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Wings Over Scotland

That’s got to sting

Posted on June 09, 2016 by

Iain “but where will the money for an oil fund come from?” Gray gets a couple of sharp thwacks with a verbal Lochgelly tawse at today’s FMQs:

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235 to “That’s got to sting”

  1. Dr Jim says:

    Maybe Ian Gray could agree on the spelling of the word “TWAT”

  2. Clapper57 says:

    Arse handed on a plate….as did Murdo Fraser too.

  3. Doug Daniel says:

    That was so good. That was like watching a Sunday league football goalkeeper trying to dribble past Lionel Messi.

    You almost – ALMOST – feel sorry for him there.

  4. blackhack says:

    I’ll bet that Smarts….
    (As opposed to Mr Grey who has no smarts)

  5. Wulls says:

    And we thought Jackie Bailie was the bottom of the labour barrel
    Lol lol lol.

  6. Grouse Beater says:

    You can only despair at the empty-headedness, the vacuity of opposition MSPs. With every sentence they utter they become harder to watch, tougher to listen to, invisible.

  7. Simone says:

    Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning – oh dear

  8. OIL,OIL,OIL that’s all the unionists can prattle on about.
    Because it allows them to avoid having to explain why if this union has been so good for Scotland.

    Then why do they claim our country to be such an economic basket case that it couldn’t afford to be successful independent Nation.

    And what has the broad shoulders of the UK done to protect Scottish jobs and industry.

  9. Valerie says:

    It might explain Labour unionist supporters moving to Tory voting.

    However, once Murdo and Adam Tompkins have had sufficient coverage, those Tory voters will be denying they did any such thing.

    Poor Ian, never a Subway shop when you need one.

  10. Fergus Green says:

    She’s good that Nicola Sturgeon.

    She could write for Wings Over Scotland 🙂

  11. Clootie says:

    Gray – “…we could argue over numbers” or words to that effect. An effort to suggest it was the usual debate over interpretation.
    NO Ian – you lied. You fabricated the data you released to the press. You knowingly misled the Scottish people for political capital.

    An apology would be a good place to start.

    It is also another example of the MSM printing a Labour press release without even the most basic check. Truth doesn’t appear worthy of consideration by the media when handed a SNPbad story.

  12. David Mooney says:

    Wonder if that clip will be shown on Missreporting Scotland.

    Nah I won’t hold my breath.

  13. Marie Clark says:

    OUCH. Just when you think that the opposition MSP’s cannie get any worse, they go and prove you wrong.

    My, my, it’s going to be a long five years at this rate.

  14. Andrew Davidson says:

    Ok that’s just flat out embarrassing.

  15. Heather McLean says:

    That was him well and truly “TELT”!!
    How I just LOVE Nicola Sturgeon!!! Head and shoulders above every other political party leader in Europe!

  16. call me dave says:

    Ian Gray left limply gasping for an answer.

    He might have used “the dog ate my calculator miss”… Nah never worked for me either 🙂

    Strange that FMQs has appeared under ‘general questions’ on spcb and starts just before 25mins in. Is this something new?

    Anyhoo! Here it is already tiny-urled for those with some popcorn left to enjoy it all again! 🙂

    link to

  17. Petra says:

    What’s even more worrying are the numpties sitting all around him smirking, clapping and cheering.

    Long gone are the days of Cook, Dewar and Smith. Agree or disagree with their politics / policies at least they could talk coherently and seemed to have a few brain cells between their ears.

  18. Shamurr says:

    Nicola has really been very entertaining this morning on her slap downs of the opposition. They just don’t have a clue. Bring it on for the next five years.

  19. K1 says:

    That’s just embarrassing.

    He raises the issue on the numbers then having been schooled on his inaccuracy about the numbers he responds wi ‘we can argue about the numbers another time’. It’s just utterly infantile this sort of exchange. Ian Gray was a maths and physics teacher, it’s beyond reason to conclude that this was anything but a deliberate attempt to undermine the government as an exercise in distraction. There was simply no point in him raising this as some sort of question of import in the chamber.

    I’m getting sick fed up wi this pathetic repeat and rinse pish from the Unionist’s…it’s not even funny anymore…it turns our parliament in to a comedy club.

    Entertaining no doubt but utterly embarrassing too.

  20. call me dave says:

    Tiny url failure for me. Bak to Shool! 🙁

    Try the full link.

    link to

  21. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Heather McLean 1:31pm – Just what you said!

  22. galamcennalath says:

    Another for the category of ‘zany comedy relief’?

    Will this performance feature on the TV news tonight? It should, but of course it won’t.

    The really sad reality is that most Scots will never see stuff like this. They will get something totally different from the loyal colonial media.

  23. So Ian Gray would like to argue another time about the numbers of women who are going to college.

    Will this become Labour’s standard response in the future whenever it is challenged over the figures it releases to
    attack the Scottish Government on other issues?

  24. Dr Jim says:

    Reporting Scotland screwing themselves into various knots trying to justify Ian Gray’s Twatness

    Like watching somebody trying to make balloon animals that won’t bend right

  25. One_Scot says:

    The look on Iain Grays face as he slumps in his chair when Nicola is giving her answer is, ‘Oh FFS, I really don’t want to be here right now’

  26. Clydebuilt says:

    Brilliant…… The more people who see this the better……. Share Share Share

  27. T.roz says:

    Iain greys mum must have let him stay at home on schooldays.

  28. Dr Jim says:

    Sorry but I forgot to mention the BBC has started using a disembodied squeeky voice over person during FMQs to tell us what we already know or if we didn’t we missed it because of the silly squeeky voice over person

    Really irritating

  29. bobajock says:

    This just turned a Labour man I work with into an SNP man.

  30. Greannach says:

    You’d think the poor man would have learned after his stint as school teacher and temporary branch leader. Still, Parliament’s loss is education’s gain.

  31. effijy says:

    Slab’s got no talent!
    Gray by name Grey by nature!

    That useless moron was once leader of Westminster’s North Accounting Units!
    No need to ask why they got rid of him.

    He specialises in making a fool of himself on these ocassions.
    If Dimity Dug had a clue herself, she would check the Clown’s homework before he read it allowed.

    I’d like to put forward a theory that people from underprivileged backgrounds
    With limited learning abilities are not going to university as they are more intelligent than Labour’s leaders who are telling them to go there.

  32. Capella says:

    It’s not his personal best though. That has to be his “where will the money come from for an oil fund?” Close.
    Can we have the Murdo Fraser episode next?

  33. Macart says:

    And no subway to hand either.

    Oh jeez! 😀 LOL

  34. Iain Gray (Ex Maths and Physics Teacher):
    “Perhaps the First Minister and I can argue about the numbers another time…”

    First minister mouths:
    “Naw we cannae!”

  35. Truth says:

    After having a considerable professional let down today, this has cheered me up no end.

    Iain Gray has provided many such moments in his political “career”, but this surely tops them all.

    It’s almost as if they actually believe what is in the press. Goebbels was right. If you lie often enough people will believe you. The trouble for the media is it’s imbeciles like Gray that are fooled.

  36. ClanDonald says:

    Glad to see the Scottish Government start to debunk the lies and deceptions from the opposition parties and MSM. For too long they’ve just taken the approach of “we promise to try better in the future” when confronted with this kind of nonsense.

  37. No no no...Yes says:

    DR Jim 1.50pm

    The disembodied squeeky voice over person is Lucy Adams who was one of the BBC’s new intake prior to the Indyref. At least Glenn Campbell for all his faults did not speak unless it was necessary. She has yet to develop that skill of speaking only when the comment adds to the pictures.

    Another great performance by Oor Nicola and I can understand why she wanted the extended 15 minutes as it exposes the paucity of arguments and talent on the opposition benches.

    I cannot believe Davidson asked a question that allowed Nicola to reel off numerous positive achievements of the Scottish NHS.

    As for Alex Cole Hamilton(LibDem) I think he is trying to be the new Willie Rennie. He clearly did not listen to Keith Brown yesterday.

  38. Marcia says:

    F- for Mr Gray. Another Fine Mess.

  39. James Westland says:

    All this talk of Murdo Fraser. He’s talking in a church in Stirling:

    link to

    Free Church seems to be getting increasingly political, what with David Robertson standing in for Jim Sillars in the Brexit debate

    link to

    And of course this:

    link to

  40. INDEPENDENT says:

    Imagine an ex teacher turning up and having not done his basic homework. You
    couldn’t make it up.
    What an utter clown!
    Remember he is an example of a person with the benefit of a University Degree who is bemoaning that not enough people are supposedly going to get the education benefits that he has had!!

  41. Sharny Dubs says:

    Let’s not forget that before Nicola can stand up and give an idiot a good twatting she has to have the data to hand, and that comes from the back she has!! SNP all the way!!

  42. heedtracker says:

    A confederacy of dunces come to mind watching that, yoonster dunces. Its like their bonkers fury at the new Forth bridge, not opening soon enough, too late, too early, Scots NHS and schools are all shite…

    Yoon of the year 2016, Dr No argues

    Scott Arthur Retweeted
    Singapom ?@Singapom 7h7 hours ago
    Singapom Retweeted Scott Arthur
    If the facts don’t fit in #SNP land, you change the facts. Simples!

  43. Cactus says:

    That’s got to sting, yeah.. a bit like Mr Creak getting knocked over with a catapult to the napper!

    ‘Skool Daze’ (80’s computer game)
    link to

  44. Auld Rock says:

    And what about the FIB/Dems newest TWAT, Cole-Hamilton. A graduate in Politics from Aberdeen Uni and his work experience was in The Voluntary sector, a laudable occupation, but he is no engineer. He would do well to take a lesson from Nicola where she said she’s no engineer and that’s why she goes and finds out from Engineers. Also all of them in MSM need reminding that the Contract Date for Completion is JUNE, 2017.

    Auld Rock

  45. heedtracker says:

    YES Scots are being used today to terrify Brexiteer England land. From rancid the Graun, its either John Major or Bomber Blair threatening England with losing control of their scotland region, or half their country…

    “He also said pressure for a fresh referendum on Scottish independence could become “politically irresistible” if people in Scotland voted to remain in the EU but the UK as a whole pulled out. For that reason, he said, Brexit could undermine the entire constitutional settlement of the UK.

    “The plain, uncomfortable truth is that the unity of the UK itself is on the ballot paper in two weeks’ time,” he said. “There is a serious risk of a new referendum, not immediately perhaps, but eventually.”

    That true red and blue toryboy dunces? compare and contrast ultra unionists Slab again

    Scott Arthur Retweeted
    Singapom ?@Singapom 7h7 hours ago
    Singapom Retweeted Scott Arthur
    If the facts don’t fit in #SNP land, you change the facts. Simples!

  46. Iain Grey next week will be blaming Nicola for the sub human standard of Labour MSP`s,

    “if it wisnae for the SNP`s education policy us in the Labour party would be a lot smarter”

    the thing is our sub sub human Yoon press would probably run it as an other `SNP bad` story.

