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Wings Over Scotland

Respect agenda still strong

Posted on December 27, 2013 by

Since we’re talking about The Independent today, we thought those of you who don’t follow us on Twitter or Facebook might like to see their latest editorial cartoon.


No, we’re not making that up.

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I’m oblidged to the cartoonist for the insight; I’d been under the misapprehension that it was Mr Cameron et al that was unwilling to share the currency.

Murray McCallum

What is the joke here? Is it that David Cameron uses a soup spoon for dessert?


why does the establishment with its propaganda machines want to whip up anti Scottish feeling? Is this the BT message.

Les Wilson

Well, I guess some of our brighter bods on here could do better in return, a lot better I would hope, time WE had a bit more fun on them. 


that cartoon is about as funny as susan calman 


Cameron is lucky he can afford pudding. A lot of people in the UK have to rely on food hand outs just to get by.
Any one up for a little correction? Ma heids too sore today.
link to


Sassenach? Do they honestly believe anyone in Scotland, let alone the FM actually uses that word?


Christ English folk used to be good at humour too …. all things change eh?
That cartoon now passes for top end satire in english media?
Still cant be offensive if its aimed at a seditious Jock can it?


Well Gaelic speakers will use it as all it means is “englishman” although the correct spelling is sassanach.

Can’t say I’ve heard anyone use it in English in written or spoken form apart from the British press trying to produce a mock scottish dialect for (non)humorous effect.


@ David
It’s way funnier than a Calman. I’d say it’s at least a McAuley. 


There are plenty more good-for-purpose Anglo Saxon terms to describe these blood-suckers, but not for the ears of the Daily Torygraph’s genteel brigade and while we’re on the subject; Shureley Shirley – it’s another misnomer to call these rags -‘ The Independent’, or,  ‘The Scotsman’ – what a laugh and on par with the heinous BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation – which we all know to mean the ENGLISH Broadcasting Corporation. Like the Spectator’s Skintland gaff, from their cerebral mastermind and token Scot editor. So puny and perversely telling all of it is.


I could genuinely say I had no idea what that was meant to mean. I thought perhaps it meant wanker.


“Ye’ll no get ya sassenach hands on ma poond!!!”
Interesting how “referendum humour” from the British press almost always involves an unflattering Alex Salmond caricature and a rather racist and poorly understood depiction of Scots speech.
I wonder if they get a black mayor of London if they’ll have him speaking in black London slang in their cartoons.


I wonder which words they really wanted to use?

Dave Beveridge

I take it their funny cartoonist is still on his Christmas break?

Dan Huil

Yet another example of how the British nationalist media sees Scottish independence as a one-man show.
How can a supposedly pro-united kingdom newspaper be so ignorant about the political scene in Scotland?


What has Eck done to them to deserve this treatment?They’ve been at it for ages now but still we keep electing him,so maybe it’s us?I don’t think so though.

Doug Daniel

Wow, I had no idea Alex Salmond speaks like a Geordie…


Thought today’s EEN Frank Boyle cartoon: “Mrs Brown’s Boys” is quite good :- link to


Humour in the debate…..
Apart from the Wings Panto…..
Can I suggest to anyone who hasn’t found them, that David Greig’s Yes/No plays on Twitter are sheer gentle genius in 140 characters:
link to
Here’s an example:
Going out
Yes: Kilt?
No: Yes.
Yes: Nice.
No: I’m a proud Scot.
Yes: What’s underneath?
No lifts kilt.
No: Team GB thong.
Yes: (sigh)


Sorry for the O/T but!
It seems the BT war cry of NHS sharing across borders has floundered somewhat.
link to
This comment from our educated cousins needs repeating.
“As a reciprocal arrangement can we English prevent out organs being donated to a Scott?”
Don’t you just love em.


Well they started it!
Turkey or chicken?

john king

“Wow, I had no idea Alex Salmond speaks like a Geordie…”

Why aye man, divvent ye ken?———  like, 🙁
All git ma granddads greatcoat,
that he wore in the great war,
best eiderdown we ever had as well .

An ah’ll have that poond if ye dinna mind

john king

“It seems the BT war cry of NHS sharing across borders has floundered somewhat.”
Reminds my of a Friends episode where Joey had a hand twin. 
“This hand is my hand, that hand is your hand”
join in if you know the chorus

Buster Bloggs

A wee bit OT
The Unionist argument in a nutshell, I recorded this using my phone pointing it at the TV months ago when I still had a TV connection, well rough but couldn’t be more spot on,  swap Tea Party for Better Together/Unionists  and Fox News for BBC News and it’s a perfect match 🙂
link to


Yep.  They can’t even get their so called version of a dialect/language right ‘Ya’ for ‘Your’?  Sounds like a posh student at Edinburgh uni:  ‘OK yah!’

