP seat up in smoke!


Rutherglen lost by 265 fucking votes. Fuck all you cunts in Rutherglen who didn’t bother to turn up and vote.


Labour win Rutherglen. 1st Scottish seat declared.

Campbell orgasmic, he can barely contain his excitement.


Lab gain Rutherglen.

Back in your box, Jocks.

Betty Boop

Rutherglen & Hamilton – Labour gain by 200 votes
East Kilbride – Labour gain too ( I think)


South Lanarkshire was a dodgy one mooted some time ago though, whatever the pundits are saying right now. 265 votes in it.


I wont be able to watch FMQs for at least 6 months after this.
Seriously does Dugdale deserve this?
The whole fucking world will laugh their arses off at us after this.


On the plus side we still have Brexit to look forward to….Unionist Scots …let them eat cake….humble pie yum yum….hey just watched Limmy on Twitter doing a wee spoof on election cafe….hilarious….come on have a laugh….we might all be a wee bit pissed off at the predictions tonight… but Christ… laughter really is the best medicine.

And if Corbyn wins….it only means the Tories have dodged the Brexit bullet….a bitter pill to swallow for any political party…..typical feckin Tories they instigate the Brexit shite and Labour might have to clear up the mess… we get rid of May AND Boris may be new Tory leader….bet Ruth winnae like that……Mad Dogs und Unionists out in the mid day sun…wha’s like us….indeed.


Looks like the people of Scotland are still caught in the quagmire of apathy and British propaganda:(

Scot Finlayson

SNP got 56 out of 59 seats in 2015,

on 50% of the vote,

the three unionist parties got just under 50%,

lucky for us the unionists were split,

2017 and a bitter and some would say psychotic Kezia Dugdale advocates Scottish Labour to support Tory in seats where it could mean ousting SNP,

Kezia Dugdale, probably from the promptings of her right wing thug adviser Alan Roden, has cost Jeremy Corbyn the chance to lead a majority coalition Gov.


The Blarites rise again.

If Corbyn didn’t get rid of them while they were sticking knives in him there’s no chance he’ll do it while they are able to turn round and say “look we are making gains.”


Rumours Murray has won Edinburgh South with 10,000 majority. Combination of Tory voters voting tactically to keep out SNP, and muppet SNP ex-Labour voters tempted back to ‘Labour’ because of Corbyn bounce ignorant of fact that Murray stabbed Corbyn in back.

Political education much needed.

Has to count as one of the most ill-deserved victories.


‘foment’, common error…apparently.

Bob Mack

One word——–Ulsterisation.

The result of Rutherglen proves that theory.


MSM / BBC et al. cannot contain their glee thus far at SNP losing a seat(s) – ‘2015 was just a caveat’!


I think Angela Haggerty summed it up early for this.

SNP voters voted Labour because they like Corbyn – and it’s a pro-Corbyn and anto-Tory vote, NOT an anti-referendum vote as Labour are already trying to spin it.


Mhairi just holds on!!


Mhairi Black has held her seat – that was one the exit poll was predicting the SNP would lose. Tonight may not turn out as bad as predicted for the SNP.


Sorry, that was Rutherglen.


Kilmarnock hold.

Sky about 3 minutes ahead of STV.


Thank Christ Mhairi Black is there.

I’m very pessimistic tonight after Margaret Ferrier losing.

I didn’t expect 56, but it’s the implications of these results, if the country moves more to Brexit under Unionist swing votes.

I can’t fucking bear it.


Ha! Tories split Paisley and took Labour’s chance of winning Mhairi’s seat. Good on ’em.


And, what makes me pig sick, is that if anyone is less deserving of a Corbyn bounce, it’s Slab.

Every Slab sent to London will be a ligger for Tories.

That turns my stomach.

Reluctant Nationalist

@ K1: ‘foment’

Ah, cheers for that.


C4 election show already full on NO to independence, let alone indyref 2, attack propaganda. Nice C4 lady says Scottish Lab overturn 10,000 SNP majority, Rutherglen, without saying by how much, a couple of hundred.

