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Wings Over Scotland

Outside the triangle

Posted on February 11, 2015 by

We figured you’d probably want to see this.

(Skip to 3.00 to get past the pointless title frame. Text of speech here.)

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Brian Powell

I guess we can expect to see a frantic and left behind Murphy arranging lectures in London and saying, “I’m glad Nicola agreed with me to have lectures before I got here”.

Just when he has become Scottish and not a Unionist.


Think what the independent nation state Scotland is capable of, free of SLab, Murphy etc

Need to get past the likes of the very rude and oh so nasty UCL press officer Brian Walker at 1.07 and his usual BBC/UKOK media scrounger Scots attack: “transfers from rich London and the south east to Scotland that the Barnett formula graciously allows you to continue to receive”

link to

Getting in touch
Brian Walker is our Press Officer and can be contacted on 07802 176347 or

“A BBC lifer, in earlier years in his native Northern Ireland, he was a news correspondent, political editor and current affairs editor for BBC Northern Ireland as well as working later in the Westminster lobby as London editor of the Belfast Telegraph. In London he served successively as BBC commissioning editor for Radio current affairs programmes and editor of political and parliamentary programmes at Westminster”


Thanks Stu. I’ll enjoy that in bed with a cuppa tea later. That woman is phenomenal, as I’m sure Creepy Jim would agree.


I like the emphasis on the fact that the basic premise of any government’s economic should be that it is for the good of its people. Not the Tories – the economy is like their own personal cash cow. Right, back to the vid…


Thank you, thank you, Rev Stu!

The lovely, smart and sharp Nicola! A First Minister Scotland can be proud of. A politician of international stature.

(And I LOVE her accent!)

I’ve only listened to the first 12 minutes or so but she’s already putting the boot into the Westmister parties and their pseudo-democracy! 😀

Will watch the rest of it now. 🙂


Just a question…..

Is it normal for academic lectures to end in whoops of delight and thunderous applause?

The ones I attended usually ended in a rush to the door by the smokers…


I take it this is the speech thoroughly misrepresented and lied about in this telegraph article

link to

Bob Mack

She has developed even over the past year to a consumate politician. Has the pupil overtaken the Master ?


By the way, how do you intend to tag the General Election posts here on Wings?

I would suggest Rev ‘n’ GE 2015 a a tag for posts.


Many thanks for sharing Stu – BBC & STV are hardly likely to share such footage within news coverage, particularly with an English audience cheering a Scots Leader at the end.

Sure they would just say she was presenting to fellow Scots

The lady has the resilience of hardened steel before academics.

Pride doesn’t cover it.

mary vasey

Wonderful, well done Nicola, you show them how politics SHOULD be done. Vote SNP AYE (y)


I shall look at that after tea.

James Kelly received a letter today asking for his vote;

link to

frazer allan whyte

Amazing – a politician who says something when she speaks – real content and not empty sound bites. But it was depressing to realize from her speech that the UK is in the grip of an economic death cult. Why should Scotland go down with the rats who are not abandoning but actually gnawing more holes in the sinking ship.


Piece on the 6 o’clock news about Ms Sturgeon’s speech. Guess what? Oor Jim was in London today! He was interviewed as part of the report. He has not been in London for weeks but as soon as Nicola goes down off he trots.


Nicola will get no help from the BBC.

She may be our star striker,
playing a blinder today at UCL,
but the BBC are more interested in the ball boy, Murphy.

Matt Seattle


Scot Finlayson

Just watched it on Utoob .

I watched a politician talking for a hour and a quarter and I was pissed of when they had to end it.

I think the Q&A could have went on all night the way the audience were engaging with Nicola.


You beat me to it-grr. Have just watched entire speech & Q & A session & intended to come back here & post the link.

I think the audience were surprised to hear actual direct answers to their questions. Refreshing change for everyone & that was reflected in the huge applause & cheering at the end. She came across as that very rare species, an honest politician & as someone who moves in those circles in London many will have found that a shock to their belief system. I know from the comments I get when attending conferences, seminars etc Londoners have believed everything that was said about wee Eck & about Nicola & those beliefs ate taking a massive hit now.

Pete Wishart tweeted earlier that ‘SNP are all the rage in London today’ & I took that to be a tongue in cheek comment but judging by her reception at UCL, perceptions are shifting just as mine did.

You also have to look at how that speech was covered by BBC as a live broadcast. That doesn’t happen often. It usually only happens for the budget, a few important debates but it isn’t the norm. Today they actually took down the BBC barriers & broadcast it in full. It is probable that the lack of TV coverage in the Scottish media has made SNP look for alternative routes to get the message out & this event today certainly did that.

Very well worth watching & well done Nicola 🙂


Ambulance chaser Murphy ” high profile” visit to A & E dept 2moro according to his press office at BBC Reporting Scotland.
Still no coverage of Aberdeen Tory / Labour councillors Standards Commission appearance.
More coverage of the 3 unionist parties reaction and policies than of Nicola Sturgeons speech in London by BBC newso


Ok bbc did mention the Aberdeen councillors


Nicola was brilliant today.
She shone throughout and when
she made the point that Scotland
already had 5 universities
when UCL was created No 3 behind OxBridge,
I thought’you beauty!’.

And I’ll tell you what,
that strong and sustained applause at the end
had one word written right through it – RESPECT.

Scotland can be mighty proud today
of it’s new First Minister.


She speaks in language we can all understand.Whats not to like about her,all you ‘i did’nt like Alex Samond’no voters?


What a breath of fresh air from our First minister.

Nichola Sturgeon is a fantastic speaker and she’s all our Yipee. 🙂

If labour had a Nichola we might have had a fight but the best politicians in the UK are SNP by a mile. The Landslide will free Scotland from our biggest liars and cheats.

Proud of what is happening here. Scotland will get it;s day and what a party then .

Superb post STU.


What a brilliant and most erudite speech. It tackled the key economic issues head on, yet was gracious and thought provoking. BBC take note – and notes.


Thanks for posting that Stu. I must have missed it when it was live on the BBC.

It was live on the BBC wasn’t it ? ….wasn’t it? You know…the same way they just happened to have a camera handy (as you do) at Loanhead Miners Welfare Club when Sleepy Gordy made Vow 1.

No ? Oh

ronnie anderson

Am claimin nae credit fur saying ,(like Alex Salmond taking the SNP message to the Nth Of England) Nicola should do the same & spreaad the message in England ( little TV exposure here ) lots of TV exposure in London.

Keep it up Nicola sense & sensibility fae a politician in London who’d widha thunk it.

That aside, it gets rite up they,re nose, ah la Curran / Carmichiel/Mundell.


Totally turning into a political anorak, first time I have watched
any politician for over an hour, although Nicola cant be called just any politician. She makes politics seem a respectable profession. Well done Nicola, a leader to be proud of.


I attended this event. Nicola gave a very impressive talk and was warmly received. A lot of genuine applause. Brian Walker was sitting behind me. He was almost chuckling when he asked that question so it was a deliberate attempt to rile her which she brushed off. Didn’t get any impression it was a genuine question/belief.

John O

We are lucky in Alba to have such politcians such as Nichola and others in the SNP and the SSP,greens make’s you feel bad that people in England have not got this calbre of politcian to represent them.

Our political people still have kept their humanity and thus our respect, this does not apply to the red tory’s or the blue ones or that other lot the fibdem party.

