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Wings Over Scotland

The Patriot

Posted on April 28, 2015 by

A little surprise bonus toon for you, readers.


It’s from an exhibition at the Leiper Fine Art Gallery in West George Street in Glasgow (a firm friend of the Yes movement), featuring political artwork by Wings cartoonists Chris Cairns – creator of the pic above – and Greg Moodie, along with many others, of which you can buy originals to enhance your home.

It runs until 11 May, so you should probably pop along if you’re in the vicinity. We’re not saying we’ll definitely stab you if you don’t, but why take unnecessary risks?

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Adam Fitzpatrick

VILE CYBERNAT THREATENS etc. and so on. There, just saved the Scottish media some work tomorrow.


Which country?


This exhibition looks excellent.

However, I fear your final sentence will snag you a place on FMQs: “Vile Cybernat Controller threatens violence.”

Cadogan Enright

Entertainingly the clerk of the House of Commons was on the main News Where They are warning people that the largest party DOES NOT form the next government

Marie clark

There may be trouble ahead.

Boo Hoo. GIRUY

Hazel Lewry

I think my walls would burst into flame if I tried to hand the Butcher’s Apron on them – even if if it is a piss-taking joke! But it would be worth the bus fare to see this!

Democracy Reborn

Wasn’t it McTernan who once tweeted “there is no such thing as British nationalism”?

I watched some of Remembrance Sunday at the Cenotaph in London last year. What was played at the top of the bill?…. ‘Rule Britannia’. Is it just me, or is there not something contradictory and perverse playing a ditty about Blighty “ruling the waves”, at a ceremony to commemorate those who given their lives in armed conflict?


@Rev. Stuart Campbell
“We’re not saying we’ll definitely stab you if you don’t, but why take unnecessary risks?”

Watch out for tomorrow’s Daily Mail headline:
“Stuart Campbell posts online threat to stab people! Shock, horror!” 😉


@Adam Fitzpatrick
Aww, you beat me to it. Damn posting lag! hehe 🙂


I see the Bullingdon Boy has his hand on “Trident”
Just a thought.


Looking at your twitter Rev 500x52p is not £520 or are you on the Jim Murphy double up expenses scheme?

R5 Victoria Derbyshire is hosting a debate with seven women from political parties from 9.00am in the morn should be better than Labour Kaye.

Paula Rose

Will there be souvenir hammers for sale?


Chris Cairns nails it again. The title should be ‘Patriot Games’ as that’s what it is. It’s not even anti-Scottish or anti-SNP, they are anti-anyone who threatens them.

O/T I can’t believe the indie live fundraiser is so slow. Like Wings, they deserve huge support. They struggle with the most basic of tools yet have a small team of massively enthusiastic people that they want to expand.

I’m excited about where it can go and if you would be up for doing some streaming yourself, they are on the hunt for volunteers. Look at some of the legacy content they have captured, interesting, educational, exposing etc. They allow many more people to experience many diverse indie related events.

Anyway, I’m unashamedly giving them this promotion (sorry Stu) as they are deserving and non-profit. Give what you can and also visit the streams and join in the chat!–2

Chic McGregor

Every now and again just saying what everyone collectively sees needs to be stated. The secret is perfectly timing it. You have. Well done Chris.


Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride:

link to


Can anyone tell me what wingstwitter was on about Kezia Dugdale a couple of hours ago.links were dead.


A blog post from Kezia back in 2007 declaring that the largest single party didn’t have the moral right to form the government if a coalition of two smaller parties had a larger number of members.

Said in the context of anticipating horse-trading after the 2007 Holyrood election.

Tam Jardine


Just Kezia blowing a bigass hole in the biggest party lie. There is a readable version further up Wings time line.



