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Wings Over Scotland

Sense less common

Posted on April 15, 2016 by

The Scottish Conservatives manifesto for Holyrood, 2011:


But maybe it’s different if you’re openly campaigning to lose.


There’s just no pleasing some people.

(2016 manifesto here, 2011 here.)

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They thought we had forgotten, we haven’t.

Matt McCallum

The obviously don’t do irony then?

Donald Anderson

What is interesting also, is to watch the liars of the Bitter together campaign divide into two sets of liars on the Yes/No Euro campaign?

Joe Coutts

What a simple joy to reveal the opportunists with their own words.



Oh look … a squirrel! 😀

Under NO circumstances should ANYONE dare contemplate raising this *ahem* memory lapse with any Tory candidate on the grounds that you’d be wasting your time … you’d be better off, and get a better response, if you just banged your head off a nearby wall! 😀

Peter Macbeastie

See, this is the problem.

They think no one remembers. They actually believe that the general public, who are now much more politically aware, aren’t clever enough to look back at what they were proposing a couple of years ago and wonder how they’re so happy to attack a policy they openly supported in their own manifesto.

People have their opinions on Police Scotland, naturally, but that’s not the point here.

The point is Tories still thinking we’re all mushrooms that are kept in the dark and happy so long as there’s shite to feed on.

Course, Labour are no better. I’m sure a brief examination of their previous support would throw up a few items of hypocrisy.

Proud Cybernat

“The obviously don’t do irony then?”

Aye – but barrel-loads of hypocrisy.

David MacGille-Mhuire

The only iron(y) La Woofie does is BritNat imperialist gun turret stuff with drones as haunders.


Oh good grief! Even when they’re fighting for second place they simply can’t help falling over their own feet.

The logic is inescapable. They really do believe and act as if the public are that stupid. That right there is pretty much an example of naked contempt for the electorate.

Les Wilson

Unionist parties, are like snakes with two heads (maybe more), trouble is they fall out all the time each head arguing with the other. Lies and manipulation abound.

In truth none of these want to win, even if they could. They are happier carping from the sidelines, knowing full well the poison chalice the SG now hold.

The last thing they would want, would be to try and deal with that.
Much easier to bad mouth the SNP, than help solve the reality of our situation with the devolved and reserved areas that are designed to harm Scotland.

SNP x2 + EU


Now where’s a picture of the sign post for Twatt in Orkney when you need it.

That’s the only sign post that sums up the Tories in my view.

10 out of 10 for continuity though.. “we will merge Scotland’s eight police forces..”. no wait..someone else has done it and they are BAD!

Back peddle..back peddle.. “..a centralised police service in Scotland is a significant failure..”


Aye, and it’s not just the Tories: I got a leaflet from Lab’s Elaine Murray, MSP for Dumfriesshire, whining about the single police force THAT SHE VOTED FOR and which was also in labour’s 2011 manifesto.

G H Graham

This morning, I received a message on a single A4 sheet of paper from Ruth Davidson on behalf of Murdo Fraser.

Here’s the number of times the following words or phrases are mentioned:-

independence = 4
referendum = 8
break up Britain = 1

Which is odd for someone claiming that all the SNP can talk about is holding another independence referendum.

So I checked the letter I received from Nicola Sturgeon earlier this week and the number of times any of these words was mentioned was zero.

Maybe Ruth Davidson got a different letter from the one I got? Or maybe that’s all the ammunition left in their near empty political war chest?

John Edgar

Is somebody going to tell Davidson?
One could not make it up?
Watch the Tories go into apoplexy when they fail to move on from being a minor entity in “North Britain”.
When will it occur to them that their “unionism” is a busted flush”.
Will they start to lobby head office to have Holyrood dissolved? Then legislate it out of existence because they are not “entitled” to govern there by right.
It is becoming noticeable that the yoonies are become angrier when one meets them on the doorstep. Their wee detached world of ” hereditary” right to rule is crumbling.
Same applies to the other “yoonies”.
The other nightmare for the “yoonies” must be that Westminster will break the union or yoonion.
With one MP each the Scottish “yoonies” are not even lobby fodder. With EVEL they are more marginalised within their better together(ha ha) parties.
As Scotland becomes more differentiated from the rest of the UK, what is to become of the diminishing “yoony rump?

Joe Coutts

Thee is a sign in Strathdon, named ‘LOST’. That would do for Ruthie.


