The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

One thousand up

Posted on April 02, 2013 by

So we weren’t sure what to do about our 1000th post. We toyed with the idea of making it a throwaway two-liner just for fun. We thought about a grand mission statement, but, y’know, it’s pretty obvious what our mission is so there didn’t seem much point. We considered a sort of “Greatest Hits” thing, but we basically did that last month. We were fairly sure we wanted a cartoon, though.


In the end, we decided there’d been enough navel-gazing already in the last month, and that it might be best just to make a quick point and then get back to work.

I’ll indulge in a rare dropping of the editorial “we” for the next few paragraphs. I’m a halfway-competent writer, but it’s not my dazzling literary skills that have brought 50,000 people to Wings Over Scotland from a standing start in the last 17 months. And there’s nothing too spectacular about the journalism either – it takes time and diligence to put together our more in-depth pieces, because I won’t print allegations I can’t support with sources and links, but it’s nothing that anyone couldn’t achieve with Google and an occasional bit of lateral thought.

The success of this site isn’t about me. I’m just the idiot who happened to actually do something that any number of other people might have done instead. And that’s why events like those of the last 48 hours, where enemies on all sides have attempted to damage and discredit it for their own ends by attacking me personally with cheap smears and disgusting, groundless lies, will never achieve their aims. Because it’s the information that people come for, not the personality.

The independence movement is massively out-shouted in Scotland. Extraordinarily, not a single Scottish newspaper backs something supported by upwards of a million Scots. A tiny handful of websites run by a few individuals have to carry the entire campaign on their shoulders, presenting balance and truth where the mainstream media too often offers either simple incompetence or malicious spin and lies.

And individuals are always vulnerable to mobs, one way or another. I’m a particularly easy target if people are looking to manufacture ad-hominem outrage – in 22 years writing often-provocative articles for magazines and online, I’ve said all sorts of rude and scandalous things. I’ve upset videogamers, football fans, old soldiers, feminists, the Welsh, and pretty much everyone else you could think of – sometimes to my own complete surprise, sometimes through being misinterpreted (either by my own fault or by idiots being stupid and/or malicious), and sometimes entirely on purpose.

I’m not the least bit ashamed of any of it. Anyone – let alone a writer – who goes through life (especially for 40-odd years) without a few bumps and scrapes that caused offence to someone somewhere is going to be pretty dull company. The vast majority of my published work of those two decades is freely available on my personal archive and blog, which makes it kind of funny when some spittle-flecked stalker starts screaming that they’ve found some terrible smoking gun or other, as if it was ever being hidden. I’ll defend and debate anything I’ve written, anytime, with anyone prepared to exercise the most basic courtesies of adult discussion.

In return for being prepared to make a reasoned argument for a viewpoint someone might object to, I’ve been threatened with assault, gang-rape and murder more times than I could count, both anonymously and in the flesh. The police have had to warn off loonies who’d posted entire books – literally books – full of creepy threats written in ACTUAL green ink. Others have gone further and been arrested for conducting months-long hate and harassment campaigns, before this site even existed. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had my home address published on the internet and had people urged to come round and burn my house down.

(Honestly, readers, you’d be amazed how angry people can get if you like a videogame they don’t like, or vice versa.)

So the cowardly, petty mudslinging of the motley crew of pathetic little drippy politics nerds who tried to form a limp-wristed lynch mob last night is about as likely to bring this site down as someone firing elastic bands at a tank. I mention that not with any sort of bravado, but only in the almost-certainly-forlorn hope that it might persuade some of the more contemptible characters in the No camp to divert their attentions towards an honest debate, so that whatever the result in September 2014 the winning side doesn’t inherit a Scotland poisoned irretrievably by tribal hatred.

Failing that, bring on the bullies. Because we’ll bury you, not with fists but with hope.

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Archdeaconess Hermione



Typical cybernat, refuses the jam jar and takes a dive into the soup bowl:)


I’ll take the auspicious occasion of your 1k post to make my 1st comment.   Love your work sir.  Did you get the donations through?
Keep up the good work.


Nice one.
Worth reflecting on the fact that WoS is becoming a very important piece in the referendum jigsaw. We should all remember when posting that it is being widely read. Express yourself thoughtfully and with decency – and await the results.   


One thousand posts well done –  think I must have read all of them – onwards and upwards.


The truth and positivity will win this debate and right now I can think of no better place to find it than at WoS.  Keep up the good work!

BBC Scotlandshire

We at the state broadcaster would like to add to the detritus heaped upon your head.

You seem intent on obfuscating what should be the clear blue water of No-ism. The press are not against independence by accident, it is because we all know, much better than you, what is in Scotlandshire’s best interests.

I trust your 1000th hate crime will be your last, and things can return to the happy norm we have all enjoyed for centuries.

Heather McLean

“I won’t print allegations I can’t support with sources and links, but it’s nothing that anyone couldn’t achieve with Google and a bit of thought”.
You are far too modest Rev! Credit where it’s due.. thanks for all youre doing to present a fair, balanced, truthful and informative account, which the mainstream media denies us!!
Congratulations! 🙂


Bravo – lum-reeking-longness wishes due to you and your below-the-line regulars.
I agree with @scotchman that we (the btl-ers) should all bear in mind when posting that the readership is (hopefully) going to increasingly be dont-knowers/undecideds.
Not meaning by that that we should be more polite or less angry, but to try to use as many links and sources as possible when making our points/going off on tangents…


I believe the customary comment on these sort of posts is a simple
“Keep up the good work.”

BBC Scotlandshire

Also, link to
Take that, so-called Reverend!


Gone yersel sir. Thank you for someway to get the news.No drip drip torture of the Anglo Saxophone in this hoos. I have kept my Czech friends up to date with events her.Most copy there is taken from the Torygraph.
BUt there are a nuber of SCottish friendly jornos who drink in U Rudolfinium and U Hrocha that have listened.
Anyway yer great sir.

Rod Mac

Congratulations on your 1000th Rev , it is a source of great comfort to an old nationalist codger like me.
I have and will continue to promote this wonderful site ,as well as cut and paste from it to defend the position of independence and do my bit to help the cause.
Like all Nationalists i am truly amazed that not one of the MSM ,even from a business perspective does not lift the torch of Independence.
The Scotsman (all nationalist favourite paper) is on the verge of extinction ,yet it continue writing what nobody any longer wants to read.
Indeed it is now obvious that most of the naysayers on their internet site are from outwith Scotland and likely to be full time employees of the Anti Independence Parties.
I look forward to congratulating  you on the 2000th ,maybe it will coincide with 19/9/2014 and it will be a belter.
Irrespective of the outcome in 2014 the naysayers should know neither the Independence movement for Scotland or WOS are going away any time soon.


(Honestly, readers, you’d be amazed how angry people can get if you like a videogame they don’t like, or vice versa.)
lol, as long as you didnt write anything bad about Oceans classic “Head Over Heels!”


As the cartoon plays on the John Bull character thought this 1915 recruiting poster could be put to good use for MPS who seem rather reluctant to turn up and vote, for what seem deem ‘meaningless’.

Bobby Mckail

Congratulations Stu though i am pretty new to your blog i have found my home. Keep up the good work and i,m sure that in the next 6-7 months you will have loads more of undecided people looking for an impartial look and an honest debate on Scottish Independence! Here’s looking to 2000 post and many more followers!
#Yes 2014


Congratulations, Rev Stu, and thank you for putting all those hours in.

