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Wings Over Scotland

The Long Unravelling

Posted on November 18, 2024 by

You’ve got to admit, that’s a zinger.

Craig Whyte is a man who knows all about financial doom looming on the horizon of a once-powerful institution. But it doesn’t take an expert with lived experience to spot what’s coming down the line for the SNP.

There are nine months still to go before the party’s 2024 accounts will be published. But they’re going to be abysmal. 2024 was a general election year, and even though the party was parsimonious in its spending compared to previous years (the figures haven’t yet been published by the Electoral Commission, but every SNP officeholder we’re on speaking terms with says they were working on a budget of crumbs), that’s still likely to put a seven-figure hole in a bank balance that was already barely above the waterline.

The last published accounts, for 2023, showed a surplus of £662,000 which was in most senses imaginary, because it was achieved by essentially stealing money that was owed to branches in the shape of the “branch dividend”. But that still only left the party with £42,000 in the bank.

That’ll barely be enough to cover a redundancy payoff for Chief Operating Officer Sue Ruddick, who Wings is told is one of the victims of the purge of HQ staff. The publicity-shy Ruddick has been with the SNP for 16 years, and given her pivotal role in burying the bodies of the Sturgeon era, we very much doubt the party will be keen to make an enemy of her by trying to cheap out on her golden handshake.

Meanwhile the party’s membership, and the income derived from it, continues to fall. The Sunday Post piece above notes that staff costs swallowed up 81% of membership income last year compared to just 35% in its halcyon days of 2015. But the shorter-term trends are also alarming.

Sam Taylor of Unionist propaganda outfit These Islands noted in a series of tweets yesterday that the equivalent figure last year was just 64%.

Now, Wings readers will know that there’s a curious lack of correlation between the number of members the SNP has and the amount of income it reports receiving from them. The party made MORE money from membership fees in 2022 than it did in 2019, despite member numbers having fallen by around 45,000 over that period.

Of course, the SNP’s claims over its membership figures are not to be trusted – the party has lied about them for years and years, finally being caught out publicly in 2023 when its then head of comms Murray Foote had to resign for denying a drop of 30,000 that had been accurately reported by the Sunday Mail.

(Although Wings readers had known the numbers were a lie since 2020.)

There is no compelling reason to believe that the current claimed figure of 64,000 or so bears any resemblance to reality. But it appears that at a minimum, if it does, then those members are handing over less money each. Whichever explanation is true, the amount of income from membership fees is falling.

It certainly isn’t being replaced by donations, either.

The party has struggled to attract major donors for years, since Nicola Sturgeon (and later Humza Yousaf) scared off its wealthier benefactors from the world of business.

The problem has been especially acute more recently, because who in their right mind would donate money to a party whose finances have been under a seemingly endless and intensive police investigation on numerous grounds, and whose former CEO has already been charged with embezzlement?

And whose accountants – a tiny Manchester-based firm employed at extortionate expense after the party had spent six months searching for anyone willing to do the job – litter the annual accounts with disclaimers saying “Look, to be honest this could all be complete rubbish, we can’t verify quite a lot of it and we’re just going by what the party has told us”.

You’d be as well setting your cash on fire.

The SNP’s battering at the general election will also cost it around £1m a year in Short money from the UK government, as well as other funding. So it’s really going to be struggling. Could it borrow or get an extended overdraft facility to fill the gap?

Unlikely, because for all the reasons above and more, it’s a complete financial basket case, being kept barely afloat by robbing its own branches and piecemeal bailouts from the dead, which are of course intrinsically unpredictable, since you don’t know who’s going to die.

(The SNP still owes £60,000 to the man accused of embezzling from it, a sentence which all by itself would send many lenders running for the hills.)

And barring another lottery winner or a sudden lethal virus pandemic primarily affecting wealthy SNP supporters (hey, maybe THAT’S why they stuffed the care homes with COVID patients), there’s no salvation anywhere in sight. Nothing’s going to get better. Membership will keep falling. There’s a costly Scottish general election due in a year and a bit, which will be like firing a torpedo into the Titanic.

Sacking 10 people might conceivably save maybe £500,000 a year (and especially if they include a smattering of highly-paid execs like Sue Ruddick), which is a non-trivial sum, but it’s not even half of what’s going to be lost in Short money alone, and the SNP’s underlying fundamentals are about as healthy as those of Rangers Football Club in 2011 when Craig Whyte rocked up with his pound coin.

Remind us again how long the club lasted after that.

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Graf Midgehunter

We could do a fundraiser to try and get the £1.. 🙂

Aunty Flo

Great idea Graf!

But, don’t forget to make sure it is ‘ringfenced’ ….

Zander Tait

Looks like the SNP will be destroyed

Completely and forever.


Joan Edington

I’m as angry as you are about what the current mob have done to the SNP, Zander, but I don’t share your glee in their destruction. This is the party I have voted for since I first got the vote at 19, which shows you how long ago that was. The party of Winnie Ewing,Margot McDonald and Alex Salmond, to name a few. There is nobody about in the Independence movement to realistically take power. I am saddened to my core.

Zander Tait

I appreciate and understand your response completely Joan.

FWIW, I voted for the SNP for over 30 years.

It was in October 2020, that, thanks to Stuart Campbell and others, the veil of blind loyalty was lifted from before my eyes.

The sense of searing betrayal was overwhelming then and remains so to this day.

For me, the SNP is beyond fixing and beyond redemption.

Collectively and individually they are ("Tractor" - Ed)s all to the people of Scotland and if you believe in the concept of guilty by association, then they are all criminals as well.

As to the future? There is always hope.

Scotland is full of very talented people, none of whom reside within the realms of the SNP.

My best wishes to you Joan.

Zander Tait

Ed’s tractor should, of course, read ("Tractor" - Ed)s.

Zander Tait

Ok Ed, how about some organisation that betrays it’s own people.

Geoff Anderson

It should never be about the Party. It was about Self Determination for Scots. The people you listed believed in that. The current batch don’t.

Dumbarton Rock

Moves are afoot for an Independence summit. Look out for news of it – coming soon.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dumbarton Rock
Zander Tait

If a summit is to be forthcoming DR, then the SNP should be left to dwell in the caves just like the Morlocks they are.

Young Lochinvar

No, not Morlocks.
They are clearly basing themselves on the Eloi.

In my opinion the clock is ticking on the NuSNP, the electorate clearly is spurned.

A focus must surely be on promoting the non “Eloi” independence seeking political party to give independence supporters a legitimate voting option or continuing voter disengagement will inevitably result.
Just imagine if that party worked with the wider YES movement (I do not include the Khmer Vert in that description) and all the good work, drive and passion that exists there?

Zander Tait

You do know your Time Machine YL.


If you want change but you willnae vote for the change parties on offer such as ISP then nothing will ever change.

Hatey McHateface

I’ve read the article and I’m gutted.



No- I fancy that you are ‘disappointed’- it is they who are gutted. I’m filling up myself…!

Hatey McHateface

What about another book “Women Hold Up The Other Half Of The Sky”? Maybe adopt an innovative definition for the word “women”.

She could allow Humza a chapter or two for some of his speeches. Surely people will want to read and enjoy his “White! White!! White!!!” effort again. Or is it just me?

Millions of Scots are still looking for stocking fillers, but obviously, time is of the essence. 38 shopping days left until Xmas.

Like me, I guess most true Scots would want three or maybe four copies. One to read, one for display, one for best, and maybe one for handing down to the great grandkids.

Geoff Anderson

That fair cheered me up! May their end be swift, painful and very, very public.

G m

It is not the end of the SNP I will cheer its the arrest, trial and imprisonment of those who have been in control of it these past 10 years. We could see the SNP disappear as a political party and Sturgeon, Lloyd etc getting 10s of thousands for appearing on TV. Swinney and Robertson continuing to be quoted in the press, retaining their status and wealth and with more money rolling in. They milked the SNP dry then deliberately and methodically destroyed it and with it Scotland’s only chance at Independence. Sturgeon, Swinney, Robertson and Murrell are evil people. They caused it all.

Young Lochinvar

An accurate appraisal.


Sad for the SNP Naw worried for Scotland Yes. For me people should have stayed in the SNP and got rid of the leadership, we would have been in a better place today but I never did I left in 2015. After hearing the likes of Flynn wanting now to be an MSP make me think the best thing for the SNP is to go bust and it can’t come quick enough. You really can’t believe how one person could have destroyed a 90yr old party in just ten years and the strange thing about it these still in the SNP believes the sun that rises every morning comes from her arse.


She and her cabal changed the NEC rules deliberately so that ordinary members and their branches had no say.

Campbell Clansman

The following (from “1984”) could apply to SNP supporters as well:
“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

Alf Baird

Soonds mair like Treaty o Union trade/tax violations and Holyrood’s peedie colonial budget, naw. An some Scots still think we’re in a ‘Union’! Whit a hoax, eh.

Campbell Clansman

Sounds more like the “useful idiots” (Fanon) who take “Salvo” and “Liberation Scotland” seriously.

Captain Caveman

The next few months are going to be seriously hilarious (Cesaire)

I’ve waited (Fanon) a long time for this lol. ?

Alf Baird

Perhaps not hilarious, but according to Freire “laughter can be heard” as an oppressed people finally start to realise the colonial hoax that has been played out at their expense.

Campbell Clansman

According to Freire “laughter can be heard” as the people start to realise that the Salvo hoax has been “played out” (Fanon) at their expense.


There might not be much laughter from those that have been daft enough to make a donation. Perhaps they’ll be a Salvo motorhome knocking about somewhere?

Robert Matthews

Alf Baird (Fanny)

Michael Laing

Robert Matthews demonstrating the robustness of his point of view with infantile insults, as usual.

Robert Hughes

Sizzlin’ post , Stu .

I reckon you def deserve a wee treat curtesy of our auld mate – Shady Freude , an opportunity for dark n satisfying laughter ; looking at the total , barely believable shambles whatever malign spectre that has possessed it these last ten years has brought the SNP to , surely offers that .

The worse of it is that the people responsible for the murder of this once honourable , trustworthy & dedicated Party have either walked away well-remunerated ( ” rewarded ” ) for their * service * – usually to other generous-salaried jobs , or are still receiving such from the public purse , and no doubt will fall through some revolving door into a ” nice wee number ” when the time is right – for them .

No penalties , no consequence for – not just – failure to progress it’s raison d’etre , but the ruination of a Party that had been around for 100+ years . Nothing , not even mild censure .

Maybe they’ll be awarded a prize for the fastest ever destruction of a Political Party .

Ten years .

Truly ” World Leading ” result

Antoine Roquentin

Unlikely to misbehave themselves too terribly between now and the SGE (heavily caveated, of course), the SNP in its chastened, skint timidity, is now acting like a huge avalanche blocking the road to anything worthwhile happening regarding independence or anything else in Scotland. Get them gone, that once great party is beyond irreformable, despite what its deluded rump of a membership might believe.

Robert Hughes

Agreed . Theoretically , the SNP could be saved ; but there’s no-one within it that could/would initiate the radical surgery that would be required .

A Voodoo priest might be more useful ; don’t they bring the dead back to life ?


Good. Feck ’em.


“And barring another lottery winner or a sudden lethal virus pandemic primarily affecting wealthy SNP supporters (hey, maybe THAT’S why they stuffed the care homes with COVID patients)…”

You know, that is the ONLY ‘rational’ explanation (or as close to it) that I have ever heard for doing what they did (putting positive covid patients in with the most vulnerable).

Wouldn’t surprise me.

Corrado Mella

Told you so, way before the last GE.

Anyone who’s been involved in a branch knows how disorganised first, draconian top-down after the SNP was.

Unprepared, messy, weak and confused middle management right after 2014, when the wind was in their sails.

Outright hostile, dictatorial, ostracism-addled leadership circle protecting the new Impostor Queen followed.

Invariably, when the “leader” is so weak that to survive it needs yes-men and doormats, the quality and adequacy of the whole ranks tanks.

What we’re left is a hollow shell with a name tag and absolutely no value.

It’s past its sell by date. Bin it.

Daisy Walker

I remember in 2015 the chairman of my local SNP Branch boasting about how fiscally able ‘honest’ John was due to his Uni qualification in Accountancy or Economics…

One thing is likely to be very certain…. if debtors come looking to the NEC for repayments, it’s unlikely the senior, elder statesmen of the party will be called upon to reach for their bank cards.

The ultimate sadness, is the Sheeple who voted, and kept voting for this rogues bag of sell outs are unlikely to see the part they played in enabling it.

We were not bought and sold for English Gold… we were given away on a solid gold platter and they even let them keep the plate.


Bring a tear to a glass eye, so it would.

Fast forward 10 years to Sturgeon, having been released after completing 4 years of an 8 year stretch, is stood outside the St Enoch Centre with six battery powered, drumming kittens at her feet, bopping along to Taylor Swift hits for small change.

Can’t f***ing wait!!!


I really like the drumming kittens, but can’t donate to them playing Wee Frankie’s favourite hits. Dilemma!

George Ferguson

We have got Operation Koper, Operation Branchform, Operation Branchfoot and Operation Perjury to go. A penny for the lot.

George Ferguson

Apologies Operation Broadfoot. There is so many Operations I can’t keep up with them. Let’s take a standard fraud case it can take up to 2 years for the Police to construct a case. What is historical is the length of decision time for COPFS to deliberate on an action. Could that be something to do with the dual role of the Lord Advocate?. Exempt from the decision making process so we are told. No more excuses charge or exonerate. Restore our believe in the Judicial system.


“Apologies Operation Broadfoot”
I think our host will agree you need not apologise. It is as easy a mistake to publish “Branchfoot” for “Branchform” as he himself did, but more memorably. Half the MSM, hilariously, cut and pasted his error, without crediting him as a source.


I spotted a typo in that photo of John Swinney…it should read FRO SCOTLAND.
Honestly…you just can’t get the staff these days.


As I commented on the last 2 posts SURELY there must be someone on the redundancy list that is ENRAGED that they are being sacrificed because of the gross INCOMPETENCE and corruption of the hierarchy in the snp
THEY are going to face economic hardship while the ones who CREATED this mess are STILL receiving their salaries and padded expenses (good old pishfart) the 22 year MP who has pocketed millions for sitting on his lardy arse and doing nothing for indy
These clowns and imbeciles have destroyed the membership and the membership fees that paid the staff’s wages hence redundancy and pay offs, BUT the MP’s and MSP’s are STILL being paid exorbitant sums to fuck things up

Maybe ms Ruddick will be scared that come the criminal trials she will be charged as an accessory to criminality with PRISON as a punishment sharing a cell with some trans female built like a brick shitehouse, or there again maybe ms Ruddick would prefer to be a witness for the prosecution
Based on David Davis’s exposures in the WM parliament it appears ms Ruddick was deep in the bowels of the set up

Jim Thomson

The thing that intrigues me is whether the Woka Nostra will go for the voluntary redundancy option, that seems to be on offer, or if they’ll hang on to the bitter end because they will be pretty much unemployable by any other sane employer.

I can’t imagine that any capable non-cult staff member would want to remain.

If that happens, then the party is truly suicidal.

Robert McAllan

Aye, an mibbaes when thae ‘bowels’ is evacuated a wheen o’ shite will flee fae Jacksons Entry!!

Robert Louis

This is all very sad. But those who seek independence really, really need to wake up to the harsh reality coming down the tracks. Who can properly take Scotland forward?

Come the next Scottish election, if their is a unionist majority, then be in no doubt, that will kill independence for the next ten years – UNLESS SOMEBODY STEPS UP TO LEAD THE INDEPENDENCE CHARGE.

I am in Alba, but even I doubt they will win the next Scottish election, so when the SNP get booted out, we will be back to the bad old days of Labour/Libdem, running Scotland on behalf of their English colonial masters.

Free tuition, that will go, free prescriptions, that will go, free social care, that will go. Make no mistake, the English parties, like Labour have hated how the SNP government under Salmond, did things differently and better.

The last Labour governments in Scotland, were dreadful, dancing to England’s jig, at every turn, to curry favour in London, so they too could get selected for the English parties as potential MP’s.

Could the SNP recover/survive? Yes, but only by changing completely, embracing the WHOLE independence movement again, and making independence what their focus is. They need to talk to the other pro indy parties (which is NOT the greens, btw), and start talking Scotland up again.

If the current SNP lot do not sniff the freaking coffee and wake up, then I am afraid they will have condemmed Scotland to possibly ten or twenty years of regressive, England-loving, colonial government by English Labour.

Those in the SNP who DO have power, and who DO want independence as a matter of urgency, need to start shouting about this.

Whilst we sit and watch the rightful demise (and, hopefully, imprisonment) of certain people high up in the SNP, we need to seriously ask ourselves, do we really want to throw the baby out with the bathwater??


The baby, what’s left of it, floats face down in a tub of bin juice and is beyond saving.

The SNP has become synonymous with I’ll judged and poorly implemented, if not completely abandoned at the tax payers expense, policies, Woke extremism, corruption, in-fighting, criminal behaviour, nepotism, greed and incompetence.

What it shouldn’t be synonymous with is the campaign for Scottish Independence because for the last decade it’s deliberately fluffed every sitter over the bar.

The sooner they’re consigned to the history books the better the prospects for Scottish Independence.

blue white dynamite

Seems to me that Alba are pulling the same shit as the SNP with thier dodgy ‘elections’. If you dont toe the line, then Chris McElendy kicks you out. When did Alba become his personal fiefdom – he’s a poundland Angus Roberstson – and the party has lost credibility. Forget free speech.

link to


If you banking on a Holyrood election bringing Independence then you’re a dreamer, no offense. I’m afraid the route to Independence is a long haul and it could be shortened by the demise of the SNP. From the moment Sturgeon took over the SNP after referendum she made it clear during her Grand Tour that we had a referendum and we lost it wouldn’t be fair on the other side if we had another, my wife and I were at the corn exchange in Edinburgh 29.10.14 when she said it, at the time we came up from England and couldn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth for us she had made it perfectly clear Indy was dead when she should have been continuing the momentum.
You cannot cure terminal cancer and the SNP is the cancer within the Indy movement. If I was to describe the SNP ROTTEN TO ITS CURE and it can’t be reformed. Will the SNP deliver Scotland to Independence never it’s the party and leadership who’s blocking it. Democracy starts a home and it’s our own people who dying us democracy.
Does the membership want Independence first, few at best their more interested in protecting trans rights then saving Scotland?
In 300+ years Scotland has never been more threatened than it is today and at the heart of this is Forbes, Swinney, Sturgeon and the SNP membership.
The reality is the SNP is a bigger threat to Scotland its people and our way of life the party its followers and its leadership need to be brought down and fast and if it goes bust then thank god something for once has been on Scotland side.
Everything that’s happened over the last ten years has all been done by design by the SNP’s leadership at the behest of the UKG but what they didn’t expect was for Independence to still be riding high, in fact I bet the percentage is already 60% or more but the Unionist pollsters will never reveal it.

Hatey McHateface

“I bet the percentage is already 60% or more”

So we can count on you to stand as an Independent for Indy in 2026? On a plebiscitary election policy? You will only need another 100 or so Scots who think and bet like you.

I’m not having a go, but I can’t believe no political movement would arise in the circumstance you claim. Politics abhors a vacuum as much as nature does.


How long have we been telling people the SNP will never delivery Independence for me its been since 2015. What is it I’ve been hearing and seeing thats truck a cord with me and not other people for god sake I though Scotland and its people where engaged with politics.

I keep hear people saying its needs to be done legally WHY when the UKG has made it perfectly clear Scotland if FREE TO LEAVE then lets test it by saying the Treaty of Union Scotland is withdrawing from it.

