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Wings Over Scotland

Pick your hypocrite

Posted on April 25, 2021 by

God help the poor voters of Scotland.

Because this is a pure embarrassment from the notional main opposition leader. Even if it was all true – and we’d be very sceptical about that until we see the workings – £4.5 billion over 14 years would be £321 million a year.

That’s a substantial amount of money, but it’s also almost exactly 1% of the Scottish Government’s budget, and no government on Earth has ever had everything it attempted work out perfectly. Sustaining 99% efficiency on spending over nearly a decade and a half is actually pretty good going.

More to the point, it’s a staggeringly audacious attack line from a Westminster MP in a party whose government wasted £12 billion on ONE project in ONE year alone – the catastrophically failed COVID test-and-trace app.

(We’d still like someone to explain to us how in the world you can possibly spend £12 billion in a few months on a mobile phone app, even if it had worked.)

But who’s the alternative?

Because if anyone can challenge Ross for sheer brass neck, it’s this clown:

Like, wow. Nicola Sturgeon calling from transparency a month after two inquiries castigated her for hiding hundreds of pieces of vital information from them on over 60 separate occasions, and after she whitewashed their brutal criticisms by refusing to sack a single person for the catalogue of disastrous errors which let down everybody involved is a piece of hypocrisy only rivalled by her complaining about “sleaze” as the pile of sexual-assault charges against her MPs and MSPs (Derek Mackay, Patrick Grady, Patricia Gibson) about which she’s done nothing grows bigger by the day – to say nothing of the persistent rumours about the private lives of herself and her husband – and as the police investigate her party for a potential massive fraud against its own supporters.

The sheer brazen cheek of this line in particular is just jaw-dropping:

So good luck choosing the new First Minister, folks. The only thing we can tell you with confidence is that neither of them will bring you independence.

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And yet, because I want to maximise ALBA, I will vote SNP 1.

So be it, it’s the d’Hondt way.

Lady Lyon

The same thoughts crossed my mind when I saw the interview. It seems she doesn’t understand what scrutiny means or it only applies to others


Ah, the slow burn. Props.

Disgusted of Drymen

I’ll still be voting snp on the constituency vote as I simply don’t care. Independence transcends everything else


“Heaver says:
25 April, 2021 at 10:41 am
And yet, because I want to maximise ALBA, I will vote SNP 1.

So be it, it’s the d’Hondt way.”

Why? Given that Alba are not present at constituency level, you can vote who you like and it will make no difference at all to Alba’s fortunes.

Disgusted of Drymen

Andrea says:
25 April, 2021 at 10:52 am
“Heaver says:
25 April, 2021 at 10:41 am
And yet, because I want to maximise ALBA, I will vote SNP 1.

So be it, it’s the d’Hondt way.”

Why? Given that Alba are not present at constituency level, you can vote who you like and it will make no difference at all to Alba’s fortunes.

False. If the snp lose out in the constituency then they’ll likely pick up the seat on the list, pushing Alba out.


“Disgusted of Drymen says:
25 April, 2021 at 10:52 am
I’ll still be voting snp on the constituency vote as I simply don’t care. Independence transcends everything else”

Which is why the SNP gets so many votes. People just do NOT care about what happens on a day to day level, and that’s why the number of scandals NS is engulfed by or the pitiful record of 14 years of SNP rule don’t matter.


Scot Finlayson says:

“Brent Crude at $67 per barrel from $22 at the start of lockdown last year,

that`s $67,000,000 of our resources every day going dan saff to modernise the infrastructure of England,

biggest theft in the history of civilisation


Boris and the Tories must have enough info on Sturgeon to do real damage. Everybody with more than a passing interest in Scottish politics sees right through her lies and deceit, and we all know the truth of the attempted Salmond stitch-up.

We can only guess that the Tories want to keep her in power. Her policy on indyref2, after all, is exactly the same as theirs.

For all intents and purposes as far as Independence is concerned, Sturgeon is a Tory Unionist.

I never meet anyone who has a good word to say about Sturgeon. That matters. I don’t care what opinion polls and approval ratings say, she’s a vote loser for the SNP.

I sense a lot of people are anticipating a boring and meaningless election and that includes Wings. I think we are in for a surprise; the SNP are going to have a terrible election, you’ll see.

The tragedy of that, if I’m right, is that they’ll say it proves we don’t want an independence referendum.

The damage Sturgeon has done to everything is unfathomable and massive, beyond measure. It’s probable that she has destroyed our chances of independence forever.


I must be thick but that is the first time I have read anywhere there are rumours about folks private lives.

Maybe I am hanging out in the wrong Twitter bubble? Or is this one of those types of rumours that could be covered by a super injunction?

Either way folks private lives should be private unless folks are being harmed. We should judge folks on their actions, which unfortunately includes withholding documents from court cases and official inquiries – so on that front I am not impressed by the SNP Government.

I will vote Alba second and vote SNP on constituency because I hope to rid Alex Cole Hamilton of his seat.

Colin Alexander

Mentioning the rumours about the Murrell’s personal lives is an unnecessary distraction from what is otherwise an excellent article which highlights the serious failures of the UK Imperial Govt and Scottish colonial Govt and complete lack of accountability.


Everytime I see The Sturgeon I always end up with the same tune going through my mind, Nic(e) n Sleazy by The Stranglers.


What’s happened about the Ofcom hearing of Alba’s complaint against the BBC? Can we expect an answer before May 7? Nothing to see on the link to website

Career Politician

It’s always dangerous to assume things can’t get any worse, but I do think we’re near ‘peak rancid’ in politics.

But if things do get much worse, I suspect it will be the smell of smoke and crash of broken glass that arrests the decline of public representation.

The music will stop and piper will need to be paid.

Dave M

We have a lot to be proud of in terms of our politics, here in Scotland. Apparently.

Robert Graham

A bit o/t and very early I know
After reading a few comments on previous posts I had a look at the BBC website and sure enough ALBA does not officially exist nothing not a mention anywhere not even a hint of mention a total news blackout
I believe that ALBA have caused total bloody panic from the unionists and SNP alike , The unionists know they are safe with Sturgeon but ALBA is as yet a unknown quantity led by the most competent political leader Scotland has seen so he and this renegade group have to be stopped have to be silenced at any cost ,
as for the SNP they are in the huff because they have been exposed as frauds and ALBA are highlighting just how useless they are that’s why they will attempt to stop ALBA and that pesky Salmond who sturgeon is bloody terrified of her worst nightmare is facing questions from Alex in Holyrood
and Alex beginning his first question with “ Honey I’m back “ ha ha they could sell tickets for that performance it would be priceless .

Robert Graham

Oops coco is back must have got tossed out of WGD website and welcome back Colin

katherine hamilton

Ms. Sturgeon looked gey short of sleep with her baggy eyes on Marr this morn. She must be knackered travelling about the country, addressing large gatherings, meeting and greeting in town centres, selfies with the kids, Wick to Stranraer, all day every day.

