The game is afoot
We couldn’t see any other outcome than this as soon as the decision was passed to the SPCB, because the Unionist parties have the majority of votes on it.
So it looks as though the Scottish Government’s desperate stalling is finally at an end, and two months after it was supposed to have happened we’re all about to have a very interesting day indeed. We can’t wait.
(At this point we’re not sure if they’re referring to the original submission as published on Wings and in The Spectator, or some amended new version that we haven’t seen. If it’s the former, that casts a very large shadow on both the supposed “legal advice” that saw it rejected previously, and the Crown Office’s attempts to suppress it.)
But if the SNP are that angry (about a document which it must be noted in absolutely no way whatsoever even remotely risks identifying any complainers, even in its original unredacted form), it must be serious.
Does this mean 2-For-1 pizzas could still a thing?
What a fiasco.
‘Honest, open and transparent’
We’ll see what happens when the dam bursts!
The hunt is on = probably for a scapegoat.
Cue the SNP supporting faction of the committee suddenly being struck down with the Rona…
Holyrood governing body tells harassment probe to publish Alex Salmond evidence, this is good news.
I’m not excited. I’m saddened, deeply so. But this has to happen. I’m not meekly going to be a member of a party who are capable of trying to put an innocent man in jail and say nothing.
The SNP leadership treat members like the mushroom squad – feed them shit and keep them in the dark. Time for the light to be shone upon some truth.
I see Andy Shiteman has chickened out again.
Was Fabiani’s Farce referral to the SPCB of the decision to publish the evidence necessary at all? Couldn’t Fabiani’s Farce make the decision themselves?
If it was not necessary, why did they do it? For the sake of giving Sturgeon an extra day? or for the sake of taking the heat from the 5 cretins who voted against releasing the evidence to the public?
What is the point in selecting a committee when they don’t even have the balls to make the decisions they have been selected to make?
Should the rest of the inquiry be transferred to the SPCB too in order to make progress?
How can anybody now trust Fabiani’s Farce to even bother asking the right questions to STurgeon and to not continue attempting to suppress evidence to protect her when they have delayed the process and stalled the release of evidence so blatantly?
There may be trouble ahead…..
Is Sturgeon still saying ‘Bring it on!’?
Finally some sense prevails and to think it took the SPCB to initiate it.
It is still scandalous that the committee voted along party lines instead of in the public interest on it, for that there needs to be additional questions asked and to ensure any future inquiries into the parliament are conducted outside its reach by an independent judge where evidence can be submitted without scandal.
My only hope now is that the evidence is not redacted to oblivion when the inquiry minions process, that will be the next issue – that even though the SPCB have given it a yay, the inquiry data handlers will neuter it through redactions.
Does anyone have a wholesale supplier of bulk purchase popcorn to hand
LINDA does your EK company do popcorn
And the SPCB is doing it just to put the boot into the SNP, not because it’s the right thing to do.
Galling that it’s come to this that we have to rely on them.
An decision on Geoff Aberdein’s submission?
Does this mean the Aberdein stuff will now be published?
Agree. Wait for the ‘victim’ headlines in the gutter press.
When it is the unionists moving this on in the right direction the snp under sturgeon is dead.
Looks like The Sword of Salmoclese is about to fall!
“Does this mean 2-For-1 pizzas could still a thing?”
I really need to see about getting comment likes installed on this WordPress theme.
I’m still not at all convinced that “In principle…it is possible” to publish means it will be published. In principle it’s possible my novel will be published this year too (it won’t). I will wait until it sees the light of day to be in any way excited.
Personally I think Wightman is to be applauded for nor taking part in the vote as he’s already on the committee.
His not voting has actually led to the positive situation we are in.
To be said in a Brian Blessed voice…Salmond’s Alive!
Well done on your persistence in lobbying for the Salmond submission to be published and included in the Inquiry report despite the personal attacks you have had to endure. A good moment for you.
What’s happening with Geoff Aberdein’s evidence? Anyone know?
There is a caveat that
“this decision in principle to publish must now be followed by the processing of the submission in line with the committee’s evidence handling statement”
Sounds like room for manoeuvre.
Taxi for Mr & Mrs Murrell, tenner says the marriage won’t last now she finished, finger crossed.
I see Mackay is having a twitter aneurysm. It’s now all poor me.
I see the eejit MacKay is playing the victim car4d again!!! This time blaming thecomments rather than Stu, and the QAnon references being made by the usual Pronoun Police
Without Wings, this would never have happened.
Just saying.
Does this mean that the committee will hear from Aberdein & Lloyd now? Will more of the truth now come out about what happened?
BBC Philip Sim:
“Inquiry committee confirm Alex Salmond’s submission on the ministerial code will be published “early next week” – once it’s been “processed” (…) – and they are writing to him to invite him to appear on Wednesday, 24 February”
Well, it’s been a llong and winding road, much like the trip from Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch to Llanelli, especially if you take the A483. But now it llooks as if we are in sight of the end. All we need is for a couple more witnesses to appear in addition to AS and NS.
” … publish the submission ,, on the Ministerial code”? Have we not already read this in the Spectator?
Is there as well an AS submission to the Fabiana enquiry?
I see as well that this week’s Private Eye has the story.
Wightman bottled it again? Or did I miss something?
Made my day this.
“Cue the SNP supporting faction of the committee suddenly being struck down with the Rona…” @Mighty S says at 5:13 pm
Gives a new take on the Scottish Politics Classic
“Help me ‘Rona”
Vestas, I don’t think Andy Wightman bottled anything, as he could hardly hear an “appeal” against a decision he had already taken part in. I think it is proper that he did not take part in the SPCB deliberations.
Whether he would have bottled anything if he had taken part today is something we will never know.
“Wightman bottled it again? Or did I miss something?”
(1) He took the principled step to avoid a conflict of interest.
(2) He knew he was going to be outvoted anyway, so shat it to avoid taking any more flak for nothing.
You choose.
Given Alex’s lawyers went over all of his evidence and resubmitted it following the judicial statement from Lady Dorrian the other day, what are the chances that Alex Salmonds re-submitted written evidence, even though cleared by the SPCB & his lawyers, will be redacted by the committees data processors?
That’s the biggest obstacle I can see remaining in Alex appearing before the inquiry.
That’s what happens when you get proper legal advice and make it public. That was always the way in Scotland until the Sturgeon Junta took over.
An improbale common purpose between The Spectator and the excellent Stu.
The legal buckets of shite hitherto proferred by Swinney and Wolffe can be emptied down the laavy.
I expect Salmond to wipe the floor with them now.
