Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
You Gotta Move link to
A really good night last night welcoming the guests to the SiU Burns Supper.
Highlight of the evening for me was Murdo’s face lighting up with a big grin when Ian B stopped him and shook his hand. He really did look most pleased to Meet Ian.
Nice too to have finally met you Tinto.
Well I didn’t think I’d ever agree with Jacob Rees Mogg but I suppose a broken watch. Of course HM civil service is politically bias, half the Treasury were awarded gongs for terrorising Scottish grannies in 2014. However, that’s the extent of my agreement with JRM, who appears to be a throwback to a less civilised time. A man with apparently zero appreciation of what life is like outside of his extremely privileged bubble.
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And great to meet you too, Thepnr. We intellectuals must stick together, y’know.
Favourite line from last night was when Mr. A. “Asbestos Pants” Carmichael breenged up the stairs after Bob The Builder had called him a liar and Ian Brotherhood said, “Alistair, I can see up yer kilt!”
Nature Notes No. 351:
I have a potted azalea in front of my patio door and I noticed a wee goldcrest today flitting from twig to twig in a most energetic fashion. I’ve never seen one so close up. I thought it might be eating insects caught in some spiders’ webs but it then flew down to move along the bottom of the window frame of the patio door, cocking its tail and moving restlessly. It stayed for well over half an hour, an amazing display.
I eventually worked out it had spotted its own reflection in the glass and thought it was either a female or another cock bird, hence the agitation.
Thought you might be interested, Smallaxe. I know you and Gaia are one.
I’m With Her link to
Hi Tinto, I hope that Harvey has come oot o’ the huff. You were quite right to sheild him from SiU, poor soud shouldnae be exposed to that nonsense. Talking of being exposed, was liar, liar pants on fire a true Scotsman, or just a kid oan yin like the rest o’ the Britnats. Asking for a friend, cough.
I’ll leave you with a wee song.
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@Tinto Chiel
Yes Ian was on fire right enough, another good one was the ex Labour Government minister on his way in that he recognised and shouted his name.
When the guy turned to look at Ian he raised his right hand in a clenched fist and shouted “Solidarity Brother” LOL.
Cheers Ian for all the laughs
Hi Tinto, has Harvey come oot o’ his huff yet. I think you did well to sheild him from SiU. Poor soul shouldnae be exposed to that lot. Speaking of exposed, was liar, liar pants on fire a true
Scotsman, or a kid oan Britnat version. Asking for a friend, cough.
Here’s a wee song.
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I’m always extremely interested in the amazing wonders that you see outside your patio door. When are you getting the rest of the patio?
I am one with Gaia as you know. Know also, that only when we choose another path can we change the destination.
James Taylor:”Gaia”
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Well done, guys. Glad you have fun last night.
TC, I see goldcrests quite a lot, they nest in mature spruce. From the bathroom you can watch them flitting in and out, nest building and feeding, right outside the window. Also from the kitchen, different tree, different goldcrests. Beautiful wee birdies.
@ Marie Clark
“I really wish that folk, who should know better would just ignore the Rock & Coco show”.
Yes Marie…imagine the wannabe keyboard warriors typing their ‘masterpiece’, re-editing and re-reading it over and over then convincing themselves how clever they are to have written such an eloquent and intelligent post before submitting it with a sense of glory and a ‘that’s telt them’ feeble sense of pride ….anticipating the responses while mentally forming their next post………and then…..after submitting…nowt but tumbleweed… one takes the bait….no one cares enough to argue or challenge the post….the individual/s , the numpty / numpties have targeted, do not care enough about the numpy/numpties personal slights to even respond…….the deflation would indeed be tangible and ever so public….to be ignored and one’s efforts to be considered so insignificant ( or crap) to the extent that no one wants to waste their time responding……delicious but sadly not a reality.
In truth it put me off posting on WOS ( maybe not a bad thing lol)…. as it frequently descends into not so much a debate and source of information via the many interesting and informative dedicated WOS contributors, but an agenda driven cesspit for certain dubious individuals intent on monopolising and deflecting the argument away from the topic so wonderfully researched and presented by Mr Campbell.
They know who to wind up and how to wind them up…perhaps vanity should take second place to reason because this is a no win situation and they ain’t gonna stop until they eventually meet a wall of silence…..let them piss in the wind as it is them who will smell and look ridiculous….imagine writing constant contentious and offensive posts and no one but no one acknowledges what you have written….to continue doing so would make you look like a fanny of the highest order…..bigger fanny than the fanny you already are….to any new reader or browser to WOS site it would be so so obvious who was the fanny/s but also the fact the fanny/s are being ignored and yet still persist with their offensive posts…. well…. one would definitely have them filed under Fanny/s….and frankly best ignored….forever !!!
OK, a rare input from me to ‘off-topic’.
It’s that night again…
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Indeed Clapper 57. I just get so fed up with it, every goddamned day.The only thing to do is just ignore them.The MT seems to be getting shorter as you have to scroll past so much bilge.Sigh.
Anyway, I’m away tae pit ma feet up, and see if he who thinks he should be obeyed, will pour his wife a dram.
Here’s a wee song that takes me back quite a few years. Always makes me shiver, that absolutely amazing sax. SAX, I said sax. Biyee.–e4
I think this was released in 1974 or thereaboots. I thought it was an excellent single – a cover that was 180° different to the original.
Of course, because I liked it and bought it, its failure as a chart entry was guaranteed. What I call “The McTernan Syndrome”…
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BTW: Mike Berry had some musical/acting career. See here:-
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Marie: regarding Carmichael’s nether regions, I can thankfully say I was not in line of sight. Ian had to have some emergency cider soon after so I gather it was pretty traumatic.
Harvey is still a bit grumpy. He’ll cheer up tomorrow once we go on a truffle and unicorn hunt.
Smallaxe: patio will be completed when Chuckemup & Runne (contractors) return to finish the job. Looking forward to it, and all for a non-returnable deposit of £15000! Bargain, soanitis.
“Beautiful wee birdies.” Indeed they are, cearc. I hear them regularly in my garden and down the bird reserve but they’re usually hard to spot up in trees ‘cos they’re so wee. I heard some siskins doing their zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! two days ago, so the year is quickening. Gladdens the heart.
Gaia, ya bass!
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For no particular reason…
Rory Gallagher, ‘Hands Up’ –
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“For no particular reason…”
It’s not an accurate account of what happened last night in Glasgow, but the sentiment is there and it’s a braw tune regardless.
Thin Lizzy, ‘The Boys Are Back In Town’ –
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I recall the last time I offered this link, Thepnr didn’t rate it. Onnyhoo, have had ‘Celtic Conections’ on as my aural wallpaper and I was reminded of this so I’m gonna post it again – and I would urge Thepnr to follow the links.
The first time I watched this video, my optical organs over-lubricated, specially when the pipers came in.
Here’s the video but check out the background links following.
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Background info:-
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WOW! It seems that “Marche des soldats de Robert Bruce” is more highly regarded in Europe, than it is in Scotland. The European continent seems to have a better grasp of Scottish history than the majority of Scots have.
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And this, for you metal fans…
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After the generous remark earlier from Smallaxe about my Buddy Holly Show last night I played Matchboxes “Loves Made A Fool Of You ” he had provided a YouTube link to and came across the best hour I’ve enjoyed in ages.
link to a Buddy Holly Tribute hosted by Kris Kristofferson with everybody who’s anybody and some absolutely fabulous performances.
I am left in no doubt that the invention of the electric guitar in the early fifties changed the world
@ Dave McEwan Hill. Well Alright link to
Thanks a lot Michael, I enjoyed that and I’ve had that version on my show last year. Nanci did a lot with the Crickets (appeared with them at the venue at Paisley Road Toll in Glasgow for instance)and that is a particularly great version of Well Alright,which I think vies with Not Fade Away as Buddy’s best composition. Blind Faith’s Well Alright is a cracker too (as is Santana’s).
That was Sonny Curtis to her left. I think his earliest recorded song was “Rock Around with Ollie Vee” during Buddy and the Crickets unsuccessful short spell with Decca.
BTW Jerry Allison is I think the best drummer by a long way of the rock’n’roll era and his very individual style contributed hugely to the recordings. He is the last surviving member of the original Crickets.
Just to cheer everybody up.
Billie Holiday:”Gloomy Sunday”
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A sparkling sunday here. Birds singing, sun shining. Have a great time folks.
Blind Faith Well All Right
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Talking about faith, Brexit is bad, mky.
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* A BBC sponsored report has just found that non-church going Anglicans are, on the whole, hostile to immigration and are pro-Brexit.
What is the most important to you as an accounting unit, ‘British’ nationalism or the welfare of your constituents?
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Talking about faith, Brexit is bad, mky.
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* A BBC sponsored report has just found that non-church going Anglicans are, on the whole, hostile to immigration and are pro-Brexit.
What is the most important to you as an accounting unit, ‘British’ nationalism or the welfare of your constituents?
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Here you go Ian B and Tinto, you too Smallaxe.
Johann was there after all, don’t the men look handsome in their kilts
Oops forgot the link.
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OK, so it looks as if Scotland is defending itself from an expansionist form of English cultural nationalism, characterised by increasingly authoritarian, right-wing populism and sentiments of Anglican religiosity. A state of affairs that is almost certainly related to the ‘strategy’ of austerity and the widespread social insecurity it has produced.
@Church of Scotland
Do you support this state of affairs or the well-being of your congregation?
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What are you doing on Off Topic?
Bob Marley vs. Funkstar De Luxe:”Sun Is Shining”;

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‘Tis indeed.
Enjoy it, cearc, my friend, I can see clouds over Cumbria from here, probably the SNPs fault they do it deliberately you know.

Levellers:”What A Beautiful Day”
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I’ve been doing some research on “Willie Wastle” and came across this fine young fellow doing his stuff:
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You could argue “grunzie” should be pronounced “grunyie” but his voice is full of character and he really brings the poem to life.
My pet hate at Burns clubs is when the club has “A Loyal Toast”. There is much frothing when you don’t stand up and then remind them Burns would never have toasted a Hanoverian monarch. It drives them mental, and of course they are: I’ve been told a good few times by club members that Robert Burns would have voted no, usually by Irony By-Pass office bearers weighed down by their tinsel show, an’ a’ that.
Dork-Spanglers all…..
Want some music with that?
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Otters Head, Woodside, Glenrothes
Junction of Bighty Ave and Happer Cres
April 7th (Weekend of Declaration of Arbroath)
The Otters Head:
This is a recently refurbished pub in the Woodside Area at the east side of Glenrothes. The former bar area has been booked for our exclusive use for the night Capacity approx 70)
More info on the pub is available on the internet.
An amount of sandwiches and sausage rolls will be provided but due to uncertainty re attendance when they are gone, they are gone.
A chippie/pizza place is across the road and the landlord has no objection to folk bringing in food from these.
A plentiful supply of the usual Draght and Bottled beers in addition to a range of whiskies, flavoured gins and vodkas. Teas and coffees also available although I doubt if they will be needed.
Anyone wishing to bring Guitars, moothies, and other melodic noise-making devices feel free to do so, the landlord has no objection.
A short Scottish quiz (30 questions) has also been prepared
with a unique grand prize for the winners.
For those arriving by car ample parking facilities are close by.
In addition to local town services a number of express services also stop within 150 yards, these are:-
Dundee – Edinburgh X54
Dundee – Kirkcaldy X53
St Andrews – Glasgow Airport X24
Leven – Glasgow X26
St Andrews – Edinburgh X59
The East Coast main railway line runs through Markinch Station (5 minutes away by Taxi)
The Fife Circle line runs through Thornton which is also a 5 minute taxi ride away.
Overnight Stays.
The following are the affordable and easily accessable. Each is within 5-10 minutes by taxi and further details of each can be found on the net.
Holiday Inn Express
Premier inn
Golden Acorn (Wotherspoons)
Drummonds (Markinch)
Gilvenbank Hotel.
That is all for now folks, I shall be reminding and updating on a regular basis now that my tech is operational again.
can you give me some indication of whether you will be there as this will give me a chance to organise/clarify anything else I may not have covered here.
Hope to see lots of you there
Well done Chas, you’ve done a good piece of work there you can count me in for starters. C’mon you lot the more the merrier.
@ chasanderson200
Thanks for organizing this; I’ll try to be there, plus or minus a few depending on the arrangements I can make.
(A few = 2 or 3)
chasanderson @ 9.40
Thank you for organising that …… sounds like a good night!
Count me in..
If the landlord is ok with it we could all bring a dish of something each,and get a nice wee buffet going on.
Obviously it’s up to you but let us know if you want us to do that?
Mornin’ chasanderson200 ~
Ahm already there.
liz g
Liz, I”ll double-check and get back to you later this week.
“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” Tom Jones and Cerys Matthews;
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Given the weather, I feel a peom coming on:
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Awaiting hammers……
Nice one Tinto, fill yer boots! Robert Frost!
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Peotry is it, Tinto,
The Semmitt is a little vest

You put it on to warm your chest
Alas when Summer comes again
The end.
My Name is Bill and I’m a Headcase,
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That link didn’t work for me, Fred. Was it this one? One of my faves:
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Smallaxe: as usual your exquisite poetical forms have pure brung the tears to my care-worn baby blues. Your soul is too, too sensitive for this cruel, quotidian world, where dreams are trampled and the butterfly of hope is broken upon the wheel.
Btw, could you drone me up a five-spot? The gas-metre’s just popped it.
@TC –
If you get some hammers be sure and hang on to one to knock yer joints back into working order after the game tonight. Properly baltic oot there…
It sure is, Ian. I’m still not 100%: have refused whisky macs from Mrs TC and am struggling re tonight also, just to give you an idea of how out of sorts I am.
I thought a young sophisticate like wot you are would enjoy this trip down memory lane for all them Young Romantics who are no longer so young.
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That’s the one Tinto, U know I’m shite at these links. Quite fond of De La Mare’s “The Listeners!” tae! Off Topic’s Bloomsbury phase, what!
Quite, Fred. We have brung a shed load of culture on here, youse and me.
Quality Street, soanweurr.
Refused a whisky mac? Should we be crowd-funding for flowers? (unless, of course, she was actually just threatening to dump ginger in your best malt unless you did the dishes).
Spring must be springing,
“I Can Hear the Grass Grow” The Move;

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cearc: even more amazing, SWMBO had bought one of those wee 10cl bottles of grain whisky you get as offcuts in The Whisky Shop just so my malt would remain unsullied by the Crabbie’s.
-4 C where I am, which is probably not where anybody else is.
Everybody’s got to be somewhere, Tinto, even in;
“The Ghetto” Donny Hathaway;
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Morning, Smallaxe. I always thought Trevor Burton looked the most completely psychopathic one of The Move.
My strawberries are coming up already:
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Thanks for the Hathaway, by the way. Never heard that before but it was funky as Freuchie, I think you’ll agree.
I’ve just checked and I am somewhere, but as I write it’s not the same place as it was when I wrote it, unless there is a crease in the space-time continuum.
“World is crazier and more of it than we think.”
Your strawberries are coming up and you’ve discovered a hole in the space-time continuum that’s as funky as Freuchie. What the funk more could you ask for in one morning?
“Be Thankful For What You Got” William de Vaughn;
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“The world is crazier” are you sure it’s the world?
Yon William’s a smoothie, isn’t he?
I put gangsta whitewalls on my Ford Anglia and tried driving to Ardnamurchan with my top down but I got stuck on the Corran Ferry.
““The world is crazier” are you sure it’s the world?”
Yes: the alternative is unthinkable. I think you’ll find the prophet is often without honour in his/her own country. Where there is no vision, the people perish, mon vieux.
I keep getting these Deep Thoughts. Wish Nana was around to see them, she knows a seer when she sees one.
Gansta whitewalls are supposed to be on the wheels, not the car and driving topless will only get you arrested or hospitalised with severe nipple nip in this climate.
Your mention of the ferry reminded me of the cover that Bryan Ferry made of John Lennon’s “Jealous Guy” so here’s Frankie Millar to sing it for you.