Oh, wait a minute. Well what else can be keeping her awake at night? Just as well she likes inquiries, cause there’s a whole lotta inquiring goin on.


Voting SNP 1 does not maximise ALBA it will more likely sideline ALBA and lead to the death of the party as they will have no power – they need to be in the same position as the greens that requires the SNP to work with them – That needs a reduction in the SNP MSP’s in the constituency so ALBA makes up the numbers


Must be wonderful having the full might of all the unionist print media and tv news channels right behind you? Yep, she’s a placement – an insider right where Westminster want that placement, with another right behind her, ready to assume same.


I wouldn’t have thought that 3 million quid split among multiple media outlets wasn’t enough to buy the media. More revealing would be what the SG advertising spending is in the traditional media. I’d suspect that it is a lot more than 3 million which would account for their submissive attitude to Sturgeon.


FM Ross would actually deliver Scottish independence sooner than FM Sturgeon. I know this. I can feel it in my bones. 🙂


I had a letter from Angus Robertson which says, “You have two votes in the Scottish Parliament election; the first for your constituency MSP, and the second that determines the winning party and who can become First Minister.”

Does he not know how it works?


Alfred you are confused. Any seats the SNP takes on the list will be at the expense of ALBA. Therefore we must max out SNP on constituencies to max out ALBA in regional list seats.

It’s just the way the d’Hondt system works.

Andy Ellis

The one thing we can rely on is Scottish voters pulling defeat from the jaws of victory. I was (just) too young to vote in the 1979 referendum, but remember feeling absolutely enraged both that the referendum was rigged in favour of the anti-devolutionists by a turncoat Scottish MP parachuted into an English seat, but even more so by the political cowardice of Scots who couldn’t even be bothered to turn out in sufficient numbers to win the referendum.

As in 1979 succeeding decades witnesses more failures of nerve: allowing Thatcher to use Scotland as a petrie dish for her extremist policies while dutifully voting for donkeys with Labour rosettes, accepting a devolutionary parliament subservient to Westminster with no levers (or desire?) to build the institutions of a new Scottish nation, bottling the 2014 referendum, allowing the SNP to sideline independence on a quixotic crusade to stop brexit and then tolerate their acceptance of a British nationalist veto on our self determination.

I’ve honestly begun to think too many Scots revere their chains. We may have to await generations yet to come who are not similarly afflicted. In the meantime, it can’t hurt to lay the foundations of a “real” independence party like Alba, rather than continue supporting a quasi-devolutionary party like the SNP. I’m all for being open to opportunities to take advantage of political circumstances which might allow us to gain independence in the short to medium term, but realistically it’s hard to look at the current situation and feel there is much hope.

The results in May will be telling. If Alba do better than expected, then the game’s afoot. However if they only manage to gain a few seats, we may need to settle in for the long haul.


The only reason I am going to firmly hold my nose and vote SNP (1) on 6th May 2021, Mr Alex salmond has requested that I do so.

If it is good enough for Alex (and, Christ knows, no-one has been hurt more by the SNP than Alex), it is good enough for me.

So, for now, ‘SNP 1 Alba 2’.

Fate, throw the rune sticks.


“Luigi says:
25 April, 2021 at 11:34 am
FM Ross would actually deliver Scottish independence sooner than FM Sturgeon.”

Tragic truth there.


StuartM says: 25 April, 2021 at 11:29 am

I wouldn’t have thought that 3 million quid split among multiple media outlets wasn’t enough to buy the media. More revealing would be what the SG advertising spending is in the traditional media. I’d suspect that it is a lot more than 3 million which would account for their submissive attitude to Sturgeon.

I’m sure the papers, radio and TV are not putting out these Covid adverts for free.

Dave Beveridge

What a nightmare having to vote for a cult leader and her crazy social re-engineering policies so that you can get the candidate you actually want elected on the list!

One thing’s for sure – the next Westminster election will be interesting after Sturgeon refuses yet again to deliver. What will then be the point of sending any more of them to London?


Under Second box – ‘calling FOR transparency’, I think.

*Gets in first before the rest of the nitpicking pedants*


The results in May will be telling. If Alba do better than expected, then the game’s afoot. However if they only manage to gain a few seats, we may need to settle in for the long haul.

I would be pleased with a few seats. The main obstacle facing any new party is gaining momentum. Alex Salmond back in the Scottish Parliament would be hugely positive for the good guys.


Never thought I’d see the day when my loathing for a Leader of the SNP would eclipse my usual dislike/contempt for the Branch Managers of Unionist parties.

So well done Sturgeon – you’ve achieved what I had previously considered to be the impossible.

Therefore, to mark the occasion, allow me to paraphrase a famous TV Chef – just keep your jacket on and f*** off will you !

Jan Cowan

Nicola Surgeon = selfish, self-serving, power-hungry he, she, it, whatever.
Her brain appears addled with self admiration.

I didn’t even feel like this about Thatcher. Reason? I was never a member the Tory Party. BUT the SNP has been my Party since 1975. I feel betrayed.

Wee Chid

Andrea says:
25 April, 2021 at 10:54 am
“Disgusted of Drymen says:
25 April, 2021 at 10:52 am
“I’ll still be voting snp on the constituency vote as I simply don’t care. Independence transcends everything else”

Which is why the SNP gets so many votes. People just do NOT care about what happens on a day to day level, and that’s why the number of scandals NS is engulfed by or the pitiful record of 14 years of SNP rule don’t matter.”

Agreed Andrea, it’s not as if voting for SNP in the constituency is even going to bring us any guarantee of a referendum – never mind independence.

In the meantime they will use the five years to bring in their whacky, unpopular policies and use their hate crime bill to jail dissenters.

It’s spoil 1 Alba 2 for me.


Sog, I believe from is correct. She was calling in, socially distanced, from the village of Transparency. It’s about three miles down the road from Brigadoon.


“Our next parliament must focus on recovery, not another referendum”.

Mr Ross:

Scotland can never focus on recovery for as long as we have a hungry England shackled to our ankle siphoning the bulk of our resources and forcing us to go in the toxic and economically suicidal political direction England is determined to go.

Scotland can never focus on recovery for as long as whatever puppet Westminster puts in Scotland’s government, refuses to close the borders to stop the virus coming in. How many deaths because of the virus could have been avoided in Scotland if only Sturgeon had found the backbone to close the borders bin February 2020? One could argue that most of them, considering Scotland did not have any reported case until March while England had already reported cases in January.

Scotland can never focus on its own recovery for as long as we have in Holyrood the lumps of lead sent by England parties to our parliament to kiboshing our progress and anything that could compromise England’s interests, progress and recovery.

This means the only way Scotland can focus on recovery is by chucking all those England parties’ lumps of lead, of which you happen to be one, out of our parliament. Because that is the only way Scotland can focus in its own recovery rather than England’s and put all its resources on to its recovery instead of having to hand the bulk of them to England to support its own recovery.

All this means Scotland does not stand a chance at recovery unless it becomes independent, Mr Ross. Surely you are smart enough to see that.

