The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

On who to believe

Posted on March 14, 2021 by

Nine days ago Wings told you this:

And you’ll never guess what’s happened.

But of course you could decide not to trust our sources and our judgement, and prefer to trust those of others instead, like this example from exactly four years ago today:

It really is up to you.

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Eileen Carson

Cool! Can I borrow your crystal ball?


link to

If just one quarter of her vote goes to Sarwar, add on half the Tories, he’s a racing certainty.

Jeannie McCrimmon

“Our ‘readers’ react” lol

Dream Brut

I think I broke this to you in the comments to one of your articles end of February!

I said he was on the Wikipedia page for NS constituency!

Albert Herring

“major party leaders” LOL


Correction: it’ll be very close.

Robert Graham

Ok finally sussed it out , the plum who goes by the name of dr Jim is really Nicola Sturgeon it makes sense now the split personality gives herself away , if I remember some labour bod used to do the same type of impersonation in order to join the discussion on another bloggers site .

Have a nice day now eh Nicola wink wink nudge nudge


The person who stood against Sturgeon in 2016 was Fariha Thomas.

Exactly, I had never heard of her either.

I’m sure she’s a fine person who helps run the YCSA in Glasgow Southside. But has 197 followers on Twitter for example, so far from a household name. But she still managed to get 5,694 votes (23%).

Now Sarwar on the other hand, may be an entirely disagreeable fellow but you cannot deny his name resonates far, far deeper than Thomas.

If Scottish Labour can get their heads out of their parochial arse and actually organise a proper, adult campaign, it is quite possible for him to unseat Sturgeon.

After all, apart from her baby box program, what exactly has she achieved in five years that the majority of reasonable people could conclude to have been a success?



How likely is it that Sarwar could defeat Sturgeon? Wouldn’t that be a strange, twisted version of justice if he did?

Sometimes to beat a charlatan you need a charlatan!

Frank Gillougley

The only question is who is the vilest of liars?
– Ther ye go, get yer Scottish Democracy here, two for a pounda!

Dinny Vote SNP

well, that’s the two of them standing on an anti-indy ticket..!!


If this is what it takes to get rid of Sturgeon then so be it. It could also mean pro-women Roza Salih of the SNP getting a seat on the list vote. Win win.

Yes, I know, Sturgeon is second on the list but to stay on as FM if she loses her constituency seat to Sarwar, she might have to force a young refugee from the BAME community to step down. She’s definitely ruthless enough to try but it would cause her serious damage. Bring it on.


Graham @ 1:38

‘After all, apart from her baby box program, what exactly has she achieved in five years that the majority of reasonable people could conclude to have been a success?


Yes. Maintaining the Union. We might not like it, but she has been successful at it. No reasonable person could deny that.


It is a question of whom do you loathe the least ?

On balance – I think Sarwar is slightly less duplicitous.

Sturgeon deserves to lose. And you can bet your bottom dollar that Sarwar has been polling and is certain he has a good chance of winning.

SNP members are furious especially the women.

Who is standing against humza useless and shirley-ann hypocrite ?

Wee Willie

Let’s hope for tactical voting. It would see the witch on her way.

Mark Boyle

To be fair, Anas Sarwar’s candidacy was first declared by an unknown individual on Wikipedia last November (it appears to correspond to a BT line from Glasgow).

link to

But it just about says it all that a blogger in Bath knew more about what was being whispered around Weegieland than professional journalists based in Glasgow, and far from the first time that The Herald/Weegie Times, etc. have been shown not to have a bollocks what’s going on in their own back yard unless it has something to do with Rangers.

(Unless of course it’s Rangers financial troubles, whereupon like Manuel in Fawlty Towers it’s “I a know nothings!”)

Chris Downie

I wonder if she’ll step aside discreetly before the election if the indications are that it’d be too close for comfort?

I know, it’s wishful thinking, but I can’t imagine her ego would tolerate a defeat like that.

Colin Alexander

A pro-indy candidate should also contest the constituency seat to soak up the pro-indy votes,

leaving the supporters of the Hate Crime Act, GRA and gross corruption to vote for Sturgeon.


If Labour throw everything including the kitchen sink at this and with the help of TORIES gaming voters to unseat Sturgeon.
What a scalp that would be. Even if close the PR victory for the Unionists would be huge.
And all I say to Nicola Sturgeon , mr Alexander’s face in Paisley.

Colin Alexander

Any suggestions for someone who is pro-indy that *lives in the Glasgow Southside constituency* who would be willing to challenge Sturgeon?

Michael Laing

@ Graham at 1.38pm: This is it. So many people still seem to think Sturgeon is wonderful and can do no wrong, despite the fact that she has achieved nothing worthy of mention for Scotland, let alone independence. What is it that they think is so great about her?

@ Mike at 1.40pm: Sarwar, I suspect, will have support amongst his local community. It could also be that between now and May, support for the SNP will plummet as awareness grows of how little Sturgeon and the SNP have achieved (and possibly the outcomes of the inquiries), and that will boost his chances. I am absolutely no supporter of Labour or Westminster rule, but I definitely think it’ll be a good thing if we see the back of Sturgeon.

To be honest, I’m surprised that Sturgeon is still in position. She is a shameless embarrassment to Scotland.


What’s the bets this site will be pro-Union soon? It’s certainly heading that way.

Willie Hogg

Colin Alexander

With the likelihood that Anas will take votes from NS its possible that a pro-indi candidate could overtake them both.

Scott Shaw

Its very reminiscent of the choice women had in the US of the Woman hating Trump on one side and hyper-woke Biden on the other. I really feel for them. Frying pan or fire.

Mark Boyle

@Colin Alexander says: 14 March, 2021 at 1:55 pm

“A pro-indy candidate should also contest the constituency seat to soak up the pro-indy votes”

No, no, a thousand times no – you would be getting helmet head’s excuses in for her before the kick off, and you would suffer the backlash forevermore for it.

Don’t be tempted by the prospect of being able to go “ha ha ha” on camera on results night if Sturgeon gets the boot for what could have longer lasting consequences for yourself.

It’s not worth it, and it would be counterproductive. Don’t give Sturgeon the opportunity to become a “martyr” to “("Tractor" - Ed) Nats”.

