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Wings Over Scotland

The delay phase

Posted on March 14, 2020 by
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Dorothy Devine

With luck and a following wind I will be 74 in August – I didn’t laugh.

Pillocks inc Trump and Johnson happily endangering everyone and Gordon Brown coming out of the woodwork to whitewash his actions during 2008.

I think self isolation by an entire country – Scotland – could be very good for the body and soul.

Robert Louis

It is clear the Tory policy, is ‘let them die’. ‘Think of the money saved without all those disabled weak and elderly’, says Dominic the psycopathic government advisor. A kind of Tory ‘year zero’.

What is clear, is that the English Tory government are not ahead of the virus, but rather merely responding afterwards to events. Other countries are soooo far ahead in their tactics to tackle this infection.

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Lucky for us that Scotland’s been in the delay phase since 2014…. I’ll get my coat…

Seriously however, Boris Johnson’s reaction to the Pandemic is the same as the BritNat reaction to Brexit. It’s a thing too big and too complicated for their narrow minded neuroses to cope with. It’s a challenge that would draw them out their comfort zone, so they reject the challenge, and instead hide under the covers to snuggle in deep with the fictions and exceptionalisms they’ve been indoctrinated to believe.

The UK can’t bully Europe into respecting Spoiled Brat British Exceptionalism, so rather than embrace humility and stop being a spoiled brat, it’s “damn those foreign Johnnys”, we’ll make them jealous when we show them how much fun it is being a spoiled brat without any boundaries.

The UK has no concept of teamwork.

We can’t defeat Corona Virus, so we won’t face the challenge of failure, instead we’ll damn the odds and defy the disease to do it’s worse. That’s the cheap and easy workaround that spares having to do something taxing, but still let’s us feel good about ourselves. Nobody does entitled defiance like the Brits.

It’s the essence of the British psyche… Keep Calm and carry on… Don’t rise to engage a taxing challenge, curl up in a ball and hope the nasty thing goes away.

Britain is a sick parody of itself. Boris Johnson is reacting to Cov19 as if he was seated at the dinner table in Carry On Up the Kyber, and ignoring the guns, explosions and crumbing empire falling down around his ears.

The UK is being led by a man who thinks he’s Winston Churchill, but who’s actually a Sid James caricature from the late 1960’s, right down to his casual infidelity.


The most pathetic , useless excuse of a PM in history and as lady luck decides he has to be in charge in the biggest national crisis in nearly a century. Fuck sake! I agree Robert Louis,they dont care about the people ,I am shocked to hear anyone saying there will be many deaths, a government already lost control of the sutuation as long as the wheels of industry turn.

Andrew Davidson

I don’t understand why this entire policy is based on herd immunity which assumes that you get COVID-19 and then are immune to it and yet there have been (at least) several cases reported of folks being ‘cured’ and then becoming reinfected.

Dorothy Devine

Breeks , love that – the whole film came back into view!

Socrates MacSporran


Sorry Dear Boy, but, I cannot imagine Boris as Sir Sydney Rough-Diamond, well, apart from having “tiffin” with the Khasi’s wives. I see him more as Bungdit Din. However, he is also, very-definitely, a Fakir.

Robert Louis

Yet again Breeks, you absolutely nailed it;

‘The UK is being led by a man who thinks he’s Winston Churchill, but who’s actually a Sid James caricature from the late 1960’s, right down to his casual infidelity.”

Yip, to them it is all just one big carry on, except in this case, unlike the movie, the dead bodies will be real.

I know it is self evident, but didn’t Dominic Cummings say (sure I’ve seen some video of it) that most senior Tory MP’s don’t care about the elderly or poor?

Scot Finlayson

Yikes !


Tories doing what Tories do – putting wealth, power, and privilege before lives. No surprise there.

Can Scotland move ahead and adhere to WHO guidelines in spite of Westminster? While the Scottish Government might have the power to implement containment, they lack powers to reconfigure the economy, taxation, employment law, etc to balance.

If only we had voted differently in 2014, eh?

Stuart MacKay

So, looking for something to kickstart the debate over independence and send a strong message that the idiocy oozing out of Westminster and the Union are liabilities that won’t be tolerated?

Don’t bother with referendums, don’t bother with constitutional challenges (sorry, Breeks).

Close the border! Today!


@ Robert Louis.

‘ Tory MP’s don’t care about the poor and elderly’

Yes, your correct, there is a video, no doubt someone will post it.

If you ever wanted a ready made, off the shelf opportunity to bring the NHS to its knees, how about a pandemic. Private healthcare riding to the rescue. Cynical, evil, you bet.
I’m concerned about his comment regarding Scotland’s service, I don’t think it was quite the petulant, childish comment it has been assumed to be.


Carry On Pee Emming. Yes Prime Minister?

Oh what fools these mortals be.

Marie Clark

Well said Breeks. Like Dorthy Devine, I’ll be 72 in August and I don’t think this is funny at all. Seems we auld codgers are expendable to bawjaws and his cohorts, never mind the pain and upset it causes to families when you lose said codgers.

I see now, that the government (wastemonster) is ” to makae an announcement” next week to ban mass gatherings, well, well. Was this not the same lot who castigated Nicola Sturgeon last week for going her own way and telling us her plans, before, bawjaws had spoken. How very dare she, what does she know,she’s wrong, and now, weeeelll, they are about to announce that they will be following Scotlands example.Who knew eh.

Bawjaws having to play catchup after we bad people started banning sporting events etc, without their permission. Just shows, if folk don’t think that the government are correct in what they are telling you, we will do it for ourselves. Is it not their jobs to protect and safeguard their citizens. Naw, silly me, that would be a caring government, this bunch of thugs and spivs care more about money than us. We are just a nuisance.

Bugger le Panda

Maybe your best yet Chris.

Knows the London Press ones sideways.

Everything in one image of political satire


“Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make”


The paper bag being used for containment, brilliant.

John Jones

Large gatherings banned, except of course Cheltenam, what a chance for the virus to wipe out all these hooray Henrys, hopefully some of the real uppercrust will be spreading it amongst the cabinet.


Last week I cancelled my subscription to the National…. fed up with their WOKE nonsense … moat recently their misreporting of the Alex Salmond trial… as bad as the Daily Record and their ‘sister’ paper the Herald – bot known liars.


Support for indy will soar after this.


@ Achnababan says:

I think it’s a problem they have being kind of thin on staff that certain kinds of stories are ‘thinly’ treated, leading to carelessly accepting tropes from the MSM – I’ve seen it in some of their reports on the Middle East for instance, despite their having one (usually) excellent World news reporter. I wouldn’t quit on them though as they are still the only mainstream pro-Indy outlet around and we can’t afford to lose them despite their flaws.

I usually go here for trial reports and there are links to others as well: link to

Stuart MacKay

Achnababan @9:25am

I ragged on the National over on Peter Bell’s blog and got severely castigated for it. However I still think it’s got a fundamental problem, namely that it wants to be a Mainstream Nationalist newspaper where the stories are all about how the gradualist approach to independence is the way forward – that’s why you see so many contributions from SNP MSPs – it’s their house journal.

The paper and all of the rest of us, would be much better off if it was a newspaper first with a robust nationalist editorial stance. Accurate reporting of stories on Scotland, for Scotland would seem to be a much better foundation to build a readership. It would also be useful sword to smite the MSM. However that would certainly be at odds with the paper’s owners, London based Newsquest Media Group Ltd.

link to

stuart mctavish

Big green thing must be plan A rev H.
Boris trying to hang on to it in the hope that it succeeds in establishing that calling someone else stupid can be used (or ignored at will) in evidence of serious criminal intent under the same Scots law doctrine that binds Westminster following the prorogation shenanigans.

Peter Brunskill

The evidence on reinfection is not there yet. Recovery from a virus infection usually but not invariably leads to immunity. Cases of apparent reinfection are suggested to be the same infection that hadn’t properly cleared up (similar to the Nurse with Ebola a couple of years ago). Whether reinfection is possible, likely or rare remains to be seen. But in the meantime its best to try and avoid getting it and if there is such a thing as herd immunity it might just protect those who didn’t get it. The virus needs people to infect and the fewer available and susceptible people there are, the quicker it goes away.
Accepting that we will all get it, however, just facilitates spread. We need to do everything we can as individuals to isolate ourselves from the risks of infection, no matter what the population advice might be.


Stuart and Stumac

I hear and agree with you – but basically, having been a subscriber from the word go, I have had enough. I am simply not prepared to pay for concocted narratives masquerading as journalism from a paper purportedly a champion for Independence that has taken sides on the AS case (comments not allowed on the offending article this morning).


If herd immunity works why did we bother developing all these vaccines for various virus’s. Because herd immunity by contagion leaves a disaster in its wake, death, deformation and long lasting ill health in many depending on the virus.

There is no guarantee a effective vaccine will exist, anymore than there is with the flu but minimising the contagion to try and develop one seems the sensible way.


Herd immunity takes time to development, vaccine works much quicker and generally has very little to no symptoms.
People being reinfected, might just be people getting a common cold or actual flu either first or second – need to be sure if was a reinfection.


Achnababan says:
14 March, 2020 at 9:25 am
Last week I cancelled my subscription to the National…. fed up with their WOKE nonsense … moat recently their misreporting of the Alex Salmond trial… as bad as the Daily Record and their ‘sister’ paper the Herald – bot known liars.

If I was a reporter on last weeks events, I’d be struggling too… “Is that it??? How the fk do I fill a page with this dreary horseshit?”

We live in a joke of a Union when Scotland’s ex First Minister gets this contrived shite thrown at him to discredit him for standing up for Scotland, while the Eton Toff UK Prime Minister who’s a cheating, lying, racist, ignoramus, shrugs his shoulders in the face of deathly pandemic, and he went to school with another Eton Toff UK Prime Minister who stuck his knob in a severed pigs head, which didn’t harm his career either.

I’m with Stuart MacKay. Just close the border now. Self quarantine. Oh yeah, as err, as a Corona Protection, and just forget to open it. Ever. Hard border? Build a fence, in concrete. Mine it on both sides of the crocodile filled moat, and bury microphones in the earth to warn us if Alistair Jack starts digging a bridge.

Don’t knock a Constitutional solution Stuart. Scotland could wake up trapped in a Union but go to bed an independent sovereign Nation. No referendum corrupted by the BBC required. Scottish Sovereignty is a Union kill switch, and Brexit gave us due cause to throw it. In due course, I hope and pray Joanna Cherry will do just that, but she’ll also make it watertight.

Dr Jim

As immunologists say “We don’t know for sure”

Britain’s things go better with Boris says he does know, so join together get sick and die and once that’s out of the way quickly Mr Johnson’s stocks and shares can get back to normal and his money and legacy can move on safely, so stiff upper lip, sing God save the Queen as you die for your *country* stand tall as you slump over, hold your head up high metaphorically because you won’t physically, but most importantly think of Nelson and Bringland will rise again and be the Empire we know we deserve to be and it’ll be fantastic and a great opportunity to make Bringland great again, so get out there and get sick

God save our gracious Queen Dah dah de dum de dum make Bringland great

Oh, over 65s and sick people “We will remember your sacrifice”

Auld Rock

Excuse me guys and gals but correct me if I’m wrong. Is this virus not of the same family of viruses that cause the ‘common cold’? If it is and follows the properties of the common cold virus, then we can get a cold several times a year and they’ve been researching for a cure for years.

Stuart MacKay


There are two ways to achieve “herd immunity”:

1. You vaccinate a lot of people and the ones that did not get vaccinated get some level of protection they generally they come into contact with those have been vaccinated.

2. You let the disease run it’s course through the population, with, in this case, letting 2% die and another 10% or so become disabled to varying extents through damage to their respiratory system. Then, when a similar disease comes along at some time in the future it does not spread so easily.

Since we barely have working tests, never mind a vaccine, the UK Government has chosen the latter approach, even though aggressive containment (lockdowns) could at least reduce the severity of what’s coming.

However it’s not clear that herd immunity would work in any case (which is why it’s ignorant and utter bullshit to even be talking about it) since, from the research so far, people shed large amounts of virus in the first few days well before they show any symptoms and they still appear to shed the virus after they appear to be cured.

As a result your chances of escaping infection due to “herd immunity” are probably slim indeed.


There is every chance now that the US and the UK will become the plague capitals of the developed world.

Playing economic war games, setting up the stall for short traders to make trillions as companies and currencies loose value, playing fast and loose in the most outrageous way, Johnson and Trump by doing nothing when they should have been doing something, may well have unleashed a holocaust.

But there’s no harm in a holocaust. Death and misery makes money. There’s money in war. That’s what the arms industry is all about and there’s money and advantage in pandemics too. Who cares about the deaths. They’re collateral to making money.

And so, the sheep to the slaughter go having been fed a diet of misinformation stage managed by a government run by the dark money men.

Enjoy a lovely death folks, if you’re the one, or enjoy the death of a loved one before their time. They walked into the gas chambers in the 1930s not quite believing how they got there. And we do the same today. The decision to live or die is not yours.

Josef Ó Luain

Why did Sturgeon decide to do the right-thing, but delay its implementation for three days over the weekend, only to be completely up-staged by the non-governmental sporting bodies? Allowing schools to remain open is a further indicator of what can be expected from a government that has yet to realise that what was admissible a week ago has been comprehensively superseded by real-world events.

Stuart MacKay


Scottish Sovereignty is a Union kill switch

Absolutely and I’ve thanked you here before for taking this position. I’d like to thank you again because clearly you are one of the few people who can see a way out of this and I’m greatly encouraged that we shall see independence soon, as a result.


Oh and why do I say plague capitals of the world.

Well in the US there are around 11 million undocumented migrants total outside of receiving any health care. Then there are 27 million Americans with no health care. And then there are the hundreds of millions struggling to afford health care and purchase a visit to the doctor.

Taken with Trumps decision to disregard the threat on economic grounds it doesn’t take an Einstein to realise how the US could be heading to a health holocaust.

And in the UK. Well things might be only a little better. The Hostile Environment and the use of doctors as point of audit for the Home Office and Border Agency computers to identify migrants will also be playing its part here in keeping people away from medical services.

And that, together with Jonson having downplayed the need for intervention and virus spread controls until such time as maximum economic advantage had been secured by the elite few, will no doubt have done for us here too.

But as I say, the sheep don’t care. They weep at their dead, and carry on as before. Truly Orwellian, I remain consoled by the fact that we are so much Better Together.

And yes, even if the sheep did wake up, the elite have the guns, and would not hesitate to use them.

Dr Jim

Cummings and Johnson will see this now as an opportunity to give themselves ultimate control over everything they can think of now as they dream up an emergency powers act full of stuff they won’t be able to implement without using *The Army*

That’ll be next weeks news


Joseph O’louain.

Sturgeon delayed because in truth she takes her cue from the establishment. Sturgeon is compromised. The SNP leadership is compromised.

Minor differences from Jonson and the Westminster Government, but only minor to try and show that she’s different. Like Independence. Says she wants it but walks different from the talk.

Scotland very own Vichy government in Edinburgh.


And yes, Dr Jim, the army could well be deployed.

Civil Contingency Act facilitates that and much more. It wasn’t put on the statute books for nothing. An unarmed society is a helpless society. That is why the USA have the right to bear arms in their constitution.

But the proliferation of guns brings its own problems as the 40,000 annual death rate in the USA shows. Mind you, the failure to manage this Coronavirus could could eclipse the gun death rate by more than a few orders of magnitude.

But yes, army will be on standby.


Ireland is handling this with more robust and earlier actions. So are many other countries e.g. New Zealand.

The Cummings government seems to be taking the same approach as Italy, only reacting when it’s too late.

Does anyone honestly not believe that an independent Scotland, with all powers held in Holyrood, would not have also taken a more appropriate course for Scotland?

Bottom line …. people will die because they voted NO in 2014, and they are going to take a lot of YES voters with them!

There will be a reckoning once this is all over. If Scotland fares worse than Ireland because we are being dragged down the wrong road (again) by Westminster, NO voters need to think long and hard about which future is safest!

Dr Jim

At least Boris Johnson has defined his definition of a generation though “This pandemic is a once in a generation” he said, well the last pandemic was in 2009 wasn’t it

Or was he just using a *Turn of phrase* *Common expression to emphasise a point* if not then it’s a legal fact isn’t it, well no because it’s only legal if a Scotsman says it


I wonder if all those hedge fund managers are getting a bit jittery and having a word?

‘Boris, old chap this isn’t how it was meant to be… sort it it out and quick.’


A quote from a Scot caught in Italy featured in the Courier ….

“from October 2018 to April 2019, Italy had 809 serious cases of flu, of which 601 needed ICU treatment and respirators, and 198 died “

Flu killed 198 in seven months.

Covid-19 has killed 1266 in a few weeks.


The monster holding back the green thing. Too late the hero!

Worth a look at link to

Racoon virus thread 🙁


Now Unionist Trolls excluded, we all know who has controlled the central NHS funding and strategy for the last 10 years.
As Bojo’s Tory Circus demands England is the superior race who are rich and powerful.
So why are their rankings on these vital heath support issues so devastatingly poor.

As the gap between the average UK worker and the wealthy elite has increased year on year for 57 consecutive years the answer is simple.
The Elite bribe the politicians, become politicians and own the media in its entirety.
Every year they want more so every year the masses must give up more.

Bojo and Fleece Mogg are multi millionaires.
They have never needed to do a days work in their lives and never will so why do they influence the
Westminster strategy and spending- to get even more money.

They will be delighted the elderly pensioners will die, pleased to see those with sever health problems disappear from the NHS budget and with so many jobs in the process of disappearing
People will be willing to take zero hours/ no workers rights jobs on minimum wage just to eat.

Before you read below, know that UK figures mean that Scotland’s figures will improve the stats that
You read about as we have more pro rata beds, ICU beds, Doctors, Nurses and supported trading programmes than England, Wales or N Ireland.

ICU is a precious and scarce resource in terms of beds, staff and equipment. This is especially so in the UK. In 2012 the UK had about 4,100 critical care beds including ICU beds and “high dependency” beds which are a step down from full ICU care. Compared with other European countries the UK ranked 24th of 31 in terms of ICU beds per head of population and 29th of 31 for all hospital beds. Germany has approximately four times as many ICU beds per capita as the UK and the USA perhaps 10-fold as many. Data from 2017 suggest little change. Most UK ICUs therefore run at or above 90% occupancy and often can only admit new patients only by discharging others – even when workload is normal. Covid-19 will increase pressures not only because of weight of numbers but because intermediate treatments for pneumonia and lung failure are “aerosol-generating”.


PMJohnson taking back control, as the biggest fool to ever hit the big time, and all he has to do is act naturally.


Beautiful graphics of the virus Chris.

Perhaps this figure could feature in future Scottish heraldry if it helps expedite independence.

Certainly most young people on the street are quite sanguine about the bio weopan cleansing the planet of the’boomers’.

Sad thing is, some young people won’t be spared this either.

J Galt


I gave up on the National fairly early on when I saw articles by David Pratt – that told me all I needed to know.


When Tories talk about herding they are imagining wildebeest herds and themselves as the lions, picking off the vulnerable, infirm and weak. Boris Johnson seems himself as the lion king with his main of hair and impregnation of as many of the females that he can.

Tinto Chiel


*Looks bullishly into camera*

“Some of us may die.
Remember, statistically
It is not likely to be you.
All flags are flying fully dressed
On Government buildings – the sun is shining.
Death is the least we have to fear.
We are all in the hands of God,
Whatever happens happens by His Will.
Now go quickly to your shelters.”

After this completely callous abdication of responsibility and display of utter incompetence in dealing with the coronavirus threat, how could anyone in Scotland vote for these sociopathic Tory creeps?

The Scottish Government must take its own measures now to protect the people of our country. Following fully the WHO advice will save lives and help to contain the infection and a small country like ours could do this so much better. Testing and following up chains of infection appear vital in fighting the virus.


And the cleansing of the boomers is something that cannot be dismissed.

They are an economic burden and their economic removal will be welcomed by the government and their financial masters.


i’m sticking with the National- where else can I read the views and analyses of Shona Craven, Kirsty Strickland, Kathleen Nutt and Peat Worrier? Where else to learn of the activities of Yes Groups throughout Scotland?

Coverage of the Salmond trial – does the National have a pass to attend? Is it worthwhile attending? And to date Craig Murray certainly hasn’t, I wonder why.

The treatment of Sheridon, and currently Assenge do not encourage me to have unquestioned faith in the judicial system of the UK. And why oh why did the Scottish legal profession give credence to the UK Supreme Court?

Frank Gillougley

On a lighter note if possible?

Am I the only one on the planet who sees this government’s 2 chief medical and scientific advisers as none other than the London artistic duo of the truly surreal Gilbert and George?

Also good to see some contributors are still here.


Today’s figure 121.

Remember, those counted in the last 24hours were infected around a week ago. There are folks our there who have the virus, but don’t know it yet.

The figure is growing exponentially by just over 30% per day. That is the same growth rate seen elsewhere at this stage of minimal restrictions.

Any measures taken now won’t have any effect on the growth for at least a week.

affa nae weel

Here is a good investigation of the exponential growth of the virus, if a country does nothing, as opposed to locking the country down ( Italy )

link to

I’m in my late 60’s, live at the top of a glen on a state pension only, but have about 3 – 4 months of rice, lentils, bread flour, beans, porridge, etc so will self isolate now. Once the snow disappears in a week or so, will start a veg patch. Run out of toilet paper ? use dock leaves, we’ve all got soft 🙂

The UK ( england ) imports 50% of its food, as Europe locks down, that is going to slow/stop ? Hospitals will get overwhelmed with the sick…. I think things are going to get weird fast.

I agree that we should close the border, stop trains, planes, everything except food, medicine’s and essentials. Look out for our neighbours and friends, and get through this.

Tinto Chiel

“Am I the only one on the planet who sees this government’s 2 chief medical and scientific advisers as none other than the London artistic duo of the truly surreal Gilbert and George?”

No, Frank. Well spotted, and G&G would be just about as useful in their approach to this medical emergency.


At this rate, it will soon be time for an Uprising.

Any kind will do. Because right now, in the face of a catastrophic Leadership Vacuum, the population remains paralysed in mass docility and acceptance of this Government’s gross incompetence and folly.

Rise up, people, there’s no one behind the wheel!
Before we are overtaken by catastrophe.

Dorothy Devine

Tinto Chiel, that is exactly the poem which went through my head when the pillock was giving his dying loved ones ‘speech’.

red sunset

On first glance I thought that was Great Clunking Fist dragging Johnson along

Ian Brotherhood

@Dorothy Devine/TC –

Haven’t seen it before. Who wrote it?


Scotland can learn much from China’s pandemic flu strategy;

‘This study showed that Covid-19 occurred in children, causing moderate-to-severe respiratory illness, in the early phase of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Wuhan and was associated with ICU admission in one patient. None of the patients or their family members had had direct exposure to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market’
link to

‘Children don’t seem to get sick with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, at the same rate adults do. This is likely because children have healthier lungs than adults’
link to

‘This work shows that heightened surveillance and isolation, particularly contact tracing, reduces the time cases are infectious in the community’
link to

‘we conclude that these control measures had a major impact on the COVID-19 epidemic, averting hundreds of thousands of cases by Feb 19,” the study said’
link to

‘what China demonstrates is if you settle down, roll up your sleeves, and begin that systematic work of case finding and contact tracing, you definitely can change the shape of the outbreak, take the heat out of it, and prevent a lot of people from getting sick and a lot of the most vulnerable from dying’
link to

And learning from Italy
‘The percentage of patients in intensive care reported daily in Italy between March 1 and March 11, 2020, has consistently been between 9% and 11% of patients who are actively infected. The number of patients infected since Feb 21 in Italy closely follows an exponential trend’
link to

‘In a broader context, Italy can be a “knowledge-generating platform” on COVID-19 within the scientific community. Another recommendation from the mission is to capitalize on the country’s transparent information-sharing and academic and research capacity, to build understanding of the virus and its behaviour, as well as confirm the effectiveness of response measures’
link to

The science is out there – we can all get involved
This is an update on Folding@home’s efforts to assist researchers around the world taking up the global fight against COVID-19.
link to

The aim is to slow the spread
link to

Preventing the spread of the virus is a public health issue, community health issue, individual health issue, human rights issue
link to

The exponential power of now;
“We started discussing what actions to take in the face of exponential growth,” he said. “Obviously, we need to slow the rate of growth (flatten the curve) through government and individual responses — effectively based on increased testing and heightened social distancing. But in order to accomplish that, we first need to convince people to take this outbreak seriously, which is no small task. It’s as if humans can only think linearly
link to

Some countries are taking the lead
‘some researchers suggested that countries would soon move from efforts that involve containing as many new cases as possible to social-distancing measures, such as school closures, that do not rely on knowing who is infected with the virus and who is not’
link to

But the UK is woefully behind the curve
The World Health Organisation has cast doubt on the UK’s approach to developing “herd immunity” against Covid-19, saying the current situation around the outbreak in Britain requires “action”
link to

Or should we listen to this individual who seems to have all the answers (apart from the most obvious of recognising the emergence of a pandemic flu to delaying the spread of Covid 19. Or is culling certain demographics within a population an actual policy). Presumably the weirdos and misfits missed what was right under their noses;

‘This enables us to take DNA from unborn embryos, do SNP genetic sequencing costing ~$50, and make useful predictions about the odds of the embryo being an outlier for diseases like atrial fibrillation, diabetes, breast cancer, or prostate cancer. NB. It is important that we do not need to sequence the whole genome to do this (see below). We will also be able to make predictions about outliers in cognitive abilities (the high and low ends). (My impression is that predicting Alzheimers is still hampered by a lack of data but this will improve as the data improves.)’
link to

red sunset

These numbers of infected are all baloney now.

I assume the official figures are only those ‘notified’, so presumably only those being treated in hospital.

Certainly in various other countries, if not yet UK, those who have chosen to self-isolate cannot be in these figures. There is no mechanism to collect those numbers.


@Ian Brotherhood

Full poem. Long time since I’ve heard it.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@galamcennalath –

Cheers. Hadn’t seen that before.


Dorothy Devine

Ian , galamcennalath has beaten me to it.

There is another from the same era “5 Ways to Kill a Man’- cheery stuff!


Weekly shop done.

I wouldn’t say it was panic buying, but tinned goods in both Tesco and Sainsbury’s were 80% depleted. Not bare, the expensive brands had stuff left, but tinned beans were gone, tinned meats and fruit were all well down.

Not panic buying by any stretch, but folks are clearly stocking up for hard times. Didn’t notice anybody coming to blows over bog rolls.

No problem with actually getting anything, except tomato purée. That’s either because folks are putting on big stews or pots of chilli to last a while without going to the shops, or it’s for day 65 in the bunker when the foods all gone and you’re reduced to sookin’ tubes of tomato purée.

Only thing I doubled up on was dog food….. oh behave. For the dog!

Now that I think however, I wonder if it was a Napolina factor, and all the Italian tomato stuff running short because Italy is on lockdown… hmmm.


@ Breeks
‘Only thing I doubled up on was dog food….. oh behave. For the dog!’

Good strategic thinking Breeks.

That dog will keep you going when the puree tubes run out.


Or Breeks will keep the dog going once the purée runs out…

Tinto Chiel

@Ian B, Dorothy D, galamcennalath: yep, the dishonesty, moral cowardice and cynical manipulation from the government official in the nuclear situation is the same as this “government’s”, innit?

*Holds ear-piece impressively*: this just in, Eton and Harrow to close owing to coronavirus.

If it’s good enough for them, wot about our kids?


red sunset says:
14 March, 2020 at 3:45 pm
These numbers of infected are all baloney now.
I assume the official figures are only those ‘notified’, so presumably only those being treated in hospital.
Certainly in various other countries, if not yet UK, those who have chosen to self-isolate cannot be in these figures. There is no mechanism to collect those numbers.

UK has now stopped testing, except in the worst cases.

We’ve all become lab rats in some rabid, fascist eugenicists’ wet dreams about culling the old, vulnerable and weak by “herd immunity”. Total bastards!

But never mind, we’re Better Together!





US to extend coronavirus travel ban to UK says BBC news also Eire


This is by far the punchiest toon yet Chris.

I used to joke about pitchforks and revolutions but in all honesty cannot see a better way out of this fuckfest. Dire…


What is wrong with Scot goes pop these days. Whenever wings is mentioned it becomes a bitch fest of folk piling in to say they “..never trusted him..” fgs

The rest of the time the threads disappear under a snowstorm of weird anonymous bots.