Time I think to remove Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell’s passports – lest they try and leave the country, make a run for it.
Easier keeping them here than having to secure an international arrest and extradition warrant.
It’s coming out and it isn’t going to be pretty. And they know it.
,,, “redacted by the committee’s data processors” who are SG employees – there’s a hint!
She’s done. Surely there is no coming back from this. To think last week she was goading AS in parliament with the “at least I’m going to be at the inquiry” baws. Aye hen, you are, and your questions just got a wee bit harder to answer.
One can only wonder at what obstruction they can dream up now. Or will it be another hit piece in the Herald/BBC? If Alex actually turns up I expect a lot of Fabiani “We can’t hear that, we cannot discuss that blah blah blah” They’re not going to give up easily. Watch out for dead cats.
How else can the committee be thwarted though???
@Wee monkey: The SNP committee members will collapse it?
Insert smiley
Can the corporate body rule on publishing the legal advice too?
I’m worried about the penultimate paragraph. I think there’s room in the
– that’s the general ‘rules’ on how they’re going to admit/handle evidence.
I think they may still try and duck out.
Delighted by this news. 🙂
“Finally, I wish to record that Andy Wightman MSP did not take part in the meeting of the SPBC at which our decision was reached, given he is a member of your committee”
mmmm. Something doesn’t feel quite right here.
The man is part of BOTH committees, so why can he not vote in the second one if he felt strongly about the evidence? What you would expect somebody in his position to do would be to ABSTAIN in Fabiani’s Farce during the vote to pass the decision to the SPCB and then to cast his own vote, as SPCB, which he is entitled to do. Unless of course he purposely DID NOT want to take part in any vote that approved the release of evidence.
No convinced at all by Wightman’s manoeuvring here. could somebody/something powerful and persuasive have “discouraged” Wightman to vote for the evidence to be released?
Can we know how each member of the SPCB voted or that information is not available?
Can we know which members of Fabiani’s Farce voted for the buck to be passed on to the SPBC?
Can we know who made the original decision that SNP MPs had to take half of the seats in a committee designed to scrutinise the actions of a SNP government, knowing the enormous conflict of interest those SNP MSPs had? How could this committee have ever been considered impartial?
Is what we are seeing in front of us nothing but the successive steps of a carefully laid out plan executed to perfection? In other words, was the conflicted nature of Fabiani’s Farce due to have an SNP convener plus 3 other SNP seats, its incompetence and continuous stalling of the process, very much like the criminal case against Mr Salmond, part of the plan to keep Sturgeon in control of the SNP until May to stop indyref and the election becoming a plebiscite?
Have we been taken for fools since November 2017 and all this was just a huge smokescreen designed by the British state to stall independence?
Adult Pampers sales about to explode this month
Adult Pampers sales about to explode this month.
I think it’s time for a squirrel.
Pretty mad that finally being able to have Salmond’s sworn submission to the Inquiry into the handling of the false allegations made against ehhhh… Salmond accepted as evidence feels like a ‘victory’.
The Fabiani Farce rolls on.
I wonder what last minute madness the madhatter will pull out her top hat next. Probably now attempt to constantly shut down Alex as he gives evidence in that mega condescending voice she adopts when wanting to sound authoritative.
You will all respect my authoritah!
“Let me be clear. I will be catching Covid19 within the next fortnight”
Jeezus Stu, Neil MacKay’s last few hundred tweets have been about you … think he fancies you!?
£10 says a “crackdown on hate blogs” story is fed to the press.
Mac they will react Salmond’s evidence. That’s their next plan.
Will this also apply to Mr Aberdein’s submission?
Also, whilst it says “it is possible” it doesn’t mean “it must” does it – so the choice to publish or not is still with the Convener\SNP majority Committee – yes?
Ehhh. Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt the celebrations.
Is there anyone that can explain how this development is likely to make any difference to the findings of the Inquiry (when it’s clear to all by now that the Inquiry is as bent as an abnormally bent banana lodged in a bent barracuda’s ass)?
Thanks in advance.
“(1) He took the principled step to avoid a conflict of interest”
I doubt it. The way for him to have taken a principled step to avoid a conflict of interest would have been by abstaining during the Fabiani’s Farce vote to pass the buck to the SPCB of which he is also a member. In my view, that is where he had the conflict of interest, because he is the only one of Fabiani’s Farce that would have the opportunity to vote again in that other committee.
It seems to me there was an awful lot of cowardice and very little of “principled” in that manoeuvring.
BBC promoting the dramatic fall in Covid stars?
Boris proclaims the miracle vaccine is behind it?
Is it?
New cases in the U.K. over 12,000
Russia with a huge population 14,000
Spain 14,000
Italy 13,000
Germany 5,000.
Guess which European country has had the highest death rate today?
It starts with U, ends in K and Death.
You have to believe Mr Murrell is now all a-tremble.
I have long hoped that Alex held physical evidence and I pray thst gets confirmed next week or so. It will be interesting to see the Squirrels and headlines over the next week.
Ive long thought this whole affair was like A Few Good Men with many folk saying “But You cant go after such an esteemed leader” and ends with Jack Nicholson damning Tom Cruise for “all you did Today was weaken a nation!” when Colonel Jessup is sent down for his ill-actions
Great movie.. great ending..hopefully life imitates Art
Surely NS has no way out. At least I hope so. She has to answer to the submission under oath. This is like Watergate. It’s just going to keep coming.
Just because the SPBC says that they CAN publish, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they WILL…
The erse Mike Small has got this up Stu
George Adam’s comments must surely be actionable. He’s basically questioning the verdict of the court and taking the opportunity to defame and smear Alex Salmond again. I hope Alex sues him into poverty!
‘There is also a plan to monitor social media accounts.’ This gets more hilariously bizarre, appalling, and pathetic by the day. Wonder if you will get your own wee clype assigned to you to monitor any online verbal transgressions:
“Miss! Miss! He just a said a bad word about Nicola Sturgeon!”
“Eh…wisnae me! Ah wis hacked! Big boay did it ran away!”
“Aw no, no…THE BANS! Cancelled, buggered ruined, shopped, gressed up, squealed oot, clyped oan! Tell ma wife n weans ah love thum! Wisnae ma fault! A wee slip ay the fingers, a wee indiscretion, a wee expletive n oral ejaculation eftir a day it the food bank! IS THIR NAE JUSTICE IN THIS BLOODY COUNTRY ONYMAIR?!”
“You have GOT to be joking, transgressor!” The Head Clype’s laughter booms out judgemental and unbeatable and unbearable as wee Shuggie’s monitor fades to a terminal grey, his unheeded mercy-please-high-heid-yin pleading wails slowly dying on the unforgiving ratted-out tornado winds of time and utter cancellation.