The best thing for any real Scottish nationalist to do is leave them to destroy each other. Never interrupt your opponents while they’re busy making a fatal mistake.

Sturgeon and Sarwar will pull out every dirty trick in the book to win, the press will have a beanfeast (as will Wings!) as every piece of dirty laundry is hung out to stink, and it will be a pyrrhic victory no matter who the victor with enough mud to have their career in tatters – or their party in tatters if they are dumb enough to keep them on.

I can also guarantee that ludicrous amounts of party resources will be flung at this by both camps to the detriment of all others in order to win it. This will leave the SNP and Labour weak elsewhere, so use that to your advantage. Let it be their Verdun bleeding both equally to death.

This is a win-win incoming, don’t spoil it.


Did someone not mention that Sturgeon is also on the List as well as the Constituency field of candidates.


It seems to me the powers that be might have engineered this pretend face off to offer the fraud a dignifying exit door and to their chosen successor the entry pass?

When you think about that, it is the perfect timing for Sturgeon to pass the baton to the next puppet.

If DRoss does not go for the same seat as Robertson, then we will know for sure Robertson is London’s puppet.

Unseating Sturgeon, Swinney, Humza and Robertson simultaneously never sounded more appealing.

What happens if Sturgeon is ejected from the seat according to the powers that be plan but Robertson fails to get the seat by his own means? Should we expect an extraordinary influx of postal votes over the counting weekend or an unprecedented number of votes from deceased people sending their votes from their graves?

Delaying the counting of the votes until the weekend comes across as incredibly suspicious. Who is looking after the ballot boxes until they are counted? The crown agents?

Mark Boyle

(“Tractor” – Ed) – LOL! Saw what happened there. I take it that’s because the cost of using THAT word would be too John Deere?

(Gets coat)


I think Sturgeon/Murrell would be quite relieved to hand over the party to the tender care of Robertson/Dempsie & exit stage right for a David Miliband-esque role in the New World Order to cash in

Douglas MacMillan

The plot thickens…

Here is what I currently think is the best strategy for people who priorities Independence:

1. Vote SNP on constituency
2. Except Nicola Sturgeons and Angus Robertson’s constituencies where you should actively campaign for nearest rival)
3. Vote for ISP or AFI on the list.

Desired outcome:

SNP Minority but form government with independence party (ISP or AFI)

Greens destroyed (for now)

NS and AR out and the SNP can rebuild with new independence minded leader for Indy REF asap.


“Sturgeon and Sarwar will pull out every dirty trick in the book to win”

Sturgeon and Sarwar will pull out every dirty trick in the book TO PRETEND they want to win.

These two appear to be very much in the same pro-union team. Sturgeon’s SNP is more Blairite than New Labour. I am convinced the powers that be have already decided who of the two will win the seat.


“Except Nicola Sturgeons and Angus Robertson’s constituencies”

Don’t forget Swinney’s and Yousaf’s.


The Glasgow Southside election is going to be, as Alex Salmond would say, a brammer.



go see the piece with the fancy sports car pic.

NS could be in real bother.

But wouldn’t put it past some desperate shenanigans from her – maybe self ID as BAME with a hidden disability.


@ aldo @ 2.10
Here you go mate
link to


Just make sure to vote before 6 p.m. …if you are a man, that is.

You won’t want to break the curfew, after all.

Down with the National Scotialists in the SNP!


“Special Historic Edition”.

That will be next month’s headline then…

Robert Graham

You ain’t following very closely are you ? .this site has always been supportive of independence if you had bothered to keep up you will see almost every single contributor has at one time either been a member of the SNP or supported their prime objective Independence , it’s really not that difficult to follow .

This version of the SNP are way off track most people here are pretty clear they always have been clear it’s not a hard script , most people see certain things have to be in place to make this emerging national function the day after we break politically from Westminster ,

People are getting a bit fed up of Jam tomorrow , it’s just round the corner,almost there,just one more push , the calls to arms are endless and pretty fkn annoying now .

So refugees from over the rainbow, and you know who you are because this site really gets you annoyed , how do I know because you lot keep referring to it in your sweetie wife’s comments amongst yourselves , you lot would be lost if you had your way and had this site shut down where would you get your news ? Oh the National aye ok the uncritical supporter of this SNP .

Mark Boyle

Mia … really?


Rev Stu. I love your humour & the way you call up people who say daft things. Keep being you, You’re a delight to sane Scottish thinking people the world over. xxx

The Oui Coupar

I think Mike Russell will have to be un-presidented too. Whatever the past glories, his current arrogance and insincerity does not serve the cause.

Jason Smoothpiece

Dislike Sturgeon due to all the shit she has been involved in and her reluctance to go for independence.

Sarwar is of course double dodgy and I think due to the recent outrageous conduct of the SNP we are all in danger of forgetting just how bad the English Labour Party in Scotland is.

Bad as the SNP are I cannot wish Labour or Tory government on the people of Scotland.

We are in sad and difficult times regarding our politics.

Josef Ó Luain

Anyone who knows Sturgeon’s constituency might well look around and ask what-the-hell she’s been doing for her constituents these past few years.

Dave Beveridge

A choice between Sturgeon and Sarwar will be like, “Do I want that tarantula to lay its eggs in my nostril or my arse crack?”

Lenny Hartley

Dave Beveridge Lol

Frank Gillougley

With relevance to a few threads ago about political timing and also this thread, I may be naive but I really really don’t believe that Scottish political parties are either capable of engineering or designing or machiavellian-like arranging the outcome of an election so that it favours them whatever their objectives. There are just too many fickle variables, never mind them being capable of throwing a fight as they positively HATE one another for that AND maybe more obviously, they are just too DUMB.

Like a few others have said, the last time I believed that this was the paranoid way the world worked, I too was on drugs.


Nope! Sorry!

No matter how angry I am with Sturgeon I couldn’t vote Sarwar along with LibDems and Tories. When you start that game leave me out.

No matter what happens over the next 8 weeks I will not be giving ANY Unionist a vote.

Anyway the Woke in first place on the list is the back up for this eventuality too?

I know Sturgeon would do worse to game a vote but the Scotland I want to see is better than that.

Glasgow racer

I’m not saying I’ve been telling you all to vote for SCOTTISH LABOUR in Glasgow Southside for a while now,,,but I really have been telling you to vote SCOTTISH LABOUR in Glasgow Southside for a while now.