“Jealous Guy”
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I looked for Nana’s wonderful rendition of this song but I seem to have misplaced it atm.
Gansta? WTF?
Certainly not this;

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Paradise Found.
That guy’s so weird he should be here on O/T, Smallaxe.
There’ll be a welcome in the hillside, etc.
Do you think he’s weird enough, Tinto?
See here, for weird;
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And here;
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*Strokes chin, shakes head (can’t do it the other way around)*
Rarely have I seen such twisted depravity, Smallaxe. The first in particular was simply fowl.
That one may have been simply fowl, Tinto, but we can’t chicken out of our duties in monitoring O/T in case some sensible person slips through the net, this would cause chaos here in our little Shangri La of looniness. Wot say you, sir!
Shangri La;
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That young shaver could give ME a run for my money in the Strange, Unnatural Beauty stakes, although I think my dimple just edges it.
Was that two neutron stars blootering the bejaysus out of each other near the start of that clip?
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I believe we need neutron stars to produce iridium and gold and other heavy elements.
It’s a funny old game, Saint.
Where’s Chic(k) when you need him? He was a great expatiater on physics ‘n’ that.
I agree, Tinto. While Chic(k) is absent maybe we should brush up on our physics n’ stuff.
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That seems clear enough, dintit?
Indubitably, old sport, as the blushful Hippocrene, although on this occasion the content was obscured by something called “Date Russian Singles Online. Chat now”.
Probs Putin trying to steal our unclear secrets.
Ye cannae be up to them, the Ruskies.
The Ruskies, or Farleys as I like to call them are welcome to what is sitting at Faslane, maybe they could get them to work properly.
Sensible chaps, those Ruskies;
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England football fans, be afraid, be very afraid!
Rather coarse chaps, imo.
Wouldn’t get into my Pilates class, that’s for sure.
Robert Peffers has just told us on the MT
That his youngest sons funeral was yesterday
Just thought everyone would like to know…..
Tragic news Liz yet Robert takes time to post on Wings!
Aye Fred he is a trooper right enough.
I swear to lucifer if that Craig starts with him in the near future….
Well….ye know!
Aye Liz g…he’ll huv mair than you tae answer tae if he starts anything wi him in the next while.
K1 @ 9.28
It’s only right K1…while Robert is perfectly capable of answering anyone……and….deploying a thick skin towards personal abuse (the “verbal bullying “ shit “) sometimes..just sometimes….it’s nothing but cruel .
And I am not prepared to tolerate that.
Never have been
Never will be…….Nobody decent would be..
And I suspect we are not the only ones….
Liz g
Re Wingers get together on 7th April in Otters Head in Woodside, Glenrothes.
I must admit that I had not thought of your suggestion re bring our own buffet but it strikes me as a good idea in the particular circumstances. I checked with the pub and they have no problem with it. Sandwiches and sausage rolls as previously mentioned will still be there but if anyone wants to bring buffet style food to add to the goodies on offer they are most welcome to do so.
Note that plates, napkins and cutlery will be provided in the pub.
Those who were not aware of this sociable night out please refer to them post I made above with details of the night on 5th Feb 9:40pm above.
Hope to see many of you there and remember newcomers all welcome.
To clarify my last post –
The date of 5th Feb relates to the date I made the original post and not the date of the event.
Just as a string of Wingers are expressing their condolences to Bob Peffers on the main thread, the usual arsehole shoves his oar in with the usual shite!
After yesterday’s sad news, I was saying to a friend how unfair life can be. I know Robert’s health is not good, and his wife was seriously injured in a car accident involving a drunk driver. For most of his life he has been one of the few voices crying in the wilderness for our independence yet he has never stopped.
It’s strange that some of the most informative and inspirational contributors on Wings are people who rise above their personal difficulties every day but keep going because all they want is for the people of Scotland to control their own affairs, without the influence of the malign, treacherous and greedy forces which hold us all back.
Tinto/Fred,#Mankymates, Questions!
Am I right in saying that Mr Peffers lives in Kelty? Does any Winger live close enough to find out how he is managing? Could we do something to alleviate any practical difficulties that he may have that we could maybe assist him with?
Smallaxe: I believe he lives there but that’s all I have gleaned from his posts, apart from the health probs he has mentioned. I’m sure he will be well-known there, with his wee dog and Yes badge-festooned hat.
There must surely be some Wingers in the area?
In an effort to cheer myself up, I offer you this: as funky as Freuchie, and stranger than Strathaven:
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This what happens when Shaft meets Sherlock Holmes……
I got the information from Mr Peffers posts also, I’m sure that some Wingers must live close by. My concern is that Mr Peffers may try to struggle on regardless of his infirmities, I don’t think that he would ask for help even if needed but I think an attempt should be made to find out if there is anything we can do for him.
The problem may be trying to get him to accept help but I would like him to have the offer, this is the kind of thing we Wingers are striving to attain for all in Scotland, surely we can start with one of our own. I would gladly contribute towards any expenses that may be required, I’m sure most of us would.
This is what happens when James Bond meets Pulp Fiction.
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Super Cool!

