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Wings Over Scotland

The new socialist

Posted on July 01, 2014 by

Every rock that we look under near Labour’s newest Westminster candidate Kathy Wiles – who thinks that 7-year-olds taking part in a peaceful Yes protest are akin to the Hitler Youth, and that “most” SNP voters are benefit scroungers – sees lots more nasty little cockroaches skittering out and running from the sudden influx of light.


But despite setting a high bar with the comments above, Ms Wiles keeps clearing it.


An alert reader highlighted just a couple of choice extracts from the above Facebook comments by Ms Wiles last year on the official “Better Together” page. The bottom one appears to suggest that all SNP members are racists, and also intriguingly hints at a return to 19th-century rules which stipulated that property ownership should be the determining factor in having the vote.

The previous day’s comment, however, is rather more disturbing. Ms Wiles seems to be raising a complaint that non-ethnic Scottish residents (as opposed to “born Scots”) are to be given a vote in the referendum, and that they might be able as a result to “disenfranchise me form [sic] my nationality forever”.

We’ll leave aside the fact that there is no danger whatsoever of Ms Wiles losing her nationality – we presume she means “British” – as the Scottish and UK governments agree that current British citizens in Scotland, and their current and future children, will retain dual nationality in the event of a Yes vote.

Instead, we’ll content ourselves with pondering what sort of “internationalist” it is that thinks “born Scots with Scottish property” who live abroad should take precedence over people who actually live in Scotland when it comes to the Scottish electoral franchise, because of their ethnic origin.

Evidently it’s the same sort that feels able to brand small children as Nazis because they have fun at a peaceful protest about media bias, and which merrily tosses the label “racist” at other people just because they vote for a different political party to the one she supports (in another post on the same page Ms Wiles claims that “many SNP supporters would like to see a pogrom of the English”), but we’re having trouble finding that definition in any dictionary.

All we’re sure about is that she’ll fit right in with the party that hates “foreigners”.

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Bugger (the Panda)

A very mixed up lady.

Doublethink is far to dual her; clusterthink might be better?

Maybe, just a nomark Scottish Labour chancer on the make.


I have nothing against minority groups …
I am a proud Scot but …
It is a shame that schools out or some enterprising teacher could have asked her class to compare and contrast.

I am glad that Ms Wiles has nothing against minority groups as I expect her to remain one for a very long time.

Neil Mackenzie

It might be useful if the lessons taught to people applying for UK citizenship were, also, taught to politicians and political journalists.

Lesson Number 1: “British” is a citizenship and an adjective. It is not a nationality.


As the good Coppers like to say whilst on duty on a Friday night to people like her “hows about you wind your neck in, luv?”.

She really has been letting the emotions get the better of her. We need reasoned, calm and balanced politicians here in Scotland.

The name Sturgeon comes to mind, when have you seen her lose the plot?


I don’t know why your all complaining.

She sounds like a perfect fit for Labour in Scotland.

She and Jackie Baillie would be interchangeable on Scotland 2014 and Scotland Tonight.

Vince Diaz

What really makes Labour angry is the knowledge that in a few weeks time, the whole house of cards could tumble taking with it salaries, expenses, free flights, subsidized meals, foreign travel and retirement in the Lords – the very birthright of the Labour MP-for-life.
Demonstrating is what Labour used to do – when there were Labour people to demonstrate. Marching was what Labour did when they had a reason to march. Chanting was what Labour did when they had a voice to raise. Now they whine and girn because we took their ba’ way

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

How did she escape the UKIP net? They were on the lookout for a candidate not long before the EURO election and were forced to adopt a buffoon from London instead of a good local one.

Dr Ew

Has she ever read Orwell’s definition of “Doublethink”, d’ya think?

Sad thing is she’s an intellectual giant compared to some dark corners of Scottish Labour.



Nothing else, just WOW.

Geoff Huijer

I see the old Salmond/dictator line in there too.


Murray McCallum

I’ve pretty much lost count of the number of reasons why the Scottish branch of OneNation Labour are a lost cause to those of us who believe in social justice and oppose ethnic nationalism.

This Wiles Labour candidate is simply echoing that Party line of demonising the poor, vulnerable, disenfranchised and immigrants to Scotland.

They are truly lost in their austerity and negativity.


Careful Rev, she’s maybe an ordinary mum.

Jill P

Her support for JKR is interesting. How dare these cybernats use such language.

Vince Diaz

Wow! And she WANTS to be an MP?? She is not fit to represent anything or anyone with bigotry like that. Why do these people think they are God’s gift to Scottish politics? How can she be so thick??

Most worrying is that the efforts to create a divided Scotland is so clearly a Labour policy, perpetuated by misinformed journos in biased MSM. Do they really think, that after the Sept vote that suddenly everything will be all fine and dandy again if the vote is no? Such politically motivated divisiveness will last long after the vote, sadly…and it won’t be the fault of the pro-indy movement. I cannot even contemplate voting Labour with candidates like that regardless of the Sept result. SLAB can only drive people into the arms of the very party it so clearly despises…with parliamentary candidates like that.

link to

Paul Williams

“I’m gonna gie youse a cheque…” Seems she thinks it is ok to make fun of Mr. Salmond’s accent now. I wonder what the voters (on both sides) think of that part?

Grouse Beater

I said on an earlier post she seems to hate people.

I now believe she hates herself.

Simply put: She has personality issues.


So to summarise :

1) Kathy Wiles abuses children online;
2) Kathy Wiles is a racist;
3) Kathy Wiles hates the poor.

She’ll fit right in with SLAB.

Dan Huil

She seems to hold a pathological hatred for Mr Salmond – she’s perfect Labour material – the personification of a bucket of bile.

The Voice of Edinburgh

Pogrom: an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group, in particular that of Jews in Russia or eastern Europe.


Well she sounds like she has the perfect credentials to take over from the beloved Johan Lamont.


I despise ("Tractor" - Ed)s does that make me a racist?

bookie from hell

lord mconnell

1st laugable quote

“Home rule for Scotland was never a compromise”


“Please do not paint me as a racist by implication! After all I’m not a memeber of the SNP”

Now *THAT* is a big statement, not only is she saying that SNP => Racist, but that Racist => SNP.

And she’s the one who chose to single out racial origin to be her example of a “minority group”, rather than anything else she could be worried about, like the LBGT minority, or the disabled minority, or any one of a thousand others.


Neat examples this morn of absolute power and corruption or rather 70+ years of the Labour party’s right to rule Scotland and how it draws in so many dopes.

At least she didn’t call Yes voters a virus, Hitler Youth but a not virus. Class act there by Johann Lamont. An ugly bald expenses fraudster MP says he’s going to bayonet survivors if they win, then characters like Anas and this idiot will take back what’s theirs by right. Immigration anyone?


I particularly like the implication that Salmond is a frequenter of racist golf clubs and is, therefore, a racist…

‘…As Salmond considers anyone not actually in Scotland to not be Scottish? Is Alex himself not Scottish when he was swanning about at Wimbledon? Or the all male all white golf courses of the world?’


Hey wait a minute !

The Better Together / No Fanks – Press and TV core in Scotland insist that abuse and nasty comment eminates solely from the YES side of things. Cybernats I think they’re called.

Is this person a Cybernat for the British Establishment ?

Does the J K Rowling side of the debate support these kind of comments ?

Wow … what Darling got away with saying is being picked up by his foot soldiers right enough !

Well done MSM for not nipping this lot in the bud !

Blinkered view and all that ?

Bob Sinclair

I’m going to break out the photoshop and put together a flier highlighting the Vile Ms Wiles connections with the Better Together Campaign. She really is the gift that keeps giving, or the troll that keeps trolling, one of those things anyway.

bookie from hell

SKY NEWS just said YES campaign in trouble

quoting you gov 61% NO


She’s definitely a loss to the Education system in Scotland ( a bit like JoLa )

Bill Dunblane

She could set a record for the shortest period a Labour candidate has been in place.

Gone by the end of the week, if not the day.

No no no...Yes

This woman is not fit to run for political office. If SLAB do not act on this their reputation will sink to even lower depths.


She’s issued an apology apparently: link to

mary vasey

This is wan auld wifie’s view- labour is jist a richt bunch o’ chuncers. Also, alang wie this because of Glasgow Labour’s ‘jobs for eh loons’ muckle folk in rest of Scotland hiv felt that politicians wis aye just concerned wi’ central belt an’ forgot that Scotland includes all areas. They’ve hid their chunce and bu**ered it. Past time tae move o’er and let all of Scotland hiv their say. YES for independence. Sorry just wan auld wifie’s thochts. ( ma faither wis a glaswegian and staunch labour supporter a’ his life. So am nae biased)

Giving Goose

Anything in the MSM on this issue yet? I’m an eternal optimist….

wingman 2020

Never forget that both Blair and Brown snubbed Scottish Assembly and Holyrood opening.

Labour have been against Scotland looking after herself from the beginning… simply because it affects the Labour party.

All these Labour councillors and MPs have the very same motivation…
They don’t want to dilute their power or damage their own type of mafia.

They need Scotland to be poor untermensch in order to justify their superior roles.


@ bookie

Its a YouGov poll.

Until they explain why their figures of SNP voters intending to vote No are nearly double those of ANY OTHER pollster you’d do well to ignore them.

Personally I don’t trust the egregious Peter Kellner but that’s a different matter.


I still think she joined Labour by accident and was intending to join UKIP but her brain was temporarily overloaded by all her knowledge on matters financial and historical.


Hi folks,

I’m not trying to hijack this thread so apologies in advance if anyone is offended. But – any chance some of you kind people could repost this link on your Facebook or Twitter accounts to try and raise a wee bit of cash for the Yes Stirling trailer campaign?

link to

We’ve just started this campaign and are short of our target but your extraordinary generosity will make a difference as it has in the past for so many other similar worthy causes on this site.

Folks, we really need these trailers, they are vital to the success of winning a Yes vote in the Stirling constituency. Please give what you can!


Hi folks,

I’m not trying to hijack this thread so apologies in advance if anyone is offended. But – any chance some of you kind people could repost this link on your Facebook or Twitter accounts to try and raise a wee bit of cash for the Yes Stirling trailer campaign?

link to

We’ve just started this campaign and are short of our target but your extraordinary generosity will make a difference as it has in the past for so many other similar worthy causes on this site.

Folks, we really need these trailers, they are vital to the success of winning a Yes vote in the Stirling constituency. Please give what you can!

r whittington

Stu please stop. My neck is now aching from disapprovingly shaking my head, and my arm is getting equally achey from angrily shaking my fist at the computer screen. Its now pretty clear to me that EVERYTHING bad in the world is a direct result of the so called ‘union’that we are in. I’m now DEFINATLY voting YES and I would urge anyone who reads this to do the same. (apologies for any spelling mistakes but my head is understandibly in a haze of anger.)