I’ve given up.



Brilliant!!! 😀

red sunset

Breeks says:
14 March, 2020 at 4:32 pm
Weekly shop done.

I wouldn’t say it was panic buying, but tinned goods in both Tesco and Sainsbury’s were 80% depleted. Not bare, the expensive brands had stuff left, but tinned beans were gone, tinned meats and fruit were all well down.

Aldi this morning – no tea bags at all, no pasta, no eggs, no oatcakes, almost no tinned beans, peas, etc.

Large areas of totally empty shelves.


Breeks bragging about having freedom of movement to go shopping. I’m still choked wi’ the cald so self-isolating in case it’s the dodgy yin.
So looks like a week or two of carrot and onion soup with chips n chutney dip produced from all the veg I grew last year.
Huvnae touch that last muckle parship yet so probably get a few days soup out of it tae, plus I could throw in some of the hunners of big beans from the runner beans I kept for seed so that’ll keep me going.
Rhubarb beginning to sprout now so puddings not far away.


Lol @ Breeks and Dan!

I’m thinking of going onto doggy kibble for breakfast instead of granola. Wee bugger is a damned site fitter than me, just not sure what will happen if I spot a tennis ball in the middle of the road!


Breeks 4 March, 2020 at 4:32 pm

Weekly shop done.

I wouldn’t say it was panic buying, but tinned goods in both Tesco and Sainsbury’s were 80% depleted. Not bare, the expensive brands had stuff left, but tinned beans were gone, tinned meats and fruit were all well down.

Not panic buying by any stretch, but folks are clearly stocking up for hard times. Didn’t notice anybody coming to blows over bog rolls.

No problem with actually getting anything, except tomato purée. That’s either because folks are putting on big stews or pots of chilli to last a while without going to the shops, or it’s for day 65 in the bunker when the foods all gone and you’re reduced to sookin’ tubes of tomato purée.

Only thing I doubled up on was dog food….. oh behave. For the dog!

Now that I think however, I wonder if it was a Napolina factor, and all the Italian tomato stuff running short because Italy is on lockdown… hmmm.

I do my shopping in Lidl and only get the occasional bit of shopping here and there in Tesco. I had to laugh when I had saw they were limiting four packets of pasta to one person. Who buys that amount of pasta. I went into work and people said there was panic buying of that.

The absence of tomato stuff is to put on the tons of pasta that the muppets have lieing in their spare room. I mean what possessed them to buy all that? Do they honestly think they are going to eat dry pasta for weeks on end?

I’ve been more to the shops lately as I need to get messages for an elderly relative. I can’t prove it but I do wonder if these empty shelves is as much to do with artificial shortages than it is to do with panic buying. Case in point, went for a carry-out last night and the bevy shelves were empty except for the cheap own brand rut-got. A very convenient way to shift the rubbish.

That’s a conspiracy theory anyway but I do think this social media is at fault for giving out this nonsense. People will not be able to get in their front door because of all the pasta and bog roll stored up and it will be thrown out in a week or two time and they will be eating out of the local Chinese.


“Tory MPs don’t care about poor people, they don’t care about the NHS”

link to

Stay safe folks!

End the union!

In the coming weeks we will see Sturgeon shine, whilst johnson is revealed for the clown and charlatan he is, a dangerous clown!


Sturgeon by her nature, upbringing and education is people centric, whereas johnson is johnson centric!

I’d encourage those on here taking uniformed pot shots at Sturgeon over inconsequential topics to shut up and get behind our leader, a person with decency in abundance along with political acumen!

The agenda has changed, we are in unchartered waters, who gives a fig what your beliefs on someone’s sexuality are, get real!

As for the elderly and vulnerable folk who contribute on here, stay safe and huge best wishes during this most difficult of times!


Netflix and Amazon Prime investors need to be sharp.
Should they gamble and wait for the rise in share price as subscriptions increase due to folk being stuck at home, bored out their nappers with self-isolation and deciding to sign up to the service…

…or should they dump stock now before people realise they don’t have to pay to watch films and series about Armageddon and dystopian futures when they can merely look out their front door.


Must say however the idea of having Black, Smyth ,Sommerville et all at the helm of an independent woke Scotland running with this public health crisis gives me the willies. There in lies the clue – we will never get Independence until we attract and encourage the right sort of politician in sync with the Scottish people. Historically, Scotland has bred a disproportionate amount of top drawer politicians, inventors , scientists and professionals of every description yet the right sort are not coming through and when they do they get squashed. Honestly if we encouraged the right talent we’d romp towards Independence.


mogabee says:14 March, 2020 at 5:03 pm

I used to joke about pitchforks and revolutions but in all honesty cannot see a better way out of this fuckfest. Dire…

Sorry on here for a rant. With the muppets on their emergency dinners of pasta alla nuda for months on end, they’ll be like ten ton tessies and the only trouble they will be causing is when they are rolling down on the hill.

Seriously though, it isn’t just this lemming stockpiling of completely useless foods that can’t be used for long periods that is getting to me. In at work, there is a lot of panic merchants and they were the ones that were all mouth before this started to kick off. There was one that was all smug and arrogant after the referendum result and he is now running about like a headless chicken. The saying of empty vessels making the loudest noises is very true indeed.

As other have said, most folk aren’t conditioned to deal with even a few weeks disruptions. I mean you see at Christmas and New year when the shops are shut for a day and they are filling their trollies like no tomorrow. I’m afraid if you are looking for a revolution, you will have a long wait.

North chiel

When are the Scottish government going to introduce health checks at our borders ? If the overseas holiday industry down south is going to be shut down , with Spain now going into lock down , then come the spring /summer months where is everybody “ darn souff” going to go on holiday I wonder ? ( Scotland’s open border might save the hospitality industry but if infection rates are significantly different between Scotland & RUK what then ?). I note that the New Zealand Government are asking all arrivals entering the country to “ self isolate” for 14 days.
Perhaps Scotland should just “ declare independence” now ?


Sturgeon does have appeal I agree but strategically lacking and too focused on the woke nonsense so disagree she has the acumen


@ Smallaxe at 5.48: thanks for posting the link to Dominic Cummings saying on film that Tory MPs don’t care about poor people or the NHS.

What I don’t understand is why poor people and NHS supporters vote Tory. The latest poll for Westminster voting intention is 50% Tory. Terrifying.

Grouse Beater

Your draughtsmanship has moved on in leaps and bounds since your early days, Chris. That one is a very strong image. More please!

Your essential weekend reading:

‘Dark Waters: review of a fine movie – link to
‘Mary Somerville’: a great Scottish scientist – link to
‘The Salmond Trial’: the facts and evidence to date – link to


Tories and their advisors. They must believe we are all thick. Well, truth is, England did vote them in so maybe the are right with their assumption!

‘Herd immunity’ …. FFS …. with no vaccine and no program for immunisation, you achieve herd immunity by survival of the fittest! The weak die and the overall quality of your stock improves and is left immune to future outbreaks. Acceptable farming practice? If it were farming, they’d be done for animal neglect!

These barstads want to apply their eugenic theories, it seems!

Media calling them out? Of course not.


Baxter1967 says:14 March, 2020 at 5:56 pm

Sturgeon does have appeal I agree but strategically lacking and too focused on the woke nonsense so disagree she has the acumen

I’ve been lurking on this site over the weeks and read the comments about Sturgeon and the SNP but decided not to reply until now when hopefully heads are a bit more cooler.

Sturgeon is a great leader but only in government. She is totally out of place in leading movements. She is purely political and is no way an organiser or motivator that movements require to sustain and to gain momentum.

It makes no sense at the moment to want to get rid of her. She is the face of the SNP both here and abroad. People might not agree with everything she says but on the whole, they trust her especially in crises like these and are comfortable with her.

She is part of independence moment but she is not the all. There has been talk of a new independence party and if the independence movement is to move forward, it needs to be created as soon as possible.

This new party is not only about trying to keep the SNP focused on independence rather than just ‘settling in’, but also in the medium and long term to challenge it. At the moment it makes sense just to stand in on the regional lists but there will be a time when it may need to stand against the SNP on the individual seats where it is possible to win.

Of course, there is a danger that this strategy would be counter productive as it splits the vote. However, it is logical as the SNP have become too complacent and just don’t have any ideas on how to deliver independence. More importantly though, if done properly, it will force the public to choose between a moderate form of independence and a more radical one. In this scenario, this could push soft no voters to go with the SNP and their version of independence. Looking at the state of politics, the SNP are going to be the dominant force in Scottish politics for years to come and whether circumstances will prevail to allow a more radical independence party to become a threat in the minds of the Scottish public to make enough of them to go for the SNP’s vision of independence is another thing. Only time will tell.

As to this woke nonsense, given present circumstances, I think politicians will have more on their plates than this and while I have joked earlier about the public’s attitude towards radicalism, I do think they won’t be too happy after this is over if their politicians are too preoccupied with such trivial matters when they should be more focused on more important matters.

End the union!

Some folks on here just don’t get it, only the SNP backed up by ‘The Yes Movement’ will get us over the line!

Suggestions of alternative vehicles at this stage are nonsensical and counter productive!

United we rule divided we fall, let’s get real and learn from the forces that oppose us!

Liz g

galamcennalath @ 6.04
I’m not all that sure that this heard immunity shit is to do with the right wing tendency towards eugenics.
I’d have said that it’s an insurance against the one thing that could bring them down…..
A nurse’s strike on Monday morning for better pay and conditions would bring home to the government the value of health workers and the power of the people to insist that is not “The Economy” that comes first but the NHS.
The nurses if you think about it will never have a better chance to realise their worth…. and I for one wouldn’t blame them if they took it,it is their life and health on the line here
A Tory billionaire wouldn’t hesitate to exploit the situation,so their mind set is to head off any indication that the nurse’s are indispensable to the country!


“Some folks on here just don’t get it, only the SNP backed up by ‘The Yes Movement’ will get us over the line!

Suggestions of alternative vehicles at this stage are nonsensical and counter productive!”

Agreed, but tell me what do we do, if the FM and her close clique don’t really want independence what then?

Sturgeon blew the best chance we’ll ever get when Westminster was in complete dissary over Brexit for over three years.


United in the UK we Die
Divided we Rule
Independent we thrive!

Robert Kerr

BoJo needs the City Banking system to keep the UK afloat. The UK is unique in that it depends so much on one localised endeavour. The workers in London commute mostly by train. Perfect ground for any contagion to spread.

The UK is unique also that it is the only country not following WHO recommendations.

Please Nicola, follow WHO suggestions in spite of London. The Irish Republic has 14 days self confinement and schools etc closed.

Follow them and watch the divergence of fatalities between Scotland and England.

You will have compelling evidence then for Independence.


A relative works right next to a chap who tested positive
Her company advised her to come to work Monday unless
You have a fever and cough.

They claim the office has been deep cleaned over the weekend ?
Who inspects Deep Cleaning ? Would minimum wage cleaners
Take shortcuts when in fear of their environment.

She could do her work from as she does on some occasions
Ibut they won’t have it?

The company is very wealthy but obviously want to see the workers
Live and taking risks as they make even more money.


I’ve said this before on this site and will reiterate it. I’m a soft yes voter where I will be vote for independence when the push comes to the shove but my instincts are gradualism.

That would put me in sync with the current SNP leadership and I should be happy with their current strategy. Even with a gradualist strategy, they are just too meek, accommodating and too damn polite. They should be pushing and prodding Westminster at every opportunity to get power devolved from them. That certainly isn’t happening.

I read on this site that there is the fear that Westminster will abolish Holyrood against our wishes. Given the sovereignty that we Scots have under Scots law, that won’t happen. However, Holyrood could be abolished could happen if enough Scots give Westminster the permission to do because it is irrelevant enough to the lives of ordinary Scots due to it’s limited powers.

If done properly, an alternative independence party could rejuvenate the SNP but it could also destroy it. That is why it needs to be done properly and with the right people on board who knows the political system and knows the proper strategy. One of these people could be Alex Salmond, providing his political and personal reputation survives the court case.

Regardless of who is involved, it is a big risk and people not to seriously do some thinking on the idea before they commit to it.


Scotland has to think and act as the country it is, independent but in a union with three other countries, the Scottish Government have to look after its population the same as Wales, Ireland and england look after theirs, Health is devolved we’ll have to close the border to control the virus in our country.

John Jones

PacMan says.

I have thought of this senario for years, a political party needs something to force it to stick to its principals.
Look at the Labour & Tory parties morphed into two versions of the same thing, only different in name.
The SNP are now in the position of Labour a few years ago getting comfy with their position. Time for another party to hold their feet to the fire, after all we are all in the same position, get Indy done by any means at our disposal, if that means shoving SNP off their arses to show some action so be it.

Dr Jim


I’m afraid Alex Salmond will never see the political light of day ever again in his lifetime, because even if he’s innocent, he’s guilty, they’ve made sure of that, they’ve applied the no smoke without fire rule, he could be found innocent of all charges with wings growing oot his back and a glow roon aboot him and he’d still be guilty

Gordon Keane

I think this would be as good a time as any, and a good excuse for us to just declare Independence, based upon the simple fact, Scotland is not being able to properly protect itself because the UK Govt is making it difficult, if not near impossible to do so.
It is totally unacceptable, that the airports don’t have proper screening in place for those coming back from other places.
Nor is it acceptable DWP Secretary Therese Coffey tells claimants it is up to the “discretion” of the DWP advisers. I was not impressed with the Coffey statement. It was well short of what was needed, and still creates a fair degree of confusion, and uncertainty.
And this “Herd immunity” is as has been well pointed out, all about allowing as many as possible to get this new Flu as most will get better soon enough, but of course some, a lot even? will die, as the UK Prime Minister tells us they will…. and well, that’s just a bit of a pity!
If the First Minister really, really did want us to be Independent, (but we wonder at times) then she would act over this one particular emergency.
She doesn’t need any other excuses in fact, and waiting around to see how it all pans out, I don’t think will go down well, if it turns out very badly.
The First Minster will stand accused, alongside Boris Johnson, of not having protected this country, as she ought to have done.
Now, I know, there will be some who say we shouldn’t use this as an excuse for floggig Independence, tho it seems okay for the pro 1707 mob to use this as an excuse not to be Independent!
But when we are dealing with the wellbeing of our country, and see how we are being left to flounder by UK, there does come a point where we no longer sit back and take it.
That point has come many a time recently, but this is certainly such a point, now.
As others have also said, being too timid, being too polite to Westminster, and not wanting to rock the boat, has to come to an end.



Yeah, I was being a little tongue-in-cheek there!

Like yer thinking though…


How come Northern Ireland are going to close schools for up to 16 weeks, very soon on the advice that Foster is receiving from their(NI) chief medical officer, they are asking parents and schools to prepare for closure.

But we ‘can’t’ consider this as an option here because we are part of the UK, well so is NI and their devolved gov is about to take these steps, there is no excuse for Scotland not following a different tack with this.

I urge everyone to our MP’s and MSP’s citing the below article stating that NI are prepared to follow WHO guidance is stemming the spread of CV.

link to


My adopted home of New Zealand has decreed that henceforth all arrivals from abroad must be put in isolation for 2weeks. That includes returning Kiwis, not just foreigners. You have been warned.


Dr Jim says: 14 March, 2020 at 7:45 pm


I’m afraid Alex Salmond will never see the political light of day ever again in his lifetime, because even if he’s innocent, he’s guilty, they’ve made sure of that, they’ve applied the no smoke without fire rule, he could be found innocent of all charges with wings growing oot his back and a glow roon aboot him and he’d still be guilty

My mention of Salmond was done after a lot of soul searching and careful thought.

Professionally, I have and will always respect Alex Salmond for what he was done for people of Scotland, both as a politician representing their interests and as the leading figure in the independence movement, which wouldn’t be where it is now if not for him.

However, I do feel troubled by his personal behaviour. I haven’t followed the case but from what I’ve read, including Grouse beaters post on it, it’s obvious that while he isn’t guilty of any criminal offences, he has a distinct lack of respect for woman.

You can say that it was part of the culture of the time and everybody was doing it but is that really an excuse? There is no doubt that that sort of behaviour was the norm in men who held positions of power but how many men didn’t?

I fear you could be right that Salmonds political career is finished even if he is acquitted of this charges but he could possibly redeem himself by publicly apologising for his behaviour and admitting it was wrong. He should also participate in counselling and attend courses to ensure that he is fully aware of his past actions and that there are not acceptable in this day and age.

I know some people may think that is too PC and I’m one of these white knight types for the feminists but lets be honest about it, while Salmond is a brilliant politician, it is a bit of a sleazeball and if he is too be in any position of authority, he needs to be aware that the behaviour he exhibited in the past is just not acceptable now.

Scot Finlayson

Just back from Tesco,

jeezo there`s no much left,

someone said they are keeping the food and essentials for their South English stores,

f@ck the jocks,

let them eat oats.


Effijy says: 14 March, 2020 at 7:01 pm

A relative works right next to a chap who tested positive
Her company advised her to come to work Monday unless
You have a fever and cough.

They claim the office has been deep cleaned over the weekend ?
Who inspects Deep Cleaning ? Would minimum wage cleaners
Take shortcuts when in fear of their environment.

She could do her work from as she does on some occasions
Ibut they won’t have it?

The company is very wealthy but obviously want to see the workers
Live and taking risks as they make even more money.

The official statement from where I work is that if there are any reported positives in my workplace, it will be shut down.

However, while I can’t go into any specifics on a public internet forum, other statements made in relation to this crisis and comments made by senior figures, suggests that may not happen. The whole response from management is beginning to sound like corporate double talk and smoke and mirrors. The bottom line is having people off work is going to cost the company money and they won’t do that unless people are literally dropping like flies.

With this and what is happening at Westminster, it is a sobering and rather depressing thought that we have been reduced from human beings to economic assets that are either a benefit or a cost.


Dr Jim, that is about the size of it, they wanted to take him down and make an example of him, very similar to someone long gone, and that is what they will do.

Fuck the united kingdom and all it stands for.

Al Dossary

@muscleguy same here. Saudi has closed all land borders (1 week ago), all Schengen and Gulf flights were cancelled last week, and as of tomorrow ALL international flights are banned.

103 cases so far here, up 13 from yesterday so hopefully that is a sign of it slowing.


Scot Finlayson says: 14 March, 2020 at 8:50 pm

Just back from Tesco,

jeezo there`s no much left,

someone said they are keeping the food and essentials for their South English stores,

f@ck the jocks,

let them eat oats.

There is no evidence of that but logic dictates that if the majority of their distribution hubs is south of the border, it is going to be more profitable for this to stock to be quickly moved to large population centres near there.

I still have a sneaking suspicion as I mentioned earlier that they are deliberately holding back putting out fresh supplies so they can get rid of the shite they can’t normally punt.

There is no doubt that a lot of people are making and will make plenty profit out of this crisis.

ben madigan

@K1 who asked
“How come Northern Ireland are going to close schools for up to 16 weeks”
Arlene Foster didn’t say WHEN schols would close, only that when they did, it would be for 16 weeks.

Since its St patrick’s Day next week most schools have days off, if not the whole week. Some schools that hadn’t planned the entire week off are now doing so. Many parents are just not going to send the kids to school if and when they open on 23rd.

In all honesty, I think Scots, like the Northern irish, will just have to take things into their own hands and do what’s needed to protect themselves and their loved ones.

As I write, breaking news on the pandemic coming in from an EU TV station!
From midnight,France is going on total lockdown, like Spain and Italy
You heard it first here!

Here’s the latest from Italy

link to


Coronavirus: Scientists say UK virus strategy is ‘risking lives’

link to

(Jings! was 103rd in the queue on archive) 🙂


Rock the boat?

So Brexit is going to cost us 8% of our economy, subjugate our democracy, subjugate our sovereign authority, take all our oil, and expose our population to a global pandemic which some predictions put at between 2% to 6% fatalities, potentially 300,000 people, and see out culture subjected to indoctrination while denied the right to broadcast for ourselves, and citizens in our largest city will be exposed to nuclear waste pollution in the water, and they want Scotland to take on a third of their debt.

Split the difference and say Corona virus kills 4% of us. World War Two only killed 3% of us, and that was over 5 years. Five years of WW2 did lest damage to Scotland than 2020 in the UK is promising to do, – and it’s only March!!!

And our puny gutless government still can’t pluck up the courage to hold a puny referendum because it might not be legal enough ??? Where the fk is our perspective? This isn’t a nation, it’s a fucking doormat.

What kind of Nation is it that let’s a neighbouring country fuck up it’s economy to THAT extent, and does sweet fk all about it except girn for the cameras at PMQ’s? A nation of invertebrates that’s what. Not a spine to be seen. We’re not even claiming for a foul.

Westminster was threatening WAR with Spain because they hinted at joint possession of Gibraltar. All out shooting war, just for that.

The whole World mobilised an invasion because Iraq invaded Kuwait to swipe their oil. Scotland? No, no, no, help yourselves, please take the lot. Pay for it? Oh no. Just keep the lot.

Scotland? Fk it. Here, let me lie down under your tank. Make yourself at home and help yourself to whatever you fancy. Kill our wildlife just for fun? Go right ahead. Knock yourself out. This is Scotland and we don’t care about anything except blokes in a dress using ladies lavatories.

Impeach these useless fuckers in Holyrood and get ourselves a proper fucking Government.

Robert Louis

Pacman at 0850pm,

Hmmm. What a lot of utter self righteous, prejudicial, sanctimonious, p*sh.

QUOTE; “I haven’t followed the case but from what I’ve read….” Says it all really.


Why is the UK doing the exact opposite of the rest of Europe when it comes to Corona? I can’t work out why. Just to be different? ‘We’re out of Europe, so we don’t do what they do’? Why??

France, 30Km from the shores of the UK goes into lockdown at midnight tonight:

France has announced the closure of all places “non essential” to public life including restaurants, cafes, cinemas and discos from midnight Saturday.

“We must absolutely limit movement, meetings and contacts,” French prime minister Edouard Philippe said on Saturday evening. Food shops, tobacconists, banks and public transport will remain open, he said.

Philippe said the measure was being imposed after another meeting with the country’s scientific committee.

The announcement came as Jérome Salomon, director of the French health authority, confirmed the WHO’s assessment, that Europe is “the epicentre of the epidemic”.

“In France, we are confronted with the start of a national epidemic with a rapid and intense spread in numerous zones,” Salomon said.

So why is the UK fucking about with hairbrained fucking schemes such as ‘herd immunity’, keeping schools open because kids are less likely to be affected and all this shite?

And the silence from Mrs. Murrell is fucking deafening too.

robert galloway

I do not know what the fuss is all about with regard to article 30.A polite piece of garbage.We are in only a treaty,a broken one at that.The mistakes of over 300 years has become worse,when Scots aligned them selves with 3 London branch parties,who gradually strangled us,to perform and morph us into a pretend Colony,offering services a way beyond a treaty,slam the brakes on,we are changing back to what we have been for 1000 years,independent. We are an independent country already.Open our ports,remove the dangerous M.O.D. muck,build a small navy for protection,work hard to make Scotland the country it should,free our young people from foreign conflicts,and stop the theft of resources.!!


” dakk says:
14 March, 2020 at 1:02 pm

Beautiful graphics of the virus Chris.

Perhaps this figure could feature in future Scottish heraldry if it helps expedite independence.

Certainly most young people on the street are quite sanguine about the bio weopan cleansing the planet of the’boomers’.

Sad thing is, some young people won’t be spared this either.”

Apparently 10% of under 15 year olds in Scotland suffer from asthma – they are in just as great a dangers as us oldies. Just that, at that age, you think you are immortal.

Liz g

—Just Because — Scotland 🙂
First of all dear Wingers,my resolve to share with you my wee book of 365 reasons to celebrate Scotland fell by the way yesterday…. I spent all of yesterday and this morning by the bedside of my best friend in the world as she passed…
But yesterday’s one was…

Thanks to John Boyd For from Kilmaurs Ayrshire,whom as an undergraduate in Glasgow,became first a doctor and then an advocate for good nutrition.
He was horrified by the shocking difference in income and health outcomes.
That on March 13th 1936,he published his report on “Food,Health and Income”.
If which one of the results was the simple idea that went a long way towards eliminating Rickets on this Island.
Orr’s life’s work towards the fair distribution of world food won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1949…..

robert galloway

Idiot Boris Johnson!let it run its course,the people do not matter,we were dragged out of the E.U. to rescue their offshore accounts from investigation,money to these greedy parasites far more important.The Scottish Government people are more important even the poorest.Two months out of the E.U. this Dictatorship already borrowing billions,when these bastards should be returning their taxes (£13.Trillion) to cover these loans,LONDON LOANS nothing to do with Scotland.Whilst wrecking Scotland,when I am out talking to others over 90% are for independence.The Tory parasites bought the election with Russian money,or dirty money!


Mrs. Murrell and the rest of the SNP completely fucked up what was supposed to be THE golden opportunity for Scottish independence immediately after the Brexit result was announced. Absolutely despicable and I detest them all now because of that.

However as I’ve said many times before, I’m a fervent supporter of Scottish independence.

Now though, we have this Coronavirus Crisis. We’re never going to see this again in our lifetimes. Brexit was a golden opportunity but NOW, we have a second, serious bite at the cherry with Coronavirus.

Mrs. Murrell and the rest of the SNP know damned well that HEALTH is a matter devolved to Scotland.

Mrs. Murrell is on public record almost everywhere stating that she was elected to act in the best interests of the people of Scotland.

Like the rest of us, Mrs. Murrell is watching the UK government come out with this absolute nonsense for dealing with the Coronavirus crisis. Herd immunity!! WTF?? Schools remaining open because children are somehow unaffected by this virus but conveniently forgetting that the teachers aren’t so the schools will be forced to close at some point soon.


Sorry for the caps, but it has to be spelled out loud and clear.

Mrs. Murrell has the go ahead from both the the Scottish people AND CRUCIALLY, WESTMINSTER, since they decided to devolve health, TO ACT INDEPENDENTLY FROM WESTMINSTER, by taking a stand and doing doing what the rest of Europe is doing in relation to the Coronavirus and saying FUCK YOU WESTMINSTER, WE’RE IN CHARGE OF HEALTH IN SCOTLAND AND THIS IS WHAT WE’RE GOING TO DO!!

Scotland at this very moment in time, has THE golden opportunity to assert it’s independence over Westminster and there’s not a damned thing that Westminster can do about it.

Scotland can demonstrate to itself and the world what an independent Scotland can do. Coronavirus can open the floodgates to independence.

This is our SECOND Golden opportunity for independence, right here, right NOW!!


Damn. I’ve just written all that and tried to convey my passion and enthusiasm. I was just about to close my post when I remembered.

It’s Mrs. Murrell. She won’t do a damned thing.

Liz g

—Just—- Because —-Scotland 🙂
If you can afford it
Gordonstoun in Moray is generally held to be one of the world leading schools.
It was founded today
March 14th in 1934..
One of it’s most notable alumni was Roy Williamson ( of the Corries ) composer of
“Flower Of Scotland” . ..runner up 🙂
to Auld Land Sygne 🙂 as Scotland’s National Anthem 🙂


auld highlander

Read this one from Robert Peston.

link to

” The prime minister’s adviser, Dominic Cummings, has also initiated conversations with Uber and Deliveroo about taking food to the old and vulnerable when they are put into forced isolation “



‘Apparently 10% of under 15 year olds in Scotland suffer from asthma – they are in just as great a dangers as us oldies. Just that, at that age, you think you are immortal.’


My 11 yr old nephew spent 3 days on oxygen in hospital last year with asthma.I’m worried (for him).He’s upset his rugby matches are cancelled.

I’ve seen the multiple child sized body bag images from China.


Please excuse the link folks, fallen foul of the http:// stuff.

Doesn’t matter only melancholy Bruce Springsteen tune, although I am feeling far rom melancholy….

Don’t want to be found burned in a spiked tar barrel…so will haud my weesh……

for now.

call me dave

If you want the latest on the virus
Radio 5 on the air.

Army to guard supermarkets & hospitals
UK Gov to ‘buy’ spare beds in the private sector…£2M / day
Push on the manufacturing of respirators

Culling the over 60’s say ‘some’ people …Jings!

Just started I’m all ears. 🙂

Mention of Scotland doing it’s own thing too.


