Stronger for Scotland
Posted on
May 07, 2015 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Dougie bites the dust FANTASTIC
Douglas Alexander, GIRFUY!
First Portillo moment of the night!
Mhari Black, well done, you’re an absolute star!
Mhairi Black – utterly brilliant!!
Mhairi Black SNP MP Paisley.
Star is Born !!!!!
Hi everyone, isn’t it brilliant!!! Can’t believe it. Just watched the first of the SLAB big hitters go down to be replaced by Ms Black. Happy reading and viewing!
Cannae believe this!
I hear Salmond snubbing the BBC radio Scotland commentator’s stupid questions as not worthy of comment and disrespectful not only at this time but any time.
Gloves off!
Q: did you let the tories in
Q Will you take over the MP’s at WM.
Good on you Mr Salmond!
Marie Black gave a great speech; but by god is it depressing to see we’re on course for a Tory Government.
Marra slaughtered!
Red tories falling like flies. 😀
As you sow so shall ye reap. 😉
Falkirk win for SNP, Ukips Coburn fail
Living the DREAM!! The swingometer is broken!! 🙂
Christ look at the Margins Scotland !!!!!
Gracious speech actually by Douglas Alexander.
I wonder if Curran will do likewise.
BBC Cacking it now !!! Days are numbered in Scotland
@Fiona, keep talking – you’re right to point out the reality of a Tory gov..
I swear my eyes are watering.
Tasmina takes Ochil fir SNP
Mhairi’s done it! Whoo Whoo!
WTF!! BBC2 team struggling with this.
Already trying to explain this away
Extraordinary! What a result.
The snide Alexander booted out by the electorate.
Beaten by a girl in her early twenties.
Many posts back, the Labour Shill, ‘Bluedog’ stated the SNP had proved vote for SNP still get Tory. (He was here day after the Referendum to rub our noses in it.) Well, be warned, that will be the Labour line for the next month, and their apologists. They will say we have a Tory government at Westminster because the people voted for Scotland.
Labour will never learn how to serve the people harbouring that vindictive attitude.
35% swing in Glenrothes. Get in there. BBC in a flutter ’bout the SNP landslide.
Never again must Scotland hear the words from a broadcaster
“Labour Heartlands” – finished done; no more ermine chasers !!
good work Falkirk and congratulations to John (no punching out tories in the bar now John)lol 🙂
Turnout well over 70% England not much change, so Labour just didn’t cut it there, and they didn’t have the Tories to help, like that had up here last year.
I don’t know how folk can’t see all these various things matter.
Labour couldn’t run a bath in Scotland
Greeting now, known Peter for a long time Glenrothes YELLOW.
Results coming in thick’n’fast.
Greedy selfish hoors 1
Labour have lost this because they are fakes,imposters.
Nobody likes hypocrites and liars and people have finally seen through them.
Maybe I do belong in this country after all 🙂
Here we go Lisa…
Wish they still had the big swingometer. The swings are massive fingers crossed that Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath follows the trend.
Looks like tactical voting’s really had a big impact.
… Paisley and Renfrewshite…
BBC Scotland’s bottom-of-screen ticker says so! ROFL!
McCann EK Labour shameful !!!!!!!!!!
Ran away from Declaration
I am so proud I cannot tell you.
Murphy could avoid ridicule if he puts the irn bru crate over his head instead of standing on it.
Oh no –
we have broke the BBC swingometer.
I tried hard to recist bt had to give in to temptation,ah yealded,by Christ this Kopperburg winter fruits tastes good.
Totally knackered, but happy 🙂
At this rate the highest poll of 54% for SNP is looking really good and might be exceeded…or am I dreaming?
Just as well the wee yins are tucked up in bed, this is a bloody massacre.
But who the hell is still voting for that Coburn creep?
Did we really lose the referendum?
Rev :
Wow – Look at the contempt of the Labour cand’ when shaking Stewart Hosies hand at Declaration.
Twisted as Fxck – a shocker the bile is s oobvious,
Nae class at all
Well shot of them Scotland !!!
English FB site says source at Labour HQ says Miliband will have to resign!
Stewart Hosie well done ,isent that ah soor puss Brennan (Lab)
These thumping great majorities on high turnouts…. I cannot take it in. I honestly think it will only hit me in a few days’ time…
Finally, Scotland belongs to SCOTLAND!
Uh oh now Andrew Neil is saying Ed will have to resign along with Clegg!
12 seats now! Everything turning Yellow!
‘Did we really lose the referendum?’
I don’t believe we did.
“Labour with no seats in Scotland” says nice BBC man, who sounds really happy about that:D
The “Silent Majority” has now clearly spoken.
Cameron / Miliband.
Respect the decision keep yer noses out of Scotland or reap the havoc of your actions from ‘North Wind’ that is Scotland
Guys This is record breaking stuff.
I am shocked at the numbers . 38.1% swing in Glenrothes WTF 😮 .
one battle at a time . A tory Govt is a nightmare but we have SNP destroying the unionist parties. We are on our way to winning a historical vote. Wish i could give you a hug. Take some joy that we are stronger than ever. 😉
The unionist grip is slipping … These numbers are unbelievable . Record breaking
Sorry 13. Can’t keep up.
Swinson booted!
I was going to have a drink at every win but thats looking beyond me, if not plain dangerous.
Jo Swinson booted out, another Fib dem down!
Seems Labour can’t win in England either. That isn’t the fault of Scotland.Scotland looks like providing quite a lot towards any anti Tory block,more than in the last parliament.
The overwhelming winner in this election is the Scottish SNP voter. Absolutely fantastic.
The unionist parties are in a state of shock.
Can’t blame them!
Does this get any better.
Looks like Ian Murray last unionist standing. Hope not.
Anagach, I couldn’t do that without ending up in A &E! I am drinking some elderflower, and will save some expensive fizz for tomorrow!
Kirkcaldy gone to SNP!!!
do you hear that Brown?
SNP take Gordon Brown’s old seat. What wonderful justice.
Kirkcaldy now a dinosaur-free zone! 35% Swing!!!!!!!!!!
FKN L YEEEHAAA this is amazing. Broons been exorcised.
anyone got any indications for Edinburgh South?
Gordon Brown’s SLabour sinecure gone.
Big heartfelt thanks to Blair MacDougal and his comedy side kick Macternan for such an incredibly ghastly campaign. Cheers lads!
Fuck me, 58 seats, is it really on?
Edward says:
8 May, 2015 at 2:52 am
Kirkcaldy gone to SNP!!!
do you hear that Brown?
He will never forgive them.
Edin south too close to call. Maddox wanker.
he he they will need to get a new swingometer it cant cope with these massive swings ,go Scotland breaking all the records 🙂
Right –
I want 60 seats now !!!!
Whats happening in Berwick – have we got a chance ???
Winston Churchill, Lord Nelson, Margret Thatcher, Queen whatever your name is …. your boys took a hell of a beating !”!!!!!
Cannae stop laughing and standing up at each result
Glum says East Ren to come in soon!
The other wipe out is the Lib Dems down south decimated!
Hope Farage loses, expectations are he will lose
Proudest day of my life, can’t think of anything else to say, except heart filled thanks to Stuart and all on here.
