The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

The personal touch

Posted on August 13, 2013 by

We have a stalker. It’s a long story, pre-dating Wings Over Scotland and involving creepy, highly detailed rape/murder threats, sustained harassment over a period of months, a dedicated blog many tens of thousands of words long (including all manner of truly vile sexual stuff involving family members and ex-girlfriends), abusive phone calls to our home and far too much more to describe.

It eventually resulted in an arrest, and a report by Glasgow police to the Procurator Fiscal recommending prosecution, which to everyone’s surprise was declined, after a very long delay and for unclear reasons.


The main perpetrator, although several people were involved, was a virulent Unionist and Rangers supporter (he’s a proud advocate of “The Famine Song” and a big fan of Loyalist multiple-murderer Michael Stone) in his 20s called Murray Brady. He continued with the campaign even after he’d been arrested and questioned, but eventually went to ground after the discovery of a revived version of the forum on which he made some of the comments. It was all a pretty ugly business.

Not long after Murray Brady disappeared from view, a commenter started appearing on this site. His views, approach and writing style were extremely, uncannily similar to Mr Brady’s, though we should note that we have no definitive proof they’re the same person. Eventually he was banned for repeatedly ignoring warnings about offensive behaviour, and disappeared to concentrate on a blog of his own.

The blog also bore many close similarities to that which had been produced by Murray Brady. The vitriolic writing style, the obsessive nature, the way it would very occasionally switch from crude abuse to ostensibly heartfelt and serious posts. This time it wasn’t entirely focused on one person, but also attacked the wider independence movement, and in particular the SNP MSP Joan McAlpine.

The author of the blog was especially fond of contacting anyone we had any form of disagreement with in an attempt to draw people to his site, and attracted approval and retweets from people like Labour activist Duncan Hothersall, Scotland on Sunday journalist Euan McColm and “SNP blogger” Kate Higgins.

(This persisted even after we privately alerted Mr Hothersall, having unaccountably and temporarily mistaken him for a decent human being, to the backstory of our stalker. Duncan’s reaction, in fact, was to bitterly complain in public about the language in one of our emails. He also passed the private correspondence on to the blog author, who published it.)

While we don’t read it any more, it’s apparent from a glance that the blog has continued at tireless pace for many months, despite no visible signs of traffic. Its only regular commenter during the time we looked at it was Unionist blogger Stuart Winton, who appears to have a friendly and supportive relationship with the author.

We mention all this because this morning a Scottish journalist (from one of the country’s professional news outlets) got in touch with us. They felt we should know about a dossier being circulated to the Scottish press, which comprised many of the stories the blog author had obsessed repeatedly over.

It contained nothing remarkable. The stories were mainly things I’ve written in the distant and recent past on my personal website, Wings Over Sealand. Some were obviously exaggerated polemics, others expressions of honestly-held personal views on topics unrelated to Scottish politics, and one a massively, obviously ironic and sarcastic joke comment on a videogames forum.

All are freely accessible and have been discussed at length in public, and I’m happy to defend any of them in debate. I’m not the least bit ashamed of my opinions, or I wouldn’t have posted them on the internet for people to read in the first place. If you’ve been a writer for over 20 years and you haven’t ever written anything that upset and offended some people, you’re doing it wrong.

The blog author, however, clearly feels they have potential as smear attacks aimed at discrediting Wings Over Scotland by vilifying me personally, perhaps through being used selectively and/or out of context in newspapers. So far, so dull. But there was something new in what I was forwarded by the journalist.

The list of links came with a quote from “Better Together”.

A Better Together spokesperson said: “For the leader of the yes campaign and prominent nationalists to be happy to promote this site and its repugnant views is beyond belief. It shows just how desperate they have become as the people of Scotland increasingly reject their agenda of division.””

This (though most of the comments in question weren’t posted on Wings Over Scotland) is presumably a reference to the fact that Yes Scotland has quoted to the findings of our Panelbase poll, and the fact that some SNP representatives at various levels have on a few occasions retweeted this site’s posts.

We’re deeply touched the No campaign apparently now considers us such a threat that they’ve resorted to such a grim personal smear attack this early in the campaign.

While we have, as noted, no conclusive proof, our opinion, for numerous reasons, is that there is no doubt whatsoever the author of the blog responsible for the “dossier” is Murray Brady, or someone acting as a front for him. Murray Brady used to consistently deny being in any way responsible for his hate campaign, right up to the point where the police forced his internet service provider to reveal his identity.

(We could be wrong – there could be more than one psychotic lunatic so utterly obsessed with us that they’re prepared to scream into an uninterested void for months and months on end until an anonymous “Better Together” representative is desperate enough to listen and clutch at the straw. Which would be a little chilling.)

But either way, we invite readers to consider what would lead someone in the Scottish media – which this site spends much of its time criticising, often in strong terms – to privately warn us that this material was being circulated.

Our source wouldn’t be drawn to actually say who had sent them the email. Perhaps the blog author fabricated the quote from “Better Together”, though that seems unlikely. (We’ve emailed campaign director Blair McDougall asking for his comments, and will keep you updated on any response.)

Either way, we’re not going anywhere.

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I dipped my toe in his disturbing website last week. Apparently, he started it because he was incensed at Alex Salmond for exclusively telling the Sunday Sun that the referendum would be on October 18. For some reason*, he persists with it even after his reason for starting it proved to be as misconceived as he was.
*mental illness


It is inevitable that in true Putin-esque style the No campaign has to smear you personally, as you are causing anxiety. Digging up dirt or even something resembling dirt is the agenda.
I have no doubt there is a file on you and Salmond many inches thick. Question is, who has it. Security services? Newspapers? Better Together?
If it can be shown you are talking sense and the MSM really are biased and worse still, people find out about that then they surely think they might lose. Smug arrogance has been replaced by black ops, and not subtle at that.
You need to be shut down a la Assange. Even if you have not broken the law. Smearing is a default position for people who will defend their position at all costs.

Vincent McDee

There’s absolutely nothing showing online and I’m allergic to printed press. Will anyone getting the paper (for buggies toilet reasons, I pressume) be so kind of copy/print here, please?

Inbhir Anainn

Stay strong Rev there are many unionist fruitcakes out there.  Goes to show that we are getting to them as they have nothing positive to offer.  For them and their ilk it will be game over come referendum day.

wee 162

And there’s the excuse for not publishing results of the poll you got commissioned…
So, expect to be ignored, and marginalised. Well done, you’re completely under their skin.


Unionist hysteria is noted by academics as a dangerous longstanding phenomenon.  Historically speaking it is has been extremely violent.


This, unfortunately, is the bit where they come to fight you. I had a look at that blog, too, and found it mightily disturbing. The way its author talks about McAlpine, in particular, is positively scary.

Dan H

Stand firm, you’re at stage 3 (“then they come to fight you”) of 4.

Vincent McDee

Wangs over Skintland…..


Any attempts to smear you in the press will inevitably draw attention to this site and your (and our) opinions and activities here.  I mean, surely they’re not that stupid to deliberately draw the wider public’s attention to Wings over Scotland in order to attack you when really they’d like you to just shut up and go away?  Er… surely ….


Oh dear. 

Buster Bloggs

I’m sure more of the same type will slither out from under the shite they come from before the referendum, will just make our victory next year all the more sweeter, as for Hothersal, says a lot about the man if he is entertaining scum like that.


Shocking.Keep fighting the good fight Rev.

Melissa Murray

Empty vessels make the loudest noise.


Actually, those tweets suggest there’s an attempted take-down of the Panelbase poll using the authority of John Curtice in Roden’s paper, though how that would square with Curtice’s comments on his own blog I don’t know. Anyone bear to buy a copy of the Mail? I would, but I’m clean out of latex gloves and I’m not going to touch it with my bare hands…


I looked at his blog last week when his name was mentioned here but saw nothing interesting. Just some bloke ranting into the wind. Rather verbose literary style indicative of someone wanting to be taken seriously, not unlike some of the daft David Icke wannabe blogs. No issue with someone ranting, done well it can be very funny, but sad that an individual can become so obsessed with another as to stalk. Down that road lies only madness.


I had a look once at the individual’s blog a while ago.  I will not be doing that again.  The ironic thing is that the former poster on this site, often comments on other pro- independence websites pretending that he is undecided on how to vote in the referendum!  I have no idea why he does this given the ‘writings’ on his own blog.  

Training Day

Both Roden’s and Graham Grant’s tweets are deeply unpleasant.  Pretty much what you’d expect from those who work for the newspaper which supported Mosley’s Blackshirts in the 1930s.
Rev, you are getting to them big style, and you have an ever growing army of supporters.

Vincent McDee

AhDinnaeKen: Hate Blinded Idiocy From the Vaults of the Politically Disenfranchised
At least the laddie is self conscious.


It was always going to get nasty, and personal. It’s probably good that it has happened so early, with over a year to go. Obviously what you are doing having a big impact, a worry to them, and flushing out the bully-boys earlier than is optimal for them.
They are completely spooked by the poll, especially the 34%-36% Yes/No result, which they are trying to suppress/discredit in any ways they can. They know when the numbers go 50/50, especially with over a year to go, they are stuffed…and we are only going to get stronger…


So…..another poll anyone?


” Anyone bear to buy a copy of the Mail?”
If Andrex went out of business I would still use broad leaved weeds first!