Mist001 @ 9.19

Herd immunity is the deliberate misuse of a collective noun. The correct description should be flock immunity. The tory establishment view the rest of us as sheep to be manipulated to further their own personal greed. What does it matter if a few thousand die, or even tens of thousands, or more?. £s matter more than lives and suffering in their contorted world. Their “strategy” has nothing to do with saving lives and everything to do with saving their wealth and that of their uber rich backers. As has been said before its “The economy stupid!” Nothing else matters to these disgusting blood suckers.

Being half English myself I feel I have the right to question the sanity and morality of those south of the border who consistently vote for these evil bastards. They either have their noses in the trough, are masochists or are just plain stupid. A description which also applies to those north of the border who vote for the dark side. I do not accept that crap about “we will never win over soft noes with language like that”. They have had plenty of time to wake up and/or mend their ways. We will reclaim our independence soon and these people will either have the choice to join in and make Scotland everything it can be or go south and never return.

I agree with Mist that the silence from Sturgeon and co on this subject has been deafening. They are rapidly losing the trust of the Scottish population. Speaking personally, and as an SNP member until 31 January this year, I would only ever vote for them again if their was no other independence candidate on the ballot paper. Even then I would be grinding my teeth as I did so.


Liz G @ 9.36pm Liz I am sorry to hear of your loss it is never easy to say goodbye to friends or relatives especially when they mean so much to you

@ auld highlander 9.46pm just read out your Preston link and my wife says THEY can’t do that surely , I then pointed out that as we live in a cul de sac with approx 34 houses with 65% of residents over 60 ALL they have to do is drive up in a bus force us to get onboard and take us to the nearest train station , put us in carriages ( or wagons ) and transport us to the nearest quarantine building ( gulag ) and as we ultimately succumb to the virus we can either be used as fuel for the ovens or compost for the people’s farms ( far fetched ) funnily enough a guy called adolf didn’t think so

And guess what it is just on ITV news right now

Nicola get the WALL built NOW


I see the british blue parrot trolls have been shamed into silence by the british ‘herd immunity’ policy this evening.

Who’s the ugly boys then?


Ian Brotherhood

‘When the cat’s away the mice will play’ an aw that…

The roasters who are posting Anglophobic shite should be aware that what they’ve written forms part of a permanent record. This isn’t Twitter.


Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks (9.08) –

I’m getting as fed up saying ‘hear hear’ to your comments as you probably are writing them.

I nominate you and Liz g and Dorothy Devine and Ronnie Anderson (and that’s just aff the tap ay ma heid) to stand as candidates for the WOS party. And if Rev decides he doesn’t want to go ahead with it, let’s just find another name and do it ourselves.

The support is right here, even if it’s relatively quiet at the moment. And it’s ‘out there’. We’ve all had enough ay this pure pish.

Please consider it, if you haven’t already.


Daisy Walker

Hello Liz G – sorry for your loss.

Its getting to be a long road since ’14 isn’t it? I know I’ve had a bereavement since then.

So we keep on keeping on.

Boris will be looking to capitalise on this emergency and use the chaos to justify speeding up selling off the NHS.

NS will be glad its knocked the SNP’s token 1 day stitch up – sorry Conference off the agenda, along with Declaration of Arbroath AUOB.

The WGD made fair comment today with regards how much powers WM still hold onto, including statutory sick pay…. which is limiting the Scot Gov somewhat from what they might like to do.

I no longer trust NS, I think she’s been well knobbled… but as the old adage goes, ‘event, dear boy, events’, and even I can’t take it away from her that she’s dealing with this crisis head and shoulders above WM.

At least its taken the heat off the AS trial.

What can we do, from our own homes, to publicly show that the need and support for Indy is stronger than ever? Any idea’s?


F1, the FIA, and the Australian Grand Prix.
Initially the FIA decided to run the race.

The Guardian says: “This is a banal enough abdication of responsibility at the best of times, such as over controversial decisions on regulations. When it came to a public health threat that was claiming lives around the world and F1 being in a position potentially to increase that suffering, it seemed extraordinary, almost a denial of basic human empathy in favour of swallowing the platitudes the sport was telling everyone and of which it had falsely convinced itself.”

“When asked his opinion why the race (Australian F1 Grand Prix) was going ahead he (Lewis Hamilton) was caustic.
“Cash is king,” he said. “I can’t add much more to it. I don’t feel like I should shy away from my opinion.”

As with the FIA, so also the Johnson Government, Cash is King. Public health means very very little. Tory driven Austerity for the majority proved that, if proof were needed.

The bottom line is Johnson represents the English Establishment. No one else.


As I pointed out in my previous post, health is a devolved matter in Scotland.

The Scottish government has the same access as all of us do to information and advice from the WHO.

They also look across Europe, as we all do, and see the action that various countries are taking against the spread of Coronavirus.

In short, the Scottish government has no excuses for not taking control of this situation in Scotland but instead, is simply following the (misguided in my opinion) advice of the Westminster government.

A quick Google tonight tells me that the schools are still open in Scotland and the Scottish Government ‘are hoping’ to make it through to the Easter holidays without having to close the schools.

A Daily Record news page was updated tonight at 22.47 and the headline reads:

‘Coronavirus in Scotland LIVE as 121 confirmed cases and first person dies.’

Note ‘First Person DIES’.

Health is a devolved matter in Scotland.

By not asserting their LEGAL right to take control of this crisis in Scotland and act accordingly and independently of the Westminster government, the Scottish government has failed in its duty to the people of Scotland.

It and Mrs. Murrell now have blood on their hands.

And there will be plenty more to come.

How many more deaths will it TAKE to get this woman to act in Scotlands best interests?

It’s all being laid out on a plate for her and she won’t fucking budge.



As an aside.

Went to Lidl Patrick after work tonight.

Heard a woman on phone saying ‘aye I woke up and a’hve got a bad cough and and a sore throat’.

Gave her a wide berth the whole time I was in.

She only ended up behind me at the till.

You couldn’t make it fucking up.

Lucky white heather.

She did have some kind of black face mask on to be fair.

Self isolation ain’t happening’.

Dr Jim

I was in the checkout queue in Aldis and the woman operator clearly had cold flu like symptoms and was caughing, I did a wee pretendy jump back (for real) and joked that all the customers will be running out of the shop, she replied “Ah don’t care if ah’ve goat it, ah’ve goat weans tae feed so ah need tae wurk*

Nobody in the queue was impressed at all, some folk just won’t care because they figure they’ll be alright and sod the rest of us

My sister in law fine yesterday came down hard today with the symptoms so we just have to wait and see, she’s my age 71 and normally reasonably healthy but nevertheless it’s a horrible worry


@ Mist001 on 15 March, 2020 at 12:11 am:

Well said! And so much for all the pish they used to spout about how we all should be “acting as if we were already independent.”

I’m not convinced by any of this stuff being promoted as something more serious than a bad winter flu year.

I could be wrong but it’ll take a lot to convince me certain folk, both north & south of the border, are not making the most of this situation for their own benefits.

What you point out is something i hadn’t really noticed until now because when this started i thought: “that’s it we’re fucked, London will work this to take away any initiatives we have, there will be no indy in my time” etc.

Now witnessing the absolute shambles London is making of it i started getting another glimmer of hope, but not too much. That coupled with what you say takes that hope that little bit further.

But then my feet are back firmly on the ground due to having zero trust in Sturgeon to utilise the whole scenario in Scotland’s favour, regarding indy. Time will tell but once the trust has gone it’s almost impossible to have it back again.


@ DrJim

Daughter was also in contact with one of the 2 known cases in the QE today.

I’m probably riddled with it already.

The NHS staff only have very basic mask and aprons to protect them compared to China.

This bio weapon is going to destroy at a lot of lives.


“It and Mrs. Murrell now have blood on their hands.”

Completely bonkers.

How can the sane commenteers on this blog assert themselves against idiots such as Mist001. It brings this blog into disrepute.

Like many others, I don’t bother posting here very much nowadays, since the blog host indicated he doesn’t want to hear what I have to say. I suppose the above comments from Mist001 and his ilk are more congenial to the anti-SNP faction which now dominates here as well as everywhere else in the MSM.

There are some outstanding exceptions. Well done the stalwarts who keep on posting the pro indy message. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t bother coming back to check.

You know who you are. 🙂


Coronavirus is and always has been one of the most common causes of what we call the “common cold”. The other virus responsible for 50-80% is named rhinovirus.

So it’s been around like forever and different strains emerge all the time. I’ve no idea if this particular strain is far more virulent than normal or more deadly.

What you should also know though is that for the past 5 years the average number of deaths attributed to flu related illness is around 17,500 in the UK. Flu is seasonal so that’s around 3000 deaths a month over the winter period.

So far it’s being reported that 21 people have died in the UK due to Covid-19, is it possible that the media and governments are over reacting?

I have no idea of that either of course, worth looking though at the figures for new cases per day in China and South Korea which have dropped to a handfull. Less than 20 for days now in China.

No doubt the lockdown there has stopped it but we can’t know if it will increase again when restrictions are relaxed. Thing is just over 80,000 in total are reported to have contracted the disease in China from a population of 1.6 billion. Thats an infection rate of 0.005% which is quite a bit away from an 80% infection rate.

I also don’t believe that only 110,000 or so have caught it worldwide when there are so many “famous” people being reported as having caught it. I’m guessing that millions have it and that we don’t even know that it started in China. That was just the first place they decided to look at it and identify it.

I’ll say again, coronavirus has always been one of the most common causes of what we call the “common cold”, this is just another variation as often happens since viruses mutate and that’s why the flu vaccine changes most years.

Will this end up like other panics such as mad cow disease, bird flu and salmonella?

Let’s hope so.


Well said Capella


Aye.China and Italy are just hypochondriacs.

The Bergamo obituary is just made up.


“China’s falling rate of new infections could make it a case study on how to bring the coronavirus under control. It still accounts for more than half of all global Covid-19 cases, yet it has almost capped them: while China has recorded a total of 80,945 cases, that was up by just 22 on Friday. By contrast, Britain announced 208 new cases.”

link to


Not ruling out that kill rate in China and Italy will necessarily be replicated everywhere.

Worst hit countries seem to be on 40 degrees latitude so far,but we’re in uncharted waters,so state of emergency is required.


“BEIJING (Reuters) – The Chinese city of Wuhan, ground zero of the coronavirus outbreak, reported just five new cases on Friday, the second day in a row the tally has been less than 10, while no locally transmitted infections were reported in the rest of the country.”

link to

The northern town that recorded Italy’s first coronavirus infection has offered a virtuous example to fellow Italians now facing an unprecedented nationwide lockdown—that by staying home, trends can reverse. Infections of the new virus have not stopped in Codogno, which still has registered the most of any of the 10 Lombardy towns in Italy’s original red zone, but they have slowed.

In the town of 16,000 located near the Po River about 60 kilometers (40 miles) southwest of Milan, most everyone knows someone among the nearly 200 infected with the virus, or the 34 who have died.

When news went out this week that there had been zero new infections in the previous 24 hours, media hopes of eradication were exaggerated. But the trend appears to be real

link to


China just over a month ago was reporting more than 4000 new cases a day. Make your own minds up.


Looks like things are going to change…soon:

‘Elderly could be quarantined for four months in ‘wartime-style’ mobilisation to combat coronavirus, writes Robert Peston

People over 70 will be instructed by the government to stay in strict isolation at home or in care homes for four months, under a “wartime-style” mobilisation effort by the government likely to be enforced within the next 20 days.

It is part of a series of measures being prepared by the prime minister, health secretary, chief medical officer and chief scientific adviser to prevent the health service from “falling over” and to save lives as Covid-19 becomes an epidemic in the UK.

Other measures already being planned include:

the forced requisitioning of hotels and other buildings as temporary hospitals;
the requisitioning of private hospitals as emergency hospitals;
temporary closure of pubs, bars and restaurants – some time after next weekend’s ban on mass gatherings;
emergency manufacture by several companies of respirators that would be necessary to keep alive those who become acutely ill;
the closure of schools for perhaps a few weeks, but with skeleton staff kept on to provide childcare for key workers in the NHS and police.
People over 70 will be instructed by the government to stay in strict isolation at home or in care homes for four months.
People over 70 will be instructed by the government to stay in strict isolation at home or in care homes for four months.

According to a senior government source, the perception that ministers are reluctant to make difficult and costly decisions to battle the virus is wrong. It is simply that the chief medical officer Chris Whitty and the chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance are waiting for the optimal time to force restrictions on our way of life that will be very painful.

They are deeply worried that some older people will simply die at home from neglect, after they are quarantined, so want to start the quarantine as late as possible – some time within the next five to 20 days.

The prime minister Boris Johnson and health secretary Matt Hancock are counting on neighbours and friends to rally round to make sure no one is neglected. “We are looking for a huge community effort,” said a source.

According to a senior government source, the perception that ministers are reluctant to make difficult and costly decisions to battle the virus is wrong.

According to a senior government source, the perception that ministers are reluctant to make difficult and costly decisions to battle the virus is wrong.

The prime minister’s adviser, Dominic Cummings, has also initiated conversations with Uber and Deliveroo about taking food to the old and vulnerable when they are put into forced isolation.

As I have written in previous notes, all government efforts are based on the assumptions that there won’t be a vaccine within a year and that everything has to be done to protect the collapse of the health service.

What keeps ministers and officials awake at night is the fear that if the epidemic becomes too great they would have to make appalling decisions, such as that the NHS would stop treating people over a certain age, such as 65.

“Everything is aimed at making sure the NHS is not overwhelmed, to save lives and to prevent hideous choices having to be made,” said a source.

Plans are also well under way for doctors to give consultations to patients quarantined at home by video links over the internet.

PS. There are two other aspects of this wartime mobilisation

1) Army hospitals will be used.

2) Lockdowns of cities or parts of cities have NOT been ruled out.

link to


@ Capella 1.03am You wrote
” I suppose the above comments from Mist001 and his ilk are more congenial to the anti-SNP faction which now dominates here as well as everywhere else in the MSM.”

Can I ask why is it when ANYONE asks questions of SNP or NS policies they are AUTOMATICALLY branded as yoons , trolls or other disparaging names , I know you didn’t use those names you instead said ilk but the inference is the same

When the GRA consultation was first proposed many wingers said to calm down it is a storm in a teacup , it will not go through , or it will be changed , let’s see what happens , and we can change it if and when it becomes law

But be honest Capella does it look like any of the aforementioned pleas have had ANY effect on NS or the SNP’s intentions to force this bill through
As far as I’m concerned independence and yes supporters have been extremely patient with NS and this interminable focus for this lunatic legislation driven by a dangerous faction within the SNP , so much so that she has relegated and ignored the drive for independence as paramount

You say that this anti SNP faction dominates here and the MSM , does that not tell you that something is SERIOUSLY wrong with the confidence we have entrusted the SNP with to get us our independence

Do you HONESTLY believe that many of the posters who have been on here for years and on other blogs are HAPPY to ridicule and denigrate the SNP and NS , it is because they have lost direction , focus , and their raison d’etre

We are CONSTANTLY reminded that it is only the SNP who can deliver independence , but honestly the way they are carrying on I have my doubts
I honestly FEAR that if there is a HR election next year the SNP will lose government , not because people will vote for yoonionist parties but because people will either spoil their vote or not vote at all as MANY are threatening , and the yoonionists will win through default Sorry for lonnnnng post



Don’t think GRA is on many peoples radar right now. Nor is griping about the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon.

How about an uplifting post or even a cheery tune 🙂


@ Ayeright 2.28am I was responding to Capella if you had read my post you would have seen
At 69 I have grave concerns same as any sane person about covid virus which the thread is about , but according to you and others we should not concern ourselves with GRA , INDEPENDENCE or covid virus because NS has it all figured out , haud yer wheesht and let Nicola guide you

Do YOU honestly believe that the SNP cabal of science and biology deniers and NS will win independence for our country and are YOU willing to accept any shite policy that they foist on you , has liebours lies and corruption taught you nothing about politicians , I want independence to get a government that works for the people and if they don’t kick their arses out , I don’t worship politicians or political parties


Frogesque 5.33,

Funniest post for a long time on wings.

Let`s ignore the trolls and push for Indy. Despite all the negativity I feel the Yes movement is stronger than ever. Independence is coming very soon !!!

Gordon Keane

Let us, or well, myself at any rate, make a few points here about SNP….. Folks who are not best pleased with SNP at present, are not “anti SNP”, nor anti Independence…. but as a good many others have made very clear, the current SNP tactics for getting us independence, is going nowhere!
We have every right to question that.
SNP also has a few policies that leave much to be desired.
One of those I constantly girn off about, is the Police and Fire merger.
We have seen police stations shut, all over the place.
It does not go down well in most communities, I can assure you.
The chief architect of that needless, and unwanted policy, is now an MP and one of those MPs who tel us we ought wait forever, and ever, and ever, for Independence!
We can’t afford to wait ’till it might suit MacAskill.
And this present New Flu, as I tend to call it, is one of the reasons why we shouldn’t be waiting forever.
I find it interesting they say they might have to close schools in a few weeks time. Why hang around waiting, when we can do that now?
Or is Westminster rules on things like DWP benefits a hindrance? If so, say so!
The Gender debacle is not too helpful either.
I’m at a loss to understand this one, to be honest, but I do get the concerns, and I see the pitfalls. A sensible bit of adjustment to some of this would be a big help in allaying those concerns, but that doesn’t seem to be happening at the moment.
So, it isn’t that folks want to be deliberately critical of SNP,(and folks have put too much trust in them for that, anyway) but that many are left exasperated by this insane inaction over Independence, and undue deference to Westminster Parliament rules regards how Scotland leaves the Union.
We have every right to point out these flaws.
We would kinda hope some dudes in SNP leadership might take notice some day!
As for a new Party of Independence, I would say that is badly needed.


Aye right
Thanks for all your knowledgeable posts on the virus.
It’s a pleasure to read something sensible in contrast to all the conspiracy theorists and prophets of doom.


“The UK needs to follow suit the containment procedures of countries that have been greatly affected by COVID19 such as Italy.

The UK should restrict unnecessary travel between towns and cities. Travel permitted should only be for work or emergencies. Public gatherings should also be discouraged.

It is time the government should prioritise the health of the public and should consider how vital it is to implement effective containment now.

It is better to spend money to contain the virus and treating the relatively low numbers who are ill now rather than wait for more casualties.”

link to

Giving Goose

Positive news – a new smear test will screen for the human papillomavirus (HPV). It means many women will only have to go for cervical screening every five years rather than every three.

Less positive – Trans women can’t take the test because er..they’re not women. So I can imagine GRA implications ?

Dorothy Devine

Ian B, I would nominate you , particularly as you are more likely to survive the conservative corona cull!
( that’s a bunch of ‘c’s’)

I’m beginning to think like the First Nations ideas are being put into practice – if you can’t dismantle your tepee , kill your own buffalo and travel with the tribe , then your on your own.
Good luck with the wolves and the bears – see ya!


@ Capella:

“It and Mrs. Murrell now have blood on their hands.”

Health is a devolved issue. The SNP and Mrs. Murrell are in complete charge of it. They have done nothing except follow what Westminster is doing. One person is dead.

At the very least, that’s a dereliction of duty. Westminster devolved Health to Scotland and the powers are not being used.

I respect of me being anti-SNP, I am VEHEMENTLY anti Mrs. Murrell and the SNP in its current form. She and they are bad for Scotland as evidenced and bad for independence as evidenced. They need chased out of Holyrood and replaced ASAP.

Finaly for now. In your deperation to brand me a ‘yoon’ or anti-SNP, you may have missed the fact that I identified a path to ndependence via this Coronavirus crisis.

And that’s a damned sight more than you’ve done.


Ayeright says:15 March, 2020 at 2:28 am


Don’t think GRA is on many peoples radar right now. Nor is griping about the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon.

How about an uplifting post or even a cheery tune ?

There is this nut in at work who is a Labour man. He keeps going on about if Scotland voted Labour then we wouldn’t have a Tory government. He still parroted this even though I pointed out that the English will need to vote for Labour as well.

I was only growing up in the Eighties but I can imagine the same pish was being said which Scotland did but they still got a Tory government.

This same mentality seems to be prevalent amongst SNP supporters now where all they say is that we need to keep voting for SNP, no matter what, because that is the only way to deliver independence. Well guess what, they don’t have a plan or in any position to get extra powers devolved, never mind independence.

As I said earlier, the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon are an essential part of getting independence but they are not the only part. There needs to be other dynamics in the independence campaign and yes, the gradualist agenda that counterweights the SNP to focus in the minds of the Westminster elite and the Scottish public that a moderate SNP vision is more acceptable than a more radical one that could gain more support if the right circumstances presented themselves.

That is how political strategy works and is a damn sight better than blindly turning up as cannon fodder and voting for the SNP every time. Westminster know that and that is why they do nothing.


Mist001 says:15 March, 2020 at 6:56 am

For a troll, you’re not that good.

I’m sure quite a few posters on here think you are 77 brigade. If you are then they must be really desperate. Saying that the Scottish government is the sole cause of Coronavirus death, which while deeply insensitive to the loved ones of the victim, makes no sense whatsoever considering the same thing has happened on many occasions the world over in countries with the full access of sovereign states as opposed to Scotland with only limited devolved powers at it’s disposal.

As the crisis develops, I’m sure you will stoop lower and lower.


The Scottish government may not have prevented the death but by not taking control of their own, devolved power, they do have a responsibility for the death and as I say, there will be more.

You’re good at shooting your mouth off criticising me and others and all this about ’77th brigade (whatever the fuck that is), but I see absolutely no ideas, nothing at all from you that will benefit Scotland. Nothing.

I would suggest that if anyone around here is a ‘troll’, then it’s you.

Scotland has its SECOND Golden opportunity for independence in its lap RIGHT NOW and all you can whine about is ‘trolls’ and other fucking nonsense.

Get your head out of your arse and start doing something productive.


Ayeright says: 15 March, 2020 at 1:17 am

Coronavirus is and always has been one of the most common causes of what we call the “common cold”. The other virus responsible for 50-80% is named rhinovirus.

So it’s been around like forever and different strains emerge all the time. I’ve no idea if this particular strain is far more virulent than normal or more deadly.

What you should also know though is that for the past 5 years the average number of deaths attributed to flu related illness is around 17,500 in the UK. Flu is seasonal so that’s around 3000 deaths a month over the winter period.

So far it’s being reported that 21 people have died in the UK due to Covid-19, is it possible that the media and governments are over reacting?

I have no idea of that either of course, worth looking though at the figures for new cases per day in China and South Korea which have dropped to a handfull. Less than 20 for days now in China.

No doubt the lockdown there has stopped it but we can’t know if it will increase again when restrictions are relaxed. Thing is just over 80,000 in total are reported to have contracted the disease in China from a population of 1.6 billion. Thats an infection rate of 0.005% which is quite a bit away from an 80% infection rate.

I also don’t believe that only 110,000 or so have caught it worldwide when there are so many “famous” people being reported as having caught it. I’m guessing that millions have it and that we don’t even know that it started in China. That was just the first place they decided to look at it and identify it.

I’ll say again, coronavirus has always been one of the most common causes of what we call the “common cold”, this is just another variation as often happens since viruses mutate and that’s why the flu vaccine changes most years.

Will this end up like other panics such as mad cow disease, bird flu and salmonella?

Let’s hope so.

Every year large numbers of people in the UK get immunisation jabs so that it protects them against seasonal viruses which could be deadly against them. There is no such precautionary measure against Coronavirus.

At the moment the virus is at an early stage here but in other countries it is at a more advanced stage where hundreds, if not thousands have died. If the virus didn’t behave like a normal one and occurred randomly throughout the year, how many of these victims would have survived now?

Part of the reason why there are so many deaths is because countries health services are not designed for such occurrences where so many people require its services in a short period. It isn’t even possible to have back up plans to have the resources to deal with one if they wanted to.

For most of us, including myself touch wood, it will have the same effect as a “common cold” but for more vulnerable people, it can be deadly. It is a sensible precaution to stop the spread of the virus in order to ensure that the NHS is not overwhelmed and ensure victims can get the proper treatment to increase their survival chances.

Surely you can see that?


Just a quick comment on the military. Hopefully someone can clear it up for me.

According to Wiki, the British military numbers about about 270 thousand with 10 thousand deployed overseas. Of these deployed here, how many are in support and non-military roles and how many of them can be deployed and are properly trained to deal with crowd control situations? The other thing is how much can these troops be effective spread over this island, given it’s size and the large population it contains?

I’m sure they military will be required and will perform an essential role in parts of the UK where it will be most effective but I’m not sure it will be as important as some are making it out to be. The same applies to some of the comments on here about how Cummings & co are going to use the military to seize control.



Mon-sewer, you are a lulu!


What the Scottish Government need to do is take control of Scotland, not Wales or Ireland or england, handle this virus in a different way show the world we do handle things in a different way, start pushing for starting our own broadcasting company’s, on the tv they keep saying our nation but what about our nation Scotland, and get cracking push for Independence we can’t keep going getting treated the way we do and the Scottish Government doesn’t seem to do nothing about it.


Just watched a BBC clip of Bojo wearing a blue dust coat in a Lab
Showing us how to was your hands or not as the clown now demonstrates.

Being in a Lab, the water can be turned on and off with your forearms
So that germs that may be on your hands are not transferred to taps
And so that when your hands are clean, you don’t need to touch contaminated
Taps to turn the water off.

Bojo of course uses his hands to grasp the lever both on and off?
He now needs to dry his hands and a roll of paper for the purpose
Sits on an adjacent stand, which he now grabs?
He puts a hand on top of the stand while the other pulls off several sheets of paper.

That is germ transferred on to the lever, where other germs may already be present.
Washes his hands and then returns to pick up any germs again and transfers them on to
The paper dispenser’s frame.

Now he can stumble around the Lab and hospital spreading germs on everything he touches.

England somehow manages to put this bungling buffoon, a serial liar and adulterer in charge
Of their country and adjacent colonies.

Scotland for generation after generation have delivered votes to show we are not a fascist nation
Who have no time for Tory corruption and policies of the rich for the rich by the rich.

Time to cut our nation free and build a moral and just society for all.

History has repeated again where we can say bring me Scottish Liberty or give
Me a non Tory Death.

Scot Finlayson

@ PacMan,

according to wiki,

`As of 2019, the British Army comprises just over 79,300 trained regular (full-time) personnel and just over 27,200 trained reserve (part-time) personnel`

you also have the Navy
33,280 Regular
3,040 Maritime Reserve
7,960 Royal Fleet Reserve,

Air Force,
33,840 active personnel,
1,940 RAuxAF; 2,220 reserve personnel,

about 145,000 trained regular,

Capita have been given £700,000,000 of taxpayers money to increase recruitment which it has failed to do,

Capita share price was 1,320 pps now down to 36 pps.


RE Alex Salmond.

I’m struggling to accept that so many well educated women
In very responsible positions would take no action for a decade
If they felt a colleague was repeatedly making unwelcome advances
Toward them.

If you identified an environment were these advances could proceed
Without 3rd party detection you would stay well clear but it seems they
Would put themselves back in that position.

We seen how laws were changed illegally when they first went after Salmon
But no action taken against those who acted illegally. Why Not?

The UK media are ensuring he will be facing people who’s minds are already influenced
About his guilt.

You may have heard about a UK PM who is a proven serial adulterer with kids here and there to
This one and that one. A man who had policed summonsed to his latest sex partners home after
Physically restraining her and refusing to leave her home as demanded in screams.

Later 2 woman claimed he was groping them under a table at a meeting.
What happened to that PM?
He runs the UK and it’s Colonies unabated and without question.

Justice, equality, transparency and journalism are just some of the things I look
Forward to seeing in an Independent Scotland.


isnt it funny why no covid victim family member on news for interview about how things went…….but we can find all sorts of folks from south of spain/italy to a cruise ship.


Reading Robert Peston today he reports that proposals to require all over 70 year olds to mandatorily remain at home, with the legal right to deny over 65 year olds health care, is set to be implemented within the next five to twenty days.

And with the army primed to enforce military control this reinforces why an unarmed society is a vulnerable society.

Whether the military can protect the politicians and their backers who assert control is another matter. In the 70s and 80s it took 30,000 troops to try to control a population of 1,500,000 in Northern Ireland – and at that they didn’t win.

One thing for sure our society can no longer operate as it has done. Better to die fighting than die on your knees.


Mist001 I think you require a smear test before you choke on your own bullshit.