Fade to bleak.
Stuff the pizzas 2 for 1 I’m looking for a sex goddess right now. Anyone know any about?
Must be unattached. Not interested in mad hubby’s getting cross.
If there is the tiniest loophole, then this bunch of charlatans will find it. I’m sure they are searching for it right now.
“Given Alex’s lawyers went over all of his evidence and resubmitted it following the judicial statement from Lady Dorrian the other day, what are the chances that Alex Salmonds re-submitted written evidence, even though cleared by the SPCB & his lawyers, will be redacted by the committees data processors?
That’s the biggest obstacle I can see remaining in Alex appearing before the inquiry.”
Yep, I agree with that assessment. George Adam’s shameful bleating certainly suggests they’ll try, but goodness knows what they’ll be able to find to remove, since the Crown Office have still taken no action against the Spectator, which presumably means they know they’d have sod-all chance.
“The erse Mike Small has got this up”
I know, I’ve barely been able to stop laughing all afternoon 😀 😀 😀 😀
@twathater says:
18 February, 2021 at 5:22 pm
“Does anyone have a wholesale supplier of bulk purchase popcorn to hand”
Tesco and COOP are limiting purchases to 1 per customer…
John H @ 6.37
I wish they’d find a wormhole to take them back to 1933.
I agree with those who say do not celebrate yet.
A step in the right direction no doubt but we must remember the sort of low life beasties we are dealing with.
Having said that I am sure many of the criminals involved in this outrage will experience softer and more frequent bowel movements until things can be “sorted”.
They must remember to stay hydrated.
I genuinely find that response from the SNP terrifying.
I mean they know there is nothing in the statement that remotely identifies any of the complainants.
But to brazen it out like this – it shows they lie so easily.
What else are they lying about?
That SNP statement shouts desperation. Now on the back foot. Let’s hope it’s the beginning of justice.
Effijy @ 6:17
Get a life.
When all this is done and dusted and the truth is out, all the people like bellacaledonia above currently crawling up Neil Mackay’s ringer are going to want us all to forget about it, so they can resurface again later and set up their wee independence stall to yet again ponce off the movement.
Don’t forget them.
is it Christmas tomorrow?
is it?
is it?!
is it??!!!
You just can’t cover-up everything. Don’t be surprised if there are not one or two other embarrassing mis-haps lurking. Covered-up, but not 100% covered-up. It could all get much worse for the poor souls.
Mighty S 18 February, 2021 at 5:13 pm
“Cue the SNP supporting faction of the committee suddenly being struck down with the Rona…”
Have been waiting for this coming for some time.
Suspect Sturgeon will get hit with a bad case of laryngitis and end up with 2 months worth of Rona brain Fog.
Effijy says:
18 February, 2021 at 6:17 pm
“BBC promoting the dramatic fall in Covid stars?
Boris proclaims the miracle vaccine is behind it?
Is it?
New cases in the U.K. over 12,000
Russia with a huge population 14,000
Spain 14,000
Italy 13,000
Germany 5,000.
Guess which European country has had the highest death rate today?
It starts with U, ends in K ”
Actually it’s Belgium.
Conor Matchett is reporting this story for The Scotsman tonight. He is their expert on these matters after all.
Is there a time limit on Alex’s opening statement?
‘Kevin Cargill says:
18 February, 2021 at 6:32 pm
George Adam’s comments must surely be actionable.’
Or contempt of court?
Re Sex Goddess.
I no longer self identify as a Sex Goddess, I have given it up in favour of 2 for 1 pizzas.
For everyone’s info.
I’m being terribly brave about it though.
I’m also pulling my hair out updating the timeline/Salmond stitchup. There is such a thing as too much evidence! Who knew.
Anyway, almost there.
‘Frank, get the door!’
He is best referred to as Small Mike @Wullie B says at 6:28 pm
He rages that Bella isn’t as popular as WoS (and greets when Stu has a fundraiser because he knows no one would donate as much to his site).
There is no obvious connection between vaccine levels, vaccine types, lockdown severity or anything else that has driven down virus levels.
It would be very interesting to know who voted what way on the SPCB, board, but no matter, at least it looks like a step in the right direction.
Interesting times ahead.
AYRSHIRE ROB says: at 6:35 pm
“Stuff the pizzas 2 for 1 I’m looking for a sex goddess right now. Anyone know any about?
Must be unattached. Not interested in mad hubby’s getting cross.”
TBH I wish I’d stuck with pizzas… I opened up my search parameters and selected one of those new fangled transwoman from a datings site coz C Griffiths stated they are women.
You’re welcome to it, unwrapped but never used as there seemed to be some interface compatibility docking issues.
Will deliver within local authority area.
Comes from a covid and post-coital sex smoke free home…
Wonder if George Adam MSP would be so supportive of a woman committing perjury by lying about rape (which didn’t happen because defence witnesses stated she wasn’t in the building at the time of the alleged offence) in a High Court trial if it was himself or a male member of his family that was the defendant?
Assuming he is retiring in May?
“ Rev Stu@0529 p.m. Are the “ dominoes” about to fall ?
Any news on Geoff Aberdein`s submission?
I voted on the west of Scotland list yesterday, as I’d made my mind up. Chris Mceleny first and Kenny Gibson second.
Adam would have been even further down the list if he had said that yesterday.
If the committee tamper with, redact or fail to publish fully the submission from Alex Salmond – I would like to assure Stuart McMillan his political career will be over.
The wokeratti need stopped. Now.
Frank should have the car running
It’s real tragedy when we’ve got to rely on the likes of Carlaw to help bring basic justice to bear on Scottish public-life.
Essed: “ Surely NS has no way out. At least I hope so. She has to answer to the submission under oath.”
Well if it’s under oath, she’s got to tell the truth, hasn’t she… I forgot about that.
@Don says:
18 February, 2021 at 6:47 pm
“Suspect Sturgeon will get hit with a bad case of laryngitis and end up with 2 months worth of Rona brain Fog.”
Are one of the symptoms picking your nose, rolling the bogey then flicking it? Because Twitter’s got today’s briefing with a clip that looks exactly like that 🙂
Is Aberdein’s evidence still off limits?
Don’t fight the darkness (the lies) just be the light (the truth).
Nothing else is required at this point.
We are in the eye of the storm now, especially here on Wings.
I don’t know about you all but I am starting to feel a zen-like calmness descend upon me watching all this.
Off to read Gordon Dangerfield for dessert.
‘There’s something rotten in Scottish politics’ – writes Alex Massie.