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)

I’m with JamesL on this…
Leaving it a couple of days has been all about trying to discredit the poll.
My guess is that they were busily trying to pull together all of the various bits of criticism into a coherent ‘defence’ of the Union.


WoS must be like a thistle in the knickers of Better Together the way they are going on…this is good

Bill C

Unfortunately attacks such as these are only to be expected, anything or anybody who is seen to be a threat to the Brit. Establishment can expect similar treatment. In saying that, they must be getting really desperate, to risk giving this site the oxygen of publicity by spreading smears amongst the Scottish media. Fortunately this site is now well known for exposing the truth and the smears will have no effect, other than to galvanise the thousands of readers of this site into spreading the YES message.


Well, well.  I’ve read the blog in question a couple of times, and it’s desperate, deranged stuff.  I wondered what was motivating the little shit.  How desperate do they have to be to use that sort of material?
It’s a pity it costs so much to mount a libel action in England.  You might be in a position to make a lot of money if you had the funds to start one.

Doug Daniel

What I find utterly bizarre is the way certain prominent tweeters (on both sides of the debate) are happy to accuse you of being a misogynist (whatever happened to plain old sexism?), yet use “evidence” received from someone whose writings about Joan McAlpine seem to be, well, not exactly pro-female…

David Smith

Be strong and stick to it Rev. We and you collectively knew that it would come to this. As the famous quote says, they are now coming to fight us.
That it has come to this merely highlights have mortal terror that Project Fear now has for us.
Such actions are merely the last writhings and lashings out of a mortally injured old predator, before it begins derangedly biting at its own wounds.

Bill Fraser

Had a wee search,  didn’t take long to find some very offensive language and an obvious hate campaign. Just goes to show what a good job you’re doing. 


MajorBloodnok yes they are. Scottish Daily Mail hard copy page4 and comment page 11. Borrowed from local pub . Will scan and send.

Tommy Ball

The blog referred to in this post is one of two which have a particular obsession with Joan McAlpine. The other spends its time blogging incessantly about McAlpine and me.

A couple of days ago, there was a very disturbing article posted on it which fantasised about McAlpine killing a child while speeding. It had extremely violent imagery including “the face torn off and mangled”. The blogger in question has a string of form for violent writing, referring to Alex Salmond’s death on a daily basis and posting violent, weapon-filled imagery.

My concern is that the hysteria whipped up amongst unionists in the media, and the encouragement they are given by some of their representatives, risks leading to their violence spilling out of their minds and blogs and into real life.

I’m not the only pro-independence blogger to receive Unionist death threats, and I know many prominent pro-independence MSPs receive them on a regular basis. Yet this is ignored by the media, which regularly focuses on “Cybernats” who as far as I can make out are guilty of being rude on occasion.

As we have seen in Belfast over the last few days, there are some very sick, malleable and violent minds within the unionists. BetterTogether really has to stop fanning the flames of hate with its attacks on “Salmond” (have you ever noticed how they almost exclusively use his last name, in an attempt to dehumanise him?) and engage with the debate in a calm, considered, respectful and peaceable manner.


the method and manner in wich the poll was organised is probably scaring project fear more than the results (they would have known the results from there own private polling )
Take it as a compliment that  they cannot argue or debate with you/us  they can only attack and undermine
Reg  the polls ect I want more


Labour for independence, wings over scotland……anyone want to hazard a guess at the next smear?


It’s interesting they’re doing this now, and not early in the year when we were all busy raising the money to give Stu an income for a year.
I think it rather indictes that our money was very well spent.


Robert says:

If Andrex went out of business I would still use broad leaved weeds first!
I’d even prefer to use nettles and thistles, if need be.

Training Day

“BetterTogether really has to stop fanning the flames of hate with its attacks on “Salmond” (have you ever noticed how they almost exclusively use his last name, in an attempt to dehumanise him?) and engage with the debate in a calm, considered, respectful and peaceable manner.”
Tommy, if they had anything else in their armoury, your proposition might have received consideration.
But as is becoming increasingly clear, they haven’t.


Rev :
Take it as a compliment (if you can), as with Alex Salmond they will go for the head of each campaign format supporting independence in turn, in order to discredit.

Think of all the best espionage / and ‘set -up’ stories you have ever heard of. Yeah Hollywood I know but we’re mugs if we thought this was going to be a clean fight all the way.

Think of the CCTV  domain and the data information collectio of big brother + all the nutters out there against independence but most of all the UK state secret service. This is all elementary bread & butter for them. They have been practicing this around the world for years. Its so easy for them to infiltrate honest environments of which they don’t approve.

Im sure you knew this kind of thing was coming and glad someone had a conscience enough to warn you.

I have nothing but praise for your efforts and the integrity of this website, but lets please realise the establishment will not play by the rules; it never has.

We need to get smart and consider other mediums & outlets for informing the people of whats actually happening. Particularly the kids.
‘Mark Miller’ might have some good ideas (Scotland Tonight last night)

“Don’t let the Bxstards grind you down”


Looks like the poll hit too close to home for comfort. 🙂

Bugger (the Panda)

If he and they had any brains, the just might be dangerous.


This has to be one of the most intriguing and fascinating things I have ever witnessed in my entire life.
It’s becoming weirdly entertaining watching the state driven collusion with the media happening right in front of me.

It’s quite breathtaking the lengths they go to in order to preserve their positions of power. I can’t believe I never saw this before. I’m actually now enjoying pointing it out to others who are also now switched on to it and pointing it out to others!

It’s just a matter of time now. The reactor has been fired up. The media and the state are now well down the road to being called out by the public. It’s fucking magic to see it all unfold. The funny thing is, no amount of newspaper or TV articles can stop the fusion. Their is no turning it off now! This will run until the baby blows 🙂
Please understand by the way that this whole politics thing has never interested me in the slightest up until recently.
Unless their is a very valid reason not to – I’m sticking this one out with the rev.
Pure fucking magic this and all it cost was a few quid for a poll 🙂


Scottish Daily Mail hard copy page4 and comment page 11

A very warm welcome to our new readers. Feel free to comment/ask questions.

Roddy Macdonald

You’re not alone, Stuart. Stephen Fry posted this today. It may be worth seeking out the piece, if only to see if you qualify for a personal award of a highly-coveted “Hated by the Daily Mail” badge.

Captain Caveman

Needless to say you’ve got my full support in all of this Stu – whatever that is worth. We’ve had our disagreements over the years for sure (in fact, there’s not even one person on the planet with whom I’ve argued with more 😀 ), but despite this I’ll always say this about you: you’re fair, you have principles, you cannot be bought and sold. You’re a formidable opponent and I truly loathe some of your views as you do mine (though defend to the hilt your right to hold and espouse them). Sometimes you cannot see the other side of the argument and assume the very worst about people and their possible motivations – but then, when I hear of stuff like this, perhaps I don’t even blame you?
It is ridiculous and deeply unpleasant. Why can’t people play the ball and not the man? Whatever anyone says, and despite the fact I’m on “the other side”, no-one could ever take away from you the fact that you have assembled and galvanised such immense support and readership from quite literally a standing start, which is utterly incredible. Your output now is particularly impressive, as I’ve said, even in comparison to “proper” news outlets.
I have been allowed, nay encouraged to speak here openly as an English Conservative Unionist, and indeed made to feel most welcome, which totally lays to waste any claims about “Cybernats cannot be reasoned with” or whatever. Yes, it’s been an education.
I know you’ll weather whatever crap comes out of this.

Seasick Dave

I think that Blair McDougall needs a wee holiday as the pressure seems to be getting to him.
Have you got enough cash left, Rev, to send him down to Bognor Regis for a long weekend?
There’s over a year to go and we definitely need him at the helm.

jim mitchell

Not surprising really, there has always been a golden rule in the nationalist  circles that I have worked in since 1973, the more abusive unionists get, the more panicked they are, especially during campaigns.
Let us remember if/when they lose this one they have lost the lot. 

les wilson

Another poll might be a good idea REV,
Either way I will and so will all your other readers and participants, still be here for you. I am sure another poll fund would be once more over funded! Keep up the good work, it is just a shame that the authorities cannot ( probably under instruction ) cannot or will not hold the offenders of decency to account.

Seasick Dave

Well said, Cavey!


chalks says:
13 August, 2013 at 2:15 pm

So…..another poll anyone?
Yep Chalks, hear, hear. And at ever closer intervals, as we get nearer the date of the referendum, to keep the pressure on our much loved media chums and their masters. Happy to pay for that.
Meantime Rev, need another crowd whip-round to help with some legal eagle action? Happy to chip in! Just call it.
PS was there not some research released recently that indicated that CyberBrits did more vile blogging than CyberNats?

jim mitchell

BTW REV, remember your nobody now a days unless you’ve got a stalker!


@Captain Caveman

Good stuff Cavey. Makes you believe there might be something in this social union stuff. 🙂

Lindsey Smith

I found it amazing that last Fri/Sat BBC aired Field of Blood about black ops used illegally against NUM As a heads up for this decade’s political confrontation it could not have been more clear; or does that make me sound as fruity and paranoid as ‘the stalker’?
The  reasons there was no prosecution would be good to know, who was pulling strings and why.


I can’t believe I never saw this before. I’m actually now enjoying pointing it out to others 

Yes, it’s quite fascinating to be experiencing it. It’s something you read about happening in other countries but you never thought it would happen here. Britain’s a free democracy and stuff surely?