What say you Scots Renewables?

This will end the Tyranny of the Murrells.

And get us back on the road to Independence.

This happens all the time on this site. As soon as somebody mentions an alternative opinion to the status quo, you get immediately labelled a Yoon, a 77th, or some other shite, by the likes of dicks like Scots Renewables or that other roaster Brian doon toon.



Glasgow racer

The SNP and the Scottish Queens think they have got us all done up like kippers.

They have the next five years all planned.

And the words “Independence” and “Referendum” are not included in these plans.

And Sturgeon and Harvie think we are that thick that we won’t even notice.

These two Parties must be voted out of Scottish Politics.

It’s a sad state of affairs, but we must cleanse Scotland of these self serving weirdos.


‘Don’t’ vote SNP ever’

We see you Glasgow Liar, Anas Sarwar’s special envoy to Wings.

Why would we vote for someone who is at least as big a liar as Sturgeon, who is implacably opposed to independence? How exactly is that an honourable thing for any independence supporter to suggest?

Most people on here have already told you to go and raffle yourself. You can send the ticket money to Slab HQ.


@glasgow racer

Labour will NEVER get my vote. They make Sturgeon appear honest.


Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the SNP got a majority minus Sturgeon.

Glasgow racer

If you want five more years of Sturgeon and her “None-Independence”, weirdo, Trans policies, then vote for Sturgeon in Glasgow Southside.

If not, then a grand coalition of all Party’s and none can come together to vote this witch out of Scottish Politics,,,for good.

Nally Anders

Dave Beveridge @2.53
Got it in one mate.


@ Betsy at 3:33 pm

That would be superb


5 more years of NS or 5 more mins of you.

Jeez that is a toughie right enough!


There can be only one!

Things just got interesting. SLAB must be super confident of defeating her. Polling must be surprisingly higher than expected. This is politics at it’s finest, new young leader taking on a tired old enemy thats damaged.

This will be attractive to voters, something new (even if they have short memories since 2014)


Has Mr Sarwar ever clearly and factually explained why he finds Scottish independence unacceptable? Indeed has any Unionist every done so without recourse to sentimentality and schmaltzy Brit patriotism?
Given his origins Mr Sarwar may perhaps have « identity issues ».


We will never see independence under Sturgeon’s corrupt SNP until such time as she and her cronies in the SNP, SG, COPFS, Civil Service and pet Media are gone. Not much hope of that happening any time soon. If you support Scottish Independence the current SNP are Public Enemy No.1. Vote them out of office. Vote for whoever has the best chance of beating them. We need to start again, the next 5 years or more are gone thanks to Sturgeon and a new pro independence party will rise to take over from the corrupt sham of the SNP.

It has to be NO VOTES SNP for the forseeable future, possibly for good. What kind of idiot votes to be constantly lied to, have their aspirations betrayed, have their personal freedoms attacked, have their donations stolen, and have the people they look up to stitched up by lies, deceit and outright corruption. Vote for the SNP? I don’t think so. I may be an ex member and a long time supporter of independence but I am not stupid.

I almost forgot – vote ISP or equivalent on the list.

Glasgow racer

Sarwar is going to get a seat no matter what.,,so why not at the expense of Sturgeon?

Govanhill, Polloksheilds and surrounding areas have about 70% Asian constituents, so Sarwar has a genuine chance, as long as he takes Tory, Libdem and pissed off Indy voters with him.

Go on, bite the bullet and vote Scottish Labour,,, just this once.

God will understand.

Liz g

Here’s a thought though.. just in case things weren’t twisted enough…
What if the utter distaste and contempt for Sarwar actually motivates Nicola Sturgeons voters who weren’t going to bother voting to turn out for her ?


Liz g @ 3.28 pm

Good point, but lets hope that dislike of Sturgeon motivates enough people to vote against her. As Glasgow Racer said, Sarwar will have a seat in Holyrood whatever happens. What we need is a bloody nose for Sturgeon.

Bob Mack

Is Sarwar an improvement on Sturgeon ? I have grave doubts.

How can you say I’m not voting for one corrupt politician, but excuse yourself to vote for another?


Glasgow racer

ABS,,, Anybody But Sturgeon.

Oh what joy, can you imagine the feeling of euphoria if Sturgeon lost her seat on the 6th of May 2021???

“Pay back time” wouldn’t even begin to describe it.


Nicola Sturgeon perverted justice to try and jail an innocent man
She lied to parliament.
She destroyed evidence and refused to comply with a search warrant.
She committed perjury live on TV in the salmond inquiry.
She lied to all of us when she said indyref2 was just over the next hill.
She was threatened with being struck off as a solicitor for abandoning a victim of domestic violence.
She’s disappeared countless millions through corruption.
She’s destroyed our legal system.
She’s turned women into second class citizens.
She’s destroyed Scotland’s reputation.
She’s taken away our right to freedom of speech,
She’s the most corrupt and criminally dishonest politician this country has ever produced.
I could go on and on but you get the point…

But aye, it’s alright troops she’ll change when we vote her back in, it’s just a wee bump in the road. Trust Nicola she’ll never lie again, aye she didnae mean to lie, aye it was an accident that she tried to send Alex Salmond to die in prison.

The fact that the sturgeonite trolls are doing their best to defend the indefensible shows just how worried the sturgeon cabal are about her being booted out of politics, mind I reckon if I was her I’d be even more worried about getting 10 years in jail when the truth comes out. Maybe you lot can write to her in cornton vale? Maybe even go visit her?

Meanwhile as she rots in jail and you lot cry yersels to sleep at night the rest of us will get our country back and undo the damage she has done,

Glasgow racer

A lot of you seem to be missing the point, big time.

This isn’t about Sarwar, this isn’t about Scottish Labour.




Oooh squeaky bum time with for oor Nikla being only second on the Glasgow list. But then it’s 1 of 5 BAME topped seats so they can alway parachute her to the top without too much shame by saying BAME was over represented.

Patrick Roden

I can’t believe I’m saying this but here goes:

If they were both standing for seats in Dundee, I’d vote for Sarwar!

And SNP beware, if someone who voted SNP when it seemed like a wasted vote is saying that they would vote for a party they have despised for years, rather than vote for the present SNP, you might just be in for a big shock on election night.