One C4 dude says Sturgeon should not have called indyref2 after May went for snap GE but probably felt she had to do something. Its that bad in tory media land. Can they really stamp out Scotland’s up coming choice by tory media? they think they can clearly.

Robert J. Sutherland

Ach, I’ve been here more than once before. You have to wonder what issues motivate people – they can be extraordinarily ungrateful at times.

(The media focussed relentlessly on devolved matters, and even those were seriously misrepresented by those who should know better. There must be a lot of people now who incorrectly believe that things are worse in Scotland than elsewhere in the UK.)

As I said already, it’s two steps forward and one step back.


Agree Valerie. Corbyn bounce totally ill-deserved. Purge Labour of Blairites.


Yep, very much Corbyn bounce, and here’s the thing about that, as well it having nothing to do with Scotlab, Corbyn did not rule out Scotref, those yessers moving to Corbyn in Scotland are still yessers. It could’ve been worse, it could have been Tory gains, I know the night is still young.

But a lot of commenters across the spectrum now saying the exit poll, broadly…is correct. So we could seriously be in hung parliament territory, the SNP are still going to be the winners overall in Scotland, the Tories hopefully have totlally fucked themselves. We’ll see.


Hehe, I’ve got an early positive about this (I’m always a glass half full – please fill, thanks). Didn;t think it would happen till proper morning but it has already.

Yes, it’s that the UK likes to ignore Scotland because it’s all SNP MPs, but with some Labour and some Tories they won’t, chances are pretty good they’ll also be fighting each other, and the SNP MPs will also have to get more of a voice.


The thought of a reduction from 56 to ~34 seats is gut-wrenching to say the least but isn’t this result really what one would expect, as Independence vs. Unionism becomes the key issue in Scottish politics?

Reluctant Nationalist

As much as we all like your highlighting of MSM absurdity for our delectation, heedtracker, will you do me a favour?

Fuck off.


Haha, Tories helped SNP hold Kilmarnock by taking votes from Labour.


Glen Campbell can barely contain himself that the concervatives have taken Angus. What a complete arse


A reminder to all the armchair pundits posting here who have been relentlessly attacking me for my “negativity”:

Rock (18th April),

“The Tories only make extremely carefully calculated decisions.

Saint Theresa has outsmarted Nicola Sturgeon.

I had long called for a strike while the iron was hot, and call a referendum immediately after the Brexit result.

The unionists were in complete disray and leaderless and the EU’s eyes were on us.

Instead Nicola wasted months flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen.

Now the unionists have re-grouped and are determined to follow their rules and timetable.

Despite everything, we hardly have 50% support for Yes.

Things are nowhere near as easy as some posters seem to believe.

The SNP should now be extremely careful what they promise.

Going for independence with an SNP majority is extremely risky.

Do not underestimate the British establishment.”

Saint Theresa’s gamble might backfire for her and the Tories, but the unionists and the Establishment will have achieved their aim in thwarting the SNP and independence.

I still hope the SNP will hold on to most of their seats.

But the chances of a referendum before Brexit has been completed, let alone a Yes victory, will have diminished significantly.


:Reluctant Nationalist
I’m watching BBC not C4 so I’m interested in what Heed has to say, so less of the “we” Gunga-Dim.

Robert Graham

I hope at some point someone from the SNP really f/n sticks it to the BBC for their disgusting disgraceful antics throughout the whole election, and please stop being so bloody nice to people who obviously hate your very existence . Being nice hasn’t and never will work with this lot .


Rock, now is not the time.

Do one.

Sher Shon Shez

56 seats was an extraordinary fluke, and even on the night, in the midst of delight at seeing Labour getting what they deserved, I felt a bit queasy about it. It’s not healthy for a democracy for one party to have such dominance. In any sane country, there’d have been an immediate call – from all parties including the SNP – for voting reform.

If the projections from the exit polls are correct, we’ll see the return of some seats to where they were at in the 1990s. But simultaneously we’ll be looking at the results of Scotland’s first post-independence election as the unionists ignored Westminster issues. If Scotland were already independent, that’s what the map would look like.

