The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Our favourite Euan McColm article ever

Posted on May 05, 2014 by

We haven’t had an “And Finally” in days. Let’s have one.


(No, it’s not a spoof.)

There are more to collect:



Should we have a sweepstake on how long it takes before Johnston Press magically discovers a “no political adverts” clause in its terms and conditions?

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lol, first time I’ve turned my ad blocker off in ages. Was not disappointed 🙂

Andy Crossan


Jim Watson

I generally don’t look at adverts so actually read the article…

CameronB Brodie

He gets paid for this?

Suzanne K

Labour have delivered what?! When was this exactly? Labour aren’t in power either in Westminster or Holyrood, so did I miss their astonishing achievements that they ‘fought for’ whilst sitting on the back benches?

Alex McArthur

Best product placement ever!

What can you really expect? England as a whole is represented and feels it’s loosing control to the EU.

Forgetting that they have lost less than we have had in over 300 years.

Suzanne K

Ha! I’m so used to seeing Wings on my screen, I completely missed the advert! Duh!


Tis indeed a thing of beauty!

Calum Craig

I’ve always maintained that banner ads are not worth the money (but then I am an Adblock user). I stand corrected.


i see what you did there 🙂 i think he may be kicking himself though


brilliant Stu, did you request McColm’s article?

CameronB Brodie

Ah….. None the wiser. 🙂 I’m not really into politics nor social media and don’t read the Scotsman. Bet it’s something dead obvious. If it’s not a spoof that some serendipity there.




This has been a good weekend, oh yes it has! ^^


CameronB, your just too used to seeing it 🙂

Calum Craig

@Cameron, don’t you notice something familiar at the right hand of the page?

David McCann

Rev. Is this for real? Its the first thing you see!
Could they do a Strathclyde Passenger Transport on you, and ban it!

McColm will be pleased!!

No no no...yes

@Cameron B Brodie

The article is on the Scotsman website and if you click on the Wings advert you are automatically switched to the Wings website.

Rev, you are a Genius!!

call me dave

A bit like pantomime “It’s beside yooooo”

That’s excellent.

Alex Smith


Xavier Quatermass

Wow. David Martin must be a loon if he believes that. Feck, I can barely believe I’ve READ it. He needs to pull his head out his arse and get with the pulse of Scotland. Roll on indy so we can be shot of these London-Labour-Lovin’ sycophants.

David Agnew

I loved/lpathed in ewual measure that last line about curbing bankers – so much lies and pish in a single sentence. With the wings banner on the sidelines made it all the more surreal.

CameronB Brodie

Calum Craig
I spotted it straight away Calum, I just thought it was a spoof. I thought the crud I had just read was the joke, which it is. I hadn’t imagined the Rev. had had the luck to get such fortuitous positioning, if that is what has happened. What a good week. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

That’s an attack on the free press, that is. 🙂

Paula Rose

Careful babes – we might actually win this xxx

mr thms

I thought it was just me.. 😉


Brilliant result, RevStu. You couldn’t have positioned the ads better if you’d been allowed choose it personally. I heard McColm on Kenneth MacDonald’s Sunday morning Headlines programme. He sounds just as daft as the guff he writes!


Well done, Stu.

CameronB Brodie

My mind was elsewhere. 🙂


I read the article, and I was thinking “am I missing something here?”. Took me a while to see the bigger picture!


Paula Rose

Oh that bothersome Rev keeps butting in, anyone would think he owned the place -eejit

Calum Craig

Adblocker turned off and frequent refreshes and I still don’t get WOS banner ads… OMG, Michael Buble in concert!! That’s why I don’t want to see internet adverts!


Ha ha, brilliant! Tee hee…good end to the weekend, sleep tight.

Roddy Macdonald

I found myself wishing you hadn’t cut off the article. He’d obviously put the key in the JCB, fired it up and was half way down the hole. I suppose it’d be too much to hope than on seeing his drivel girded by Wings adverts, the repulsive wee nyaff might lay down his pen forever?

Paula Rose

um- is Euan McColm a person who we should take note of? Some of us have a nation to build.