Patrick Roden

Colin Alexander says:

Any suggestions for someone who is pro-indy that *lives in the Glasgow Southside constituency* who would be willing to challenge Sturgeon?

Maybe a wee crowd funder on Wings to get Big Eck to stand?


“Special historic edition”.

Brilliant. Laugh out loud funny.


With such a high number of fellow Muslims in
that constituency and the finance Sarwar has
plus support of all Unionist Parties and U.K. media
there is every chance of a Jo Swinson- Out on your ear moment.

Sarwar May insist he has been instructed not to stand in that constituency
by the Party as the Labour Leader must win his seat.

Dugdale managed it although she said she would take a seat by the back door
but it is an embarrassment to be rejected by your own community in your own
constituency yet pretending that the country wants you as its next leader.

Labour who did nothing to stop Blair’s Iraqi war, who stole 6,000 square miles
of Scotland’s Maritime waters for England, who didn’t know if the Bedroom tax on
the disabled was bad, who signed up the absurd multi billion pound PPI schools
that were dangerous, who made a disaster of the Holyrood build and the Edinburgh Trams.

How can you vote for a party that abstains on everything for fear of getting it wrong.
Dim Jim, Dippy Dugdale, That Dick Leonard leaders???


Sturgeon’s name being on the List for Glasgow is completely irrelevant, if she requires it, that means she has lost her own seat and the party has lost enough to have to take two from the List. If that’s the case, she won’t be leader and she won’t be an MSP for much longer after that. FWIW I think she has a real fight on her hands, Sarwar will attract a tactical vote just by virtue of being a familiar name, it’s obviously fertile territory, and people, those pesky people that vote, they do love an upset…


Three elections back Nicola Sturgeon through a 12% swing took the seat that was then Glasgow Goven by narrowly slipping past Gordon Jackson with 41% compared to 39%.

Since then in the next two elections Nicola Surgeon gained first another 5% and then another 14%. But that increase is no longer guaranteed. Sturgeon is anything as popular as she thinks. People increasingly find her toxic.

Toxic on independence, toxic on trans and other GRA such issues, and generally increasingly out of touch. Woman in particular feel let down and unsafe and it is all reflecting in a groundswell against her.

Her party is in chaos with over half the members having left and the other half remaing either at war or disengaged.

Glasgow Southside could be the biggest election upset since the re-establishment of the Scottish Parliament. But she knows it – because why else would she be the second choice on the regional lifeboat list.

Me, I’m going to see if I can get odds on the First Minister losing her seat.

Glasgow racer

Shocked 4.19pm.

Excellent Post.

A, “must read” by all.

Glasgow racer

Effigy 4.42pm.


Hope that explains it a bit better for you.

Or are you just pretending to be thick?


Glasgow Liar,

We are not thick.

We see you.

James Barr Gardner

Four years further on, no I don’t think so, someone has not been fighting for Scotland and the generations of Scots to come !

The average from 2014 to 2019 is approx 57,000 per year, for 2020 was 64,000, 2021 is likely to be at least 64,000. So total deaths from 2014 to 2022 will be approx 500,000+ !

The No Majority was 400,000, since 2014 there are now over 400,000 additional new young voters added to the electoral role !

5 mandates ! How many do you need FFS !

Tory Austerity 2010 to 2019 caused 120,000 needless deaths!

Brexshit shambles !

Covid corruption !

Pissed off Pensioners ! Worst Old Age Pension in Europe !

Pissed off WASPI Women ! Westminster totally deaf to them !

Pissed off 200,000 EU citizens ! They were lied to in 2014 !

The worst PM in the history of the Uk ! Excess deaths !!!

The most corrupt Uk government ever ! PPE contracts !!!

Why so many opportunities missed ?????? who missed them ???

WTF are the People of Scotland NOT getting a Referendum this year !

Wake up People of Scotland !!!!!!!!! You are being conned into being a permanently devolved region of England.

Those who called it for what it is are now being targeted for telling the REAL TRUTH !

Glasgow racer

Yes of course Scots Renewables, you see me.

And I see you.

You are only using this site to advertise some shite commercial site you have of your own.

You are Piggy Backing on the back of Wings Over Scotland.

And if I were the Rev, I would kick you to fuck off my website.

To attract attention to your site you come up with faux arguments.

Please ignore this parasite Bastard.

He probably isn’t even Scottish, and probably doesn’t even stay in Scotland.

He has seen how many visitors Wings Over Scotland gets and said to himself That’ll do for me”.

I’m sure you must be breaking some kind of law Scots Renewables.

No wonder you are a fan of Sturgeon,,,the two of you are a pair of Crooks.

Not get off this site and let us get on with the job of fighting for SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE.


Just what to believe…
SNP, a socially liberal party which currently restricts citizens basis freedoms.
In that it is not unique but I am certain that Scotland could do better than merely follow a passing, if toxic, trend.
Much prefer a party of sceptics, cynics and  »prove it ».
More in touch with humanity.


Difficult to tell if ‘Glasgow racer’ is or isn’t campaigning for Anas Sarwar.

For most of us it doesn’t matter because we won’t have to make the decision between Sturgeon, Sarwar or any of the other candidates standing in that constituency.


Hmm… This could get interesting.

I had a quick look at the Glasgow electoral region results from 2016.

link to

In 2016, SLab ran a relative noname candidate in Glasgow Southside against Nicola Sturgeon, the noname still got 23% of the FPTP vote. Anas Sarwar, as loathsome as he is, is a better known name, and as the new branch manager, will get all the party and media help possible. So it’s not unlikely he might increase the SLab vote share by that alone.

Add to that disgruntled indy supporters, who feel betrayed by Nicola Sturgeon and the New SNP, so won’t vote for her. Either spoil the ballot or even vote tactically for Anas Sarwar to get rid of her.

Add to that Tory and LibDem voters smelling blood and some might tactically vote SLab.

It seems unlikely but possible that Anas Sarwar could defeat Nicola Sturgeon in the constituency seat.

Could Nicola Sturgeon still get in on the list?

This is where it gets complicated, so many moving parts. The number of FPTP seats the SNP win affects the divisor applied to their list vote. The more FPTP seats the SNP win, the higher the divisor = the less list seats.