Blaming the FM for a death from a virus with world wide deaths is nonsense and I suspect you say it to divert attention from the actual Tory policy of “herd immunity” which condemns the sick and elderly to death.

I do not know if you are a British Government information worker or not but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it sure aint a friend ofScotland.

terence callachan

Mist 001 …you should put your head under a cold water tap for a while
Then look around you
You live in France
It will be coming to you soon
There is no escape from airborne diseases
You will get it Mist001 absolutely you will get it
How old are you ?
What’s your health like ?
If you are under 70 and in reasonably good health you will more than likely survive
Can you run a mile nonstop ?

We are in Scotland
You are in France a thousand miles away or more
Prepare and be ready follow guidance and be sensible

stuart mctavish

@red sunset – or Boris trying to calm the angry father hulk incensed at the evidence suggesting the crown prosecutor believes the criminal element of an attempted crime is the failure to carry it through to its logical conclusion.

terence callachan

So far Scotland is well prepared as best it can be for this virus

Scottish govt cannot tell working people to stay at home and give them money to compensate for loss of wages all the laws and controls they need to do that kind of thing are controlled by England’s Westminster
Most importantly Scotland’s money is controlled by England’s Westminster
England’s Westminster take all Scotland’s money and give us some back and then tell us what we have to spend it on

There is very very little freedom that Scotland has
The Scottish government cannot borrow money
The Scottish government cannot reallocate money already given to various departments for their yearly budget allocations

England’s Westminster magic up £30 billion to overcome this virus
Scotland gets 640million but although it’s presented as money to fight the virus it is actually money that has to be given to businesses
So no extra money whatsoever for Scotland’s NHS

Clearly England is going to get £ Billions extra
Wales and NI chicken feed like Scotland

England is Scotland’s enemy
Especially in times of crisis
The propoganda war is continuous
The financial war has begun

link to


The Andrew Marr is keeping us up to date with all things english,

Marr went through a six hour operation to have the Scottish accent ripped from his throat because he detested it so much.

The thing is with the BBC is that the more money you give it, the more english shite they will produce.

Scotland Wales and N Ireland are mere donors to their english propaganda

The english control our lives, right down to how much they give to our Council Chamber at Holyrood.

And the most depressing thing about all this is that we have the leader of that Holyrood Council Chamber quite happy to sit back and accept the Status Quo.

Time for change ladies and gentlemen, time for new faces at the top of Scottish Politics.


Jeez- you’re back again with the usual hatred.
Please tell me more about Andrew Marr’s operation.
I think he has a very cultured Scottish accent.
Very appealing to the ears.


Scot Finlayson says 15 March, 2020 at 8:39 am

Thanks for that. Of these personnel, I wonder how many are actually available to help with this crisis?

The thing as well is that I have heard from a quite a few people that due to changing recruitment requirements in order to attract rectuires, the armies level of discipline and fitness requirements have dropped to a level where they are a bit of a joke. Make no doubt about it, the squaddies will be aggressive but will they have the levels of fitness and discipline to be able to deal with prolonged periods of crowd control duties that the police are used to?

Willie says: 15 March, 2020 at 9:15 am

I have mistaken a slightly tongue in check comment as serious. I do hope that yours is tongue in check as well because if it isn’t, then comments like that are not needed at the moment. With talk like that, you don’t sound like you are from Scotland. If you are then you need to calm down because people at the moment don’t need to hear nonsense like that.


jackie says: 15 March, 2020 at 9:44 am

In the nicest possible way, please go away and take your anti-English bile elsewhere.


Marr tells one Italian guest that he will be talking to the Minister in charge of the British NHS later on in the show,,,how enlightening Andrew,, I didn’t know there was a Minister for the British NHS.


PacMan,. If somebody has their boot firmly pressing down on my neck, then they automatically become my enemy,..

The english love nothing more that dealing with pacfists and Patsies.

I am neither.


The secret to winning any battle is knowing who the enemy is, and going by the amount of pro-english support on this website clearly identifies the problem we have,,,,,,

because far too many on these pages don’t even know who your fuckin enemy is,,and so on and on we go with never ending english rule.


Rm says:
15 March, 2020 at 8:20 am

What the Scottish Government need to do is take control of Scotland, not Wales or Ireland or england, handle this virus in a different way show the world we do handle things in a different way

With Brexit, we have seen that the chance of success of working within the system to change it is too low. This is not only because the biggest home nation England having a completely different political viewpoint than the rest of the home nations but because of a British media that looks at everything coming out of Scotland with suspicion and afraid to the point of hysteria that it might inspire and further ‘Scottish nationalist’ aspirations.

The Scottish government needs to seriously look at what it can do with it’s limited powers to stop the spread of the virus even if that means doing it on it’s own and going against the decisions of the British government. It can easily do this by following WHO advice. When they are attacked in the media and the usual suspects by doing this, they simply say they are following the advice that every other government is adhering to. In that situation, I wonder who the Scottish public will believe considering how everybody is glued to all news gathering outlets in this crisis?

In this way, Scotland is helping the other home nations by taking the lead on their own and letting them follow their example when they realise it is the right thing to do.


jackie says: 15 March, 2020 at 9:58 am

PacMan,. If somebody has their boot firmly pressing down on my neck, then they automatically become my enemy,..

The english love nothing more that dealing with pacfists and Patsies.

I am neither.

I don’t have much formal education qualifications but I try my best to improve my mind and my knowledge. I’m not perfect and make mistakes but on the whole I would like to think I am not ignorant.

If you are not a unionist troll then it quite clearly looks like you need to do the same. Also, with talk like that you have an attitude problem and anger management issues. Again, if you are serious about independence then you really need to deal with them because you are in danger of becoming a loose cannon and that is what the unionists need.


There’s an awful ot of arseholes on here this morning, so where to start. Let’s see. Apparently I’m a British agent or a member of something called the ’77th Brigade’.

Although I’m 100% Scottish and my family still live there, I’m supposed to ignore my homeland and stick to France where someone above has laughably assumed that the virus isn’t affecting here. France has and IS taking far more stringent action to prevent this virus than either the UK or more to the point, Scottish government have done, are doing, or are even likely to do.

So, these arseholes spend their Sunday morning thinking that I’m some kind of spy!! These are the people that an independent Scotland would be populated by? What a fucking joke.

Now, here’s the story which I’ve been trying to impress on people since last night but to little avail.


This is yet another GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY towards independence.

This is the chance for Scotland, assuming it has the balls, which seems doubtful now, but this is the chance for Scotland to assert it’s independence from Westminster and assert it’s independence and authority TO THE WORLD by taking absolute control of all decisions regarding this Coronavirus crisis.

Health is a legal, constitutionally RIGHT which has been devolved to Scotland by Westminster.

So for fucks sake, let’s see the Scottish government stand up and assert itself instead of following what Westminster says and does.

This crisis is a blessing in disguise for ScotlandIF they take action.

And the more deaths that occur because of the misguided actions of Westminster will mean MORE blood on the hands of the Scottish government simply because they have the opportunity now to change direction and choose a different path from Westminster and they’re refusing to do so. They are currently as culpable as the Westminster government, so don’t fucking have a go at me for stating the truth.

My plan works.

The only reason it isn’t working is because we have that inept mare, Mrs. Murrell and her ‘woke’ feart advisors around her, all unionists to a man (or woman, or whatever they define themselves as these days) sitting in Holyrood following the actions of Westminster.

Where IS Mrs. Murrell BTW? A crisis and she’s nowhere to be heard or seen. What kind of fucking leader is that, honestly?

So, don’t have a go at myself and others like me with similar opinions. Aim your sites on the REAL enemies of independence, the ones in Holyrood and Bute House.


Jackie you are so obviously black ops. Stuff your anti English bile and yes some of my best friends ! are English and they support an independent Scotland


jackie says: 15 March, 2020 at 10:07 am

The secret to winning any battle is knowing who the enemy is, and going by the amount of pro-english support on this website clearly identifies the problem we have,,,,,,

because far too many on these pages don’t even know who your fuckin enemy is,,and so on and on we go with never ending english rule.

A quote from Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”


Famous15 says: 15 March, 2020 at 10:16 am

Jackie you are so obviously black ops. Stuff your anti English bile and yes some of my best friends ! are English and they support an independent Scotland

Indeed and not very subtle at that. However, that is not the point, sow the seed and scatter it often enough and some will germinate.

The problem is that most of us and even amateurs like myself have been around long enough to see through it. We won’t get distracted by this nonsense as the real enemy is the British establishment which yes includes a lot of Scots.


I don’t know enough about disease control to judge whether we are coping or not, or adopting the correct models to handle the problem in the most effective way.

I would point out however, we had SARS in 2003, which was a similar Covid virus. Arguably, we got lucky in 2003.

It would seem however that SARS in 2003 didn’t result in contingencies being put in place, or even strategic forward planning and settled policy agreed. We shouldn’t have to be making up strategy and policy on the hoof.

We KNOW global pandemics can occur. We really should know the drill that kicks in when it happens.


Mist001. You better watch yourself. You might go so deep undercover that you don’t know which side you are on like you see in those movies.


Famous15 10.16

Not only do I think some of your best friends are english, but I think YOU are english sunshine.

It’s arseholes like you who have been holding Scotland back for centuries.

Which are you, a Patsy or a Pacifist???

Or are you both?


Mist 001 an agent…..gimme a break

Pete and Jackie tho…..not two agents, but one


Any parent sending their kid to school tomorrow is a bloody mug.

I dont get it – open air crowds of two hours halted, but we can send our most precious into closed spaces for DAYS at a time.

mental. mental.


link to
Refer to the above US site for fact based information on likely origin and potential symptoms of COVID-19 disease.
As for the economic consequences, good riddance to the free market globalization syndrome and totalitarian Chinese “communist” capitalism?


School kids are more or less immune.
Freeman made the point about keeping schools open on Brewer this morning.
Calm down.

Scot Finlayson

Just a quick question for the brains of Wings,

where do private hospitals get the blood for transfusions from.


The english depend on the frightened colonised locals to keep their hold over you for ever more.

And for all the fighting talk that comes out of being a “Winger”, the majority of you are really quite gullable.


“Pete says:
15 March, 2020 at 10:53 am
School kids are more or less immune.”

Teachers aren’t. The government is ‘hoping’ to make it to the Easter holidays but don’t expect them to open any time soon after then.

The schools should be closed NOW.


If you think all of the above is bullshit, then just have a look at the Polls,,,

As I have said before,,,, Scotland us just too nice with our enemies.

Pacifists and Patsies.


Sunday Times Michael Glackin reaches a new low in his tribal dislike of the SNP.

Nicola Sturgeon had the gall to deliver a clear message on coronavirus and NHS is devolved while Boris Johnson was still working out things with PR speech writers and then followed SNP advice three days later

Black Donald

Affa nae weel. 2.21pm

I think everyone should take the time to read the linked article in this excellent comment.

Send it to your MP and MSP.

The number of the infected is vastly understated. The actual number can be estimated from the fatalities. It takes about 3 weeks to die after being infected. The fatalities show accurately where you were 3 weeks ago. Meanwhile it has been compounding like mad for 3 weeks, doubling every 2 or 3 days.

Closing the border will help, but not much. That was the right answer at the start, but it’s too late.

We basically need to go into full lockdown immediately.

Every day we delay means 40% more fatalities.

The herd immunity idea is madness. It might not work, the virus may mutate, but crucially it offers many more opportunities for the virus to mutate. This risks making any vaccine developed ineffective, and puts the entire planet at risk.

We need draconian action now.


Italy is in lockdown, Spain has declared a state of emergency and France is in total lockdown. All the shops here, apart from food shops (which won’t last much longer) have been ordered to close indefinitely.

This is coming to the UK VERY soon and them, and the Scottsih government have just stuck their heads in the sand and come up with this crackpot idea of ‘herd immunity’.


So, why the fuck isn’t the Scottish government acting independently of Westminster over this and why is there such silence from our so called ‘leader’, Mrs. Murrell?

Is it because she’s been found to be far out of her depth again?


Judging by the comments of the likes of Jackie, Pete and Mist001, they won’t be seeing the doctor because of Coronovirus but due to nervous breakdowns after working themselves up to a frenzy with all the shite they are posting.


When the fat controller decides to move the over seventies to camps can I please not be in the same cattle truck as the queen or Boris Johnston’s father. Thanks


@ Pacman

I certainly won’t be seeing any doctor. I fully expect to be infected by this virus but I’m in the fortunate position of being reasonably young, fit and healthy.

Many people aren’t, so what’s the ‘herd immunity’ strategy going to do to them?

It’s going to fucking kill them.

Wake the fuck up.


Please have a little respect for our dumb unionist trolls.
These guys are in danger as they listen to an trust Bojo
The Clown and his travelling circus

Do you realise how tough it is outing in a 12 hour shift at the key boards
While wearing a Bowler Hat, Gauntlets and a Sash?

With the shite they write
You know they’re not bright.
It’s their only enjoyment
As no one else would give them employment.

Long live the Queen of England, in England and paid for by England


“As for the economic consequences, good riddance to the free market globalization syndrome and totalitarian Chinese “communist” capitalism?”

Donald Trump will not be displeased.


Mist001, your one step from a nervous breakdown.

Chill and calm down before you end up having to see a medical professional whose time should be better used than having to deal with you.

Dr Jim

79 deaths recorded in France, current figure up to the last 4 hours

In percentage terms Scotland is either remarkably lucky or the people are behaving much better than it’s thought they would, Scotland currently has recorded 1 death attributed to direct foreign travel infection

Whichever strategy a country employs to defeat or slow down this virus it’s up to the people to adhere to the advice, in some countries that hasn’t happened as was hoped

The new advice coming will be for the over 70s to self isolate for a period of up to 4 months, if correct that’ll be incredibly difficult for many people on their own to accomplish

The current information on transmission is that the population aged between 20-29 years are the biggest carriers and unfortunately this is the group who tend to be the most mobile

Doctors in Sacramento US have administered a test drug on a seriously ill patient who is now making a recovery, they have hopes the result with more post more testing possibly may result in a vaccine


@ Pacman

I can assure you that I’m very calm which is why I’m making more sense than you are.

John H.

Shocked by the reaction to their intended herd immunity policy, Johnson and Cummings have now bounced to the other extreme. Isolate old people completely. So what happens to the poor old soul who lives alone in a rural area? How can that person survive?

From the sound of it, all of the emergency services will be busy. If Westminster is going to arrange supplies to such people, are they really going to be able to reach everyone?

I’ve heard of nothing but dithering and incompetence from down south. They really don’t know what to do. The population in the south east of England is too large to manage. It is definitely time for Scotland to pull away and do our own thing. At least we will know how to treat our own people, hopefully.


Private hospitals have private patients in them
Some spare capacity but the Doctors are generally NHS ones
Looking for some extra revenue so if they were full time in
The Private sector we would have greater shortages in the NHS.

Private doesn’t have an abundance of Lung machines or trained
Staff familiar with working in an ICU environment.

Remember that with NHS Budget and pay freezes or cuts they are short
Of 100,000 members of staff.

They are not sitting on a shelf. Those abroad can recognise the English
Don’t like foreigners so wont make them welcome in the community
Plus additional barriers have been put in place to stop them coming in.

The NHS has been brought to its knees after 10 years of Tory abuse.
A virus like this has been a time bomb waiting to go off for a long time.
In other aspects there are thousands who have died needlessly and many
Many more thousands will be following soon.

The English will still want a Tory government n matter what happens to them
So time to cut the rope and give them all the rope they need.

Black Donald

On a lighter note, I’m finding it hilarious that the Britnat trolls are obsessively blaming Sturgeon, or should I say, “Mrs Murrell” for everything, when it looks awfully like their boy is almost waging germ warfare on his own people.

Their Health Minster was just on TV again telling me to wash my hands and sing “Happy Birthday”, while the casualties increase by 40% a day, every day.

They need to retake the “Psyops 1 : Attacking their leaders” module again, but this time figure out which leaders they need to attack.

This is like one of those terrible nightmares where you see disaster impending, but you find yourself unable to speak.


I’ll push this again for the more tech-minded readers.

Folding @ Home – link to – have a lot of Covid-19 tests running now.

Consider donating some processor time – especially GPU time – to the project. My RTX 2060 (graphics card) is chewing through a Covid-19 work unit every 90 minutes. I’ve turned the radiator off in that room to compensate for increased heat as the RTX2060 is pulling 150W.

Don’t run it on laptops is my advice.


“when it looks awfully like their boy is almost waging germ warfare on his own people.”


So, why isn’t Mrs. Murrell taking control of the health situation in Scotland, since you would think that she can see what you’re seeing?

She’s complicit in the actions of the Westminster government over this situation.


I think we can now assume the claimed ‘we are fully prepared for a no deal Brexit’ has proved bullshit as the shelves in supermarkets are bare of essential items as result of this virus. The same would/will have happened with no deal Brexit, panic buying is the normal during a crisis.


@ Ayeright 🙂

@ Mist001 – I apologise for calling you an idiot. I should have said that what you said was idiotic IMO. Health is devolved but almost all levers of social control are not and Boris Johnston and Co. are determined not to co-operate with the Scottish Government.

@ twathater – I’m sorry if what I said offended you. You are perfectly entitled to criticise the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon and any other politician whose views you dislike.

What annoys me is having to scroll past endless screeds of SNP BAD before getting to the few comments which support independence.

I agree that the SNP leadership should ditch the GRA reform bill. But it is possible that they are motivated by the desire to help people. They will have been brainwashed by Stonewall and their like (or ilk) as has every other public body in the UK, Europe, North an South America, Australia and New Zealand. They are not evil incarnate as some people appear to believe.

Respond to the consultation!

link to


Iran’s health minister says 15% of the deaths are people under 40 years old.

If a miracle vaccine arrives a year early to save the rest of the world after destroying China’s pre-eminent status, then I will understand what happened.


It might be better if I succumb to sars/cov2 early on.

SHE’s starting to really annoy me and we’re not even in lock down yet.

Even the thought of what lies ahead is giving me cabin fever.

Stuart MacKay


Your determination to fight for your position is admirable however don’t confuse all the naysaying and hand wringing here as implacable opposition to the Government the SNP in general. It’s just a call to action and get moving in a direction that would command the greatest support to get us out of this mess. If that message was heard, seen to be heard and taken action, then I think pretty much everybody here would swing to support them. Well, maybe not Mist001, but you get the idea.


@ Capella

But everything I posted last night and today has been IN FAVOUR of independence and finding a route forward. This crisis is the best way.

I’m not anti-independence, it’s the best thing that could happen to Scotland but I AM vehemently anti Mrs. Murrell, the SNP and all those who have a chance to do something about independence but don’t.

They are the real enemies, not the people on this blog who are criticising them.


@ Stuart MacKay – I don’t think everybody who criticises the SNP is a black ops agent. I criticise them myself, for a number of issues. But I come to this blog for the forensic dissection of the biased, unionist media. Or I used to. I could go to The Scotsman or Herald btl if I want to read demented “I hate wee Krankie” comments.

I don’t think we will see much campaigning during the Alex Salmond trial and the Coronavirus panic.

Things are happening in the background which facilitate a second referendum. (passing the Referendum Bill into law, asking the Electoral Commission to test the question – although I see Michael Gove has demanded that the EC doesn’t do that).

It’s not as exciting as street demonstrations but probably more effective in achieving the goal.

Similarly, I’m disappointed that the AUOB march in Arbroath has been cancelled. The Declaration of Arbroath is a key document in our constitution. I hope everyone has listened to Alexander Broadie’s enlightening talk about it on Youtube. If not – do it now, right after you respond to the GRA consultation!

link to



Tell me something, and we both as far as i can make out stand on a very similar position regarding this GRA nonsense if not exactly the same position. And i salute your constant efforts to garner support against it with encouraging others to participate in the “consultation.” Serious questions btw:

What’s the point if the SNP have in charge of promoting this disgrace someone who has already claimed, more or less, that it’s going to happen anyway? And why was this “consultation” opened up to world participation?

At least the BritNats were clever enough to make Scotland think it was being consulted & considered when they produced their con-for-clowns, aka The Smith Commission “consultation.”

For what it’s worth i’ve done my bit on the “consultation” and at every opportunity i speak out against this nonsense but i really would like to know the answers to what i’ve asked. Because i’ve ever growing anger at the thought of being used to further the agendas of an extreme minority whilst increasing greatly the dangers to real adult females and more importantly to children.

Being forced to focus on this utter dangerous political correctness gone ballistic, when our full 100% attention and efforts should be on independence, is not what i gave the SNP my vote & support for over the past 38-years.

Please note: The 2nd question i asked is really rhetorical as we all know the reason they disgracefully opened it up to the world, in a shameful & untrustworthy attempt to manipulate the outcome they want. So answer to the 1st question will be more than enough. Cheers!


The AUOB marches are banned and nobody has said when, or if, they will be allowed to restart. People over 70 have been told to ‘self isolate’ in their own homes for 4 months and can be arrested if they break this rule. Mass gatherings of people have been banned.

Last week, there was talk of the House Of Commons being shut.

Has anyone realised yet that this is the perfect opportunity and excuse for Westminster to shut down Holyrood and the Scottish government?

In actual fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mrs. Murrell isn’t already thinking of doing so herself.


@ Mist001 – her name is Nicola Sturgeon and she is the First Minister of Scotland, elected to that position by the people of Scotland. We have consented to be governed by Nicola Sturgeon. That may change, of course, but in the meantime that is our choice.

As the Declaration of Arbroath says, if the ruler fails to protect us we reserve the right to depose that ruler and choose another.

We have not consented to be ruled by Boris Johnston, nor any Tory since 1955. Democracy by consent of the ruled is the main argument of the Declaration of Arbroath.

Stuart MacKay


It’s a pity about the AUOB march in Abroath but clearly there’s huge opportunity, once we are clear of this virus, for a march for the New Declaration of Abroath. One that declares ourselves free of the eejits and buffoons that because of their inaction, are, in large part, responsible for this mess.

Never let a crisis go to waste 😉

Liz g

Capella @ 1.42
Well said..


Seems to me that the economic risk to the UK’s 65 Million population has been weighed against the health of the 5 Million souls ‘at risk’…

If you don’t self isolate, and in leaving the confines of your home contract COVID-19, then you’re as good as dead as they can’t/won’t treat you.

They must realise that you cannot place a western economy in hibernation for 6 months in the vain hope that you can kick-start it again as/when you see fit. ‘Normal’ service must be resumed sooner rather than later for the sake of those not ‘at risk’.


I should’ve said, I write as one of those ‘at risk’.


“her name is Nicola Sturgeon and she is the First Minister of Scotland, elected to that position by the people of Scotland. We have consented to be governed by Nicola Sturgeon. That may change, of course, but in the meantime that is our choice.”

Sure the SNP have given us many good policies, the Baby Box, Free Personal Care for the Elderly, Free Prescriptions, the twice a year Carers Bonus and many other good socialist policies.

However surely even you must agree that Sturgeon blew our greatest chance of what we initially elected her for, and that is independence. She’s had at least three years of Westminster in turmoil over Brexit, in which she could’ve grabbed that partucular horse by the reins and pushed for independence, instead she pushed the Brexit cause.

Mist001 and many other are now beginning to question whether Sturgeon actually wants to hold an indyref at all. Of course we’ll all give them our Constituency vote next year the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about, but we should not give them our list vote.

Lets put more indy oriented bums on seats in Holyrood next year that aren’t controlled by Sturgeon, as a reminder to her why we elected her in the first place.


@ Stoker – I have no inside knowledge in the SNP although I am a member. What happened was that the Scottish Government consulted on reform to the GRA in 2017/18. Many people pointed out the flaws in that consultation. Public opinion is also clearly opposed to Self ID.

The Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People, Shirley-Anne Somerville, was obliged to announce in parliament in June 2019 that a draft bill would be presented and a consultation would be held on its contents.

SAS, and Mhairi Black and others, then made public statements which called into question the status of the consultation and whether they would listen to the views of people living in Scotland. I emailed Angus MacLeod (National Secretary), Nicola Sturgeon, SAS and the general SNP contact to ask for clarification on that point. I, like everyone else who has tried to get answers, got no reply, not even an acknowledgement. This is typical of the trans mantra “no debate”.

Nicola Sturgeon has said that the consultation would be an opportunity to persuade people of the need to reform the GRA. She has not succeeded in doing that. In my own Branch, the majority were baffled about why this bill was being proposed. They did not agree with the basic premise that it is possible to change sex.

The more ordinary people speak out and make their views clear, the more difficult it will be to railroad through an unpopular bill. That’s why it is important that everyone responds to the consultation. Otherwise, the SG will take the view that we all just shrug our shoulders and mutter “whatever”.

BTW by SG I mean the Civil Servants and consultants who drive this policy as much as any individual politician. But responsibility lies squarely with Nicola Sturgeon and Shirley-Anne Somerville if this bill is passed.

Dr Jim

Jeanne Freeman says:

The Scottish governments policy is that we will NOT ask people over 70 to self isolate for 4 months we will seek co-operation with the public to reduce social contact for the protection of the elderly and those with underlying health issues, the First Minister will immediately make available all new information as it comes in just as she has done from the beginning of this outbreak

My own personal opinion is:

The people using this health crisis in our country, and by country I mean Scotland to emphasise their political preferences by sqealing down the Internet over who’s bad and who’s not are sicker than the Corona virus will ever make any of us and if I have to get sick and die from something the world is contracting by accident it might be a damn sight more preferable than having to put up with people’s political hatred of one politician over another like 12 year old groupies over a pop band just to promote their own vomit spewing agenda

They’re the ones that make me sicker


“If you don’t self isolate, and in leaving the confines of your home contract COVID-19, then you’re as good as dead as they can’t/won’t treat you.”

Unless you have serious underlining health conditions, I personally think that information surely must be misleading, even frightening to those who are older but still in fairly good health.

On top of that the media are doing their damndest to wring every last bit of sensationalism out of Covid-19.

A prime example of how the media raised the panic and fear levels is the very first reports of folk rushing around a supermarkets jostling and pushing each other to bulk buy toilet rolls, which originated in either Australia or New Zealand a week or so before Italy, Spain and Iran saw their significant outbreaks of Covid-19.

However what most folk don’t know is the bulk buying and pushing and jostling for toilet rolls in that particular supermarket had absolutely nothing to do with Covid-19, no the supermarket had a very attractive sale on toilet rolls and as expected customers were desperate to take advantage of it.


@ Republicofscotland
However surely even you must agree that Sturgeon blew our greatest chance of what we initially elected her for, and that is independence. She’s had at least three years of Westminster in turmoil over Brexit, in which she could’ve grabbed that partucular horse by the reins and pushed for independence, instead she pushed the Brexit cause.

No I don’t agree, for the simple reason that I don’t know.

Unlike Nicola Sturgeon, I don’t have a squad of researchers and pollsters informing me daily of what the public will support or oppose, sifting through media outlets to take the temperature. I don’t have a network of political groups throughout the country feeding back resolutions.

All I can do is read as widely as possible online and fact check as much as I can with limited time and resources.

Did Nicola Sturgeon really want to stop BREXIT? I have no idea. Would the Scottish people have voted YES in a second referendum held within a few years of the first? No idea.
Is converting the soft NOs the best means of securing independence? Don’t know.

As many people have already said, the best time to have a referendum is when it can be won.

@ Liz g 🙂

Ian Foulds

Dorothy Devine says:
14 March, 2020 at 4:07 pm
Ian , galamcennalath has beaten me to it.

There is another from the same era “5 Ways to Kill a Man’- cheery stuff!

Like it. Thank you.


Could this put a halt or at least slow down Covid-19? Go Cuba I hope its true.

link to

Ian Foulds

‘Ian Brotherhood says:
14 March, 2020 at 11:20 pm
@Breeks (9.08) –

I’m getting as fed up saying ‘hear hear’ to your comments as you probably are writing them.

I nominate you and Liz g and Dorothy Devine and Ronnie Anderson (and that’s just aff the tap ay ma heid) to stand as candidates for the WOS party. And if Rev decides he doesn’t want to go ahead with it, let’s just find another name and do it ourselves.

The support is right here, even if it’s relatively quiet at the moment. And it’s ‘out there’. We’ve all had enough ay this pure pish.

Please consider it, if you haven’t already.‘

Totally agree.

Independence was and should be a People’s Movement FOR THE PEOPLE and, NOT their representatives.