I assume you all have read the crap going on re the BBC HYS.
I only read half of it and had to relent.
I am so proud of Scotland right now. The folks who only read or listen to the MSM have no idea whats going on.
This is Scotland at its very best. free, informed, and very, very clever.
I do feel sorry for the folks who are not engaged in our endeavor. If its NO they will never see its likes again.

Bottle of Merlot in and really pleased with the SH today.

Calum Craig

Ah, just got it “live”. WOS banner ads juxtapositioning a Euan McColm article- absolutely bloody priceless!!

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

Not meaning to be cheeky, but do you know what you’re wearing for Friday? Not sure if Thepnr would prefer us casual OR smart, or casual AND smart, know what I mean?

For example, are onesies definitely a no-go?


Stu, that’s out of order. I mean, giving people sources of info – surely that’s dangerous. Just think what they could do with it. They might even vote YES. ?

call me dave

There’s a collection of them you say.

That is such an audacious coup!

Brilliant. What a way to start the day. 🙂

call me dave

This is a post in the Herald comments in reply to a ‘NO’ who attributed certain words to the Prof trying to make his case. Finishing with.

All we get from Salmond and Sturgeon are platitudes and promises.
Get real people vote for reality and not fantasy, that means a NO vote.

Prof Nigel R S Mace replies as seen below. 🙂

Please don’t misreference me in this litany of nonsense.

There are things that nobody can tell you – like future tax rates. There are also matters where reasonable assurance can be – and has been (where have you been not to hear/read about it?) – given, like most of the items on your baseless ‘scare’ list.

The reasons for future economic confidence in an independent Scoptland are many and various but try these for size. Either NO debts or a vastly reduced debt contribution since virtually ALL the ballooning UK debt has been incurred as a result of expenditures which have NOT been Scottish for over 3 decades. (Check the figures on Business for Scotland’s excellently researched and tabulated website.) Control of 93% of the oil and gas resources for only 11.9% of the population, i.e. a benefit per head more than 1100% (NOT a misprint) better than with the same resources spread over the whole UK. (That’s for 50 years PLUS the still to be developed Atlantic and west coast/Firth of Clyde fields available after Trident goes.) NO share of £100 billion wasted on Trident’s replacement, i.e. buying our own brand new navy would be peanuts by comparison. Hugely increased funding from the EU for farming – Westminster having got us the lowest rate in the entire EU – actually a special bad bargain which is lower than the official bottom rate. AND more and more unfamiliar but true good news etc. etc.

Time you read some real info. and stopped parotting the ‘No’ mythology of ‘no-answers’. It’s a con designed by BT to make you so scared that you stop thinking and stop looking into things. So – go ahead ask questions, but, please, please, do yourself a favour and read and think about the answers. They are not only better than you’ve ever thought – they have also suprised me with just how good they are.

Try it – you may be surprised as well.

call me dave

Oh should have put in a space or two. Sorry.


Och but it’s been a sweet weekend Rev. Never underestimate the debt of gratitude we have for you. “No” is a gift that keeps on giving.


Congratulations Stu, I wonder if your favourite complainant will be contacting the Hootsmon to complain about the homphobic and transphobic content of these adverts. Let’s face it he has set the standard so if he doesn’t well… 😛

gillian lange

How did you pull this off? Well done!


Genius – I admit I was cursing at the first article before penny dropped. Almost
like auto nailing the coffin lid on….

Seasick Dave

I like the middle one best…

“We market your business online…”

Dorothy Devine


OT some shocking ordure by another Scottish correspondent on the DT site ,
One Auslan Cramb , yelling us how Alex Salmond is like a teenage fan of Putins.

It really is appalling, misleading journalism – not to mention ancient faux outrage but I suppose I should expect nothing better from a paper which has sunk to mediocrity.

Somebody remind me why Leveson was given a load of tax payers dosh and all the time in the world to investigate the activities of the free press?

Dorothy Devine

“telling ” too early ,eyes aren’t quite open yet!


Regurgitated rubbish from the Huffington Post … Barosso blah blah; currency blah blah; Spain veto blah blah …

If I Were a Scottish Nationalist I Would Be Very Worried

link to

Alfresco Dent

I just hope this site can cope with the additional traffic.