And yes, it’s why the union will come to an end shortly. Scotland is being given no choice but to leave. People know what nasty propaganda looks like; they find it scary when it is suddenly directed against them/their own country.

Propaganda only works if the recipient doesn’t appreciate it is propaganda. If you are going to do it, it needs to be really good with no way for people to find out otherwise. If not, it’s worse than useless, in fact its highly counter-productive.

What convinced me of the inevitability of it all was talking to my best mate. He feels ‘British’ (parents from both sides of the border) and default No. It’s an emotional thing that’s hard for him and one I fully understand. He votes SNP though and is very impressed with them. He likewise understands my wish for independence; he’s half Scots so why would he not!

It was the sight of him hanging his head in shame then getting angrier and angrier (as we talked) at the pro-union campaign and its attacks on Scotland, the SNP, the idea of independence etc. He was coming to hate those he was supposed to support.

We’ve not spoken for a while on the subject, but to see a ‘solid’ No – and not one big into politics/just your average bloke – feel so strongly against No was quite eye-opening.


D’you reckon they’d lose the plot altogether if we funded another one now? If this is the reaction to the first you could see a groundskeeper from Caddyshack moment on the horizon. Y’know blowing up a golf course to take out the infinitely smarter ground hog type of thing.

Rod Mac

For those like me that have been around for a while this is not new.
In the 70s in Inverclyde I stood (got ambushed more like)  for SNP.
As I entered the count my very pregnant wife in tow the nice labour folk spat in her face.
Fortunately ,or unfortunately I was in front of her and did not see it happen and they wisely told me long after the count.
i also remember an occasion in Eastwood  in 97 when Brown was up assisting Murphy( how times have changed)  we upstaged Brown by having Alex Salmond in town and held a meeting outside their HQ.
I remember Brown and Murphy their faces were a treat.
for the next 10 days our constituency Chairman was stopped and breathalysed every day and sometimes several times a day.
My car went through weeks of being vandalised on my driveway , other members had similar bother.
I have dozens of stories like that and i am sure nay others that have been round for a while can tell similar


I see you have just shot the Mail’s fox on twitter.  Their delight is clear to behold.

Bugger (the Panda)

Can we, who are untwittered, have a link please


Rev : Some Light relief over on Channel : The Scotsmans now a joke paper.
Never thought I would see it kick off about Rangers & the wee free on these pages ?
Deary me


Doug Daniel
What I find utterly bizarre is the way certain prominent tweeters (on both sides of the debate) are happy to accuse you of being a misogynist (whatever happened to plain old sexism?), yet use “evidence” received from someone whose writings about Joan McAlpine seem to be, well, not exactly pro-female…
Will there be a backlash from certain supporters of independence who claim to dislike you, Rev Stu, but can see the nastier implications of what is going on here? Will they finally speak out in support, or will they keep up with their petty, vindictive “Some of my best friends are unionists” act?
Whether they like it or not, they are going to have to choose at some point. We are not all in this together.


Two pieces from the Mail. Should be able to read it.
link to

Robyn - Quine fae Torry

You’ve got them on the run Rev.  No wonder.  Two successful crowd-funding projects and the prospect of the readers funding other such ventures in the run up to the referendum.  They can’t thole it.  Take it as a compliment. 
Fundraiser 3?  Why not?  Now that they’ve come to fight and all…


Another poll? How about a bunch of them. One from each of the major polling companies. Since at least one news article tried to pretend Panel Base doesn’t exist, try using the rest of them, see how they ignore that.


Guys, another poll now or soon is not the way to go.  Opinion won’t have moved much, and it would be the very epitome of the law of diminishing returns.  Hold off on Wings Poll #2 for a bit longer.
We have more imagination than that!  (OK, I do not include me in that “we”, but still….)  If the bit is between the collective WoS teeth, there is surely something new and creative we can find to bug them even more.


Have ‘No Scotland’ made any statement on this? Perhaps they’ve yet to ‘see’ the dossier…aherm…


Say the word, Rev and I’ll set Hamish on him …


I agree with the above, here comes the fight. Possibly, there will be a battle on three fronts. One will be for public consumption (the MSM), the other will be in the personal capacity (legality) and the other involves manoeuvres in the shadows.
The Rev will not be the only target, any pro-Independence outlet which is seen to be successful will have been looked at. They will have analysed how popular those sites are and seen how their audience has grown over the past 12 months with speculation on how much they will grow over the next 12 months before the vote. A strategy will be formed with the MSM/BBC in full cooperation. All posts over the last year will be scrutinised to see if personal opinions can be spun into ‘extremist nationalist said this’ … while of course berating the SNP for not controlling the dreaded cybernats. One or two newspapers will spearhead this, they will effectively write the copy for all newspapers to report on which in turn will be opinionated on the BBC.
What they will want to do initially is to ‘expose’, name and shame, the Rev, to see if mass opinion will discredit this blog. They don’t want people to visit the blog in the hope that it will be starved of oxygen, to see if fear and smear will keep floating viewers away. At the same time the site’s analytics will be constantly studied to see if their actions are having any effect. If there isn’t any clear reduction in the Wings audience then litigation will be next level. Either this will come through government proposals in controlling the internet using excuses such as cyber-bullying and ‘extreme’ views, and/or personal litigation against the Rev for something he did or did not write months ago. Final part of the attack will be a technical interruption of this website and possible blacklisting altogether.
Of course none of this might happen but it doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you!
There is democracy in this world, and then there’s British democracy. Never underestimate what the Establishment is capable of. Their very existence is threatened.


link to
Mail chap can’t help himself.  Or, indeed, stop.

Bugger (the Panda)

A tip of the furry eared bunnet to you sir!

Jingly Jangly

I am the Rev Stu, we are all with you. I knew it would start getting nasty but not this soon
shows that they know they are going to lose and the stakes are very high, The IMF will be
in running RUKland within a month of a yes vote.

I see they are bringing back the fantatist Busby from Ireland for a show trial.

All the dirty tricks in the book will be coming out in the next year and a bit.
They will  stoop to anything, remember Willie Mcrae, and the bombing of dublin
in 1974 we aint seen anything yet….

link to


Once, walking in Spain, I passed a field where a naked man stood masturbating.  He obviously wanted to be looked at.  I once visited the blog you’re talking about and it reminded me of that rather odd experience.


Two pieces from the Mail. Should be able to read to

Well, you’ve made the mail.
Could bring in 10’s of 1000’s of new readers.
Great stuff.

Robert Louis

So now you know that you have indeed been most effective.  When they react like this, you know you are winning.
I have often considered that many of the bitter together and Labour supporters have never until recently questioned what they have been told to believe.  However, this site in particular, has shown just how much rubbish bitter together have been talking.  The bare faced lies have been exposed for what they are, and I do not doubt there has been an impact amongst previous unionist supporters – asking difficult questions, re-thinking their loyalty.  That is what this site will have been effective at, and the unionista cabal will not like it one bit.  So, they come to smear you.
I am not surprised, as I have stated often on this site, such is the ways of the Westmidden apparatchiks.  They will pull every diry trick, and every underhand stunt possible, to preserve their own personal careers feeding from the Westminster pig trough.  In each and every instance, none of it will be traceable back to the filth that perpetrated the smear.  It’s called plausible deniability.
So, let me state my support for you and this site.  Remember, as has often been stated here, the quote attributed Gandhi;
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, THEN YOU WIN.
My, my the unionist cabal is getting desperate, you can almost smell their fear.
Bitter together isn’t project fear anymore, it’s project FEART!

jim mitchell

Now is not the time for another poll by us, the ramifications of this one have still to be felt in full, although it’s obvious it’s made very uncomfortable reading for the NO campaign, who seem to think by hiding the truth it will alter it!
BTW, I see that Better Together are claiming to have put out 4 million leaflets and knocked on 350.000 doors, i have to say those leaflets must have all went through the same letter box, because they aint been seen in this part of the world and the only ones who i know of that have been out knocking on doors have been from our side.
Perhaps some of you who are good at figures, which lets me out, could manage some kind of statistical analysis of NO’s claim.  


I saw that 4 million leaflet thing too and wondered where my one is because nothing has fallen through my door…it would go straight into the blue bin if it did but that is by and by. I would like the pleasure of binning it.  


Glad I hadn’t taken a sip of my tea before reading that.  I think you’re being deeply unfair to the gentleman in Spain with this monstrous comparison.


It is sad that they cannot win by democratic means so result to smears,  it is Public v Establishment. Unlike the 79 referendum we have a voice that will be heard.

Quinie frae Angus

I have a regular wee donation going to Stu, but it’s been a while since I’ve been able to donate a biggish bung. However, if he can hang on until the 25th August, I can throw a hundred quid towards the libel fund…..
Yep, so interesting the way the “then they come to fight you” part of the saying is coming true….

John Hannah

This just shows how important and effective Wings has become. You need to hold the line as we appear to be getting into black ops scary land.
Thing is it’s only just really starting. Of course one way to deal with this is to get right in their and out them for what they are. That’s what you’ve done. 
Keep the faith and carry on. I’m even more determined to support Wings and independence now. The more they do this shit the more determined I’ll become.