Interestingly (or not), Coronavirus was first patented in the USA in 2004. Here are the documents:

link to


– this guy may be a talented bullshit artist, but he can talk-the-talk …
link to


“Did Nicola Sturgeon really want to stop BREXIT? I have no idea. Would the Scottish people have voted YES in a second referendum held within a few years of the first? No idea.
Is converting the soft NOs the best means of securing independence? Don’t know.”

You don’t know much do you, for someome whose watched this unfold over the last four years.

First point, after four years of trying to stop Brexit, and with the big yellow SNP Brexit bus on tour in Scotland, yeah Sturgeon wanted to stop Brexit, more than she wanted independence.

If the last indyref is anything to go by yes folk would vote yes, people realise now what we’re losing by leaving the EU, name a date and the yes vote would surge.

Third point you’ll only ever convert a certain amount of soft noes to the cause. Lets not forget Westminster laid down the path for us by holding the 2016 EU referendum, all we had to do was name a date over the last four years with all our mandates in place, and we’d be negotiating with England our exit deal now, on equal terms.

Its unlikely we’ll ever get a better chance of escaping the union than we did during the Brexit fiasco.

On your last point, ask yourself this, why is Johnson refusing the S30, and why will he continue to do so?

But most important of all is the FACT that independence will never be given by Westminster, it must be taken, and that means proactive action, which Sturgeon talks a good game, if nothing else.


Read the tweet on the Cuba thing yesterday and found this.
It’s a long wait on archive (2077 in queue) so posting link which is background.

Might be a line of research. Long ago story.

Texan goes to Cuba. Dies in plane crash later. There’s another conspiracy theory.

link to


Should probably have posted this link too.

link to



“You don’t know much do you, for someome whose watched this unfold over the last four years.”

You’re an expert on Independence then? Doesn’t sound like it to me when you can write such a load of crap as you just have.

“If the last indyref is anything to go by yes folk would vote yes”

The evidence from polling suggests otherwise, it is a fact that many who voted Yes in the referendum now say they would vote No because the SNP want to remain in the EU.

It is also a fact that there are a greater number of those that voted No in the referendum now saying they will vote Yes because the SNP policy was to remain in the EU.

“Third point you’ll only ever convert a certain amount of soft noes to the cause.”

Well, you have got that right but the fact is we MUST “convert a certain amount of soft noes” if Yes is ever to get above 50% in a second referendum. Despite your haste, we appear to be heading in the right direction judging by the most recent polls putting Yes on or above 50%.

“all we had to do was name a date over the last four years with all our mandates in place, and we’d be negotiating with England our exit deal now, on equal terms.”

Hahaha that simple then eh? What about actually converting enough “soft noes” to win a referendum and having a vote first hmmm?

“why is Johnson refusing the S30, and why will he continue to do so?”

He refuses because he fears losing another referendum, he will continue to do so, in the meantime support for Independence continues to increase.
Sturgeon might talk a good game in your words but hey take a look and you’ll see that support for Independence in above 50% despite the bad SNP and Nicola Sturgeon’s leadership LOL

You don’t know much do you 🙂


So a company backed by the anti-Midas Michelle Mone is £3 million quid in debt. Mone is to profit what McTernan is to political success, Mone is holding a business seminar to paying guests there she’ll reveal her business pearls of wisdom.

Fools and their monies are quickly parted I say.

I have the link to the Daily Record, however theres 4,2555 in the archive queue ahead of me.


Why so clogged up with queues

Is it just this corona virus thing… is there something better?

Never been a problem before until beginning of this week.


“If the last indyref is anything to go by yes folk would vote yes”

“The evidence from polling suggests otherwise, it is a fact that many who voted Yes in the referendum now say they would vote No because the SNP want to remain in the EU.”

What I meant by that is that there was a surge for yes in the latter stages of the last indyref, which I fully expect to happen again, now that we’re in the 50+ region now.

“Well, you have got that right but the fact is we MUST “convert a certain amount of soft noes” if Yes is ever to get above 50% in a second referendum. ”

Oh for Christ sake, we’re already on the 50+plus mark, naming a date will be the only real way to boost it higher. Sitting back for X amount of years hoping that it will reach 60% or 70% is magical unicorn thinking, and all the while Johnson and Co will be attempting to undermine Holyrood, and with no EU protection, that’s all before you’ve even taken into account that does Sturgeon actually wants to hold a second indyref, Jesus the naivety in here is breathtaking.

The only person whose led us to a indyref is fighting for his liberty and political life in Edinburgh over the next three weeks. There’s good reason why some in the SNP hierarchy don’t want to see Salmond return to the fold.

Jeez, I think I’m wasting my time, apart from Mist001 who knows what’s going on the rest are blissfully oblivious.


“Jeez, I think I’m wasting my time, apart from Mist001 who knows what’s going on the rest are blissfully oblivious.”

You are wasting your time when you spout rubbish, apart from Mist100? You’re aving a larf LOL


@ Republicofscotland – Ayeright has answered your main points so I will just comment on your First Point.

I agree that Nicola Sturgeon wanted BREXIT halted. None but a blockhead would want BREXIT.

However, I believe the campaign was about driving home the message that the Scottish people voted to stay in the EU and the Westminster Government was dragging us out against our will. Do you remember hearing that phrase over and over again? Reason? Because the English voters voted for BREXIT. Scotland gets the government that England votes for.

This democratic deficit is the message. Scotland voted Labour for decades, now the SNP. But England votes Tory and we get umpteen Tory Governments which we have never voted for since 1955. That’s not democracy. In democracy you get the government you voted for every time you vote.

The Declaration of Arbroath spelt this out in 1320. Government by consent of the governed is the only rational option.

Labour voters are now facing the prospect of a Tory Government for the next ten years. There is no hope of a Labour revival, especially with the wokey idiots competing for the leadership.
Labour voters in Scotland, the soft NOs, will be thinking about voting YES if only to live under a decent, caring government which they can change if it ever becomes unfit for purpose.


“Ayeright has answered your main points so I will just comment on your First Point.”

He certainly didn’t answer anything, his philosophy sound like lets just sit back and wait till we hit some magical figure that may take years to reach if at all. Which by then the Scottish public may still become accustomed to being out the EU and under Westminster rule bar a percentage of folk.

“I agree that Nicola Sturgeon wanted BREXIT halted”

Oh so now you do know something.

The rest of your comment can be summed quite easily the SNP MPs have no power or influence whatsoever at Westminster, having them there serves no puropse at all. Infact it has been quite clearly shown that SNP membership increased by 5,000 members when they walked out albeit temporarily from Westminster.

If you persist in playing by Westminsters stacked rule book then independence will never arrive. Again however all this means diddlysquat if you have a FM and SNP hierarchy content with the status quo.



Hey smartarse, the floor is all yours. Give us the benefit of your wisdom. Tell the great ignorant what you would do to bring about Independence.

Give us your stratagy, I await your sage advice with bated breath.

Or will you just spout another brain fart?


The big frustration I have now is that I can’t really see how we’re going to a catch a wind to fill our sails and cruise to victory. Without even settling whether Scotland can actually hold a referendum, it just feels like every effort is just pumping air into a tyre which everybody knows has a puncture.

What’s going to change in the foreseeable future? Disillusion with Brexit? Maybe. But we couldn’t even weaponise the subjugation of our democracy and sovereignty when Brexit was a red hot issue, so frankly I don’t see disillusion a few months into Brexit lighting many new bonfires of rebellion.

Alex Salmond case? What a farce, if Contempt Laws permit me to say so. I don’t know how it even got to Court. When the case itself seems such a sham, the judgement will mean nothing because everybody will simply interpret the result to suit their own narrative.

Wokists? I think it’s safe to say everybody is sick and tired hearing this pish now. It’s only the SNP ploughing on regardless, apparently not giving a shit for any actual mandate from the electorate.

I was so very much looking forward to Arbroath, but I cannot fault the good sense in postponing it. we just have to roll with it.

It’s all a bit grim. The one bright candle in the gloom is Joanna Cherry, and what she may or may not do next.

I’d like to see Joanna Cherry cracking some skulls, booting some arses, and having a Spring Clean to rid us of all dross in Holyrood, then relighting the Indy boilers in the engine room. Sadly, I fear the Woke fools will not go quietly, and it might get very messy. I see they’re already trying to write rules to bar Joanna Cherry at the gate.

But to be honest, much as that’s a thing that needs to happen, rather than get bogged down fighting these cretins, I would much rather see Joanna Cherry in her own wee supersonic jet fighter, heading towards the UN and Council of Europe with a Constitutional smart bomb that lobs a major constitutional spanner in the works over Brexit. – UK and Europe suddenly cannot talk anymore about Brexit because Joanna Cherry has presented Michel Barnier with the insurmountable problem of disputed UK Sovereignty. Not so fast with those fishing rights…

In my opinion, there is still time to use Scotland’s National Constitution, and weaponise sovereignty of the people, to derail Brexit and change the game completely. However IT IS IMPERATIVE that we grow up fast, drop the colonial Scotland Act devolved constitution of a ‘lower house’ assembly, and fight to end this Union using our full bore, no-holds-barred SOVEREIGN and National Constitution.

Let me be explicit… we fight TO END THIS UNION. No more pissing about trying to compromise our way to maybe having the right, to possibly ticking the right box that let’s us choose… Fk all that. We want the Union at an end.. Period.

It’s pretty clear Nicola Sturgeon has no intention of doing anything so dramatic. Dead loss I fear. I can’t fathom the strategy. I can’t fathom if there even is a strategy.

I think the only step change that is credible, is one delivered by Joanna Cherry.

If she’s going to drum out the Woke Brigade, it’s going to chew up time that could be much better spent, and she will need the SNP membership backing her 100%, but there are some pretty stubborn drones who will rally around Queen Nicola. If Joanna decides to splinter off from the SNP, either permanently or even just temporarily, and pursue a short sharp Constitutional challenge through the UN, I think the popular support she would command would be absolutely immense. We’d have a National Heroine in Ms Cherry.

If Nicola was half the leader people claim her to be, she should take the initiative and nullify the Woke Faction, either by sacking them or silencing them, and provide Joanna Cherry with an unchallenged, rock solid platform from where to mount a lightning fast Constitutional Challenge to Brexit. The SNP needs Joanna Cherry much more than she needs them.

It doesn’t even matter whether you’re for or against European membership, Brexit is an act of unlawful subjugation that can deliver a breached Treaty of Union. If you believe in Independence, let us strike hard and get it done.


@ Capella 12.39pm thank you for your response , your comment didn’t necessarily insult me , it is just that for years everyone disagreeing with NS or the SNP on here has been labeled with those denigrating names or terms

I am sorry but I have to take issue with part of your comment where you say ” what annoys you is when you have to scroll past endless screeds of NS and SNP bad to get to the few comments that support independence ” I can only speak for myself Capella but I have been coming on here and commenting for a few years and I can assure you that irrespective of what my comments consist of I fully and passionately believe in independence for Scotland and Scots , as I wrote upthread I don’t worship ANY PARTY OR POLITICIAN and I do consider that Nicola Sturgeon has made huge mistakes in our quest for independence , I only hope they are not fatal

As has been said on many occasions WOS is a independence supporting site not a SNP apologist site and as you well know many people have left the site due to their inability to accept SC exposing SNP’S weaknesses and lethargy

I must say I do value your and many other contributors comments and I do believe that open discussion and CRITICISM has benefits but if you have a leader and a party who are INTRANSIGENT and will not listen to constructive criticism but are intent on ignoring their membership then OUR future independence is under massive threat

You only have to look to liebour in Scotland to see how ignoring the electorate turns out , and that is my biggest fear come 2021 HR elections



Must agree with many of your points above.

I left the SNP when it became increasingly clear that where the leadership and membership were concerned, the tail was starting to wag the dog.

From the outside looking in, it appears the situation hasn’t changed. If anything it’s worse.


“Hey smartarse, the floor is all yours. Give us the benefit of your wisdom. Tell the great ignorant what you would do to bring about Independence.

Give us your stratagy, I await your sage advice with bated breath.

Or will you just spout another brain fart?”

All very puerile, but nontheless expected when faced with serious posers.

Anyway, I think we can all agree that they’ll be no indyref this year. Next year is the Scottish elections in May so its very, very unlikely it will happen next year either, so that leaves us going into 2022.

If and its a gargantuan if, Sturgeon does decide to hold one then (I’m I’m of a mind she won’t) then surely international recognition is the top priority. Feelers must be sent out to gauge the reactions of the EU and other nations as to where they stand on Scotland holding and winning a indyref without Westminsters input, if the majority is favourable then we can proceed.

Assuming that funds are available to carry on Sturgeon must name a date its very important that she does this first, for not only will it focus the Yes movement, it will also
put Westminster into a quandry, on what to do, go along with it or oppose it (not just saying now is not the time).

Oh sure the unionist parties at Holyrood will vow not to get involved in the indyref, and they’ll speak about boycotting it. However as time goes on and the date grows closer to the vote, what Westminster decides will influence their decision, I for one don’t think they’ll let Scotland slip away without a fight, and will become involved in the process instructing their unionist branch offices to participate, on the merit that if they lose they can cry foul and null and void the indyref.

However when we win, and I’m very confident we would win, this is where international recognition comes in to parry away the unionist cries of illegality, at the very least we’d need to hold one again, and in the process force Johnsons hand.

England won’t willingly let us go Johnson won’t consent to a S30 now and we’re on 50+ percent, he’d be even less willing if we we’re on 60+ percent. Risks have to be taken, even if Johnson gave his consent it would be a risk but he won’t.

No if Scotland is to fufil it potential, and it has such great potential then we’ll need to take our independence.

William Wallace rose from obscurity to become the bearer of the Great Seal, Guardian of Scotland, we had our Falkirk in 2014, now lets us have our Stirling Bridge.



Good post! I’d like to see you now get behind Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP and all that want Independence for Scotland. Moaning about leadership and screaming SNP bad is what the media done all through the first campaign.

Let’s not do their job for them. Independence is the goal and as far as I’m concerned all other issues are secondary until then. We need to stick together not fall apart. Creating division doesn’t help and only aids our oppenents.

You can talk sense when you want, more of the same please 🙂


“then surely international recognition is the top priority.”

That’s what I’ve been saying all day, This Coronavirus Crisis can and should be used to Scotlands advantage by taking control of its own health, which is legal and was devolved to Scotland by Westminster. They would not have a leg to stand on.

Let Westminster get on with their virtually discredited ‘herd immunity’ scheme, tell them no, we’re taking control of our countries health, we’re going to do it our way and follow WHO guidelines and we’re going to work with Europe to get through this crisis.

That would gain not just international recognition, but recognition worldwide and Scotland would begin to assert its independence. Remember, the world will have changed dramatically when this crisis is over and a Scotland who has been seen to behave independently will be treated far differently from how it is now. Countries around the world will realise that Scotland is capable of taking its own decisions and will be seen as a player on the world stage.

But sadly for Scotland, it’s Mrs. Murrell, Westminsters lapdog, which is why she’s following the advice of Westminster because independence and things like this current crisis are just too big for her to deal with. Regional administrators aren’t mentally prepared to deal with things of this magnitude and that’s essentially what Mrs. Murrell is, a small time regional administrator. That’s her level.


@ twathater – I agree with much of what you say. The SNP are being intransigent about the GRA issue. Only the Tories are speaking out against Self ID, positioning themselves to pick up votes or “weaponise” the issue as they have promised to do.

Labour the Lib Dems and the Greens are all even worse than the SNP over this issue. The only difference is that the SNP are the party of power in Scotland. So I haven’t resigned over this – yet. I’m prepared to wait and see what the outcome of the consultation is.

RE Indyref2 – there is no objective reason why it can’t be held later this year. As I posted before, in May 1997 a new Labour Government came to power and in September 1997 they delivered Scottish and Welsh Devolution referendums. A 6 month period which includes the long summer recess.

The point about holding, or being seen to proceed down the path of holding, a “legal” referendum is that the EU will want to see commitment to working within constitutional boundaries. If Westminster proves intransigent then I’m sure that nobody in the EU will be surprised. If Boris Johnston continues to obstruct a democratic vote, then the Holyrood election will be the next opportunity for the Scottish people to make their choice.

But I don’t expect any campaign to kick off until after the Alex Salmond trial. Now we also have the Corona virus which will rage away for some months. Who knows what the fallout will be from either of these events.

We must carry on making the case and converting the soft NOs.


Can we not have a snap Indyref when the over 70s are confined to their homes?

Ian Brotherhood

@Fairliered –

Ooooh, you are awful, but I like it!


Robert Kerr


It’s worse than that.

Mrs Murrell is burned out and her decisions are tainted by the realisation that she has been played by the Deep State psy ops and by incipient hormonal changes. Just look at her on video.

The AS show trial shall have ramifications that shall be unhelpful also.

Sad really.

Ian Brotherhood

@Capella –

I’m probably as guilty as anyone of grumping about the SNP. In the scheme of things it’s no big deal. The SNP will pass or splinter, adopt different names. The faces will change as folk die/get bored etc. The aim will remain the same, even if it is hijacked by zealots with ulterior motives.

Col.Blimp IV

Republicofscotland says

Re IndRef2 “…so that leaves us going into 2022.”

You may well be right and if that is the case, in the absence of a crystal ball. At this point in time, we have no way of knowing whether the 45% at the Referendum was our springboard to independence, or a high water mark that will stand for a very long time.

The SNP leadership’s futile sacrifice of the Independence cause in the run up and in the immediate aftermath of the Brexit debacle … at the alter of European Unity.

Was either mind-numbing stupidity or the deliberate action of a fifth column who have seized control of the principle arm of the independence movement.

In my view the only way the SNP can redeem its self, is by making the next Holyrood election a single issue independence plebiscite.

If the last three years is anything to go by, the membership can not afford to wait in hope of the initiative coming from on high. I think they must make it clear that they will not support any candidate for office within the party or as a candidate at the Holyrood election. Who is not prepared to put Scotland’s Independence above all other considerations.

Frankly If the SNP do not swiftly return to the path of righteousness … Nicola Sturgeon may as well self-identify as a trans-man, change her name to Philippe Petain and re-locate to Vichy.

Ian Foulds

Breeks at 6.22pm

Again well said Sir.


@ Capella 7.44pm Again there are many things that we agree upon , to me the GRA is only 1 part of governance which is so impactful to the vast majority of the population yet has not been given the proper assessment or investigation required to gain the electorates acceptance ( personally I will never accept that males can through willpower become females )

I am vehemently against ANY government that seeks to IMPOSE their views or regulations on citizens whilst ignoring or considering the repercussions of their egregious actions

When you speak of converting or convincing no voters to change their minds , I would assert that it is not the SNP or NS who have done the work , I think it has been ordinary YES voters or the current UK diabolical situation

I have posted many times on here and on other blogs that IMO the SNP have failed miserably on informing people of the benefits of independence , EG where is the information on the income streams generated by Scotland’s economy versus the amount taken by the UK coffers and the so called ” GRANT ” given by wastemonster
Where is the so called REBUTTAL unit that we were promised
My frustration is that private citizens are attempting with varying degrees of success to highlight and expose this information but the responsibility for convincing people rests with OUR government giving US the TOOLS

Ian Brotherhood

@Capella –

Forgot to add, a lot of us have always accepted the ‘SNP is the only vehicle’ argument and voted accordingly, but we are capable of doing so while disagreeing with policy.

The SNP can surely see what’s happening with the GRA stuff. No matter what spin is put on the consultation results, it’s crystal clear that Scots – like most folk globally – don’t want this. If they don’t sort it at the ‘conference’ (snigger) it could end up becoming the SNP’s ‘Poll Tax’ death-knell.

And we cannot even know how emboldened and savvy the Scottish electorate has become post-devolution because the mainstream media polls monitor ‘opinion’ rather than ‘knowledge’. (I say ‘we’ as-in the general public, even political anoraks like us!) But the SNP, surely, has professional analysts who have already told it:

‘The voters don’t like what you’re doing on the GRA stuff. They’re actually angry about it. And a lot of them, especially the older ones, remember what it was like when Labour was powerful – they saw how swiftly that power was taken away by other folk like themselves. A lot of them now *know* their vote can have a real impact and they won’t forget it in a hurry. They really feel that they have a say and they want it respected – right now, they feel you’ve betrayed their trust and you’re going to have to something pretty drastic and/or spectacular to get it back.’

That’s why a lot of us are keeping the proverbial powder dry and waiting. Fuck knows we’ve all waited more than long enough but that can be a trick of the mind – if you regard each passing minute as one closer to Independence Day, it all becomes a lot more tolerable.

Because it *is* coming.

In the meantime, how many ants we choose to accommodate in our pants is an entirely personal choice.



Just watched Donald Trump announcing Fed rate cut to zero.

He looked in shock.

I think he has seen the reality of this thing.


@ Ian Brotherhood – and yet – it’s only three months since the SNP won a landslide election. They are recording c 50% in the polls. Harold Wilson said that a week is a long time in politics. Sometimes a day seems pivotal. Watching and waiting is the most sensible thing to do ATM (and watch some good videos)!

Ian Brotherhood

@dakk –

Cheers for heads-up.

Serious stuff!

Ian Brotherhood

@Capella –

Dunno if you’re a football fan but that’s another unwelcome reason to feel as if it’s all a bit stagnant right now.


Now yer talkin !

Recently I have been watching…

Better Call Saul(4?)
Kingdom (2)
Mindhunter (2)

…and looking forward to…


Too much good stuff these days!



Iain Brotherhood 10.00 pm.

Absolutely correct to say that GRA is not at the front of most folks minds. Would be even more correct I think to say that most folks feel resistance against the issue. It is a vote loser and not a vote winner.

Quite why Surgeon has abandoned independence and supported policies that the majority of folks either don’t give a damn about, or resent is very strange. Sturgeon took the reins of a party, a movement in good heart. But she has squandered that now.

She and her acolytes are at war with Alex Salmond as reports from the Salmond trial show. There was no way that they wanted the man who run the referendum close to comeback. Sturgeon and her Brit Nat acolytes have blood on their hands. They are the Vichy Government.

But don’t take my word. Look at their actions. How they have ditched independence. How they have ditched the wider Yes movement. And how they have sought to destroy Alex Salmond.

A party, a movement, taken over by fifth columnists!


@ Ian Brotherhood – Outlander is back. Season 5. I’ve been binge watching Game of Thrones out of curiosity. It’s for teenage boys I think!

Will check out your list.
Also look in to In D Car Gordon Ross and now Indy Truck Davie. Great stuff. Who needs the BBC.

Liz g

—– Just Because —-Scotland 🙂
In March 1847
Thomas Guthrie from Brechin founded a “ragged school” in Edinburgh’s Castle Hill,offering a free education to destitute children. In the following 8 years this idea was taken up all over Britain and 200 more free school’s were established.


Ok…. sorry if this shows my ignorance….but would NS be allowed to just come out and say ‘Scotland is going into full lockdown tommorow’? What wld happen if she did this before UK?

Daisy Walker

Things we know… a wee update,

The AS trial has revealed that, (under AS Leadership) Soft Yes supporters were in the top echelons of the SNP advisory group, and after his resignation, continued to be – at the very top – of the SNP/Scot Gov advisory group.

They had not passed Civil Servant entrance exams – and were in fact SPADS – their actual professional qualifications (if any) remain a mystery.

This must stop, this must be addressed, and the SNP Leadership simply must be held accountable about this and redress this as a matter of urgency.

The Corona Virus and the World Response to same, is bigger than the US and UK establishment, Neo Conservative vice grip.

However, powers that be, being what they are, they will maximise their interests in this time of crisis – already AUOB, SNP Conference, public gatherings.. what next? Holyrood? And when will it open again, if ever.

It was said, at the start of Indy Ref 1, that every Yesser was an ambassador for Indy.

This has never held more true for Scotland’s future than now.

The time to ‘convert’ soft No’s to Yes, is not now. The is the time to BE Scotland’s future, when the chips are down, and crisis is upon us – how we respond – and are SEEN to Respond (even/especially at local level) will determine our future.

Live every day as if its the first day of an Independent Scotland. Live this day, as if it was one of the most challenging for an Independent Scotland. In what way, do we, as Scots (old and new) step up to the mark?

With or without the SNP in its current leadership format, with or without new Independent Party or candidates, it really will be up to the Yes Membership to keep the wheels on the country’s bus, and by doing so, win us our Indy.

Yes we can, and Now we Must.


France is going into full lockdown on Wednesday, basically house arrest! We’re only allowed out to go to the supermarket or the chemist and that’s it. Even then, it’s only one person that’s allowed to leave the house, like two or the whole family can’t go.

We’re OK, we have a large communual garden so the kids can get out to play but it’s going to be a nightmare for those living in high rise or tenements.

The reason I’m mentioning this here is because eventually, this is going to happen in the UK and Scotland too. This ‘herd mentality’ rubbish will be exposed for the nonsense that it is.

Mrs. Murrell could and SHOULD come out tomorrow and take the bull by the horns and act independently from Westminster over this and actually look like a leader, which is what I’ve been banging on about all day.

But Katie, I don’t think that what you posted about is likely to happen anytime soon.


“Events, Dear Boy. Events.” – Harold Macmillan back in the sixties.
These current events will make it impossible to hold a referendum this year. It would be crazy to try. No one wants Independence more than me but realistically we can forget 2020. No rallies no branch meetings no conference will be held till the virus is under control.
I agree that the 2021 Holyrood elections should be fought on that single issue.
Bear in mind that this new virus is one of the Corona family like SARS or the common cold which mutates so fast that we have never managed to find a vaccine in all the years of trying. It is possible that Covid 19 will be the same and will be around for many years. Hope not. I am one of the potential over 70 prisoners.

Brian Doonthetoon

You are trying (unsuccessfully) to make a point, by constantly referring to Nicola Sturgeon as “Mrs Murrell”. I’m not sure what the point you’re trying to make is.

Many women, particularly when they’re well known, keep their own surname, when they marry. So it has been with Nicola Sturgeon.

Why do you keep labouring the point?

It just makes you appear misogynistic, like a woman who marries must adopt her husband’s surname. These days are long past. Time you updated your attitudes towards women.


” It is possible that Covid 19 will be the same and will be around for many years. ”

It will be around forever,but eventually we will develop some ‘herd immunity’ and an at least a partially effective vaccine.


My attitude towards women is fine, at least I think so, but you’d have to ask them. I call her Mrs. Murrell for two reasons: 1, she’s married to Mr. Murrell and 2, I have absolutely no respect for her. That’s nothing to do with her being a woman because I’d do the exact same or similar, if it was a man.

I hate to labour a point here but this is MY story. Even though I live in France and I was aware I would be causing risk and harm to myself, I actually voted in favour of Brexit because to me, it was very obviously a step closer towards Scottish independence. Now, I don’t really care what anyone thinks but to me personally as far as I’m concerned, I put my country before my own self interests.

Then I watched as Mrs. Murrell and the SNP spent all their time fighting to overturn the democratic result of a UK referendum when instead they should have spent that time fighting to overturn the democratic result of a Scottish referendum, the one in 2014.

So then I realised that the only way that Brexit would affect Scotland was if Scotland envisaged remaining a part of the UK and this was why she was fighting to stop Brexit. She saw Scotlands future as being a part of the UK and not independent.

And I looked at what I’d done and I felt cheated and conned and I took that very, very personally. That’s exactly why I have no respect for Mrs. Murrell and why I will continue referring to her as such.

So, there you have it. Like it or lump it.


@ Mist001 – as a woman I can confirm that calling Nicola Sturgeon “Mrs Murrell” is deeply misogynistic. As BDTT has pointed out, many professional women use their own name once they have established themselves in their field. You are using “Mrs Murrell” as a slur, which you admit.


Please save us all Mathew Hanpenis.


Isn’t your average secondary school roll around twice the public gathering limit? (masquerading as ‘to conserve policing manpower’)

Trust WHO, or trust a Tory. ?

Dr Jim

It’s no wonder people are getting confused with the information they’re getting when England’s media keeps referring to England as the UK, and they use four TV channels to do it



Go burn your bra you out of date misogynist.


best comment I read today was –

“What kind of dirt bag gets up in the morning and goes to work creating new diseases? This is why I am a misanthrope.”

– here’s a thought to tingle your spider senses; has anyone noticed how “capitalist” this disease is?

– we are used to things affecting the young and the old, the sick; this seems to ONLY affect old people?

its like something a bond villain would invent to fix the pensions crisis.