    Nicola showing why she is 50th out of 100 in Forbes magazines list of most politicaly influential woman in the world.

  47. jimnarlene says:

    I listened to it on radio shortbread, hilarious.

  48. Joannie says:

    She didn’t even skip a beat it was that easy. Ian Grey must be smarting indeed. He actually made it worse with his attempt at a snide come back, he just made himself look even more stupid.

  49. Chic McGregor says:

    No Subways to duck into in the killing fields of Holyrood.

  50. McBoxheid says:

    Unionism in all it’s glory!
    They don’t have anything to SNP Bad about so they make a complete horlicks of making it up that even Iain Gray gets embarrassed.

    They should pass a bill that makes deliberately misleading, or attempting to mislead the SP a offence and the offenders had to stand on the naughty step for the rest of FMQ.

    Honestly, talk about kindergarten politics.

  51. bookie from hell says:

    argue about the numbers another time

    scary to think about the standard of labour MPs

  52. schrodingers cat says:

    mean while, outside of the parish council, the world turns…

    link to

    not project fear 2, or scare mongering…. FACT

    “If Britain opts for restrictive terms, such as denying free movement of workers, Paris and other capitals will push for a narrower relationship, including customs checks for all British products entering the bloc.”


  53. schrodingers cat says:

    Michael Gove, the U.K.’s Euroskeptic secretary of state for justice, has said that Britain would no longer seek access to the single market

  54. The Man in the Jar says:

    Im sure Nicola Sturgeon was just warming up ahead of the Brexit debate on telly tonight. For his sake I hope Boris Johnson has done his homework more diligently than Grey. Well that wouldn’t be difficult would it.

  55. schrodingers cat says:

    On trade, EU countries would have to hammer out the terms of a new relationship with Britain — a process that would involve negotiations via the European Commission, and difficult debates in the Parliament and Council. Each country would seek an advantage for its own commercial interests against British competition, with France ready to lobby hard for agriculture.

    anyone who thinks that the eu will hold hands with the uk post brexit and sing kumbayah, is extremely deluded.

    I sincerely hope brexit wins as this will be the economic argument going on in the background during indyref2. if brexit, then yes2 automatically wins the economic argument, no question

  56. osakisushi says:

    This is unfair. An entire internet service is named in honour of Ian Gray.

    Think it’s called You Tube

  57. heedtracker says:

    I sincerely hope brexit wins as this will be the economic argument going on in the background during indyref2. if brexit, then yes2 automatically wins the economic argument, no question

    More basically, it destroys one of the great scares Bliar MacDoughball’s UKOK Project Fearing on YES Scots, doubly threatening us with instantly losing our EU citizenship and probably never getting back in, if you voted YES 2014, and the whole tory led UKOK media freak show went mental with it.

    Nice example of BBC style Project Fear 1, are they not the worlds greatest liars?

    link to

    ‘Extremely difficult’ for Scotland to join EU – Barroso
    16 February 2014 Last updated at 11:55 GMT

  58. Valerie says:

    I defy you not to cry at this. It’s Mr Gray at the height of his comedy prowess.

    link to

  59. The Rough Bounds says:

    This reminds of the Labour spokesman around a decade ago who pronounced boldly that, ”Spending on education has went up under Labour”

    Dear me!

  60. Famous15 says:

    I somehow feel guilty that Labour has such little talent. My natural political enemy is the Tories and pseudo Tories like Cole_Hamilton. The more the public see of the Tories the better. They are quite arrogant and vicious if cornered. Their self belief outruns their ability and they will FAIL but not before causing much damage

  61. mr thms says:

    BBC Scotland, Scotland Politics website will have to correct their article on the subject..

    link to

    “SNP urged to tackle digital skills ‘gap’ in science and computing”

  62. Papadox says:

    Nicola’s decision to give an extra 15 mins at FMQ’s to allow the up and coming yoon MSPs to showboat their hidden talents is paying off handsomely. He he he he he! Well done Nicola and all your troops.

  63. McBoxheid says:

    It gives The Fibonacci Sequence a new meaning. Iain Gray should understand it as a maths and physics teacher, but he’s put a whole new spin on it the “Fib’n’erchie” sequence, as Slab spiral down the gutter even further.

  64. Les Wilson says:

    It is indeed about time that the SNP did more, and more,slap downs.To all comers who deserve it, but harder with Tories i particular. That is what people want, we should get it.

  65. Dan Huil says:

    Fundilymundily funny. The BBC still seriously in love with slab and Ruthie’s runts.

  66. Bob Mack says:

    What is highlighted is that Labour and the BBC are given (stories) or ( facts) by a Labour researcher and nobody at all checks or verifies them. Is Alex Salmond moonlighting as a part time Labour researcher?

    The point I arrive at ,is that they are as incompetent as each other,or they are in collusion with each other. I suspect I know which..

  67. Artyhetty says:

    Oh those figures, those numbers, poor Iain, just incapable of anything other than SNP baaaad. Iain Gray, so useless, so overpaid, so incompetent.

    Painful to think these liebour gits had these decision making powers not so long ago, and sent back more than £1billion to westminster because they couldn’t ‘think of anything to spend it on’, meanwhile, kids, like mine, were totally and utterly shafted, unable to access appropriate learning support.

    I have nothing but contempt for these liebour troughers.

  68. galamcennalath says:

    Why the appalling standard of polical ability in SLab?

    SLab operated a clear policy of sending the folks they felt were more competent to the ‘big parliament’ in London, while those of lesser skills stayed behind at the ‘wee parliament’. Clearly they put their best eggs in one basket and then lost them all (but one) in one election.

    You could debate whether the Scottish voters and SNP culled any good Labour MPs, or not, however those left in the SLab ranks certainly aren’t their first eleven! Or second, or third ….

  69. Petra says:

    @ mr thms says at 3:39 pm …. ”BBC Scotland, Scotland Politics website will have to correct their article on the subject..“SNP urged to tackle digital skills ‘gap’ in science and computing”

    link to

    That’s what’s really annoying about all of this. Labour having access to the BBC / Labour supporting newspapers and the Tories having access to the BBC / Tory supporting newspapers such as todays Scottish Daily Mail … Named Person. Their wee lying cronies in the corrupt media just a phone call away or is it a blether over a pint? Labour in particular are doing themselves no favours with this type of carry-on …. fabrication of truth and attempted manipulation of the general public. They should cut it out.

    I was pleased to hear Nicola say ”…. Ian Gray releasing (incorrect) figures to the media at the weekend …. ”I’m not sure if he did this deliberately or not …” Wonder if we’ll hear that on the news tonight?

  70. Davy says:

    It was so funny, to watch Iain Grey finally realise what a dick he had just made of himself, yet again.

    Nicola was on form, the opposition was on valium.

  71. Robert Louis says:

    Of course this will be prominently reported by the BBC state propagandist broadcaster tonight. Aye, right.

  72. Legerwood says:

    Mr Gray, former maths teacher, does not understand numbers. Explains why PISA scores in maths fell off a cliff when Labour were in power, perhaps.

    Mr Gray, Labour spokesman on Education does not understand/ know about the changes to the Highers over the last few years.

    Mr Gray, does not read the on-line Herald otherwise he would have known that within minutes of his press release being published a few days ago his figures were roundly debunked by one of the posters in much the same terms as the FM debunked them today.

    Given all of that it surprised me that he raised the subject today. Is this just an example, if more were needed, of the poverty of thought and talent on Labour’s benches?

  73. Albawoman says:

    Does Mr. Gray not have access to research staff paid for by the people of Scotland in order to present the most accurate legitimate information to the Scottish Parliament? If he has chosen not to use or disregard this service, he is totally disrespecting the rights of the Scottish taxpayers to accurate information which they pay for. Such quality information is fundamental to the development of effective policies which would benefit our children and adult learners.

  74. schrodingers cat says:

    “Maybe Middle England will after all vote to remain a part of the EU and this crisis will pass. There will be no second independence referendum, at least not on this issue. But that doesn’t mean there will never be another independence referendum. The position of Scotland as the bogeyman of Britain isn’t going to change, our nation’s role in this benighted UK will continue to be that of an ignored and side-lined northern province which only gets a mention in order to frighten the Tory shires. The lurching corpse of the British constitution will continue to find itself embroiled in one crisis after another.

    Sooner or later, something’s going to give. My money’s on sooner. And then we can finally close the Tory book of nightmares and put it away on the history shelf.”

  75. Dr Jim says:

    What’s nice about the FM being 50th most powerful woman on earth is Jakey disnae even get a menshy

    So who’s got the magic eh

  76. schrodingers cat says:

    yup, spot on ht
    More basically, it destroys one of the great scares Bliar MacDoughball’s UKOK Project Fearing on YES Scots,

    as craig murray asked yesterday, it isnt just who will lead bt2, it is also what will be left for them?

    the queen? wimbildon… er, the queen

    anything but dont mention the eu or the economy…

    and the no side will no longer be able to argue about the status quo.

    for over half a century, scotland has been part of the most successful union in history, why should we risk breaking up the european nation…….snigger

  77. schrodingers cat says:

    who will lead bt2?

    tomkin, hamilton-cole and sarwar

    that is why they have been parachuted in. the yoons know that gray, kez, wullie, ruthie and lamont etc, dont cut the mustard. the revs post today is proof of that

  78. Betty Boop says:

    @ NO, NO, NO…Yes, 2.16pm
    ‘ DR Jim. 1.52pm

    The disembodied squeeky voice over person is Lucy Adams…

    I hope that is soon junked. Agree, it was incredibly irritating.

    The new clutch of MSPs shouldn’t take lessons from the more experienced yoonies. Ye gods, have they never watched FMQs? After Cole-Hamilton complaining that the bridge was only projected to be six months early opening, we had another newbie try the same and he already looked as dejected as the rest on what is left of the Slab bench.

    I have this idea that Slab are being fed questions and stats by the Tories and Slab haven’t figured out why…

  79. dakk says:

    Whatever the challenges for the Scottish education system are,they would be far greater if that numpty was still teaching.

    Safer to have him routinely exposed to the full public scrutiny of the Scottish government.

  80. DerekM says:

    oh jings what a beamer caught out with their new SNPbad in parliament before they can go full tonto yoon screech all over the idiot box,didnt stop them trying.

    Yea its good to see the SNP get tore in i think they will find our newly elected FM a lot more challenging in her parties approach than Eck was or as she was after taking over as FM from him last term.

  81. Vestas says:

    @ Schrodingers Cat :

    anyone who thinks that the eu will hold hands with the uk post brexit and sing kumbayah, is extremely deluded.”

    I suspect the most important member of the EU – Germany – will decide that & the rest will fall in-line (apart from France). I think a €40bn/year trade surplus with the UK might have some bearing on the Germans’ decision 😉

    In terms of the disaster stories Project Fear 2 has been punting out – yes, leaving will probably have an adverse effect on the “UK economy” but the vast majority of the adverse effects will be in SE England.