Hopefully, this is the start of some decent media coverage.
Small by name, small by nature.
Stuart Macdonald says:
18 February, 2021 at 6:55 pm
Is there a time limit on Alex’s opening statement?
I hope so. Otherwise when Sturgeon’s turn comes she’ll use the entire session for hers, and she won’t even draw a breath.
I can see very bad flooding of the Scottish Parliament buildings on Wednesday due to a burst pipe making it out of action for the day or two.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive.”
Auld Walter knew the script.
Mac- Spot on.
We have nothing to fear from the truth. You either follow the right path of follow the popular path like Wishart The wheesht for Indy brigade. What they actually mean is go along with the cover up. It’s a fucking disgrace ,asking us to go along with the lies.
I want to see justice done. I want Murrel jailed and Sturgeon sacked. An innocent man nearly spent 5 years in prison. Where are the morals of these charlatans.
The truth shall set us free.
Do you think that it’s dawned on NS + hubby that the way this conspiracy was set up, with most of the collaborators having contempt of court protection, that these two are in effect the only ones who can/will be hung out to dry?
I think Hecate McBeth’s plan has always been to take down not just AS, but NS too, thus leaving the stage clear for…
@wee monkey says: 18 February, 2021 at 6:50 pm
“” Guess which European country has had the highest death rate today?
It starts with U, ends in K ””
“Actually it’s Belgium.”
Not that it’s a competition, but as of tomorrow, it will be England. Current death rates per million:
Belgium 1,875
England 1,871
UK 1,787
Wales 1,646
Italy 1,571
US 1,514
Spain 1,426
Scotland 1,270
Brazil 1,134
N Ireland 1,067
Ireland 821
Denmark 399
Finland 131
Norway 111
Note that the countries listed (other than the UK) use the WHO approved method of recording Covid deaths, and not the UK’s 28 day reducer. Otherwise England (and therefore the UK) would a poptastic, top of the pops.
This is a genuine question and not intended to be provocative:
Assuming that there will soon be significant changes at the top of government, who from the current party has emerged with sufficient credibility over the last few months to take on a significant role in steering the independence ship towards open seas?
AS and JC are obviously up there, but where would their support come from.
You bet it will Big Jock.
Turn on the fan and prepare for action.
At last, the anti-‘rona visors will come handy.
Only wish they were fitted with wipers.
Dip your face masks in some scented oil, folks.
It’s going to get stinky.
Australia is currently trying to force Facebook to pay news content providers.
You should demand payment from that guy at Bellacaledonia since you’ve provided the content for his latest post.
It wouldn’t surprise me if one person’s name emerged for a few seconds and that was put forward as a reason not to go forward with the release of the papers.
From Bella:
The fourth reason it has taken so long for Campbell to be outcast is that his supporters operate in a subculture that is sealed from the outside world. The cult has language codes, logos, slogans and forums to congregate and blocking mechanisms to stop members experiencing views they don’t agree with.
Feeling a bit left out. 🙁 How do I get in – rolled-up trouser leg and funny handshake?
A wee note of interest re the Salmond stitch up. From the Suns report of woman H’s evidence,
‘In text messages shown to the jury, she asked Mr McCann who to contact to “100 per cent confidentially discuss sexual misconduct”.
He responded by asking if it was about a current parliamentarian, and told her he was the first point of contact in the party, or that she could speak with
a solicitor who’d been appointed “for that purpose”.
Ms H said she’d rather speak to Mr McCann than “use a lawyer’s time”.
She spoke to Ian McCann on 5th November 2017. I wonder what SNP records exist for the retainment of a lawyer ‘for that purpose’ and when that retainment contract began.
Re, the last paragraph of Mr Adams statement..
Conversely, if it had been your husband, your father, your son or your brother being stitched up and facing life imprisonment by these women and your leader,
how would YOU feel?
“ The fourth reason it has taken so long for Campbell to be outcast is that his supporters operate in a subculture that is sealed from the outside world. The cult has language codes, logos, slogans and forums to congregate and blocking mechanisms to stop members experiencing views they don’t agree with.”
Christ that’s positively Leaskian.
Dave Beveridge
Think the fella over at Bella has been spending too much time watching the Discovery Channel. Have an image of him sitting typing away with his tin foil hat on.
or has he
“The Cider is Pear Shaped” “The cider is Pear Shaped”
Dave Beveridge – a ham and pineapple pizza and a pkt of Parma Violets will suffice. 😉
‘The fourth reason it has taken so long for Campbell to be outcast is that his supporters operate in a subculture that is sealed from the outside world. The cult has language codes, logos, slogans and forums to congregate and blocking mechanisms to stop members experiencing views they don’t agree with.’
Language Codes – Uhmm Nicola Sturgeon is really, really slow about pursuing Indy, and a huge chunk of evidence points to her being at the centre of a criminal conspiracy to arrest AS on false charges.
Logos? Missed them. Hurt in my feelings. I want a Logo.
Slogans – I can do Slogans, I approve of Slogans, BREXSHIT AND BAD, YES NOW, WE CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER THAN BORIS,
Forums to Congregate – nah, that’s a bit too stressful for former self identifying Sex Goddesses like myself.
Blocking Mechanisms – is that like, evidence, rational thinking and reasoned argument – is that it?
One major weakness of political enthusiasts- and this can certainly be said of visitors to here!- is that it can be very tribal. And I think that applies to this “oh but think of the victims!” statement. The leadership’s acolytes think this is sufficient to convince people because they live in that bubble. But to your average punter it will just seem completely transparent- in the same way that it seemed transparent to the jury in the Salmond trial.
Also, my son told me he was out a walk this afternoon and his friends knew all about it, which I was surprised at!
At last a bit of gid news. Stu, I dont read bella on a point of principle, but, the way they are all going after you personally means you are doing it all right.
They are worried.
I’m not going to get all bushy, but I feel us wingers are like a family. Let us know and …
We have your back!
Dave Beveridge
I hereby declare you to be an honorary Wings Cult Demon, First Class.
It took me ages to wade through that wall of drivel. No wonder they have no readers, the writing is atrocious. I still can’t decide if he was having a go at Peter Bell or not.
A good and fearless article from Kenny MacAskill. Pete Wishart doesn’t like it at all.
Interesting that all these pearl clutchers scouring Wings for quotes from over ten years ago, just to trigger themselves, never engage with the 98% content which is about independence and the failure of the SNP to progress towards it, and their ruthless attempts to run Scotland as their own private one party state. An SNP which takes the voters for granted, ignores them, and has, as we are told, no internal debate or policy mechanism. One which is desperate for the public to be kept in the dark about its methods and strategies, and one which bleats about hate, yet ignores its own front bencher being vilified, a lot from within its own ranks. Funny they comb the site for swear words, and never mention the bulk of articles pointing out their terrible, obsequious hypocrisy.