In an independent Scotland I’d like to see the abolition of the monarchy & honours system but you will certainly deserve some reward for all this work Stu. Perhaps the keys to the country…

Bugger (the Panda)

Cheeky boy

I thought they had been photoshoped in.

Bugger (the Panda)


The clue was the words “No, it’s not a spoof” 😀

That is not really a clue for the Scotsman


I’ll take your word for it that it isn’t a spoof.I ain’t goin onto the Scotsman website to see for myself.Absolutely brilliant.

Big Jock

Vote Labour for your MEP.We will guarantee to ask London’s permission on your behalf before speaking in the European Parliament.Martins logic is breathtaking in its utter stupidity.Why would Scotland want direct representation of its national interest with maybe 8 to 10 meps When we can have 6 and 30 English MEP,s who always have Scotland’s interest at heart!


Advertise in the Sunday Herald. More appropriate.

The carry on about UKIP and the EU is hilarious. Just a nonsense. 1/100. Balance neutral.

Scotland gets ripped off by Westminster 1/6 of revenues.

Fradge/UKIP -blah,blah, blah. Fradge got egged in Lincoln? Are the English protestors anti-English?


David Martin is likely to lose in the EU election.

Once unemployment falls Fradge is gone.

Derick Tulloch

I’ve got a sore jaw from grinning so much about that. And another small item this weekend

ronnie anderson

Rite MR REV you’ve went to far noo, the ither Wingers are

full of praise fur your devious way’s, am bliddy no, awe

they adverts are gonna bring huners & thoosands tae this


some people have trouble postin as is, you’ll end up

driving the Aulder Wingers to post on newspaper comments






Like the new airliner with cracks on the wings.
Or like the high speed train with the faulty tilting mechanism

I really dislike bursting someone’s balloon, but …

Q. Can the Sunday Herald be a ‘Nationalist’ Paper on the front pages
while at the same time be a Unionist paper on the football pages.

Can the Sunday Herald say on the front pages – The Emperor has no clothes,
While on the football pages say, in unison with every other paper in Scotland – The Emperor’s new clothes!

(For those who have been away on business or holidays for the past two years – The Unionist club, RFC(IL) went into Liquidation in 2012. A new club was formed thereafter.
No mainstream media outlet in Scotland will say in public that that is the case.)

“The media should not speak with one voice”
(Editorial. Page 3. Para.T))

Green Bean

I can’t see these wonderful ads anywhere on the Scotsman website. Is it cos I lives dahn saff??


Brilliant, taking the fight right to the NO HQ.

ronnie anderson

GMS will be discussing the Herald at 8am ,Ian Smart on about the Suns wide circulation.


Just been on the North Britsman, no ads there, have they been pulled already?


Can anyone help out here? The Point on facebook has shared lots of really useful articles, but I’m disturbed about recent language used there. Now wanting people to protest Farage’s Edinburgh visit (fair enough) and putting out a ‘Call to arms’. The last thing we need is any kind of violence and even aggressive protest is likely to be used by the media to damage our cause. Farage is just bait.

The No side have been stirring up the ghost of nationalism=violence for weeks now – it’s been repeated in all the ‘remember Northern Ireland’ scare stories. I’m worried that some in the Yes camp are walking into a trap.

We must remain peaceful, reasoned and inclusive to win this. It’ll only take a few hotheads to damage the progress we’ve made and turn away the Don’t Knows that we need to win this.

john king

Squarego! really?
“The No side have been stirring up the ghost of nationalism=violence for weeks now – it’s been repeated in all the ‘remember Northern Ireland’ scare stories. I’m worried that some in the Yes camp are walking into a trap.”

Do you think e dont know that, of course its a trap it has a big neon lit sign above with a huge arrow point out TRAP
changinging you psedonym would be a good idea though. 🙂


This comes close to the defiant ‘V’ for victory scrawled on the wall in occupied Europe.

But I prefer that notion with a Monty Python twist.

link to

“Nah don’t do it again!”



Reply to Ken500:
I have just completed my postal EU voting paper and have not voted for David Martin this time around. I feel that if we do gain Independence then we need to start off with a strong voice in Europe and voting Labour is not the way to go.


link to are weirder than McColm. They even hired Joey from Friends but what’s up with all the white people? UKIP must love the Hootsman.