I know everyone is having a hard time with the *ahem* Tory version of the TRUTH on here today so here is something to brighten your day! 😀

link to


Thinking about this ‘tactical’ voting malarkey, this idea crossed my mind.

If all SNP voters voted Labour x 2, giving labour a majority in Holyrood, they would be forced to backtrack on every SNP BAD story they have ever shouted about, they would be shown up for what they are, utterly devoid of ideas to cope with tory austerity, and completely dishonest in regards to where the austerity cuts actually comes from.

I can imagine the reaction when labour announce all of Scotland’s issues under labour are the fault of the WM tory government !

After 5 years of labour in charge of Holyrood and another 4 years of a Tory government in Westminster, never mind a referendum, there would be a unified call for UDI !
Now, i am NOT seriously suggesting for a moment that this should be done, I am merely trying to highlight how horrific things could be if Scotland fail to deliver a clear SNP majority in May.

SNP x 2 every day of the week, month, year, decade, century, millenium.

Brian Henderson

Opportunistic politics,soundbites to fit the times.J Freeman in the national got it right.
Spare us this web of deceit.


Funny thing about merging the police is it’s probably the most sensible policy outside of independence that the SNP has pursued.

The economies of scale benefits of centralising like that are potentially huge, as anyone with even a molecule of business acumen will appreciate. There are other benefits too beyond purchasing and finance; control, administration, management, cohesion, uniformity of purpose, culture, etc.

It’s not surprising to hear that the Tories were keen on the idea. Anything that saves millions and cuts costs is going to appeal to our friends in the Tory party.

David H

Awe, Rev, you’re over a week too late with this. I would love to have had this on hand when John Lamont came-a-begging last week.

Och well, i suppose telling him to go and take a royal F£C% to himself had the exact same effect.

SNP x 2


The thing is do they really think that no one remembers or are they so incompetent that they are the ones who don’t remember.
This is the problem when your only policy is to oppose the policy of the SNP.

Politics is full of good liars, prisons are filled with bad liars. UKOK politicians are in that grey area in between.

The Man in the Jar

A quick OT.

Yesterday I commented that here in Uddingston and Bellshill as far as yoon party leaflets were concerned there was little but tumbleweed.

They must have been listening for today I received a blizzard of leaflets. One constituency leaflet from Labour extolling me to vote Michael McMahon and to vote Scottish Labour choose kids not cuts in the list vote. No candidate named.

A leaflet from the Lib Dem list candidate for central Scotland Paul McGarry (who he?) Same goes for the Greens (list) candidate Kirsten Robb. And last but not least one from the Vote Ruth Davidson for a strong opposition party. No mention of any local Tory candidate at all.

The postie clocking the SNPx2 poster in the window offered to bin them but I was in the mood for a laugh.


They can say what they like in their manifestoes and leaflets , too late for me now , both ballot papers sent back , SNP X 2 , can’t take any chances.


Different policies on the same issue in different manifestos.Kezia manages different policies on the same issue in the same sentence.


Clearly something big has changed since 2011 causing the Tories to U-turn. Ah yes … Unionist parties all united together as part of the Popular Front for SNPBad.

The only have one policy, attack the SNP at every opportunity and on every subject. Bitter Together, as they not-so-heroically man the last crumbling defences of their Union.

They backed one police force. They should be playing their part in ensuring the changes succeed. That would the decent thing to do. However, we are talking about the Tories here.


Clearly something big has changed since 2011 causing the Tories to U-turn. Ah yes … Unionist parties all united together as part of the Popular Front for SNPBad.

The only have one policy, attack the SNP at every opportunity and on every subject. Bitter Together, as they not-so-heroically man the last crumbling defences of their Union.

They backed one police force. They should be playing their part in ensuring the changes succeed. That would the decent thing to do. However, we are talking about Tories here.

Proud Cybernat

“The economies of scale benefits of centralising like that are potentially huge, as anyone with even a molecule of business acumen will appreciate.”

Except when London forces Police Scotland to pay VAT which no other police force in the YooKay (without an ‘e’) has to pay.

SNP x 2 + EU IN

Big Jock

Why anyone would vote Tory in Scotland, given Cameron and Osbornes recent shenanigans, is beyond me. Does it mean that 18% of Scotlands population are self harmers?

Maybe that’s why the Tories want to pump more money into mental health.

Ruth wants Students to pay fees, scrap free prescriptions and have more austerity. Wealthy Tories in Scotland want to exterminate the working classes.


So that would be one of those u turn thingies would it ?

good good good SNP did it now its bad bad bad.