Scotland’s independence will allow us to finally regain control of our borders so we can close them on demand to stop the virus running havoc among our population. Regaining control of our borders will also help us to stop dodgy produce coming from England once the toxic politicians England elects plummet England’s food standards to keep USA happy, no matter if decreasing the standards will destroy the livelihood of many farmers and put an additional burden on the NHS.

Independence will also allow us to choose our own governments and push in the direction we want to go, not the direction England and its useful idiots like you, wants to go.

Independence will give us full control of our assets, whose revenues will remain in Scotland instead of being constantly siphoned by England to either pay for vanity projects it does not really need, to put a plaster on in its unsustainable debt instead of reducing it, or to negotiate trade agreements that only benefit itself while they are toxic to Scotland.

Independence will stop England’s mandarins to continue treating and exploiting Scotland as if it was their colony, their dumping ground for toxic policies to testing them before attempting to implement them in England or as their free parking for their WMD that are too politically toxic to hold them in England.

Mr Ross, you don’t get to tell the people of Scotland what is important or what it is not. WE will tell YOU on 6th May. So the best thing you can do for now is to shut your mouth, stop spouting garbage, uncover your ears and start listening.

Thank you.

Wee Chid

Doug says:
25 April, 2021 at 11:05 am
“Either way folks private lives should be private unless folks are being harmed.”

In this case it may be influencing policy.

As with people with strong religious beliefs(which is what the trans movement is akin to) their personal preferences should not take precedence over the wishes of the people.


The real hypocrisy is Sturgeons faux crusade against her rival Salmond whilst ignoring the sleaze, criminality and corruption within her own party.

stuart mctavish

Setting aside the directly related procurements that ran in parallel with them, are ANY candidates criticising the apparent lockdown, mask or vaccine passport agendas – or at very least offering up some safe words (ie in the form of a gimp’s charter) to be used if the nonsense gets even further out of control?
If not, why not


You can always tell when a new article has been posted because everything grinds to a halt on the previous thread.

I should be more alert then I wouldn’t be posting on an old thread where post will remain unread. 🙁

Jan Cowan

Just read Robert Graham’s comment. Brilliant and cheered me up no end. A laugh does a person good. All I need to do is visualise Robert’s description of Holyrood’s first day back! A big thanks to Robert.


I really hate when people refer to them as the nationalist party. If only that were true Scotland would have had indi by now. There should be a trade description inquiry for them even using national in their title.

Chris Darroch

So many comments here and on social media from people claiming in various ways that they will reluctantly vote SNP 1.

For independence.

Sturgeon supporters are loving this Alba SNP 1 crap.

Just loving it.


Alfred knows fine how it works – he’s a plant.


link to

FF to 2:30 : Slater asked about Yogyakarta Principles

Dave Hansell

Red at 11:54:

“we may need to settle in for the long haul.”

Maybe the approach suggested here would speed up the necessary process:

link to


Jan Cowan says:
25 April, 2021 at 11:57 am
Nicola Surgeon = selfish, self-serving, power-hungry he, she, it, whatever.
Her brain appears addled with self admiration.

I didn’t even feel like this about Thatcher. Reason? I was never a member the Tory Party. BUT the SNP has been my Party since 1975. I feel betrayed.

Same. The Nu SNP is not the same party I pounded the pavements for, handed out thousands of leaflets for, raised money for even when I could have used more money myself, and promoted and defended to all my friends and family back in the days when being an SNP activist meant courting unpopularity and possibly a kicking when canvassing in some of the rougher areas.

I get the feeling the SNP hates me. Either because I’m “white”, as Humza so eloquently put it in his Rivers of BAME speech, or because I’m male and heterosexual and “cis-gendered” and don’t believe men are women, which Rihanna Speirs and the lovely Alyn Smith would explain is problematic, or because I don’t think it’s necessary or desirable to make poor people poorer in the name of “the climate”, which makes me a “science denier” apparently, or just because I’m an old fashioned guy who believes in freedom of speech and not constantly nagging people and laughed at South Park and Frankie Boyle’s jokes before he joined the wokecult.

Years and years ago, the SNP website used to have a funny little animated gif of Jack McConnell titled “what’s up, Jack?”. They got rid of it, but there was still a sense of fun and good humour in the SNP. The establishment was full of sour-faced scolds, like Helen Liddell and her screeching about “divorce”. We were the men and women o’ independent mind who looked and laughed at a’ that.

Sad to say, but the thing that now calls itself Scotland’s Party is basically the equivalent of Buffalo Bill parading around in a skinsuit, and they have the good people of Scotland trapped in a pit in their cellar-dungeon. It votes SNP #1 and #2 or else it gets the hose again.


katherine hamilton says:
25 April, 2021 at 11:22 am
Ms. Sturgeon looked gey short of sleep with her baggy eyes on Marr this morn.

My comment re baqgy eyes + flowers on bookshelf posted on previous thread. Her eyes were pretty baggy last week on Sophie Ridge.

“Flowers on the stepladder have been refreshed since interview with Sophie Ridge on 18th April
Flowers on stepladder is obviously a permanent thing or perhaps they are just there to take attention away from her massive eye bags. It looks as if she has been up all night crying her eyes out since around 26th March.

link to
Sturgeon on Andrew Marr 25/4/21

link to
Sophie Ridge interviews Sturgeon.

John Main

@ Mia 25 April, 2021 at 12:07 pm

“Independence will give us full control of our assets, whose revenues will remain in Scotland instead of being constantly siphoned by England to either pay for vanity projects it does not really need, to put a plaster on in its unsustainable debt instead of reducing it, or to negotiate trade agreements that only benefit itself while they are toxic to Scotland.”

Great post. My only comment is that you missed:

Independence will allow Scotland to function as a free, sovereign nation outside of the EU.

I have no wish to divert the gushing hosepipe of Scotland’s revenues from Westminster to Brussels. It beats me why so many people seem to think that would be a great idea.


Totally off topic but is there anyone from Togo, Burkina Faso or Côte d’Ivoire who has any advice for tourists visiting that general region?


“James says:
25 April, 2021 at 12:28 pm
Alfred knows fine how it works – he’s a plant.”

I assumed so, but think I turned it good.


Irrespective of who ‘won’ the latest Sturgeon/Marr interview/contest, I have lost count of the number of times the latter has interrupted with:

‘We’re running out of time’

Perhaps a not-so-subbtle control tactic. I cannot recall the phrase being used in other interviews.

Marr is a pillock.


“Slater asked about Yogyakarta Principles”

Thank you for that link, Ruby. I have to say that interview annoyed me to no end. I thought Slater was doing a reasonable job justifying the indyref, but I felt she completely failed and seemed she was trying to sell us more snake oil when she started talking about the Yogyakarta Principles.

I saw her response as a direct contradiction of her manifesto and their enthusiasm for embracing of the principles themselves as they are written.

In other words, from where I was standing, she appeared to be trying to defend her position by attempting to separate herself from the actual wording of the yogyakarta principles, by hiding herself behind some “interpretation” of what was written.

