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Wings Over Scotland

The parlour game

Posted on June 15, 2017 by

From just under two years ago.

66 to “The parlour game”

  1. Richardinho says:


  2. Athanasius says:

    It truly staggers belief how this kind ever reached the ascendancy they did. And what does it say for our generation that it happened on our watch?

  3. The Isolator says:

    Oooooft great catch Rev.Does this now confirm that this man is monumentally stupid?

  4. Richardinho says:

    ‘Firefighters spend 2% of their time actually fighting fire: There’s no fires anymore’

    Except that 2% he just mentioned in the same breath!

  5. Fred says:

    That other great mind Boris Johnson says much the same thing!

  6. Arthur Martin says:

    What a cretin that man is.
    “There’s no fires anymore” . When we allow knobend’s like this to dictate policy then chaos will ensue.
    A big thank you to all firefighters from myself for all the other life saving services you provide on top of fighting fires. Lives saved should never be traded off against the cost of providing first class emergency services.

  7. heedtracker says:

    Chancers like this can make a living doing this though, saying the exact opposite of reality. UK and US media is full of them. BBC Scotland telling us that the tories won in Scotland last week is rather nasty example. Its a trade. They used to be called shock jocks, which actually works here too:D

  8. Dorothy Devine says:

    Good grief! The man is a fool and the BBBC foolish to promote him.

  9. Truth says:

    The man is the perfect personification of the word shambles.

  10. Hamish100 says:

    Did he say how many road traffic accidents there have been, rail crashes, gas leaks eg stock line?

    Such guys talk as if they know more than the rest of us but scratch the surface they are just blawhards. Now as for Piers Send the SAS in with ropes he reaches another low in idiocy.

  11. Ian McCubbin says:

    Who employed him to give adevice! OMG how stupid but That is what both unionist parties are sticking with. Shameful

  12. Macart says:

    Why does anyone in politics or the media give this man the time of day?


  13. ScottieDog says:

    Says more about the BBC actually. A neoliberal organisation inviting on neoliberal commentators.
    BBC’s championing of austerity economics has a part to play in the tragic events in London

  14. Robert Peffers says:

    @Richardinho says: 15 June, 2017 at 6:51 am:


    What Richardinho says, with bells on and whistles on.

    What a rotten way to start your day. That pictur wad gar ye grue.

  15. galamcennalath says:

    For the mean minded, making risky cutbacks is addictive. Once they start it seems easy just to cut some other ‘essential’. Then they see all that ‘lovely’ cost cutting and saving. Then people die ……

  16. Capella says:

    Chair of the Housing Committee of the London Assembly Sian Berry has said fire risk assessment in tower blocks is “less rigorous” due to responsibility shifting from the fire brigade to the building’s owner.

    From BBC Live website.

  17. Breastplate says:

    I know there is tough competition but he’s got to be one of the favourites to win the prestigious Balloon d’Or. Emphasis on the loon.

  18. Ken500 says:

    Where’s Boris?

    Austerity doesn’t work.

  19. mogabee says:

    He continues to show his genius in being such a know-it-all.

    Incidence of fires in London seems to be on the increase, maybe partly due to less firemen in fewer stations with less kit having to get through busier streets from further away!

    McTernan thinks he is Nostradamus. I think he is a walking, talking advert for Blairites. It’s a mystery why he is ever listened to…

  20. Robert Peffers says:

    @mogabee says: 15 June, 2017 at 9:11 am:
    ” … It’s a mystery why he is ever listened to…”

    And it’s an even bigger mystery why anyone ever listened to him in the firsts place.

  21. cath says:

    “Firefighters spend 2% of their time actually fighting fire: There’s no fires anymore’”

    So lets cut them to the bone so the existing ones spend 100% of their time fighting fires. Nope can’t see any problem with that at all. No siree, none whatsoever.

  22. Street Andrew says:

    ……..and black is white?

  23. Betty Boop says:

    @ Dave McEwan Hill, 14/6/17, 11:14am

    There is a very simple point that gets missed. If we campaign for independence on a continuous basis and increase support for it (as we should)an Indy referendum becomes a popular idea.

    In answer to your post on the last thread “The parlour game” – exactly! We should get on with it!

  24. Robert Peffers says:

    Oh! Dear God!