Dan Watt

Went to the Scotsman,

Saw this;

link to


@john king 8:11

SquareGo = I used to play a lot of Monopoly 🙂


@ Dan Watt, you cant turn it off but no doubt all the young actors in BT’s project fear for teenagers ad are in fact the fruit of the loins of BBC in Scotland dj’s, like Tom Morton jnr in Shetland. Lovely chap.



My world extends beyond our borders; opportunities; jobs

Just not at home, then? Plus ca change…


Hah! 😀

Oh that’s brilliant.

call me dave
Alan Mackintosh

Call me Dave, Wow, 398 people have signed the petition.

Rev, Superb!

gerry parker

Gorilla warfare – I likes it a lot.

Brilliant Stu!



Anyone else noticed the ammount of metros left over at the stations these days ? No takers not nearly as many on trains either.

Particularly since they started having a go at FM.

Used to be the case stalls were empty at Glas Central – not any more 1/2 full now.


Ha,ha,ha,ha, he hooted loudly. A most enjoyable wheeze.


Just saw it alongside the Cameron debating Farage (but not Salmond) article. Well done!


Neat adverts, I am sure Euan will be ecumenical about it all 😉

Heard Cochrane on the radio this morning being quite mellow and saying it was no bad thing that the Herald has nailed its colours to the mast. In fact he put the presenter back in her box about the Telegraph’s position.


My pal is a bus driver he puts a Yes paper inside each Metro on his bus. Lots of Metros left around no Yes papers.


Just checked the Hootsmon myself, and can see no adverts on their site for anything at all, never mind Wings?

Jim Thomson


does your ad package give you the “page landing” count so you can calculate the conversion into click-through rate?

It would also be interesting to see stats on where your ads lie in a conversion rate league table. I suspect that yours might be quite high up.


Don’t see the ad on the Scotsman site – maybe I’m just missing it but I don’t see it

Flower of Scotland

Yesterday was a good day and thought it couldn’t get any better! Well done Rev, it looks magnificent! I might even buy one just for the advert!

@Dan Watt. I think this is a silly wee video with not much real heart or passion! They’re seem to be just reading it out.i suppose we,ll have to put up with worse before Sept.


Haha, McColm kebabed. Brilliant.

Fergus Green

Can anyone explain why I can’t find these ads. I’m getting fed up of clicking on the Scotsman site (and earning them money).

Anyone got a walkthrough or an idiot guide?


Sublime, chust sublime. Well done Stu.

BTW, I just read how Johnstone Press’s readership and share price has plummeted over the course of the campaign. I wonder what the shareholders think of their money being used to prop up BT? Or maybe they have been bought off?

ronnie anderson

Rev, any direction on these adds ,3 times I have went in to the Scotsman , have they been pulled already.

call me dave


Is there a link to what you were reading. We could all do with cheering up on a slow news day.

Oh wait… Lib/dems launch EU campaign!


But he is doing it deliberately



The Herald has come out and said they’re neutral in the Scottish referendum.
Someone should tell Gardham that.

link to

The Herald is also carrying a story about an online petition being set up to tell the sweaties how much we love them. The sentiment & tradition part?

I wonder if Westminster will threaten us with sanctions in between the we love you parts.
Get logged in and tell some of them the truth cause it’s a bit sickening.
Of course some home truths will also bring out the bile in them.

link to

link to


Rev you are creating income from click bait for the Scotsman.,

Do not go to their site unless archived

No doubt the Rev will report in due course if adverts have been pulled.

The sun is shining not only on Leith but all of Scotland.Get out there and do some Yes tasks!


Ooh I had a look and got one up. They are a bit random and they there are a lot of different adverts. I think the Wings one came up about sixth attempt. It may make a few of the regular Onionists on there splutter into their Pimms.

Nana Smith

Anyone able to reply to this Occam’s Tool comment?

link to

gerry parker

@ Major.
Kebabed, or debagged even.



Just received delivery of thousands of the latest YES newspaper.

We’re going to be busy.