There is precedent in this – in the 80s the US developed the “enhance radiation device” aka the neutron bomb – it killed all the people and left the buildings standing; not much fallout either, so you could move back in, real quick

tomorrows telegraph –

the ukgov must at all accounts – save the stock market – print infinity money for all corporations and bankers to stop the financial system crashing

it should be pointed out, a privatised NHS could have handled the coronavirus, by the power of the freemarket and made a tidy profit for the pension funds and UK plc – dont worry, austerity will pay for it all; the dead will not lose their democratic rights, being given pre-filled postal votes

Al Dossary

At this moment in time, I would not want to be in the US. Delays of up to 6 hours at the entry points yesterday due to the enhanced screening measures.

Our lockdown just got deeper. Saudi has now closed all food outlets. Meanwhile back in the UK, the girl that sits beside my kid at Uni has tested positive. My daughter has travelled 45 min by train each way last week to get there.

link to

“Dont be like sky news” I was told last week. Hmm, okay.

Liz g

Katie @ 11.19
I imagine the risk of just shutting Scotland down would be the vindictiveness of Westminster.
Since Thatcher most of the supplies for our shops are driven up here from England.
There is a chance they would spin some sort of closing of the border and cause serious shortages.
Which in turn would be portrayed as a taste of what independence would be like, and we would have the well stocked shops in England broadcast at us day and night.
Not to mention medical supplies too!
It would hand them a campaign line that they would exploit to the hilt in Indy Ref two and let them insist we cannot go it alone…..
The Scottish government has to be very careful here and only give us the ability to choose to shut down as much as possible.
What they can and should do though, is call out Westminster loudly and often over the mess they are making and tell them to shut the UK down….. also pointing out that they would do it if they had the powers as soon as there is massive public demand for it.


link to

A link to an extremely interesting statistical analysis.

One of the first key points that you get is that when you look back at the data the reported cases of infection at that time are only a tiny fraction of the actual cases at that time. Thus France at the present time could have hundreds of thousands of cases of infection underway..

The absolute critical importance of social distancing and other measures thus becomes crystal clear if a health holocaust Is to be avoided. The tidal wave is coming.and the question is why are we not shutting schools, nurseries, restaurants, pubs etc.

China did this and now have the virus under control.

The approach of the UK and America is however quite different. Control measures here have been in the slow lane as both governments have sought to allow the special few to make money before the fall. They also appear to be following a doctrine of allowing a certain number, maybe a couple of million to be infected in the national interest of possibly engendering herd immunity.

With maybe tens of thousands of deaths, or even more if the impending controls do not rein things back in, the impact on the over sixties will be horrendous. But even that has its economic benefits in eradicating a population bulge that draws heavily on pension and social care costs. This will not have been lost on the economic modellers and money men who seek advantage even in the deepest of crisis.

But look at the linked analysis. Consider what it tells you. Then ask yourself how you think things will be in two or three weeks as the virus let’s rip.

Too little, too late. Well yes for those who will die, but not for the dark money men who will have made trillions already.

But maybe one last thing. The holocaust to come could be an opportunity to bring assets and essential activities back into state ownership. Once it was “ power from the glens for the glens”. But to do so again would require real political commitment from a real government looking out for the national interest and not that of the faceless financial elite.

Change is however coming and in the short term it won’t won’t be pleasant. Rest assured of that.

be running in the slow lane based upon a what appears to be an economic reluctance to take all the steps possible combined with the ( now denied ?) thinking that infection of maybe a couple of million could engender herd immunity.


Public health england are getting information across to their population, what about public health Scotland, we get about one minute of news every half hour on BBC one nothing on sky news, how are Scots supposed to be informed what the Scottish Government are doing or planning, we have to get our own broadcasting channel so we can get informed as to what’s happening in Scotland and the rest of the world not just for this virus but for our country’s future.

Dorothy Devine

May I wish our Irish friends as happy a Saint Patricks day as possible. Maybe next year we can celebrate together.


Reports were emerging yesterday that eight people at the Faslane submarine base have tested positive.

If this is correct then it reinforces how extensively this virus is spreading. But of course the military, like anyone else are not exempt from infection. And with the cramped conditions on a submarine, which are few few orders of magnitude more cramped than a cruise liner, the analogy of a petrified dish becomes crystal clear for all to see.

Testing, tracking, containment,that should be the policy – and yet to the utter dismay of many in the medical community we abandoning testing.

This neoliberal Tory Government is out of control.


@ Liz g.

Exactly Liz, the number of people who are completely ignorant of the fact that Scotland is self sufficient in the basic essentials, e.g. Scotland produces enough wheat to feed itself 6 times over, is an indictment of just how poorly informed most are. It was suggested that shortages in the food chain south of the border due to brexit would be made up by moving or more likely retaining Scotland’s produce in England. Irish famine all over again. That wouldn’t be how it would be portrayed though.

Robert Louis

O/T, but very important.

Many of us are familiar with the ‘led by donkeys’ electronic projections during the brexit campaign. They were extremely effective. Now is out chance to achieve the same in Scotland., have a fundraiser to get funding for a professional digital projector and for other imaging activities. This is a campaign we can get behind, helped by the excelent, talented, indyposterboy and others we all know.

Here is the link. Let’s push this onwards in record time. This is the kind of ‘grassroots’ campaigning you can support.

link to

And besides, if you are self-isolating, you can chuck them some cash, you might otherwise spend. Projects like this, do have an effect.


Why NS is pushing GRA reform I do not know but the fact that she is doing this despite public resistance is very worrying. What do you call a govt that forces legislation in the face of public opposition? Not democratic, that’s for sure. It doesn’t bode well for the future in an independent Scotland.

Al Dossary


I think at this moment in time no one really gives a shit about the GRA and what
NS thinks. We all have more pressing worries than this so perhaps you can take it off topic at a other time.

Scot Finlayson

The Scottish Gov should take over BBC in Scotland,
we can`t wait on Gary Robertson or Call Kaye to supply info on this pandemic they are failing the people,

there should be updates and info on the hour by the health secretary Jeane Freeman on tv/radio,

Cummings and his chimp at fiddling while Scotland burns,

we need a strategy specific for Scotland.


Big question about the UK and Scotland’s reaction to Covid 19… is why are we apparently experimenting with our response strategy, and struggling with our infrastructure, needing more ventilators etc, when we already had a shot across our bows in 2003 with Covid 02, the SARS virus? Why are we so unprepared?

It all seems very amateurish that we are learning on the job when a global pandemic is already upon us and in our midst. Have we been complacent with the warnings from 2003?

Doesn’t it also demonstrate that a Nation with it’s own bespoke Health Service and Health Strategy requires it’s own bespoke media and communication infrastructure to get the correct information to the people affected by a state of emergency?

WE SHOULD NOT BE IN THIS DAMNED VACUUM where nobody knows what’s happening. Not just about Corona Virus, but Independence, Scotland’s capacity for individual liberty, decision making and freedom of action.

I am sick and tired of the SNP latching on to each and every excuse to put Scotland’s Independence on the back burner and drop is down the agenda. If you cannot deliver, then at least have the grace to admit it, and step aside to allow a more earnest strategy to emerge.

Beneath this Corona emergency, the clock is still ticking on UK transition before Brexit and Scotland still has a chance to challenge this in court. Fuck challenging Section 30 in court, CHALLENGE THE WHOLE BREXIT SUBJUGATION IN COURT. It is anti democratic colonial subjugation which breaches the Treaty of Union. Challenge that! Do it now! While there’s a chance to halt Brexit before the final cut-off. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Our lame duck ‘government’ is so fucking unresponsive about this I could punch it in the head from dawn til dusk and never tire.

“Mmeh, meh, meh, it has to perfectly legal…” Does it aye? Here’s news for you. If you DON’T respect the Sovereign Constitution of the Scottish Nation, then EVERYTHING you do in Scotland is done as a ‘pretendy’ government that is unconstitutional and unlawful. So don’t get all high and mighty and preach to me about your respect for the law, when the only law you respect is colonial subjugation from Westminster.

Scotland needs a Parliament that respects Scotland’s Constitution and has the courage to defend it, not a Vichy Assembly that’s just a glove puppet for our oppressor.

If Joanna Cherry won’t answer the call, then we need another constitutional lawyer. Time is wasting.


Why do I always read people writing ‘the Scottish government should…’ about services they have no power over. The ability to shut down, take over, control are mostly reserved. So we are left with the power to shut schools and limit crowds. Even if they did have these powers they have limited financial power to mitigate this act.

The only answer is independence, meanwhile the BtitNats are using the outbreak to try and undermine the case for independence whilst attacking the SNP for deviating from Westminster.

Of course unless you can close your borders having strict controls whilst a death cult from elsewhere having laissez faire attitude to control is fairly pointless.


We still see massive gatherings at indoor concerts have taken place in Scotland (organisers obviously worship money more than health). If this result in a surge in infection watch the attendees scream about it, looking for someone to blame, rather than looking in the mirror. We seem to have a generation(s) of people who are unwilling to take personal responsibility, always looking for a scapegoat.


Does anyone know how things are in China regarding the Corona virus. I have heard that it is much better, but can’t find out anywhere in the media. Is this because they are not allowed to publish good news stories.

Dr Jim

BBC Good morning Scotland radio interviews Professor Jason Leitch who gives them the full information blow by blow of what’s happening in Scotland with the Scotguvs plans and actions over Corona virus and then as soon as they’ve finished with him they begin quoting figures and actions being taken for and by the UK which are different

So if you tuned in after Professor Leitch you get completely the wrong information about Scotland which is the Ffffffg place the radio station is in, to serve Scotland

Nobody from England or Wales or Northern Ireland is interested in listening to Radio Scotland, why would they, they’re interested in where they live which are other countries in the UK

The BBC in Scotland have been doing this for so long I don’t think they even realise they’re doing it now, there are National UK news channels for that and yet they get it wrong too, how many times have we all heard the phrase *right across the UK* when they mean England
Do they have difficulty in pronouncing the words England Wales or Northern Ireland when referring to those places, if I don’t find it difficult to differentiate between countries, why does it seem impossible for the media of the political Union that is four countries

Of course it could be deliberate stupidity, are they that stupid, maybe they are


Breeks mentions we’re in the transition period of the UK leaving the EU.
Wonder if anything will develop from aspects of this discussion over a couple of years ago from mr thms and yesindyref2 re. Articles 49 and 48.

link to

This only seems viable of consideration if there were continuing and escalating official constitutional, legal and democratic conflicts displayed within said State.

An MP stating “Scotland won’t be taken out the EU against its will”, or the FM stating “Scotland’s future must be Scotland’s choice” are only relevant if matters are escalated should either of those statements (amongst others) fail to represent what Scotland wants.
Surely if we don’t raise official objections and kick up a stink we are effectively giving tacit acceptance / agreement to being overruled, and that sets a bad precedent.

Dorothy Devine

Some interesting letters in the National today , one by a Mr Herd describing the typhoid epidemic in Aberdeen . I was at the High School for Girls throughout and life went on.

We had panicky letters from relatives in Canada and the states coupled with their newspaper reports and photographs none of which coincided with my experience.

My friends and I were due to go and work in the Balavil Arms Hotel in Newtonmore so we wrote to ask if they still wanted these bell ringing Aberdonians – Nae bother on you come , was the reply.

The one thing I take exception in tothe letter is the description of Dr McQueen as ‘charismatic’ – he appeared on telly every night giving the score looking like an unbraw Clement Freud, quite scary.

This virus is far removed from the typhoid event as the lovely Smallaxe says , stay safe people.

Socrates MacSporran

Yet again this morning, Breeks is on-fire with his views on where we currently are. More power to your elbow sir, unfortunately, nobody within SNP towers appears to be listening to you.

I am becoming more and more certain, the political careerists who have infiltrated the Party are only too happy to place Independence on the back burner. They appear to have realised, for so long as the Labour Party in Scotland remains a sub branch of British Labour, there is no way back for it.

They have further realised, as the older Orange vote dies out, the Scottish Tories will be an increasingly less-representative minority, while the Lib-Dems and the Greens are even less of minority interest.

So, for perhaps the next decade, provided they do nothing, and allow the Tories in Westminster to run down Scotland, they are quite safe in their good, well-paid jobs, and need do nothing.

But, once the scales od fall from enough eyes, and we do get Independence, then the SNP are in bother. Those voters who have realised, Independence is the only way forward for Scotland, will, with the goal achieved, look for more from the SNP.

Many will return to their original political choice, genuine Scottish Labour and Scottish Tories will see a surge in membership – and that nice wee niche job with the SNP will not be such a comfortable place.

Better to do nothing, than risk all for Independence. That is the thinking, I believe, of a good few people, currently at the top in the SNP.

How do we shake them up, to get Independence done?


fngw says:
16 March, 2020 at 9:34 am
Why do I always read people writing ‘the Scottish government should…’ about services they have no power over. The ability to shut down, take over, control are mostly reserved. So we are left with the power to shut schools and limit crowds…

What aggravates people is the lack of ambition for anything greater. Our Government is timid beyond belief when it comes to the roll it’s been given by Westminster, but unresponsive and dismissive of the mandates given to it by the people, and equally dismissive of the constitutional sovereignty which empowers the people.

If the Scottish Government finds itself in circumstances where Scotland’s interests are compromised or constrained by being in the Union, there is a binary choice to be made. Protect the Union to Scotland’s disadvantage, or, do whatever it takes to protect Scotland, and if that imperils the Union, then so be it.

To bemoan the fact they cannot act since they are constrained by a power being reserved by Westminster, is to accept subservience, and to set the Scotland Act, the colonial constitution of Holyrood’s devolved assembly, higher than the covenant between Scotland’s elected Government and Scotland’s Sovereign people.

Holyrood needs to decide if it’s soul belongs to Scotland or Westminster. It’s subservient actions and instincts however, are not leaving much room for doubt.

If Holyrood has forsaken Scotland’s sovereign Constitution, then Holyrood should be impeached as an instrument of our colonial subjugation who’s first loyalty is not Scotland.


@Al dossary 8.46 am

Actually some of us can think about more than one thing at a time.

@susan 8.31am

The ‘consultation’ ends tomorrow. The SG may use the more pressing Covid-19 crisis to kick this down the road or they may try to sneak it along while distracting elsewhere. Why is NS doing this? Who knows.

There are definitely people within the SNP for whom their beliefs transcend the scientific reality. Bizarre that they insist we follow the science for Covid-19 but suspend disbelief for self ID.

mike cassidy

Susan, SilverDarling and others.

This is a great read on Identity Politics.

Hitchens didn’t just see how identity politics could warp a person’s ideas and principles—he understood that it could replace them altogether.

link to


Tuned into BBC Scotland news for any kind of virus update at 11am.

On comes Martin, who is (spit) english.

No doubt Martin has been flown up from shiteland at great expense to the BBC

He will probably be put up in some hotel, at great expense, and who knows, did Martin bring the wife with him???

What I am trying to say is, instead of employing this foreigner from South of our border, why didn’t BBC Scotland not employ a Scot who stays local, thus cutting out all this expense.

BBC Scotland is full of foreigners from engerland just like Martin,,,,why???


@mike cassidy

Thanks for that, really worth a read.

I didn’t always agree with Christopher Hitchens but he wrote thought provoking stuff especially when he was contemplating his own mortality.

mr thms

I did not realise Holyrood had forsaken over 100 devolved powers returning to Scotland from the EU, the new Civil Service Hub in Edinburgh with its Cabinet Room that opens at the end of March, which will house several ‘UK’ government departments that a future independent Scotland would need to have in place!

Leaving the EU means leaving the EU VAT regime, which now makes devolution of VAT a reality.

The complicated process of assigning VAT was never going to work.

Social Security Scotland and Revenue Scotland are gaining more responsibilities and increasing powers and I can see them both eventually replacing the DWP and HMRC.



You are a plant to get the YES movement branded anti English and allsorts of xenophobia .


Al Dossary


I can think of more than one thing at a time. Sometimes 2, when 3.

Right now I don’t give a shit about the GRA. That is something that can be dealt with once the current shitshow is over. I am more concerned about family and friends in the UK and what the (near) future holds for them.


It’s because of Patsies like you that Scotland is in the position it is in.

If you want to stay forever english, then move to the fuckin place.

Otherwise keep your fuckin mouth shut.

You MUST be english, you are first on here to jump down my throat.

Over three centuries of english rule is enough for me,but it seems not for you.

And you didn’t answer the question, why do BBC Scotland employ so many little englanders??? All put up in surrounding hotels, living like Lords, at the tax payers expense.

It’s as if the mounting bills are not a problem.

“We’re the BBC,,,we don’t give a fuck,we can do as we please.”

How about turning your anger towards the BBC, instead of me,,,or don’t you want to upset your fellow little englanders???


You really are a sad person Jackie


What do you mean why can’t the NHS support this crisis?

It has been subjected to real terms cuts under the last 10
Years of Tory austerity.

The scared away Doctors and Nurses deliberately to build up the
Case to privatise more of it before selling it off completely.

They forced the first ever Doctors strike, they imposed new contracts
On them they didn’t want, the stopped the training grants for nurses,
They capped their pay to deliver a 15% pay cut due to inflation,
They made it clear that foreign workers were not welcome in England
and they vote in a fascist government.

With a growing population and an ever increasing number of senior citizens
Requiring more and more health treatments they have had increased spending
But no where near where it needs to be and they know it.

If the UK is strong and wealthy, why is it a country like Germany can spend more of its GDP
on health than the UK even after absorbing the population of East Germany and 1 million refugeees.

Why can they afford pensions multiple times greater than our own?

It’s easy, incompetent greasy Westminster Parties all working for their own good and those who
Control their policies.

Remove these insatiable beasts from a Scotland and we can thrive!



You are right about one thing,,,I am anti-english,,,and fuckin proud to be.

Somebody has to fight the enemy.


@Al Dossary


So why try to shut down others who want to discuss another matter? No one is telling you to be quiet about your priorities her. You seem to think no one can discuss something you don’t care about.


* here

There is no reason for you to read any posts regarding self ID or GRA never mind comment. However you feel the need to tell others what to write and post.

Just scroll on by and if the site owner feels posts are inappropriate he will deal with them.



I suggest you put your claymore through the radio/TV whilst singing Killiecrankie, the BBC will then not anger you again.

The BBC Scotland output annoys many of us, not because any of its journalists are English but because its output is unbalanced, even from its Scottish presenters.


It’s not just journalists who are flown up from england, it’s all the other people you need to run a media outlet, especially one the size of the building at Pacific Quay in Glasgow.

There are many hundreds of people work in that building, including technical staff, sound engineers, lighting make up. And many many more.

BBC Scotland didn’t bother training local staff, they just shipped them up from engerland.

They arrive on the Monday and away on the Friday.

Some number if you can get it.

These english people live the high Life in local hotels, all expenses paid for.

Then it’s back home to mother england on the Friday.

It must cost a fortune annually,,,so what I am saying is employ locally and save a fortune.

The French broadcasting corporation don’t ship in hundreds of Belgians to run their affairs, so why should Scotland do it?

The BBC can afford to run this without bothering about the expense,,,yet they are going to start charging over 75s for the right to watch their TV.



What happens on Saturday & Sunday at PQ then. I’ve read some nonsense on here during the years but this one takes the prize. None of the regular BBC staff are flown from anywhere. You have a great imagination about how generous BBC expenses are for most of the staff.

There are issues about network productions ar PQ, they are often only using a few local staff with the majority flown from elsewhere. But these are now often independent productions. The fact that the many of the central systems are remote controlled from London (unlike Wales & NI), these are costed against BBC Scotland but provide jobs in London.


The BBC have a name for those who are unbiased or pro independence.
They are called Unemployed!

Their salary depends on them towing the Westminster line.
Even every football pundit who ever declared their independence view
We’re against it as they knew they wouldn’t be invited back.

Most them sell the jersey in more than one way!


“The Scottish government’s ban on mass gathering does not currently apply to schools, travel, shopping and work. Dr Catherine Calderwood, Scotland’s chief medical officer, described blanket school closures that lasted a few weeks as ineffective.”

I’ll bet it applies to the SNP conference, sorry meeting, though.


I’m hearing repeated reports that baby formula milk is now impossible to buy
As are nappies.

Many mothers cannot breast feed so supplies of formula needs
To be addressed today.
Stations must be set up where it can be purchased if the supermarkets
Cannot support.

Could terry towelling nappies and liners be supplied en mass to support the
Shortages and reduce landfill going forward.

TV Tory idiot telling seniors to book up food deliveries on-line?
My Mum can’t text so doesn’t have broadband, a PC or a clue.

If I order for her the delivery time is a week, if supplies available.
I can take care of my Mum but what about those with no close family?

These people will be forced to go out and flirt with this virus.
I’d bet on the costs of all essential foods going through the roof
and stores will be raided when people can’t find or afford food.

If we were starving you can be sure the law can go to hell along with Boris.

Dr Jim

Todays great irony from the BBC is that social media is to blame for peoples confusion and mixed messages
While the BBC are correct about that, no one would be getting mixed messages at all if not for the media filling the airwaves with dozens of *experts* who don’t agree with one another in the first place

Very typical of the government media institution to create a problem then blame others for the lack of solution

Confusion to the enemy, because the people are the enemy, or divide and conquer then offer the singular voice of unanimous insanity because by then the people will accept anything, and even beg for the normality of the insanity

Yep it’s all our own fault


BBC adds to confusion by not clearly saying on national news the UK government rather than the government and I noticed at lunchtime BBC did not broadcast Nicola Sturgeon’s words first hand thus avoiding giving her more exposure

terence callachan


This is a good explanation of how it works

link to


Here is the report (via twitter) from this morning’s NS press conference, I too would like to see the recording, but if this isn’t going to be what the BBC are prepared to do, then we have to find the information and post it ourselves.

This was tweeted by the FM as a good report of what took place:

‘The First Minister says Scottish Government intends to keep public informed by giving daily updates and briefings to media, on camera and on the record. Various medical staff and ministers will be involved.

FM says that while health devolved, she expects there to be a high degree of commonality in the position of all four nations, as it’s based on same scientific advice. She adds though that on occasion there may be slight differences in policy or timing.

Saving lives, protecting public, is the driving priority of everything SG will do, Nicola Sturgeon says.

On testing policy, it is likely numbers being reported are underestimation. It is SG intention to continue to test large numbers of people to track spread: people in hospital with symptoms will continue to be tested. …

GP testing system (normally used for things like flu) will be expanded to cover a population of 1.2 million; to track how COVID-19 spreads. Nicola Sturgeon add that SG’s intention is also to test key frontline NHS workers.

Discussions will take place today, Nicola Sturgeon says, on advice to be given to people with significantly compromised immune systems, when to isolate entire households, and older population.

Under constant review by SG: when to close schools, when to advice stopping smaller gatherings

Catherine Calderwood, Scotland’s CMO says GP testing system, used routinely in 42 practices for flu and which will be be increased to 200, is about population surveillance, has been picked scientifically to be a snap shot of the whole population, will pick up clusters, she says

SG Health Secretary Jeane Freeman says SG has commissioned 700 additional ICU ventilators, and is also part of the four nation strategy on additional supply of both ventilators and additional supply of PPE

Dr Catherine Calderwood says all four CMO’s working very closely together, she says she has already had a conversation with Professor Chris Witty this morning, there will be another conversation later this morning and a third call at 7pm, she says.

Dr Calderwood says she is concerned about the psychological impact of reducing social contact for those vulnerable to COVID-19, she says one thing may be for those affected to reduce wider contact while increasing contact with smaller groups.

Nicola Sturgeon says school closures will not necessarily a binary choice going forward: might be different position in different parts of the country,

Work going on to make sure staffing levels in care home sector as resilient as possible, local authorities looking at how they might redeploy their own staff, for instance, says Jeane Freeman.

Dr Calderwood says across all four nations they have considered self testing kits but the difficulty is someone has to deliver and collect, and at the moment they don’t think that is the right use of staff.

Mass gatherings (more than 500) off for three to four months, for the foreseeable future says Nicola Sturgeon. Uses her dad as an example …says he is fanatical about Ayr United …but that he and others understand the reasons for football stopping.

Dr Calderwood says if this becomes a seasonal virus experts she speaks to hope that (though no 100% guarantee) there will be a vaccine in place by this time next year.

On people with compromised immunity: Dr Calderwood says meeting this evening between all 4 CMO’s is to sign off on those groups of people they believe are most at risk – who will be given potentially very restrictive advice – for the duration of outbreak.’

link to


So, she admits that health is devolved but she’s just going to do what the UK is doing and ignore what every other country across Europe is doing because the UKs ‘scientific evidence’ is so much better than theirs.

Don’t care what anybody says, that is NOT leadership.



link to

Liz g

Not that I would have wished this to happen in a million years…
But, the effects of this virus will hopefully bring the realisation to enough people that “Social Security” is necessary and should be prioritised.
A well funded NHS and decent sick pay will hopefully no longer be the play thing of politicians and the media.

Worker’s who are going to experience life on the pitiful amount of money the so called safety net grudgingly provides will hopefully never again buy into the “generously funded welfare” shite.
No more being played by the media,we either have a welfare state or we don’t….. and, if we all agree that we want one..
Then it should be a good one,because there will be another virus one day!

A chance to reset has arrived and we should take it.
Hopefully going forward in the early days of independence there will be a consensus in Scotland that Health and Welfare are to be front and centre of any Holyrood administration!
A civic plan that everyone is familiar with,and know their role in, to protect and feed Scotland,should potentially be mandated in our constitution?
We’re small,and therefore can be responsive and factor in what steps would be necessary “BEFORE” we grow our population to plan the new homes and infrastructure we’re going to need, in a way that can facilitate emergencies more easily.
Rather than throwing up the most profitable infrastructure we should plan the most adaptable!


@Dr Jim
Indeed there is some ‘confusion’. There is now no ‘standard’ definition of what is signified by the term virus. Is it a living or inert organism, is it a parasite or not, are viruses all bad or have some been beneficial in the course of evolution? Plant viruses, for example, have produced the colour varieties gardeners prize. Animal placenta may have developed as a consequence of viral activity.
There is a healthy variety of opinions within the virology domain, a domain that has been underfunded for decades; pure research not yielding the financial returns big pharma craves. This is an area where governments have a major incentivising rôle to play.
All virologists however do agree that basic hygiene precautions are effective in containment.
Paying less attention to the drivel in the press and social media also helps.

mike cassidy

Coronavirus miscellany

1)Not archived to make it easier to go to any of the sources named.

link to

2)Damn these experts and their abilities!

link to

And read the btls on this one.

3)Norway advises its citizens to get the feck out of a thirdrate country like the USA. (slight exaggeration!)

link to


Watched the biased broadcasting politics show at 12.15pm they were talking about covid 19 then coburn said we have to interrupt the discussion to go over to our outside broadcast unit ( I thought it was going to be some official announcement re Covid from the bozo , but NO ) it was over to Stharah Sthmith to give the latest sthpin on the AS trial and sthpin she did , by fuck the world is going to HELL in a handcart but we have to enthure AS is well scuppered

Dorothy Devine

Mike , thanks , loved the Italians and their clever thinking and doing.


The reporting of the AS trial is strictly controlled and both the press and broadcast media need to report purely what was said at the trial. I can find no examples of bias or views being expressed by any reporter.
Please give an example.
Maybe it is the reporting of the trial at all which is annoying to you?
Unfortunately, we live in a democracy where even the mightiest in the land are equal under the law and deserve to face the opprobrium of his accusers and have it bared before the public.
AS will soon have the chance to put his defence to the court and, at the end, the jury will decide his fate.
I can’t see anything unfair in the process.


The definition of complacency…

link to


Anyone listening to the PM feel safer?

London a hot spot…surprise.


I shouldn’t laugh really but I can’t help it as I’m watching the UKs ‘herd immunity’ strategy falling apart!

Unfortunately for Scotland, it’s the same strategy and ‘scientific evidence’ that Mrs. Murrell is following.



Can you update the on-going relentless media coverage of politics most serial adulterer with an unknown number of kids to an unknown number of Mothers, or perhaps the latest news on the 2 women who complained about Boris touching them intimately under the table.

No because Bojo represents the English Empire and he is making the rich richer with the poor’s money.

Which would be the bigger catch for a serial sex offender the Prime Minister or a retired politician with accusations over 10 years old.


Effijy @ 5.20pm to be honest I didn’t even bother responding to pete as he has outed himself as a hypocritical britnat who is NOT capable of honest dissection , he is here mainly to attempt to cause upset and division


What has happened to this site?