Patrick Roden

I love this place 🙂


Well done Rev Stu on the 1,000 post.  I see last night that Longshanker was joining in the ‘criticism’.  He has some nerve with his abusive posts on here.  You see to have upset him, Duncan Hothersall, James McKenzie and Kate Higgins.  You must be doing something right.  😀
On a more serious level, the story in the media today is that the Sun is not going to support independence.  Is this correct or are the media at it again?


Congratulations on reaching your first 1,000th article I’m looking forward to the next 1,000 articles! 😆


Haud forrit, loon. Braw work, much appreciated by your many thousands of readers.


Congrats Rev – I’m just thinking you might be up to 2014 posts by next September. How fitting.
Love how BBC Scotlandshire come on here to comment  – they never let the mask slip, not even a millimetre, hilarious.


Hehe just in case you havent seen them, check out Retrospec they have rewritten a number of retro games in java free to download. They have a very faithful reproduction of “Head Over Heels” that I was playing all of last weekend.

Jingly Jangly

Congrats on your 1000 post, the site is much appreciated even If I have to read out all
the posts (and the multitude of comments) to my luddite pal in Aberdeenshire.
Re the Sun, I understand it says its going to be neutral, which is a major boost  for the
YES campaign as before it was against Independence.
It did support the SNP during the last Scottish Elections but made it clear that
it did not support Independence.
There is a massive potential market for a pro indy paper, maybe the Sun will make the
jump although it would be better if a newspaper moves to the Indy side

Seasick Dave

I forced myself to watch Reporting Scotland tonight and, for a pleasant change, found not one instance of a snide reference to the SNP or Alex Salmond.
There was even an uplifting article about a project in Glasgow which was directed at problem children with the aim of making them feel good about themselves and to give them hope for the future.
And there, in that second paragraph, dear Unionists, is the reason why the No campaign will fail and the Yes campaign will prevail.
Every utterance from the No camp and its followers is designed to make us feel bad about our country, in fact to make us feel that our country does not even exist. “Ye cannae dae this and ye cannae dae that, blah, blah…”
The Yes campaign forces us to look beyond parties and personalities and to imagine the country that we would aspire to live in. As the message is one of hope and vision, 2014 will be the year that Scotland finally becomes Independent.
Keep up the excellent work, Rev, and the prize will be ours 🙂

Paul Martin

I couldn’t be happier that we have Wings right beside us in the trenches over the next 18 months. This ain’t no tea-party, it’s the single most important war of words, ideas and beliefs this country has seen in 300 years of political union…with an ocean of unionist spin, lies and deceit to be navigated along the way. Wings won’t take any shit and neither should we!

David McCann

Rev Stu.
You/we really are working  and  living in the early days of a better nation!  


Congratulations, there are lots of people out there who support and share your vision of hope.   Keep it up. 


@Rev Stu
Meant to add, as the fund raiser was successful what plans do you have for WoS?


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:  
As IF. The fifth-greatest Spectrum game of all time:
 link to

Ok, if I hadn’t known you were sound already from reading this site, that fact that we both agree about the single greatest Speccy game of all time has just confirmed it! 


Keep on keeping on Rev.  Scotland is all the richer for having this site. 


The press of this country are establishment bought and paid for. Time, technology and suicidal policy are killing them off. If they think they can afford to misrepresent or ignore a major segment of the electorate without that market upping sticks to find some outlet or person who will reflect their views accurately then they deserve their demise. The press in Scotland have let the electorate down badly, their blinkered policy of political bias instead of at least objectivity has rendered their collective message tainted. The only exceptions being a rare few journos within a handful of mainstream titles.
Digital media is the future and you have no idea how much that pains an old pre press like myself to admit. Rev you’ve done a brilliant job so far and I’ve never worked with an editorial team that didn’t at least have the odd ongoing threat of courtrooms or bodily violence aimed at them.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating……… Go get em.


“Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.”
Keep spreading the word Rev, we’re with you all the way.
Best wishes to all.


Well done Rev – I was happy to give a bit of financial support.
I read WOS every day (several times) and now never give any of the MSM the benefit of a click.


Welcome to themadmurph your first name wouldn’t be Jim would it? Now there would be a coup for your 1000th 


Congrats Rev.

Just a note on the Sun story.

It had no obvious influence either on the 2007 (Sun against SNP) nor 2011 (Sun for SNP) elections; polls already showed beforehand in each case what was going to happen.

In 2007 it made a very bad call thinking it could affect the outcome (vote SNP to put Scotland’s head in a noose); the result was sales started falling rapidly after bucking the trend of all the other papers. Oops.

In 2011, the Sun started supporting the SNP once they started polling 40-46%. In fact they came out for the SNP at the ‘last minute’ after they commissioned their own poll (MORI) and it gave 45%, backing up recent polls.

Sun doesn’t create winners, it just tries to spot them and back them. In Scotland Rev Stu’s blog probably has more influence. 

Fair enough if they go neutral though. The way it should be.


goan yersel rev.
brulliant stuff .


Why would anyone not see a YES vote as the only option? Let’s take today have they listened to the ******* Osborne, read that the Queen and the firm will be getting another £5 million?
And as for Labour, just been sent this Torygraph article comparing Osborne’s speech with that Blair chap.
link to


Woot, RevStu!


Radio Free Scotland should be on air from 9pm Last week they suffered a DDOS attack
They posted the following statement and it would appear the attack came from within
All the IP’s were on these islands, mostly from the ISP Sky.The Data centre is filtering out the list of regular listeners and such from the site stats system and then the rest of the IP’s will be, mostly likely , the attackers.The information gleaned from that data set plus the statements from both the host and the data centre is enough to hand over to the police as far as i have been informed

The Man in the Jar

Hope you are keeping notes Stu. We will be expecting the book to be ready by Independence Day 😉

scaredy cat.

I’d just like to say that I have found this website to be really useful in cutting through all the scare stories that are being spread by the BBC  and the newspapers. I had never heard of you before I came to the site and I still know nothing about you. Nor do I need to. All I needed was honest, reliable, referenced information and that is what I found here. I have made a couple of modest donations because I value this site and I recommend it to anyone who will listen. It’s not a personality contest, and while I get the feeling that you are a decent bloke, it matters not a jot. I am quite simply, an information vampire, and I shall continue to feed from this site as long as it satisfies my thirst for knowledge. I am truly shocked by the threats you  describe. I’m sure most of the people who visit this site will be too. You are clearly a brave man and you are providing a valuable service to the people of Scotland. Keep up the good work! It will not be forgotten.


Quote: “I’ll indulge in a rare dropping of the editorial “we” for the next few paragraphs.” I am glad you dropped it, even briefly. For me it detracts from the articles. A pet hate. But, I will continue to read the articles regardless.

Caroline Corfield

Keep up the good work, and congratulations. I depend on this and newsnet Scotland for news info that informs the BBC articles and tells me what’s really going on.

Brian MacLeod

It must be really frustrating for the Unionists that the plebs now have other means of getting their news and comments instead of having it filtered through the Establishment press and media.
I’m boycotting any product where the CEO has spouted forth with anti-Scotland views. A boycott list would be entertaining to see in action. 🙂


Keep going,  reading the articles and the comments gives me hope. 


Congratuations Rev Stu on reaching 1,000 posts and also on reaching 50 times that readers.  I’ve been coming here for about nine months now and recommend it to everyone that is interested (and some that are not).  Here’s to your next “M” posts!