Even for present day SLAB, this individual is a very confused extremist. She appears utterly, utterly obsessed with the SNP and Salmond. Kathy Wiles’ rhetoric so far, as presumably she is just on her warming up act, includes casual mentions of Hitler Youth, pogroms against English people in Scotland, talking about Scots born people, Salmond wanting to set up a dictatorship, foreigners in a negative sense, and god knows what else. Darling and Lamont must be so proud of her.


Race and war and vote Labour in the press and journal today Anas style, with Douglas Alexander, chin out, look strong, manly, statesmanlike, not a jumped up wee twerp, Dougie says ‘Sense of Scottishness would be diminished’ and Dougie also thinks that his insight on race and war applies especially to the “dambusters” generation. Dougie also says his dad agrees with him too. So there.

Maggie Craig

Remind me, please. This woman is a candidate for the Labour Party, formerly considered to be a Socialist party? She seems to hate everybody, fellow Scots and other nationalities. What would Keir Hardie, that great internationalist and home ruler, have made of her? I felt physically sick when I saw that picture of the Hitler Youth. I don’t understand how anyone can stoop so low. I keep thinking of a visit we made to Buchenwald where we walked around in complete silence. And of looking up in Leipzig and seeing an inscription in memory of a Jewish family whose department store – “ihr Lebenswerk” – “their life’s work” was destroyed on Kristallnacht.

r whittington

Stu please please stop. My neck is now aching from disapprovingly shaking my head, and my arm is getting equally achey from angrily shaking my fist at the computer screen. Its now pretty clear to me that EVERYTHING bad in the world is a direct result of the so called ‘union’that we are in. I’m now DEFINATLY voting YES and I urge anyone who reads this to do the same.(apologies for any spelling mistakes above but my head is now consumed in a haze of anger.)

Mary Bruce

They really are an unpleasant lot.

This whole thing about how they insult the people they need to vote for them is something I’ve been aware of for a long time now, it was apparent before the 2011 Holyrood election.

As someone who tactically voted Labour in 2010 (to keep the Tories out) then SNP in 2011 (to protect us from the Tories in London), I’m one of the yes voters that Labour need to win back to have any chance of success in 2015 (I’m assuming we still get to vote even if it is a yes vote). Without us they will only have the % of voters they won at Holyrood which put them in second place.

Yet in the last couple of years, because I am choosing to vote yes I have had endless insults thrown at me by Labour, including virus, nazi, blood & soil nationalist, an apologist for benefit scroungers, a bully etc, by senior politicians and political commentators such as Johann Lamont, Jim Murphy, John McTernan and Alistair Darling. If it is a no vote I will be bayonetted by Ian Davidson MP.

Their strategy of “othering” and vilifying the yes voter has made us fair game for abuse from them and the general public at large and unlike the so called cybernats no one is ever called to account for it, it is part of the game plan and wholly acceptable in their eyes.

I’m not sure who came up with this strategy? Their USA election advisers? No matter, the Labour party have embraced it wholeheartedly. The fools.

So where does it leave them? I know for certain I will never vote for them again and I know of many others who say the same. Not only because they have betrayed us but because I now think that Scotland will actually benefit if we can remove the toxic Labour party in the same way we removed the tories. Imagine the message we can send if we return 50 or so SNP candidates to Westminster.

Not only that though, I also now realise (thanks to Wings) that the “Vote Labour to keep the Tories out at Westminster” line has been a lie that I was deceived into believing by Labour, and I don’t like being decieved by anyone.

A lot of people think that Scotland hates the Tories because of economic/social policies but there’s more to it than that, it is also because the Tories shafted Scotland and put our interests last. The Labour party are now doing the same, putting the interests of Westminster, London and the south west before Scotland. They think we will still vote for them because we hate the Tories.

They are in for a shock, after the way they have conducted themselves through this referendum they will never win voters like me back because we actually hate them more than we hate the Tories now (maybe because we were never conned into voting Tory?). They are now destined to second place in Westminster elections as well as Holyrood. There is no way they can survive a no vote in Scotland, they have alienated their Westminster tactical vote for at least a generation.

Labour’s future in Scotland is as toast as the Tories. And it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.

Rosa Alba Macdonald

I know this woman was in Education: please God she never taught classes as such. Because – alone for this reason – she is unaware of aspects of the Curriculum; without the question of the need for coherent Child Centred needs-meeting protocols.

Her attitude though is worse. It is beyond toxic.

And that is a short sentence for me for good reason (and I am not sure what does lie beyond toxic, anyway, nor do I want to think).

Expose. Expose this lack of any of the core values of social justice and people-centred, protection that Scottish Labour avow to champion. Sad indictment of Scottish Labour and the values I once campaigned for (many years ago, BB – Before Blair).

More than that – on a practical (a purely practical) level: are Scottish Labour or any Labour fit to run the country, based not just on Ed-the-Recyclers balls-up of commentaries this week: we accept that Alistair and his missus are the self-detonate Darlings scoring own goals by the dozen (insert ref. to Lady Bracknell).


Are any manifestation of Labour fit to run the country in any configuration: UK Gov, Devo-Hollyrood or indy Scotland? Are they not wise, but even competent?

Their selection process is not fit for purpose.
There selection process selected such a candidate whose very views represent a standpoint she attempts to demonise.

That is bad enough.

But she also demonstrates a thorough lack of foresight to remain on-message – in public (or even private in these whip-oot-an-iPhone dsys), and of the double-edged sword of Social Media.

Worst yet in terms of competent leadership: fit for purpose governance for the 21st Century – Scottish Labour (thus far that I have seen, and I have been looking) have not responded to this (or any other LP loose canons).

And these are the parliamentarians who want us to put Trident under their control?

No, Thanks: Yes, Scotland.

bookie from hell

lord McConnell

lord mcconnell says there are some bad people in referendum campaign

name,shame bud


Next thing you know she’ll turn out to be one of Pat Lally’s relatives.


Wiles has apologised for the Hitler Youth tweet it seems. I wonder if she will apologise for the pogroms against the English remark, and all the other extremist nonsense she has been coming out with? To be fair to her though, Salmond as a dictator is pretty standard mainstream SLAB rhetoric these days, so we can forget an apology on that score. No matter how offensive it is to compare a democratically elected leader to a mass murdering dictator of various hues.


Spot the mistake on the bbc website:

However, she has apologised “unequivocally” for any offence caused.

The tweet was in relation to a pro-independence protest outside BBC Scotland on Sunday afternoon.”

Thought it was an ‘anti bbc bias’ protest?

They were obviously also totally accurate in saying ‘hundreds’ attended this, er, ‘pro Independence’ protest.


She also thinks those who believe in an independent Scotland are misogynists and hit women.

link to

“FYI- nothing I have written is a rant- look in the mirror sunshine, you posts practically have spit dripping off of them. I have noticed that nationalist get particularly angry when women out think and out smart them. Fancy giving me a wee slap do you to put me in my place?”

Jim Finlayson

Genuinely sad to note such mindless prejudice from a Labour Party candidate.


You literally couldn’t make this stuff up.

She thinks all politicians are ‘devious conniving politicians’, like Salmond……and then wants to become an MP for Angus..interesting.

On her FB page, she states : ‘just been on her FB page trying to defend her from the most vile comments imaginable from cybernats. If Salmond doesn’t come out and tell them to stop it now he will be showing himself to be just as despicable as they.’

I went to JKR’s page and could not find any such comments as she described. Straight out of the BT playbook then, lying automatons prepared to say anything to further their cause.

James Sneddon

Andrew= that’s the umpteenth time you’ve posted that link. Why don’t you just gtf.

bookie from hell

jack calling oldies bitter

“Young people in Scotland who grew up under devolution don’t have bitterness towards UK many older Scots have”


She’s apologised for the Hitler Youth tweet. I’m tempted to “do a Lally” and inexplicable refuse the apology. But I’m a grown up, so I won’t. Note the lack of any yes person comment on the incident on the report by BTBC

I foresee it won’t be long until she says the next scandalous thing, however. I’m not sure what it is about her…but I just get the feeling she can’t help saying awful, awful things on the internet.


An of course, I meant inexplicably. Apologies for my error.

r whittington

And now I’ve just recieved a cold call from BT (British Telecom, not Better Together) FURIOUS!


Some will just buy “I’m gonna gie youse a cheque for 300000” bs that Salmond sells – and as First Minister he gets a MAJORITY of tv and newspaper coverage – that is legally binding by the way.</I.

Is that so Ms Wiles. Legally binding is it, REALLY, care to enlighten us poor benefit scrounging cybernats where exactly we can find the proof of this amazing claim of yours that it is legally binding. 😉

Are you telling us that EVERYTHING that the First Minister is reported to have said be it via tv, radio or newspapers is legally binding. Excuse me for thinking outside the box for a second here but would this *ahem* claim of yours also cover everything reported as being said by Johann Lamont or Ed Milliband by any chance or is it only legally binding when Alex Salmond is reported as saying something, just asking you understand. 🙂

On the question of you being *cough* disenfranchised Ms Wiles can you please explain to me, I apologise for the fact that I am a simple minded nasty benefit scrounging cybernat here, how a *ahem* tiny minority of people can disenfranchise anyone from anything. I always understood it to be the fact that for something like this to happen, and I apologise here for not being up to speed on this, it was the MAJORITY of people who made the decision about what happened. I must have fallen asleep during my T.V. lecture from Gordon Brown about how it will no longer be the case that the MAJORITY win elections, referenda etc but it will be the case that it is the MINORITY who will win. I guess it must be true though because I keep hearing how Ed Milliband will win in 2015 despite being the most unliked leader out of the four, Cameron, Clegg, Milliband and Farage, Westminster hopefuls. 😛

Grouse Beater

What a disaster of a candidate.

No wonder the majority in Scotland want a better standard in everything!

Bugger (the Panda)

@ pa_broon74

ON balance, I think you are right. ???? ????

Haggis Hunter

I dont know miss Wiles, but looking from the outside, I dont think she is a bad person.
It does look like she has a pathological hatred for the SNP and Salmond in particular. This is what labour in Scotland is all about, so she is probably over enthusiastic and ambitious. Labour are failing.
Think we should now change the subject, because we dont want to be like Scottish Labour and put people off.

Alan Ferrier

Breaking: Kathy Wiles has resigned as the Labour parliamentary candidate for Angus after Hitler Youth tweets.


@Alan Ferrier

Where did you hear that she has resigned?