On the minus side, seeing Dugdale, Mooth and Rennie looking ecstatic is going to make me want to claw my own face off. It takes some effort to make the memory of Malcolm Bruce look like a political colossus, but between the three of them they’ve managed it.

On the plus side…oh dear oh dear Theresa. What went wrong?

Sher Shon Shez



What are the chances that the Scottish Labour M.Ps go into coalition with the Tories?



“C4 election show already full on NO to independence, let alone indyref 2, attack propaganda.”

Rock (2nd June),

“Anything less than 56 will be portrayed as a defeat by the media.

And if the Tories increase their number by 100% or more, there will be euphoria about “no-one wants another independence referendum.”


Philip filibuster Davies has lost his seat to Labour….ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…..GIRFUY……….laughter really really is the best medicine.

george wood

@ Sher Shon Shez

Voting reform for Westminster was in the SNP manifesto.

The Dog Philosopher

Funny how SNP politicians quite agreeable to working with Corbyn while SLab politicians still full of hatred towards SNP.

Is it because they are so staunchly unionist, or are they just pissed because they’ve lost their cushy jobs and status?


Probably too early to start talking about it, but if there is a hung parliament, Labour, the Libs and the SNP really have to push through some form of proportional representation.

Sher Shon Shez

@ george wood

I stand corrected.

Betty Boop

@ yesindyref2

I just heard that EK was an SNP hold

Reluctant Nationalist

@ yesindyref2

Whit? I said do ‘ME’ a favour. Decrepit auld fuckwit.

Away you go afore you get a slap.



“Rock, now is not the time.”

Now is the perfect time to put the armchair pundits, including yourself, who have been relentlessly attacking me, in their place.

And I hope the bloody Greens have not split the vote to thwart the SNP and independence.

I will be deeply disappointed at the SNP losing seats, but I will be proven right about my repeated warnings of not writing off the unionist bastards as “fools” and “idiots”.


Nae dramas folks. The SNP are swimming through the middle of these tactical votes lol

Reluctant Nationalist

Welcome, rock. Now IS the time. Give the hivemind a kicking.

*eats popcorn*


11 seats, 9 won, 2 lost

SNP Scottish National Party 40.4
LAB Labour 30.7
CON Conservative 24.7
LD Liberal Democrat 3.0
GRN Green Party 0.2

OK if the SNP continue at that rate.

Corbyn effect may stop Tories doing as well as some predicted in Scotland.


Feck we’ve lost Moray


Robertson gone!


Ah could greet…


@Betty Boop
Yes, I guess that’s the counting centre.

@Reluctant Nationalist
Away and trip the light fantastic with Rock.

Meg merrilees

Angus Robertson has gone. they must be mad!

Mark Russell

Oh Scotland, what have you done?

Big del

Sky news” Angus Robertson” just lost his seat and this is the result WE need”

Marco McGinty

With some of these rural areas going Tory, I wonder what those people will think if the Tories regain power at Westminster, and completely shaft them in the Brexit negotiations?


Tasmina gone…Tory gain

Isobel Wilson

How depressing Angus Robertson is gone. Mind you Moray has lots of English people and RAF supporting people.

Kirsty Blackman in, yay!

Reluctant Nationalist

@ yesindy2

What, the two of us? Well, OK, but you remember last time that happened you went in a huff and flounced and bounced. I don’t want a repeat. 😉


Midlothian, Labour gain


How can Scots do this to their own country?

Hell mend all the tactical tractors.


That’s my MP Patricia Gibson re-elected.

What gets me about this is that if there’d been any danger of a Tory getting in and Labour were closer than the SNP, I;d ahve sderiously have considered voting Labour – as in the old days – to keep the Tory out.

Yet my guess is that all over Scotland Labour voters have voted Tory to try to put the SNP out, there could be a lot of Tory MPs, and they may make a difference in Westminster terms, so it could well be that Labour voters in Scotland will keep a Tory Government in Westminster.

Shame on them.


Thing is in Moray. When the tories feck them over by closing Lossie Raf base and stitch the fishermen up they’ll regret it.

Hell mend them. My 1st posting was Lossie!