Eh Eric Joyce a contributor really?


“Waiter! There’s a cyber gnat in my soup”. I hope he chokes on it.


Congratulations Rev. Campbell. We’re right behind you!

Angus McLellan

@Albalha: Another John Bull style image, but this one done by Robins Millar in the Socialist/Trades Union newspaper Forward in 1914, seems quite appropriate these days: link to


Okay, research is essential the other ingredient is rare, you can write!  That is why you’re successful, feared, loathed and read by thousands. 

Niall MacLennan

I to will take this opportunity to post my first comment.
Excellent work.
Martin Luther King said, ‘Truth temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant’.
Keep on telling the truth Rev.
While I’m on, hope you don’t mind, but my brother and I have printed 3000 business cards with the sites address on.
There is now a trail all over town!
Keep up the great work.

Angus MacC

Congratulations Rev., please keep up the good work. I hear your site is now read more than the Scotsman newspaper, which has become a LabServative and Unionist propaganda page!


Hello Wings. First time comment in response to your 1000th post. Congratulations and thanks for a fantastic site. For those in and around the Dundee area, see the University of Dundee ‘Five Million Questions’ link to Their next event will be on ‘Reporting the Referendum’ on 12th April. Open to the public – tickets are free. I’ve got mine!


Hear hear to all the above.
I come to this site because you tell it straight.
I’m fed up to what are left of my back teeth with fence-sitters who seem to think that their ‘opinion’ is so important that they have some onerous responsibility to remain perched there indefinitely. They know who they are and they’re doing no-one, including themselves, any favours at all – this is no time for fearties and careerists.
The big question is simple enough, and the myriad smaller questions can all tackled individually, with reason, logic, and common decency. That’s what happens here.
(I’m sure most of us regulars had no idea you’ve been subjected to such vile personal attacks – hopefully you passed the details to the police.)


@Angus McLellan
Indeed, interesting, the spectre of early 20th century Britain looms large. Horribly miserable at a level which is why I hope above hope we get a YES.
Over on the Guardian they’re running an article …. Should the Queen get a £5 million pound increase? (year on year that’s 16.5%)
People who live in Scotland and have a vote next year need to. somehow, engage with facts, let’s be honest many are just getting on with the day to day.
In other news Barcelona playing in a Tequila Sunrise inspired strip.


50.000 U.Rs
1000 posts  🙂
Keep churning out the posts and we’ll spread them.
Give us the ammo (the written word of course …!) and we’ll use it.
Congrats all round.


Nice choice of post to bring up the 1000. Congratulations Rev. and all the best for a hopefully productive future.
P.S. A boycott list is an excellent idea, though I would hope to develop a more inclusive identifying characteristic which would merit inclusion to the list. Anyone care to get the ball rolling?


Congratulations Stuart. I think it was last January 12 that I came across NNS and through a link, that someone posted in the comments, I came to Wings. A through Wings I became aware of Bella, National Collective and the other bloggers. I’ve never looked back since. This site is worth every penny that has been donated to it … and more. Keep up the great work Stu and contributors.
Head Over Heels? Ah I have that one in my collection somewhere 🙂


‘P.S. A boycott list is an excellent idea, though I would hope to develop a more inclusive identifying characteristic which would merit inclusion to the list. Anyone care to get the ball rolling?’
Easy cos they’re shite – Tunnocks Tea to


Congrats indeed Rev. Stu.  A significant achievement and one milestone along the road to Independence.  Wings is my first call in the morning, and my last in the evening.
Power to your keyboard


Got on the blether to a lad this afternoon at the SSP stall in Irvine, so, if you’re reading this Brian – well done, ye found it!! (I told you, my name is real!) You’ve picked an auspicious day to visit WoS, as you’ll have gathered from the comments above.
I know you’re wary of ‘saying’ anything, but please have a wander and you’ll see what I was gibbering about – there’s loads of good stuff in the ‘Most Read Posts’ over on the right hand side, scroll to the very bottom.
(PS Thanks for the heads-up about you-know-what. We’re working on it, so watch this and other spaces like newsnetscotland and Bella Caledonia. Please be assured it’s been well-noted, and thanks again for alerting us – the truth will out!)


Thank you for all your hard work. 1000 posts and tens of thousands of people reading them is no mean feat. It is so refreshing to be able read good honest articles, something that seems to no longer exist in the MSM. I look forward to the next 1000 as they bring us closer to our date with destiny.


1000 posts, Stu?  Jeezo!  And I enjoyed everyone of them (ok, maybe not so much the football ones, but all the rest).  Seems like there’s a few people out there saying No to you, but there’s 50,000 of us on Wings….and we say Yes.


“Easy cos they’re shite – Tunnocks Tea Cakes”
I hope someone is taking notes, ’cause that’s number one.
It will fair upset my mum though, as she always has a packet in the cupboard. I only visit occasionally, but I’ll get to feel like a teenager again. Back then it was a boycott of South African goods, but it was still a fight for civil liberties and social inclusion.


We’ve to boycott Next as well?


Rev Stu: Now we’ve built the financial stockade via Indego what help next is required to ensure your continuing vital contribution to Scotland’s future?
Are fees for articles needed to contribute, and so counter MSM? Ian Bell comes to mind. If so lets quantify the monies needed. I’ve committed to a modest monthly continuing contribution,if all others reading here do likewise it can be onwards and upwards.
You have my unqualified respect. 


I disagree with you Stu, you’re the best reporter out there, you’re posts are both informative and very enjoyable, which explains why people comming here to read about football stay for the politcs. And why those long posts turn out to be just as popular.
At this rate Stu, you might become of the greatest reasons why Scotland could vote Yes in 2014, we are blessed to have you on our side!
Soldier On!!


From small acorns…………………
Having read your site since it started, Congratulations. My first port of call on the internet.  We now have a good mix of pro-Independence sites. WoS, NNS, Mungiuns Republic, Scot Goes Pop, Bella Caledonia, National Collective, Alba Matters, Moridura, Lallands Peat Warrior, Peter A Bell etc, etc.

Linda's back

A couple of neutral newspapers in 2014 would be a pipe dream.
The Sun’s support would be a double edged sword.
Vlink to


A thousand? Is that all, you miserable slacker? You’ll have to do better than that to earn your keep.
Bloody misogynist… 😉


Just out of curiosity Rev, are you at all insecure about the criticism you’re receiving? Not scared, that would be ridiculous – insecure. You keep bringing it up as if you’re being oppressed and attacked without any basis, and yet you spout shite like ‘[muteswan thinks] “equality” means “different rules if you’re a woman”‘ and ‘I have no idea what that means, but I don’t consider myself any kind of feminist. I believe in equality.’ and ‘women are failing women’, which shows you haven’t even spent the least amount of time possible actually researching what feminism is or the difficulties women face every day in all areas of life. Your counterarguments are taken straight out of Derailing for Dummies, with even a few ‘you’re the real sexists’ thrown in there for good measures. I’d expect anyone who said this crap to be shouted down and ostracized, let alone this awful, hateful bile you put on your own blog (link to I’d suggest that perhaps when so many people are calling you out, particularly independence supporters, you should head their words and consider your position more carefully.
But no, it’s not people who genuinely think you’re being a shit, it’s just those dirty rotten no-good Labour and Tory supporters trying to slander your good name. My advice: it’d be easier to defend yourself from the cries of misogyny if you didn’t act like a misogynist prat on Twitter.
Just sayin’ 🙂

Jr Ewen

Congrats on the1000 post. Just wanted to say thank you for all your work. Every time I log on I find the truth on wings, cheers, keep going.