Flower of Scotland

Thanks Rev. How enjoyable was that.

Nicola Sturgeon is head and shoulders above the party leaders of the Lib/Lab/Con.



Gregor Morgan

I have watched the video from start to finish. I must say what a wonderful First Minister we have. Professional, eloquent and unphased. A delight to behold. I was rather disappointed by the BBC Scotland coverage which was around 20 seconds of her speech followed by 2 – 3 minutes of their political editor rambling on.

How can some figures still believe that Scotland is subsidised by Westminster? Beggars belief.

ronnie anderson


NBC Brian Williams earn’d $13million as the leading TV presenter that was caught out telling the veiwing public lies
now Unemployable,

How many in Scotland fit that criteria BBC/STV tick tock ticky ticky tock tock,


Tory boys fear and loathing, or at least their shills are shittin bricks. This charmer tries out tory boy Comical Cockers but its still fun to watch his pretence at actual balance. You can tell its NOT Severin Brookes of rancid Graun, he forgot to grovel to Jim Murphy, who is NOT a fcuking red tory! Come back you old con artist Severin, your red Tories in Scotland need you

link to

“By posing as the enemy of austerity she can present Miliband as ?too cowardly to oppose “Tory austerity”, which will help her secure the votes of former Scottish Labour voters who want a Socialist nirvana. If English voters also get annoyed at being lectured by the SNP, then that’s even better for the Nats.”

ronnie anderson

All the Aberdeen councillors that supported that letter should be surcharged for All costs.

fred blogger

unstoppable for social justice, nicola.
keep hammering the message home, it will eventually sink in.

Millay de Winter

How good was she?! So natural and honest in the question and answer session. Compare and contrast with Amigos Chameleon, Moribund and Clogg. She is in a totally different class.


Nail on the head. Just about the first time I have heard a politician mention the fact that private debt is a huge problem and not how to grow an economy. This is all tory and labour know.


You know, in a funny sort of way, the only real chance of voters south of the border gaining a fairer society is if the SNP do well in May.

And the funny thing is, probably everyone in that room knows it too.

Dr Jim

Ah Stull hink wee Magrit Stairheid widda dun ah better joab but, in ah hink rit ra Furst Ministurs goat sum expainin tae dae aboot wher ra munneys gonny kumfy
Nicola is a Star….


Just got in to find this waiting on Wings.

Much appreciated Rev.

Look forward to this after ma tea. 🙂


I had a lump in my throat after listening to Nicola. Intelligent, measured, professional and compassionate. She is head and shoulders above the other leaders. (Bar Patrick Harvie who I have enormous respect for.)

I saw Salmond in New Deer on the Sunday after the referendum and never heard anything so moving, genuine and brilliant. What a man, what a leader. And now Nicola. And yet the MSM try and set them up in competition to see who is the most “powerful”. Ha ha – they just don’t get it. Nicola looked a bit baffled by the question when asked it on TV recently and just replied, “But we are a team!” And what a team – Hosie, Wishart and the gang – plus the new kids on the block for May – and the goodwill of a sizeable number of the Scottish population.

After the devastation of September each day brings more and more cheer. Sometimes I wonder if one of the reasons they fought so hard to keep us is cos they’d be shown up by what our politicians could achieve in an indepedent Scotland and thus prompt rebellion down the road?

It’s speeches such as these that will bring over the feartie Nos. Who couldn’t believe in Sturgeon? Utter class!


Thanks for that link Stu. Great speech by Nicola and Q & A session. As many have said, she shows those rare qualities in a politician today, intelligence and integrity.


I have to say I loved watching that. She was articulate, patient and to the point. Cameron et al could learn from her!

Robert Peffers

@:Bob Mack says: 11 February, 2015 at 5:42 pm:

“She has developed even over the past year to a consummate politician. Has the pupil overtaken the Master?”

Well Bob I’m a great admirer of the lady but I’m also a great fan of Alex Salmond too. I’ve always viewed the them as a very competent team with Nicola perhaps a back seat driver.

The thing that impresses more than anything else about the party is the strength in depth, and quality, of the elected members. There really has been very few duds thrown up in all the years I’ve supported the party. Where there has been a bad apple in the Barrel it has been pulled out and thrown out before too much damage has resulted.

Many newer independence supporters are surprised to find such quality elected members as, for example, Stewart Hosie working away in the background. It surprised some when he came more to the fore during the YES Campaign.

Whereas in other parties the elected members seem to resemble a bag of ferrets with each attempting to do down their immediate next higher ranker in the party. The SNP seem to bide there time and respect each other until their call to office.

Grizzle McPuss

Excellent speech finished off with some fully answered questions.

I para-phrase…”we must think about how austerity affects everyone in society”

Yes indeed, Nicola has sent out the message and hopefully provoked some reflection within the neoliberal Thatcherite followers…it’s not all about self, there is a wider society to think about, one which if helped will ultimately benefit all of us.

Did everyone note the response she got to the answer about tax dodgers?

Now, having watched that…could you see Murphy present a speech that so captured a mood like that. Indeed, could he answer just one question fully that was put to him?


@Dr Jim,
I’d be embarrassed to be a jock if Margaret curran was up there doing a speech. Talk about cringe.

David S Briggs

Nicola, you are a credit to Scotland.

The applause was well deserved.


By God, she is good.

Seriously …how lucky is Scotland. Not only do we have a statesman in Alex Salmond, but now we have another in Nicola Sturgeon.

One question arises from this…where are the main statesman for the Unionists? I don’t count Brown. He is a walking calamity that leaves nothing but carnage in his wake.
But where are they? Where are the great speakers of our time coming out of Westminster?

I think the deafening silence says it all.

I watched Prime Minister’s Questions at lunchtime today. It was absolutely cringing to watch as Cameron and Miliband tried to dodge bullets as they each blamed the other over HSBC.

Then you hear this speech by Nicola.

It leaves me thinking only this …Oh England, where is thy leaders to lead thee…


Grizzle MaPuss says

Now, having watched that…could you see Murphy present a speech that so captured a mood like that. Indeed, could he answer just one question fully that was put to him?

Murphy never answers ANY question put to him.

Is is not sad that with quality like Nicola we’re going to be lumbered with either Cameron or Miliband. (Both of them as sincere as Murphy!)


Good stuff. Watched it all the way through.

Can’t wait to hear Nicola on Question Time from somewhere down south 😉

Brian Doonthetoon

Watched the whole lot.

Why is it, that a too wee, too poor, too stoopit nation like ours, can produce a politician that will wipe the floor with Millipede, Clegg and Camerbund, given a fair media chance?

Methinks, perchance, our country is in safe hands. And I liked what she said about independence at around 1 hr 16 mins…

No no no...Yes

I was privileged to watch this live and our First Minister did us proud. What a positive image to project and our Flower of Scotland is coming homewards to let them think again.


@Dr Jim
“Margaret Curran”


Chalk and cheese!


Good article on NHS and BBC on NewsnetScot

link to

Robert Peffers

@frazer allan whyte says:11 February, 2015 at 6:06 pm:

” … it was depressing to realize from her speech that the UK is in the grip of an economic death cult.”

It really is no secret that the United Kingdom’s four countries are being made sacrificial lambs to the London Establishments slaughter. The big difference between the present artificial monetary crisis is that the rich have continued to become ever richer as the poor suffer, starve, freeze and in much more than a few cases die from the austerity measures forced upon them. In my book that is pre-meditated murder.