Yes you have made a significant contribution and absolute difference to the outcome of this election. Please, please stay around for next year!
Please let Danus get the result in northern isles against Carmicheal. Labour dead in Scotland but that smug barsteward Liberal apologist leaving would be the icing.
Greatrex oot, that’s all folks 😉
JOEMCG, yeah I thought that too about the referendum
McTernan, just fuck right off, now
Tom Greatex booted!
where have all the trolls gone?
link to enjoy.
Murphy looking chirpy, please god no!
Kirkcaldy’s gone SNP! A lifetime of Brown – he and Tescos WERE Kirkcaldy!
Douglas Alexander’s gone! It’s amazing.
I need a good photo of Murphy’s pus for my new screensaver, please!!!!
Ignominy, ignominy, they’ve all got it igno- no, wait. I’ll work on that.
gordoz says:
8 May, 2015 at 2:55 am
Winston Churchill, Lord Nelson, Margret Thatcher, Queen whatever your name is …. your boys took a hell of a beating !”!!!!!
Happy VE Day everybody!
(Victory over the Establishment Day)
OMG, I love Scotland.
Jim Sheridan booted!
Waiting for Murphy – he’s a goner.
Jim Murphy loses. Yay
27% swing fae Labour to SNP in Scotland, as things stand…..
This is no night for going to bed!!
I am Speechless. link to
Labour no more !!!!!!!!!!
Cannabis is safer than alcohol. Ha ha.
Folk voting CSA, Cannabis is safer than Alcohol
@ fred blogger
They’ve all been medicated and sent to bed!
Enjoying the evening friends? ????
Someone pinch me.
Just listening to sweaty, dour faced Jackie Baillie and Kezia Dugdale: Snr and Jnr Liars.
Well they STILL don’t GET IT and if they continue in this vein the Labour Party is ‘dust’ now rather than just ‘dross’ in Scotland.
They are blaming SNP voters for Cameron’s potential win. They are blaming Cameron for manipulating us to vote SNP. They still can’t see that if they had been seen to be a decent, truthful truly left wing party, instead of a bunch of lazy, greedy, self-centred liars, we would have voted for THEM ……. as I and thousands of others had done previously. They are STILL not taking RESPONSIBILITY for THEIR actions or rather total inaction ……. on behalf of Scotland for decades now. No scrutiny of their expense claims. Murphy, Curran and Sarwar topping the greed list of 600 plus MPs at Westminster.
Kezia Dugdale is still bleating on about the SNP ‘cutting and pasting THEIR progressive policies’. God give me strength! Labour has done nought for Scotland since post World War2. Blair has basically brought us to the point of Armageddon.
Murphys MANY manipulations haven’t worked. The MSMs bias has been ignored.
I just want to thank Wings for providing a home for us: a home that no doubt made a MASSIVE difference to the outcome of this Election. Take a bow.
Wooooooooooooooooooooooo Wa eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ……….. Alexander is out …… crying my heart out. Thank you Scotland.
Now hoping now to finish off some M&Ms – Murphy and Mundell!
You know what, if we don’t win 59 seats I am going to be very pissed off.
Smurphy No More!
Bye Jim.
Jim Murphy is OOOT!
Omg Murphy gone!!!!!!!!
Murphy has gone
I may be asleep and dreaming
murphy’s oot – tes!
Murphy’s ooot!
We got the rat Murphy .He is out.
Miliband cannot survive.
We are watching every opponent of Salmond defeated even those in England. Cameron might well be back in Number 10 but he has been defeated by Scotland.
The SNP will be third largest party, and will join with the Welsh and the Greens. Wow!
Coyote hits the canyon floor with a cloud of dust….. Well done everybody who campaigned in East Renfrewshire. dreams do come true…
Murphy gone yeah!!
Murphys lot
Good post @ Petra
And another one gone and another one gone, another one bites the dust…Bye bye Jim.
No way I cant take anymore, morph is gone. Brilliant East Rewnfrewshire. I think this might be euphoria that im feeling.
Scotland is finding a way to vote for Independence.
Definitely worth staying up for, I am buzzin! Loving watching Scotland reassert itself as a nation.
Murphys out.
This will certainly make Scottish Questions at Westminster very very interesting as we will not have the mealy mouthed unionists putting Scotland down
Taxi & P45 for Murphy.
link to
go Kirsten you are a star what a fantastic job you have done girl ,you just made Scotland so happy ,bye Jim cant say we didnt try to warn you 🙂
Ha-haaaaaaaaaaaaa! Jim Murphy loses his seat to the SNP!!!!
Tonight’s second Portillo moment!
Oh, what a night!
Murphy Gone, as Rev repeatedly tells us, LOL
That’ll be you winning every seat Jim?
Get Tae!
Pterodactyl heid has flown !
And Jesus laughed 🙂
The blessed Jim gone! Only the current bun and Davidson to fall.
I can hardly believe that baby faced Bain might go next!
OM fucking G… What carnage…
What an avalanche!
SNP had 12 seats secured when we tuned in, now 20, the latest to fall James Frances Murphy, the saviour of the union!
Ah, we’re having a lovely breakfast!
Seriously so pleased for Kirsten Oswald, that team worked so hard. Big bonus getting Jim out and the Tories did not vote for him going on the figures.
#Na na naa na
Na na naa na
Hey, hey, hey
Rev I M Jolly moment
Portillo moment is now Murphy moment.
Seems like he’s sooking up to the SNP now…
Murphy, get off, no one gives a shit what you have to say.
Murphy No-moar!
A third-rate politician could never have continued as the sole Labour representative having lost Scotland.
As I head to bed (work tomorrow) the SNP have 18 seats. It’s looking good. Thank you Scotland.
I haven’t seen my own constituency yet, but I will head off with the optimistic hope that for the first time in my life, my vote has counted.
curran next please – let’s see how bitter she is
Murphy has lost! – thank you Glasgow I can’t stop smiling. Hoping for good news for Edinburgh West.
Get Murphy off that fkn stage!!
Murphy’s earse truly kicked out, now going from being slowly drunk to being very happly drunk. yeehaw.
‘Tonight Scotland has lost so may Gravy Train abusers.’ Jim Murphy.
Concession speeches by Murphy and Alexander are pretty much the only time I’ve had respect for them. Am enjoying my dram though.
Ya dancin’ bear!
Dim Jim he really is a slug, with shell shock NOO fo.
Jim Murphy quite gracious in defeat
Murphy’s gone !!!
way to go out Jim gibbering pish as usual at least you are consistent.
Happy VE Day indeed. Victory over England.
This may be the best night of my life. Glorious. So delighted that my area of Hamilton have turfed out Greatrex overwhelmingly. Hope Hood is next.
Anas Sarwar has left the building…seriously!.. at least Dim took it on the chin.
I’m sure daddy will persuade him back in to face the voters 🙂
Curran booted
Magrit gone!
Magrit gone forever.
James Francis “Jim” Murphy: BA Politics (failed)
James Francis “Jim” Murphy: MP (failed)
James Francis “Jim” Murphy: Branch Office Manager (failed)
James Francis “Jim” Murphy: Smarmy, insincere losers’ speech: (passed).