Bill C

“Der Stürmer was best known for its effective antisemitic caricatures, which depicted Jews as ugly characters with exaggerated facial features and misshapen bodies.” (Wikipedia) I have lost count of the times I have seen our First Minister caricatured as an “ugly character with exaggerated facial features” and a misshapen body by cartoonists based south of the Border. Makes you wonder what type of propaganda machine we are up against.

Dal Riata

Sorry to swear, but that cartoon is just fucking pathetic. It is not even midly amusing in any way.
How the British Establishment sees ‘the (Scottish) other’. And how attempting to mock Scottish accents, and by extension, its people, is still viewed as being acceptable. Scratch a Britnat, and see the barely concealed racism rise to the surface. Scotland will be well rid of these lowlifes – well rid.
And since when did any Scot use “ya” for your? They can’t even get their racist little epithets correct… 


A bit o/t but I have regularly seen  some local delivery Royal Mail vans in Stirlingshire displaying the EIIR logo. Scottish vans should display only the crown. More BT?


Yep Respect.
For those in Better Together and their tory paymasters who can’t spell.


A rare insight into the workings of the minds with regards to Scotland,at the Independent Newspaper, and its not a pretty sight.


Called in to a William Hill bookmakers in Glasgow today to get the latest price on a Yes victory in September.

The best odds they could give me was 7/2. I asked if I could put £100 on that and they said they would have to make a phone call because it was such a large bet. I found that a bit curious, didn’t think £100 was a lot to a bookie.

The price is definitely falling. I am not a gambler, but I might just have a wee flutter before we get to even money.

I notice Councillor Terry Kelly still offering 7/1 on a Yes victory. He’s either an idiot or a….., aye, a was right the first time.


I’m all for politicians being pilloried in cartoon form and am a big fan of Steve Bell’s work in the  Guardian.  But this is just pointless, unfunny shit.  On the plus side I’d hope most people would recognise that.


Steve Bell has attacked Alex Salmond and independence on many occasions, Tartan Tory, Murdoch lickspittle, etc, etc.
I’m still waiting for him to create a cartoon attacking the Tory donor funded Better Together but as a Labour man he’s a fully paid up British nationalist so I’m not holding my breath.


As an interesting side note I found this while wasting some time online…What each country in the world leads in…Uk one…take a guess, then have a look and see if you got it right!

link to


Sneering is what they do best, not just to Scotland , worldwide, except Uncle Sam. And of course they will have to remove China from their sneer list as China will be renting a nuclear power station to them.Following independence Scotland too will be hastily removed from their sneer list. It’s their sense of their inadequacy which causes them to be like that. 
Nice one Norrie, sort of supports my point.


Called in to a William Hill bookmakers in Glasgow today to get the latest price on a Yes victory in September.
i got exactly the same bet couple months ago in w hills., the guy made a phone call also. i got 9/2.

ronnie anderson

Alister Carmichiel, Said he would sent a CLOOTIE DUMPLIN fur Christmas, some disgruntled Postmen ate the DUMPLIN, hud a collective shit on the plate, NOO the moral o this story is When You Talk That Amount O Shit Your Nose Canna Tell The Difference


Why the Independent not for independence?



That’s from 9/2 to 7/2 it’s falling alright.

The price is falling and the YES vote is going up.

o/t I also have a wee theory that there is going to be a big increase in Yes and DKs over the New Year holiday period.

Last year we didn’t have the WP out to answer questions asked by undecided voters. Well this year is different. The Independence debate is higher on the agenda and we are able to answer a lot more questions.

You get the feeling that it is more of a talking point this year and once people get the information they are looking for, then there is only one way that any sane thinking person will vote and that is a hard YES.


@Barontorc: Just for the sake of accuracy, the ‘Skintland’ gaffe was committed by The Economist rather than The Spectator 😉


Caz-m – 7/2 on paddy power, slight movement back over the last week, but this is about as long as they have been over the last 12 months.  If you are confident, I would get your money down, as pretty generous for a two horse race.
The cartoon is not overly funny, but political cartoons are meant to be challenging and have grotesque characteurs.  This site has had the unionist = skinhead or thug, offensive but I can see the humour in it. 

Rough Bounds.

What next? Cartoons of Yes supporters taking bayonets to babies?
Anyone who has ever seen that 18th century cartoon penned during the ’45 that shows a Highlander (Sawney) making a mess of himself in a toilet knows exactly what to expect from the English press. Credit where it’s due folks, they are very good at bile.
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Dave McEwan Hill

Still 4/1 at Ladbrokes. I got a few bets on at 11/2 but 4/1 is still very generous.Most firms are offering less.


I’m not retweeting that. It’s abusive, not humourous, and no-one will feel better for seeing it. It’s amazing how often lefties turn into Britnats when Scottish independence is the subject under discussion.


It’s racist – end of…


Great chieftain o the puddin’ race? If so, it’s a rather nasty piece of work.