Quite obviously the cynical claim that, “We are all in this together”. was always a bare faced lie. If true it would have mirrored the previous financial crisis with financiers throwing themselves from tall building windows.

In this crisis they just keep their money out of circulation, lay down another good years champers in the cellars, buy a New Roller, invest in Gold Bullion and property and buy up art treasures at higher than ever prices.

The Establishment has, after all, fixed it for them to continue their good life by transferring more of the burden of tax to indirect taxation and given them instant tax breaks. The coalition’s first move was to up the rate of VAT and then cut the 50p tax band rate.

Consider this, though, if a proper government aims to re-grow the economy then their first move is to arrange for more money to get into the hands of the electorate who then buy more good and that creates demands for more goods. That demand is met by business expanding to cope with the demand, which means more manufacturing, more jobs, more cash in the market place and thus even more demand and expansion.

Nicola and the SNP have got it 100% correct. Instead of driving the poorest into ever increasing poverty the solution is to NOT create more austerity it is to do exactly the opposite.

There really is no shortage of cash in the UK the problem is that what cash there is has been tightly zipped up in just a few very, very rich pockets.


OT- The Greeks are still not giving into Project Fear. Awhile back there was all sorts of violence on the streets. The pictures show how thats all changed. Respect to the people of Greece.

link to


Well done Nicola, a true credit to Scotland.

I wonder if she dropped by the palace for a cuppa with the old purrer, she will be choking on furballs on May 8th rather than purring the old shite

ronnie anderson

Sos Rev this is funny & serious.


Allan Massie’s piece in the Spectator following the speech is a reasonably fair piece I think. The baying, braying Tories below the line beg to differ with him but the insults are old hat and unimaginative.

ronnie anderson

O/T Our very own Dr Morag Kerr.


My respect for Nicola Sturgeon has grown though it was already huge.

She is a great orator but much more than that, you can feel his sincerity. We, in Scotland are very lucky to have such politicians available to represent us.

During the referendum campaign, my wife often said about Nicola “she is the SNP’s greatest asset”.

Now I truly believe my wife was right, the speech along with the Q&A’s in hostile territory would have matched Alex Salmond at his best.

He will be proud, as she should be. I am, I hope we all are.


Labour candidates own goal over NHS

link to


Thanks to Ian B for the link to Richie Venton, explosive stuff!


Just finished.

OMG that lady is the real thing!

I always liked Nicola’s approach to interview and debate, but there’s been a change since she took the FM’s chair. There’s an air of confidence to go along with the obvious smarts.

I think we may be looking at an independent Scotland’s first PM.


She just gets better all the time. Many English must wish they had someone like her to lead them.

Dave McEwan Hill

Robert Peffers at 10.10

There is indeed billions of cash locked up in banks in UK. Unless money is in use it is not capital. It is as well in a big box on a desert island as in a bank account. It is meaningless.
People confuse money with wealth. Anti austerity means getting the money out and into use.

Robert Peffers

@manandboy says: 11 February, 2015 at 6:34 pm

“Nicola will get no help from the BBC.”

You haven’t noticed then? Wassa Marra was on the Radio earlier attempting to amplify the BBC faux generated story that the Scottish NHS is in meltdown.

Yet the Scottish NHS is the top performing NHS in the United Kingdom. There really is no crises and the SNP action of sending in a team to the underperforming Hospital, (BTW : it has a Labour Controlled Hospital Board), to nip their falling performance figures in the bud demonstrates a well performing government.

That Hospitals figures quoted for their poor performance actually shows they outperforming the average figures for each of the other UK countries NHS services.

To show that this whole meltdown story is a lie see this picture of Wassa Marra & sidekick campaigning against NHS understaffing — outside a disused Glenrothes health centre. You couldn’t make it up.

Democracy Reborn

Gravitas, sincerity, honesty, intellect, empathy by Nicola.

On the other hand…. just saw Magrit Curran give her response on BBC. The contrast could not be more stark. It’s like watching a Pekingese chewing a wasp.


After hearing the First Minister, what sort of people in Scotland will vote for Labour in May?

Where does that 25% support come from?

Scot Finlayson

For all those socialists who pay big bucks to watch the massively overhyped football circus called the English Premier League.

`Only one Premier League club pays the living wage is even more obscene now that £5billion is coming their way.`

Sorry wee bit O/T


Fear us Westminster, fear us establishment lackeys, you can’t so easily turn your propaganda to the full unbridled effect it has had in the past. You can divide us no longer.

Nicola’s integrity and the honesty that flows from this shines a light on her truly egalatarian nature.

She speaks for me and I find myself honoured to be a person lving in this time in history. Not only witnessing but being a part of a genuine movement that takes a more compassionate and holistic view of the society we live in. That seeks to provide the means to bring about a radical rethink and change of course from the one we have been set upon by those with no integrity; who have placed personal gain above all other considerations at the expense of their fellow human beings.

This way has led to great, unnecessary, suffering.


Robert Peffers

@JLT says: 11 February, 2015 at 9:36 pm:

“Then you hear this speech by Nicola.

It leaves me thinking only this …Oh England, where is thy leaders to lead thee…

Did yon Inglis leader no dee wi an arra in his e’e lang syne?

Ah’ll get ma Sporran!


Dave McEwan Hill,

“There is indeed billions of cash locked up in banks in UK.”

The UK is bankrupt and its banks even more so.

The money is deposited by extremely rich people in overseas tax havens and is used to fund the arms trade, the drugs trade and all sorts of illegal activities and wars.

The new Greek government is a breath of fresh air but it won’t be long before it is either toppled or corrupted by the few people who actually rule the world.

This state of affairs exists because the plebs are easily outmanouvered by the establishment by bribes, threats, lies and jingoism.

Especially jingoism for the 70% elderly british nationalists who voted No.


@ Rock

Where does the 25% come from? Partly from people who are determined never to listen to such speeches because “SNP bad”.

If we had a decent public broadcaster, of course, they wouldn’t have to go out of their way to hear her, but would rather have to make a conscious effort to avoid it; some of them wouldn’t make that effort and might then see what they’re missing. If they really thought about it, they might also realize that they had been misled and kept ignorant for years too.

Robert Peffers

@galamcennalath says: 11 February, 2015 at 9:52 pm:

“Chalk and cheese”.

If it smells like cheese, and it looks cheesy … …

Ahem! Yes Well!

The Man in the Jar

That was first class!

Hopefully many English eyes will be opened over the next year or two. They will see that Scotland is miles ahead of them in representative politics. Sadly though I suspect that the majority will just sit back, close their eyes and ears and continue on with their unique brand of Ya-Boo politics. After all we are just a bunch of porridge munchers what do we know.

Cadogan Enright

When out visiting tonight, Newsnight came on their TV and we paused to see how they reported the towering performance of Nicola Sturgeon in London.

Instead, they covered the spat at PM’s questions over Labour/Tory grabbing hot money and brought Harriet Harman on to talk about womens’ equality in politics.

It took 20 minutes to get BBC complaints to answer, and to be fair I think the intelligent young man who eventually to the call completely understood and accurately recorded the call pointing out that Newsnight had missed its only opportunity to hear a serious alternative to the 3-party austerity policy – That they had failed the UK public in not letting them hear top-class ideas on how to build a functioning economy while protecting the common weald – and this from the woman would be likely to be making the real economic decisions in the UK in a hung parliament.