Sums up the biggest hypocrites ever to stalk the earth 🙂

Cadogan Enright

@CRAIGthePICT 11.15 £50

Thomas William Dunlop

I think it is a great cartoon. I have for a long time thought (and posted elsewhere) it is really odd that the Brit Nats claim the Scot Nats as if they were a breed apart but infact they are one and the same ( as nationalisms). It really takes a supreme level of self delusion to argue otherwise. In that light are we really suprised that these folk are having a hard time believing in the political reality as it stands? Such delusion will only re-inforce the steady course of people away from their position of fealty towards the UK

ronnie anderson

@ Rev ( We’re not saying we’ll definitely stab you if you don’t,)

Jist as weil the Wings team prepare people we direct to WOS ,as tha Nastiest of the Nasty Cybernats even Nastier than that. The Meedja will be on to that in droves lol.


Britnats turned stuff like the London 2012 Olympics into a giant inflamed Union Jack festival of rule britnats forever and ever. Cost of Olympics to spiral to £24bn… that’s in the Daily Heil so its probably true.

ronnie anderson

@ Chris Cairn,s Why did you give him a wheelchair,he,ll be claiming disability benifit noo.Tail,s he loses.

Great toon Chris.


Wonderful comic, really hits the nail on the head!

CRAIGthePICT, I’ve shared the fundraising link over on my tumblr blog, in the hopes of reaching the odd donator there. 🙂



I am so glad that I didn’t have R4 on this morning.

link to

Arrogant prick, is all I can think and I don’t usually put languge like that in writing.

Paula Rose

cearc dear I missed an a as well this week.


On the nail Chris and the warmongers are ramping it up.
link to

Paula Rose

First time ever this week I got abusive stuff – I was called a fascist by someone born in Scotland – I’m English born and voting SNP, weird.


Here’s the link to Kezia Dugdale and the moral authority that was being asked about (it’s in text only as her site was having major issues):

link to

[…] The Patriot […]


@icyspark that link could get you stabbed by hammers 😉


ronnie anderson. 12.00

Old Britannia will be needin a commode under her wheelchair as well after May 7th.

The Man in the Jar

Speaking of “Good old blighty” I see that Amazon has dropped the price of Union Jack Souvenir Toilet Roll. The perfect present for your favourite unionist.

link to


Desperation, but remember, we need every vote,polls are just a snapshot many polls show a trend,looks good 🙂 always think we’re 1 vote behind & we can convince another to come to the bright side.
link to

Inbhir Anainn

Apologies for going O/T but here’s something I never knew until today. But suspect it will be another of his pledges that will never see the light of day.

The Labour Party’s Scottish leader Jim Murphy officially launched the Labour Workplace Manifesto in Scotland on Friday 24 April 2015 and has pledged to give the families of those killed at work a “genuine possibility of justice” by bringing in new legislation to amend the ineffective Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act.

The Labour party made the commitment in a ‘Workplace Manifesto’ – which also highlights promises to increase the minimum wage and outlaw the use of zero-hours contracts.

Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy said May 7 is the “most important general election for working people for decades”.

Labour’s Workplace Manifesto sets out plans for new culpable homicide legislation, which the party would seek to introduce, stating quite rightly that the current laws on corporate killing are “ineffective and not fit for purpose”.

There have not been any prosecutions brought under the 2007 Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in Scotland and just five convictions in England and one prosecution at the preliminary stage.

The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 was hailed as a landmark in law. For the first time, companies and organisations could be found guilty of corporate manslaughter as a result of serious management failures resulting in a gross breach of a duty of care. However it has rarely been used in the eight years of its existence.

A MacRitchie

Remember the stouchie re James Cook BLBC reporter.

Well I’ve just read his piece view on election 2015. Will Scotland follow Paisley’s pattern. Well am sorry Ecki but your description of Jimbo as an unbiased BLBC reporter is way off. I’ve just got to disagree with that. Just compare his description and how he compares Mhari Black to that of the polished careerist politician Alexander and tell me that is not biased. And that’s not the 1st time after his comments after the memogate affair he’s tried to catch SNP candidates out with well practised questions.

Come on Mhari u can do it.