    I was listening to Radio Jockland this morning and Old Aunty BEEB trotted out Lesley Laird. Lesley was elected only last week to represent Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath. Now Jeremy Corbyn has just elevated this woman to his cabinet as the new Shadow Secretary of State for against Scotland.

    Ms Laird, (born in Greenock), was the former Labour deputy leader of Fife Council. She previously worked in human resources before being elected to Fife Council in 2012.

    Jeremy claims she will help the London Red Tory unionist party to present a “positive vision” for Scotland’s future. If her exposure today on Radio Jockland is anything to go by then God help Scotland both now, under the London Tory & Unionist party, and any possible future London Labour unionist UK or Scottish Parliament from such a, “positive vision”.

    It sounded almost exactly like Kezia Dugdale but spoken a good deal slower and it had a different Scottish accent. The opinions she expressed were obviously a well rehearsed and word for word copy of the old familiar hymn from the same Westminster Establishment hymnal.

  25. Eppy says:

    On a related topic, I heard Nick Robinson on the Radio 4 Today program interviewing someone about the Grenfell Tower fire and talking about the residents earlier concerns about the building being a fire risk.

    He mumbles a bit and trips over his words somewhat but says

    “We can’t know whether their concerns how well grounded they were.”

    (Its at 1 hour 13 minutes in on the running order.)
    He had earlier described the building as being a blackened hulk. Or is this not sufficient proof in Nick Robinson’s eyes?

    How dreadful to those that lost their lives that even after the event that they most feared their concerns are still not treated with respect.

  26. Dr Jim says:

    John McTernan is 100% right 2% of the time

    All firefighters must be immediately retrained as doctors and nurses and teachers and fruit pickers and car washers and bus drivers to fill those proper jobs we’re short of the other 98% of the time they’re doing nothing, bloody lazy useless firefighters, too much mollycoddling I say by Jove

    Training? what do you mean training? to just squirt water?
    We don’t need no stinking training

    John McTernan for Prime Minister, it’s the way forward

    2% of the time

  27. chris kilby says:

    What. A. Cock.

  28. Ken500 says:

    The ‘Press’ eating itself.

    Toxic Vanities.

  29. Meg merrilees says:


    I heard a snippet of an interview quite late on in the programme , (around 8.35?). They were talking about how could such a thing happen in one of the richest areas of ‘the country’ and some guy said it was definitely a case of ‘corporate manslaughter’ and people would have to be punished for this fire.
    Cue Mr. Robinson to quickly make ‘er’ ’em’ noises and quickly end the interview… quite obvious.

    Can’t have the BBC accusing the Tories of killing people again – can we!

    Cuts to the police, Ambulance service, Fire fighters, no sprinkler system, cheap plastic filled aluminium cladding so the building ‘fitted in’ with the rich surrounding area.

    Thank goodness we have professionals of the highest standard caring for us all in times of emergency. They are all true ‘heroes’.

    I wonder if any Tory voters are now beginning to regret having put there cross on that spot?

  30. Robert Kerr says:

    The BBC are still at it!

    Deflect potential and probable blame for the tower fire!

    “The exterior cladding, added in 2015, had a polyethylene – or plastic – core instead of an even more fireproof alternative, BBC Newsnight understands”.


    link to

    This gives the impression that the cladding IS SOMEWHAT fireproof.

    Wiki states

    “Polyethylene burns slowly with a blue flame having a yellow tip and gives off an odour of paraffin (similar to candle flame). The material continues burning on removal of the flame source and produces a drip”

    The videos shown on the internet show the horror of this fire.

    We are not stupid. How can anyone trust the BBC on anything at all?

  31. Capella says:

    PM Theresa May, dressed n black, has left the scene at Grenfell Tower after speaking to police officers and fire crews in what was described as a “private visit”.
    From BBC Live website.

    Someone on twitter said that 39% of Tory MPs are landlords.

  32. Desimond says:

    Cant watch videos from works PC but this whole tragedy and revelations unfolding reminded me of a series from a few years ago which was all about things that are made to work only once.

    The first were crash carriers and how important it was they were successful.

    Sadly these days the modern beancounters spreadsheet would show “1 days use out of 15 years..waste of time!” and I fear its being replicated all over through action,inaction and neglect and that includes legislation.