Sorry, but for me that is not good enough. Interpretations are subjective, and it could be one thousand of them. In fact Slater’s interpretation today may differ from her interpretation of the exact same thing tomorrow, so either the SGreens state loud and clear in their manifesto what it is exactly what they are after or it can only be seen as cowardice and deliberate attempt to mislead when the simply blame others for having a completely different interpretation of a wording they have just embraced as it is without modifications. It is dishonest.

I felt a sense of deja vu hearing her that brought flashbacks of the nonsense spouted by Harvie, Stonewall and ILGA when all of them attempted furiously to distance themselves from the actual wording of the ILGA statement and instead demanding us to give them free leeway because they have a different interpretation to the obvious one that you have when you read the written words.

I mean, if I understood correctly Slater is now furiously back-peddling on the idea of removing sex from the birth certificates, which quite clearly the interviewer says that it is the logic interpretation when you read the Yogyakarta Principles as they are written.

Slater now brings some other weird documents required in other countries as an excuse for the wording of the principles. Well, this is not other country, this is Scotland and the main document that establishes if you have access to your rights and a protect characteristic that is sex or not, is your effing birth certificate. So if sex does not go in your birth certificate or passports, how do females are supposed to expect the implementation of sex as a protected characteristic? A DNA sample in the home office database?

What exactly is what Slater proposes to determine in law a female’s sex? Because if her idea is again to “self id” that is at all practical effects to destroy sex as a protected characteristic, isn’t it? I mean, if you suddenly find that 25% of males choose to identify themselves as females, can you still talk about sex being a protected characteristic? No, you cannot.

The other thing I found most irritating is the nonsense that one of the principles of the Green party is “equality”. Well, if you are giving males the right to self identify as females, you give them access to female’s protected spaces and sports, you destroy in practice sex as a protected characteristic, you deny women the right to identify themselves as adult XX females, you gag women so they cannot complain when males usurp their rights, then you are not seeking equality at all. You are actively seeking inequality by actively discriminate females against a minority of males.

Slater did not convince me AT ALL that the greens are not after removing sex from the birth certificate. In fact, after hearing her peddling back and attempting to distance herself from that, making even less sense of what she was saying, and which in my view is the obvious interpretation of the written yagakarta principles, she convinced me that that is exactly what they are after but they are far too coward to acknowledge it because they know it will lose them votes. In other words, they are attempting to sneak it under the radar, using the shield of “interpretations” as an excuse and I find that profoundly dishonest.

After hearing this woman speak, I am now even more convinced the Greens must be ejected from our parliament. Women cannot be held to ransom and undermined like this. Women’s rights groups were never consulted to generate those Yogyakarta principles. We cannot be forced to choose between the union or an independent Scotland where the concept of sex is considered disposable because the greens and the SNP have decided the rights of a minority of males and the profits of a bunch of pharmaceutical companies are far more important the rights of females and children.

SNP1 + ALBA2 has just got a extra incentive: to get rid of the toxic greens and retain sex as a protected characteristic.


Jan says ” I feel betrayed”.

That’s because we were. By sturgeon and her wokeratti cabal.

Hopefully a jail term beckons.

I think its going well for Alba. But we will see. I sincerely hope its the short haul but haul I will.

I also note that the wokeratti are no longer chanting “eyes on the prize”. Do you think they know that she is never going to deliver ?


“Independence will allow Scotland to function as a free, sovereign nation outside of the EU”

I did not include it because independence will allow Scotland to function as a free, sovereign state anywhere its people choose to be.

I heard yesterday an interview where Mr Salmond said that he favours EFTA and then having a referendum so the people of Scotland can decide if they want to fully rejoin the EU or not. I have no problems with that.

“I have no wish to divert the gushing hosepipe of Scotland’s revenues from Westminster to Brussels”

Well, I have all interest in blocking that gushing hosepipe completely and installing a tap instead.

The contributions from Scotland that would go into the EU would be less than what Scotland stands to win from it and will be far less than the Niagara falls Westminster is preparing to send the USA way to save England’s economy with a toxic trade agreement.


I’ll be watching the RESULT with great interest (and trepidation). It’s the CAMPAIGN that’s boring as fuck, because the media have deliberately made it that way by excluding Alba and refusing to tackle the women’s-rights issue.

The women’s-rights issue isn’t going to go away. We haven’t heard much about uni-sex changing rooms because all gyms etc have been closed.

Same applies to sporting events, all-women shortlist etc.
Everything is at a standstill due to Covid.

Perhaps women hear all these stories and think ‘that is total madness it will never happen’. They might take it more seriously when they are confronted by a flashing penis in the female changing room, beaten by a man in a woman’s event or discover that all-women shortlists consists of all men.

I don’t believe women in Scotland are any different to Emmeline Pankhurst & The Sufragettes and we would be prepared to go to jail to protect women’s rights.

Concern about racism/Islamaphobia and whether he is a true Celt might be the least of Humza Yousaf problems.

Elizabeth Hagan

“Pot calling the Kettle” springs to mind. How anyone can vote for SNP & their policies is beyond me.


Enjoyed that look into Slater stumbling and stuttering over the Yogyakarta document.
She knows it’s mince.

If you embed a document, you cannot cherry pick the bits you want to leave out.
Also,as per, conflating sex & gender.
They all lie about self ID meaning you can change your sex on a document as being around for years.
The 2 year process with counselling has been around for years not self ID.

As for Sturgeon, I cannot bare to listen to even one second of that woman.


@Liz says:
25 April, 2021 at 1:32 pm
“Enjoyed that look into Slater stumbling and stuttering over the Yogyakarta document.”

Is that the one where it trains you how to yogi fly? Or whatever the hell it’s called 🙂


Andrea says (@10.52)
“Alba are not represented at constituency level…You can vote for who you want, it will make no difference at all to Alba’s fortunes”

Yes. Yes it will.

If enough people refuse to vote for the SNP bastards in Constituency, a Loyalist bastard could win the seat, meaning the SNP bastards would be in a position to take a List seat from Alba.

Like it or not, we HAVE to vote SNP bastards to maximise Alba chances on the List.


James Wilson was executed on 4 August 1820 in Glasgow. On mounting the cart that was to take him to the scaffold, the headsman was seated before him, cloaked in black, his face covered, holding a large axe in his right hand and a knife in his left. “Did you ever see sic a crowd as this?” Wilson remarked casually to his executioner. At five minutes to three, he mounted the scaffold and several minutes later his body was convulsing on the end of a rope, where it remained for half an hour, before being lowered and decapitated by the masked executioner, who held the bloody head aloft and proclaimed: “This is the head of a ("Tractor" - Ed).” The crowd jeered and shouts of, “It is false, he has bled for his country!” were heard and reported in the Glasgow Herald the next morning

link to


Mia says:

Slater now brings some other weird documents required in other countries as an excuse for the wording of the principles.

at 4:35
‘For other countries where your identity documents must have your gender on it so you can access your civil rights’. WTF

These must be countries that don’t follow ‘The Yogyakarta Principles’ if they did then these identity documents would be changed in the same way as identity documents can be change in the UK.