Dr Jim

I got Fenian Tim Fu….g Bastard yesterday and it’s the first time I’ve had that bad a reaction
Thing is, I’m not Catholic,my name isn’t Tim and I wasn’t having sex at the time
and both my parents were married but the young woman seemed absolutely convinced my background was as described

I suppose she was close on the name though Jim is a bit like Tim
These Unionist Brit types are really angry at the moment and it might be well advised we all take care when out and about

My admiration for our First Minister continues to grow heaps, her tolerance and energy seem inexhaustible and she shows total fearlessness
No way could I ever be a politician
Definitely not enough patience


A. MacRitchie….

I totally agree about James Cook’s piece on Paisley campaign.

The article read like a promotional piece for ‘global statesman Alexander’ (with no attempt to even explain why he might be out on his ear), while at the same time trying to reheat the negative stories about the SNPs Mhari Black.

Make no mistake, Cook is a crap journalist and/or a Unionist agent!

john king

Did I hear right
did I just hear Bill Turnbull just say “sorry to interrupt you” to Nicola Sturgeon?

Tut tut Bill you clearly haven’t read the script have you?
its a REQUIREMENT that you interrupt her, but thanks for the sentiment. 🙂


Aw fuck it, I thought it was Saturday when I saw the toon but it’s just Wednesday 🙁

Great toon Chris

Bob Mack

@Dr Jim,
Yes I agree.I had an encounter with a guy I have known casually for some years,who immediately launched into”republican rabble”mode.I got usual buzzwords like Union, Queen,Protestant,and you can imagine the rest.
Rightly or wrongly ,I reminded him that I had never seen him at Church,and that as far as I know the Queen had never done anything to change his life personally,and that my father was the Queens bodyguard when she was a little girl
My family from many years ago were steeped in this type of heritage,but have outgrown it over time.
There is no rational explanation for it,but rather it is like many who vote Labour because their family have always done so.I guess some things like intolerance have to be allowed to die a natural death

Giving Goose

Michelle Mone on Sky News.

So far up David Cameron’s backside that she can see Gideon’s legs.

Eamon Holmes trying to get her to answer questions about Farage’s comments on the SNP being racist; Michelle avoids and bums up Tory policies. Pathetic!

I’m assuming that the Tories have promised Michelle some sort of gong in the New Years Honours List


Smurphy is on “Call K wi an e” this morning .
Answering questions, aye right.

Bob Mack

Can I also make the point that the SNP strategists ( whover they are),have developed a master plan second to none.I think Nicola knew in her heart of hearts that pushing for another referendum at this stage would probably have been fruitless.
The decision to play the longer game and show that the SNP can indeed be trusted to look out for Scotland,and can play a reliable role in the governance of these islands will convince those who waiver, to come on board.
She is, at least in my neck of the woods,accumulating respect and new admirers on a daily basis.
It may mean a slightly longer wait,but the end result I feel,becomes more certain.


I wonder whether Kaye will constantly interrupt BA Politics (failed) like she did to Nicola?

john king


Will you stop signing your posts?
we can see its you.

john king

Fairliered says
“I wonder whether Kaye will constantly interrupt BA Politics (failed) like she did to Nicola?”

I dont think shes bright enough to “fake” interrupptions.
She’ll just sit quiet and hang herself and BBC Scotlandshire.

Gordon Innes

Achnababan &

A. MacRitchie

I have to disagree with your comments about Jame Cooke’s Paisley piece. I was never much good at English analysis at school, but I read his comments such as

“polished Mr Alexander is every inch the professional politician”

not as praise, but as as an indication of how disconnected DA is, And that his “minders” need to “whisk him away” after “less than half an hour” having only “shaken hands with a couple of voters” and talked to TV crews.

His writing style appears to be to leave a hanging question for reader to decide as to which is better…

This is so far removed from the in-built bias that many inside PQ show when the fail to question Labour or Tory assertions, or parrot them back “as facts”.

Perhaps you should question if it is your own (understandable) expectations of a recurring and institutional BBC bias that colours your interpretation ?