Lorna Campbell

I agree, 100%. 2015 was the year that the SNP betrayed its core raison d’être. That was the year that many phone hard left wokies infiltrated the party and, aided and abetted by the devolutionists and careerists already within its ranks, sucked its marrow and left a husk. They were and are parasites, interested only in power and fat salaries, and pushing an agenda that is a death cult.

Young Lochinvar

I’ve said this (as have many others) for a long time.
The question is will the phoenix party from the SNPs pyre prevent itself being similarly infiltrated and diseased?

It’s a troubling thought, meantime handing power to Unionist jolly boys and girls on the make power again..

She whose name shall not be uttered and her Green swinger friends; a special place in deviant hell and all that..


The SNP are Donald Ducked. If they survive it will be the UK state funneling them money somehow. Got to protect their assets…

Scott Ritter making me a lot feel better about Trump’s neocon appointments, Rubio for one…

link to

An interesting discussion but the clip of Trump’s recent statement (26 minute mark) is extraordinary. Fucking wow! I’m back on the Trump train, for now at least.

The fact a US President (elect) is saying this stuff so bluntly, so honestly, is something completely new. There is no going back from this.

The SNP could learn a lot from Donald Trump simply because Trump is a raging nationalist, something they are not even slightly. P-u-t-in. is another one. That is why they get on. And it is why all these globalist wanks hate them.

Ritter also has some very interesting views on the gen0cide and ethnic cleansing in P@lestine. And why Trump and the whole US are locked in on that one…

It’s the hope that gets you… lol.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mac

Trump has become very interesting. No longer just a ‘Baby Blimp’

I listened to what he said at 26 mins and though if only we had someone in Scotland like Trump.

Someone who would ‘Put Scotland First’


Where is our Scott Ritter were is our Donald Trump?

Are they all in jail?

OK we have Craig Murray.

Getting back to the article ‘The Long Unravelling’ the question is where are the ‘SNP Whistleblowers’.


Well…I’m no fan of Trump and I never thought we would be hoping for the Donald to save the world. Let’s just hope he’s being truthful as we sure are in a pickle right now with the US neocon warmongers running the show.

The whole programme is well worth viewing, and if we survive till January 20th there could be some hope left.

Hatey McHateface

“gen0cide and ethnic cleansing in P@lestine”

And here we go again.

As of 5 November 2024, 43,391 P@lestinians have been reported killed. About the same number of casualties as Bomber Command might have claimed on a good night in 1944. Nobody called it gen0cide then, which is why your never-ending bleating that it’s gen0cide now is so pathetically risible.

Plus, of course, some of the casualties being reported now might just be yellow, skulking sewer-rats – burners of babies and carver uppers of teenage lassies.

You’ve invested so much in your fantasy that you can’t change tack now, I get that. There’s no fact that can make you change your mind, not even when the top Islamic authority of G@za issues a fatwa against the humous boys for the cataclysmic disaster they’ve brought down on the heads of their own people.

But still, when you’re so wrong about this, alert readers just have to ask, what if he’s wrong about Indy too?

And in that context, that’s the true impact of your delusions, Mac. They harm Scotland and they harm Indy. Both are tainted by association.

Robert Hughes

‘kin hell ! The Trumpster takin’ it to church with that speech .He didn’t hold back on identifying the forces that are causing so much carnage in the US and * elsewhere * . Startling to hear that kind of talk from any politician , never mind a POTUS .

If he’s serious/genuine about taking all THAT on , he’s declaring war on some extremely heavy duty ” interests ” – Corporate & ( Permanent ) State .

He better have the very tightest , most trustworthy personnel around him .

They might not miss next time


He’s the first president [elect] to have made such vows since Jack Kennedy.
They sorted it though….

Vivian O’Blivion

?We should note, Short money isn’t ancient Parliamentary practice, it was first introduced in limited form in 1974 and has subsequently expanded. Its inception was justified on the grounds of enabling “research and policy development”. How many policy papers have the SNP generated in these last few years? 

This degree of blatant misuse of Short money should be actionable, but there doesn’t appear to be an auditing function in the secretariat that manages the system. This is superficially curious, but I suspect this suits the British state just fine, Short money is the bait for the dependency trap.

The British Permanent State is invested in the SNP. Their assets and agents are woven into the foundations of the hierarchy. The SNP must remain afloat and Thames House will funnel funds from their £4 billion budget to ensure this is the case. The conduit for such a cash transfer is irrelevant. For years now, annual accounts have come with qualifications that receipts and record keeping at Jackson’s Entry are poor to nonexistent. This predates the transfer of contract to the current Accountancy firm. Poor record keeping is fundamental to criminal enterprise that is the SNP. The injection of funds will doubtless be concealed as increased membership subs, a double dunter in nefarious ends.

Scotorum Nationalibus Partem delenda est.


Spot on. While the corpse of the SNP is in any way useful it will be funded to keep it shambling along, if for no other reason than to act as a reminder of how we Scots can’t and shouldn’t get ideas above our station as ‘this’ is what happens. Soft colonial power.


Surprised you missed Craig Whyte’s inadvertent pun – ‘distressed assets’ – at the top there.


Good article

The sooner the SNP folds the better it will be for the indy movement – for SNP Governments of the last decade are the major road block – to ridding Scotland of this illegal union.

Pity there’s not a clear out at the COPFS as well.

stuart mctavish

Guess it depends who the political equivalent of Stevie Gerrard might be – Trump & Farage being proven winners against all odds, & even when the going got tough, whereas an old reds favourite like brown could fairly set the heather alight too


Isn’t it strange that, at the end of the day, it all comes down to MONEY (Fanni). If you have it ,you can do things, if you haven’t, you can’t (Ceaser). Money makes the world go around (Mummi).

Of course, our Government have loads of lovely cash. Why else would you waste hundreds of millions on building a couple of unfinished boats, free prescriptions to millionaires, free bus passes to Neds, failed court cases-past and present, endless number of inquiries. The list goes on and on.

As expected. the site regulars will spout that Sturgeon, Swinney etc were ‘bought out’ with English gold, however the truth is actually closer to home. They are all simply incompetent and corrupt. It comes as a shock to me that there are people in Scotland who still think they are competent and will continue to vote for them. It defies logic.

Until some Political Party can advise what it could be like in an Independent Scotland, financially, mentally and physically nothing will change. Until then we will see the bitter, bigoted regulars on Wings posting the same greetin faced bilge every single day. Most are 60+ with nothing else better to do with their time. Apologies for saying this but sometimes the truth hurts.

It is said that around 50% of Scots want Independence. I do not dispute that figure-I am one of them. However, if there was an Independence referendum tomorrow, I would be surprised if YES achieved 20%. There is far too much uncertainty, financially/economically. of what Independence would mean for ordinary Scots. No one is addressing this and you have to ask WHY?

The economic case for Independence is a mystery. No doubt the likes of Dan can post, yet again, his list, which in reality is totally meaningless.

Too wee-NO
Too poor-Maybes AYE, maybes NAW. Somebody convince us
Too stupid-We keep voting in the SNP

99% of people posting on here have contributed to the ‘too stupid’ although I do think that most have now ‘seen the light’.

To gain Independence somebody has to reconcile the various factions and the soft NO’S. Where do you even start with the Wings faction versus the WGD types? I don’t see anyone capable. Do You?

Bring on the downvotes, ignore reality and churn out the old tired posts yet again. 10 years ago seems like yesterday. 10 years into the future seems light years away. Fail to plan. plan to fail. Where is the vision?

Alf Baird

The economic case for Independence is a mystery.”

Not really. Colonialism is basically about economic plunder. This leaves the colonized nation and people under-developed, devoid of growth, and lacking in opportunity, which is what we see. Colonialism is costing us Scots £150 billion+ a year:

link to


The usual mince Alfie boy. I would have expected nothing less. Can you or anybody else provide a projected Profit & Loss account for an Independent Scotland. Maybe even an Income & Expenditure account. Remember and include things which do not appear in the estimated GERS figures. I am certain you will know what these are! I glanced at the subjective GDP figures and these coupled with a meaningless narrative do not convince any one with even a hint of a financial background.They apparently do convince you!!

Alf Baird

A GDP-per-capita analysis of Scotland compared with our near neighbour countries is hardly ‘meaningless’, except for those in denial.

Fact: being part of the UK ‘Union’ charade ensures Scots are currently the poorest people in NW Europe in terms of GDP-per-capita;

Fact: Scotland has far greater resources than most other countries in NW Europe;

Question: if Scots have far greater resources than most other countries then why do we have a far lower GDP-per-capita than them?

Conclusion: Scots would be much, much wealthier outside of the UK colonial corset, i.e. independent and prosperous instead of a poor and impoverished under-developed colony still holding a worthless violated treaty.


Another belter Alf – keep-em comin.


You really are a financial wizard. From some dubious GDP figures you have managed to extrapolate the financial cost to Scotland in staying in the Union as being anywhere between £150/200 billion per annum. The very fact that there is a discrepancy of some FIFTY BILLION POUNDS simply highlights figures being plucked out of the air. As a glorified teacher, I am sure you have come across the phrase. often used in marking test or exam papers-‘Show the Workings’.
You should maybe apply for a position at SNP headquarters. It appears that they are also fond of creative accounting!


It seems reasonable to me that if someone/anyone wants a body of people to adopt an alternative course of action to that which is currently being pursued, it would make some sense in giving them some information which would make them think and possibly change their views. The days of blind faith are long gone for sane and sensible individuals. I admit that this does not apply to many on here. Thankfully, the individuals posting here, represent a lot less than 1% of the electorate.
The bulk of Wings posters would accept Independence tomorrow and not care one jot about what this would mean for them, their families, jobs, pensions, defence etc etc.
Stirring words at the end of your post. Elections are won by votes, not willpower. It also helps if there are competent individuals in power or in waiting. Where are they? Can you see them?


Open the books then. Let us see what the future holds for England & Scotland as separate nations.
It’s a simple request.


Ha! Not a chance of that happening.
For obvious reasons.



Scotland’s Imaginary Debt;
In 2022-23 Scotland raised £87.5bn in tax which goes directly to Westminster. However, the Scottish Government only received a budget back of £59.7bn, a difference of £27.8bn staying in London .Scottish Budget: 2024 to 2025 – (
64% of revenue is reserved to London and 36% devolved to Edinburgh. While 41% of expenditure is reserved to London and 59% is devolved to Edinburgh.
The Scottish Government can borrow £3 billion for capital expenditure in the term of a parliament with the annual limit for 2023/24 set at £450 million. Resource borrowing is set at £500 million annually. The Scottish Government legally can NOT overspend its budget outside of the agreed borrowing limits, which leads me to my next point. link to
It was reported for 2022/23 Scotland had a deficit of £19.1bn. The media and unionist politicians mistakenly or deliberately report this as Scot Gov overspending. However, it is a lie. There are some very interesting figures within Scotlands ‘deficit’, for example: the figure of £9.1bn under the name of ‘Reserved public sector debt interest’ is Westminster debt being allocated to Scotland; debt Scotland had no part in creating or spending. That is 47.6% of Scotlands ‘deficit’, almost half is being created by debt loading from Westminster. If this debt was not being allocated to Scotland, the nation’s deficit would go down from 9% of GDP to 4.7%. I would like to note another interesting point: this debt Scotland is allocated actually stems from the 1707 Union. One of the terms was that Scotland would be paid £398,085 to offset Scotland being allocated a share of England’s debt for all of time. That in 2021 prices is £71,260,439 million. As you can see, that was not nearly enough to offset the burden on Scotland of England’s debt, Scotland has paid more than £9 billion more in one year on their neighbours debt than the whole amount that was supposed to offset it forever. link to
Scotland is also allocated £4.5 billion for defence, but the UK government only spends £1.9bn on defence in Scotland. £2.6bn of Scotland’s money is being spent outside of Scotland, where it would better be used in the country to bolster the nation’s defence.
I want to finish off with a question;  first let’s look at the statement: Andrew Bowie, Tory MP for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine admitted in an interview for the BBC “We now tax oil and gas companies 75% on their profits that they make, that 75% tax has gone towards paying for half of everybody in this country’s energy bills over the past winter. Oil and gas is important and it will be with us for the next 25-30 years.”
How can a nation of 5.5 million that has 90% of the UK’s oil reserves and roughly 60-65% of the gas reserves subsidise 34 million peoples energy bills for a whole winter but run a deficit and apparently be subsidised by its southern neighbour? The answer is; it can’t. Someone is lying: it’s the establishment in our neighbour’s capital that benefits tremendously by having Scotland shackled to it.

Lorna Campbell

Alf is right, but, to an extent, so are you, Chas. We are ruled by, mainly, corrupt and totally incompetent people. The uncorrupted and competent are kept far from the power centre. Your demands for a Profit and Loss spreadsheet is laughable. You know that countries do not work on that principle. When independence comes, and it will, it will not be achieved by accountants or gently, gently catchee moneys, but by those who have had enough and no longer care how they achieve it. They will achieve it through sheer willpower, and too wee, too poor, too feart will be a thing of the past. They will do what it takes to make England-as-the-UK want to let us go.

Robert Matthews

Never trust a Campbell.

Hatey McHateface

“They will achieve it through sheer willpower”

Nah. That’s a heart-warming fuzzy feel-good fantasy. Sorry, Lorna. Indy will be achieved by hard work, careful planning, pragmatic bridge and majority building, aggressive drive and keeping the mouth-breathers safely corralled away from the high achievers.

“too wee, too poor, too feart will be a thing of the past”

Sure. Right now though, to mimic what they say across the pond, we have a surplus of people who talk the talk.

And a mere handful of people who walk the walk.

There’s plenty of time to turn that around before 2026, but so far, there’s no sign of anything happening.

Meantime, in Europe, in America, in England, in the Republic of Ireland, democratic politics is being changed out of recognition by new people, new parties and new policies.

Only in Scotland is it tumbleweed time.


Why don’t you convince Westminster to open the books and let us all see exactly what the profit and loss account is for England?
I’m sure it’ll expose all ?e need to know.
Things would then be so much clearer for you to understand.
And I’m confident that without the theft of Scottish resources, England is a basket case!

Young Lochinvar

Good points.
Can you do the same for Westminster?


Well said Alf.


“It is said that around 50% of Scots want Independence. I do not dispute that figure-I am one of them.”


“However, if there was an Independence referendum tomorrow, I would be surprised if YES achieved 20%…”

Big LOLZ. You’re kidding no-one. Jog on.

Campbell Clansman

“It is said that around 50% of Scots want independence.” It is also said that 50% of WoS comments are pure fantasy.
The actual vote in 2014 was 44.7% yes.
The actual 2024 vote for even nominally “Indy” (SNP, Alba etc.) parties was 35%.
The latest polls show around 30% support for Indy Parties for the Holyrood elections.
The four latest polls show 34%, 37%, 40% and 47% support for Indy.
We don’t like being lied to by the SNP. We also shouldn’t like being lied to by Indy supporters.

Zander Tait

Hello Camel TransMan.

What was the result of the very very latest and right up to date poll as reported on the 26th October this year Camel?

Don’t take the hump when you discover the answer.

Campbell Clansman

The actual vote in 2014 was 44.7% yes.
The actual 2024 vote for even nominally “Indy” (SNP, Alba etc.) parties was 35%.
The latest polls show around 30% support for (nominally) Indy Parties for the Holyrood elections.
We don’t like being lied to by the SNP OR by Indy supporters.

Zander Tait

Oh dear.

Camel just took the Humpty Dumpty without even answering the question.

Let’s try again.

Right Humpty, what was the result of the latest Scottish Independence poll published on the 26th October this year?

We’re waiting Humpty.

Campbell Clansman

Personal abuse, plus no facts, plus no proof of any assertions, plus lies–the usual comment of an Indy moonhowler.
The latest poll on Indy was Norstat’s, Nov. 1st. Which I cited.
Why do Indy moonhowlers feel the need to lie? Is it because your case is so weak?

Zander Tait

Ok Humpty.

Norstat mm?

Yes 47.4%
No 46.9%

A win for yes.

The October 26th poll.

Yes 52%
No 48%

Another win for yes.

Now don’t you choke on your Bleach Schnapps on those facts Campbell SoupMan.

Are your mental health issues improving?

Seems not Crumple DumpSkin.

Campbell Clansman

The reality: 2014 vote–44.7% yes
2024 vote–35% for Indy Parties
Norstat Nov. 1st poll–30% for Indy Parties for MSP, 47% yes (actual result–see the link below)
Alba Party poll, Oct. 23rd (not the 26th. It was taken from the 16th to the 23rd)–48% (not 52%) (and it’s a partisan poll)
Survation poll, Sept. 13–42% yes
More in Common, Sept. 13–44%
Opinium, Sept. 11–45%
YouGov, Sept. 3–37%
Norstat, Aug. 22–45%

See link to for more.

Not one recent poll has Yes at 50%+.

Sane people can see the trend here.

Alf Baird

Perhaps Scots are like the unfortunate Kanaks of New Caledonia where due to in-migration once the indigenous people and culture fall below 50% of the population independence becomes less likely. You would no doubt rejoice at the perishing of a people and culture.

Hatey McHateface

They’ve had three referenda, Alf, with Yes losing every time.

I guess we could have a serious and sensible discussion about the resettlement of the 60% of the population who don’t trace their descent from indigenous Kanaks (Wiki figure). Maybe we could relocate some of them to here in Scotland!

But not on Wings BTL, obvs, this place isn’t suited to serious and sensible discussion. 🙂

Zander Tait

I said published on the 26th Dumpty. The National reported it then and it is:

Yes 52%
No 48%

Norstat also showed a win for YES.

Dems the facts and dats da truth.

So Campbell Chicken SoupMan, the trend is clearly there.

Farewell England. Farewell Wales. Farewell NI.

May you all live long and prosper.

You too Camel Humpty Dude.

Young Lochinvar

Gloriana; you are simply mendaciously playing arithmetical sophistry using figures for polls, figures as voted and figures per capita to suit your Unionist agenda.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Sorry to trouble you Xanadu but could you possibly explain to me where you’re getting those Norstat percentages from? I’m seeing these figures instead:

Yes – 47%
No – 47%
Would not vote – 0%
Prefer not to say – 5%

What say ye, Zandra? 🙂

Zander Tait

Greetings Fido.

The National reported the Norstat poll as

Yes 47.4%
No 46.9%

And that is a win for Yes.

Always happy to help Fido Doggy Dude.

Hatey McHateface

That’s a very wee bone you’ve got yourself there.

0.5% difference between these numbers. Meaningless in the context of a poll.

Ask a grownup what a margin of error is. And what its value is for this poll.

Young Lochinvar

That wee bone however would have momentous impact in an election or referendum.

Ask politicians who seek recounts.

Just saying.

Zander Tait

Oh and on the question of personal abuse Cammy, do you hold the copyright on the term “Moonhowler”?

Hatey McHateface

You need to cut Zander some slack.

He’s found what he thinks is a fact and like a toothless dog with a worthless bone abandoned by the bigger dogs, he’s going to growl and gummily snap at anybody who tries to take it away from him.

Let him have his moment of illusory triumph. Think of it as a charitable act.

He’s just an old, worn-out dog. He voted SNP for 30 years and if that doesn’t move you to pity, you must have a heart of stone!

Hatey McHateface

What was the result of the election, held on November 5th, that the entire world spent the previous year waiting for and anticipating?

And how did that result compare with the almost daily polls that were being reported on everywhere, in the run up to said election?


We’re barely two weeks past one of the biggest polling snafus in history, and here’s Wings BTL’s “finest” using poll results as the foundations to build their arguments on.