Why would countries follow Clause 31 of ‘The Yogyakarta Principles’ and ignore all the rest?

LaingB French

Were spit roasted between the sky and the deep blue sea.
Mcsturgeon,s INEPTITUDE INCOMPETENCE CONSISTANT LYING, WITHOLDING INFORMATION from the Scottish courts, MISAPPROPRIATING MONIES AND SPREADING SLANDER DEFAMATION, not to mention baseless serious SEXUAL ALLEGATIONS against an ex. first minister surely should be dealt with the full force of the law? Instead we have to vote her back in! I hope and pray ( not that I am religious) that BUTTERSTONE SCHOOL ESCAPADE WILL TAKE A HUGE FKN BITE OUT OF HER ARSE! She is a disgusting excuse for a human being let alone a politician.

LaingB French

I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire.

Stuart MacKay

For everybody wondering about SNP 1, Alba 2. How would you feel if, as leader, your arch-nemesis, the one you just tried to destroy but who bounced back stronger than before was instrumental in you keeping your job. As a result they now have power over you, because you, would not be where you are, without their help.

I for one would have a hard time living with that. And that’s exactly how it should be.


@Stuart McKay
I don’t think she cares.
She is on her way out and is probably already thinking about life outside politics.
If she is re-elected then I think she will resign soon after.


@ Heaver (and others) at various times

The effect on list seat allocation of constituency losses/gains is a lot more complicated than one in/one out.

I do realize that a succinct reply such as yours to Alfred is more readable, which is why I haven’t wittered on about it before, but:

3 things affect a party’s chances of getting a list seat:
a) the percentage of the list vote they get in a given region
b) the number of constituencies they win in that region
c) how the list votes they don’t get are distributed among other parties.

Some examples:

North East Scotland is one of two regions that contain 10 constituencies. In 2011, the SNP won all 10, giving them a divisor of 11 going into the first round of list seat allocation. Despite that, they won the last list seat, not only because they had a massive share of the list vote, but also because no other party (still) had a larger number of votes by that stage. A few voters choosing Green instead of eg LD would have deprived the SNP of that seat (I’ve not done the arithmetic; it’s the principle that matters).

Also in 2011, the SNP won all but 1 of the 9 Lothians constituencies, and no list seats. In 2016, they gained that 1 constituency, but lost 3 others. They did not get any compensation on the list, largely because the Greens had enough support to elect 2 list MSPs. So if Angus Robertson fails to regain Edinburgh Central, this does not automatically mean Graham Campbell will win a list seat; it is perfectly possible that the seat distribution will remain as it was in 2016, and if the SNP regain Western and/or Southern, GC’s chances fall further.

In Mid Scotland and Fife in 2016, the Greens won the final list seat. Their vote (divided by 1) was only a few hundred more than Labour’s (divided by 3). For the final seat, small margins can determine who gets it, and the SNP can gain or lose, depending not on their own performance but on other people’s.

So it is not simply a case of SNP win = Alba loss or vice versa, let alone SNP constituency loss = Alba lose out to SNP on the list.

I could go on, but to everyone’s relief, I’ll stop there 🙂 .

Old Fogey

Skip_NC says:
25 April, 2021 at 12:54 pm
Totally off topic but is there anyone from Togo, Burkina Faso or Côte d’Ivoire who has any advice for tourists visiting that general region?

You probably already know this Skip but the State Dept ranks both Burkino Faso and Cote d’Ivoire as Level 4 – Do not travel. Togo is ranked as Level 3 – Reconsider travel. The UK’s FCO has pretty much the same advice. Al-Quaeda and its affiliates operates in Burkino Faso.

winifred mccartney

That is the first time I have seen Slater stuck for words and waffling about in the wind – if your Manifesto clearly states that you will EMBED the Yogyakarta Principles in Scottish Law then that is what it means and you cannot reinterpret and bounce around with the meaning. Not enough people are questioning properly this vital womans right and the transwomen lobby are I believe the last misogynist outpost which has been bought hook line and sinker by women who want to be ‘progressive’ but cannot see the great harms being done. The idea of unisex toilets in schools has already led to teenage girls staying off school when they have their periods and cases of rape by transgender women have already happened in womens prisons.


I had planned on spoiling my vote but unfortunately I’ll have to hold my nose and vote Labour as they’re the only party in my constituency with a chance of getting the SNP out. What makes it even worse is that James Kelly is the candidate. I want Scotland to be independent but I don’t want the Scotland that the SNP is pushing. Alba will get my second vote and as much as I don’t like George Galloway, I hope he gets elected. I reckon he’s exactly whats needed in Holyrood. Everyone else seems to scared to take on Humza Yousaf.

Eric McCue

Sturgeon will refuse to work with Salmond and the nationalist movement will melt down into 20 years of vicious, internecine warfare.

Job done for Sturgeon.



Old Fogey


I should have added that offers very good coverage of African countries and their former territories in particular.


OK, your starter for ten.

I have a postal vote. Perusing the list of candidates fills me with loathing. There is not one I would wish to vote for.
The SNP candidate is a woke bampot but has no chance anyway, as the tory will top the poll as ever.

So in light of this, I will vote Alba on the list and write NONE across the constituancy paper.

I think the slogan should be:-

Vote for Alba (Pronounce it Alapa)
Not for Wallopers!


Are people suffering from ‘gender dysphoria’ being fobbed off with the self-id madness?

Just self-id as the opposite sex and you will be fine.

Suffering from depression?

Just self id as a happy person and you will be fine.

Self-id very bad for people suffering from ‘gender dysphoria’ great for people who just want to take the piss.

ie flashers/peeping toms who fancy accessing women’s changing rooms and using their phones to record women changing and then watching later and even uploading the recordings to youtube for all their pervy pals to watch.

Rapist who self-id as women to gain access to female prisons.

Misogynists who love ***** things up for women.

Athletes who can’t win in men’s sport.

Politicians wanting to gain access to women only shortlists.

Cheaper car insurance?

Why was pensions at 60 for women cancelled? Anything to do with the prospect of self-id?


Hypocrite the headline screams.

Well there is it seems no bigger hypocrite than wee Sturgeon who if anecdotes are accurate has an absolutely appalling marital history, and a history that folks would be utterly ashamed of.

But secrets are secrets and this is a government that knows how to censor and redact things they would rather not come to light. Sturgeon’s departure from the law being an early indicator of what appears to be serious malfeasance.

And that exposure and maybe more to come may be what’s making Sturgeon look gey gray and baggy eyed as an earlier commentator opined. Maybe there is muck in her own backyard. Let he without sin, cast the first stone or is it people in glass houses should not throw stones.

For me I have to say isn’t it a heartbreaking pity that a party who has done so much seems under Sturgeon to have lost so much of its way. But an injection of Alba will sort that I have no doubt. A supermajority able and capable of taking on Boris Johnson and winning.