Smallaxe: amen to all that.
I think Robert will be a man o independent mind.
Is Westminster about to acknowledge the 20th century happened?
Edwin Astley Orchestra – Danger Man Theme
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Aye Tinto, I think that you’re right about Robert, a man o’ independent mind. My heart goes out to him, poor soul, to bury a child is every parents worst nightmare.
I’ll leave you a wee tune, might cheer us up a bit.
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PS whit’s happened to Chic, he seems to have disappeared? I hope that he’s all right.
Brexit is a result of English votes and is intended to deliver the New Right’s wet-dream of the “minimal state”. As such, Scottish women who support Brexit really need to give themselves a good shake.
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Love the Jazz Waltz by Old Shosters, Marie. Fair cheers you up.
I think Chic(k) said before Christmas he had had a nasty virus. Think he also visits antipodean relatives so he might be Doon Ablaw a ce moment.
Pity, ‘cos me and Smallaxe wanted to discuss the quantum mechanics underpinning Multiverse Theory.
Smallaxe loves a good boson, soan he does.
@ chasanderson200
Re Wingers’ night out on 7th April.
Great idea. Thanks for organising this.
I’m planning to attend: might manage to bring a Lurker with me.
This has hunners o’ bosons, pour example:
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Title refers to “There’s been a Murdo” Fraser (word on the street).
Aretha Franklin & Duane Allman link to
A Wee Song for Fluffy Mundell link to
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Tinto, I see Chick has reappeared on the MT. Nothing to stop you and Smallaxe discussing the fancy theory that you seemed keen on.
Yes, well, eh, thanks Marie. I’m more of a fermion man myself.
*gets into a sweat*
Oh, look! A song!
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Cheers Odet, I look forward to seeing see you and your lurker.
@ Tinto Chiel, Fermions you say, well it’s time to man the defenses as they say in Trumpton.
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Gawd save us, as I’m cooking, the colander reminded me of link to
Norman, is that you?
I passed out after “noodly appendage”.
Am doubling the tinfoil layers in my tartan onesie. You can’t be too careful these days.
Remember The Mentiads in Dr Who? I can’t go through that again!
Can’t talk thenoo, toodloo, spaghetti is on fire, sending for Captain Flack.
She may start miming too early, but I forgive her……
*Stares dreamily into middle distance*
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Oh err Mrs noodly appendages! I don’t think I better say anything else aboot it, cough.
Naw Tinto, for me it has to be this version of the song. Ah takes me back to the sixties when I was a wee teenage lassie sigh.
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It’s actually a pretty good version, Marie. But they don’t wiggle like Jackie does……
Just finished listening to Pravdasound 4’s account of Barnier’s inevitable comments on the transition period and the NI border. I’m convinced, like you, after hearing the words of prize planks Diddy Davis and Ian Smithson Dunk, that FOBO (Flounce Out and Blame Option) approacheth at a top rate of knots.
If “It’s them bally unreasonable Johnnie Foreigners” doesn’t work, it’ll be, “It’s them bloody micks!” All the tax-exile billionaire press barons will pile in behind this line and the proles ablaw the dyke will lap it up.
Beam us up, Nicola!
I think it’s getting pretty close to manning the lifeboats time.Well if it’s no Johhny Furriner and it’s them bloody Micks, it’ll make a change from those bloody jocks SNP BAAAAD. Mind you, I bet they could find a way to blame it on the SNP.
My much beloved has started on his diet today. He’s been told that he has to lose four and a half stones. In ither word, he’s too fat. Well I think he’s just cuddly, but I suppose that we have to look after his health. Maybe in a few months he’ll be as svelte as you Tinto.
Here’ some very bad dad dancing. The wean in the highchair aye amuses me.
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Epic, I must agree, Marie. I thought the baffy flick towards the end was most impressive. Wotamover!
Svelte, moi? Too many “bacon rolls” recently, I’m afraid, if you get my meaning
Heard a song thrush (smeorach in gaelic) belting it out today, which always makes me happy, so I’m playing this again. Only Fred’ll notice it’s a repeat.
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That’s just grand Tinto. What a lovely voice Julie Fowlis has. A talented lady too, she plays quite a few musical instruments.
We are lucky now to have so many young Scottish artists with self-confidence, whether in Gaelic or Scots.
John Steinbeck once said, “Scotland isn’t a lost cause, it’s an unwon cause” or words to that effect.
Our children and grandchildren will be free, Marie. We just have to do a wee bit more heavy lifting and then, “Free at last, free at last!”
What are Wee Willie Wonky, Tricky Dickie and Ruth Tank-Straddler going to do on Indyday 1?
“Not Wanted on Voyage”.
@Tinto, how come the same Scotland created Julie Fowlis & Ruth Davidson?
Och, Fred, that’s a conundrum.
But we’ve got form in this old country, e.g. Wallace and Menteith and a dozen other tropes.
The Norwegians called their enforced life under the Swedes “the four hundred year sleep” and look at them now.
Not long now, #MankyMate.
Nature Notes, No. 545.
My wee song thrush came into the garden this morning. It’s a sign.
Just leaving this on the PRMG kitchen table for Miss Daines:
“Good morning. just a little note to advise you the ginger nuts are fuisty and there is a smell in the fridge.
Also, I happened to be passing my Acme dusting mitt along the top of the doors, and with rather disappointing results.
And oblige,
We live in interesting times Tinto, hopefully Nicola will hold her fire till she sees the white of their eyes!
Is “The Conundrum!” no a pipe tune kid?
Eh thenk yooooooooooooooooo:
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Nicola kens…..
Excellent Tinto, picked up the Loch Fyne kippers at Glesga X so will try the hot-watter dook the morra!
In view of the tragic sinking at Tarbert, it’s no fish yer buyin it’s mens lives!
Yes, the “price of fish” indeed.
I consulted my monger of fish again and he says 7-8 mins for the jugging. You need to cover whatever receptacle you use.
And the best of Donald to you.
Poached egg on top?
Count me in for the Wingers night out
Duly noted and I look forward to seeing you again.
Risking hammers again:
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Written at the dawn of the 20th century. Unfortunately, the poet was a bit too optimistic…..
An Irish view of BPC. Of course, they didn’t have to pay the blood price…..
A great song and a great choir.
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Ian B: if you’re lurking, this is one of your faves, methinks.
Those who think anti-Jacobite oppression post-Culloden was confined to the Highlands should harken unto Stuart McHardy’s research into the Redcoat invasion of the Lowlands, evidenced by the Cantonment Records of the British Army, a suppressed document, one copy of which survives in a Canadian archive IIRC. His efforts to publish this revelatory document have met with considerable resistance.
Big wows, seps, eh?
@Tinto Chiel
Truly Scottish TV has a history channel & for the last couple of weeks have been spotlighting Mark Nichol & his search for history in the Borders. From mass graves to caves in riverbanks & much more besides, it’s fascinating stuff & I’m hooked!
A braw Saturday night off-topickin tae ye’s aw.
Feelin a bit maudlin, not sure why, missin ma pals and ma brother and right in the mood for a good laugh and gab but there’s naebdy here!
The Corries, ‘The Wild Mountain Thyme’ –
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Strangely enough, Lollysmum, Nana put me on to this young man recently and I have watched his clips on the Douglases and Roxburgh castle.
The man who largely re-established Scottish historiography in the 60s was GWS Barrow, a Yorkshireman who was roundly attacked by Oxbridge “academics” for his masterwork, Robert Bruce. They, in both in their arrogance and ignorance, denied there was such a thing as a separate, distinct Scottish history.
Strangely, Tank-Top Boy Torrance wrote a pretty decent obituary of The Great Man before the former became a bitter and twisted little Yoonster. Prof Barrow would always answer personally letters of enquiry from amateurs like myself and was a great help in directing you to useful documents.
We’ve been missing your bulletins from the Borders since you came north, LLM. You should post more and keep us all sane.
Brexit’s bad for the brain…..
@ Tinto, McHardy’s “Scotland’s Future History!” looks a good read?
Yes, Fred: he’s as carnaptious as feck but he’s a breath of fresh air and it’s a quick but informative read. “Reframing” is an in-word but it’s what he does, and very effectively.
Worried about you, Ian. That glimpse up Carmichael’s kilt is more than any man should be asked to bear.
Very crowded meeting of Yessers in Waterloos Street in Glasgow today and many interesting thoughts. Congrats R’glen for putting it together and spot on analysis from Ronnie Anderson.
If anybody wants our thoughts about how we have kept YES Cowal’s Forward Shop running (for six years now) my email address is
I also suggested we find ways to coordinate the design and production of campaigning materials and I’d be happy to hear ideas etc on this. I would like to design very hard hitting little leaflets for instance that would destroy the big lies one by one and could be cheaply printed in their thousands. Once you establish a couple of big lies are big lies all the rest of their rubbish goes down with it. I have some interesting ideas.
BTW I heard a bit of booing about the Daily Record today. The Daily Record is not our major enemy anymore .In the last fortnight it has kicked the Labour Party a lot more than it has kicked the SNP and several editorials have been very generous to Nicola. Keep an eye on this.
Dave McEwan Hill @ 9:53 pm
Good to learn that the Glasgow meeting went well.
You write: “I also suggested we find ways to coordinate the design and production of campaigning materials and I’d be happy to hear ideas etc on this. I would like to design very hard hitting little leaflets for instance that would destroy the big lies one by one and could be cheaply printed in their thousands.”
Sounds very sensible. In addition, and along similar lines, I’ve sometimes thought about the merits of this – good to get your thoughts: to request key online sources – Wings, WGD, IndyRef2 etc. – to agree to provide access to, via their online sites, properly formatted printable versions of their blogs, appropriately attributed/branded (and with info/ links to the source online site), that could be readily printed to distribute/leave lying around/hand out – as with ‘old style’ political pamphlets.
stewartb at 10.24
I often thought how useful lots of stuff on Wings would be if I could print it off as a leaflet
In my opinion, the most successful thing we did in the Kirrie Yes shop was the installing of a window monitor which ran leaflets, videos and intimations on a 24/7 basis.
Often, especially in the evening, you could see folk stopping to watch it. Especially young folk who would most likely never go into the shop.
Colin Dunn gave us permission to use his fantastic indy posters and these, animated a little, were a significant part of the loop.
Newspaper articles and other textual stuff as well of course.
Audio visuals, like Duggie the Dug, or other hard hitting propaganda videos were subtitled by us so street viewers could follow them.
And, of course, there was some stuff created by ourselves, usually of a local nature.
Kirrie Aye TV we called it.
If every Yes shop for indyref2 had such a setup it could make the difference and with centralised coordination for a ‘news bulletin’ section it could go some way to providing an alt TV to the UMSM TV propaganda.
These are the only two examples still on my YT, but I still have all the rest of the material in my archives.
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@Chick –
Great tae see ye back man!
Looking good for Glenrothes ’18 chasanderson200,
Re TV – you may have noticed Paula’s tweets on the subject – Brechin Yes shop is installing a video projector to show with full permission of the broadcaster.
Nope, missed it. Ta.
Hey, thanks for that.
@Scott Finlayson
I´m not a big AC/DC fan personaly but I can see the attraction.
To which I recommend this youtube from a concert in the river plate stadium Buenos Aires and challenge anyone to tell me they don´t want to be there in that crowd or at least don´t want to be young enough to be there!!
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@uno mas
the River Plate concert is live stadium rock at it`s best,
do you know there is a statue to Bon Scott in Kirriemuir where he is carrying a set of bagpipes from the `It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock ‘n’ Roll)` song.
Bon Scott, Kirriemuir.
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I’ve been listening to a lot of BBC radio 4 recently and I’m getting a very uneasy feeling that the BBC are softening up the public to accept wholesale deregulation of the biotech and agribusiness sectors, post-Brexit. Is this what leave voters really voted for?
I’m less concerned with the safety of future technologies, tbh, than I am society’s ethical maturity and capacity to ensure institutional transparency and probity. Particularly under the dominant paradigm of neo-liberal political economy and the deification of market forces. How will we ensure the application of technology doesn’t add to the ongoing stratification of society and agency.
I dare you to try and justify eugenics.
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P.S. The omnibus edition of Will Self’s bus journey lost the two leave voters from East Kilbride. However, Will managed to find a member of East Kilbride Golf Club, who voted Yes in 2014 but who swiftly changed to No as a result of the way in which the “nationalists” behaved after loosing the vote. WTF?
Here’s one to inspire Scotland’s self-defense against the growing encroachment of English cultural nationalism. Bloody nationalists.
Shostakovich: Symphony No.7 “Leningrad”
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Chick McGregor at 11.52
We also have in the Forward Shop in Dunoon a large screen continuous display running. It would be great if we could get material designed for that use
We started off with the monitor in portrait orientation because most of the available material, e.g. Poster Boy’s stuff, was of that ilk so one poster per display, for example.
Later, when more AV became available like Duggie Dug, speeches at meetings and pro-indy films made by various, we changed to Landscape orientation and reworked the poster/leaflet type stuff so that two were displayed side by side.
Audio speech was subtitled using free subtitling software so that street viewers could read as well as watch.
I’d guess nowadays, with the prevalence of smart phones, it would be prudent to include QR codes so that folk could watch and listen in their own time and, hopefully, share with friends.
Tomorrow, if you like, I could load a couple of examples to my YT. Of course. much of it is out of date for one reason or another but would still serve to illustrate.
@ Tinto, the poached kippers worked Fyne, used a frying pan & lid, they were big kippers, from Kintyre Smokehouse! Peace & geez peace!
Fyne news, Fred. In St Andrews today.
Getting a wee bit mushy with Valentine’s day in the offing, a 70’s song, a cover version of Love Hurts by Scottish band Nazareth came to mind.
This was a major international hit at the time, top 10 in many countries, including the US and no 1 in 5. In Norway it is the all time best selling single there, staying in the Norwegian charts for an incredible 61 weeks.
In the UK, it did not get into the top 40.
Instead an English version, a strangely incongruous up-beat, I’d say almost bubble gum, version was brought out and managed to get to no 4 in the UK charts.
I’m sure ’75 coinciding with the peak of the first real indy scare was purely incidental in that charting anomally – err , cough!
Anyway, prepare to be well and truly mushed.
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Looking back at the referendum it’s amazing to think of the lies they got away with.
Here’s Archie MacPherson campaigning for Better Together in Barlanark lying his mouth off.
The lies about pensions to the second women he speaks to is *^%**%
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@ Thepnr, Macpherson’s a patronising balloon who has never tried on a workin jaiket! Strangely enough, is Jackie Burd not also a Macpherson? is genetic coorie-doon-ism at play here?
If you were to construct a pompous, idiotic, self-loathing Cringetastic walloper from modelling clay and bits of old string, Archie would be the result, Fred.
I have higher retrospective hopes for a cryogenic Bob Crampsey.
I suspect he would be a cool Yesser.
Ya bass.
Tinto Chiel at 7.53
Good guy, Bob Crampsey. His brother Frank played for amateur Scotland in goal and Bob worked with the the school football teams (he was originally a history teacher)as I laboured to get into a school team that already had Paddy Crerand, Charlie Gallacher and Tony Connell in it with Harry Hood and Dennis Connachan coming up behind. Those were the days when school football was really big in Scotland and pumped out a huge array of talent. I had good days running the teams at John Ogilvie HS in Hamilton
MacPherson keeps getting gigs on Cowan/Cosgrove’s Off The Ball – Cowan always keeps his political cards close to his chest but Cosgrove doesn’t and it *must* spoil his crochet somewhat to have to ‘host’ that belter for two, three hours at a time. Sore one!
@TC –
re a model of The Archie made from ‘modelling clay and bits of old string’, do you know someone who can fashion such a thing? If so, ah’ve got needles, a special juju bag fu’ ay chicken bones, and badness oan ma mind…
I used to love Off The Ball but it has gradually become the Tam Cowan show. More and more it is simply a constant stream of Tam’s consciousness frequently cutting off Stuart or over speaking him. Which is a shame because Stuart usually makes the more interesting comments when he gets the chance.
When Archie commentated on a game, I frequently wondered whether he was actually watching the same game or they had mixed the AV feeds wrongly.
From memory, I think Bob Crampsey won Brain of Britain once, very clever bloke, but I also seem to remember we was a died in the wool U.
@Thepnr, Chick, DMH, IanB: I’m pretty sure, given his sly digs at the FM and the QFC, that Cowan wears UJ boxers. He’s not an augur bit in the brain department, imho. Cosgrove is a groovy Lefty Yesser, methinks, although the discussion of the football act “repeal” on Off The Ball was pretty dreadful.
I’m afraid when I watched TV Oor Erchie made me boak, and that was before I discovered what a crawling little Britnat toadie he was. When Alec Cameron got whacked by the police horse’s arse in that classic footage, I was wishing it was Brillo Pad Heid.
DMH: am I right in saying John Clark of Sellick fame (whom I saw last week down the Clydeside) started playing with Larkhall Thistle? or was it Royal Albert? Bizarre either way.
Bring back dear old David Francey, master of bathos:
(Voice rising all the time) “John Greig bursting through, he beats one, beats two shoooooooooooooooots…….
Oh, a daisy-cutter there……..”
BTW, Fred, I’m off down the fish shop. Can drone you over some samphire and cod roe for that “special” Valentine’s Day risotto, si tu l’en veut.
If anyone missed it last night, Big Ronnie’s sanity clause clip should bring back some memories.
“Auger bit”, obvs.
Gave myself 100 lines.
Tinto Chiel at 10.10
I believe so and John Clark is the unsung hero of that great Celtic team. I never saw a better or more efficient defender and he “made” Billy McNeill. Celtic could use him now with a defence like a colander.
The McStays were Larkie boys. I had an epic experience at the Robert Smillie Memorial Park in Larkhall when my John Ogilvie HS team beat Holycross HS for the Cameronian Shield. Some eejit before my time had determined that the Ogilvie team play in green and gold hoops. FFS
I see your MP is a Ogilvie ex pupil.
@Tinto Chiel
John Clark has a Wiki page:
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He did play for Larkhall Thistle right enough, interestingly he is still at Celtic employed as their kit man and has done this for twenty years.
Agreed: JC was a great reader of the game.
When I taught in the town I kept a big picture of the Ancell Babes on my wall just to annoy the more frothy Weearrapeepull types. It only came down for HMI visits.
I always remember Bobby Shearer’s comment when he did Bert McCann’s knee:”He should nae a riled me.” Such a Corinthian!
When Pat Quinn played for Bridgeton Waverley he was desperate to sign for Celtic but he was considered too wee. Celtic’s loss….
He was the pre-Iniesta Iniesta..
@ Tinto, U missed the Valentine Breakfast of porage with broon sugar & whisky instead of milk! Great start to the day!
Is samphire not oot of season?
PS, the Gerry Cairns author of the new John Maclean biog’ is a different Gerry Cairns from the bothying wan!
A shortbread prog’ coming up on the wireless about R.B.Cunninghame Graham but I missed the details.
Thanks for that, Alex. A previous post of mine has gone missing, probs just GCHQ.
When I used to travel H&A to follow my diddy team, I went on the EK supporters’ bus and befriended an old codger who was a real student of the game. It was he who pointed out Clark’s quiet abilities to me as a reader of the game and organiser of the defence. Previously I had thought he contributed little to his team.
Now I’m the old codger in the stand, gibbering about players no-one else remembers. Anyhow, better stop talking about fitba’ or Bossy Boots Miss Daines will be along to scold me.
On you go with your footie chat – I’ll start my reminiscences of Netball in the 1970s a high point in the game.
FTS, Fred, that his samphire should be out of season, but he still manages to stock it at the mo. Mebbe hydroponic or summink. Your breakfast sounded stonking but don’t you have to keep drinking all day for the full effect?
I bought Cairns’ book a couple of weeks ago but haven’t quite finished it yet.
Apologies, Miss Daines.
A rare comment from me re football.
Schoolboy football. I was at a Scotland v England schoolboy international at Dens Park, around 1964. The only names I recall from it are Howard Kendall and Peter Sissons.
I don’t think you can get more O/T than this but just a bit of fun. I fancied a Chinese tonight and looked on Google Maps for a takeaway.
Nearest me there are two, so it was between them. A pretty normally named one called “Golden Wok” but I prefer the name of the other which is “Hung Wan”.
Reminded me of two in Dundee only 100 yards or so apart from years ago though both have been renamed now, originally they were called “Wan Kees” which was next to Dens Park and then there was the “Tak A Wa” on Cleppy road.
Quite inventive are the Scottish Chinese
Thepnr @ 3.27
The clear winner though (because it’s still there after a few decades and very popular)
Is the ….SHAT IN……
Old Edinburgh Rd Viewpark
@Liz g
Hahaha there’s no way that can be bettered
Here is the very place, sheer class LOL
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Thepnr @ 4.02
That’s it….the very one.
I have often wondered what the name actually means in Chinese?
Anyhoo if any of you are ever over that way,it has a good reputation both for the food and the staff!
The madness of fame (full-length version) and on the slide again:
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@Liz g
Of course I had to go and find out what it meant
Turns out that Sha Tin also known as Shatin is a town in the new territories of Hong Kong and was the home of the equestrian events for the 2008 Olympics when they were held in China.
Thepnr @ 5.40
Well thank you sir…but I already knew that bit…lol
I think every customer asked aboot it when they first opened.
You’re mission….. Should you choose to accept it….
Is what the name “actually” means.
Now I’d be really impressed if you got that information!!
OK – I have no idea “WHY”.
This afternoon, I responded to Thepnr and, after an hour, my comment hadn’t appeared. It was very short and included a (short) link to Google maps.
So, I posted it again, with a sentence of additional text. It too has disappeared.
This, then, is my last attempt. Instead of a short Google link, I’ll take the long one. Let’s see what happens.
For Thepnr…
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We have learned that WordPress doesn’t approve of the short links that Google Maps generate.
(File for future use.)
I reaaly should recall what I have posted in the past…
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@Brian Doonthetoon
Haha cheers Brian, I thought they had changed the name. Glad to see that it’s still the “Tak A Wa”
@Liz g
Struggling with that quest you gave me, it’s a toughie.
Thepnr @ 8.26
Ye mean it’s worse than tryin tae find oot whit wis “halfway down Roberson Street”?
I have every confidence that you will find out….. But just to make it interesting….
If you haven’t by the next Wing’s night out you will owe Mrs Thepnr a slap up meal in her favorite restaurant…no matter what it’s called!….Deal?….
And no helping from the rest of you….
In Kirrie we have the Curriemuir.
@Chick McGregor
Another chinese cracker lol. Must pay it a visit sometime and love the sense of humour.
There was a place in Mid Cragie in Dundee called “Curry In a Hurry” so on the way home in a taxi after a night out I asked the driver to stop.
Went in and asked for a Chicken Curry, “we don’t sell curry” said the guy behind the counter, it was a kebab place. Oh dear
@Liz g
Already found out quite a lot, like it was named after the river it sit’s on. The name was given to it by a British Officer after he misunderstood what the locals were telling him.
I know the original name of the town and what it means, no further forward though on what Sha Tin or Sha Tian actually means. Will have to keep looking, Mrs Pnr won’t be getting a free lunch if I can help it
Thepnr @ 10.10
Lunch…Lunch by jings …..This is clearly a Dinner situation…
@Liz g
I don’t really do dinner, reminds me too much of this.
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Thepnr @ 10.30
Then get over yourself and Treat the lady.
All the while reveling in your successful quest.
And your newfound Oriental knowledge.