  33. Nana says:


    ‘private visit’ is code for “I’m too scared to face the residents”

    I think Corbyn is gearing up for a vote of no confidence in the government. Will that mean another election?

    He will be happy for Scotland’s media to keep spreading their lies here, after all he was involved in it all during indyref.

  34. Robert Louis says:

    Dave Macewan hill at 1105 and 1114 am yesterday (comment on bus stop 1),

    Firstly, I am very glad to hear the news from your branch. Secondly, as you rightly point out, their is NOBODY actually campaigning in favour of independence – certainly NOT the SNP, yet their is one shed load of anti independence campaigning going on, and has been for two years.

    If the SNP were foolish enough to take indyref off the table (as people put it), make no mistake the unionist press, the Tories and Labour would quite literally go in for the kill. The headlines from the BBC would come thick and fast, ‘Sturgeon indecisive’, ‘SNP plan for Government in tatters’, Sturgeon changes her mind yet AGAIN!’ ‘Sturgeon needs to go”resign says davidson’ etc.. etc.. etc. All credibility would be shattered, and they would overnight lose the votes and membership of people such as myself and many, many others in the SNP/Indy movement.

    This frankly naive notion that by dropping indy somehow the SNP will have an easier time, is ridiculous. It is EXACTLY what the unionists and their propaganda channels in the BBC want to happen. THAT is why the BBC has been shouting about it long and hard all week.

    Do the SNP ‘wets’ seriously believe that everything would go back to normal if they dropped indyref? Sniff the freaking coffee, and wake up, FFS. This is the time to lead, not follow. It is why the SNP Government were elected.

    This is no time for fearties.

  35. defo says:

    Zetta-twat +. They don’t have a multiplier name large enough for Blairs catamite.

  36. Capella says:

    @ Nana – I read on the BBC Live website at 9.46 that Corbyn is going to demand a public inquiry – he’s going to visit the site later this morning – so TM had to get there first.

    I’ve also seen rumours that the Lib Dems will support the Tories which would boost their majority and make a vote of no confidence impossible. So fair amount of turmoil ATM.

    Labour will obviously use whatever they can to boost their vote in Scotland. They better be certain that none of the cost saving reductions in Fire Regs were introduced by New Labour.
    It also appears that Scotland has better protection for high rise buildings. Who ensured that?

    BTW just realised that your links are on the previous thread – off to scroll through them now. Thx.


    There should be a referendum ASAP:

    It should ask:

    If the UK leaves the Single Market,

    Should Scotland remain part of the Single Market?

    YES OR NO?

    If Scotland votes NO we MUST leave with the rest of the UK , even if that upsets the SNP. Cancel any indyref.

    If Scotland votes YES, the UK will have to accept Scotland will be part of the Single Market while the rest of the UK leaves, even if that upsets the UK Govt.

    We must respect Scottish sovereignty. Scottish democracy. It’s nothing to do with independence v the Union, SNP v Tories.

    If Scotland votes YES to the Single Market the UK Govt MUST respect that vote.

    If they don’t then there is no need for any other referendums.
    Scottish Sovereignty and democracy for Scotland within the UK would be dead.

    The Union would be dead.

  38. Faltdubh says:

    Apparently 60% don’t want Indyref 2 according to Davie DUP of the Record; but notice he failed to mention that support for Indy is at 43% (considering the onslaught) and from the ‘should Nicola quit?’ poll – 47% said No.

    Nice try, though!

    No doubt we’ll be under the cosh with a few negative polls saying people don’t want Indyref2 etc, but sit tight folks, and bide the time and most importantly don’t bite (not yet anyway).

    The summer will soon be here and in a week if it’s not delayed, will start the process of Brexit.

    This is the peak of SNPBAD too – a deceitful press trying to make hay from a no doubt about it, disappointing SNP result but they still won the triple lock – cooncil, Westminster and Holyrood in the past year and in the parliaments’ there are a majority of pro-Indy MP/MSPs over unionists.

    Anyhoos, blethering a bit but I think Nicola’s reasses things was the right move. Let’s not make any sudden announcements or plans at the present. In a week’s time the news will shift from SNPBAD to BrexitBAD and there will be geiunne concerns about the economy rather than some rubbish about Indyref2.