A woman who had already implemented the equality of women in politics, and was not just waffling as Labour has on this subject since time immemorial.

03700100222 option 1 and option 3


Hopefully lots of young folk will watch this and think what I thought.

‘I want to be Nicola Sturgeon when I grow up’.

I know, it’s much (much) too late for me, but so many kids out there just might be inspired by this truly inspiring woman.

Grouse Beater

Magrit Curren is just as good but in her own way.

Spoken in one breath…

Inna wan’tae make Scotlan’ a be”er place by kickin’ oot tha’ SNP, coz they’re draggin’ us doon, they cannae dae a thing righ’, they’re a millstone roon oor neck an’ ankles; they’re like gravity times a hunner, poolin’ us intae a stank, an’ we havtae gie peepole hope, hope so they kin stand tall again at least till they reach the pollin’ station tae vote Labour, efter tha’ they’re oan their oan – an’ those tha’ cannae pit their ‘X’ on a wee bi’ o’ paper are strapped tae a chair till they sign a thousan’ postal votes each, cos if we dinnae bend the rools a wee bit they Tories we like tae caw SNP will ge’ back in again, and we mayasweel bury oor dead noo cos it wull be devastatin’ fer us as a nashun that’s pert o’ the great union o’ nations called the British Bank Laundry Services. Okay ah’ll take kweshuns now…

Ms Curren, are you no obsessed with the SNP?

Me? Ah didnae menshun them the wanst! Whit are yi gettin’ at? Ah am Laburr frae ma beauty pedicure tae ma hunner pound hair do! But since yous mention them usurpers and burpers a kin tell yous a thing or two aboot their total incontinence-

Dimbleby holds his head in his hands, speaks to audience:

I am terribly sorry, I had invited Victoria Coren to the Question Time panel but our new researcher is from Glasgow and he thought I said Curren.

Robert Peffers

@ronnie anderson says:11 February, 2015 at 10:13 pm

Sos Rev this is funny & serious.

Here’s the archived link you wanted, Ronnie.

link to

Cadogan Enright

@stinky 6.42 and 10.04
@finnmacollie 7.05
@Robert Peffers 10.40

03700100222 option 1 and option 3


Thanks Rev as other have said, we are very lucky to have the calibre of politician we have in SNP, I struggle to think of any in Lab.

On the East Ren canvassing front, it’s early days and we only just started.

Quite mixed results as unfortunately a lot of folk don’t read or have the time to read up on facts, but have met a good number of ex- lab supporters switching to SNP, quote – ‘hope the SNP candidate gubs Murphy’.

It is up to us to get the information out and any help will be appreciated – hence – if anyone can could you please contribute.

link to


I knew AS was probably Scotland’s most gifted politician and he was the man who bulldozed a path forward to the brink of independence.

He was also very clever in seeing the potential in NS and smart enough to let her mature as a person as well as a politcal force.

Nicola has taken all the knowledge and experience of AS, added her own and taken herself, the SNP and Scot. Gov. up to a completely level never seen before in Scottish politics and hopefully soon in the UK. What a speech and what a fighter for Scotland.

I feel so very, very proud to be Scottish and to know that gal(!) is one of ours. 🙂

ronnie anderson

We need to get the message out that these Health Boards are stuffed full of Labour supporters & Councillors appointees.


Nicola is the most charismatic politician in these islands.
Warm, humerous , witty and brilliantly intelligent.
How lucky we are.
How anyone can hear her and then believe the rubbish that the Slab rabble come out with defies all reason.


@Ronnie Anderson – hopefully enough NHS workers will start to speak out.

Lab are slagging them off and numerous nurses have explained how A&E works but Lab don’t care.

Political point scoring is all they are interested in.

Was there ever a less deserving person to be in a position of power than Mags Curren!

Robert Peffers

@crazycat says:11 February, 2015 at 11:14 pm:

” … they wouldn’t have to go out of their way to hear her”

For many of that ilk, crazycat, it wouldn’t make a whit of difference. Nicola frequently uses words of more than one syllable. To many of the Labour traditional voters she would be as well speaking Martian doublespeak. Strange thing is they can usually tell you the precise odds and returns of any particular stake for a complex roll-up bet on the horses.

It thus isn’t that they have no brains or reasoning powers. In other words they are not in any way stupid – just totally uninterested in other than a very few matters. Matters which may also account for much of the poor lifespan figures in parts of Scotland.

Hoss Mackintosh

True Class.

I have just seen the first leader of an Independent Scotland.


Extremely proud of our first minister Nicola Sturgeon. I will have an extra spring in my step tomorrow morning as I deliver my next batch of leaflets. Wow!,what a performance.

Scot Finlayson

I remember seeing Margaret Curran outside St Giles High Kirk on the 21st Sept at the service of reconciliation where she was being lauded by the media and I honestly felt I was watching something evil.

Tackety Beets

Thanks Rev ,
Now that video is a WOW moment ……. If Carlsberg did Politicians …………. Sorry that may need explaining to some younger readers .

Need to catch up posts , sorry folks Ch4 news first .

I agree with above posts , this BBC an Labour crap attacking SNP / A&E is disgraceful . Surely it will turn staff away from Labour as a party .
I’m sure I heard TV tonight quoting their source ” Figures provided by Labour ” FFS the media are so useless they just accept everything the Labour Party tells them , without any thought on verification , useless !

Roll on our PQ protest next month .


Nicola is a real star. Amazing to have a politician to actually be proud of. I am sure her message will appeal to many ordinary people in England too.

Cadogan Enright

@Tackety Beets I’m sure I heard TV tonight quoting their source ” Figures provided by Labour ” 12.25
If your are right – thats an Ofcom issue – take time to complain and ask for a written reply for reference to Ofcom

Fat boab

Wow, what a bravura performance by the First Minister! Fills the heart with pride and joy.
But, I wonder if, in years to come, today Wednesday 11 February 2015, will be remembered as a ‘red-letter day’: not only for Nicola’s speech, but for the fact that for the first time in months there was virtually no media mention of ‘the shape-shifter’. Instead, all we got was wee Magrit eating scones.

Do you think we might have reached “Peak-Murph” already? Is that too much to hope for?

Tackety Beets

@ Ronnie A

I can confirm I know a good few ” at the upper level / Admin ” types on NHS Highland that were strong NOs .
I felt their wrath a few times whilst I tried to engage nicely with them pre Sept 18 th
Common retort was ” Alec Salmon win nae get rid o food banks ”
Sorry to admit but it was the vehement tone that made me leave it . I was quite astonished that TTIP went over their heads . Move on I thought …. An Hell mend ye under my breath !


@Robert Peffers

Fist time I’ve had to pull you up.

To many of the Labour traditional voters she would be as well speaking Martian doublespeak. Strange thing is they can usually tell you the precise odds and returns of any particular stake for a complex roll-up bet on the horses.

Don’t be so patronising to those that live on or were brought up on the council estates that traditionally voted Labour.

My family moved from the slums around Bridgeton to the “new” Easterhouse. From a family of five, four have degrees, one Phd, one MBA.

Robert, you are being very foolish and playing their game, try not to display your prejudice by uttering such crap. More than 50% of those that you are slating undoubtably voted Yes in Glasgow and Dundee.

Whatever happened to “We’re all Jock Tamsons bairns”

Our job is to embrace, not to alienate, keep your completely false opinions to yourself.