Cause the next time I pass it….I will go in and ask!
So by hook or by crook or banana when daylight comes after the Wings night out….ye will know the answer before ye GI home
Sha Tin Source of Trickling or Source of clear water I think ? Anyway this Water is Cold link to
@Michael McCabe
Ah not quite that easy “Source of clear water” was the meaning of the old name “Lek Yuen”
I’ve managed to find it now though I think, Sha Tin ?? means “tidal land” or “sand flat” according to this source.
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The ?? were meant to be Chinese characters, link works though.
@ chasanderson200
Chas, please add moi and JimT to your Wingdingaling, Glenrothes list. I believe some buffet contributions may be appreciated.
An Fuaran, pub in Achiltibuie. Clear water in Gaelic.
It’s too early for some Billericay Dickie, so:
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Eh thenk yow…..
Nature Notes, No. 566.
MTS: had a transcendental Entwood Experience while loitering in Balbirnie Park last weekend.
I chanced upon a very old yew tree with a dense main bole, and lots of intertwining branches, most of which eventually dipped to the ground, forming “elbows”. I think they had then rooted themselves adventitiously before putting out more upward-growing branches. This gave it a strangely architectural quality.
I know they are difficult to date but this looked really old, nothing like the one at Fortingall but still very impressive. I believe that, although everything else of the tree is poisonous, the flesh of the wee pink berry can be eaten, at least by birds.
It was difficult to hug, but I managed.
Tinto, the deer can eat yew but it kills cuddies stane deid!
I see there’s another ringer in town, or is it minger?
Is that right, Fred? Toxicity seems to increase when the leaves are dried.
Maybe deer as a species have been browsing yew for so long they have some immunity to its toxins.
yesindyref2: “Weeeeeed”?
You’re positively gnomic this aft.
@Tinto Chiel
I’ve been smoking since I was 7 years old. Probably stunted my growth, I was destined to be 7 foot tall, look what happened!
yesindyref2: got you now, mon vieux haricot.
But who’s your ringer and who’s your minger?
Mrs TC and I stayed at a big hotel in Markinch last week on much reduced winter rates but I omitted to tick the “Are you Lanarkshire Scum?” box, so they gave us a suite which was considerably bigger than our bijou pied-a-terre at home, and was scene of the infamous Primal Scream chocolate-fountain orgy with “scantily-clad groupies” in 2006 (as it said in the framed newspaper article on the mantelpiece), when they trashed the rooms along with Kobai, a Scottish beat combo, I believe, m’lud.
Wish I’d had a misspent youth wot like they had.
*Muses thereon*
To anybody who might be interested I’ll be ranting on a bit about the huge lie we are being fed about Syria on my Roundabout show (7PM – 8PM)on our online Argyll Independent Radio tonight.
The only bit of yew that itsn’t very toxic when consumed is YEW CHOOB.
Rant on, DMH, in the absence of any true narrative from the combined MSM in the UK. Best of luck tonight.
Could I also ask, “What chance for any success with the Scottish football team when its new manager voted against Scotland in 2014?”
Psychologically, I believe our football and rugby teams are beaten before we start, and we will only begin to improve once our mental log-jam is removed post-independence.
@cearc:100 lines for Monday.
@Tinto Chiel
Wanted to see what that Yew tree you told us of was like, I believe this is a picture of it.
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Evening, Alex. Thanks for that.
That looks very like the lower section of the main trunk. Unfortunately, it doesn’t show the magnificent “elbows” and subsequent extensions. It’s a beautiful specimen and is quite close to the hotel, on the right-hand side as you look at the facade.
If we presume it was planted when the venerable pile was built c. 1810, it may only be about 200 years old or so. It just seems much older than that, given its habit and girth.
Where’s yon Chas Anderson when you need him?
I was getting worried I’d got it wrong.
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@TC –
Last year, after Strachan was bagged, had an exchange with oldest pal (has been in Japan since 1990) about possible effect of full independence on performance of national fitba squad. He was dismissive.
Biding my time until he’s seen social media reaction to McLeish’s appointment. The fact that McLeish was a vocal ‘No’ cannot be ignored as an element. Beattie Show this lunchtime tried to put positive gloss on it, but ’twas unconvincing.
Seriously, would it be a surprise if McLeish ends up having to resign before any further international fixtures are played? That would – surely! – be a first.
yesindyref2: I’m a bit slow on the uptake but, as Meg Ryan would say, yes, yes, yes. Only two weeks ago, on Carmichael “Crack of Doom” Friday, I was talking to a dashingly handsome man who teeters on the point of no return, and he identified Yer Man as a Rum ‘Un. I had to agree, and YM is not alone as the classic concern troll at the mo.
Ian B: honestly, we have reached a new low in SFA incompetence. As the obscene Paperchase greetings card says, you have no idea of the size of the feck I don’t give regarding the national team. Yoon employs Yoon and The Blazers perpetuate The Cringe ad infinitum.
I think it was His Cosgroveness who recently repeated on OTB the damning indictment of the SFA: we have the highest per capita attendance at our domestic football and the worst TV deal.
It’s a funny old game, Saint, indeed.
Dunno about McLeish, don’t think the TA will be ecstatic!
@ Tinto, Yew cuttings take no bother, about 6 inches!
“@ Tinto, Yew cuttings take no bother, about 6 inches!”
Oooh, matron!
About ten years ago, I gathered many autumn acorns from the famous Cadzow Oaks, a weird and contorted old oak-wood on the Chatelherault Estate near me, where the ancient White Cattle of Cadzow used to browse.
I dutifully chilled them in my fridge, then carefully planted them out in wee pots in my garden.
I came home from work one day to find they had all been eaten by the bloody grey squirrels who had pure chibbed the native reds in my vicinity.
*Grinds teeth*
Wake up!
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Watching Alex Salmond’s interview with Mary Lou McDonald pushed me into one of my “wish I was Irish moments” and a listen again to the Foggy Dew by the Wolfe Tones.
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Why don’t we have the songs? I remember meeting Dominic Behan when he worked for STV and lived in Bothwell. He wrote some crackers – The Patriot Game, Come out you Bl*ck and Ta*ns and many others
I mean, Caledonia and Flower of Scotland are nice – but well they’re nice……….
And of course this man, born and brought up in Edinburgh,a member of the original Scottish Socialist movement with Keir Hardie, shot tied up in a chair, because he was too close to death to be able to stand for his execution. Even the Brits couldn’t bring themselves to shoot a man lying on a stretcher.
This stupidity of the British against all the rules of war of shooting men who had surrendered turned a hesitant Ireland to independence
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@Dave McEwan Hill –
It’s a grim thing to even consider, but perhaps Scotland will have to be on the receiving end of full-blown WM-ordered gratuitous sadism before we produce anthems of similar quality.
Have been watching the film ‘Dresden’ big 3-hour production from 2006 (I think) – it’s on YT. Just over halfway through now, at the point where Harris has finally decided that Dresden ticks all the boxes i.e. densely populated urban area with narrow streets etc. It is mentioned by Harris that the bombings are a form of experiment. Tornados of fire weren’t a by-product – they were the aim. (Just as happened in Tokyo, where over 100,000 civilians were incinerated in one night.)
I don’t know how much the shaming of David Irving has affected mass consciousness in ‘Britain’ re the Dresden atrocity, but we have Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five as a counterbalance. In any event, the documentary evidence is overwhelming and utterly damming. Mind you, I keep putting-off watching the rest of it…
One of the most enduring successes of imperial Britain has been to convince a significant section of snooty Scots that they are somehow superior to the scruffy Irish potato munchers.
Hello Betty Boop
Delighted to know that you and Jim T will make it to the Wingdingaling on 7th April.
Bringing buffet-style food is optional but will add to the food already on offer.
I look forward to seeing you on the 7th in the Otters head.
Ian: try The Fire by Joerg Friedrich and The Bombing War by Richard Overy.
Harris knew from the bombing of Luebeck in 1942 what he was doing: a mediaeval, mainly wooden city with small streets was ideal for creating a firestorm.
He repeated it with his summer bombing of Hamburg in ’43. Over a few nights over 50000 civilians died, with over 40000 injured/wounded. Total Bomber Command deaths for the whole war amounted to 56000 +or-.
Even the Americans at that stage deplored what was euphemistically called “area bombing” by Harris. Of course, things changed later and they would eventually sanction the worst bomb of all.
BDTT had some good links on here a while back about RAF raids, I remember.
Hi Tinto Chiel.
Here are some of the links I posted.
“Allied bombers chose ‘easy’ German targets
By Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian, Thursday 23 August 2001”
link to
“Third Reich in Ruins – Würzburg Part 1”
link to
The link to Part 2 is at the foot of that page.
“Lost Images Of World War 11”
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Lastly, this is a video which was shot by an American cameraman, a couple of months after the Würzburg bombing.
link to
(Würzburg is twinned with Dundee.)
Thanks a lot, Brian.
This time I’m putting them in my faves straight away.
I remember watching a documentary on Bomber Command a while ago which actually had some crew deploring Harris and his tactics: one called him a butcher, outweighed of course by the usual gung-ho types.
This all I want:
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The theory of the Dresden bombing is the same as the Munich one – they were both about as far away in Germany as bombers could get from dear old Blighty, and showed that nowhere in Germany was safe, hence an attack on morale as well as a target.
I say that without comment about the firestorms.
The others of course are that the marshalling yards were requested by the Russians and had been for some time, and even another theory that it was to show the Russians that they could be reached as the communist threat had been long since recognised.
Pretty brutal stuff, all out warfare.
No reason.
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Belgian punk, ya bass!
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Hello! Anyone about?
*No Smallaxe, Nana, Fred, Ian B, Thepnr, Marie C, BDTT, Cameron B und so weiter*
Disembodied Voice: “Hey, Tints: anything bothering you at the mo?”
Me: “Frankly, yes. I have been musing at length on the place-name Balbirnie.
At first I thought it might be G. “baile Bhreannain” (Brendan’s farm) but that is not the only possibility. It could also be “baile bhraonaigh” (farm at oozy, wet place).”
DV: “Thank you for expatiating thereon.”
Tints: “Nae probs, doll.”
@Tinto Chiel
I’ve just popped in to see what’s happening. So what’s happening?
Ah, it’s all quiet I see. here’s a bit of noise that the music teacher played me at school. First time I ever heard Classical music.
This though is my take on that 1812 classic.
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Hi Tinto Chiel.
C’mon – I was on yesterday. I have a life to live.
I can’t be on here all the time.
Onnyhoo, how’s your footritt? (Spelling?)
Just popped in to see wots shakin! been enjoyin the pre-Spring warmth!
Here’s a bit more noise this time from Down Under. No not that band, stick with it as there is a pleasant surprise around halfway through that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.
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This just gets worse!
“Footritt” says BDTT. Do you mean futret? Harvey’s a bluidy RABBIT!!!
Fred: “pre-spring warmth”? I’ve still got a patch of melting snow up the back of my garden!
Thepnr: thanks for your musical sanity.
*Takes deep breaths*
I feel better now: mofftaemapit.
*Stomps up stairs like moody teenager*
*makes tea – brings out cake – loves everyone*
Thank you, Miss Daines, for your consideration.
*Looks around sheepishly*
Apologies to all for my intemperate words of hier soir: yesterday was a significant birthday and this is my “Beatles Year” hem, hem, if you get my gist.
*Reflects on vacuity of his existence*
Mmm, this cake is very good, Miss Daines. Dundee?
If you haven’t seen this it is pretty topical right now
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The power of humour and scorn, and so many great points made in both parts: brave and brilliant.
We could do with this approach for Indyref2. Obviously nothing like this would ever get on BBC if it were ridiculing the Yoons, but in all our wee conversations I believe H&S can be a powerful weapon in catching opponents off guard and stiffening the resolve of the DKs.
I find the semi-mystical regard some Americans have for their constitution quite ridiculous. It’s not bloody Holy Writ, it’s just words on a bit of paper which can be amended at any time if there’s a will to do it.
Happy ‘Yesterday’ (sticking to the Beatles them). Perhaps a wee celebratory trip to Norway is in order?
Thanks for that, cearc. I’ve never been in a Norwegian wood.
From Adonis to Acropolis in forty twelvemonths…..
* Muses, wipes away a silent tear*
Tinto Chiel at 12.43
Exactly. Derision is the most powerful of all political tools (except apparently where Boris is involved?)
Sometimes, Dave, even Tories tell the truth:
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@Tinto Chiel
Over on the MT you posted “The exact effect of The Vow has never been quantified by any academic study I have heard of…”
I’ve spent most of the day looking at this and I believe there was academic research done called “Scottish Referendum Study 2014”.
The lead researcher on this was one Professor of Political Science Ailsa Henderson of Edinburgh University. The group doing the study were funded to the tune of £248,349 by public body the Economic and Social research Council.
You can read more about the study and funding here:
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I believe I’ve found a few anomalies in their research, more later.
Thanks very much for that, Thepnr.
I always start at the back of these kind of things, and found the Outcomes “interesting”.
I’ll work my way through the sections shortly.
@Tinto Chiel
I guess that if you made it as far as the Publications tab you would have found that three are books and the other two give no information whatsoever.
That’s what I wanted, simple links to the surveys that were carried out by Yougov on behalf of this study. I cannot find them but I did find this which is a PowerPoint presentation.
“Scottish Referendum Study 27 March 2015”
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The interesting slide and one of the anomalies I talked is slide No 7 of 40 giving the age demographics of younger voters Yes/No.
For the 16-19 age group it has Yes at 62.5% and the 20-24 age group Yes at 51.4%. These seemed in line with what I believed.
So how come that 6 months later in September the BBC (and others) were reporting these findings:
The research found that older voters were strongly in favour of Scotland remaining part of the UK, including 67% of those aged over 70.
But the academics behind the Scottish Referendum Study note that the youngest voters, aged between 16 and 24, appear to have voted ‘No’ as well.
Those aged 25 to 29 were in the age group most likely to vote ‘Yes’, with 62% for independence, yet teenagers and those in their early twenties were 54% for the Union.
Check the bar graph in this BBC report with slide 7 from March all the figures have changed but in particular for the young.
link to
Same study reporting 6 months apart, results polar opposites in a study costing more than 1/4million. Does not compute, more later.
Those are strange finding for the younger groups, I agree. I suppose you could argue that voters of school age might still be affected by their more “conservative” parents, but it wasn’t my or my elder daughter’s experience as secondary teachers at the time. We were, of course, forbidden to discuss the referendum with the pupils, but it didn’t stop some staff from trying to get students to vote No.
Senior students imo were excited and energised, mainly because few read the Dead Tree Scrolls and relied on alternative media for their info. We got lots of kids coming into our Hub at lunch times to pick up DVDs, pamphlets, wrist bands and stickers.
As for Scottish students (many of whom I canvassed with during the Ref once I had retired) the above, but only more so.
A poster on the M/T today (sorry, I can’t remember who) made the excellent point that people don’t want to admit they’ve been had, so this may account for the numbers apparently denying the Power of The How Now Brown Vow (Socrates or Bob Mack?).
@Tinto Chiel
But which findings are strange? The ones reported in March showing 62.5% of 16-19 y/o or the ones reported in Sep showing just 45.7% for Yes?
The results are supposed to be from the same study so why are they so different?
Here’s a video with Professor Ailsa Henderson giving a presentation of the results, this time from the Sep results as they are so different from the March results posted earlier. It proves though that both sets of results supposed to be from the same study.
The fact that they are different, well no explanation is given.
This video is 12 minutes long and your original query Tinto about academic study into the Vow is given the whole last four minutes.
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However there is a massive flaw in her summary and I’ll tell you later as it’s too much for just this one post LOL.
Apologies if I’m making your head nip, been reading this stuff all day as I said and it still doesn’t make sense to me. I didn’t intend to make anyone elses nip either but it’s always helpful to have a second opinion.
You can overdo this stuff and I probably have today though I’m like a terrier with a bone I won’t give it up and keep gnawing at it until I’m satisfied that there’s nothing more to be got from it. Then I’ll walk away
Keep gnawing, Alex.
Why are they so different? I can’t explain that at all: it seems totally inconsistent and contradictory.
You would need someone with statistical knowledge to look closely at this study: I am not that masked stranger.
I’m beginning to think this is an example of the Rev’s maxim: ignore the headlines, examine the small print.
My impression over the last four years, confirmed by my heiresses who are never off social media, is that the kids are all right, and will vote the right way without question, so frankly, I am confuseddotcom.
I suspect you have discovered what may be charitably called an anomaly, or, less so, bullshit.
Just noticed now that we have three different results from the same study for 16-19 y/o who voted Yes.
March 2015 says 62.5%
Sept 2015 says 45.7%
The video from Oct 2015 is different as the figures are 16-17 50% and 18-24 51%.
Hahaha If I paid £248,349 for this “research” I’d be asking for my money back. I have one last thing to say about the anomalies but I’ll save that for tomorrow.
Good project of yours, that got quoted recently. Followed a link from
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and found this which sets the scene for any bias:
“In a somewhat crushing blow for Alex Salmond and the Scottish Nationalist Party . . .”
Academic study my arse.
That link of yours “three waves” of surveys, yet the graphics don’t say which one they relate to. I wouldn’t get my business supplies from them.
“3 wave internet survey, fieldwork YouGov (split sample BES, SES)
Wave 1: 22 August – 17 September (rolling cross section)
Wave 2: 22 – 26 September (small and large questionnaire)
Wave 3: March 2015
Sample size wave 1: 4849
Sample size wave 2: 3719 (across 2 surveys)”
Haven’t looked any further, back to bed I’m fair knackered.
“The How Now Brown Vow”: now I come to think of it, I think that was one of Chic(k) McGregor’s.
@Dave McEwan Hill
The link might be of interest to you, Pro-Indy Radio Stations wanted.
link to
That website link to has been hijacked and has only two stories on it one of which is about luggage?.
I used the Wayback Machine yesterday to see pages going back to when it was originally set up and it was only ever used once for the launch of the preliminary results of the study and was never updated.
The fact that other than the presentations I can find no reference to the results does bother me and that is why I spent so much time on it.
Regarding the dates of the surveys that is my final anomaly, will take a wee while to make a coherent post and I’ll get round to it sometime today.
You go away for a couple of days and it all goes off.
Anyroads. Have you clocked this Paul?
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Appears someone is stacking the constitutional deck and planning ahead.
Onwards: This won’t raise any eyebrows, but it should leave you shaking your head.
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This is pretty much what we’ve come to as a United Kingdom. Anyone supporting that REALLY needs to take a hard look in the mirror. Of course, not just that though. There’s also this wee sweety in today’s National.
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Standing up for Scotland etc. Tories who would sell your futures and condemn you to the hardest of Brexits. They could care less if you existed. Call it what you will. I call it Conservatism personally. Actually, no. Nor is it simply British Nationalism. Though it’s all of that. No, its more culling the weak? Survival of the fittest? An act of self serving callousness.
(Apologies for the lack of archiving, but I think I’m going to need to reload the damn thing. It’s glitching like a wossiname anytime I’m on those sites)
P.S. I’d posted the above comment elsewhere, but thought the links fairly essential to spread around.
Spidey sense tingling.
Macart: saw this and thought of your quick arrival and departure yesterday once you realised the topic.
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I think there is no doubt that Tories are simply utterly selfish, heartless and wicked. Where would tank Straddler be w/o the MSM lifebelt?
@Tinto Chiel
It was a bit like that right enough.
I know this should be on the main thread, but folk are preoccupied.
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Basically – OFFS!
Always nice to see you drop in on Off Topic Macart. A sanctuary at times LOL.
Well, y’know, I didn’t want to interrupt…
Just read the WGD article, he sure does have a way with words. He’ll be a legend one day
Loved this
Jacob Rees Mogg is pretty pissed off about Davie’s remarks, as it means he got his nanny to bolt a flame thrower onto the Bentley for no reason.”
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When will people wake up?
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@Tinto Chiel
I can’t answer your question but it may possibly be in these lyrics.
@Tinto Chiel
I can’t answer your question but it may possibly be in these lyrics.
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Or maybe this one:
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I even bought them, Brutus Gold rings a bell. Anyway wife’s out so that was full blast and the ones that follow.
Ah, that’s better, moved poor Hamish from leaning against the left speaker facing me. Crank up the volume again …
Mmm, Radar Love …
Esteemed gentlemen, you are being unduly pessimistic…..
There’s nae pouches in a shrood but I’ll have my Scottish Passport in my jeans as I go to The Bad Fire quite happily, heeheehee.
Yesindyref2: David Dundas……
Did you have to?
*Feels queasy*
Well take this
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Mmm, better make my peace with
Paulalink to
He does have knack for laugh out loud prose.
Nothing wrong with a bit of ZZ, though I’m not sure what their views are on Scottish independence, frankly.
Might try to interest those charming young ladies in my monograph on Lanarkshire place-names…..
Fancy a muffin?
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The latest offering.
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This is also worth memorizing and spreading.
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Final anomaly? Humour me for now
I’m not in the mood of laying everything out as it’s too much work so only if you are interested you might care to watch that video again for the final anomaly?
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If you look at the video around 30 secs in it shows a slide of the Methodology used, we’re interested for now on Wave 1 then pause it.
You’ll see that wave 1 was a rolling poll done over 4 weeks w/e 29/08, 05/09, 12/09 and 17/09 with the same respondents questioned each time (the slide doesn’t say that but trust me). In particular we’re only interested in the dates for weeks 1 and 4 as that is what is used in the later slides that I’m about to talk about.
Speed forward now in the video to around 9’20” and you will see the slide “Impact of campaign on vote choice (week1)” you should keep watching from there until around 10’12” where you now have a slide with the comparison between week 1 and week 4.
This clearly shows that the influence of “more powers” has increased by around 10% but this increase is now about to be dismissed by the Prof as irrelevant.
Watch until the end I’m about to post a transcript anyway.
The good Professor informs us:
“If we thought the Vow mattered, if we thought that the promise of more powers mattered. We would have expected to see a significant, a substantial jump in the ability of that variable to explain why people voted Yes and why people voted No.
And it increases a little bit but it doesn’t increase substantially and instead what we find is that other arguments matter more and the main message I think from this slide is the argument that was made by the Yes campaign about what the gap between rich and poor would be like.
Whether it would get smaller under one condition or larger under another condition had more traction with voters by the end of the campaign than it did by(sic) the start of the campaign.