    There’s no way the SNP will ever take Indyref off the table. It’s their reason for existing as a party and why 120,000 people are members.

    We really just have to suck up this onslaught but it’ll be over as soon as next week when the DUP-Tory govt is agreed and then Brexit stars.

  39. Faltdubh says:

    P.S whilst the result was disappointing to lose 19 seats. We still WON and won well!

    37% of the electorate support independence. Along with how many Labour voters too – Yes/Corbyn supporters?

    This was the Unionists’ 2015 election and they failed miserably to get a majority!

    We won.

  40. starlaw says:

    Dreadful for those who lost their lives and their bereaved families.
    What now will happen to the survivours now left homeless. Will they be rehoused in London or dumped in the surrounding cities.
    Anyone who watches ‘How to get a council house’ will know what I mean

  41. Lenny Hartley says:

    I have hunners of fb friends , probably the majority are English (only a handful are politically to the left) . When there is a terrorist attrocity carried out by Muslim extremists my FB is bombarded with Anti Islamic posts not only from my English Friends but plenty of Scots ones as well.

    I have not seen one post from either Scottish or English FB friends expressing shock, sympathy , concern or anything about the Grendel Tower fire. I can only conclude they are still in shock at the total horror of this tragedy or that they have seen the TV footage and came to the conclusion it was only immigrants and a few poor white trash that were housed in the building.
    I heard on The wireless that they were blaming wooden battens holding the plastic cladding in place for the rapid spread of the fire. Do they think that everybody is totally daft? It was the fucking cladding which had been placed on the building to make it look prettier for the rich folks in the adjacent buildings. Expect some sort of cover up so that they don’t scare the lieges in the hundreds of similarly clad tower blocks through out the uk.
    Incidentally the have been cladding the exterior of some council houses on Arran recently, some of it just finished.

  42. defo says:

    Re How to combat Auntie.
    Well Auntie blew her own foot off today. You now have to sign in to access her nefarious delights.
    How many will rush out for a propaganda licence ?
    Think about who will not now be subject to her charms.

  43. Nana says:


    I saw Steve Topple was tweeting about a rumour re the libdems hooking up with the Tories. I’m also seeing lots of people calling for another election.

    For anyone interested I’ve posted this morning’s links on the previous thread.

    Re the Grenfell tower fire

    link to

  44. Jack Murphy says:

    Off Topic. FIRST MINISTER’S QUESTIONS begins in Chamber at 12MD,Thursday,15/06/2017.

    Scottish Parliament TV:
    link to

  45. Proud Cybernat says:

    The Britnat Establishment attempted to smash the SNP in GE17 and this is why…

    link to

    They utterly failed.

  46. Legerwood says:

    There is a letter in the FT about a ‘soft’ Brexit and how it may not be the panacea everyone thinks.

    Pat Kane tweeted the link. Here it is but not sure it will work because I am typing it in on phone

    link to

  47. Bob Mack says:


    Not only are 39% of Tory MP’s are landlords, they also voted last year against a motion which would make it necessary for landlords to ensure that accommodation was “fit for human habitation”. Among those voting against was the Tory minister esponsible for the environment (fire depth etc).

    It also appears Mrs Mays new advisor Bardwell had “sat on” a review of a similar fire some years ago. They clearly did not want expensive recommendations enacted considering 39% of them would have to improve their properties, Slugs.

    I hope there is a public driven outcry to out them all.

  48. Capella says:

    @ Bob Mack – yet another Tory scandal of dereliction of duty in the interests of private profit. Should be driven from office. But will the dastardly Lib Dems renege on yet another election vow and support the Tories?

  49. I scanned through the daily stranger on the newspaper stand and it has an exclusive poll, it claims 60% don’t want a second indyref and wants it taken off the table, I think it was 34 or 36% want Nicola sturgeon to resign.

    The Murdoch’s sun’s editorial is also having a go at Nicola sturgeon.