Long time lurker, just loving the adds 🙂
For those not able to see them just choose an article and then keep refreshing the page, sooner or later they will appear, I even got two different ones on the same page.

link to

link to

No no no...yes


Even David is powerless against the UK govt decision about latest CAP Payments:

link to

This proves why Scotland nneds to be independent in Europe


I’m working on a list of David Martin’s most stunning achievements in his decades an a Labour MEP. I’m stuck at number 1. Can anyone name anything he’s done? I’m not counting his filling out his expenses forms.

Grouse Beater

I picked up the banner ad by the simple task of clicking on each of the Scotsman’s headings, the ones along the top set against a grey strip:

News, Sport, What’s on, Lifestyle, Jobs, et cetera…

Hit them one at a time until one coincides with Wing’s ad.

Happy to be of help.


Is this some google ads you bought or some other company’s ad placement?

Seasick Dave


He did the dog worming tablets if that’s any help.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Just went onto the Scotsman website, then clicked on the Cameron v Farage story.

Lovely Wings banner right across the top of the page.


chic mcgregor

I did an animated email sig banner which is hyperlinked to WOS you can see it here:

link to


I have to say Stu. that you are deviously, fiendishly brilliant!

Still trying to get over yesterdays debacle of no Sunday Heralds in Kintyre, until a very nice man brought me one from Glasgow, (many thanks Ron and Catherine) and now this!

A roller-coaster ride and no mistake.

Nana Smith

My friend in Switzerland just sent me this. I hope the fishermen can be told.

link to

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Chic – What did I do wrong? When I got there the cupboard was bare.

Calgacus MacAndrews

I honestly hope that the fact that today is a Bank Holiday in England & Wales doesn’t make it awkward for the good folks at The Scotsman to react to this development.


Grouse Beater

There’s something rotten in the state of Scotland when a plain announcement of its democractic ideals has every chance of being censored.

Proud Cybernat

Johnston Press–mugged by having zero ‘Ad Sense’. They had it coming. Brilliant. I take it, Stu, we can expect these Wings ads to be popping up in all sorts of newspaper/magazines?


Brilliant ads. Heard Euan McColm on Headlines yesterday, about 45 mins in, being very snide about our “citizen journalists”, particularly Mike Small of Bella Caledonia who is now a paid member of staff. For some reason that annoyed the REAL journos!



Personally, I would leave Occam’s Razor to his ignorance, but if you want to reply, have a look at Call Me Dave’s post at 1.53 this morning. Prof Mace nails it in one.


If the Herald is neutral why did I stop buying it? Gardham (unionist) is the Political Editor and therefore has more clout, so it’s not neutral.


If the Scotsman does get massive revenue from the ads it could be a good thing in a round about way.

They might take a look at the site (bet they never have) themselves, learn something and then realise if they changed to Yes their print sales would go through the roof!

I knew you had something up your sleeve, Rev! Well Done!


Nana Smith

Sadly a lot of Fishermen are No or undecided voters. I have pointed a few of them to Wings, BfS etc and have had reports back of astonishment at the facts they see.

Quite a few have said their views have changed, sadly there are also quite a few who bury their heads and refuse to look.

I will keep trying however 🙂



These are great.

I am not sure whether to click on them all to pee off the scotsman or not so that Stu can see how many real clicks he gets.

First time I have ever switched off adblock. Wow, don’t the pages take ages to load!

Nana Smith

@ Hood

Sadly None so blind as those that will not see.

chic mcgregor

Don’t know. Checked on the mother-in-law’s laptop and it runs ok on that.

Grouse Beater


Sadly a lot of Fishermen are No or undecided voters

You mean they’ve “jumped the shark,” happy to see their nation decline under continued Westminster rule?

Calgacus MacAndrews

Adverts are still appearing on the Scotsman website:-

link to


Great to see the much-debated banner working. Most ads have a white background – this really stands out!

chic mcgregor

P.S. it starts off with a blank blue screen for a couple of seconds, might be longer on the first run through if connection speed is really slow.

Bawheid Bragg

Good call, but one question – why isn’t the name of the blog – and the web address – displayed in the advert?


CH4 Snowblog today is a good indy article worth a read.


Site went down for a few minutes there.Diagnostics said it was the Revs end.

Thought the gits had finally succeeded silencing us.Should know better.