The Man in the Jar

And to think I used to sit behind him in the Kirk. I was very young at the time!
I remember years ago reading Mackies (Ice cream & crisps) owner blowing off against the SNP during a run up to election. Avoided his products ever since.
I am fond of a TeaCake though. Grew up yards from the factory. A small sacrifice I suppose.

The Dog

Maitland Mackie
link to
Ice cream, ice cubes, crisps
link to


#2. Again easy cos they’re shite (so the wife tells me)
Ultimo lingerie
link to


Was it yourself mentioned the Prestwick ‘Yes’ meeting tonight?
I had intended to go, didn’t make it. Just curious – much of a turnout?


#3 I don’t like you, I don’t like your product, you played on Trump’s golf course, I’m out.
Bannatyne’s Health Clubs
link to

Albert Herring

Sorry Rev, but you’re talking absolute mince. “halfway-competent writer”, “nothing that anyone couldn’t achieve”, “something that any number of any other people might have done”. Total nonsense!


Might as well make an anti-boycott list too.
#1 good guy: All the ice cream you can eat at Nardinis!
link to

Bill McLean

Thanks Rev!


Interesting article in the New Statesman …
How Scottish trade unions are shifting in favour of independence
link to


Congratulations on clocking up two memorable milestones in the same week.
How can failing Scottish news titles not understand the significance of that 50304 figure as they slide down the pan?
Keep on revving it up Stu. 


re #2 We have heard it all before:
link to…-a0162704955


@ ianbrotherhood
No I’m not, though I do try to strike a more individualistic pose, so tend to avoid the chains anyway. Can’t you just tell by my distinctive coiffeur?
Seriously though, I think a boycott list would at least provide a very educational tool. I’m less certain as to what change such a boycott might help bring about, with only a few months left to go. Once informed though, it is difficult to become uninformed.
Then again, any successful businessman or woman will tell you that maintaining cash flow is critical to business survival, and these are austere times.


I’m still fairly new here but echo all the above. You provide a very necessary platform through the momentous months ahead. Not only informative but educational and in the few months I have been on board old articles have enlightened me while the latest have kept me up to speed. You are definitely making a difference and just how important cannot be over emphasised. The MSM is steadily grasping at straws to find any traction for positive unionist threads and thanks to you I am now more aware of this happening.
Just this morning early radio and TV on BBC they were trying their darndest, unsuccessfully, to put a negative slant on Whiskey exports and when it came to CBI forecast for growth before the end of April? I have yet to understand how our “service industry exports” in training and education will prevent the dreaded triple dip recession.
Keep it coming and I am sure we’ll all be willing to keep funding your excellent service! 


‘No I’m not, though I do try to strike a more individualistic pose, so tend to avoid the chains anyway.’
No harm C, but so far as I can tell you seem to eschew clothing of any kind, but that’s neither here nor there.
And yes, avoiding chains is a good idea, en generale.

Robert Kerr

Indeed Rev,well done.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
Thank you.


Well done rev a great site.


What about ‘Nudists for Independence’?
If the BT brigade are to be believed we won’t, Post-Yes, have a stitch of clothing between us anyway, so why not turn a negative into a positive?
Not far from where I live, along what locals call the Irvine ‘Bar’ (a very long stretch of beach from Stevenston Point to Irvine Harbour) there used to be a large sign which said ‘Clothes Need Not Be Worn Beyond This Point’. Someone nicked it a few years ago. But people did, apparently, come from near and far to take the opportunity to divest themselves of their day-to-day garb and enjoy the blistering Ayrshire sunshine. These carefree folk constructed makeshift ‘changing-rooms’ from driftwood and old fishing boxes, the remnants of which can still be located by ‘TimeTeam’ sorts who know what they’re looking for.
Question – why would a nudist need a changing room?


Good to know.


Albert Herring said:
Sorry Rev, but you’re talking absolute mince. “halfway-competent writer”, “nothing that anyone couldn’t achieve”, “something that any number of any other people might have done”. Total nonsense!


 @Ian Brotherhood
What about ‘Nudists for Independence’?
Are they the ones that are in favour of Scud Missiles?


It’s got ‘a thousand miles’ in it…any excuse…

Slainte Rev.


Just to say that I’m delighted to make the 100th post on your 1000th post. I hope.


You missed it by two.

The Man in the Jar

Sorry OT
Just heard Jackie Bailie on Newsnicht call for “a culture of openness and transparency” Whit? The only thing about JB that is transparent are her lies.


I turned her off.  Can’t stand the bloody woman.
I was reading the WoS Twitter feed.  I’m ashamed of my sex, now.  Where do these mad harridans spring from?

creag an tuirc

Well done Rev. If we vote Yes. you’ll go into the Scottish history books along with a few notable others and it will be right here for future generations to read.

Bill C

“Just out of curiosity Rev, are you at all insecure about the criticism you’re receiving?”
Two points Rev:
1. Firstly can I congratulate you on a very significant milestone, not only for yourself and Wings over Scotland but also for Scottish democracy.  Our democratic process in Scotland is under a serious and sustained attack in the run up to the referendum and WoS is proving to be a significant forum in defending the Scottish people’s right to discuss their future in a fair and balanced way.
2. One of the first things that struck me on my first visit to WoS (well over a year ago) was the quote from Ghandi.  To me it was obvious from the start, that WoS was being written by someone who knew that he was taking on the might of the British Establishment, that he would be the victim of some very nasty invective and that he was a man of integrity and courage. You have proved me right on all three counts.
  As a Scot, who wishes his country to return to the international community of nations, I thank you.


Congratulations! My first ports of call each day are Wings and Newsnet Scotland. I don’t even check the weather on BBC Scotland now, as, based on their political coverage, I assume that everything they tell me is a lie. When enough people think like this, the no campaign has lost it’s main propaganda weapon.


Oh, be fair, they’re getting quite good at the weather.

(Better than Scottish Skier, anyway….  😀 )


@ Morag
I heard that.


Congrats Stuart, Keep up the good work.
For weather forecasts I seem to using link to Norwegian Met more than BBC.

Triangular Ears

May I also take this opportunity of making my first ever post here.  I immensely enjoy the forensic dissection of unionist ‘arguments’.
I think I may actually know ‘themadmurph’ further up.  I recognise the name!  😉
This is the perfect antidote to the absolute garbage from the likes of Hothersall, defending the indefensible.


‘Are they the ones that are in favour of Scud Missiles?’
I like it. 
We have to wonder who’s showing their cheeks now, and whether we want to be associated with them. Galloway came up with the ‘two cheeks of the same arse’ line a few years ago, and it’s still a good one.
Perhaps we’re better off fully-clothed, for now at any rate. What we have to watch out for is kilt-swingers who’re wearing a butcher’s apron underneath – a most uncomfortable combination, and one easily spotted.
They know who they are, and to them I do say now –
Haul off that kilt!
Unbelt that apron!
But FFS, whatsoever happens, don’t try both at the same time!
(Michty me – talk about a wardrobe malfunction?)


been snowed under with Uni. work. I had to take time out to congratulate WoS and everyone who contributes to its pages.
I’m thinking, there will come a point when the site’s readership will explode. I still think your site has yet to reach that point.
The anti-independence mob can see this happening as well. For the ‘lurkers’ and undecided reading this. If the site was full of lies and deceit- the number of ‘hits’ this site is acheiving suggests otherwise. It’s a priori then that the reason this site continues to grow is the fact that the truth is to be found here. That, and the fact you are able to have our say without the fear of censorship.
Now that the site has the full attention of the anti-independence camp. It will be interesting to see if they drop the ‘trolling’ tactic and actually engage in the meaningful debate that the future of Scotland so richly deserves. I truly hope so.