Chic McGregor

Having been an active member of two small groups who were targeted and smeared (mainly courtesy of Murdoch’s NoW)  because ‘they’ didn’t like what we were trying to do (one was specifically trying to address MSM bias) I can empathise to some small extent, although we were never big enough to pose the real threat you do.
Anyone who gains any kind of prominence and supports independence is putting themselves in harm’s way.  There is a very long list of casualties either smeared, jeered or disappeared.
The bastards will get away with it until enough of the people are aware or care enough to express their opinion on the streets by demonstrating.
Maybe this time.


Captain Caveman        
                                Thanks for supporting the Rev , if this keeps up you never know we might be able to persuade you to move to Scotland and vote YES 


I do love this site, but not even Rev can be sure of this chaps identity. Nor is his blog anything more or less than comically benign that can only muster a snort if ever read. 
Be aware that a whole new readership may wish to be welcomed into this more than often positive fold. They may feel uneasy if the comments read like a witch hunt. 
I certainly hope the chap in question is not too similar to the intentional comparative  in the image provided. 


With the way the print media is circling down the drain, the next fundraiser would probably be big enough to BUY one of the newspapers, lock, stock and presses!

Robert Louis

This will give you more publicity than any of us together could ever afford.  The more who visit this site and see the truth behind Westminster and Bitter together lies, the better.
This is a golden opportunity.  Your readership is about to skyrocket.


If it was true black ops we probably wouldn’t know about it. The lone bunman and the Mail are not black ops, one is a grudge railing at the universe and the other is a paper that pretends to be our moral guardian but takes every opportunity to publish photos of underage starlets in bikinis. Neither are pleasant, neither are credible. That some plonker in Better Together has listened to the former says more about their judgement than anything….although so does being in Better Together in the first place 😉  


Rev. “Knowledge is Power”.
WE are all in this together till the job is done. If he is attacking you, then he is attacking all of us and he or they will not win.
Vote Yes  18th Sept 2014.

Green Bean

100% behind you, Stuart. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
I’m pretty sure we don’t see eye to eye on many issues, but you are doing brilliant work debunking the MSM and for independence.


I was very close to my sister, except geographically – she spent most of her life in Italy.  When she knew I was having a hard time she would phone up and say ‘Forza!’  That was all.
So, Rev…


Mental. I remember that crazy blogger from a few years back when you were more active on World of Stuart, didn’t realise the lunatic was still going.
It has got to take a lot of energy to be that obsessed. Dude must have his Weetabix every morning to keep at it for this long.


It’s time to get the “Direct Debits” sorted out so that those of us who can help out financially can do.
Don’t let them take the “Rev” or us down…we need to start planning in advance!!


    I have just dropped in a small donation to Wings, to be spent in which ever way you see fit.  
   All they do when they attack us like this is draw us closer together. 


Ok, so not another poll so soon.
What I think would be better is to capitalise on the attention….what about some large billboard adverts with the wings website address and some of the better examples of the hypocrisy of the No campaign?


I’M REV STU   (a la Spartacus)


National Collective, LFI, Wings over Scotland, I’d have a guess that Radical Independence or Celebs for Independence are next. Either that or it will be a personal scandalising of a senior indy politician.

Bugger (the Panda)

It has already been done but I will not give oxygen to the expose.
The Beast has been cornered and it knows it.


Have to say I’m mighty suspicious of that BT Spokesperson “quote”. I assume by now, the Rev will have asked them if they really back what it says, but the language seems to me to be a mix of the uncivil Blair tweet turning down the debate proposal and the pompous phrasing often used in the blog in question….  So I guess it’s fabricated.
Could be wrong, of course, in which case, to use the immortal words, ‘big mistake’.
I’m also dubious about the ‘conspiracy’. A smear dossier from an individual with a grudge usually goes straight into the nutters’ file. If a newspaper wants to ‘monster’ someone, they’ll normally dig up their own dirt.


O/T Rve sorry about that, on the other hand I see it as a mark of respect, regarding your tenacious and and uncomprimising journalism.
What am I referring to too?
Well Joan MacAlpine in the DR today gave your site a mention and your Panalbase poll she even quoted from it, calling you and many other who had the foresite and tenacity to set it up Dragonettes (From Dragons Den), so take a bow did well.


At the End of the Day the BASTARDS would rather see this country burn than have Independence. Divide us and even have us at war with each other . I expect the Practitioners of the Dark Arts to be extremely busy tomorrow I see trouble at the FRIENDLY…


Twitter’s a great eye-opener (OK, not really needed unless you’re very naive indeed) as to the dishonest trollishness of some journalists – they absolutely revel in their position and the opportunity it gives them to distort and disseminate untruths, don’t they? Tweets from the Daily Mail journo’s are a prime example.


@Jim Mitchell …
There are 2.39 million households in Scotland.
link to
I wonder what printing firm got the contract to print Better Together 4 million leaflets?

John Lyons

Well done for going public on this.
Between this and the Ian Taylor threat of legal action (anything ever come of that?) I think it’s fair to say any media outlet of reasonable size that the Unionists do not control is up for attack. Unfortunately as a single blogger (as opposed to something bigger with party support like Newsnet scotland) you’re an easy target, and if there is one thing bullies like, it’s an easy target.


Completely agree.  The tone is deeply unpleasant.

ken mcdonald


Iain More

jim mitchell says:
“Not surprising really, there has always been a golden rule in the nationalist  circles that I have worked in since 1973, the more abusive unionists get, the more panicked they are, especially during campaigns.
Let us remember if/when they lose this one they have lost the lot.”
Wise words and they are cracking up more with each passing day. They are getting more desperate. They will just get more vicious and more personal. This is the week of the we are too fat to be Independent according to the BBC.
Every resident of Scotland is a target for the abuse not just particular individuals. I think it must have escaped thier notice that all No campaigners aren’t slim jims. Or is that the new No campaign? Vote No to lose weight and be super Bwits! 


This might be helpful.  I heard these people in Edinburgh many years ago when Inti Illimani were in exile from Chile.  Many of their friends had been abducted and murdered, including Victor Jara.  They were supported and assisted in Europe by the guitarists John Williams (classical) and Paco Pena (flamenco). 

A few years ago they had a concert in Glasgow, a few days after Pinochet was allowed to leave the UK without being arrested.  At the interval some unforunate wee lassie had to go on stage and read ‘a message of support’ from Gordon Brown.  She was drowned in cries of ‘hypocrite’ and had to stop.  After this fiasco, and before they continued playing, a member of the band said: democracy has missed an opportunity: there will be other opportunities. 
Here they are.  En libertad.  Freedom!


Rev, you have my full support.
I know Scots don’t like smear campaigns nor nastiness, if this is the work of Better Together Camp then they are just digging their own graves!

ken mcdonald

You/we need a fighting fund, if only to have sufficient funds to pay for legal shots accrosss the bows of those that deserve it.  There is a groundswell of support here all willing to’s just a matter of harnessing it…. many hands make light work..and all this ?

Dances With Haggis

I have been thinking for a year now that one of the first acts that a new Independent Scots parilament should do is to  is give an award to the good Rev Stu as well as the team at Newsnet Scotland, the National Collective, Bella Caledonia and individuals who plod away at their computers like P A Bell, Peter Curran [who supplies us with miles of video footage]. I apologies to the many publications and individuals who I have not mentioned but do include in my suggestion.

The award which [could be an annual event] could be called The Scottish somthing award for sevrices to Journalism and  Democracy [Hootsmon scribes need not apply]
Lets face it Independenistas, without all these people we would be well and truely f***ed
P.S a second award could be specially for the good Rev called The Jings Criivvens Healp ma Boab Give That Man a Wage Award. 🙂
Cheers and tanks Rev.


‘chips and heroin’  You can take the man out of Bathgate etc 🙂


Cheers! I spend most donations on chips and heroin, so will disburse it to local suppliers appropriately.
No wonder you have no audited accounts!
£20 to the Wings fund says I’m right about that quote being fabricated.


O/T Blair’s blog
link to

Jamie Arriere

If Better Together can be linked to this trumpet, this could be very dangerous for them indeed, and could be more dynamite going off in their faces!!
100% behind you, Rev – another shield in the phalanx!


Robert Louis: 
So, they come to smear you…
… and hopefully it will have the Streisand effect.


Er, so we have two people with websites hurling accusations at the other.
Neither one can prove or disprove anything.
I’m more interested in whether the McLachlan-McAlpine divorce case provides an opportunity to go over the original Cheesegate story – in particular, Russell’s wholly incredible statement that he had no knowledge of his office manager’s online activities.
Nailing Russell as a liar – at the right time and in the right way – would be significant.

Marker Post

Rev, any chance of appeal against procurator’s decision? When was that decision made? Any grounds for re-evaluation?


Just checked out the stalker’s blog  – a real fruitcake not worth the time invested to write about him and no doubt feeding his ego.


O/T Lovely piece on Arc of Prosperity taking Mr Silver apart (also has WoS poll in evidence)
link to


You started your post with “Er”


“to be spent in which ever way you see fit.”
Arf, this reminds me of a song! 🙂



To anyone who contacted me before the ‘stalker’ story broke – the Glasgow meeting goes ahead as planned. We have 10 definites, another 10 are 50/50, one has sent apologies, won’t make it, and heaven only knows how many more could turn up. 
Please note – it’s not ‘formal’, there’s no agenda, no minute-taking, none of that. Stay anonymous if you wish, or just use your WoS handle. It’s a chance to meet and discuss whatever we want to. All welcome. Message me for details (and please don’t re-post them here).
Do these people really think we’ll be put off by their fearmongering pish? 