That’s strange! Lib Dem face on newsnight ( I think) last night said that flag waving nationalists (altire got a mention) were the most dangerous of people.

Chris Cairns

A quick edit to the Rev’s piece above. The, er, piece above isn’t actually in the exhibition (yet -I’m jumping into a speeding car now) but some other recent stuff on here is.
That is all.
Carry on.
And ta.


“We have to hang together or we shall hang seperately.”

Michelle Mone. 🙂

Gordon Innes

Nationalist insurgent’s speeding frenzy

Keep it up Chris !

Robert Peffers

@Natasha says: 28 April, 2015 at 10:36 pm:

“Which country?

Which Nationalist? British/English or Scottish?


Following her excellent interview with a thoroughly professional and fair Evan Davies Nicola was even better in her interview last night with Bernard Ponsonby.

The tone throughout was excellent and Ponsonby didn’t hold back but like Davies was fair and professional and there seemed to be a genuine rapport and good humour between them.

I see he has got the pleasure of interviewing Creepy Jim tonight – it will be interesting to see how that one goes.

On GMS a short while ago we had Gary Robertson and our hero doing his usual dodging of questions. Robertson was just starting to get El Creepo tied in knots as regards his long term MP intentions if he manages to get a seat at Holyrood next year when PQ Labour Mission Control must have shouted at him in his earpiece to drop the questioning. He duly complied and then allowed our hero to press the verbal diaorrhea button in his normal inimitable way.

Coming up in a few minutes we have the pleasure of a nice friendly chat between Creepy Jim and KayE. No doubt she will be interrupting him continuously as with Nicola yesterday and a succession of Jim friendly callers will be lined up waiting to fawn over our hero.

Listeners are advised to have a pack of sickbags to hand in readiness.

Robert Peffers

@cynicalHighlander says: 28 April, 2015 at 11:09 pm:

“R5 Victoria Derbyshire is hosting a debate with seven women from political parties from 9.00am in the morn should be better than Labour Kaye.

Toothache’s better than Calling Kaye we the wan e’e.

Robert Peffers

@Thomas William Dunlop says: 28 April, 2015 at 11:56 pm:

“I think it is a great cartoon. I have for a long time thought (and posted elsewhere) it is really odd that the Brit Nats claim the Scot Nats as if they were a breed apart but infact they are one and the same ( as nationalisms).”

Aye! William, except they really are not, in any way whatsoever, comparable. The very fact they perceive Britain as a nation marks their card as liars. Britain is neither a nation nor a country. For that matter neither is Great Britain. Even the term, “United Kingdom”, correctly labels itself as a Kingdom.

This was the same form of lies that saw the NAZI party claiming to be National Socialist when they were neither national nor socialist. Like the Nazis the Britnats aim to control other people’s nations. Britain is not a nation and even the United Kingdom correctly calls itself a kingdom as it is not a country and only loosely could be called a nation.

The Scottish Nationalists, (but remember the , “N”, in SNP is the initial of the word NATIONAL so, “Nationalist”, encompasses Scottish Independence seekers from any party or none. The point is they only seek to run their own nation or country and have no interest in running anyone else’s – UNLESS THEY ARE FORCED TO REMAIN IN AN ABUSIVE UNION. rather, it seems, like a battered and abused spouse.

Robert Peffers

@ronnie anderson says: 29 April, 2015 at 12:00 am:

“Why did you give him a wheelchair,he,ll be claiming disability benifit noo.Tail,s he loses.”

Sawright Ronnie, kis the SNP is gawn tae sanction his Disability Allowance.

Thomas William Dunlop

@ Robert Peffers

Be careful. I do not believe for one minute in Scottish exceptionalism in matters with regard social democracy etc. We have to work at it to make society and better and fairer place for all.