Alan Ferrier

via @GerryBraiden (Herald)

Alan Ferrier

Labour: “We believe Kathy Wiles has taken the right decision to withdraw in Angus & we will move swiftly to get another candidate in place.”

Brian Powell

Again and again, no matter what Labour think they can gain in Scotland is irrelevant; it all come down to what happens in Westminster, and that can change with the Government, as has been shown over the last 50 years.

They have convinced themselves, and the Conservatives must be laughing their socks off, as the Labour downward spiral continues.

When one looks at the facts that people who were Labour now vote for the SNP and RIC and the Scottish Socialists are forming a new political party, where is Labour going to end up?


No choice really after the bile she’s been spewing on social media. Labour really should look at their vetting process.

Alex Kashko

It strikes me that whatever the referendum result Labour are diggin their own grave in Scotland. And to a lesser(?) extent in England.

In 215 and 16 Scotland is likely to eb a Tory and Labour free zone.

Rosa Alba Macdonald

And… breathe. She’s gone. Not want to appear a vile cybernat, but I was appalled on so many counts/wearing so many hats.


link to

Aye, she’s gone. Apparently there is a limit to the labour party’s tolerance for embarrassment after all.

r whittington

On the bright side though, it looks like the damp problem in my kitchen is getting better. Thanks everybody.


The Wiles on Sarwars refitted McAveety Bus go round and round, round and round round and round or will they just fall off


Although the last line of the official SLAB statement is hilarious given what AD et al have gotten away with thus far.

Jim McIntosh

Well that was a short political career. 🙂

Brian McHugh

Can someone reply to me and tell me if you can see this post?

Gavin Greig

Resignation reported on the BBC.


The UK is a sinking ship. This is the twilight of a dying Empire that should have been put out of its misery decades ago. The only question that remains is whether we go down with them, or choose another path.

I have to say, though… in the eyes of the world, we will be seen as not only indistinguishable from the British post-imperialists and their lunatic economics, illegal wars and bullying delusions of power on the big stage (and thus hated as such) we will also be seen as cowards, timid weaklings who sing songs like Flower of Scotland which romanticise of “being a nation again”, yet when the opportunity came to do just that (and in a BLOODLESS, PEACEFUL, DEMOCRATIC way, too!) we shat our kilts and bowed in subservience to this (morally as well as financially) bankrupt post-imperial power.

In short, we will deserve all we get (and everything that comes before it… another 5yrs of Cameron or the mock Tory “New Labour” – they are of the same ilk, after all) when the shit does inevitably hit the fan for the British state.

Your choice, Scotland.



I can see your post Brian…what’s the issue ?


So if your a candidate you have to go but the ones that are in can do and say whatever the feck they want AD , Sarwar , JoLa, et all

r whittington

what post Brian?


If Wiles has resigned, I reckon she has been pushed out. Lets be honest though, the real problem is not Kathy Wiles, it is that leading members of the Labour Party in Scotland have created an environment where this kind of extremist rhetoric is seen as having some kind of legitimacy. The language used by the likes of Darling, Lamont, Sarwar, Davidson et al has given a green light to the kind of sentiments that Wiles has been crudely parroting. Remember the video of the SDLer confronting and shouting at the Yes supporters in Edinburgh, where he called them all Nazis? This is the problem that toxic rhetoric from SLAB’s leaders has created.

Doug Daniel

The Bill Walker fiasco should have been a wake-up call to ALL parties about selecting idiots for seats you don’t expect to win. Imagine if this moron hadn’t brought herself to Stu’s attention and had managed to get elected as an MP in 2015 by some weird fluke, and only afterwards all this stuff came to light? It’s pretty clear this person is not suitable to be an elected representative of the people, but she could have found herself in that position anyway.

On a different note, is this Wings’ first official scalp?


O/T did anyone notice the Glasgow tour bus screeching away from PQ on sunday when they were being informed of what was going on.


Following up Douglas Alexander’s Dambusters generation votes no and his dad says so too, just googled to see if his Dad is a former Dambuster bomber crew veteran but there is no sign, although he was a church minister. Holyrood magazine really like Dougie though, with quotes like this from 2010, Dougie sez

“I am proud of the fact that when I pushed my daughter’s pram along Princes Street in 2005 against global poverty, I was there with seven busloads of like-minded people from Paisley. Paisley has had tough times but as Bob Geldof reminded me in a conversation recently, never judge people’s depth of commitment to justice or compassion by the size of their wallet.”

Dougie met Bob Geldof!!!!


Hi Brian,

I donated to them also… my son works in Stirling, I’ll ask if he’s able to swing by the Yes office.


I wonder if they will put up John Ruddy as a candidate? 😀 😀


Now that she has resigned look out for the media swarming all over it now, and ensuring that the labour quotes of “it’s the right decision” play a prominent part. Sickening


Had nobody saved a screenshot and WoS not highlighted it that woman would still be in a job. This is why the Rev. has talked so much about alert readers, it makes the difference


Good God. Do the BBC know how to do investigative Journalism..

link to

Just read the story about the (now resigned) Labour Candidate and in the article they use the line “Ms Wiles was criticised by a man claiming to be the father of two of the children in the protest photograph..”

“..a man claiming to be the father of the two children..”

So it was just any old random stranger writing to say he finds it sick having his children compared to Nazi Youth. But lets run with the “..a man claiming to be the father..”

Come on BBC, you’re a big organisation. Use those skills and don’t belittle the story and the Father of the Children by using the phrase “.. claiming to be the father..”

Looks like the article was written by people claiming to be Journalists..

Mary Bruce

Turns out Ms Wiles has resigned, at least she is capable of doing something decent:

link to

Brian McHugh

Cheers Kendo… can you see Andrew’s posts?… they are basically all cut and paste jobs.



Yeah, I checked the indiegogo site, it says the Yes Hub has been verified ( whatever that means).. will try to get some info.


News on BBC Scot, she has just announced that she is standing down and that Labour are sourcing a new candidate!

Hope they do some proposer background checks this time.


It looks like the Angus seat has been conceded already.


A Scottish Labour spokesman said: “We believe that Kathy Wiles has taken the right decision to withdraw in Angus and we will move swiftly to get another candidate in place.

“The debate about Scotland’s future should be held in a respectful and positive way and we will take robust and immediate action if any of our members fall below these standards.”

SLAB obviously think that Lamont’s virus comment, Davidson’s bayoneting the wounded jibe, Darling’s blood and soil nationalism quote are respectful and positive! 😀 😀


Link on BBC re resignation

link to


Hmm…we benefit scrounging cybernats are never off the internetty thingy and just keep plodding along. Ms Wiles comes along with her Nazi youth attack of a few completely innocent yet highly intelligent children whilst expecting to remain as Labour’s *ahem* candidate in Angus. 😛

This episode, along with countless others, shows the gulf between the Better Thanks gang and YES campaign. We are never off the internetty thingy and w, well most of us do, know how to behave on it when along comes NO Together to try and do the same thing and are caught out time after time after time. 😉

I think it is about time Labour sent their M.P.’s, M.S.P.’s, councillors and candidates back to school. Oh wait a minute I’m not so sure that’s going to work.


Johann Lamont…TEACHER

Ms Wiles… TEACHER (amongst other things)

Personally I don’t see why she should resign, after all she has managed in an extremely short space of time to achieve the highest level of intelligence required to become a future leader of Labour in Scotland. 😛



I am quite angry that for no good reason you have decided to smear our crowdfunding efforts decrying them as ‘dodgy’ and a ‘ripoff’! Whatever your concerns you should have made an effort to contact us privately. On our Indiegogo campaign pages there are links to our Facebook/Twitter accounts and our telephone number is available through directory enquiries?

Please contact with any concerns you may have over our crowd funding. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like but after my response I would like you to withdraw your remarks and apologise.


Jesus Christ!! I’m actually amazed that she said that, and no one picked up on it sooner!! My god.


Mind you ‘should be held in a respectful and positive way’ is obviously a weasel phrase. It is not the same as saying it will be held in a respectful and positive way.



I just found that whole “..claiming to be..” I little belittling to be honest. I can see the Reporter at the BBC sitting thinking.. “oh, do I have to phone and make sure it’s him.. Sigh…” That’s how much it means to them.

I can slowly feel myself turning in to Mr Angry from Steve Wright on Radio 1 years ago..


That Better Together page could be a source of endless amusements and quotes from potential Labour and Tory candidates at a later date. The page is full of vile, abusive and often obsessive posters. I’ve often wondered if some are pseudonyms for elected members. Never considered the potential candidate angle.


Now Kathy Wiles has done the right thing.

Alastair Darling Next ?


So she’s quit and taken all that knowledge she bashes on about with her. Also interesting is the millions of pounds that the BBC in Scotland spend on cameras etc yet none of them took one photo of Sunday’s anti BBC bias protest looking down on it from the upper floors of Pacific Quay, out of a window, directly overhead, giving fair and accurate pictorial representation of number of people actually there.

I know, what am I thinking, it’s probably the worlds biggest most expensive anti democracy propaganda machine, so they are certainly not going to take even a phone pic and publish that.

Bet UKOK spooks were though.

bookie from hell


any chance finding out who these bad people are?

Former first minister jack mcconnell says there are some bad people in referendum campaign with too much abuse.



Ah, but they’re the management. Different rules apply…

…apparently. 😉



As a donor to that particular indiegogo fundraiser I too was concerned by the boiler plate pastes, zero responses to earlier posts from me saying that I have funded your project inspite of YES Scotlands comment about Wings.

Furthermore, the launching of a 2nd project within minutes of posting requests for funds in the same robotic manner would cause anyone to question the technique being used ?

Both Brian and I have donated to your fund, your tone is certainly unwarranted and unhelpful.


I donated to the first Sirling Yes shop a couple of months ago then visited it and it definitely exists.
When I saw Andrew’s frequent appeals for a Stirling City Centre shop I was a but confused as the existing yes shop is pretty central.


From now on I’m going to “Claim” to be one of Alitair Darlings renegade brian cells (leaving only the one in charge) and I’m going to take one eye brows hostage.

So if you see someone running down the street like Opie from Family Guy holding an eye brow you’ll know it’s me..

It’s ok. I’ll get away with it. The BBC won’t bother to check, they’ll just claim I am who I am claiming to be.

Rant Over..


More on that BBC article. They say that the demo at Pacific Quay was ‘pro-independence’. It wasn’t, it was anti-BBC.

HEALTH WARNING: the same people are telling you what is happening in Ukraine, Iran, Ireland, USA, everywhere. If they can’t tell the truth about events on their own doorstep, what likelihood is there that they tell the truth about far off places where you can’t so easily check?

If there is an attack on Syria or Iran, it will be the BEEB wot dunnit.