In 2016, the SNP won all the nine constituency (FPTP) seats and 111,101 (44.8%) of the list vote got them 0 (zero) of the seven additional member (list) seats – as is right and proper in a (sort of) proportional representation system.

Now, imagine a situation in which the SNP gain so many FPTP seats in the Glasgow electoral region that their divisor is so high that they gain no list seats (as in 2016) or only one. This year, Nicola Sturgeon is not top of the SNP list, she’s second. (Because of the new SNP policy of placing BAME/disabled candidates on top of the list.)

It is unlikely but possible that Nicola Sturgeon could end up with no seat in Holyrood. First, if Anas Sarwar defeats her in the constituency vote (very unlikely but not impossible), and secondly, if enough enough SNP candidates are returned on the constituency vote (vote SNP 1) to make the list vote divisor high, but not enough voters vote SNP on the list (SNP 2), opting for ISP or AFI or whatever.

Not living in Scotland and being able to influence the vote in any way, this electoral mathematics speculation is little more than an academic exercise for me. But I feel for you all indy-supporting Scots, being put into this awful situation. Put between tree and bark, as we say in Finland.

Can’t let the unionist parties get control of Holyrood, but having to vote for the corrupt, lying, incompetent, woke New SNP government that doesn’t seem all that interested in driving independence seems almost as bad.

Every vote for the SNP will be seen by Nicola Sturgeon as endorsing her and the policies she’s been driving (HCA, GRA, redefining women in the Representation of women in public bodies act (or whatever it’s called – the one that decrees at least 40-60 representation of women in boards of public bodies. Only, women are defined as anybody who says they’re one.)).

Independence barely registers on her radar, except when it’s trotted out right before elections to win votes.

What an awful situation for supporters of Scottish independence!

Glasgow racer

Ruby 5.19

I am campaigning for Sarwar.

Not out of any love for him or his Party,,,but because he has a genuine chance of taking the seat off Nicola Sturgeon.

Why is that so hard to comprehend???

I’m just your average mad mental Indy supporter who has been on the campaign trail since 2012.

A Person

I was a bit sceptical about this idea in the abstract but now that Sarwar has declared his candidacy I am assuming he has done his research and thinks he stands a fair chance of winning. If I was gambling man I’d be tempted to back him. Sturgeon may have won comfortably in 2016 but that was on a low turnout and I think we can safely assume that most Liberals and virtually all Tories will get behind Sarwar. I will admit to knowing him professionally, he is a likeable guy in my view and I think he would be a good campaigner.

I have been pro-independence and an SNP supporter since the 1980s but would happily vote for him to get Sturgeon out, as I think she is turning our beloved country into a dictatorship, sorry if that offends anyone, the SNP do not own my vote, I’m not a tribal person and needs must.

Like Willie I simply cannot believe that Sturgeon is as popular as we are told she is, in my work today my colleagues started sounding off on her, these are all normal working-class Glaswegians. I think she has believed her own hype and is surrounded by sycophants who want to stay on the gravy train.

Extremists like Bardell and Harvie have been losing elections across the Western world for years, there is no reason why Scotland should be the only place in the world where they are popular.

Glasgow racer

I detest Sturgeon with a passion.

Maybe it comes across a little too enthusiastically in my posts,,,but the thought that we could be nearing a “Sturgeon end game” might be too much even for me to contain.


Ruby says: at 5:19 pm

For most of us it doesn’t matter because we won’t have to make the decision between Sturgeon, Sarwar or any of the other candidates standing in that constituency.

Aye, but folk in many if not all other constituencies have a similar quandary to think about and consider how or if they casts their votes.
There are all the MSPs that voted through the un-mandated HCB, or those that are involved in the processes and subject matter of the current Holyrood Inquiry.

We’re all different individuals and will have our own red lines on what we deem to be an acceptable level of conduct of those we choose and pay to represent us.


In the words of famous Scottish Folkie and Philosopher Mahatma Ginndhi, “Moanin nivir did nae good, so stoap yir moanin”

Eff’n well dae sumphin!! Thae goat rid eh the wickit witch in thon pichur wi away the SNP membirs in it….didnae thae?
The wickit witch, the Straw Man The Tin man evin the wee feartie lion!!


Glasgow Liar, what commercial site do I run and how exactly am I advertising it?

I do still have a site live which uses a similar domain name, but the domain is set to expire and the site doesn’t make a penny. I have never linked to it on here or mentioned it.

Why should I be banned from Wings? So you can continue your blatant campaign as Anas Sarwar’s election agent?

Your sort – bullying, hectoring, threatening and duplicitous – are the ones that give Wings a bad name. You may or may not be a Yoon troll, but you are certainly helping to lower the tone.

Stu is a generous soul at heart, the only thing he doesn’t take kindly to is criticism of how he runs the site. Which is what you seem to be offering, with your suggestion of who he bans.

Search Anas Sarwar on this site. He is an even more pernicious boil on the arse of Scottish politics than Sturgeon. No believer in Scottish independence is going to vote for him, go and peddle your shite elsewhere.

Glasgow racer

This process can be repeated in other areas of Scotland.


These are three other prime targets.


Oh yeah,

What sort of law am I breaking, Glasgow Liar?

Don’t make accusations you can’t back up, son.

Anton Decadent

One of the reasons that Nicola Sturgeons constituency of Govanhill achieved slum status was a chunk of what had been its city housing stock switching ownership to a group of Pakistani slum landlords who had contacts within the Scottish Labour Party without the properties ever going on public sale. How this happened has never been revealed because no one has the guts to look into it as it would probably cost them their career if they worked for local government or the MSM.

Fifteen and more people are being housed in two bedroom flats in the area, I went to college with someone who was one of the tenants and they described a hot bed system of the type described by George Orwell in The Road To Wigan Pier, when the night shifts came in they got into the beds vacated by people getting up for day shifts. As well as that there are families of fifteen in two bedroom flats in the area. I’m sure Sarwar would sort this right out but then again a lot of the aforementioned slum landlords live in Pollokshields.


Glasgow racer says:
14 March, 2021 at 5:50 pm
This process can be repeated in other areas of Scotland.


These are three other prime targets.

Russell isn’t standing.

Oh dear.