Anyway, I take my lead from Alex Salmond and his recommendation is vote SNP 1 and Alba 2 and until I hear anything different, that is what I will be doing.

Landscapes and political landscapes change and I trust Alex Salmond, and the team that he has assembled, and who no doubt will complement many in the SNP post May the 7th.


boris says:
25 April, 2021 at 1:54 pm
James Wilson was executed on 4 August 1820 in Glasgow.

Boris thanks for that link Caltonjock is a great website for information.
I wish we had been taught Scottish history at school as I so enjoy it, even though I’m now in my 70s.
I hated the English history we were taught. It just never interested me & the teachings went in one ear & out the other.
I never, even as a child had any interest in England. I never visited the country until I went to a wedding there. The only time I visited London was when I had to, so I could leave by plane for New Zealand in 1969.


“I for one would have a hard time living with that”

That and the uncertainty of not knowing how many of the newly elected constituency SNP MSPs might be prepared to show you the middle finger and defect to Alba unless you stop kicking the can of independence down the road or attacking women’s rights…

Disloyalty paid with disloyalty in your hour of need. Karma is a beautiful thing.


Want privacy in the Uni-sex changing room?

Get yourself a pop-up changing tent.

They are only about £10.

link to

pretty compact & would fit nicely into your gym bag.



Willie @ 2.44pm

No, the correct quote is “People in glass houses shouldn’t
run about in the scuddy”

Derek Rogers

crazycat @ 2:17 is absolutely right, and Heaver is posting bollox.

Your total Parliamentary seats are determined by your percentage of the list vote, and nothing else.

It doesn’t quite work out if your constituency seats already exceed your list-vote share, but the result in that case depends on the list-vote shares of the other parties, it’s not predictable.

link to

sets it all out.

Anton Decadent

OT but I was just reading The Herald online and their continous hatchet jobs on AS/Alba and gushing praise for the Greens, trans etc.

I decided to go and have a look at who owns it and found that, same as the firm owned by the Sarwars, it doesn’t recognise union representation within its workforce. I then went and looked at its US based parent firm, Gannett, and found that it is currently being sued by a number of its male former employees via claims that they were sexually abused in the workplace whilst working there as teenagers.


Heaver – If the SNP get into a position with the Greens where they form a majority as per the moment then ALBA are irrelevant – your right though its how this system works

Derek Rogers

Correction: “…it depends on the list-vote shares and constituency seats of the other parties, it isn’t predictable.” Apologies for not saying that first time.


link to

These pop-up privacy pods come in lots of different colours.

No more worries about lack of privacy in uni-sex changing rooms.

Might be handy for some outdoor activities too.

Caught short without a loo in sight. Pop up your pod in pee in private.

PS Don’t forget to ‘poopa scoop’ if you go no 2.


Alec Salmonds plan is all very well but he is asking us to vote for a corrupt Government led by a Blairite.


Oh my god This is a husband & wife, both politicians in the SNP being complained about.
I hadn’t realised Patricia Gibson an MP was the wife of a SNP politician in Holyrood.
Her husband is bullying female party workers & his wife is hooring herself to young male staff down in WM.
Poor guy having this frustrated old woman coming on to him. She is enough to give any healthy young man nightmares.

What is it about the SNP that the majority of them are sexually defunkt?

link to


Willie @ 2.44pm

Heartily agree with every word. Exactly my thinking. So,holding my nose, it’s SNP 1 then Alba 2.


Skip nc. Take a pith helmet.


” If the SNP get into a position with the Greens where they form a majority as per the moment then ALBA are irrelevant”

That is the same as saying labour is totally irrelevant today in the UK parliament because the tories have a majority. Alba will be the only real opposition to the SNP. A party whose presence in HOlyrood will prevent the SNP to simply brush the issues of independence and women’s rights under the carpet without a fight. I refuse to accept that all and each one of the SNP MSPs are opposed to independence and in favour of bulldozing women’s rights.

What might make ALBA irrelevant is if they do not get any seats. And that is why we need to ensure SNP1 and ALBA2 so we get a supermajority of indy seats, we get rid of the greens, we get a functioning opposition to Sturgeon’s SNP and we stop Sturgeon’s SNP competing with ALBA in the list.

Old Fogey

Andy Ellis says:

“The results in May will be telling. If Alba do better than expected, then the game’s afoot. However if they only manage to gain a few seats, we may need to settle in for the long haul.”

I agree with this and as part of that “long haul” we need to take steps now which cements Alba into the political landscape. One way of doing that quickly will be establishing branches across the country. I would hope that we see some proposals for how this will take place pretty soon. We need to demonstrate that Alba is here to stay and is not just a “one off”. Hopefully we can get down to this as soon as the election is over.


Disclaimer: I am not a mathematician.
I understand the fears expressed here of SNP losing seats on the constituency paper and regaining those lost seats on the list, at the expense of Alba.
But surely that is based on the premise that SNP will hold on to ALL their list votes from 2016?
If for example, SNP won 9 on the constituency the divisor is 10.
If they win 7, the divisor is 8.
Now if they had 100,000 list votes in 2016, that equates to 10,000 after the divisor.
But if their share of the list falls in 2021, to say, 80,000, then they do not pick up any extra list seats despite losing two in the constituency. 80,000 / 8 = 10,000.

It seems to me that the SNP vote is likely to fall in both constituency AND list, and on that basis, I will not vote SNP 1 and be confident that it will not affect Alba.


Old Fogey says:
25 April, 2021 at 3:42 pm

I agree with this and as part of that “long haul” we need to take steps now which cements Alba into the political landscape. One way of doing that quickly will be establishing branches across the country.

This is what I love about my fellow Scots. You don’t give up.
You think outside the box for solutions. You will achieve Independence. Not with Nicolas lot though I’m afraid to say.

Andy Ellis

@Old Fogey 3.42 pm

I think they’ve made a start with regional Facebook pages, but as others have said, it’s early days yet. I’m looking forward to seeing an Alba Edinburgh Central branch for next Holyrood elections to stand against the SNP.

After all, if it’s OK for the Greens to do it…..? 🙂


Old Fogey @ 3.42pm
Agree with you. As an SNP supporter of some 55+ years, I will vote SNP one last time, in the constituency, and thereafter Alba, whether in Westminster voting or in future Holyrood elections. This fight for independence will go on even though, I fear, it will become more bitter, fractious and, possibly, in the future, even dangerous. SNP 1 Alba 2

Old Fogey

Andy Ellis says:

I think they’ve made a start with regional Facebook pages, but as others have said, it’s early days yet. I’m looking forward to seeing an Alba Edinburgh Central branch for next Holyrood elections to stand against the SNP.

I’m not on Facebook so was unaware of that. I would really like to see an Alba International Branch formed. I hope that your goal for the next Holyrood election comes to fruition!