There are 2.39 million households in Scotland.
link to
I wonder what printing firm got the contract to print Better Together 4 million leaflets?
I suppose their implication is that most people have been leafleted twice.  Yes Scotland certainly have several different leaflets and some areas have been done more than once.
I still don’t believe them though.  (Mind you, I have had two different leaflets from the Tory candidate in the local council by-election.  We haven’t even got a candidate confirmed yet.)


“Just checked out the stalker’s blog  – a real fruitcake not worth the time invested to write about him and no doubt feeding his ego.”
Absolutely, as I said – a lonely wanker in a dusty field.  Let’s all walk on, there’s  a good bar in the next village.

Red squirrel

This is a sad state of affairs indeed. Do they realise that is isn’t just the Rev on his own here and just how many of us there are? Rev you have our support, sympathy and gratitude. 


Stupid is as stupid does where this Unionist idiot is concerned, that a BetterNoGoThere representative should ally themself with someone capable of the vitriol of this chap (it’s tradition so that makes it alright dinnit?) just goes to show how desperate they are becoming.

We are all Rev. Campbell.  Carry on my friend, and keep putting the wind up them.


I have many disagreements with the good Rev. I disagree with his opinion on the Hillsborough disaster, though I understand where he’s coming from. I profoundly disagree with his assessment of Catholic (or indeed any faith) schools. And I can’t be bothered with football at the best of times. I don’t doubt that I’ll continue to disagree with him.
But even given some of the things I’ve read on Sealand, Twitter or elsewhere, I see absolutely no justification for the concerted campaign against his character. Telling one glib misogynistic/anti-homosexual joke does not a misogynist/anti-homosexual bigot make, especially when it’s clearly meant as a joke. Unless someone is actually trying to say Rev was saying women and homosexuals are inherently inferior at gaming than men (which is, depressingly, a common viewpoint among certain sections of society), which is something of a bizarre bullet-point to make in a discussion supposedly about Scottish independence.
If you’re going to criticize Stu’s stance on independence, then do that.  Let’s not get into an ad hominem argument: that way lies the death of your cause.

The only award I want is to be able to call my homeland a proper nation.

Hearken, the Scottish national anthem is ringing in my ears…


We are all behind you Rev. Keep up the good fight.


If the fear doesn’t work, and the smears are not working, then what you have left is threats, physical intimidation and actual violence
Is that the 3rd stage of this Better Together campaign, disguised threats in a form of a dodgy dossier being handed to journalists?


Bit gossipy but Ian Smart seems to have reciprocated to his follow request. Ooh, I can hear a soap opera theme coming on.


Watching events unfold and how the Unionists are unravelling  has all the ingredients for the making a block buster of a Holywood movie.  It all seems so unreal that here we are having the fight of our lives right here in our own country.  BT big Tory donor Ian Taylor found out that his sinister & bullying tactics of trying to use his wealth to shut NC and our democratic right to freedom of speech up.  They failed then Stu and they will fail again. I think the best slogan that will epitomise the Unionists will be desperate times call for desperate measures.
Ultimately, we have right on our side and right will win over wrong in the end.  This has always been my belief in our struggle for the cause of Scottish independence.  It is our basic rights that are being challenged.  We have come too far to turn back now anyway and they make our case all the more urgent when i learn of things like this.
Our latest crowd funding project has hurt them more than i imagined.  Good.  We are right behind you and this site.  Solid as a rock style.  A hat tip to others reminding myself to make another over due donation.  Im now even more convinced we will win this next year. 


Oh I do hope the ‘dodgy dossier’ is pushed. That would be excellent.

All publicity for WoS is most welcome.

You see if there’s a crap site full of ‘lies’ run by a nasty idiot and you come across it, you tend to forget it. Certainly you don’t write newspaper articles saying that’s what you found. If you do, people immediately think ‘Oh, that site must be very interesting – I’ll go take a peek.’

BTW Rev, you noted that page visits etc were looking really good what with the poll and everything.

<bugging> Any chance of an update on this? 🙂 </bugging>


What’s the name/s of all the blogs that the people here are talking about? And what’s this new guy’s name?


re the tweets from the Mail reporter.  I can’t get over how so many people are allowed to abuse their customers/potential customers and get away with it.  Most employers would discipline you for bringing their business into disrepute if you engaged in a public spat like that, especially if it might have an impact on their sales.  Newspapers and tv just seem to have no standards….or maybe they do have policies on this sort of thing but they only kick in if somebody complains?
On the subject of the media though, I posted on Sunday night that I’d accidentally come across a lecture for journalists and politicos on the Westminster channel by an American academic ( it was the only channel I could get where I was at the time).  Essentially, he was saying that in the United States, there are now very few paid investigative journalists and most of the people who write articles do so from press releases, etc.  Most of what they write is opinion, not news.  Someone in the audience in the following Q&A session described what happens with lobby journalists at Westminster as follows – after a press conference, they all rush out to the corridor, get into a little huddle, and agree collectively on the line they will take and how it will be reported.  As the gentlemen put it, “they sort out the wheat from the chaff…..then they print the chaff”.
In addition, he described the changing demographics in the United States which contribute to voting patterns and their likely impact on future voting, making Democrat wins increasingly likely.  It could also be demonstrated that entire states are now tending to be Democrat or Republican depending on the demographics of age, gender and race, in contrast to the mixed results for each state that they used to get.  I imagine that this is the sort of information that Nate Silver was able to take into account in the US but not in the UK.
Makes interesting listening if you can find it.  It was the Westminster channel on Sunday night around maybe 10.30/11.00 and was followed by a First Minster’s Questions from end June/beginning July, featuring the last known appearance of the lesser- spotted, pink-jaikited Jo Jo bird.


“asking for (and receiving) a private audience via DM.”
I’m preparing dinner and am therefore semiconscious with cooking wine.  WTF is DM?  ITMASDTQ?  RQTFLY?  Don’t you hate queer abbreviations?

Murray McCallum

The physical threats to family and friends in this article is truly shocking.
I don’t agree with some things in Wings articles or reader contributions, but I do think they are invariably interesting and do challenge you to think about things and, more often than not, see them in a new, or better, light.
Keep up the good work Rev Stu.


Currywurst, there is an entire website dedicated to smearing Wings that has been running for some time. Calling this “two people with websites hurling accusations at the other” is so far beyond cognitive bias it can only be described as dishonesty.


Doing a bit of light stalking of my own, I find that, on Facebook, he is following Justin Bieber. I think it’s clear he needs serious, professional help.


No problem, I’ve found out who it is, as you mentioned Ian Smart.
You are right- this person’s blog is full of nothing but vile, bullsh***ing stupidity, and doesn’t deserve any recognition whatsoever.

All I can say is, this is going to be fun for me..


Blair McDougall’s piece is informative. He knows perfectly well that the number of Don’t Knows could decide the matter and he knows that Devo Max is also a factor. Couple this with No apathy and this “we have it in the bag” attitude the Scotsman triumphally like to flaunt and he could look a prize turkey on the 19th and he knows it. Blair might be casting anxious eyes to Ed’s inability to be heard in England and might also be rueing another failed campaign. Another five years of Dave, Osborne and Gove will not be an easy sell for McDougall regardless of Smart’s 1000 year reich twitter fail.
We are motivated and we will vote 🙂


Tattie-boggle says:
At the End of the Day the BASTARDS would rather see this country burn than have Independence.”
Reminded me of something I posted on BWB at the beginning of 2010, before BBC Scotland banned free speech.
Is it a plot, an aberration,
diversion fae the fate o’ nation,
tae while away the hoors in verse
whilst clingin’ tae the Union’s erse?
Change the subject, come ower witty,
patronise them jist a bitty,
gie them naewhere else tae go,
hem them in, absorb the blow!
A sheltered nook, for blethers couthy.
Let country burn an’ play yer moothy!


There is something particularly creepy about someone requesting a ‘follow’ on Twitter (and acquiescing) in order to gossip like weans behind the bikeshed wall.
If nothing else I took Ian Smart for being reasonably intelligent….perhaps I was in error….or perhaps his attitude is just ‘All’s fair in love and war’ and he will speak to anyone?
Or maybe they just want to discuss the fundamental issues surrounding child poverty….who knows?


Checked out this guy’s twitter account – why am I not surprised at some of the names following him Louise Morton and Euan McColm to name but two – all feeding each others bile no doubt.


Everything is the highest it’s ever been.
That’ll be all the heroin you’re buying!


Feckin hell. Time to dig out the old Doc Martens!


Robert says:
13 August, 2013 at 5:10 pm
There is something particularly creepy about someone requesting a ‘follow’ on Twitter (and acquiescing) in order to gossip like weans behind the bikeshed wall.
You mean like your esteemed “Rev” and Joan McAlpine?

Bugger (the Panda)



Please don’t block Currywurst.
I find a little pity each day is good for my soul.


Catching up here. Some have blocked me. Are there many in the list that will debate? Or is it pointless trying?

James Westland

Something seriously wrong with someone who describes himself as:
Politically Disenfranchised Hate Blinded Idiot
Even in jest, thats creepy….


“You mean like your esteemed “Rev” and Joan McAlpine?”

Nice man though I am sure he is, the ‘Rev’ is nothing to me, esteemed or otherwise as I am sure he will testify to.
So the “your” part of your post infers a rather creepy affection….probably not unlike the ones you hold for several well known twitterer’s.