GIRFUY – that, Wee Dug’s beating in Paisley and Magrit getting thrashed in Glasgow East made the past hour a GREAT ONE.
And Curran gone !!!!
Magrit gone…Yeehaw!
go Natalie what a result cya Magrit dont let the door hit you on the ass on the way out 🙂
Curran is out.
Think Hood is booted out
Brilliant Mhairi, just brilliant!
Don’t wake me up if I am dreaming.
Curren’s earse out the door, yeehaw.
FFS, warmonger DimJim lecturing on responsibility.
At least he ended his speech with a bit of further good news,
he’s going to continue leading L!ebore in Scotland.
Excellent news, we get to wipe them out of Holyrood.
They’re all dropping like flies.
I’ve never been this happy in a long long time.
I LOVE YOU SCOTLAND, well, most of you.
Alexander, Murphy, Curran … down the pan …. now I’m beginning to wonder … SLab wipeout?
Loud mouthed Magrit gone to heaven.
Beaten by co-founder of Women for Independence, Natalie McGarry – how fitting. 🙂
curran oot. WOW. I want 59.
No disrespect to the old guys, but it’s really refreshing to see so many young SNP women on their way to WM.
The times they are a changing.
Yessssssss! Margaret Curran is gone!
See ya! You won’t be missed.
Another Portillo moment. They just keep coming!
Well in there the SNP’s Natalie McGarry!
Cumbernauld, my area, big SNP win!! MCClymont falls
Looks as though voter turnout is high which is fantastic, Scots more engaged than RUK
Maggie Curran now!
Curran bitter. Ha ha! She doesn’t get it. The people have spoken.
“When it gets down to it, we’ll think about that”
Magrit about the Labour party and equality…
SNP on 25 seats now
Curran. Very very Bitter. Eyes popping oot her heid
30-0, and it’s only half-time!
Here comes the bayonet
Davidson bayonetted!
For comic relief check out Laura Kuenssberg having a massive tantrum on BBC 1. She’ll have to be sent to her bed if she doesn’t calm down.
There appears to have been metaphorical bayoneting.
C’mon ref,just blow the whistle
‘Bayonet for Ian Davidson!’
Many congrats to the English on voting for the 5 year mega austerity plan, the union is now well and truly dead! 🙂
McTernan and MacDougall deserve our thanks for being truly and utterly incompetent in the way they advised and ran Labour’s election.
How’s your bayonet feel now???? Lol
Ian is that a Bayonet in your pocket and are you unhappy to see me Davidson Gone Gone Gone. Adios.
Davidson needs bayoneted…
OMG, they’re coming so thick and fast it’s hard to keep track.
SNP has the majority of Scottish seats now!
Soon my pessimistic prediction of 35 will be proved wrong but I don’t mind! 😀
And now George Galloway is oot!!
Just a little icing on the cake.
Ian Davidson now has much more time to spend sharpening his bayonet.
Ha-fucking-ha, take that Ian Davidson! Now go and bayonet yourself. GIRFUY!
What a night this is turning out to be, pure dead brilliant!
Davidson “getting a doing” is now on the TV. This is so much fun, at least he will go home, and the wounded will remain un-bayoneted.
Just woken here in Nairobi to go to work. Sitting with tears streaming down my face. So very very proud to be Scottish tonight. Thank you everyone for making that happen.
ian davidson on stv booting into murphy. rats in a sack. brilliant
can someone not tell BBC that white digits on a yellow background doesn’t work although perhaps they want to hide the extent of SNP gains.
“Not going to have a second career as a diplomat”
Bayonets not fixed.
We’ve even taken Catbridge!
We took wee Willie.
Magrit Curran who flounced about London, and lolled in her house in Newlands, whilst decent people in the East End of Glasgow suffered hellishly has been voted out.
The wee wummin who screwed hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pounds of tax payers money in expense claims, year after year, has been outed thanks to the Internet.
And as a by Johann, hope you are reading, I didn’t ever agree with your policies but the way you were treated by your so-called PAL Magrit and the sociopath Murphy was abysmal. Why not think of joining SNP now x
Well done Angus Robertson, my mp who I had the pleasure of leafleting and delivering letters for in the last few weeks up in Moray. I did have my fears that tactical voting may have helped the Tory candidate who to be fair has been prominent in local issues, but Angus has increased his majority.
Notice how cool, calm and collected all the SNP candidates are?
Considering what’s happening, they’re keeping feet on the ground.
The new BBC objection: one-party state.
Went away for a toilet break whilst jim was speaking and he was still speaking when I got back! All very gracious and all but really when you’ve lost the best thing to do is briefly thank your constituents and then go.
It’s a majority!
Jim Murphy: I’ll carry on the fight as leader
Iain Davidson: Clearly Jim Murphy will need to be replaced as leader.
Blood on the carpet already. Labour in meltdown, in Scotland and at Miliband HQ.
If Carlsberg did elections… 🙂
Jeez they still roll them oot, another wan shoutin about protest vote
As they said during the French revolution….NEXT!
Missed Magrit’s demise… Tsskk!
Sinky: can someone not tell BBC that white digits on a yellow background doesn’t work
Are you not wearing sunglasses, Sinky?
We all are here, bathing in the SNP’s sunshine.
So happy to see our country, Scotland, coming together, voting as of one mind and one heart, to vote for a voice for Scotland. United behind SNP …unionist scare tactics, racist anti Scottish abuse, fear and smear tactics have failed spectacularly………Time to Arise and and be a Nation again….. We are standing again and readying for a Highland Charge on Westminster as a United and conscious Scotland! We’re coming to settle up!
Well Ian Davidson’s bayonet ended up in Dim Jim’s back, what a crew, rats in a sack comes to mind.
So proud of my fellow Glaswgians tonight.
Magnificent .
“Scotland may well become a one-party state. This might not be good for democracy. Don’t you agree?” asks BBC Scotland’s Glen Campbell.
Aye, Glen, not good for democracy, eh. Christ on a bike.
LOL at these MSM unionist shills.
Nice BBC man says its not healthy for Scotland to be a one party state, with no sense of irony whatsoever, shock.
Murphy very dignified in defeat. If he had conducted more of his campaign in that tone he may have achieved more.
Davidson was actually quite interesting. I think he he made some good points about why Labour failed to make any headway.
Curran pretty angry.
Cnt on sky ignorant bstrd
Inside gossip from Labour England – Miliband to be thrown aside, new election asap. 🙂
North east Fife Tim Brett loses it for LibDems could not have been better Carma
Davidson auditioning for part of Brutus on BBc1
Ian Davidson now bayonetting the wounded…
… his own party. PMSL!
Bomber Admin gone…
Modified BBC swing-o-meter broken by 39% surge in Glasgow East.
Eh? Davidson throwing Murphy under the bus. Hahaha
Jim Murphy oot on his arse says Ian Davidson LOL
Et Tu Davidson
Yes, how cool and balanced the winning SNP candidates have been. I notice how they all say they will work for all their constituents.
I suppose they are right and I will be magnanimous in victory. ( BUT NOT TONIGHT)
Ian Davidson absolutely laying into Murphy’s chances of remaining leader of the branch.