Doug Daniel

“(Honestly, readers, you’d be amazed how angry people can get if you like a videogame they don’t like, or vice versa.)”
Or when you argue that such and such a band aren’t really “punk”, or you suggest that Apple are better than Google or vice versa, or that Harry Potter is shite, or or or…
All of which makes it so bloody frustrating when the media talk as if the independence debate is the first time ANYONE ON TEH INTERNETS EVA has gotten a bit excited and resorted to extreme hyperbole.
Anyway, here’s to another 1,000 grammatically-correct posts, Stu. That’s one thing you most certainly won’t find anywhere else!
(Must say I’m surprised Marcia listed Alba Matters in her list of blog sites – I hardly update it!)


It is worth reading when you do update it.


Anyone who can attract the ire of that smug self serving Kate Higgiins and the shrieking Hothersall who was Duncan in Edinburgh in his Scotsman days gets my undivided loyalty and donations. They are the epitome of the cringing Jock. Your article on feminism was spot on also. Like the Gay movement they think the world owes then something, simply because they claim to be oppressed minorities, me arse. They cause more damage to the people they claim to speak for, than any good they do.
Keep it coming rev Scotland needs you more than ever.


We’re very lucky to have you on our side Stu.


Think it’s all been said…….
Please keep-up the good work.


RPM is to all sorts of engines, but 1,000 of Rev’s Per Minute posted on the counter here is a superb super-charged indictment of what we seek freedom from to attain the freedom of our own responsibility to do – without harm – as we would be done by.
As others like Dan Hind, Rev Stu is setting the pace for our own public funded investigative journalism.  The issue is democracy itself. The battle line is between parliamentary sovereignty and people’s sovereignty.[*] Imposing Top-Down v Uplifting Bottom-Up. The Few Who Have v The Many Who Have Not.
We can best help watch the doubt of bullies fear and smear die as the assurance of truth becomes hope’s best seller by continuing to spread the word and offer our contributions in kith and kind.
And yes, if – aided by our help – Rev Stu should sensibly keep those closest to him and his own rude health and daily output in balance, there is no reason why the counter should not reach 2014 RPM by 18 Sep 2014 as we roar towards that post in overdrive.
But that would be a neat symmetry worth nothing if falling short of 50% + 1 – or what No might yet seek to deem success when they fail.
Which means we should be raise our sights and aim higher simply because we, our kids and theirs are worth it.
There is only one way not to be part of the problem.
And that’s to be part and party to the solution.
That’s us: we, all of the people, all of the time in a much more participative democracy than hitherto roughly once in 4/5 years.
Can you think of any better way to reward Rev Stu’s sterling efforts on our behalf than that?
[* aka ‘popular sovereignty’, a term I don’t use because it is too readily conflated with ‘populism’ by reactionary opponents looking down their sniffy long noses.]

Inbhir Anainn

Would also like to add my congratulations to WoS and to the Rev. Stu on reaching their 1,000 posting.  Readership going from strength to strength on a daily and weekly basis.  Just wondering if WoS will be looking to expand its readership interest by say reaching out to the Gaelic speaking or Polish speaking communities throughout Scotland.

Robert Louis

Hen Broon,
QUOTE   “Like the Gay movement they think the world owes then something, simply because they claim to be oppressed minorities,”
Well Hen, do you have any actual facts to back that bigotted tosh up????  
I’m gay and I don’t think the world owes me something.  What I do know is that people like me were imprisoned in this country not very long ago (homosexuality was illegal in Scotland until 1981, FFS!!!!!), and within my lifetime, so I think equating feminism with gay equality is a piece of stupid, pig ignorant nonsense.  It is only within the last fifteen years that gay people have achieved anywhere near normal treatment, yet even now are still subjected to wholly unwarranted abuse, and DISCRIMINATION.


Congrats Rev this is the best place on earth.   Also….
1. Nae mair tunnocks for me….they’ve been going downhill anyways.  Dont taste the same, now I know why.
2. @ Fairliered.  BBC absolutely cannot be trusted about anything, even the weather.
E.g. I’ve watched, over the years, their style of reporting on various international incidents.  The lies and spin they put on “news” is unbelevable.  People at home would nievely believe it all while those of us actually in the zone on the ground would be going eh?……hang on a minute thats not true……..hold on, they’re making this up folks……..dont listen to them!   Gradually people have come to realise that this IS true, the BBC is a worldwide propaganda machine spewing out its own bilge. BTW the news broadcast to the world is the same reversed – England is wonderful, the rest of GB has little or nothing good about it.  That includes the weather so all the tourists know where to go for their holidays. Honest.

Patrick Roden

Newsnet just reporting that they have recorded another record month, with 93,000 unique visitors in March.
If someone could organise it, I would be up for coming up to Scotland to do a few days leafleting to promote the wings/newsnet/ etc news sites. could you make contact with other site editors/owners Rev to see if this would be something they would be interested in?
we could then do a fundraiser, and buy as many flyers as the funds could pay for.
Then it would be up to us volunteers to get them out there.
Anyone interested/like the idea?

Craig P

In your anti list you could have Aggreko and Rangers, in your pro list Duncans chocolate…
Not sure I would want a boycott list. It is going to be pretty small, most business owners are not going to needlessly alienate customers by coming out with any political opinions. A list of businesses pro- or who explicitly state a neutral stance (saying they can easily do business post Indy) would be a useful, and ever growing, list though. And that list would include not just consumer products but banks and oil companies. 


Consider the bunnet well and truly doffed, sir

Robert Kerr

BBC weather is a tool of subjugation…. look at the perspective emphasising the SE England. Make people in the North feel small and insignificant.
Am I being paranoid? It doesn’t matter if I am, the BSTs are really after you anyway.
I have given up on BBC weather. You can do your own. Access the European Met Sat operation based in Darmstadt. You can run the previous 24 hours of the weather in many places including N. W. Europe. a little movie can show the bad stuff coming in. 
link to
You can also add their precipitation forecast to GoogleEarth which along with the cloud and radar overlays to obtain a good idea of what’s to come.
The shape of things to come…… Hail Alba. 


Craig P says:
3 April, 2013 at 8:12 am

“Not sure I would want a boycott list”.

As well as doubting what impact such an endeavour might have in the limited time available, I was also swithering over the correctness of setting out to damage Scottish business. In the end, I decided that support for the union damages Scotland, no matter what the local employment impacts might be. I still think it would be a useful educational tool though.

@ Robert Kerr
Why else would the proportions of the UK map be so out of perspective, if it wasn’t to make us feel small? We might still be paranoid though. (smiley)

Doug Daniel

Craig P – Yeah, I’m uncomfortable with the idea of a boycott list as well. Fair enough if folk make an individual choice to stop buying products from certain companies who you know donate money to the No campaign, because you don’t like the idea of indirectly funding it; but I think circulating a boycott list is exactly the kind of thing the No campaign would point at and say “look at the Cybernats trying to ruin companies for not agreeing with them! They’ll be running people out of the country next!”
Having said all that, there are people like Maitland Mackie who make it VERY tempting – link to In fact, I would say what he was doing there is actually a legitimate reason to refrain from buying his company’s products, since that’s an example of someone ACTIVELY trying to stop independence.
(On a COMPLETELY unrelated note, I’ve recently been eating Kelly’s Of Cornwall ice cream, after suddenly deciding to stop buying the ice cream I used to eat, and it’s absolutely lovely.)