Jamie Arriere

Calm down about the Stirling fundraiser posts – they’ve been on the WoS Donate page for weeks, Andrew is just assiduous in appealing for support. Persistence is a virtue in this campaign.

No worries.

CameronB Brodie

This is six months old, so apologies if already covered. I found it when looking for LSE analysis I posted the other week, that suggested SLabour are toast unless there is a landslide for No.

Anyway, I think this report might be re-title, “A Study In Populations Subjected to Sustained F.U.D.”. How on earth can anyonr think Scotland’s economy would peform better, still shackled to and bled dry by Westminster?

link to


I can hardly wait for Reporting Scotland tonight. Let’s face it this will be their TOP story at 6 o’clock tonight, won’t it? 😉

Surly BBC Scotland will be doing everything in their power, oh wait a minute think I went a wee bit overboard there. Think I should have said they will be doing NOTHING in their power to ensure that this is their top story tonight. 😛

I’m thinking we are living the dream here today folks, the BBC dream that is.

“Nothing to see here folks, move along now please!”

Oh look … a squirrel … and such a bonny wee squirrel it is as well you really have to come and see it! 🙂


link to After unelected lord forsyth’s blatant teenage vote no fright night debating last night, another completely unelected lord says

“We are seriously concerned about the unbalanced nature of growth at the moment in this country – four-fifths of net new jobs in the last four years were in London.” By contrast, Britain’s next nine largest cities accounted for just 10% of net private sector jobs created.

Translation, Scotland is going be independent after the 18th Sept, WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING NOW, WE CANT LOSE OUR OIL.


On resignation Kathy said “I had genuinely no idea that I had joined the labour Party, I thought I was in UKIP…my bad”

Mary Bruce

@Tattie-bogle: Yes! We noticed that too as we were leaving and had a laugh about it. it couldn’t get away quick enough, lol. We flashed our yes flag at it.


Now look what you’ve gone & done Stu.
Well done, whoever captured that twitter thing.

With the bar now set so high, will Kathy Viles win Project No Ta’s ‘Smear of the year’ in-house competition ?



Pity she has resigned, she looked like a gift that would keep on giving.


So she finally had a brief moment of decency and decided to quit, eh?

Personally, I’m betting it was more along the lines of someone high up in her party had a brief moment of common sense and decided to pull the plug on her before she made any more comments and managed to single-handedly turn the whole of her constituency to a 100% Yes vote!

I never thought I’d meet anyone in the present time that I could hate more than Nigel Farage, but I think she was definitely out to beat him!


Great work from Duncan Hothersall for starting a chain of events that resulted in one of his own party’s candidates being humiliated and having to resign. He’s a star turn that one.



I’m with you. Tell her to resign and it’s all over.

How did a person with such right wing views get selected by the Labour party.

She appeared to have a lot of backing during her attack. What about an apology from them.

We should watch with interest the career of Ms. Wiles – she will be gifted a nice HQ post or a position on a Labour controlled quango. A comfortable spot learn how to manage her comments not review her opinion.

…and still people vote for this clique using the name of a once great party. Wake up! Vote for values and principals note a name.

Grouse Beater

Vronsky warns: the same people are telling you what is happening in Ukraine, Iran, Ireland, USA, everywhere. If they can’t tell the truth about events on their own doorstep

Good point.

The attitude is another manifestation of the colonial mindset – to them the UK, aka England, is a superior nation to any other.

Les Wilson

Well, her resigning is a problem for me, she should have been officially sacked.Followed by a statement by Slab.
But no, she will have been “asked” to resign on the quiet less a shit storm ensued. So she, and her supporters in Slab can now quietly fade out of the public eye.

Labour StinkS, What thinking person would vote for this load of garbage.
Did I say “thinking person” er sorry.

Bugger (the Panda)

Duncan Hothersall really is King Midas, for the Yes campaign.

Keep it up Duncan, you know it makes sense.


No mention of it or the protests on the BBC, outside of the Scotland page.

Monitor folks. If something pro-union happens, does it stay in the Scotland news on the BBC?


Kathy’s a member of this immensely popular facebook group. Hoho…..
link to

Mary Bruce

Having had a look through Kathy Wiles horrible facebook posts I’d be willing to wager a handsome sum that she is also one of the frothing, vindictive britnats on the Scotman BTL comments. Any guesses as to who she might be?


Kathy Wiles would be justified in saying to the MSM that the leaders of her party have been saying things as bad as she has said for years. She had to go, but the culture of present day SLAB is clear. They hate the SNP and Salmond in particular with an astonishing intensity. As we get closer to the referendum this has developed into a general hatred for the independence movement as well. With these kind of outbursts from SLAB, does anyone think they will act in an appropriate way if there is a Yes or a No vote in September? Their hatred of the SNP is too ingrained now.

Mary Bruce

Hey guys, looks like she has deleteted her facebook account, get the screenshots while you still can


I think I understand now why Scottish UKIP supporters are so thin on the ground.

Quite a few seem to be hanging out in the Labour Party.


Should be an interesting experience signing on at the Job Centre for Ms Wiles. “So Ms Wiles, why did you leave your last job? I was the Labour candidate for Angus and I called some children Nazis and some other stuff about dole scrounges only vote yes but mostly it was calling three children Hitler Youth, so can I get a job at the Daily Mail now or the BBC, not fussed either way?”


Man,this site is getting powerful.
Honestly Stu,you should be proud.
If a historian was wanting a resource to look back at the Referendum timeline there is no better resource than your 2500+ articles.
This site is an actual Journal of this important time in our history.
Keep up the good work.


From her long rant above..

“-not everyone has the same knowledge as I (?), others have different knowledge-”

What a loss to society.

How did she get anywhere near a selection committee ?


As an SNP member whose grandfather came to this country following a pogrom, I find this nasty spiteful woman’s comments highly offensive. Labour should sack her as a candidate.

Grouse Beater

Turns out Ms Wiles has resigned, at least she’s capable of doing something decent:

I’d rather learn her party organisation told her to resign.


Good riddance. Now if I were editor of a crisis-hit newspaper (thats all editors then) the headline “Labour Parliamentary Candidate forced to resign after branding young children ‘Nazi-Youth’ ” would seem far too good to be true, I wonder how many will end up grasping this golden opportunity.

Les Wilson

M4rkyboy says:

Well it is possible that Stu might write a book on his experiences after this is over. It would be a good read too!
After all, he has plenty controversial things he could put in it.

Doug Daniel

Muttley’s right, in a way you can’t blame the likes of Kathy Wiles 100% because it’s a case of Monkey See, Monkey Do.

Really, for the good of Scottish politics as a whole, this is something that should have been nipped in the bud years ago. Labour should have come forward and said “our supporters need to stop calling our opponents Nazis”. But that would never happen, because this is just how Labour act. Not just to the SNP, but any opponent. That’s what happens when people consider themselves to be morally superior – “my fight is JUST, so you deserve no respect.”

It’s the same reason folk on Twitter who consider themselves to be morally infallible usually turn out to be far more abusive than the people they claim to be morally superior to.

Arseholes, basically.


To be fair to Duncan, his post was perfectly OK. He was poking fun at Stu just as we poke fun at him. I am sure he was as surprised as anyone the way others picked up on it and went totally right field (Kathy doesn’t do left) with it.

Grouse Beater

Les says: Well it is possible that Stu might write a book on his experiences after this is over. It would be a good read too!

I agree absolutely – a valuable record for students and scholars alike, as well as Yes supporters … but alas, his e-mail yesterday said, “I *don’t* have the time.”

Jim Marshall

Cathy Come Home. A landmark TV drama in the 60s

Kathy Go Home. Another 2014 Labour car crash.


Of course this story wasn’t considered important enough to be included on “The news where you are” at lunchtime as I expect the protest will similarly be completely ignored on television news for the masses. The long piece on Trident of course will be included, probably on rolling news on BBC 24 every hour. Business as usual.

[…] « The new socialist […]


Cached version. The internet remembers everything:

link to


Kathy Wiles is a victim too because she thought that by joining the Labour gang of trolls she had the authority to chuck as much filth as her Labour peers have done.

Kathy Wiles may have set a low bar for her own behaviour but with her apology and resignation she has set a high bar for those in Better Together and Labour who have behaved the same.

Nothing will be the same after this for Better Together and their MSM buddies.


You must be getting alot of calls from journos Stu. I don’t think it would be wrong to say that it was your highlighting of her Hitler youth tweet and previous comments that forced her to resign.

Rosa Alba Macdonald

@Lesley-Anne – Naw the lead story will be the coo in the harbour in Aiberdeen, fit was rescued by the Lifeboat.

We are regional, ye see, teuchters.

She was pushed, no dooubt. I wonder if some well placed commentaries to (S)LP on, if it was not alright for Wily Coyotoe, and she resigned, should the Darling Boy not follow the same suite?

Bill Dunblane

Email me for details of Stirling appeals. Save a lot of bother and strife.

Or visit yesdunblane(dot)com – lots of Stirling stuff on it.

Brian McHugh

She lasted just about as long as your average BETTERTOGETHERUKOKNOBORDERSORTHANKS scare story.

Brian McHugh

Thanks for that Bill.

Mary Bruce

That Gordon Brown for first minister facebook page appears to be deleted too, does that mean she set that up as well or are SLab quickly deleting all their online activity?



Please check your emails.

Bugger (the Panda)

Brian McHugh

She lasted longer than Gerald Ratner’s famous gaffe

He said that his stores’ earrings were

“cheaper than an M&S prawn sandwich but probably wouldn’t last as long”

So she lasted as long as an M & S prawn sandwich left out in the Sun?

Mary Bruce

Here’s an archive of Kathy Wiles’s “Jeremy Clarkson Should be Shot” facebook page that she set up. She has deleted the original. Look at the comments. What a nasty piece of work she is.

link to



Possibly, certainly a precedent has been set.

Though I won’t hold my breath. Too many of parliamentary Labour’s ranks have used the ploy and got away with it. Its rife as a slur on just about every open forum I’ve seen and they consider it a major campaigning tool.

I’d hang fire on its effect until I’ve seen an open apology from those responsible for perpetuating its use or the media start to acknowledge the fact that such abuse exists at all.

CameronB Brodie

She has quit 😉

link to


The sight of desperation just emanates from this lady like the other unionists. Prepared to tell lies because they have nothing solid and lasting to offer Scotland.


@Les Wilson

I discussed on another thread that this would be a good time to make a personal video diary of the days leading up to the referendum.

Where to start ? 🙂

Jim Marshall

Mary Bruce 2.04

I fully understand why someone would dislike Jeremy Clarkson.However saying he should be shot is rather extreme. I would simply be happy if he disappeared from view.