  50. David Caledonia says:

    I have often wondered why so many people die in fires needlessly, i was talking about this yesterday with my nephew, the point i made to him was, if you are trapped in your house, why not turn on your water and flood the house, like overflow your bath and sink upstairs, that is what i would have done in the Grenfell Tower fire, your very own sprinkler system is allready there in your house, and if your trapped upstairs in your house, break through the wall opposite from where the fire is coming from, just a few thoughts on how people in these terrible situations could actually do something positive to save themselves , most people die from smoke inhalation than are actually burned to death, so its important to get out of the danger area as soon as possible, look around your house, especially on the ground floor, do you have furniture that would give off toxic fumes in the event of a fire, and one more important aspect, never have candles in your house, kids can get up during the night and light the nice candle and then go back upstairs to bed without putting it out, kids are not as fire aware as us, keep safe, think what if a fire started in my house, what should i do, its all just about using a bit of common sense and being prepared if th

  51. David Caledonia says:

    I have often wondered why so many people die in fires needlessly, i was talking about this yesterday with my nephew, the point i made to him was, if you are trapped in your house, why not turn on your water and flood the house, like overflow your bath and sink upstairs, that is what i would have done in the Grenfell Tower fire, your very own sprinkler system is allready there in your house, and if your trapped upstairs in your house, break through the wall opposite from where the fire is coming from, just a few thoughts on how people in these terrible situations could actually do something positive to save themselves , most people die from smoke inhalation than are actually burned to death, so its important to get out of the danger area as soon as possible, look around your house, especially on the ground floor, do you have furniture that would give off toxic fumes in the event of a fire, and one more important aspect, never have candles in your house, kids can get up during the night and light the nice candle and then go back upstairs to bed without putting it out, kids are not as fire aware as us, keep safe, think what if a fire started in my house, what should i do, its all just about using a bit of common sense and being prepared if the worse does happen , god forbid it never does

  52. Donald Bruce says:

    My comments is a bit inappropriate sorry. Is this another Tory mantra about to be torn up and put in scrap bin. Will we here from them “We will have a bonfire of EU excessive safety regulations” Why is the BBC. smuggling that the USA fire safety in high buildings better than EU.

  53. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Peter McCulloch at 11.56

    It’s hardly surprising if support for a second referendum stalls or wobbles if we don’t campaign for independence.

    You want a second referendum if you want independence. Simples.

  54. David says:

    There are no fires anymore, firefighters are like soldiers, they train every day to be ready, this clown would probably like firefighters to be like the lifeboat service, go to your work and we will give you a call when there is a fire, what a turnip of a man !

  55. galamcennalath says:

    Legerwood says:

    There is a letter in the FT about a ‘soft’ Brexit and how it may not be the panacea everyone thinks.

    Interesting angle, concluding by claiming that No Brexit is better than soft Brexit.

    And pointing out the obvious that soft Brexit is not what English Nationalists seek.

    My view is that soft is better than hard, from a social and financial point of view. However I agree with the point that soft Brexit (in single market, with customs union, and free movement a la Norway) is inferior to full membership. The extra ‘independence’ is virtually non existent and soft has disadvantages over full with-influence membership.

    IMO there are two possibilities. The Tories are actually trying to go soft, which may be unsellable at home, and unacceptable in the EU. Or, the Tories are feinting seeking soothing soft, so they can claim to be reasonable when it all falls apart.

  56. Macart says:

    @Peter McCulloch

    And if those folk are unfortunate, they’ll get exactly what they want.

    They think the the services and advantages they have over other partners in the UK happened by accident? Do you reckon they believe they’d still enjoy them were there no SNP government? Do they think they’d be allowed any rights at all under direct rule or any establishment legislature north or south of the border?

    I’ve read a lot of criticism of the SNP over the past week from sources pro and anti independence alike. They’re not enough of this they’re too much of that. They didn’t do this, but should’ve done that. Commentators, sometime supporters, ‘conditional’ independence supporters, friends and foes alike.

    I only expect two things from the current Scottish government. Firstly that they perform competently under increasingly difficult financial and legislative restraints. In short, do their best honestly and transparently. Secondly that they act as gatekeepers for the Scottish electorate’s right to choose.

    My trust as is extremely limited in the abilities of the establishment parties on the former. That same trust is entirely non-existant on their desire to fulfill the latter function.

    All of them, without exception, would sell the Scottish electorate’s inalienable right to choose out in a heartbeat and have moved heaven and earth at every oppportunity to date to that very thing.