Congratulations and thank you for your Courage, Honesty and Integrity. I have only find out about this and the other sites in the last few months and you have helped provide me and no doubt countless others with the ammunition to be useful campaigners for Independence. Keep up the good work, upwards and onwards, nearly there now !

Seasick Dave

Yep, no boycotts for me although its interesting to note which companies think it best that their country is run from another country on a restricted budget.


Nope, not a fan of the boycott idea and anyhoo I can make me own ice cream. 🙂


Congratulations, Rev.
 WoS has made a big difference to the independence movement by helping to give it a voice.
I really don’t know where you find the time though.

turnbul drier

Well done Rev. .

Keep up the good fight, you certainly give us all the ammo we need.

The Tree of Liberty

Who would have thought that one site could have the Unionist filling their pampers. Weel done, Cutty Sark.  


No, a boycott list isn’t a good idea – it will just give ‘better together’ something to attack the yes campaign with. 

They’ve already suggested that the SNP have been putting undue pressure on companies to toe the line and not criticise independence – a boycott would just give them fuel for that fire. 
They’d also be able to bring up the line about the Yes Campaign damaging the economy by putting independence first and endangering these companies and people’s jobs by boycotting them. 
And anyway, Scotland isn’t apartheid South Africa – we are a democratic country where people and businesses should be entitled to express their views for or against independence without fear of being boycotted or targeted for doing so. 

Seasick Dave

Nope, not a fan of the boycott idea and anyhoo I can make me own ice cream.
I’ve got the missus making her own bras out of bubble wrap.


Green & Black’s organic vanilla ice cream.
Just saying…

Training Day

Congrats Stu.  This site and your writing is worth immeasurably more than the monies we’ve put in.
On the Sun – Murdoch will wait and see what happens as the referendum approaches.  When it becomes apparent that we are going to win, the Sun’s ‘neutral’ stance will be modified..As Skier says above, Murdoch (unusually) backed a loser in 2007 and he will not do so again.


@Seasick Dave
Ah, the perfect stress reliever.

Ken Mac

Congratulations Rev, keep up the good work.


Green & Black’s organic vanilla ice cream.M/I>

If you’re comfortable with the idea of dairy cattle not being allowed to have medicines they might need, just to tick that pointless “organic” box.

Just saying.


@ ianbrotherhood: the Yes Prestwick meeting last night was well attended, sign up for Yes Scotland and you will receive a weekly e-mail on forthcoming events throughout Scotland.
I dsagree with a published boycott list. it is not a wholesome positive way of doing. A decision to boycott is best left to each individual. 


Someone has put a huge ‘Yes’ banner on the side of what looks like an old barn/shed on the road between Dalry and Kilwinning, just past Dalgarven Mill – looks spanking, an unexpected splash of colour between the trees. It would be good to see more visible support like that – banners, car stickers etc.


Re. A boycott list. I did say I was in two minds. I appreciate that the context of Scotland today and South Africa then, are very different. However, both situations resulted from a democratic deficit. I’m not sure if boycotts are ugly in themselves though, if purely voluntary. It did seem to work in South Africa, or could that have been hype? Anyway, I don’t want to add any sourness to the thread. Only saying.
At least  a relational map identifying any political donations given by businesses and their networks, would be useful.


Mato21, thanks for the welcome, although I’m not Jim!
TriangularEars, you do indeed know me and I know YOU!  I know where you live.  Be afraid 🙂


RL. “It is only within the last fifteen years that gay people have achieved anywhere near normal treatment, yet even now are still subjected to wholly unwarranted abuse, and DISCRIMINATION.”

There are many groups of people and individuals on this planet who suffer discrimination. Shouting does not do you any favours or your cause. It is because of discrimination from the UK that this site exists and the SNP and the whole independence movement. The Gay movement’s track record on shouting and it’s “few years ago” policies towards children’s education is quite hypocritical and nasty.
“We are a revolutionary group of men and women formed with the realization that complete sexual liberation for all people cannot come about unless existing social institutions are abolished. We reject society’s attempt to impose sexual roles and definitions of our nature.”

“Why did I bother to go on with it and run such a dangerous gauntlet? I was then Chairman of the Child and Family Protection Group. I was contacted by parents who strongly objected to their children at school being encouraged into homosexuality and being taught that a normal family with mummy and daddy was outdated.

To add insult to their injury, they were infuriated that it was their money, paid over as council tax, which was being used for this. This all happened after pressure from the Gay Liberation Front. At that time I took the trouble to refer to their manifesto, which clearly stated:

*****”We fight for something more than reform. We must aim for the abolition of the family…*****

That was the motivation for what was going on, and was precisely what Section 28 stopped. … Parents certainly came to me and told me what was going on.

They gave me some of the books with which little children as young as five and six were being taught.

There was The Playbook for Kids about Sex in which brightly coloured pictures of little stick men showed all about homosexuality and how it was done.

That book was for children as young as five.

I should be surprised if anybody supports that.

Another book called The Milkman’s on his Way explicitly described homosexual intercourse and, indeed, glorified it, encouraging youngsters to believe that it was better than any other sexual way of life. ”

Please stop your pious posturing and shouting RL, you do your cause no good what ever. Duncan Hothersall is the epitome of that shouting and shrieking that tuns him in to a figure of ridicule.

The fact that you see it necessary to come on to a public forum and declare your sexuality is typical of what we see so much of on the forums.

I was recently taken to task by one of the Telegraphs resident trolls who in a conversation about the lies on Iraq, claimed that his views were superior to any ones as he had an Iranian wife who had relatives in Iraq.

Who can forget the utter madness that was AM2 on the Scotsman post 2007 who claimed to be an economic migrant from Northern Ireland, who was married to a Catholic whilst he was agnostic and  who was so traumatised by his life there he just could not speak about it. He then morphed in to many other monikers as his sanity slipped ever further and has now appeared on here as Norsewarrior, fresh from the DT.

Then there is the ever present geologists who are at this moment  working on a rig in the Atlantic, and who can assure us there is very little oil there, and any way what there is will be gone in five years.

I myself am an astrophysicist mining for trolls on Mars.

Get over your self and your Gay shouting and posturing RL, it is so 70s. There are much more serious things to be shouting. link to


It would be good to see more visible support like that – banners, car stickers etc.
Have you seen the Yes Scotland car stickers?  They’re almost invisible.  White on clear.  (Though having said that, a friend I gave one to said it has been attracting comment to the point where he came to me looking for another one for someone who’d seen it.)


I haven’t seen one ‘Yes Scotland’ car sticker, perhaps for the reason you suggest. Plenty of standard wee ovoid saltires, ‘Alba’, but maybe I’m just noticing them more than before.


“who claimed to be an economic migrant from Northern Ireland, who was married to a Catholic whilst he was agnostic and  who was so traumatised by his life there he just could not speak about it. He then morphed in to many other monikers as his sanity slipped ever further and has now appeared on here as Norsewarrior, fresh from the DT.”

I thought you claimed the other day that I was Lord Foulkes?! Make up your mind!