    I know people in NW England (Liverpool to Blackpool) and they’re voting leave because things aren’t going to get worse for them with a “Brexit”. Things are bad enough now & European “integration” killed transatlantic trade via Liverpool – cheaper to ship it to Portugal/Spain/France then the UK & the chunnel only accelerated the process. The only busy docks now are in the SE of England.

    IF I thought the SNP would call indyref2 on a Brexit vote then I’d probably vote Leave (in the East Mids). Over the last 10 years or so the EU has done some things that are very hard to stomach – overthrowing elected govts in Greece/Italy while ignoring the fascists in Hungary/Poland?

    Thing is I don’t think the SNP would call indyref2, nor do I think a victory for Leave will actually result in Brexit.

    The legislation would have to be passed in Westminster to trigger exit negotiations. Now lets assume each MP honours the Leave/Stay vote in his/her constituency* – I’m pretty sure that’s a majority for “nays” in Westminster unless its an absolute landslide for Leave.

    tl;dr – I reckon it’ll be a wakeup call for many people that they really don’t live in a democracy. We live in an elective dictatorship….

    *this is how they can claim they “respected the will of the people” if its a Brexit vote.

  82. scotspine says:

    Here’s a thought (OT I know, but as it’s a given Ian Gray is a fud),

    consider that the UK Govt aren’t committing to building the type 26 frigates, are closing HMRC offices and going stagnant in assisting the North Sea Oil industry, because they know the end is near for the United Kingdom .

    Re the boats, Why waste money on building patrol boats, when they could have channeled that cash into building the first frigate and ironing out design issues that may arise, such as the duff engines in the new destroyers?

    Could these patrol boats be their give away to Scotland as our fledgling Navy in any resource divvy up? They are of no use as escorts for the carriers.

  83. Another Union Dividend says:

    Auld Rock says:@ 2.32

    Labour’s newest millionaire MSP also swatted down by Nicola when he went on about new Queensferry Crossing being behind schedule and SNP not having contingency plan despite fact that contract stipulates bridge to built by June 2017 therefore still on schedule and under budget unlike Iain Gray’s Edinburgh trams fiasco.

  84. ScottishPsyche says:

    Annie Wells summing up for the Tories in the Welfare debate. She is shocking. Tomkins trying to score dry academic points which are irrelevant and carry no weight in the real world.

    Tories taking an absolute pasting for trying to deny any of it is their fault. Unbelievable state of denial of responsibility for their cuts and changes in Welfare Reform.

    15% of Welfare powers yet we have to mitigate everything.

  85. galamcennalath says:

    schrodingers cat says:

    “Sooner or later, something’s going to give. My money’s on sooner.”

    Indeed. It may be Engexit. However I have never thought the issue of the EU the best one to fight IndyRef2 over.

    It would be ideally something that WM/Tories do which really really pisses off a lot of Scots. Offending all the soft NOs forcing them to reassess their options, would be perfect.

    IF the English are misled enough to actually vote for exit, there will be a period of chaos at WM where the driving force will be English nationalism. Perhaps a couple of years of negotiating with Brussels. While the EU might kick things off, there is lots of scope for PM BoJo to really fck up the shaky relationship between Scotland and London during the negotiating period.

    Conversely, right wing English nationalist Tories (having just won) might well take the attitude that Scotland is clearly different and more trouble than it’s worth! Better to just say goodbye!

    Cameron is toast either way. BoJo will probably become PM anyway. Even with a narrow Stay win, London will have many other opportunities to get up wavering NO noses anyway in the next few years.

  86. ronnie anderson says:

    Here jist hingoan ah nit pickin minute, is numbers no Jack Baillie’s brief or is her slabbering,s being held in reserve.

    Whit did ah say about Bite Back ( aboot time )

  87. Iain More says:

    He really should give up taken his figures from Baillie or did those come directly from the BBC who had decided that was going to be the SNP BAAHD attack.

    I think the Disreporting Jackie Show will be getting reedited right now. That was really embarrassing even for Mr Killing Fields.

    Meanwhile Major and the War Crim Blair have officially made the EU Referendum a Referendum on English Independence. A once in a generation chance to ditch the Jocks and Ulster in one swoop.

  88. galamcennalath says:

    Nice. If the leave vote in England alone is between 50% – 52.5%, then Scotland and NI will keep them in against their will.

    link to

  89. Petra says:

    @ Albawoman says at 4:07 pm …. ”Does Mr. Gray not have access to research staff paid for by the people of Scotland in order to present the most accurate legitimate information to the Scottish Parliament? If he has chosen not to use or disregard this service, he is totally disrespecting the rights of the Scottish taxpayers to accurate information which they pay for.”

    Albawoman the only time they’ll use data, properly researched by staff, is when it’s detrimental to the SNP, otherwise they’ll just ‘make it up’ as they go along. And to be honest I’m getting thoroughly fed up with it.

    It’s high time non-SNP politicians in Scotland realised that I for one, even although I’m an SNP supporter, am paying their bl**dy wages. If they can’t do their job properly through incompetence they should resign. If they are deliberately lying to the Scottish people an investigation should be carried out …. remember how much they seem to like their wee investigations?

    There are thousands of unemployed people out there desperate for work whom I’m sure could do a much better job than any number of them. In fact there are numerous people on here who could run rings round them.

    @ schrodingers cat says at 4:19 pm …. ”who will lead bt2? Tomkin, hamilton-cole and sarwar. That is why they have been parachuted in. the yoons know that gray, kez, wullie, ruthie and lamont etc, dont cut the mustard. the revs post today is proof of that.”

    Spot on SC.

  90. Is Adam Tomkins still working at Glasgow University or is he full time as a Tory MSP?

  91. Some may recall Dalton Trumbo’s ‘Johhny got his gun’. An incredible book and movie about a soldier, Joe Bonham if memory serves, who loses both legs and arms, and the use of all his senses except touch during WW I, and spends his days, weeks, years, unsuccessfully trying to communicate with his nurses, doctors and Army Personnel.
    The Unionist politicians and our SNP BAD MSM seem to be in the same dilemma.
    They have lost the ability to communicate with the world out side the Unionist Red Blue and Jaundiced Tory Bubble.
    They know that we, the people are out there, if only we’d pay attention. How do they get across to the world that they are still alive?

    Send in Iain Gray and The Queen’s Eleven Murdo Fraser. That’ll do it. Not.
    Iain Gray is an idiot of the first order.
    Yet again he attempts to insult our intelligence with this tosh.
    BTW an immense movie, by the blacklisted Trumbo.

  92. Macart says:

    No, I don’t think the SG would move for an indyref on a brexit vote alone. They would rightly use it as a constitutional issue to ‘trigger’ a move toward a new campaign I reckon, but an indyref will be based on a perfect storm of circumstances IMO.

    If a brexit occurs, it’ll simply be one more broken pledge by better together and HMG to add to all the others acquired so far. One more to add to drooping shoulders, dumped on devolution, poisoned pensions, aggressive austerity and emergent EVEL. Then comes the new Conservative leadership Bojo or Gideon (dependent on EU outcomes). I’d be looking at 2019-21 for the pot to come to the boil.

    Westminster will be Westminster. They can’t help being who and what they are.

  93. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    bobajock @13:52 said:

    This just turned a Labour man I work with into an SNP man.

    Yes, I think we could do with a lot more exchanges like this! The sheer incompetence of SLab in particular, echoed uncritically in the Scottish media. It’s slowly destroying them both, though they’re apparently too obsessed by SNPbaaad to notice.

    One recent letter in The National struck me very forcibly in connection with this. It was in response to something Kevin McKenna had written about media bias during the indyref, to which the writer’s response was that it wasn’t the overt bias that was the problem, it was the 4th Estate’s signal professional failure to do even the most basic of due diligence on what they were uncritically echoing. (We see it happening again now in the EUref campaign.)

    In both cases, whether in Parliament or in the media, it’s the rank incompetence of the Unionists that is slowly telling. You can try lying through your teeth with a full media fanfare behind you, but when you’re caught in the spotlight like Iain Gray’s dazed rabbit, it can all go horribly pear-shaped.

    Glorious! Encore!

  94. Az says:

    What is Iain Gray?

    Genuinely slow, challenged, lacking reasoning and clarity of thought?

    Is he following some tactic, appearing stupid but really trying to confuse his opponent with nonsense?

    Is he extremely lazy, failing to research other than superficially and assuming he knows enough?

    If the latter then it is self-perpetuating; the laziness discouraging better research. And with a healthy dose of stupidity since he is ‘on the telly’ and Youtube etc. The amount of embarrassing belters from this man, yet he has learned nothing. Heehaw.

    Glad Iain Gray is not my MSP. Very sorry for those who find him on their regional list. He should be replaced by a cheeseplant as it only needs watered rather than a salary, and can perform on behalf of constituents to a slightly higher standard, being incapable of contempt.

  95. James Brown says:

    First Minister has Ian Gray for lunch and she will have BoJo for dinner later.

  96. ScottishPsyche says:

    @Scot Finlayson

    I believe he is doing both jobs and on today’s performance it is becoming increasingly clear that he is struggling already.

  97. Legerwood says:

    Scot Finlayson says:
    9 June, 2016 at 5:33 pm
    Is Adam Tomkins still working at Glasgow University or is he full time as a Tory MSP?””

    Part-time at both I believe

  98. Tinto Chiel says:

    So pleased to see the Yoon opposition living down to expectations but it sticks in the craw to see so many no-users who have been rejected by the electorate getting a very large salary with expenses.

    I’m sure the FM will have a field day flaming each of them in turn, which is my only consolation.

    O/T but all part of the mad UKOKian parallel universe we are forced to inhabit: PravdaSound4 tonight attempted to make contact with Richard Neville, editor of the the Dundee Courier, to compare the Scottish Referendum with the EU one. Richard appeared to be talking from the third moon of Jupiter. The nice BBC lady came away with classics like, “I’m sorry, Richard, you’re breaking up!” and, “We seem to be having problems with the line.”

    I used to believe this was just bad luck until I heard Sultan of Sneer El Paxo boast that Newsnight used to deliberately balls up the hand-over to the Scottish opt-out to make BBC Scotland look bad.

    But they love us really.

  99. Inverclyder says:

    Just watched Iain Gray the Fool of Holyrood twice.

    It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.

    The people that voted for him must be very proud that he is the level of representation they get from their elected MSP.

    Hopefully they are already emailing, making appointments to see him and demanding a public meeting so that he can justify his incompetence.

    Surely the only thing this guy can do is resign but he’d only make an Iain Gray of it.

  100. HandandShrimp says:

    That was a Homer Simpsonesque “OK we can spend all day arguing over whose numbers are correct or we could go get a Subway”

    Heavy day at work but that made me smile.

