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Wings Over Scotland

Scotland’s Embarrassment

Posted on July 02, 2015 by

The Daily Record has a major editorial in today’s edition bleating piteously about the way David Mundell and the Conservative government have – to everyone’s complete and utter astonishment, except not so much – ignored the wishes of almost all the MPs elected by the Scottish people just two months ago and blocked every single amendment to the Scotland Bill.


The picture above, by alert reader Neil Hepburn, seems to sum the situation up.

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Looks like the thieves and liars are making off in that union jack car..


Desperation sets in!

Donald MacKenzie

Well, jings, crivvens. Maybe thon Vow thing wasn’t worth the paper it was written on.

But it must have been, because the Daily Record said it was good. And the Daily Record always reports what is in Scotland’s best interests.

Marie clark

Whit ur the complainin aboot. They goat whit they waantit.

Sheesh brass neck disnae come intae it. I take it they dinae dae irony.


So we have English votes for England and English votes for Scotland but No Scottish Only votes for Scotland. I can see pressure for another referendum building.

Bob Mack

We want our future back!

The Daily unionist is not part of that future.


Their own jobs on the line,that is all that they care about nothing about journalism or integrity me me me is all that drives them just like the Labour party branch office in Scotland.


Why are we not surprised! The DR,shafted all it’s faithful readers into believing the Tory way. Westminster knows best NOT.


Mundell is quite possibly the best thing that could have happened for looking again at another referendum.

Unpopular, pompous and dishonest, if he had been a character from a Holywood movie reviewers would have complained that he was a two dimensional caricature of a baddie rather than a real person.


As said many times before, I think the UK government thinks we have gone back inside our boxes.

Let them bring these rules in, they are doing a very good job in letting the Scottish voters see the contempt they have for the Scots.

Another Referendum on the way?


VOW? What VOW?

donald anderson

I don’t like the jingoistic way they exploited the Tunisian tragedy to display a military cortege for the victim’s remains at the airport.

Eleanor McCarrey

Another biased ("Tractor" - Ed) is complaining BBC loosing so much money as their licence holders are leaving them. I wonder why


link to echoes around Daily Record office.


Perhaps someone should take the daily record and roll it up tightly and ram it up mundells earse, because their both a pair of tractors to this country and they deserve each other.

john ferguson

I agree Donald A. Trying to get subliminal public support for ineffectual air strikes. I wonder how we can afford expensive weaponry while food banks increase by the day. I despair.

Alastair Wright

Oh look another broken record, who knew.

Paula Rose

What’s VOW? – Very Obvious Whataboutery?

John grant

The record should print an unreserved apology to the people of scotland on its front page , then close the doors and never appear in public again


North Britain’s Champion displaying it’s faux outrage to match it’s faux Jock identity.

A dire excuse for a newspaper, and an affront to journalism.

[…] Scotland’s Embarrassment […]


But, but, but wasn’t the vow delivered? I’m sure they said the vow was delivered.

And now? Now not so much apparently.

Who knew?

Hoss Mackintosh

I think we just keeping pushing onwards for Indyref2 – the sooner the better.

Having Mundell , Murray and Carmicheal as the last three Unionist in Westminster is a huge boost for Scottish Independence as it is difficult to imagine three more useless, arrogant and mendacious politicians ever produced by Scotland.

Imagine if they were the ones required to fight the Indyref2 campaign for the better together2.

We would win by a landslide.

Duncan McKinlay

for too long we have assumed the tories are benign dinosaurs who are pitied rather than despised.

Mundel is at best a confused buffoon, the driver is bitter ruth and Scottish labour, the ugly sisters.

There are many in toryland who will rejoice in giving Scotland a lesson of strict discipline, power to their elbow!


A dire excuse for a newspaper, and an affront to journalism.

Great if you run out of arse wipes though.


Following the previous WoS thread illustrating the demise of staff numbers at the BBC – which I think many of us know the true reasons for, there is an interesting piece about the Daily Record, and their “click-bait” targets, with a right rammy at the P45 threatened hacks over this.

I don’t wish for anyone to get their jotters from a job, but the Daily Record has FAILED to listen to 50% of the Scottish electorate. Worse the Daily Record has actively insulted, abused and maligned half of Scotlands voters.

So the rolling programme of journo-job cuts at the Daily Record is not something I will be losing sleep over.

They have had many chances to report news fairly, constructively and in a decent balanced format. Hell mend them given the bile they have published over the past few years.

A revealing insight into the woes of this bottom-feeding newspaper and its beleaguered scribes…

link to


Patience, patience.

The SNP will win a majority again. Labour are fudged. Whilst we had nowhere near 70% support Indy in September, we had 45% plus 10-15% who feel guilty about it, then another 10-15% who quite like the SNP but not sure/don’t want Indy.

The Greens will get squeezed again. Most Yes voters will back the SNP in May again. A few will back the Greens – they will not make the inroads as expected, it’ll end up like the polar-opposite version of the UKIP fringe vote in England did in May this year, the Yes/SNP 15 voters will back the SNP when in the polling booth.

The option to trigger an Independence referendum will be in the manifesto, not a commitment, but the SNP will stand on the option of having a manifesto, and judging by the way things are going that option will be validated, and even the No/SNP voters will still vote SNP.

We will have a large SNP, possibly majority if not, backed up by the 3-5 Green MSPs as government again, and there will be another Indy referendum.

Save this and drag me up next year if it all goes wrong, but this is exactly what will happen.

We will have a second referendum in 2020 where opinion polls will have support for Indy at on average 56-58% pre-purdah.

And we’ll win it. Just like the Maltese did in the end.

Deagh dhurachdan,


Why am I not ‘astonished’?