In all seriousness hen broon, the rambling incoherent nonsensical post that you’ve just made, along with the vast majority of your other posts, makes clear that you need to seek urgent help.


I haven’t seen one ‘Yes Scotland’ car sticker, perhaps for the reason you suggest. Plenty of standard wee ovoid saltires, ‘Alba’, but maybe I’m just noticing them more than before.
I’ve got a handful I picked up at a Yes Scotland meeting.  They’re plain and white, but the word “YES” does stand out a bit.  The ones the SNP were sending out are fairly useless as the “yes” is in such a curly script you can’t read it and it just looks like a wee saltire thing with some twiddly bits.

Robert Kerr

I think a boycott list is counter-productive and can be used against us.
Better to have a very active “good guys list”. When that is remarked upon in the MSM then some cybergnat can quietly comment that a boycott list is not our style… BUT….
The term cybergnat reminds me of an old SF novel by Eric F Russell called “Wasp”. Worth a read and some thought.


I agree with Norsewarrior. A boycott list is not a good idea. Are our fellow Scots not to be allowed freedom of choice without threat? Is it to be a case of, If you don’t conform to my ideals, I’ll hurt you financially? That’ll change their minds – right?
Small businesses are struggling as it is because of Westminster’s mismanagement of the economy. Why damage Scotland’s economy further and put jobs at risk of employees who may very well be pro independence?  They’ll just love you for that, yes?.
Would anyone who supports a boycott think it fair game if supporters of the Union boycotted businesses where the owners are known to support independence? 


@Morag and ianbrotherhood
After much cajoling from me, Yes Scotland will now send out car stickers in amounts less than the huge batches they originally had them in. I got four for myself and family. They’re very noticeable white on blue and have already caused comment. The Yes website doesn’t mention them for some reason at the moment but drop them a line and they’ll send you as many or as few as you want.


Norsewarrior says: “In all seriousness hen broon, the rambling incoherent nonsensical post that you’ve just made, along with the vast majority of your other posts, makes clear that you need to seek urgent help.”
I never thought Norsewarrior would say anything I could agree with. Such a long off-topic post, complaining about supporters of gay rights ‘shouting’, makes me think of pots and kettles.

Unfortunately, I do not think there is any reliable cure for homophobia.



Forgot to add: I’d prefer to see a campaign to encourage people to buy only Scottish produce (where available), and to use Scottish owned companies as much as possible (regardless of the owners political leanings) in an effort to create Scottish jobs and keep the Scottish economy buoyant.

douglas clark

When on a stroll through Pollockshields the other day I noticed some window stickers with ‘Yes’ on them. It’s the usual thing, you notice one, then you notice a couple more. It is no more than a straw in the wind, but it is a good straw in the wind.
A statistic I haven’t seen mentioned before is that this site has about twice as many unique users as the SNP has members.


Is Hen Broon Gordon Wilson in disguise – deary me. We all have embarrassing members but your comments here are truly cringe worthy and detract from the discussion.  Pipe down, there’s a good chap.


I agree that a boycott list would be conceived as negative but how about the opposite?    A list of companies who are actively in favour of Independence could be started.   As the arrow on the dial moves from No (where it is at the moment) inexorably towards Yes, more and more companies will be keen to be associated with the majority (more customers) and this will help the dial move ever faster. 

Andy Anderson

Congratulations. You are absolutely right. I know as a trade-union representative I, and my family were often made targets for people who did not like the message I was putting out, or the commitment with which I put it. However this news outlet has a message which is one of hope and of benefit to all the people in Scotland and we must continue to put it out irrespective of the threats from an embittered minority.


“Is Hen Broon Gordon Wilson in disguise – deary me”

I get the impression he’s not quite right in the head – his long rambling incoherent posts, and the fact that he seems to think anyone here who disagrees with him is either ‘Lord Foulkes’ or some guy from Northern Ireland certainly suggests that! 

Regardless he’s certainly a revolting homophobe and his views should be condemned by all right-minded individuals.

Jamie Arriere

Again, have to chip in and agree that any kind of boycott is counter-productive and generally damaging to our cause. I want every Scottish business to thrive both before and after the Referendum, irrespective of what the boss thinks of independence. You just need to inform us of any material contribution they make to the debate. We all have our little personal choices we make for our own reasons (I don’t drink Bells since they abandoned the city of their founder), but the Yes Campaign should not want to be supported by ‘bullying’ which seems to be the popular accusation these days.
Well done Rev, keep up the good work, from another recent arrival….

Patrick Roden

I have to ask Hen Broon to think about his post carefully.
This site shouldn’t be a vehicle to attack any group in Scotlands society including the gay community. How can we speak about Scotland becoming an all inclusive socialist nation, except for the gay community ?
If you feel strongly about this issue as you clearly do, then I’m sure their are a number of ways you can campaign to curtail the rights of the gay community. I don’t think this site is the right place though.
I have complained about Norsewarrior as well, but my complaint has been that in attacking the SNP that I am a member of he is causing division in the ranks, so to speak. As you have read in a post by Robert Louis he is gay so please lets not start this divisive nonsense please.
An army divided against itself shall fall.


Rev Stu,
many congrats on yer 1000 th.
As a Scot over here in the Colonies I need truthful information on the political landscape
unfolding in Scotland, which I get from Wings & NNS.
Our wee country is becoming the subject of much conversation over here regarding our
impending Referendum and I’m frequently asks for my personal views and what do I think
the outcome will be in 2014.
The ability to have up to the minute, accurate & verifiable information regarding the
pro-independence argument is critical.
I will not have any influence on the outcome of the vote I’m afraid but I like to think of myself as a Scottish “Ambassador”, paving the way for us post-Indy.
Given the huge Scottish Diaspora here, third largest ethnic grouping after English & French respectively, the good will towards the “Auld Country” is heart warming.
I can no better sum up your efforts than to say “you are an oasis of truth in a desert of lies”.
Mair power tae ye !!!


Call it synchronicity or what you will, but I saw my first ‘Yes’ car sticker yesterday afternoon, not long after seeing your post. It was white lettering on a transparent backing, but really quite small I thought. Will have to be ultra-careful now not to drive too close to other folk. trying to see what they’ve got on their windaes.


“I never thought Norsewarrior would say anything I could agree with. Such a long off-topic post, complaining about supporters of gay rights ‘shouting’, makes me think of pots and kettles.”

When users post  capital letters to say something it is regarded as “shouting.” Which is why I made that particular remark. RLs post uses capital letters.

When users use the homophobic tag it tell me the y do not know what it means but have seen other sling it around and like the look of it and so to be trendy they sling it around, hence devaluing the word. A bit like the racist tag! Scottish Independence supporters know how that feels.

“Homophobia: 1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.2. Behaviour based on such a feeling.”

I neither fear nor have contempt for homosexual people, I work with and have friends who are homosexual, my next door neighbour is a lesbian I have known for years and like very much.

My post was made in response to RLs claims on discrimination against gay people. There is no hate in it. It was of topic, is that not permitted? Or are you a moderator? Are all posts on here “on topic?”

 Indy says:
3 April, 2013 at 2:33 pm

“Is Hen Broon Gordon Wilson in disguise – deary me. We all have embarrassing members but your comments here are truly cringe worthy and detract from the discussion.  Pipe down, there’s a good chap.”