Al @ 6:42pm, it is possible to deduce a complainer from the unredacted statement and Lady Dorrian’s s amendment to her contempt of court order. These pieces of information merely confirmed my suspicions. What I do not know is whether that person is also Woman H.
Sadly George Adam is my MSP and I have already made it clear I will no longer vote for him until Sturgeon has been removed. His statement clearly shows what camp he is in. Also George people across Scotland will not be bewildered when the statement which was printed in the Spectator is released by the committee. They might be a bit concerned by your confusion though…..prize idiot.
So – next week – Salmond turns up and repeats under oath his statement that NS clearly knew pre the 2/4 meeting.
The week after NS turns up and contradicts him.
One would be lying.
So it will be very interesting to see who is certain about their evidence and who equivocates.
But – bottom line as the shenanigans of the last few days has shown – the committee will split along party lines.
And as Stu has said all along comes down to Hamilton investigation.
-Ian Mac, Daisy-
Having read this site for many a year I can honestly never understand the characterisation of it as “a cult”, “extreme” and “vile”. It uses punchy language and humour. The people on it disagree with each other quite vigorously at times. I mean, try reading the comments on an article in the Herald, Telegraph or Guardian- the sentiments you find expressed there are often quite alarming and often cult-ish.
Fabiani and Watt were both sacked by Salmond in the 2009 reshuffle, they should never have been on the Harassment Inquiry let alone in charge of it.
I see a lot of the thick unionists on BBC HYS refer to this site as gospel.
I note that one of them mentioned a FOI request about “how many times particular websites have been accessed from the Sco Gov”
Is there any logic behind that request, or any deduction on the FOI data actually shows?
To me, all it says is WoS see it as a boon that the SG actually acknowledge their existence, whether it be 1 person looking at their site 1000 times or 1000 looking once.
Either way, weird how people publicise/weaponise such a silly piece of data.
But not all that surprising, I suspect the clientele here are old codgers still stuck in 20th century thinking, taking that 2K London tax payer subsidy a year and bleating like they want rid of it, while actually loving it.
Daisy : 8.13 .
I hope you received adequate pastoral care during you re-transitioning back to simple Daisyness from Superstar Sex Goddess.
Not to appear opportunistic , but,now that you’ve vacated that role I’m thinking of filling the gaping void left by your departure myself .
Just wondered how the experience was for you and if you think my being a middle-aged , male , heterosexual was a handicap in achieving Sex Goddess status.
TIV . Calico d’Valois Weatherbottom
I suppose we are a cult on here. We want the truth, while the rest of Scotland wants none of it.
I am quite happy being in the Wings cult.
And I think that applies to this “oh but think of the victims!” statement.
I don’t get how they don’t realise it’s statements like this which are helping to identify the complainers.
George Adam says the SPCB have “decided to publish information which it knows could jeopardise the court-ordered anonymity of complainants in a sexual offenses case”.
However, we know that this is not the case, that the evidence in question does not jeopardise the anonymity of the complainants but instead confirms Nicola Sturgeon’s guilt. The former is being used to prevent the latter.
What puzzles me is that the complainants against Alex Salmond were found in a court of law to have fabricated their allegations. Alex Salmond was exonerated on all charges. So what is the basis in law for protecting the anonymity of those who make false allegations? So that other people can feel free to make false allegations safe in the knowledge that their anonymity will be protected by the justice system? Surely the law exists to punish the guilty and protect the innocent, not the other way around?
Stu, any chance of you organising a Clap for Corruption next Thursday? It could be quite the national celebration, something that really brings us all together.
@Al 8.28pm
So that means we have to believe the woman, right….because that’s the correct default position…apparently?
That’s how it works amiright?
Woman “X” says: “This happened”, ergo it happened even when (to take a totally random example) it is proven she couldn’t possibly have been where she said she was. And anyone who still refuses to accept she’s a victim not a perjurer is – refers to notes – a monster, OK?
We’re never going to be independent are we? A people supine enough to be gaslight to this extent probably can’t be trusted with nice things: we’ll end up with the Neil Mackay and Mike Small fan club running the show.
Thanks, but no thanks. 🙁
‘Outrageous, I think, for the SNP to use the complainers in the Salmond case as a kind of human shield to protect the first minister against her potential embarrassment. Also hard to avoid thinking that the extremity of this reaction may perhaps be revealing.’ Alex Massie – The Spectator
Congratulations to Craig and Nadira
Rape crisis Scotland trying to ride to the rescue again.
Declaring that the not guilty is only there because prosecution could not prove their case. That’s a novel view.
A splash of cash can buy you anything Nicola.
@Robert Hughes says:
18 February, 2021 at 8:36 pm
“Just wondered how the experience was for you and if you think my being a middle-aged , male , heterosexual was a handicap in achieving Sex Goddess status.”
We can call you Valkerie if it helps 🙂
Fuck Wishart
Remember when he was begging for votes at last GE because he only had a tiny 6 vote majority. He got the votes required to win in last election and look at the clown now.
I put him in same category as that troughfer in the Lords – pishy trousers
Any Scottish MP man or women standing to be speaker in a UK parliament showed you who they were. Arise P Wishart.
Never forget that!
‘Alex Salmond is expected to launch a series of public attacks on Nicola Sturgeon next week, after Holyrood agreed to publish claims which his allies believe could end the First Minister’s career.’ Dan Sanderson – The Daily Telegraph
Dave Beveridge says:
18 February, 2021 at 7:59 pm
From Bella:…”
I removed Bella from my Bookmarks yesterday and it ain’t going back in.
Woo hoo – I must get on to Amazon for bulk popcorn! This is gonna be interesting
NEC meeting this weekend to complete definition of Transphobia. They want it to finally force Cherry out.
It is going to be retrospective no doubt.
Welcome to a free Scotland.
Hate crime Bill representations to be in by 22nd Feb before it goes to legislation.
Welcome to a not so free Scotland.
Stuart MacKay @ 8:17 pm
I hereby declare you to be an honorary Wings Cult Demon, First Class.
So it’s an honorary award then? Cheers, I’ll graciously accept cos I still haven’t a fkin clue what “language codes, logos, slogans and forums to congregate” I’m supposed to be using.
Glad to hear Craig Murray’s good news as the reason for his quiet few days.
Ruth Davidson’s response has made George Adam’s statement look ridiculous.