Circulation plummeting, can’t give away their wares (allegedly reported) and scorned by the people it should serve. Egged on by the rUK establishment into an ever deeper spiral of deceit. I think the DR is getting exactly what everyone connected with ‘better together’ is from the establishment. Those proud Scots who stood up for the union and painted a glowing picture of Scotland’s future should we stay within it. Where are their voices now? Where is Gordon Brown? Where is Aliealot Darling? Shown to be less than truthful in their pre-referendum pronouncements of near-federalism, home rule, devo max and all the rest, they are content to remain silent.

Am ah annoyed? Aye, ah am.


…I thought the Daily Record delivered the VOW?


Mundell was on Scotland Tonight espousing the joys of EVEL – he was born in Dumfries, represents a Scottish constituency, is the Secretary of State FOR Scotland and there he was, bold as the brass on a Monkey’s knob, saying it was only fair and right that the English got to vote on what they spent Scotland’s money on. Surely there must be some angry people in his constituency right now ?? Helloooo ???

Mike Annis

The Record cares for only one thing and that is circulation and they need to sell to survive so they always publish front pages to appeal (sell) to the majority. This is why they have always pushed the Unionist/Blue/Orange line. If they are showing a change it is because they are at it. This toilet paper is no friend of the Indy side.

ronnie anderson

Ah Scotlands Chumpions join the fray,aye the VOW will be delivered Cmon the Scottish Chumpions

Craig Macinnes

Forgive me but I don’t give a toss if everybody at unionist propaganda HQ Scotland or so-called journalists at the Daily Rag lose their jobs. These people knowingly lied and continue to lie to an entire nation and most couldn’t give a toss if as a result of their lying an entire nation stays poor and suffers ever more poverty thanks to their beloved Union. Hell mend each and every one of them as far as I’m concerned.

Andrew Haddow

“Great if you run out of arse wipes though”

The general idea of toilet paper is to get the shite OFF yer arse.

Stephen kilday

Sorry headtracker,not even any use as an arse wipe cos it’s already full of shit


this is my first post here though i have been reading wings for a while i find Robert Peffers and Grouse Beater and Dr jim very interesting and Ronnie Andersons very funny sometimes there are some people if you dont agree though get very bullying and i’m not very up on the points to put in words so i dont want to say the wrong thing


The Daily Redcoat.Anti Scottish trash.


I prefer to use a docken leaf.If there isn’t one to hand I’d prefer a nettle to a Daily Redcoat.


Bunch o’ fannies ! (Now, to qualify that statement, I am talking about… everyone who voted No on the basis of false promises, the Labourites who got completely behind the Tories on Better Together, the Tories (coz they just are !), The former party known as the Liberal Democrats, the other gutter press who were basically just sheep, every single harbinger of doom re the economy (and a special mention to those from the Banking community who got the economy completely and utterly fecked in the first place), and….. Michelle Moan (wee special mention for a busted flush). There, I feel better now !


Unpopular, pompous and dishonest, if he had been a character from a Holywood movie reviewers would have complained that he was a two dimensional caricature of a baddie rather than a real person.

Thank you for that, HandandShrimp (10.47pm) – Mundell summed up in one sentence.


Eleanor McCarrey: @10.57pm

Another biased (“Tractor” – Ed) is complaining BBC loosing so much money as their licence holders are leaving them. I wonder why

Aye Eleanor, BBC – Trouble at the ‘Funny Farm’

BBC announces plans to slash 1,000 jobs – many from highly paid managerial ranks.

The BBC is to cut up to 1,000 jobs, including many managerial roles, because of a £150million shortfall in its licence fee income.

Lord Hall said that the fall in licence fee revenue, primarily as a result of viewers switching to ‘catch-up’ TV services like the iPlayer, has hit the BBC harder than expected.

An ‘unexpected increase’ in the number of households claiming they do not watch live TV and so do not pay for a licence has been blamed for the shortfall.

Note: Usual apologies for source.


It’s taken the Daily Record 10 months to realise what every YES voter knew 10 months ago.

Rob James

When all these institutions such as the Redcoat, EBC and Slab started their descent down the slippery slope, they didn’t pause to wonder why it was happening. As we stood at the top, offering them a way out of their predicament, did they listen? No, they just continued throwing mud at us.

I’ll gladly volunteer to fill the hole in when they finish digging.

Les wilson

Well old grumpy auntie BBC ain’t doing so well either, best is I do not think they do anything wrong.
If they are thinning down PQ, maybe they would try and find out who the public respond to most.

Trouble is, the response may not be what they like.
However, I could list a few that I would LOVE to see fired.
Glen Campbell, Brian Taylor, Jackie Bird, the one who is always going on about how bad our National health, S.Smith, Gordon Brewer, McNaughty, Gary Robertson, Kay Adams, etc etc etc etc….
geeze so many choices! So add your own!


SNPsoosie, On the topic of Mundell, what I can’t understand is the FACT that he broke the ministerial code in 2010 – he was INTERVIEWED UNDER CAUTION BY THE POLICE – and he kept his job, in fact he was promoted this year.

link to

Does the Ministerial Code not mean Mundell should have been forced to the back benches and made to stand on the naughty step?

Why are we still suffering this jibbering NAYSAYING feckless fool?

I trust some good investigative journalist is studying his 2015 electoral returns, especially with his paltry 798 majority on 7th May 2015.


SNPsoosie says: 2 July, 2015 at 11:43 pm
Mundell was on Scotland Tonight espousing the joys of EVEL… bold as the brass on a Monkey’s knob, saying it was only fair and right that the English got to vote on what they spent Scotland’s money on. Surely there must be some angry people in his constituency right now ?