The other thing is that the argument about the economy started to lose traction a little bit, so if you want to know what the referendum would look like had it been maybe one extra week. What we might have found is that the results would have been closer than if they were held on the 18th.”
Well you want to know where I believe that the good Professor’s argument falls down? It is in the data itself that she uses to support her argument.
Week 1 was from the 22nd to the 29th August, week 4 from the 12th to the 17th September.
She states:
“If we thought the Vow mattered, if we thought that the promise of more powers mattered. We would have expected to see a significant, a substantial jump in the ability of that variable to explain why people voted Yes and why people voted No.”
However, the Vow was not published in the Daily Record until the 15th of September and much too late to have any significant effect on that weeks polling to make the polling for that week reliable in order to make such a statement.
What I really want to know though is why was this research given £248,349 of public funds yet the results are not redily available to the public.
Who received all these results and the research and what was the purpose of it. Did the SG get a copy? If not then why not.
I’ll tell you this is the likes of Wings had £248,349 donated by government to spend in this manner you can be sure we would have done a damn sight better with it that this lot have done.
It’s an example of how our own taxes are used against us, this research provided plenty headlines for the BBC and the Papers to ridicule Alex Salmond in his assertion that “The Vow” cost the Yes side 10% of votes.
I know who I believe. Bastards.
Almost £250000 smackers for this dreck? Certainly jobs for the boys.
Are we surprised?
Thanks for the exposé, Thepnr.
Well done, Thepnr.
Morning all, my my, OT has taken a serious turn recently, has it no?
Nae Smallaxe, hope he’s just having a wee rest and is doin okay. Nana is taking a wee break as well. Her links were the only thing making the MT bearable just now. Things must be bad when we even have Macart coming OT for a much needed rest. I remember when wings MT used to be a lot of fun, great education, and folk wi’ a sense of humour. Some folk at the moment are so far up themselves they’ll never see daylicht again. Dearie me.
I too, have been having a wee rest, it just gets too much sometimes. Onywhoo, I hope a’body is well and enjoying the better weather. It’s been lovely doon here the past few days. I even got the washing oot and dried yesterday. I know, I’m a sad wee soul and easy pleased.
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Quite agree with your sentiments, Marie. M/T is in the doldrums at the mo.
Harvey wouldn’t watch that clip with the purse: he’s been in the huff for ages because I wouldn’t take him into Glasgow on the train. Don’t know what to do to restore his equilibrium but he doesn’t like goat-nadgering, so that little treat’s oot the windae. He’s standing beside my holly tree making cut-throat gestures to a grey squirrel.
Missing Smallaxe, too. I know he likes a rude one, so this should be right up his rue:
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My legal representative has asked me to point out this is neither an invitation nor exhortation, btw.
Harvey’s got his Walkman on full blast now.
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Getting a bit worried about him.
@Marie Clark
I wouldn’t normally post serious stuff on OT but as Tinto asked the question and I ken he bides here
I decided to respond to him here. Otherwise my “serious” response would have been swallowed up over on the MT.
Just for you here’s some Glasgow patter a bit less serious
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@ Thepnr, aye thanks for that Alex, that’s a bit mair like it, ye cannae beat a good laugh.
Tinto, I’m sorry to hear that Harvey is still in the huff. I thocht that he wid ha got ower it by noo. Mind you, he has excellent taste in his music. Mibbies this will coax him oot.
link to or mibbies this
Oops, second link not right. try again.
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I’ve just realised how bad the MT is even man @ c&a has shot the craw. That’s a bonus I would say.
It’s getting worse, Marie. He saw your first clip and is now staring inanely into the middle distance while twirling his whiskers.
What have we done?
Jeezo, forgot Mascagni always makes him greet.
Back to square one, I’m afraid.
Found the antidote:
link to
He likes Naples…
*Wipes brow, pours two responsible fingers of malt*
Oh naw Tinto, was Jessica Rabbit too much for Harvey, she’s quite a gal. I didnae mean tae make him greet, aw the pair sowel.
Well I hope he’s doing a bit better now. By the way, was the malt for you or for Harvey?
Why, Harvey, of course. Sun’s not over the yard-arm yet Where I Am, Marie.
*Takes beamer, shifts uneasily in seat*
The man called C%A
Has finally gone away
I hope that nuthin’ bad
Has happened tae his person
But ahm no sad he’s gone
For this was his main lesson:
Ye cannae talk aw shite on Wings
And no expect a fight
And though MT is bad right noo
It’s fair tae say wihoot him
It’s better than it could’ve been
Wi us aw settin’ aboot him
But here’ the rub
It’s hard tae say
But someone has tae speak it
SD is back amongst us aw
Bold and brash and sleekit
As one retreats another comes
As night must follow day
We must remain on guard no less
Because we know him well
His Tory stink is just as bad
And leaves an awfy smell.
Count me in to help sometime, got stuff on right now and suffering a bit from an ankle I strained sitting or standing or sleeping or nothing at all, really.
The argument that “the VOW had no effect is being used by Unionists, and it’s rubbish, it did have an effect, specially those looking for an excuse to vote NO, but in particular for the Devo-maxers who didn’t think there was any chance, and were soft YESses as before that they were becoming convinced (rightly) Devo-Max had no chance.
They are still the battleground, and Unionists are moving in and taking up their posittions.
Liked your wee ditty
it’s one of the reasons I started posting again after a necessary break.
I’m sure some of you have noticed that if you use an ad blocker then you can’t read articles on The Scotsman website.
I get round this by right clicking the link and using “open in incognito window”. I;ve just done that for this article
link to
What a disaster that page is with adverts totally drowing out the story, your adverts may be different from mine as I’m sure it depends on your broswing history and cookies ect.
That page though is a total mess and basically unreadable, another nail in The Scotsman’s coffin for sure.
Try it and see for yourself.
Tried it. With Firefox and adblock plus it looks fine.
Thanks for the feedback, I can’t access the Scotsman with Adblock on so surprised that you did. Maybe I need to try Firefox. Hey Ho.
I can’t get the Scotsman with Firefox and ABP, but I’ve also got uBlock, perhaps that’s the difference – or my own paranoid settings.
Thinking about this franchise thing, seems to me we should put in a consultation to balance some of the more, errr, debatable suggestions, even if perhaps we generally accept it as it is.
I’m thinking of a blanket 2 year requirement, BUT with options for other routes, such as selling a house or giving up a council house or moving out of parents houses and moving to Scotland, with some verifiable way of residence that could make it a year – or even 6 months. Think Lollysmum for instance, I think it is. Why shouldn’t she vote quicker, she’s made Scotland her home?
It’d need to have difficult guidelines and checks to see if a B&B or holiday home address – or student residence or flat, and perhaps a self-statement, punishable by prosecution if falsified.
Waddya think?
yesindyref2 at 4.17
“those looking for an excuse to vote NO,”
Correct. They were already voting No but were struggling to find a way to explain that and sound sensible.
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Time to bring this out of hiding
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And this’ll bring a smile to any face
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Jimmy Reid interviewed by Jonathan Dimbleby, 1972. Note how scathing he is about some ‘Labour’ people at 11.30mins. Plus ca change…
Another wee gem currently being shown on Truly Scottish TV.
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Thanks very much for that, Ian. First time I have seen this since the first time.
Young “Lefty” Dimbleby seemed at times quite flummoxed by his simple truths, ideas he had probably never been expose to.
I feel Jimmy’s strength came from his membership of the CP, rather than the Labour (“There have been some smashers, haven’t they?”). My political education began with three of four CP members, who argued against my “nationalism” and gave me Lenin’s chapter and verse on the topic, but they were all pretty poor materially and had principles, and died poor(ish).
They were all peaceful, intellectual types, yet attempted to justify the wiping out of the kulaks as a class. They couldn’t have harmed a flea, and we all knew it, and that was their salvation, at least in my mind.
The few who have survived to this day that I still know (three of them) are Yessers, one a Green, two still CP in sympathy/membership.
For those who haven’t read it before, I append as usual:
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Btw: for those 80 minute patriots, like some of my ghastly family members, I hope that, after today, you are now 525,600 minute Scots.
Not holding my breath, mind.
@ Tinto, the great thing about electing a Communist shop-steward was that they wouldn’t take a gaffer’s job!
Mmm, just found this and watching it, no idea yet if it’s any good:
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Mmm, I think the answer is “it’s a disaster” acording to the economist. No surprise there then.
@Fred: quite true. I respected them for that.
I got to know one very well by the time he retired. He was in British Intelligence (if that’s not a contradiction) in WW2 and served mainly in the Balkans. He ended up as a junior member at various negotiations with old Tito, whom he had much regard for.
I presume his CP membership dated from after the war, since I can’t imagine prole membership would be permitted in the security services: only folk like Philby and Blake could pull that one off.
Just noticed Jimmy’s speech was printed by Thomson Litho of EK.
Matt Thomson was a very “robust” gap-toothed right back for Motherwell FC in the 60s before going on to build a very successful business.
@TC –
Cheers for that link to Reid’s speech.
I’ve definitely ‘seen’ it before, and we’ve probably had it linked right here, but I don’t recall ever reading the printed version.
It’s very moving. The whole look of it ‘on the page’ so-to-speak reminds me of Orwell essays. Perhaps it seems ridiculously naive now, but I can’t imagine how any decent human could take objection to anything he said/wrote there.
Meanwhile, in the here-and-now, where we all have to be pragmatic and ‘realistic’, the Leader of the Free World reiterates his ‘initiative’ that teachers should be armed.
‘Oh, if only Orwell was still alive!’ said Cyril Connolly or somesuch other of his contemporaries, wondering what he’d make of this, that, or what-not. Aye. And what of Reid? What the actual fuck would he make now, of the Labour Party, of Scotland’s treatment by WM, of ‘Brexit’, of ‘The Glasgow Herald’?!
Strange days indeed…most peculiar momma!
Well IB, I’ve been wondering just what effect that rugby win over England could have, the auld enemy. Could it increase confidence? I know we avoid the “Braveheart” image, but at the time I had little doubt the film increased the vote for Devolution. And it’s interesting Sturgeon tweeted with the word “bravehearts” in it about the rugby team. Maybe I’m just tired and a little emotional
Ian, JR could hardly hide his warm contempt for BLiS______d in the clip but God knows what he would have said of their behaviour in the referendum.
One of the most powerful points he made about capitalism/Tory ways is that it stifles each person’s potential through acquired poverty of ambition caused by material poverty and by considering them as mere economic units. Most people are born with a talent but few get the chance to develop it.
One of my daughter’s colleagues teaches in an urban comprehensive and had a pupil who was gifted on a particular instrument (no names, no pack-drill, obvs). Since the instrument was pretty much unaffordable, the teacher said she could take it home and practise on it if she wanted. The girl refused several times but when the teacher pressed her on the matter she explained her parents were addicts and would simply have sold it to fund their habit.
With the school’s support (in a number of ways) she was able to go to music college eventually and she is now a professional orchestral musician, unfortunately (but understandably perhaps) not in the land of her birth. She was one of the few of her school contemporaries to escape the man-made traps which Mad Toryworld places in the way.
I think JR would have been a great asset to the referendum campaign, had he lived to see it.
Tinto Chiel at 9.07
When Jimmy passed away he was longstanding member of the Bute SNP, a fact our lefty unionists would like us all to forget. Met him at several SNP conferences. Very fond of a good malt.
He certainly earned them.
I expect a visit to Bella Caledonia would have increased his consumption.
@ TC (why do I always think of Top Cat?)
@ IanB
Thanks for the links to the wonderful Jimmy Reid speech and interviews. The humanity of that man was inspirational. More like him and the world would be a very different place.
I had a little bit of contact with him in the early 70s having typed up seemingly endless pages of proposals in the effort to save UCS. Nane o yer word processing then, thumpety thump on a manual typewriter! Those were the days…
I posted a comment on the main page around 9.30. After 15 minutes refreshing, it still hadn’t appeared. Did some tweaks to the text and tried again around 9.45. Still hasn’t appeared so I’m gonna try here, with some more tweaks.
Hi Cactus at 7:51pm.
You typed,
Here’s one for everybuddy (2,349,239)
link to
As soon as the vocal started on that, I was convinced it was Sheena Wellington. So I went to the IMDB to check. Turns out,
“Auld Lang Syne
Written by Robert Burns
Performed and Arranged by The Cast (Mairi Campbell and Dave Francis)
Additional Arrangement by Aaron Zigman and Jerry Hey
Courtesy of Culburnie Records”
Now, I took that to mean the cast of the film. WRONG! Further Googling of “Culburnie Records” revealed that “The Cast” are…
“Mairi Campbell & Dave Francis are the multi-talented Scottish duo known as The Cast, whose albums The Winnowing and Colours of Lichen have attracted generous critical acclaim. Their inventive use of vocal and instrumental harmonies brings a fresh approach to the most venerable traditional material.
In 1999 The Cast performed their classic rendition of Auld Lang Syne, as heard on their debut album, The Winnowing, on the U.S. television special Kennedy Center Honors. The program honored fellow Scot Sean Connery. Mairi Campbell was also featured singing Stevie Wonder’s “We Are The World” in the show’s finale. Among the many prestigious guests attending this annual holiday event were The President and Mrs. Clinton.”
That’s from:-
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I wonder if Mairi Campbell ever studied under Sheena Wellington? Just phoned Sheena: she’s known Mairi Campbell, Dave Francis and Alasdair Fraser (owner of Culburnie Records) for years but there was no formal studying. Perhaps just subliminal influence?
Sheena did say she has only recorded “Auld Lang Syne” once – for Channel 4 at the millenium. She did sing the “original” version at two Hogmanay parties organised by the City Centre & Harbour Community Council on the North Carr lightship in Victoria Dock around 2007.
RE: Flower of Scotland. I think this is an example of a “grassroots” anthem picking up a head of steam. Around 1977/78, I started playing the 1974 live single version as the last record at family-type discos – weddings, silver weddings, 21sts, and so on. It always went down well.
Awerighty there Brian Doonthetoon ~
i, she gotta sweet Scottish voice.
See ye 7th April ’18
Gig at the Glen!
Here’s another kinda Glenn on o/t (1,446,816)
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78.4% waxing gibbous.
Jist like a monkey.
@Betty B –
I’m properly jealous, would’ve loved to meet the man. He reminds me of some relatives who I was terrified of because they had such a short fuse, and I can’t imagine JR suffered fools gladly. But what a decent guy – you can’t fake that kind of concern for others and I echo what TC wrote above.
Anyway, just thought I’d post this because it made me smile as well as tap my toes. It’s another working class hero, Wilko Johnson, demonstrating his guitar technique.
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@Betty Boop: Top Cat? Not quite what Mrs Tinto has been known to call me…
You’re lucky to have known Jimmy.
This is the other thing that’s been making me laugh intermittently (sometimes in social situations, with awkward results) because my own children picked up on it and have been using it as a catchphrase.
Witnessed a situation here in Stevenston, on Platform I of wur ain station (approx three years ago) where *exactly* the same phrase was repeatedly howled by a very tired and emotional dude who was trying to prevent people boarding the Glasgow train. It was serious enough for Police Scotland’s Finest to attend. Clearly a very grim family crisis.
A lot of folk don’t get/like Limmy, but some of his stuff is, imo, genius material.
Limmy, ‘She’s Turned The Weans Against Us’ –
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Catchphrases are strange. Some clever ones (at least to my ear) tried by comedians have never stuck, while other rather limp ones become established.
Paul Whitehouse of The Fast Show/Harry Enfield fame even had a sub-Arthur Askey vaudeville character with “deliberately” lame ones (“Ooh! How Queer!”/”Ooh, Where’s me washboard?”) which actually caught on (at least in my diseased imagination).
In Schlesinger’s Billy Liar, the slimy, insincere comic Danny Boone has the marvellously vapid (or deeply ontological?) “It’s all ‘appening!”, complete with hand gestures.
Limmy’s is a bit on the edge because it’s almost certainly drawn from someone’s rather painful life, as you say. But then his whole comic world teeters on the Funny/Not Funny threshold.
He’s the lime pickle of comedy, he catchphrased (not).
@ IanB
@ TC
No need to be jealous re JR. My contact was mainly a few times on the end of a landline phone and notes about proposals. Jings, the memories. I lived in a village where, at the time, calls still had to be connected by the local telephone operator. You never knew who you might end up with on the line or who was listening in … (really!) and I’m not talking about the operators.
You know something, there was as much dirty, devious dealing went on then as now. That’s another story though.
@BDTT: I think that the Mairi Campbell is the best recorded version. It’s quiet and reflective, looking back to childhood friendships now sundered.
My only slight quibble is the pronunciation of “stowp” as stoop instead of stowp in the song (ow as in gown). My Scots dictionary records the former as an O&Sh rendering, the latter being the mainland Scots pronunciation.
The trouble with stowp is that it’s not used all that much now in common speech. Has anyone heard it pronounced Where You Are, and, if so, how?
@BB: we all want to hear your other story.
Hi Tinto Chiel.
Try this one…
link to
The thot plickens, Brian.
That was a pint-STOAP, wasn’t it?.
And an S perilously close to a Z in “syne”.
@ TC
I know! Discretion is often the better part of valour; that way there is a chance of living to fight another day
Maybe I’ll leave a memoir…
Betty Boop: very wise.
Thought you were going to tell us about Mr. $@££* &*%£$** and the donkey on Clapham Common.
A song for Miss Daines:
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Hi Tinto Chiel.
Kieren, the singer on that video, is from Glasgow. I’ve noticed that there is a west coast tendency for some to pronounce s as z. For example, “Some of us here…” pronounced as “Some of uzz here…”.
Nicola does it.
Indeed, BDTT.
*Mounts high horse*
Another annoying pronunciation imo is “Scoddish”, number 31 in My Little Book of WTF?, unavailable in all good bookshops.
I see that wee toady Jim Wallace using the Grievance Word against us while he trousers his ermine money for doing sfa as we are ripped out the EU against our will.
My message to all Yoons:
link to
Am working out to this in my tartan Lycra as I type.
Aye Brian, it’s also a west-coast trait to call pies, pies, funnily enough!
Fairly missing Nana. Doon the stair is just a troll-show these days. No wonder Petra had enough of the arseholes & took a powder!
She’ll be back. I think she was also annoyed some of her posts went missing.
It’s much safer to C ‘n’ V the old pearls of wisdom, particularly on O/T, for some reason.
Tinto, ye can be mair cryptic than Tonto at times!
*semaphores* Ta TC
C ‘n’ V= cut and paste, Kemosabe.
My pleasure, Miss Daines.
This flitted through what passes for my mind while looking in a butcher’s window last week.
(Man enters butcher’s)
Man: Can I have a mince round?
Butcher: Please yourself, sir, but we shut in five minutes.
Eh thenk yow……
Goat-it, took a while though!
Was that not Larry Grainger?
Larry Grayson, surely, Dave.
Seemed like a nice boy…..
See that C ‘n’ V now I knew that meant cut and paste from my early forays into computers but in this particular case:
“It’s much safer to C ‘n’ V the old pearls of wisdom, particularly on O/T, for some reason.”
I thought it meant Come and Voice. By the way trolls don’t visit here (often, odd one or two), there’d be hammers.
Didn’t COLIN ALEXANDER or Colin alexander or Colin Alexander pay a visit for a wee while after Marie or Liz g mentioned on the M/T there was an Off Topic?
This is the only place we can hold hands around the open fire, have a sausage sizzle and sing Kumbaya in peace.
Mind you, my extremities are gowpin’ in all this snow.
@Tinto Chiel
Yes he did, it was a brief visit. Just the one shift.
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@Tinto Chiel
First hit for Elvis I believe, it’s funny how the songs you liked so much in your youth change over time. Well for me they do, maybe that’s just the dementia.
Now here’s a thing and I’m not being funny about dementia, wife has gone to Liverpool to visit our daughter so left on my own for a few days. After I dropped her at the train station I had to go to Tesco for some stuff.
It came to pay for the goods and I couldn’t remember my pin number! WTF I use it almost every week, so I gets another card out and got that wrong too!!
Embarrassed but I had enough cash so paid that. What went wrong?
I know memory starts deteriorating as you get older so doesn’t mean your heading towards dementia. Truth is now thinking about it, probably just hungover and should take a break from the beer
@ Thepnr Hi Alex Hopefully you we’re just Hungover. I will never forget when Uncle Bill Quit Dope. link to
I wouldn’t worry about it, Thepnr.
About 15 years ago I was going to the Mitchell Library to do some family history. Since it was July, there was a colossal monsoon-like inundation in Glasgow and I got absolutely soaked and chilled.
When I finally reached the library, I was asked to fill in a form but I couldn’t remember my address. The more I tried, the worse it got. Eventually, once I had warmed up and calmed down, I remembered it: a very strange experience.
Most people have so many pin numbers and passwords to remember the inevitable happens.
All schools shut here: lots of happy pupils.
@ Tinto, did U get to check the Poor Law Records at the Mitchell? chust superb, the original ledgers brought up from the cellar on a barra!
Anent the mince-round, Bishoppbriggs wummin went into the butcher’s & asks for a quarter of spam & a bone for the dog please! her wean pies up “Are we getting a dug mammy!”
Anent “Stoup!” how about “Stroup?” a spout or spoot!
Good mornin everybody this fine snawy mornin. Hope your all safe and keeping warm.
Anent man at C&A paying a visit to OT only once, well I hiv tae confess that wiz my fault. He came oan here spoutin his usual pish and I played him this wee song link to
to which I must say he took great exception. He wis so upset he said I was a devil woman and included the link for the song. He coulnae even get that richt, Thepnr had to help him oot. I had a good laugh at that one. When I told my beloved, he said that he had to agree wi’ him. Nice eh!
I see Smallaxe is still missing, is he having a wee rest, or is he hor de combat. Noo, come oan Smallaxe, the end game is nearly here by the look o’ things, your needed son.
Fred, I haven’t seen the Poor Law Records, to my shame. I suspect they would remind me of my current account…
Liked your joke. When I was wee I was often sent to the Co for butcher meat (I’ve forgotten the divvy number now) and a bone for our dog. They always gave me one full of marrow with bits of meat on it and even an upright proto-citizen like me began to see the possibilities……
He’s a sensitive wee sowill, right enough, Marie. You’ll have given him a complex now. Is he the one who occasionally uses “youse” to pretend he’s scum like wot I am ‘n’ at?
I think Smallaxe is taking a right good rest. The May demo in Freedom Square is one he’d love to get to so we can compare our new spring wardrobes. Apparently organza and Tyrian purple are going to be the must-haves this season.
It would be great to see him there.
@Marie Clark
I’m sure Smallaxe won’t mind me saying but I heard from him recently and he’s just taking things easy for the moment and intends to be back after his battery is fully recharged.
Trying to avoid stress makes sense to me when advised to take things easy. If your passionate about something then Wings can be stressful as I am all too aware
@Thpnr, thanks Alex, I’m very pleased to hear that Smallaxe is taking things easy, and fully recharging his batteries. It look as if we’ll all need full batteries at the rate things are going at the moment. Goodness knows what will happen next. I wouldn’t be surprised we finish up with another GE, cause not one of the idiots darn souf know what their doing.
The MT can be very stressful at times, I know that I find, sometimes I just need to step away. It’s no guid fur the blood pressure when you’re doddin oan a bit.
Look after yourself Smallaxe, it looks like it could be all hands to the pumps soon.
I’m taking the time for a number of things