Go and have a lie down.

Tackety Beets

Thanks Cadogan .
Will do .
Right now , senior moment , Doh !
I’m 99.9999% sure that’s what was said .
It was late eve news , maybe some others on here noticed too ?
I’ll check tomorrow first tho’



I have no idea how tall Nicola is.
But I know this, she gained in stature today,
probably throughout the UK.

A few more performances like today’s,
will see her star rise in the political firmament.
In a short time, she may well become a true leading light.

In Scotland, many who followed Darling and Brown,
may well see in Nicola a leader they can trust.

She could easily become one of
the UK’s most important and influential politicians.

After today, I hope more Scots will
recognise her qualities
and give her their support
and their vote.

She deserves both.


Has anyone seen this dross over on the new statesman?

link to

Its the kind of spinelessness that I absolutely despise. The English left simply does not get it yet. I wonder if they ever will?

Michael McCabe

@ Tackety Beets Reporting Scotland 10:30 Laura Maxwell said According to figures Obtained by THE Scottish Labour Party. Never heard them ask Where those Barstewards got the figures from.


Caught sight of a programme on BBC 3 worth checking out, called An Idiot’s Guide to Politics. It’s on IPlayer and if you can put up with the quirky aspects there are some very revealing moments, such as the fact that it’s not illegal for MPs to lie in the HoC, but the general theme is about the lack of engagement with politics (in England) because most of the Facebook generation don’t trust politicians (corruption being a core reason).

It begins in Scotland with praise for the level of engagement during Indyref 1, then switches to England thereafter, where most of the big parties get in the neck. Coming on the back of Nicola’s speech, perhaps there is hope for a radical awakening south of the border?


A great day for the SNP, and Scotland Nicola was outstanding, true respect for her. In addition Stewart Housie came over very well in his Daily Politics, appearance Calm Cool and Collected he left his red and blue tories spluttering like knackered engines.
Can’t wait for AS to come in from the cold. Then perhaps south of the border will appreciate why the ‘Better together’ message had trouble up here. Our only problem is with Westmonster failing us all.

Michael McCabe

Proud to say That Nicola Speaks on Behalf of Scotland.

Donald MacDonald

I have just had the pleasure of watching FM Nicola Sturgeon’s UCL speech and it made me feel proud of the work that is being done to articulate progressive politics! A consummate presenter and Leader indeed!


Our Nicola is brilliant!!!

I, and my son and his pal, were really lucky to hear Nicola Sturgen speak at Napier University in the run up to the Referendum. She took the time to speak to folk afterwards. I was incredibly touched that she told us to keep up the good work. An encounter we will never forget.

Today’s speech was very similar in quality and poise but with even greater added confidence and content!

I was waiting for a member of the UCL audience to ask the SNP to put candidates up for election in their constituencies and save England too!!

Mind you, that could yet happen…

john king

Bob Mack says
“She has developed even over the past year to a consummate politician. Has the pupil overtaken the Master ?”

I dont think she has Bob.
Looking back she has ALWAYS been a consummate politician,
I sat in the Hydro and watched the buzz in that auditorium but I have to admit I was still to be sold on her at that point, I left the venue with a slight sense of trepidation, I wondered if we had reached high water mark and the only way from there was down.

Boy was I wrong to be concerned , I made the choice of reading that speech rather than watch it to avoid being distracted, it was a strong speech and certainly put her in a good light on a world stage ,
But I found that as I read I could hear every word as she had spoken it every inflection every emphasis,

Nicola has a rare gift to be able to carry her audience along and make them believe that a speech about macro economics is going to be concluded by glitter cannons and a sing song,

Alex you’ll forever be in our hearts, but for now Nicola’s my darling!

john king

Seen in yesterdays Courier, worth repeating

“Labour on the Road to D’ohwhere”.


Scotland has Nicola, Labour has. . . a wee pink bus.


The friend I attended with yesterday (never a supporter of Independence until he thought about it during the referendum debate) had suggested to me a couple of months before the referendum that Salmond should step down to push us over the line. I disagreed. For me he was the single most important factor to getting us to where we were. He brought the same point up yesterday after the talk and although I made the same argument there was sone doubt in my mind. Might that have been a good strategic move? We’ll never know.


Robert Peffers says:

Did yon Inglis leader no dee wi an arra in his e’e lang syne?

LOL …Yep …it might just be as long ago as Harold. They’ve literally had Norman overlords and their feudalism ever since.



Extensive coverage of Football TV rights in Herald Sport this morning.

Alloa chairman saying “Disgraceful BBC leave SPFL short on TV deal” and on back page Kevin Ferrie making salient point that unlike in Ireland Sky and BT have no need to negotiate with the Scottish government before beaming pictures into homes.


Laugh of the day has to be the news that the Daily Record has been banned from Ibrox and Murray Park. Unionist against Unionist, No Voter against No Voter, The VOW against the Saltire burning Orange Order, anti-Scottish, unionist bluenoses.

“BRIAN Donohoe, Labour MP and Secretary of the Westminster Rangers Supporters Club, said the board was on a hiding to nothing.”

link to

I know I shouldn’t put the Record link up but it is well worth the pain, please archive if you can. ta

Hoss Mackintosh

@Fat boab

Lack of Murphy?

Maybe it is because I keep phoning the BBC to thank them and ask for him to be on as much as possible as every time he appears the SNP votes goes up by tens of thousands.

Do you think they have twigged?

It is good fun – give it a try 03700100222 Option 1. Option 1.

Colin Robb

Murphy gets £1m from Garrard. Another day another chin bruise from desk.


Nicola was brilliant but we must get the links out there on every site we visit. Link,link link!

People have to hear what she said and how she said it and not have the BBC or STV filter!


Talking of Dodgy Donors.

“Sir David Garrard, who was embroiled in a “cash for honours” scandal under the previous Labour government, is preparing to make a big donation to Jim Murphy in coming weeks.”

link to

“Before the 2005 General Election Sir David Garrard provided the Labour Party with a loan of £2.3 million, and he was nominated for a peerage.”

link to


frogesque says:

12 February, 2015 at 7:51 am

Scotland has Nicola, Labour has. . . a wee pink bus.

Aye, and the cunning, bright pink “Barbie bus” stunt has backfired big time. It’s going down really badly and seems to be even more offensive than the patronising cereal woman ad. A bit of backpedalling going on this morning, with red tories trying to say it’s nothing to do with colour. Really? Then why the hell did they try and use colour?

Red tories – from bad to worse! You really couldn’t make this stuff up (unless you’re a red tory).

Jet Jockey

Another 1000 leaflets on the Macrone Report, and the Stolen 6000 square miles of the North Sea through the letter-boxes in Douglas Alexanders constituency. Com’n Dougie tell your constituents the whole story and how underhanded devious the whole episode was.


Cash For Honours Scandal. The men who loaned money to Labour;

Rod Aldridge – £1 million – former Executive Chairman of Capita
Richard Caring – £2 million – owner of The Ivy, London
Gordon Crawford – £500,000 – Chairman of London Bridge Software
Sir Christopher Evans – £1 million – Founder of Merlin Biosciences
Sir David Garrard – £2.3 million
Nigel Morris – £1 million – co-Founder of Capital One and Director of The Economist Group
Sir Gulam Noon – £250,000 – Chairman of Noon Products Ltd
Dr Chai Patel – £1.5 million
Andrew Rosenfeld – £1 million – Chairman of Minerva plc
David Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Turville – £2 m – Government Minister
Barry Townsley – £1 million – Chairman of Insinger Townsley
Derek Tullett – £400,000 –
Total: £13,950,000

The CfH timeline;

link to

Why is Jim Murphy accepting a donation from Sir David Garrard?