Brian Doonthetoon

So, how will the BBC be able to produce quality programmes, if they lose 1,000 members of staff, who are on an average salary of £150,000 pa?

What are these 1,000 producing at the moment, that they can be deemed surplus to requirements? Maybe the ‘Anti-SNP Unit’ is to be disbanded…

Eh, an’ di yi think eh come up the Tay on a Ritz Cracker?

Chic McGregor

“Glen Campbell, Brian Taylor, Jackie Bird, the one who is always going on about how bad our National health, S.Smith, Gordon Brewer, McNaughty, Gary Robertson, Kay Adams,”

Still have a wee jury out on Robertson and possibly Taylor, otherwise, concur.

Would add Douglas Fraser (but not his Mrs) for one.

Brian Doonthetoon

Eleanor Bradford is the NHS witch of which you type…

Jim McIntosh


“The Greens will get squeezed again. Most Yes voters will back the SNP in May again. A few will back the Greens

We should be careful what we wish for. I couldn’t find a convincing answer as to whether I should vote SNP/SNP or SNP/Green next year, so as a fun exercise, this evening I used the D’Hondt formula to work out how the seats might look next year in Highlands & Islands region.

I made 3 assumptions

1. The same share of constituency seats as last time (6 SNP + 2 Lib Dems),
2. Everyone votes myParty/myParty for constituency and region.
3. Same turnout as GE15.

I totted up the votes at the GE in May 15, they were as follows:

SNP – 129,383
Lib Dem – 70,764
Tories – 34,626
Labour – 25,891
UKIP – 7,363
Greens – 2,397

Using the D’Hondt formula that would equate to

2 Tory List MSPs
2 Lib Dem List MSPs
2 SNP list MSPs
1 Labour List MSP

The 7th round of the list selection was won with 16,229. As can be seen from the total votes above the Greens are close to 14,000 votes behind. If they could get these regional votes, which they might, the MSP they would replace on the list above is the 2nd SNP MSP. So, in H&I at least a regional vote for the Greens could lose an SNP MSP.

I appreciate it’s not as simple as that, because lots of people are not going to vote myParty/myParty. However the math remains the same, with a similar turnout, and vote distribution as GE15 around 16,000 votes will be needed to get that last list seat, and to lose an SNP seat to pick up a Green seat doesn’t work for me, so it’s SNP/SNP for me.

Iain More

Well thanks to the actions of Caroline Lucas the Greens lost any chance of getting my vote on the list seats. The damage she did is incalculable. Now we have not just Red Tories but Green Tories as well. Hang yer heads in shame!

I wont be forgetting or forgiving. Did she even bother to think about what she was doing and who was advising her. You don’t vote with the Tories to shoot down SNP amendments.

Democracy Reborn

On Twitter, the usual coterie of unionist scribes have been strangely silent over the past few days over the Scotland Bill sell-out.

Torcuil Crichton (the Record’s alleged Westminster correspondent) : nothing, other than attacking the SNP over Cal Mac and re-tweeting an article describing the SNP as an election-winning machine, but otherwise a failure in government.

Kenny Farquharson : zero. Nevertheless, he still found time to tweet whether the SNP would support air strikes on ISIS.

Euan McColm : zilch. Apart from a Patrick Harvie re-tweet justifying the Greens voting against FFA (and implicitly comparing Scotland to Greece).

The English press used to call Scottish football journalists ‘fans with typewriters’. For MSM political journos it should be ‘hacks with agendas’.

Jim McIntosh

As an addition to the exercise above, just to say that in 2011 in H&I the Lib Dems took 17.9% of the constituency vote and only 12.1% of the regional vote. If all their supporters had voted Lib Dem / Lib Dem they would have taken one of the SNP list seats. Just goes to show!!


I was surprised to see Patrick Harvie on Twitter last night saying he opposed FFA and alluding to Greece in the same tweet but at that point it hadn’t clicked that Caroline Lucas has voted Tory, sorry I mean against it. This is a mini demo of EVEL but perhaps worse because it is being driven by the view of a party who have no Scottish MPs at Westminster. What does Ms Lucas know about Scotland’s finances ? What happened to progressive parties against the tories ? All I know is a lot of people could be agreeing with the opinion that their 2nd vote in 2016 now won’t be Green and that includes mine


Daily Record ‘On Tuesday night in Westminster, a rare and perhaps unprecedented event occurred: the SNP and the Labour Party joined forces on an issue of constitutional politics. Both parties wanted to beef up the Bill’s proposals on welfare to allow Scotland to design a different benefits system if so desired. When those bitter enemies are agreed on something, it surely merits close attention.

What happened next was a sickening slap in the face for Scotland and democracy. Tory MPs trooped through the lobby to thwart the proposals – despite 58 of Scotland’s 59 MPs giving them their backing. There was no consultation. No conversation. No listening to reason.’

How come the Daily Record hasn’t mentioned that ALL amendments have been voted down including our Scottish Parliament being made permanent? And don’t they have some nerve stating that ”What happened next was a sickening slap in the face for Scotland and democracy.” Clegg and Chrichton gave Scotland a sickening slap on the face when they conned many Scots for months in the lead up to the Referendum and then produced the never to be forgotten ‘VOW’ that’s left us all shackled to a dictatorship and as a result hundreds of thousands of Scottish children living a miserable existence.

‘Since the Prime Minister stepped out of No10 in the early hours of September 19 last year, his attitude to Scotland has changed dramatically. He is no longer the man whose “heart would break” if Scotland voted for independence. He is now the PM who spent the general election questioning the legitimacy of Scots MPs. There are now serious doubts about his commitment to Scotland’s part in the UK.’