30 years you supported the SNP, Zander? It figures.

Zander Tait

Ha ha ha. Dumpty you are a true comedian.

Listen Dumpster, you’ve been banging on about polls for days now and you have the perverted gall to talk about foundations.

So Humpster Dumpster, for the third time what was the result of the latest Scottish Independence poll published on October 26th?

We’re still waiting Humps.

Hatey McHateface

I bet you chant along to your primary school playground name calling in a shrill, sing-song voice.

Unsettling, even worrying, behaviour in an adult.

Snap out of it, Zander, before your neighbours start to talk.


All hail! The smart-arsed half-educated sophistry merchant speaks!

Zander Tait

Quite so James.

Some days ago I gently advised posters here to do 3 things when it comes to the IDF Fanboy Cokey McCokeHeid.

1 Skip his shite.
2. Hit the red minus button.
3. Do not reply.

Seems to be working just mighty fine.

Enjoy your evening James.

Hatey McHateface

Hemingway writes again!

Exactly 70 years since his last Nobel.

Mind, that was for original work, no plagiarism.

Remind us again – what does sophistry mean?


In the true spirit of the incestuous nature of the SNP Sue Ruddick is married to Jamie Hepburn. So many examples of this.


Hmm, I’m thinking Julie Hepburn may be surprised to learn of this breaking news.


Oops. Mea culpa.

Mark Beggan

The government is just an eternal ‘ gap year’ for Post Grad Brats. What happened to the adults? If Woman are needed in politics why is there only girls, very confused and unstable wee girls.


To mix metaphore, if the SNP hits the fan it could leave nationalists up a creek without a paddle, potentially to drown in a sea of irrelevance.
Something devoutly to be wished by the status quo of the British state in its rice bowl mendicant decline.
Moles, spooks, agents gu leòr. 
The term «a wilderness of mirrors» has been used to describe this intelligence otherworld where trust is illusory. 


Wow, such incredible deep thinking insight there…
Alternatively the ongoing demise of the faux nationalist NuSNP removes the roadblock they have become, and clears the way for a new force to take forward the cause.
Well it would if all these supposedly great political strategic minds that people put far too much faith in stopped pissing away time punting the notion that there’s nothing going on in Scottish politics.
These people through their actions are now effectively becoming a new roadblock holding Scotland back.
It’s tactically idiotic to spend so much time focused on destroying an entity without putting any significant effort into creating an alternative, because something less than useful will fill the void.
There is plenty going on in Scotland that requires ongoing scrutiny and which could yield political capital.


It is truly tactically idiotic and not «professional».
When will the role playing of the amateur actor cease?

Robert Hughes

It’s tactically idiotic to spend so much time focused on destroying an entity without putting any significant effort into creating an alternative, because something less than useful will fill the void.”

Yip , I said exactly that a while back .

ALBA was supposed to fill that void , but they – sadly – have failed thus far to achieve any kind of breakthrough : in large part due to the biases of ” Scottish ” MSM , eg the lack of exposure/interest . Ditto with ISP

ALBA has also given the impression of falling into the same boringly predictable tropes , eg internal discontent about the distribution of power/influence that every Political Party seem unable to avoid : and who knows how the death of their leader will impact on the Party ?

I’m with you in thinking the future lies in I41s – for the reasons you gave in a previous post .

Political Parties will , of course , still dominate the electoral landscape for the foreseeable ; but , incrementally , candidate-by-candidate , that landscape could change – in time , beyond recognition and for the better .

For that to happen though , a prerequisite would be a change in the overall Political System , eg a genuine PR electoral system – not the ersatz mangled version we were saddled ( hobbled ) with . Then again …..having more quality I41s in the Scottish Parliament would make the possibility of a total reform of the existing set-up more likely !

Go for it , D .

” Your Country Needs You ” ( even if the beavers don’t )

Andy Anderson

I believe we must ignore incompetent self serving politicians hoping that they will get us freedom. Get behind a valid alternative, Salvo/Liberation.
Regarding the SNP they get what they sow. The latest being greed from Mr Flynn.


Totally agree.
And that’s what will fill the void.


The question is – would the deep state operators in its ranks be more compromised if the SNP were allowed to flounder?


The SNP became dependent on Short money and therefore lost any desire it may have had in wanting to permanently remove its MPs from Westminster through independence or a policy of abstentionism?

As far as abstentionism is concerned I believe abstentionist Sinn Fein MPs and their constituents can still take any issues they may have to Westminster for direct contact and consultation with uk government ministers and civil servants and they are entitled to claim expenses to cover the costs of transport and accommodation.

Apologies if I’m wrong. If I’m right it takes away the excuse that SNP MPs can only represent their constituents in Westminster by taking their seats and by taking their wee oaths of allegiance. Abstentionism would not deny them that ability.


You are correct. Sinn Fein can do all the constituents business at Westminster perfectly well without taking a bit part in the tragic farce of the chamber.

Alf Baird

A key difference between Scotland and NI may relate to the fact that according to the Articles of the ToU it would be unlawful for Westminster to continue to legislate for Scotland without Scottish representation there.


This makes it even more dispiriting that the SNP didn’t withdraw in 2015 in order to highlight this fact. Although the rump of 3 might have fulfilled the letter of the law it would have drawn attention to the inequity.

Nae Need!



Alf’s comment arose from the details of a report of the Lords Privileges Committee, which had been asked to determine if an Act abolishing the right of hereditary lords to attend Parliament would breach the Treaty of Union.

The Committee argued that it wouldn’t, on the grounds that they only represent Scotland’s peers, and not Scotland the kingdom. It is only Scotland’s MPs who represent Scotland in the Union, and the lords referred several times to the need for Scotland to have adequate MP representation in the parliament if the Treaty was not to be breached and Parliament to be legally unable to function.

But at no time did they define what ‘adequate’ meant in the context of that representation.

Scotland’s representation is seriously inadequate because it is patently obvious that our MPs cannot effectively defend any of Scotland’s interests under the current voting system used in the Commons from predatory activity by England’s MPs, who can simply overrule the Scots MPs on any matter by nothing more meaningful than hugely asymmetric raw MP numbers.

Sovereignties, constitutions, Treaty obligations, reasoned arguments, even the simple fairness of a properly nuanced vote acknowledging the two sovereignties of the kingdoms that founded and empowered the Union and its parliament, as opposed to the 558 (now 650) non-sovereign constituencies that didn’t, all conveniently ignored and set aside as irrelevant by a hopelessly inappropriate flat vote in the Commons.

How many times does it have to be said?

Scotland agreed to joint governance WITH England, not unilateral governance BY England!


You can say it another 1,000 times, but you’ll still be glossing over the fact that the near universal opinion is that the Treaty of Union has become extinguished to the extent that Parliament can chose to amend or overwrite its provisions. That was the actual reason why the House of Lords committee decided that the removal of the life peers did not breach the ToU. It’s true that the commitee also considered whether the removal would breach the Treaty, but that was not the basis for the committees conclusion.

The point is in any case mute, the functioning of Parliament, as upheld by the Supreme Court over decades, allows for bills to be passed in Scotland without a majority of the votes of Scottish MP’s. That is indisputable, even if you wished it to be different. Secondly, if “Scotland” agreed to joint governance, then what provisions did it agree to protect that joint governance. Nowhere in the ToU does it say that for a law to be passed, it needed to be passed with a majority of MP’s from both England and Scotland. It is blindingly obvious to anyone anticipating the post-Union constitutional arrangements that laws could be passed and applied affecting Scotland which were not supported by a majority of Scottish MP’s. If we take two relatively recent examples, the legislation introducing tuition fees and foundation hospitals was only passed with a majority of MP’s because of the votes of MP’s from Scotland, but the legislation did not apply in Scotland as the matter was devolved.

Therefore, what you are saying above about the intent of those drafting and approving the Treaty of Union is complete nonsense. Likewise, the idea that laws would not be effective in Scotland without MP’s from Scotland sitting. Notwithstanding that the Treaty of Union is almost certainly extinguished, provided that the Westminister Parliament had not excluded Scotland from sending representatives to Parliament, the condition under Article 22 would be complied with.


Aidan, your ‘near universal opinion’ is plain wrong, and based on deep ignorance of the true constitutional basis of the Union.

The Treaty’s alleged extinguishment was certainly NOT the reason the Lords Committee came to its conclusion. If it had been, A, it would have said so, and B, if the Treaty’s irrelevance was already well understood by the Parliament’s establishment as you suggest, the Committee wouldn’t even have been asked the question in the first place. That it was asked, and that the lords made the point several times that Scotland’s representation in the Union parliament needed to be adequate or the Treaty and Union would fall, makes it abundantly clear that the Treaty is still very much a live constitutional contract. Ignorance of constitutions and sovereignties and even what good democracy looks like is no excuse.

Westminster does NOT have full authority over the Treaty. Some of its terms or articles allow for some amendment, but others do not, and both the Union and its parliament are formal creations of the Treaty, and therefore subject to its authority, and not the other way around.

All you are doing here is falling for the English establishment’s oft repeated and unwarranted presumption of the Union Parliament’s ‘unlimited parliamentary sovereignty’, a sovereignty it acquired from England’s Bill of Rights pre Treaty. That sovereignty only has standing over the territories of the English Kingdom, and has none whatsoever over Scotland. The only authority the Union parliament does have over Scotland is that which was delegated to it from Scotland in the first place via the Treaty. Note! Delegated to the Union parliament, not to England’s MPs! And that delegation turned up as Scotland’s MPs on Westminster’s doorstep, carrying with them the right to exert Scottish authority on behalf of Scotland as part of Westminster’s suite of powers over the Union.

Scotland’s delegation did NOT include ‘unlimited parliamentary sovereignty’ over Scotland, because such parliamentary sovereignty never existed in Scotland to be delegated. And the authority that was delegated came with limits.

One of the limits is the obligation to maintain permanently the authority of Scotland’s constitution as cited in Scotland’s 1689 Claim of Right. That is therefore still on Scotland’s statute books, and is still in force today, and as Alex Salmond pointed out on King Charles III’s accession; “It can hardly be argued that the Claim of Right is merely a historical curiosity, when one of the first acts of the new King is to be required to swear an oath to uphold it!“

As for the UK’s Supreme Court, its position simply mirrors the English establishment’s bogus position. Did you seriously expect otherwise?


You can read the Opinion of the committee online, you’ll clearly see that the unanimous view is that the application of the treaty is “not an issue that needs to be resolved here”, because it is a matter for the courts, and that the courts have consistently upheld the principal of unlimited parliamentary sovereignty. That conclusion is ever stronger today in the aftermath of the UNCRC and S30 Supreme Court cases. The former contains the authoritative phrase “parliament has unlimited power to pass laws in Scotland”.

The Lords specifically and explicitly did not say that a lack of Scottish representation would make the Treaty of Union invalid. In fact, they said the opposite. What they did consider was IF the ToU were to apply, would the proposed removal of certain members of the House of Lords be in breach of it.

But in any case, none of the above matters because you’ve already admitted above that your legal view of the world is wrong, because you’ve admitted that the judgement of the Supreme Court finds it to be wrong. The judgement of the Supreme Court is the highest authority on what the law is. The judgement of the Supreme Court is law by virtue of the fact that it is the judgement of the Supreme Court. Your opinion, in contrast, has no more authority than anything any other private citizen says. It does not guide any of the functions that the law carries out, and it is not recognised by any competent organisation or authority.

The practical problem at the height of your fanciful view of the law is this. If the Westminster parliament does not have the power to amend or overrule the ToU, then the ToU becomes unalterable law which forever applies to the U.K. and which can never be changed, given there is no other body in existence with authority to do that. That would mean, for example, that there is no legal route to Scottish independence since the Treaty of Union proscribes that the union exists. It would also not be possible for the U.K. parliament to create a body to act as counter-party to the treaty, since the U.K. parliament would not have the power to create that authority.

In summary, it is therefore legally wrong and practically impossible.


Your analysis of the matter is inept. The committee clearly took the view that the provisions of the Treaty’s Article XXII did not deny Parliament the right to amend the numbers contained in it with respect to Scotland’s representation in the two Houses, and anyway Article XXII of the Treaty had already been repealed in its entirety in the 19th century.

They agreed, quite rightly in my view, that the peers of both Scotland and England did not and do not formally represent either kingdom; they only represent their peerages. They agreed that it was the MPs in the Commons that formally represent their respective kingdoms, and that those representations must be adequate to their purpose, of “their rights, interests and aspirations”. But Scotland’s rights, interests and aspirations are fundamentally undefendable by Scotland’s MP representation because of England’s huge MP numbers deployed in the Commons flat vote system used for settling the outcomes of debates. Thus it is clear that Scotland’s representation is not remotely adequate in the context of that flat vote.

It also the case that your “application of the treaty is “not an issue that needs to be resolved here”, because it is a matter for the courts, and that the courts have consistently upheld the principal of unlimited parliamentary sovereignty” misrepresents the context it was made in. That context was that the Committee did not have to resolve matters of whether or not the Treaty’s provisions were justiciable, since “the court has always been able to find another route for the disposal of the argument, making it unnecessary to resolve the question whether there was a breach of the Union Agreement.” And the phrase “and that the courts have consistently upheld the principal of unlimited parliamentary sovereignty” appears to be your addition, not contained in the Committee’s considerations. At least I couldn’t find it, or anything similar. Not that that matters since I routinely deny any argument regarding Westminster’s so-called ‘unlimited parliamentary sovereignty’, UPS for short, as the fundamental basis for any denial of the rights of Scotland within the Union, since that UPS has never had any basis in Scotland, and there is no mention of it in the Treaty or Acts of Union, and Scotland’s own sovereignty isn’t subordinate to England’s anyway.

As for your “What they did consider was IF the ToU were to apply, would the proposed removal of certain members of the House of Lords be in breach of it.”  They said no such thing at all, there was no IF about it; there was a clear presumption that the Treaty’s provisions would apply, and thus the relevant provisions needed to be evaluated for the context of the question referred.

Bottom line, you are just bullshitting!


You need to go back and read the Opinion of the committee, particularly the last paragraph under the title “Background” where the legal routes to a continued application of the ToU in this way are described as not to be “dismissed as entirely fanciful” and “not inherently absurd”.

In the paragraph above, the idea of continued application is described as follows; “But Colin R. Munro has pointed out that the argument that the Union legislation enjoys a special status, so that the United Kingdom Parliament is unable to alter some of its more important terms, is difficult to sustain in the face of the evidence as to what Parliament has done without objection and in the absence of any positive indication, when objection has been taken, that the Scottish Courts would be willing to regard such issues as justiciable”. Taken as a whole it is clear that Lord Hope (formerly Deputy President of the Supreme Court) does not believe this legal argument is effective, and goes on to resolve compliance with the ToU as a theoretical and academic exercise.

This all has the feel of a bit of a sandcastle. Firstly, Lord Hope clearly believes it is very unlikely that the ToU has any legal effect that the U.K. parliament cannot overrule, even if he does not dismiss it entirely outright. If you’re so convinced of your belief, can’t you find an authority providing a positive statement that the ToU does apply in the way you describe.

Secondly, a House of Lords subcommittee is not a court, and the judgement of the highest court in the land clearly is greater authority on the law than a parliamentary committee. Your argument that the Supreme Court mirrors a bogus position is particularly odd, since it implies that that court is not legitimate. Yet the very same Lord Hope who was deputy president of that court has legitimacy when writing an Opinion for a U.K. parliamentary committee. I’m interested to hear how you rationalised that one in your head. It has the feel of “opinions that agree with mine are legitimate, opinions that do not are not legitimate”. If I’m wrong, then signpost me to where your interpretation of the law has guided the resolution of a legal issue or been recognised positively by the courts in some way.

Alf Baird

The key point (from that report and other material, not least the Articles of Union) is that the joint Anglo-Scottish legislature arrangement is ‘conditional’. That is why there is a Treaty and Acts of Union, which set out the ‘conditions’.

One of these conditions is that there must continue to be Scottish representation at Westminster, failing which the joint parliament cannot lawfully legislate for Scotland.

The Anglo-Scottish Westminster parliament is therefore ultimately subordinate to the treaty parties, the kingdoms of England and Scotland, which still exist.


The report does not use the word “conditional” anywhere and certainly does not describe the ability of the U.K. Parliament to legislate in Scotland as being subject to conditions. The view expressed against unlimited sovereignty is that the Treaty of Union is incorporated as fundamental law into the U.K. constitution, which the U.K. Parliament cannot change. The effect of that is that any measure breaching the ToU is ultra vires and therefore not applied, not that the ToU is dissolved or disapplied. That would be manifestly absurd, since the purpose of the ToU being fundamental law is to ensure that it continues to be applied, so disapplying it would achieve the opposite of that objective.

I’ll pose the same problem to you as the other poster has failed to answer. If the U.K. Parliament cannot alter the ToU, how could Scottish independence be implemented legally? You say that the Kingdom of Scotland continues to exist, if that’s true then what institution using what process has authority to renegotiate the ToU.


“… is difficult to sustain in the face of the evidence as to what Parliament has done without objection and in the absence of any positive indication,….”

That there was and has been routine indifference and supine complicity in the face of Scotland’s constitutional rights being violated, is probably as strong an argument as Unionist voices can muster to defend the injustice and diffuse the outrage.

However, the inglorious history of Scotland’s feckless and corrupt “nobility” and ruling elite is also the simple corollary of all the decades and centuries of bribery, coercion and inducement which the Westminster Government and UK monarchy is reknowned for worldwide.

I thus remain hopeful that any “proper” justice or arbitration which examines Scotland’s history of unlawful and unconstitutional abuse, will favour Scotland in it’s conclusions. Given the UK’s dubious instigation, that remains the only rightful conclusion which can be reached.

That said, if Scotland was to begin the actual prosecution under Scots Law of certain individuals who were notably complicit in Scotland’s subjugation, and even sought to impeach the dysfuntional farce of devolved “government” in Holyrood, then the action would have my fullhearted support.

Young Lochinvar

The “Supreme Court” was a creation of Teflon Tony and crew and obviously post dates the Act of Union so the one could not forestall specifically and by name the latter.
Indeed it’s been argued that the “Supreme Court” and Tony’s other git “The Scotland Act” both break or flout the provisions of the Act of Union.
Using these recent “manifestations” to justify themselves and their political motivated legal interpretations is legalese sophistry which if the tables were turned they would undoubtedly argue to the contrary.
The “Supreme Court” as an entity runs contrary to the terms of the act of Union, the passage of time in no way waters one down to suit a later artificial construct; otherwise what of Constitutionally devoid merry old Englands Magna Carta?
I suspect the “Supreme Court” would act differently there..


The Supreme Court is the successor to the House of Lords in that it acts as the highest appeal court in the land.

The U.K. Parliament court repeal or amend the Magna Carta if it chose to.

Vivian O’Blivion

?Dodgy record keeping is not limited to Jackson’s Entry. Reviewing Education Minister, Jenny Gilruth’s Register of Interests at the Scottish Parliament, its a complete blank!
No mention of her 2016 all expenses paid, two week trip to the US of A, under the State Department’s International Visitors Leadership Program. All the more curious because it used to be included. The $11,105 gratuity is archived on this very site under the article “All the jolly boys and girls”.

agent X

An SNP source told The Times: “Cocky or not, unfortunately for them he’s the guy who cracked PMQs, led calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, took on the Speaker of the House of Commons, dominated UK-wide TV debates and forced votes that led to Labour rebellions and suspensions.”

What a dream world the SNP source live in.
Flynn is a slime ball and laughing stock.
He will fail in his attempt to oust a sitting SNP MSP and I will laugh when he tries to explain his downfall.
To summarise – he is a nothing piece of shit.