On the nine – young Lindsey Bews – described Queen Nicola as the “former first minister” goodness me are the BBC making predictions already ?
-Dave Beveridge-
Oh haven’t you heard? You blink five times, nod up and down three times and tap your left foot four times. A fellow Winger responds by giving you a left-handed handshake although in these covid-infested times twirling anti-clockwise may be safer. Then you are allowed to go to one of our weekly secret Lodge meetings where we worship a picture of the author of this blog and burn voodoo dolls of anyone we disagree with. As we are all secret unionists we end the meeting by singing Land of Hope and Glory. Such fun!
Don’t worry, Pete Wishart has a similar thing going on, at his lodge the first thing they do is chant “Section 30 only” for five minutes before going out and running around screaming mindless abuse at passers by.
-Ayrshire Rob-
Fuck me, that’s EXACTLY who Wishart is like. Well done!
I don’t think the Murrells are bright enough to have grasped that no matter how this played out with AS, the logical conclusion of all this pettyfogging would always result on them being brought down.
They’ve probably been set up, but unlike with AS, it was their own hubris, paranoia and sense of entitlement that put them in this precarious situation. Springing the trap upon themselves was their own doing and therefore they deserve no sympathy.
And who the fk is Adam ? never heard of him ,oh another trough feeder doing fk all like the rest
I wouldn’t know him from Eve then again if this GRA bill makes it into Law we wouldn’t be able to tell if Eve is really fkn Adam with a wig and lipstick applied .
Oh for simpler times when men were men and women were either yer Maw , yer Burd ,or your Wife it was really easy bugger growing up these days , can’t get a grip with the new Language, keeping yer gob shut in case you offend someone or someone who takes offence on their behalf and don’t even ask about the mine field of relationships thank fk I am on the way out instead of just starting.
This SNP bod he would have been better keeping his mouth shut instead bringing up something that’s stated at every session of the committee would not and never would be allowed, ok I get it this SNP assumes everyone’s stupid and doesn’t realise this attempt to have a re run of the Trial every opportunity is taken to question the trial verdict they simply can’t believe he’s not in Jail
Strikes me that decision time is rapidly approaching for those still in the SNP. I’m honestly intrigued what those who have remained as members of the party will do. Sounds like from what Denise Findlay is tweeting the NEC is about to press the nuclear button this weekend so it can start the process of disciplining and expelling wrong thinkers like Cherry, MacAskill et al.
I’m honestly at a loss here. What will it take for you to either rise up and reclaim your party, or give it up as a lost cause and build something else instead?
I think we can assume Salmond’s evidence won’t be published
It seems that Wightman is well and truly at it again.
When I think about what a coward I am, about putting a name to an opinion in case it costs me my job, career, friendships, whatever… I feel a bit sick.
In the face of people like Craig Murray, Stuart Campbell, who put it all out there, every day, in ways we cannot possibly imagine.
None of us can imagine the levels of shit they take… every day. (I am amazed the rev is so polite to be honest.)
Don’t agree with everything you say but I for one have got your back. Get intae them.
ADLS – independence is bigger the the SNP.
A rotten, corrupted SNP will not prevail Might be a hiccup but that’s about it. So you are correct – change is coming ADLS but I suspect you know that only too well.
Andy – I am still in the SNP. Spiritually I left 4 years ago. The only reason I haven’t officially left is because of Jo Cherry and kenny McAskill.
I sense a change coming and I want to be part of it. Nicola has hijacked the SNP. She is an imposter and very soon she will fall.
Things may actually be looking up for the SNP. One woman’s sexual fetish fantasy club, will not destroy the party.
When she goes all the weirdos and snow flakes will go with her.
I am confident the complainants won’t be named. Look at the lengths Stu and others have gone to avoid that including myself. I know who they are. But women can’t have it every way. On December 6th Boris introduced a baby under one policy. The SG didn’t adopt this policy. I have signed petitions etc but to no avail. Where are the women of Scotland on this issue? Tens of thousands signed the petition. The practicalities, sorry to put Stu off his well deserved pizza. It’s really important you listen. Cracked teats,not latching on, nappy rash, eczema and thats only the baby. Mum problems you dont want to know. Willie Rennie asked a question at FMQs about this weeks ago about excessive baby access restrictions. It shouldn’t be down to a man to fight for women’s rights Let grannies help their daughters.
See, been saying this all along:
Andy Wightman: To be clear. Today, the SPCB told the SGHHC Committee that “on balance it is possible to publish the submission”. No-one, however, has yet taken the decision to publish the submission.
It seems to me that the Specator should publish asap the new Salmond submission in full.
Then jigsaw identification would prevent the Salmond Inquiry from redacting anything. I dunno, seems obvious to me but I’m an N. Irish unionist and only started following this a few weeks ago. Best wishes to Mr Salmond, who I don’t agree with on much but seems to have been treated terribly, it’s not rocket science to figure out things that are redacted.
Oh! Quelle surprise!
Andy Wightman MSP
To be clear. Today, the SPCB told the SGHHC Committee that “on balance it is possible to publish the submission”. No-one, however, has yet taken the decision to publish the submission.
robertknight says:
18 February, 2021 at 6:25 pm
Just because the SPBC says that they CAN publish, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they WILL…
Could be my cynicism is well justified.
The Committee asking the Corporate Body if the submission could be published, recieving the affirmative answer and then ignoring it anyway and not publishing would surely be peak the whole affair territory.
The spokesperson for the committee has already said that Salmond’s statement will be “processed” ahead of publication early next week.
Little spineless Andy Wightwash is just enjoying his 15 minutes before he is flushed in May.
The Committee asking the Corporate Body if the submission could be published, recieving the affirmative answer and then ignoring it anyway and not publishing would surely be peak the whole affair territory
Judge: It’s an absurd reading of my words to say it can’t be published. What are you even asking me this for?
Committee: Nope, still not sure. Send it to the corporate body
Corporate body: We can’t find any reason at all it can’t be published
Committee: Nope, we’ve looked at it again and we totally can’t publish this for…reasons.
@ Robert Hughes re self identifying as a Sex Goddess.
‘filling the gaping void left by your departure myself .
Just wondered how the experience was for you and if you think my being a middle-aged , male , heterosexual was a handicap in achieving Sex Goddess status’
Dear Robert I have every faith in your ability to fill the gaping void as a SI Sex Goddess.
I have never yet self identified as male, so cannot comment on how this would be for you, happily being a sex goddess transends hetero/homo status – think pan, pan sexuality, pan breed…
The middle aged bit, now that’s the killer. Lot of hard work being a sex goddess. If only I’d known I’d have started last week.