We’ve lost a fair amount of vote share even though we’re holding a lot of seats.

Isobel Wilson

Marco I agree with your point but I think it’s not just the tories shafting them the farmers & fishermen need to worry about.

Labour have also been pretty good at it too, think McCrone report and 6000 square miles of our seas being secretly ” acquired”


@Reluctant Nationalist
That invention reminds me somehow of Graham Slater, or is it Scott Skinner?

I’ll figure it out in the end.


On these figures the SNP will win a majority of the seats which a couple of decades ago would have given us Indy with WM FPTP. However now we need a pro Indy majority in Holyrood and that now seems a problem now.

A Hellish Brexit may swing things back, or may bring a winnable ScotRef.

If the Tories fail to get an overall majority, there will not be a Hellish Brexit.

Predictions are saying the Tories, with DUP support may get a majority.

The game is far from over!

Reluctant Nationalist

Rock, stop with the old quote chains. I fuckin hate them.

C’mon, let’s hold hands and dance over this shower of shit. You do know I never truly abandoned you, don’t you?


They need a better rep on BBC Scotland election programme. Campbell pretending he doesn’t know why the snp fortunes have slid and doing the OMG act, with regard to Angus losing his seat. The Tories obvs targeted his seat as they wanted rid of the most effective parliamentarian the SNP have is why he lost his seat. The snap election is serving its purpose. What a little wanker he is.


East Ren goes Tory, damn.


Well it could still be that Tory MPs are going to be useless to the unionist Scots who have voted them in if Corbyn leads a minority government.

He’ll mend them indeed.

Robert J. Sutherland

K1 @ 02:33,

That’s what you expect when you’re defending your record in government. Which is the tack that the Unionists and their fellow travellers in the mainstream media have deliberately chosen – challenge the SNP as the government, and never mind that it’s in Scotland over limited devolved powers where the SG have at least one hand tied behind behind their back.


SNP majorities of 10,000+ overturned.

How did that happen?

Rock (5th May),

“The talk of 54 SNP MPs is deliberately aimed to make SNP voters complacent.

As I have said before, the Greens should not stand any candidates for the Westminster election.

There is a very big risk of SNP losing seats due to tactical voting by the unionists.”

Liz Rannoch

Oh Scotland. What have you done? I am so very upset. Don’t think I’ll ever see independence.

John Nicolson now gone too. Pete Wishart next?

We don’t want indy after all. Is this site just a ‘bubble’ after all?

Don’t know if I can take any more of this shit.


Looks like the SNP vote is down about 14% to15% across the board.
Why should this be? I really can’t believe it when any neutral,observer must see that they are all much more competent than the rest and are the only Party with Scotland’s interests at heart.
I am depresssed about the whole thing.
I guess the BBC and the right wing press have conned the gullible. They will regret it.


Nick Clegg lost his seat. hahahahaha.


Yup. BoJo’s going for it, that wasn’t just a winning MP speech, it was a leadership pitch.

Good grief.


Alison Thewliss HOLDS for SNP 😉


Allison Thewlis holds…excellent!


The BBC got Scotland to elect a UKIP MEP. Think about that.

I wish to God the SNP would wake up and realise that 56 out of 59 MP’s at Westminster is vastly less important for Independence than securing a degree of control over broadcasting.

I would put it even stronger. Don’t waste our time in 18 months time or whenever with a referendum UNLESS you can deliver the impartial, dispassionate, objective and rigorously thorough supporting debate, and I mean constructive, articulate, and UNFETTERED debate, not month after month of rabid Unionist propaganda and BBC smearfest, a healthy progressive debate which cannot I fear be delivered by the BBC at all.

To do nothing about the media prior to ScotRef is to court defeat and I hope the SNP will finally take the matter seriously and break rules if necessary to get Westminster on the back foot about the disgraceful predicament we have in Scottish broadcasting.

Does a tree falling in a forest make any sound? Only if the BBC decides it does. What a feckin’ liberty they with our democracy, in every literal sense.


@ yesindyref2

Yes, I was always suspicious of Boris not standing for leader when Cameron resigned; keeping his powder dry, though he may not have expected another chance so soon – of course he may not get one.