Oh by the way Flynn – how is the ceasefire going?
How did your apologetic speech to Hoyle go?
How many MPs did you lose in the GE under your leadership?
How many times have you been called to speak in the HoC since the GE?


Johnicide Main pathologically obsessed with denying what the whole world can see in full technicolour.

It is hilariously insane. Keep going. Don’t stop!

Hatey McHateface

Thanks! It’s no biggie.

“Whole world” eh? Strong, the fantasy is, in you.

But credit where credit is due, “Mac”. Most people look over their shoulders before openly scoffing at a fatwa – our Muslim brethren takes these things quite seriously, as we have all observed, even to the point of issuing a death sentence on those at the receiving end.

So people might expect that a fatwa issued against the humous boys would be paid just a little respect. A lot of respect if you’re a Muslim – a group last counted as making up quite a chunk of the “whole world”.

It’s still no a gen0cide though, not in technicolor. And not even in HDD either.

It’s also still interesting and instructive that you, as a no doubt self-id-ing Scottish patriot, have not one word of criticism for the humous boys – a nihilistic, medieval cadre of murderers, torturers, rapists, extortionists, etc. who have destroyed their country and brought down armagedon on their own people.

So far, all you lot have managed to inflict on us Scots are the SNP nutters.

We all need to make damn sure that’s as much damage as you ever get the chance to do.



Last edited 1 month ago by James
Robert Matthews

Most sense you’ve ever made.


Remember teen warblers Kylie&Jason singing “Especially for You” all those years ago?

Well this is “especially for you’ Wee John;

“If you have not by now seen through the Biden administration’s pretence of “trying to restrain” I*rael, whilst providing ever greater funding and weapons for the genocide, then you are such a fool that I cannot help you.”
Craig Murray
Reporting From Lebanon

Last edited 1 month ago by James

Looks like they have just had a much needed Captagon break at Johnicides hasbara centre.

Phew, that’ll fix it.

Feels like it is too long since I mentioned the gen0cide and ethnic cleansing though.

G&EC = John Main

Hatey McHateface

Thought I would check out today’s “gen0cide” numbers.

“at least 34” reported in the MSM. Could be 40 or maybe even 50. It’s “gen0cide” Jim, but not as we know it.

Also reported in the MSM, the humous boys hijacked 97 out of 109 UN aid trucks and stole the lot.

Facts, eh “Mac”? Awkward chiels.

Big scoffs in the tunnels tonight then. Bet some of that aid will find its way back to the women, children and other non-combatants the humous boys are supposedly looking after.

At a price, natch.

Moan, “Mac”, be honest. That’s the kind of hellhole you would bring down on us Scots too, just as long as it was you down in the tunnels with the money, food, guns, and hostage teenage lassies to keep you entertained.

I don’t want to speculate about whose women and kids you would want for your human shields.


Glad to hear Hamas are kicking their Captagon habits. It was found on (dead) October 7 attackers, but note that amphetamine high does not excuse atrocities they committed.

William Walker

Stuart wrote:

“That’ll barely be enough to cover a redundancy payoff for Chief Operating Officer Sue Ruddick, who Wings is told is one of the victims of the purge of HQ staff. The publicity-shy Ruddick has been with the SNP for 16 years, and given her pivotal role in burying the bodies of the Sturgeon era, we very much doubt the party will be keen to make an enemy of her by trying to cheap out on her golden handshake.”

Too true! Over the yeasr when was a local councillor and eventually MSP in the town where Ruddick lived, we never had her attending a single SNP meeting, event or function! But she knows where all the bodies of the Sturgeon era are buried!

Young Lochinvar

Be sure your sins will find you out..

Campbell Clansman

Reality: Four council by-elections were held Nov. 14th. Unionist parties won all four.
Embarrassingly, Alba couldn’t even find a candidate, and the SNP averaged 21% vote share.

Even assuming SNP is pro-Indy (which many here dispute), that means yet another overwhelming rejection of Indy parties.
Anyone wish to wager on how well Indy parties will do in the next round (Nov. 21st) of council elections?

Young Lochinvar

Calm down Gloriana and give yourself a wee personal rendition of Britannia Rules the Waves; otherwise by the looks of things you’ll give yersel an aneurism..

Andrew Kidd

If Flynn, Gethins and Dougan are selected for Holyrood and the dual mandate is banned the there will be 3 by-elections immediately after a Holyrood election, should they be successful. The NEC may bring in a rule that if you want to double job then you need to donate £100K to HQ.


random bits n bobs …

this is fascinating 

link to

england is a floodplain 
link to
the worst people in the world want your land 
link to
new SNP youth education czar 
link to
problems, problems 
link to

one easy way for Ireland to solve this problem would be to rejoin the UK “the most successful political union” in history, bar none. Would never be a problem, ever again.

Stupid micks. Potatoes. What are they like? Next up they’ll be asking for reparations like the hottentot rastafarians.


It would be funny if o w of the Vietnam group were made redundant.
Given the poisonous wee shits they are at least one might cash in the whistle blower ticket and sell the story


Should be one of


The National: Donald Trump set to visit Scotland, Eric Trump confirms:

“During a visit to Scotland on Tuesday, Eric Trump told journalists that his father “is not going to lose any sleep over” the First Minister’s remarks, adding: “I’m not sure it bothers him one bit”…

Eric Trump (below) said the Scottish Government had made it “virtually impossible” to do business in the country, suggesting that it was only his family’s “love” for the country that kept them investing… said the intervention was “a shame” and did not help either the US or Scotland.

He added: “And now, all of a sudden, you have two countries that could have the greatest political relationship.

“Again, my father adores Scotland, and you have a First Minister coming out and just being fairly nasty in the days leading up.

“I mean, who did that benefit? Did that benefit Scotland?…”:

link to

Robert Hughes

Exactly as predicted ; the clownish , bandwagon-jumping statements by the First Idiot has recoiled back into his – and the SNP’s face .

What need was there for Swinney to make that pre- US Election declaration of support for Trump’s rival , what did he hope to gain by it ? What has he gained – more importantly ….what has Scotland gained by it ?

Precisely fuck- all . Zero . In fact , all this latest misjudged idiocy has done is alienate someone who * may * have been willing to help our cause . At least , not be hostile to it .

Every single thing these buffoons in the SNP do is blowing-up in their faces .

Last edited 1 month ago by Robert Hughes

re. “Every single thing these buffoons in the SNP do is blowing-up in their faces.”

If this rotten and malicious SNP Regime isn’t blowing-up now – it certainly will…


Zero One: Blind EP: What Do You See?

link to


Hatey McHateface

For the arrested development studenty politicos currently running Scotland into the ground at HR, ideology will always trump (pun intended) pragmatism. They’ve got their snouts clamped on the firehose of taxpayer’s largesse. They in the wee, pretendy parliament will never have to experience the consequences of their elitist virtue signalling.

It’s a good time for ordinary Scots to embrace the zeitgeist arising from the pendulum of progress finally swinging away from the progressive hyper-lunacy and back towards something more recognisable as normal to rational adults struggling to survive in the real world.

“Hail to the new chief!” has a good ring to it.

Maybe Trump will lend us Musk when he’s finished firing the legions of anti-productive drones infesting the US federal government. Something like one third of all working Scots are “employed” by our government, while everything from potholes, bin collections, through social care, to doctor’s appointments continue to deteriorate.

As somebody said recently, “Go into any government office and ask them what they do there. If you don’t understand the answer, tell them all to clear their desks”.

A bit extreme, certainly. But if we don’t start doing it humanely and thoughtfully now, it will ultimately come down to that in a few year’s time.

Robert Hughes

For the arrested development studenty politicos currently running Scotland into the ground at HR, ideology will always trump (pun intended) pragmatism. They’ve got their snouts clamped on the firehose of taxpayer’s largesse. They in the wee, pretendy parliament will never have to experience the consequences of their elitist virtue signalling.”

In this , if nothing else , we’re in agreement , Mr Main .

Your * dilemma * , as I see it , is how you can reconcile ( what I’ll assume ) is your broad concurrence with what Trump’s * mission * appears to be with your support for the Proxy War – n c’mon now John , yr too smart to NOT know what the antecedents and intentions were/are behind it – and the other festival of bloodletting in the M.E .

You rightly identify the brain-numbing effects of ideological dogmatism within the SNP , yet fail to recognise how your own ideological biases blind you to the reality of where they lead to – absolute global catastrophe .

We’re now well past the point of this simply being a case of people holding different opinions .

The ONLY relevant question is ……do you want to precipitate a potentially life-on-Earth-ending Armageddon .

Or not ?

NOTHING else matters

Hatey McHateface

“do you want to precipitate a potentially life-on-Earth-ending Armageddon”

Dammit – busted – OK, I’ll stop.

Wait until I tell friends and family I hold the future of life on Earth in my hands. Bwaha hahahahah! Cower before me, mere mortals. 🙂

Seriously though, any discussion of folding on the Eastern Front needs to address the realpolitik outcomes of the annexation of the people, industrial capacity and natural resources of U. The mass migration of penniless refugees in their millions. The renewed and incentivised holy mission of a Tsar who after swallowing U, will be up against a new set of international borders, on the other side of which will be all the “provocations” (missiles, military build ups, NATO, etc.) he adopted as pretexts for war last time around.

Not to mention tens of thousands of Asian mercenary troops in Europe, ultimately given the nod by the PRC to do what they like. Who here wants to know the fate of their daughter if she falls into the hands of that lot?

A serious discussion of folding on the Mediterranean front needs to at least pay lip service to the ultimate fate of 7+ million people, as the medievalists make good on their river and sea holy vows. Another mass migration, another incentivisation of the prime mover, Ir, and another ratcheting up of the tensions affecting the other countries of the region and the schisms within Islam.


Remember teen warblers Kylie&Jason singing “Especially for You” all those years ago?

Well this is “especially for you’ Wee John;

“If you have not by now seen through the Biden administration’s pretence of “trying to restrain” Is* ael, whilst providing ever greater funding and weapons for the genocide, then you are such a fool that I cannot help you.”
Craig Murray
Reporting From Lebanon

Hatey McHateface

Zat the same CM who posted he supports the humous boys?

Haha, just another rhetorical question.

Scottish Indy making common cause now with the baby burners and the boys playing pass the parcel with the soft body parts they’ve carved off living teenage lassies.

After they’ve raped them, natch.

Be I the most foolish fool, chock full of foolery, I’ll be continuing to despise these yellow subhuman scum.

Still no a jenny side either. Any fool capable of counting on his fingers can see that.

Robert Hughes

I tried to see if there was a core beneath the * online * persona that was amenable to Reason : I see there isn’t ; just the same utter pish yv been coming out with since the start of the US instigated Proxy War – subsequently the same Daily Mail-type moronic flag-waving for the demented , sick fucks in Tel Aviv .

My experiment in rational dialogue with you has failed .

There won’t be second attempt .

You’re exactly the ideologically-perverted , warmongering , moral leper I always thought you were .


“…if we don’t start doing it humanely and thoughtfully now, it will ultimately come down to that in a few year’s time.”

…Filthy SNP/Scot Gov Regime can carp from the sidelines

Scotland’s redemption has already begun…


Fake National News is already thinking about it (re. carping)…

The National: Why The National is staying on Twitter/X … for now:
“…the demise of Twitter is incredibly sad. Of all social media, it was the best for following live news events, finding untold stories and starting a conversation. To see it run into the ground by capitalism’s cringiest super-villain, filled with excessive bot use and malicious disinformation is heart-breaking…

Is the answer to leave altogether? The Guardian certainly thought so,…

For now, The National’s position is this: If all the people who care about truth, justice and fairness leave the platform, we are silencing ourselves. If we give up, we allow the disinformation and extremism to win…”:

link to


(The National has exclusively hidden public comments behind a paywall).


I tend to the view that Scotland is in danger becoming a latter day Québec. Thanks to the nature of contemporary politicians and their works people are showing mental fatigue with the current political dispensation.
Something extraordinary is needed to restore interest.
Shock and awe, hearts and minds to borrow the jargon of quondam «liberators» or maybe a methodology with a degree of cerebral sophistication yet to manifest in contemporary political discourse, and not just in Scotland. 
«Power attracts flies as to fresh camel dung» as we skeptics say.

Alf Baird

‘a methodology’ to help explain our ‘condition’:

link to


Why do you continue to post links to pish?
Is it because you write half of it?


Blink 182: Flyswatter Demo: Time:

“When the clock strikes two
There’s just so much to do
And I can’t explain what I?need
Jobs?and social groups
Hearing?the latest news
Keeping your reputation clean

And?I don’t want to worry
About being on time
I see the way you worry
And time runs your life again…”:

link to




“A sudden strong feeling of fear that prevents reasonable thought and action: 

A state of panic.”:

link to


Zero One: Zero One: Panic:

link to



Swinney should be forced to resign.

To back the wrong horse in a US presidential election and get it so wrong, so badly, means his position is now untenable as FM.

If you are going to take a massive gamble and then get it so wrong, he has to pay the price personally. He is not fit to represent Scotland as he has pointlessly alienated the most powerful leader on the planet before he even takes office after a landslide win.

That is totally unacceptable and Swinney now has to go. His reputation in the US is in tatters now and he is therefore completely unfit for purpose and should immediately resign.

Of course we all know he is too much a slimy two faced greaseball to do anything remotely resembling what is in Scotland’s best interests.

It really does show whose real interests the Sturgeon SNP and Swinney serve and where the corruption of the SNP has been driven from IMHO.

The fact that Eric Trump says they make inward investment into Scotland almost impossible is the real story there. I don’t doubt that is what they have been doing this last 10 years plus.

The non response to saving Grangemouth… these people are total cunts. They really are.


The Mayor of Scotland (Swinney) talking out a hole in his arse – we must get him and his wretched party out of office come the 2026 elections.

“John Swinney has insisted the SNP is “financially strong” in the wake of an announcement its staff numbers could be slashed from 26 to 16.”


I really don’t think we can comprehend the damage that Sturgeon has done to Scotland. Her total betrayal of Alex Salmond and the independence movement are just the visible damage.

What we can’t quantify is all the lost opportunities of having an intelligent, pro inward investment, government instead of this cabinet of woke imbeciles and Sturgeon slaves.

The cost to Scotland is colossal. And then you add in selling off our assets for pennies on the pound…

It is everywhere you look.

Team Sturgeon were not just dismantling the independence movement they have been effectively doing the same to Scotland as well. De-industrializing it.

I dare say the next move is well underway, to make us a minority in our own country. That is why Sturgeon was constantly itching to devolve control of immigration to Scotland.

There is a sensible discussion to be had about immigration but we have to recognize what we are seeing now is that it has been weaponized. This is especially obvious in the US but really it is just as true in Europe, maybe even more so.

Then you add in the very carefully crafted woke poison…

It all begs the question, who is our real enemy here.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mac
Vivian O’Blivion

Ask yourself why Angus Robertson, Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture came to be in charge of the 2023 contract which gave Norwegian utilities giant Equinor sole proprietorship of Hydrogen generation in Scotland. The seeming “best fit” would be Gillian Martin, Minister for Energy and the Environment. In a Cabinet chock full of Humanities graduates with zero commercial experience, Martin actually worked in the energy sector before entering politics.

Angus Robertson is the bad penny that keeps on turning up at the wrong time in the wrong place. Almost as if on queue.


Angus Robertson, who rarely gives an interview these days, appeared on C4 News with Cathy Newman on the evening before Liz Lloyd appeared with Cathy Newman. Then he went back home to be with his wife and kids.

Both interviews were filmed on the same evening in front of Holyrood.

Alf Baird

“The cost to Scotland is colossal. And then you add in selling off our assets for pennies on the pound…”

Yes indeed, the cost of colonialism for Scots is £150+ billion a year, making us the poorest people in NW Europe:

link to

….plus the ‘opportunity cost’ of this interception of our nation’s wealth, i.e. what we might be doing with it to create even more value for Scots.

All facilitated by the SNPs pensioned-off Trojan colonial administrators.

Which means Scotland fits the decolonization template like an auld manky glove:

link to


Will the Vichy SNP government contact the victims to let them know these prisoners are out early.

“Hundreds of Scots prisoners serving short sentences could be released in the New Year under SNP Government plans.

Angela Constance, the Justice Secretary, previously announced the Scottish Government planned to change the automatic release point for prisoners serving less than four years from the current 50 per cent to 40 per cent.
Under the plans – which SNP ministers are trying to speed through Holyrood – between 260 and 390 prisoners could be released by early February in three tranches over six weeks.”

jock mctavish

why? what is the rational for this, do they need more berry pickers?

Hatey McHateface

Jeezo that’s barbaric.

It’ll be fucking freezing in early February.


Wonder if the devolved administration would consider operating a swap scheme which could see some of us pensioners moving into vacated cells as a replacement.
My spouse and I would be much more co operative detainees and would jump at the chance of taxpayer funded central heating, hot showers and baths, access to dental and health professionals. Plus 3 hot meals daily provided for us.
However, since this seems unlikely we’ll just remain heating one room in the home with a single bar of the electric fire and dreaming of the “bad old days.”


We need to build more jails.

Especially if a few weel kent faces in the SNP are headed that way – as they should!


I don’t know if it is dawning on many people across Europe just how fucked we are right now…

By allowing the US to destroy Europe’s relationship with Ru$$ia and then bombing the nordstream pipeline, we have allowed the US to greatly enrich itself while impoverishing Europeans. A massive wealth transfer that is on-going. The richest country in the world stealing from it’s poorer ‘allies’.

But that is not the worst of it. Europe now has no access to cheap energy. That means every industry in Europe in now uncompetitive. It does not matter what you make, it is everything.

Germany is de-industrializing but all of Europe will be the same as energy costs are too high. Meanwhile the German and European politicians are too meek to even stand up for their citizens anymore.

We have a real problem in Europe and we have no leadership to get us out of the mess. We are stuck in the middle and we are fucked…

And all of this was achieved using endless lies. A sea of lies.

At some point you have to say this is not an accidental outcome, it is the intended outcome.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mac
jock mctavish

oh and er, Brexit….part of the start of the demise…and the continued and accelerated enrichment of the….vastly rich!

Hatey McHateface

Drill, baby, drill.

All that luvvery oil and gas.

Coal too, centuries worth of it.

The time for Scotland to start worrying about climate change will be when more Scots die of the heat in the summer than die of the cold in the winter.

It’s going to take a few years for this penny to drop for the voters. We still have nearly 5 years of the one-term Labour experiment to get through.

But after they’re done and thrown out, some real changes will be possible.

And if that means WM rationalists riding roughshod over the virtue signalling hand-wringers in HR, then so be it.


“Coal too, centuries worth of it.”

Disingenuous ever-present bot like cunt lacking any self awareness continues to post contrarian drivel.

link to

Hatey McHateface

TBQFH, Dan, the relevance of your post escapes me.

Don’t feel bad that the task of “building a broad coalition” is beyond you. Just remember your shortcomings and for the betterment of Scotland and Indy, keep a low profile.

Addition, not subtraction. Mind that always.


It would seem, unlike you, I have a memory and can well recall your past flip flopping after we had built a consensus.
Can you not mind that time a consensus was reached where single market access was the compromise position to take rather than full EU membership or isolation.
You quickly dropped that position though, again showing your disingenuous disruptive nature.
Even ever diplomatic consensus builder Ellis couldn’t help but jump in and give you handers because he was pissed off after I reminded him that his daughter uses pronouns.