It just beggars belief. You couldn’t make it up. Camerons attitude to Scotland has changed dramatically?!! FGS he and his Tory cronies have always detested us and been intent on robbing us all blind. The Daily Record has been co-conspirators with them in duping many people into voting NO and are now hoping that we’ll all suffer from some kind of amnesia.

It’s actually difficult now trying to work out who conned who, when. The Tories conned Brown and Darling into doing their dirty work for them. The Union, Daily Record and MSM conned the Scots. The Tories then conned Labour and the Daily Record is now trying to con us, again. Have I missed anything (conning) out?

David Cameron to Scottish people: It’s not a trial separation, it’s a painful divorce

link to

Cassetteboy – Cameron’s Conference Rap

link to

Alex Salmond Vs David Cameron Rap Battle

link to


Any post that contains a rereference to the D’Hondt formula is always good.
Any post that tells me that the Daily Record or the BBC are shite feels like swinging punches at someone you’ve already knocked down and by now the nurses are already wondering whether life support should be switched off. But continue to persuade the nurses’ opinions;-) In the meanwhile pick off these arseholes.
One by one they will fall


Charlie: @ 01.41am

Charlie, why don’t you get up of your knees and go for a LONG walk… preferably of a SHORT pier.

Have a nice day.

Brian Doonthetoon

Last two posts:

Am I missing something?

charles mc

Cant help but notice Mundell resembling a muppet in parlament. Last Scottish questions you couldn’t see Anna Sourby natures right arm everytime he got up to speak.

john king

scotsbob says @12.33
“It’s taken the Daily Record 10 months to realise what every YES voter knew 10 months ago.”

Careful there scotsbob, you don’t want the record accusing you of “thriving on grievance”

No doubt they’ll concoct a story about how the SNP caused the non delivery of the “VOW” in a self fulfilling prophecy kinda way.
“The English press used to call Scottish football journalists ‘fans with typewriters’. For MSM political journos it should be ‘hacks with agendas’.”

I really cant understand how that “fact” can be hard for some people to see!

john James

So let me get this right. The Daily Record Editor gets okay from tory backing owners to produce “The vow” and runs is as the front page before the vote for Independence. Months later and with plummeting sales they get him to change tack to appeal to the people they shafted.



Never trust a Tory. The Green politicians are hypocrites.Just like the LibDems. Say one thing and do another. The vote against their own policies and waste £Million/Billions of taxpayers money which could be better spent. They vote against their own declared policies and brief the Press with lies. They collude with Tory Landowners and are funded by them, so land doesn’t come back into productive use. The hypocrisy is astonishing.

The Daily Record is fininshed along with most of the Unionist Press. A total failure. The Daily Record is a non essential journal. A waste of paper. The BBC only needs two channels BBC 1 and 2 and a news/Parliamentary channel. It’s just repeats, anyway. The BBC has lost much support, because of inaccuracy reporting. The Internet is now common news source.

The English votes for English Laws Statement just puts the Commons procedure into prospectus. It highlights the Scottish disenfranchise under the Commons political system. Scotland votes have only influenced legislation 0.6% of the time. It will bring Independence sooner. The English votes for English Laws is unlikely to pass in Westminster but could bring down the Tory Government along with the Welfare/tax cuts. A convenient distraction to Tory/cuts policy.

It only needs a 5% political swing for Independence. Democratic changes will bring 1%+ a year. Frightening pensioners is not a great political strategy. Many pensioners survived under Thatcher, it would have been conceivable, they would have voted for Independence.


[…] The Daily Record has an editorial tonight from tomorrow’s paper, bleating piteously about the way David Mundell and the Conservative government have – to everyone’s complete and utter astonishment, except not so much – ignored the wishes of almost all the MPs elected by the Scottish people just two months ago and blocked every single amendment to the Scotland Bill.  […]


The BBC doesn’t need a parliament channel. You can watch it live, or archived, on parliament tv. Or scottishparliament tv.

The BBC doesn’t do news either. Their report on yesterday’s HoC debate about launching air strikes on Daesh/Syria completely ignored Alex Salmond’s excellent speech against military action. But did include bits of Harriet Harman’s supporting it.

Dorothy Devine


Who was it that had his betrayal of his fellow Scots rewarded with melted gold poured down his throat by the English lords?
(Where are you when I need you Mr Peffers?)

See any similarities Daily Record?

With only a couple of exceptions, I care not a damn what happens to any of the so called journalists of Scotland.
I am ashamed for them that they have so ill served their country as to distort truth , integrity and democracy.

May they live long lives giving them plenty of time to contemplate the esteem in which they are held.


UPDATE the BBC has now added a brief reference to AS “denouncing” air strikes (without actually quoting his reasons). So somebody must have complained!

link to


The 1000 staff cuts at the BBC will only save 30 per cent of the current £150 million shortfall (going up each week as more people withhold the licence fee). With a staff of over 80,000 there is a lot more hurt to follow. Between them and the cutbacks in newspaper staff what will all these people do, are they even employable. I suppose they could always go into politics, there is always room for one more liar.


The most important channel is the Parliamentary Channel. How can you watch it if it doesn’t exist, it included Alex Salmond views, which would have not been see if it didn’t exist. Harman did not support it. She said, ‘consideration would be considered’ ie in the Autumn when there is a new leader. Harman didn’t give an answer. Fudged the question as usual. Non committal.


Cameron in collusion with the most despot, absolute monarchy in the world, where there is no universal suffrage or people’s rights. Cameron and his associates doing deals and lining their own pockets with £Million/Billion of public money.Total dangerous hypocrites.