I hate my home town of Kirkintilloch in East Dunbartonshire but i hate jo swinson more sad day all round. I’m depressed 🙁


Don’t despair people. I remember the 87 election when we were down to 3 M.Ps. These things have always went in waves.


Jesus will that Jo Swinson lass ever stop with the no indyref2 jargon-holy Moses! Give it a rest lass.

Funny how not one of them can get YET 10 seats each if their lucky and we’ll still have near 2/3 of the seats.What bloody doors are they going to.


I don’t think I can watch any more of this. Lost my MP Margaret Ferrier can’t believe it! Going to bed maybe things will look better in the morning.
Night all!


It’s at times like these that a Scot understands why Scots move to the US, Canada and other parts of the world.

I am very tempted right now!


This is painful second hand viewing from the USA.

Conservatives winning seats. Well, they are going to have to defend their party’s policies. And once in bed with the OO and their ilk, they may find it rather hard to get back out. It will be a weight dragging on them from now on, and something they’ll want to hide. That can’t be allowed to happen.

Labour picking up seats. Well, they were wiped out 2 years ago on a wave, I think, of voters motivated by the recent experience of Indyref. This time seeing Red Tories in cahoots with Blue ones didn’t seem to motivate as many. It has, sadly become normal. A deliberate campaign to make it seem almost reasonable by the lovely UK media has done its job. I am anguished that so many have fallen for it.

And this sentiment may have got a few to switch foolishly back to labour:

“And that Jeremy, he’s nice isn’t he? Seems to have his heart in the right place. Real old labour man. Maybe we should give him a chance.”

Even though the Labour party have in reality done nowt for Scotland during Corbyn’s entire parliamentary career (and well before), and he has waffled on Independence, mostly against. Even though he doesn’t have control of the PLP, and has been actively briefed against by senior party members since before he became leader. But how many voters know that? He offers hope, and dammit, people like to vote on hope, even if it gets dashed.

So I’m left hoping Labour do well in England, and we get a weakened Westminster parliament out of this. I’m not confident, but I’m hoping. This could be a painful birthing of a great opportunity for Scotland, if we ignore the shouts of false victory from the usual suspects.

The numbers will come in and the dust will settle.

The minority parties in Scotland will trumpet their victories and try to say it means their wins mean they represent the entirety of Scotland’s opinion, by some miracle of minority rule meets newspeak.

That was always going to happen, even if the SNP numbers dropped by one. The SNP number is going to drop by more than that.

As long as it doesn’t drop below 30. That would be a true nightmare. So far that doesn’t look like happening, but I’m not counting on anything until all the tallies are in.

The campaign for Scottish Independence will be cast in sharper relief after this election. Complacency cannot be indulged in. Media narrative must continue to be questioned and pushed back on.

Finally. Remember 2010? SNP MPs – 6. Same as the previous election. Guess what the media trumpeted then? Peak SNP! After the electoral wins for the SNP in 2007 and 2009, the SNP had been held back! they were on their way out!

Remember how far we’ve come. Do not give up.


BBC Politics Facebook already pushing Fuhrage, so Brillo’s still up then,

Nigel Farage says he’ll have “no choice but to come back” if Jeremy Corbyn gets a coalition. #GE2017


KEEP THE FAITH FOLKS – just 13 more seats to surpass that silly exit poll.

Robert J. Sutherland

Breeks @ 02:56,

I concur. The BBC has unashamedly coralled Unionist attacks on the SNP, and equally given the Unionists a disgracefully easy ride, and they will likely do so at every opportunity they get again.

The SNP certainly need to go onto the front foot over that and other things too.

But the Brexit tornado is still heading our way, whatever.


Pete Wishart



YES got Perth


‘Nigel Farage says he’ll have “no choice but to come back” if Jeremy Corbyn gets a coalition.’

..Er come back to where exactly?

Of course, probably to his weekly seat on Question Time!

Reluctant Nationalist

@ yesindy: ‘invention’

Are you crossing your fingers that I don’t ‘go there’?