“and on that basis, I will not vote SNP 1 and be confident that it will not affect Alba”

It will affect Alba because the whole idea of ALBA is to get rid of unionist seats in Holyrood. By not voting SNP on the constituency you are opening the door for the unionists we want to eject from Holyrood to simply swap the list seat they should be losing to ALBA for a secure constituency one that should have gone to a pro indy party, leaving the SNP and ALBA fighting for the list seats when it should be the unionists fighting ALBA for the list seats.

In other words, by not voting SNP1 you are helping unionists to maintain their presence in Holyrood rather than decreasing that presence by ejecting them out.

If you want to see a pro indy supermajority, you have to vote SNP 1 in the list, because if you don’t you will be helping unionists to retain or even gain seats. I am sure that is what unionists like Sarwar, DRoss and Rennie are desperate for us to do.

SNP1+ALBA2 for a pro indy supermajority and a meaningful pro indy opposition.


Yip commented on an earlier thread about Sturgeons utter hypocrisy.

Meanwhile the courts have refused the Welsh governments bid to challenge Westminster’s power grab.

Apparently the Welsh government must wait until the Westminster government has seized devolved powers before it can attempt to do anything about it.

I’d imagine the same will apply in Scotland, one wonders if by the very fact that Westminster intends to neuter Holyrood, that Sturgeon will be forced to hold an indyref, as late as possible in her next tenure as FM, even though its clear that, that’s the last thing she wants to do.

“Plaid Cymru’s Westminster leader Liz Saville Roberts said: “This ruling is disappointing. Its implication is that Wales must wait until Westminster has inflicted the worst of its attacks on devolution before we can act. By that point I fear that it will be too late.””


It defies logic to vote for the SNP on the basis that it is an independence party when it is not going to deliver independence.


An interesting read from Barrhead Boy.

link to


It defies logic even further to not vote for the SNP.
What other party is strong enough to actually deliver Independence.


Stephen @ 4.21pm
But this is not about logic. This is about ejecting as many unionists from Holyrood and enabling Alba to gain a foothold. Then watch the sparks fly. Independence will become more than just a word. SNP 1 Alba 2


Maybe some of the Green-gilled homophobe transwokes could send Boris some spare hobby-nappies to staunch his leaks.


It’s not strong enough at the moment.
It’s not going to deliver independence.
It’s leaders are taking us for a ride.
What’s to like.

winifred mccartney

Does Sarwars warehouse still not have union representation and if not why not – where are the so called journalists who should be on top of this and asking these questions – it is unbelievable that a labour msp and leader should have shares in or any part of such a company – compounded with private education for his family – champagne socialist or no socialist at all.

Stuart MacKay

Mia’s right. In addition, the annihilation of the Unionist seat warmers on the list is a stick that can be used to beat Westminster morning, noon and night, all day, every day. Also, consider the effect that message will have on the electorate in England – assuming they ever get to hear of it.

There are so many ways that SNP 1, Alba 2 works to our advantage.

Also it’s worth considering the perceived downside of opening the door for the creation of the Undemocratic Republic of Wokistan. Alex Salmond, would have to be strategically incompetent not to have considered the implications of returning an SNP government in a dominant position. There would be little point in firing up all engines on protecting women’s rights then adopting a strategy that would see them trashed – he’d be flayed alive and rightly so. So if the wily fox wants something done it’s because it’s been thought through.


Fair play to you.

For me, it’s not politics as I know it.
Politics should be about choosing a party whose policies you support and voting for it.
I can’t do that with the SNP at the moment.
The SNP need to feel the wrath of the electorate so that they can field more sensible policies next time around.


I have considered voting SNP1 but in all conscience I can never vote again for SNP until Sturgeon, Murrell, Wolffe, Evans, Loyd and a few others are gone and hopefully serving substantial prison sentences. These people lie in public office, pervert the rule of law and have engaged in a criminal conspiracy to have a political opponent jailed on fabricated charges. What kind of society are we living in when people like this are strutting their stuff with impunity? To be asked to vote for the status quo is beyond the pale. It effectively condones the actions of these cretins.

The question for me is whether to spoil my constituency ballot or express my disgust by voting against the SNP. It is not even close, I will be voting for the main challenger in my constituency even though they are a unionist and the SNP candidate is a decent hard working individual. To be clear I am voting against Sturgeon and her rotten government rather than for anyone else.


To the people who are upset or even horrified or outraged at anyone alluding to or mentioning the Sturells sex life or pecadillos ,this holier than thou attitude is why we in Scotland are in the horrible position we are in

We have ignored the signs and allowed a group of sexual deviants and paedophile enablers to capture our parliament and laws , we have refused to challenge their skewed lunatic rabid outpourings in the name of niceness and not wanting to hurt feelings , and what has it cost us , we have our CHILDREN being taught about ANAL SEX at school by cross dressing perverts , we have our womenfolks safety and security at permanent risk from rapists and sexual predators in the places that WERE reserved to help keep them safe

We have independence kicked into the long grass in favour of this lunacy and we are DRAGGED out of the EU despite repeated promises and people are upset at rumour or conjecture


Stephen says:
25 April, 2021 at 4:31 pm
It’s not strong enough at the moment.
It’s not going to deliver independence.
It’s leaders are taking us for a ride.
What’s to like.

Stephen, I could have said all that you say some 55+ years ago when I first supported the SNP. Look how far the SNP have come since then. But now they need a kick up the backside, to take us beyond the independence rhetoric.

And your second point is valid. Alba alone will not deliver independence. But a supermajority in favour of independence will send a strong signal to Westminster that will be difficult to ignore.

Your last point is not worth responding to. You’ve obviously, wrongly and sadly, made up your mind about Alex Salmond, a man who has fought long and hard for Scottish independence. SNP 1 Alba 2


You’ve got me wrong on Salmond though.
I have followed his case closely and believe that there was a conspiracy to manufacture a case against him.



Sorry for getting your last point wrong. So, ask yourself, why? He is obviously considered by Westminster to be public enemy number one. Imagine how they will look at Holyrood with Alex Salmond and other Alba members in it?


I think we are at cross purposes.

I agree with you and would like to see Alex and as many other Alba members as possible in the new Assembly.
I just can’t bear to vote SNP1 as I don’t support their policies and don’t believe that their leadership is serious about independence.
It is all rhetoric for them, as you say.
By the way I think Alba should also run on revoking SNP policies such as the GRA.


Stephen, like I said, I’ll vote SNP one more time. Then that’s it. And I agree with you, Alba should run on revoking GRA and the hate crime nonsense.

And thanks for a respectful exchange of views, too, something which seems sometimes in short supply on Wings.


Thanks DJ
It was a pleasure talking with you.


I watched sturgeon on Marr and can honestly say Alex Salmond and ALBA must have her skittering herself , I have NEVER seen her in ANY interview being so forthright and even aggressive in putting Scotland forward , unfortunately we all know it is wind and pish

BUT the usual PROMISES were sprinkled liberally to keep the sheeple engaged (independence in the FUTURE)


Andy Ellis says:
“the political cowardice of Scots who couldn’t even be bothered to turn out in sufficient numbers to win the referendum.”