NNS and LPW may simply be watching the car crash of course.  I’m less sure about Ra Burd.


“Y’know, I just can’t be bothered any more.”
I know how you feel Rev…that is why I gave up on the Herald forum.
It saps the will to live dealing with cretins on a daily basis.


I don’t know if it is because your server is getting hammered right now, but Wings is taking ages to load on my phone.


I am Rev Stu


Ra Burd seems pretty maty with the work shy one:
link to


Just curious as to whether you saw my post on a previous article/piece about possibly setting up an online debate, or a series? It would be hosted by myself, with pro-indy and pro-unionist panelists, and an audience. To get this to work, I need knowledgeable people and people who would be willing to give up some of their spare time to take part in, as well as cross-promotion from both sides.
What do you think? Would you take part in such an idea?



Okay, it’s looking like twitter is a weirder place than I was aware of.
Does that interaction in your link substantiate something? Unloaded curiosity, truly bewildered. 


That was discussed on an earlier thread. The No side refused the debate.


Ra Burd seems pretty maty with the work shy one:
link to
Now that is downright creepy.


I can’t get over how so many people are allowed to abuse their customers/potential customers and get away with it.  Most employers would discipline you for bringing their business into disrepute if you engaged in a public spat like that, especially if it might have an impact on their sales.  Newspapers and tv just seem to have no standards….or maybe they do have policies on this sort of thing but they only kick in if somebody complains?
This is because not only are the Mail incompetent, they are actually evil. The vast majority of newspapers I’d call gullible, self-centred, delusional, desperate – but the Mail is another story altogether. Just look at their appalling attacks on the disabled, which of course continue to this day (I refuse to give their site revenue), not to mention their sickening hypocrisy regarding their moral crusading:

Actively misrepresenting, falsifying, outright lying to the public for the express purposes of demonising and harming the most vulnerable in society, just because the government happen to be doing it to? Evil. Sorry Owen Jones, but that right there is dictionary definition evil. If I were Rev, I wouldn’t dignify anyone who associates themselves with that despicable waste of a tree’s life by conversing with them, much less a reporter


I find a little pity each day is good for my soul.
Yes and we must remember those that troll on the internet do so because they tend not to have anyone else to talk to. It’s a problem with social skills mainly.

Gordon Bain

Rev, I’m with you all the way too mate. Anything I can do to help, let me know.
O/T (but only slightly) – any one of you Twitterers (?) care to write up a brief instruction manual for us people who don’t use Twitter? I have the app on my iPad and I do have an account but I’ve never gotten around to sussing it out. And I’m clearly not alone here, lol. It’s getting increasingly difficult to stay on the same page, at the rate this is developing.


@Rev Stu
It’s quite the celebrity roll-call for someone with only 167 followers:

Niclas (of Guardian comments “fame”)  SAME (nasty piece of work, extreme British Nationalist IMO, hatred for nearly all indy supporters on CiF, with the exception of KK for some reason?).

Louise Morton (woman at the centre of intimidation of Yes activists at a North-East fair)
NS again.  Do not know much about her at all.

John Ruddy (Labour activist/troll)  Not nearly as bad as Niclas IMO.

Gordon McCaskill (Tory councillor)  NO SURPRISE.

Juliet Swann (feminist, former ScotVoices curator) 
Never heard of her so can’t comment.

Carolyn Leckie  WHY?

Better Together Strathclyde University  DO THEY KNOW WHAT HE IS LIKE?

Tam Dean Burn (playwright)  READ HIS CONFUSED POSTS ON BELLA C!

Susan Stewart (former Yes Scotland director – huh?)  WHY?

Dani Garavelli (Scotsman journo)  WHY?

Kenny Farquharson (Scotland on Sunday deputy editor)  NO SURPRISE. 

Euan McColm (Scotsman/ThinkScotland hack)  DITTO.  Nasty piece of work.

Grahamski (obv)  NO SURPRISE.  But not on the same level as Longshanker IMO.

Effie Deans (Open Unionism)  NO SURPRISE (although seemed decent enough when posting here to be fair).

Newsnet Scotland (pardon?)  WHY?

Allan DS Smith (failed Tory)  NS again.

Angus Curran (one for veteran Wings readers there)  Remember reading posts on here before I posted myself.  NS.  Does he not claim to be a supporter of independence?

Iain McGill (prominent Tory sort)  Don’t know him to be honest.  Have no idea what he is like.

Duncan Hothersall (of course)  NO SURPRISE AT ALL.  SLAB’s budding Joe McCarthy!  Are he and Niclas different people, or are they just same individual?

James Mackenzie (Better Nation)  NO SURPRISE.

Lallands Peat Worrier (WHAAAATTTT???)  WHY?!

Kate Higgins (well, duh)  What is the story with Higgins?  Supporter of independence or not?  Seems conflicted about it to me?  

and various extremist Unionist psychos familiar to Twitter users, like “British Unity” and “daftquine”.
It’s pretty much the Wings Over Scotland Fan Club.

Robert Louis

Hmm.. just found what I think is the offending blog.  Sounds like a fruitcake.  Very, very bitter, and extremely repetitive.
Never mind such things, their job is to distract and unsteady the march to independence.
Vote YES in 2014.

Edward Barbour

I feel left out…..:( Perhaps just as well though 🙂
Havent a foggy who your talking about and happy with that
Fully supportive of Rev Stu. I only started reading WoS recently and wondered why I haven’t
been here earlier, its a comfortable glove. Was very happy to divvie up on the poll and will do so again, when the next poll is planned
Keep it up the good work


Would some of the Yes followers not simply be keeping an eye on what is being said? A bit of low down is always handy.
I actually get on OK with Niclas on CIF, OK we agree on not much but I don’t think it has ever turned unpleasant between us. John Ruddy doesn’t communicate he simply drops a turd and leaves. There is little or no attempt at reasoned dialogue from John.


I’m really appalled at this. It’s no real surprise that there are nutters out there who stalk and harass people in this way but it’s still bloody depressing.

Bearing in mind we cannot be 100% certain that the blogger referred to above and the stalker are one and the same, a look at his blog alone is cause to have doubts about his mental health.

More depressing still is the willingness of people who really should know better to associate themselves with him. You’d think Hothersall, Higgins, McColm et al would at least, whatever their other faults, be sufficiently concerned with their own reputations to give such an obvious loon a body swerve. But no. 

I really hope the BT quote is fabricated if they’re reduced to colluding in smear campaigns already then I think we can kiss any tiny remaining grain of hope for something approaching a half decent national debate goodbye.   

Arbroath 1320

Perhaps with the recent ideas being put forward by Westminster regarding trolling on the internet the time may be fast approaching where Murray Brady or any of his alter egos can successfully be brought before the courts. For the sake of the sanity of all internet users I sincerely hope that this disgusting individual can be brought to book and “sent down” for some considerable time. The actions of this bozzo is doing no good to the good name of union supporters who have their own views about keeping the union with NO supporting views about the antics of Mr Brady.
I commend your courage of conviction Stu for not bending to the “threats” from Brady. Like many who regularly visit this site I wish you every success in hunting this moron down as well as continued success with this site and others that you run.


Would some of the Yes followers not simply be keeping an eye on what is being said? A bit of low down is always handy.
I actually get on OK with Niclas on CIF, OK we agree on not much but I don’t think it has ever turned unpleasant between us. John Ruddy doesn’t communicate he simply drops a turd and leaves. There is little or no attempt at reasoned dialogue from John.
Can’t agree with you on Niclas I am afraid.  To me is a nasty, snidey character.  He is always negative, and is always trying to twist things and misrepresent Yes supporters.  Niclas is an extreme British nationalist in my opinion, which is ironic because he is always attacking Scottish nationalism. 


You could see this coming as the Rev has clearly touched a nerve with the Project Fear mob with the crowd funded opinion poll.
I suspect a new pattern of Project Fear activity is showing as they increase their efforts to close down what serious opposition they can in order to leave the SNP isolated (they hope).
Why else would they have gone after Labour for Indy and now the Rev?
All the more reason to go after Project Fear I would say.


That’s interesting.  I just googled our demented friend’s (former) Wings handle to find his demented blog, and found the handle associated with an actual name.  Richard Long.  Nevertheless on closer inspection it appears that Richard Long is someone else entirely who simply seems to have picked that same handle for his (infrequently used) Twitter account.  Our demented friend has an entirely different Twitter-name.
So my initial suspicion that if the guy was called Richard Long he was neither anonymous nor Murray Brady was entirely misconceived.  I just thought I’d mention it in case anyone else was confused.  Let’s hope the innocent Richard Long doesn’t get sucked into this morass.


to be honest rev i think this is a bigger compliment than anything any WoS reader could give you,and the more obvious the collusion has sure i said before they are doing our work for us and i think it just became more relevant as the more desperate and aggressive they become the more they damage their own credibility and enhance that of this site,keep it up,100% behind WoS and yourself.


CEMarshall suggests buying a paper with sourcing funding initiative…is that such a bad idea?! Or at the least buying shares? Giving influence on the papers editorial stance? (Or have I missed how it works? :-D)

a supporter

John Lyons at 15.51
Unfortunately as a single blogger (as opposed to something bigger with party support like Newsnet scotland) you’re an easy target, and if there is one thing bullies like, it’s an easy target. 
Is THAT why Newsnet went all po-faced? Why didn’t it say so.