Looking forward to you providing evidence of Sarwar trying to jail his supposed closest friend for life and not only that but during the investigation playing possum to try and set said former friend up even more… see that’s the thing about this. Not only did sturgeon try to set Alex Salmond up to die in prison but she lied to his face and pretended to have his back to lull him into a false sense of security when she was behind the whole thing from the start. That’s a whole different level of twisted evil vindictiveness, only a raving psychopath like Sturgeon would try something as low down and dirty as that..

So anyway the floor is yours… which of his friends has Sarwar tried to jail?


I will never vote for a unionist party. Any unionist party, including the SNP, who under the murrels have become a unionist party.


@craig Murray…. if you are standing on the Lothian list sir, I will vote for you and be proud to campaign for you!
I too can no longer support the SNP.

Carol Neill

O dear , I watch and I read , seems to be an awful lot of bitch fighting/ back stabbing here as we get closer to may
I’ll shut up now 🙂


Glasgow racer.

I find it hard as your vote is a vote for the Union
a vote against independence
A vote against being European operating in the worlds biggest trading market.

It’s a vote for a party who are helpless to stop the Tories
a party unable to question Tory Corruption and incompetence
a party of the Abstention a party against Scottish democracy.

That’s where you are.

Carol Neill

Oo I got a smiley



Sturgeon will get in on the list anyway. And I will shed no tears if she loses the FPTP contest.

You vote for whoever you want, but to me the idea of any true independence supporter voting for Sarwar is incomprehensible, whatever the circumstances.

Do you have a vote in Glasgow Southside, out of interest.



Answer the question.


I would not even see it as a vote for Sarwar, I’d see it as a vote against Sturgeon. Sarwar is just being used in a ‘queen exchange’ where Sturgeon gets taken first and him second.

If Sarwar does beat Sturgeon it will be (in significant part) due to tactical voting which will of course immediately reverse once Sturgeon is gone and we have a decent independence candidate to vote for again.

Sarwar’s majority will evaporate because it was not truly a vote for him but a vote to remove Sturgeon from office.

I absolutely can’t stand Sarwar but I’d be voting for him if I was in that constituency. I sure as fuck would not be voting for Sturgeon so why not put the vote to good use and actually remove her.

Colin Alexander

Patrick Roden

I would like to see Alex Salmond contest a seat in his local area of Aberdeenshire.

Likewise, I would prefer to see someone like Gordon Dangerfield or Tommy Sheridan stand against Sturgeon and Sarwar as they have closer links to the Glasgow area and are high profile names.


I’d like to think that any Glasgow Southside voters who wanted to give Sturgeon a message voted Green rather than abstain.

I know, I know, but the Greens won’t get in. However at least that will at least show up as a vote for an independence party than an increase in Unionist support.


Exactly Mac.

The only way “new SNP” will be defeated is by cutting the head off the snake and that means Sturgeon has to go. This is an issue for everyone in this country because if she gets through the election she will be “new SNP” leader.

Change will not happen until her and the rest of her cabal go, so that means from hubby through Yousaf to Robertson etc etc, they all need gone.

If the current party hadn’t been so hollowed out and filled with nobodies she would have been told to resign as she was affecting the party (like the tories did to even Margaret Thatcher of all people) and we’d have a new team in place. That isn’t going to happen… and neither it seems are the courts going to do anything who let sturgeon break the law with impunity and do nothing… so now it is down to us voters, the sovereign people of Scotland to take matters into our own hands.

Scot renewables and the other sturgeonites can either get with the program or prepare to be ejected from the party when we rebuild it.

Ps. Still no answer from them.


Dan says:
14 March, 2021 at 5:42 pm
Ruby says: at 5:19 pm

“For most of us it doesn’t matter because we won’t have to make the decision between Sturgeon, Sarwar or any of the other candidates standing in that constituency.”

Aye, but folk in many if not all other constituencies have a similar quandary to think about and consider how or if they casts their votes.
There are all the MSPs that voted through the un-mandated HCB, or those that are involved in the processes and subject matter of the current Holyrood Inquiry.

We’re all different individuals and will have our own red lines on what we deem to be an acceptable level of conduct of those we choose and pay to represent us.


Why did you edit my post? That’s a bit naughty.

What I said was

“Difficult to tell if ‘Glasgow racer’ is or isn’t campaigning for Anas Sarwar.

For most of us it doesn’t matter because we won’t have to make the decision between Sturgeon, Sarwar or any of the other candidates standing in that constituency.”

You say “Aye, but folk in many if not all other constituencies have a similar quandary”

Is their quandary whether or not ‘Glasgow Racer’ is a fully paid up member of the Labour Party & is campaigning for Sarwar?

Mr Bonobo

There has to be another independence party that does not stand for the wokery, miserablism and fuel poverty that the Greens are so keen on.

Trans gammon

What a good job it was that millions were very recently announced for slum improvement in Govanhill, eh? That area’s condition had long since become a stick to beat the Dear Leader with, and I’m sure the timing of the announcement so close to the election was purely coincidental. Sarwar’s name pull among the Asian community will be significant, and the SNP will never get 2 on the List there if enough independence supporters do the right thing and choose the ISP.


James Barr Gardner says:

Have you inherited
Effigy says: role?

Alice Timmons

And so we set the scene for Nicla’s resignation followed by her exciting new job somewhere on the international scene….

Glasgow racer


I see you’re not a fan then.

That’s ok hen.

I was also a member of the snp up until the Sturgeon speech last January.

Been on her case ever since.


Glasgow racer says:
14 March, 2021 at 6:28 pm

I see you’re not a fan then.

That’s ok hen.

I was also a member of the snp up until the Sturgeon speech last January.

Been on her case ever since.

Just sayin’ it’s very difficult to distinguish between a Unionist campaigning for Anas Sarwar & and an independence supporter looking to get rid of Sturgeon.

What was her speech last January?

I haven’t been a fan of Nicola Sturgeon since she fired Mark MacDonald for sending a text. All you SNP members seemed to think that was OK.

PS Who are you recommending people vote for in Edinburgh Central?


@ Ruby at 6.19pm

Soz, t’wasn’t my intention if you feel I have misrepresented what you said by clipping first line. 🙂
I was merely trying to promote the aspect into discussion that there is more than one constituency that could have similar approaches applied to them, not just the Sarwar / Sturgeon constituency that this article is focusing on.