Yesindyref2, 11 February, 2017 at 4:09pm

“.._Adios amigos, back to the rugby. I hope this forum is still here, but in working order, if I come back. Which with the current state of affairs and troll encouragement, I doubt.”

Returns a couple days later, lol.


ffs for the first time in my life i have a tory mp as my representative. Ayr and Carrick.


Rock on Tommy!

Tommy HOLD


I’m finding this a bit painful, but at the same time, I’m philosophical about it.

Waves go out, then come in.

Hi to the crew I met last week 😀


Come on Tommy! Yes!


Well I’ve spent nearly four hours constructing comments to post on here. Minute by minute but it’s gone. Bloody hell. Raging in fact. Especially as I’ve had to listen to people like Tomkins, Mundell, Baillie and Bibby on STV.

Bottom line the exit polls in Scotland may not be correct.

And no matter how many seats we get (30 is a majority) don’t forget that this is a Corbyn enthused, anti-Tory election now. Youngsters in Scotland are giving it Labour laldy. If he loses many Labour supporters in Scotland will then go onto voting for Independence. If he wins we’ll get our referendum; better still broadcasting for Scotland. And then by God it’s over and out for them.

If narcissistic, stookie May wins she’s basically lost and don’t we all know it. How the mighty fall. How EU leaders must be laughing their heads off right now. How Trump must hate her for being a total loser. How the Queen must be quivering in her house of cards. Over and out for being not so so strong and stable. In reality just a wee quivering wreck of a wee ordinary bl**dy woman with her 2/2 Degree in geography, intellectually and socially / emotionally bereft. As a politician previously, Home Office Minister, an abject failure affording free movement to hundreds of thousands of people outside of the EU including terrorists. In fact if any of my loved ones had died in England over the last three months I’d be taking her to the cleaners.

Scotland produces hundreds of thousands of people who could put her to shame .. on and at every level. Let’s get her and her Union out of our lives, ASAP.

Let’s all move on and win this fight. Not this Westminster general election but our forthcoming SCOTTISH referendum. For us, our children, grandchildren and maybe more than anything our poverty stricken, miserable, ever so brave bl**dy ancestors.

And to the present. PISA results, imo, have totally undermined the SNP. Let’s start searching for verifiable information to combat the propaganda in relation to every aspect of this claptrap. I’ve started and found out that 16-19 year olds in England are the most illiterate young adults in the developed world countries and the second lowest in relation to numeracy. Over 20,000 ‘teachers’ are unqualified and schools in England are now so cash trapped they are phoning parents and pleading for them to cover classes.

Fight back. Fight back. Get the truth out there.


Dam it lost AYR -that we tube Grant tosser

Cadogan Enright

Pete Wishart back and 24 others so far – nil desperandum


Where are the missing 14% who have deserted the SNP? Who are they? Why have they abandoned us?
We must find out and persuade them to return otherwise Inderef2 is a forlorn hope.

Training Day

@Breeks 2.56

Yes. A million times yes. Otherwise we lose, and lose permanently.


I have supported the SNP for all of my adult life (and I am in my 60s). We’ve had much worst results than this and come back.

Don’t forget – when all is said and done, we’ve now won 4 Scottish elections on the trot (including two UK general elections).

Also, with a hung parliament likely, there will be another general election sooner rather than later.

Time to regroup and get back into the fray, mes braves!


Oof Pet Wishart held by 21 votes :-O


A very tight SNP HOLD in Glasgow there!

Reluctant Nationalist

Cadogan Enright: “Pete Wishart back…”

Thank God.


Richardinho says:

Return of Fuhrage is a big deal on BBC Politics facebook but UKIPers are bombing out all over England, Monster Raving Loony levels. So its almost certainly neo fascist twits that run this Beeb branch.

BBC Scotland have done thing really effectively, whipped up anti indyref2 rage. That has to be their greatest triumph tonight. YES Scots apathy at a pointless GE and BBC Scotland relentless fury at us.


4 more seats to win the election in Scotland.