Place is full of roasters.

Jackie, are you for real?

Mist001, a richt misery guts. Full of hate. Your Mrs murell patter is honking.


link to


I find myself hoping that Alex Salmond, Craig Murray, and Joanna Cherry are up to some collusion themselves, not least to make sure Scotland’s Constitution is kept safe and does not end up compromised by the SNP while the truth of this emerges.

If I was to play fantasy football political edition, and put together a ”dream team” Scottish Cabinet, I don’t think 1 in 4 would be SNP. Too many duds, under achievers, and ‘curiosities’ which ring alarm bells.

This hamfisted attempt to smear Alex Salmond, and “sit on” accusations until needed though a web of conspiracy might yet turn out to be the best thing that could have happened to Scotland if it flushes these rats out of Holyrood before they sell Scotland down the river.

Tread carefully Joanna Cherry. You are very valuable to our cause and a potent threat to theirs. Scotland MUST be animated in defence of it’s sovereign Constitution, and that I feel in my bones is a more urgent priority that Holyrood.

Holyrood can be undone by impeachment. But we NEED Westminster’s broken convention on Parliamentary Sovereignty to be formally disputed at the UN, a Constitutional Test Case ongoing, and the UK’s Union and faux Constitution put on trial.






Just been listening to the FM and J Freeman for the last 45mins on radio shortbread. Finished her pronouncement.

Now were to listen to folk wie a pub saying “how will I get my money” it’s no fair.

Big Brian and Beattie for the BBC. 🙁


BBC shortbread Brian and Beattie must know this but never bring it up when the moaners come on to complain about ‘business’

(889th in the archive queue) so there’s the link.

Of course it wont be enough

link to

mike cassidy

These over-seventies were always going to be a problem.

link to

Jockanese Wind Talker

“CAN SOME ONE EXPLAIN WHY” @Hackalumpoff says at 5:41 pm

Aye Hackalumpoff, I can.


Cast your mind back a few days when the BritNats were apoplectic that the FM had made an announcement before BawJaws (and had the temerity to interpret the experts guidance differently in relation to mass gatherings)!!

I suspect via a communication from Cummings or BawJaws himself to explicitly not give Our FM the oxygen of publicity.

‘The Broad Shoulders of The Precious’ MUST be seen to protect Scotland.

Scotland CANNOT be seen to do ANYTHING better or more importantly (show there is another, more compassionate way of doing things EVER)!

Jockanese Wind Talker

“BBC shortbread Brian and Beattie must know this but never bring it up”

Another timely example of said PROPAGANDA BY OMISSION@callmedave says at 6:13 pm


Why was boris johnson on Radio Scotland before Scotland’s First Minister, me and my family live in Scotland not down south, don’t want anything to happen to any human but I’m in Scotland not england, why do the Scottish Government keep putting up with getting treated like we’re nothing, westminster have taken 100s of Billions out of our country we have some of the best brains in the world and they still treat us like we’re a nothing, I’m just hoping this westminster government aren’t just interested in the financial aspect of this virus, tax payers bailed out the banks, they’ve money for nuclear weapons and they’ll find money for HS2, hope they manage to look after the people who have nothing when things get, if things get bad.


So, we need an alternative to the SNP.

Tommy Sheridan, Alex Salmond, Joanna Cherry, Craig Murray.

If these four can work together, this could be the foundation of a true independence party.

The current government in France is ‘En Marche’, led by Emmanuel Macron. It took them ONLY THREE YEARS from forming the party to the party of government. Three years!!

If they can do it, I’m sure we can do it too.

So, could this be the dream team that Scotland is looking for?

John H.

Craig Murray is an interesting read today. Hope this works.

link to

North chiel

Isn’t it wonderful how a few weeks or months ago we had zilch, zero no cooperation between the Britnat Westminster Junta and the “ devolved” governments when it came to the EU negotiations etc . and unilaterally the “ English” government “called the shots “ with everything ( including power grabs etc) . The Scottish government in particular ( and thus the people of Scotland ) were treated like “ shit on their shoes”.
Now apparently we are all “ better together “ with uninimity , between the 4 “ nations” of the U.K. when it comes to a Health crisis issue , however apparently Health is completely devolved to Holyrood . That being the case why cannot we “ paddle our own canoe “ or if we need help “ look to our European friends , rather than “ fair weather friends” ??


John H…

The link does indeed work. More’s the pity… it’s done nothing for my blood pressure.

Scot Finlayson

Reading some of his cases and Alex Prentice,the Crowns prosecutor in the Alex Salmond trial,seems to be the go to guy when looking for a conviction on circumstantial evidence,

uses his `experts` to influence a damning picture without any hard evidence,

he was prosecuter in Tommy Sheridan`s very disputable perjury case,

if the establishment have no hard evidence for a conviction he seems to be the person to find the hard evidence,

he got 2 convictions of murder without any bodies being produced.

mike cassidy

Scottish health official makes Piers Morgan look very stupid

link to

mike cassidy

One of the problems of closing the schools.

How many people working in the medical and care sector would need to leave their jobs to look after their kids?

I know one who has said they would have to do that.


£1GB down to €1.09….. it was €1.2 about 5 days ago.

Trumps FED rates cut to 0.25% did nothing to turn the Yankie DOW ‘Das Boat’ up towards the surface. Resting on the bottom still.

It’s a shambles in the old sense of the word. 🙁

The talk of the ‘steamie’ cafe this morning was mostly about the 4 months impending home confinement for the ‘vulnerable’ >70s

Even the younger ones (40S to 60s) were generally against it.

My nemesis daily mail reading tory was spitting feathers at Boris
“We never fought in the war for this” says she…. 🙂

I think she about 9 or 10 then but I let her vent her spleen.

terence callachan

If only Scotland had a bigger population than England
Much bigger
Say …12 times bigger
Then we could send some Scottish people to England to live and make it nigh impossible for England to vote Tory

But how would we persuade people to move south. .?

I know
Make houses in Scotland more expensive than England
Much more
So people in Scotland can retire at 50-55 then sell their house in Scotland and buy a bigger one in England for half the price
Use the profit to live on

Ahhh but it would take a long time to organise that

How do I know ?

Well because that’s what England had been doing to Scotland and Wales for many many years

Now they have so many English people living in Scotland and Wales that coupled with homegrown tories and Fib Dems they outnumber any chance of independence

That’s why the numbers in favour of independence hardly change
Even when disaster or crisis strikes
No matter how insulting England is

There are 750,000 to 800,000 English people living in Scotland
If you ask them their nationality 500,000 will say English
The rest will say british


More than one of the problems of not closing the schools-
You form large groups of people on a daily basis against WHO
advise and against the successes of nations who did this.

The kids are less good at hand washing so they contaminate their friends
And teachers who all take it home to infect family and friends.

How many hundred thousand Grand Parents help meet kids from school
Or baby sit? This vulnerable group will die because of it.

Teachers are ill Grand Parents are I’ll so single parent doctors and nurses
Have to stay off work to watch them.

Closing the school will mean some NHS workers must take leave but I am certain
This would reduce contamination numbers and deaths and slow acceleration.

The reason it isn’t happening is money.
It I has greater value than human life for those in Westminster.

About the only words I’ve believed from Boris is “Prepare to see your loved ones die”.


its the economy, stupid!

so, your loved ones must die.

keeping kids in school means parents must work.

its the economy, stupid!


The UK and, thanks to Mrs. Murrell, Scotland, are taking a completely different approach to every other country in Europe and it’s an approach which will end in failure because they WILL have to bend to this virus and schools WILL shut. Food will run out, supplies in hospitals will run out, power will be affected and the army will be on the streets sooner rather than later.

This is the problem when you have a regional administrator who is completely out of her depth in charge of things rather than a leader.


A LEADER would have led, instead of being led. As I said yesterday, she has blood on her hands and will have lots more by the time this crisis is over, simply by parroting and copying the UK governments approach.

She is a despicable woman.


@terence callachan

If only you had a few more brain cells eh you might get past primary one grade.

Bill Hume.

I really do wish that Mist001 would just fuck off….then having fucked off could just bring himself to fuck off a wee bit more.

Bill Hume.

I shall be voting for Scottish independence…..that means SNP for the forseable future. After independence I shall vote for whom I please.
So if you don’t agree with that may I suggest you stop clogging up Wings BTL comments and if you don’t like that idea may you do as I suggested to Mist001 and just fuck off.


“its the economy, stupid!

so, your loved ones must die.

keeping kids in school means parents must work.

its the economy, stupid!”

People with symptoms will not self isolate if they have no money to live on, nor food in their kitchens (Partly due to those selfish bastards that are panic buying) They’ll continue to go to work, Statutory Sick Pay of £90 odd quid won’t keep them in.

No UK/Devolved government is offering them incentives not to do it. Therefore it is inevitable the virus will spread.

Bill Hume.

I’m not in a good mood tonight.


I never realised that this blog, which none of you have any control over, was a hangout for Murrell/SNP apologists.

I have news for you. I won’t be ‘fucking off’ anywhere to please any of you and I won’t stop criticising Mrs. Murrell or the SNP.

The ONLY time I will be ‘fucking off’ is when The Rev asks me to.

And if I were any of you, I wouldn’t bother clogging up his inbox requesting that he tells me to fuck off, because he’s more likely to tell you to fuck off.



“Effijy says:
16 March, 2020 at 8:15 pm
More than one of the problems of not closing the schools-
You form large groups of people on a daily basis against WHO
advise and against the successes of nations who did this.”

So where do you advise those hundreds of thousands of School children go to whilst their parents are at work? And who should look after them?

Are you suggesting that people with mortgages and bills to pay, and food to buy for said children, should do what exactly?

Like I said in my 8.47pm comment most folk cannot afford to isolate for weeks on end, most are just a paycheck away from disaster, in this low wage, zero hours contract society.


REPOSTING THIS DUE TO ITS IMPORTANCE. Scumbags ripped down their first big billboard poster within hours of it going up. If they can get a good quality projector then the aggressive actions of demented BritNats will have backfired on themselves because they’ve forced these hard-working indy supporters onto a different and far better approach. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot. 🙂 PLEASE DONATE WHAT YOU CAN & SPREAD THE WORD.

Robert Louis wrote on 16 March, 2020 at 8:03 am:

“Many of us are familiar with the ‘led by donkeys’ electronic projections during the brexit campaign. They were extremely effective. Now is our chance to achieve the same in Scotland.”

“, have a fundraiser to get funding for a professional digital projector and for other imaging activities. This is a campaign we can get behind, helped by the excellent, talented, indyposterboy and others we all know.”

“Here is the link. Let’s push this onwards in record time. This is the kind of ‘grassroots’ campaigning you can support.”

link to

“And besides, if you are self-isolating, you can chuck them some cash, you might otherwise spend. Projects like this, do have an effect.”



You’re a gobshite and a liar so no wonder people tell you to fuck off. You have claimed that living in France did not stop you voting in the Independence referendum,

It did, and you lied, the franchise for the vote specifically excluded anyone NOT living in Scotland from voting in the referendum.

You thought you could get away with the lie by mixing it up with UK general election rules LOL. What a diddy you are.


Ah Mist001. The person with an almost pathological compulsion by addressing Nicola Sturgeon with a name nobody uses. Do the nurses allow you out of the rubber room to come onto this site as a form of therapy?

Dr Jim

Journalist and reporter James Cook of the BBC nine channel questions Jeanne Freeman and when she concludes her answers Cook smirks as he said “Well good luck with that”

Folk might remember James Cook from Frenchgate when he colluded with Alistair Carmichael and David Mundell over the email that claimed the FM had said things she never said, later also confirmed as false accusations by the French ambassador, an email that was subsequently found to have never existed, shortly thereafter Cook was despatched to be a correspondant in America

Well James Cook is back and doing it again

The reason there must be a certain amount of co-operation between Scotland and England is because we are still a devolved nation with open borders for commerce and freight travelling in both directions, Scotland has no control or power over that, so much of what both countries do has to be very similar however is is gratifying that the Johnson cabal have attempted to reverse the error of their initial ways by copying the language and tone of the FM and Scottish government

Perhaps the FM is teaching them some manners on how to conduct themselves in public, not that Johnson will mean a word of it in private, I think he just recognised the massive drop in his numbers following his initial responses to the Corona crisis

Dorothy Devine

I well remember James Cooke and that smug little interview and him getting the last word to camera – I have no respect for any at pacific quay.

Dr Jim

President Macron to put France into total confinement from tomorrow, and a part of his reasons for doing that? The people refused to listen to the advice

So either that’s true or he’s covering himself for bad judgement before the electorate get the chance to

we are now at war, he said

Dr Jim

@Dorothy Devine 10:12 pm

They’re a very slimy lot at BBC Scotland, it’s as though everyone wants the job as the new Jackie Bird, and that’s just the men

Boom Boom!


@Dr Jim

At war with whom? The virus or the people? No need to answer.

call me dave

Coronavirus: Plan to ramp up ventilator production ‘unrealistic’

link to

Dr Jim

If folk had voted for Independence in 2014 Scotland could have controlled its own borders and had health checks at our borders, but Scotland voted for England to control our borders ergo no health checks on anybody in either direction

If by some miracle Scotland cured Corona virus tomorrow afternoon England would still be exporting the disease in so we’d have to cure them at the same time

We did that already with Penicillin or they would’ve all died of Syphilis but thank God they can tell us how duff Scotland is on the television we invented for them to do that, I hope it rains so the Bastirts will have to put on their Macintosh’s Oops! one of ours too, tee hee

Scot Finlayson

Canny thole thon hack Cook,

remember him at St Giles `service of reconciliation` after Indy ref and him fairly buzzin wi delight,

seems to think freedom of speech is only for hacks and us lot should keep quiet,


does anyone that watched UK parliament today know what the f@ck the bumbling eejit ex Colonial Vicroy of the Queens Scottish punjab Mundell was talking about.

Dr Jim

If England can tweet for new ventilators from car companies
I’m gonnae try tweeting for a new car, that isnae a big ask


Was wondering if 3D printing technology could be used in the production of ventilators. Probably not but I found this link which give details of a manifold that allows 4 masks to be connected to one machine.I would assume could only be used on patients with minor breathing problems so ones could be freed up for more patients with more serious conditions:

link to


From my FB timeline:

Mi***** St***** updated his status.
9 Sep 2014, 06:59
What I think should have happened with the postal votes for the Scottish referendum is that they should have been sent out by registered post, so the recipient would have to sign for them, but they should also have been returned by registered post so the returning officer would have to sign for receipt of them. As it stands, I have no idea where they are, who’s looking after them or if they’ve been counted yet. There’s too much opportunity for manipulation with them. They should be held in a sealed vault and under 24 hour video surveillance. As it is, mine is probably sitting in a box or bag somewhere where every fucker and their brother can go in and tamper with it.

So, I didn’t get a postal vote?

Turnip Buttocks

Mist001, fuck off



What a fanny you are hahaha.

Of course, you didn’t get a postal vote it wasn’t available to people outside of Scotland. I’m thinking now that you’re not just a liar but a total fantasist and it might be you even belive that you did have a postal vote from France.

Naw, probably not a fantasist either, you are what you are and that’s a lying gobshite.

2 Those entitled to vote in an independence referendum

(1)A person is entitled to vote in an independence referendum if, on the date on which the poll at the referendum is held, the person is—

(a)aged 16 or over,

(b)registered in either—

(i)the register of local government electors maintained under section 9(1)(b) of the 1983 Act for any area in Scotland, or

(ii)the register of young voters maintained under section 4 of this Act for any such area,

(c)not subject to any legal incapacity to vote (age apart), and

(d)a Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a relevant citizen of the European Union.

link to

mike cassidy

Re ventilators and 3dprinting

From my post of 3.29

2)Damn these experts and their abilities!

link to

And read the btls on this one.


Occasionally scan comments these days but had to mention Terence Callachan @ 8:06 pm. Most insightful comment ive read here. Politicians talk campaigns and image over 5 years. People who would dominate you think demographics and education over decades. Expand that out to the rest of the ‘Western’ world. Whats happening? Bravo Terence.



Without doubt school closures will reduce the spread of infection.
If kids are not infected then Grand parents can watch them
Many parents can work at home and watch them.

The question I do want answered is how much money can the government
Give to those self isolating and how quickly can they get it.

Without doubt £90 after weeks of form filling with a questionable outcome is going to force millions
Without savings to go to work knowing they have the virus.

Hated the First Minister using that Tory strap line of we are all in it together.
No we are not. Never have been and never will be until we are independent.

London first as we see again today.
The rich Tories have the cash to get private medical care at any time. We don’t.
They won’t have their home repossessed we will.
They won’t go hungry but we do but for food banks.

First time I heard that Shute was from Michael Hesseltine as we were told to tighten our belts during the Thatcher era. He went out and spent £100K on his daughter’s 18th Birthday party the next week. I cleared around £10k per annum with lots of overtime so I didn’t feel like we were in it together.


Republic of Scotland When you are effectively only allowed out of the house once a week to buy food and the army and police are on the streets to enforce it as could well be the case within a few weeks, people will have to comply or else



“Or else” what? They’ll shoot you, another Tory schoolboy fantasy.


Ayeright Or else arrest and a very big fine or jail



You’ve scared me LOL


“2 Those entitled to vote in an independence referendum

(1)A person is entitled to vote in an independence referendum if, on the date on which the poll at the referendum is held, the person is—

(a)aged 16 or over,

(b)registered in either—

(i)the register of local government electors maintained under section 9(1)(b) of the 1983 Act for any area in Scotland, or

(ii)the register of young voters maintained under section 4 of this Act for any such area,

(c)not subject to any legal incapacity to vote (age apart), and

(d)a Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a relevant citizen of the European Union.”

Which bit of that criteria didn’t I meet?

Brian Doonthetoon

Mmmmmmm… Mist001 at 8:56 pm.

You suggested,
“The ONLY time I will be ‘fucking off’ is when The Rev asks me to.”
I believe you’re labouring under a misunderstanding there. Rev Stu will allow you enough rope to hang yourself then, without asking you to be nice, he’ll tip you down the sewer, where you belong.


Pete, Joe and HYUFD now on this thread, could someone with coronavirus come and breath on me ASAP! The blessed peace would be welcome.


From Tuesday Noon in France, only one person per household is allowed to leave their house and only for things like Pharmacies, supermarkets, Doctors or work. This is in force for the next 15 days.

You also need to print out a pass and carry ID. There are no army as in soldiers on patrol as yet, but there are police and Gendarmes to enforce this edict.

The schools are closed until April 27th at least.

I’m lucky in that we live on the ground floor and have a large communual garden, so the kids can get out and play with ra dug but it’s going to be a nightmare for those who live in tenements and high rise flats.

I foresee serious food shortages, power cuts and happily for a couple of people on here, no internet in short order. I wouldn’t be surprised if martial law is implemented.

All this is coming to a street near you in Scotland.

This virus is very, VERY serious and needs a bit more than a daft ‘herd immunity’ strategy as currently being championed by Westminster and Mrs. Murrell.

Liz g

— Just Because…Scotland 🙂
Today March 16th ( Ronnie Anderson’a fault if I’m late,the man canny half talk :-))
Anyhoo, March 16th in 1867 Joseph Lister a Glasgow Royal Infirmary surgeon published a paper in the Lancet about the use of carbolic soap with medical procedures,and it’s success in fighting infections.
The rest as they say is history,and good hygiene became the world wide standard in medicine..
The mouthwash “Listerine” was named after him in his honour….



Are you really that thick? I noticed that you never challenged me accusing you of being a liar which is pretty telling in itself.

The criteria that you could not possibly meet is this.

i)the register of local government electors maintained under section 9(1)(b) of the 1983 Act for any area in Scotland.

Unless you were still on your local council’s electoral roll then you were not eligible to vote.

You have stated that in 2014 during the referendum you lived in France so unless you somehow kept an address in Scotland it was not possible to vote. One thing is 100% certain is the Scottish government was NOT sending postal votes to an address in France even if they were on the electoral role.

You lied and have been found out, get over it.


This virus could affect human longevity for a long time. Even after a vaccine is found.

I’ve seen something in old people’s eyes today.

This thing is like mild hiv with the common cold’s clothes on.

Maybe we are at the end of the beginning of saving the planet.


I actually AM on the electoral roll in Edinburgh and have been ever since I came to France. There’s no big deal about that, or am I the only overseas voter that you know of?

I have about three, maybe two years left on it so when that period is up, I won’t be able to participate in any elections OR referendums, not that Scotland is likely to get one anytime soon with Mrs. Murrell running the show.

As for you calling me a liar, feel free to call me anything you like. Fill yer boots, I couldn’t give a shit..



Kindly continue to make a fool of yourself, I couldn’t give a shit. Once you leave the country you do NOT remain on the electoral roll. You are entitled to vote in UK general elections for 15 years but that’s not the same thing at all.

You did not have a vote in the referendum, why do you think so many Scots living in England were complaining? It was because they were not allowed a vote.

That’s right NO SCOTS in England could vote yet you claim ]to have been able to vote from France.


Maybe shut up now and stop making an absolute arse of yourself. My advice, put down the shoveland stop digging LOL

Dr Jim

@Liz 12:07 am

Did you know that originally the mouthwash that came to be Listerine wasn’t invented as a mouthwash it was supposed to be a drain cleaner but it didn’t sell so they watered it down invented the name Halitosis then sold the mouthwash as a solution to the nasty infection of the gums and it sold like crazy because people didn’t care about clean drains but the idea of them having a nasty named disease in their mouth focussed their minds

Loads of stuff gets invented and the inventers don’t get the credit because some other patent thief nicks their idea , people like Thomas Edison who didn’t invent the light bulb at all he nicked it from a man in the Western isles of Scotland called James Lindsey Bowman who was the actual inventor of the light bulb but Bowman didn’t know what to do with it, Edison nicked loads of stuff from other inventors and patented them in his name

Liz g

Dr Jim @ 2.02
LOL…. I didn’t know that.. Yuk..
But I’m not surprised 🙂
I did know about the light bulbs though,although I don’t know how I know…The Rev would just love my sort of fact checking… LOL


Idris Elba (or whatever his name is) is positive for covid.

he has no symptoms.

Neither does the health care worker I know, but he hasn’t been tested.

penny dropping yet?

Dorothy Devine

Liz and Dr Jim, thanks for that – I had no idea I was swilling down drain cleaner.

I once had a stinking head cold so bought menthol crystals and shovelled them into my face steamer – didn’t read the bit about a ‘pinch’ of the crystals and after my eyes, nose and throat recovered I reckoned I had cleared every drain in the street.


modern day Scotland – allowing our children to be hunted by a deadly virus, which will sneak into their homes unseen, disguised behind their youthful health – and kill their grown ups.


Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Dr Jim at 2:02 am.

You typed,
“people like Thomas Edison who didn’t invent the light bulb at all he nicked it from a man in the Western isles of Scotland called James Lindsey Bowman who was the actual inventor of the light bulb but Bowman didn’t know what to do with it, Edison nicked loads of stuff from other inventors and patented them in his name”

James Bowman Lindsay was born 200 years ago in the parish of Carmyllie near Arbroath. His demonstration of electric light was in Dundee.
In 1835, 40 years before Thomas Edison announced the invention of the lightbulb, he demonstrated constant electric light, whereby he could read a book at a distance of one and a half foot. His concern with electric light was mainly prompted by the need to provide a safe method of lighting the jute mills, where severe fires had devastated the lives of the workers.

link to

Dorothy Devine

Morning Brian , didn’t expect such a wealth of knowledge so early in the morning!

Watched the programme on Lino last night – brilliant Scotland!

Davie Oga

Pathetic that a Scottish government responsible for health does nothing but follow the English response contrary to virtually every other government’s actions. To be be expected under the insipid leadership of the SNP. Truly pathetic.


OT Hmmm…

Thought provoking perspective on the Alex Salmond case from a BTL comment on Craig Murray’s blog…

Hattie McTattie
March 16, 2020 at 17:58
It wasn’t meant to come to court. It was, we know from evidence, an internal SNP matter meant to – in the words of the witness herself – to keep AS from returning.

Unfortunately someone leaked to the Daily Radar – and hence to the police – who have considerably more powers than Mr McCann. That’;s when it got out of control – and they had to hang together – as the old saying goes – to avoid hanging separately.


Instead of screaming at the FM to close the school’s, perhaps screaming at bawjaws to increase sick pay, suspend rent payments, mortgage payments, loan and credit card payments, utility bills and everything else that makes it impossible for people to survive without going out to work. At least one parent has to stay at home if schools are closed. The FM does not have the fiscal levers to ameliorate the financial hardship which is about to hit the majority of people, that would be fucking bawjaws.

Scot Finlayson

Due to the virus i wonder if the Alex Salmond trial will be posponed or will they take extra precautions or just bash on and hope for the best.


I don’t know why I’m bothering…but for the benefit of the various drivellers upthread… Nicola Sturgeon is not following orders from Boris Johnston. Nicola Sturgeon is taking the advice of her National Clinical Director, Jason Leitch. Now he’s a very clever man so surely Mist001 & Co will approve of Nicola Sturgeon listening carefully to what he has to say. He was on R Scotland two days ago answering very many questions, including the “why are you not closing the schools” question.

Answer? Young children are less at risk than others and will benefit from having kind teachers look after them and teach them to wash their hands. Meanwhile, their parents, who are out working in the care and emergency services, can carry on working and not cause the complete breakdown of civilisation.

You may not be able to get R Scotland in France, of course.

Nicola Sturgeon also listens to the advice of Dr Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer, a very clever woman (sorry, I’ve no idea what her married name is).

Perhaps you think that Nicola Sturgeon shouldn’t listen to mere “experts”? What do these people know about disease after all. If Nicola Sturgeon was really following the example of Boris Johnston she would be listening to Dominic Cummings, the world’s cleverest man, inventor of the herd immunity plan.


BTW Jason Leitch is on Call Kaye as we type. If you tune in you will hear the latest advice from Nicola Sturgeon’s National Clinical Director. Call Kaye and put you question to him directly.

Jock McDonnell

@Golfnut – exactly.


Just to sound more positive and less whiny could I ask councillors, you do read these posts, to arrange safe walking areas for the over 70’s.

I would suggest one way or keep left systems on walkways ,canal paths or promenades where the two metre apart rule can be applied.

I am very serious as I am very vulnerable and am getting cabin fever and need exercise and I’ll be damned if I will die before seeing Scotland independent.

“The bells of hell go ding a ling a ling for you but not for me etc”

Robert Kerr

Jason Leitch is a dentist and Catherine Calderwood is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.

Perfect for Pandemic mitigation.


Ah well in the midst of the COVID crisis where just about every country in Europe has closed schools, are restricting travel and recommending isolation, reduced social interaction 11,000 people in Aberdeen crowd into a Lewis Capaldi concert.

Fucking reckless greedy selfish scum bags. It’s like a death wish. Well good on em, let them get on with it. Hope they get they’re treatment denied if they get the virus. Just a pity for the rest who might get infected.

Scotland the fucking brave. You could not make this recklessness up. But why did the health authorities not intervene.


Professor Jason Leitch has a Doctorate from the University of Glasgow, an MPH from Harvard and is a fellow of the three UK surgical Royal Colleges.
link to


Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori!

Take it on the chin as Bojo says. It’s as true today as it was when Wilfred Owen quoted Horace’s line in his sanguine poem about the horrors of the First World War.


It would seem the rest of the world (except possibly the USA) is out of step with Mr Leitch, thank goodness the infection rate is now decreasing!


I’m afraid this crisis has once again shown the weakness at the top of the SNP, same as when T.May said ‘now is not the time’ they wilted and fell into line with WM.

They have accepted advice using a flawed model and ignored the physical reality of the virus elsewhere, now they claim the advice is evolving rather than changing, what pish.


Interesting that when I try to find Jason Michael (Jeggit) on Twitter no result appear in the search as they used to. He is still there but it is harder to find him, Looks like Twitter are filtering out some people from their search facility, for whatever reason I don’t know but very suspicious. I’m not on Twitter but can normally just read open tweets on the web.


The Imperial College, London advice which has prompted sterner measures being put in place:

link to


@ Capella says

So what you’re trying to tell me and everyone else here is that National Clinical Director, Jason Leitch is much cleverer than all the other experts in Europe?

Well of course he must be, because Scotland and rUK are completely out of step with every other country in Europe and likely, the world in the way they’re handling this crisis.

Does that make him clever, does it?