  101. Ruby says:

    It would seem newspapers & the BBC will print any press release even if they are factually wrong!!!
    So far I’ve found the Iain Gray press realease in:


    link to

    Girls snubbing science, warns Labour

    THE HERALD. They have a different headline online to the one they have in the print edition

    link to

    ‘Labour concern over ‘drop in number of girls studying science and computing’ Herald Online headline

    ‘Fewer teenage girls take science subjects’ print edition headline

    THE BBC. They have two articles in the later one has a quote from the SNP.

    link to

    SNP urged to tackle digital skills ‘gap’ in science and computing

    link to

    “But the SNP later said the number of girls studying physics, biology and chemistry had actually increased.

    And it said Labour only counted the old Higher in their figures, excluding the Revised Higher and the new CfE Higher, and had therefore presented a “highly misleading picture of Scottish education”.
    (This story was amended on 9 June, with the fourth and fifth paragraphs added in order to clarify the original story)

  102. Ruby says:

    Not many people watch FMQ they do however read the papers and watch the BBC so the Iain Gray press release has done what it was intended to do.

    There are still a lot of highly unenlightened people in Scotland however the when you do see the light there is no going back.

  103. call me dave says:

    A border line decision for the SG.
    Pretty please? …it’s for the tourists really….Aye right! 🙂

    link to

  104. ScottishPsyche says:

    The whole Iain Gray thing highlights a bigger problem in that SLab have a direct route to print and broadcast media without scrutiny which the SNP do not.

    It was clear during the referendum and last two elections that a constant feed of stories from SLab were being treated as fact when they were no such thing.

    Now that Gray has been challenged on not only the facts, but that he asked a question regarding the very figures he had fed to the BBC, the incestuous corrupt relationship is laid bare.

    Maybe it takes something like the BBC to face a legal challenge regarding due diligence before they start to check stories.

  105. gerry parker says:


    Aye, as long as they fly them at equal heights, or preferrably the saltire higher than the union flag.

  106. mike cassidy says:

    callmedave 7.38

    So they want more visitors to realise they are already in Scotland by replacing the Saltire with the Union Jack.


  107. MerkinScot says:

    Iain who?
    link to

  108. Tam Jardine says:

    Nicola’s finished with the entree but she’s still ravenous. Now for the plat du jour:
    De Pfeffel a l’hypocrisie

  109. Valerie says:

    @Scott Finlayson

    On Twitter, it’s #twojobsTompkins

  110. Valerie says:

    Ooh, that’s unusual, BoJo is the only man with 5 women.

    He kicks off shouting, Take back, take back.

    That EU money is needed for another runway, wars and Joanna Lumleys Garden Bridge!

    Will no one speak up for the poor Londoners having to walk on plantless bridges???

  111. John says:

    Nicola Sturgeon is taking all those puffed up new boys out one by one , with time left over for all the old boys , Ian Gray ,Murdo Fraser , and girls (Jackie Baillie got a taste also), don’t think half of them know who they are dealing with here Have they never watched First Ministers Questions before , the look of bewilderment on their faces when she swats them like flies is hilarious . They will truly be out to get her , especially the Tory Boys !.

  112. Rock says:

    They don’t have to worry.

    Most people, especially unionists, don’t watch what goes on in the parliament.

    Pravda GB and the rest of the media scum will present it as another blow to the SNP.

  113. crazycat says:

    @ Az at 6.00

    Very sorry for those who find him on their regional list

    Amazingly, Iain Gray is not a list MSP. He won a constituency.

    He didn’t need to be foisted on people via a top billing on the list (though he had that as back-up); despite his past performances he gained the votes of enough electors in East Lothian to hang on – with a far larger majority than last time.

    (I blame tactical voting from Tories.)

  114. Wullie says:

    Unionists,aren’t they utterly despicable,whoring for England 24/7/365.they detest the people of Scotland there can be no other reason for their behaviour.

  115. Scott says:

    I noticed on RS tonight there was no mention of FMQs why was that I wonder did Sally get told on no account bring the Gray man up or Bull rider Ruthie we can forget about Dugdoll.

  116. ronnie anderson says:

    @ call me dave 7.38 Ah could design ah flag fur that clowns proposal TWA BIG FINGERS

  117. heedtracker says:

    Scott says:
    9 June, 2016 at 8:38 pm
    I noticed on RS tonight there was no mention of FMQs why was that

    Because BBC SNP bad Scotland is run by this level of corruption, great British corruption, therefore its impartial, unbiased and neutral. They must be, they say they are.

    sarah smith ?@BBCsarahsmith 31m
    Nicola Sturgeon is managing to get an anti Tory jibe into every answer. Maybe to compensate for “sharing a platform” with Tory & Labour MP?

  118. yesindyref2 says:

    Well, Angela Eagle is incredibly annoying and losing the debate. Brois is doing very well, turning Sturgeon’s criticism of the project fear against the remain campaign, but has got all the mileage out of it he can. He needs to leave it be second half. My verdict half time score, leave 1, remain 0.

  119. Joe Coutts says:

    The ITV debate with Julie E is miles ahead of anything the BBC does in the debate arena.

  120. yesindyref2 says:

    Oh yes, Gisela Stewart the best performer, but Boris’s point about NHS nurses from Pakistan, Australia and the EU preventing enough of them, very interesting, and unchallenged. If it’s more the EU restricting immigration from outside the EU than the UK, it’s a strong argument for Leave.

  121. Grouse Beater says:

    People such as Tomkins don’t ‘go it alone’.

    They are not possessed of a driven sense of justice.

    They don’t take on an entire nation as a lonely pursuit because they’re filled with righteous indignation, or even a sense of political morality.

    They do it because they are told they will be rewarded, and in the meantime given full support by those who prefer to stay out of sight.

    The also-rans, the apolitical – for that’s what a Tory is – carry out their instructions, their mission, after comforting conversations on strategy, timing, and agenda, and of course, knowing someone will cover their expenses. But it isn’t free money; it’s not a grant for research. It’s an advance payment for achievement. Fail and there’s payback.

    Dutch courage is fragile. If he doesn’t succeed in his allotted task to the level expected by those who support him they’ll get vicious and drop him in an instant, abandoned.

    That’s the risk Tompkins runs associating with Loyalist pals.

    It’s high stakes, a sweaty palms risk; and it’s invariably demeaning, sucking up to whomsoever calls the tune and cuts the cheque; playing the servant to another’s master.

    If he fails, as Tompkins will because he is too ambitious to realise he is vulnerable, not ruthless enough, nor wealthier than his backers, he loses everything, friends, supporters, financial clout. He becomes Yesterday’s Man.

    Then comes the inevitable stiff upper lip routine: “I’m resigning to spend more time with my family, koi carp, pet ferrets, rearing alpacas … (delete as necessary).

    That’s the moment Tompkins and his like look back and see nothing, not a single thing accomplished. Zilch. All they have to show is a chunk of their lives squandered.

    What we have to insure is, no innocent citizen becomes collateral damage on his journey to Hades south.

  122. call me dave says:

    Coo! Some nice people on WoS twitter was there a stone that was upturned somewhere darn Sarf?

    Gave up on the STV player kept losing the stream. 🙁

  123. yesindyref2 says:

    Forgot to say Rudd was useless, she starts off “Little ENgland” about Leave – then talks about English, and had to correct herslef. Sturgeon not good first half, hampereed by the other two I think. But hey, I think Sturgeon has realised that and is now, at last, going head to head with Boris. The second half is on – and needs to be, remain is losing so far.

  124. Iain Gray is no’ right in the heid.

  125. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    O/T, re tonight’s EU debate. I started doing an informal word count from the Leave side of “(un)control(led)” and “immigration”, and they were coming in thick and fast, several per minute. The insecurity of the yoon ultras made manifest. And that Leave woman in the red dress had the barefaced nerve to accuse the Remain side of scaremongering!

    It’s a giant con. Leave are selling this fantasy of “control” yet by their own admission they want a trade deal that will keep us in exactly the same place as now but without any say whatever on any of the decisions that are taken. That’s a wierd notion of “control”. More the logic of the madhouse, in fact. Someone really needs to challenge Leave more on that.

  126. Broch Landers says:

    By jove! That was entertaining.

  127. heedtracker says:

    Bojo says Sturgeon keener to be ruled by Brussels than us. Is this why maybe?

    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Richard Wright ?@winky_84 1h1 hour ago
    Nicola Sturgeon the champagne socialist. Fuck off back to your jock mansion and worry about the poor in front of your open fire #ITVEURef
    6 retweets 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Dale Nicholls ?@DaleTheGreatx 1h1 hour ago
    Nicola sturgeon fuck off. Secondly if you vote to stay in your a deluded coward.
    3 retweets 0 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    C ?@CliveEboue 1h1 hour ago
    I hate Nicola Sturgeon almost as much as I hate Andy Murrays Mum fuck off you sweaty socks
    6 retweets 0 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Christopher billings ?@24_billings 1h1 hour ago Linton, England
    Why don’t Nicola Sturgeon fuck off back to Scotland and take all the migrant bastards with her.#ITVEURef
    8 retweets 0 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Afs ?@afiXO_ 1h1 hour ago
    Blud I’m gna FUCK Nicola sturgeon up SHES SO DUMB
    1 retweet 0 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Sam Malone ?@SamMaloneee 1h1 hour ago
    Nicola sturgeon fuck off you slag
    5 retweets 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Gallowhill Loyal ?@GallowhillLoyal 57m57 minutes ago
    Fuck Nicola Sturgeon
    3 retweets 5 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    James ?@SaintPhoeniix 54m54 minutes ago
    If Scotland is so incredible and England is so awful, why doesn’t Nicola Sturgeon fuck off back there and shut the fuck up
    4 retweets 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    sophie ?@SophieGooders 50m50 minutes ago
    Nicola Sturgeon is the biggest joke to politics, fuck back off to Scotland ya daft cow
    2 retweets 0 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Ross ?@rosso0o 44m44 minutes ago
    Nicola Sturgeon should fuck off back North of the wall
    1 retweet 2 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Horrible Cunt ?@nastykunt 43m43 minutes ago
    Nicola sturgeon what the fuck are you talking about you useles jock mug
    1 retweet 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    charles ?@reedmancharlie 39m39 minutes ago
    nicola sturgeon is a wanker fuck of back to Scotland
    1 retweet 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    BURNPHASE ?@BURN_PHASE 38m38 minutes ago
    Nicola Sturgeon you hypocritical gusset stain. Your opinion counts for exactly fuck all #itvdebate #Brexit #ITVEURef
    5 retweets 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Russkiii ?@M_Russell21 38m38 minutes ago Hillingdon, London
    Nicola Sturgeon get in the sea and fuck off, ahhhh I hate her!!!
    1 retweet 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Leigh ?@Leighlouxx 38m38 minutes ago
    Oh fuck off Nicola Sturgeon ??#ITVEURef
    1 retweet 2 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    BRUNO #JFT96 ?@Bruno_JFT96 36m36 minutes ago
    Nicola Sturgeon is one ignorant cow,fuck up and let people speak #Fuckingcrow
    1 retweet 0 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    JMB ?@joey9baker 33m33 minutes ago
    Nicola sturgeon fuck off ya bint
    She’s the type that doesn’t have sex with her husband
    1 retweet 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Rob Harrison ?@ROBBZY88 32m32 minutes ago
    I really wish that mouthy cow Nicola Sturgeon would set an example for the #VoteRemain people and fuck off to another EU country #VoteLeave
    2 retweets 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Brad Bryant ?@BradBryantx 30m30 minutes ago
    Fuck Nicola Sturgeon the whiny old bag
    1 retweet 0 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Brad ?@bradslife81 28m28 minutes ago
    Feel sorry for the poor husband of Nicola Sturgeon. She don’t shut up and fuck me she’s proper pig ugly. Anoying fucking troll.
    2 retweets 1 like
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Shanai Norton ?@shanainorton 24m24 minutes ago
    Oh fuck off nicola sturgeon. What a fuckwit. And seriously the out campaign is answering and the in is just attacking boris ? #ITVDebate
    2 retweets 2 likes
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    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Luis Sollitt ?@sollitt_luis 21m21 minutes ago
    Nicola sturgeon pack your bags and fuck off back to Scotland
    3 retweets 1 like
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    Like 1