ParliamentLive tv broadcasts all proceedings every day and stores archives without the need to go to the BBC.

link to

Alex Salmond speech on Daesh/Syria at 14.02.20 approx.


Cameron in collusion with Crown Prince Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince. Supporting of the most despot, absolute Monarchy in the world, where people have no universal suffrage. A total Hypocrite. Doing deals to line Cameron’s and his associates pockets with £Million/Billions of public money. The Tory/Unionists are a disgrace.


Parliamentary live broadcast recording from the BBC Parliamentary channel. A limited access. More people have to TV than computers. The cameras are linked to Parliamentary live. It is the same service.

Haggis Hunter

LabServativeDems and BBC STV and Unionist media party.
All Better Together, all for the greater good of greater England.


@ Ken500.
As I don’t have a TV licence, and I would encourage everyone to cancel the licence, I prefer to go to non BBC broadcasts of events.
If you scroll down the INDEX to the right of the video screen, you can pick out MPs of interest. For instance, at 14:49:45 Stuart Blair Donaldson MP (West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine, Scottish National Party) gave his maiden speech as did Chris Law (Dundee West, Scottish National Party) at 15:22:35

Similarly, Holyrood debates can be seen at Scottish Parliament TV.
link to


Nothing on the BBC about this?
link to


OT – It goes beyond the obvious tedious DR line.

The struggle will be 10 x harder without legal Broadcasting / Media regulation power transfer.

The BBC mimics the UK government of the day / Tories obviously don’t care about respect for Scotland (either colour of Tory ) and ‘Auntie’ remains fully committed to representing British Union view first and foremost and always.

This issue is more than important – it is vital in UK stifling Scottish aspirations.


When did Marty McFly start buying The Rangers News?

Nana Smith

O.T links

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Cameron and pals carrying on the great British tradition of plundering every country only now its in his own back yard…

link to

link to

Nana Smith

The Greens have lost any chance of a list vote with me too.
Any chance to get more powers for Scotland is a step closer to independence.

I just don’t trust Patrick Harvie at all now. We didn’t need them last time to get a majority, so screw them.


There has to be a ‘GREAT SCOT(T)!’ joke in here somewhere. 🙂

Les wilson

A blinder of an interview on BBCS this morning with Alex Salmond, who was simply brilliant, as good as I have ever heard him.
Also took no nonsense from the BBC, putting them in their place several times. Try and listen to it, around 8.10-15 am this morning.


Roll_On_2015 says:
3 July, 2015 at 12:19 am

Eleanor McCarrey: @10.57pm

Another biased (“Tractor” – Ed) is complaining BBC loosing so much money as their licence holders are leaving them. I wonder why

Aye Eleanor, BBC – Trouble at the ‘Funny Farm’

BBC announces plans to slash 1,000 jobs – many from highly paid managerial ranks.

The BBC is to cut up to 1,000 jobs, including many managerial roles, because of a £150million shortfall in its licence fee income.

Lord Hall said that the fall in licence fee revenue, primarily as a result of viewers switching to ‘catch-up’ TV services like the iPlayer, has hit the BBC harder than expected.

An ‘unexpected increase’ in the number of households claiming they do not watch live TV and so do not pay for a licence has been blamed for the shortfall.

Note: Usual apologies for source.

Lord Hall is continuing the BBC deceit and bias that got them into these difficulties in the first place.

Stop fucking lying and admit the reason you have falling revenue is not because people use the I-Player, but because people are stopping paying their licence fees due to BBC BIAS. If the BBC represented the people instead of the Establishment and stopped transmitting propaganda and started telling the truth in a fair and equal manner, then there would be no job losses.

The BBC produces excellent wildlife documentaries and the like, but these will stop as their license fee income falls even further as more people reject the Establishment propaganda and bias they pass off as balanced news and current affairs coverage.

Lord Hall, you know what to do, but you won’t change the way you tow the Establishment line, because you are part of the Establishment.

You know what to do.

Until they change, reject the tv licence, reject the BBC.

John H.

I trust Nicola Sturgeon to pick the right moment for another indyref. We must wait until we are certain that we have the support of the majority of the Scottish people, because we certainly can’t afford to lose another one. Hopefully lessons have been learned, and there must be no naivety as with the last one.

Of course, there may be another way without a ref. An alternative plan.


Maybe if we all just agree that UKOK meeja unionists are mad, bad, and all over the shop now. SLab got wiped out in their Scotland region because the Scottish nation wants devo-max and that’s being charitable in the extreme.

Can our friends in the south hold down Scotland for ever?

From here

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to here

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Robert Peffers

@Marcia says: 2 July, 2015 at 10:32 pm:

“So we have English votes for England and English votes for Scotland but No Scottish Only votes for Scotland. I can see pressure for another referendum building.”

Naw! Marcia, what we have is: –

Scottish votes for Scottish matters in the Scottish Parliament.

Welsh votes for Welsh matters in the Welsh Parliament.

N.I. votes for N.I. maters in the N.I. parliament.

And English votes for Scottish, Welsh, N.I. and English matters in the United Kingdom parliament.

but Scots votes for Scots maters in the UK getting outvoted by 533 English votes in the UK Parliament.

and Welsh votes for Welsh matters in the UK parliament being outvoted by 533 English votes in the UK Parliament.

and N.I. votes for N.I. maters in the UK being outvoted by 533 English votes in the UK Parliament.

What we do not get is English votes for English matters in an English Parliament because no one is elected to a parliament of England as the UK parliament is the de facto parliament of England so they figure they don’t need to be bothered with having another elected Parliament of England.

Remember what Mundell quoted from a UK government commissioned paper?