Flower of Scotland

I think Nicola is now a “giant” amongst the men! I have never stood and watched a politician speak for an hour before and NOT get bored. I was proud to have her as our First Minister before but she has filled me with hope as she takes her mission to the enemy and they seem to like her.

I watched the BBC 3 programme too and found it very interesting, thedogphilosopher@3.29

O/t Out on a pub night out ten pin bowling, a dear friend for twenty five years, all of a sudden came out with” why is “fishface” not agreeing to FRACKING instead of putting up all these windmills to blite our beautiful country?” I was shocked, but just laughed and asked him if he was just a wee bit angry and maybe he should have a lie down.

This man is either Lib Dem or Cons. But always polite and kind. Obviously he must be feeling fear as a definite always and always NO voter.


If the lack of coverage of Nicolas speech by the TV news outlets has taught us only one thing, it’s that Scotland’s crying out for its own dedicated TV news channel.

Without it, it will always be an uphill struggle.


The more I think about it, I’m not sure it would be possible for Scotland to become Independent without its own TV news channel.


Cochers getting his knickers in a twist over Nicola’s speech yesterday-lovely but don’t think he was watching the same speech as us. His version departs quite quickly into the realms of fantasy. Why am i not surprised by that?

Thankfully the audience recognised class when they saw it :-)but Cochers says it was Nicola pitching her tent on WM turf. Haha-he’s spitting nails at her audacity. How very dare she.
link to

And then it’s time for Alex Massie talking about Cameron being lucky that he’s not facing Sturgeon 🙂
link to


o/t – have just met your mother at the Acredale carpark. What a lovely, charming woman!

Linda McFarlane

Nicola = Pure dead BRILLIANT

Robert Peffers

@Thepnr says: 12 February, 2015 at 1:20 am:

“Don’t be so patronising to those that live on or were brought up on the council estates that traditionally voted Labour.

You think so, Thepnr?

Here you go MY potted history – I was born in, “A Pluckies Raw”, (Ploughman’s row), of farm cottages. There was no running water, (except down interior walls), no gas or electricity and no indoor toilets. My Grandparents brought me up as my Dad was fighting Germans and Mum was working on munitions.

Aged around seven, post war, my family moved to Edinburgh to a prefab in a scheme where the slums of Edinburgh were being rehoused. I attended primary school in north west Edinburgh and secondary school in Leith when Leith was still Scotland’s main docks area. The neighbour directly across the street from our Edinburgh home was the Labour candidate, “Jack Kane”. : –

Dr Jack Kane, OBE, former Lord Provost of Edinburgh; born April 1, 1911, died October 10, 1999. JACK KANE earned a special place in the history of Edinburgh as the city’s first Labour Lord Provost.

see : – link to

Do not lecture me on the ills of depravation and slum areas, Thepnr, that wee wriggle of prefabs was, “Muirhouse”, and it become a continual area of rebuilding, tearing down and rebuilding of failed and, (trashed by residents), Edinburgh council houses.

Not everyone born to depravation is destined to remain in depravation. Some, mainly by their own effort, do manage to overcome the influence of disruptive pupils in the education system and avoided the way of life that I described. It is accurate for the very good reason I lived among it but did not wish to be or remain part of it.

If you imagine me looking down my nose at them think again for I did state they were far from stupid. Ignorance means not knowing about something not that the ignorant are idiots. These people don’t know, the tragic bit is they don’t want to know, and for that latter fact only they are to blame. They stay ignorant because they choose to remain ignorant.

gerry parker

@ Hoss.

Brilliant, doing it today.


Caz-m, re the article rangers banning the record; the record actually blames the Scottish Government for not intervening.


Getting a bit frustrated with Archive.Today this morning as this is the 3rd article it won’t let me archive. Scottish Labour Paying the Price by Jamie Maxwell

link to

john king

link to


Robert Peffers/Thepnr I could trade poverty stories with both of you but Robert what you said was straight out of sixties Daily Express so Thepnr I agree with.

Robert there are no gold stars trading deserving poor against feckless betting,smoking,drinking poor. Poverty damages us so do not defend it. The work ethic is great if you can find the work!

john king


I found Brian Donahoe’s criticism of the Rangers board silencing the Record a bit rich,
He’s got form for silencing the media when it doesn’t suit his agenda.

G. Campbell

Sir David Garrard donated £25,000 to the Better Together campaign last year.


Middle East Monitor, 20 October 2014
Around this time last year, parliamentary records show, the retired property developer and hugely generous Labour party donor, Sir David Garrard, had given a modest £60,000 towards the party’s election campaign for 2015. It came in addition to around half a million he had already given since 2003.

Fast forward to 16 June of this year, Garrard hosts a Labour Friends of Israel event, at which Labour leader Ed Miliband is the main speaker. The prime minister hopeful had, the year before, proclaimed that he was a Zionist. The lobbying group he addressed boasts dozens of Labour peers and MPs amongst its membership, including the Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls.

That same day, Garrard transferred a whopping £630,000 to the Labour party accounts, over ten times his donation from the previous year.

The Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 2013
Senior Labour shadow cabinet members are due to join the party’s biggest delegation to visit Israel for years.

Shadow Defence Secretary Jim Murphy will lead the group – co-ordinated by Labour Friends of Israel – in meetings with Israel’s defence minister Moshe Ya’alon* and other counter-terror experts.

They will discuss the strategic defence relationship between Britain and Israel and study the threats facing Israel and the security situation in the Palestinian territories.

Mr Murphy will be joined by 10 other MPs, peers and political advisers travelling to Tel Aviv on Sunday, including shadow defence minister Gemma Doyle, LFI chair Anne McGuire MP and vice-chair Louise Ellman MP.

Philanthropist Sir David Garrard is hosting the visit, which will see the delegation tour Herzliya’s International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Israel’s northern borders, Iron Dome units, Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and the new Palestinian city of Rawabi.

* Moshe Ya’alon, 2002: “The Palestinian threat harbors cancer-like attributes that have to be severed. There are all kinds of solutions to cancer. Some say it’s necessary to amputate organs but at the moment I am applying chemotherapy.”

In October 2014, Ya’alon supported a plan that would effectively ban Palestinian workers from buses used by Jewish settlers.

New Statesman, 18 December, 2006:
The present cast of special advisers and spin doctors in Downing Street fully expect to be out of a job when the Gordon Brown premiership begins. But it is not immediately obvious that the new man will find it easy to draw a line under the affair. There is, for example, the small matter of the £2.3 million loan from Sir David Garrard, a former supporter of the Conservative Party. When I made a documentary for Channel 4 on the subject of cash for honours earlier this year, Garrard’s spokesman, the Conservative peer Lord Bell, told me that Sir David had given the loan because of his strong support for the war in Iraq.


One_Scot says:
“own TV news channel”

If scotland its own TV output, instead of the London biased crap we have at the moment, we would have been independent by now!

john king

link to
I’m putting out fires all over the place today. 🙂


Just seen this on the Rev’s twitter feed….j’s fuckin’ wept…what are these people?

link to


She makes me so proud (as condescending as that might sound) I’m so proud to have her as our head of state she is fantastic. Her own person as much as she is part of the team.