You’re the second tired old worn out Main I’ve been dealing with today. While you have been sitting on yer arse gaining red ticks, I’ve been working outside in minus temps sorting an engine.
Yesterday afternoon was a quick strip down and rebuild of a gearbox for a rally car.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dan

“I don’t know if it is dawning on many people across Europe just how fucked we are right now”

The above is an understatement – we’re well past the f*cked stage – and many many folk haven’t got a scooby.


That arsehole Swinney has given Scotlands? full support of Uk×××××
Someone needs to remind that idiot that only a tiny handful of his own politicians voted him to take over from Humza.
He has no mandate to put a target on our backs.

Swinney seems to have forgotten that it’s N-A-T-O pressing the starter button
We, of course in Scotland are at ground zero.

WM must have some tasty info on that grade A clown

Hatey McHateface

Aren’t we in NATO? Haha, rhetorical question.

Talking of Uk×××××, it’s them not being in NATO that means they are being blown to bits right now. There should be a lesson there for Scotland, I would think, when we become independent.

All of that to one side, I can think of few things more certain to turn the undecided off Indy than Indy supporters turning their backs on a free, sovereign nation, fighting to preserve itself against a rapacious, merciless, colonialist neighbour.

The parallels with our own situation are so in-your-face obvious, it astonishes me that anyone can be blind to them.


What a fcucking clown act.

Daily Heil superbot.


Been reading that certain security services are now using AI bots on social media sites and blogs – you could be replying to an AI bot – I know for sure, that the vile regime in the Levant uses multiple AI bots now to counter criticism of its evil regime.

Robert Matthews

“Jay” being a perfect example.


I found this ‘R Matthews’ comment by accident! If only it were clear hostility then it could have been regarded as a compliment.
Are you an expert on ‘Alt. Right’ and Orthodox Church nationalism as well as traditional European fascism? What about the Chinese version of the movement?

Robert Matthews

Julius Evola – The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti and the Secret Way, should steer you in the Right direction.

Michael Laing

You would think Fuckface would want to shut down and unplug itself from the mains every so often, or at least press the ‘sleep’ button and give itself a rest for a while. Its processor is going to burn out and its hard-drive will suffer a catastrophic malfunction pretty soon at this rate!


It can’t and for a number of reasons – it must defend the evil regimes jennoside and the knee-o-knatzzi regime in Eastern Europe – that’s the bulk of its remit, to at least put some doubt into our minds – that both regimes are not evil – when all the evidences shows to the contrary.

Hatey McHateface

Learn that Scotland is spelled with a capital ‘S’ and we’ll talk.

My 8 YO granddaughter already has it sussed. What’s your problem?


I’ll take you at your word that you know FA about what’s happening in U******

Andrew Lees

Indy supporters turning their backs on a free, sovereign nation, fighting to preserve itself against a rapacious, merciless, colonialist neighbour.”

Ah, the twists and turns of realty, and real history.
In 2014 I looked out for signs of support for (Scottish) independence from the international/ foreign community.
Obama was decidedly cool, to the point of being frosty. Even Putin did not sound enthusiastic. European nations seemed to be split on the matter.

There were no encouraging shouts of ” Go for it”…. ……..except in one quarter….Donetz/Lugansk.
They were the only people that flew the Scottish saltire in outright support of our cause.

Why such support from so unlikely a quarter?
………because Scots and German officers led the Russian army in its quest to eliminate the troublesome Turks from the near-indefensible borderlands of the Ukraine and Crimea…..the last lands to be settled by Russians, having been previously to forced to settle the Taiga,to the north and east of Moscow, because of the raiding, Turkic “musselmen”
?See Donald McKenzie Wallace and his book “Russia” available,free, on the internet

“He who knows nothing of history, remains forever a child”……Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Vivian O’Blivion

As someone who was beaten with a leather strap (belt or tawse) in primary school for using the Scots language, the fealty shown by the leadership of the SNP to the regime in Kyiv should be superficially puzzling. Surely they are aware that the residents of the Donbas oblasts rose up in revolt at being required to use a language that was foreign to them, to the extent that they were being coerced at the point of a gun? Swinney is old enough to have shared my experience of cultural repression.

There is of course no true mystery to this. The leadership of the SNP are marionettes controlled by their Handlers in Foggy Bottom.

For the record, I’m neither pro Kyiv or pro Moscow, I’m pro Minsk Accords, and a former Chancellor of Germany and a former Secretary General of NATO have revealed that the West never had any intention of honouring those initiatives.

Hatey McHateface

“I’m pro Minsk Accords”

You sure?

According to Pres P, the Minsk Accords no longer exist.

“residents of the Donbas oblasts rose up in revolt at being required to use a language that was foreign to them, to the extent that they were being coerced at the point of a gun”

I can’t decide if you are ignorant of the reality, or just want to lie to make your point. Prior to February 2022, U was widely and happily bilingual.

Quite bizzare that somebody still resenting being “beaten with a leather strap (belt or tawse) in primary school for using the Scots language” should want to pussy foot around the rights and wrongs of a situation where an escaped former colony is being forcibly recolonised for extermination as a sovereign people, language and culture.

Once again, readers can only marvel at the ability of so-called die-hard enthusiasts for our own Scottish sovereignty to be content with, or even in favour of, the extermination of other nations.


That’s why our standard of living will continue to plummet, and prices will continue rise, as – mega cash and aid, which should be earmark for civilian projects is sent to that vile regime – and the other vile regime in the Levant.

This also applies to Europe as its Atlanticist leaders destroy, not only European standards of living, but European industries as well.

Our Mayor of Scotland (Swinney) and all the treacherous parties at Holyrood are onboard with this – they don’t care they’ll still make a good living at Holyrood.

Oh and energy prices are to rise again in Jan/Feb – in a country (Scotland) teeming with surplus energy, where many many Scots are sitting in their front rooms, with the heating off because they can’t afford to put it on.

Meanwhile the POTUS gave the vile regime in Eastern Europe – the green light to strike deep inside Roooshia – and to deploy anti – personnel mines , in the West for most folk things are only going to get worse.


Please tell all about “…the vile regime in Eastern Europe…”, or at least provide some references to documentary sources. I had no opportunity to visit the area and see for myself. Thanks.

Hatey McHateface

They’re “vile” because they fight for their independence.

It’s a fact that sticks in the craw of the saltire-waving, twice-a-year marching keyboard warriors, furiously virtue signalling from their flat-pack moral high ground on here.

Sticks in the craw? For some it’s more like an anaphylactic shock.


Mmm, minus 9. I checked in case there were any reference sources for further reading. Does no-one have any?

Al Dossary

Seems up to 12 Storm Shadow have been fired on Kursk. Way to go Starmer, you just had to out-do the US with their 6 missiles and moved us 1 step closer to WW3.

Hatey McHateface

There was me thinking the deployment of North Korean troops in Europe was what moved us closer to WW3.

People need to educate themselves.

For those unfortunates who found themselves under the rule of the empire of the rising sun during WW2, most preferred the systematic, brutal, inhuman cruelty of the Japanese to that of their ally, Korea.

The Koreans outdid even the Japanese, and that’s saying something.

Now the Koreans are being unleashed on Europe, and soon possibly the countries of the EU that an Independent Scotland is still dedicated to joining.

I’m thinking we need to step up and be counted.

Al Dossary

And yet in this world of 24/7 surveillance not 1 single piece of evidence has been shown to the world of North Koreans in Kursk. Nothing but propaganda to justify further escalation.

Hatey McHateface

Strong the denial is, in this one.


It’s you that needs to educate yourself, you jibbering fucking idiot. These missiles, for the first time, have been fired into R*ssian territory, by American forces (only Yanks are authorized to operate them). So effectively the US is attacking R*ssia.
P*tin has warned these clowns repeatedly that if they do this there will be consequences, not just for Europe but for the USA.
And now our hero sock puppet Sir Kid Starver has joined in.
You’re in good company.


Putin is going to do the sum total of fuck all about this because he’s already doing the maximum he can. There is a 0% chance Russia will use a nuclear weapon, thereby guaranteeing the destruction and breakup of the Russian state.


re. “These missiles, for the first time, have been fired into…”

Sigh, long-range US/UK/NATO missiles totally suck (Neanderthal-Tech:) –
It also sucks, even worse at ‘modern unconventional irregular warfare’ –

Because it cannot handle reality (The Undisputed World Champion)…


Those with true evolutionary aspirations (capabilities) will surely enjoy our Team-Reality revolution…

(corrupt Gov/State Ltd, cannot contend and will absolutely detest it:)

#RealityUnlimited #QConsciousness

The Range: Potential: So:

link to


Absurd Smoque: Evolution: 1804 (Instrumental):

link to

The Range: 1804:

“Fi one thousand blessings
Give me stability and guidance
Fa protection and deliverance
Against all evil temptation
Fi one thousand blessings…”:

link to


Absurd Smoque: Q: Q (Instrumental:)

link to


Hatey McHateface

Calm down, James.

Read some of Geri’s posts until your heart rate settles. She’s forever telling us that Western weapons don’t work.

Gregor is on it too, directly below.

Michael Laing

I’d suggest you need to lay off the acid, Fuckface, but it’s too late. You’re just spewing out completely unhinged drivel now. Looks like your CPU is malfunctioning, as predicted. You should have had the sense to switch yourself off for a while.

Hatey McHateface

Masterful refutation of the facts in my post, Michael.

If you’re six years old!

If you’re an adult, maybe naw.

Should I be responding to you at all? What age verification does Rev Stu do on here?

Does your mammie know what you’re up to online?

Mark Beggan

Do we still get the four minute warning.I Ihope that tin spam isn’t out of date .


Think the warning got cancelled to save money for Yookraine.

At least we’ll get a couple of seconds of free heat.

Adverse Camber

Of course, the reason they hated Salmond, and the reason they went after him and blackened his name, is because he was so clean, virtuous, and uncorrupt. That truth, for which we have evidence, is the opposite of what his enemies would have us believe.

Britain’s political system (and most western political systems these days) is essentially based on blackmail, elevating people who are irredeemably corrupt and compromised. As the MSM loses its power to manipulate the masses, the sort of leverage that this blackmail-based system supplies naturally becomes more and more indispensable.

This roundly explains the degeneration and degenerates that can be found at the top of most governments, political parties, and organisations these days, and the general resilience we see everywhere to popular demands for change. You only get on and up the ladder if you are compromised and amenable to blackmail.

Those who attacked Salmond, then, were most likely being blackmailed and compelled to do so, or straightforwardly agents of the British State.

Trump in that context is something of an anomaly. He’s probably the most flawed politician ever to rise above the level of the town hall. He undoubtedly has the backing of special interests with big money and clout, but nobody who listened to his speech a couple of days ago can deny that he represents a radical and even revolutionary departure from longstanding fundamentals and norms.

I would go further. If you assume JFK, RFK, and MLK were “done in” because they represented some sort of threat to established power in the US, I would say that the combined weight of everything they said and proposed wouldn’t in total amount to even 10% of that said and proposed by Trump in his recent speech.

I expect that we are probably heading into one of the most tumultuous and chaotic periods of human history.

Mark Beggan

Shoplifters of the world unite!


is swinney trying to win some kind of award for being a total fanny?

– first up, getting involved in fights that are not your business (whoever the US prez is, you will have to deal with him) – then, having backed the wrong horse, instead of doing an about face, he doubles down … how … why … whit? You know, when trump turns up next year, you might be able to wrangle a favour out of him, if you stop calling him a cunt for 5 seconds.

shouldn’t politicians grasp these basics; it shows he is just reading it off postcards from nikki 

then this “scotland stands with youkrine” – no, it fucking doesn’t – no one cares, it’s a fucking made up country, historically the west was poland/lithuania, and the east was given to it by lenin, for no good reason. Genetically, yookies are identical to rooskis, as for their language, it’s a meh. Anymore foreign conflicts you want to involve us in – do we stand with nagorno karabhk, the land of the caramacs, or the karnaks of new caledonia, the clangers in their war against the soup dragon, are we with the sharks or the jets? … let’s pile in.

– but it looks like trump is going to dump that war (it’s a waste), probably because other wars will become more important; the atacms is biden just being a senile cunt for the sake of it. NATO missiles operated by nato personnel using nato intelligence – you can’t turn around and say “it wasn’t us”? Maybe if raytheon in livingston or bae at warton become a smouldering crater, someone will get the message. 

40% of youkrine has left, the brothels of europe are full, a generation of young men are dead, they are huckling pensioners and teenagers off the streets, the hedge funds have bought all the farmland and are already trading in reconstruction contracts; was it worth it? You already had a peace deal, the minsk accords, and all you had to do was stay out of nato and enjoy the cheap gas and transit fees. Sorted, but no … the bander-ite nutters were told they could win a war and we would give them all the – javelins, starstreaks, storm shadows, chieftains, leopards, abrams, f16s – and they would win, but no, they haven’t, because – roosha has some pedigree when it comes to this; are you better than napoleon, or the wehrmacht? Doubt it. Even field marshal monty, when he wasn’t molesting kids, would say something like – rule one on page one of the book of war is – do not march with land armies to china or roosha.

Ian Brotherhood

‘Mon the Clangers!


Soup Dragons FTMFW ya bass!


do the clangers remind you too much of beavers?

I saw this and thought of you 

link to


It’s complex.
The Clangers was broadcast on the BBC so naturally you have to consider whether the storyline is an accurate factual representation of the lived reality of the inhabitants on the blue planet.
Was the soup dragon a BigSoup capitalist and harsh dictator dominating and exploiting all the knitted woolly clangers.
Or could the soup dragon being outnumbered by the clangers lack democratic agency, and as a result be enslaved and forced to work long hours to provide liquid sustenance to the plague of clangers.

Natch, blue planet soup is probably now considered to be bad for the planet’s environment due to the flatulence it creates when all the clangers ingest it.
Clangers and the soup dragon may form an alliance because they are both pure ragin’ that the interplanetary Green fascists are implementing save the blue planet shite with #NetZero #JustStopSoup bollox.

My kind of (dumb) beaver…
link to


Plus the clangers are unfortunately now tainted in my mind because of all the racket created by all the folk that thought banging pots and pans for health workers during ra covid was a better sign of appreciation that actually paying those workers a decent wage.

Not that I particularly gie a fuck but I have noticed nae cunt clangs in appreciation for anything I do when grafting to keep my locale in a decent state.
Or maybe I’m misconstruing the noise they make when they are running their air sourced heat pumps flat oot…



but postgate was a socialist and subtly, not preachy, wove these themes into his work …

(starts thinking about bagpuss) 

one of the oddest things I ever saw was the feminist author, erica jong, on newsnight throwing a mega strop because she didn’t like this new cartoon that was out – “ren and stimpy”; gender roles and violence was mentioned – let’s take the fun out of childhood


“rab clark”
dont be afraid of your FREEDOM 

link to

Mark Beggan

Was Monty a Gary Glitter. Jeez .

Mark Beggan

The Art of War page one, rule one; Don’t invade Russia!. The Urine belongs to the Russians anyway.


your lack of consideration for “youkrine”, genetics, language, history etc, invites the question, ‘how would you fancy getting a dose of what the moskovite regime is dishing out?’

Also, what are your sources for contested contentions regarding the history and linguistics?

Alf Baird

You know, when trump turns up next year, you might be able to wrangle a favour out of him”

Aye, we should be knocking on the door of The Donald POTUS to support Scotland’s right to decolonization with the UN. Politically the most powerful guy on the planet is a son of Scotland! The President of the USA loves Scotland and the Scots.

Yet the SNP have intentionally done our cause no favours again. Trump could very easily push the UN decolonization door for Scotland to walk through. The SNP have never once tried the UN door, which is a readily available exit route to the UK colonial hoax.


getting the support of a half scottish golf nut who owns a lot of property here -should- have been a nobrainer and an open goal …

its almost like the independence party is “no tryin”

Michael Laing

It’s almost like the independence party has been infiltrated, dismantled and neutralised by agents of the UK state.


“Is Swiney trying to win some kind of award for being a total fanny ?”

Oh, I do believe that train has long left the platform, Confused.

Robert Hughes

ahahahaha ! fckn brilliant , ma man .

But yr forgetting ….whilst the Big R has been the graveyard of many a wannabe Emperor of The Universe , notoriously the wee mad failed Painter n Decorator fae ( couldnae tell his emulsion fae his gloss , apparently ) Gerrymanny n the other slightly less mad but equally , well , a bit up himself guy fae France – none of these deluded Bear-baiters had the formidable martial might of Slava Johnny Mainsky’s East Kilbride White ‘Crane Militia backing them up.

It’ll all be different this time – the Bear shall be caged ! cause this time the Crusaders not only have the services of that aforementioned killing machine – also the full might n majesty of the Swinney SNP/Gov-In-Exile ( from reality ) supporting this noble humanitarian mission , by …….who is again … who is that’s taking on this ” mission ” ….who asked them to – the people ?

But , aye , it’ll work out better this time , honest .

Last edited 1 month ago by Robert Hughes
Hatey McHateface

Jeezo, how old are you? Mentally, I mean.

It’s only 30 years or so since we pushed them back out of Europe the last time. Where the fuck were you when we did that?

Why do you choose to invent this claim that somebody intends to march on Orc Central?

Would you even be able to find the places you’re writing about on a map without a grown up to help you?


“…Slava Johnny…”


Hatey McHateface

Wow, Confused, that’s some post!

You do know, don’t you, that Napoleon and the Wehrmacht both invaded R and marched on Orc Central. You do know, don’t you, that the Wehrmacht came within a whisker of getting there, and the only reason they didn’t was because we and the Yanks were piling in to help on other fronts and with mountains of material.

You do know, don’t you, that U has as much intention of marching on Orc Central as you do – they just want their internationally recognised borders restored and the Orcs back on the other side of them.

You do know, don’t you, that in WW1, Germany single handed knocked the Orcs out of that war.

Silly me, probably you don’t. How else to explain your post?

“made up country” “yookies are identical to rooskis”

Sure. I was talking to a noggie just last week. He thought he was in England, so I had to explain what Scotland is (not how to capitalise it though – he’d already twigged that for himself), and who the Scots are.

He probably thinks Scotland is a made up country too, but he’s just as wrong as you are about U.

Why don’t you tell us the real reason you want your claimed “made up country” exterminated? Is it because they fight, and we don’t?

Is it your burning shame at our pathetic apathy that makes you deflect your rage onto the victim of P’s expansionist aggression?

Moan, Confused, level with us. We’re all friends here. Don’t be ashamed to tell the truth.

Mark Beggan

” We and the Yanks….” We and our American cousins were a side show. The war was won and lost on Russian soil.


The MAGA hat waving Raspootyn apologists are out tonight I see.

Obviously never spoken to a refugee from east of Poland who is languishing in this shithouse of a country, trying to get work and bring asked by arseholes, who you’d think might have a modicum of intelligence, for high school certificates and references from previous employers, who for all the refugee concerned knows are long since dead, along with god knows how many of their former friends and colleagues, and their entire home city where they used to live/work reduced to rubble.

Perhaps the arseholes posting here, for they are arseholes, should haul their overweight arses from their comfy warm sofas, pop to their well stocked fridges and get themselves a big portion of STFU.

Or better yet, next time you see a car in the forecourt with UA plates, buy them a tenner of fuel and pray that if Scotland ever does get independence, it’s larger neighbour doesn’t take the hump one day and boot the front door in, screaming “provocation”. Then what you gonna do?

Robert Hughes

And all the Reality-denying idiots are out still refusing to accept we stand on the very brink of absolute devastation .

” The MAGA hat waving Raspootyn apologists …”

What does that even mean ?

Is that what you think this is about , eg ” supporting ” XY or Z ? Such incredible insight .

How about you hauling your underweight brain away from the MSM and trying to get acquainted with what’s actually happening – and why it’s happening .