“The Treaty of Union extinguished the Kingdom of Scotland and renamed the Kingdom of England as the United Kingdom”.

Which confirms all the above statements as true. That UK government paid for official document makes plain the UK government sees the UK Parliament is indeed the old Parliament of England renamed as that of the United Kingdom. To them the Treaty of Union was not a Treaty between two equally sovereign kingdoms but the English Kingdom taking over the Kingdom of Scotland to do with as they please.

Unfortunately it has now become exceedingly difficult to find and download that UK government published paper but I have a copy of it on my computer. It is very long and filled with much academic gobbledegook but the two, so called, experts who wrote it did indeed make the above idiotic claim.

Robert Peffers

I can picture 533 United Kingdom Parliament members all standing with a telescope raised to a closed eyelidded eye all saying in Unionism unison, “Vow? Vow? I see no Vow”.

Nana Smith

Methil no more — renewables jobs vision for Fife dead in water as developer pulls out of Scotland

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Nicola’s response to the above

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Grouse Beater

Topical reasoning that 56 SNP MPs to Westminster proves England doesn’t give a fig for Scotland’s interests is truly stating the obvious.

“We wore yellow safety jackets and stood in the road to save the injured animal but the reckless traffic did not respect we were there.”

I wrote this essay just before the general election but I can’t claim to have foresight because history tells us our relationship with Westminster was always thus. It was voting Tory or Labour that camouflaged how little Scotland got out of the Union:

link to

Dan Huil

It’s time for Holyrood, when the new session begins, to act as if it were the parliament of an independent nation.
For a start it should vote on removing Westminster’s WMD from Scotland and then take all safe measures ensuring the waters around Faslane are free of nuclear submarine movement – by blockade.


I have been of the opinion that the Tories would be more than happy to be rid of Scotland to further cement their grip on England. I believe that is why Ashcroft did his polling up here, during GE15 campaign, and why they, the Tories, accept they have lost Scotland. Although the longer they hang on to us the more money they can take from us.
That aside the SNP long game is working, i.e. “give them enough rope”, we can see this as the opposition is fading and falling. The walls are being constructed and the trenches dug. Cameron is cock-a-hoop with his virtual elected dictatorship. I cannot see the people of Scotland accepting this for another 5 years which is why my prediction for INDYREF2 is mid 2017.


I don’t think it’ll take much more or be much longer now. I’m looking for Osborne to deliver the cowp de gracey with his mid term budget. 🙂

Then place in hot oven until goose is cooked to perfection.

Alex Hill

Does anybody still remember the other vow made by the Herald before the referendum?

link to

Should we not take them up on it?


Frankly, David Mundell was never a man of the Scottish people, but a servant to the British State. The man has been ‘conditioned’ from his earliest memories to believe that he is ‘British’; that Britain is the greatest country that ever existed; and that the British State itself is a successor to the ancient laws, governance and strength of ancient Imperial Rome. After all, at its greatest height, the British Empire believed that the ‘Pax Britannica’ was following the traditions of the ancient ‘Pax Romana’.

Therefore, for David …when he sees the Scottish Nationalists ‘bleating’ away in Parliament (or Senate just to be pedantic), then he sees the ‘mob’ laying demands to the higher order or Patrician Classes, and …well ‘…we’re just not going to have that, now are we?’

The problem for David Mundell is that he has never been ‘Scottish’ in the same sense of that of most of his countrymen. His idea of ‘Scottishness’, is that of a region within the greater state; not a country in itself. Just as Gaul or Britannica were once ‘provinces’ of the Roman Empire, this is how he views Scotland; a province.

The problem that probably terrifies David, is that the mighty Roman Empire fell, and those ‘Provinces’ became countries within their own right. And well, these definitely are the ‘last days of Rome’ in today’s terms. The Barbarians are at the door (Calais), the Emperor (Queen) is being badly advised by the Senate (Tory Government).

Should be a tad interesting if the Union did come to an end. Can you imagine the interview with David afterwards. Que…car crash telly!


@Dan Huil

Will that come under Defence..a non devolved matter?

It reminds me of the plot from Defence of the Realm


Still not a mention of tory boy’s historic end of this farce union EVEL

link to

If this one ukok outfit in particular is firing staff due to lack of licence dosh, clearly they dont want to report stuff and so we all go elsewhere.

Pumping at least £10 billion into their swanky new offices hasn’t gone down that well in their other teamGB regions either, but BBC’s not run by sociopaths hell bent on the power and glory of rule Britannia propaganda, royals, jeremy clarkson and the finest offices known to man, are they?

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Socrates MacSporran

Some thoughts which have come to me while reading this thread.

DAILY RECORD – this “newspaper” has, for a wee while, been more ‘Daily Rhebel’ than ‘Daily Ranger’. The paper has a partnership agreement with Celtic, meanwhile, ‘The Hun’ perhaps accurately tags where ‘The Sun’ stands when it comes to Glasgow/West-Central Scotland football politics.

The Mainstream media in Scotland is suffering from falling circulation, competition from the internet and, I am told, falling advertising revenues.

Advertising pays for the papers, the ad staff bring in the cash, the journaists spend it. Therefore, the papers’ management has tended to cut editorial staff. From speaking to some guys still “on the tools”, putting the papers together, some of the papers are now under-staffed, which means errors are creeping in, rubbish is, more than ever, being printed. There are fewer safety nets; fewer troops on the ground seeking-out good stories. Increasingly, papers are printing PR puff pieces without thought and examination.

Don’t blame “faces” or “the talent” on the BBC so much. The likes of Brian Taylor, as “BBC Scotland Political Editor” has some management responsibility, Jackie Bird simply reads out what is on the autocue. She may have some input into the questions she askes in interview situations, but, generally, she is the messenger, she doesn’t write the message.