Wow! Bayonet Davidson is now bayonating Murphy.
I Davidson taking it on the chin with his bayonet flung away on the battlefield.
Murphy must go he says “the man who led us to the biggest defeat in the WORLD”
Bugger. Carmichael. Oh well.
The SNP share is 53%, if we end up with something like this, it will be very significant.
It will be a record.
Above half of voters backing SNP is highly significant and gives enormous legitimacy.
Above 45% shows many No voters have chosen to give their trust to the SNP.
That bastirt Carmichael fucked my 59 up WTF?KILL WITH HAMMERS STU lol
Carmichael becomes the fly in the ointment.
Ian Davidson now sticking his bayonet deep into DimJim.
Davidson says DimJim cannot, technically or morally, stay on.
Disgraced Carbuncle narrowly holds his seat.
First non-SNP MP, Secretary of State for Portsmouth, Alistair Carmichael, so no clean sweep for SNP.
Oh, here’s my old mate Robbo
I’m still laughing at Davidson.
Carmichael will be standing in the airport for London on his own, like a bad smell, and Clegg will be booted as leader anyway
Lucky bassa just won cannae believe I’m disappointed lol!
1000+ people voted UKIP in Orkney & Shetland – why?
Slightly concerned about not getting Orkney. Expect those down south to try and separate the islands from the rest of Scotland. They’ve hinted at doing this in the past.
Shit, Carmichael hangs on in Orkney and Shetland. FFS, what is it with the folks up there and always voting Lib Dems come what may? (though there was a 23.9% swing to the SNP and only a majority of 817)
Well, well, well. Wow. Alexander, Murphy, Curran, Harris, Davidson, McCann et al all gone. Kudos to Douglas Alexander for his gracious speech.
Fat liar Carmichael managed to hang on. Ah well, 58-1 will do.
Gan uphill screivin’ with the SNP wins…..
Phillips Whiteford wins in Ayrshire. 41 seats now!
clegg, milliband and morph all resigned by tomorrow. Interesting treble.
Plaid have 3 seats so far.
Broons seat toast, Murph smurfed and now Darling’s seat says cheerio.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Sarwar unemployed.
And there goes Sarwar!
Sarwar gone. Good.
Now, Mr Carmichael, memogate, what was it you weren’t saying?
Oh wait, here’s Eck
Sarwar gone. Daddy no chuffed.
Sarwar–Sod Off!!!
WOW!! A clean sweep in Glasgow.
That awfy nice man Mathieson must be having trouble controlling his bowels at what is coming his way.
By Jingo, that tactical voting in Gordon worked well.
New guy called Salmond wins the Gordon seat!
Well, I’m one happy wee East Renfrewshire bunny tonight!
Alex is home and dry in Gordon
watch out westminster here comes our Eck you had better start the shredders lol 🙂
That’s Alex through, sorted. 🙂
Sarwar oot 🙂
He`s back. Be afraid westminster be very afraid.
Yeah Salmond wins! One in the eye for #SNPOut are whatever they were called!
Do I smell toast? Must be my imagination.
Here is Mr Salmond to inspire us.
Look at Salmond’s smile!!!! Love it.
Has there ever been a better time to be alive in Scotland.
I don’t begrudge you guys your slaughter of the Red Tories, but it’s hard to feel with the increasing evidence that Labour haven’t been able to make it stick in the rest of the UK, that no one really wins except the worst of this damnable country… Just hearing Simon Hughes losing his seat, which at least is payback for the oath breaking party of ("Tractor" - Ed)s… but even so, with a small Tory Majority, the Orange Bookers and DLP will give them control, and unless they fracture over Europe, it’s hard to see what leverage the SNP will have.
What a rotten, rotten night.
I love Alex, and couldn’t have borne him to lose. So pleased, as that team worked so hard too.
Bye-bye Anas Sarwar! Ha-ha and GIRFUY! Will you be signing on the dole now, or will your daddy get you a job?
Wee Eck returns to Westminster.
Lessons for the unionist cheerleaders in the MSM : you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
Oor Eck wins again!
Many thanks to everyone at #SNPout
Excellent speech from Alex.
“The Scottish Lion has roared, this morning across the country”
I am so proud of our country, of us, we are some people.
Just unbelievable results. I never thought I would see the day that the SNP would win so many seats.
Good on you Alex Salmond, you tell them! And don’t forget to kick their arses down in the den of thieves when you get there.
So many female SNP politicians winning here. Brilliant. When they get to Westminster they’ll make a massive positive impact on English voters. Hopefully in turn English voters will wake up. Wake up to the fact that a mostly upper crust, male fat cat crew are duping us ALL in an attempt (successful) to line their own pockets.
Sarwar is out now even although daddy seemingly tried to influence voters.
And now Alex is in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Titler, you know we take no pleasure in a Tory govt but it’s not our fault English Labour is shit too. Labour could not have had a majority if Scotland had sent 59Labour down to WM.
Labour did this all on their own.
Hay beaten because of msm lies?
begg oot sweet
Unrelenting waffle from Jackie Bailie.
If Milliband had stood up the Tories instead of allowing himself to be manipulated then we might have had a non Tory majority.
But he wimped out and went all “Nasty Jocks”.
The result of that is clear in the Scottish results.
#Murphygone is trending
Yay, Begg, friend to the National Front, P45
Jist got up 4 oclock tryin tae take it all in WOW im a dreamin
The smear campaign saved Ian Murray’s seat in my view…they pursued this for this reason, imo.
Ian Murray won his seat? FFS.
Smears and dirty tricks works in Edinburgh South
So 2 Unionists so far. Lets make that the only 2 they win.
Murray is in charge of himself in the labour branch office. 🙂
Let’s not be greedy, disappointing though it is.
Glenn Campbell almost peeing his pants that he has a labour result .. Bless!
A new dawn breaks across a New Scotland
Well, SLAB have won their first seat, Ian Murray, Edinburgh South.
I wonder how much the national MSM/BBC smear campaign against Neil Hay contributed.
And shit stirring wins it for Labour in Edinburgh. Hay was shafted by the media.
poor Neil i guess the dirty trick did work ,well Edinburgh i hope you keep a close eye on Murray and make sure he is doing his job properly.
Shit, Murray wins in Edinburgh South. The only Labour MP left standing? Here’s hoping.
Ah well, not 58 seats, then. Still, 57 would be nice!
Boris what a f*** wit.
SNP in meltdown as Labour hold Edinburgh South…
What an appalling speech by Murray in Embra S. What a bitter man.
Pity about Neil Hay. Probably he lost because of the smear campaign against him but that’s not a winning strategy. It doesn’t scale nationwide as Labour have found out to their cost. Similar in Gordon: The Libs poured all their resources into defeating Salmond and so took their eye off of the rest of the country to their cost.
beeb Scotland 2015 cant help themselves. Air time to boris, whats that got to do wi Scotland
Hay looked like he wanted to throttle Murray and who can blame him, cheating fat liar.
Murray was identified as the New Labour hope some time back. Hence the effort put in to save him.
He will take over from Murphy tomorrow.
This a rather defiant speech form Mr Murray, the winner out of a bunch of losers; and it’s showing. Ungracious git. And they wonder why they are being wiped out. Idiot.