Queer Theory explains a lot. The theory that categories, words and definitions don’t exist and freedom from power comes not from fighting against the oppressor but by removing labels. Remind anyone of Charles Manson? It is feelings which define the world not objective reality. Reality is subjective not objective.
This explains why Nicola Sturgeon can lie so easily for 8 hours with no apparent shame and is continually making herself the ‘haunted’ victim. Is she the high priestess of QT in Scotland for whom truth and lies have no distinction and where feelings are god? It would explain a lot.
I don’t know what has happened to society that the majority fall for her pity-me play. But there again sociopaths use their strategies because they work. If they didn’t they would find new ones.
But after stumbling on this theory of feelings v reality i see it is common in the SNP. I had a few e-mail exchanges with Mike Russell about HGB and it was similar, there was not one sentence which wasn’t about feelings. With him anyone who disagreed with HCB was either ‘a bitter old man’ who he used to ‘respect’ or simply ‘wrong’ and pro HCB was ‘dignified’. Not one word contained an objective fact only subjective feelings. None of my questions or points were addressed.
Same for Jenni Minto, i printed it out on another post so won’t paste it again, absolutely nothing of substance. Just wishy washy feelings.
The weird thing is that this madness only works one way. For some reason trans peoples feeling are protected by hate crime but the feelings of women are worthless. Does anyone else know why one group’s feelings are of value and the other’s are valueless. Seems like this feeling thing is just a weapon used to overpower and subjugate.


@ BLMac at 6.17

Are the Greens standing in Glasgow Southside?

They have expressed an intention to field a record number of constituency candidates, but not said they’ll stand in all of them. They’re not (so far) listed in Wikipedia’s table for that constituency.

Incidentally, I’ve yet to see any calculations re the likelihood of an SNP majority that consider the potential effect of lots of Greens; maybe everyone assumes they’ll lose all their deposits the way they usually do!

Nevertheless, it’s usually pointed out that the SNP constituency percentage is inflated by all the Green supporters “lending” their votes in the absence of a Green candidate – one reason why the SNP do less well on the list, where all the “lenders” can back the parties they really favour. Edinburgh Central in 2016 was an example of what can happen when a Green is standing.


Dan says:
14 March, 2021 at 6:45 pm
@ Ruby at 6.19pm

Soz, t’wasn’t my intention if you feel I have misrepresented what you said by clipping first line. 🙂


Not to worry! I may have had a ‘snowflake’ moment.



@Mr Bonobo
Aye, but I’m talking about the constituency seat, not the list.
I couldn’t think of any other circumstance I’d vote the the current mob in the Greens.

Jason Smoothpiece

Glasgow racer

I note you repeatedly use the term Scottish Labour.

Who is this Scottish Labour you speak of?

Do you refer to English Labour based in Scotland, the same crew which cheered when Tories took a seat off SNP.

The same crew which shared the No campaign with the Tories?

The same crew which happily share power with Tories in certain areas.

The same crew who are wholly anti Scottish independence.

The SNP are currently a disgrace but do not fool yourself in supporting Labour they are not our friends.

Gordon McAuslane

Scotland V England at Murrayfield. With 5 minutes to go, Scotland is leading 25-20 and have a line-out 8 metres from the England try line. They win the ball. The ball goes Scrum half, Stand off, Inside Centre who, butter-fingers, knocks it on into the English outside centre’s hands. He sprints through the gap, runs the whole length of the pitch to score between the posts at the other end. 7 points. Scotland kick off and the ball is fielded by the England Wing who sees the red time showing on the clock and boots it into touch and out of play. 25-27. England win again.
The crowd had seen Scotland lose too many times and drift off, vowing never to support the team of losers again. The Scottish Inside Centre had elected to be out of the the squad for a while but was given another chance.
Scots team – losers. Scotland, a country of losers, now with few supporters.


I have to give real respect to Wings and his website, he has drawn in the creme de la creme of the troll brigade. Apart from the blatantly stupid, I’m struggling to pick out their top generals.

Tinto Chiel

Ruby asked @6.36: “What was her speech last January?”

This was the much-awaited speech which Sturgeonistas here, mostly long departed to The Other Place, assured us was her cunning, multi-gamed plan to outflank Bojo but was in fact an abject surrender, when she said she would not be pursuing any “wildcat” referendums but would being going down the “gold standard” Section 30 path aka the DEAD-END to dusty death.

This was on the same day Swinney and Baffie Pete were photographed partying with the Perthshire bird-and-game-blasting gentry in the deli in Dunkeld (the stuff in the Co up the road is better and cheaper, imho, but I am scum).

Mark Boyle


“Are the Greens standing in Glasgow Southside? They have expressed an intention to field a record number of constituency candidates, but not said they’ll stand in all of them. They’re not (so far) listed in Wikipedia’s table for that constituency.”

The Greens will try to stand in every constituency seat that is financially possible (ie. have at least the funds to take advantage of the free leaflet drop) and has an active branch, for much the same reason the Lib Dems will – credibility.

If you stand in at least one constituency seat as well as the list, you increase your chances of people taking you seriously enough to decide to give you their list vote if they like you enough (or feel sorry for you/guilty they’re not voting for you for the constituency seat!).

When faced with a large block of List candidates, some of whom will be on with dubious motives like Mr Galloway or without the slightest clue what being an MSP entails, it takes a great psychological shift for someone to move their vote outside of the tried and tested to your own.

A big part of that is.

1. How important this particular vote is (and voters tend to treat the List vote as most “disposible” and the constituency one as the “real” one)

2. The familiarity of a minor party candidate as opposed to the “big brands” (and that can be a double edged sword!).

3. How credible does the party appear to that voter, ie. how much of an effort have they made in attempting to get votes overall, not just in your constituency; regardless of what media attention (or lack of it) they get.

To that end, having a constituency as well as a List candidate in an area is like doubling down, showing you are that bit more serious than the rest that you’re prepared to risk double your deposit for a said locality’s vote.

In that regard, having a constituency candidate can be seen as a “loss leader”, lose the deposits for those, but win a list seat on the back of the extra cred you’ve bought – literally putting your money where your mouth is.