” All this ” is – primarily a desperate , last gasp attempt by the U.S Deep State & it’s M.I.C paymasters to fuck-up Trump’s imminent POTUS status in advance in order to protect their ” interests ” – not anyone else’s , least of all the people of U . These monsters couldn’t give a single fuck how many more die there ; or anywhere else , as long as they can continue exerting their malign influence from the shadows & and the $Bs keep rolling in their direction .


Last edited 1 month ago by Robert Hughes

“Is that what you think this is about , eg ” supporting ” XY or Z”

That’s exactly what it’s about because in case you’ve been asleep and hadn’t noticed, the genie is out the bottle, so yes, you need to pick a side.

Or, do you have an alternative?

You planning on walking up Pennsylvania Avenue, knocking on the big door and saying “Excuse me, but can I have a word”? Good luck!

The monsters couldn’t give a f**k who dies, you’re absolutely right. But the little people can’t influence the monsters, so the reality is we’re forced to live in the world which they create.

You want not to have to pick a side and bask in splendid isolation? Fine, go live in Ireland or Switzerland. Here, we’re forced to pick a side because that’s what happens when you elect governments who choose to ally themselves with others.

Folk wanted out the EU – an alliance which according to some didn’t benefit the UK. They got their wish.

Folk wanted out the UK – an alliance which according to some didn’t benefit Scotland. They didn’t get their wish.

Folk want out of NATO? See above.

And let’s not forget, the country in question wasn’t allied to anyone or anything 1000 days ago, and look at it now…

Who is it again who needs to wake the fuck up?


…the genie is out the bottle, so yes, you need to pick a side.
Or, do you have an alternative?”

I’m more minded to stay neutral than pick sides, neither of which I had a vote to place in the positions of power they hold.
But my alternative suggestion would be that President-elect Trump and Pootin have back channels of dialogue in the hope that in the longer term this will diffuse the current situation and let this manufactured provocative escalation of tensions by the war hawks diminish.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dan
Robert Hughes

You .

What fckn difference will your preference for one side make ? Zero .

What get’s me is people like you absolutely refusing to ask ” Why ? ” : WHY has it come to this, how did we get here ; who/what has taken us to this precipice of disaster .

If you’re going to say . eg R invading U , with no reference to WHY they did so , the endless provocations R has tolerated – up until 2022 – when it realised there was no sane people in the US Administration and if they continued to tolerate the ultimate provocation of ” NATO ” placing WMDs on it’s border they may as well wave the white flag and allow the lunatics to fulfil their intention , ie the dismantling of R , and the plunder by the Neocons of it’s vast natural resources .

I’ll ask again ….why-the-fuck should it ?


Gimme a shout when you’re back on planet Earth.

Robert Hughes

can I call you at the nursery , or are children not allowed phone calls ?


The evil monsters, that are committing jenno-side in the Levant region, just bombed the ancient city of Palmyra (sssyr-ia) – killing 36 civilians and wounding many more in the process.

These evil monster kill across the region with impunity.

Craig Murray (@CraigMurrayOrg) |

Hatey McHateface


Naw. 36 deid ain’t “jenno-side”. In the SS, you’d have been thrown out if you couldn’t exterminate 36 in every ten minutes of an 8-hour shift.

Tell you what, Ros. Hows about the tunnel dwellers and the yellow bellied hostage takers stop throwing their missiles at Isr. eh?

Then we and they could have peace.

Craig Murray? Isn’t he the failed MP candidate and apologist for humous terror? He did do something for Indy once, but his actions and words since have tainted Scotland and Indy both.

Humous sympathisers do have that effect.

I’d ask you to stop tainting Scotland too, Ros, but with a bit of luck, people will think you’re banging on about the mythical place you call scotland.

Heck, maybe you are.


When Jefferey Sachs choses to speak – you’d do well to listen to his words.

Scroll down a wee bit to listen to him – I can’t post thread, due to the name of the vile Eastern European dictatorship name, its in the title.

Mark Hirst (@Documark) |

Hatey McHateface

Never heard of him, but tell us, how does he spell “Scotland”? Can he get that right? Help us decide if he’s worth listening to, Ros.

Michael Laing

Have you really got nothing better to do with your time than endlessly churn out tedious, insulting, infantile bilge, Faceache? I wonder how you rate your success in winning over hearts and minds?

Hatey McHateface

Good questions, Michael.

Here’s some good questions for you.

What’s tedious or insulting about insisting our country’s name be written properly? Isn’t it something we teach our primary school kids? Don’t we expect kids of 6 or 7 to master this not very difficult idea? Don’t we assume that the very small number of kids who find this too complicated are destined for a lifetime on the bins at best, or more likely benefits?

Why does it go unremarked that somebody who writes England, or “vile” U******, or N*** Is**** always manages to capitalise the names of his hated objects, yet still persists in writing scotland?

Isn’t it the written equivalent of an insult, a slur, a denial of our country’s very existence as a country, a spit on the ground after every verbal utterance of our country’s name?

How many years has this dishonour and disrespect of our country of Scotland been going on in plain sight?

You don’t think this matters, Michael. Fair enough. I do. It’s Scotland, not scotland, always has been and always will be.

What have upticks and downticks got to do with statements of irrefutable fact?

David Hannah

Rachel Reeves… Lies on her CV and pretends to be an economist.

She’s customer service… She’s not an economist at all. She worked in complaints.

The receptionist thinking she’s the doctor… She’s a bad state actress. Along with STARMAGEDDON.

Scottish Labour. Not to be trusted. Not now. Not ever.

It’s time to reclaim Scotland. Land of the Scots from the bad state actors and their butchers apron flag of war.

Last edited 1 month ago by David Hannah

slightly accidental post; but that ridiculous war is past its sellby date, it jumped the shark a long time ago – but our dear leader wants to get stuck in. He seems like a man without guile and totally unsuited to politics; knowing which way the wind is blowing should be a prerequisite.

main, you leak so much red, people might think you are on your period 

people asking for sources; there is thing called the internet, just do some reading, for example – the grand chessboard, mackinder, jacques baud, the rand report on “extending roosha”, and then compare and contrast with the nonsense from chatham house, which was conceived as a creator of empire propaganda, all the way back to the rhodes crowd. Old maps of the yookrine, historically … it was this tiny toaty wee thing. Then there is the small matter of – who is behind it all; people we are not allowed to notice, because they have a fanatical hatred of rusha – “the czar killed my great grandad” (except he didn’t, and you did get him back)

– the big question is – what will trump do?

the “choice” in US politics was satirised previously as being between the “JP Morgan candidate” and the “Goldman Sachs candidate”; this one seems to have been between the Rothschild-Soros candidate and the Chabad-Lubavitch candidate.

– guess who won? (Trump visited the rebbe’s grave …)

One thing that catches the eye – Biden’s 81M votes last time out looks seriously, seriously, dodgy; it seems obvious now they just printed 12M extra ballots. Kamala’s returns look within spec. So why did they not just “rig it again”? Well, there is no point doing work (and this is a lot of work) you don’t need to; obviously Trump is now “playing ball” and will do what he is meant to do. Let the people have their “change” while we have business as usual. Trump will not drain the swamp, as he is a swamp creature himself.

US politics has been an exercise in lesser-evilism from way back, but the smart kids always back both horses.

link to


“12 UK Shadow Storm missiles launched by U into R.
Each missile costs £767k.
£9ml for one day of firing UK missiles into a country with nuclear weapons.
In other news 2.5ml pensioners are freezing without a winter fuel allowance.”

John Kinsella

A false dichotomy.

Britain could just tax the rich to fund the winter fuel allowance while still helping Ukraine.

Do you really think that allowing Putin to subjugate Ukraine is in the interest of the Scottish working class?


Nothing false about it.
Read it again.


“Britain could just tax the rich to fund the winter fuel allowance while still helping U”

How exactly is helping to perpetuate a war that U can never win and which is only leading to more destruction, more death, more wounded, more poverty, more misery and pain for the U people in any way or form “helping” U?

The UK is not “helping” U. It never was. Just like the USA never was helping U. The only thing these two imperialistic powers have been doing is to deliberately throw wood into the fire of a war that might have been initiated because of the regime change effected by USA for its very own vested interest. Nothing new to see here.

This war is not U’s war. It never was. It is UK and USA’s war against R by proxy. And it is the response to the active de-dollarisation led by R and China.

P. never wanted to “subjugate” U. The disaster in U. is the consequence of the UK and USA’s direct interference in other country’s business.

Robert Hughes

Spot-on , my friend . What sickens/concerns me is the scale , the extent and seemingly limitless power to construct narrative * realities composed of nothing but lies , distortions and mind-warping propaganda being deployed from every MSM source to prevent the general public knowing the truth about how/why * this * is all happening .

Hatey McHateface

Jeezo, Ros.

Not only are you destroying CM’s rep, now you’re going for Mark Hirst too. Soon Indy will have nobody of any reputation left.

Sergei Skripal, a citizen of R living in exile in England, was the target of an assassination attempt by agents of R.

Get over it, FFS.

It’s their MO, both internally and in the wider world. You fall out with the Tsar, you die.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Don’t you mean “You fall out with the Tsar, you fall out of a window”? 🙂

Hatey McHateface

Falling out of windows is certainly endemic in R and its satellites.

But targets and innocent bystanders can also get shot, imprisoned and killed there, or poisoned by novichok.

Obviously unleashing a nerve agent on the sovereign territory of a foreign state is an act of war, as well as being in contravention of all the international rules to which the perpetrating country is a signatory.

But that’s why the usual suspects are so determined to pin the blame elsewhere, and thus maintain their ludicrous stance that Orcland and their beloved Pres P are the long suffering, put upon victims in all of this.


A detective inspector on the case has said the same – that it was NOT R—-n agents.


Ah, but the *Great Producer of Spittle’s Daily Heil says different.

[*The smart-arsed half-educated sophistry merchant]


Craig Murray’s argument about purity is fallacious. When organic chemists say that that the product of synthesis was 95% pure, they mean that 95% was the target compound and the rest unreacted precursors, (probably less active) products of side reactions and similar impurities. Synthesis of chemical warfare agents of this kind in high purity and at scale is more or less impossible even by well equipped terrorists. Organic chemist of Aum shinrykjo had lots of money, a chemical factory build by the cult, but his sarin used in the attack on Tokyo metro was full of impurities and allegedly less deadly than would have been pure sarin. When OPCW claim that the product was almost pure (i.e. no impurities from synthesis) and deduce from that the compound was most likely produced by a state agent, they are probably right. Argument about dirty doorknob does not make sense, high purity of novichok obviously referred to virtual absence of impurities from synthesis.
Murray’s other points are also not very convincing. The fact that those two guys were boozing and paid for a prostitute does not lessen the probability that they were assassins. Au contraire, Sherlock, anyone who has ever opened a Le Carré novel knows that R. spies love to live their covers. And if their covers were R tourists, of course they would be boozing and whoring, because it goes with the species.
That some official refused to confirm that the novichok came from R is not surprising, they had results of mass spec analysis and those do not say “made in R”. They knew that it was pure and that Rs developed and produced these compounds at scale (see Mirzayanov) and probably nobody else.
I do not know who poisoned Skripals, perhaps it was dirty play by the home team, but from the little that is known I would not exclude Rs.


To change the topic if I may can I just say that this evening I chanced on a full page supermarket advert in today’s Scottish Sun.

Described as a ” Christmas cracker ” the well known German supermarket was advertising a 70 cl bottle of Highland Earl whiskey for the rather splendid price of £10.69 a bottle.

Sadly, for Scots this advert is not to be. With the Scottish Government’s minimum alcohol pricing which recently put a unit of alcohol price up to sixty five pence anyone turning up at an Aldi will have to pay no less tha £18.20.

Of course the advert doesn’t exactly advertise this unless, as I did, I got the magnifying glass to read the micro print along the very bottom of the page below the advert which advised that in Scotland and Wales in store prices may be higher, and alcohol cannot be purchased before 10.00am in accordance with Scottish laws.

All in all a bit naughty altogether with no doubt many many customers turning up at stores only to find their whiskey purchase at nearly twice the cost. It would certainly put you off a store like Aldi for not making this offer clear.

However, as a Scottish consumer it would certainly put you off this atrocious Scottish Government causing Scots to have to pay nearly double what English consumers pay for a Christmas, or indeed any other seasonal tipple.

But hey hoe, once through the door, through the check out, how many will have noticed the rip off invitation to treat.

Hatey McHateface

Yeah, I’ve noticed that on TV booze adverts too. If you can just catch the small print at the bottom, you’ll notice a disclaimer saying the offers are not available in Scotland.

Our own government doesn’t trust us to behave like adults. (Maybe it spends too much time reading the BTL comments here – haha just my little joke).

For another joke, I once bought my brother a bottle of Lidl Queen Margot 3 YO – he was expecting a 12 YO Glenfiddich or somesuch.

How we laughed! Anyway, we opened it in good spirits and were very pleasantly surprised at just how palatable it was.

As the man once said, there are no bad whiskys, just some that are better than others.


Aye, willie, times are hard, everything’s going up in price and in wades the Scottish Government to help everyone out by slapping a fiver on the cheapest bottles of spirits.

At least the money goes to the Scottish NHS though….oh, wait…..

Robert Hughes

With Swinney The Muppet now joining in the cat’s chorus of ” We Stand With Catastrophic Nuclear War ” we have to ask who are these psychos – Starmer , Macron , VdL, Swinney et al actually working for ?

It sure-as-fuck isn’t the people of their respective countries .

Where will THEY all be if – as looks increasingly likely – it all goes ballistically super-nova ; * safe * in their nuclear bunkers ?

Maybe Swinney thinks he’ll be able to redact away any incoming nukes en route to Faslane ?

Too bad that people in the Central Belt – in particular , though no-one in Scotland will be immune to the effects of radiation – won’t have a similar magic pen to make unwanted truths disappear .

Ach well , here’s hoping Stoogeon’s ” much anticipated ” Comedy Show wae wee fat ” pal ” Val will still go ahead

Priorities , huh ?


Filthy Scot Gov/SNP-British war beast is a fu**ing abomination to Scotland, UK and humanity



re. “Swinney The Muppet”


Scotland’s FM John Swinney backs US measures to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles and land mines, says “where a country has its territorial integrity invaded by a foreign power, that has to be repelled… I support the steps taken”:

link to



The National: Exclusive: Fears for nuclear ‘target’ Trident amid escalation tension with Ru****:

“Hosting nuclear submarines in the Clyde isn’t a deterrent but makes Scotland a “target” amid escalating tension between Ru**** and the UK, campaigners have stressed…”:

link to



re. “Swinney The Muppet”


NEW: Scotland’s FM John Swinney backs US measures to allow U***ine to use long-range missiles and land mines, says “where a country has its territorial integrity invaded by a foreign power, that has to be repelled… I support the steps taken”:

link to

Robert Hughes

He’s just following orders from his superiors : like the rest of ” them “





Hatey McHateface

“where a country has its territorial integrity invaded by a foreign power, that has to be repelled… I support the steps taken”

That’s a perfectly valid POV.

“where a country has its territorial integrity invaded by a foreign power, that country’s government must acquiesce, its people must submit to imprisonment or death or exile, its language, culture and history must be expunged … I call for unilateral and unconditional surrender”

That’s also a perfectly valid POV.

The latter is obviously not a POV any Scottish Indy supporter could ever subscribe to – not even Swinney.

So what’s your excuse, gregor?

My guess is that you’re shitting yourself so badly you’ll be getting a new chair for your Christmas.


re. “So what’s your excuse, gregor?

No excuse – I’m gonna forever-hammer (publicly expose and dismantle, with zero physical violence) corrupt Gov/rogue deep-state (NWO) war monster and its useful idiots (promise:)

re. “My guess is that you’re shitting yourself so badly you’ll be getting a new chair for your Christmas.”

I urge all malicious/fearmongering State Actors/shills to confront me (with everything you’ve got) and make me shit myself, and I very much look forward to experiencing the results of Hatey McHateface’s Christmas prediction (smile)…


Elon Musk: You can measure intelligence by its ability to predict the future:

“The right metric for intelligence is probably the ability to predict the future. You’re as intelligent as you can predict the future well.

Because if somebody claims this person or this AI is very intelligent, how good are its predictions? If its predictions are not very good, it’s not that smart.

To predict the future, you have to think critically about the past and constantly try to be less wrong.”:

link to


Zero One: Zero One: Welcome To The Future (instrumental):

link to


Hatey McHateface

Winter Covid’s making a resurgence, Gregor.

Many don’t know when they have it. First thing to go is the sense of smell 🙂


How dare you wish ill health on Scotland and its wonderful people…


“The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism.”:

link to



Elon Musk:

“All establishment parties in the UK will get crushed in the next election”:

link to


Gilbert O’Sullivan: Himself: Nothing Rhymed:

“If I give up the seat I’ve been saving
To some elderly lady or man
Am I being a good boy?
Am I your pride and joy?..

And if while in the course of my duty
I perform an unfortunate take
Would you punish me so…

This feeling inside me could never deny me
The right to be wrong if I choose
And this pleasure I get
From say winning a bet…

Nothing physically, recklessly, hopelessly blind
Nothing I couldn’t say
Nothing why ’cause today
Nothing rhymed”:

link to

Hatey McHateface

I think most readers will understand that anybody genuinely anticipating “Catastrophic Nuclear War” won’t be wasting precious time pontificating on here.

So maybe continuous catastrophising is a sign of endemic infection with the Scottish Cringe – IDK.

It’s instructive to think of all the countries around the world, with nuclear capabilities, that seem to be able to thole attacks on their sovereign territory without reaching for the nukes – USA, UK, Isr***, come immediately to mind.

But R***** has to be different, according to the Wings BTL pundits. They must be treated as a special case.

I won’t reference the credible reports – they stand to reason actually – that after getting on for near 3 years of war – U****** is itself now a nuclear power.

What I will say though, is that if Wingers truly believe that any enemy of ours must be given carte blanche to do as they want, once they have a nuke, then sane and rational Scots are going to have to stand up with those who want I*** bombed back to the stone age.

We already have two rogue nuclear states in the world – Orcland and the Hermits. We don’t want a third.


“if Wingers truly believe that any enemy of ours must be given carte blanche to do as they want”

A country that considers itself the owner of the world and is abusing the structures put in place to protect that world so it can instead exercise direct control over other governments and the global economy, is an enemy of ours.

A country’s whose deep state has abused its position of power to effectively force regime change in our country by deliberately removing a competent leader like Salmond from anywhere near the absolute anti-union MP majority from 2015 up to 2024, and instead has installed a series of useless puppets who have deliberately gone against the will of the majority in pretty much everything, is an enemy of ours.

A country that is abusing its position of power to force us into a war with R that is undoubtedly going to result in poverty and casualties, is an enemy of ours.

A country that is abusing its position of power to use Scottish taxpayers’ cash to continue feeding a proxy war where the coward warmongers sitting in the deep British and USA’s state are using the U people as cannon fodder and forcing them to a war because those warmongers do not have the balls to engage directly in that war themselves, is an enemy of ours.

A country that is sending billions of taxpayers’ cash to U while at the same time savagely depriving our elderly from the ability to heat their houses is an enemy of ours.

A country that is stealing Scotland’s renewable energy to supply England for free whilst forcing the Scottish people to pay higher prices than England for the fking electricity Scotland produces, is an enemy of ours.

A country that is forcing us to accept gen cide as normal is an enemy of ours.

Everything above points towards both, USA, the British state and I dare say I to being enemies of Scotland. I do not believe many “Wingers”, other than you and a few others, are prepared to give a “carte blanche” to those three enemies of Scotland.