Your best back up policy is to buy a lot of wee pen knives. That way when you get tired, and lose your looks you can bribe lots of wee boys to do the garden and pay them off with a wee pen knife. But you never got it fae me.
May all your wishes come true. You’re very brave, keep telling yourself that.
Daisy – ha x ( approx ) 500,000 . Much laughter . Thanks xx
I agree. The committee passed the buck. The decision was to publish. If they then say they won’t the game is up, there is no credibility left to a number of people (who probably don’t have much at the minute anyway).
I’ve been thinking the last few days about how surreal this all actually is. It’s the stuff of Hollywood, except its actually holyrood. The whole thing. The stitch up. The ‘war’. The aquital. The cover up. The ‘civil war’. It truly is bonkers.
Most folk don’t know each other except from online conversations but I know who i’d rather know in person. I used to listen to talk radio before it went totally off the right end of the scale (Matthew Wright and eammon Holmes provided a bit of balance – not journalistic heavyweights but professionals by trade so not totally out their depth). I used to listen to Mike Graham particularly before he disappeared up his own backside as I liked the two Mike’s nonsense but he used to talk about common sense. A common ground that if somethings obviously amiss it needs fixed but should never pander to anyone just because. That’s what the jokey wokey usually blokies lack. And a sense of humour. Which you’ll find in spades in here amongst the serious stuff. As you would in the online lodge wings I’d imagine. I don’t know the secret knock to actually know, you see.
@ Rev: I am a bit put out. I thought I belonged to a sect, and knew all the in-words and jokes and stuff, but I and my husband are sore perplexed.
Could you please let us in on the “2 for 1 pizza” comment? What is so funny?
What’s the date of her resignation
Am I right in thinking that Cherry and MacAskill could stand in the HR elections if they were thrown out of the SNP or resigned even though they are elected MPs? Independence isn’t going to come with the likes of Sturgeon, Robertson, Swinney or Blackford a the top of the SNP within the next parliament or even the one after that in my view. Is it now time for Jo and Kenny to resign and directly challenge Robertson and Swinney with Alex Salmon returning to the fray and going head to head with Sturgeon?
George Adam. I sent him, my MSP, a message regarding Johann Lamont’s amendment and – genuinely – asked him to do the right thing, didn’t design it as any kind of condition, blackmail or threat, just a nice message from a concerned citizen. That bastard didn’t even have the decency to offer me a reply. That makes twice he’s not had the decency to reply to an email/message from me.
I then received an email from ‘Write To Them’, asking ‘Did George Adam MSP reply to your message?’ and I ignored it, feeling that perhaps Adam was a busy guy, and decided there was no point in responding to it.
George, I’m sure you’ve been informed that your name has been lifted by this site and, being the roaster you are, have come to do a search for your name. If you’re reading this, you should know that I think you’re a disgraceful coward and a shameful low-life to Paisley, not remotely fit to be an MSP.
I also reckon – now that you’ve finally pinned your Yellow Tory colours to the mast – that you’ll dovetail nicely with the dunce Gavin Newlands and the prick, Mhairi Black – they’ve also shat all over the Saltire. I hope you lose your seat in May, ya clown – and I’ll tell you that to your face if I see you in the High St.
If she calls for a vote of confidence will she win
OO-OO-OOH, Baxter!
That WOULD be ‘verrry interesting’…
You tell em Kenny
Saffron Robe says:
18 February, 2021 at 8:39 pm
‘George Adam says the SPCB have “decided to publish information which it knows could jeopardise the court-ordered anonymity of complainants in a sexual offenses case”.
However, we know that this is not the case, that the evidence in question does not jeopardise the anonymity of the complainants but instead confirms Nicola Sturgeon’s guilt. The former is being used to prevent the latter.
…the complainants against Alex Salmond were found in a court of law to have fabricated their allegations. Alex Salmond was exonerated on all charges. So what is the basis in law for protecting the anonymity of those who make false allegations?’
This almost points to what would be an utterly unfeasible assertion:
That No-one Senior was, THEMSELF, the first and foremost complainant against Anyone Seniorer, and readily drew subordinates into a ‘mutually supportive’ circle of sympathy and groupthink.
If, impossibly but let us imagine, this were so, a putative spouse would naturally have belìeved and/or gone along with this, despite risk to self, because {own spouse, and reasons}.
And, a fictional court case under these fanciful circumstances having spectacularly failed, those in the know see their seniors as liars but themselves as hopelessly-entsmgled accomplices, maybe all perjurers in peril of prolonged prison and no quality of life subsequently, due to anticipated public notoriety, SHOULD THE TRUTH ever come to light (NB this speculative, wholly-fictional ‘truth’ I have imagined, on a wisp of a whim in a daydream).
SO ever more desperate and extreme measures to maintain anonymity and non-identification AS COMPLAINANTS would be their sole recourse and hope.
Fortunately this scenario is all a mere amusement, a thought-experiment in Theoretical Politics, to pass time pleasantly among sensible people here who certainly will laugh it off as the idle fancy of mine which it is; and no inciters of injustice exist who find themselves in such fraught straits!
Any mp/msp can do whatever they want. They themselves are elected. Might not go down too well with the electorate who might have voted for them on a party ticket, but hey, politics can sometimes be a short lived job and really shouldn’t be seen as a career (ahem). And the way things are going, who’s not to say KM, JC and maybe AMcN jump before they’re pushed. The interesting thing is that the three I’ve mentioned, just for example, have probably 3 and a half years left as legitimately elected representatives at what, £75k a year. I might take the punt myself on those circumstances.
Baxter says:
18 February, 2021 at 11:14 pm
Am I right in thinking that Cherry and MacAskill could stand in the HR elections if they were thrown out of the SNP or resigned even though they are elected MPs? Independence isn’t going to come with the likes of Sturgeon, Robertson, Swinney or Blackford a the top of the SNP within the next parliament or even the one after that in my view. Is it now time for Jo and Kenny to resign and directly challenge Robertson and Swinney with Alex Salmon returning to the fray and going head to head with Sturgeon?
Yes – you are correct, Holyrood has no rules preventing being an elected member of both chambres, only the SNP have recently adopted that as party policy.
Which means many of the dafties, intent on getting them expelled from the party, could well be doing us all a great service – (bit like Kirsty Blackmans recent petitions – ha ha). Worth also noting that JC’s GE seat is being drawn out of existence come the next GE…..