I predict that this time next week, Scotland and rUK will have no option but to fall into line with the rest of the world. They will bend to this virus.

Pubs, clubs and social places will be forced to close, leaving thousands of people without jobs or money and homes and thousands more people will be infected because Jason Leitch is so clever, he knows better than everyone else.

BTW, if everyone is at risk of this virus and kids are deemed low enough risk to remain in school, then how did the teachers manage to become low risk too? Fucking ridiculous strategy.

Today at Noon, people in France will be placed under virtual house arrest. We need a pass, which must be carried at all times, if we want to leave the house for any reason and even then, only one person per household is allowed to leave. I’m not allowed to go out with my wife or either of my kids.

Guarantee you that this is coming to you within the next week or so and yet, people like Jason Leitch are so clever, they know best.

Look to Europe to see what’s coming your way and that’s what Jason Leitch should be doing.

mike cassidy

“Some arsehole” moments to treasure.

(When even Jeremy Vine had to draw a distinction between an expert and a newspaper.)

link to

Of course its all a conspiracy against capitalism.

link to

Now off for my dental six-monthly.

They phoned yesterday saying they were checking with all 60+ patients to see if they wanted to keep their appointments!

If you never hear from me again….

Dr Jim

One thing this virus has shown us is that the utopian dream of total public transport is the worst idea ever when it comes to public health and a nation wide viral outbreak, yesterday I was a hated planet killer for being a single person in a car, today I’m saving lives by not infecting anyone or being infected because i’m in my own personal transport box and a hero for collecting the old lady next door’s messages

call me dave

The death rate on coronavirus was much more upbeat this morning on shortbread radio as two sources quoted some government statistic of 250’000 across the UK. 🙁


Cafe just about 10mins ago 20 or so folk in all keeping social distancing, rumour that Savers (shop) across the map had just got in some hand gel.

Mad exit as many rush into a queue to get two each at 99p

Wifie staffer going round disenfecting seats and tables. Jings!


@ Mist001 – No. That’s not what I said.

Dr Jim

@mike Cassidy 10:19 am

That’s a belter from Caprice, “I read in a newspaper”

That’s the most valid reason I’ve ever heard to shut down newspapers, to stop the loonies quoting the drivel they write just to sell more newspapers


Last chance today to respond to GRA proposals.

I think that many find the prospect of formulating a response quite daunting. It took me a long time to organise my own thoughts into something coherent and then tailor what I had written into the 5 questions asked in the consultation. However, the actual process of completing the consultation on online was very straight forward.

For anyone slightly apprehensive about submitting a response, may I recommend the forwomen ban the bill page at link to

This lays out the issues very clearly, followed by a clear step by step guide to completing the consultation, together with a list of salient points to be made.

There are other much more comprehensive guides/sources, but this one has the advantage of brevity and simplicity and will take you less than 10 mins to complete.


Sorry. Should read BIN the bill page at link to


Sound familiar?
link to
Project fear goes global.
And its all about capitalist economics, stupid! All those eggs in one rather rickety basket.


Dr Jim says:
17 March, 2020 at 10:19 am
One thing this virus has shown us is that the utopian dream of total public transport is the worst idea ever…

Come on Dr Jim… Surely the challenge is an even better system of public transport, and an operating regime that is hostile to bugs and pathogens. Maybe a return to compartments on public transport.

Personally, I’m somewhere in between. I like the liberty of my own transport, but I’m quite sure it doesn’t need a ton and half of metal to shift me from A to B.

Maybe one day our roads will be like a big Scalextric track, where your vehicle is still your personal bubble, but it slots into a mass transport conveyor for greater distance inter city travel, and a different conveyor system for urban traffic.

People say we are nearer in timescale to the extinction of motor vehicles than we are to their invention.


Jomry 10.36

Given the problems the GRA seems to have created for the SNP and their membership, maybe the whole Covid 19 issue will be as used as cover to try and kick the whole thing into the long grass?


@ Dr Jim – if you ever visit Zermatt you have to park your car miles down the valley and get a train to the town. Coming out of the railway station you have a choice of horse and carriage (with jingle bells) or an electric float. These take tourists with the their luggage to their hotels. You can then spend your time buying gold watches studded with diamonds or take the chairlift up to see the Matterhorn. There’s a big restaurant at the top of the lift.

The Swiss don’t mess about with their transport. Small country, they can do what they like.


Boris is pressing ahead with Brexit talks. Coronavirus will not delay the UK’s departure from Europe.

If Scotland wants to lodge a Constitutional torpedo to bring Brexit careering to a halt, we are running out of time.


@Dr Jim
Don’t blame the poor woman, blame the supermarket managers who will penalise workers if they call in sick. No more shifts for you. Crawling into work when you shouldn’t gets you brownie points.

British managerialism is something we will have to address hard in iScotland. I suggest we adopt German style worker representation and culture. We could do worse.

Also dealing with inequality properly will help. As will a universal income. With that employers would have to tempt me into work.


Can I ask, maybe a stupid question?

Some and I think many will follow, supermarkets are reserving opening time slots for those in vulnerable age groups to do their shopping.

But…those in that group have been told to remain home and even more stringent social distancing as they are the most vulnerable group?

One of the reasons for these slots being made available is for those in that group to get a hold of rapidly disappearing supplies before they get wiped from the shelves by everyone else.

What of those who are caring for people in those age groups, we can’t access those slots because of our age, but we need supplies for those we care for and are not going to be very successful in getting them are we, cause we can’t access those slots reserved for those that really need them?

Ever get the feeling it’s more about ‘lucrative’ profit as someone said in a vox pop down south last night than it is about a well thought out ‘caring’ strategy?


Boris Johnson ‘Today I had a meeting with Herr Corona, and here is the paper which bears upon it it’s signature as well as mine. I’m aware some may regard spaffing up on a piece of paper repugnant, but a man has to do what a man has to do. As some of you are aware I have been basing my response on what Holywood would do, to reassure you I’m now watching ‘The China Syndrome’ for further response advice.


Obviously things are not yet a catastrophe level, this arrives when Johnson calls in Yuri Geller for advice.


What about the people who work in bars, clubs and places like that? The bars will be ordered to close soon and there’s no way that the bars or companies will continue to pay them even the minimum wage if they’re not working, even though it’s through no fault of their own.

They can’t claim unemployment benefit because they’re not unemployed.

They’re going to be stuck with bills and rent and with absolutely not a penny coming in.

A lot of them are going to end up homeless, destitute and will suffer from both physical and mental health problems because the Scottish government and rUK government have handled this entire scenario with appalling amateurishness.

I know how crude this sounds but the governments of both Scotland and rUK ARE going to have to start throwing money at people just to help them to survive. They might even do helicopter money since banks and places like that will be closed too.

I think people are seriously underestimating how serious this whole situation is, not just for the individuals themselves or the individual countries, but for the entire world.


There was an interesting letter in Saturdays Telegraph by a 93 year old retired GP who recalled that back in the 50’s and 60’s, nobody would have known anything about Coronavirus and the high incidence of flu and related deaths would just have been put down to a ‘bad year’.
On the plus side, life would have carried on normally with no disruption other than a lot of strain on the health services.
There would have been no bankruptcies, no unemployment, no sporting and social disruption and life would just carry on as usual.
Maybe, we know too much and all the advances of science and medicine are self-defeating when weighed against the social consequences.
I imagine it will be very difficult to batten people down for very long and eventually they will battle free from state diktat.

Jockanese Wind Talker

“ Most businesses do not have insurance cover to compensate them for coronavirus losses, a trade body and other experts have said. Small businesses, in particular, are unlikely to have such a policy.”

link to

“ A spokeswoman for the association said: “Irrespective of whether or not the government order closure of a business, the vast majority of firms won’t have purchased cover that will enable them to claim on their insurance to compensate for their business being closed by the coronavirus.”

Economic Crisis vs Public Health Crisis

Wonder if BawJaws is still of the “Fuck Business” opinion?

UK debt at £2 Trillion so where will Govt get the money for unemployment benefit etc. for those who would qualify and how will it make up the resultant fall in income tax, VAT etc. caused by these businesses failing?


FM updating Holyrood in a statement. Then being quizzed!

link to

Dr Jim

On a more local note I was forced into shopping in Morrisons today (the only supermarket in my immediate area) a place I never go for all the obvious anti Scottish reasons, on entry I was met with half empty shelves and people with full trollies lifting every can and tin and box they could cram into them, then I noticed the prices had mostly manage to increase even further than they normally are, then I go to the fag counter and fags just went up by 35p a packet from two days ago than in shops everywhere else

I sense profiteering here and if Morrisons is doing it others will follow

That’s another reason why I prefer my car for a *big shop* because I can go to Aldis and Asda which on foot are too far to carry that much and where I live a bus doesn’t go there, and even if it did that would mean I would be out and amongst more people longer

I bet nobody’s laughing at those American survivalists now, they’re stocked up for years in bunkers in their basements armed and ready to fight off any food invaders


the economy is like a game of musical chairs, without any chairs; the music stops we all fall down

money in the economy is like blood in a body

wealth is a flow not a store …

so what happens when 30-90% of activity just stops … ?

there will, sooner or later, be another bailout; the priority for the people will be to make sure this is done in the right order –

– people get their benefits, pay and sick pay, and payment holidays
– small businesses get payment holidays
– payment holidays could, when the accounting is all done – result in debt restructuring or even debt cancellation; maybe even a jubilee
– insurance payments are made

then, and only then you deal with the corporations and the banks

– you should also make it clear any banks, corporations, or insurance companies that are interfering with the initial activities – hitting them with penalties, calling in debts, bankrupting people, not paying out valid claims, or using sneaky means, e.g. tactical bankruptcy – will NOT be in line for any help themselves; they need to play fair.

BUT – you know how this will go – the TORIES work for their masters, the banks and corporations; their instincts will be to :


– then fuck-over the ordinary citizen and worker; its not that they will do the bailout in the wrong order, its that they will forget about the first 3 items totally. And it gets even worse, for according to current orthodoxy, this “new bailout” will have to be paid for by increased “austerity”.

– the tories will use this crisis to funnel even more money to their pals, then take a wrecking ball to what is left of the real economy. Only social unrest could stop this, but we are heading for martial law anyway.

In america, pumping up the stockmarket with cheap money, going to the wrong people, gives an illusory sense of wellbeing – has already been ongoing since 2008; now it has to get worse.

Down the line, there are potentially useful repercussions –

– there is a lot of “useless activity” that we can safely get rid of
– the magic money tree, does exist; it just gets shookdown by the wrong people – money is just data now, and injecting money directly into the real economy, bottom up, direct to the people, is a lot more efficient than giving it to bankers, to gamble with.
– the freemarket is really useless at anything really important; it is good at producing a wide variety of consumer goods, it gives you “bread and circuses” but little else.

These issues, are someway down the line; first priority, stay alive, don’t get sick – but this thing may last many months, and the wheels must still turn.


‘The magic money tree does exist’


Cant help it. So much drivel. Best argument against Scottish independence for me now is a quick look at the opinions of people who support it. Honestly. Thats fucking embaressing and ive seen it repeated often. Get real ffs.


Health select committee discussing social distancing while
sittiing at a huge table with lots of empty chairs,

They’re all bunched up together at one corner of the table!

England… goodbye and good luck!


Ok some basics – if your total economy is of 10 hammers and 10 shekels then each hammer is worth 1 shekel. If theres 20 people how do you make sure each have a hammer? Mint more shekels?…


In fact wait…I dont care. Thanks for the laugh though.

Dr Jim

The best reason for Independence is what’s happening right now Scotland cannot close its borders we don’t have that power. Scotland cannot order the closure of businesses in order that they can claim insurance, we don’t have that power

Right there are just a couple of reasons why the Independence of Scotland is vital because England has the power to control Scotlands borders Scotlands finances and impacts on our NHS

If Scotland found a cure for Corona virus tomorrow we’d still have to inocculate England as a priority because people and freight cross our borders every day unchecked and unhindered, Independence would mean we’d have the right to test every person and truck crossing our border from a country with a vastly overwhelming population of sick people


joe, a man like you trying to use an analogy is like a dog playing a violin

bankers loan 10 shekels, created out of thin air, to the hammer makers; this is how the conventional economy is supposed to work; the free market then determines the true price of hammers, measured in shekels … and off you go; except the bankers are charging interest on the loans to the hammer makers … and the economy is a helluva lot more complex than your stupid analogy

here’s an analogy for you joe : if brain cells were legs and online discussion was an arse kicking competition … in fact, wait, I don’t care – THANKS FOR THE LAFF THO



“What about the people who work in bars, clubs and places like that? The bars will be ordered to close soon and there’s no way that the bars or companies will continue to pay them even the minimum wage if they’re not working, even though it’s through no fault of their own.”

Radio new reporting that the German government are underwriting loans to businesses to see them through this.


Meanwhilecthe EU is on a huge ventilator drive, as its presumed they will be needed.

Unselfishly the EU will share them with the exiting state the UK. One wonders if the shoe were on the other foot, would Johnson do the same.


My family have some retail businesses and the drop in turnover in the last week is around 75%
Our top priority is to keep employing the staff as they are long serving and excellent.
As a first step I have cancelled my VAT direct debit to HMRC as the cash flow is just not there.
My biggest worry is the suppliers to whom I owe money and hopefully they will defer payment for a bit but they have the same problems as me.
This is a nightmare at our best time of the year.
Hopefully, the Chancellor will announce some assistance as without help large swathes of commerce will grind to a halt.
It’s all very well for highly paid politicians and public servants to pontificate but, in the real world, it’s businesses like mine that keep people employed and earning money.


Oh dear it looks like UK businesses are up shitcreek without a paddle, unless Johnson steps in. What was it he said about business with regards to exiting the EU? Ah, that’s right “F*ck business.”

“Statement from the Association of British Insurers: “Standard business interruption cover – the type the majority of businesses purchase – does not include forced closure by authorities… 1/2”

link to


Republicofscotland 3.58

“Oh dear it looks like UK businesses are up shitcreek without a paddle, unless Johnson steps in. What was it he said about business with regards to exiting the EU? Ah, that’s right “F*ck business.”

Your tone suggests that you are quite pleased that UK businesses are facing huge issues?


Yes he is.
Socialists are always delighted to see the ‘mixed economy’ under stress.
They are so in thrall to Cuba and Venezuela to name but two.


EK News has a story of Covid-19 paying the Taxman a visit.

Perhaps for skipping Boris’s import taxes.


Global financial collapse coming I reckon. Coronavirus is just a cover story for the crooks that run this world.


£330Bn package announced

£3Bn to share between the devolved governments!

Jings thanks chancellor. Takes off bunnet and touches forelock!



To the BUSINESS people ( oh woe is me ) posting here , where is the humanity and empathy for their employees when they are driving their big flash cars or living in their nice comfortable houses or taking their expensive luxurious holidays , and when these alruistic BUSINESS owners are asked to pay a smidgen more tax to help pay for national services or to pay a proper council tax for their comfortable houses to help pay for local services they get all aggressive and outraged that they are being abused

Where are these altruistic BUSINESS people that engage accountants to manipulate tax rules and regulations , create faux artistic and media companies in an effort to evade or avoid paying their SOCIAL and MORAL dues

Where are these altruistic BUSINESS people whose employees are having to apply for working tax credits because they don’t earn enough to survive and they are having to attend food banks to feed their families , whilst those very same BUSINESS people’s businesses are being subsidised by us tax payers in the form of working tax credits

The much overused and LOVED title , especially adopted by the tories of an entrepreneur is a total misnomer , these entrepreneurs are basically shopkeepers they don’t invent things or manufacture things they merely SELL things or services that others produce or manufacture , they buy things as cheaply as possible and sell things for as much profit as they can

So if these BUSINESS people are happy and content when business is thriving and money is pouring in , should they not have been thrifty and cautious and saving in case of BAD times
( Disclaimer ) I know not all business owners are greedy selfish barstewards but most of them are


You are a twat
I’m speechless!!
Can’t imagine you’ve ever given employment to anyone in your life.



£2Bn of the £3Bn allocated to the ‘devolved governments’ goes to Scotland. Heard it on radio shortbread. Must be true?


@Sensibledave said

‘Your tone suggests that you are quite pleased that UK businesses are facing huge issues?’

And yours is just your usual. That of a patronising old fart.

The UK gov after accelerating the likely initial infections by allowing flights to continue from the red zones, will be bounced into trying to match what other more proactive governments are doing.

At least Jeremy Hunt seems to get it,but even he sounds a bit sceptical of the government’s tardiness.


Out of the EU and fuelled by Empire I couldn’t help but grimace at the drunken English yobs breaking curfew and chanting that they had the flu.

If ever there were grounds for martial law to control the animals this was it.

A nation of barbarians on the periphery of Europe they will not pass.

Jockanese Wind Talker

“£330Bn package announced, £3Bn to share between the devolved governments!” @callmedave says at 5:24 pm

That’ll be “The Broad Shoulders” and “Pooling and Sharing” of North Sea Oil

Fucking Parasitic Westminster!


“Your tone suggests that you are quite pleased that UK businesses are facing huge issues?”

Don’t be silly.


Everyone does know that the Tories are only offering more debt that will
Come with interest on it over a very long period.

They might as well tell everyone to go get a new credit card and get whatever you like.

The bankers will do very well out of it again without doubt



… I will file your name under the “idiot” category together with republicofscotland. I get that you want independence, I get that you are passionate about it. However, hoping for ill will to befall others because you haven’t yet achieved your goal demonstrates why people with your views should never get near the wheels of power.

Far be it from me to give you advice, but I would imagine that any reasonable intelligent floating voter that happened across your uttering would quickly come to the conclusion that they wouldn’t want to be associated with the likes of you.

I am sure you will not be swayed by my words though and you will continue being obnoxious and continue to wonder why Independence is now off the agenda for at least a couple of years. Hmmm?


Heard about the rates concessions offered to clubs and pubs.
If their Bar has to close down why would they consider taking
Out a loan to pay for out goings when nothing is coming in?

Wages, Gas, Electricity water, broadband, Sky TV, stock.
Why pay all that from a loan


“Yes he is.
Socialists are always delighted to see the ‘mixed economy’ under stress.
They are so in thrall to Cuba and Venezuela to name but two. ”

What bollocks, you dont even know me, however I am in favour of a mixture of socialism and capitalism, but not a rampant either.

As for Venezuela,and Cuba, the Great Satan (Consecutive US administrations) have constantly tried to overthrow both countries governments to the detriment of their peoples, causing suffering via sanctions in the process, in the name of rampant capitalism for the benefit of US companies.

The Monroe Doctrine covertly says that Central and Latin America is our (Great Satans) playground everyone else keep out.


“£330Bn package announced

£3Bn to share between the devolved governments!

Jings thanks chancellor. Takes off bunnet and touches forelock!”

Englands been robbing Scotland blind for centuries, they’re just giving us a smidgen of our own monies back.

This is the status quo, has been for hundreds of years:

Man (Scotland) comes home with wage packet, wife (England) takes wage packet gives man back pocket money, wife the then says to man, right you’ll need to run the house with your pocket money, I’m keeping the rest for whatever I want.


“Far be it from me to give you advice”

The only sensible thing you’ve said all day.



£2Bn of the £3Bn allocated to the ‘devolved governments’ goes to Scotland. Heard it on radio shortbread. Must be true?”

A thief (England) giving his victims (Scotland, Wales and NI) a tiny portion of their stolen cash back, is hailed as a hero by thiefs media and politicians.



I don’t wish ill to befall on anyone.

I support Rishi Sunak’s measures which if put into place will help people/businesses including mine.

Not that any other competent government with the requisite powers have not done the same,or likely much more.

It was your tone of comment up thread towards rep of scotland which I felt was patronising and pointless,and which required a retort.

You are also going into my file under P for patronizing.


For those of you who still insist on watching the English state propaganda programme.

“Question Time will continue without studio audience during coronavirus outbreak”

One wonders how the bias Fiona Bruce will cope without her audience plants,she’ll still have (Never off QT) Nigel Farage to turn to, whose never held a MP’s seat in his life for back up, what a farce.

link to


It reminds me of the £1 billion that Mays government gave to the DUP to keep them onside. This £2 billion to Scotland might be a thanks for services rendered.

The other thing of course, is I keep reading about ‘loans’. Is this money a loan? If so, it will have to be repaid.

It’s a bit like Laurel And Hardy:

“Well Mrs. Murrell. That’s is another fine mess you’ve gotten us into!”


Joe has clearly never heard of quantitative easing.

and I think I’ve have heard you quoting fiat currencies before, so I am surprised you don’t know what interest is.



You say my tone was “patronising (your go to word) and pointless”. I simply questioned ROS’s words. As usual, whether it’s complete numpties like Jackie or republicofscotland, the gang on here are reluctant to tell them, so I did. That isn’t patronising it is called being truthful.

Just gave a dispassionate read of the thread above. Based upon many of the comments, they would like us to believe that Coronavirus is a capitalist plot, it’s the fault of western governments. It’s Westminster’s fault. It’s the “tories” fault. If only Sturgeon was in charge, the sick would be healed. Etc etc. Frankly those sentiments represent the mind set of one eyed, biased, single issue numpties to whom Scottish independence is literally more important than anything else and they will say anything, or do anything, in some ridiculous attempt to make some ridiculous conspiracy/political/ inference point.

It really is pathetic.


There’s talk of shutting pubs and restaurants to stop the virus. Given the panic buying and resultant exponential increase of footfall in supermarkets and people standing in queues getting coughed on by the ignoramuses who can’t follow basic medical advice, surely these supermarkets are a greater source of infection than these entertainment venues?

Supermarkets restricting items to certain number of items is unworkable. People just needs to put the messages in their car, go in for more or come back a wee while later. Surely it makes sense to knock this panic buying on it’s head even if it means short term draconian measures?


Public Service Announcement:

For all the panic buyers out there, please ensure you stock up on shitload of condoms so you don’t produce any more idiots.


@ sensibledave

You know fine and well the likes of Jackie and co are false flag britnat trolls.

Rep of Scotland’s comment was rightly cynical of UK gov tardiness.

I’ve been saying for weeks if not months how this virus would render any indyref this year a farce.

What’s pathetic is brainwashed british people unquestioningly swallowing and parroting the lies and disinformation from UK gov.

Valance now says 20000 dead would be a good result.

Whitty said around 1% death rate of 60 to 80% of 63 million who will be infected.That’s 378,000 minimum.

Which one is telling the truth?

Neither probably.

Dr Jim


They should stick them over their heads and breathe in


Looks like Defender-Europe 20 at the end of the month is being scaled back due the lurgy and resultant implementation of travel restrictions.
IIRC 20,000 US troops were going to deploy to Europe for it.

Dr Jim

STV news does a vox pop asking people what they think of the FMs latest announcements on lessening social interaction the first three people grudgingly agree saying what has to be has to be to keep us all safe, the fourth an English gentleman replied smugly

“I shall be disobeying”

And there my friends is the arrogance, he’ll partake of Scotlands benefits like our NHS, our generous discounted council tax, our cheaper house prices, our beautiful countryside but when it comes to being part of protecting Scotlands people we can Fffk off

The FMs twitter earlier had another one of those idiots “I didn’t vote for you so I’m not doing anything you say”


Pacman.8.09pm. My sister in law spoke to member of staff in her local sainsburys down here in southern england. People shopping putting it in their car, other partner goes in and shops. Also cases of leaving your shopping trolley unattended before reaching checkout.people dipping in it.


Dakk 8.34

You appear to want me to take you seriously as you distance yourself from the loonies, then you write “which one is telling the truth”? You then immediately join the “conspiracy” gang that are keen and desperate to pin blame on someone in the uk for a killer virus that has come from China ffs. It s Westminster! If only Scotland was independent this wouldn’t be happening!

You spend too much time in this echo chamber where you wind each other up in paranoid frenzies.

People are dying all over the world. Different countries are doing different things to try and combat the virus. But all we get here is that we are told everything the uk government is wrong. Not based on evidence or results.

To repeat. It really is pathetic.


Well done all you no voters in 2014. Better together eh? I know if it comes to food rationing which home nations will be going without.


In an apocalyptic scene, the supermarket shelves are almost completely stripped bare by the last of the clean arsed but starving and weakened scavengers… however there is one solitary shelf that remains full and untouched, awaiting the genesis of a new form of super spreaders…

…Bow down to your new Marmite munching overlords.


Dr jim.8.57pm. And that what people like terry callachan and blair paterson get called anti english bigots for telling us like it is.

Brian Doonthetoon

RE: pubs and restaurants.

If “social spacing” is implemented, ie 2 metres between tables, they should be able to remain open.

And payment by plastic, rather than cash, meaning no handling of germ*-ridden coins and paper.

a microorganism, especially one which causes disease.

Tannadice Boy

Holyrood not politicising the crisis. It will damage Indy if you do. Something Sturgeon has definitely got right. Post Holyrood elections a different matter. Indy won’t happen this year.


That’s desperate sensibledave.

Nowhere did I say Westminster was responsible for the virus,or that in an independent Scotland it wouldn’t be happening.

I’m pulling out your file from P presently and am relocating it in I for idiot,or maybe A for …

Scratch that, S for sad.

Dr Jim


Most folk know I’m anti England, I don’t care about the nationalities who live there, or what political party’s in charge, if they’re English they’re English, if they’re from Timbuctu I couldn’t care less as long as their vote in the country they live in no longer overules mine in my country

But there’s no doubt the English are uneducatedly arrogant in their ignorance of themselves and others, I think it stems from all the titles they bestow upon themselves, the UK, Britain and the Commonwealth, Great Britain, Oh and England which they understand to be all one and the same, and us Vermin Sweaty Socks, Thick Mick Bogtrotters, and Whiny Taffy Welshies are a burden they must bear in order for them to own our countries

Of course not to forget the Queen of England who isn’t the Queen of anything because how can you have a democracy and a Monarchy at the same time, unless somebody’s lying to somebody about something, but y’know titles

If they understood about Monarchies they would know that Boris Johnson is the King of England because the Monarchy ceded its authority to Parliament and now the people vote in a King every few years or depending on how much the current King changes the political system of voting once they become King, the Queen commands the power over her butler and how much milk in her tea she has other than that she does what she’s telt and signs what she’s telt and even goes where and when she’s telt, but hey titles


My daughter sent me this link it is a perfect illustration where we currently are A MUST WATCH

link to


There is something about Boris.

He seems somewhat detached from the Coronavirus Crisis.

As if it was nothing to do with him.

Like he was already immune.

Is that what being a wealthy member of the Establishment is like.

It is now quite clear that the English Prime Minister has not yet come to realise that the Covid-19 pandemic is extremely serious. I say this because he continues to lie, to talk in his usual superlatives, like Trump does, and most of all because of his new ‘serious’ face and ‘concerned’ voice. The man is faking it.
He has another agenda. Same old same old.
His Establishment handlers are on the case.
Boris is playing the part.

Just another Brexit-type operation by the English Ruling Class.


Dr jim 9.43pm. Nae argument from me. Well said.


I can’t find trust in any of these English Health representatives
Sir this and Sir that.

Yesterday one said they had a huge stock pile of masks, gowns, gloves etc
To support the NHS and now another Sir advises they have been ordered?

Although ordered they have transport delivery problems?
How can Amazon deliver a CD a few hours later but in UK Emergency
Conditions Westminster can’t organise a delivery truck over the last 2 weeks?

God help us.

Next, the massive Chinese population had all the medical equipment it ever required.
Now that numbers are reducing, they have no immediate use for all of it.
How about a Westminster genius buys some and asks China to deliver?

I wouldn’t let Westminster run my bath.


When this tsunami hits us.And it will be now be faster and higher because of the acceleration ‘herd immunity’ policy put in place by the Chief Scientific Officer Vallance national identity won’t matter.

But our fate our fate happens to be in the hands of the british.

Inveterate liars that that they are,I have no faith they will deliver us.

Maybe they’ll surprise me.

They could start by admitting the death rate is likely to be around 7% unless appropriate initial measures are taken in like say South Korea.

Liz g

— Just Because —Scotland 🙂
This being At Patrick’s Day we can still take a nod to Scotland while joining our Celtic cousins celebration, by rasing a dram of Jamiesons Irish Whiskey.

John Jamieson a Scottish Lawyer from Alloa, settled in Dublin after he married into the Haig family. He bought the Bow St Distillery in 1780 at which point it was producing 30,000 talons a year.
A century later it was producing one million gallons per year!

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