Unfortunately for us, the spineless parasites claiming to “represent” Scotland are so far up the arses of those three enemies that are happy to go along with the proxy war, with the theft of Scotland’s electricity, with the freezing of our elderly, the starving of our children and with the prospect of Scotland being bombed back to the stone age so the ego of some coward and disgusting warmonger in Washington and London can be inflated a little bit more. Because, it appears that, as long as those parasites who claim to represent us can keep their salaries, pensions and access to subsidised bars, Scotland can burn in hell and its people bombed to ashes.

Needless to say that I include among the parasites ALL Scotland’s parties represented in Holyrood and Westminster, because, other than Alba, I do not see any of them actually getting their arses up and lifting a finger to stop Scotland being dragged into this insane nonsense.

Hatey McHateface

“as long as those parasites who claim to represent us can keep their salaries, pensions and access to subsidised bars, Scotland can burn in hell and its people bombed to ashes”

Hmmm. If we’re bombed to ashes won’t the subsidised bars go too? And the pensions?

Who’s going to work in the bars? It’s actually quite a skilled job, due to the rules and regulations infesting the industry, especially with our home-grown Scottish hostility to alcohol enjoyment (any enjoyment in fact).

“stop Scotland being dragged into this insane nonsense”

I get it, Mia. You don’t get it. You believe that after every murderous, aggressively colonialist imperial power has been allowed carte blanche to blast their way into wherever they want to go, and take whatever they want, nice wee Scotland will be left alone to thrive in magnificent isolation.

Because we’re cuddly and cute and so photogenically tartan, nobody will want our resources, or our lebensraum.

Sorry, but you’re deluding yourself.


“If we’re bombed to ashes won’t the subsidised bars go too? And the pensions?”

Not necessarily. A couple of possibilities for the parasites to keep the gravy train going spring to mind:

they can go down to south of England. Because, of course, England’s warmongers have been very careful to ensure the trident nonsense base is up here in Scotland and not in their own backyard.they can find a job in the USA working for the deep state or the “Democrats” in that country. At the end of the day, quite a few of them have already preparing the ground by “canvassing” and campaigning for them whilst payed by Scotland’s taxpayers.I do not have a shadow of a doubt that all the USA and UK deep states’ minions in Scotland and England will be the first load to be evacuated (after the royals and aristocrats, have taken the best seats, of course) should Scotland be involved in another of USA’s proxy wars.

“Who’s going to work in the bars?”
AI. Is that not the way neocons behind those murderous, aggressively colonialist imperial powers are taking us towards?

“Sorry, but you’re deluding yourself”
And so are you. You do not seem to realise that the hegemon’s power is on its way out and fast. Attaching ourselves to a ship catastrophically holed below the water line will not save us from sinking. The way to survive is to swim away from it as fast as we possibly can.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mia
Colin Alexander

“MSP ‘disturbed’ over Milngavie schools participation in ‘LGBT project'”
“AN MSP says she was “deeply disturbed” to find out two Milngavie primary schools will be participating in what she has called an “LGBT Youth Scotland pilot”.

link to


So we are at war. British storm missiles have been fired into Russia. Britain and America are now openly involved.

Down south Jeremy Corbyn has just asked the Prime Minister about the situation. War has consequences. Huge consequences.

That John Swinney supports US attacks is irrelevant. He is a clown on behalf of the industrial military establishment. For him the deaths of British soldiers in both world wars would be a source of pride. The pride of losing one’s son or daughter in the slaughter of war is so extant in people like Swinney.

But war has moved on. Weapons are ever more destructive. The carpet bombing and destruction of Gaza or now Lebanon or the equally horrific destruction in U***ine is testimony to that. And now we widen it by openly entering the war.

So how will it play out now. Sweden and Finland are telling citizens to prepare for war and store food and water.

Scotland has well known military bases such as F#sl#ne and C##lp#rt. It has hardened shelter for planes in bases around Scotland. What hardening for the hapless population in Scotland or like the citizens of Gaza and now Lebanon will we just take any slaughter with Brittanic pride.

But don’t listen to me. Listen to RFK junior on a recent podcast explaining and naming the corporate industrial and financial players who drive war. The Blackrock, the Being, the Northman Zgruman, the Raytheons and etc. RFK lays it all out and of course he is not the only US senator to decry the obscene war policy of arm, kill destroy and rebuild.

Maybe however this is what a hapless populace want, or at lest don’t care about. Is Scotland, like it’s First Minister up for it. Seems very much so.


You’d think with John Swinney would be able to control the finances wouldn’t you?


Alex Salmond passed a powerful and successful organisation to Nicola, who then immediately drowned it in a cesspit. She’s now waiting on her peerage for services rendered to the British state. Her hands are absolutely filthy.


Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart; for his purity, by definition, is unassailable.
James A. Baldwin

Dick Wall

As humans we are little different from any others. What makes us different is our institutions. How we go about making decisions. Hopefully ones that carry the overwhelming consent of the people. Ask any craftsman or woman who makes complicated worthwhile things and they’ll tell you there are 995 ways to do it wrong and 4 or 5 ways to do it right.

That’s 1 out of 995 been tried. This could take a while.

Rev, your mission, should you accept it, is to help us choose one of the 5 by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of them.

In a generation or next year or whenever, when we get another chance we would need to have all that shit sorted. Properly sorted or it’s just another rerun.
Until then I remain sceptical.

Alan Austin

As a unionist and someone who voted against having a devolved parliament I am afraid all my fears have come true. Holyrood is a complete waste of public money as it has achieved nothing in 25 years. It is staffed by incompetent people with no real.skills outside of being in politics. This is shown in the disaster of policies it has brought out, the rise in poverty and drug taking, inability to manage anything to control public expenditure etc etc. My final argument is that after the disasters of Sturgeon and Humza the ” white” we are left with John Swinney as FM – christ how bad can it get. We will still have a Holyrood after 2026 with no real.majority which will achieve nothing and we will still be paying for it – close it and save the money to use on things that improve peoples lives.


And what? The English Parliament will serve us any better? Just asking, like.

Alan Austin

No James but paying for one shit parliament is cheaper than paying for two


Then vote to get rid of Westminster – job done surely?


I vote Alan that we get rid of the BIGGER more incompetent and more corrupt WM parliament and while we are at that demolition I also vote that we get rid of that other house of horrors and ill repute the house of LARDS

THAT would be a greater saving for ALL in Scotland unless there is some other reason that you want the opposite,
OMG we could save ourselves a massive fortune by getting rid of those other ponces and prostitutes they call royalty just think of ALL the money that would save


And paying for one shit parliament is far, far cheaper than having to pay for three:

Keep Holyrood and ditch England (as the UK)’s House of Commons and House of Lords.

bobo bunny

Its the Scottish Parliaments fault people take drugs – how did you work that out? WM fought against safe spaces for addicts. In an independant scotland, drugs policy would be up to us, not them. We could control quality and supply, and take it out the hands of criminals. I am not saying legalise, or make it easy to get, but certainly the ‘war on drugs’ does not work, people have been taking them for years, and we need a new approach


It is staffed by incompetent people with no real.skills outside of being in politics”

The exact same applies to Westminster and, I dare say, the House of Lords, with the caveat that the political rejects and other troughers currently sitting in the House of Lords have been catapulted to the seat, not even elected. Yet, these unelected political rejects have far more say on our legislation than our own representatives, never mind the people of Scotland as a whole.

“close it and save the money to use on things that improve peoples lives”

I have a much better suggestion. Westminster has over 600 MPs and goodness knows how many SPADS and other staffers whilst it does nothing, nothing at all for the benefit of Scotland. I already lost count of the number of parasites currently sitting in the HoL which also actively work against Scotland. We are effectively paying them to work against us. That is an unnecessary expense for Scotland in my books, and therefore needs addressing.

I suggest that, rather than closing Holyrood, we reform it after we have ditched the Scotland Act and close down Westminster’s both chambers, the HoC and the HoL. The saving to Scotland and the efficiency of the change would be far, far, far greater than closing Holyrood. Once those two chambers are closed, all powers can return to Scotland’s parliament closer to their owners: the Scottish people.

England can pay (from its own pocket, mind, not the UK purse) for its own HoC and its own HoL, if it is that keen in keeping that 17 century relic. Scotland can pay for Holyrood, which, without interference from the British state, and with the return of all powers, can start operating as what it is meant to be: an actual parliament for Scotland rather than England’s crown’s proxy chatter house with no teeth and not power which is used against Scotland. Then we would just have to concentrate on neutralising the toxic and overbearing interference from USA and I.

Actually, I would go further with the savings. I would eject all UK civil servants from Scotland and instead hire Scottish people for the positions of a new Scotland’s civil service. For Scotland and controlled by Scotland.

Another important source of saving would be ditching the English supreme court otherwise known as “UK Supreme Court”. That court is using English law and English convention to quash Scotland’s popular sovereignty in violation of Scotland’s claim of right. Also, the legality of that court in the context of the ToU is beyond dubious, so it should go. Of course, England can pay for it from its own pocket if it is keen in keeping it for itself.

There are also quite a few savings to be made by stopping any funding from taxpayers going to all those quangos and dodgy outfits currently being used as the echo chambers of the UK gov’s proxy in Holyrood’s and Bute House.

Last, but not least, I would send the colonial “crown office” and the crown minion figure of “Lord Advocate” packing. That surely would save us a few more pennies.

There would still be an awful lot of clearing up to do, for example by getting rid of many unnecessary control positions designed by elements of the British state to exercise unduly influence on Scotland, but at least the above would be a good start, don’t you agree?


So is swinney a plant or promoted above his abilities

Alan Austin

Unfortunately promoted well above his abilities. Even worse he is the best the SNP have. Not sure any of the other parties could supply anyone better than Swinney. Close Holrood as it only staffed by local community councillor grade politicians and student politics advisors.


Close Holrood”

No. I have a much better solution: get a political party to stand on a manifesto to:

  1. gain from the people of Scotland the power to overrule Scotland’s MPs, to remove from them the custody of Scotland’s old parliament, to remove from them the power to preserve/repeal the ToU and to transfer all those powers to Holyrood.
  2. repeal the Scotland Act and restore all powers currently held by Scotland’s MPs to Scotland’s parliament, rendering MPs effectively redundant.
  3. Eject from the cabinet the crown tool, otherwise known as “Lord Advocate”, so the people of Scotland can wrestle back from the English crown the stolen control of both, the legislative and the executive powers.
  4. Eject UK civil servants from any form of Scottish government and public service and to replace them with Scottish civil servants swearing allegiance to the Scottish people.
  5. Remove the fangs of the “crown office” from the jugular of Scotland’s prosecution service and send that colonial institution packing and back to England.
  6. Change the allegiance to be sworn in Holyrood from being towards the English crown to being the towards the Scottish people. Enact it.

The last 10 years have demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that it does not matter what party MPs belong to, they will never, ever compromise their seat in the gravy train and they will never, ever do the job they were voted in for. The only thing they are doing is legitimising the abuse and exploitation Scotland continues to be subjected to.

The last 10 years have demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt the absolute futility of continuing to send MPs to Westminster. They do nothing. They change nothing. They protect nothing. Other than decoration, they serve zero purpose to Scotland. They will never use the powers Scotland has conferred on them to benefit Scotland. They will only abuse those powers to preserve the union and their salaries, just as they continue to do today.

It is therefore past time we stopped that charade that is legitimising Scotland’s abuse and derailed that gravy train for once and for all.

So, no. Let’s not close Holyrood. Doing so will only hand even more powers to the useless and incompetent figures that Scotland’s MPs have become. Those MPs have demonstrated beyond doubt that they would not waste even a second in happily handing those powers directly to the English crown and English MPs. With minimal exceptions, this is what they have been doing for the last 300 years, in exchange for subsidised bars and a seat in the gravy train.

We need to bring those powers back to Holyrood and send the useless crown tools, MI5 and USA plants, incompetent puppets and vacuous charlatans currently infesting our political parties, parliament, civil service and cabinet to where they belong: the dustbin of Scotland’s history.

Campbell Clansman

Reminder: Swinney has been in SNP leadership roles the last 25 years, including the Salmond years.
He LED the SNP 2000-2004.
Swinney isn’t an outlier. He IS the SNP, as it always has been.


You talk some mince man.

bobo bunny

It’s a fact. do your research

Mark Beggan

Wouldn’t it be nice to blame the Scottish for shiting in their own kennel once and awhile.

bobo bunny

I would say both. How he can claim to be for independance is beyond my comprehension. The continuity candidate, at the trough, filling his pension pot, doing the bidding of his colonial masters. Another tractor. In any other country he’d have been up against the wall, with all the others.


I would say both. A plant and deliberately promoted beyond his abilities (the same as Yousaf and I would say Sturgeon), so they would be very easy to manipulate and do exactly as they are told by their masters, both in London and at the other side of the Atlantic.

The entire cabinet, included that embarrassment to her profession and the crown’s absolute rule delivering tool Lord Advocate, looks overpromoted from where I am sitting.

Mind you, I do not think Flynn is any better. All talk and no action. Lets not not forget that Flynn was the leader of the SNP at Westminster at the time we had an absolute majority of anti-union MPs, and what did he do with that majority? The square root of fck all. The man is another useless charlatan. Another green seat warmer.

The fact that he now so desperately trying to grab a seat in the Holyrood gravy train bandwagon whilst keeping the Westminster gravy train also flowing, suggests to me that he is already anticipating the loss of the Westminster seat he still holds in the next GE. Another trougher alright. looking to maximise the length of time he can keep his arse on the gravy train.

And what happened to that rule that blocked Ms Cherry accessing Holyrood? I don’t remember Mr Flynn or any of the other troughers currently attempting the same move saying much in defence of Ms Cherry.


NO he”s just a fucking corrupt moron elected by imbeciles


Actually, twathater, he might have been democratically elected to the post of MSP, but he was “coronated” as leader of the SNP and FM by the decision of a handful, if even that many.

He never underwent any type of public scrutiny or election for the positions of SNP leader or FM, because the “brains” behind his coronation knew the membership would have never elected him. Their solution? to deliberately bypass membership.

It is my opinion that this was always the ultimate aim behind the controlled demolition of the party’s democratic structures which was triggered under the stewardship of the political fraud Sturgeon and that dodgy character Robertson.

If Swinney had not been available, they would have catapulted to the position some other useless and vacuous puppet. One that would surely do as they were told.

The whole thing has the fingerprints of the British and USA states’ interference all over it. As I have said previously, it remains my personal opinion, that this was always about forcing “regime change” in Scotland to frustrate independence, and to hell with democratic rights and with what the people of Scotland actually want for their country. It is only what USA’s and British corrupt and self-serving deep states want what counts.

With Yousaf, at the very least they faked some kind of (rigged) election. They couldn’t even be arsed in faking anything with Swinney. As far as I am concerned, this man was imposed on Scotland as FM.

This individual, during his tenure as leader of the SNP, catastrophically lost the SNP’s absolute majority in Westminster, and yet, there he is, still in post. No professional dignity, no concept of accountability and a total lack of sense of responsibility for his incompetence preserving that majority. Surely by design.

Meanwhile, Mr Salmond, despite leading the mother of all successes by increasing support for independence from around 23% in January 2013 to an astonishing over 50% in the weeks before the referendum, and despite exponentially increasing the membership of the party and preparing the ground for the mother of all SNP majorities in 2015, felt appropriate to fall on his own sword for not “winning”.

The official result may have been a win for No, but I have never believed it nor I ever will. If No had really won, the British (and USA’s) state secret services rats, plants, useful idiots etc would have never gone after him the way they did and would not be openly destroying any pretence of democracy by denying us another referendum or having a crown minion in the cabinet stealing control of the legislative power to stop a referendum bill entering the parliamentary chamber.

Since the minute Mr Salmond resigned in 2014, Scotland has been, through an externally imposed regime change and subjected to absolute rule, which is a direct violation of the Claim of Right and indirectly the Treaty of Union.

Yet, do we see any movement from the useless and spineless amoebas who claim to “represent” Scotland?

Hell no. Maintaining their nice pensions and access to the subsidised bars and ministerial cars appears to be the only thing that matters to them.

Zander Tait

It is a distressing thought that if Nikita Stalin, Evans, Wark, Garavelli, Swinney, Ruddock, Lloyd and all the others had succeeded, Alex would have died in jail.

How anyone can vote SNP is beyond me.


An much more distressing thought for me is that, if those disgusting individuals with absolute no principles, no morals, no dignity and no respect for Scotland or the Scottish people had not abused power and manipulated Scotland’s judiciary systems in the sickening way they did, Mr Salmond would still be alive today.

That is the thought that comes to mind every time I see a picture of those evil creatures or I read their names somewhere. And I am sickened by it.

Within the confines of my own mind, those individuals, together with the British and USA’s corrupt deep state they have been acting as the useful idiots for, will be always held responsible for Mr Salmond’s far too early passing.


Roll up! Roll up!
Choose your «nationalism»…

link to

but make it one Nato can use… Swinney & co


Well the handover to ClaMac of the Glen Sannox ferry is only six and a half years late – and both ferries are £300 million plus over budget; the foreign media even showed Sturgeon the Judas launching the Glen Sannox a few years back with its painted on windows.

Speaking of foreign -the head of Cal Mac was onboard the the Glen Sannox to raise CalMac’s flag today – unsurprisingly he sounded awfy like an Englishman when he spoke.


Meanwhile, the ICC has issued an arrest warrant for the head of the evil occupying regime in the Levant – that’s committing jenno-side.

Unfortunately, the ICC is corrupt as f*ck – and many countries do not recognise its jurisdiction, the USA (the b*stards) has stated that it will invade the ICC, if it arrest any US personnel, of any of its allies.


link to

As Jeffrey Sachs says, the warrant’s issue is also a measure of how impotent and isolated the US has been trying to stop it.

The above livestream is extremely thought provoking… going all the way back to the Gulf War 2 and fake WMD.


Judge Nap also has a livestream with Col Douglas Macgregor scheduled for 21:00…

Probably don’t want to miss that….

link to

Al Dossary

Cant watch that and Danny Haiphong / Mark Sleboda at the same time unfortunately……..

Ian Brotherhood

Watching that right now.

It’s remarkable, listening to these people, (regardless of whether you agree with them or not) and then thinking about the infantile, ignorant shite we hear from embarrassing amateur drama queens in Holyrood and Westminster. They really are a fucking red neck for Scotland – the embodiment of cringe and they ‘represent’ us on the world stage whether we like it or not.

It’s like being the dude in the Green Room who had to watch Guy Goma being broadcast live on BBC World News after being introduced as him.


I have not bought a newspaper in 20 years but I have an X subscription which I bought just a month or two ago after listening to Musk talk in Pittsburgh during the election campaign.

X is the end of the legacy media. And the start of free speech. You have to support it as they are attacking it.

The UK especially hate twitter because the UK IS legacy propaganda HQ. The BBC. That is our last remaining pathetic little empire… of lies.

Popped like a rancid condom by Elon Musk and X.


I haven’t either, indeed it’s something of a fallacy calling them newspapers.

A cursory glance in the direction of the National reveals it as a platform for UK propaganda and rhetoric. No surprises there, I know.

I won’t link to the rag, and won’t even waste an archive on it, but nasty “R” is ratcheting up the “tension”. No mention whatsoever of the US and UK initiating the first strikes of WW3 with missile attacks on R soil.

This warmongering evil runs very deep in “our” society. What we laughably describe as news media should be in the dock beside our war criminals.