Bill Dunblane

She gone.

Karma. 🙂

link to


Rosa Alba Macdonald says:

@Lesley-Anne – Naw the lead story will be the coo in the harbour in Aiberdeen, fit was rescued by the Lifeboat.

We are regional, ye see, teuchters.

1,000 apologies Rosa you are of course correct and as always I’m in the wrong…AGAIN! 😛

I thought I’d check out the “regional news from where you are” to see what they made of the situation. Unfortunately I seem to have missed it. I remember hearing their very fancy theme tune then everything goes blank until the next thing I remeber seeing which was the weather. Hmm. I’m thinking I must have been temporarily kidnapped by Mr Hammond’s friendly aliens. Yes that’s it I was kidnapped by aliens hence I never saw anything from (dis)Reporting Scotland about this poor wee lassie making her life changing decision to stand down as a Labour *ahem* candidate in Angus. 😛

I suppose this is only fair after all the UKIP Channel, sorry BBC, did not make any big thing out of the erroneous e-mail sent by the F.M.’s advisor the other week did they? They just totally ignored that story so I guess I’m just being a daft wee lassie expecting them to make anything out of this story, right? 😉


Well it seems she has fouled her nest and she has gone. Well deserved.

Now it should be Jim Murphy with his comments about the protesters outside BBC Scotland.

bookie from hell

Whats with Labour and House of Lords?

Ken Livingstone today signalled he would want to be in an Ed Miliband Labour government and would accept a seat in the Lords and a cabinet post.

Grouse Beater

The thought that people aware of Wiles’ gutter standards might still vote No, over-and-above knowledge of racist insults made by others in Labour, is truly depressing.

Capn Andy.

Just curious but. How did she get the job in the first place. Who is she related to?


Ken Livingstone today signalled he would want to be in an Ed Miliband Labour government and would accept a seat in the Lords and a cabinet post, a fondue set, a cuddly toy and a pair of sliding doors

Jim Marshall

bookie from hell says:
1 July, 2014 at 2:15 pm
“Whats with Labour and House of Lords”

£300 per day just for turning up for a few minutes plus other expenses and perks. This is every Labour Party wallahs dream.

Ian Brotherhood

In other news…the cow which got stuck in Aberdeen harbour has apologised unequivocally for any distress caused, and asked that everyone now moooooove on.

Grouse Beater

Andy asks: How did she get the job in the first place?

One of two reasons/excuses:

A: The selection committee share her standards.
B: The selection committee did not conduct due diligence.


Lets be honest though, the real problem is not Kathy Wiles, it is that leading members of the Labour Party in Scotland have created an environment where this kind of extremist rhetoric is seen as having some kind of legitimacy.

Totally agree Mutley. I suspect the resignation was not for this tweet in particular but because someone belatedly asked what more nasties there are in her social media history. And the tone of the no campaign which she will have been following has been set by those high up in the Labour hierachy. Ironically, the Labour ones are far worse than the Tories in this instance, who at least oppose independence and devolution on principle.

It’s not just in language that those heavily involved with Better Together will have an issue though, but also with reality. The NO pages are just filled with utter tripe, falsehoods, smears and lies which those on them repeat blindly. When they emerge from social media and hit the real world some will find a rude awakening. This woman has just collided with the real world; the one where it’s not OK to call children Nazis.


Ms. Wiles has now deleted those comments from the BT Facebook site. Amusingly enough, there are still plenty of posts from people replying to her directly, so it all looks a bit odd. Good to see that she’s too ashamed to stand by her comments.


I still think Stu should have apologised to Pat Lally


Grouse Beater says:

Andy asks: How did she get the job in the first place?

One of two reasons/excuses:

A: The selection committee share her standards.
B: The selection committee did not conduct due diligence.

Sorry GB you’ve missed one off your wee list there:

C: Both of the above.


Looks like my fingerous interruptous twitteritis has struck again. 😉

I’ve just found a whole load of tweets on my timeline addressed to BBC Scotland News. Hmm. Whilst I have no recollection of how they got there I can’t say I am not unimpressed with their content. 😛

John devine

Pogrom – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A pogrom is a violent riot aimed at massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly one aimed at Jews. The term originally entered the English …
Etymology · Original pogroms · Later and earlier pogroms · Usage · List of events


Also, we should take note of the fact that this looks very much like a Labour Party decision to have her step down rather than a display of pure principle on her part. That’s a good thing. If the No side are now accepting that resignation is the only solution after someone says something outrageous, it makes it sooooo much easier to press them about resignations for Johann “Virus” Lamont, Anas “Dictator” Sarwar, Ian “Bayonet” Davidson and, of course, Alistair “Kim Jong-Hitler” Darling. I have no idea why there aren’t good Yes talking points freely available every week, but the question every No advocate gets asked this week should be “if Kathy Wiles has to resign for her comments, why has Alistair Darling not even apologised for his remarks?” With a wee bit more co-ordination, our side could start dictating a wee bit more of the news agenda.


@ bookie from hell 2.15
Their (Labour’s manifesto )promised abolition of the HoL became “reform” of the HoL which left many hereditary peers in place though a reduced number (there were over 1,000!). It also changed the rules so that Lords can now also stand for election to the commons and be in the cabinet. Nice little earner.

Bob Sinclair

Seems that all morning the BBC’s attention has been focussed on the wrong Coo.


Ms. Wiles has now deleted those comments from the BT Facebook site

BT may come to regret their policy of deleting anyone who dissents but leaving vile unionist abuse up there.


I agre entirely with you cath. As I said on the other thread, this is a campaign of bile which comes from the top down.

I was at the BBC protest with my 10 year old daughter, and am absolutely raging that this woman not only came out with views like that, but hasn’t even got the class to fully apologise. She has been flailing around talking nonsense along the lines of Luis Suarez saying he was sorry that the other player “fell onto his teeth”.

If branding nationalists Nazis is a resignation matter, Labours doors SHOULD be birling right now.

I await Reporting Scotland with interest.

Brian McHugh

Just a wee note to everyone, I have just talked to Andrew and everything is cool with the ‘Yes Stirling’ Indegogo campaigns.

As Led Zepplin would say… just a communication breakdown.


She has resigned according to the BBC


Ms Wiles instant resignation and media flurry does indicate that the media and (or perhaps with) Labour are reading this site with interest and benefit! Congratulations Stu.


link to

Hitler Youth tweet Labour candidate resigns

Kathy Wiles made her apology after posting the Hitler Youth image on her Twitter page

A Labour parliamentary candidate has resigned after tweeting an image of the Hitler Youth in relation to a pro-independence demonstration.

Kathy Wiles, who was to stand in the 2015 Westminster election, said she wanted to highlight the dangers of using children in political campaigns.

She initially apologised, but Labour later accepted her resignation as a candidate in Angus.

Bob Sinclair

Kathy Wiles twitter posts now only viewable by confirmed followers. Definitely running scared.

Bugger (the Panda)

Could she be a misandrist, the female equivalent of a misogynist?

Dick Gaughan

I don’t imagine that I’m the only one to find the whole Kathy Wiles spectacular train wreck to be hilariously funny.

In case of misunderstanding, I don’t find what she did in any way funny at all but the “today I’m a very important Labour candidate and Alicsammin is a … oh, shit, I resign” debacle is greatly amusing.

Perhaps the shortest trougher parliamentary candidacy on record.

Well done, Rev, I’m glad you’re on the side of truth.



The cow has been shot by a police marksman…the one in Aberdeen Harbour that is. ;>)


Grendel, I’m afraid you are very much mistaken. You were NOT at an anti BBC protest in Pacific Quay on Sunday you were at a pro independence demonstration. Honestly that IS what you were at. I know because I’ve just read about it here. 🙂

link to

The start of the article clearly states:

A Labour parliamentary candidate has resigned after tweeting an image of the Hitler Youth in relation to a pro-independence demonstration.

So you see you and your 10 year old daughter were very clearly duped by those nasty benefit scrounging cybernats into thinking you were protesting against the BBC when in actual fact you were demonstrating in a pro independence rally. 😉

On behalf of all nasty benefit scrounging cybernats I’d like to take this moment to unequivocally apologise for any harm done to you or your young daughter for any damage our nasty duping may have caused either of yuo and hope neither of you suffer any long term psychological problems as a direct result of our disrespectful behaviour. 😛


Hi folks,

I’m not trying to hijack this thread so apologies in advance if anyone is offended. But – any chance some of you kind people could repost this link on your Facebook or Twitter accounts to try and raise a wee bit of cash for the Yes Kirrie campaign?

link to

We’ve just started this campaign and are short of our target but your extraordinary generosity will make a difference as it has in the past for so many other similar worthy causes on this site. Please give what you can!


The news from where we are….is not the same as the news from where you are..

Worth showing again 😀


The MSM no longer have a media monopoly and they do resent not having that monopoly. This sorry episode by that candidate proves it.

She would have not had been selected by her political party if they knew (or would they?) the contents of her online social media comments. Perhaps in an ideal politically correct world, all political parties should read all the social media comments made by prospective candidates.

Dick Gaughan

Brian McHugh says:
Just a wee note to everyone, I have just talked to Andrew and everything is cool with the ‘Yes Stirling’ Indegogo campaigns

Good to hear, I wanted to believe it was genuine.

But see if you can get him to reduce the spamming-every-thread stuff. An occasional reminder is acceptable, but that level of spam was way over the top. He’ll get more support if he adopts a less antisocial way of doing it.

gerry parker

Well spotted Bob (rab) @ 2:37.







Hi folks,

I’m not trying to hijack this thread so apologies in advance if anyone is offended. But – any chance some of you kind people could repost this link on your Facebook or Twitter accounts to try and raise a wee bit of cash for the Yes Shetland campaign?

link to

We’ve just started this campaign and are short of our target but your extraordinary generosity will make a difference as it has in the past for so many other similar worthy causes on this site. Please give what you can!


Clootie says:

The news from where we are….is not the same as the news from where you are..

Worth showing again 😀

You mean this don’t you Clootie. 😛

link to

Jack Murphy

Kathy Wiles Facebook Page,”Currently unavailable”

Bob Sinclair

Right, can everyone just lay off Kathy Wiles, after all shes now officially just an ordinary woman ?

Carol Jardine

The vile Ms Wiles has resigned.

Grouse Beater

Meanwhile …

I wonder how Murray feels playing at Wimbledon’s “All- England Club”?

big jock

She doesn’t want to lose her nationality while us guys want to reclaim our nationality! Come on my Polish,Irish,Asian,African Scots we need all of you to vote yes for all of our sakes.