The BBC is perhaps the most-over-staffed media organisation on earth. They could lose 10,000 middle-managers and nobody would notice. Al these guys have to try to justify their presence.


So, the Daily Record, which campaigned on behalf of the Tories during our independence referendum in order to ensure David Cameron got his NO vote, is now astonished that the Tories are acting like Tories.

Is anyone astonished that the two-faced Daily Record is being two-faced?

Re the Record’s final comment: But the clock is ticking.

What do they mean by that? Are Scots supposed to infer that the Daily Record will come out in support of another referendum? Are Scots supposed to think that the Daily Record has some kind of power to put Scotland’s wrongs to right if the Tories don’t do as they say? The Record is kidding itself on that Scots hang on it’s every word. Nobody in Scotland believes a word they print anymore.


Slowly slowly slowly, its coming.

Once they get EVEL official, it will be onto part II of Operation Sock-Jock executed by Tory HQ with its various friends.

Cue the announcement that the Westminster Government will introduce legilsation to prevent any member of the Union leaving without a full vote in the House.

That is the end game.

And dont kid yourselves that on hearing that suddenly Scotland would rise up as one..sadly we are still very much a house divided as well as most of the population still listening to the tainted media.


Our burly kickboxer has been strangely silent re the Scotland Bill Debates at WM – I wonder why. It’s not as if she has been away as she was present for FMQs last thursday.

In my view the performance of the Guys In The Black Hats during said debates illustrates perfectly not just their current attitude to Scotland, it’s democratically elected representatives and electorate but underlines the way we have been treated for the last 308 years – I just hope that those who have been following the debates get that last point.


Well thanks to the actions of Caroline Lucas the Greens lost any chance of getting my vote on the list seats.

I don’t think she has anything to do with the Scottish Greens. I’m sure the Scottish Greens are a wholly separate entity.

Nana Smith


Spotted this tweet yesterday.

mikeweirsnp warns that the Lords could enhance Eng-only legislation to incorporate Scotland and Scottish MPs would be banned from voting.

link to

1Take in or contain (something) as part of a whole;

Proud Cybernat

While we’re glimpsing the future….

link to


@ Jimbo

Caroline Lucas explicitly stated that she voted the way she did “to reflect the views” of the Scottish Greens; those might also be her own views and/or those of her constituents, but she is the one who made the association. Some people are unimpressed.


Jimbo says:
3 July, 2015 at 10:28 am

I don’t think she has anything to do with the Scottish Greens. I’m sure the Scottish Greens are a wholly separate entity.

Thats true. But it is interesting that no matter the political ideology a tribalism of ‘English’ nationalism seems to exist across all their parties at Westminster.

Dave McEwan Hill

Jimbo at 10.28

Indeed – but Patrick Harvie has sprung to her defence with a wholly specious argument that wouldn’t convince a twelve year old. The Greens will pay heavily for this. Sadly.


Desimond and gus1940 ….’Sock a Jock ‘ has been a constant refrain by our bullying neigbours to the South. The last time they tried it…literally… at Wembley in ’81 when their shock(ed) troops got the socking.

Ruth ‘tank commander’Davidson was last seen yelling dementedly to the yellow press clustered outside NO.10 as she hustled Mundell along like his carer. Telling him to wave to the press as she shoved him into the inner sanctum. She certainly looked all pumped up….I wonder why?

Btw ‘Evel’ got all of 10 mins on ‘Call UKAYE’ and the John Curtice was resurrected from his crypt at Pacific Quay to pontificate…..When are we going to mobilise the people on the streets again?…We must keep the inert and oblivious majority aware of the crimes being committed against our democracy in this country? We know that the stinking rats in the msm never will.


@ Crazycat

Thanks, I wasn’t aware of that. If she voted the way she did to reflect the views of the Scottish Greens then hell mend them. I’ll be voting SNP for both list and constituency anyway.

Bill McLean

Grouse Beater – how true: “it was voting Tory or Labour that camouflaged how little Scotland got out of the Union”!
The abuse of “democracy” (including voting Liberal) was exactly a “camouflage”! The frequent involvement in bashing natives, of various nationalities and colours around the globe, in a childish propagation of the “might is right” syndrome, so beloved of US, French and British (and others nations) colonists, was a larceny of weaker countries assets heavily camouflaged as “greatness” for the benefit of the hard of thinking. Unfortunately many still deceive themselves with this propaganda.

Irene (1204am) – do get involved – sure there are some self-opinionated bullying types on this site but the vast majority are welcoming and friendly. New contributors are needed and wanted to keep us fresh and motivated. Good Luck!

chris kilby

Scotland’s Shame!

chris kilby

@ Itchybiscuit:

“Where is Gordon Brown?”

He’s left the country. America, I think.

“Where is Aliealot Darling?”

The House of Lords.


There is a recurring theme in everything that has happened.If you in anyway change your political stance that is newspapers,BBC and various political parties and support the tories you are done for.They are poison and succeed through,fear,spite and deviousness.
If anyone believes there is a way back for the union after the last year they are living in dreamland.
I’m trusting the people we elected to bring the result we all want. Keep talking,keep engaging we will get there.



Brilliant point made about a second better together campaign led by Mundell, Murray and Carmichael. The ‘gravitats’ (cough, cough) of brown and darling would have fooled a few but these three chocolates ? Nah!

Bring it on


Feel sorry for the Socialists & I think they’re missed at Holyrood but too much unresolved back-stabbery so it will be SNP first & SNP second for me. The Greens will be getting “Nil Point” for their Hubris & Mickey Mousery!