Murray, Scottish Labour will never let you down, says the single Slabber
Shock and awe- communicative action, social solidarity – a democratic movement that is now unstoppable. Amazing,uplifting,inspiring to see and Scotland now has a very talented group of MPs to represent a very talented Scotland- we progress and how!
Iain Murray tonight showed just what a bitter wee Labour man looks like. What a tawdry speech.
Vince Cable gone…..
i don’t give a shit about David Cameron
I don’t give a shit about Westminster
I don’t give a shit about Ed Milliband and the Labour Party
I don’t give a shit about Great Britain
I only care about Scotland and its people in relation to the world.
I’m sure in the cold light of day, people will ask what was it that Murray did that the others didn’t!?
Dunkin Hotdogstall being his usual charitable self:
link to
Ronnie did it! 24,585 out of 44,607 of the electorate of Inverclyde chose Ronnie Cowan as their champion – 55.1%. I had daydreamed about the beautiful irony of Ronnie winning on 49.9% of the vote. It seems I dreamed too small!
Gutted that Carmichael and Murray survived (though frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some jiggery-pokery in the former, just over 800 votes difference & only 66% turnout?)
Fingers crossed for the rest of you all, greatest of commiserations to the Northern islanders & South Edinburghers, who nonetheless went the full 10 rounds and gave the victors a helluva fight.
Are you cracking it open in a library.
They will think it was down to the sucsessful smear campaign against the SNP candidate so expect labour to just keep giving the smear – FFS LABOUR – please learn from this and become a party of the people again or we at the SNP will just keep kick your arse
Vince Cable see ya later!!!!!
BBC ‘reporters’ have been sounding depressed all night on the radio.
As they should.
They’ve been insulting half of all scotland’s voters for months now with their pro-unionist smear campaigns and propaganda.
Mebbes they didny realise that scots will just hold them in more and more contempt the longer they keep lying and spouting westminster propaganda.
Well ye ken noo. 😉
UKIP Emily santos in Gordon is sexy
As resident of Edinburgh South, I can testify to the to the gutter politics employed by Ian Murray demonising Neil Hay plus aid from the Tory press and tactical voting defeated the progressive candidate.
In the last week Labour moved activists and even candidates from all over Edinburgh to hold onto their one seat in Scotland.
I think Carmichael is really Lord Summerisle. Would explain some things.
Can’t wait for my neck of the woods & for the Highland seats to be declared.
To turf out the LD’s & to turn SNP would be remarkable.
Vince Cable blaming SNP!
The Rev is not going to know where to start with this lot.
Folks, tonight we are all a part of history in the making.
Dingwall goes SNP as does Edinburgh East.
So far 50 SNP, 1 labour, 1 liberal and 7 to go.
What seats are still to be called?
Thats a tanking in Caithness and Sutherland. Words dont mean anything anymore and Tommy`s done it. Unbelievable.
Also HUGE THANKS to McTernan, McDougal, Hothersall, Davidson and all the other hate-filled red tory smearers who killed scottish Labour. 😀
Ian Davidson wants to bayonet Jim Murphy.
Oh, the Karma.
Clegg just arrived at his seat, looks glum
Nick Clegg
Roger Mullin has taken Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath I am dancing with joy!
Dumfries needs a shake.
Edinburgh- the ‘capital’ city that doesn’t want to be one.
Glasgow is Scotland’s capital.
Nick Clegg won his seat.
Clegg hangs on majority much reduced
Some irrelevant lib dem twat huvin a fit at Tommy on the radio. Sheridan jist laughin his heid aff at the lunacy of the tories little helpers trying to tell him what a progressive policy is. 😀
Carmichael the liar is still in! But take some advice from us you will be watched. We will scrutinise your expense claims and your work ethic. You’ll have to get off your butt and WORK for your money NOW. And, eh, NO more lies. The days of the gravy train are well and truly OVER mister.
Manipulation and lies won’t go down well with us either in Scotland.
He’s just wondering ‘how healthy it will be to have a single party in Scotland’. We are now wondering about the mental and cognitive health condition of people like himself.
Time for people like him to produce their CV. What qualifications does he actually have? Time to demand that people like him get an IQ test. How bright is he? Time for people like him to get a psychological assessment.
Clegg clings on. Milliband couldn’t even take that one.
Dumfries and surrounding area goes to the Tories.
Mundell recount?
mundell’s kept his seat ffs
Mundell safe by a whisker!
I’m almost tempted to support Sevco against the Dumfries team.
Greens took more than Mundell’s majority. Drat!
Fluffy survives by the skin of his falsies.
Recount in Berwickshire. So Unionist have 1 seat each with SNP so far having 50. So 6 seats to go.
Aw naw, Mundell in a naw noo…ffs
Boris on the beeb,”we have an English parliament, it’s called Westminster” he just disnae get it
Och, that’s an absolute heartbreaker for Morag, I’m so sorry. NOTHING to be ashamed of, you absolutely tanned Mundell’s hide to under 1,000 votes (much like Carmichael).
So far one red, one yellow, one blue Tory.
Oh f*ck Mundell hung on.
David Mundale : “no one party speaks for Scotland”
So true: So speak for Scotland.
The problem is not that they are not allowed to speak for Scotland; the problem is that these unionists don’t.
bugger a tory ah well you cant win em all ,still we have hit the magic 50 was worth staying up for lol
Fuck it, Conservative’s Mundell gets re-elected by 798 votes. So close it would make you weep.
798 votes.
Tory victory.
Dumfie. ..shessh. .
Panda breeding alert
At timeline
So one lab one lib one con
No chance of breeding there then.
Message – WM FU
Mundell holds on.
Ach, tories keep Mundell. Guid try aw the same fae the Dumfries activists as they worked really hard.
We’ll still make sure to highlight the far-right lunacy of these greedy, corrupt and nasty tories.
After all, the westmisnter bubble fuckwits still don’t seem to realise we got this astonishing historic record result with a revolting out of touch tory twit like Cameron as PM.
So we can and will do it again. 🙂
How could anyone vote for this cheeky little bastard.
Ian Murray being arrogant. My good, you would think he fucking lost.
What an absolute bastard, calling the guy who is talking to him juvenile. Can’t remember his name.
At the risk of repeating masel, Murray was identified a long time ago as the ‘saviour’ of New Labour.
He will be the new ‘ leader’ by Monday.
Angry Iam Murray already lying his head off on BBC we hate you Scotland. Good point to crash. It really was the best day ever!
Mundell wins. Yuck.
Ian Murray is a horrible little shit. Won his seat thanks to the UK’s right-wing MSM smear campaign against the SNP’s Hay. Well done Scottish Labour, well done.
Hope somebody recorded all this tae youtube to watch again later! 😉
What an odious little tosser Ian Murray is. How the fuck could anyone vote for him?
Edinburgh West has went SNP, Liberals a close second.
Gutted for Danus and Ian Hay but smears and the MSM again make it an uphill battle. Brilliant people.
Well done Michelle Thomson, fabulous result!!
Edinburgh west goes to Michelle Thompson,
she’s greetin we soul. 🙂
Richard Arkless wins!