What an applause as well, made me well up a little bit.

ronnie anderson

@ caz-m pmsl reading that story D/Retard. Donahoe wanting Mike Astley to appear before Parliament ( shoorly no oor wee pretendy Parliament ) he mushed hiv meant the wan in London wie hiz pals the Chairchoob Scottish Grandios Comical Committeeee.

Jamie Hepburn gave the right responce ( stum )lol.


Labour’s wee pink bus outside ASDA ….Ms Sturgeon inside UCL talking to the grownups in a grownup way.

The contrast could not be starker and Channel 4 news last night, perhaps unwittingly, showed it even more starkly. They followed a fairly longish discussion piece about the pink bus where two women, one of whom purported to be a politician, discussed the pink bus dealing with such important things as the exact shade of pink.

This was followed immediately with Jon Snow’s interview with Ms Sturgeon. The contrast was like night and day. It was a short interview and none of the speech was shown but if you want women to engage in politics then it was quite clear who would be the more effective advocate for that.


@management, Nicola is very petite, slim. She is about 5’2″. When she appears around the country, she has to pose for a lot of species, and its quite funny how small and petite she looks with others.

I admire how she can walk so well in her heels. As a woman, I really admire her quiet, but confident style. I think it’s quite a studied and deliberate style, because she does not use her intelligence or command of her subject to demean. She wants to put ideas over in simple language, but with the right amount of conviction.

I’m one of those people that watch people and their body language, just because it’s fascinating, and there has been thought put into her presentation, no doubt all part of her apprenticeship, we are indeed lucky to have Nicola and Alex. I also really like Hosie, Wishart and Robertson.


@Famous15 well said. Do we need to get our poverty/adversity credentials out? It’s about respect and empathy.

@at Robert Peffers, you really believe people choose ignorance??

Lenny Hartley

OMG whats happening? I got a cryptic FB message from a cousin (born and brought up in SE England and moved here about 10 years ago when he took early retirement) that he has joined the SNP.

He was one of the most vehement No’s in our family, if he has joined the SNP I am totally gobsmacked.

On a positive note, if people like him are joining the SNP then its more than a surge to the SNP and Pro-Indy Parties.

I Suppose the fact that the Isle of Arran with around a population of 5k now has nearly 200 SNP Members supports the view there has been a groundswell move since the referendum.

Whether its because people are starting to realise that they threw away the chance to have a fair and prosperous country or that the change of direction to push for Devo-Max has attracted the new members I don’t know but it can only be for the good.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Robert Peffers.

You typed:
“Not everyone born to depravation is destined to remain in depravation.”

That takes me back to when I was around 12. The teacher had asked a question and one of my classmates answered,

“A deprived child is a child who lives in a state of depravity.”

Oh how we tittered…


John King is a gem!
And am no kiddin.

Ronnie, a think the MP from Edinburgh, somebody called Murray, is a member of the OO and will be a fully paid up member of the Westminster Anti-Scottish, Rangers Supporters Club as well.


Lenny Hartley says:

12 February, 2015 at 10:40 am

OMG whats happening? I got a cryptic FB message from a cousin (born and brought up in SE England and moved here about 10 years ago when he took early retirement) that he has joined the SNP.

He was one of the most vehement No’s in our family, if he has joined the SNP I am totally gobsmacked.

On a positive note, if people like him are joining the SNP then its more than a surge to the SNP and Pro-Indy Parties.

I Suppose the fact that the Isle of Arran with around a population of 5k now has nearly 200 SNP Members supports the view there has been a groundswell move since the referendum.

Whether its because people are starting to realise that they threw away the chance to have a fair and prosperous country or that the change of direction to push for Devo-Max has attracted the new members I don’t know but it can only be for the good.

Many people voted NO out of instinct (fear) because the stakes were just too high. They stuck with the devil they knew (or thought they knew). Now that the immediate “threat” of independence has been lifted, and the “devil” is even more nasty than they thought, these people are starting to take stock and rationalise just what was on offer last September (and whether or not they made the right decision). The hard-core Britnat faction are, of course, eager to return to the old ways, but many soft NOs are still thinking about what happened, what is to come, and what they will do if there is another referendum.

People had two years to really think about it and make their minds up. It’s a phenomenon of human nature that even if they had ten years, many people would still be unable to decide properly until after the deed was done. It does have very important implications for the next referendum, however. The movement for home rule/FFA is now stronger than ever, because YES and soft NO voters have decided that it’s the very least that they want, for now.


So the SNP is calling for the austerity cuts to be slowed down and hence, prolonged, laudable, but not much about banks, tax evasion or aversion which is an essential part of the central European problem.
Nicola is twinkling her eyelashes at Labour, but does nothing to endear the SNP’s and its presence in English affairs to the voters here.

For the last time, please make the choice for fair proportional voting here in England an essential part of your possible future coalition talks, why would you not want us to have a fair vote when you granted it to Scottish voters, indeed when you were at the centre of the campaign for fair voting?

Not enabling us with such choice means the SNP, not Scotland on the whole, wants to hold and keep the English in this unfair three party political perpetuation, that you cherish the status quo and establishment as long as it is possible, and as long as it suits the SNP.

sorry ment to say that I’m now off to work, will read later.

john king

Valerie says
“@at Robert Peffers, you really believe people choose ignorance??”

I do,
I know them,
people who when faced with fact simply refuse to acknowledge them.

Grouse Beater

Nevermind: So the SNP is calling for the austerity cuts to be slowed down and hence, prolonged, laudable, but not much about banks, tax evasion or aversion which is an essential part of the central European problem.

Scotland has no jurisdiction over international banks – remember? We tried to achieve radical reform, remember? That’s why it was easy for Brown to switch them to the City of London ownership.

I’m bored already with your inept line, ‘we slapped you down and now you’re ineffective, ha ha!’

I presume you’re going to troll your crapology all day now that you’re ‘off work.’

Dr Jim

England has been running Scotland for 300 years
Despite every attempt to prevent democracy in Scotland we’ve now managed to get a little bit of what we vote for
Now it seems that the English are falling for the media’s attempt to sow derision between the Nations
Let me try to be as clear as i can on this,neither the SNP or Scots have any interest in running the affairs of England we are very comfortable with EVEL
The only thing Scots are interested in is running our own country without interference from Westminster but in order to achieve that we have had to play Westminster at their own game but play it smarter
I hope this in some way gives you comfort in that your bit of the UK will remain your responsibility to do with what you can and with that We wish you luck
Don’t be fooled by what the Tv media and Rupert Murdoch would have you believe we’ve found them out and i hope you do too
The SNP are not Extremists Terrorists Ultras Fascists or any other of these types of stupid name calling tactics by the media

We are mostly Insturgeonts
That’s just a wee joke…


Jaw droppingly good!

Caroline Corfield

the ability to introduce fair proportional voting in England is entirely a matter for the Engish electorate, as is the need to devolve an English Parliament if they are really serious about remaining together with Scotland, and indeed retaining Wales and NI in the UK of GB and NI. They make up the majority of the population, their representatives make up the majority at Westminster. Do. It. Yourself.

We are not their social conscience, we are not the reason they ‘have to’ do anything. Neither are we to blame for what they have chosen; conservative policies for decades masquerading as various shades from blue to red.