Albert Herring

Richard Long sounds like a big cock if you ask me. I hope that doesn’t happen too.

Doug Daniel

That role-call of followers of the deranged one is EXTREMELY interesting. Not least because you just know he has given each and every one of them the same “psst, follow me to get the dirt on Rev Stu” tweet. How many of them are following him for that reason? How many have followed to get the dirt and since unfollowed after realising he’s a bit strange? How many have had “the tweet” and ignored it?
It’s particularly revealing that several Scotsman journalists follow him. And how much must some of the usual unionist/wetnat suspects hate you to turn a blind eye to his nonsense in that “any enemy of my enemy…” way?
Only one thing for it Stu – keep doing what you’re doing! 

Paul Martin

So am I getting this right ? WoS, aka Stuart Campbell (ie about as anonymous as Simon Cowell) (on the verge of) being smeared by a demented secretive/anonymous blogger under the alias of E*********** .. with the support of sections of the Scottish media and the intention of feeding conflated WoS/YesScotland attacks from the #ProjectFear bunker ?

Unless and untill that blogger reveals his true identify, then I consider the whole enterprise to be a #BetterTogether sourced strategy, the responsibility for which lies with its leading campaign strategist, The Incredible Sulk.

Goes without saying WoS has 100% support from me and everyone here. Theres no-one we’d rather be in the trenches with.


Niclas can be nippy but then so can I so I can’t complain too much. 🙂


I see the Guardian are running with Nate Silver too. The guy is selling a book and he makes a few sound bite comments in an interview and we have a fucking feeding frenzy with the BBC and assorted followers leading yet another tilt at windmills.


Unfortunately as a single blogger 

Seems to me Stu is most definitely not on his own. Every reader, everyone who chips in both in terms of cash and good comments is part of the WoS team.


Marian :
All the more reason to go after Project Fear I would say.”
If we fund another poll, and I hope we do (maybe late Oct – mid Nov?), I’d like people asked if Project Fear has had any influence on how they will vote in Scotland’s referendum.


Just catching up on your posts Stu and I’m with you all the way, in any way that I can.
it’s things like this that make me wonder how some folks would cope if we didn’t have free prescriptions.


I have only posted a few posts on here, but visit regularly to get the news (can’t seem to find the news any more on radio or TV and certainly not in newspaper’s).
Just wanted to say thanks Rev and smile… folk who stress out will only succeed in harming their own health.  Smiling is the cure.  Cheers. 🙂

Doug Daniel

“Seems to me Stu is most definitely not on his own. Every reader, everyone who chips in both in terms of cash and good comments is part of the WoS team.”
Absolutely. As someone who doesn’t qualify for Women For Independence, Students For Independence, Farmers For Independence, LGBT For Independence, Creatives For Independence, Labour For Independence and all the rest, I consider this to be my “niche” group!
(Evil Cybernats For Independence?)

a supporter

I’m confused. I know who E………… is and a’ ken the web site but is he also NW or is he Longwanker, or is he both, plus a lot of other aliases?  Someone please clarify.

ken mcdonald

One year before the referendum would be a good time, with quarterly polls thereafter ?

Derick Tulloch

OHO – you’re making progress then.  The Poll The Poll!
Don’t like it up em, eh
I have not contributed financially to your previous funders.
But this sh**e really annoys me.  I’m for ££ for the next one
What a nasty peerie scunner is stalky, but I find a few of his ‘followers’ of the fake nat persuasion more creepy


Richard Long sounds like a big cock if you ask me. I hope that doesn’t happen too.
Aaaaaggggghhhhh!!  That’s exactly what I was trying to avoid, by clarifying.  If you google “Longshanker” (someone else has said it in this thread and the entire sorry saga is still there at the head of the Quarantine thread so it’s not like it’s “Voldemort” or something), you find that is the Twitter handle of the entirely innocent Richard Long.  Poor guy has nothing at all to do with any of this.
“Our” Longshanker has an entirely different Twitter handle beginning with E, and is completely anonymous.  RevStu thinks he’s this Murray Brady stalker person.

a supporter

Jimbo at 7.56 pm
If we fund another poll, and I hope we do (maybe late Oct – mid Nov?), I’d like people asked if Project Fear has had any influence on how they

That question was answered in the current poll The answer is No


I’m confused. I know who E………… is and a’ ken the web site but is he also NW or is he Longwanker, or is he both, plus a lot of other aliases?  Someone please clarify.
He’s Longshanker, for sure.  No evidence at all that he’s Norsewarrior, that’s a completely different modus operandi.


E… is a bit like like Voldemort – in that his whole beef seems to be to preserve his status as “He who must not be named”.  
Clearly Voldemort wrote better prose and was less obsessed with his mortal enemy but the comparison still seems reasonable.

ken mcdonald

I don’t know if I’m the only nonplussed edjit here, but I have absolutely no idea who this ballclacker is everybody is on about.  ;-(


For what it’s worth Stu, count me in for the fighting fund, and keep up the exceptional work

Andy Murray

As was seen with the recent attacks on Labour For Independence, Better Together & the Unionist media’s only tools are dirty tricks & fabricated smears. Stay strong!


HandedShrimp, Mutley I havent commented or read comments on the Guardian for nearly a year so my opnion may be out of date but there was never any malice in Niclas when we debated, he certainly could be obtuse (who isnt sometimes?) but he was always civil and willing to engage.

Murray McCallum

I’ve taken to the Twitter to boost Wings’ follower numbers.  Easier to see what’s going on and more details who follows who.

Paul Martin

The communal funding of this panelbase poll – and its questions and findings – has clearly badly rattled them.
The only response will be to make sure we fund several more polls over the coming year. I missed out on funding the last one but won’t let the next ones pass me by.


I was most of my voting years pro union but its thanks to informative blogs from Wings Over Scotland that helped me decide which way I was going to vote. Is there a few in cahoots,seems to me this should be taken very seriously by the police! This is the worst harassment I’ve ever seen and its time they were all truly unearthed by those that are supposed to serve us! We have freedom of speech and theres a vast different to the decent,honest freedom of speech you use compared to this or those psycho nutters roaming the streets. Stay safe Rev, you never know when they will go over the edge……almost there already by sounds of it!


I certainly don’t feel that way. I love you all!

The worlds just a great big onion Rev. 🙂


@Rev Stu
I certainly don’t feel that way. I love you all!
Stand Free Rev Stu!


Got this from twitter, 
link to
Never seen this site before but WOS gets a mention

turnbul drier

For the 2nd time in as many days,  keep up the excellent work Rev, we re here to help. You need anything just ask. 


Hi All.
I see most of the usual suspects are loitering over here at Wings now!
I will try and post more, but I don’t feel the need to convert any of you lot to the independence cause 🙂

I have to commend Rev Stu on  a great job with the Panelbase poll. It has provided us with so much more information than just what the poll itself revealed. I have made a donation, better late than never.

We can glean quite a lot from the treatment the “Scottish” media has given the poll.

The strategy seems to me to be two-fold.

Deny any oxygen whatsoever to anyone or anything that supports independence, other than what they have no choice but to report. Anything they are forced to report that might be construed as lending any steam to the Yes campaign must be countered with something negative.
Smear anything or anyone who supports independence with whatever muck will stick. The Rev’s stalker is a case in point. LfI another.
It will get dirty. You underestimate this adversary at your peril. Nothing is beyond the pale for the establishment.
On another topic, I couldn’t help noticing some of you critisising Newsnet for their “hard” moderation, but they are as needed in the fight as Wings, and be thankful that Rev Stu allows free speech (and three cheers from me for that!). I still haven’t been banned from Newsnet, and I will stick with it because it IS squeaky clean, but does get the indpendence message across in a different format, one that tries not to shock. They do tread cautiously, but with good reason. The fight will get dirty.

Wings is where you all get a free voice, but Newsnet fills a different niche, and it is a site I have used to bring quite a few folk over to our side. Some of those people probably couldn’t cope with the “straight talking” here on Wings, and could get the wrong impression of independence minded people. Sometimes the passion can get a bit frightening for timid souls. No disrespect meant to any of you, and I hope there’s a few folk on here that would vouch for my integrity when I say that.

I’ve always found a careful use of language can often solve any moderation problems. I only ever feel the need to swear when it is something to do with Ian Davidson. Oh, or Margaret Curran. And that other woman, though she seems to have disappeared.
We should always have respect for those that are on our side, whether Wings, Newsnet, Bella Caledonia, Moridura, Subrosa et al. We all want independence. We all want a better Scotland.

The two things “they” cannot deal with are the internet and the boots on the ground that we have at our disposal. These are what will win us our independence. I hope to see you all on the upcoming rally.


Some people don’t like you Rev Stu, some don’t like to see how your site is succeeding, or how your self-motivated rise contrasts with their apathetic lazily cynical sinking.
You’re the the head of a snake to some.
You have my continued support and appreciation, and obviously support’s not thin on the ground for you.
They know it too, they’re just desperate.
I think you’d carry regardless of support anyway. If the fuckers don’t know it they’re stupid too.
p.s. disappointing to see the lack of Yes/SNP support in poll coverage etc… Serves me right for almost abandoning my dislike of party-based democracy and flirting with joining the snp – a gift from circumstance I guess.