Gordon Wilson is as entitled to his views as I am and any one else who objects to the ambitions of Gay pressure groups as we saw in recent history. Your “Pipe down, there’s a good chap.” remark is typical of the response to any one who would dare to criticise the Gay pressure groups and their ambitions. Shut down dissenting voices, and shout over them. The hate and vilification we saw directed at Brian Souter was but one small example. Gordon Wilson and Brian Souter who between them have done more to advance the cause of Scottish Independence than most. Souters charity work, and than of his sister,  puts many in the shadows.

You will not be piping me down Indy.

Patrick Roden.

” How can we speak about Scotland becoming an all inclusive socialist nation, except for the gay community ?”

That has to be the most ridiculous misrepresentation I have ever seen, and so typical of what I expect to see from the Gay community.


The hypocrisy of the homophobe ‘hen broon’ claiming to support Scottish independence and the rights of the Scottish people while at the same time viciously attacking the rights of homosexuals and the gay community! 

Your comments have no place here, and have correctly been condemned by all right-minded posters – we want Scotland to be an inclusive welcoming tolerant independent country – your vile attacks on gay rights are odious in the extreme.

Adrian B

I have read Hen Broon’s comments over several sites for some time know and believe the comments people are referring to here have been taken out of context.
Enough faux outrage. 

The Man in the Jar

I have had one of the white YES stickers on the left side of my rear window for months. I also have a similar yellow SNP sticker on the right side. No doubt this will cause norsewarior to fly into one of his tedious rants.


I decided to remove the SNP sticker that’s been on my car(s) since 1992 and replace it with the Yes sticker.  My reasoning was that people seeing a Yes sticker on an SNP supporter’s car would mainly think, well, he would say that wouldn’t he.  On the other hand a Yes sticker on a car with no other obvious political alliegance was just an unqualified Yes.

There’s no single approach that should be adopted by everyone though.

Bill McLean

Did the same myself a couple of months ago Morag! More people ask about “YES” than my former “SNP”sticker!

The Man in the Jar

I also have a NTS. “Bannockburn” sticker in the middle. Obviously that is because I celebrate the murder of hundreds of thousand englishmen.  😉

The Man in the Jar

Let us all hope that we never have to display a sticker stating.
“Don’t blame me I voted Yes”


Crikey, don’t even think that, right now!


I’ll be keeping my two fingered ‘up yer kilt’ sticker regardless. 😀
Just kiddin’ 😉


Our local chippie owner, a genuine Italian, has a spanking big off-road beast with a rear sticker saying ‘Sponsored by the Mafia: If you hit me they’ll hit you’.
Not sure if he’d swap it for a wee Yes sticker, but no harm asking. Nicely.


“I also have a similar yellow SNP sticker on the right side. No doubt this will cause norsewarior to fly into one of his tedious rants.”

Why on earth would I ‘rant’ about you having an SNP sticker on your car?! You are perfectly entitled to put whatever stickers you want on any of your property (as long as they aren’t offensive and break the law obviously)! ?

To be honest I always think its a pointless waste of money and paper whenever you see these stickers and posters and placards for parties before elections – is someone really going to be convince to vote Labour for example because they see a random stranger has a Labour poster in their window or a Labour sticker on their car?!


Norsewarrior says:
The hypocrisy of the homophobe ‘hen broon’ claiming to support Scottish independence….
I would like to thank you for this comment, and to say that when you first started posting on this site I was, like some others, inclined to believe that you were a troll. However, on the basis of some of your more recent posts I am prepared to accept that you are what you say you are, a supporter of independence. We may disagree with each other on the best tactics to achieve our goal, but the main thing is to agree on that goal, an independent Scotland.
I would also like to thank others who have made similar comments.
While I accept that other independence supporters may have views which I do not share, on matters such as the monarchy, the EU, NATO etc., I will not be tolerant when someone posts something that reeks of homophobia. And I can assure ‘hen broon’ that I most certainly know what homophobia is, being gay and having grown up at a time when sex between men was still illegal throughout the UK.
If ‘hen broon’ (who I assume is female from her nickname) does indeed have gay friends as she claims, I wonder if she would have the nerve to show her post to those friends and ask them if they think it is homophobic.


“Hen Broon” is a male character in the Broons cartoon strip.  It’s short for Henry.

I find the most rabid homophobic bigots are mostly men, actually.

Norsewarrior is getting so good at this he’s liable to become assimilated before he realises it.


 Adrian B says:
4 April, 2013 at 10:40 am

“I have read Hen Broon’s comments over several sites for some time know and believe the comments people are referring to here have been taken out of context.
Enough faux outrage. ”

At least someone can see the wood from the trees, thanks Adrian.

From the keyboard of Robert Louis.

” bigotted tosh ”


” stupid, pig ignorant nonsense.”

“subjected to wholly unwarranted abuse, and DISCRIMINATION.”

So it seems to attack and abuse me on here is OK, but if you post historical facts as I have, which are in the public domain, some on here feel it is OK for me to be labelled, bigoted, homophobic, stupid, pig ignorant, and using wholly unwarranted abuse. And more.

The abuse heaped on the heads of the Rev, and Souter and others who dare to speak against pressure groups such as the feminist and other trendy metro movements, is evidence of the visceral hatred and name calling that these people are capable of, they are amongst some of the most aggressive and  hysterical users of the internet, and have damaged their cause. As Thatcher damaged feminism. I have neither attacked or abused any one on here. Others have done so, I rest my case.


Scaraben: I appreciate your acceptance of me as an independence supporter, as you say we disagree on the way in which to achieve independence, and presumably on the type of independent Scotland we’d like to see, but we agree on independence. 

As to the odious ‘hen broon’ and his laughable claim to have ‘gay friends’ – that is as see through as the racists who think pretending they’ve got black friends makes it okay for them to go off on rambling incoherent racist rants, of the type ‘hen broon’ indulged in earlier (although his was homophobic rather than racist). 

‘hen broon’ is of course entitled to privately believe in whatever he wants, but his views certainly don’t represent the vast majority of the rest of us in the independence movement who want an independent Scotland to be a tolerant inclusive country for all, regardless of their race, sex, religion or sexual preference. 

I don’t understand how he can claim to believe in the rights of the Scottish people while at the same time viciously attacking the rights of another group of people. 

Patrick Roden

Hen, why on earth do you think I am making a comment from the Gay community?
I am making a comment from the Nationalist Community.
I am not gay, I don’t disagree with your concerns that people are trying to get our children to read sexual propaganda, but I disagree that this site is the place to have this debate.
Your responses to people who do not share your views are angry and devisive, we need to be aware that their are people who will use divisions to great effect.
Just think about it, that’s all I’m asking.

scaredy cat.

On the subject of car stickers and the benefits thereof, perhaps a YES sticker does nothing more than help to normalise a yes vote (assuming people see enough stickers). On the other hand, I think a WoS Car sticker, displaying the web address could  bring more people here. Then they can join the discussions and make up their own mind.
Just a thought.


Patrick Roden, a wee bit sensitive on the subject me thinks. I never said I thought you were making comments from the gay community. I said it is what I expect to hear from the gay community, there is I am sure you will agree a very big difference.
As to topic, are you going to censure every body who is of topic? I think this is a site where we are free to discuss what we feel we have to, other posts discuss various and wide ranging subject all relevant to Scotland. Nothing I have said is dishonest or lies, so take a look at your self. I ask again who has made you a moderator, are you?
WOS is a massive success simply because we can come here and feel free to have a good debate if we want, with out the po faced moderation of other similar sites or the censuring of the BBC or UKOKs.

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