That weren’t important yesterday;
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Peace and Love to All
You’ve remained classy, just the acid needed topping up then

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@Marie Clark
I know what you mean about “doddin oan a bit”. Paula Rose has just reminded me that we both get our BUS PASSES next year.
Twa auld punks sitting together on the bus to the next Wings do, it doesn’t bare thinking about
Here’s the Magical Mystery Tour on a bus!
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I’ve found a way now that suits me to listen to then tunes posted on OT and that’s just to let them play on in the background then carry on as normal.
Good background tune Tinto.
Smallaxe, mon vieux: I did listen and then I cwied. Snowmageddon here and I’m trying to keep my wee thrush alive.
It seems Sandy knew something of our own Ian…..
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Try that one, Thepnr. Glad you tracked down Paula Rose. For Goad’s sake don’t mention Miss Daines.
“I can see colours, man.”
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Drift away……
“I wish you could know what it means to be me then you’d see and agree that every man should be free”;
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Cheers Smallaxe mon vieux! Mundell says U peeps are in a different country doon there. He’s oan a different planet of course!
Hi Fred,
Mundell can say what he likes, we say;

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Indeed Smallaxe! Setting off to get my National so going outside now, I may be some time!
*Looks out of window*
Nice to have known you, Fred.
@ Thepnr
Yoofs, the pair o’ ye!
Brian, I meant to say that I really enjoyed that version of Auld Lang Syne by the Graham Brown Band that you posted a few days back. No’ managing to keep up here…
Tinto, a wee song for Fred, freeze a jolly good fellow,

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Good to see you. Hope you’re keeping well.
Hi Macart,
I’m doing okay, thanks, I’ve just been taking it easy for a while and enjoying spending some time with my grandkids.