“We’re all grown-ups, right?”
Speak for  yourself Rev!
Ehm jist a wee loon mahsel.


I don’t really post much either but I come here every day and would be lost without my daily fix of reality.  All of us will stand by you Rev. I’m glad you’ve got them rattled.  


Have you seen this from Stuart Winton –
link to
link to


mrbfaethedee and X-Sticks, fancy meeting you here.  Reminds me of the good old days when I had more to say.
Must be gettin’ auld! 😉


Clearly your political analysis and your powerful game changing ability are now seen as a threat to the other side.
As for why you would be forewarned, that is interesting. What I can only take from it is that you are now officially a major player in the drive for Scotland’s Independence, and I for one along with probably thousands, if not hundreds of thousands cannot thank you enough for the work you do.


What Indy_Scot says.


the further action tweet seemed strange to me too rev,why go on the defensive so quickly?also did something similar not happen a wee while ago???something to do with some guy not liking something a pro indy site said??have they learned nothing?

Paul Martin

Seems we can add this Winton geezer to the list of unionists that like to spray around hazy claims of defamation and legal threats against Stu.
Its all just brain-farts of course.


Is it that horrible Longshanker that posts on the Daily Record?


Indeed Albamac, quite a few old names over here now! Good to see you too.
Its not the lack of things to say for me, it’s the time to say them 🙂 it’s hard enough just to find the time to read all the blogs. 


The twitterati seem to be on a mission of smear as someone has taken their ball and they are off to tell mummy who has connections you know. 
The criticism of one of the questions alleged bias could be cleared up by contacting Prof Mitchell Glasgow Uni who the beeb used to use in interpreting polls and surely Panelbase must be getting concerned as this reflects on their integrity.


Sorry for being slow on the uptake –
Sussed this weirdo now – What a Banana
Got all the monikers.
You have my sympathies seen that site before crazy stuff all over the place just thought it was simply aloony – goes to show you
a bit scary really when you know


“…and surely Panelbase must be getting concerned as this reflects on their integrity.”
IMO they didn’t use the poll as they felt it would give WoS the oxygen of publicity, not to mention some serious credibility, the type of credibility which they probably consider should only apply to themselves.
I wonder if the Brit Nats will attempt to punish Panelbase by refusing to use their services in the future – as a warning to others about polling on behalf of Wings? It would be in keeping with their puerile, playground mentality.


@ cynicalHighlander
Hi cH – I’ll take the liberty of reposting this link:
link to
Just in case anyone missed it earlier.
State censorship.

Wrong in so many ways.

Commemorate the British war, but no debate over the future of your own country in its Capital city? Disgraceful.

I hope there’s a fight over this.


Noticed something strange… all the anti-independence people who are shouting loudest about how WoS is a polarising counter-productive kiss-of-death to the Yes campaign.

You’d think they’d keep schtumm, eh?


It looks like he’s not very popular:
link to
Scotland rewards mediocrity with a title
Arise, Sir Jonathan Mills, the least creative director in the 66-year history of the ailing Edinburgh International Festival. He was elevated in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.

The knighthood will allow Sir to return to Australia next year with some face saved. He is to be succeeded by a fellow-Australian, Fergus Linehan.


@ Albamac
I always like to see some familiar faces too, it’s always good to see the folk pop up again on other forums, and to see the likes of yourself and X_Sticks still around (at least in the few places I visit) – but haud on, I’m too young for nostalgia!
I do often wonder how many I see here were on bwb with different monickers ( I know a lot of you were active in other places too, unlike lazy old me).
I don’t know about you, but I don’t know how to make enough time in the day any more – I can hardly keep up with reading, never mind writing 🙂


@ X_Sticks
Good to see you around X_Sticks – I just replied to albamac and then read your comment and saw ou’d said the same in half my wordcount, ‘read the rest then post’ – ah, nostalgia…
Also – notice how cynicalH is always there, like a current that just slides through all the forums…


On topic – sort of – Has there been any noise form the SNP or Yes camps respective press/comms teams? Or is it pretty much at the level of non-antagonistic ostracism?
Maybe we should just agree with more people we disagree with, suck up to ‘institutions’, preface things with “I’m not a nationalist, but…”

Thomas Widmann

I found the vile blog a while ago, but I thought it was basically just an insignificant website with few readers, so I decided just to ignore it quietly.  However, the history and connexions revealed in this blog post and in the comments above makes me wonder whether publicity would be a better course of action.  Anyway, keep fighting, Rev!
Perhaps the best way forward is to do a fundraiser in order to put Wings ads in the Glasgow Subway or similar?  Promoting Wings is clearly what our opponents would hate the most. 🙂


I might be thousands of miles away Stu but rest assured you have my backing for what it’s worth.
Wonder if I can get “Australians against media bias and the smearing of the Rev” group up and running.

Caroline Weintz

Having spent many many years working in politics, journalism and crisis management – or as my kids all say – working as a ‘professional sh*t stirrer’ – my philosophy always has been that if I haven’t upset someone by 9am each morning, then I may as well give up and go back home to bed!!  Indeed, if by the end of each working week I had not received at least one death threat for exposing some dodgy deals by a crooked politician or political party, then I really should go away and re-think my career path!
Don’t worry about those idiots – whilst they’re busy writing and sending dossiers about you, they’re giving the rest of the Scottish public a break from their diatribe and verbal diarrhea that usually frequents our news stands. 
Ignoring the idiots is the best way forward – well aside from laughing at them!


count me in to donate to a fighting fund
right behind yo umate


Yes Scotland has reported it, they sent an email round subscribers the other day and there was something on the SNP website about it?
‘IMO they didn’t use the poll as they felt it would give WoS the oxygen of publicity, not to mention some serious credibility, the type of credibility which they probably consider should only apply to themselves.

I wonder if the Brit Nats will attempt to punish Panelbase by refusing to use their services in the future – as a warning to others about polling on behalf of Wings? It would be in keeping with their puerile, playground mentality.’
In that case, we should use YouGov, I’d love to see positive poll from them….unfortunately I think they only use Labour supporters or Tories.


Hi mrb!
Good to see you’re still around too.
I think most of the crowd from BwB are still around, in one form or another. The fight goes on.
It’s been a busy summer, so haven’t had so much time for posting, and less need for it on here as it would be preaching to the converted. The BwB was a great forum for getting the message across to the unconverted, which is why I spent so much time on there. The fact that we independence supporters were winning the arguments hand down was why Daniel Maxwell and the MGT closed the blogs. Like I said earlier the strategy is to deny the pro-independence side any oxygen of publicity.
Next year I will be making every effort to get out and knock on doors. This is what will make the difference. The BT mob can only get boots on the ground by bussing people in from “dan souff” and I don’t think that will go down well on the doorsteps.
Hope to see you at the Carlton Hill gathering which is not far away now! 

Allan Smith

I suspect there’s a little of the pot calling the kettle black here from Wings Over Scotland, Rev Stu or whatever you’re calling yourself today.
I am rarely given abuse approaching anything worse than strong criticism etc however on more than one occasion I’ve been subject to a foul mouthed, incoherent rant from the author of this blog.
Safe to say, screenshots of these comments are safely stored for use at a later date, perhaps closer to the referendum vote.
For the record, I do not believe in any kind of abuse to or from anyone; it’s just a little difficult for Wings over Scotland to take the moral high ground when he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.


Keep up the great work and keep us all informed.


@Allan Smith
Safe to say, screenshots of these comments are safely stored for use at a later date, perhaps closer to the referendum vote.
I take it this is the positive case for the Union we have been promised for ages?…



unfortunately I think they only use Labour supporters or Tories.

Nah, I am most definitely neither of those and regularly participate in YouGov polls.  In fact, I participated in a political one just yesterday.  Register with the site if you want to participate, too.


He’s hoping its the Zinovieff letter. Big mistake “keeping it for later”, he needs to destroy the Rev’s credibility now before Stu can build up a head of steam as an alternative voice to the MSM. But why interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.

G H Graham

I mentioned a few days ago that the Establishment would go quiet for a short spell then come back with a vengeance once they had decided what to do in response to the Panelbase results.
They cannot respond directly to the poll in a positive way because the poll itself completely undermines the propaganda that has been disseminated this past year or so.
Inevitably and predictably, the only recourse left is to viciously attack the commissioner of said poll & those that helped fund it.
The nasty, vindictive finger pointing will surely lead to threats that must be countered by every peaceful means possible including reporting such threats to legal council & Police Scotland.
Get yer helmets on, its going to get bloody before this vote has even begun.


Lianachan says:
14 August, 2013 at 11:16 am

unfortunately I think they only use Labour supporters or Tories.

Nah, I am most definitely neither of those and regularly participate in YouGov polls. In fact, I participated in a political one just yesterday. Register with the site if you want to participate, too.
I have and never get a request to participate in a poll…..the person paying for a poll can ask that a group of people or certain minded individuals do not take part….


I’m registered with YouGov and get sent loads of polls but very, very rarely anything to do with Scottish politics. I suspect the YouGov (and other) problem is that they use past Westminster voting patterns to define their selection. So they’ll take a range where the SNP has very little representation and those proclaiming themselves labour a lot more. In fact, the SNP are sitting at 48% in the polls now, with Labour at 30%. Strongly suspect that’s why they get things so wrong in Scotland.

Anne (@annewitha_e)

sounds like time for your dossier to be handed to police. They’re not all locked up

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