In case you missed it in Falkirk.
SCOTLAND’S sole elected UKIP representative, David Coburn, lost his deposit in the Falkirk constituency after gaining only 3% of the vote.
Coburn was elected as an MEP last year in the Scottish European elections where his party took the fourth largest share of the vote, and over 12% of the local vote in Falkirk.
James Kelly complaining about too many SNP MP’s not democratic he opines… 🙂
Well James add another, Edinburgh West SNP. Dumfries too!
1955 since Tories got >50% of vote SNP must be close to that now.
@ bugs bunny
Yeah, it was Glenn Campbell giving Murray a hardish time, thought he was gonna mention a certain smear campaign. But Murray comes across as a really distasteful character. Reminds me of some leg-breaking enforcer.
We’ll boot Mundell and Murray out next time.
Both will now have to endure their time as basically ‘joke’ MPs that are a hilarious reminder of just how irrelevant both their parties are to scotland now. 😀
SNP has won Dumfries and Galloway. 23440 over 16926 for Tories.
52 SNP, 1 Tory, 1 Liberal and 1 Labour.
4 seats to go.
What sort of bloody accent does Jacqui Baillie have?
The exit poll of 58 seat is absolute bollocks, we can now only get 56.
Yay Dennis Canavan on with Glum to smack the exSlabbers around a bit
Re: Mundell and Carmicheal.
The Frenchgate enquiry has still to report.
That could be a possible resignation.
Or am I just being greedy.
Kennedy oot! More time for wee swallies, Cherlie! Dinnae fa’ doon on the wey oot.
Kennedy’s gone. What a night, what a morning… 🙂
Charlie Kennedy was clearly puggled at his declaration.
Erse oot the windae and wearing a stupid grin – demob happy methinks.
Now’s the hour, Jackies accent has been under consideration before.
It’s a private girls school hockey team player type thing
Kennedys awa tae droon his sorrows,
yer teas oot son.
Now Glenn Campbell saying the old pish about, the smear vote SNP get Tory won the day.
Charles Kennedy has lost his seat. SNP got 20 119, he got 14 995. Good.
So 53 SNP and 3 Unionists. 3 to go.
See Milliband got in with 20 708 votes.
@ Taranaich
Tom Clarke Clarke whupped too!
Great results
better together
1 seat each in Scotland
Gawd Miliband looks bloody ill, but no wonder
The Ross, Skye and Lochaber seat is now the SNP’s, and quite right too! Sorry Charlie, you had a good shift, but your time’s now up. It’s our time now!
Milliband: the man’s a fucking idiot. There I’ve said it.
Now Milliband is talking about Scotland being overrun with Nationalists, about the sad results for Scottish Labour, and about keeping the UK together.
What a tosser.
To be honest, I’m beginning to fade now.
Murray = smear win
Fluffy = tactical win – yeah Effie
Danus = WTF! good guy vs solicitor, poo spouting wobbly head dunce
But.. well done Phil Boswell in Coatbridge et al, forefathers and children, past and future captured the mood in the whole of Scotland.
(BTW -10 am is SECOND breakfast for us travelling hobbits!
maybe a pint)
‘ Gerry parker you,s done good Gerry weil done tae all in Coatbridge & Bellshil.
A bit sad to see what is probably the end of Charles Kennedy’s career. I remember when he was a bright up and coming young thing who seemed destined for greatness. Now I cringe whenever I see him behaving like an uncle Tom on t.v.
Feels like he was wasted with the Liberals (no pun intended). We need to use talent like his not see it pissed up against a wall.
Now Minging Campbell saying that calling the SNP surge a Tsunami is going over the top. What a tit.
It’s years since I’ve stayed up all night. Debating if I should walk the dogs then go for a lip!
The 3 unionist seats, could be some jiggery pokery there. Does not fit in with the swings across the country.
Oops, kip!
Ming the seatless 🙂
“we have to prepare ourselves for a second referendum”
So what is he so afraid of if they are so confident that Scotland will reject independence? surely Ming it would the best of all worlds to have the YES campaign defeated for a second time in as many years, surely that would definitely put independence into the “to do” list permanently?
Got to go to bed now after watching a brilliant performance by the Scottish Electorate. Today, the world will gasp at what Scotland’s SNP voters have done. When I wake up, I’ll read about it.
Watching Mundell.
The Sevco have my support on Saturday.
They don’t really.
But FFS what the hell is going on down there?
Timeline caveat
Mundell pissed and out of depth right now despite Gloomy Glenn softball questions. Shocking BBC coverage.
Still Blair McD and McTernan shoo in on BBC couches for post mortem place men. PARP!
Inverness, Nairn, Badonoch and Strathspey still to call, as is Argyll and Bute, Berwickshire Roxburgh and Selkirk, plus Edinburgh South West, (which I thought was already called), still to call. So that’s 4 seats, not 3 to go.
So 52 SNP seats, 1 Liberal, 1 Conservative and Unionist and 1 Labour seats. So 4 to go.
Argyll calling now: SNP 22 959, Liberal 14 486, so another scalp for the SNP.
So 53 SNP, 3 Unionists, and 3 to go.
Margaret Curran tweets
“It’s been a privilege to serve the East End since 1999. Thanks to everyone who has supported me. Now for rest, sleep and new beginnings!”
Yes Margaret a new beginning, one which DOESN’T have a bottomless expense account eh?
Don’t suppose it matters much at this point, but Glenn the puke was holding up an Ian Murray leaflet from the campaign that said ‘Ian Murray MP’ all over it… isn’t that illegal? Can we force a rerun and get rid of that small red stain on the map? Actually, who cares, great night, lifting me out of the depression I’ve had since September. Shame about the sassanaich going blue tory though
Sir Mingin’ Campbell, British Establishment shill, go fuck off and do one with your ‘SNP bad, referendum bad, Scottish independence bad’ whinging shite.
David Camerons seat goes to surprise, surprise to Tories, with 35 201 votes over 10 046 to Labour.
We’ve got The Highlands. By by Lord Thurso and Charlie.
Got to say I’m not happy about the Greens taking votes from the SNP. Mundell could have gone and Murray too if the greens had not put up candidates.
SNP 54 just now.
Oh the relief here somewhere near Oban….I can sleep now…heartfelt thanks to the Rev and all the wingers. Wonderful.
Utterly shattered and very, very happy. 🙂
Stu, a MASSIVE thanks for all you have done for all of us in Scotland.
Thanks Ronnie. I see Nash has gone as well. Well done Airdrie and SHotts.
Isn’t it fascinating that the bbc (cant be arsed using caps) puts the text on the party colours in white,
white on yellow is invisible, oops.
Brilliant, another SNP win in Argyll & Bute. But, shit, I thought the declaration wouldn’t be called until Friday afternoon and was preparing to go there then. Ach well, it means I can sleep a bit longer after this all-nighter!
It’s been some night for Scotland, though, I’ll never forget it. Glad I came back to experience it.
Analyst talking about a Conservative MAJORITY GOVERNMENT, by a baw hair.
danny’s gone so so happy
The ginger rodents ASS IS GRASS whoohoo!