The Man in the Jar

Not had time to read all the comments but this is turning out to be quite a rammy. This woman has probably done the No campaign untold damage. Bring on the next one! 🙂


Grouse Beater says:

Meanwhile …

I wonder how Murray feels playing at Wimbledon’s “All- England Club”?

Hmm, All England Club huh?

Well if it IS the All England Club G.B. where are all the players from erm England. Oh that’s right they all got knocked out LAST week. 😛

Maybe the should think about a wee name change here. How about the All England Club (at least for the first couple of days) 😉


Just desserts for flippant abusive comments made by B Together activist, which betray ‘Labour central’ inflammatory views; by the way very similar to ‘No Thanks’ campaign leader Mr Darling ‘Blood and Soil’.. At Heart, At Heart assertion.

Will he now do the decent thing and resign ?? Or is he still denying facts of interview with New Statesman – lets see if the media give him an easy time; what do you think folks?




Rev : My comments are going missing (is there an issue ?)

Sorry if its me


I think that it is probably a prudent moment to consider that this unfortunate serious of events will not have made the Bitter of Heart any fonder of us. Be gracious my fellow cybergnats for they shall surely look for the least slip of tongue to claim revenge (well OK they will probably just make something up like Calman or Rowling but you know what I mean).

Bob Sinclair

No doubt the Labour party have selected a new candidate and are as we speak sanitising their social media accounts. Will be interesting to see what the lucky people of Angus get offered next.


Hi folks,

It’s just to say that I have spoken to Brian McHugh and the matter is now sorted. As Brian says … a communication breakdown.


Will ms Wiles need to be re educating if she wishes to educate our children again? Surely her tainted view of the world brings her access to kids and their education must be suspect at least.


Poor cow in Aberdeen harbour. They should sfuff it and make it head of Aberdeen City council because it couldn’t be any worse than the unionist dafties currently in charge, re my last near 3 grand council tax bill that came with a sneaky wee letter from unionist boss Davie Crockett, telling me to vote no. Nae happy.

Grouse Beater

The odious Wiles
Thought racism brought smiles.
She said, “Those kids are Nazi youth!”
Then resigned for distorting truth.

Inbhir Anainn

Glad to see that she (Ms Wiles) has taken the only honourable course of action. I heard the news on BBC Radio Scotland. A case of hello, farewell, auf wiedersehen goodbye.


Kathy Wiles has resigned according to BBC Scotland:

link to


Scotlands Sarkosy speaketh..

“However, such a conference may have to wait until after the 2015 UK general election, he added.”

link to


With all this rather silly news and frankly supercilious nonsense about some non entity I have been side tracked from reporting the important, REALLY important news of the day. 😉

Following the personal delivery of our YES Scotland flags last night by none other than tartanpigsty we now have one flying boldly at the top of our flag pole. Well it WOULD be flying boldly if there was any wind blowing! 😛

Findlay Farquaharson

can just see how this played out at scottish labour hq.

bunker cat – “she has to go johann, she makes us look bad”

johann – ” no way, she is only telling the truth about the nazi basturts”

bunker cat – “sorry johann, im overuling you, she has to go”


Pity she resigned. We need more people like her in the Labour Party. Perhaps they already have enough.

Anyway, I was at the protest on Sunday and it’s hard to imagine a more pleasant and good-natured bunch of people in one place like that, without any tensions whatsoever.

Even the few policemen there looked relaxed and I couldn’t help but notice that some of the BBC staff seemed supportive too.

There absolutely was more than 2000 people there. I have piles of photographs.

I look forward to the post-referendum cleansing process that all these institutions will be forced through in scotland after we win in September. We will have our work cut out for us after 70 years of Labour snouts in the various troughs but let’s just say it’ll be a labour of love eh…


First thing you have to ask about Ms Wiles’ selection, is, how bad were the other candidates, or perhaps there weren’t any? In which case, who on earth will be selected next? Maybe they’ll just select someone who can stand as a joint SLab/UKIP candidate.

Oh, and we really shouldn’t be attacking wee Dunky, he does a lot of good for us Yesers and Wingers. So much so, that the Rev refers to him as agent X22. 🙂



We’ve got a flag pole?

I didn’t see that in planning.

No bugger tells me anything. 😛


To be fair, Ms Wiles should be in the Guiness book of records for the shortest poilitical career in the history of teamGB, she’s a record breaker!

Grouse Beater

A Labour candidate once averred
She could crap upon folk like a bird.
Cheered by some Westminster people
She leapt from a steeple …………
This tomb states the date it ocurred.

Dick Gaughan

Lesley-Anne says:
Well it WOULD be flying boldly if there was any wind blowing!

You’ve just given me an idea for what we can do with all the BT/NoThanks/What are we called this week shite that’s come through the door.

If we got enough of us together, we could come and wave them at your flag, causing it to flutter boldly in the breeze.

Don’t thank me, I just like being helpful.


O.K. what idiot left the bloody gate open again. C’mon own up who was it?

You all know, cause you’ve all been telt countless times before NEVER leave the gate to the centre for elderly care in central London open. We know what they are like in that place, wandering minds (those that have a mind that is), wandering thoughts, wandering feet. If you’re not careful before we know it they’ll have found their way back up here to Scotland! 😛

Tartan Tory

If ever proof was needed that WoS investigative journalism (aka Stu) had reached a point where it was being taken VERY seriously, this is it.

This woman was hailed as the great white hope for Labour in Angus only twenty-four hours ago by the illustrious ‘Forfar Dispatch’.

What a difference a day can make in politics. As far as I’m aware, the only credible source of discontent at her appointment and her keyboard activity, is right here on WoS.

Ergo, you guys are responsible (in a positive way) for effecting a change in the Westminster activity of the Labour Party. They are obviously watching very closely – probably to find fault here, but reacting quickly to their own short-sightedness.

Here at Wings, we are not simply reacting to the stories of the day, we are being canvased surreptitiously to CREATE the stories of tomorrow. 🙂


Macart says:


We’ve got a flag pole?

I didn’t see that in planning.

No bugger tells me anything. 😛

Oh aye we do Macart. I snuck it in when you weren’t looking. I thought it would be a nice wee surprise for you after all the hard work you’ve been doing to expand the “Darkened Room” and its amenities. 😉

Dick Gaughan says:

Lesley-Anne says:
Well it WOULD be flying boldly if there was any wind blowing!

You’ve just given me an idea for what we can do with all the BT/NoThanks/What are we called this week shite that’s come through the door.

If we got enough of us together, we could come and wave them at your flag, causing it to flutter boldly in the breeze.

Don’t thank me, I just like being helpful.

Oh you know me Dick I just have to thank you for coming up with such a terrific suggestion. I just wish I was as smart as you. 😉

Don’t worry all help is always gratefully received. 😛


Boom! What were the chances of that happening? I’m actually amazed. Well done alert readers, and Stu.

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer parliamentary candidate. lolz.


We used to live near a garden in south side Glasgow that over looks the River Cart and they’ve have had a huge perfect Saltire flying high and proud for years now. They also have SNP in flag signals, Sierra, November, Papa, like this

link to

Had to google it to find out what they were. Great to see though of a Glesga morning.

Liquid Lenny

O/T I just remembered that I had not ordered my flag pole and did a google for Flag Pole and Saltire, this came up from “Our Scottish” Government about days when the Union Flag is to be flown from Government buildings, twa things I would like to say.
1. Not in my name
2. The Scottish People are sovereign not liz, so we can fly the royal standard anytime any place.


Union flag, with Saltire if building has two or more flag poles.
If there is only one flag pole, the Saltire should be lowered and replaced with the Union flag – for that day only.
(SAH, as the principal SG building, may fly the Royal Banner (superior) and the Saltire by Royal assent.)

Liquid Lenny

Oh and this from the Scottish Flag Trust

The Saltire should never be overprinted with slogans.
Such a defacement would be both illegal and a piece
of heraldic bad taste.

So there you have it, all those folk who subscribed to 10000 flags your going to jail!!!


Any tweeters on here – the Rev has just tweeted that he’s been away for a few hours and asks (tongue in cheek) whether anything’s happened in his absence?

Maybe someone could tweet him a link to the Ms Wiles’ resignation? Just so’s he knows we’re not ignoring him. 🙂


Liquid Lenny says:

Oh and this from the Scottish Flag Trust

The Saltire should never be overprinted with slogans.
Such a defacement would be both illegal and a piece
of heraldic bad taste.

So there you have it, all those folk who subscribed to 10000 flags your going to jail!!!

So all those sirens I can hear getting louder and louder are coming for me GREEAATT! 😉

All I can say folks is it’s been nice knowing you all and if you are all around in say 75 years when I may get out we might be able to meet up and give me a wee truncated catch up on how things went. 😛

Nana Smith

Support for Yes from former MSPS

link to


I don’t think one word ‘YES’ can be termed a slogan. So you are probably safe even if the Lord Lyon thinks you have bad taste.

Looking forward to receiving mine. Although I could do with anothe section or two of pole to get it clear above the treeline.

Robert Peffers

Ouch! I came across this news item while looking for something else.

I wonder if Alistair knows about it? I’ve hesitated posting this but feel it is relevant in view of Labour in Scotland are attempting to do in their present campaighning.

link to

Mary Bruce

@Gortch: “couldn’t help but notice that some of the BBC staff seemed supportive too.”

Yes, we were surprised to see a woman at one of the windows on maybe the 3rd floor, applauding after the Dougie McLean song. Bet she got a stern talking to afterwards.


cearc, you really know how to spoil someone’s day don’t you? 😛

I was so looking forward to my *ahem* day in court so I could do my impression of the Wallace…I’m not a Traitor how can I be a ("Tractor" - Ed) when England is foreign to me. 😉

R-type Grunt

I hope Wiles isn’t intending signing on for benefits.

When I was wee they used to use darts to put animals to sleep in Daktari. Now the polis use live ammo. Strange times. Poor cow.



My comments are going missing (is there an issue ?”

Sometimes posts haud things up.


The more I read about Kathy Wiles the more I realise she’s a vile nasty little woman, she’s the kind of person Labour bigwigs feel comfortable around, due to her hatred of the SNP and its supporters.

Meanwhile terminally ill people are having their benefits sanctioned in Scotland, we can’t protect these dying people in the union, that’s why independence is a must.

link to


LA. Errhm, but it’s a saltire, England doesn’t come into it.

If you got a free union rag with the pole and you fly it at half-mast and set fire to it on the 19th. (as I had intended to do) you could probably be prosecuted for that!


I know cearc but I think that will be the only chance I’ll ever get to do my *ahem* Wallace impersonation. 😛


@cearc says:

Looking forward to receiving mine. Although I could do with anothe section or two of pole to get it clear above the treeline.