Is it cowardice, or is it apathy and inertia?
I bet if you stopped folk in the street and asked them what had gone on with the Sturgeon/Salmond spat over the last few months, a majority would just look blank. They get the little pertinent news that the MSM serve them, and that’s all they know.


I’m still fairly confused.
On the one hand, the majority on here agree that the SNP as it stands is not actively pro-indy. So how does SNP plus ALBA constitute a ‘supermajority’?
I’d love to think that some ALBA MSPs would light a fire under the others, but it’s a big ask to rekindl fire in a pretty uninspiring lot. Hardly a backbone between them.
Still, I’d be happy to be proved wrong.


DRoss has no chance of being FM, however, the lying corrupt bastard Nicola Sturgeon who appeared to have another train wreck on Marr this morning likely will be thanks to all the imbeciles who think voting New SNP is even still an option. “I’m holding my nose” “last time” “it’s to hold her to account” etc etc etc. Park yer bullshit excuses and face the facts, none of you have the intelligence to recognise what you are doing or the self respect to even care. You all just do as the New SNP party machine tells you. Such “minor” issues as the rights of women to exist, freedom of speech or a government that isn’t run by criminals matter. Save the party leader at all costs. Pat yersels on the backs people.


“none of you have the intelligence to recognise what you are doing”

Speak for yourself, sunshine. I know exactly what I want and how to get it:

1. I want a supermajority in Holyrood of what is perceived as pro independence seats by Westminster and the rest of the world.
2. I want as many totally useless unionists like Sarwar, DRoss, Rennie, etc ejected from their seats as possible. I don’t want unionists to swap their list seats for constituency ones, I want them gone from Holyrood.
3. I want the Greens out of Holyrood with their pretend pro-indy stance and their toxic anti-females policies
4. I want a real and strong pro-indy opposition to the SNP, one that puts independence first and cares about women’s rights.
5. I want to watch the corrupt Nicola Sturgeon facing her nemesis every day in Holyrood. I want to watch her squirming every day trying to justify her unjustifiable kicking the can of independence down the road for 6 long years. I want to watch her trying to justify how she can call herself a democrat and a feminist while she is attacking females’ rights and freedom of speech.
6. I want Nicola Sturgeon to come every day to Holyrood wondering how many of her MSPs will be defecting to ALBA that day.
7. I don’t want Nicola Sturgeon to take the easy way out by losing the seat. I want to watch her being roasted to a crisp (metaphorically speaking) by Salmond and MacAskill until she cannot cope with the pressure to deliver independence anymore. I want to watch her giving up her resistance to independence or resigning in disgrace.

Because I want all that, and I want it all, there is only one way I can achieve it. That is why I will be voting SNP1 and ALBA2. If you want the same as me, for instance as many unionist gone from Holyrood as possible, then you should be voting SNP1 and ALBA2 too.

John Main

@ Mia – 25 April, 2021 at 1:27 pm
“… a referendum so the people of Scotland can decide if they want to fully rejoin the EU or not. I have no problems with that.”

Me neither.

“The contributions from Scotland that would go into the EU would be less than what Scotland stands to win from it … “

Aye, right. Who are you trying to kid?

Either Scotland is the resource-rich nation so many posters on here believe it is, or it is not. If it is, then the EU will extract a high price from our oil & gas, our rich fisheries, our renewables, and our empty living space.

The EU contains 27 countries. In 2019, only 9 countries were net contributors, with the UK paying the second largest of these contributions. So now there are only 8 net contributors subbing the other 19 countries.

There’s a big hole in EU finances. Don’t underestimate how much of that money the EU will attempt to claw back if an independent Scotland tries to rejoin.

Dean Clark

Pretty sure the money spunked on test and trace is mainly spent on the test bit, not the trace. The failed app cost a few million I think, the rest is payment to labs for pcr tests, developing rapid tests etc… They also say they haven’t spent the full whack yet but requested extra… I think the total spent was about 5bn when I looked it up a few weeks ago.


The ONLY politicians I currently trust are Alex Salmond, Kenny McAskill and Johanna Cherry.

I HOPE to be able to trust those in the Alba Party once they become better known.

The rest at Holyrood or trying to get into that place are a bunch of self-serving lying careerists. Or members of the self centered Woke brigade who STOLE Scotland’s right to self-determination.

After that is the rump of Unionist schills and Trolls.

On the subject of Trolls, the TWENTY THREE sock puppet accounts relating to Rock/tawT/odeP/parK have ALL gone SILENT.

Does, Andy/Gordon/Indy-4-Labour/Gordena get the weekend off from his desk as a 77th Brigade cyberstalking disrupter unit?

He/she/it is VERY conspicuous by its absence.

If you say it’s name three times like in the horror movies, will Troll-Face appear from the Wee Manky depths of Septic Tank world…

Rock Monkey Dung Flinger.

Rock Monkey Dung Flinger

Rock Monkey Dung Flinger

Are you there?

None of us care.

Just wondering if the 77th Brigade get the weekend off. 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Al-Stuart.

One of your “names” has been active tonight.

link to

David A.

Has there been any accounting of the special covid money to be given out to businesses as life support? I’ve heard complaints about some of them not being given what they’re supposed to be given. At this point I fear money vanishing into black holes and pockets as it feels almost anything is possible now in a bad way.

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    • Mark Beggan on Inability To Learn: “I’m glad because if you said that you were a size 8. It’s a known fact that size 8 women…Jan 12, 20:18
    • Mark Beggan on Inability To Learn: “Craving for the limelightJan 12, 20:16
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “I’m a 5.6ft male giant (understatement:)Jan 12, 20:10
    • robertkknight on Inability To Learn: “Y’know, the thing about Sturgeon, she’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When she comes up to…Jan 12, 20:09
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “I strive to answer questions, Mark – Whereas forum participants here struggle to answer my basic fundamental Scotland questions -…Jan 12, 20:00
    • Mark Beggan on Inability To Learn: “Chafing can be a problem.Jan 12, 19:58
    • Confused on Inability To Learn: “caption competition timeJan 12, 19:48
    • Dan on In Ruins: “If anybody is wondering why some folk swear. Try being a mechanic working on over-complicated modern pish designs like this…Jan 12, 19:47
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Andy Ellis, quote: “Gregor is the Cameron Brodie “de nos jours”. From memory it took an inordinate amount of time…Jan 12, 19:44
    • Confused on Inability To Learn: “never forget never forgive  never againJan 12, 19:43
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Michael Laing strongly disagrees – He doesn’t want the public to know – And doesn’t give a fu** about the…Jan 12, 19:41
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Darren of Plymouth @wolsned: “Labour Pedos, 50 of them. Wanna bet there are a lot more? Of course there is,…Jan 12, 19:32
    • Mark Beggan on Inability To Learn: “Are you a big girl or a petal petite?Jan 12, 19:29
    • Alf Baird on Inability To Learn: ““Inability To Learn”…. In a colonial society this phenomenon or inability and/or unwillingness of the native to critically analyse reality,…Jan 12, 19:28
  • A tall tale

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