Danny Alexander…gone 🙂
Caveat= timeline
Cameron speech – one nation = GIRFUY
Not even VE, royal birth, muffins for tea, and Eton fagging works to keep “us” united. NO
bugs, what are you smoking? Edinburgh SW went ages ago. Argyll has now been called so we’re down to Danny in Inverness and a recount in Berwickshire!
Too late go to bed now, need coffee to get me through the school run and then it’s time for some shut-eye.
Inverness, Badonoch and Nairn.
18029 for Liberals and 20 838 for SNP.
So another SNP seat.
2 seats to go Berwickshire and Edinburgh South..
wur ye up fur Alexander ?
Icing on a v v nice cake.
And there goes Danny.
wee song for Ian Murray
link to 🙂
I’m not blaming the SNP, they adapted to the loss of the Referendum to run a much better campaign, the benefits of which you saw tonight; I’m just staggered and frankly disgusted by the incompetence and narrow Westminster Village viewpoint of New Labour… I had a sinking feeling when I saw the “Millistone” in the last few days, a spectacular own goal, patronizing the electorate, repeating the mistakes of “The Vow” and the Lib Dem Pledge; I suspect the prior polls weren’t wrong, they just were too late to catch the unbelievable foot shooting of the Labour campaign…
Danny Alexander’s seat up now; and he loses. Why, WHY did Labour think the electorate was thinking “ooh please let’s have some more of that Westminster triangulation?”
No, I’m glad the SNP has put some genuine liberal, decent MPs into Westminster; we’re going to need them when the Euro Referendum comes up. I’m praying we have at most a year before the “B’Stards” tear down the Tory party again and they lose a vote of No Confidence. But what a shameful country we are here. No wonder you want out.
Danny Alexander goodbye. No more Daimler.
It has been an absolute pleasure to read all the comments tonight & this morning, personally i have waited 39 years for this. What a great pleasure it has been to see murphy lose his seat, Curran, bayonet Davidson, Anas Sarwar & jst now Danny Alexander losing his seat. Sweet in tears so proud of the people of Scotland.
Beaker Oot- I’m sooo F****** Happy.
Oh, these Portillo moments…
Danny Alexander gets his arse booted by an SNP majority of 10,809. Bye-bye and GIRFUY!
Just back from the overnight count in Aberdeen. Drove home an hour south from the AECC with the most beautiful sunrise shining all the way. What can I say Scotland – my heart and soul are ecstatically proud. Overwhelmingly so. What a day!!!
We have risen as a nation, Look out Westminster, we are coming.
Bye bye Danny.
Can we do this again next week?
I just love the schadenfreude this restaurant serves. 🙂
just Berwickshire to go and they say there are only a few hundred votes in it ….
Ed Miliband being a twat with his usual ‘Scottish nationalism bad, British nationalism good’ patter.
Tories projected to take 325 seats, Labour 232 SNP 56
so even if every seat in Scotland was taken by the Labour party,
guess what? we would still have had a a Tory government, so lets not hear any shit from Smugurphy and his band of cutthroats that the SNP handed the keys of no 10 to Cameron
See the Guardian putting up subtitles on Mhairi Black’s acceptance speech.
@ deewal
Murray’s majority is (just) bigger than the Green + SSP vote in Edinburgh South, so it wouldn’t have stopped him if they hadn’t stood.
Different story in DC&T, though; Green vote exceeds Mundell’s margin of victory. That’s probably cost them my list vote next year, even though Sarah Beattie-Smith is a pretty good candidate.
George Galloway’s tea is oot.
NO RESPECT, Galloway out on his arse.
George Galloway OOT!
BritNat/pseudo-Irish republican fake.
Its lucky Galloway has his hat,
he has something to throw up into. 🙂
Just muted that little shit Alexander,
There is nothing he can say that I want to hear other than goodbye,
don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
As the third force in UK politics will “national” BBC and other broadcasters now give the SNP the equal treatment currently afforded to the Lib Dems on news and political programmes?
Great news!!! Woohoo!!! 🙂
I do not see how the lib dems can possibly be treated as a major party any more.
Edinburgh South and Berwick, the only Scottish seats still to call are forecasted to fall to the SNP making all 59 seats in Scotland.
George Galloway has lost has Bradford West for Respect to Labour, 8557 votes to Labours 19 997.
So glad that Labour won that seat from that odious CUNT.
With that I’m away to bed.
Might take my notebook with me to bed.
But telly going off and curtains open.
Goodnight folks and it is a good night.
Twat in a hat oot on his erse.
To paraphrase – Karma on stilts
Hey, we can all rest easy brothers and sisters. Fanny Alexander is “proud” of what he’s done for the country in the past 5 years. So : foodbanks, widening inequality, austerity, benefits cuts, tax cuts for the richest, cuts in legal aid, refusing to clampdown on bankers bonuses.
“Danny Boy, the Bru’, the Bru’ is calling…”
I could have sworn i just heard Greyfriars Bobby whimpering but i’ve been reassured, it’s just Deputy Dug pining for her master.
Glen Campbell asking Brendon Ohara if the Tories offered the SNP along the lines of the vow, “would the SNP take that”? what are you trying to suggest Glen?
are you asking if the SNP will sit up and beg for the “vow” to be honoured?
That is a disgusting little man.
Edinburgh South West still to go, not Edinburgh South as I said, as well as Berwickshire.
Good Night.
Wtf is George Galloway on?
Love you Scotland. xxxxx
Sinky says
“As the third force in UK politics will “national” BBC and other broadcasters now give the SNP the equal treatment currently afforded to the Lib Dems on news and political programmes?”
Just seen SNP with 55 seats, as i was switching off telly. So they must have won Edinburgh South West?
Come on Berwickshire. Vote in another SNP MP.
Again Goodnight.
Even the notebook is being switched off.
Given the party membership (third largest in UK) & now the number of parliamentary seats (third largest in UK), I would expect that the SNP to receive appropriate UK MSM coverage previously given to the LibDems.
No I don’t think it’ll happen either.
They’ll still treat us as a minor lunatic fringe.
First time I have been able to look at Jackie bird for a year.
Much easier today.
Wonder if tories are still shouting for an end to first past the post.
Where I live it’s work o’clock but I had to have a look. I also barely slept last night for the nervous anticipation of the results. So now I’m sitting here with bags under my eyes and tears of pride and happiness running down my face and nae use tae ony bugger!
I don’t even mind having one of each unionist flavour left in Scotland. That way Scotland can’t be accused of being a one-party state – the SNP just has to point at the token unionists.
It will also be a source of fun and interest for all the family to subject them to scrutiny like never before: every vote and every expenses claim published. Every lie called out, every failure to turn up for work, either at WM or in constituency, recorded and attendance record published. And before anyone says that’s petty, I want the same level of scrutiny for ALL MPs of every party. I suspect the SNP would come out of such examination rather well compared to other parties but it doesn’t hurt for any politician to know that their constituents will keep them honest and be on the look-out for complacency. They are paid a very good salary indeed so let them prove that they earn it before they come again to the people for support.
If I don’t do my job properly, my boss wants to know why.
Well, the electorate are their MPs bosses and it’s time that message was sent loud and clear to the establishment parties – English and Welsh voters take note, you might like to try this fun new game, I think I’ll call it ‘Active Democracy’.