You reading my mind again C.H. 😛

Liquid Lenny


I would not worry its our Flag, as is the Scots Royal Standard. We are sovereign not the monarch or their flunky’s.

The UK Government may claim that Scotland was extinquished in 1707. No it wasn’t, and it is about time the official YES campaign stood up and told them where to go.

Bob Sinclair

On the BBC Website:

Bomb disposal experts called to house in Airdrie. Anyone know anything about this?


LA. Where you live you could pop across the water to burn the union rag and do your Wallace impersonation in an English court, even better!

I no longer have mine as a visiting english nephew who runs a scout troop asked for it. Anyway nobody would see it burning here anyway.

R-type Grunt.
So you would use a dart and let it drown?

Garry Coburn

Looks like she’s been forced into handing in her resignation.

link to


Garry Coburn: Micheal Jackson is dead



I don’t think the chainsaw would make it much higher and besides I need to be able to use it.

Oh, on the trees!. Well yes the main culprits will probably be down this winter but it would do too much damage in the garden to fell them now.


Aye right enough cearc, wish I’d have thought of that. 😛

Oh wait a minute that would mean doing my *ahem* “time” in an English prison. I’m not so sure I’m too keen about doing my 75 years in an English prison. 😉

Nana Smith

@ Nana Smith (3.46)

Re ex-MSPs supporting Yes, it’s nice to see the list extended well beyond the “usual suspects”!

I’m hoping this will become increasingly common over the next few weeks, as people see support in unexpected quarters and decide to join them.

Schrodinger's Cat

I dont know who brian machugh is, or andrew or any of the others who say this is legit

why is a yes stirling fund raiser using a gmail account?, and why is there no email wrt this fund raiser

can anyone verify this?


The BBC website report on the story, “Hitler Youth tweet Labour candidate resigns”, has been updated. It now says, correctly, that the Demo at Pacific Quay was an “anti-BBC protest” and “a demonstration about BBC bias”.

Also, it now states “Ms Wiles was criticised by the father of two of the children”, and so has removed the sneering “claiming to be” from their description of the father.

These are small things, but I am glad someone at the BBC had the sense to make these corrections!

Schrodinger's Cat

and andrew
your attitude stinks,

ask brotyboy if anyone has contributed in the laat few hrs

i certainly am not until i get some assurances

you just undermined the yes campaigns crowd funding ability


David says:

The BBC website report on the story, “Hitler Youth tweet Labour candidate resigns”, has been updated. It now says, correctly, that the Demo at Pacific Quay was an “anti-BBC protest” and “a demonstration about BBC bias”.

Also, it now states “Ms Wiles was criticised by the father of two of the children”, and so has removed the sneering “claiming to be” from their description of the father.

These are small things, but I am glad someone at the BBC had the sense to make these corrections!

Looks like these *ahem* mysterious tweets that appeared on my time line to BBC Scotland News appear to rocked the building a wee bit or at very least knocked some *cough* heads together. 😛

Well done me! 😉


Kathy Wiles had to resign: her (relatively) moderate views would have pulled Labour too far to the left, and that would never do.

Clearly WoS has influence and SLAB now sees that WoS can play the game and play it well. Although whether they have the capacity to actually understand how we are playing the game remains to be seen.

Helena Brown

Glad to see that she has resigned, pity she cannot take the rest of the vileness that seems to be what is left of the once honourable and decent Labour Party with her.


Surprise surprise, a cross party commission ie Labour/Tories and Lib/Dems have decided that Trident should be renewed,but claim they’ll officially decide in 2016. So if there’s a no vote (God forbid) we’ll get shiny new WMD’s 30miles from our biggest city, how wonderful.

Oh! and we’ll pay for them through the nose.

link to


“Devious conniving politician like the rest of them…”

now what does some one who thinks all politicians are devious and conniving do? Stand for election.

Black Douglas

820,000 Scots living in poverty but only deemed important enough to be 8th story on the BBC Scotland after a cow shot dead in Aberdeen harbour.

link to

Pathetic on so many levels!



Or it wiz the power of positive thought. 😀


Yes, Lesley-Anne, well done to you for pointing the way for the BBC.

Perhaps they and the rest of the mainstream media are finally waking up to the fact that their old style of reporting whatever they want to report/fabricate, is not good enough now.

There are too many people now looking critically at the media’s output, and calling them to account when they are found lacking.

Hey, MSM, we’re on to your tricks! The game’s a bogey!


I don’t know how much it has cost for this *ahem* commission Andy but I could have saved them the whole darned lot. I think we all knew back in 2010 when the Tories got into number 10 that they were going to keep the Trident replacement and here we are 4 years later bingo!

Here’s the list of *cough* thoughtful individuals who have agreed to keep replacement for Trident:

link to

Now we all know why they get paid the big bucks, so they can rubber stamp decisions made by Cameron years previously. (2010)

Brian Mchugh

Schrodingers Cat… Like you, I don’t know Andrew, but for an Email exchange… The tactics do look bad… but from an Email from Andrew, the Stirling Yes Shop is at…

Yes Scotland Information Hub
67A King Street
Stirling, FK8 1BN

Tel: 01786 450054
Mbl: 07514 504962

I’m pretty sure with those details, it is 100% legit and any Stirling based Wingers will be able to confirm it.

Ian Brotherhood

Oh FFS, listening to Newsdrive there – with almost 45 minutes gone there’s been no mention of Wiles, but we’ve just been treated to Ming ‘Yes, It’s Me Again’ Campbell bumping his gums about Trident renewal.

I’m 51, but am seriously wondering if I’ll live long enough to see this boring fud retire once and for all.

Schrodinger's Cat

Yes Stirling Co-ordinator Gerry McLaughlan @yesgerry

anyone with a twitter account who han tweet him and ask about this campaign?


Macart says:


Or it wiz the power of positive thought. 😀

Naw I don’t think it was that Macart, positive thought only works within the nasty gang of benefit scrounging cybernats. 😛

David says:

Yes, Lesley-Anne, well done to you for pointing the way for the BBC.

Perhaps they and the rest of the mainstream media are finally waking up to the fact that their old style of reporting whatever they want to report/fabricate, is not good enough now.

There are too many people now looking critically at the media’s output, and calling them to account when they are found lacking.

Hey, MSM, we’re on to your tricks! The game’s a bogey!

I think there might be one itsy bitsy teeny weeny little problem now though David. I have a funny feeling that my card is well and truly *ahem* marked as a nasty benefit scrounging cybernat. I think I’m going to have to get a CCTV system fitted to the flat now so I can check who’s at the front door before deciding to admitting there’s anyone home. 😛 Fortunately it’s not a ground floor flat so no one can surreptitiously keek in the window and see who’s in. 😛


It would appear that people power is starting to attempt to return democracy to our country, with bringing the truly vile Kathy Wiles with her ugly comments to the point of resignation and gain back control from the anti democratic forces at work in our country, staining the very fabric of Scottish life. So we have a good result. Its also good to see the Unionist media reporting this story and it really is something to behold them dancing to our tune. Never thought id see this day. Nice.

Its been a long time coming with more and more no campaign figure heads and politicians flinging about the nazi slur. This is a positive result in that it will now make them think twice about bandying about such nasty insults and show them there are consequences, if they do.

The unionist walls are beginning to crumble and the fresh air is starting to course through our people and our beautiful country once more. Imagine, God willing, its a yes vote on the 19th..imagine the clean fresh air that will be all around. And if so, lets make damn sure we never give our democracy away so lightly for anyone to abuse us and infest our instutitions with ever again.


She claims not to be racist but doesn’t want those Chinese, Ukrainian or Polynesians who just so happen to be citizens of this country, to be able to vote.
Does she exclude the Chinese, Ukrainian and Polynesians who are born in this country or just the incomers?
Maybe she could add Latvian, Pakistani, Indian, Polish, German, American, Austrian, insert country here.
Define Scottish Kathy Wiles you moronic woman then hang your head in shame you racist bigot.

Schrodinger's Cat

No comments at all on the YES stirling face book, a few likes

no tweets from Yesstirling, only retweets

no mention on yesstirling gacebook about this crowd funding

this stinks


I think she will be joining UKIP very soon,she should be expelled from the Labour party for her comments surely?(not holding my breath)

Bob Sinclair

Schrodengers Cat
Just asked him on twitter if he could pop over here and set the record straight.

gerry parker

@ Cearc.
“If you got a free union rag with the pole and you fly it at half-mast and set fire to it on the 19th. (as I had intended to do) you could probably be prosecuted for that!”

But whit if a big boy did it and ran away?

I bought a Saltire recently which had CARLING and LOVEFOOTBALL in the top left, and bottom right corners. I’ve asked Scottish Flag Trust if they can investigate and stop this kind of illegal activity happening.


Aye, maybe Johann Lamont will have to have a meeting with the leaders of the Ukrainian diaspora, then the Chinese and the Polynesians to explain that Muppet’s comments.


As an aside, is it just my impression or has the UKIP wall to wall coverage stopped quite noticably on the BBC after AS comments on election night? There is certainly a lot less of Farage on the box. It couldn’t be that maybe somebody in power had a word in the shell like of the BBC board that they were overdoing the UKIP card to the detriment of the established parties?

Brian Mchugh

Hi Schrodinger’s Cat, let it go just now. I will go to the Yes Scotland, Hope Street tomorrow morning on way to work for confirmation of legitimacy and proper affiliation with Yes Scotland.

That hopefully should put and end to this.

Schrodinger's Cat

I just phoned the yes stirling shop, they say andrew is legit

you should be more careful Andrew


Hmm, I’m thinking that Milliband is, in his ever so subtle way, admitting that the case for keeping the union is dead, long live the union. (or as our local pet unionist would say “Up the union”) 😛

link to


In the story about Kathy Wiles apologizing “Unequivocally”,
why does it say anti-BBC protest, I thought it was an Anti – BBC bias protest.

Brian Mchugh

Schrodingers Cat, Hopefully, that has ended the calls to Andrew. The internet is so powerful, that you are correct. There can be unintended consequences… but hopefully this one has reached its conclusion now.


Tonight at 7.00pm.

link to

Schrodinger's Cat

thanks brian

perhaps we should be more careful, this isnt a scam, but it could have been, if anyone posts here in future a crowd fund, i will verify it and post back


Maybe someone should tell the mighty STV about this calamity for Labour as they only seem to be interested in a former Failed Labour First Minister and his guff on federalism crap and another dodgy Poll putting YES way behind.

Really on the ball guys !