  128. Effijy says:

    English Audience in the debate has an obvious dislike of Nicola. No wonder with the constant drip drip drip of propaganda from every pore of UK media.

    You can fool most people most of the time.
    The living proof is called Tory England.

  129. Ken500 says:

    Nicola should tell them Scotland will keep them in.

  130. heedtracker says:

    Sorry about length of that tweets of English love for Scots and Sturgeon post. Its just the tip of the Bettertogether iceberg online tonight though.

    Scott Arthur ?@DrScottThinks 1h1 hour ago
    It’s good to have genuine left-wing politicians on both sides of the ITV debate.

    Nicola Sturgeon is there too.

  131. yesindyref2 says:

    It was good to see both remain and leave have a go at Sturgeon for the member of EU and independence thing. The body language of the two other remain women towards Sturgeon is fascinating. Sweaty Jocks, indeed.

  132. heedtracker says:

    Effijy says:
    9 June, 2016 at 9:37 pm
    English Audience in the debate has an obvious dislike of Nicola. No wonder with the constant drip drip drip of propaganda from every pore of UK media.

    You can fool most people most of the time.
    The living proof is called Tory England.

    Whether or not its tory England, the fact is English people consider Scotland their extremely valuable possession.

    They see Scottish independence as losing half their country. They all think that and yes, that;s hyperbole but even so, losing half their country really angers them. They could end up like Belgium, Portugal or Holland, when they used to own half the planet for gawds sake. Is it a coincidence that all of these countries are better at football too?

  133. Ken500 says:

    There will be a few uncomplimentary tweets about Boris Johnston. The dope on a rope.

  134. yesindyref2 says:

    Sturgeon of course is making the case for independent countries in the EU, tackling the argument about a YES vote for Indy in the EU being under Brussels, so not independent.

    Yes, that Julie was excellent. Kept them all under control.

    I agree with some other poster, there were a few anti-Scottish Indy sniggers in the audience.

  135. Valerie says:


    I agree, the audience were sullenly quiet, and not applauding Nicola, but I thought it got a bit better towards the end.

    A lot of shite being talked by the Brexiteers. Gisela Stuart – I’m an immigrant,but don’t let any more in.

    How those that want to leave can’t see that the EU will just gear up for one almighty clusterfck if the UK leaves, must be completely deluded.

    How the Brexiteers have the nerve to talk about the NHS is beyond me. It’s been getting dismantled for the last 7 years.

  136. heedtracker says:

    Cant argue with this tweetster.

    Our problem is why just enough Scots thought this was the best way to run Scotland Sept 2014, or did they. Will the EU gerrymander their EU ref with a UKOK style The Vow shyste? Daily Record hold historic The Vow copyright though. Its probably the greatest fraud in modern political history because

    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted
    Richard Wright ?@winky_84 2h2 hours ago
    Sturgeon can’t help mentioning Scotland. No one is arsed. All the British power is in England and always will be.

  137. Callum says:

    We made a big strategic error during indyref. We should’ve concentrated on an independent England #Englindyref – because the arithmetic of any democratic vote in this union is all about England for no other reason than sheer population of numbers.

  138. Onwards says:

    “Whether or not its tory England, the fact is English people consider Scotland their extremely valuable possession.

    They see Scottish independence as losing half their country. They all think that and yes, that;s hyperbole but even so, losing half their country really angers them.”

    I think there’s a lot of truth in that.
    Many really do just view the UK as a greater England.

  139. schrodingers cat says:

    Latest full SCOTLAND EUref poll from TNS-BMRB

    71(+1)% Remain / 29(-1%) Leave ex DK.

  140. Dr Jim says:

    I think the FM accomplished the job she went down there to do On balance more English people hate us even more now so a stronger vote leave looks likely

    It just shows you exactly how small minded England actually is and she played them like a violin

    Let’s just say she took one for the team there
    And they’ll be wishing now they’d never asked her (Crafty)

  141. Papadox says:

    Scots are not welcome when Engerland is discussing Engerland’s future or anything else of importance.
    It is nothing to do with the hired help or serfs. Can people really not see that the Engerlish are being turned against Scotland. It’s called propaganda.

  142. Petra says:

    Just watching the EU debate. Wee Davie didn’t come to Scotland to debate with Alex Salmond prior to the Indyref because he said it was a Scottish Affair, even although he butt his neb in at every turn. Cocky Cameron, Tory, sent Dafty Darling, Labour, to do his dirty work for him.

    Now they’re having what’s said to be the most crucial debate prior to the Brexit vote and eh! Where’s Davie?

    @ heedtracker says at 9:31 pm …. ”Bojo says Sturgeon keener to be ruled by Brussels than us. Is this why maybe?”

    Maybe it’s because the EU hasn’t dumped Trident on us and forced our boys to go to War (2 of MANY examples).

    Thanks (?) for the list HT. I wonder if they’re Leave supporters? I hope they are and if they get their way they’ll be left to roam around, cursing and swearing, a wee depleted nonenity of a country …. England …. no EU and no Scotland. They come across as a real crowd of morons. Let them stew in their ain juice.

  143. Chic McGregor says:

    OT but would like opinions.

    Today I got my 200 Wee Black Books.


    Should they be put out before the EUref?


    Should they be held till after?

    My feeling is the latter.

  144. heedtracker says:

    ITV news lady says Brexit wont affect EU workers rights because unlikely to change them. ITV lady has bright future at tory BBC. One of the main drivers for tory led Brexit is getting shot of all EU workers rights.

    Socialist workers Blair and Brown ensured UK has opt out of EU work time directive, because they are not the red tories you see.

  145. yesindyref2 says:

    Thing is, semantically they talk about a £350 million a week figure on the leave bus, well, the evidence of my eyes says that the slogan is £50 million a day, not £350 million a week. So nobody is capable of reporting fact, only interpretation.

    Secondly leave say “send £50 million a day”, but it’s not quite true, not in the mechanics of it. But the figure of the UK’s gross contribution IS £50 million a day, it’s the rebate takes it down, and mechanically only £30 million a day goes to Brussels. So the argument is semantics.

    Boris said it’s £350 million a week the UK doesn’t have control over, that’s absolutely correct, the reduced figure of £250 million is because of the negotiated rebate.

    It shows to me that even when ITV’s “geeks” try their best to be impartial, they fail. Just like happened with the Indy Ref. There’s an in-built “institutional bias”.

  146. Thepnr says:

    @Chic McGregor

    Hello Chic, I am of the same opinion as you.

    The Wee Black Book is not a tool to be used in the EU Referendum but at a time of our choosing in relation to Scottish Independence.

    I will only give one of mine to those that are swithering.

  147. manandboy says:

    Britain’s bread is buttered in Brussels
    but the jam comes from Scotland.

    Will the vote on June 23rd bear this out?

  148. Thepnr says:

    Oh and by the way.

    Nicola Sturgeon in some eyes may not have made the best contribution to tonights debate on the EU. What she did do though was make the best case for remaining in the EU from a Scottish perspecetive.

    I have always liked her, I admire her even more no. She represents us that made her First Minister. Take a clap on the back Nicola.

  149. Thepnr says:

    Oh and by the way.

    Nicola Sturgeon in some eyes may not have made the best contribution to tonights debate on the EU. What she did do though was make the best case for remaining in the EU from a Scottish perspecetive.

    I have always liked her, I admire her even more now. She represents us that made her First Minister. Take a clap on the back Nicola.

  150. Dr Jim says:


    The ITV woman’s name is Allegra Stratton

    With a name like that you’re not likely to have been born wae a widden spoon in yer gub

  151. Gfaetheblock says:

    Odd to see Sturgeon sharing a platform with tory and labour. Remain is an awfully big tent!

  152. Thepnr says:


    Glad to see you posting again. I’ve missed your wise comments 🙂

  153. ScottishPsyche says:

    What a strange debate. I’m glad Nicola was brave enough to take part but the hostility was palpable.

    It really is as if we have no right to any opinion on the UK as a whole.

    It is bizarre that people cannot understand that you can have a different opinion as to which union you want to belong to.

    As for the misogynistic comments on social media…

  154. HandandShrimp says:

    If it comes to pass…Lurkio….that the vote in Scotland is 71% for Remain and it is an overall Out vote we will be in deep uncharted water.

  155. yesindyref2 says:

    The debate about sovereignty was great, grist to the mill for Indy. That’s where both leave and remain help make the case for Indy for Scotland, one wanting sovereignty from the EU, the other side explaining that the UK has sovereignty within the EU, but works together as Independent Nations. Every one a winner.

  156. Gary45% says:

    I think when Ian Gray hid in Subway, he was actually in for a job interview.
    Obviously they told him to F*CK OFF.
    methinks (Not bright enough)

  157. heedtracker says:

    Dr Jim says:
    9 June, 2016 at 10:36 pm

    The ITV woman’s name is Allegra Stratton

    With a name like that you’re not likely to have been born wae a widden spoon in yer gub

    Fair enough ITV’s just as tory mental as the BBC but she’s got some front coming out with that crap tonight. Red and Blue toryboy world will destroy workers rights as soon UKOK possible, if only because that’s what their bosses want, to get as far as away from the EU for. Or as Bojo keeps saying, take back control.

    Its going to be the coup of the millennium, if England is stupid enough to vote toryboy out.

  158. One_Scot says:

    Judging by the amount of abuse Nicola Sturgeon is taking on Twitter, it looks like the Yoons south of the border are going to vote ‘Out’ just to try and annoy her.