The changes that have happened in Scotland could have happened in England, and they will, but first the English electorate need to decide who exactly they are. Are they ethnic English only? Or are they inclusive of EU nationals? Are the English simply Greater Londoners or are they a rich diverse group with strong regional identities who still all feel an English bond?

I have English ancestry, and I live in England, I find myself sympathising with many here in the North East of it, they’d like what the Scots have; strong, intelligent and caring government that sees locally as well as globally, a few consider it unfair, and something they have somehow ‘paid for’ but most recognise the same abandonment by London that happened to them and appreciate the effort to get devolution and to run a devolved administration. Quite a few now regret not going for a regional assembly.

The lesson the Scots teach the English is take what’s on offer, make the most of it even if it’s not quite what you had in mind, and never give up on the ultimate goal. AV wasn’t good, but it was on offer and it wasn’t FPTP. Regional assemblies were talking shops but they were on offer, now what is muttered about is elected mayors and city states, which will concentrate power instead of distributing it.

The Greens are on offer, don’t piss away that chance.

Tom Kane

Thanks, Stu.

Nicola is in great form. And I thought particularly brilliant when dealing with getting at the roots of poverty, building up an economy rather than shrinking it, reforming Westminster and gender balancing quotas.



@ nevermind
Did you watch the whole of her speech? I clearly heard her talking about banks, tax avoidance etc & she got a round of applause for her comments.

I am English & live in England & yes I want proportional representation too. I don’t have a party I can vote for because none of the current crop equates to my leftie inclinations. Not even the Greens who don’t appear to be standing a candidate in my area anyway.

There is a huge democratic deficit in England because none of the parties give us a choice where our vote actually counts for anything. Scotland only got PR to ensure that no single party could dominate in Scot gov & we see now how that worked out.

The turkeys in Westminster will never allow PR because they would be putting themselves out of their very lucrative jobs so please don’t blame Scotland/SNP for not pushing PR-that is England electorate’s job (mine included).

There is uproar in England because Scotland wants it’s legally elected MP’s to vote in the Commons on the issues that affect Scotland & HoC is seeking any way to prevent that because everyone objects to Scots having their voice heard. So are you seriously saying that they should seek to interfere in the voting system in England given that they already have PR? That would seem to be offensive when they have nothing to gain from doing so & would play into the hands of MP’s/Parties that don’t want Scots MP’s anywhere near to WM.

It is up to you, me & everyone else in England to make the case for PR here in England. At the moment, FPTP system ensures that only a third of the electorate gets it’s choice of representation to WM which leaves two thirds disappointed but that is our problem & we can’t expect the SNP to force that change on us. We have to do that for ourselves.

Criticising the SNP for not pushing PR really is disingenuous when the solution is in the English electorate’s hands.

ronnie anderson

@ caz-m Ur you sure Murrays a member of the OO an anti westminster rangers supporters club an ah chairchoob of the hearts supporters he,s goat three feet in they camps is he ah Manxcyknees


@ John King

Thanks for archiving that page John & well done 🙂


Maybe if Robert Peffers stopped tut,tutting through his Edinburgh lace curtains and resisted the temptation to refer to the people as “they”, who one might enquire, is “they”? We might all be singing from the same hymn sheet.


@ nevermind

“For the last time, please make the choice for fair proportional voting here in England an essential part of your possible future coalition talks, why would you not want us to have a fair vote when you granted it to Scottish voters, indeed when you were at the centre of the campaign for fair voting?”

Because it would be wrong and its not about what we want for anyone else’s electorate.

The SNP are primarily concerned with representing the people of Scotland at Westminster. How the SG conduct their electoral affairs in Scotland and how we react to that structure is for Scots to decide. How parties of government in England, Wales, NI conduct their electoral affairs and how their electorates respond to their governance is, quite rightly, for them to decide.

Can you imagine the reaction to the Scottish government dictating terms of voting to another country’s politicians or electorate as part of any deal? Dear God, we’d never hear the end of it. No, their job is to represent the Scottish electorates interests at Westminster as part of a parliamentary political union, nothing more, nothing less. If the people of the other constituent partners wish to reform their own electoral system or that of the UK as a whole, then they vote for a homegrown party which proposes such reform or they pressurise their party of choice into putting such reforms on their agenda. These parties carry this to the UK parliament get a bill together and the process rolls from there on till its carried or chucked.

The best Scotland can do as the numerically smaller partner is provide an example for others to follow. PR has worked here reasonably well. Its for the voters of England to draw this to their representatives attention and twist a few arms.

So if you like PR, start twisting your politicians arms and making some noise.

Oh and by the by, if you watched the vid you’ll note that coalition isn’t really on the cards. In fact the only people who have consistently brought up the subject have been Labour, the conservatives and their pet commentators in the media. In fact, everyone but the SNP.

Brian Fleming

“john king says:
12 February, 2015 at 11:19 am
Valerie says
“@at Robert Peffers, you really believe people choose ignorance??”

I do,
I know them,
people who when faced with fact simply refuse to acknowledge them”

Agreed John. Before the referendum I was talking (on a visit to Scotland) to a self-styled “highly intelligent” Glaswegian ‘friend’ who was spouting BBC/Daily Retard propaganda about Labour for Independence being an “SNP front”. When I pointed out some facts behind the ‘story’ he denounced me as a “scary fanatic” and stormed off saying he never wanted to hear from me again. It was a seriously weird experience, a real case of “don’t give me the facts, my mind is made up”.


@ Brian Fleming, if you resort to stereotypes and heresay to make your point you’re on thin ice. I think you’ll find that most “Highly Intellegent” Glaswegians voted YES, to their eternal credit.

Looking askance at the guys in Bet Fred as if they’re some kind of different species hardly squares with the interests of the last First Minister who reputedly knew the back of a horse from the front and would be quite at ease in Bet Fred himself.

So does this Fred! you bet.

gordie mcrobert

I love Nicola Sturgeon. It would take Sorley maclean to describe in words how happy I am for her, I’m proud of her, I respect her. I have more respect for her than I have for myself by a distance larger than the distance between Aberfeldy and Grozny.

Yet I have not heard the words. ‘An independent Scotland will not bail out banks’

Nicola Sturgeon will never be anywhere but in my heart. However, Scotland will never have a truly national leader until we hear those words

Paula Rose

@ gordie mcrobert –

Sorley Maclean – xx

link to

Tackety Beets

Thanks to Cadogan Enright & Murray McCabe for the info and encouragement .

Of com & BBC both got both barrels , still can’t believe what I heard .

In reality I’m not overly optimistic , but as Hoss says keep pestering them .


For those who are interested in economics, and relevant to Ms Sturgeon’s analysis, here are two short papers which are as clear an explanation of the present position as I have yet found. I really urge all of you to read them, because they address some confusions I have seen often on here: not least the media distortions about the origins of the crisis; the insignificance of the deficit and the reasons it is given so much emphasis; and the role of the media in supporting the austerity agenda. Do please read them.

link to

link to


@ Fiona

Thanks for the two articles posted above-very interesting. I’m not an economist but I do know when public pronouncements by govt are incoherent as they have been since 2010. Their claims never seemed to match what we see with our own eyes day after day.


Don’t listen to what they say: watch what they do, as the saying goes..

Will Podmore

So Nicola is against ‘austerity’ policies – very good. So why does she want Scotland to stay in the EU, which imposes ‘austerity’ policies on its members?

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