Dave McEwan Hill

They don’t understand and this is just more evidence

Ian Brotherhood

@Dave McEwan Hill –
re bookies, odds etc.
Has anyone asked about odds for a specific result? e.g. over 60% of votes cast being Yes?
I’m wondering if they’d even offer odds on, say the final confirmed result being between 62-67% Yes. That’s in the range Scottish Skier has been suggesting, and that many of us feel is likely ‘in our water/bones/guts’ etc.
If bookies are getting twitchy about accepting £100 on a straightforward win (anything over 50%) then how jittery will they get if someone asks to punt a similar amount on a 65%+ Yes? I don’t ‘do’ bookies, online or otherwise, but I can’t imagine they’d refuse anyone’s dosh – but it’s up to them to offer odds, right?
It would be interesting (purely as an academic exercise) if someone was to wander into a Glasgow city-centre bookmaker’s and ask to stake, say, £150K on Yes winning at least two-thirds of the confirmed vote – would they just knock it back? Methinks not. But they’d have to offer odds.
(The mysterious BT-backer staked, what was it, £150k in two separate bets in Glasgow shops? The story was reported here, within the past year. And when he did it? The odds were so heavily stacked in the No campaign’s favour that it hardly seemed worth the effort.)
If I was in charge of Yes Scotland right now, I’d get £100 from the petty cash, ask WoS, NNS, BellaC, National Collective, and anyone else up for it to commit a likewise amount, then take a friendly film-crew around central Glasgow and/or Edinburgh, going into bookies, sticking £1,000 in used notes on the counter, and offering it for a quote on a 70% Yes vote.
No need to part with a penny of it – but the reaction, and prices quoted, might tell us a great deal.


Remember this vote winner from Simon Heffer from the Daily Mail.

link to

Juan Pablo Del Roomigrant

At No.66/1 from BBC Syco’s vision of Glaswegian patter.
link to



you got a wee chuckle from me there. I know, I asked her if she would take a £100 bet on a YES win and she said, almost in shock, “I would need to make a phone call”.

Which shocked me. William Hills is a multi-million pound operation and they go weak at the knees over a £100 bet.


So, it would be great footage if we could get someone asking to put on £1000 on a win.

bannock hussler

Rory Bremner was just saying there needed to be more humour in the campaign.
Oh boy.
What are the odds he could do better than this? (Assuming the Herald story is accurate, of course…)

The Man in the Jar

I just watched “Idris Elba: King of Speed on BBC2. The program wasnt bad but I did discover that Lanarkshire (Tinto Hill) is apparently “in the Highlands of Scotland”? Hoots mon whors ma bagpipes laddie? 😉

The Man in the Jar

BTW The Idris Elba prog was about rallying (of the 4 wheel variety!) some of it was filmed in Finland. Worth watching for that alone.


@turnip_ghost (7:50)
I didn’t guess right, but wasn’t overly surprised at the real British speciality. If there’s a NO vote in September I might just emigrate…to Estonia 🙂


Ian, and anyone else who’s interested, Ladbrokes (online) were offering 12/1 on yes getting over 55% just last week. I tried to put a grand on it, but they restricted my stake to 100. Then they immediately suspended the betting and shortened the odds. Today those odds are 9/1.
They are also offering odds of 4/1 on a yes vote winning and, if you’re interested in free money, 5/6 on yes getting over 39% of the vote. I’ve got bets on both these scenarios, as well as my 12/1 bet on yes getting over 55%.
link to


I consider myself quite good at understanding political satire but this one baffles me.
Cameron calling Salmond a pudding? OK, I can see a satirist presenting that as a possible but the pound thing is obscure unless it is a suggestion that refusal to enter a currency union is a not an option for Cameron.

Albert Herring

Tried putting £50 on YES at 9/2 with Stan James a while ago. Too scary for them, but they generously would accept £3.20.
Also got on at 5/6 for over 35% with Ladbrokes. Free money indeed. Interesting that percentage is rising.

Dave McEwan Hill

5/6 for “over 39%” is indeed free money. I got a bet on at “over 35%” at the same odds but if I was well off I’d be betting for “over 39%” every time I got my pension in.

For the many innocents on this site at 5/6 you get £11 back for every £6 you invest.

9/1 for “over 55%” is hugely generous. We’ll have some of that


I notice Ladbrokes online will allow you to bet a maximum of £2,500 on a Yes, but £6,000 on a No. Seems strange.


It is a given that when it comes down to it the brit media is pretty much anti Scottish. The problem is it would never matter if we would just stop buying their newspapers or watching their news shows. We all know what they think so let’s stop giving them energy by getting upset by their shite. The English can’t vote in this referendum, so who cares what they think. Let’s all concentrate our energies on the “don’t knows” that we know personally and ignore all this britnat crap.

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