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Wings Over Scotland

The end of the day

Posted on June 25, 2012 by

Inverness Caley Thistle, Aberdeen and St Johnstone join Hearts, Hibs and Dundee United in announcing their intention to vote “No to newco”. Police launch criminal investigation into Craig Whyte’s purchase of the club. Steven Whittaker and Steven Naismith walk away, following Sone Aluko and Rhys McCabe. Reports from the well-informed Alex Thomson of Channel 4 that Charles Green’s consortium is in financial trouble and looking to sell off Sevco 5088 aka the newco Rangers, amid ongoing doubts and speculation about their banking provisions.

And that’s just in the last 24 hours. What’s coming tomorrow?

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8 to “The end of the day”

  1. John White

    Nobody Likes Them. Now They Care.

  2. Gaavster

    tip of the iceberg Stu, tip of the iceberg… ;o)

    Seriously, no one can honestly predict what’s going to happen…

    Its the original ‘never ending story’…  

  3. Shaun

    Meh. I don’t get all their fans thinking they are being done wrong by. Can they not see that their club cheated for 14 years? Seriously.

  4. Doug Daniel

    It’s amazing to think that even just a few weeks ago, people still thought they’d get away with it.

    This is the gift that just keeps giving. Schadenfreude of the highest order perhaps, but it’s just so. Fucking. Funny.

  5. Grantus

    Hello, nice site, like it.

    I don’t see ‘Rangers’ playing at all next season.
    And such as it is, that’s the rules/they deserve it/money owed etc.

    If i was a ‘Rangers’ fan i’d look to start a brand new club, a la FC United of Manchester.
    That’d be great! I think we’d all accept that, starting at the bottom and working up.


  6. Greg

    Great site I have been reading for a few months now and thoroughly enjoy it.

    However, that image you have used in reference to the 1971 Ibrox disaster is definitely beneath you 🙁

  7. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    I think that’s harsh. When I found the picture I assumed that was what the sign originally referred to, but that’s not in any sense what it’s being used for here.

    It’s a bit like the ridiculous furore yesterday when Alex Thomson of Channel 4 was deluged with furious bile from Rangers fans for linking to a GIF of the John Greig statue at Ibrox “walking away”. I certainly didn’t know that that statue was a memorial to victims of the disaster, but either way the GIF clearly wasn’t mocking those victims in any way – it was mocking Ally McCoist and the fans and players who are currently “walking away” at a rate of knots.

    If people want to be angry, it’s rarely hard to find a way. “You’re taking the piss out of people who like toast? My mum died in a house-fire caused by a defective toaster, you CUNT!” and such, to the extent that it’s a fairly popular meme on a lot of messageboards.

    That was what happened to Thomson yesterday, and while I absolutely DON’T think it’s what you’re doing, I do think you have to draw a distinction between content and context. It is absolutely plain that the piece is nothing to do with the Ibrox disaster – given that fact, the picture should be taken at face value, not for its backstory.

    That said, I’m sorry if you were offended by it. Please be assured that I find nothing at all amusing about the Ibrox disaster – it was a tragedy that united all of Scotland and transcended, all too briefly, the ugly rivalries that normally beset the sport, and indeed Scottish society. Nobody should ever go out to a football match and not come home.

  8. Greg

    Fair enough Stu.
    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.

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