Have had tears of joy streaming down my cheeks all night!! Could not have wished for a better result.
I am immensely proud of the people of my country for being brave enough to take Scotland’s destiny into their own hands…
History has been made and every day hence forth brings us closer to a better future for Scotland’s children…
Rev, your services have been immeasurable, thank you!!
A brilliant night.
Must admit …Labour aren’t bitter, eh! Talk about entertainment value. Anne McGuire made me laugh everytime we saw her. Blind fury as she couldn’t look anyone in the eye.
Now we have a constitutional crisis. Boris gets it. Cameron has a huge problem. The Smith Commission is the very base line now. Ah well …away for a nice cup of coffee.
Kezia’s bound to see the writing on the wall for her job now, there’ll be a queue of jobless and homeless (EX) MP’s in the hunt for a roof over their heads.
So now it comes down to three issues.
How Westminster deals with our representation and their post election Scottish narrative.
Implementation the devolution pledges made during the referendum.
An in/out referendum on the EU.
Many roads. 🙂
And it’s a massive thank you from me to the fallacious five:
Jim Murphy – Scottish Branch Manager.
Douglas Alexander – UK Campaign Manager.
John McTernan – Political Strategist and Adviser.
Blair McDougall – Scottish Campaign Director.
UK Media – Lying Unionist Bullshit artists.
Between you all you have utterly destroyed L!ebore in Scotland.
Thank you.
Where’s Kezia when you need a laugh?
Haven’t seen her since the early hours.
Can just picture her sad “looks like Neil from the Young Ones” face & hair.
Morning Wingers, just up, staggering results, too early for a hauf though.
Murphy-no more,
Smart-no more,
McVermin-no more
Davidson-no more,
The Alexander Brothers-no more,
Sterrheid Mags, (my personal bete noir)-no moooooore. 🙂
Did anyone see the declaration in East Renfrewshire giving Kirsten Francis Ausurgleburgle (sorry there was a strange and rare break in the transmission when her name was being announced ) giving her a slow hand clap. asshole!
Just a thought: What’s the competition going to be like for ex-Labour MPs trying to get into the Scottish Parliament?
Expect blood on the carpet.
“The Scottish lion has roared across Scotland”
“The Scottish lion has roared across Scotland”
Dear sweet Jesus
miracles can happen
27% shift from Labour and LD to SNP in Dunfermline East.
somebody pinch me I’m obviously still sleeping. 🙂
Small fly in the ointment, Kate Hopkins calls for the death penalty for Nicola Sturgeon. What are we doing in the same country as these arseholes?
Paddy Ashdown has just said the Lib Dems fought a campaign of hope against fear, including fear of “The Scots.” I think he needs to get some sleep, as do I
Well done everyone and thanks Stu for your support and hard work
A big thank you to you for all your hard work.
There are no words to express our gratitude properly.
We now have interesting times ahead and we look forward to your input.
But please, take some time out and recharge those batteries, you’ve earned it!
Labour (Scottish accounting unit) – panda party 🙂
Charles Kennedy,
‘Night of the long sgian dubh’
Reference to Nazi purge in 1934 Germany where 85 political opponents were murdered, known as the Night of the long knives.
Bad taste. Ask yourself why Lib Dems were gubbed instead.
A nearly man, could have been, get yersel a wee dram and swallow your pride, it’s looking a bit ugly.
Many thanks to Wings and wingers.
Stay in it for the long run. X
Is this result the settled will of the people of Scotland?
Just up and reading all comments.
I have only one thing to say, YAHOO!
That was a lie – one thing ??
Fantastic ! Fabulous!
May I thank the BBBC ,STV ,the Herald ,the Record , Scotsman et al for all their wonderful coverage which has undoubtedly helped the SNP to reach this gobsmacking majority.
Thanks to all those guys and gals for their doom laden ,SNP BAD , Vote Labour , Vote Conservative , Vote anybody but the SNP and for their coverage of every petty little hiccup that they blew into a mountain on behalf of the Labour Party particularly.
Well Done indeed!
Seems like the Scots don’t believe you any more.
Scotland! Scotland! Scotland! Scotland!
Ms Bird drivelling on as I watch the telly – love it ! Love it! Love it!
Did we really lose that referendum? I find it hard to believe.
I’ll stop blethering on now and just snigger , smirk and guffaw!
Morning all, I’m knackered after an incredible 24 hours, but delighted.Thought I was dreaming, but its all true, we are the new ’55.
Too many things to say, but want to thank Nicola and Angus Robertson, they played a blinder.
Just waiting for the final result and then to bed.
Looking forward to a raft of rejected labour big guns (all “new labour” supporters) pushing their way into MSP slots – that should go down well with the voters next year.
As regards last night – Thank you Scotland 🙂
Standby for Labour infighting to become list MSPs next year
Nice one Rev. 🙂
@ Richardinho says:
8 May, 2015 at 6:02 am
Ed Miliband being a twat with his usual ‘Scottish nationalism bad, British nationalism good’ patter.
Don’t worry he’ll be down the job centre on Mnday looking for another job, his days of leading Labour are numbered.
Well done Alex. Knew you could do it. Well done Nicola too. WOW
Now for full fiscal autonomy/Home rule/federalism/Independence. Get rid of the Westminster bastards.
Who’s crowing now? After all the insults. Thanks for the Vow
Thanks to the wonderful electorate. Let’s take our country back and live in peace and prosperity with the rest of the world.
The revenge for the secrecy, lies and illegal wars. People have waited years for this.
Still lost at the bookies.
The tactical voting worked then.
It is not the SNPs fault that the UK has stuck to FPP for Westminster.
It is not the SNPs fault that the actions of Better Together and the MSM created a sceptical and politically informed electorate in Scotland.
It is not the SNPs fault that Labour never worked out that their core support in Scotland remained Old Labour and that they never followed through on their ‘promises’ to listen and learn.
It is definitely not the SNPs fault that Labour did badly in rUK.
Watch them all blame the SNP for everything including the weather.
Surely Jim Murphy can’t carry on as leader?
Shame though because he is worth loads of votes (for the SNP!!).
An astronaut in the international spacestation just came back from the toilet to find an SNP candidate in his seat. 🙂
YEEHAA!!! Just woke for my work to the astonishing news of Labour wipe out in Scotland!!! I can hardly believe we have 55 seats for the SNP!! Got woken at 5am to say we had 50 seats and could hardly get back to sleep! Thanks to the Rev Stu and all at wings and in the SNP for their hard work and keeping the faith when i had the stuffing knocked out of me last september. You restored my faith.
Scotland got their revenge for last septmeber and wiped out Labour who danced with the tories in front of us. No More!
Fred says
“Small fly in the ointment, Kate Hopkins calls for the death penalty for Nicola Sturgeon. What are we doing in the same country as these arseholes?”
Wow its a captal offence to be Nicla Sturgeon in her wee banana republic, harsh.
Thanks Rev Stu
MURPHY giving Kirsten Francis Ausurgleburgle (sorry there was a strange and rare break in the transmission when her name was being announced ) giving her a slow hand clap. asshole!