Though i will not hold my breath that they are pulled up by the BUM for it.


Realistically they might argue that it wasn’t the actual merger that was the problem but rather the way it has been done. Sort of along the same line as their cutting of front line services attack. Might have a bit more respect for them if they explained it that way.

Think that the main problem with that leaflet lies at the end. The complaint that prisoners aren’t being given a sentence including forced/unpaid labour. In a climate where the unemployed are forced to pack shelves and do other unskilled work it’s a political non-starter to make even more people unemployed so their former job can be used use a punishment. Not only that but once debate is engaged into it it’ll probably turn out that EU membership precludes that kind of slave labour scheme and prisoners would have to be paid for their work. Not to mention the whole “arbeit macht frei” aspect of it.


Big jock 1.32pm

Should a teacher be paid more than a janitor and if so,how much more?

Bob Mack

There are people who will support these Unionist liars of all parties. They excuse the deceptions, untruths, and downright blatancy because it comes under the heading of politics.

Politics has become the byword for an “acceptable” excuse for all sorts of murky behaviour. It appears to have become a mitigation of everything I despise about public figures who represent people.

The public have become casual observers whilst the major parties play silly games to discredit each other, believing that this gives them credibility and the liklishood of my vote. They almost appear to believe that the public live in an alternative trance like state,and will fail to notice their deceptions.

Not so.I want change for the better


They don’t even have the integrity to just say, we wanted cops centralised 2011, its not worked, so vote Tory and we’ll change it back.

Why would they though? Rock solid Tory England still governs Scotland, Scottish tory vote also rock solid, lick spittle BBC led media grovellers perpetually got their backs, future’s bright for that chancer, even with just a few hundred votes.


Its total shite, what the LabServativeDem parties don’t mention on their manifestos, a sample of hidden agendas;

Support for Trident
Introduce Tuition fees
Introduce Prescription charges
Support Lords
Support for wars in the Middle East


We have a “camp” …no-one told me! 😉

Do we get to sit round a fire singing…

Where do I sign up, do I need my tin foil hat, will there be sweeties and irnburoo ! 😉
I’ll bring the popcorn!


@ Man in the Jar, This Paul McGarry must be the sod who has been causing all sorts of trouble for the sitting SNP MP & his family with baseless allegations.


@ geeo

Its a good thought geeo but would not happen if the yoons got back in charge you would soon see westminster rally behind them and pump more cash into Scotland.

At the present moment we are being stripped of that as a punishment for not voting yoon in the hope that we blame the SNP,its part of their plan to discredit the SNP hoping we all flock back to red tory so they can say see silly Scotland the SNP were bad.

Lets not forget the yoons hold the keys to the printing press and will do everything in their power to make the SNP`s financial planning fail.

The person who`s job i dont envy is oor John`s just as well he is smarter than the average yoon bear.


On the subject of the Tory policy on prisons, there’s a good article at

Ruth wants all the prisoners to serve their full sentences but won’t address the glaring issue of cost, quite apart from the obvious prisoner-management problems that would come along.


Ruth wants Students to pay fees, scrap free prescriptions and have more austerity. Wealthy Tories in Scotland want to exterminate the working classes.

They also either condone offshore tax dodging or do it too.

Or, what is so wrong of pumping money into offshore tax free banks in Panama say, drawing on the tax free profit you make with the offshore tax free accounts, but paying a bit of tax back here in toryboy world yew kay? Like what our noble toryboy PM fessed up to, and pretty much what everyone with money seems to do.

One spectacular pack of hypocrites is The Guardian newspaper, who broke Panama leaks but do it too. The stench wafting behind our imperial masters is getting worse.

There is ofcourse not a snowballs chance in hell that any BBC Scotland gimp would even dare ask Ruthie babes.


Is it the same Paul McGarry that accused an SNP MP of underhand dealings. Think he wrote letter of complaint, which was investigated and then found SNP MP had done nothing more than not declare a REDUNDANT DISSOLVED COMPANY. Which owed said MP money!

Hoss Mackintosh

Cracking hypocrisy from the Tory party.

Rev Stu – You should do an article on that election leaflet for Lesley Hinds, Labour Transport Convenor for Edinburgh and MSP candidate where she claimed the trams fiasco was all the fault of the SNP and quote “She helped fix it” !!!

The problem for the Unionist parties is they look like they are going to split the Goldfish vote.

Everyone else with at least half a brain and some memory will be voting for an Indy party.

SNP 1 & SNP 2.