It appears ‘BT / No Fanks’ don’t play dirty / abusive after all if you’re lazy or can’t be bothered to report the issues concerning squeaky clean Labour


@Lesley-Anne says:

You reading my mind again C.H. 😛

I always ask first.


“Hi folks,

I’m not trying to hijack this thread so apologies in advance if anyone is offended. But – ”

Cripes sorry but wtf?

Someone’s at it, smart enough to log on with a different name and argue with themselves then post it’s all hunky dory. But not smart enough to change the wording for three different fundrasers at a time.

Bound to happen eventually, but really looks suspicious.


Can I just check?…is there a connection between the report of Ms. Viles resigning and the report of a cow being shot in Aberdeen Harbour?….just asking.


cynicalHighlander says:

@Lesley-Anne says:

You reading my mind again C.H. 😛

I always ask first.

Oops of course you do C.H. what was I thinking to suggest otherwise. 1,000 apologies. 😉


lochside says:

Can I just check?…is there a connection between the report of Ms. Viles resigning and the report of a cow being shot in Aberdeen Harbour?….just asking.

Do you want the REAL answer to that question lochside or do you want the first thing that popped into my head when I read your question? 😛


Brian i can see your post bud everything looks fine



Seems it’s two ways thing.


Spread the word that she doesn’t want Chinese,Ukrainians or other furriners to get a vote in the referendum, they are not Scottish enough for her.
She sounds like a product of Hitler youth herself, I can just see her out there chapping doors, measuring skulls, taking DNA samples.
Be warned, are your eyes the right shade of blue, have you got the ginger gene in you?

Schrodinger's Cat

they are legit

I just checked,

the yes kirriemuir one as well posted by brotyboy also, it is on their facebook page too
link to

unfortuneatly Broty, i only pay with pay pal so i cant donate

Schrodinger's Cat

lochside says:

Can I just check?…is there a connection between the report of Ms. Viles resigning and the report of a cow being shot in Aberdeen Harbour?….just asking.

lol, a doric euphamism,


cynicalHighlander says:


Seems it’s two ways thing.

Right enough C.H. but there again I’ve always been open minded 😉 😉 to this sort of outer body inter communication sort of thingy. 😛

arthur thomson

How long did it take to expose and properly deal with Ms Wiles? I am so glad that you lot are on the same side as me. I’m sure that all of us get upset by the antics of our opponents but imagine how they must feel up against the smart cybernats. Worse than a swarm of midges.


@ Gerry Parker

Is the Scottish Flag Trust aware that some gudgies in London have defaced the Saltire by spuperimposing patches of red and white all over it? 🙂


Aye if there is one CERTAIN thing in the whole of life arthur it is that you should NEVER ever do or say anything that will wind up that evil nasty bunch of benefit scrounging cybernats. You have to be especially careful around that internetty webby thingy, apparently they live all over the place in there. 😛


Spuperimposing =superimposing… Then again!


Kathy Wiles said she apologized unequivocally, and then went on to equivocate by saying “I was only just…[insert tendentious excuse here].” But then she’s a teacher with ‘special knowledge’, so what do I know.

Bob Sinclair

Schrodengers Cat et al
All seems above board, confirmed by @Yesgerry on twitter.


” just phoned the yes stirling shop, they say andrew is legit

you should be more careful Andrew

where may I ask did you get their phone number?
And have you also had a look at the yes Shetland one?


@Schrodinger’s Cat

My apologies. I posted the 2 other Indiegogo links to illustrate to Andrew that there are other campaigns equally deserving of funding, after my shot across his bows from the weekend was ignored.

It was particularly annoying that he chose to post an identical appeal for a brand new campaign within hours of the previous one having reached its target. It’s no surprise that Brian became suspicious.

None of this was necessary, Andrew, if you’d just stopped and thought a little. Please let’s have no more special treatment for Stirling.


Of course I could use anybody’s name on here

Brian Mchugh

Brotyboy, like I said, I have conversed with Andrew and hopefully that is the end of the matter… other than the legitimacy of the campaigns now having been authenticised by a million odd people.

Schrodinger's Cat

tx folks

btw brotyboy
i would have contributed if you had paypal link, sorry mate


@ Brian Mchugh

Hopefully, Andrew will have learnt something from this.

Time will tell.

Brian Mchugh

Andrew is no doubt working his backside off for Yes… I’m sure he will be moving onwards and upwards from this.



“My intention was to make a point about the dangers of using young children in political campaigns, not to make any inference about those in the photo.”

If that was her intention then just write, “I don’t think children should be involved in a political campaign”.
She claims she didn’t want to make inferences about the children in the photo, so, why upload a picture that definitely infers that those children at the protest are are comparable, modern day Hitler youth.


@ Schrodinger’s Cat

I wasn’t actually appealing on anyone’s behalf. There are many campaigns on the go at the moment and they’re all important.

I just believe that no particular campaign should be made a special case. There are 7 or 8 campaigns looking for funding on Indiegogo at the moment.


“My intention was to make a point about the dangers of using young children in political campaigns, not to make any inference about those in the photo.”

You’d expect someone with special knowledge would know the difference between an inference and an implication.


Where do you even start?! It is jaw dropping that a Labour candidate thinks that bringing your kids along while you protest in favour of freedom of expression is beyond the pale. I would love to know how Ms Wiles reacted when tens of thousands of people took their kids to protest against going to war in Iraq.

Arabs for Independence

Does Ms Wiles have any children?

Did the Recent Better Together leaflet sent to every house in Scotland have children on the front page?

R-type Grunt

@ cearc

No, of course not. It was on the ledge for ages though before the tide came in so they could have done something quicker.

kev murray

caught out bigstyle! well done rev, a blow against project fear, highlighting the ludicrous abuse many Yes supporters face daily keep up the fantastic work, oh is my name on the list??


great work folks

one down and a disgusting woman too , how many to go?

Actually i have laughed all the way through the comments today. I think this site is making history and you all deserve a big hand for your humor over some pretty shi**y unionist slurs.

If all the Labour team came over to YES WHO WOULD YOU FORGIVE AND GIVE A SECOND CHANCE TO ???????

I can’t think of one .NOT ONE!!

there again i haven’t given it much thought. Just thinking when we vote YES and win by a landslide who would you allow back or vote for??


Sorry meant to add ” can we ever trust any of them again??”


Well, Lamont and Davidson say they will stand for election in an Independent Scotland they don’t believe in. No scruples there then.


What a non-apology! The hypocrisy in the “but think of the children!” argument as some sort of justification for what she did is shameful given how much taxpayers money has been spent on that propaganda leaflet!

Still haven’t had mine, though. Feeling a bit left out.

O/T the car in front of me queuing for the Forth bridge had a U-KOK sticker and another one which said, “Proud to be Scots. Delighted to be United” I feel the same way but only when I’m wearing my Arabs for Indy badges. 🙂


It’s that old cliche again “I’m not a racist but….”. Birthright voting makes me think of ‘grandfathering’ in the South of what is now the USA. This and displaying a catastrophic lack of knowledge in all the areas where she claims to have superior learning to the voters, foolish AND insulting at the same time, mean she cannot be taken seriously.


Test post.


seems I’m a bit late on this but Ms Wiles was a regular poster on one of the better together facebook pages I visited for a while. I didn’t take screen shots so I guess it never happened, but I recall her, among many others, really getting the boot into immigrants and foreigners. I think it was another lady who complained that she often heard people speaking foreign languages when she was in the queue in shops. Is it any wonder that so many of these ‘immigrants’ and ‘foreigners’ are going to vote yes? I’m married to one of them. She’s interested in the future of this country or territory or whatever you wanna call it, and believes the future is brighter not being run from Westminster.

Nobody would probably make claims about Scotland being any naturally less or more racist than anywhere else, but it is a bit off putting for foreign born citizens when the noisiest supporters of the Union talk in the language of intolerance and nationalism. BT supporters are doing our job for us – sending us more and more supporters every day.


ooops, posted under a misspelled moniker.

seems I’m a bit late on this but Ms Wiles was a regular poster on one of the better together facebook pages I visited for a while. I didn’t take screen shots so I guess it never happened, but I recall her, among many others, really getting the boot into immigrants and foreigners. I think it was another lady who complained that she often heard people speaking foreign languages when she was in the queue in shops. Is it any wonder that so many of these ‘immigrants’ and ‘foreigners’ are going to vote yes? I’m married to one of them. She’s interested in the future of this country or territory or whatever you wanna call it, and believes the future is brighter not being run from Westminster.

Nobody would probably make claims about Scotland being any naturally less or more racist than anywhere else, but it is a bit off putting for foreign born citizens when the noisiest supporters of the Union talk in the language of intolerance and nationalism. BT supporters are doing our job for us – sending us more and more supporters every day.

ronnie anderson

Rite who wiz the 1st smart erse tae post up on the Scottish Flag
Trust,ah know you,s are A lerts but ave jist gave ma Flag Pole a 1st coat of nice blue paint,whit dey ah huv tae dey noo, eh ftit 2nd coat coming up.


Nicely drawn and quartered there Rev Stu.


“Well done me!”

And well done you, too. for that sort of outer body inter communication sort of thingy 😀


Thanks X_Sticks. Mind you when I think about it I’m never this lucky to be so *ahem* influential with anybody, particularly the UKIP Channel, sorry BBC. Never mind until I see proof directly from the UKIP Channel I’ll cling to the idea that I did indeed actually have some sort of influence over the UKIP Channel in this case. They probably shut their Twitter account down as a result of my tweets. 😛


X_Sticks says:

Nicely drawn and quartered there Rev Stu.


“Well done me!”

And well done you, too. for that sort of outer body inter communication sort of thingy 😀

Thanks for that X_Sticks. Mind you it would really be a world first if I did indeed actually have any direct effect on the BBC and their decision to make the necessary *ahem* corrections. 😉

If anything I think the *cough* mysterious tweets from my Twitter account did more to convince the BBC that closing their Twitter account for the day would be a good move. 😛

The Rough Bounds

Actually, Ms Wiles is quite correct when she says that she wasn’t making an inference regarding the photo of the children at the protest; she was IMPLYING.

kev murray

I saw this Dunt report, link for appraisal.
link to


Brian McHugh,

“Just a wee note to everyone, I have just talked to Andrew and everything is cool with the ‘Yes Stirling’ Indegogo campaigns.”

I don’t think it is at all cool for Andrew to post his appeal on every single WoS article as he has been doing for days. Only shameless spammers and trolls do that sort of thing.


… remove shoe, open large orifice in front of head, insert foot … PASS !!! Successful Labour Party political Candidate applicant

[…] so that former Labour candidate Kathy Wiles got herself into some bother with statements like that. More info Well also comparing children at an anti-bias protest with the Hitler Youth didn’t help […]

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