Schrödinger's cat

sadly we are still very much a house divided….. True
The greens dismissed FFA for the same reason Jim sillars did, currency union, cue the outrage as people start claiming Jim is a closet unionist

Indyref 2 is closer than people think but today, it is the yes campaign that is being divided, not the unionists.

It would help if the other Indy parties made a statement committing themselves to the yes2 campaign, and I mean all candidates, not just the leaders.

David Robertson

I knew this would happen, I predicted it way back on September 8th 2014.

comment image

Chic McGregor

I just did simple mental arithmetic using a couple of ballpark figures which were in my head, namely 3.6 million voted, 9% of population are English (last census) 70% voted no 30% voted yes (Ashcroft).

Assuming the same proportion of English born Scots voted, which is a big assumption because I know if I moved to Shetland and they subsequently (not consequently I hope 🙂 ) had an independence from Scotland ref, I wouldn’t vote. That might just be me, but I suspect that there could be some tendency for that from other folk.

So I would expect a lower turnout for English born Scots.

However, even if they did turn out in the same proportion, with mental arith. approximations then around 320,000 English born voted which according to Ashcroft’s sample polls, were, again relying on memory 70:30 that would mean about 220000 No, 100000 Yes

i.e. a net No of about 120,000

120,000 is a wee bit over 3% of the vote

So could only make the difference if it was approx 48.5%:51.5%


Iain More,

“Well thanks to the actions of Caroline Lucas the Greens lost any chance of getting my vote on the list seats. The damage she did is incalculable. Now we have not just Red Tories but Green Tories as well. Hang yer heads in shame!

I wont be forgetting or forgiving. Did she even bother to think about what she was doing and who was advising her. You don’t vote with the Tories to shoot down SNP amendments.”

Patrick Harvie, the Scottish Green leader was advising her.

He is as anti-SNP as the unionists and independence is not his top priority.

Whatever the likes of Paula Rose tell you about tactically voting for the “pro-independence” Greens, pro-independence SNP supporters must not be duped.

Both constituency vote and list vote to the SNP in 2016.



“The Green politicians are hypocrites.”

As is our resident Green poster Paula Rose.



“I just don’t trust Patrick Harvie at all now. We didn’t need them last time to get a majority, so screw them.”

I have been saying that for a long time.

Glad that finally the good folks here have seen through him.

He would have held the SNP to ransom if they had needed his support after the 2011 election.

I lost all respect for the Greens when they stood candidates against the SNP in the recent Westminster election.

Paula Rose

To set any record straight for numpties – I have never advocated voting Green tactically.


Paula Rose,

“To set any record straight for numpties – I have never advocated voting Green tactically.”

So you agree that SNP supporters should give both their constituency and list vote to the SNP in 2016?

Paula Rose

Yawn – yes darling and I’ve never said otherwise.


Twitter was ablaze with Scottish Greens saying it was green policy to oppose FFA, but interestingly there were many Scottish Greens saying it wasn’t, and that it was Harvie’s own view. So I went to the Scottish Greens policy document, and what it says is that they are in favour of the proposals of the Smith Commission being implemented as soon as possible together with all the tax and revenue stuff. So what I don’t understand is why Patrick advised Caroline to vote against the Bill.

He came out with a Tweet that referred to people who had taken him to task as “SNP types” and then drew a direct parallel with Greece.

If I was a Scottish Green I’d be very curious to know why Patrick Harvie had advised Caroline Lucas to vote against the Bill rather than abstain, if he felt he couldn’t support it (for whatever reason), given Scottish Green policy on more powers for Scotland. Confused?

As for the Daily Record, they were told, they refused to listen and slagged off the Yes campaign instead. Perhaps they’ll find a backbone somewhere in the broom cupboard.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Rock.

There’s a rally in Edinburgh tomorrow – “Hands Off Holyrood”.

Quite a few Wingers will be there, including me, Pete the Camera, Ronnie Anderson, Gillian Ruglonian, Paula Rose, and so on.

You’ll be there to say ‘hello’, iye?

We’ve all got to keep active in the struggle for independence. No point in sitting in our bedrooms handling ourselves…

ronnie anderson

@ Briandoonthetoon 12.09. Here here hud the bus oan that, there wiz nae mention of that in the Cybernattery contract,oonyhoo um busy eating Crisps an drinking cans of IrnBru in ma bedroom.

But the Invitation goes fur me tae Rock, we love meeting Heavy Rock Cyberatterers.

You might even get ah Stroke fae Paula Rose.


Patrick Harvie doesn’t like Alex Salmond and as the latter doesn’t suffer fools gladly, there’s no big surprise there. What do you make of a guy who regards it as a point of honour turning up at Scotland’s Parliament looking like Stig of the Dump. Naw, the Greenery is just a distraction from our goal of independence and a vote for Clatty Pat runs contrary to that aim. I’ve probably planted more trees than Harvie has had tofu dinners. Green my arse.



“Naw, the Greenery is just a distraction from our goal of independence and a vote for Clatty Pat runs contrary to that aim.”

Green poiticians are opportunist hypocrites just like the Lib Dems.

They know that their policies could never be implemented but play the nice guys to win votes.

People vote for them in good faith, as they used to for the Lib Dems.

Like the 1300 that voted Green enabling the Tory viceroy of Scotland get in with a majority of 900.

Ken500 often says that they are in the pockets of the big landowners and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are.

Patrick Harvey never misses an opportunity to attack the SNP.

Green and Socialist MSPs have their own agendas and would hold the SNP to ransom if the latter didn’t win an outright majority.

Anyone whose top priority is independence must give both their votes to the SNP in 2016.

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