  57. Robert Graham says:

    Let’s hope for a full frontal assault on Council control of Education this afternoon from John Swinney , if they continue to obstruct bypass them ,
    The probable anticipated Questions on CAP Payments to farmers by their friends the Tory party, should be met by some clarification on the history of these payments, and a fact check of the uk governments inability to ever pay them on time, they quietly moved their problem for the Scottish Government to solve, They were left holding the Poisoned Chalice , and all the flack as well.
    I hope Nicola comes out swinging today, even if it means calling out the Presiding Officer to do his job and Quieten down the noisy rabble to her left, so much noise from so few, they are not the government, Nicola heads the government she should use her authority, and let them know who is in charge, just remind them they lost three times in a row now .
    Time for the niceties to cease, stop the detailed answers to useless questions they don’t listen to anyway , in short give them the respect they deserve, and that’s none .

  58. Stoker says:

    This is what happens when McTermite is involved:
    link to

    My sincerest apologies for insulting the chimp.

  59. @Dave McEwan Hill
    15 June, 2017 at 12:09 pm
    Macart says:
    15 June, 2017 at 12:19 pm

    There is nothing of which both of you gentlemen say that I would disagree with, the problem as I see it,is the party hierarchy had settled into a mindset of complacency, particularly in seats we held for many years,the Tories were seen off in the past and would be seen off again.

    Also the SNP campaign message was anodyne, there was no clear information to inform people as to why Scotland needed to be independent, because it will never prosper under any Westminster governments, and a referendum would only take place once we know what the details of the Brexit deal is.

    Even those who consistently refuse to support Scottish independence will still attempt to blame the Scottish Government for not doing enough to protect them and our public services from Tory austerity measures.

    I have campaigned in by elections which we should have won but didn’t, the length and breath of Scotland, Monklands, Hamilton, the two Paisley by elections,Dunfermline, Glenrothes to name but a few.

    I have also waited for years for HQ to become more aggressive in its campaigning against the unionists
    and am still waiting.

  60. Meg merrilees says:

    Lenny hartley 11.12 AM

    They have been cladding all the council houses around here with large grey tiles which are then rendered and harled. Looks very nice however, up close, the tiles looked to me as though they were a kind or dark grey polystyrene.
    They seemed to be made of the same granule texture as polystyrene.
    Mind you, breeze block looks a bit like the texture of polystyrene to – on the surface.
    Hope these tiles are fireproof.

    Have they been fitted with a gap between them and the walls?

    I had some damp work done last year on a kitchen wall and before they plastered the walls they attached a kind of bubble – plastic netting to the walls which holds the plaster in place but also allows a tiny amount of air to flow between the wall and the plaster to keep any outside damp/ condensation at bay.

    Is this a fire risk? It seems to be the latest idea for treating damp walls in a house?

    How many houses are having this treatment?

  61. Breeks says:

    If anybody is having a go at the SNP for their strategy, then just ask them how they expect to feel a year plus from now, with no remote prospect of any Trade Deal or soft Brexit, but Brexit- max happening on Monday, and the whole of Scotland NOT having a lifeline vote to save ourselves.

    Accepting Brexit, devastation and all, is the ONLY option we would have if we didn’t have an SNP government. Ask the Remain voters in England.

    The SNP is playing the long game with Brexit, which is becoming less “long” with every passing week.

    My grievance about broadcasting by the way is not intended to be a criticism of the SNP, but we need broadcasting, vitally, and frankly nobody but the SNP has a cat in Hells chance of doing it.

    For me, it is the defining watershed. Secure broadcasting, (that doesn’t mean shutting down the BBC or removing anything from our TV, let’s the BBC fester away in its alternate reality. To me it means adding new and original broadcast material and giving people a different and “clean” source of news and information. Achieve that, we will romp ScotRef, with overwhelming support. Fail to achieve that, and I fear the best we can hope for is to scrape through ScotRef by the skin of our teeth, but mired in acrimony.

    It’s not the economy stupid, for the next 18 months, it’s all about the media. That is where the battle will be won or lost.

  62. stu mac says:

    @Legerwood says:
    15 June, 2017 at 11:44 am
    There is a letter in the FT about a ‘soft’ Brexit and how it may not be the panacea everyone thinks.