Dr Jim

Nobody in Scotland wants Independence and Ruth will stop it happening, she says
Nobody in Scotland wants Tories, will Ruth stop THAT happening

Ruths argument is 55% won the vote so stop it and go away you’ve no right to another one
But Ruths Tories have never had even 20% of the vote but she keeps coming back and trying again

Why isn’t Ruth stopping herself?


HaggisHunter says:

” what the LabServativeDem parties don’t mention on their manifestos,”

Their excuse would be that this is an election for Holyrood and should only concern matters devolved. That would be true if all parties were Unionist and there was consensus about the level of powers devolved.

Well, the situation is far from that. A large majority think the powers of Holyrood fall short and half want all powers to be transferred!

With constitutional issues unresolved and in a state of flux, things like Trident and Foreign Policy ARE relevant to this election. The Unionists have their head in the sand if they think otherwise,


Rev wrote: “We told you about it last October. Report to Alertness Enhancement Camp immediately.”

Oh, ma bad, and positively glowing full beam. Oanyhoo, the dug ate ma WOS pages and..Err!..Umm!..pft!..gulp!..a wiz aff oan the sick!
(looks skywards whilst whistling Dixie)


It’s awright Stoker, ah’ve taken massel tae AECamp…ah’ll put the kettle oan… 😉


dont feel bad stoker they talk that much pish it is hard to keep a track of it all lol

Socrates MacSporran

Janet @1.53pm Makes a very good point. I read LPW’s take on the Tank Commander’s call for toughr sentences etc.

He didn’t miss Wee Ruthie and hit the wall.


I read over on the labour FB page that Monica Lennon, labour list candidate for Central Scotland,has been put in charge of the ‘scottish’ labour website.

This is the woman who took offence at me pointing out the anne beg/dave mcdonald (of the NF) and also failed to answer why she seemed happy to campaign and be photographed with big ‘Team Monica’signs, with one of the most obnoxious racist and bigoted scumbags on facebook, namely, DEL RASHID/ANVER SHER.

If only i could ask her if she will now, being in charge of labour online, remove this member of her team monica from all things official labour online, but alas, she banned me from her campaign page, and i was removed from the ‘scottish’ labour page for similair reasons (ok and some ‘shit stirring’).

Maybe kezia is the person to ask, she could put it in her ‘dossier’ !

Peter McCulloch

The Tories are no different from the other two unionist parties labour and the libdems.

They will attack any policy stance they previously supported if it provides them with the political opportunity for electoral advantage.

And they wonder why ordinary people don’t trust politicians.


Tanktop really is pretty clueless.

Dr Jim

It’s not Kim Jong Ruths party that’s really a problem though they’ll likely only get the same votes as they always get

A bigger problem might be the vote splitting Chairman Harvie Mao and his “Tax everybody for the common good party” (and BTW we’re Green as well)

The wee man’s new found power has completely gone to his napper threatening to repossess private companies, remove control from property owners, he even threatened to tell Ineos what they could and couldn’t do with their company

In his haste to take over the world for his party he’s forgotten these folk will just say stuff you we’re off

But the Wee Chairman has an answer to Capital Flight and in his mind it’s inescapable logic that he will present his Victor Meldrew argument which is “I don’t believe it” will happen


I guess promising to raise the upper tax rate to 50p and then chickening out the minute they had the power to do so doesn’t count….


Ruth’s antics to get attention are getting boring. Romping around with kids, hockey sticks, tanks etc. Just saw Jamie Ross account of Rennie sliding down a volcano in some kids playground for manifesto launch.

Last night Kez was throwing down a plate of slop for some auld yins in a community centre.

I think SLab really are the pits due to not even getting the manifesto out until a week before. It’s an insult to anyone that might vote for them.

Have we not suffered enough of Darling? On BBC saying out campaign is running Project Fantasy, as opposed to his Project Fanny.


Do the yoon politicians realize that the people of Scotland are awake and will not be fooled by their lies. We are not going back in our boxes,they are fighting like ferrets in a sack for second place. Their empire is finished and there is nothing they can do. We are not interested in their academic plans for taxation or their running down Scotland, if life is so good in the English empire go and live there. L


link to

Rancid the Graun thinks. I got this far before lols kick in

“The seriously serious reason is that there is now an England-shaped hole in British politics. At the moment, all the affective power of England and Englishness is being taken by the conservative, Eurosceptic, xenophobic end of the spectrum, all the way from the extremist English Defence League to mild middle England Brexitism.”