Next thing the Reverend will be presenting Newsnicht. Its a bit weird actually going back to vote no or else after a couple of years but great to see its as crappy as ever with same bettertogther hootsman’s comments also as bad as ever. Last time I looked it was page after page of some code red blocked loony.

The one that ends glad to help’s been at for donkeys years but there’s nothing from our very own king of the Scots cringe, Shropshire millionaire Riderooo. If you’re out there Ride, we miss youXXX

No no no...yes

Bawheid Bragg @11:09 am

If you click on the Ad you get connected to the Wings site automatically.


Is it on the mobile site as well?

Calgacus MacAndrews

@bunter says:
CH4 Snowblog today is a good indy article worth a read.

See also the Snowblog of 01/05/2014 from Govanhill:-
link to
The best bit (once again on a Snowblog) is the Mike Harding comment at the bottom.

Scots Renewables


Please don’t click on the ads more than once.

Google can track ‘spurious’ click patterns and will penalise the advertiser.

Jim Thomson

Archiving webpages

For those viewers and lurkers here who don’t want to encourage contributions to the Hootsmon coffers, try to resist the temptation to click on the official website links and try to find the ones that have been archived by others. They will probably start with

If you would like to help keep revenues of the “offending” media sites low, have a look at the web page and consider adding their button to your browser toolbar so that you can archive pages and share with others thereby reducing the risk of revenue generation for the original websites.


Seriously hope plenty undecideds and even weak nos click the link.

Then again,it is the Scotsman site.Most online commenters are staunchly pro union.They’ve moderated off the majority of YES backers.

joe kane

Brilliant stuff WOS!

I think we all knew the former News of the World hack McColm was a “news hole” but it’s good to see him put in his place by WOS adverts.


Anyhoos,no new posts by the Rev today?Anybody would think it’s a bank holiday!

Hae a guid break Stu,you deserve it.


@Call me Dave
Is there a link to what you were reading. We could all do with cheering up on a slow news day.

This should really cheer you up. It’s a 10 year graph of their share price. In 2004 it was 550p – today it is 25p!

link to

ps – I can’t remember where I read the original article.

call me dave

Faint praise indeed from Mr Torrance in his new article in the Herald. Basically not much to say but trying hard to work on the premise…

“Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye”

He applies this to AS v Putin and also has a swipe here…

The popular, pro-independence website Wings over Scotland, for example, scrutinizes Unionist claims – at meticulous and often eloquent length – but never applies a penetrating eye to its own side.

Over the past few days the Bath-based blogger has been prominent in the defence of Mr Salmond.

Suffice to say those in the comments section are not impressed!


Pretty darn brilliant!

I like it. I like it a lot 🙂


call me dave

Do you mean The Scotsman have relaxed their stance on moderation?

Last time I was there,three new email addresses in as many minutes got banned.And I wasn’t even being abusive.

Anyhoos,got to go.Enjoy your bank holiday today.


“Sunday Herald is first paper to back Scottish independence”

Tops its “Most Read” list & “Most Commented” list on HERALD website today.

Keep buying weekly and viewing Sunday Herald website daily/weekly.

We must keep up the momentum!

Jim Thomson


They are probably looking at the IP address rather than your e-mail one. You’d need to use different ISPs (e.g. home, friend/neighbour and/or mobile phone) to post under different names with a reduced risk of being detected as a duplicate poster.

Les Wilson

chic mcgregor says:

Chic. I think what you have done is brilliant!

Les Wilson

Well, our investment in the REV and WINGS is proving to be a very good one. This is brilliant stuff, it is also, so important. Kudos to all involved.


O/T, a report on BBC website about further strengthening of Scottish exports earned by oil supply work:

link to

“Export sales from Scotland’s oil and gas supply chain grew to £10bn in 2013, according to figures from Scottish Enterprise.

It calculated that this represented an increase of 22% from the previous year.

The research indicated that more than half of work in this area resulted from overseas activity.

The study covered companies which do not extract oil and gas but support those which do.

Scottish Enterprise found steady growth in the importance of international contracts. These had risen from 31% of sales in 2002 to 50.2% in 2013.”