  159. DerekM says:

    Well i think that EU debate was guff glad its all over,smart move by the brexiters to get Nicola down in the shires they knew fine it would create more hate and fear.

    Though Nicola even if looking a tad uncomfortable being surrounded by the enemy(cant blame her even her own debating team didnt want her there)scored a few points for bonnie Scotland in what was a pointless exercise.

    Though i imagine Hameron and wee creepy Gideon will not be to pleased,what a shame.

    The red tories are going to try and spin the tartan tory shared a platform with the tories routine in a desperate attempt to gain back some credibility for indyref1 no laughing at the back lol

  160. Effijy says:

    heedtracker says:

    9 June, 2016 at 10:23 pm

    ITV news lady says Brexit wont affect EU workers rights because unlikely to change them. ITV lady has bright future at tory BBC. One of the main drivers for tory led Brexit is getting shot of all EU workers rights.

    I spotted that too.
    Maggie Thatcher, the longest serving uk prime minister in my life time, Tore Up, Shot, Destroyed and Buried workers rights and jobs. Didn’t seem to do her career much harm.
    Just another new BBC propaganda Tory mouthpiece at work.

  161. Ian Brotherhood says:

    If the bookies are right, it’s not as knife-edge as some folk are making out.

    Basically, 3/1 for exit, 1/3 remain.

    Pretty stark, and consistently so across all online bookies:

    link to

  162. Petra says:

    Some in the audience may not have been exactly pro-Nicola but who knows her valid contribution may have made a positive difference for those watching at home, especially as they know (if they do?) that Brexit could trigger Indyref2. She’s also one gutsy lady. How many English politicians would come North to take part in such a debate?

  163. heedtracker says:

    I spotted that too.
    Maggie Thatcher, the longest serving uk prime minister in my life time, Tore Up, Shot, Destroyed and Buried workers rights and jobs. Didn’t seem to do her career much harm.
    Just another new BBC propaganda Tory mouthpiece at work.

    You cant even gamble with Westminster, red or blue tory. They are not the government of Norway. They never will be the Red or blue UKOK tory will savage the living shit out of EU workers rights, from maternity leave to pensions, union rights, health care. It’ll be a blood bath which ever type of tory gets voted in, with a quarter of the English vote.

    And then, when they’ve done their worst, they’ll take their reward at the Lords, just like Lords Flipper, Robertson and so on. Its why its there.

  164. Effijy says:

    The new BBC Tory started out life in a nice wee rich peoples school that was founded in 1624.
    That is the year and not the time they stopped work. lol

    Later on to Rich Tory Strong Hold Cambridge University.

    Allegra Stratton is married to James Forsyth, political editor of The Spectator magazine.

    Anyone surprised that she is not for giving the working classes clear sight of UK Media and Political corruption?

    PS Looked like a nice day out for former Red and Blue Tory
    Prime Ministers in N Ireland.
    So much in common, both fooled the electorate for years, became filthy rich on the back of it, had the same right wing policies, and both severely damaged the UK economy.

    Major & Blair, Osborne and Balls, Cameron and Khan, they are all on the road in pairs working toward the greater good of themselves and their paymasters.

  165. geeo says:

    EU debate was fun imo.

    Amber Rudd utterly destroyed any notion of repairable post referendum Tory party.

    Nicola, again in my opinion, kept the other 2 ‘remain’ panel members at arms length, despite having a shared aim to remain.

    She certainly cannot be accused of sticking up for the tories on this issue.

    Her attacks on Boris and the tories being responsible for austerity, were also an attack on Amber Rudd.

    Hardly chums !
    Meanwhile on QT…..

    Jesus christ….what a fucking shambles Question Time is tonight.

    Eddie Izzard allowed to screech in farage’s face with dimbleby allowing it to happen.

    It took an audience member to scream “SHUT UP” !!!

    Still not improving, this programme just gets worse and worse.

    Now we have a panellist claiming Scotland will not leave in the event of a ‘brexit’ because…..”they cannot afford it” !!

  166. Lollysmum says:

    I thought Nicola didn’t look too well at the start of the EU ref debate tonight

  167. ScottishPsyche says:

    Eddie Izzard being very strange on QT tonight – childishly interrupting and attention seeking. Also displaying a rather superficial grasp of the arguments.

    Supposedly he wants to enter politics full-time?

    Farage getting attacked on all sides.

  168. Valerie says:

    QT tonight, the lunatics have taken over.

    Eddie Angry Izzard requires a strait jacket.

    Dimblebum should be put out to grass, a waste of space.

    Izzard is manic, now calling Farage a little Englander, and saying Scotland will pick its time and leave if Brexit.

  169. Valerie says:

    Sneering Allison Pearson, a Brexiteer, saying Scotland won’t leave, they can’t afford it, because of the fall in oil.

  170. Ghillie says:

    You’d think by now they would have learned to do their homework.


    But entertaining = )

  171. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @geeo –


    Looking forward to highlights of QT then…sounds like music-hall isn’t dead after all.

    Izzard vs Farage.


    People would pay good money to see that pair having a proper freestyle rap battle…wait, oh, it’s on the BBC?

    Worth every penny!

  172. Capella says:

    Any links to that debate?

  173. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Izzard could challenge Farage to run a half-marathon, and Farage could challenge Izzard to drink five pints and smoke a packet of Woodbine.

    Then Dimbleby tosses a coin to see which they do first.


  174. heedtracker says:

    Meanwhile on QT…..

    Jesus christ….what a fucking shambles Question Time is tonight.

    Certainly got the English going. Didn’t you enjoy watching lots of English people tell us there will be no Scottish independence, its all over, stop worrying, supports dropping, vote dropping? Well done tactical Green voting by the way.

    “Its all about England, English, English, I mean British, UK I mean” said a Farage audience voter:D

  175. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Don’t forget – at midnight it’ll be Phil The Greek’s birthday.

    95 today!


  176. Valerie says:


    What was that sycophantic Farage groupie like? It was cringeworthy fawning.

    Nigel Farage is an English gentleman, she said pointedly looking at Izzard.

  177. Tam Jardine says:

    Catching the much maligned Braveheart on Film 4. I suppose the surprising thing is that the action of the film focuses on such a brief few years in the struggle of Scotland to resist her oppressor.

    250 years on and still them came- the psychopath Henry VIII sent an army north to commit genocide and burnt most of the villages, towns, castles, monasteries in Fife, the Lothians and Borders including burning my own Leith. If anyone spoke of it now they would call it ethnic cleansing.

    Another 150 years and they helped sink our attempts to create a trading colony in Panama and then bribed parliamentarians to ensnare us for the next 300 years.

    And now, over 700 years after Bannockburn we are still beset with this imperialist neighbour telling us what we can and cannot do.

  178. Valerie says:

    The screaming clamour from the panel was so bad, I thought old Dumbledore was going to faint, he couldn’t get a grip of it.

    I think that’s why the audience member screamed shut up. Probably a paramedic on their night off.

  179. Still Positive. says:

    That was the angriest QT I have ever seen – and that was just the panel.

    Plenty Little Englanders in the audience but they are blaming the EU and not the Tory government who are not investing in the NHS, Housing and Schools.

    As for Nicola in the EU debate – mixed feelings. She is an excellent ambassador for Scotland but a lot of English hate her in spite of her having an English granny.

    If her appearance hastens Scottish independence, especially by the English, then she played it well. Robert Peston seems to like her performance tonight.

  180. Chic McGregor says:

    Thanks Thepnr

    What I thought. Best to hold on to them just now.

  181. geeo says:

    I think Nicola was immense.

    Cool calm and collected all the way through, brilliantly reminding the audience that Austerity was NOT caused by the EU, but was actually caused by the Tories as a CHOICE, not a neccessity.

    A well aimed jibe at Amber Rudd as well, in case folk thought she was “campaigning with the tories”..

    “I would not trust Boris Johnston as far as i could throw Boris Johnston”….brilliant !

    For me however, the clear story from this debate is the fact that the chasm between the factions of the tory party are well beyond repair post referendum, whatever the result is.

    Amber Rudd really went after Boris with heartfelt vitriol, and if that depth of resentment runs throughout the tory party, then it is surely going to be all but impossible for this tory government to run for another 4 years, and this is before the election fraud allegations are factored in.

    Fun times ahead, those popcorn shares i bought pre indyref are providing a comfortable dividend, thats for sure…haha

  182. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Any alien viewing the current debates would have a hard job working-out overall feeling in the UK overall.

    It’s impossible to ignore the importance of the Scottish vote on Brexit if you look at the bookies’ current offerings, and ‘bookies’ are the closest thing we have to ‘aliens’ when it comes to viewing anything dispassionately:

    Scotland to vote to remain 1/40
    Scotland to vote to leave 16/1

    link to

  183. Onwards says:

    Jeez, just watched that QT episode.
    Eddie Izzard was annoying as hell and actually managed to make Nigel Farage come across as reasonable.

    To be honest I think tonight’s TV might have been a good night for Leave unfortunately. Nicola was good, but the audience seemed to be with Leave. I wonder if the anti-Tory comments could have alienated potential Tory STAY voters in England ?
    Perhaps she was trying to sway undecided Labour voters.

    The 3 Leave speakers managed to crowbar their “TAKE BACK CONTROL” slogan into every single answer. Over and over again. Maybe we should borrow it for the next Scottish referendum.

  184. Petra says:

    @ Valerie at 12:09am …. “The screaming clamour from the panel was so bad.”

    Can you imagine the sound of the screaming clamour on the 24th of this month when the result is known? Their screams will be heard half way round the World. England is going to be some divided country following the Brexit vote, people and political partys, and I don’t see it ever recover.

    I reckon Leave will win followed by us ‘Leaving’ shortly thereafter.

  185. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Onwards @ 01:01 said:

    The 3 Leave speakers managed to crowbar their “TAKE BACK CONTROL” slogan into every single answer. Over and over again. Maybe we should borrow it for the next Scottish referendum.

    Yes, I had noticed too (see earlier posting).

    I agree, it would make a very good slogan to keep hammering on about for Scottish indy. Because that’s what it’s fundamentally about. (With the wisdom of retrospection it’s a pity we hadn’t done something as simple as that in 2014, instead of all the complex stuff that just turns most ordinary people off.)

    In the case of Brexit, though, it’s something else entirely. A total cynical con.

  186. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Hypothetical –

    If, at some point in the next fortnight, Our Gracious Majesty happens to be filmed whilst gliding effortlessly from one of her interminable public engagements, and Big Hairy Mike picks-up her saying ‘I hope my loyal subjects will think very carefully about this Brexit malarkey’…

    WTF are ‘loyalists’ supposed to think?

    What result does The British State want?

  187. Iain More says:

    I didn’t watch any of tonight’s EU musings. I feel very relaxed. The small minded little Englanders wound up by a section of the Eton/Oxford toffs will vote for Brexit. They will be victims of their own nasty propaganda.