Marco McGinty

@Isobel Wilson
2Labour have also been pretty good at it too, think McCrone report and 6000 square miles of our seas being secretly ” acquired””

A point well made, Isobel.


Aye oRbbo,

Coming from Dalmellington, I’ve never had a Tory Councillor, now thanks to fuckwits where I live voting Tory for the first time so they can sing the sash we have a Tory mp. It’s looking like 322 Tory mps, 4 short of a majority. But God knows how they can sleep at night.


The sad thing about tonight is that we’ve now lost some very effective MPs, for no good reason. It is a bit silly really. The replacement yoonbots assemble.


Someone just pointed by someone on twitter the Scots Tory MPs won’t be able to vote on EVEL issues: ‘affects any majority in practice’


Caithness goes Lib Dem


Could someone explain to me how the Tories could form a coalition with the DUP given EVEL?


So Tories from Scotland increase the possibility of Tory majority? Shower of shit.


/just heard that Alex Salmond might have lost his seat. ffs. Please no.


Turnout in Scotland in 2015 was 71.1%

So far it is 65.1%

A wet day?


Only so much can be done on Social Media. As someone who works amongst working class folks in Glasgow, I hear more Anti SNP chat than pro. I don’t think the SNP have really resonated with enough ordinary folks in the council estates who have been struggling of late.

I still think Sturgeon is the best politican in Scotland by a country mile. But stategically the SNP are not GTO by some distance.


Bloody Tories


K1 says:
9 June, 2017 at 3:41 am
So Tories from Scotland increase the possibility of Tory majority? Shower of shit.

Kezia Dugdale has a lot of explaining to do for her vote Tory mantra. She’s stopped the possibility of a coalition to keep the Tories out.

Will Labour’s NEC investigate?

Scot Finlayson

If we do get a chance to be kingmakers for Jeremy,

we need to get in return broadcasting devolved to Holyrood with the licence fee staying in Scotland and an independent Scottish Broadcasting Corporation,

there is nothing as important than to rid Scotland of the BBC.


bugsbunny says:
9 June, 2017 at 3:28 am
Aye Robbo,

Aye Bugsb .We’re still miles ahead of these lot. Most of this is a Labour bounce from Corbyn and then of course paying the OO and other dafties that probably had to ask where to put an X . Makes me sick but we are where we are. Keep The Faith!


Nice C4 lady says Ruth D’s a possible Conservative party leader now. Should be interesting career shift for a sock puppet.

Cadogan Enright

Nicola just declared victory in Scotland and calls on May to resign after a disastrous election result


EVEL may have to be repealed (if that is the correct term for a rule that was brought in the way it was); unless there’s yet another election in a few months’ time, there’s no scope for a “backlash from English voters” for some time.


Tweet from Paul Hutcheon (who he?) claiming that “senior SNP sources telling me second indyref is dead.

Propaganda up to 11 for a wee while now folks.


Don’t worry folks, this is the finally drawing of the lines between Unionist and Independence supporter; it was to be expected.

The referendum will happen and this time we will win.


Paul Hutcheon, Sunday Herald?

Not sure what to think of that… Why is something already mandated die if you win an election? hmmm


Aweright Proud Cybernat ~

Think we maybe need to get the new MSM / BBC Misreporting Scotland campaign crowdfunder going pronto, to prevent any further damage to our people.

I reckon the response to your crowdfund will be big.

Good luck and cheers.

Reluctant Nationalist

What’s the result for Bath?


Two more tory GAINS!


LibDems won Bath


RN Bath. Lib Dem, Stu ‘won’.


Edin North.


Puzzled Puss

I’m wondering if there are any figures yet for the postal ballot turnout in Scotland.


On the upside – the SNP will surely be the 3rd party again. LDs way behind.


Ian Murray stays.

Robert Louis

Now the indy campaign begins. Let’s get on with it. Westminster will soon be irrelevant. No more procrastination by SNP leadership (and THAT does need to be said).

Wholly agree with comments above about broadcasting in Scotland. It is that which is holding Scotland back. People are being lied to on a daily basis.

All those voting Tory/Labour in Scotland will wake up to realise how stupid they have been. Theresa will resign. LOL.