That’s a lot of money coming into Scotland from places like the US, Angola, Norway, Nigeria, Brazil, Australia, etc. Or, it WILL come into Scotland after independence, right now it is helping the UK balance of trade figures.


I just spent 10 minutes clicking on page after page on the Scotsman with adblocker off and nothing. 🙁

Ian Brotherhood

Ken Gowans, who launched this CBI/Robert Gordon Uni petition, just needs another 3 to hit 800, then he’s going to send it:

link to


Grouse Beater

I can only comment with regards to my conversations with Arbroath Fishermen, but it does seem a lot of them bury their heads and don’t want to look.

Maybe nearer the time they will seek out information, but as I said, the few that have looked have been shocked and I would say now will vote Yes.

Of course there are the ones that will never change their views no matter the evidence put before them, that’s just a sad fact of life.

I was actually shocked by one of the Boatyard owners the last day, I knew he was, and always will be, a Unionist and he was trying to wind me up by popping his head in to my workshop and saying he liked the No poster on my door. Don’t think he was too keen on my reply as to what I would do with it if ever there was such a poster placed there.
Anyway we got into conversation, and I was really shocked when I asked him if he was still under the impression that Scotland was subsidised by the rest of the UK. His reply was, of course we are, but the thing that shocked me was not that fact, I knew he would think that.
What shocked me was he refused to look at information that proved otherwise. Looks like it would require major surgery to remove his head from a certain place and I only do machining and welding and am not licensed to do surgery 🙂


Sorry if this has been posted and for it being OT.

link to


I’ve still to see WOS ad on hoots too. Very dodgy crew though, Johnston press.

Calgacus MacAndrews

The Wings advert is still showing on The Scotsman online.

Lovely top banner from a moment ago:-

link to

call me dave

Thanks for that link.


Torrance article in Herald, I’m too wee, too stupid and too feart to comment in Scotsman 🙁


chic mcgregor – that wee animated WOS logo is fantastic. I can just imagine it as a laser image- wings spreading to land on Edinburgh Castle, or Calton Hill, on the day of the Independence party.

The WOS lion has landed! We are free!


@ chic mcgregor 9.57
Excellent gif Chic. Works great on my PC.


Also, thanks for the link to Johnston Press share price – a truly spectacular fall from 550 to 25 in 5 years. Any particular reason? Was that when they bought the Scotsman?


@ chic mcgregor 9.57

Brilliant animation that. Great how you can put that together.

Needs to be widely used where ever we (WOS) post anything.


CameronB Brodie

Does this constitute an evolution from ‘reactionary’ to ‘revolutionary’? 🙂

CameronB Brodie

What is going on with Johnston Press?

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Morag Graham Kerr

You know, when I’m trudging round the countryside with leaflets or Yes newspapers, I often reflect, what difference am I making? The answer as far as my own individual input is concerned is almost certainly bugger-all. Or perhaps a drop in the ocean.

But what is the ocean other than a whole lot of individual drops? One drop less and who would notice? But many drops less is another matter. And no drop is any more – or any less – important than any other.

Alternatively, I liken it to singing in a huge choir, something I’ve done rather a lot of, yes the Albert Hall and the Last Night of the Proms and all. If I get the flu, or just don’t feel like turning out, it’s highly unlikely anyone will notice the slightest difference in Mahler’s 10th symphony. But if a lot of people – none of them any more important than me – did the same thing, the performance would start to suffer.

So I plug on, imagining the hundreds and thousands of other people doing the same thing as I’m doing. The rest of the choir, who together give meaning to what would otherwise be an empty gesture.

It’s very unusual for a single person in the choir to emerge and make such a contribution that he alone makes a significant difference to the performance. Yes we have soloists, people appointed into key positions, Salmond and Sturgeon and Swinney et al. But nobody appointed Stu and nobody auditioned him. He’s just one of us. And here he is, making the sort of difference choristers don’t usually make.

And what’s more, he’s doing it deliberately.


Add me to the list of folk who actually started reading the article without paying any attention to the banner. D’oh!

Nicely done, though, Rev. 🙂

Chic McGregor

T Jenny
I added an ad for the Jolly when I refreshed the Kirrie Aye TV loop in the Yes shop. Not that a couple of weekdays notice in Kirrie will add many to the total this late in the day.

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