As nationalism go I think the difference lies in the formation and consolidation of the countries. Those which were laid down in the period 1600 to 1899 were built upon superiority of ones own ideals, at the detriment of others osiceties and land. That was used as part of the colonial expansion period (of which the Scots participated inside Great Britain). It is also charateristic of national socialism of Nazi Germany that was spawned from German Imperialism. Don’t also forget other movements that still continue to cause lots of problems in todays world- The great game in the middle east and Zionism.

A MacRitchie

G Innes 0818


[…] A little surprise bonus toon for you, readers. It's from an exhibition at the Leiper Fine Art Gallery in West George Street in Glasgow (a firm friend of the Yes movement), featuring political artwo…  […]

Will Podmore

Well thanks Robert Peffers for your revealing analogy: “Like the Nazis the Britnats aim to control other people’s nations.”
Yes, any day now Cameron and Miliband will be sending their Panzer tanks into Glasgow, setting up death camps for Jews, gays and communists … Can’t you see what realms of absurdity your Scottish nationalism has taken you into?


You don’t ‘do’ nuance Will. Or ‘analagous’. Or for that matter ‘humour’.

The very fact of ‘Empire’ embodies fascism doesn it not?

It’s what the ‘Brits’ were all about, expansion into others’ territories and ‘controlling’ ‘other people’s nations’.

You are ridciculously ‘literal’. And somewhat extreme and full of hyperbole. And you ‘see’ that in everyone else and assume similar thinking. That has a term too: Projection.

(Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people)

Robert Peffers has one of the most profound, in depth and scope, lateral mind’s that I have had the privilege to have encountered.

To stoop so low as to twist his true meaning is to reveal the shallow depths of your own narrowowness of view. You are merely giving yourself a right showing up.

That is all.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Will Podmore.

You typed,
“Yes, any day now Cameron and Miliband will be sending their Panzer tanks into Glasgow”

And why not? The UK establishment has previous for it! Obviously, you don’t know what happened in George Square, Glasgow, in 1919.

link to

Paula Rose

BDTT doll – don’t waste your time, he’s an idiot.

Brian Doonthetoon

Och, I have nothing against librarians.

I long to have a holiday in Libraria.

ben madigan

have re-bloggged cartoon (which i think is really great, nail on head, compliments to the artist) with as usual a few other thoughts link to

Will Podmore

Sorry K1 I don’t see the humour in ““Like the Nazis the Britnats aim to control other people’s nations.” It is an ugly and false comparison.


It’s not a false comparison Will, for the reasons I stated.

It’s certainly more accurate (in context) than the slurs from various Labour apparatchik’s referring to people who were going to vote yes, voted yes or are SNP supporters as ‘nazi’s’ et al.

Strangely I have yet to see a post of yours take umbrage and condenm and play the ‘outrage’ card on any occasion, of which there are numerous, when this is/has been taking place?

Just like you did with my post, you select what suits your view, you took the ‘humour’ word and created a context, within your own mind. Thereby reducing my post to ‘me suggesting that the comment referred to was humourous’. Which of course I did not.

As I actually said, you don’t ‘do’ humour for that matter. But I was using the word in it’s dispositional context when I wrote it. You were being judgemental (your temperament is ill humoured, ye tak yersel’ tae seriously), with RPeffers comment and taking a view of outrage, when as I explained in my post; he was using the comparison in a correct context.

You are taking everything out of context Will. And then projecting the conclusions you are drawing, onto others.

You end up just arguing with yourself.

Why can’t you see that you do this?

Will Podmore

K1, I have repeatedly objected to abuse perpetrated by anyone in this debate, in particular I have expressed my objections to personal attacks on Nicola Sturgeon.
And it is objectionable to compare Unionists to Nazis, just as it is objectionable to compare Yes voters to Nazis.


It’s context Will, in the context of his comment he was not being pejorative, in a loose and objectional way, and you know that.

Apologies if I misrepresented you as not having commented or objected to personal attacks and slurs against the Yes or SNP on this site.

Will Podmore

K1 – I thank you. I really appreciate it when people with whom we disagree profoundly debate in a civilised way. The likes of Cameron and Farage do not speak for any of us.

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