President Xiden

It will shortly be announced to to campaign against NS will be considered a hate crime.

wilma mcewan

@Shocked no matter what else is going on,WE do NOT vote unionist. I am SHOCKED at this suggestion.Good god it is bad enough just reading Martin Keaings supports GRA reform.THAT is not good.

Colin McKean

Colin Alexander says:
“14 March, 2021 at 1:55 pm
A pro-indy candidate should also contest the constituency seat to soak up the pro-indy votes,

leaving the supporters of the Hate Crime Act, GRA and gross corruption to vote for Sturgeon.”

Alex Salmond representing AFI? How juicy would that be ?


Who to believe?

‘believe’ – it’s an unsatisfactory word really

I believe what Mr Salmond said under oath at the enquiry.


I have enough factual evidence on the subject to enable me to say that I believe every word that Mr Salmond spoke under oath

Even when presented with a multitude of facts, many people will fall back on their ‘belief’ systems.


Sarwar will get in on the list anyway.

So no harm in tactically voting for him to get rid of her.

Let her then cheat her way in through the list by making the BAME candidate resign.

She hates losing. Give her what she deserves.

And let her regret forcing in the BAME and Disabled lists against legal advice.

Jiggy Jones

Objectivity would argue the future is unknown. I am pro indy and an SNP member. I live in Aotearoa NZ so have no right to vote. I have followed the bourach in Scottish politics & etc. It all seems to be a matter of some very poor decision-making and pressure to get things done. I understand that there were some very serious consequences.
I would still vote for Nicola (if i could). Re GR and HC we need to wait and see. Too much hyperbole about what might happen.
The future is not yet written.


Colin Alexander says,

“Any suggestions for someone who is pro-indy that *lives in the Glasgow Southside constituency* who would be willing to challenge Sturgeon?”

IMHO, Tommy Sheridan would have been the best pro independence candidate against her and would have very likely defeated her.

Sadly, the once fiery Tommy Sheridan has been reduced to advocating constituency votes for the corrupt criminal SNP which tried to jail Alex Salmond.

Anyway, no need to split the anti Sturgeon vote now.

Sarwar will get in on the list vote anyway. Let him defeat her in the constituency and let the SNP BAME candidate take the list seat.

Get the witch out.


TheSNPLeftMe says,

“Labour will NEVER get my vote. They make Sturgeon appear honest.”

The SNP might have left you, but you never left the SNP/Sturgeon.


Liz g says,

“Here’s a thought though.. just in case things weren’t twisted enough…
What if the utter distaste and contempt for Sarwar actually motivates Nicola Sturgeons voters who weren’t going to bother voting to turn out for her ?”

Posters on the Wee Ginger Dug blog dearly wish that to be the case.


She wants to take up a plum international job.

She wants to leave, but on her own terms, in her own time.

Don’t give her that luxury.

This is the witch behind the criminal conspiracy to jail an innocent Alex Salmond, responsible for the millions of pounds of public funds squandered, responsible for the coverup.

This is the only chance to unceremoniously kick her out and wipe the phoney smile off her face. Voters of Glasgow, don’t miss it.


Ruby says,

“Difficult to tell if ‘Glasgow racer’ is or isn’t campaigning for Anas Sarwar.”

He has already explained his position, and I for one totally agree with him:

Glasgow racer says,



Chris Downie says:
14 March, 2021 at 1:54 pm
I wonder if she’ll step aside discreetly before the election if the indications are that it’d be too close for comfort?

I know, it’s wishful thinking, but I can’t imagine her ego would tolerate a defeat like that.

Or, Sarwar will be accused of sexual misconduct by alphabet women (where are we up to, J? K?), and will have to step aside while an inquiry takes place…

Patrick Roden

I would like to see Alex Salmond contest a seat in his local area of Aberdeenshire.

Likewise, I would prefer to see someone like Gordon Dangerfield or Tommy Sheridan stand against Sturgeon and Sarwar as they have closer links to the Glasgow area and are high profile names.

Yep, agree with this Colin.

Mark Boyle

“IMHO, Tommy Sheridan would have been the best pro independence candidate against her and would have very likely defeated her.”

In what Alternative Reality would that have happened?

Tommy may have many qualities (and many flaws), but he’s out of practice on the political stump and she’d make mincemeat of him – thinking anything else is kidding yourself.

Standing your best man against the Big Bad in politics is the stuff of nonsense candidates who are only interested in self publicity no matter how miniscule.

If Tommy’s is serious about a political comeback, and this isn’t all about some once dashing rough diamond trying to recapture his golden years like some hasbeen pop band on the nostalgia circuit, he needs to pick his target carefully.

Give Tommy a predominantly white working class area (if it has a sizeable enough non-white minority population, so much the better, as his impeccable UNTARNISHED anti-racism credentials – unlike some – will make him attractive to those who feel treated as an “issue” rather than people) that’s been neglected for years, preferably with an older population experienced enough to have been betrayed time and time again by a wilfully distant middle class intelligentsia.

There needs however to be one other factor – a soft soap careerist MP/MSP/Councillor that’s never had to face a serious challenge before.

Sent Tommy in, stick to the basics, don’t deviate no matter what curved ball the media throws, plenty of fiery street oratory reminiscent of an era when passion and ideals counted for something … and he may well catch the mood of a fed up population who are sick of castles in the air and merely ask for one thing – hope.

If Tommy can make himself once again appear to be someone who will give them hope that someone will fight their corner and never “sell out”, he may return to the stage. But he needs to choose his target carefully.


Tony Connelly
BREAKING: The EU will take legal action today against the UK over its unilateral move to change the terms of the Northern Ireland Protocol,

I reckon Scotland would get a lot of International backing if we had a Scottish mandate to leave a corrupt and increasingly illegal Westminster


Mark Boyle says,

“Tommy may have many qualities (and many flaws), but he’s out of practice on the political stump and she’d make mincemeat of him – thinking anything else is kidding yourself.”

It would be the other way round – Tommy is a passionate campaigner and orator. Sturgeon is a corrupt criminal and disgusting liar.

The good folks of Glasgow can easily recognise straight talk when they hear it. When did anyone last hear any straight talk from Sturgeon?

You might have been asleep at the time, but Sturgeon lied countless times under oath during her acting performance at the committee and only got away with it because of her stooges saving her.

Do you think Sarwar will beat Sturgeon?

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