Wow, Stu.,
Thanks for the article and the link which led me to this photo of Nicola Sturgeon embracing Alex Salmond and she is evidently whispering in his ear…
“Aw, Eck, ahh just dropped ma dagger. Can he just bide there a while an ah’ll pick it up and slip it in atween yer shoulders. Ye’ll no feel a thing. Then ah’ll be taking the FM ministerial broomstick and flying to the Convention of Universal National Trannys fae Scotland. We C.U.N.T.S., like to stick tigither”
Once seen, never forgotten.
@ Skip_NC
The woman who was redacted from Alex’s statement by the Spectator was not Woman H. H was another SNP insider, the one who was angry at Alex for not supporting her as a candidate for an HR seat. She has an extremely close relationship with an MSP in Sturgeon’s camp. H is also one of the two original complainants who the unbiased and unfair Investigation Report referred to as Ms A and Ms B, since she spoke to Ian McCann at Party HQ in early 2017, 6 months before Leslie Evans & Co cooked up their revised procedure.
I have a feeling based on something I read somewhere that the woman redacted in Alex’s statement is Ms A in the criminal trial, she of the “Alex grabbed my arse while having a photo taken together in front of a photographer and a whole bunch of onlookers and no-one saw a thing” complaint. Unfortunately I can’t remember where I read it that gave me the clue.
It’s highly confusing that the Alphabet pseudonyms used to disguise the complainants change depending on what document you read. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to their renaming, it clearly isn’t chronological or the order they appeared in court. The first complainant to testify in the trial was Ms H and the last was Ms K. You’d almost think they didn’t want us to work it all out.
I think this is yet another legal limbo dance of the. They’ll continue to redact and repulse the truth. I see lots of Sturgeonistas continue to parrot the line that the majority women jury were too scared/ starstruck to convict. I think Salmond should sue at least one high profile perjurer.
The jury heard lies that made them unable to convict because all 13 charges were baseless. But this isn’t about truth.
A friend of mine a university Marxist like me, who makes his living in the law thinks that Salmond is part of a corrupt complex of men at the top who get way with it. He says women are powerless and need protected even when under pressure they fabricate to convince. I tell him that a lot of women would have had a well aimed knee in the balls of any attackers and a lot would not be scared to be named. Sadly he sees women as victims. He is just as bad on GRA and hate crime bill. We were Marists together at Uni and still have that residual worldview about political economy. He has definitely become a cultural woke Marxist!
Stuart M , your cross reference between the complainers identities is not correct. The Garavelli article confirms who the two original complainers were., woman K and woman F.
Got to disagree with some of the comments about Andy Wightman on here. I reckon he’s been an outstanding, tenacious and courageous politician over the years. Don’t always agree with him but some of the personal insults thrown at him on here about him being a coward seems wrong. I think he’s one of the good guys.
SNP feigning outrage for bogus victims.
He may not be all bad, but his judgement is certainly VERY suspect isn’t it? Even someone who might have admired or rated him more generally (and I’d include myself in that category by the way) had to reassess after he issues his grovelling apology under pressure for attending the Edinburgh Uni event. That demonstrated clear political cowardice.
His later actions, and his performance in the Harassment Committee, have demonstrated that both his political judgement and his political courage are non existent. With luck he won’t be re-elected: he certainly isn’t the calibre of person we need representing us. He’s fully on board with the attempts to stymie the truth coming out in the Harassment Committee.
@Andy Ellis
Guess it might be shaped by how you define ‘us’. I know a lot of folk, not necessarily the most politically engage, but certainly Indy curious. Andy Wightman and how he carries himself is attractive to them, they listen to him, the value what he has to say. The very people the Andy movement need to and can get on board. I think, even although like all of us he ain’t perfect, Andy Wightman is a real asset to Indy.
I don’t think anyone expects our representatives to be plaster saints. I could perhaps have been persuaded that he felt cornered to issue his forced apology after the Edinburgh Uni event. In his interview with Mandy Rhodes, he actually came across pretty well – if lachrymose. It is possible to sympathise with his predicament.
What I find less easy – in fact impossible – to forgive is his later action in *meaning* to vote for Joahann Lamont’s amendment, then bottling it to vote against before resigning from the Greens when he couldn’t live with his sense of guilt.
That speaks to a lack of judgement, and an inability to perform under pressure.
The “Andy Movement”: shimmy aboot like a jellyfish then pass out after getting the vapors.
@Andy Ellis
Every day’s a school day. Don’t know about the Ed Uni thing or Mandy Rhodes thing or the finer details of the Johann Lamont thing. Fair play to you for knowing your stuff. Again, I wonder how this connects with many of the folks I know, the folks we are looking to encourage on board. The ones who are Indy curious because of the likes of Andy Wightman and what he represents to them. Many will never be overly concerned with the minutae of the political world we live in. Many go on gut feelings, intuition, maybe habit rather than fine detail when it comes to voting. Do we want them to become one of ‘us’ or are they not the kind of them we want? It’s a real conundrum.
it’s true that *some* people will vote with little or no awareness of issues, minutiae, personalities or policies. Scottish Labour weighed their votes for decades depending on that level of (in)comprehension. However, we’ve just been talking about the need to convince a relatively small cadre of “soft No” swing voters of the case for indy, and many more savvy or informed voters will have heard about Whightman’s case, seen it in the papers, on TV and/or online.
Of course we need a majority, so yes…we do need to convert folk. However, folk convert for a variety of motives. Remember that many of those we now need to convert are probably centrist or right of centre voters. They aren’t likely to have that much in common with left of centre politics, still less Green politics, cancel culture and the “no debate”/TWAW agenda.
Independence can only be achieved with a majority, yes. Perhaps our mistake has been confusing our need for that majority and the SNP as a “big tent” that could accommodate everyone. That worked for a while, but has spectacularly unravelled over the past few years: the reasons for that are internal to the SNP, not due to external pressure or any unionist progress. The entryist clique has begun to eat the SNP from within, and comnined with the gradualism and neo-liberalism of the Charloote Street partners Growth Commission wonks, we’re left with a party which is in office but not in power.
@Andy Ellis, interesting stuff Andy. Totally agree that the SNP ‘big tent’ model leaves the Indy movement at best not maximising it’s potential, influence and power and at worst very vulnerable. Perhaps that’s were we are now. Perhaps that where we need to be / take a lot of steps back to be able to take even more steps forward, will potentially significantly delay Indy, but if we’re not ready for it as a nation, we’re not ready for it. In the meantime, how do we make sure we don’t alienate, demonise or scare off the ‘soft nos’, the ‘Indy curious’ and indeed the ‘soft yeses’? This site has a massive potential to hook in and these folks, self included. Unfortunately, the anger, vitriol and nastiness can be a real turn off right from the ‘get go’ and the opportunity to connect with this key group is lost. A real shame,