    Oh and who thought sending Osborne up to Scotland was a good idea as that would only drive potential Stay voters into the Leave camp. I think the so called Stronger in EU camp is well infiltrated by Leave. Dumb move!

    Whatever the result we are fucked!

  188. dakk says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    9 June, 2016 at 11:10 pm
    If the bookies are right, it’s not as knife-edge as some folk are making out.

    Basically, 3/1 for exit, 1/3 remain.

    I’ve never believed for a second the English people were any stronger than the Scots in the face of Establishment Project Fear 2.

    The dont knows will crap it and give a 60/40 remain vote or I’m Dutch.

  189. Dr Jim says:

    Is it just me seeing this
    The FM did and outstanding job of walking the fine tightrope between making the English hate her enough to vote LEAVE by once again having this upstart Scottish woman informing them of her opinion, which she has no right to voice in Englands Referendum
    While making them THINK she wanted them to vote REMAIN
    causing them to do exactly what I think the plan was all along Vote LEAVE to spite the Scots

    Definitely tricky, but nicely done

    If it works we’re heading for Indy Ref2 almost immediately
    because the whole remain side including ex prime ministers have told the English that’s what will happen on LEAVE

    The whole EU Referendum in England is about hating Immigrants, and Money, and the Westminster politicos have demonised Scotland about England giving us too much of their money

    So the FM goes on English telly and tells them Scotland wants immigrants we love them, and the Conservative party they voted for are all scumbags and we hate them

    She just insulted the whole of England in exactly the same way they insult us, except they won’t even see it they’ll hopefully just rush out and vote LEAVE out of bitterness

    All we have to do in Scotland is a massive vote Remain and everything will be Shiny

  190. Greannach says:

    When Ian Grey was a local headmaster or whatever, he was probably a big fish in a wee pond. A Major Thinker. An obvious candidate for the Labour Party’s intellectual wing. Then he left the school and showed the world he’s just a bit of a knob. Stick to impressing 11 year olds with your wisdom, Ian.

  191. Capella says:

    Found a link to the EU debate and sat through the whole 2 hrs.
    link to

    Nicola shone through bright and clear, I thought. But Boris…oh dear, he really is a disaster not waiting to happen. Nobody is going to be swayed one way or another by this type of TV show. But it does seem to highlight the relative integrity of the protagonists. Glad it’s out of the way.

  192. Al-Stuart says:

    Regarding the racial abuse from someone with the social media ID of @CliveEboue…

    I hate Nicola Sturgeon almost as much as I hate Andy Murrays Mum fuck off you sweaty socks

    Source: link to

    Is it not time that an organisation was set up to legally pursue these people? My acid test here as to whether an anti-Scottish racial abuse is actionable is to replace the nationality with an alternate that illuminates how abusive right minded people may see it via an alternate lens. For EXAMPLE, if “Clive Eboue” were to publish…

    “I hate Barak Obama almost as much as I hate Muhammed Alis Mum fuck off you dirty Muslims”

    Or @CliveEboue writing…

    “I hate Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh almost as much as I hate Sadiq Khans Mum fuck off you curry munching Paki”

    Even @CliveEboue writing…

    “I hate Benjamin Netanyahu almost as much as I hate Dustin Hoffmans Mum fuck off you big nosed jewish yids.”

    I suspect if “Clive Eboue” had uttered any of the latter three racial hate speeches, then none of the people offended would be getting all “hormonal” as he @CliveEboue puts it ( link to ).

    No, I think it more likely this all too typical racist idiot, who believes he has immunity for his type of freedom of speech, would, at least in the three clearer examples, find himself arrested for infracting one of several laws.

    So here is my point. The police would be overloaded with the excrement these idiots shovel like manure onto social media.

    So what is preventing us, here at WoS from establishing a dedicated group to challenge these witless wonders?

    If we learn from Alistair Carmichael’s trial that proving a criminal case (99% burden of proof) is a lot harder than a civil writ (51% balance of probability), then with a modest crowdfunder, we could start a group for the purposes of issuing Civil Court actions against a sample of these anti-Scottish racists. Thereby firing a warning shot across some of the relentless hate quotes that infect Twitter and Facebook.

    As a former law officer myself, I believe this is entirely possible. The cretin @CliveEboue has already indicated he lived at Park Street, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 1RR in November 2011. Locating his true identity and a current service address is relatively easy.

    The cost of issuing a Civil Action at a Scottish Court can be as little as £18 to £73. Plus a couple of hours completing the forms and collating sufficient evidence etc.

    Persuading a Scottish judge to hear the case in a Scottish Court is a little more of a challenge, but stands a good chance.

    Apart from the main issue of alleged racial hate abuse, an unintended consequence may also arise…

    Would a civil action against this yob and his ilk cause a backlash that would be unhelpful to Scotland, or the opposite.

    Anyone on this thread have a view?

    If nothing else, it would be interesting having @CliveEboue served with a writ. Which, by the way, could carry an arrest warrant if he ignored it.

    Maybe worth having a debate about this festering hate and anti-Scots racist problem.

  193. Dr Jim says:


    Even if you won every case Al who’d report it, not Scotland’s media that’s for sure, it’s only a victory if people know about it

    Unfortunately I think it’s the tree in the forest

    That’s North Kore… I mean Scotland for you

  194. Capella says:

    @ Al-Stuart
    I never read abusive tweets or facebook hate speech. So I wonder how effective it would be for anyone other than the victim to pursue a case?

    Certainly the language cited above is offensive. But the abusers seem pathetic rather than threatening, brimming with futile rage. Ridicule might be a better antidote. I wouldn’t want to have to dwell on that vitriol on a daily basis.

  195. QT from Kent, in the SE overbloated Home Counties where they are beginning to devour each other for space and income.
    A farce of a programme at the best of times, this Little England rant plumbed new depths of English xenophobia.
    Scotland of course is too poor, to be an independent state in Europe, of course.
    Again they slag us off while we’re not in the room, using our TV licence money to get their anti Scottish diatribe across.
    Eddie Izzard taking credit for the No vote?
    I seem to recall him and Murphy receiving short shrift on their walkabout.Was he high on something tonight; or was it just adrenalin and a bad hair day?

    And yer woman’s ‘English’ culture under threat from the body of the kirk?
    Sorry,’British’, she corrected herself, realising that she was on UK TV, not in the lounge of her village pub in Merrie England wolfing down the traditional Sunday lunch of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.

    Roll on the 24th, when we can concentrate on reality Up Here, not the fantasy world of Middle England’s village greens.
    It really is getting very nasty and racist.

  196. Bugger (le Panda) says:

    Iain Gray…

    The lack of neurones in sLabour in Holyrood is laid out daily for our delectation, but never reported publically.

    I wonder if their restricted gene pool in Holyrood is so bad that aspirant careerist Yoonie Grads are giving it a body swerve so that the Spads, researchers and drones are just failed schoolkids?

    Either that or Duncan Horsefeathers is doing it all, himself and on his own.

    That actually could be the case.

  197. Bugger (le Panda) says:

    Greannach says:
    10 June, 2016 at 1:41 am

    “When Ian Grey was a local headmaster or whatever, he was probably a big fish in a wee pond.”

    Iain Gray is a minnow in a shallow gene pool.

  198. Dorothy Devine says:

    Just watched some of QT on I- player – Izzard is a boring prat.

    Chris grayling gave a lovely speech on independence about halfway through and Niggle Farage made disparaging remarks about Scotland towards the end – all in all I wish I hadn’t bothered.

    As or the EU debate the 40 second rule irritated me before it even got going , and why the chairperson thought to interrupt mid sentence because of it irritated even more – I gave up halfway through and have no intention of playing catch up.

  199. Macart says:

    @Dr Jim

    No, not just you.

    I reckon the job wasn’t about winning an argument, but not losing one. 😉

  200. Ken500 says:

    Osbourne has deliberately ruined the Oil & Gas industry with high taxes, 60/80%. Now 40% tax. The migrant crisis in Europe is caused by Westminster. Illegal wars. The rest of Europe have to sort out the problems.

    Scotland will keep the UK in the EU.

    Support for Independence is rising in Scotland.

    If Scotland had voted YES. The rest of the UK could have voted NO to EU.


    Scotland would be £10Billion+ better off. No Trident/illegal wars, a tax on ‘loss leading’ alcohol, no repayments on debts Scotland doesn’t borrow or spend, £4Billion+ Oil revenues, £3Billion? non tax evasion evasion. Westminster gross mismanagement of the UK Economy.

  201. Brian Powell says:

    If the UK votes out will the Orkney and Shetland LibDems, as committed Europhiles, campaign to leave the UK and join the EU, I wonder?

  202. Sorry I was distracted and lost my train of thought yesterday when a female member of the public was telling me all about the problems with her college course.
    I ran out of time before I could make any ammendments to the text of my post @ 9 June, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    What I was pointing out is the release of dodgy figures by Ian Gray to the media is the continuation of Labour’s continued attempts to do what it can to undermine the Scottish Government’s record on education and therefore failing pupils.

    While children should be leaving school well educated and be proficient in the skills of reading writing and maths, I wonder if what we are seeing in the education system today, is what my former headmaster the late Robert F MacKenzie was against, and that is turning our schools into exam passing

    Like most of those at my school in the 60s who came from a poor working class background, I had no intention nor interest in sitting O grades, going to college or university and nothing on earth would have induced me to do so, all I wanted to do was leave school and get a job.

    One of my work mates had eleven O grades and he was
    reduced to doing labouring work alongside me because every job he applied for he was told he was over qualified.

  203. schrodingers cat says:

    Brian Powell

    rennie has said, if brexit he will campaign for scotland to stay in the uk, regardless of the wishes of the scots

  204. Robert Peffers says:


    I’m nearly wetting myself laughing this morning. The Radio Scotland travel reporter lady is reporting about, “The HADagain roundabout”.

    You really couldn’t make it up. It is one thing getting road signs to display the Gaelic translations but this numptie is doing her own wrong translation from the Doric into, what she fondly imagines, is the English translation of, “Haudagain”, as, “Had Again”.

    Lallans Scots is the language of lowland Scotland. Like standard English, it too is descended from Northern Middle English. It is sometimes called Broad Scots or Scotch, the Doric, the Buchan Claik, the Patter, Lallans (Lowland Scots), and to some, simply Scottish dialect.

    “Haudagain”, translates as, “holdagain”, the lady has indeed been had again.

  205. galamcennalath says:

    @ Brian Powell at 9:09am

    At IndyRef the will of the Scottish people was to stay in the UK which meant explicitly staying the the EU.

    In two weeks the will of the Scottish people will be to stay in the EU which means implicitly leaving the UK with Brexit.

    What indeed will Europhile Unionists do? We only need a small number to switch Yes->No, politicians and voters.