Robert Louis

Just a point, from a UK overall perspective, I cannot see how brexit can proceed now. Possibly another election?


Ian Murray gets huge majority. ffs. Ian Blackford holds his Ross Skye and Lochaber seat.

Reluctant Nationalist

@ Scotsrenewables & defo: ‘Lib dem Bath’

Haha. Well, it’s the lesser evil, to be sure.


@ Cactus: ‘Edin North’

Ya beauty.

Scot Finlayson

EVEL is a Standing Order not an Act so should be simple to cancel.

Marco McGinty

The rancid, sectarian supporting, hypocritical bawheid on now, talking utter pish again.


Scottish Tory voters have literally given Theresa May the potential of the nearest possible chance of a majority in Westminster….let’s just remember that. Forever.


Edin SW.



Joanna wins, thank fuck for that!


Salmond has lost


Alex Salmond beaten in Gordon 🙁

Cadogan Enright

Alex just lost ):


Alex is gone…


ha ha tories. joanna has pinched your cherry.


That’s a disaster now Salmond losing


ffs. Now Alex has lost his seat. omg.

Robert J. Sutherland

Just heard that AS has lost Gordon. Double damn!

Our loss far more than his.


Today is going to be a strange but good day.

The SNP have a majority.

Cheers Alex.



Gid auld Salmond the jacobites will return lol

Cadogan Enright

anyway 33 is a clear win


Time for beddie baws i think and maybe dream of some nice things.


I love Alex Salmond. So sad he lost. Not surprised, but no happy.

Marco McGinty

Adam Tompkins and Anas Sarwar, two pish-talking peas from the same pod. With 33 seats so far, there is still a pro-independence majority, so kindly take your filthy lies elsewhere.


Totally gutted with these results, but not surprised.

However, I now have complete and utter contempt for the media who have ostracized and castigated the SNP from the very beginning.

We have. Tory, Libdems and Labour MPs voted epwith no policies apart from No to independence.

The. SNP need to start being tough and stop being nice as nice seems to win you nothing.

Andrew Gordon

It’s all very happy clappy for the conservatives in Scotland tonight, I truly despair at the Scottish people who have voted Consevative, do they actually realise what they are voting for ???
Truly misguided and gullable, I truly hope with a sad heart that brexit ruins the lives of the fools who believe in the UKOK bullshit long may their bank balances dwindle
How the f**k have the Scottish people said No with the majority they clearly still have ??
That is the current BBC spin
Good news is tories are humped in Westminster


I actually feel sick for Alec ,,he’s my MP
I stay in the bridge of don area of Aberdeen which Gordon covers and with the downturn up here with everyone struggling to actually return a Tory !!!!

I am flabbergasted

The thing is never saw any other folk round doors bar SNP and Alec was out canvassing on Monday even with the news of his dad

I’m struggling
I’m embarrassed at the result


Hear hear Marco. Even if the other 6 seats go Unionist we win. Did you see bare faced liar Davidson say a majority of Scottish Seats for the SNP was not a mandate but the tories getting less than 325 seats was? She was grinning like a cheshire cat. I fucking hate her. I hope all the poor deluded cunts on the dole who voted Tory get their comeuppence. For a lot of folks in the same situation that didn’t vote tory are going to suffer the consequences of theses bastards and their stupid unionist pish.


Westminsters loss is Scotlands gain Alec, Angus and all those other clever SNP people will be free to focus on Scotland and Independence now. Can’t be much fun at Westmonster and it’s not like they’ll need to go to foodbanks or wont be allowed to fight for what they believe in. SNP have won overall and unionist vote split isn’t that a good result really. The focus is Independence not domination. At least all the idiots didn’t just vote tory.


Well we’ll see what the North East say when brexit fecks them in the butt soon .Hell mend them. Thats Buchan lost too. DEPRESSING

Robert J. Sutherland

Feel_loon @ 04:34,

Alex slipped back a little bit, but it looks like the FibDem vote (his former main contenders) totally imploded in favour of the Tory. Probably the main payoff of the Red/Blue/Orange Tory electoral pact.

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