I hope you and yours are well, my friend.
All in good health here in the sunny south west. Bone dry in the south west and not a flake in sight. How’s you’re end of the region?
Did you know Alma Cogan was Alma Mater afore she got hitched?
I’ll… get my parka.
We here in the deep south of north Britain have 4/5in of snow, we haven’t had snow lying here like this since the winter of 1995/6. The kids are enjoying it and luckily our freezer is full as we can’t get near the shops, it’s also a good excuse to have a smidgeon of brandy in my morning/afternoon/evening coffee.

The Parka Kings:”Whiskey, Wine and Rosaries”
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Sorry for the delay but my internet connection got lost in the snow.
I never drink a whisky with an “e” in it, mon vieux haricot.
In memory of Fred, gourmet and doyen of but’n’benners:
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Never seen snaw like this for yonks, opened the close door tae a 3 ft drift! Made it to the paper-less paper-shop which also has nae milk, nae rolls & nae breid! Feel for the folks oot in the stix & the Tory faithful heading to Aberdeen, hell slap it intae them!!

Thanks for videoing your journey;
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We’ve got snow now, as well. Had a little bit yesterday and the odd tiny shower but today it is proper snow, very pretty.
Smallaxe, 10.15, I assume the /s represent and not or!
And, of course, but strictly for medicinal purposes,
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That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it, hic! Lovely watter this.

Thought of heading oot again to panic-buy something or other but a blizzard has arrived!
I thought that I would cheer you up with this happy little number about a blizzard;
link to
I’ll bet you feel a lot better now.

Just entered hell on earth. My wife has discovered ITV3 with Coronation Street from what looks like the middle of last century on every afternoon
DMH: try taking the batteries out of the remote and practising a puzzled expression.
Welcome to Tinto World.
Hey, Smallaxe, should we open an antiques shop to boost our revenue streams?
These leather culottes are chafing a bit, tbh.
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Your leather culottes are chafing a bit, is that your only worry?
My mother used to buy all my clothes from the army and navy stores, you try going to school in Glasgow dressed as a Japanese Admiral and you’ll find out what chafing is!
How about us teaching this;
Slapping Leather:
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Smallaxe, wouldn’t it be great if the O/O started line dancing instead of walking?
It would cement their place in society as utterly laughable twallies/dorkspanglers.
Too late, Tinto, that was done in Dundee at Christmas.
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Recognise anyone?
Maybe the American style would suit them better.
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Hi Smallaxe
Good to see ye back and on fine form too….
How are you and the the grandweans are loving the
Tell Mrs Smallaxe I’m askin for her..X
Utter spanners, mon vieux.
Hi Liz,
The weans are loving the snow and of course, the schools being closed adds to their delight. We are doing okay down here, I hope everything is going better for you now after your sad loss during the festive season. I wish you much love and peace, my dear friend for this and coming years.
I’ve been thinking, what cruel b/stard put an S in the word lisp?
Smallaxe, your trenchant apercu has pure proved to me you are in the Van of Modern Thought.
This goes deep, deep, my friend.
*Muses thereon*
*Having mused*
Answer: A Tory?
Hi Smallaxe.
Good to see you back in the groove! Your mention of “lithp” reminded me of this classic track, with a pronounced limp…
link to
Smallaxe @ 8.49
Thank you,yes we are getting on with it,lookin forwards is the only thing fur it….as I’m sure you don’t need telling.
Stay Well my dear friend…all my best to you and yours.X
This is worrying.

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This is Music;

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Should be watched by every Scot – regularly – just to remind us of the completely unscrupulous nature of our enemy.
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Youse perr are on fire tonight! Tinto has tracked down the Slab leader’s past to Bona Antiques! Thanks for the cheery wee blizzard Smallaxe, bet Mary Ann had burnt the mince anyhow?
It’s been a long day, dye mind the hacks ye got on the back o the legs wi snawy wellies? Wonder if Ruth gets them wi aw that straddlin?
Just having a wee Laphroaig fur ma supper!
Afore turning in, I give you Janet Hamilton, the Langloan Poetess!
link to fingers crossed!
Eh Thenk You!
Thanks for the link to Janet, very interesting but I wouldn’t want to take hame a short pay tae her.
Enjoy your Laphroaig supper.
A wee song from Otis;
link to
Some tunes to cheer us up a bit!

Al Green:”Love and Happiness”
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Wilson Picket:”Land of a Thousand Dances”
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Sam and Dave:”Hold on I’m Coming”
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Goodnight All
Forget ‘Beast from the East’.
How about a ‘Pest from the West’ comp.?
Plenty of candidates.
As ordered Chick,
JP Jones:”Pest from the West”

link to
Ta Smallaxe.
Very little new under the Sun.
You’re welcome Chick.
Brian DTT,
Brian, please accept my apologies for missing your post to me @ 1 March 2018 at 9:21 pm. Here’s a wee parody that you might enjoy;
The Ballad of the Wall;

link to
US/UK not much difference regarding borders.
No milk or papers here yet but panic-buying of wine is the thing!
I may need some, Fred.
Mrs TC has got the box sets out again and I forgot to perform the cunning Tinto Manoeuvre on the DVD remote.
Looks like Gray’s Labotomy for the umpteenth time, or Shex and The Shitty.
No wonder I end up here with the rest of the cognoscenti.
You’re far better off here with the cognoscenti, we’re much better informed than the rest of the plebs;

link to

Don’t panic, you might,”Spill the Wine”(part one)
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#Manky Mates
@Smallaxe –
Seeing as you’re up and aboot the place, can I please pick your brains?
Last weekend I got chatting to a man who was in and around Glasgow, same place, roughly same time as you. Very mild-mannered Christian these days but he was once a boxer in and around the meat market. He told me an extraordinarily grim anecdote about a young east end lad who was a very gifted musician and was being tutored by the famous trumpet player Eddie Calvery when he was set about by a gang of mindless sadists who cut his fingers off. Ever heard that story? I don’t want to believe it, but…
Anyway, hope to see you in here later this evening with all the usual suspects!
Hi Ian,
I’ve never heard that story but Arthur Thompson and Jimmy Boyle had a habit of nailing guys to the floor or their front door for non-payment of debts.
BTW, Do you mean Eddie Calvert;
Eddie Calvert:’Oh, Mein Papa’
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@Smallaxe –
Sorry, my typo, yes, Calvert.
It seems the lad was a prodigy, very well known in the area, and was being tutored by Calvert. The local thugs could hear him in practise and ambushed him after he left a lesson. They knew what they were doing.
What made me curious abut the story was Calvert’s presence in Glasgow – seems a bit odd. Anyway, it’s another one of those stories, we’ll maybe never know if it’s true or not.
Typos, is it?
Zut alors, Gray’s LOBOTOMY, obvs.
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Eddie Calvert played at the Glasgow Empire in the 50s but I can’t see him hanging about long enough to give lessons.
“I’d Rather Have a Bottle in Front of Me Than a Frontal Lobotomy”
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Which one do you have?
I liked the bottle-holsters with shot glass loops option.
Mrs TC has just put me a glass of sauvignon blanc in front of me so I suspect an evening of box-set pain awaits.
“What fresh hell is this?”
Dorothy Parker, ya bass.
Just for you;
Once, when I was young and true,
Someone left me sad-
Broke my brittle heart in two;
And that is very bad.
Love is for unlucky folk,
Love is but a curse.
Once there was a heart I broke;
And that, I think, is worse.
Dorothy Parker
Yes, she was quite a woman: all that wit mined from a pretty sad emotional life.
Am I paranoid? Just back from my daughter’s igloo. She had VichyVision on and it featured a report on the snow around Kilbarchan. After a chat with a troubled local farmer, cut to mini-market. Two locals complaining about lack of milk: some old English codger (so folk down south can understand our pain) and a nice middle-class local boy with a union jack logo on his puffer jacket.
Teetering on #SturgeonBad territory, but nicely understated.
Prime Minister Theresa May has outlined her plan to deliver a Brexit deal that ensures everyone is unhappy with it, regardless of how you voted in the referendum.
Speaking at a Mansion House event, May told attendees “Let me be clear, Brexit means Brexit, and Brexit means something very different to what you think it means.
“The only certainty I can offer you is that the eventual deal will be a huge disappointment to you personally, regardless of how you voted in the referendum.
The prime minister then went on to explain the ways in which she will disappoint those keen to see what deal we eventually negotiate.
She told those gathered, “If you voted Leave purely on the basis of stopping all freedom of movement for EU immigrants, then you’re going to be sorely disappointed.
“If you voted to Remain because you wanted to retain a full say in how the European market evolves, then you’re going to be sorely disappointed.
“If you voted Leave because you don’t want British taxpayer money going to Brussels, then you’re going to be sorely disappointed.
“If you voted Remain because you wanted to retain unfettered access to the EU market, then you’re going to be sorely disappointed.
“All in all, I think we’re doing a sterling job of pissing off just about every single stakeholder group involved in the whole mess.
“On the plus side, we have finally managed to unite Remainers and Brexiters – in telling the government it’s doing a crap job.”

Whatever she’s paying to be her speechwriter, Smallaxe, it’s not enough.
Such honesty has a price above rubies.
Paranoid Tinto?
Watching that telllieovision will make you need that lobotomy. I haven’t got a paranoid bone in my body, btw is that nice Mr Putins first name Ras? Asking for a friend.
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Heehee: still like the original version, with the Lovely, Lovely Laydees and Bobby Farrell cutting several rugs simultaneously.
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‘Fats Putin;

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I found my freedom on a 100% vodka still.
Do you know your seventeen times tables already?
17 x 17 x 17 x 17 x 17 x
17 x 17 x 17 x 17 x 17 x
17 x 17 x 17 x 17 x 17 x
17 x 17 =
1 x 17 = 17
2 x 17 = 34
3 x 17 = 51
4 x 17 = 68
5 x 17 = 85
6 x 17 = 102
7 x 17 = 119
8 x 17 = 136
9 x 17 = 153
10 x 17 = 170
11 x 17 = 187
12 x 17 = 204
13 x 17 = 221
14 x 17 = 238
15 x 17 = 255
16 x 17 = 272
17 x 17 = 289
Would that be on or off topic eh…
Next up… 18
Your eighteen times tables:
18 x 18 x 18 x 18 x 18 x
18 x 18 x 18 x 18 x 18 x
18 x 18 x 18 x 18 x 18 x
18 x 18 x 18 =
1 x 18 = 18
2 x 18 = 36
3 x 18 = 54
4 x 18 = 72
5 x 18 = 90
6 x 18 = 108
7 x 18 = 126
8 x 18 = 144
9 x 18 = 162
10 x 18 = 180! :
11 x 18 = 198
12 x 18 = 216
13 x 18 = 234
14 x 18 = 252
15 x 18 = 270
16 x 18 = 288
17 x 18 = 306
18 x 18 = 324
Have a smashin’ weekend Scotland hehe.
Cause the Tories will not!
Cactus, mon vieux haricot, have no idea what your numbers portend, but I submit this:
link to
Just to mellow us all before we ascend the broad, sunlit uplands of independence.
Mr R.Burns has advised us: “It’s coming yet, for a that.”
Just out of interest, n-n-n-n…
19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x
19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x
19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x
19 x 19 x 19 x 19 =
1 x 19 = 19
2 x 19 = 38
3 x 19 = 57
4 x 19 = 76
5 x 19 = 95
6 x 19 = 114
7 x 19 = 133
8 x 19 = 152
9 x 19 = 171
10 x 19 = 190
11 x 19 = 209
12 x 19 = 228
13 x 19 = 247
14 x 19 = 266
15 x 19 = 285
16 x 19 = 304
17 x 19 = 323
18 x 19 = 342
19 x 19 = 361
The quickening is quickening
I love numbers.
Here’s the answer to everything;

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The Magic is in the Music
Song for Treeza:
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@Smallaxe –
That Eddie Calvert story has been bugging me. I’ve just realised that it’s probably my misinterpretation of what I was told. When the man told me that the young lad was ‘a student’ of Calvert be probably meant that the lad modelled his playing style on that of the then-famous trumpeter, not that he had him as a personal tutor. That would make sense, eh?
Evenin’ Gents ~
Top tunes mon amigos.
Hey Smallaxe, Dixie performs that DS tune live, it’s a belter.
We’re having a party at ma hoose tomorrow evening.
The album is complete.
Don’t think we’ve had this one before.
I was working in the Glasgow Art School students union bar when Jeff Buckley did a solo session as part of ‘Activities Week’, must’ve been, dunno, 94, 95? Anyway, it was very late in the week so most of the students were skint and by the time they got word out that the man was playing (and how good he was) there wasn’t time for the place to get busy. Very small crowd, maybe 25 at most and he was spellbindingly brilliant. Just like his Da…
‘I only know that peace will come when all our hate is gone…’
Tim Buckley, ‘Dolphins’ –
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I think you’re right, that scenario would fit the story better as I imagine a lot of guys would want to be able to play like Eddie Calvert, he was the best of the best at that time.
“Some Enchanted Evening”
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Dixie who?
Ian, the fingerless trumpeter sounds like an urban myth, a bit like the beetles nesting in bouffant hairdo’s whose eggs hatched into maggots which bored into the hosts brain.
Talking of brains, I much preferred Theresa just coughing, she made mair sense!
Well, it’s Vino Tinto tonight, Slainte’
Fancy some single Ladyees;
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I can’t remember if I’ve played this before but who cares;
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May aye follow yours Ian Brotherhood with this one:
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Celebrate yeah!
Smallaxe, Dixie fae Caledonia, Scotland, ah yous huvnae met yet, now iSee.
I’ll link you in laters
Vino Tinto, Fred? My own label: hints of Motherwell, summer fruits, leather and turpentine (not necessarily in that order).
cearc: 42? Deep and deeper. Will need to muse.
I’m afraid any Laydees too close to the Orange Hitler Black Hole Singularity may need psychological help, Smallaxe old fruit.
Am about to retire to contemplate so a good night to all you intellectuals/loblollymen/women: we have to stick together in the face of the Brexit sunami.
Not long now, Caledonians.
Hi Smallaxe.
No need to apologise! O/T moves quickly….
RE: trumpets.
Go to YouTube. Paste,
“Jimmy Deuchar”
into the search box then take your pick of the hits produced. Mr Deuchar is probably the most famous trumpeter to originate in Dundee. (Check the search hits.) I seem to remember he played with Johnny Dankworth’s ork. Just checked – he did.
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(Click on “Read more” for the whole story at the link.)
Afore I go: I used to listen to this when my brother was out and I got control of his LPs and the Dansette:
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So infectious you could set your hat at a John T Angle and keep on truckin down the mean streets of EK.
Bonsoir, mes braves.
Can I be gnomic while I use the old Pepsodent?
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I would value your input.
Night all.
Goodnight, Tinto, see ye the morra.