    IndyRef2 won’t be a short campaign. It has to run parallel to negotiations on the UKs exit. We can’t have IR2 until it certain the UK will actually leave and Scotland has its EU place. Plenty of time for PM BoJo to convert another 10% of Scots NOs to YES!

  206. Petra says:

    Just visualising a Brexit on the 24th. Cameron standing down, Bojo taking over, Farage full of glee and with more power to his elbow …. both men having stated previously how they’d sort out the Scots such as Farage would do away with Holyrood.

    The Tory Party totally divided and full of recrimination and immigrants North and South of the border full of fear and trepidation. Right wing Facist groups coming to the fore, more and more, with a sense of entitlement to back up their ‘acts’.

    And then Boris et al moving on to ‘clear out’ the immigrants. Will they be selective to ensure say that the NHS doesn’t grind to a halt? Moving on to for example abolish the Human Rights Act. Unions up in arms before we even get to job losses. More than anything I’m wondering, if and when any of this comes to pass, if the Scottish media (Scottish journalists) will start to clean up its act or if every last one of them will continue to be in the pocket of what will surely then be a right-wing Facist State.

  207. Grouse Beater says:

    More on the fuzzy brained Izzard here: link to

  208. Capella says:

    A lovely pic of Gideon and Ruth baling straw, an everyday activity in North Britain, adorns the front page of the the Times. One for the photo album. Sorry I can’t jpeg it for you to download and print off.
    link to

  209. Petra says:

    @ Capella at 10:05am …. ‘Baling straw’ ……

    They showed that on STV news last night Capella. It would seem that the Tories are attracted to farms and have a ‘penchant’ for farmyard animals. Bulls, pigs etc.

  210. galamcennalath says:

    “George Osborne claims staying in the EU is the “simplest way” to kill-off Scottish independence”

    link to

    Sounds like a ploy to get Scots to vote LEAVE, so WM can avoid an England Out/Scotland In trigger for IndyRef2!

    Alternatively, it could be designed to encourage English to vote LEAVE to get rid of us and the EU all in one step.

    George really does have a habit of making statements counter productive to the causes he says he supports.

  211. scotspine says:

    Robert, as a lad, I always heard it referred to (phonetically) as “haud ee gaan” as in “keep going” or “straight ahead”.

  212. Bob Mack says:

    Post Brexit,all reciprocal services such as Hospital treatment will cease. How many elderly who live abroad will continue to do so knowing they will be charged to the hilt for medical conditions?

    There will be an influx back into the UK, but rather from expats than immigrants. The problem about increases in demand for public services will be the same in any event.

    I have several people of my acquaintance who have come back to the UK (dual passport holders), simply because their insurance covering health ran out, and though they were by no means on the breadline,to keep paying regular medical bills was not feasible. Even treatment for minor ailments was very expensive, and advancing age that we can find in many Britons living abroad does nothing to alleviate propensity to illness.

  213. Kennedy says:

    Who votes for him?

    Who would want him representing them?

    Its not just Slab that are disappointing it is also the voters. (Shakes head)

    Do people hate the SNP that much that they would rather have Gray?

    He was Slab leader briefly aswell. Explain that to me. They really are a puddle of talent.

  214. Capella says:

    Aside from “country matters” the press front pages have highlighted Nicola’s contribution to the EU debate. Some good photos and mostly positive comment – for once.

  215. heedtracker says:

    Dorothy Devine says:
    10 June, 2016 at 7:35 am
    Just watched some of QT on I- player – Izzard is a boring prat.

    Its like he’s misunderstood the whole tone of the campaigns and the BBC in particular balanced coverage. He thinks its another Scotland 2014 and all that Project Fear hysterical UKOK media fury that we to endure.

    Its the reasoned and calm debaters that are making the most impact but its nice to see England getting a taste of their own hysterics now.

    When likes of Geldoff, Dan Snow, Rowling, the queen etc pile in… bet none of them say a damn word this time.

  216. Dr Jim says:

    I just took a twenty minute dip into the Moronosphere that is don’t call Kaye with and E and once again had it confirmed in my Nationalist Napper that our First Ministers confidence in her Nation’s people might be overstated

    Scottish intellect, confidence, ingenuity, all traits among our people that seem difficult for this program to locate, and if it’s at all possible for ones heart to physically drop this program makes that very thing seem likely

    Caller after caller strangely seem to exhibit none of the facets to their character previously described and indeed it’s as though these folk don’t come from the same country as me

    Obviously I realise that it’s usually only Zoomers and the Brain Dead (A group from the 60s) who make the effort to call this or any media program in order to air their views
    and that’s why I remain in total confusion because these people have no coherent thoughts to air in the first place

    So it leaves me wondering, it would seem that around 50% or so of our population is an entirely different breed to the other half, how does this happen? did the Great Architect of the Universe do it deliberately or was it just a complete and utter Fuck Up

    Whichever it was it seems designed to move the human race sideways and not forward, never forward
    Have we as a species gone as far as we can go and this is the divine way of stopping us advancing further

    We can only hope and have faith in Scotland’s Mother of Dragons that she can manage this intensely high level of Numptieness and steer a course which will NOT see Scotland disappear up it’s own Arse

    Just as I am doing now

  217. OT I see in today’s daily stranger is carrying the Story from a whistle blower that the council had a chance to save Liam 24 hours before he died.

    Apparently Social workers had contact with Liam’s killers 24 hours before his murder, but failed to intervene to save his life

  218. Capella says:

    @ Petra, I think what the Tories are attracted to are farm payments and EU subsidies and the resulting farming vote in the “Shires”. Subliminal message, “Vote Remain to keep the gravy train on the tracks”.

    But I was disappointed that no farm animals were visible. Maybe the Willie Rennie experience put them off.

  219. heedtracker says:

    So it leaves me wondering, it would seem that around 50% or so of our population is an entirely different breed to the other half, how does this happen?

    Dont know what its like know, when I left school in Aberdeen, everyone and I mean everyone, with good Highers, curiosity, wit, charisma, extrovert, grafters, all instantly left Scotland. And they never went back.

  220. Capella says:

    Not everyone, heedtracker. 🙂

  221. schrodingers cat says:

    le parisien

    Craignez-vous une sortie du Royaume Uni de l’Union européenne ?

    oui= 21.4%
    non = 78.6%

  222. heedtracker says:

    Not everyone, heedtracker

    Some even work for the BBC. Micheal Moore’s been selling his new film and he’s sat in a lot of BBC studio’s marveling at free uni in wonderfull places like Slovenia. Not one BBC gimp has said to him that in fact, Scotland doesn’t charge uni fees either.

    Andrew Neil’s the sneakiest creepiest BBC ligger so far to listen to Moore and keep his ugly mouth shut. Toryboy’s eh.

    Neither ofcourse does rancid The Graun. TeamGB can afford endless wars in hot places but wont pay for education.

    link to

  223. Fred says:

    Amber Rudd! sounds like a craft beer & has all the charm of Rosa Klebb. If Boris planks his arse in No 10 she’s toast!

    @ heedtracker, Aberdonians with charisma & wit, when did this happen?

  224. Bugger (le Panda) says:

    schrodingers cat says:
    10 June, 2016 at 11:11 am
    le parisien

    Craignez-vous une sortie du Royaume Uni de l’Union européenne ?

    oui= 21.4%
    non = 78.6%

    Mais dans La France profonde, indifférence.

  225. Helpmaboab as our William once said. I’ve just got the Leave leaflet through the post.

    It starts with a deliberate deception. It is titled “Official Information About The Referendum On 23 June 2016” which by any understanding of the term “Official ” it is not and ends by repeating the “£350 million per day” whopper.

    We have reached a sorry pass in the society we inhabit when a blatant lie widely and publicly distributed is basically uncontested by the mass media presumably because they think it is inconsequential and part of parcel of political discourse.

  226. That of course should read “£350 million per week” which even if it were true – which it is not – is less than one third of what the UK pays weekly in interest on its national debt – a joint production of past Labour and Tory Westminster governments

  227. heedtracker says:

    @ heedtracker, Aberdonians with charisma & wit, when did this happen?

    Toryboy of the Year Micheal Gove. That dude’s done a great deal for Scotland, in that Scotland’s desperately trying to get as far away from Mike Gove as possible.

    Just been fact checked and Mike Gove’s actually an Edinburger. Even so.

    And who’d have thought Edinburgh could produce so many toryboys, red and blue.

  228. schrodingers cat says:

    yup btp

    thing is, the argument put forward that no one knows what a post brexit will look like, is never challenged. however, we do know.
    if brexit, then the free movement of people will stop. that isnt an outcome that bojo can negotiate away without getting linched by the brexiters.

    the only other issue is the imposition of tariff barriers. we hear both sides opinion about how the EU will react… but oddly enough, no one has thought to ask the eu? probably because they already told cameron that the tariff barriers will go up. but if brexit occurs on the 24th, you will all hear what the EU proposes

    “no free movement… no free access” non negotiable, ergo tariff barriers will go up.

    that will devastate the english car industry and the financial services. no question about it

    thats why all car manufacturers and the city are completely opposed to brexit

    on the bright side, indyref2 will be fought on the background of these businesses tanking. bring it on

  229. Fred says:

    @ heedtracker, I’m with U on Edinburgers! 🙂

  230. Dr Jim says:

    Oil at $52 a barrel and predictions of $70 by years end have just changed to $100 by the same time scale
    Apparently investors are jumping on board according to Bloomberg

    But here’s the funny bit, BP are investing Billions more into Norway’s oil because the Norwegian Government are stewarding the business better than the UK Government

    So that sounds like the folk they’re laying off in Scotland is not due to any downturn and is in fact a direct consequence of UK Government policy

    Now why would that be I ask myself

  231. heedtracker says:

    Fred says:
    10 June, 2016 at 12:02 pm
    @ heedtracker, I’m with U on Edinburgers!

    Its a peculiar Scottish political polarity, Edinburgh produces the most ferocious toryboys possible, like Lord Flipper for example.

    Then take a 40 mile drive to Glasgow for all that boom tish flute playing OO loveliness. all boosted and lauded by the assorted SLab owned councils and that corrupt BBC Scotland Pacific Quay creep show.

    Underneath it all, Scotland trying desperately to shake them off for good.

  232. James says:

    Dead man walking. A Criminal, taking tax payers money under false pretenses. Disgrace. Lazy politics. Sooner scotland is rid of these dead weights, the better. I could go on

  233. Petra says:

    @ Dr Jim at 12:09pm …..

    That’s really interesting Dr Jim and could help me out re. a ‘debate’ I know I’ll be involved in tomorrow. Where could I read up on that information?

  234. Patrick says:

    The one good thing about the tories becoming the opposition is that they won’t get bored trying to fight with people over stuff they agree on and make shit up to start an argument.

  235. fletch49er says:

    Jackie Ballie’s calculator has been doing the rounds again


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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
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