Robert Hughes

Yes , indeed , B . I’ve never known such levels of mendacious propaganda being spewed 24/7 by MSM & Political Caste . They’ve never been particularly honest , but in the last 25/30 years they’ve become nothing more than sick apologists for every aberration imaginable . They’re currently plumbing subterranean depths of disgusting lies , omissions and blatant falsehoods . This is why I lose it with ” some people ” on here : we’re surrounded , inundated on all sides by lies , everywhere you look & listen – an endless procession of false narratives , and to read people on here – ” The World’s Most Read ……” repeating/promoting the same pish is incredibly dispiriting .

This is not a case of me , you , or anyway else thinking our opinions are ” superior ” , FFS it’s not an ego-competition : the lies are so big and blatant and – currently – potentially catastrophic anyone with a modicum of clear perception should be seeing through them . That many can’t is ” unfortunate ” ; that many can but choose not to is unforgiveable .

Last edited 1 month ago by Robert Hughes
Hatey McHateface

‘This is not a case of me , you , or anyway else thinking our opinions are ” superior ”’

Oh yes it is.

Hatey McHateface

Sure, Breeks.

The soil of Holy Mother R is, of course, sacred.

The soil of everywhere else, like U for example, is just a convenient place for the Orcs to dig the mass graves.

In the mid 1920’s it was reasonable and ethical to believe the Orcs were building a new, fair, equitable, just, reasoned, humane society.

A century later, with all we know of the gulags, the exterminations, the prisons, the terror, etc. it no longer is.


The jenno-sidal monsters squatting in another folks country, have called the ICC anti-Semitic – that sentence is wheeled out whenever the monsters don’t like what they hear.

Hatey McHateface

Well, well. So you do have an ‘S’ on your keyboard. It’s just “scotland” that has to go without.

Who’d have thought it?!?!

It’s nae jenno-side though, is it? Do the math. Work out how long a wee, pretendy “jenno-side” would take at current casualty rates.

Thousands of years, eh? I bet that’s not an answer you want to hear because by coincidence, it’s the same time period that the rightful owner/occupiers of the Holy Land can trace back the records of them living there.

“called the ICC anti-Semitic”

Interesting, isn’t it, that to “balance” things, the ICC indicted one of the humous boys.

Who just happens to be dead!

Impartial readers can make up their own minds what that’s really all about.


Give up on that pish, who ever capitalised a letter in the middle of a name?


The foreign country of England which controls Scotland via our Vichy government – (SNP) and a plethora of House Jock, has allowed the evil regime in Eastern Europe to fire Storm Shadow missiles into Rooooshhia each missiles costs around £767k and 12 were fired today which is roughly around £9 million quids worth.

Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of folk can’t heat their homes – or eat properly because it costs too much.

Only by dissolving this illegal union – can we help more Scots, and it all starts with removing the Vichy SNP – and the other House Jock MSPs when the time comes.

If the English government wants to start wars – let them do it on their own – no more Scots should die for them.

Willie Fleming

They got a wee lesson in Dnepopetrovsk yesterday.
And these were purely kinetic weapons, no warheads.
A magnificent strike, took out some deep bunkers full of “advisors” as well as what remained the Soviet rocket plant that was left to the Ukrainians.
There were sleepless nights in various deep bunkers last night.
I would move away from locations near Rosyth, Kirkliston, Faslane, Coulport, High Wycombe and anywhere else you know the Brits have bunkers.
The next missiles may have warheads on them and there is nothing that can be done to stop them.

Not even the hot air from the grovelling Klansman and Mac the Inadequate Hateface.


After another afternoon working on a tractor on a hillside in freezing temps I pondered this.
One positive to keep in mind is that it’s always worth remembering the first law of thermodynamics.
At least a thermonuclear war would mean air sourced heat pumps wouldn’t have to work so hard and make quite so much fucking noise trying to capture heat from oor winter weather if ambient temperatures were raised by a nearby missile strike.

At the moment due to the law of unintended consequences, everyone that doesn’t have an air source heat pump is having to use other less planet saving forms of heating to make up for the lower ambient temperatures in their locales caused by selfish air source heat pump owners stealing what little heat there was from the community.


Actually, people have been asking for decades what happened to huge donations left to the SNP in deceased wills

George Ferguson

Stephen Flynn finding out that double jobbing motivated by naked ambition is not a good look especially when sitting politicians have to be removed. He should have learned something from Douglas Ross.

Zander Tait

And, of course, let’s not forget the double salary, double staff and double expenses.

There are few more impressive sights than a Scotsman on the make.

George Ferguson

I was surprised Flynn didn’t know that Ross donated one of his salaries to charity when questioned on the Sunday Politics Show. Basic stuff not researched properly. Shooting from the hip a bit like Sturgeon. Thankfully he won’t become First Minister. But assessing the polling neither will Swinney in 2026. For the last ten years Holyrood have done their own thing and invited a disruptive influence. Shaping up to be that scenario.


Flynn should also have known that Alex Salmond also donated one of the two salaries he had at one point to charity. Probably Flynn could not possibly be aware of that since the time when the SNP erased all mention and memory of Salmond from their official history. Then the same Flynn gets up off his hind legs to deliver a eulogy to him in Westminster after he died. Height of hypocrisy. Made me think he might have got his speeches mixed up, or someone switched them at the last minute without him knowing, and he ended up delivering the wrong one. The intended one probably began something like this: ‘I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him…’ Since Marc Anthony Flynn, or whatever his name is, seems to have ambitions to become the SNP’s next Caesar himself, he had better be wary of what his eventual fate will be. With friends like that lot, who needs enemies? Stir your memory, laddie, and don’t do to others what you don’t want them or anyone else to do to you…

Mark Beggan

He should have grown a moustache like Neil Gray.

Campbell Clansman

There are four council elections today.
Three are in Glasgow, an SNP stronghold.
I wonder if the “Indy” parties (assuming SNP is an “Indy” Party) will even get 35% of the vote in their stronghold? I wonder what Alba, the microbe party, will get.

Zander Tait

And you are a thing of wonder, Camel Humpster TransMan.

Let’s see, the last 2 polls on Scottish Independence clearly show a win for………..


At least we can agree on those factoids Humpster Soup Dude.


Campbell Clansman

Glasgow is an Indy stronghold. If these areas vote 2-1 Unionist parties, all the Alba/Salvo fantasies and all the lies will yet again be refuted by facts.

Zander Tait

You do like your facts embedded in your fantasy future Dumpster CamelMan.

Unfortunately for you Cancer FannyBaws the last two polls on Scottish Independence show a win for YES.

Dem’s da facts and dats da truth.

Stay with us Soupster, your sanity depends on it.

Robert Matthews
Zander Tait

Thanks RM,

So another poll showing 52% to 48% in favour of Yes.

Humpster will be down in the Dumpster.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Which poll was that then?

Zander Tait

That would be Survation, Fido.

Campbell Clansman

The actual latest poll (Survation) showed:
34% for Indy in the EU
8% for Indy outside the EU
Total: 42% for Indy
58% opted for the various non-Indy options

It pays to read the actual poll results, rather than press releases or newspaper headlines.

Zander Tait

I did read it Camster.

It states in answer to the question, “should Scotland be an Independent country?”

The answer was Yes 52% No 48%

You might be surprised to discover that 52 is more than 48.

So another win for Yes and another defeat for the dependence monkeys.

Have a joyous weekend Camel TransMan.

Campbell Clansman

The latest poll is Nov. 20th, Survation. And the results are 42% Indy, 58% not. You might be surprised to learn that 58 is greater than 42.
To help you out, the link is link to

You’re wrong again. But I’ll concede that you can tell falsehoods faster than I can correct them.

Zander Tait

We’re both wrong Humpster.

It’s Free Thinkers 48 (not 42) and Dependence Monkeys 52 (not 58)

You’re numbers in brackets.

Your lies are bigger than mine, TransMan.

Michael Laing

Perhaps you could explain to us, Camp Bellend, how Scotland benefits from being in the UK? How does having governments that we have never voted for in seventy years undemocratically imposed on us benefit Scotland? How does having another country help itself to our wealth and resources as if they were its own benefit Scotland? How does having nuclear weapons on our territory benefit Scotland? How does never-ending war and slaughter that we want no part in benefit Scotland? How does feudalism, oligarchy and extreme economic inequality benefit Scotland? How does having no say in our own affairs and no power to do anything about the things that really matter benefit Scotland?

Why don’t you tell us what’s so great about your beloved UK instead of trying to convince us that there’s no support for independence?

Campbell Clansman

I see that I’m living rent-free in your head. …
Perhaps you’d explain how childish name-calling advances your cause?


Yep – better to stick to an ad hominem like ‘microbe’

Do you have any mirrors in your butt an’ ben?

Michael Laing

Howsabout you just respond to my questions, Bellend? How does being in the UK benefit Scotland?

Campbell Clansman

In the real Scotland, they had 4 council by-elections yesterday. The “Indy” parties received 25.5%, 32.2%, 26.3% and 33.4% of the votes. 3 of the 4 seats were in the “Indy” heartland of Glasgow. Scots voted for Unionist parties by more than 2-1 in each case.

Zander Tait

And the last 3 polls on Scottish Independence show wins for YES.

Nae luck Dumpster.

Robert Matthews

The most recent poll shows No 52 – yes 48.


“Glasgow is an Indy stronghold.”

Of course it is – why do you think that there are more security cameras per-head-of population in Glasgow, than there is in say London.

Hatey McHateface

Here we go, Ros, 30 seconds of online searching:

“Research by Clarion Security Systems estimates that there are over 942,562 CCTV Cameras in London, meaning there is 1 CCTV camera for every 10 people in the capital”

Or you can try this link:

link to

Which has Glasgow at #4, behind London, Birmingham and Leeds.

Or you can just fess up to writing about your own, personal, imaginary country “scotland”, in which case you do, of course, get the freedom to write anything you want.

I can see how comforting that must be for you.

Robert Matthews

What Craig Murray is doing is beyond brave.

I really thought he had a death wish this last couple of weeks… but I now see his logic.

He is going to walk among them, the Lebanese, the Palestinians, and if they kill him, it will make us see ‘them’ as ‘him’, more human, more real.

I have talked about the size of Craig Murray’s steel balls before on here, in the context of the Salmond stitch-up, but really this is getting to King Kong sized steel balls level. Stupid level Craig…

I can completely see why Alex Salmond entrusted this ultra moral, hyper integrity individual with the truth of the stitch-up. He puts his life on the line for truth. Bless you man.

Zander Tait

There ain’t no medals for his kind of bravery.

Hatey McHateface

Stupidity, surely.

He’s standing with the burners of babies, the rapist mutilators of teenage lassies, the hostage takers, the indiscriminate murderers, the stealers of food from the mouths of their own children, the tunnel skulkers whose primary strategy is to get as many thousands of their own people killed as possible, while hoping they can retain their own yellow skins and filched fortunes intact.

Worse than that, he’s tainting Scotland and Indy by association.

Maybe he’ll persuade the murderous medievalists to release the hostages and stop lobbing missiles at Isr. Then he can come home and everybody can live in peace.

He’ll defo get a medal then.


Now into telling blatant lies to justify gen0ocide and ethnic cleansing.

What a repulsive individual.

The world can see who are the baby killers, deliberately shooting toddlers and babies in heads and chests.

Destroying hospitals and schools because they lack the courage to fight their enemy face to face.

Employing disgusting racist creeps to haunt websites in other countries to pollute it with their filth.

Imagine being you…

Hatey McHateface

There’s a number of facts in my post, “Mac”.

You should take them on board.

I’m finding that by sticking to the facts, I don’t have to resort to juvenile, playground insults.

You should give it a try.

Andrew F

Devoid of facts and overflowing with bigoted bile – let alone juvenile playground insults.

If anyone has a right to defend themselves, then everyone has the right to defend themselves. Good for the goose good for the gander.

You can’t spend decades bashing people around and then when they “defend themselves” with violence cry out that you are being oppressed and you alone have the “right to defend yourself” with extreme violence.

BTW, not putting this here for you, I’m putting it here so nobody thinks I agree with you.


You are on here, every day, all day, posting the same black lies that have been debunked a long time ago now.

The forty beheaded babies, babies in ovens, mass rapes, mass civilian murders, all lies.

Lies which are used by you to deflect from gen0cide and ethnic cleansing, to justify it…

The female hostages who have been released all talked very highly of their captors and the treatment they received.

Compare and contrast to the mass rape of male prisoners in Isr@el’s prisons… on camera.

The PM and defense minister of Isr@el have just been charged with war crimes. That is not fiction, that is an indelible stain, forever…

And then after repeating all this revolting ‘killing babies with bayonets’ level propaganda you denounce everyone BTL as an anti$emite. While typically greeting about people insulting him/it/her.

It is quite the performance.

As someone has asked you, do you really think you are winning hearts and minds…

Hatey McHateface

“You are on here, every day, all day”


“repeating all this revolting ‘killing babies with bayonets’”


“denounce everyone BTL as an anti$emite”


“The female hostages who have been released all talked very highly of their captors and the treatment they received.”

Out of curiosity, I Googled the following:

“how do the isr**** female hostages describe their kidnappers” (without the asterisks, obvs)

Second story found – “‘I went through hell:’”
Nope again.

“deflect from gen0cide”

What is it now, 13+ months, and according to Al Jazeera, as of 19 November 2024, the death count is 43,972 with more than 11,000 people missing.

If that’s gen0cide Jim, it’s not as we know it. Besides, at least one of those killed must have been a gun-toting, RPG-firing terrorist, eh?

And as a good number of people in the world know, it’s a gen0cide that could be ended over the weekend, simply by releasing the hostages and stopping the throwing of munitions at the internationally recognised, sovereign state of Isr***.

“charged with war crimes”

Sure. South Africa was bunged $10 million dollars to make that one stick. Follow the money, as people like to say.

And the ICC felt they have to provide a figleaf of “balance” by indicting one of the humous boys too, only he’s conveniently already dead.

Must try harder, “Mac”, a lot harder.


Clown looking for a circus.


I do hope Swinney and co turn up at Salmond’s memorial so we can tell them what we think of them.

I just cant believe what a hash he is making if what is left

Michael Laing

It’s deliberate. He’s an unelected UK state plant. He’s just continuing the sabotage and destruction that’s been ongoing since 2014.


the sabotage and destruction that’s been ongoing since 2014″

I like to call it British and USA’s deep states’ sponsored “regime change”.


If energy is too expensive to buy to keep you, your family home, or business premises warm, you can at least read about leccy to distract you from the cold.

link to

Last edited 1 month ago by Dan

The anglo-american Nato war by proxy in central Europe ought to be a game-changer for the bright , if there be any, within «official» Scottish nationalism….bot wad som pouer the giftie gie us etc.
The anglos seem to be headed down Iraq alley#2. 

«they make a desert and call it peace»


“These plunderers of the world” ; their appetite and greed recognise no borders.

Hatey McHateface

It’s not an “anglo-american” war though is it. Currently 41 countries are providing active support to U.

All of this is very easy to find with a few second’s online search.


41 countries are providing active support to U”

How many of those country’s governments are controlled by USA/UK?

Hatey McHateface

“How many of those country’s governments are controlled by USA/UK?”

Two of them.

The USA and the UK.

FFS, Mia, aren’t there any primary school kids in your household you could have asked that question?


“Two of them.
The USA and the UK”


And then you have the brass neck to claim that I am the one who is deluded….

In what kind of utopia parallel universe do you live? Are there pigs flying in that blue sky of yours too?

Hatey McHateface

Jeezo, Mia.

My post was a classic “gotcha” and you’re such a godamn humour-free zone and po-faced finger-wagger you can’t even acknowledge it.

Lighten up 🙂


In this situation we may have something akin to the«Coalition of the Willing».
That too was driven by money, arm twisting, threats not to mention «black propaganda»

link to

In those days it was all about towel heads, now it’s about «mongol» savages from the steppes.


Having a government that is consumed with an unexplained hatred for the source of cheap and plentiful energy on Europe’s border, resulting in absurd energy costs is one thing… it will destroy our economies and it is already happening.

But to then take away the money given to old people to help them pay their exorbitant energy bills that you essentially caused… wow, that is homicidal. That is absolutely astonishing.

Then we get to the attack on farmers… A former Labour Starmer aide is on camera saying ‘we will do to the farmers what Thatcher did the miners.’

IMHO all they really want to do is put a lot of distressed farms on the market to be snapped up by vulture private equity firms and the like. Another really disgusting move.

I also predict the announced early release of existing prisoners for serious crimes is to free up space to imprison people for essentially social media posts.

Lastly in UK news If you have not seen it go watch the clip of Starmer attempting hit a punch bag. WTF is that.


IMHO all they really want to do is put a lot of distressed farms on the market to be snapped up by vulture private equity firms and the like”

Of course it is. The same as with the NHS. In my opinion, they are preparing them to be sold as assets in a UK-USA trade deal.

Michael Laing

Then we get to the attack on farmers… A former Labour Starmer aide is on camera saying ‘we will do to the farmers what Thatcher did the miners.’

That was John McTernan, one of the the most obnoxious anti-independence bullshitters during the 2014 referendum campaign, as I recall.


McTernan lol wasn’t he the one who welched on the Rev’s bet? And gets *everything* wrong?
Lower than a snake’s belly.

Gotta say though, much as I despise the Anglo unionist parties I haven’t got much sympathy for farmers who are ‘mostly’ dyed in the wool Tories.
Indy economist Richard Murphy;
“Farmers need to stop talking nonsense [] Farmers are protesting about inheritance tax changes today. Most of them are quite wealthy or they would not be protesting. All of them are farming entirely voluntarily. They could sell up at current prices and live very well indeed doing nothing. Of all the people with a reason to gripe in this country they are about the last with a reasonable right to protest.”


I read that the SNP just lost another 3 council seats. That makes 15 now i think.

Has Swinney realised he is goosed unless he us dynamic.

He has to clear out and jail the vietnam group to have any hope


James Kelly says they were all Labour seats being defended! So they were held by Labour, not won, he says.


They need to be winning. If they cant win when labor has withdrawn the heating allowance and the middle east going on they will never win. It sounds like fudge.


Its shows us – just how corrupt and far removed the political scene is from Scots, when Anas Sarwar the leader of a NON Scottish political party (its a branch office of its London HQ and was described by the Electoral Commission as a Optional Image Mark of it London HQ) is called Scottish Politician of the year.

There is NO Scottish Labour party – registered with the Electoral Commission.


O/T Returning to the issue of removing Scotland from the Union, there are two articles on which way to approach the UN on Barrhead Boy [also linked via Voices for Independence].

14.11.24 Ewan Kennedy’s “Some Comments on the Treaty of Union and Sovereignty”.

21.11.24 Sara Salyer’s response “What Kind of Creature is this Union?”

Ewan points out that an approach to the UN for an advisory opinion has been known about for 70 years. It is depressing that the SNP hasn’t even started on doing so even yet.


Also off topic – but would there be a Children In Need piece coming up?


our enemies, the people who run this shithole, are fucking rats, all of them, since forever; never forget it 
link to

follow the money is almost never wrong 
link to

here is what you could have had –

problems, problems 
link to

one easy way for Ireland to solve this problem would be to rejoin the UK “the most successful political union” in history, bar none. Would never be a problem, ever again.

Stupid micks. Potatoes. What are they like? Next up they’ll be asking for reparations like the hottentot rastafarians.

The story is worth reading in full – the irish are setting up a sovereign wealth fund, didn’t want apple’s money and are paying a winter fuel sub to the old folks; and all without a drop of oil.

[…] up and members leaving, so that this former giant has to start let people go. Unkind observers like Wings Over Scotland say the party has struggled to attract major donors for years, since Nicola Sturgeon (and later […]

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