I’ll check out that link, I’ve just listened to Jimmy Deuchar playing IPA Special, that’s the sort of jazz that I used to go to a pub in Charing Cross Glasgow called Crazy Daisy to listen to. I could take a lot more of that, thanks.
Bobby Nicholson:”Dear Scotland (It wisnae me)”

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@Tinto Chiel
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I was a bit slow on the uptake
*Now in winceyette PJs*
Thanks, Thepnr/cearc.
I’m interpreting this as a premonition of the MFC V Hearts cup tie on Sunday.
4-2 will dae me.
I may share my deep thoughts on Emily Dickinson’s peom ramorra.
Intellectuals/feminists: to the barricades.
Laters, haters.
Thank goodness for that, I thought I’d double posted.

Beres Hammond:”Double Trouble”
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@thewholelotayyouselot –
Probably the best thing R4 ever did!
Four trees on a solitary acre, fertilised big-time by the shite of coos which shelter in their shade!
It wisnae me!
Four trees in a field

Fertilized by a coo
The coo went away
There’s nae trees noo
I don’t think cowpats would ever register in Emily’s refined mind, Fred. She was unique (“Like so many others,” sez Jonathan Watson in his Denis Law voice). And all those capitals and dashes mark her out as a strange stylist.
That wee poem struck a chord with me because in my place-name rambles, mainly in Lanarkshire, I would often encounter clumps of trees on small hills or knolls in otherwise bare upland. They looked odd and mysterious to me.
I discovered later that most of these sites mark “excavations” by antiquarians or those with baser instincts looking for grave goods in the 18 and 19th centuries. Most of the barrows/mounds dug up in EK seem to be those of the Beaker Folk and therefore the urns contained only human ashes.
The diggings would then be filled in and trees planted, often beech or Scots pine Where I Am.
There also was an element of religious bigotry to it all, perhaps whipped up by individual meenisters, though not all by any means. The many large and ancient cairns in EK seem to have been regarded as disgustingly pagan by many and were used as quarries, to the point that they disappeared completely. Also, one stupid bigot in the 1700s smashed an ancient Celtic cross at Crossbasket (between EK and Blantyre) because it was too “Romish” for his taste, along with an ancient font which stood close by. That still really annoys and saddens me.
What the Japanese call a “High Coo” then?
Tinto, old field boundaries which have been removed leaving old trees. A couple of old hawthorns in my local park line up with the end of dyke a 100 yards away!
Native Wisdom;
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Being an inveterate tree and Pictish stone hugger, Smallaxe, all that strikes a chord with me. Who were the savages again in the “Indian Wars”?
You can’t eat money, as the NAs say.
En Angleterre, Fred, they have some pre-Norman Conquest hedges. I think a rule of thumb to estimate their age is to count the tree/shrub species in a 100 yards of hedge. Multiply the total by a 100 to give a rough answer.
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I braved the weather and drove 7mls into town today, Jack London’s nothing compared to me, the call of the mild.

“You Were On My Mind”
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@ Tinto, the hedges in by neck of the woods only date from about 1760 when the old rigs were replaced by squared parks. I’m sure you’re familiar with General Roy’s Maps online kid!
I have read that this formula for ageing hedges is bunkum?
Could quite easily be bunkum, Fred, but I have heard it earnestly espoused by “experts”. Since 2014 I believe nothing I can’t prove to my satisfaction…….
Roy’s maps are fascinating aren’t they? He was fae Carluke, ken. Sadly, the Ordnance Survey was mostly about suppressing the Highlands and, later, keeping the branks on the Lowlands too.
That Bella Caledonia guff has put me in a very bad mood. It’s started snowing again chez moi too.
You two are a pair o’ hedgehogs,
“The Hedge Song”
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Happy noo?
Since it’s tea time and to cheer you and me up, Smallaxe: a friend of yours, I think.
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More of an acquaintance, Tinto.
I first met him in the Clelland Bar in the Gorbals back in the stone age and met him again when he played Earls Court in 1973 or 74, a very interesting man was Alex.
“Last of the Teenage Idols”
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Cat Stevens:”Another Saturday Night”

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Music’s loss when he found religion.
Not entirely, Tinto,

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How strange. This evening I switched the radio on for the first time for ages and there is a programme about ‘Hitchhiker’ on.
He’s still got the voice, Smallaxe.
Re SAHB: my brother’s best friend was Ents Manager at the old Olympia in EK and booked Alex a few times. He had a very high regard for him as musician and man.
cearc: it’s a sign, a sign, ah tell ye…..
Otters Head, Woodside, Glenrothes
(Junction of Happer Cres and Bighty Ave- further details on the web)
APRIL 7th (Weekend of Declaration of Arbroath)
A wee reminder -Original post on 5th February above.
A Wingdingaling night out for a wee(?) social gathering of Wingers (posters, lurkers, and friends) has been organised for April 7th in the Otters Head where we will have the refurbished bar area all to ourselves!!!!!
Food – Sandwiches and sausage rolls are being provided and a few wingers have expressed an interest in bringing along buffet food to supplement this. (for those who are, note that plates cutlery napkins will be provided.)
Drink – As well as the traditional range of beers, ciders, whiskies etc the pub also carries a range of exotic gins and vodkas for the trendies and sophisticates among you.
Entertainment – Landlord has no objection to Guitars, Moothies, Boxes and other musical noise creation devices being brought in. In addition a wee Scottish Quiz has been prepared for which a grand unique prize is offered. (if anyone wants a raffle this can be accommodated).
Cars – Ample car parking is available close by.
Buses – In addition to local town services the pub is approx. 200 yards from a stop serving express services covering,
Dundee Edinburgh…X54
Dundee Kirkcaldy…X53
St.Andrews Glasgow…X24
Leven Glasgow…X26
St Andrews Edinburgh…X59
Train – The east coast main line runs through Markinch Station
(approx 5 Minutes by Taxi) and the Fife Circle line which runs through Thornton Station (also 5 minutes by taxi).
Overnight Stays
Close by, easily accessible and affordable are the following,
Holiday Inn Express, Premier Inn, Golden Acorn, Drummonds Hotel, Gilvenbank Hotel. All are approx 5 to 10 minutes away by taxi.
Also looking for a big local turnout as well, so if you stay in the area but have never been to one of these bashes then come along and enjoy the Craic.
Fingertips now bleeding so I’ll leave there pro tem. Feel free to contact me through the site if you need any more info.
Regular reminders to follow but keep this info for reference.
Hope to see lots of you there,
Tinto Chiel at 4.58
I have made a serious complaint to the editor of the National about today’s Bella Caledonia and I am not alone. I will not be buying the National with Bella Caledonia in it. Of course thees guys have previous for patronising and divisive and negative stuff.
Wingers Night Out.
Can me & Mr R put our names down provisionally for now? Would hope to let you know for definite in a couple of weeks if that’s OK?
Great information, that’s the way to put it out there. Good job.
Liz Rannoch
Wingers Social Gathering, Glad to hear from you , you and Mr R are now on the list.
Thanks very much.
I phoned Nicola and Humza earlier and they have assured me that the snow will gone by then (tempting fate a bit there)
chasanderson200 Thank you.
Sorry forgot – could somebody let me know what time the wingdingaling is kicking off?
I must e-mail The National myself, then. I was raging after reading one article for only about a minute and it was immediately put in the recycling bill. BC is just a Corbyn Trojan Horse now, imo and why TN is supporting them, well, I’m struggling.
Watched that McCrone report you and Robert Louis linked to with my daughters, who were furious and are sharing it widely. The young ones aren’t so aware of that issue generally, though they’re on the ball with everything else on social media.
McCrone himself was disarmingly frank and I was quite impressed by him.
Liz Rannoch and fellow wingers.
Wingers night out Start Time.
Venue available from 5:00 pm but I would guess that most people would start arriving from 6:30 onwards. I shall be there fron 5:00 to meet early arrivals.
Thank you.
Saw your mention of Beinn Sgritheall on the M/T, Fred.
My climbing partner were spending four days on Skye a few years ago and decided to have an “easier” day than the Cuillin by going to Glen Shiel and trying to climb it, since I’ve always liked the look of it.
After a long trudge to the final ascent in deteriorating conditions, the steep ground became incredibly slippery and we had to give up and come all the way back, soaked to the skin and buffeted by blasting winds.
Just another September day in Scotland…..
Aye Tinto, Sgriol on my map (Bartholemew’s Three Shilling’s) is usually climbed from Arnisdale, so a sea-level start & straight up, you could rest yer forehead on the hill in front it’s that steep.
Is this your Unionist climbing partner that you really should have nudged aff the Inn Pin?
@TC –
Well done to your boys today. Splendid stuff, I was listening to it in the car on the way up to Glasgow. Haven’t even seen the highlights but it sounded a real thriller with a very special goal as cherry on top.
Daresay it rounded off your weekend very nicely indeed.
Um re Glenrothesanyone got a sofa?
Fred: no, he was my proper climbing buddy but he’s pretty much retired now. It was the Arnisdale approach we took, but it was pretty brutal. I’m Climbing Johnny No-Mates now after my fall-out with the closet Yoons last year.
*Stares wistfully out the window at imaginary, snow-dusted hills*
IanB: we’ll get into trouble from Miss Daines for talking about You Know What. It was a somewhat “robust” hem hem cup match and the Far Easters could have won it had it not been for the post but the winning goal was an orgasmatronic experience. The guy’s completely left-footed so it should have been a Row Zer.
Mrs TC says I’m hoarse this morning…..
“Those Blue Remembered Hills!” a very good autobiography by unorthodox laird Patrick Gordon Duff Pennington Ramsden!
Hey, a substantial promotion. I thought she usually called you an ass.
Worth a punt, Fred?
That’s the least of it, cearc.
*Rueful grin*
PS: your jokes are getting worse…
@ Tinto, I had a copy but lent it oot? Patrick’s, skint Highland laird father sent him to Ardverikie as a ghillie for the season & he married the boss’s daughter. Still living, he served on the Deer Commission etc’ a good guy!
I see it’s to be got for about a fiver or so on A____n, a few copies available.
A bit of a poet, Patrick of the hills. It’s the big hoose in Monarch of the Glen. The series helped pay to fix the roof!
Naebody responding doonsterrs tae the troll the night, must be very frustrating when the pearls of wisdom get crushed underfoot!
Mornin’ many Wingers.
Lookin’ forward to the 7th of April 2018 chez Glenrothes.
See yee’s there…
Pit stop
Indy500 miles and beyond…
Ahm SO excited, anna jist cannae hide it, ah know ah know ah know ah know ah know, ah want YOU!
Ahm feelin’ perky
They do.
“Pearls of wisdom”? I think you mean dangle-berries, Fred.
Mts: on our return from our Beinn Sgritheall fiasco, we had to stop at a passing-place to let a car pass. The driver was Virginia McKenna, who I think has/had a property somewhere in the area. This pleased Climbing Partner No.1, who had fallen in love with her while a schoolboy. She still had those cheese-cutter cheekbones.
It’s a funny old game, Saint.
Tinto, did U visit the site of Gavin Maxwell’s hoose which burned doon. Some rum goings-on therraboots His shark-fishing buddy Tex Geddes nearly shot him after a rammy. Saw the Tex guy when on Soay, an auld man, he was taking a pail of ashes? to the beach, the only inhabitant I think? You can only get into the old shark-fishing station at high tide. superb spot, the old boilers for the oil still there!
Maxwell & Geddes both wrote books on the shark-fishing, “Hebridean Sharker!” & “Harpoon at a Venture!” if I mind right. Dunno which was which?
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hi everybody, how’re you all doing. I see Nana has made a return to the MT, yay, her links are excellent and I always look forward to them.
Seems things are heating up on the political front. Constitutional crisis looming full steam ahead. The Maybot disnae seem the brightest, diz she. Stubborn, undoubtedly, but no very clever. The Rev has the fundraiser going, I see he says that he hopes that it may be last one. I hope he’s right, I don’t mean I want rid of the Rev, but I hope it means that we have regained our independence. What will we do then? We need Stu to come home to his ain folks, he should get a medal for all he has done.
I’ll leave you a wee gentle song. Was at the Hydro in Glasgow last night with my daughter and her mate, and they sang this song. It was even better live than the recording, and it’s not often you can say that.
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“Some rum goings-on therraboots.”
Indeed, Fred. I think he suffered from depression and money worries and I’ surmising he liked a sweet sherry occasionally.
I’ve never been to those sites and the only basking shark I ever saw was at Kylerhea when I was bird-watching. It gave the folk on the wee ferry a turn: massive, it was, and very impressive.
Did you know he employed a young Terry Nutkins of Animal Magic fame as an assistant to help him with the otters?
Marie: constitutional storm a-coming. I’ve got my sea-boots on.
Knew about Nutkins Tinto, John Lister-Kaye at Aigas Field Centre also. When the hoose burned he moved to the island the Skye Bridge sits on. The House of Elrig his biog’ grandfaither a Duke so silver spoon.
Maxwell had a silver spoon? Did he like stirring Maxwell House coffee with it?
My apologies……
Elrig is probs derived from the Old Gaelic eileirig, meaning “at the deer trap”. There’s an Ellrig hill in EK parish.
Full of useless stuff, me.
Fancy the Russians trying to kill a spy/("Tractor" - Ed) & making an arse of it! Shome mishtake shurely Miss Funnyfanny! the guy’s still alive! Boris has quite rightly threatened Putin with empty aircraft carriers. Where’s James Bond when you need him?
Pravdasound4 was a treat this morning: all about the Red Menace (USA and UK above this sort of killing thing, obvs), our glorious ally Saudi Arabia (and bigtime buyer of our magic arms and missiles wot never kill people) are invading Yemen for its own good and to bring social change, says Some Tory. I choke on my porridge, banana and forest honey at this point.
Do you think, just for once, any of the MSM could report on Syria with some attempt at impartiality/analysing what is actually going on, starting with the God-like “doyen of journalists” Jon Snow?
Saw a foto of Boris last night. Has someone stuck the head on him or did he fall down the stairs blind drunk? Threatening the Russkies with “We’re not going to yer World Cup” doesn’t seem much of a threat to me. Rest of tournament heave a collective sigh of relief as thousands of drunken skinheads will no longer be present to spoil the fun.
UK athletes taking drugs? Only the Russians do that, my dears, surely. On yer bike!
So many questions, so much utter bullshit.
Maxwell had a silver hammer.