Toryboy world’s frightened of it’s England and no wonder. Angus Robertson only had to say “people are angry” and he brought the house down on BBC Question Time, from Doncaster, and they actually had Doncastrians in the audience, unlike that QT Dundee farce.

Just saying “people are angry” to angry cheers, clearly surprised Robertson too but the point is, how are toryboys like Ruth and co able to maintain almost total control of teamGB, relentless ferocious BBC led vote tory propaganda aside, or maybe that’s why.

Timothy Garton Ash’s got a regular lunchtime BBC r4 lecture slot where he explore free speech, here in teamGB and across the world and he surmises that if you think your media stinks, say so. He’s a bit of a comic old Garton Ash, as everyone who’s ever complained to our BBC creep show will attest.


Basically the unionist parties manifestos / proposals are based on back of a fag pack financial calculations just to grab headlines and they know full well that none of what they are proposing in their manifestos is costed, feasible, practical or even make sense, Without extra money pocket money from Westminster which is just not going to happen. Sadly many will fall for this and will vote for these fraudster parties.

Chic McGregor

The Irony Lady.

Nice thing about sand is, lines in it are so easy to remove.

The only U-turn off radar for her is a U turn at Scottish Government, thank goodness.


When you send in a postal vote do you get a receipt to say your vote was been recorded?

Craig P

The Labservatives are doing it again with Named Person.


No , are you trying to suggest there might be something crooked going on that Ruth had a hand in ?


For all that it might open me up to accusations of playing the man and not the ball,,,,

When was that photo taken, not sure if the reason she looks as young in it is down to the hairstyle. In fact looking at the full brochure there seems to be more recent photos that have her quite a bit older. There does seem to be a bit of airbrushing going on and it’s not all in the manifesto.

pussy nancy

Ruby says:
15 April, 2016 at 3:57 pm

When you send in a postal vote do you get a receipt to say your vote was been recorded?

You will find your username on the back of your postal voting statement along with web address for checking if your vote has been recorded.
Remember to record your username in the place provided on the instruction sheet.

Robert J. Sutherland

heedtracker, I liked your reference to Timothy Garton Ash’s “Free speech” miniseries on R4. I would particularly direct Wingers to Thursday’s episode (#4/5, still available on replay) on the subject of the media, which was wonderfully high-minded but also blissfully amnesiac about his establishment BritNat media’s evil way with the truth during the indyref.


pussy nancy says:
15 April, 2016 at 4:53 pm

Ruby says:
15 April, 2016 at 3:57 pm

When you send in a postal vote do you get a receipt to say your vote was been recorded?

You will find your username on the back of your postal voting statement along with web address for checking if your vote has been recorded.
Remember to record your username in the place provided on the instruction sheet.

Ruby replies

Cheers ‘pussy nancy’ I don’t have a postal vote I was just wondering how it worked.

When you check online to see if your vote has been recorded do you see which party you voted for?


Off Topic but speaking of hypocrisy…

Go to this article in the Guardian today: Police and Tech firms are failing to tackle trolling, says Stella Creasy (Creasy is a Labour MP for a London constituency). Now try posting a comment asking why the Guardian censored comments about Brian Spanner on their forums when the Rowling-McGarry twitter spat was news and see how long it is before the comment is deleted by a moderator for violating their “community standards”. Apparently the Guardian is fine with misogynistic trolls as long as they are targeting Scottish politicians, especially ones of a nationalist persuasion. Note that this article is part of their The Web We Want campaign, a self-righteous and self-serving effort to justify censorship of any topic discussion the Guardian deems beyond the ken of the hoi polloi.


Nicola Sturgeon has stated she will revisit the question of Independence this summer, presumably she means after the EU referendum and she asked Yes voters to be nice to No voters.
Alex Salmond’s last speech at the Scottish Parliament was that he will return when Scotland becomes an independent country.
It looks to me that the SNP don’t want independence mentioned until they get another outstanding election result.

Simon curran

If she had said “we thought this was a good idea last time round but have now realised we were wrong” then she’d have retained some credibility. She doesn’t do so and just hopes people have forgotten. Absolute chancer.

Robert J. Sutherland

Jimmy said:

It looks to me that the SNP don’t want independence mentioned until they get another outstanding election result.

Oh no, pleease, not another of those people who seem to think that ordinary folk are so dimwitted or forgetful that they need to be constantly reminded that the SNP’s main policy is ssshhh independence.

It’s only the BBC who think that this election is all about taxation.

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