    An article in the National today was on a similar theme:
    link to

  63. Bigdrone says:

    Two words – “Grenfell Tower!” A clown of the first water!!

  64. HandandShrimp says:

    Give John his due – he isn’t afraid to out cut the Tories.

    I still recall the talk he gave, shown on youtube, where he said Thatcher didn’t go far enough and should have privatised the London Tube.

    I have no idea what John is politically.

  65. chris kilby says:

    He’s a c*nt.

  66. Jamie says:

    Hmm no fires anymore merge the fire brigade and police. How else can we save money why don’t we merge the military and the NHS seeing as theirs clearly some overlap there.

    What else, why don’t we rebuild the tower block that burnt down to the exact specs and then teahouse the parliament to it. That could save a few quid, sell off Westminster, am sure there are some millionaires looking for some extra rooms to keep their Nik naks in.


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    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: ““she hates the English with a venom” Are you sure? Has she tried to get them jailed on trumped-up sexual…Mar 13, 18:52
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: “Good point, Lorn. Still, part of living your best trans life requires somebody to take a (hopefully sharp) knife to…Mar 13, 18:47
    • agent x on Signal and noise: ““what are the odds on Sturgeon running for MP in the UK Parliament at the next opportunity?” Zero chance -…Mar 13, 18:31
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “Oops! Sorry Rev!Mar 13, 18:10
    • agent x on Signal and noise: “Eric Trump at Bute House with Swinney today.Mar 13, 17:11
    • sarah on Signal and noise: “Nothing is happening politically – not for independence nor as competent government. Holyrood currently is a toxic puddle – gone…Mar 13, 17:00
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “He had a more black and white view of diversity.Mar 13, 16:26
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “He had a more black and white view of diversity.Mar 13, 16:21
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Aidan said: “in context of over 300 years of union governance, I think we have to see the fundamental principles…Mar 13, 16:12
    • Sven on Signal and noise: “Charles (non R one) My money would still be on her looking for a post with the EU or UN.…Mar 13, 15:55
    • TURABDIN on Signal and noise: “Signals & Noises in a land far, far away….. RWANDA, new «enriched» kid, thanx2UK, on the neo imperalist block……Mar 13, 15:24
    • John McGregor on Signal and noise: “Ave no priblem way men dressing as womem but as long as they have awe their bits they are MEN…Mar 13, 15:04
    • Charles (not the R one) on Signal and noise: “Don’t forget this – the only reason the SNP is able to behave like this, is because so many Scottish…Mar 13, 14:58
    • willie on Signal and noise: “Why should we worry about the country that Scotland has become. We allowed it to happen. Economic stagnation over the…Mar 13, 13:37
    • Lorn on Signal and noise: “Well, Hatey, you are going to have to explain that one to the four (at the last count) ‘men’ who…Mar 13, 12:54
    • Aidan on Signal and noise: “In another turn of events Sarah is partially right and Stuart is partially wrong. Designation as a non-self governing territory…Mar 13, 12:29
    • Marie on Signal and noise: “I agree but we need to fight for Scotland’s historical legacy as an epicentre of enlightened thinking. Political parties that…Mar 13, 11:13
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “I used to be proud of Scotland but now I see it as a land of misogyny, perverted beyond belief…Mar 13, 09:43
    • Dave G on Signal and noise: ““Scotland’s top gender law specialist” as ITV dubs her is actually an English barrister (she has a Scottish father) who…Mar 13, 09:30
    • TURABDIN on Signal and noise: “«all within the law, none outside the law, none against the law» pace Benito MUSSOLINIMar 13, 09:11
    • 100%Yes on The evolution of fairness: “Sara, Your correct the UN Decolonisation of Scotland is a winner for so many reason. Its progress, when all we…Mar 13, 08:59
    • Frank Gillougley on Signal and noise: “Maggie Chapman was born in the wrong body and she is also a time-traveller. She was born as Lavrenty Pavlovich…Mar 13, 07:26
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: ““Don’t you want an independent Scotland to be the first islamic country in the EU?” I want the Islamic leader…Mar 13, 07:10
    • Yoon Scum on Signal and noise: “We really need a party in Scotland which is 1 :- Actually sane 2:- ignores the indy issue as it…Mar 13, 06:47
  • A tall tale

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